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Wind and Seismic Analysis and Design of Multistoried Building (G+30) by Using Staad Pro

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016

Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

Wind And Seismic Analysis And Design Of Multistoried Building (G+30)

By Using Staad Pro
V.Rajesh1, K Jaya Prakash2
PG Scholar, Pydah College of Engineering, Kakinada, AP, India.
Assistant Professor, Pydah College of Engineering, Kakinada, AP, India.

ABSTRACT 1.2.1 Prepare the input file.

In These Modern Days The Buildings Are Made To 1.2.2 Analyze the input file.
Fulfill Our Basic Aspects And Better Serviceability. It 1.2.3 Watch the results and verify them.
Is Not An Issue To Construct A Building Any How 1.2.4 Send the analysis result to steel design or
Its, Important To Construct An Efficient Building concrete design engines for designing purpose.
Which Will Serve For Many Years Without Showing  Prepare the input file First of all we described the
Any Failure. The Project Titled “WIND AND structure. In description part we include geometry, the
SEISMIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF materials, cross sections, the support conditions.
MULTISTORIED BUILDING (G+30) BY USING Analyze the input file.
STAAD PRO”, Aims In Finding Better Technique For
Creating Geometry, Defining The Cross Sections For  We should sure that we are using STAAD-PRO
Column And Beam Etc, Creating Specification And syntax. Else it wills error.
Supports (To Define A Support Weather It Is Fixed Or
Pinned),Then The Loads Are Defined. After That The  We should sure that all that we are inputting that will
Model Is Analyzed By ‘Run Analysis’. Then generate a stable structure.Else it will show error.
Reviewing (Whether Beam Column Passed In Loads
Or Failed) Results. Then The Design Is Performed.
INTRODUCTION  At last we should verify our output data to make sure
that the input data was given correctly.
1.1 INTRODUCTION: 2.Watch the results and verify them.
In 21st century due to huge population the no.of areas  Reading the result take place in POST PROCESSING
in units are decreasing day by day. Few years back the Mode.
populations were not so vast so they used to stay in  First we choose the output file that we want to analyze
Horizontal system(due to large area available per (like various loads or load combination) .Then it will
person).But now a day’s people preferring Vertical show the results.
System(high rise building due to shortage of area).In 2.1 Send the analysis result to steel design or concrete
high rise buildings we should concern about all the design engines for designing purpose.
forces that act on a building ,its own weight as well as  If someone wants to do design after analysis then he
the soil bearing capacity .For external forces that act can ask STAAD-PRO to take the analysis results to be
on the building the beam, column and reinforcement designed as design .The data like Fy mainFc will
should be good enough to counteract these forces assign to the view
successfully. And the soil should be good enough to  Then adding design beam and design column.Running
pass the load successfully to the foundation. For loose the analysis it will show the full design structure.
soil we preferred deep foundation (pile).If we will do
so much calculation for a high rise building manually FORMULATION OF PROBLEM
then it will take more time as well as human errors can
be occurred. So the use of STAAD-PRO will make it 3.1TYPES OF LOAD USED
easy. STAAD-PRO can solve typical problem like 3.1.1 DEAD LOAD (DL):-
Static analysis, Seismic analysis and Natural All permanent constructions of the structure
frequency. This type of problem can be solved by form the dead loads. The dead load comprises of the
STAAD-PRO along with IS-CODE. Moreover weights of walls, partitions floor finishes, false
STAAD-PRO has a greater advantage than the manual ceilings, false floors and the other permanent
technique as it gives more accurate and precise result constructions in the buildings. The dead load loads
than the manual technique. may be calculated from the dimensions of various
1.2 STAAD-PRO members and their unit weights. the unit weights of
STAAD-PRO was born giant. It is the most popular plain concrete and reinforced concrete made with sand
software used now days. Basically it is performing and gravel or crushed natural stone aggregate may be
design works. There are four steps using STAAD- taken as 24 kN/m” and 25 kN/m” respectively
PRO to reach the goal.

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016
Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

3.1.2 LIVE LOAD (LL):- Live Load Is Applied All Over The Super
Imposed load is produced by the intended use Structure Except The Plinth. Generally Live Load
or occupancy of a building including the weight of Varies According To The Types Of Building. For
movable partitions, distributed and concentrated loads, Residential Building Live Load Is Taken As
load due to impact and vibration and dust loads. 2KN/m2on Each Floor And 1.5KN/m2 on Roof.
Imposed loads do not include loads due to wind, Negative Sign Indicates Its Acting On Downward
seismic activity, snow, and loads imposed due to Direction.
temperature changes to which the structure will be
subjected to, creep and shrinkage of the structure, the3.2.3 WIND LOAD CALCULATION:
differential settlements to which the structure may
undergo. The basic wind speed (V,) for any site shall
3.1.3WIND LOAD (WL):- be obtained from and shall be modified to include the
Wind is air in motion relative to the surface following effects to get design wind velocity at any
of the earth. The primary cause of wind is traced to height (V,) for the chosen structure:
earth’s rotation and differences in terrestrial radiation.
The radiation effects are primarily responsible for  Risk level.
convection either upwards or downwards. The wind  Terrain roughness, height and size of structure.
generally blows horizontal to the ground at high wind  Local topography.
speeds. Since vertical components of atmospheric Risk Coefficient (kI Factor) gives basic wind
motion are relatively small, the term ‘wind’ denotes speeds for terrain Category 2 as applicable at10 m
almost exclusively the horizontal wind, vertical winds above ground level based on 50 years mean return
are always identified as such. The wind speeds are period. In the design of all buildings and structures, a
assessed with the aid of anemometers or anemographs regional basic wind speed having a mean return period
which are installed at meteorological observatories at of 50 years shall be used.Terrain, Height and
heights generally varying from 10 to 30 metres above Structure Size Factor (k, Factor) Terrain - Selection
ground. of terrain categories shall be made with due regard to
3.1.4 SEISMIC LOAD (SL):- the effect of obstructions which constitute the ground
SEISMIC LOAD can be calculated taking the surface roughness. The terrain category used in the
view of acceleration response of the ground to the design of a structure may vary depending on the
super structure. According to the severity of direction of wind under consideration. Wherever
earthquake intensity they are divided into 4 zones. sufficient meteorological information is available
about the nature of wind direction, the orientation of
1. Zone I and II are combined as zone II. any building or structure may be suitably planned.
2. Zone III.
3. Zone IV. Topography (ks Factor) - The basic wind
4. Zone V. speed Vb takes account of the general level of
siteabove sea level. This does not allow for local
3.2 CALCULATION OF LOADS topographic features such as hills, valleys, cliffs,
escarpments, or ridges which can significantly affect
3.2.1 DEAD LOAD CALCULATION: wind speed in their vicinity. The effect of topography
is to accelerate wind near the summits of hills or crests
MAIN WALL LOAD (From Above Plinth of cliffs, escarpments or ridges and decelerate the
Area To Below The Roof) Should Be The Cross wind in valleys or near the foot of cliff, steep
Sectional Area Of The Wall Multiplied By Unit escarpments, or ridges.
Weight Of The Brick. (UnitWeight Of Brick Is Taken
Should Be Half Of The Main Wall Load. Internal
Plinth Load Should Be Half Of The Plinth Load. The wind load on a building shall be
Parapate Load Should Be the Cross Sectional Is calculated for:
Multiplied By Unit Weight. o The building as a whole, Individual structural
elements as roofs and walls, and Individual cladding
SLAB LOAD Should Be Combination Of
units including glazing and their fixings.
Slab Load Plus Floor Finishes. Slab Load Can Be
Calculated as the Thickness of Slab Multiplied by
Pressure Coefficients - The pressure
Unit Weight of Concrete(According To Is-Code Unit
coefficients are always given for a particular surface
Weight of Concrete Is Taken as25 KN/m3).And Floor
orpart of the surface of a building. The wind load
Finishes Taken As 0.5-0.6 KN/m3.
acting normal to a surface is obtained by multiplying
the area of that surface or its appropriate portion by
3.2.2 LIVE LOAD CALCULATION: the pressure coefficient (C,) and the design wind

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016
Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

pressure at the height of the surface from the ground. Z=Zone factor given in Table 2, is for the Maximum
The average values of these pressure coefficients for Considered Earthquake (MCE) and service life of
some building shapes Average values of pressure structure in a zone. The factor 2 in the denominator of
coefficients are given for critical wind directions in Z is used so as to reduce the Maximum Considered
one or more quadrants. In order to determine the Earthquake (MCE) zone factor to the factor for Design
maximum wind load on the building, the total load Basis Earthquake(DBE).
should be calculated for each of the critical directions  For Zone II (Z=0.10 Low Seismic Intensity)
shown from all quadrants. Where considerable  For Zone III (Z=0.16 Moderate Seismic Intensity)
variation of pressure occurs over a surface, it has been  For Zone IV (Z=0.24Severe Seismic Intensity)
subdivided and mean pressure coefficients given for  For Zone V (Z=.36Very Severe Seismic Intensity)
each of its several parts. I=Importance factor

Then the wind load, F, acting in a direction  Important service and community buildings, such as
normal to the individual structural element or hospitals; schools; monumental structures; emergency
Cladding unit is: buildings like telephone exchange, television stations,
radio stations, railway stations, fire station buildings;
F= (Cpe – Cpi) A Pd large community halls like cinemas, assembly halls
and subway stations, power stations. (Importance
Where: Factors -1.5)
 All other buildings(Importance Factors-1.0)
Cpe = external pressure coefficient, Sa/g=Average Response Acceleration
Cpi = internal pressure- coefficient, R=Response reduction factor.
However it should be notice that the ratio of I and R
A = surface area of structural or cladding should not be greater than 1.
unit, and

Pd = design wind pressure element Fundamental Natural Period

The approximate fundamental natural period

of vibration (T,), in seconds, of a moment-resisting
3.2.4 SEISMIC LOAD CALCULATION: frame building without brick in the panels may be
estimated by the empirical expression: Design Lateral Force Ta=0.075 h0.75 for RC frame building
Ta=0.085 h0.75 for steel frame building
The design lateral force shall first be Where:
computed for the building as a whole. This design
lateral force shall then be distributed to the various h = Height of building, in m. This excludes the
floor levels. The overall design seismic force thus basement storeys, where basement walls are connected
obtained at each floor level shall then be distributed to with the ground floor deck or fitted between the
individual lateral load resisting elements depending on building columns. But it includes the basement
the floor diaphragm action. storeys, when they are not so connected. Design Seismic Base Shear The approximate fundamental natural period of
vibration (T,), in seconds, of all other buildings,
The total design lateral force or design including moment-resisting frame buildings with brick
seismic base shear (Vb) along any principal direction lintel panels, may be estimated by the empirical
shall be determined by the following expression: Expression:
VB = A h W √
Where: Where,
Ah = horizontal acceleration spectrum.
h= Height of building
W = seismic weight of all the floors.
d= Base dimension of the building at the plinth level, The design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah for a in m, along the considered direction of the lateral
structure shall be determined by the following force.

Ah= Distribution of Design Force


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Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

Vertical Distribution of Base Shear to  1.5(DL ± EL)

Different Floor Level  0.9 DL ± 1.5 EL
3.3.2 For wind load analysis of a building the code refers
The design base shear (V) shall be following load combination.
distributed along the height of the building as per the  DL +LL
following expression:  DL+WL
Where:  DL+0.8LL+0.8WL
Qi=Design lateral force at floor i,
Wi=Seismic weight of floor i, Both WL and EL are applied in X and Z
hi=Height of floor i measured from direction. These loads are also applied further in
base, negative X and Z direction.
n=Number of storeys in the building is the number of So for Seismic analysis there are 18 load
levels at which the masses are located.Distribution of combinations and for Wind load analysis there are 11
Horizontal Design Lateral Force to Different Lateral load combinations.
Force Resisting Elements 3.4 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE:
 In case of buildings whose floors are
capable of providing rigid horizontal diaphragm Generally concretes are strong in
action, the total shear in any horizontal plane shall be compression and very negligible respond (almost
distributed to the various vertical elements of lateral zero) to the tension. So reinforced (steel bars) are
force resisting system, assuming the floors to be provided to resist the tension and to counteract the
infinitely rigid in the horizontal plane. moment which can’t resist by the concrete. The partial
 In case of building whose floor diaphragms safety factor for concrete generally taken as 1.5 due to
cannot be treated as infinitely rigid in their own plane, non-uniform compaction and inadequate curing and
the lateral shear at each floor shall be distributed to the partial safety factor for steel is taken as 1.15.The
vertical elements resisting the lateral forces, compressive strength of concrete is always taken as
considering the in-plane flexibility of the diagram. because it is always lesser than the cube strength. So
for the design work the maximum strength of the Dynamic Analysis concrete is taken as 0.67fck/1.5=.45fck and for steel is
fy/1.15=.87 fy
Dynamic analysis shall be performed to obtain the
design seismic Force, and its distribution to different
levels along the height of the building and to the
various lateral load resisting elements, for the
 Regular buildings -Those greater than 40 m
in height in ZonesIV and V and those Greaterthan 90
m in height in Zones II and Zones 111.
 Irregular buildings – All framed buildings
higher than 12m inZones IV and V and thosegreater
than 40m in height in Zones11 and III.

The analytical model for dynamic analysis

of buildings with unusual configuration should be
such that it adequately models the types of
irregularities present in the building configuration.
Buildings with plan irregularities cannot be modelled
for dynamic analysis.
For irregular buildings, lesser than 40 m in
height in Zones 11and III, dynamic analysis, even
though not mandatory, is recommended. Dynamic
analysis may be performed either by the Time History
Method or by the Response Spectrum Method.
However, in either method, the design base shear
(VB) shall be compared with a base shear (VB)
3.3.1 For seismic load analysis of a building the Effective depth of a beam is the distance
code refers following load combination. between centroid of area the tension member to the
 1.5(DL + IL) maximum compression member. Generally the span
 1.2(DL + IL ± EL)

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016
Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

length to effective depth ratio is taken as followings building was made with the combination of seismic
for different beams. load, live load and dead load. And 2nd 30storey
CANTILEVER-7 building was made with the combination of wind load,
live load and dead load .The Beam and column size of
SIMPLY SUPPORTED-20 both buildings are same. Internal column size are
(0.8m×0.8m).External column size was taken as
CONTINUOUS-26 (.75m×.75m).The beam size was taken as
(.45m×.3m).More internal size was taken because it
The Reinforced should be given both transversally and always taken more load than the external. If greater
longitudionally.Transverse reinforcement is provided size will not provide then it will fail in compression.
to hold the longitudinal bar in its position. Maximum
reinforcement for beam shouldn’t be more than

The minimum shear reinforcement for a beam

should be .75d or 300mm which is lesser.


The member who takes compression load is

known as column or struct.Basically column can be
define as Long or Short according to the L and D
ratio. If lex /B or ley/D more than or equal to 12 then (A 30 storey building under seismic, live
that is called long column else short column. and dead load combination)

lex is the effective length in X-axis.

ley is the effective length in Y-axis.  Type of structure --> multi-storey fixed jointed plane
B is the breadth of member.
 Seismic zone II (IS 1893 (part 1):2002)
D is the effective depth of member.
 Number of stories 30, (G+29)
Generally code permits reinforcement up to
6% in column But in site maximum 2.5%  Floor height 3.5 m
reinforcement are taken. Generally in middle portion
of the column more sizes are taken because it took  No of bays and bay length 4nos,5 m each.
more load than others.
 Imposed load 2 KN/m2 on each floor and 1.5 KN/m2
4.Comparison of Two 30-Storey Building on roof.
4.1 COMPARISION OF TWO 30-STOREY  Materials Concrete (M 35) and Reinforcement

Afterthe basic work is done. Then it was made  Size of column .8m×.8m internal column size.
with two different load combination.1st 30-storey

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016
Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

 Size of column 75m×.75m external column size.

 Size of beam .45m×.45m

 Depth of slab 125 mm thick.
 Specific weight of RCC 25KN/m2.
 Specific weight of infill 19.2 KN/m2.
 Type of soil Medium soil.
 Response spectra As per IS 1893.



Seismic Load Effect On Structure In (X+Ve)

Seismic Load Effect On Structure In (X-Ve)

The Structure Under Dl From Slab

The Structure Under Live Load

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016
Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349


8. 1 0 0 0; 2 5 0 0; 3 10 0 0; 4 15 0 0; 5 20 0 0; 6 0
0 5; 7 5 0 5; 8 10 0 5
9. 9 15 0 5; 10 20 0 5; 11 0 0 10; 12 5 0 10; 13 10 0
10; 14 15 0 10; 15 20 0 10
10. 16 0 0 15; 17 5 0 15; 18 10 0 15; 19 15 0 15; 20
20 0 15; 21 0 0 20; 22 5 0 20
11. 23 10 0 20; 24 15 0 20; 25 20 0 20; 26 0 3.5 0;
27 5 3.5 0; 28 10 3.5 0
12. 29 15 3.5 0; 30 20 3.5 0; 31 0 3.5 5; 32 5 3.5 5;
33 10 3.5 5; 34 15 3.5 5
Seismic Load Effect On Structure In (Z+Ve) 13. 35 20 3.5 5; 36 0 3.5 10; 37 5 3.5 10; 38 10 3.5
Seismic Load Effect On Structure In (Z-Ve) 10; 39 15 3.5 10
14. 40 20 3.5 10; 41 0 3.5 15; 42 5 3.5 15; 43 10 3.5
15; 44 15 3.5 15
15. 45 20 3.5 15; 46 0 3.5 20; 47 5 3.5 20; 48 10 3.5
20; 49 15 3.5 20
1. Type of structure --> multi-storey fixed jointed plane 16. 50 20 3.5 20; 51 0 7 0; 52 5 7 0; 53 10 7 0; 54
frame. 15 7 0; 55 20 7 0; 56 0 7 5
17. 57 5 7 5; 58 10 7 5; 59 15 7 5; 60 20 7 5; 61 0 7
2. Number of storeys 30, (G+29) No of bays and bay 10; 62 5 7 10; 63 10 7 10
length 4nos, 5 m each. 18. 64 15 7 10; 65 20 7 10; 66 0 7 15; 67 5 7 15; 68
10 7 15; 69 15 7 15
3. Floor height 3.5 m 19. 70 20 7 15; 71 0 7 20; 72 5 7 20; 73 10 7 20; 74
15 7 20; 75 20 7 20
20. 76 0 10.5 0; 77 5 10.5 0; 78 10 10.5 0; 79 15
4. No of bays and bay length 4nos, 5 m each. 10.5 0; 80 20 10.5 0
21. 81 0 10.5 5; 82 5 10.5 5; 83 10 10.5 5; 84 15
5. Basic wind speed As per IS 875 (PART 3), 50 m/s for 10.5 5; 85 20 10.5 5
CTC. 22. 86 0 10.5 10; 87 5 10.5 10; 88 10 10.5 10; 89 15
•Imposed load 2 KN/m2 on each floor and 1.5 KN/m2 10.5 10; 90 20 10.5 10
on roof. 23. 91 0 10.5 15; 92 5 10.5 15; 93 10 10.5 15; 94 15
• Materials Concrete (M 35) and Reinforcement 10.5 15; 95 20 10.5 15
(Fe500). 24. 96 0 10.5 20; 97 5 10.5 20; 98 10 10.5 20; 99 15
10.5 20; 100 20 10.5 20
• Size of column .8m×.8m internal column size 25. 101 0 14 0; 102 5 14 0; 103 10 14 0; 104 15 14
75m×.75m external column size. 0; 105 20 14 0; 106 0 14 5
26. 107 5 14 5; 108 10 14 5; 109 15 14 5; 110 20 14
5; 111 0 14 10; 112 5 14 10
• Size of beam .45m×.45m 27. 113 10 14 10; 114 15 14 10; 115 20 14 10; 116
0 14 15; 117 5 14 15
• Depth of slab 125 mm thick 45 28. 118 10 14 15; 119 15 14 15; 120 20 14 15; 121
0 14 20; 122 5 14 20
• Specific weight of RCC 25KN/m3. 29. 123 10 14 20; 124 15 14 20; 125 20 14 20; 126
0 17.5 0; 127 5 17.5 0
30. 128 10 17.5 0; 129 15 17.5 0; 130 20 17.5 0;
• Specific weight of infill 19.2 KN/m3 131 0 17.5 5; 132 5 17.5 5
31. 133 10 17.5 5; 134 15 17.5 5; 135 20 17.5 5;
• Wind intensity and height As per IS 875 (PART 3), 136 0 17.5 10; 137 5 17.5 10
1.5 KN/m2 at a height 105 m in CTC. 32. 138 10 17.5 10; 139 15 17.5 10; 140 20 17.5 10;
141 0 17.5 15; 142 5 17.5 15
33. 143 10 17.5 15; 144 15 17.5 15; 145 20 17.5 15;
146 0 17.5 20; 147 5 17.5 20
34. 148 10 17.5 20; 149 15 17.5 20; 150 20 17.5 20;
151 0 21 0; 152 5 21 0

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer 2016
Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan- Feb ISSN - 2320-6349

35. 153 10 21 0; 154 15 21 0; 155 20 21 0; 156 0 21

5; 157 5 21 5; 158 10 21 5
36. 159 15 21 5; 160 20 21 5; 161 0 21 10; 162 5 21
10; 163 10 21 10; 164 15 21 10
37. 165 20 21 10; 166 0 21 15; 167 5 21 15; 168 10
21 15; 169 15 21 15
38. 170 20 21 15; 171 0 21 20; 172 5 21 20; 173 10
21 20; 174 15 21 20

From the above comparison between two 30-
storey building taking same beam and column size
using different load combination it was clearly visible
that the top beams of a building in wind load
combination required more reinforcement than the
building under seismic load combination (for example
beam no 1951 required 5 no of 20 mmØ and 6 no of
20 mmØ bars whereas for Seismic load combination it
required 13 nos of 10 mmØ and 21 nos of 10
mmØ).but the deflection and shear bending is more in
wind load combination compare to seismic. But in
lower beams more reinforcement is required for wind
load combination.
For column the area of steel and percentage
of steel always greater required for wind load
combination than the seismic load
combination.(example column no 129 Ast required for
WL combination is 8371 mm2 and percentage of steel
is 1.56 where as for the SL combination Ast required
is 1911 mm2 and percentage of steel is 3.43). The
deflection value is more in WL combination than the
SL combination.

1. IS 875 (Part III for wind load design).

2. IS 456.
3. IS 1893 (for seismic analysis).
4. STAAD-Pro user guide.
5. Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures By Pankaj

www.ijmca.org Page 123

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