Schumann Eng2010 f18 Syl 608

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English 2010: Intermediate Writing for the

Humanities & Social Sciences

Fall Semester, 2018 for Section 608
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 – 9:45 PM in LA 229
Instructor: Larisa Schumann, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: By appointment

Course Description
Per the Utah Valley University catalog, English 2010 emphasizes academic inquiry and research in the
humanities and social sciences. English 2010 explores issues from multiple perspectives and teaches careful
reasoning, argumentation, and rhetorical awareness of purpose, audience, and genre. English 2010 focuses
on critically evaluating, effectively integrating, and properly documenting sources. In addition to major essay
assignments, the course may include in-class writing and collaboration, an annotated bibliography, oral
presentations, and portfolios.

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of English 2010, students should be able to:
• Identify awareness of audience, purpose, and genre in research-
focused writing projects.
• Demonstrate uses of reading and writing for inquiry.
• Evaluate and integrate source materials into writing projects.
• Apply knowledge of college-level, academic writing and research.
Class-Specific Outcomes
• Use electronic environments for drafting, reviewing, revising,
editing, and sharing texts
• Learn to critique your own work as well as others’ works; work
collaboratively with classmates.
Required Textbook & Edition: Everyone’s an Author, With Readings. 2nd Edition ISBN:9780393265293 [Do
not purchase or use another edition]
Recommended websites: Purdue OWL
Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips

Writing Projects: All Writing Projects must be uploaded and submitted through Canvas by their due dates.
Earlier drafts and other work related to the project, called Process Work, must be submitted online—before
class time—for participation points. All projects must include an “Author’s Note” with each draft, revised
with every draft. Check the calendar on Canvas for all due dates, which may change based on students’
needs. Detailed descriptions are posted on our class site.
• Unit 1: The Project Proposal & Presentation (10%) (includes project and process work). Create a
project proposal for your longer research project (Unit 4). The project proposal is your first attempt
to define and plan a strategy for a longer research paper (not a proposal to solve a problem). A
proposal shares your interests in your topic area, asks important questions, and sets out plans for
research. You will give a short presentation in class.
• Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography (15%) (includes project and process work). Create an annotated
bibliography with eight published and credible sources in your topic area. Your research should
include diverse perspectives. 4-5 pages.

English 2010, Fall 2018 1

• Unit 3: Rhetorical “Think Piece” (15%) (includes project and process work). Using the topic of
your proposal and annotated bibliography as a starting place, write a think piece with the main
purpose of informing readers about the various and differing perspectives on the issue you choose.
4-6 pages.
• Unit 4: Researched Argument Essay & Companion New Media Piece (20% & 5%) (includes
project and process work). Based upon your previous three projects, you will present a claim
coupled with well-developed reasons. You will use as much of your evidence as needed to effectively
prove your argument to your intended audience. 6-8 pages for the essay.
• Unit 5: Reflection Essay (10%) (includes project and process work). Reflect on your experiences
as an English 2010 student. Considered carefully and critically why writing matters to you as a
university student. Address your future goals as a writer, even though you may not be required to
take any more writing intensive courses. How will you continue to practice the art of rhetoric? How
will you continue to develop your writing skills? This assignment will be one documents split into
two parts, invention and a reflective letter. 2 pages.
Participation (15%)
This grade is determined by your participation in group workshops and class discussions and may include
other assignments.
Attendance (10%)
Improvement in writing is a complex process that requires lots of practice and feedback from readers.
Regular attendance is necessary to your success in this course. Every class meeting that you miss will deduct 5 points
from your attendance grade. Every 10 minutes you are late to class will deduct 1 point, up to five, from that day’s attendance
grade. Missing more than half a class session = absence.
Extra credit
You may revise one of the following assignments for a revised (new) grade: The Project Proposal, The
Annotated Bibliography, or The Rhetorical Think Piece. You must first meet with your professor to discuss
needed revisions. Once you have discussed possible revisions, submit your revised essay with a cover letter
that details your substantial revisions to the project. Merely fixing grammar, style, or formatting errors is just
editing and will not result in a grade change. All revisions must be submitted to Canvas, by 11:59 PM, on the
last day of class.

Attendance Policy:
Only official university absences are excused (and you are responsible for bringing me notification of
university absences before the event). Students representing UVU in a university-mandated activity that
requires missing class should provide official documentation of schedules and turn in work in advance.
Absences due to illness, sleeping-in, and long weekends are NOT excused. Students whose absences are due
to circumstances beyond their control may appeal this policy by scheduling a meeting with me and/or the
Writing Program Administrator (WPA). Generally, the WPA does not excuse additional absences without
Evaluation of Course Work
Essay assignments will be evaluated using an evaluation tool or rubric via Canvas. Each project is worth 100
points and will be evaluated on the following three criteria: 1. Focus, Purpose, and Genre; 2. Support and
Audience; and 3. Style and Conventions. Focus= the essay follows the assignment description prompt,
Purpose=the essay clearly demonstrates why you are writing the essay and what you want readers to do or
think after reading it, and Genre= the essay follows conventions for its distinct genre. Support= the essay
has adequate evidence to support the thesis (claim) and sub-points, Audience= the essay uses evidence and
language appropriate for the intended audience. Style= sentence variety; clear authorial voice; follows
grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules. Conventions= essay is formatted per MLA style rules. Shorter
assignments, such as essay drafts and discussion questions, will be evaluated based on completion and
effort (on a point scale of 1-5).
English 2010, Fall 2018 2
Late Work Policy
Process work, workshop drafts, and homework will not be graded nor receive feedback if submitted late.
Work completed during class time (class work) will only be evaluated if the students submitting attended the
entire class period. Major writing projects may be submitted late up to one week late but will be
penalized 10% for each class day late. If you know you will be missing a class, submit the assignment
ahead of time or make other arrangements in advance of the due date. Note: This course relies heavily on
technology, so you must have reliable access to the internet, which is always available in several places on
campus (including the library). Problems with technology (i.e.: computer crash, printer malfunction, internet
connectivity issues, et cetera) are not acceptable excuses for submitting late work. You should plan
adequately to avoid last minute crises with technology. No late work will be accepted after the last class meeting.

Final Grade Distribution

Simply fulfilling the minimum requirements of the course warrants an average grade (i.e., C). Coming to
class every day and doing assignments is not something that earns extra credit or an automatic A; it’s an
expectation for being in the course. A higher than average grade will be based on: 1) the distinctive quality
and development of your work; 2) consistently demonstrating critical and creative thinking in your writing;
3) your ability to guide a piece of writing through the various stages of revision, when applicable; and 4) a
willingness to take risks by exploring new subjects, genres, and techniques. Below is a breakdown of how
final grades are calculated; as we move into the semester you’ll receive more detailed descriptions about how
your writing is evaluated (using a rubric). Please come and meet with me if you have questions about how your assignment
was graded.
Grading Scale
95-100 points A 80-82 points B- 67-69 points D+
90-94 points A- 77-79 points C+ 63-66 points D
87-89 points B+ 73-76 points C 60-62 points D-
83-86 points B 70-72 points C- Under 60 points E

Communication Policies
You may reach me by email [email protected] through our Canvas site. While I will endeavor to
respond as quickly as possible, please allow 12 hours for me to respond on weekdays and 24 hours on
Saturday. I don’t check nor respond to email on Sundays. Please follow the guidelines of proper email
etiquette when sending an email message. See the following link for
Style, Documentation, and Citation
The style and citation expectations for the majority of the work done in the class will be basic MLA
documentation style (8thedition), as shown on the Writing Center’s
website: (download and/or
print these style guides). YOU are responsible for following these guidelines and learning the basics of MLA
style. However, these requirements may change based on the rhetorical nature of a specific assignment and
those alterations will be clearly explained on those assignments’ instructions. For questions on grammar,
style, and general style concerns, the Purdue Online Writing Lab is your virtual textbook. Please search this site
for answers before emailing your professor with questions.

Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Unintentional plagiarism, or incidental use of another's ideas
or words without proper attribution, arises from a lack of understanding of the rules of citation and
One commits intentional plagiarism (academic fraud) when one does any one of the following:

English 2010, Fall 2018 3

1. represents as one's own the work or knowledge of another person, regardless of the form in which
that work or knowledge had originally appeared (e.g. in the form of a book, article, essay, lecture,
web site, speech, photograph, chart, graphic, or any other form)
2. incorporates into one's work the words or ideas of another person without clear attribution that
appears at the point the words or ideas have been incorporated, to an extent substantial enough that
the origin of the words or ideas has been misrepresented
3. fails to acknowledge clearly the partial or full authorship of someone else when submitting work
4. consistently fails to cite or quote textual resources properly, despite the instructor's attempts at
educational intervention.
A person who knowingly allows his or her work to be copied, or submitted by another student as course
work without the work's proper authorship clearly identified, is an accomplice to plagiarism, and the
sanctions outlined below, as relevant, will be applied to this person as well.
If evidence shows that intentional plagiarism, as defined above, has occurred, the following sanctions shall
be imposed:
1. The academic work shall receive a failing grade
2. The student will fail the course, or may elect to drop the course if the last day to drop a course has
not yet passed, provided that the instructor's syllabus for the course conveys that intentional
plagiarism will result in a failing course grade
3. A written summary of the infraction of this policy, with copies of the relevant evidence, shall be
submitted to the Office of the Dean of Student Services to document a violation of the Student
Code of Utah Valley University, as outlined in "Student Rights and Responsibilities". This
documentation shall also be provided to the student, and constitutes both a warning and a
reprimand to the student as described in Section M, "Sanctions," of "Student Rights and
Responsibilities" (Article IV, Section M in the print version).
For more information and tips on avoiding plagiarism, please visit:

Class Conduct and Etiquette

Our classroom is a place for the free exchange of ideas in an environment of mutual respect. You are
expected to participate by sharing your ideas or responding when called upon. Please plan to take notes with
pen or pencil and paper. Studies show that students who write notes, rather than type them, retain more
information and perform better on tests (
put-your-laptops-away). Full participation in group work is expected and will largely determine your success
in understanding and applying concepts to improve your writing. Students whose behavior distracts from
class or disrespects others will be asked to leave and will be counted absent. No racist, sexist, homophobic,
nor ableist language will be tolerated. Further appropriate steps may be taken, if needed.
The institution (Utah Valley University) expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of
individual honesty in academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others.
For more information about your role as a citizen of

Technology Policy
At appropriate times, we will use technology in class for writing and research. I will tell you when you may
use your technology. You may use a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other devices for writing, researching,
and notetaking. Please do not play games or engage in other distracting activities. Fixation on your
electronic devices and subsequent lack of attention during class will be noted down and decrease your
participation grade.

Conferences/office hours

English 2010, Fall 2018 4

You have the option to meet with me about any of your assignments. We can discuss ideas, brainstorm,
make revisions, or do research. I am here to help you succeed at meeting all the course outcomes. Meetings
may be scheduled via the online scheduling tool (Doodle) or contact me in person or by email. Missed
appointment = 1 absence. Two no-shows = no more conferences.

Statement of Accessibility:
If you have any disability which may impair your ability to successfully complete this course, please contact
the Accessibility Services Department (LC 312; 863-8747; Academic Accommodations
are granted for all students who have qualified, documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the
student and instructor by the Accessibility Services Department.
Students who need accommodations because of a disability may contact the UVU Accessibility Services
Department (ASD), located on the Orem Campus in LC 312. To schedule an appointment or to speak with
a counselor, call the ASD office at 801-863-8747. Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals,
email [email protected] or text 385-208-2677.

Waitlist and Add Policy:

It is against the policy of Utah Valley University for students who are not registered and enrolled in a class
to attend it. Students who are on a class waitlist, even if they are the first on the list, are not enrolled. There
is absolutely no guarantee any students on the waitlist will be enrolled. Students on a waitlist must wait for
an email notifications that allow registration and enrollment in the course. All adds and enrollments into a
course off a waitlist are through the online system. Instructors cannot add students. Department
administrative staff and academic advisors cannot add students.

Writing Lab
The UVU Writing Center provides a space where students of all disciplines may further their understanding
of writing principles and enhance their writing skills. This is primarily achieved through one-on-one tutorials
focused on specific writing assignments and tailored to the individual student's
First Year Experience Information LGTB Student Services
Multicultural Student Services Veteran’s Center

English 2010: Intermediate Writing for the Humanities & Social Sciences
Fall Semester, 2018 for Section 608
Note: It is your responsibility to keep track of due dates. Please use your planner, cell phone calendar, or notebook to
write down important due dates, daily assignments, and course work. To find readings: EA means the reading is
in Everyone’s an Author. Other readings will be found either as links or uploaded documents via our class Canvas site.

Week 1:
T August 21: Introduction to Course.
• Read before class and be ready to discuss: “Re: Your Recent Email to Your Professor.”
• Buy your book, read the syllabus, and check out our Canvas site.
Th August 23: Introduction. “In Defense of Rhetoric.”
• Read before class and be ready to discuss: “Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away,”

Week 2:
T August 28: What is Rhetoric?
English 2010, Fall 2018 5
• Read before class and be ready to discuss: Everyone’s an Author (EA), chapter 1 “Thinking Rhetorically,”
chapter 2, “Rhetorical Situations,” chapter 3, “Reading Rhetorically,” and chapter 4, “Meeting the Demands
of Academic Writing.”
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).
Th August 30: What is Rhetoric? “In Defense of Rhetoric”
• Read before class and be ready to discuss chapters 5 & 6 in Everyone’s an Author (EA).
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).

Week 3
T Sept. 4: Unit 1 Slideshow Project Proposal.
• Assignment introduced. Asking Questions & Choosing a Topic.
• Invention activities.
Th Sept. 6: Library session.
• Meet in the library—not our classroom [FL 206]
• Library Worksheet due by end of class time (upload on Canvas or turn in paper copy).

Week 4:
T Sept. 11: Slideshow Project Proposal.
• Before class read EA chapter 16, “Making a Proposal.”
• Topic and/or research question due by end of class (reply to discussion thread).
Th Sept. 13: Making the Presentation. [Lottery for Presentation Order]
• Read EA Ch. 35, “Making Presentations,” 780-792 and “Designing What You Write,” pp. 743-761.
• Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts” [in Files]
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).

Week 5
T 9/18: Workshop & Reviewing the Rubric.
• What is workshopping?
• Assignment Due: Bring copies of your draft to share with your group. Upload draft before class for points.
• Preparing for Presentations
Th 9/20: Slideshow Project Presentations begin.
o Presentation notes due by class time on your presentation day.

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Week 6:
T 9/25: Slideshow Project Presentations. Presentation notes due by class time on your presentation day.
Th 9/27: Slideshow Project Presentations. Presentation notes due by class time on your presentation day.

Week 7:
T October 2: Unit 2 The Annotated Bibliography.
• Assignment introduced and invention activities.
• MLA 8 Style: What is it?
• Reading: EA chapter 20 “Finding Sources,” chapter 21 “Keeping Track,” & chapter 22, “Evaluating
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).
Th Oct. 4: MLA 8 citation; finding and evaluating sources.
• Reading: EA chapter 23 “Annotating a Bibliography” and chapter 24 “Synthesizing Ideas.”
• The Onion “Nation Shudders at Large Block of Uninterrupted Text” pp. 1025-1028.
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).

Week 8:
T 10/09: Formatting the Annotated Bibliography.
• Assignment Due: Preliminary sources list (5 sources) due before class for points (upload on Canvas).
• How to write an annotation.
Th 10/11: Avoiding plagiarism.
• Reading: EA chapter 26 “Giving Credit, Avoiding Plagiarism.”
• Additional reading: “Trump Aide Monica Crowley Plagiarized Thousands of Words in Ph.D. Dissertation”
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).

Week 9:
T 10/16: Workshop. Bring copies of your draft to share with your group.
• Reading: EA chapter 27 “MLA Style” and review MLA 8 citation style guides
• Assignment Due: Upload draft before class for points.
Th 10/18: Fall Break

Week 11:
T 10/23: Unit 3 The Rhetorical Think Piece. Assignment introduced and invention activities.
• Assignment Due: Annotated Bibliography due and uploaded by 11:59 PM.

Th 10/25: Review of some available means of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
• Reading: EA chapters 3 (review) “Reading Rhetorically” and Ch. 29 “What’s Your Style?”
• Hinds “I’m Considering Becoming a Sports Fan—How do I pick a Team?” pp. 963-967.
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).
• Extra-credit Assignment Due: Get A Clue Library Game Piece (possible 10 points participation).

Week 12:
T 10/30: Workshop & Group Conferences.
• Reading: EA chapter 25 “Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing” & Kreider “The ‘Busy Trap’” pp. 982-986.
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).
• Assignment Due: Bring copies of your draft to share with your group. Upload draft before class for points.

English 2010, Fall 2018 7

Th November 1: Unit 4 Research Essay and Companion Piece.
• Assignment introduced and invention activities.
• Reading: EA chapter 11 “Arguing a Position” & Schlosser “Why McDonalds Fries Taste So Good” pp. 1051-
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).
• Rhetorical Think Piece due and uploaded by 11:59 PM.

Week 13:
T Nov. 6: Making the Outline. Thesis statements, introductions, and conclusions.
• Reading: EA chapter 17 “Analyzing and Constructing Arguments.”
• Assignment Due: Research question and thesis statement. Upload before class for points (respond to
discussion thread).
• Remember to Vote today in federal and state elections.
Th Nov. 8: Writing the Essay.
• Reading: EA chapter 18 “Strategies for Supporting an Argument.”
• Staples “Why Colleges Shower their Students with A’s” (EA) pp. 1065-1068 and Lader “Why I’m Easy: On
Giving Lots of A’s”
• Discussion questions (reply to discussion thread).

Week 14:
T 11/13: Incorporating Sources. Review of MLA 8 citation style.
• Reading: EA chapter 14 “Reporting Information”
• Workshop of Introduction
Th 11/15: Workshop & Group Conferences.
• Assignment Due: Bring your draft and questions.

Week 15: Thanksgiving Holidays Nov. 19-23

Week 16:
T 11/27: Conferences with Professor.
• Assignment Due: Research Essay & Companion Piece uploaded to Canvas by 11:59 PM.
T 11/29: Revising Your Prose [DVD]. Watch during class and complete activity.

Week 17:
T December 4: Unit 5 Reflection Essay.
• Assignment introduced and invention activities. Part 1completed in class.
Th Dec. 6: Last Class Meeting.
• Writing the Reflection. Course Evaluations.

Final Exam day.

• Reflective Essay uploaded to Canvas by end of exam time, Dec. 13, 7-8:50 PM

*(the due dates are subject to change, if needed)

Holidays and Other Important Dates

English 2010, Fall 2018 8

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