AP Cut Through The Hype Nov 2018
AP Cut Through The Hype Nov 2018
AP Cut Through The Hype Nov 2018
Assessing blockchain's potential
When Indiana Jones (“Indiana Jones and the Last
Crusade”, 1989) entered the grail chamber in search
of the Holy Grail, he found hundreds of cups in
different shapes and sizes. The custodian Knight
then reminded Indy that in order to claim the true
Grail, he must choose wisely.
Often when discussing the potential benefits of blockchain The same reasoning can be used in the search
technology, the story of Indiana Jones and his search for for the right implementation of blockchain
the Holy Grail seems to be the most apt analogy: his search technology. However, with such a wide variety of
can be likened to the pursuit of the best implementation of industries and countless possible applications
blockchain technology. Since the potential powers of the to implement blockchain, the 'Holy Grail' of
Grail depicted are so disruptive, the search is justified. applications, has yet to be discovered.
Hype versus reality
How do we Blockchain has the very real potential to change our world by disrupting fundamental central
authorities (for example, central banks), and it is supporting innovative solutions across
assess, then, a broad range of applications. However, it has, to date at least, fallen short of reaching its
where blockchain potential to disrupt entire industries.
technologies will
For example, blockchain’s first application was cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin. However,
have the most real cryptocurrencies have yet to displace any Fiat currency. So far, they have proven to be
and immediate neither the store of value nor the superior payment system that was heralded. Regulators
are increasingly focused on these assets as potential instruments of fraud or other misuse.
impact? In addition, the concentration of, or collusion amongst, miners could threaten the most
fundamental advantages of blockchain: immutability and un-hackability over time1.
F I G U R E 1: A S S E S S I N G B LO C KC H A I N ’S P OT E N T I A L
D o m ai n Ke y q u e s ti o n D i m e nsi o ns
Re g u l ati o n
I N D U S TR Y W h at ’s t h e i n d u s tr y ‘re ad i n e s s’ Security
MATU R ITY o n B l o c kc h ai n ad o pti o n?
C o o p e r ati o n
F i t for
Fit fo r business
b u si n e s s purpose
B U S I N E S S CA S E Wo u l d B l o c kc h ai n s o l ve fo r a S c al a b ili t y
F U N DA M E N TA L S b asi c i n d u s tr y is su e?
F l ex i b ili t y
Ru n ni n g costs/OPEX
Running c o s ts /O P E X
CA S E F O R Wo u l d t h e t r a nsfo r m ati o n b e Te c h n o l o g y tr
Technology a nsfo r m ati o n
CHANGE a c tu all y c o nve ni e nt ?
Lo re m i psu m d o l o r si t a m e t ,
C o m p e ti ti ve value
Competitive val u e
c o ns e c te tu e r ad i p is c i n g e li te d
Source: AlixPartners
1. The Looming Threat of China: An Analysis of Chinese Influence on Bitcoin - Ben Kaiser, Mireya Jurado, and Alex Ledger (2018)
Before any revolution, an industry is required to reach a One potential application of blockchain technology is the
certain level of maturity. The concept of Artificial Intelligence decentralization of authority, producing increased efficiency
(AI) gained initial public traction in the late 1970s, but AI has and quality of data communication. With this disruption,
only recently experienced major breakthroughs in industries industry regulations must be flexible enough to adjust and
such as healthcare, retail, and automotive manufacturing. We continue to guarantee that all transactions are unanimously
are finally beginning to see AI replace outdated technologies accepted and litigation-proof.
and improving daily life in a multitude of ways. The AI
The ability to guarantee security is another potential hurdle
revolution can be attributed to the amount of data available
for the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Would
and the advancement of technologies which are able to
an entire industry adopt a new technology if the security
efficiently and effectively process massive quantities of
of its data, its clients’ sensitive information and ultimately
data, both of which took time and continuous innovation.
its profitability was put at risk? What degree of 'sharing'
Mature and innovative industries have been able to adapt AI
is acceptable in comparison to the risk that data is more
technologies and allow AI to disrupt for the better.
accessible than in a centrally managed repository?
In the first internet revolution, the anticipated disruption
There are several cases where the degree of cooperation
affecting the financial sector was thought to be the
between market players has positively or negatively influenced
disappearance of the physical presence of banks. Although
the industry’s adoption of a specific technology. The potential
the internet revolution did lead to the creation of online
implementation of a new technological platform results in
banking and some physical locations saw closures or
two trains of thought for existing players within an industry.
downsizings, physical points of sales are still a pillar of
One scenario could result in individual entities seeing the
financial institutions’ distribution channels. The notion that
adoption of the platform as a potential competitive advantage
the internet revolution would simply result in the complete
which therefore results in each entity developing a unique and
replacement of physical banks was unfounded. The financial
private solution to a shared problem. The second scenario
industry is simply not at a uniform level of maturity ready
would involve existing players realizing the mutual gains from
for major disruption by blockchain in the same way that
uniting and creating an open platform or a common standard
the online retail industry, for example, was ready for the
upon which each of them can develop their own offering. This
implementation of AI and machine learning to aid shoppers,
industry-wide adoption concern is a major hurdle facing the
as proven by companies like Amazon and Walmart.
speed of implementation for blockchain technologies.
2. https://bitcoin.org/en/glossary/51-percent-attack
3. https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption
4. https://www.swift.com/resource/gpi-real-time-nostro-proof-concept
Designing and compliance
Authorities and
r e g u l a to r s
Le gal and
B r o ke r s
financial advisors
Rating agency
Primar y
I ssu er Underwriter i nve s to r s
i nve s to r s
C u s to d i a n
Ser vicing
Registrar subscribers
P ay i n g a g e n t
Pre issuance P r i m a r y a n d s e c o n d a r y m a r ke t s
R eRegulation
gulation P o l i c y f r a m e wo r k Av a i l a b i l i t y of a c l e a r r e g u l a to r y f r a m e wo r k
S Security
ecurity C yberat tacks C a p a b i l i t y to r e s i s t to c y b e r a t t a c k s
S t a ke h o l d e r s D e g r e e of c o o p e r a t i o n of m a i n p l ay e r s a i m i n g a t c r e a t i n g a n
C oCooperation
c o h e s i ve n e s s industr y standard
F i t fo r Settlement time T i m e to s e t t l e t r a n s a c t i o n s
Fit for business
business purpose
Audit trail C a p a b i l i t y to t r a c e e ve n t s a n d m a ke q u i c k a u d i t s p o s s i b l e
S cScalability
alability P r o c e s s a u to m a t i o n D e g r e e of p r o c e s s d i g i t a l i z a t i o n a n d a u to m a t i o n
A d d n e w/m a i n t a i n F l e x i b i l i t y of t h e s o l u t i o n to a d d n e w f u n c t i o n a l i t i e s o r m o d i f y
F lFlexibility
functionalities existing ones
I s s u a n c e ( % of F.V.) C o s t of i s s u a n c e i n % of t h e F a i r Va l u e
Running costs/
OP costs/OPEX
EX Fu l l a s s e t l i fe c y c l e C o s t a s s o c i a te d to t h e s e r v i c i n g of t h e b o n d a c r o s s
t h e l i fe c y c l e
Te c h n o l o g y C o s t to a c c e s s / C o s t to a c c e s s a n d j o i n n e t wo r k s r e q u i r e d to e xe c u te t h e
t r a n s fotransformation
rmation j o i n n e t wo r k s i s s u a n c e a n d t h e s e r v i c i n g of t h e b o n d
Next, we consider the key business case fundamentals, which include settlement time, management of the audit trail,
process automation, and the flexibility to add or change process functionalities.
Finally, we compare the economics of bond lifecycle management under the current system to that under blockchain.
On pure business fundamentals, blockchain promises However, based on our analysis, many hurdles
much by way of improvements over the existing system: remain before blockchain can replace the
faster execution, higher reliability, and lower cost existing system. The industry does not appear
along the whole lifecycle, enhanced flexibility to add
to be ready to adopt blockchain. Regulatory
new functionalities or modify existing ones, increased
transparency of bondholders (which would be very frameworks are yet to be formalized in full and
important, for example, in the event of bankruptcy). only a few countries (for example, the UK) are
pioneering this technology supporting start-
In addition, the economics associated with a blockchain- up companies in the application of blockchain
based system seem very attractive across most of the
along the whole lifecycle. Cybersecurity
metrics we analyzed. The bond lifecycle management
should be more cost efficient due to the reduction in standards are still unclear, and risks still need
complexity (number of intermediaries involved), full process to be fully analyzed. Ultimately, it is not clear
digitalization (paperless), and avoidance of most common whether the industry will build a single standard
reconciliation activities. Overall, the reduction of the number or, as it seems now, several independent
of intermediaries ensures that less fees should be paid and
attempts will emerge, with no clear design on
more effective exchange of information should take place
among stakeholders (for instance, but not limited to, the the interoperability of the solutions.
execution of payments or change in ownership, also
through the application of smart contracts).
F I G U R E 4: B O N D I S S UA N C E – OV E R A L L U S E CA S E A S S E S S M E N T
S e r v i c e d e sig n a n d a rc hi te c tu re
R eRegulation
gulation P o l i c y f r a m e wo r k Mature, in place Under review
S Security
ecurity C yberat tacks Mature S t i l l u n k n ow n
S t a ke h o l d e r s Fr a g m e n te d (e a r l y
C oCooperation
operation High
c o h e s i ve n e s s a d o p te r s , ‘ wa i t a n d s e e ’ )
F i t fo r Settlement time 3 to 10 d ay s C l o s e to r e a l t i m e
Fit for business
business purpose
Audit trail Requires reconciliations One shared ledger
Scalability P r o c e s s a u to m a t i o n L ow A l l ows s m a r t c o n t r a c t s
A d d n e w/m a i n t a i n L i n ke d to H i g h (m o d u l a r, e .g .
F lFlexibility
functionalities l e g a c y s y s te m s API based)
I s s u a n c e ( % of F.V.) 1 to 2 . 3 % (m a x 10 %) S av i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s
Running costs/
OPEX Recurring costs and U p to 4 0 % c o s t b a s e
Fu l l a s s e t l i fe c y c l e
high contingencies r e d u c t i o n (s e r v i c i n g)
Te c h n o l o g y C o s t to a c c e s s /
t r a n s fotransformation
rmation j o i n n e t wo r k s
L ow o r n i l E x p e c te d l ow o r n i l
# i n te r m e d i a r i e s High P o i n t to p o i n t
Com p e t i t i vevalue
value D e g r e e of m a n u a l
R e l a t i ve l y h i g h L ow
i n te r ve n t i o n
Cutting Using securities issuance as a test case, then, a model assessment framework
for the application of blockchain technology and its likelihood for adoption in the
near- to medium-term becomes clearer.
through While perhaps not the Holy Grail that has been promised, blockchain technology
the hype still has the potential to improve selected processes, and a rigorous and analytical
approach can help cut through the hype to identify these.
Maurizio Paolella
Senior Vice President
+44 20 7098 7582
[email protected]
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The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of AlixPartners, LLP, its affiliates, or any of its or their respective professionals or clients. This article
regarding Cut through the hype: assessing blockchain's potential (“Article”) was prepared by AlixPartners, LLP (“AlixPartners”) for general information and distribution on a strictly confidential
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