Wind and Seismic Analysis and Design of Multistoried Building (G+30) by Using Staad Pro
Wind and Seismic Analysis and Design of Multistoried Building (G+30) by Using Staad Pro
Wind and Seismic Analysis and Design of Multistoried Building (G+30) by Using Staad Pro
3.1.2 LIVE LOAD (LL):- Live Load Is Applied All Over The Super
Imposed load is produced by the intended use Structure Except The Plinth. Generally Live Load
or occupancy of a building including the weight of Varies According To The Types Of Building. For
movable partitions, distributed and concentrated loads, Residential Building Live Load Is Taken As
load due to impact and vibration and dust loads. 2KN/m2on Each Floor And 1.5KN/m2 on Roof.
Imposed loads do not include loads due to wind, Negative Sign Indicates Its Acting On Downward
seismic activity, snow, and loads imposed due to Direction.
temperature changes to which the structure will be
subjected to, creep and shrinkage of the structure, the3.2.3 WIND LOAD CALCULATION:
differential settlements to which the structure may
undergo. The basic wind speed (V,) for any site shall
3.1.3WIND LOAD (WL):- be obtained from and shall be modified to include the
Wind is air in motion relative to the surface following effects to get design wind velocity at any
of the earth. The primary cause of wind is traced to height (V,) for the chosen structure:
earth’s rotation and differences in terrestrial radiation.
The radiation effects are primarily responsible for Risk level.
convection either upwards or downwards. The wind Terrain roughness, height and size of structure.
generally blows horizontal to the ground at high wind Local topography.
speeds. Since vertical components of atmospheric Risk Coefficient (kI Factor) gives basic wind
motion are relatively small, the term ‘wind’ denotes speeds for terrain Category 2 as applicable at10 m
almost exclusively the horizontal wind, vertical winds above ground level based on 50 years mean return
are always identified as such. The wind speeds are period. In the design of all buildings and structures, a
assessed with the aid of anemometers or anemographs regional basic wind speed having a mean return period
which are installed at meteorological observatories at of 50 years shall be used.Terrain, Height and
heights generally varying from 10 to 30 metres above Structure Size Factor (k, Factor) Terrain - Selection
ground. of terrain categories shall be made with due regard to
3.1.4 SEISMIC LOAD (SL):- the effect of obstructions which constitute the ground
SEISMIC LOAD can be calculated taking the surface roughness. The terrain category used in the
view of acceleration response of the ground to the design of a structure may vary depending on the
super structure. According to the severity of direction of wind under consideration. Wherever
earthquake intensity they are divided into 4 zones. sufficient meteorological information is available
about the nature of wind direction, the orientation of
1. Zone I and II are combined as zone II. any building or structure may be suitably planned.
2. Zone III.
3. Zone IV. Topography (ks Factor) - The basic wind
4. Zone V. speed Vb takes account of the general level of
siteabove sea level. This does not allow for local
3.2 CALCULATION OF LOADS topographic features such as hills, valleys, cliffs,
escarpments, or ridges which can significantly affect
3.2.1 DEAD LOAD CALCULATION: wind speed in their vicinity. The effect of topography
is to accelerate wind near the summits of hills or crests
MAIN WALL LOAD (From Above Plinth of cliffs, escarpments or ridges and decelerate the
Area To Below The Roof) Should Be The Cross wind in valleys or near the foot of cliff, steep
Sectional Area Of The Wall Multiplied By Unit escarpments, or ridges.
Weight Of The Brick. (UnitWeight Of Brick Is Taken
Should Be Half Of The Main Wall Load. Internal
Plinth Load Should Be Half Of The Plinth Load. The wind load on a building shall be
Parapate Load Should Be the Cross Sectional Is calculated for:
Multiplied By Unit Weight. o The building as a whole, Individual structural
elements as roofs and walls, and Individual cladding
SLAB LOAD Should Be Combination Of
units including glazing and their fixings.
Slab Load Plus Floor Finishes. Slab Load Can Be
Calculated as the Thickness of Slab Multiplied by
Pressure Coefficients - The pressure
Unit Weight of Concrete(According To Is-Code Unit
coefficients are always given for a particular surface
Weight of Concrete Is Taken as25 KN/m3).And Floor
orpart of the surface of a building. The wind load
Finishes Taken As 0.5-0.6 KN/m3.
acting normal to a surface is obtained by multiplying
the area of that surface or its appropriate portion by
3.2.2 LIVE LOAD CALCULATION: the pressure coefficient (C,) and the design wind
pressure at the height of the surface from the ground. Z=Zone factor given in Table 2, is for the Maximum
The average values of these pressure coefficients for Considered Earthquake (MCE) and service life of
some building shapes Average values of pressure structure in a zone. The factor 2 in the denominator of
coefficients are given for critical wind directions in Z is used so as to reduce the Maximum Considered
one or more quadrants. In order to determine the Earthquake (MCE) zone factor to the factor for Design
maximum wind load on the building, the total load Basis Earthquake(DBE).
should be calculated for each of the critical directions For Zone II (Z=0.10 Low Seismic Intensity)
shown from all quadrants. Where considerable For Zone III (Z=0.16 Moderate Seismic Intensity)
variation of pressure occurs over a surface, it has been For Zone IV (Z=0.24Severe Seismic Intensity)
subdivided and mean pressure coefficients given for For Zone V (Z=.36Very Severe Seismic Intensity)
each of its several parts. I=Importance factor
Then the wind load, F, acting in a direction Important service and community buildings, such as
normal to the individual structural element or hospitals; schools; monumental structures; emergency
Cladding unit is: buildings like telephone exchange, television stations,
radio stations, railway stations, fire station buildings;
F= (Cpe – Cpi) A Pd large community halls like cinemas, assembly halls
and subway stations, power stations. (Importance
Where: Factors -1.5)
All other buildings(Importance Factors-1.0)
Cpe = external pressure coefficient, Sa/g=Average Response Acceleration
Cpi = internal pressure- coefficient, R=Response reduction factor.
However it should be notice that the ratio of I and R
A = surface area of structural or cladding should not be greater than 1.
unit, and
length to effective depth ratio is taken as followings building was made with the combination of seismic
for different beams. load, live load and dead load. And 2nd 30storey
CANTILEVER-7 building was made with the combination of wind load,
live load and dead load .The Beam and column size of
SIMPLY SUPPORTED-20 both buildings are same. Internal column size are
(0.8m×0.8m).External column size was taken as
CONTINUOUS-26 (.75m×.75m).The beam size was taken as
(.45m×.3m).More internal size was taken because it
The Reinforced should be given both transversally and always taken more load than the external. If greater
longitudionally.Transverse reinforcement is provided size will not provide then it will fail in compression.
to hold the longitudinal bar in its position. Maximum
reinforcement for beam shouldn’t be more than
lex is the effective length in X-axis.
ley is the effective length in Y-axis. Type of structure --> multi-storey fixed jointed plane
B is the breadth of member.
Seismic zone II (IS 1893 (part 1):2002)
D is the effective depth of member.
Number of stories 30, (G+29)
Generally code permits reinforcement up to
6% in column But in site maximum 2.5% Floor height 3.5 m
reinforcement are taken. Generally in middle portion
of the column more sizes are taken because it took No of bays and bay length 4nos,5 m each.
more load than others.
Imposed load 2 KN/m2 on each floor and 1.5 KN/m2
4.Comparison of Two 30-Storey Building on roof.
4.1 COMPARISION OF TWO 30-STOREY Materials Concrete (M 35) and Reinforcement
Afterthe basic work is done. Then it was made Size of column .8m×.8m internal column size.
with two different load combination.1st 30-storey
From the above comparison between two 30-
storey building taking same beam and column size
using different load combination it was clearly visible
that the top beams of a building in wind load
combination required more reinforcement than the
building under seismic load combination (for example
beam no 1951 required 5 no of 20 mmØ and 6 no of
20 mmØ bars whereas for Seismic load combination it
required 13 nos of 10 mmØ and 21 nos of 10
mmØ).but the deflection and shear bending is more in
wind load combination compare to seismic. But in
lower beams more reinforcement is required for wind
load combination.
For column the area of steel and percentage
of steel always greater required for wind load
combination than the seismic load
combination.(example column no 129 Ast required for
WL combination is 8371 mm2 and percentage of steel
is 1.56 where as for the SL combination Ast required
is 1911 mm2 and percentage of steel is 3.43). The
deflection value is more in WL combination than the
SL combination.