E - Unit Fourth Lesson
E - Unit Fourth Lesson
E - Unit Fourth Lesson
Through this lesson students will be able to connect their relationships with others to their environments and the
things that are important to them. The students will dig deeper into who they are as individuals.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: Identifying the components of a well written narrative
B. Objective: students will be able to write a “this is us” narrative through the explanation of the people,
the places, and the things that make them who they are, want to be.
C. Standards:
IAS: 4.W.3.3 Write narrative compositions in a variety of forms that-
Establish and introduction, with a context to allow the reader to reimagine the world of the event or
Organize events that unfold naturally, using meaningful paragraphing and transitional words and
Use dialogue and descriptive details to develop events and reveal characters’ personalities, feelings, and
responses to situations.
Employ vocabulary with sufficient sensory (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) details to give clear
pictures of ideas and events.
Provide an ending that follows the narrated experiences or events.
Management Plan
a. Materials:
Planning sheet
b. Time
Whole lesson: 2 days – 1 hour each
Day 1:
Anticipatory set: 10 min – each student will have 1-2 minutes to share about their object that they brought.
- Discussion: 20 minutes
- Planning time: 25 minutes
Day 2:
Writing time: entire class time, with a few stops for some explanations
Closure: 5 min
c. Space
- Any area around the room – used when planning, writing their narratives
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
- Blue carpet in the back corner of the room
- Student tables
d. Behavior
- I will use tallies as a behavior incentive for the students
A few days before I will ask send home a note that requests each student bring one of their favorite
things from their home. It can be a toy, a book, anything not living.
“everyone should have brought in their favorite thing from home, does everyone have something?”
“we are going to sit in a big circle and go around and share about what we brought”
“I would like you to tell us what it is that you brought and what makes it your favorite”
“Each of you brought something different that was important to you for a different reason. Each of those things
are a part of who you are right now, they are a part of your story. Today we are going to be writing narratives
about the people, places, and the things that help make us who we are and who we want to be”
• Purpose: Today we are going to be writing a narrative that describes the people, the places, and the
things that help make us who we are as individuals.
III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners-- Demonstrate your understanding of individual
differences and diverse families, culture, and communities unique to the students in this class as you
describe the specific instructional opportunities provided in this lesson. (CAEP K-6 1.b)