Progress Konstruksi PLTA Jatigede (2 X 55 MW) 07-11-2018

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Status Progres Konstruksi PLTA Jatigede 2X55 MW

Per 07 November 2018

Progress of Construction (m) Progress of Construction (m)
No Location Length/Depth of Excavation (m) Remarks
H-1 (6 November 2018) H (7 November 2018)
1 ADIT TUNNEL 1 318 318,287 318,287 Excavation, tunnel support & shotcreting was Finished
2 ADIT TUNNEL 2 390,26 390,26 390,26 Excavation, tunnel support & shotcreting was Finished
3 POWERSTATION AREA Continue backfill construction zone II
3.1 POWER STATION SILO 1 26,5 26,5 26,5 Install Formwork & rebar of Stairs El. 79,0 m
a SUM PIT SILO 1 Kedalaman 11,4 (El. 64,4 - El. 53) 11,4 11,4 Permanent Concrete Placement Finished
b BIFURCATION SILO 1 26,909 26,909 26,909 Excavation, H-Beam Installation, shotcreting was Finished
c DRAFT TUBE EXTENSION TUNNEL 1 31,15 31,15 31,15 Cleaning
3.2 POWER STATION SILO 2 26,5 26,5 26,5 Pouring Concrete of stairs El. 74,75 m
a SUM PIT SILO 2 Kedalaman 11,4 (El. 64,4 - El. 53) 11,4 11,4 Permanent Concrete Placement Finished
b BIFURCATION SILO 2 33,697 33,697 33,697 Excavation, H-Beam Installation, shotcreting was Finished
c DRAFT TUBE EXTENSION TUNNEL 2 31,15 31,15 31,15 Curing concrete sfter placement for draft tube elbow
3.3 TAILRACE SURGE SHAFT 25,44 25,44 25,44 Cleaning of floor


a ASSEMBLY BAY 25,9 m -- (El. 91.20 to EL.117.10) 24,9 24,9 Assembly and termination the overhead crane cable
- Install scaffolding support for slab work.
b AUXILIARY & TRANSFORMER BAY 18,3 m -- (El. 91.20 to EL.109.50) 9 9 '- PH Transformer Bay #1 : Install rebar of blast wall
- PH Transformer Bay #2 : Curing concrete

a Top Heading 1055,84 1055,84 PW 0+ 1055,84 - Excavation, tunnel support & shotcreting was Finished.

b BENCH PART (Excavation) PW 0+000 s/d PW 1+055,84 962,19 962,19 PW 0+962,19 - Repairing H-beam

c Concrete Lining 781,918 793,918 After Pouring concrete section S58 & Install Rebar section S60
d Open Channel PW 1+055,84 s/d PW 1+311,04 Construction for a formwork
a SECTION 1: El. 275 - El. 264 11 Not Yet Not Yet
b SECTION 2: El. 264 - El. 255 9 9 9 El. 255 - Concrete ring beam was finished
c SECTION 3: El. 255 - El. 209 46 46 46 El. 209 - Excavation, Ring beam instalation & Shotcreting was Finished
d SECTION 4: El. 209 - El. 165 44 44 44 El. 165 - Excavation, Ring beam instalation & Shotcreting was Finished
PT 1+259 - Shotcrete the new steel support (PT 1+298,75 ~ 1+298 )
Top Heading 852,725 852,725
a H/T (from AT-II) to Upstream PT 0+445 s/d 2+108,785
BENCH PART (Excavation) 208 208 PT 1+900 - Tunnel Face Installation steelribs

b H/T (from AT-II) to Downstream PT 2+108,785 s/d 2+218,725 109,94 109,94 PT 2+218,725 - Drilling hole for grouting

c H/T (from AT-III) to Upstream PT 0+445 s/d PT0+000 208,5 208,5 PT 0+236,5 - Shotcrete at benching

d H/T (from AT-III) to Downstream PT 0+445 s/d PT 0+813 280,5 280,5 PT 0+725,5 -Curing invert concrete
7 VERTICAL PENSTOCK EL. 159,15 s/d 95,50 34,65 36,15 EL. 123 -Install H-Beam
H/P to Upstream

a Top Heading PT 0+000 s/d 0+694,073 401,266 401,266 Shotcrete benching part (face tunnel at PS 0+292,807)
BENCH PART (Excavation)

H/P to Downstream

b Top Heading PT 0+694,073 s/d 760,082 66,009 66,009 PT 0+760,082 - Excavation was Finished
BENCH PART (Excavation) 46,272 46,272 PT 0+713,81 - Dewatering
- Install Rebar downstream dam at block 18
- Excavation of left bank El. 60,00
- Prepare for shotcrete slope protection block 4
- Drilling for perforated pipe of left bank
10 ADIT TUNNEL 3 PT 0+000 s/d PT 0+226,22 226,5 226,5 Excavation, tunnel support & shotcreting was Finished

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