User Guide
User Guide
User Guide
Release 2.0
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Related TIEGCM Documents and Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 QuickStart Procedure 5
2.1 Downloading the model source code and required data files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Making a Default 5-deg model run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Switching to 2.5-degree Model Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Making a Continuation (Restart) Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Moving to “Production” Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Notes for Users on the HAO network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.7 Notes for Users on the NCAR /glade disk (yellowstone) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Directory Structure 9
3.1 Working Directory (created by the user) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Model Directory (model source code and supporting utilities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Data Directory (startup and data files) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Execution Directory (build and execute) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9 Model Source Code 109
9.1 The Academic License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
9.2 Source Code Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
9.3 Modifying the Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
14 Glossary 123
Index 129
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
The NCAR/HAO Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model, or TIEGCM, is a three-
dimensional, time-dependent, numeric simulation model of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, including the upper Strato-
sphere, Mesosphere and Thermosphere.
This document is intended to assist members of the upper atmosphere research community in building, executing, and
visualizing the TIEGCM as an integral part of their research. We also welcome development efforts on the model
itself, subject to the Academic Research License Agreement tiegcmlicense.txt.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter is intended to provide a tutorial-like procedure for downloading source code and start-up data files,
building the model, and executing a short default run on a 64-bit Linux system, or a supercomputer (linux cluster) like
the NCAR yellowstone machine.
2.1 Downloading the model source code and required data files
The model source code and related input data files may be downloaded from the tiegcm2.0 download page (you will
need to provide an email address, but login and password are NOT required).
TIEGCM download page
The following tar files are available:
• Instructions (
• Source Code tar file (30 MB) (tiegcm2.0.tar)
• Startup and data tar file for 5.0-deg model (tiegcm_res5.0_data.tar) (1.5 GB)
• Startup and data tar file for 2.5-deg model (tiegcm_res2.5_data.tar) (4 GB)
Download the source code tar file and the data tar file for the 5.0-deg model to a large scratch disk on either your Linux
desktop, or the NCAR supercomputer yellowstone. To download all files and make default runs at both resolutions you
will need at least 5.5 GB of disk space. Extracting these tarballs will result in directories with the same names. When
extracting the source code, you will also get these default namelist input files and job scripts (or you can download
them here):
• tiegcm-linux.job: Default csh job script for 64-bit Linux desktop
• tiegcm-ys.job: Default csh job script for the NCAR supercomputer yellowstone
• tiegcm_res5.0_default.inp: Default namelist input for 5.0-degree resolution model
• tiegcm_res2.5_default.inp: Default namelist input for 2.5-degree resolution model
The job scripts are set up to make a short (1-day) 5-degree model run (March Equinox Solar Minimum conditions).
At this point, you should be able to simply type the job script name appropriate for the current machine/system on the
command line. The job script will create an execution directory (tiegcm.exec), and build and execute the model there.
If successful, the stdout log will be tiegcm_res5.0.out, and model output netCDF history files will be in the execution
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
Note: A warning for user’s of previous revisions of TIEGCM: Do not use old namelist input files or job scripts from
previous revisions. Copy the default files from the scripts/ directory, and modify them for your own runs. Also, for
initial runs, do not build/execute the model in an old execdir. Instead, allow the job script to make a new execdir for
To make a default run of the 2.5-deg model, edit the job script and reset 4 shell variables as follows:
• set tgcmdata = tiegcm_res2.5_data
• set input = tiegcm_res2.5.inp
• set output = tiegcm_res2.5.out
• set modelres = 2.5
If you are on the NCAR supercomputer yellowstone, you should also make the following changes to tiegcm-ys.job, to
use 64 cores:
• #BSUB -n 64
• #BSUB -R “span[ptile=16]”
Then execute the job script for the default 2.5-deg model run.
A model run can be continued (restarted) from the last primary history written by the previous run. To do this, you must
modify the namelist input file as follows (refer to Explanation of Valid Namelist Parameters for more information):
1. Comment or remove SOURCE and SOURCE_START if the previous run was an initial run.
2. Reset START_DAY, START and STOP as necessary
3. Make sure one of the files in the OUTPUT list contains the new START history
4. Increment the starting volume number of SECOUT (pre-existing secondary output history files will be overwrit-
When you are ready to make longer model runs, or especially if you are planning to modify the source code, its best
to move your working directory (with the model source directory, and any job scripts or namelist input files) to a disk
space that is regularly backed up, e.g., under your home. You can leave the data (tgcmdata) and execution directories
(execdir) on the large scratch disk, but you must then set the tgcmdata and execdir to absolute paths in the job script.
As you proceed, you can create new working directories, and corresponding execdirs as needed. If you modify the
source code, the job script will call gmake, and dependent source files will be recompiled as necessary. If you switch
between resolutions using the same execdir, the entire code will be recompiled for the new resolution.
• To calculate wallclock time for a 5-deg run with 16 cores, use .07 secs/timestep. For example, a 1-day simulation
with a 60 sec timestep: ((24*3600) / 60 * .07) / 60 = 1.68 minutes
• To calculate wallclock time for a 2.5-deg run with 64 cores, use .15 secs/timestep. For example, a 1-day simu-
lation with a 30 sec timestep: ((24*3600) / 30 * .15) / 60 = 7.2 minutes
To get started, the user will typically create a working directory from which model runs are submitted. The user’s
working directory will typically look something like this:
| |
* .inp modeldir/
Here, *.inp are namelist input files, *.job are job script‘s, and *.out are stdout output files from model and are validated
by the input module (input.F).
The job script in your working directory contains a shell variable specifying the path to the modeldir, so it knows
where to find the source code and supporting scripts for the build process. The namelist input file also refers to the
datadir path for start-up and other data input files (e.g., SOURCE, GPI_NCFILE, IMF_NCFILE, etc). These namelist
parameters can use the environment variable TGCMDATA to specify the datadir (see section on namelist input files).
The job script shell variable tgcmdata, if set, will override the TGCMDATA env var.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
The model root directory is what you get when you download the model source code tar file, or check out the code
from the svn repository. The model directory contains subdirectories with the model source code, supporting scripts,
documentation, and a python code to make test and benchmark runs:
| | | | |
src/ scripts/ doc/ tgcmrun/ benchmarks/
| | | | |
*.F90 Make.* userguide/ *.py run_climatology
*.F linux.job description/ run_* run_seasons
*.h ibm.job release/ tgcmrun run_storms
default.inp diags.table archive_hpss
tgcm_contents perf.table make_listings
tgcm_ncdump postproc/
• Instructions for how to make a quick-start default build and execution of the model
after downloading the source code and data.
tgcmrun/ directory contents:
• Python code to make benchmark runs interactively or from shell scripts. Type ‘tgcmrun’ on the command line
for interactive, or execute the run_* scripts to make benchmark series runs.
• For more information on benchmark runs made for the current release, please see Release Documentation
benchmarks/ directory contents:
• Shell scripts that call tgcmrun/ to make benchmark runs:
– run_climatology
– run_seasons
– run_storms
– run_perf
• Script archive_hpss to archive benchmark runs on the hpss (see HPSS)
• Script make_listings for making lists of files related to benchmark runs
• Subdirectory postproc/ contains scripts that call the tgcmproc utility to post-process benchmark runs.
The public TIEGCM data directory is what you get when you download the data tar file. This directory is typically
referred to with the environment variable TGCMDATA, but can be set with the tgcmdata shell variable in the job script
(the shell variable, if set, will take precedence over the environment variable):
datadir for tiegcmx.x
These are netCDF history startup and data files for running the current version of the model ( tiegcm2.0 ) They
are specified in the namelist input file (see namelist input files for more information). These files are available for
download, see Downloading the model source code and required data files.
• tiegcmx.x_res5.0_*.nc: History start-up files for the 5.0-degree resolution model. These files contain a single
history with initial conditions for starting the model at a specific date and time. These are typically the first his-
tory for a benchmark run (seasonal, storm simulations, and climatologies). Namelist input parameter: SOURCE.
Here are the files for tiegcm2.0:
• tiegcmx.x_res2.5_*.nc: History start-up files for the 2.5-degree resolution model. These files contain a single
history with initial conditions for starting the model at a specific model date and time. These are typically the
first history for a benchmark run (seasonal, storm simulations, and climatologies). Namelist input parameter:
SOURCE Here are the files for tiegcm2.0:
• gpi*.nc GeoPhysical Indices data files (3-hourly Kp and F10.7 cm solar flux). Namelist Input parameter:
• gswm*5.0d*.nc Global Scale Wave Model data files, used to specify tidal perturbations for the lower boundary
of the TIEGCM for the 5-degree resolution. There are 4 separate files for diurnal, semi-diurnal, migrating and
non-migrating tides. Namelist Input parameter: GSWM.
• gswm*2.5d*.nc Global Scale Wave Model data files, used to specify tidal perturbations for the lower boundary
of the TIEGCM for the 2.5-degree resolution. There are 4 separate files for diurnal, semi-diurnal, migrating and
non-migrating tides. Namelist Input parameter: GSWM.
• imf_OMNI_*.nc Interplanetary Magnetic Field OMNI data files. Namelist read parameter is IMF_NCFILE.
These files contain data for the BX,BY,BZ components of the IMF, solar wind velocity and solar wind density.
See HAO public ftp page to download imf data files for years not included on the tiegcm2.0 data download.
The model is built and executed in the execution directory (execdir). The path to the execution directory is specified
by the execdir shell variable in the job script. The job script will create the execdir for you if it does not already exist.
The following file types are typically found in the execution directory:
Note: When making your first run, its best to let the job script create the execdir for you. It is not wise to use an
execdir used for revisions prior to tiegcm2.0. Also, if you have build or execution problems, it will sometimes help to
remove the execdir and let the job script start over.
The TIEGCM can be configured for two spatial/temporal resolutions (use the modelres shell variable in the job script
to set the model resolution):
• 5 degrees lat x lon, 2 grid points per scale height
(default time step = 60 secs)
• 2.5 degrees lat x lon, 4 grid points per scale height
(default time step = 30 secs)
• The vertical coordinate lev, or Zp, is a log-pressure scale ln(p0/p), where p is pressure and p0 is a reference
pressure. Fields are calculated at either “interface” levels (ilev), or at “midpoint” levels (lev) (see lev and
ilev coordinate definitions below).
– At 5.0 degree horizontal, Zp at interfaces = -7 to +7 by 0.5
– At 2.5 degree horizontal, Zp at interfaces = -7 to +7 by 0.25
Note: To interpolate model fields to constant height surfaces, you should use geometric height, which is
available on the 3d model grid as “ZG” on secondary histories. See the section below on Altitude Coordinates
the NCAR TIEGCM for a detailed explanation of the relationship between Zp and Altitude.
Following are spatial coordinates for the 5x5-degree latxlon horizontal grid, with two grid points per scale height in
the vertical (delta Zp = 0.5):
• Dimensions:
– lon = 72 ;
– lat = 36 ;
– lev = 29 ;
– ilev = 29 ;
• Coordinates:
– lon = -180W to +180E by 5 degrees
– lat = -87.5S to +87.5N by 5 degrees
– lev = -6.75 to +7.25 by 0.5
– ilev = -7 to +7 by 0.5
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
Following are spatial coordinates for the 2.5x2.5-degree latxlon horizontal grid, with four grid points per scale height
in the vertical (delta Zp = 0.25):
• Dimensions:
– lon = 144 ;
– lat = 72 ;
– lev = 57 ;
– ilev = 57 ;
• Coordinates:
– lon = -180W to 177.5E by 2.5 degrees
– lat = -88.75S to 88.75N by 2.5 degrees
– lev = -6.875 to 7.125 by 0.25
– ilev = -7 to +7 by 0.25
The longitude geomagnetic coordinate is from -180 to +180 by 4.5 degrees. The latitude coordinate is non-regular,
with resolution increasing toward the magnetic equator. The vertical Zp (ln(p0/p)) interface coordinate is from -8.5 to
7 by 0.25:
• Dimensions:
– mlon = 81 ;
– mlat = 97 ;
– mlev = 63 ;
– imlev = 63 ;
• Coordinates:
– mlon = -180W to 180E by 4.5 degrees
– mlat = -90S to 90N: irregular, increasing resolution equatorward
– mlev = -8.25 to 7.25 by 0.25
– imlev = -8.5 to 7.0 by 0.25
The TIE-GCM and TIME-GCM use a log-pressure coordinate system, with each pressure level defined as ln(P0/P),
where P0 = 5x10-4 dynes/cm2 = 5x10-5 Pascal = 5x10-7 hPa = 5x10-7 mb. (Native units in these models are cgs, i.e.,
dynes/cm2.) This pressure occurs at ~200 km altitude, depending on conditions.
The TIE-GCM vertical coordinate extends from -7 to +7 (~97 km to ~600 km) and the TIME-GCM vertical coordinate
extends from -17 to +7 (~30 km to ~600 km). Each integer interval in pressure level is one scale height apart, so
the low-resolution (5°x5°xH/2) versions are spaced at half-integer intervals and the high-resolution (2.5°x2.5°xH/4)
versions of the models are spaced at quarter-integer intervals:
Model/Resolution Num Levels Level Spacing Bottom Level Top Level Min Alt Max Alt
Low-Res TIE-GCM 29 0.5 -7 +7 97 km 600 km
High-Res TIE-GCM 57 0.25 -7 +7 97 km 600 km
Low-Res TIME-GCM 49 0.5 -17 +7 30 km 600 km
High-Res TIME-GCM 97 0.25 -17 +7 30 km 600 km
The height of the pressure surface is defined at each grid point in arrays provided in output history files (in cm).
Unfortunately, there are four different possibilities for altitude definition, all slightly different.
First, we define the geopotential height z. Geopotential height is the height that the pressure surface would be, as-
suming that the acceleration due to gravity g is constant at the value used in the model calculations (870 cm/s2 for
the TIE-GCM and 950 cm/s2 for the TIME-GCM). It is registered to the altitude of the model lower boundary, which
can vary horizontally due to the tidal and climatological lower boundary specification. This is the native coordinate
system for the models, and so z is included in all history files. However, it is not the appropriate altitude coordinate
for comparison with real-world data. Also note that this definition of geopotential height is not the same as what is
used in, e.g., tropospheric meteorology, because it is referenced to value of g that is different from the value of g at the
surface (~980 cm/s2).
We can correct the geopotential height z to obtain geometric height zg. This is performed inside the models by
subroutine calczg (addiag.F), using an empirical formulation of the variation of g over the globe (including centripetal
force), and vertical integration, to account for the variation with altitude. It can also be done, using the same subroutine,
in the Fortran model processers, and is also available in various IDL processing routines. Geometric height ZG is now
forced onto secondary histories (i.e., it is output whether you request it or not) but not on primary histories (because
primary histories contain only what is necessary to re-start the model). However, some older secondary history files
may not include ZG which necessitates that it be calculated in the post-processing if needed for data comparison.
Now we come to the final complication, which is the distinction between model interfaces and model mid-points. The
interfaces are the native coordinate system of the model grid, as defined in the table above, i.e., at -7.0, -6.5, -6.0, etc.;
z and zg are defined on these interfaces. However, most model output quantities are actually reported at the midpoints,
half-way between interfaces in pressure, i.e., at -6.75, -6.25, -5.75, etc. Each midpoint is a half-interval above the
corresponding interface. All temperatures, winds, neutral densities, etc., are defined at these midpoints. However,
electron density and electric potential are defined at the interfaces:
Field Z Zg Zm Tn Un Vn O2 O N2 NO N N2D He Ne Te Ti OM Pot
Speci- I I M M M M M M M M M M M I M M I I
In order to register midpoint quantities in altitude, it is therefore necessary to interpolate from the midpoints to the
interfaces. Alternatively, it may be simpler to interpolate zg from the interfaces to the midpoints. For TIE-GCM 2.0, a
new output variable has been added, ZGMID, which is geometric height that has been interpolated to the mid points.
However, older history files do not include ZGMID. As with ZG, it is available on secondary histories but not on
primary histories.
In output histories, quantities specified at interfaces are defined by the ilev coordinate variable and quantities specified
at midpoints are defined by the lev coordinate variable. These quantities are generally numerically identical, but their
definitions in the files can serve as a reminder of what is defined where.
Height-related Variables on TIEGCM Secondary Histories:
Note: Variables Z, ZG, and ZMAG are forced onto secondary histories. To save ZGMID to secondary histories, add
ZGMID to the fields list in the namelist input file: SECFLDS=’ZGMID’
The namelist input file specifies user-provided run control parameters for a model run. These parameters include the
model startup file, start and stop times, solar inputs, lower boundary files, and several other flags and data files as
necessary. This document describes each valid namelist parameter, their valid combinations, and provides several
example input files for running the model in different modes and resolutions.
Note: Any part of a line in the namelist file following a exclamation mark ‘!’ will be treated as a comment (see
example files).
Following is a table of valid TIEGCM 2.0 namelist parameters, and their descriptions. Follow the parameter name
links to explanations below.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
Data files containing output from the AMIE model, to be imported to the tiegcm. AMIENH contains northern
hemisphere data, AMIESH contains southern hemisphere data. Contact Gang Lu ([email protected]) for more
See also:
Back to top
Integer flag 0, 1, or 2 for reading real, first, or 24-hour averaged AMIE data
See also:
Back to top
If AURORA > 0 then the auroral parameterization (aurora.F) is called by dynamics (dynamics.F), otherwise it
is not called.
Back to top
Data file providing zonal mean climatology of T, U, V using MSIS and HWM empirical models, or UARS data.
If no input file is specified, a flat lower boundary (u=v=0, Tn=181 K, z=96.4 km) is employed by default. Other
zonal mean climatologies can be used by generating and specifying a different file.
Data type: string Default: [none]
Back to top
X-component of the IMF. Can be specified as either a constant (BXIMF), or series of time-dependent values
(BXIMF_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and BXIMF is not provided, then BXIMF will be taken from the IMF
data file.
Data type: real or real array
• BXIMF = 0. ; constant for entire run
• BXIMF_TIME = 80,0,0,40., 80,1,0,30., 80,5,0,20. ; time series
See also:
Back to top
Y-component of the IMF. Can be specified as either a constant (BYIMF), or series of time-dependent values
(BYIMF_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and BYIMF is not provided, then BYIMF will be taken from the IMF
data file.
Data type: real or real array
• BYIMF = 0. ; constant for entire run
• BYIMF_TIME = 80,0,0,40., 80,1,0,30., 80,5,0,20. ; time series
See also:
Back to top
Z-component of the IMF. Can be specified as either a constant (BZIMF), or series of time-dependent values
(BZIMF_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and BZIMF is not provided, then BZIMF will be taken from the IMF
data file.
Data type: real or real array
• BZIMF = 0. ; constant for entire run
• BZIMF_TIME = 80,0,0,40., 80,1,0,30., 80,5,0,20. ; time series
See also:
Back to top
Set CALENDAR_ADVANCE=1 to advance calendar time from START_DAY, otherwise calendar time is not
advanced. If advancing calendar time, iday (init_module) is incremented every 24 hours, and the sun’s decli-
nation and longitude is recalculated (see sub advance_day in advance.F and sub sunloc in magfield.F), thereby
allowing seasonal change to take place. The earth’s orbital eccentricity “sfeps” is also updated as a 6% variation
in solar output over a year.
A run with CALENDAR_ADVANCE=0 is referred to as a “steady-state” run. This is often used to advance the
model to a “steady-state” for a given date, prior to a seasonal run with CALENDAR_ADVANCE=1.
Back to top
O-O+ Collision Frequency, alias the “Burnside Factor”. Default is 1.5, but there have been recommendations
for 1.3. COLFAC is used in lamdas.F and oplus.F.
Back to top
Tidal perturbations for lower boundary of Z, T, U, V. See this reference:
Ref. Oberheide, J., J. M. Forbes, X. Zhang, and S. L. Bruinsma
Climatology of upward propagating diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the thermosphere
J. Geophys. Res., 116, A11306, doi:10.1029/2011JA016784, 2011.
See also:
Back to top
Cross-tail (or cross-cap) potential. This is used in the auroral precipitation parameterization. It can be provided
either as a single constant (CTPOTEN), or several time-dependent values (CTPOTEN_TIME). If GPI_NCFILE
is set and CTPOTEN is not provided, it will be calculated from 3-hourly Kp data read from GPI_NCFILE.
The time-dependent example below specifies increasing CTPOTEN from model times 80,0,0 to 80,1,0, and
80,5,0. Interpolated values will be used between these specified model times.
Note that if POTENTIAL_MODEL=’WEIMER’ or ‘WEIMER05’, then the user is not allowed to provide CT-
POTEN because it will be calculated from the Weimer electric potential.
• CTPOTEN = 60.
• CTPOTEN_TIME = 80,0,0,60., 80,1,0,65., 80,5,0,100.
See also:
Back to top
If CURRENT_KQ=1, then height-integrated current density of current sheet, and upward current density at the
top of the ionosphere is calculated (default=0) (ignored if DYNAMO=0) (see current.F90 to save JQR, JE13D,
Back to top
If EDDY_DIF=1, then day-of-year dependent eddy diffusion will be calculated, otherwise eddy diffusion will
be set to pressure-dependent constants. See cons.F.
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A double-Gaussian shaped floor (in latitude and altitude) is applied to O+ at low-to-mid latitudes in the F-region
in order to keep the model stable when the ionosphere gets very low in density.
If set to 1 (the default), the floor is implemented in oplus.F as follows:
do k=lev0,lev1-1
opfloor = opmin*exp(-(glat(lat)/90.0)**2/0.3)*
| exp(-((zpmid(k)-4.25)/zpmid(nlevp1))**2/0.1)
do i=lon0,lon1
if (opout(k,i,lat) < opfloor) opout(k,i,lat) = opfloor
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If CURRENT_PG=1, current due to plasma pressure gradient and gravity is calculated and included as a forcing
term in the dynamo equation (default=1) (ignored if DYNAMO=0)
Back to top
If calc_helium=1, helium is calculated as a major composition species. If calc_helium=0, helium is zeroed
out. If calc_helium=1 and the source history does not have helium, then helium will be initialized globally to
Back to top
Integer switch for electro-dynamo. If DYNAMO=0, then dynamo (pdynamo.F) will not be called, and ion drift
velocities will be zero. If DYNAMO=1, then dynamo will be called, and ion drift velocities will be calculated.
Back to top
F107 or F107_TIME
Daily F10.7 cm solar flux. This can be provided either as a single constant (F107), or several time-dependent
values (F107_TIME). If GPI_NCFILE is set and F107 is not set, then F107 will be set from the data. The below
example of F107_TIME increases the f10.7 flux from 120 to 150 in the first hour of model time, then to 200 by
the fifth hour. Values are linearly interpolated at each time-step.
Data type: real or real array
• F107 = 120.
• F107_TIME = 80,0,0,120., 80,1,0,150., 80,5,0,200.
See also:
• F107A
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F107A or F107A_TIME
81-day average F10.7 cm solar flux. This can be provided either as a single constant (F107A), or several time-
dependent values (F107A_TIME). If GPI_NCFILE is set and F107A is not set, then F107A will be set from the
data. The below example of F107A_TIME increases the f10.7a flux from 120 to 130 in 12 hours of model time.
Data type: real or real array
• F107A = 120.
• F107A_TIME = 80,0,0,120., 80,6,0,125., 80,12,0,130.
See also:
• F107
Back to top
Specifies a netCDF data file containing 3-hourly Kp and daily F10.7 data to drive high-latitude convection and
the auroral precipitation oval. If GPI_NCFILE is specified, and POTENTIAL_MODEL=’HEELIS’, then at least
one of CTPOTEN,POWER,F107,F107A must not be specified. If CTPOTEN or POWER are not specified, they
are calculated from the Kp data using empirical relationships (see source file gpi.F). If F107 or F107A are not
specified, the data will be used.
If GPI_NCFILE is specified when POTENTIAL_MODEL=’WEIMER’ and IMF_NCFILE is specified, then the
Weimer model and aurora will be driven by the IMF data, and only F107 and F107A will be read from the GPI
data file (F107 is not available on IMF data files).
If the current model time is not available on the GPI data file, the model will print an error message to stdout,
and stop.
Data Source: Ascii data is obtained from NOAA/NGDC, and an equivalent netCDF data file is written for import
to the TGCM models (see code in hao:$TGCMROOT/mkgpi).
Datatype: string
See also:
• F107 or F107_TIME
Back to top
GSWM model data files for lbc
Paths to netCDF data files containing tidal perturbations from the Global Scale Wave Model. If provided, the
files will be read and the perturbations will be added to the lower boundary conditions of T,U,V, and Z. If
provided, then TIDE and TIDE2 must be zeroed out.
Warning: As of version 2.0, the model is not tuned to use the non-migrating GSWM tidal components. The
default namelist input file specifies migrating diurnal and semi-diurnal tides, but not the non-migrating compo-
nents. In later releases, non-migrating tides may be supported at the 2.5-deg resolution.
GSWM files must contain data compatable with the lower boundary of the model (99 km), and the horizontal
resolution of the model being run (either 5 or 2.5 degrees). See examples below.
Datatype: string
• GSWM files for the 5-degree TIEGCM:
See also:
Back to top
Primary history write frequency, specified as a model time (day,hour,minute). HIST time must divide evenly
into STOP minus START times.
• HIST = 1,0,0 ;request daily histories
• HIST = 0,1,0 ;request hourly histories
• HIST = 0,0,12 ;request 12-minute histories
See also:
Back to top
Hemispheric Power (GW). This is used in the auroral precipitation parameterization. It can be provided either
as a single constant (POWER), or several time-dependent values (POWER_TIME). If GPI_NCFILE is set and
POWER is not provided, it will be calculated from 3-hourly Kp data read from GPI_NCFILE.
The time-dependent example below specifies increasing POWER from model times 80,0,0 to 80,1,0, and 80,5,0.
Interpolated values will be used between these specified model times.
Data type: real or real array
• POWER = 16.
• POWER_TIME = 80,0,0,16., 80,1,0,20., 80,5,0,70.
See also:
Back to top
SABER data file for lower boundary conditions of T and Z (neutral temperature and geopotential height).
See also:
Back to top
TIDI data file for lower boundary conditions of U and V (zonal and meridional neutral wind).
See also:
Back to top
Geomagnetic Activity index. If KP is specified and POWER and/or CTPOTEN are commented, then the given
KP will be used with empirical formulas to calculate POWER and/or CTPOTEN, which are used in the Auroral
KP can be provided as a scalar constant (KP), or as a series of time-dependent values (KP_TIME), as in the
below examples. KP cannot be set if GPI_NCFILE data file is specified.
Empirical formula used to calculate POWER from KP (see function hp_from_kp in util.F):
if (kp <=7.) hp_from_kp = 16.82*exp(0.32*kp)-4.86
if (kp > 7.) hp_from_kp = 153.13 + (kp-7.)/(9.-7.)*(300.-153.13)
Empirical formula used to calculate CTPOTEN from KP (see function ctpoten_from_kp in util.F):
ctpoten_from_kp = 15.+15.*kp + 0.8*kp**2
• KP = 4.0
• KP_TIME = 80,0,0,4., 80,6,0,4.5, 80,12,0,5.0
See also:
Back to top
Specifies a netCDF data file containing hourly IMF parameters BX,BY,BZ,SWVEL, and SWDEN. This can be
set only when POTENTIAL_MODEL=’WEIMER’. The data will be used to drive the Weimer 2005 potential
model. When set, the user must not provide at least one of the above IMF parameters. Data will be used for
IMF parameters not provided by the user. Values (scalar or time-dependent) that are provided by the user will
take precedence over the data file.
If the current model time is not available on the IMF data file, the model will print an error message to stdout
and stop.
Notes on creation of IMF OMNI data files:
•IMF data is derived from 1-minute OMNI satellite data available on CDAweb CDAweb. Our derivation is
a multi-step process:
•Data gaps in the raw 1-minute OMNI data are linearly interpolated. If a gap happens to occur at the
beginning or end of the time interval, it is set to the next known good data point.
•Gap-filled data is used to compute a 15 minute trailing average lagged by 5 minutes.
•Time averaged data is sampled at 5 minutes
•A data quality flag is calculated for every 5-minute sample point. The data quality flag is a boolean value
set to “1” for all sample points derived from valid (not gap-filled) data. The data quality flag is set to “0”
for any sample point that is derived from gap-filled data anywhere in the 15 minute trailing average lagged
by 5 minutes.
•The data quality flag is stored in the NetCDF-formatted IMF input file. For any variable (ie. “swvel” - solar
wind velocity), there exists a mask (ie. “velMask”). Find a complete list of IMF variables with command
“ncdump -h []”.
•Note: You should verify the IMF data quality before doing storm simulations. Known periods of invalid
IMF data include approximately days 301 to 304 of 2003 (during the “Halloween Storm”).
Back to top
Joule heating factor. This factor is multiplied by the joule heating calculation (see subroutine qjoule_tn in
Back to top
LABEL may be any string up to 80 characters long, used to identify a run. The LABEL is written to output
history files as a global file attribute. This parameter is purely a user convenience, and does not effect the model
run in any way.
Back to top
Maximum number of histories to be written to primary OUTPUT files. When this many histories have been
written to the current OUTPUT file, the next OUTPUT file is created and it receives subsequent histories. This
parameter can be adjusted to control the size of primary OUTPUT files.
• MXHIST_PRIM = 15 ; allow maximum of 15 histories per primary output file
See also:
Back to top
Maximum number of histories to be written to secondary output files (SECOUT). When this many histories have
been written to the current SECOUT file, the next SECOUT file is created and it receives subsequent histories.
This parameter can be adjusted to control the size of secondary OUTPUT files.
• MXHIST_SECH = 24 ; allow 1 day of hourly histories per file
• MXHIST_SECH = 48 ; allow 2 days of hourly histories per file
See also:
Back to top
Optional cap on ambipolar diffusion coefficient for O+. This can improve model stability in the topside F-region,
but it is only recommended as a last resort since it will change model results. This is a new namelist parameter
for tiegcm2.0. The default is 0., i.e., no cap. If this is non-zero (provided by the user), then it is implemented in
subroutine rrk of src/oplus.F.
* OPDIFFCAP = 1.5e8
* OPDIFFCAP = 3.0e8
* OPDIFFCAP = 6.0e8
* OPDIFFCAP = 8.0e8
Back to top
List of primary history output files. Each file may be an absolute path, or relative to the execution directory. If
an initial run (SOURCE is specified), then pre-existing OUTPUT files will be overwritten. If a continuation run
(SOURCE is not specified), then the first OUTPUT file should contain the source history at START time. In this
case, subsequent output histories will be appended to the first OUTPUT file until it is full. As each OUTPUT
file is filled (see MXHIST_PRIM), the next OUTPUT file is created and histories are written until it is full, and
so on.
OUTPUT files are usually specified with increasing integers imbedded in the names. See examples below. As
a convenience, large sequences of files may be specified in a “short-form”, see example 3 below specifying 20
files. By convention, primary history output files may use the letter “p” to indicate primary file series (see all 3
examples below, and contrast with SECOUT).
OUTPUT = ’’,’’,’’
OUTPUT = ’’,’to’,’’,’by’,’1’
See also:
Back to top
The high-latitude potential model used to calculate electric potential above a specified latitude. This string can
have one of two values:
‘HEELIS’ is the Rod Heelis model (heelis.F). ‘WEIMER’ is the Dan Weimer 2005 model (wei05sc.F).
Note: The Weimer model of high-latitude potential is the intellectual property of Daniel Weimer and may
not be extracted, distributed, or used for any purpose other than as implemented in the TIE-GCM. For further
information concerning this model, please contact Dan Weimer ([email protected]).
Back to top
List of fields to be saved to secondary histories. These may be either fields that are also saved on primary
histories (so-called “prognostic” fields), fields that have been requested via addfld calls in the source code, or
fields available via the diagnostics module (see example below).
Note the final size of secondary output files is affected by the number of fields specified as well as the number
of histories on the file. The file size can be controlled by setting the number of histories allowed on a secondary
Data type: one or more character strings
! Example list of fields to be written to secondary histories:
SECFLDS = ’TN’ ’UN’ ’VN’ ’O2’ ’O1’ ’N2’ ’NO’ ’N4S’ ’HE’ ’NE’ ’TE’ ’TI’
’TEC’ ’O2P’ ’OP’ ’OMEGA’ ’POTEN’ ’UI_ExB’ ’VI_ExB’ ’WI_ExB’
! This example lists all diagnostic fields available via the diags module
! (it is not necessary to call addfld in the code to obtain these fields)
Back to top
Secondary history start time, specified as a model time (day,hour,minute).
Back to top
Secondary history stop time, specified as a model time (day,hour,minute).
Back to top
Secondary history write frequency, specified as a model time (day,hour,minute). SECHIST time must divide
evenly into SECSTOP minus SECSTART times.
• SECHIST = 0,1,0 ;request hourly histories
• SECHIST = 0,0,12 ;request 12-minute histories
See also:
Back to top
List of secondary history output files. Secondary histories store diagnostic fields, usually at a higher temporal
resolution than primary files. Each file may be an absolute path, or relative to the execution directory. Beware
that SECOUT will overwrite any pre-existing files with the same names. As each SECOUT file is filled (see
MXHIST_SECH), the next SECOUT file is created and histories are written until it is full, and so on.
SECOUT files are usually specified with increasing integers imbedded in the names. See examples below. As
a convenience, large sequences of files may be specified in a “short-form”, see example 3 below specifying 20
files. By convention, secondary history output files may use the letter “s” to indicate secondary file series (see
all 3 examples below).
SECOUT = ’’,’’,’’
SECOUT = ’’,’to’,’’,’by’,’1’
See also:
Back to top
SOURCE is the start-up history file for an initial run. SOURCE may be a full path or relative to the execution
directory. It must be a TIEGCM history with the same grid resolution as the model being run. It does not need
to be from the same model version as that being run.
If SOURCE is specified, then SOURCE_START, the model time of the history to read on the SOURCE file,
must also be specified. The code will search the SOURCE file for the SOURCE_START history. If SOURCE
is not specified, then the run is a continuation run, and the source history is provided in the first OUTPUT file at
START time.
The SOURCE file must be on the local disk. The model will not look for the SOURCE history on any archive
file system.
See also:
Back to top
This is the model time of the history to read from the SOURCE file. Model time is specified as a 3-integer
triplet: day,hour,minute. If SOURCE is specified, then SOURCE_START must also be specified. If the
SOURCE_START history is not found on the SOURCE file, the model will stop and print an appropriate error
message to stdout.
• SOURCE_START = 80,0,0
See also:
Back to top
Model time for start of the run. Model time is a 3-integer triplet: day,hour, minute. If CALEN-
DAR_ADVANCE=0, then START day can be any number between 0 and 365. If CALENDAR_ADVANCE=1,
then START day must be the same as START_DAY. If an initial run, START time does not have to be the same
Data type: 3 integers Valid range: 0-365 for day, 0-23 for hour, 0-59 for minute.
• START = 80,0,0
See also:
Back to top
Calendar starting day.
Back to top
Starting year for the run.
Back to top
Model time-step in seconds. Default value is 60 seconds for 5-degree resolution, 30 seconds for 2.5-degree
resolution. During periods of quiet solar activity, the model can often be run at twice these times. During
periods of intense solar activity (e.g., F10.7 > 200, or high magnitude BZ southward), the model may become
numerically unstable. In this case, reducing the timestep to as low as 10 seconds may be necessary for the model
get through the rough period.
Back to top
Model stop time for the run. Model time is specified as a 3-integer triplet: day,hour,minute.
• STOP = 81,0,0
Back to top
Solar Wind Density (#/cm-3). Can be specified as either a constant (SWDEN), or series of time-dependent
values (SWDEN_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and SWDEN is not provided, then it SWDEN will be taken
from the IMF data file.
Data type: real or real array
• SWDEN = 4.0 ; constant for entire run
• SWDEN_TIME = 80,0,0,2., 80,1,0,3., 80,2,0,4. ; time series
See also:
Back to top
Solar Wind Velocity (Km/s). Can be specified as either a constant (SWVEL), or series of time-dependent values
(SWVEL_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and SWVEL is not provided, then it SWVEL will be taken from the
IMF data file.
Data type: real or real array
• SWVEL = 400. ; constant for entire run
• SWVEL_TIME = 80,0,0,100., 80,1,0,200., 80,2,0,300. ; time series
See also:
Back to top
Hough mode amplitudes and phases of the semi-diurnal tide. If GSWM tidal perturbations are specified, TIDE
should be set to 0.
Note: TIDE and TIDE2 should be specified only for experiments where amplitude and phases of
the tides must be used. Normally, GSWM tides are specified instead of TIDE,TIDE2.
See also:
Back to top
Hough mode amplitudes and phases of the diurnal tide. If GSWM tidal perturbations are specified, TIDE2
should be set to 0.
Note: TIDE and TIDE2 should be specified only for experiments where amplitude and phases of
the tides must be used. Normally, GSWM tides are specified instead of TIDE,TIDE2.
See also:
Back to top
Take a look at the default Linux job script tiegcm-linux.job. Near the top are several shell variables, with their
default settings, which configure the job script (variables and values may vary between model versions):
set modeldir = tiegcm_trunk
set execdir = /hao/aim/$user/tiegcm_trunk/tiegcm.exec
set tgcmdata = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm2.0
set input = $modeldir/scripts/tiegcm_res5.0_default.inp
set output = tiegcm.out
set make = Make.intel_hao64
set modelres = 5.0
set mpi = TRUE # must be TRUE for tiegcm2.0 and later
set nproc = 4
set debug = FALSE
set exec = TRUE
set utildir = $modeldir/scripts
Note: Absolute or relative paths are acceptable when specifying directories. Relative paths should be relative to
the working directory (workdir). In practice, modeldir is usually relative to the working directory, and execdir and
tgcmdata are usually absolute paths.
The model root directory (modeldir from the source code download). The example above assumes the user has
checked out the trunk revision as “tiegcm_trunk”. This directory contains subdirectories src/ , scripts/ , doc/ ,
tgcmrun/ , and benchmarks/ .
This is the execution directory (execdir), in which the model will be built and executed. It will be created if
it does not already exist. It is typically on a large temporary disk. This directory will also contain the model
output netCDF history files (see also NetCDF History Output Files)
Directory containing startup history files and data files for model input. It is normally on a large temporary disk.
These files are available from the data download tar file (separate downloads for each model resolution). Note
that setting tgcmdata in the job script is optional: if it is specified, it will override any setting of the TGCMDATA
environment variable. If it is not specified, the job script will use the TGCMDATA environment variable. If
neither are set, tgcmdata will default to the current working directory.
The namelist input file. The default namelist file is in the scripts directory under the model root with file
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
Warning: For tiegcm versions 2.0 and later, non-MPI runs (mpi=FALSE) are NOT supported. However, mpi runs
(mpi=TRUE) with a single processor (nproc=1) ARE supported.
Number of processors to use in parallel execution. This will be the number of MPI tasks made available for the
domain decomposition. On linux desktops, this is typically 4. For tiegcm on linux supercomputer clusters (e.g.,
the NCAR yellowstone system, where there are 16 processors per node), the recommended number is 16 for 5.0-
degree resolution, or 64 for 2.5-degree resolution. For debug purposes, nproc=1 is supported. The models have
been tested with the following processor counts: 1,4,8,12,16,24,32,48,64,72,80. See performance table
for performance estimates at recommended processor counts and timesteps.
Model resolution. Two resolutions are supported:
• modelres = 5.0 sets 5-degree lat x lon horizontal, and dz=0.50 vertical
• modelres = 2.5 sets 2.5-degree lat x lon horizontal, and dz=0.25 vertical
If the resolution is changed, the model should be recompiled before re-executing the job script (type “gmake
clean” in the execdir.
For more information, see Grid Structure and Resolution.
If debug = TRUE, the job script will compile the build with debug flags set. Debug flags specific to the compiler
are set in the make file. If debug is changed, the code should be recompiled (type “gmake clean” in the execdir
before re-executing the job script).
If exec = TRUE, the job script will execute the model after compilation, otherwise, the job script will stop after
compilation without execution.
40 Chapter 6. Using the job scripts to set up and submit a model run
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
The utility directory containing supporting scripts. This is normally the scripts/ subdirectory in the model root
directory modeldir
You are now ready to build and execute a default run. To do this, simply execute the job script as follows:
$ tiegcm-linux.job &
The compilation output will be displayed. If the build is successful (and exec=TRUE), the model will be executed,
and stdout will go to the specified output file. If the job is successful, you can edit and rename the namelist input file,
reset namelist input file in the job script, and re-execute the job script. If there has been no change to the source code,
it will not need to recompile, and will use the pre-existing executable.
Note: This section contains information that is specific to user’s of the NCAR Linux Supercomputer yellowstone:
For more information about the NCAR yellowstone system, see
The model can be built and executed on yellowstone using the Intel compiler and the intelmpi implementation. To do
this, copy and modify the job script tiegcm-ys.job from the scripts directory.
The yellowstone job script tiegcm-ys.job has the same user-settable shell variables as the Linux job script, but
the default settings are slightly different:
set modeldir = tiegcm_trunk
set execdir = /glade/scratch/$user/tiegcm_trunk/tiegcm.exec
set tgcmdata = /glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/tiegcm2.0
set input = $modeldir/scripts/tiegcm_res5.0_default.inp
set output = tiegcm.out
set modelres = 5.0
set make = Make.intel_ys
set mpi = TRUE # must be TRUE for tiegcm2.0 and later
set debug = FALSE
set exec = TRUE
set utildir = $modeldir/scripts
set runscript = run.lsf
In this example, it is assumed the user has checked-out the trunk revision as “tiegcm_trunk”. Note the execdir name,
and the make file Make.intel_ys. The model resolution in this case is 5.0 degrees.
Also note the special “#BSUB” directives near the top of the yellowstone job script (descriptions in the right-hand
column are for this document only, and are not in the script itself):
#BSUB -J tiegcm # job name
#BSUB -P P28100036 # authorized project number
#BSUB -q premium # premium queue
#BSUB -o tiegcm.%J.out # stdout file
#BSUB -e tiegcm.%J.out # stderr file
#BSUB -u [email protected] # email notification address
These are resource settings for the Load Sharing Facility (LSF), the batch queuing system sold by Platform Computing.
The LSF is used for scheduling jobs on the yellowstone system at NCAR. This job will be submitted to the premium
queue command, requesting 16 processors with a wallclock limit of 1 hour.
To submit the yellowstone job, simply execute the job script on the command line. It will build the model on the
interactive node, and if successful, the runscript (run.lsf by default) will be created and submitted to the LSF via the
bsub command.
Watch the progress of your LSF job with the command:
$ bjobs
42 Chapter 6. Using the job scripts to set up and submit a model run
TIEGCM history files are output in netCDF, a self-describing platform-independent data format written and main-
tained by the UCAR Unidata program.
Each netCDF file contains one or more histories, i.e., the state of the model output fields at a discrete instant in model
time. Here is an example of the metadata content of a sample primary history file: primary.ncd. This example file
contains six daily histories (days 355 to 360 of 2002). This metadata is obtained via the “ncdump” command in the
netCDF utilities. This example ncdump file contains data values for scalar and singly-dimensioned vectors only. You
can also use the tgcm_ncdump script in the scripts/ directory.
TIEGCM history files are “CF compliant”, i.e., they conform to the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata
“Primary” history files contain the “prognostic” fields necessary to restart the model. They can be specified in namelist
input as the SOURCE file for starting the model in an initial run (a continuation run does not specify a SOURCE file,
and is continued from the START time found on one of the files in the OUTPUT file list). Typically, daily histories
are stored on primary history files.
Fields on primary histories necessary for start-up of the TIEGCM are as follows: TN, UN, VN, O2, O1, N4S, NO, HE,
AR, OP, N2D, TI, TE, NE, O2P, OMEGA, Z, POTEN (see the below table). There are also several fields with the suffix
“_NM” that contain data from the previous timestep, necessary for the job-stepping scheme for prognostic variables.
Lower boundary conditions for neutral temperature and winds are also on the primary history (TLBC, ULBC and
“Secondary” history files contain diagnostic fields and/or primary history fields. Fields to be saved on the secondary
history files are listed by the namelist input parameter SECFLDS. Diagnostics can be saved by calling subroutine addfld
in the code (addfld.F), or by including one or more of the “standard” diagnostic fields available via the diagnostics
module (diags.F). Secondary histories are often saved at a higher temporal resolution than primary histories, typically
hourly. Here is an ncdump of an example secondary history file
This is a table of prognostic fields that are saved on primary histories. These fields are necessary for restarting the
model. They can also be saved on secondary histories by adding the short name to the SECFLDS field list in the
namelist input file. Here is an ncdump of the example primary file: primary.ncd.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
The diagnostics module (diags.F) in the TIEGCM will calculate and save diagnostic fields to the secondary his-
tories. The user can add any subset of these fields to the SECFLDS parameter list in the namelist input file. See the
diagnostics namelist example.
Following is a table of diagnostic fields that can be saved on secondary histories by including the short names in the
SECFLDS namelist input parameter. Click on the short name to obtain detailed information about the calculation and
saving of a diagnostic field.
On the history files, “Short Name” will be the variable name, and “Long Name” and “Units” will be attributes of the
variable. “Grid” refers to the number of dimensions (2d lat-lon, or 3d lat-lon-level), and whether the field is on the
geographic or geomagnetic grid.
A text version of the table is also available, and is printed to stdout by a model run (ordering of the fields
in the text table may be different than in the below table).
Also note that prognostic variables that are saved on the primary histories can also be saved on secondary histories by
adding the short name to SECFLDS. See Primary History Fields for a table of the prognostic fields.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
In addition to the “sanctioned” diagnostics above, arbitrary 2d and 3d arrays can be saved from the model
to secondary histories by inserting a call to subroutine addfld (addfld.F) in the source code. (See the
chapter on Modifying Source Code in this document for information about modifying the source code.)
There are hundreds of examples of this in the source code, some commented, others uncommented. To
put these on secondary histories, uncomment the addfld call if necessary, and add the short name (first
argument) to the secondary history field list (SECFLDS) in the namelist input file. For more information
about how to make calls to addfld, please see comments in the addfld.F source file.
Here are a couple of examples of addfld calls from near the end of subroutine qrj (qrj.F). These calls are
inside a latitude loop, where the loop variable index is “lat”. Normally, in parallel code, subdomains of
the field are passed, e.g., lon0:lon1 and lat0:lat1:
call addfld(’QO2P’ ,’ ’,’ ’, qo2p(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1,lat),
| ’lev’,lev0,lev1,’lon’,lon0,lon1,lat)
call addfld(’QN2P’ ,’ ’,’ ’, qn2p(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1,lat),
| ’lev’,lev0,lev1,’lon’,lon0,lon1,lat)
call addfld(’QNP’ ,’ ’,’ ’, qnp(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1,lat),
| ’lev’,lev0,lev1,’lon’,lon0,lon1,lat)
The calling sequence for subroutine addfld is explained in comments at the top of source file addfld.F.
This field is calculated in newton.F and passed to mkdiag_CO2COOL (diags.F), where it is saved to the
secondary history. The calculation of CO2 cooling in newton.F is as follows:
co2_cool(k,i) = 2.65e-13*nco2(k,i)*exp(-960./tn(k,i))*
| avo*((o2(k,i)*rmassinv_o2+(1.-o2(k,i)-o1(k,i))*rmassinv_n2)*
| aco2(k,i)+o1(k,i)*rmassinv_o1*bco2(k,i))
Diagnostic field: NO Cooling (erg/g/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’NO_COOL’
diags(n)%long_name = ’NO Cooling’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/g/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’newton.F’
This field is calculated in newton.F and passed to mkdiag_NOCOOL (diags.F), where it is saved to the
secondary history. The calculation of NO cooling in newton.F is as follows:
no_cool(k,i) = 4.956e-12*(avo*no(k,i)*rmassinv_no)*
| (ano(k,i)/(ano(k,i)+13.3))*exp(-2700./tn(k,i))
Diagnostic field: Total Density (g/cm3):
diags(n)%short_name = ’DEN’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Total Density’
diags(n)%units = ’g/cm3’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’dt.F’
This field is calculated in dt.F and passed to mkdiag_DEN (diags.F), where it is saved to the secondary
history. The calculation of DEN (rho) in dt.F is as follows:
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0+1,lev1-1
tni(k,i) = .5*(tn(k-1,i,lat)+tn(k,i,lat))
h(k,i) = gask*tni(k,i)/barm(k,i,lat)
rho(k,i) = p0*expzmid_inv*expz(k)/h(k,i)
enddo ! k=lev0+1,lev1-1
rho(lev0,i) = p0*expzmid_inv*expz(lev0)/h(lev0,i)
rho(lev1,i) = p0*expzmid*expz(lev1-1)/h(lev1,i)
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
Diagnostic field: Total Heating (erg/g/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’HEATING’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Total Heating’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/g/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’dt.F’
This field is calculated in dt.F and passed to mkdiag_HEAT (diags.F), where it is saved to the secondary
history. The calculation of HEATING (rho) in dt.F sums the following heat sources:
•Total solar heating (see qtotal in qrj.F)
•Heating from 4th order horizontal diffusion
•Heating due to atomic oxygen recombination
•Ion Joule heating
•Heating due to molecular diffusion
Diagnostic field (2d lat x lon): Height of the F2 Layer (km):
diags(n)%short_name = ’HMF2’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Height of the F2 Layer’
diags(n)%units = ’km’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’ ! hmf2 is 2d lon x lat
diags(n)%caller = ’elden.F’
The height of the F2 layer is calculated and saved by subroutines mkdiag_HNMF2 and hnmf2 in source file
Sub mkdiag_HNMF2 is called by subroutine elden in source file elden.F, as follows:
call mkdiag_HNMF2(‘HMF2’,z,electrons,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat)
Note: Occaisionally this algorithm will return the peak electron density in the E-region, instead of the F-
region, in small areas of the global domain, usually at high latitide. This can result in pockets of anonymously
low values for HMF2, e.g., around 125 km.
Diagnostic field (2d lat x lon): Peak Density of the F2 Layer (1/cm3):
diags(n)%short_name = ’NMF2’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Peak Density of the F2 Layer’
diags(n)%units = ’1/cm3’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’ ! nmf2 is 2d lon x lat
diags(n)%caller = ’elden.F’
The peak density of the the F2 layer is calculated and saved by subroutines mkdiag_HNMF2 and hnmf2 in source
file diags.F.
Sub mkdiag_HNMF2 is called by subroutine elden in source file elden.F, as follows:
call mkdiag_HNMF2(‘NMF2’,z,electrons,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat)
Sample images: NMF2 Global map:
Diagnostic field (2d lat x lon): Peak Density of the F2 Layer (1/cm3):
diags(n)%short_name = ’FOF2’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Critical Frequency of the F2 Layer’
diags(n)%units = ’Mhz’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’ ! fof2 is 2d lon x lat
diags(n)%caller = ’elden.F’
The critical frequency of the the F2 layer is calculated and saved by subroutines mkdiag_HNMF2 and hnmf2 in
source file diags.F.
Sub mkdiag_HNMF2 is called by subroutine elden in source file elden.F, as follows:
call mkdiag_HNMF2(‘FOF2’,z,electrons,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat)
Back to diagnostics table
Diagnostic field (2d lat x lon): Total Electron Content (1/cm2):
diags(n)%short_name = ’TEC’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Total Electron Content’
diags(n)%units = ’1/cm2’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’ ! 2d lon x lat
diags(n)%caller = ’elden.F’
Total Electron Content is calculated by subroutine mkdiag_TEC in source file diags.F, as follows:
! Integrate electron content in height at current latitude:
tec(:) = 0.
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
tec(i) = tec(i)+(z(k+1,i)-z(k,i))*electrons(k,i)
Diagnostic field: Pressure Scale Height (km):
diags(n)%short_name = ’SCHT’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Pressure Scale Height’
diags(n)%units = ’km’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’addiag.F’
The Pressure Scale Height is calculated from the geopotential and saved by subroutine mkdiag_SCHT in source
file diags.F. This code summarizes the calculation:
! Take delta Z:
do j=lat0,lat1
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
pzps(k,i) = zcm(k+1,i,j)-zcm(k,i,j)
pzps(lev1,i) = pzps(lev1-1,i)
! Generic for dlev 0.5 or 0.25 resolution:
pzps(:,i) = pzps(:,i)/dlev
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
pzps = pzps*1.e-5 ! cm to km
enddo ! j=lat0,lat1
Diagnostic field: Hall Conductivity (S/m):
diags(n)%short_name = ’SIGMA_HAL’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Hall Conductivity’
diags(n)%units = ’S/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’lamdas.F’
The Hall Conductivity is calculated by subroutine lamdas (source file lamdas.F), and passed to sub mk-
diag_SIGMAHAL (diags.F), where it is saved to secondary histories. The calculation in lamdas.F is summa-
rized as follows:
! Pedersen and Hall conductivities (siemens/m):
! Qe_fac includes conversion from CGS to SI units
! -> e/B [C/T 10^6 m^3/cm^3], see above.
! number densities [1/cm^3]
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
! ne = electron density assuming charge equilibrium [1/cm3]:
ne(k,i) = op(k,i)+o2p(k,i)+nop(k,i)
! Hall conductivity [S/m] (half level):
sigma_hall(k,i) = qe_fac(i)*
| (ne (k,i)/(1.+rnu_ne (k,i)**2)-
| op (k,i)/(1.+rnu_op (k,i)**2)-
| o2p(k,i)/(1.+rnu_o2p(k,i)**2)-
| nop(k,i)/(1.+rnu_nop(k,i)**2))
enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
Diagnostic field: Pedersen Conductivity (S/m):
diags(n)%short_name = ’SIGMA_PED’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Pedersen Conductivity’
diags(n)%units = ’S/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’lamdas.F’
The Pedersen Conductivity is calculated by subroutine lamdas (source file lamdas.F), and passed to sub
mkdiag_SIGMAPED (diags.F), where it is saved to secondary histories. The calculation in lamdas.F is sum-
marized as follows:
! Pedersen and Hall conductivities (siemens/m):
! Qe_fac includes conversion from CGS to SI units
! -> e/B [C/T 10^6 m^3/cm^3], see above.
! number densities [1/cm^3]
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
! ne = electron density assuming charge equilibrium [1/cm3]:
ne(k,i) = op(k,i)+o2p(k,i)+nop(k,i)
! Pedersen conductivity [S/m] (half level):
sigma_ped(k,i) = qe_fac(i)*
| ((op (k,i)*rnu_op (k,i)/(1.+rnu_op (k,i)**2))+
| (o2p(k,i)*rnu_o2p(k,i)/(1.+rnu_o2p(k,i)**2))+
| (nop(k,i)*rnu_nop(k,i)/(1.+rnu_nop(k,i)**2))+
| (ne (k,i)*rnu_ne (k,i)/(1.+rnu_ne (k,i)**2)))
enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
Diagnostic field: Hall Ion Drag Coefficient (1/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’LAMDA_HAL’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Hall Ion Drag Coefficient’
diags(n)%units = ’1/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’lamdas.F’
The Hall Ion Drag Coefficient is calculated in subroutine lamdas (source file lamdas.F), and saved to seconday
histories by subroutine mkdiag_LAMDAHAL (diags.F).
Sample images: LAMDA_HAL Global maps at Zp -4, +2:
Diagnostic field: Hall Ion Drag Coefficient (1/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’LAMDA_PED’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Pedersen Ion Drag Coefficient’
diags(n)%units = ’1/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’lamdas.F’
The Pedersen Ion Drag Coefficient is calculated in subroutine lamdas (source file lamdas.F), and saved to
secondary histories by subroutine mkdiag_LAMDAPED (diags.F).
Sample images: LAMDA_PED Global maps at Zp -4, +2:
Diagnostic field: Zonal Ion Drift (ExB) (cm/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’UI_ExB’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Zonal Ion Drift (ExB)’
diags(n)%units = ’cm/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’ionvel.F’
| 1.e6/bmod(i-2,lat)**2
wi(k,i,lat) = (eex(k,i)*xb(i-2,lat)-eey(k,i)*yb(i-2,lat))*
| 1.e6/bmod(i-2,lat)**2
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
enddo ! k=lev0,lev1
Subroutine ionvel calls subroutine mkdiag_UI (diags.F) to save the field to secondary histories. The field is
converted from m/s to cm/s in ionvel before the call to mkdiag_UI.
Sample images: UI_ExB Global maps at Zp +2:
Diagnostic field: Meridional Ion Drift (ExB) (cm/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’VI_ExB’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Meridional Ion Drift (ExB)’
diags(n)%units = ’cm/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’ionvel.F’
Subroutine ionvel calls subroutine mkdiag_VI (diags.F) to save the field to secondary histories. The field is
converted from m/s to cm/s in ionvel before the call to mkdiag_VI.
Sample images: VI_ExB Global maps at Zp +2:
Diagnostic field: Vertical Ion Drift (ExB) (cm/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’WI_ExB’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Vertical Ion Drift (ExB)’
diags(n)%units = ’cm/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’ionvel.F’
Subroutine ionvel calls subroutine mkdiag_UI (diags.F) to save the field to secondary histories. The field is
converted from m/s to cm/s in ionvel before the call to mkdiag_WI.
Sample images: WI_ExB Global maps at Zp +2:
Diagnostic field: Molecular Viscosity Coefficient (g/cm/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’MU_M’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Molecular Viscosity Coefficient’
diags(n)%units = ’g/cm/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’cpktkm.F’
The Molecular Viscosity Coefficient is calculated by subroutine cpktkm (source file cpktkm.F), and saved to
secondary histories by subroutine mkdiag_MU_M (diags.F). The calculation in cpktkm is summarized as
fkm(k,i) = po2(k,i)*4.03 + pn2(k,i)*3.42 + po1(k,i)*3.9
Diagnostic field: Neutral Vertical Wind (cm/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’WN’
diags(n)%long_name = ’NEUTRAL VERTICAL WIND (plus up)’
diags(n)%units = ’cm/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’swdot.F’
Note: This 3d field is calculated on fixed pressure surfaces ln(p0/p), i.e., there is no interpolation to height.
Calculated from OMEGA (vertical motion) and pressure scale height by subroutine mkdiag_WN in source file
subroutine mkdiag_WN(name,omega,zcm,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat)
! Neutral Vertical Wind, from vertical motion OMEGA and scale height.
! Scale height pzps is calculated from input geopotential z (cm).
! Args:
character(len=*),intent(in) :: name
integer,intent(in) :: lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat
real,intent(in),dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) :: omega,zcm
! Local:
integer :: i,k,ix
real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) :: wn
real,dimension(lev0:lev1) :: pzps,omega1
! Check that field name is a diagnostic, and was requested:
ix = checkf(name) ; if (ix==0) return
! Calculate scale height pzps:
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0+1,lev1-1
pzps(k) = (zcm(k+1,i)-zcm(k-1,i))/(2.*dlev)
pzps(lev0) = (zcm(lev0+1,i)-zcm(lev0,i))/dlev
pzps(lev1) = pzps(lev1-1)
omega1(:) = omega(:,i)
omega1(lev1) = omega1(lev1-1)
! Output vertical wind (cm):
wn(:,i) = omega1(:)*pzps(:)
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
call addfld(diags(ix)%short_name,diags(ix)%long_name,
| diags(ix)%units,wn,’lev’,lev0,lev1,’lon’,lon0,lon1,lat)
Diagnostic field: O/N2 RATIO:
diags(n)%short_name = ’O_N2’
diags(n)%long_name = ’O/N2 RATIO’
diags(n)%units = ’ ’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’comp.F’
Note: Please note that this field is calculated at constant pressure surfaces (ln(p0/p)), and is very sensitive to
fluctuations in the height of the pressure surfaces. If this field is interpolated to constant height surfaces, it will
look very different than when plotted on pressure surfaces.
Note: Also note that O/N2 is a 3d field (not integrated in the vertical coordinate), and is the quotient of the
mixing ratios of the species (i.e., there is no units conversion from MMR).
subroutine mkdiag_O_N2(name,o1,o2,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat)
! Calculate O/N2 ratio from o2 and o (mmr).
! In mass mixing ratio, this is simply o/(1-o2-o)
! Args:
character(len=*),intent(in) :: name
integer,intent(in) :: lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat
real,intent(in),dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) :: o1,o2
! Local:
integer :: ix
real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) :: n2, o_n2
! Check that field name is a diagnostic, and was requested:
ix = checkf(name) ; if (ix==0) return
! N2 mmr:
n2 = 1.-o2-o1
! O/N2 ratio:
o_n2 = o1/n2
call addfld(diags(ix)%short_name,diags(ix)%long_name,
| diags(ix)%units,o_n2,’lev’,lev0,lev1,’lon’,lon0,lon1,lat)
Diagnostic field: Joule Heating (erg/g/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’QJOULE’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Joule Heating’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/g/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’qjoule.F’
Total Joule Heating is calculated in source file qjoule.F as qji_tn, and is passed to subroutine mk-
diag_QJOULE (diags.F), where it is saved to secondary histories. The following code summarizes the
calculation in qjoule.F:
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
scheight(k,i) = gask*tn(k,i)/
| (.5*(barm(k,i)+barm(k+1,i))*grav)
vel_zonal(k,i) = .5*(ui(k,i)+ui(k+1,i))-un(k,i) ! s2
vel_merid(k,i) = .5*(vi(k,i)+vi(k+1,i))-vn(k,i) ! s3
vel_vert(k,i) = .5*(wi(k,i)+wi(k+1,i)-scheight(k,i)*
| ( w(k,i)-w(k+1,i)) )
enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
qji_tn(k,i) = .5*(lam1(k,i)+lam1(k+1,i))*
| (vel_zonal(k,i)**2 + vel_merid(k,i)**2 +
| vel_vert(k,i)**2)
enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1
enddo ! i=lon0,lon1
call mkdiag_QJOULE(’QJOULE’,qji_tn,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat)
Diagnostic field: Height-integrated Joule Heating (W/m^2):
diags(n)%short_name = ’QJOULE_INTEG’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Height-integrated Joule Heating’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/cm2/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’qjoule.F’
Note: This field is integrated on pressure surfaces (not height), so is a 2d field. Also note it is first calculated
in W/m^2, then converted to erg/g/cm2, for consistency with the model. See comment below if you would like
the field to be returned in W/m^2.
qji_integ = 0.
do i=lon0,lon1
do k=lev0,lev1-1
qji_integ(i) = qji_integ(i) + myp0/mygrav*exp(-zpint(k))*
| qj(k,i)*dlev
! Output in CGS units, to be consistent w/ the model:
! (note that 1 erg/cm^2/s == 1 mW/m^2)
qji_integ = qji_integ*1000. ! W/m^2 to erg/cm^2/s
! Save 2d field on secondary history:
call addfld(diags(ix)%short_name,diags(ix)%long_name,
| diags(ix)%units,qji_integ,’lon’,lon0,lon1,’lat’,lat,lat,0)
Diagnostic field: Eastward current density (A/m2) (3d on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’JE13D’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Eastward current density (3d)’
diags(n)%units = ’A/m2’
diags(n)%levels = ’mlev’
diags(n)%caller = ’current.F90’
Je1/D is calculated in subroutine nosocrdens in source file current.F90, and saved to secondary histories by
subroutine mkdiag_JE13D (diags.F)
Note: JE13D is calculated and saved ONLY if namelist parameter CURRENT_KQ = 1 (the default is CUR-
RENT_KQ = 0).
Diagnostic field: Downward current density (A/m2) (3d on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’JE23D’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Downward current density (3d)’
diags(n)%units = ’A/m2’
diags(n)%levels = ’mlev’
diags(n)%caller = ’current.F90’
Je2/D is calculated in subroutine nosocrdens in source file current.F90, and saved to secondary histories by
subroutine mkdiag_JE23D (diags.F)
Note: JE23D is calculated and saved ONLY if namelist parameter CURRENT_KQ = 1 (the default is CUR-
RENT_KQ = 0).
Diagnostic field: Upward current density (A/m2) (2d mlat-mlon on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’JQR’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Upward current density (2d)’
diags(n)%units = ’A/m2’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’current.F90’
Jqr is calculated in subroutine nosocrrt in source file current.F90, and saved to secondary histories by
subroutine mkdiag_JQR (diags.F)
Note: JQR is calculated and saved ONLY if namelist parameter CURRENT_KQ = 1 (the default is CUR-
RENT_KQ = 0).
Diagnostic field: Height-integrated current density (+north) (A/m2) (2d mlat-mlon on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’KQLAM’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Height-integrated current density (+north)’
diags(n)%units = ’A/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’current.F90’
Kqlam is calculated in subroutine nosocrdens in source file current.F90, and saved to secondary histories
by subroutine mkdiag_KQLAM (diags.F)
Note: KQLAM is calculated and saved ONLY if namelist parameter CURRENT_KQ = 1 (the default is
Diagnostic field: Height-integrated current density (A/m2) (2d mlat-mlon on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’KQPHI’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Height-integrated current density (+east)’
diags(n)%units = ’A/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’current.F90’
KQPHI is calculated in subroutine nosocrdens in source file current.F90, and saved to secondary histories
by subroutine mkdiag_KQPHI (diags.F)
Note: KQLAM is calculated and saved ONLY if namelist parameter CURRENT_KQ = 1 (the default is
Diagnostic field: Normalized eastward component of magnetic field (BX/BMAG) (2d lat-lon on geographic
diags(n)%short_name = ’BX’
diags(n)%long_name = ’BX/BMAG: Normalized eastward component of magnetic field’
diags(n)%units = ’none’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’oplus.F’
Diagnostic field: Normalized eastward component of magnetic field (BY/BMAG) (2d lat-lon on geographic
diags(n)%short_name = ’BY’
diags(n)%long_name = ’BY/BMAG: Normalized northward component of magnetic field’
diags(n)%units = ’none’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’oplus.F’
Diagnostic field: Normalized upward component of magnetic field (BZ/BMAG) (2d lat-lon on geographic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’BZ’
diags(n)%long_name = ’BZ/BMAG: Normalized northward component of magnetic field’
diags(n)%units = ’none’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’oplus.F’
Diagnostic field: Magnetic Field Magnitude (2d lat-lon on geographic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’BMAG’
diags(n)%long_name = ’BMAG: Magnetic Field Magnitude’
diags(n)%units = ’Gauss’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’oplus.F’
Diagnostic field: Zonal Component of Electric Field (3d lat-lon on geographic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’EX’
diags(n)%long_name = ’EX: Zonal Component of Electric Field’
diags(n)%units = ’V/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’ionvel.F’
Diagnostic field: Meridional Component of Electric Field (3d lat-lon on geographic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’EY’
diags(n)%long_name = ’EY: Meridional Component of Electric Field’
diags(n)%units = ’V/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’ionvel.F’
Diagnostic field: Vertical Component of Electric Field (3d lat-lon on geographic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’EZ’
diags(n)%long_name = ’EZ: Vertical Component of Electric Field’
diags(n)%units = ’V/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’ilev’
diags(n)%caller = ’ionvel.F’
Diagnostic field: Magnetic Eastward Component of Electric Field (3d mlat-mlon on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’ED1’
diags(n)%long_name = ’ED1: Magnetic Eastward Component of Electric Field’
diags(n)%units = ’V/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’imlev’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamo.F’
Diagnostic field: Magnetic Eastward Component of Electric Field (3d mlat-mlon on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’ED2’
diags(n)%long_name = ’ED2: Magnetic Downward (Equatorward) Component of Electric Field’
diags(n)%units = ’V/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’imlev’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamo.F’
Diagnostic field: 2d Electric Potential on Magnetic Grid (3d mlat-mlon on geomagnetic grid):
diags(n)%short_name = ’PHIM2D’
diags(n)%long_name = ’PHIM2D: 2d Electric Potential on Magnetic Grid’
diags(n)%units = ’V/m’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamo.F’
Diagnostic field: Molecular Nitrogen (mmr):
diags(n)%short_name = ’N2’
diags(n)%long_name = ’N2: Molecular Nitrogen’
diags(n)%units = ’mmr’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’comp.F’
Diagnostic field: Geometric Height at Midpoints:
diags(n)%short_name = ’ZGMID’
diags(n)%long_name = ’ZGMID: Geometric Height at midpoints’
diags(n)%units = ’cm’
diags(n)%levels = ’lev’
diags(n)%caller = ’addiag.F’
Cusp low energy electron flux (erg/cm2/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’CUSP’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Cusp low energy electron flux’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/cm2/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamics.F’
Drizzle low energy electron flux (erg/cm2/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’DRIZZLE’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Drizzle low energy electron flux’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/cm2/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamics.F’
Aurora Characteristic Energy (keV):
diags(n)%short_name = ’ALFA’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Aurora Characteristic Energy’
diags(n)%units = ’keV’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamics.F’
Aurora Number Flux (#/cm2/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’NFLUX’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Aurora Number Flux’
diags(n)%units = ’#/cm2/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamics.F’
Aurora Energy Flux (#/cm2/s):
diags(n)%short_name = ’EFLUX’
diags(n)%long_name = ’Aurora Energy Flux’
diags(n)%units = ’erg/cm2/s’
diags(n)%levels = ’none’
diags(n)%caller = ’dynamics.F’
The source code is in the src/ subdirectory of the model root directory (modeldir), which is provided in the model
download file.
The TIEGCM Open Source Academic Research License Agreement specifies the terms and restric-
tions under which the NCAR/UCAR grants permission to use the model, including the source code, for research,
academic, and non-profit purposes.
A detailed flow diagram and calling tree of the source code structure is available in single and multi-page pdf files:
Warning: Some details of these flow charts are out of date with respect to TIEGCM version 2.0
As a community user, student, research scientist or developer, you may need to modify the model source code. It is
best to do this after building and at least making a default execution of the model (see the QuickStart Section). To
change one or more source files, simply go to the src/ subdirectory in the model root directory modeldir, and edit the
files as necessary. Then return to the working directory workdir and re-execute the job script. It will recompile the
modified files, and any other source files that depend on the modified files, and re-execute the model. Alternatively,
you can enter the execution directory execdir, and recompile the code by typing “gmake” on the command line, then
return to the working directory and re-execute the job script.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
The TIEGCM model is formally supported on two platform systems: 64-bit Linux Desktop, and a Linux cluster
supercomputer (e.g., NCAR’s yellowstone system. However, the model has been built and executed on several other
platforms. The source code is f90 standard compliant, and is mostly fixed-format fortran.
10.1 Compilers
The tiegcm can be built with three compilers on 64-bit Linux Desktop systems, but only the intel compiler is used on
the NCAR supercomputer yellowstone. The default is intel, since it out-performs the other compilers on both systems.
As of January, 2015, these are the versions of each compiler we are using:
• Intel
– On 64-bit desktop: intel ifort 12.0.0
– On NCAR supercomputer yellowstone: intel ifort 12.1.5
– On 64-bit desktop: PGI pgf90 9.0-4
• GNU gfortran
– On 64-bit desktop: GNU gfortran 4.4.7
Each compiler has a makefile in the scripts directory that specifies compiler-specific flags, library paths, and other
parameters necessary for the build priocess. These files are provided in the model scripts/ directory, and are included
in the main Makefile at build time:
• Makefile for Intel compiler on NCAR supercomputer yellowstone:
Make.intel_ys (NCAR yellowstone)
• Makefile for Intel compiler on 64-bit Linux desktop system:
• Makefile for PGI compiler on 64-bit Linux desktop system:
• Makefile for GNU gfortran compiler on 64-bit Linux desktop system:
One of these files, or the user’s own, is specified by the job script variable “make” in the job script. The specified file
is included in the main Makefile. User’s outside NCAR are encouraged to copy and rename one of these files, and
customize it for your own operating system and compiler.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
External library dependencies are netCDF, MPI, and ESMF. The MPI implementation is often bundled in with the
compiler. Local paths to these libraries are specified in the compiler-specific Make files described above.
The electro-dynamo code see source file pdynamo.F) in the TIEGCM is calculated on the geomagnetic grid.
Since the dynamo receives inputs from the neutral atmosphere, which is on the geographic grid, there is a need for
regridding capability between the two grid systems. The same horizontal geomagnetic coordinates are used regardless
of the 5-deg or 2.5-deg resolution of the geographic grid.
The Earth System Modeling Framework (see also Modeling Infractructure for the Geoscience Community is used
in the TIEGCM to perform the grid remapping in an parallel MPI environment, see src/esmf.F. To build the
TIEGCM, the ESMF library must be included in the link step. If the ESMF library is not already on your system, you
will need to download and build it, using the same compiler you are using to build the TIEGCM.
HAO is using the following ESMF libraries built on a 64-bit Linux desktop for each compiler/MPI implementation:
ESMF libraries at HAO for use on Linux desktop systems (these paths are provided in the scripts/Make.xxxx files
described above). The esmf makefiles are included in the model’s main makefile scripts/Makefile
• For use with the Intel compiler:
See Makefile for Intel build
• For use with the PGI compiler:
See Makefile for PGI build
• For use with the GNU gfortran compiler:
See Makefile for GNU gfortran build
• For the NCAR Linux cluster yellowstone: esmf-6.3.0r-ncdfio-mpi-O
The ESMF library is loaded on yellowstone with the “module load” command,
executed by the job script tiegcm-ys.job.
10.2.2 netCDF
The Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) is a cross-platform, self-describing metadata file format,
developed by UNIDATA at UCAR. Please see NetCDF for more information. It is necessary to link the
netCDF library when the model is built, since all data files imported to the model, and all model output
history files are in NetCDF format. Because NetCDF is platform-independent, all history and data files
can be used on either linux desktops or the NCAR yellowstone system. At HAO on linux desktops, we
are using NetCDF version 4.1.1. On the NCAR yellowstone system, we are using version 4.3.2.
The model can be built with debug flags set in the compiler. To do this, simply set debug = TRUE in the
job script, and resubmit (see also job scripts section).
The debug flags are set in the compiler-specific Make files described above. They can be adjusted there, of
course, but usually they include floating-point exception traps, and core dumps with traceback. If debug
was false in a previous run, the entire code will be rebuilt with the debug flags set, however, it doesn’t hurt
to go to the execdir and type “gmake clean” before resubmitting. Keep in mind that because optimization
is turned off when debug flags are set, performance will be destroyed, and the model will run agonizingly
Although we do not support the model with MPI turned off, it can also be useful for debugging to run the
model with only a single MPI task. To do this, set nproc=1 in the linux job script, or set #BSUB -n 1 in
the yellowstone job script.
Note: Benchmark results (pdf plot files) for version tiegcm2.0 are available here: Post-processing of TIEGCM
A series of benchmark runs are made for each major release of the tiegcm These runs (for tiegcm2.0) were made using
the python scripts in the tgcmrun/ directory.
Netcdf files with the first history of each benchmark run are available in the data download file. These files can be
used as start-up SOURCE files to reproduce the runs.
Benchmark runs are provided in three groups: full-year climatology, seasonal, and solar storm events. Here is a table
of runs at 2.5-degree model resolution (there is also a set at the 5-degree resolution):
Full-year climatologies (solar min,max):
tiegcm_res2.5_climatology_smax Full-year climatology at solar maximum conditions
tiegcm_res2.5_climatology_smin Full-year climatology at solar minimum conditions
Seasonal runs and full-year Climatologies were run with constant solar forcing, as follows:
• Solar Minimum:
POWER = 18.
F107 = 70.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
F107A = 70.
• Solar Maximum:
POWER = 40.
F107 = 200.
F107A = 200.
For comprehensive plots of all benchmark runs, please see the TIEGCM2.0 Release Documentation
Seasonal (equinoxes, solstices, solar min, max):
• decsol: December Solstice (days 355-360)
• junsol: June Solstice (days 172-177)
• mareqx: March Equinox (days 80-85)
• sepeqx: September Equinox (days 264-269)
Climatologies (full-year runs with daily histories):
• climatology_smax: Climatologies at Solar Maximum
• climatology_smin: Climatologies at Solar Minimum
December, 2006 “AGU” Storm Case (days 330-360):
• dec2006: Heelis potential model with GPI (Kp) data
• dec2006: Weimer potential model with IMF data (F10.7 from GPI)
November 19-24, 2003 Storm Case (days 323-328)
• nov2003: Heelis potential model with GPI (Kp) data
• nov2003: Weimer potential model with IMF data (F10.7 from GPI)
July 11-21, 2000 “Bastille Day” Storm Case (days 192-202)
• jul2000: Heelis potential model with GPI (Kp) data
• jul2000: Weimer potential model with IMF data (F10.7 from GPI)
Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) (March 21 to April 16, 2008)
• whi2008: Heelis potential model with GPI (Kp) data
• whi2008: Weimer potential model with IMF data (F10.7 from GPI)
Note: For more detailed information and access to history file output, and extensive post-processing of these runs,
see the TIEGCM2.0 Release Documentation
The tgcmrun directory under the model root directory (modeldir) contains Python code that semi-automates submis-
sion of selected benchmark model runs on the NCAR supercomputer system (yellowstone). The tgcmrun command
can be executed interactively on the command line, or from a shell script. Type “tgcmrun -h” on the command line
for a detailed usage message. Typing “tgcmrun” on the command line will cause the program to print the available
benchmark runs and prompt the user as follows:
Enter number of desired run (0-18) (’q’ to quit, ’p’ to print list, default=0):
At this point the user can enter an integer 0 to 18, specifying the desired run. The user will then be prompted for a few
additional parameters (tiegcm or timegcm model, resolution, model root directory, etc). However, it is easiest to set a
few environment variables before executing tgcmrun, to minimize the need to enter long file paths at the prompt:
• TGCMTEMP: Path to a large temporary directory where the model can be built, executed, and output stored.
• TGCMDATA: Path to a directory containing data files required by the model (netcdf data and start-up history
• TIEGCM_ROOT: Path to the tiegcm model root directory containing source code, scripts, tgcmrun, etc. (not
necessary if making only TIMEGCM runs)
• TIMEGCM_ROOT: Path to the timegcm model root directory containing source code, scripts, tgcmrun, etc.
(not necessary if making only TIEGCM runs)
Source history files (start-up netcdf files with a single history) to start these runs are provided on the data download
page <> (there are separate data downloads available for each
model resolution). These source files should be located in the TGCMDATA directory (or the path may be specified in
the job script with the tgcmdata shell variable).
The tgcmrun program can also be executed from a shell script. There are several example tcsh scripts in the tgcmrun
directory that make series of runs for various purposes. The scripts optionally run at one or both model resolutions.
History files, stdout log files, and job scripts used, are stored in a directory tree below the working directory.
Standard 18 benchmark runs (as in the interactive tgcmrun command above):
• run_climatology: Start climatology runs (smin,smax). These can be extended to a full year by the user.
• run_seasons: Make seasonal benchmark runs (equinoxes, solstices, at smin, smax)
• run_storms: Make storm case benchmark runs (heelis_gpi and weimer_imf)
Model output history files are stored in CF-compliant netCDF format (see NetCDF History Output Files). Benchmark
history files are available via Globus research data sharing service. The tiegcm benchmark history files are stored at
the “NCAR Data Sharing Service” Globus shared endpoint (for users with an NCAR/CISL login: this endpoint is
See these CISL docs for information regarding the NCAR Data Sharing Service:
• NCAR Data Sharing Service
• Globus file transfers (see especially “Transferring files with the webh interface”)
• Retreiving data from a shared endpoint
Here is a summary procedure for accessing the tiegcm2.0 benchmark data:
Note: You do NOT have to have an NCAR user account or token to retrieve this data.
• You must have or create a Globus account. If your institution/organization has a Globus data sharing endpoint,
you can use your institutional authorization to login to Globus. Otherwise, you can create a Globus personal
account to transfer files to your personal laptop or desktop computer.
• Log in to your Globus account, and click on “File Transfer”
• To reach the NCAR/TIEGCM source endpoint, click in the “Endpoint” text box on the left, and type “TIEGCM
v2.0”. It should retrieve directory contents, and show a “benchmarks” folder.
• Next, establish your destination endpoint on the right. This is either your institutional endpoint, or the username
of your personal Globus login.
• Select the locations/files you want to download from the left side, and the destination location on the right, then
click the right arrow at the top to begin the transfer.
Here’s a screen shot of a Globus file transfer from the TIEGCM v2.0 endpoint to my personal Macbook Pro:
In each of the 6 benchmark groups are folders for each run, with folders containing the history files (hist), post-
processing (proc), and scripts and log files (stdout). Individual files or whole directories can be downloaded.
Note: Users wanting to use their NCAR authentication rather than personal GlobusID, apparently need to have a
login on the NCAR RDA (Research Data Archives) to access the NCAR GLADE endpoint on Globus.
TIEGCM netCDF history files can be read by any application with access to the netCDF library, includ-
ing many freely available software packages developed for mainpulating or displaying netCDF data (see At HAO, we often use the netCDF Operators NCO for
file manipulation (subset extracting, concatenation, hyperslabbing, metadata editing, etc). However for visualization,
we typically use one of three post-processors developed at HAO:
12.1 tgcmproc_f90
• tgcmproc_f90 is a batch-style processor written in fortran 90. This program reads a user namelist input file via
stdin, and outputs multi-frame plot files (cgm and/or ps), and output data files (e.g., ascii, netCDF).
• Uses the freely available NCAR Graphics libraries for basic contouring, making maps at various projections,
vector plots, etc.
• Plots 2d horizontal and vertical slices, and time-dependent plots on the model grid.
• Calculates a large number of diagnostics from fields on the histories.
• Custom contouring (setting cmin,cmax,cint)
• Can interpolate to constant height surfaces.
• Can be downloaded from the TGCM website, but the f90 code must be compiled, and NCAR Graphics libraries
must be linked.
12.2 tgcmproc_idl
• tgcmproc_idl is an IDL application for browsing and plotting TIEGCM output, with an easy to use Graphical
User Interface (GUI).
• 2d contouring of horizontal and vertical slices, including maps at various projections.
• Can save images and plots to a variety of image formats.
• Custom contouring (setting cmin,cmax,cint).
• Can interpolate to constant height surfaces.
• Can plot fields on the magnetic grid (tgcmproc_f90 does not do this).
• Can make and save png movie animations.
• Should run fine for anybody w/ IDL, but IDL is licensed, and can be expensive.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
12.3 utproc
• utproc is an IDL/GUI application that makes time-series contours and images including ut vs zp pressure at
selected grid lat x lon locations, and ut vs latitude at selected zp pressure surfaces.
These applications are available at the TGCM download page. Tgcmproc_f90 is best for generating large numbers of
plots in a “batch-style” environment, whereas tgcmproc_idl is best for browsing history files in a GUI interface, and
saving plots or images as desired. The utproc processor is a hybrid in the sense that a series of plots can be setup using
the GUI, and then created when requested.
At HAO, we also use the NCAR Command Language (NCL) for plotting, analysis, and converting to/from various file
formats (GRIB, HDF, etc). NCL scripts can be used to generate customized plots and images, as well as providing a
variety of analysis and file-manipulation tools.
The TIEGCM and related Thermosphere-Ionosphere models have been developed by the “Atmosphere
Ionosphere Magnetosphere” (AIM) Section of the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) at NCAR (see
For more information, questions or problems about the models, please subscribe to the moderated email list tgcm-
[email protected].
For questions and information regarding the physics and chemistry implementation of the model, numerical algo-
rithms, and analysis of model results, you may also contact the following HAO scientists:
• Stan Solomon ([email protected])
• Art Richmond ([email protected])
• Hanli Liu ([email protected])
• Gang Lu ([email protected])
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
benchmark runs Selected validation runs made with each release of the model. These runs can be made using
Python code in the tgcmrun/ directory.
benchmarks/ Directory in the model root directory containing shell scripts that call tgcmrun/ for making benchmark
runs, some utility scripts, and a subdirectory postproc/ containing scripts that do post-processing on bench-
mark results. See Benchmark Runs for more information. Benchmark results (plots) for version tiegcm2.0 are
available here: Benchmarks Results
continuation run A continuation run continues from the last output history of the previous run. That history (START
time) must be on the first OUTPUT file provided by the namelist input file. A continuation run must not specify
a SOURCE file or SOURCE_START time. See also Continuation Run
diagnostic fields A list of diagnostic fields are available to be saved on secondary history files. See section Saving
Diagnostic Fields.
datadir Directory containing startup history and data files necessary for running the model. This is specified with
the tgcmdata shell variable in the job script.
doc/ Subdirectory under the modeldir containing documentation, e.g., the User’s Guide, Model Description, Release
Notes, etc.
ESMF “Earth System Modeling Framework”. The ESMF library is used in the electro-dynamo code (pdynamo.F in
version 2.0 or later) for regridding between geographic and geomagnetic grids in an mpi environment. This is
open software that can be downloaded at If you build
the ESMF library, it should be built with the same compiler with which the model is built.
execdir The model execution directory. This is the directory where the model is built and executed. It should be on a
large temporary disk, capable of storing model object and module code, netCDF output history files, and other
data. When a job script is executed from a working directory, the execdir is created if it does not already exist.
During a model run, output history files are written to the execdir. The execdir is set in the job script. See also
Execution Directory
geomagnetic coordinates The electro-dynamo fields (electric potential, electric field, and ion drift velocities) are
calculated on a geomagnetic grid, see magnetic coordinates
Globus Globus Data Sharing Service for scientific research. The tiegcm2.0 benchmark history files and post-
processing are available via Globus. See Model Output History Files of the tiegcm2.0 Benchmark runs for
more information.
history A model history records the state of the model at a discrete instant in model time. One or more histories are
stored in netCDF history files.
initial run An initial run is started from a history on a SOURCE file (see also SOURCE_START). Subsequent con-
tinuation runs do not provide SOURCE or SOURCE_START, but rather search for the START time on the first
OUTPUT history file provided in the namelist input, and continue the run from there.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
job script A csh script in the scripts/ directory which, when executed, will build and execute the model. The user
defines a few shell variables in the job script, such as the modeldir, and the namelist input. See example job
script for Linux desktops, and job script for Super computer See Using the job scripts
to set up and submit a model run for more detailed information.
model time TIEGCM model time is represented by an integer triplet: day,hour,minute, where day is the julian day
of the year, and hour is the ut. The variable for model time on history files is mtime(3,ntimes). For example, a
history file may contain 24 hourly histories for day 80: mtime = 80,1,0, 80,2,0, ... 81,0,0.
modeldir The model root directory. This directory typically contains subdirectories src/ (model source code),
scripts/ (utility scripts), doc/ (documentation), and benchmarks/ . The modeldir is available via download,
and is typically a subdirectory of the model working directory (workdir). See also Model Directory
namelist input The model reads user specified parameters from the namelist input file via f90 standard namelist read.
Keyword/Value pairs are read from unit 5, and are validated by the input module (input.F). See also job scripts.
netCDF TIEGCM output history files are written in netCDF, a self-describing platform-independent data format
written and maintained by the UCAR Unidata program.
output File to receive stdout output from the model. This file will be created if it does not exist, or overwritten if it
does exist.
resolution The TIEGCM can be run in one of two resolutions:
• 5 x 5 deg lat x lon, 2 grid levels per scale height (dz = 0.50)
• 2.5 x 2.5 deg lat x lon, 4 grid levels per scale height (dz = 0.25)
The resolution is set by the “modelres” shell variable in the TIEGCM job script. See also the section on Grid
Structure and Resolution.
Note: The 2.5-degree resolution model is available in version 2.0, but it is not fully validated or supported by
the public release.
scripts/ Subdirectory under the modeldir containing supporting and utility scripts, including job scripts, the default
namelist input file, several Make files, etc.
src/ Subdirectory under the modeldir containing the model source code (*.F, *.h files).
tgcmrun/ Subdirectory under the modeldir. The tgcmrun directory contains Python code to make benchmark runs
for the current release. The ‘tgcmrun’ command may be used to interactively submit selected benchmark runs,
or tgcmrun can be executed from a shell script using command-line options. There are several run_xxxxx shell
scripts there demonstrating how to make benchmark runs.
tgcmdata A directory path to start-up and other input data files required for running the model. This should be on a
large temporary disk. tgcmdata is a csh variable optionally specified in the job script. If not specified, the job
script will use the TGCMDATA environment variable. See also job script shell variables.
env var TGCMDATA A linux environment variable that refers to the tgcmdata. This environment variable may be
used when referring to data files in the namelist read file, e.g., “GPI_NCFILE = $TGCMDATA/”.
See namelist read files.
tgcmproc_f90 Post-processor and visualizer for TIEGCM netCDF history files. Written in f90, and available at the
TIEGCM download site See tgcmproc_f90.
tgcmproc_idl Post-processor and visualizer for TIEGCM netCDF history files. This processor is Written in IDL
with a GUI, and is available at the TIEGCM download site See tgcmproc_idl.
utproc Post-processor and visualizer for TIEGCM netCDF history files. This processor reads time-series history
files and makes ut vs pressure and ut vs latitude contours. It is written in IDL with a GUI, and is available at the
TGCM download site. See utproc.
workdir User-created local working directory. This will typically contain the model root directory modeldir and
related namelist input files, job scripts, stdout files, etc. Because the model source files are critical, this should
be on backed-up disk, typically under your home directory.
Zp Vertical log pressure coordinate ln(p0/p) of the TIEGCM. This is the “lev” coordinate on the history files. See
the chapter on Altitude Coordinates the NCAR TIEGCM for a detailed explanation of the relationship between
Zp and Altitude.
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
• genindex
• search
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
A CO2_COOL, 47
ALFA, 106 CUSP, 104
amie_ibkg, 21 DEN, 50
amienh, 20 DRIZZLE, 105
amiesh, 20 ED1, 98
aurora, 21 ED2, 99
EFLUX, 107
B EX, 95
benchmark runs, 123 EY, 96
benchmarks/, 123 EZ, 97
bgrddata_ncfile, 21 FOF2, 56
BX, 91 HMF2, 54
bximf, 21 JE13D, 84
BY, 92 JE23D, 86
byimf, 22 JQR, 88
BZ, 93 KQLAM, 89
bzimf, 22 KQPHI, 90
MU_M, 72
calc_helium, 25
N2, 102
calendar_advance, 22
NFLUX, 106
CO2_COOL, 47
NMF2, 55
colfac, 23
continuation run, 123
O/N2, 77
ctmt_ncfile, 23
PHIM2D, 100
ctpoten, 23
current_kq, 24
current_pg, 24
SCHT, 58
CUSP, 104
TEC, 56
datadir, 123
UI_ExB, 68
VI_ExB, 69
namelist read file, 19
WI_ExB, 71
DEN, 50
WN, 74
diagnostic fields, 123
ZGMID, 104
ALFA, 106
doc/, 123
BMAG, 94
download, 5
BX, 91
BY, 92
dynamo, 25
BZ, 93
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
ED1, 98 model time, 124
ED2, 99 modeldir, 124
eddy_dif, 24 MU_M, 72
EFLUX, 107 mxhist_prim, 30
enforce_opfloor, 24 mxhist_sech, 30
env var TGCMDATA, 124
ESMF, 123 N
EX, 95 N2, 102
execdir, 123 namelist input, 18, 124
EY, 96 namelist input
EZ, 97 amie_ibkg, 21
amienh, 20
F aurora, 21
f107, 25 bgrddata_ncfile, 21
f107a, 25 bximf, 21
FOF2, 56 byimf, 22
bzimf, 22
G calc_helium, 25
geomagnetic coordinates, 123 calendar_advance, 22
Globus, 123 colfac, 23
gpi, 26 ctmt_ncfile, 23
gswm, 26 ctpoten, 23
current_kq, 24
H current_pg, 24
HEATING, 52 dynamo, 25
hist, 27 eddy_dif, 24
history, 123 enforce_opfloor, 24
HMF2, 54 f107, 25
hpower, 27 f107a, 25
gpi_ncfile, 26
I gswm, 26
hist, 27
imf, 28
hpower, 27
initial run, 123
imf_ncfile, 28
input, 18
joulefac, 29
kp, 28
J label, 29
JE13D, 84 mxhist_prim, 30
JE23D, 86 mxhist_sech, 30
job script, 124 opdiffcap, 30
joulefac, 29 output, 31
JQR, 88 potential_model, 31
saber_ncfile, 28
K secflds, 32
kp, 28 sechist, 33
KQLAM, 89 secout, 33
KQPHI, 90 secstart, 32
secstop, 33
L source, 34
label, 29 source_start, 34
LAMDA_HAL, 64 start, 34
LAMDA_PED, 66 start_day, 35
start_year, 35
130 Index
TIEGCM Documentation, Release 2.0
O/N2, 77 VI_ExB, 69
opdiffcap, 30
output, 31, 124 W
WI_ExB, 71
P WN, 74
perf.table, 10 workdir, 125
PHIM2D, 100
potential_model, 31 Z
ZGMID, 104
Q Zp, 125
resolution, 124
saber_ncfile, 28
SCHT, 58
scripts/, 124
secflds, 32
sechist, 33
secout, 33
secstart, 32
secstop, 33
source, 34
source_start, 34
src/, 124
start, 34
start_day, 35
start_year, 35
step, 35
stop, 35
swden, 36
swvel, 36
TEC, 56
Index 131