At the end of the lesson the pupils would be able to:
a. Visualize, name, and describe polygons with 5 or more sides.
b. Classifying polygons
c. Draw polygons with 5 or more sides
II. Subject matter
Topic: Polygons
Materials: Flashcards, bands, Manila paper and instructional materials
Reference: 21st century mathletes page 210-219 grade 5
III. Procedure
Very good!
D. Presentation
Are you ready to listen class? Yes ma’am
So sit properly and listen carefully.
E. Discussion
So based on the flashcards that I
show you, any idea about what it
is? -they are polygons
Yes very good!
Do you know what polygon is?
When we say polygon…
Will you read it class?
Set B
Convex is inside
Non-convex is outside
Yes ma’am
Do you understand class?
No. of Name of
sides polygons
3 Triangle
4 Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
( penta=five)
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Octagon
9 Nonagon
10 Decagon
b. Identify if it is convex or
non-convex based on its
diagonals and why? -it is a convex polygon because its
Who want to answer? diagonals are draws all lie entirely
inside the polygon.
Group 2(blue)
-is it a convex or a non-convex
polygon? Why? (They raised their bands)
-it is non-convex polygon because some
of the line segments produced by non-
Very good! consecutive vertices lie outside the
Let’s give claps to group 2. polygon.
Group 3(yellow)
-what name would you give this
polygon based on the number of its (They raised their bands)
sides? -since the given polygons has nine
sides, it is nonagon.
Yes very good!
Let’s give 5 claps to group 3.
H. Evaluation
Direction: write the word or phrase
that correctly completes each
1. A polygon with seven sides is Answers:
a_______. 1. Heptagon
2. A decagon is a polygon 2. 10
with____ sides. 3. Six sides
3. If a polygon has_______, then 4. Five
it is a hexagon. 5. Ten
4. “penta” means_______.
5. “deca” means_______.
Activity #2
Direction: draw the following and write the
name of the polygon.
1. A polygon has 3 sides
I. Assignment -Heptagon
On your notebook
1. What are divisibility’s?
Detailed Lesson Plan
Submitted by:
Ms. Reinzelle Taeza
Submitted to:
Ma’am: Julieta Brillantes