IFC-Manual-2018-ENU Revit
IFC-Manual-2018-ENU Revit
IFC-Manual-2018-ENU Revit
2 | Autodesk Revit IFC manual
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................
THE BASICS ..............................................................................
IFC file formats
2.2 IFC versions (schema) 5
2.3 Model view definition (MVD) 6
2.4 IFC structure 8
2.4.1 IFC classes and types 9
2.4.2 Geometric representation of IFC items 10
2.4.3 Default attributes 11
2.4.4 Reference structure within an IFC file 14
2.5 LOD 14
2.6 Open-source IFCs 15
2.7 IFC viewers 16
3 LINKING IFC FILES IN REVIT................................................ 17
4 OPENING IFC FILES................................................................. 18
4.1 Mapping table 18
4.2 Import options 19
5 EXPORTING IFC FILES............................................................. 22
5.1 Mapping tables 22
5.2 Revit IFC exporter settings 25
5.2.1 General settings 26
5.2.2 Additional content 31
5.2.3 Property sets 32
5.2.4 Level of detail 37
5.2.5 Advanced settings 38
5.3 Other settings 40
6 EXAMPLES OF APPLICATIONS .............................................. 44
6.1 Floor slab construction 44
6.2 Aperture planning 45
6.3 Assigning assemblies 47
6.4 Assigning default attributes 48
6.5 Structuring the IFC data model 50
6.6 Usage groups in the IFC data model 51
7 SUMMARY ................................................................................. 52
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives
architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals the insight and tools to more
efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. At the heart of BIM is
a smart building data model that incorporates not only 3D geometry but also all the relevant data
relating to the building and its components. This kind of building data model can only be created
using complex, BIM-enabled software such as Autodesk Revit®.
Provided that all of those involved in the been actively involved from the very outset,
planning are working with the same software, has developed the IFC format to support such
data exchange is loss-free. The native BIM openBIM workflows. IFC allows the exchange
format also facilitates the coordination of all of a specific subset of the native model.
planning stages and stakeholders.
Since the IFC4 release, the IFC format has met
In building projects, it can happen that a recognized ISO standard (ISO 16739:2013). In
those involved in the planning process are its current version, buildingSMART maintains a
using different BIM software from different list of all applications with certified IFC support:
providers. The buildingSMART initiative (www. www.buildingsmart.org/compliance/certified-
buildingSMART.org), in which Autodesk has software/
Native format IFC
No editing
In an ideal scenario, the IFC file should be used In some cases they may be the need for a design
for coordination purposes in an IFC viewer or transfer workflow, for example if the architect
as a reference within the editor software. For had created the design in another software, but
instance, the architect would receive an IFC file needs to carry on planning the building in Revit.
from the building equipment engineer, allowing This is the more difficult workflow and often
them to see where the installation is placed. requires manual adjustments to deal with the
This workflow is referred to as the coordination differences in software.
workflow and is covered with the Coordination
Model Views in IFC.
This document is intended to serve as a guide Revit IFC manual therefore sets out the basics
for Revit users handling IFC data and providing of IFC and explains in detail how to export, link
a better understanding of the settings available and open IFC files in Revit.
in Revit, discussing the way they can influence
the quality and the content of the IFC file. The
The key considerations when using an IFC file are the file format, IFC version, model view definitions,
and file structure. We explain all these on the following pages.
.ifc Standard format, based on STEP (STEP: Standard for the Exchange of
Product Model Data).
.ifcZIP Compressed IFC files with much smaller file size; can be read by most
software applications that support IFC. It can be unpacked to make the
uncompressed IFC file visible.
The IFC definitions are regularly updated and developed by buildingSMART. It is recommended that
you use the latest versions wherever possible. Among other things, the IFC4 format allows better
representation of complex geometries.
Current versions:
• IFC4 (still in beta, certification process in progress, offers certain advanced possibilities but is
not widely supported yet);
• IFC2x3 (currently the most supported and stable format, certified in Revit and recommended for
• IFC2x2 (recommended if the recipient of the file does not have software with IFC2x3 or IFC4
Revit no longer supports the following older versions: IFC2.0 (import still supported), IFC1.5.1,
IFC1.5, and IFC1.0
In addition to the file format and versions, the room. Conversely, specialized IFC models require
model view definition determines how you use only the basic geometric information to be
an IFC file, because it enables a specific data transferred to an FM system, and focus instead
exchange scenario. on spatial information and specific component
features (such as system information, fire
MVDs are used for the targeted exchange protection features, and usable areas) in relation
of specialized models, taking account of the to the MVDs. Moreover, a specialized model for
graphic and content-related information that structure planning requires specific information
the planner needs. about the supporting building elements and
For instance, thermal simulations require apertures.
information about lighting areas in a wall and a
IFC4: Design Transfer View (beta) IFC2x3 COBie 2.4 Design Deliverable
Introduced for the first time with IFC4, this is IFC format equivalent to the COBie (Construction
used to transfer IFC models for the purpose Operations Building Information Exchange)
of importing and editing them in BIM-enabled output required by the UK government for their
software. As previously mentioned, the ability 2016 Level 2 BIM mandate for collaboration on
to transmit parametric design and complex public-sector work.
contexts is restricted in the IFC format, so some
manual adjustments will be needed to deal with For exporting in COBie format, the relevant add-
differences in software, and the data should on from http://www.biminteroperabilitytools.com
always be manually verified. can also be installed.
To identify which MVD is used by an existing IFC file, you can open the file in a text editor of your
choice. The header contains all the information about the MVD, the exact IFC exporter version and
the software that it has been exported from:
FILE_DESCRIPTION((‘ViewDefinition [ReferenceView_V1.0]’),‘2;1’);
FILE_NAME(‘Project Number’,‘2016-12-14T17:37:10’,(‚‘),(‚‘),‘The EXPRESS Data Manager Version 5.02.0100.07:
28 Aug 2013’,‘20161006_0315(x64) - Exporter - Alternate UI’,’’);
#1= IFCORGANIZATION($,‘Autodesk Revit 2017 (ENU)’,$,$,$);
#5= IFCAPPLICATION(#1,‘2017’,‘Autodesk Revit 2017 (ENU)’,‘Revit’);
IFC files create a building model based on a pre-defined structure that builds the model in a logical
way. When it is saved, the IFC file format orders the IFC units hierarchically according to their type,
as follows.
This page also allows you to install all Revit-supported entities that can be used for export.
An IFC entity is a uniquely defined object in the IFC data model. Depending on the entity assignment
and type definition, the object is allocated certain default attributes and dependencies within the
IFC schema.
Choosing the right entity is crucial when can roughly be compared to the sub-categories
exporting IFCs: if a wall is not assigned to the in Revit. A foundation of the IfcFooting entity
entity IfcWall, it is not allocated all the attributes can also be shown, depending on the type of
that it requires to be described clearly. This component and its intended use, for instance by
means that it is not interpreted correctly by specifying the Ifc type as a sleeve foundation,
other coordination or evaluation programs in “PILE_CAP”.
Complex structures emerge on the basis of this
Distinctions are not only made between major system, enabling the generation of a data model
categories, so components can also be assigned in which every element can be geometrically
as entities to reproduce them more accurately and alphanumerically represented and clearly
within the IFC data model. This classification identified.
There are three basic possibilities for geometrically representing a three-dimensional IFC object:
- extrusions
- solid body representation using a sweep, and
- representation using B-reps.
Are the most common and simple graphical method and are used for most of the cases when the shape
can be described by a simple profile.
Swept solids
As the name implies, an element is created with the swept solid
method using a sweep. In this case, a defined profile is led along a
path (direction vector) to generate the solid. This profile may change
due to rotation or distortion along the path. Revit uses this method
for describing rebar and other shapes which cannot be described
with extrusions.
The method known as boundary representation (B-rep) can also be
described as a boundary surface model. The surfaces of a component
are represented using coordinates and together form the actual solid,
allowing even complex forms to be represented.
B-rep objects use complex calculations to represent individual
surfaces in detail, and thus use more data memory.
One of the key considerations when transferring IFC data models is the provision of information
that can be correctly interpreted and evaluated by specialist planners and their planning and
calculation tools, regardless of the internal attribute structure and descriptions within the respective
IFC properties can be formulated across the board using default attributes. These attributes are
stored in the IFC definition and have English names.
Some BIM applications can automatically assign internal attributes to IFC-compliant default
attributes. This ensures that the necessary information is provided to represent an object.
When exporting an object out of Revit, not only is all the necessary information relating to
classification, global location, and geometric representation transferred, but also default attributes.
For instance, for a wall the value from the instance parameter ‘supporting’ is automatically assigned
to the IFC attribute LoadBearing.
An overview of all default parameters defined in IFC format is provided by buildingSMART in the
form of parameter sets (P-sets).
As an example, these are the default parameters for a wall:
The following parameters are also part of the Pset_WallCommon, but are either unavailable or not
assigned by default in Revit:
AcousticRating Sound insulation class
Combustible Combustible material
SurfaceSpreadOfFlame Fire behavior
Compartmentation Fire compartment-defining component
In order to create these parameters in Revit, they have to be created using the exact name, the
correct type (text/number/yes/no, visible in the buildingSMART documentation):
Additional IFC parameters in Revit IFC properties after exporting in FZK Viewer
As soon as these parameters are available and have a value, they are taken into account in the export.
The advantage of this standardization is that the parameters of other programs are automatically
recognized and assigned correctly. Since version v18.4.0 the Autodesk IFC Export supports all
common property set defined in the IFC schema.
Thanks to the extensive settings of the Revit IFC exporter, other parameters that do not appear on
this list can be exported. This is covered in greater detail in Chapter 4, “Exporting IFC files.”
An IFC file can be opened in a text editor. This can be very helpful for analysis or troubleshooting.
There are two parts to the underlying structure of an IFC file: the header and the body. While the
header contains general information about the building model, the IFC version and software used,
the schema, and the MVD, the body contains the information about the geometry and attributes
of the building itself.
In IFC format, the description of an element begins with a line that classifies, uniquely identifies,
and names the object. Our wall example might look like this:
#177= IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE(‚1sfW$3YQj9jBEISmjkeABP‘,#41,‘Basiswand:STB
20.0:388701‘,$,‘Basiswand:STB 20.0:3895‘,#146,#173,‘388701‘);
Within this definition line, the wall object refers to other lines in the file structure, distinguishable
by the # that precedes them. These describe it in greater detail and refer in turn to other lines:
#146= IFCLOCALPLACEMENT(#128,#145); → Reference to the lines that define the global position
#173= IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE($,$,(#152,#170)); → Reference to lines that provide a
geometric description of the wall
This reference structure continues until a logical data model has been generated that provides a
clear description of each object.
The advantage of this method is that particular attributes are stored only once and can be used
by other components by means of referencing. This significantly reduces the file size and means,
for instance, that components with the same material refer to the same material definition lines
within the data model.
Revit comes with an integrated IFC interface whose functionality can be extended using the Open
Source extension. Another advantage of this plug-in is that it is constantly being developed and is
regularly updated by Autodesk, regardless of Revit update cycles.
Developers can access the complete source code and customize the exporter as required. This is
especially useful if specific workflows require this kind of customization for a construction project.
Before you pass an IFC file on to planning partners or use it yourself in Revit, you are advised to
test it in an IFC viewer and check the export result.
There are a range of IFC viewers on the market. These viewers support certain IFC functions with
different levels of effectiveness, depending on their focus.
As Autodesk customers, you have access to Navisworks as part of the AEC Collection. Navisworks
can be used not only to view IFC files, but also to carry out collision testing, create construction
workflow simulations and determine quantities.
As part of the Autodesk BIM 360 services, you can also view and share IFC files (and many other
formats) directly in your browser.
The FZK Viewer, created by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has established itself as an
open-source, independent viewer. It is highly streamlined and manageable, and is therefore well
suited to checking small to medium-sized models quickly. It was used for some of the screenshots
that appear in this manual.
The current version of the FZK Viewer can be downloaded from the KIT website:
This option links the IFC file within the Revit project, so that updates are possible at a later
date. This process is similar to the linking of other Revit or CAD files with Revit. You can find
the linked IFC file in the project browser:
The IFC file is automatically updated at the start of the project and can be manually updated
at any time during editing. To do this, select the IFC file in the project browser and reload it via
the context menu (right-click). Revit automatically creates a Revit file in the same folder, which
contains the IFC file:
Linking IFC files is the preferred option for coordination purposes and gives the best results because
it does not generate native Revit elements.
There are no detailed settings for the linking of IFC files, as the system automatically generates the
best result.
The maker’s export settings play a far greater role in the quality of the linked file.
When linking an IFC specialist model, a “shared parameters” file is created at the location of the
IFC file. This can be used to create filters that allow the selection, graphic overwriting, or hiding of
components from the linked specialist model. Specific examples of applications can be found in the
final chapter of this manual.
The mapping table for IFC imports is structured in a similar way to the export mapping table and can
be called up via Revit > Open > IFC options:
The Open dialog window offers a few options that can help you handle IFC files in Revit.
The quality of the imported data depends not only on the For example:
import settings, but also to a large degree on the export To create a floor slab in Autodesk
settings and the modeling method applied in the original Revit, a profile is sketched and
software. is generated (or extruded) at a
right angle to the profile, taking
The Revit–IFC import interface is regularly updated into account the component types
together with the export module, but is also subject to and the defined layer thickness.
the limits of technical feasibility and the IFC format. It is Autodesk Revit generates standard
not possible for a standardized format to transfer complex floor slabs on the basis of this
parametrics and contexts. principle.
Essentially, in most cases this workflow represents a good This approach is very similar to
working basis. If IFC data have to be processed further, that seen in the IFC schema, and
one should always expect the loss of data in comparison typically gives optimum results,
with the original software. generating clean standard floor
slabs in Revit.
As planning proceeds, the slab is given an opening and a gradient, with the underside remaining
naturally flat. Within the IFC schema, representing this component as a swept solid, in other words
generating a solid using a defined profile and pathway, is no longer possible.
Revit categories are assigned to IFC classes using a mapping table. This table is stored as a text file
(*.txt) and can be customized directly in Revit or by using a text editor.
The first column, the Revit category, is of the contents and structure of the IFC model,
unchangeable and automatically lists all the and therefore cannot be specified across the
categories and sub-categories available in the board. However, Revit is delivered with basic
Revit project. settings that meet a certain basic standard.
The IFC class name column contains the IFC class The IFC classes and types must be entered
to which the sub-category or category should be manually, with the correct spelling. This is how
assigned. If the category is not to be exported, footings from the IFC class become assigned to
you can enter Not Exported. This can vary the IfcFooting. The list of classes supported in
depending on the workflow and requirements Revit is regularly updated and can be called up
here for version 2019: https://autode.sk/IFClinks. It is worth noting that unlike Revit, certain BIM
programs do not only work with categories, but
An IFC type can also be assigned which, like the also with the layers used in CAD operations.
sub-categories in Revit, allows more accurate
differentiation within a category. For a pile cap, When exporting IFCs from Revit, the settings
the type “PILE_CAP” can thus be specified in file that was also used when exporting the CAD
addition to the category IfcFooting. (.dwg or .dgn) is accessed. This file is defined
The types available in IFC format can be in the Revit.ini and can be changed there if
checked for their respective IFC release on the required. The default configuration file can also
buildingSMART page. Current links and lists can either be customized or another configuration
be found at https://autode.sk/IFClinks. specified.
The pre-configured mapping table is stored by The default configuration file for Revit 2018
default via the system path C:\ProgramData\ can be found at C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT
Autodesk\RVT(Version)\exportlayers-ifc-IAI. 2018\exportlayers-dwg-AIA.txt
txt. A standardized export can be performed
across different companies using a centrally The configuration can also be customized and
stored mapping table. exported via the Revit dialog, which can be
found at > Export > Options > Export settings
To refer to a different configuration file, change As this is a hidden folder by default in Windows,
the following path in the Revit.ini file using the display of hidden folders has to be activated
a text editor: ExportLayersNameDGN=C:\ beforehand.
ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2018\exportlayers-
dwg-AIA.txt To completely reset the Revit.ini, the file can be
deleted under the aforementioned path. It will
The Revit.ini for the 2018 version is located be recreated after restarting Revit.
at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\
Autodesk\Revit\RVT 2018
A project opened in Revit can be exported via File > Export > IFC. Extensive settings are possible in
the subsequent dialog, explained in greater detail below.
Main dialog
First, this main window opens:
The desired name and file location of the IFC file Modify setup: these settings can be adapted if
to be exported are specified under File name. required and custom definitions can be created,
which are stored with the Revit project.
Current selected setup: allows export according
to preset configurations. The selection of the Projects to export: Here you can choose projects
schema and MVD to be used is crucial in defining that are currently open in Revit and are to be
the content and structure of the IFC file and exported. When exporting several projects, the
should therefore be coordinated and chosen same settings are used for all files, and saved to
according to their intended use. an IFC file.
Modify setup
Individual settings for IFC export can be made and saved in the Modify setup window.
All the pre-installed configurations are displayed on the left-hand side. The default configurations
are marked with brackets and cannot be changed, renamed or deleted. However, they can be copied
and thus used as the basis for custom configurations. In addition, you can export or import previ-
ously created settings, which are stored outside of the Revit project.
The following general settings can be found in the general tab for Advanced IFC export settings:
The IFC version allows you to select the IFC The file type determines the file format in which
schema and the MVD, as explained in detail the exported file will be saved. For big projects,
earlier in this manual. The most commonly used the compressed *.ifczip format can be used,
schema is IFC 2x3 Coordination View 2.0, as it which is also supported by most IFC viewers. If
is supported by most programs. For complex required, the *.ifczip file can be unzipped to get
geometries, you can try to use IFC4 because of the uncompressed *.ifc file.
improvements to the geometry translation, but
keep in mind that is still in beta and double check
the result for any errors or missing elements.
The spatial boundaries option determines how room boundaries that are required for various energy
calculations and quantity and material statements are exported. These boundaries are classified in
levels, according to their purpose and the information that they contain:
None does not export boundary surface information. Only the reference scope and reference to
adjoining rooms and components are stored.
Level 1 exports boundary surfaces for quantity and mass evaluation, taking room bounding elements
into account. Openings created with the “Edit Profile” tool and surfaces edited with the “Split Faces”
tool are not considered.
This view shows how important it is to define the right levels as floors, as otherwise the IFC structure
becomes too confusing and the elements are not separated in an optimal way. Ideally, a project will
have one level for each floor. There are certain cases when the next level is not the desired building
story, like in split level houses. For such cases the level parameter “Story above” can be used to
explicitly specify the next story.
File Header information/project address allows general project information delivered with the IFC
file to be customized.
File information can be viewed with a text editor and, in addition to the optional information,
automatically provides information about the original software, the IFC exporter, and the IFC
This information is mainly relevant to IFC exports for a CAFM platform in COBie format. We
recommend using the COBie extension for Revit for this purpose. It is available at
The project information is partly based on the location of the building (via address
The information in the IFC export dialog can be used to supplement or overwrite
these data.
The following additional settings can be found in the tab for Advanced IFC export settings:
Export plan view elements enables the export of some 2D elements such as grids, text, and lines.
It is vital to ensure that the correct classes are used, such as IfcAnnotation or IfcGrid for grids.
However, not all IFC viewers support the display of these classes. 2D support is restricted because
the IFC format was designed to export BIM data, i.e. the 3D geometry, including the associated
information. As such, it is not possible to export plan views.
Export linked files as separate IFCs exports the Revit files that are currently linked within the
project as separate IFC files. If this function remains deactivated, the Revit links are not exported.
Export only elements visible in view includes only elements that are visible in the current view due
to visibility settings, filters, and phases.
Export spaces in 3D views generates IFC spaces and 3D volumes that can then be selected in an IFC
The property sets tab in the advanced IFC export settings can be used to access various other key
Export Revit property sets allows you to export Export base quantities provides base quantities
all the properties of a component. Although as a basis for determining quantities and creating
it might seem desirable at first glance, this simulations. During export, all elements are
function is not recommended for exchanging assigned as “base quantities” (fixed property
specialist IFC models. It augments the data sets defined by buildingSMART). For instance, a
model with lots of unnecessary information and wall might look like this:
thus has a negative impact on the file size. A
data model exported via this option can be up
to 70% bigger than one exported via another
Export schedules as property sets enables the targeted export of properties that are defined in the
schedules. As a Revit project usually contains lots of schedules, this option may be restricted to
certain component lists by using only schedules with “IFC”, “Pset” or “default”’ in their name:
Export user defined property sets is another way of exporting specific selected properties. The
parameters to be exported can also be specified in a text file. When Revit is installed, the default
file is stored at this location:
It serves as the basis for the individual data sheet and is structured as follows:
Please note:
• A data sheet begins with a hash key. This allows several data sheets to be specified in a text file.
• Parameters are separated using the tab key.
• The name of the required data sheet follows a tab after the name PropertySet:; in the example
above, this is specified as the “Autodesk parameter”.
• Specifying “I” for instance or “T” for type determines whether this is a type or instance parameter.
• The IFC classes of the elements to which these properties are assigned are then specified. This
example applies only to walls, so “IfcWall” is used.
• In the list that follows, the Revit parameters are shown on the left, followed by the IFC data type
and the desired name of the IFC attribute, each separated with a tab. Note that calculated values
such as the unlinked height of a wall cannot be transferred to the data sheet.
The Level of detail tab in the IFC export settings can be used to select the following options:
Level of detail for certain geometric elements enables you to set the level of detail. This has a
significant impact on the file size and correct interpretation.
Components should be exported with a high level of geometric detail only if needed, as it can cause
data bloat. The Detail level “low” is usually sufficient.
The last tab, Advanced, allows you to select the following additional options:
Export parts as building elements is relevant However, some BIM applications cannot
to IFC data exchange when working with interpret these special elements correctly,
partial elements in the construction of walls so that these are displayed in the IFC data
or floor slabs. Partial elements are exported as model as separate wall elements without being
assigned to a higher level.
“IfcBuildingElementPart” by default. This allows
individual parts to be assigned to a higher-level Allow use of mixed solid model representation
element within the IFC data model: enables the export of combined swept solid
and B-rep models. A geometric object in an IFC
data model is normally generated from either
one or several swept solid objects, or from
B-rep objects alone. The combination of these
two types of representation is not enabled by
default in the IFC schema. For more complex
components, in particular, this leads either to
a larger file size or incorrect presentation, as
elements are wholly represented B-rep objects.
Example of a three-layered wall, exported as partial Solid model representation combines the two
elements in the FZK viewer types of representation within a single class,
which can mean better geometric results at a Use active view when creating geometry
smaller file size for complex models. It should be incorporates the display settings for the current
noted, however, that the IFC file exported using view into the IFC export and was specially
this setting no longer complies with the default developed for building equipment elements
IFC schema and must therefore be accepted as such as cable routes and built-in parts whose
such by all those involved in the project. For model geometry differs from the represented
certain areas of use, it may be necessary to have geometry:
an unaltered default schema for export.
Use family and type names for reference enables referencing based on Revit family and type. The
default setting is for referencing of a component based on the types used.
Use 2D room boundaries for room volume simplifies the calculation of the room volume based on
two-dimensional spatial boundaries. The space geometry from Revit is used to determine the vol-
ume in the IFC scheme by default.
The class assignments made in the IFC export settings are formulated as defaults and form the
basis for IFC export, with one IFC class assigned to each Revit category.
In some cases, however, a finer division may be necessary, so that components are assigned to
different IFC classes within a Revit category, often using the “Generic model” category.
By using export parameters, these components can be assigned to specific IFC classes and types
regardless of the default settings in the mapping table.
- IfcObjectType
IFC export parameters
- IfcLongName
The following export parameters may be created: It is best to set up these parameters as
- IfcExportAs “shared parameters” for project and family
- IfcExportType files. Autodesk provides a central IFC shared
- IfcName parameters text file, which can be downloaded
- IfcDescription here: https://autode.sk/IFClinks.
According to the hierarchy, export parameters are above the default settings of the mapping table
in the IFC export settings and thus overwrite the default settings.
The parameter names are defined in the IFC format and are only taken into account if the spelling
is correct. IFC export parameters should be assigned when they are integrated into the group “IFC
The parameters can be created as type or instance defined using the IfcExportAs parameter, where
parameters as required, depending on the office the type is separated after the class with a colon,
standard. In general, it is recommended that e.g.. “IfcSlab.ROOF” for a slab of the roof type.
you use type parameters, as these data rarely
vary between individual instances of the same In certain cases it can be useful to override
type. certain information during the export, such
as IfcName, IfcDescription, IfcObjectType,
The “IfcExportAs” parameter overwrites the IfcLongName. While these are the preferred
default IFC class of a Revit component for the names for the overrides, Revit currently also
IFC export, e.g. IfcSlab for slabs. The parameter supports NameOverride, DescriptionOverride,
value “DontExport,” on the other hand, prevents ObjectTypeOverride, LongNameOverride. In
the creation of a component type when exporting terms of its actual function these parameters
the data model. should not be considered as export parameters,
but they have the ability to overwrite the default
The “IfcExportType” parameter overwrites the values such as type and generate the associated
default type for the IFC export. This parameter property data sheets.
is not used often because the type can also be
When creating a project family as a void, this is also automatically assigned to the corresponding
OpeningElement class.
6.1 Floor slab construction
Floor slabs are often modeled using two separate elements: the supporting floor slab is modeled
before the floor structure is added as a multi-layer floor for each room:
For IFC export, all floor slabs are assigned to the IfcSlab class. This may prove a hindrance to
further planning or assignment in AVA or calculation software. Instead, it makes sense to export
the floor not as IfcSlab, but as IfcCovering, which also assigns it the appropriate attributes, such as
combustibility or surface finish.
As such, for both floor constructions, the IfcExportAs parameter is specified as “IfcCovering.
FLOORING,” which assigns the elements to the IfcCovering class and the FLOORING type on export:
The use of placeholders has largely been Optionally, the family may also include another
established in the planning and coordination of solid form extrusion, which is controlled
cut openings in the BIM process, as “provision using a visibility parameter and has the same
for void” objects. These can be exchanged dimensions as the void. With the help of this
between specialist models, including all the second solid, a specialist model may be created
necessary information and dimensions, and can separate from the overall model as an IFC
also be used for approval processes and the file, specifically for the purposes of aperture
eventual creation of the aperture itself. planning.
These may be based either on aperture elements Using a component filter and a coordinated 3D
from the Revit library or a simple family with a export view allows you to visualize and export
void. the provision for void solid as a specialist
In addition, 2D breakthrough symbols for sectional and plan views can also be added to this family.
For IFC export, the aperture family is given the following data:
By assigning the type, the aperture is provided with all the necessary information:
Assemblies are important for the higher-level grouping of components and are often used for truss
fields, beam grids and reinforcement cages. Unlike the grouped elements in Revit, the assemblies
are also transferred during IFC export and can have higher-level properties.
The reinforced bars and brackets of a floor slab are assigned to an assembly in this example:
In the IFC data model, assigning this class and applying the instance parameter “IfcObjectTypeOverride’”
defines the predefined type as “REINFORCEMENT_UNIT” and aggregates the higher-level assembly
as “IfcElementAssembly.”
The individual assembly elements can still be selected separately. This assignment provides a better
structure within the IFC model for the evaluation and classification of components.
BuildingSMART provides appropriate information about default attributes as part of its online
documentation. Under the term “Pset_CoveringCommon,” for instance, you can find all the default
attributes of the entity class “IfcCovering.”
For a list of the property data sheets for architectural components of the IFC4 schema with
multilingual explanations, see
The attributes made available are determined by the choice of class or type.
As an example, “Pset_CoveringCommon” has been specified here, so that all elements of the
IfcCovering class are automatically assigned:
When exporting, please note that only Revit parameters that exist in the project and show the
correct unit and a valid value are included. “Empty” parameters are not exported.
Due to the amount of data, it does not make sense to provide all the available attributes in a single
template. Adding the necessary attributes as required is more practical.
Autodesk provides its own IFC shared parameters file, which already contains all the available
parameters. For the link to this file, see
The correct units for the parameters are predefined in this file. The parameters can be defined either
as type or as instance parameters. Ultimately, this depends on the specific company standard and
way of working.
As a result, the newly created attributes are assigned to the corresponding “Pset” during export. The
following comparison shows the basic contents and the contents after the corresponding attributes
have been assigned:
When exchanging models, not all the information The export of story levels is influenced by the
generating in the course of the planning process corresponding “Story level” parameter in the
is relevant. Often, many reference levels are Revit properties for a level. All components on
used, for instance, that are ultimately irrelevant other levels are assigned to the nearest story
to the model transfer. As such, only certain level. Ideally, only one defined story level
levels tend to be identified and exported as should exist for each story of the building.
story levels.
In the next example, the shared parameter (instance or type parameter). The parameter
“IfcName” is used to rename the levels when “Ifc-Description” can also be created in the
they are exported. This also overwrites the same way. This attribute can be used to append
predefined name for most of the other Revit additional information to an element.
Such customization results in the renaming and
The “IfcName” parameter is created as a text additional description of the corresponding
parameter and can be assigned to the desired level:
Revit categories as a project parameter
Default name after IFC export Level name with additional notes
If required, the building floor can be assigned other attributes in a similar way to other components.
The basis for the assignment of default attributes is the
Usage groups can also be stored within the category “Rooms.” Only one instance parameter
IFC data model. Based on an export schema can be used for this category.
generated in Autodesk Revit, these groupings
can be passed on to those involved in the project Using this parameter, you can then generate a
for further use. color scheme for rooms/zones and create the
necessary categories:
The export of usage groups and zones is based
on the parameter “ZoneName.” This is assigned
as a shared parameter (type: text) of the Revit
Building Information Modeling (BIM) provides everyone involved in a building design and
construction project with new opportunities to make well-informed project decisions, communicate
better, optimize workflows, and improve documentation. The data exchange functions provided by
openBIM and IFC allow all of those participating in a project to work together, even if they use
different software products.
More information about BIM, openBIM, and IFC is available via these links:
Autodesk, Inc.
111 McInnis Parkway
San Rafael, CA 94903
Note: Autodesk® Revit® provides certified IFC export and import according to the building-SMART
IFC 2x3 Coordination View data exchange standard.
This includes certifications for architectural, structural, and MEP data in line with the buildingSMART
IFC 2x3 Coordination View 2.0 data exchange standard of March 2013 and April 2013. Revit received
Grade 1 IFC 2x3 Coordination View Certification in June 2006 and full Grade 2 certification for
Coordination View in May 2007.
Apart from these certifications, buildingSMART has not hitherto issued any other certificates for
architectural design software.
Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD, BIM 360, DWF, DXF, Glue, Navisworks, and Revit are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk Inc. and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates in the
USA and/or other countries. All other trademarks, product names, and other characteristics are the
property of their respective owners. Autodesk reserves the right to change its products, services,
specifications, and prices at any time without prior notice, and is not liable for any typographical or
graphical errors in this document.