FT 105 Lab Notes
FT 105 Lab Notes
FT 105 Lab Notes
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 1
A procedure or measurement technique is validated by
generating numbers that estimate their accuracy and
* If the number of replicate determinations is ≥30
Accuracy is a measure of how close a measured value is to
the accepted or “true” value.
• It is related to the percent error between the
average volume of solution measured Example 1:
experimentally and the volume that was expected Table 1. Determination of the Standard Deviation of %
(the accepted value). Moisture in Uncooked Hamburger
• Accuracy is sometimes estimated by the relative
error (%Erel) between the mean analysis value and
the true value.
• Smaller %Erel reflects higher accuracy.
• Percent error can be negative, indicating that the
measured volume was smaller than the expected
volume or positive, indicating that the measured
volume was larger than the expected volume.
• Absolute precision is reflected by the standard
deviation (SD), while relative precision is calculated
as the coefficient of variation (CV).
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 2
Using the data for the percent moisture of uncooked
hamburger, suppose the true value of the sample is 65.05%.
CI based on Example 1 given n= 25:
The percent relative error is calculated using our mean value
of 64.72%
1. How are standard deviation, coefficient of variation,
mean, % relative error, and 95% confidence interval
The calculation for Example 1 with four samples (n) and three
affected by: 1) more replicates, 2) larger size of
degrees of freedom (n−1) is given below:
Generally, increasing the size of measurement (n)
has a direct effect on the SD of the replicates given
that there is precision. Specifically, the SD of the
replicates reduces by a factor of the square root of n.
For example, all other things being equal, if the SD of
replicates is 4.0 with n = 30, doubling the increments
*Another way to determine accuracy is to compare the to n = 60 would reduce SD by the square root of 2
results with an existing true value. In this case, we can (or 1.414) to approximately 2.8.
calculate the error for our test, compare it to the known Increasing the size of measurement (n) reduces the
value, and determine the accuracy. potential for errors in terms of both frequency and
degree of underestimation of the mean.
Absolute error is the difference between the experimental THUS, THE BIGGER THE SAMPLE SIZE, THE MORE
value and the true value. CHANCES OF GETTING AN ACCURATE DATA
The absolute error term can have either a positive or BECAUSE THE MORE CONFIDENT IT GET, THE
a negative value. If the experimentally determined SMALLER THE ERROR WILL BE
value is from several replicates, then the mean (0) Increasing replicates (r) does not reduce the SD but
would be substituted for the x term. it does improve the estimate of the SD by reducing
the variability in the estimate. Likewise, increasing r
(%) Relative error results are reported as a negative or reduces the standard error for the grand mean.
positive value, which represents a fraction of the true value. Specifically, the standard error reduces by the
If desired, the relative error can be expressed as square root of r.
percent relative error by multiplying by 100%. THUS, THE MORE THE REPLICATES THE LESSER THE
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 3
2. Why are % relative error and coefficient of variation used
to compare the accuracy and precision, respectively, of
the volumes from pipetting/dispensing 5 and 10 ml with
pipette and burette rather than simply the mean and
standard deviation respectively.
o If there are several experimental values,
% relative error and CV is more appropriate to use in
then the relative average deviation from
determining the accuracy of and precision of the
the mean becomes a useful indicator of
glassware since SD is heavily influenced by outliers
precision. It is calculated similarly to the
just like the mean. In addition, if all values are the
relative deviation from the mean, except
same, then the standard deviation is 0. However, the
the average deviation is used instead of the
CV helps us see that even a lower SD doesn't mean
individual deviation.
less variable data. While % relative error specifies
whether the measurements were done in excess or
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 6
most common indicator for food use. It changes
from clear to red in the pH region 8.0–9.6. Significant
Acid Factor color change is usually present by pH 8.2. This pH is
Citric 6.4 termed the phenolphthalein endpoint
Mallic 6.7 Titratable acidity is the number of protons
Tartaric 7.5 recovered during a titration with a strong base to a
Lactic 9.0 specified endpoint. It can also be expressed as a
molar quantity. pH is the logarithm of the
concentration of free protons, expressed with a
Titratable Acidity of Fruit Juice positive sign. There is no direct relationship between
titratable acidity and pH in juice, although generally
Predominant acid
Predominant acid
TA (g/1ooml)
TA (g/1ooml)
the pH goes up as the acid goes down and vice-
1. Give the equivalent weight of a) malic acid b) tartaric
acid c) citric acid
Molecular and Equivalent Weights of Common Food Acids 4. A 10 ml orange juice with a density of 1.09 g/ml
Acid Molecular Equivalents Equivalent required 4.1 ml of 0.1N NaOH for neutralization.
Weight per Mole Weight Determine % citric acid.
Citric 192.12 3 64.04
(anhydrous) D= m/v m= Dv
Acetic 60.06 1 60.05
Lactic 90.08 1 90.08 m= 10.9 g
Malic 134.09 2 67.05
Oxalic 90.04 2 45.02
Tartaric 150.09 2 75.05
Ascorbic 176.12 2 88.06
Hydrochloric 36.47 1 36.47
Sulfuric 98.08 2 49.04
Phosphoric 98.00 3 32.67
Potassium 204.22 1 204.22 % citric acid= 0. 2407 %
phthalate 5. Forty four ml of NaOH solution neutralizes 1.0253g
of potassium acid phthalate. What is the normality
2. Differentiate the ffg.: Stoichiometric point and end
of NaOH?
point, titratable acidity and pH
At the equivalence point, or stoichiometric point, in
a titration, the number of acid equivalents exactly
equals the number of base equivalents, and total
acid neutralization is achieved. Whereas, when
N NaOH= 0.1141 N
indicators are used, the term endpoint or
colorimetric endpoint is substituted for equivalence
point. This emphasizes that the resulting values are Exercise 4: Acidity Measurement in Dairy Products
approximate and dependent on the specific indicator
resulting to a color change. Phenolphthalein is the
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 7
Titratable acidity provides a simple estimate of the total acid
content of a food. In most cases, it is only an estimate since 1) The quality indicator of dairy product is acidity.
foods often contain many acids that cannot be differentiated 2) Phenolphthalein indicator changes its color from
through titration. The predominant acid in dairy products is
colorless to faint pink at pH 8.3.
lactic acid.
3) The process of determining the concentration of
unknown solution by reaction with a solution of known
composition is titration.
4) Titratable acidity is the total potential acidity and it
SELF TEST represents both the free H+ and that which can be
1. What is the significance of determining the derived from the undissociated molecule during titration.
acidity of milk? 5) Total titratable acidity of milk is generally expressed as %
lactic acid.
This parameter is tested to determine the quality of
the milk product, given that the acidity of milk is Exercise 6: Determination of Fat (Roese-Gottlieb)
relatively constant, hence any increase in acidity
directly affects its taste and overall quality. Fat is an important food component due to its nutritional
As milk acidity increases over time, measuring this value and economical aspects.
parameter is also a means of monitoring storage Good energy source essential fatty acids
conditions. Acidity is determined by an end-point Sensory properties: taste, flavor, consistency and
titration using sodium hydroxide (a base) and is texture of foods
defined as the consumption of base necessary to Low cost ingredient
shift the pH value from 6.6 +0.1 (corresponding to Bulk substance
fresh milk) to a determined basic pH value. While pH
7.0 is the actual point of neutralization, Crude Fat is defined as the substance that can be extracted
phenolphthalein is commonly employed as a color by an organic solvent, from an analytical point of view.
indicator to determine the end-point of reaction and
with it, color change occurs at pH 8.3. Fat content is determined often by (a) solvent extraction
methods (e.g., Soxhlet, Goldfish, Mojonnier), but it also can
2. Give the balanced chemical equation of be determined by (b) nonsolvent wet extraction methods
conversion of lactose in milk to lactic acid by (e.g., Babcock, Gerber), and by (c) instrumental methods that
fermentation. rely on the physical and chemical properties of lipids (e.g.,
C12H22O11 + H2O 4 H3CHOHCOOH infrared, density, X-ray absorption).
Lactose + Water Lactic acid
Factors affecting the choice of method:
o nature of the sample (e.g., dry versus moist)
1. Calculate %lactic acid in a sample of butter o purpose of the analysis (e.g., official nutrition labeling
from the ffg. data: or rapid quality control)
Sample = 20g 0.02M NaOH = 2.8 ml o instrumentation available (e.g., simple glassware vs.
expensive instrument)
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 9
Measures of fat acidity normally reflect the amount of fatty
acids hydrolyzed from triacylglycerols. To a liquid fat sample, 2. What is antioxidant? Why are they necessary?
neutralized 95% ethanol and phenolphthalein indicator are Antioxidants are compounds that slow down and/or
added. The sample then is titrated with NaOH and the
inhibit oxidation processes that degrade foods and other
percent FFA is calculated.
materials. Antioxidants like butylated hydroxyanisole
(BHA) are added to food to prevent fats from becoming
x 100
rancid and to minimize decomposition of vitamins and
essential fatty acids; they work by scavenging destructive
Importance of measuring %FFA:
free radicals from foods.
In crude fat, FFA or acid value estimates the amount
of oil that will be lost during refining steps designed
to remove fatty acids. 3. What is peroxide value? Acid value?
In refined fats, a high acidity level means a poorly Peroxide value is a measure of the peroxides contained
refined fat or fat breakdown after storage or use. in the oil and is usually determined by volumetric
However, if a fat seems to have a high amount of methods.
FFAs, it may be attributable to acidic additives (e.g.,
Acid value (AV) is defined as the mg of KOH necessary to
citric acid added as a metal chelator) since any acid
neutralize the free acids present in 1 g of fat or oil. The
will participate in the reaction.
AV is often used as a quality indicator in frying oils,
o If the fatty acids liberated are volatile, FFA
where a limit of 2mg KOH/g oil is sometimes used.
or acid value may be a measure of
%FFA(as oleic) × 1.99 = acid value
hydrolytic rancidity.
4. You want to compare several fat/oil samples for the
Exercise 8: Determination of Peroxide Value
chemical characteristics listed below. For each
Fat undergo changes during storage which result in the characteristic, name one test that can be used to obtain
production of an unpleasant taste and odor, which is information desired:
commonly known as rancidity. a. Degree of unsaturation Iodine value
o Rancidity is caused by the action of air (oxidative) or b. Predicted susceptibility to oxidative rancidity
by microorganisms (ketonic). Schaal oven test
c. Present statues with regard to oxidative rancidity
Anisidine value and Totox value
d. Average fatty acid molecular weight
Saponification number
Principle of Methods
e. Amount of solid fat at various temperatures Solid
To a known amount of fat or oil, excess potassium iodide is
added, which reacts with the peroxides in the sample. The fat index
iodine liberated is titrated with standardized sodium f. Hydrolytic rancidity Free Fatty Acid
thiosulfate using a starch indicator. The calculated amount of
potassium iodide required to react with the peroxide present 5. What methods would be useful in determining the
is used to determine the peroxide value. effectiveness of various antioxidants added to an oil?
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC)-
measures antioxidant inhibition of peroxyl radical
1. List 10 chemical compounds that are permitted to be used
induced oxidations and thus reflects classical radical
antioxidants in foods. chain breaking antioxidant activity by H atom
1). Propyl Gallate (PG) transfer
2). t-butylhydroquinone (THBQ) Total Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Parameter
3). Ionox 100 (TRAP)- involves the initiation of lipid peroxidation
4). Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) by generating water-soluble peroxyl radicals and is
5). Dodecyl Gallate (DG) sensitive to all known chain breaking antioxidants,
but it is relatively complex and time-consuming to
6). 2,4,5-trihydroxybutyrophenone (THBP)
perform, requiring a high degree of expertise and
7). Octyl Gallate (OG)
8). Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA)
Total Oxidant Scavenging Capacity (TOSC)- permits
9). Ascorbyl Palmitate (AP)
quantification of the absorbance capacity of
10). 2 (or 3)-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (BHA)
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 10
antioxidants specifically toward three potent Principle of the Method
oxidants, that is, hydroxyl radicals, peroxyl radicals, This method is based on the determination of the volumes of
and peroxynitrite. test solution required to reduce completely a known volume
Chemiluminescence (CL)- based on the reaction of of an alkaline solution of copper. The endpoint is indicated by
radical oxidants with marker compounds to produce titration with methylene blue.
excited state species that emit chemiluminescence
(chemically induced light). Any compounds that
react with the initiating radicals inhibit the light
2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Assay - based
on the measurement of the reducing ability of
antioxidants toward DPPH¥. The ability can be
1. Compare the result of Fehling’s test with sugar? With invert
evaluated by electron spin resonance (EPR) or by
measuring the decrease of its absorbance. sugar? Explain your answer.
The test is commonly used for reducing sugars but is
6. List the factors which affect the onset of rancidity. known to be NOT specific for aldehydes. Table sugar or
Oxidative rancidity is accelerated by exposure to sucrose will have a negative result because it is a non-
heat (temperature), light, moisture and presence of reducing sugar. Whereas, invert sugar, consisting of
trace metals. Other factors include chemical fructose and glucose, will give a positive result since both
structure of fat and presence of contaminants. are reducing sugars.
Sugars may be determined by chemical, enzymatic, and HPLC 4. How does sugar lengthen shelf- life of processed fruit?
techniques. The principle of this technology is to add sugar in a
The chemical methods generally involve reaction of quantity that is necessary to augment the osmotic
reducing sugars with copper (III) in an alkaline pressure of the product's liquid phase at a level
which will prevent microorganism development.
From a practical point of view, however, it is usual to
The color change associated with the reaction is partially remove water (by boiling) from the product
believed to be due to enolization, with resultant to be preserved, with the objective of obtaining a
double- bond formation producing color. higher sugar concentration. In concentrations of 60%
in the finished products, the sugar generally assures
Factors affecting the reaction includes: food preservation.
a. Type of sugar
5. A 5 g sample of jam is made up to 250 ml and gives a titer
b. Concentration of sugar
of 26.8 ml using 10 ml of mixed Fehling’s solution. Compute
c. Concentration of alkali
for % reducing sugar.
d. Temperature
e. Time
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 11
Exercise 11: Determination of Chloride 3. Would Mohr titration procedure be applicable to
Sodium content of foods can be determined by various determine the salt content of grape juice or catsup? Why
methods, including an ion selective electrode (ISE), the Mohr or why not?
or Volhard titration procedure, or indicator test strips. Mohr’s method works in the pH region of 6-9 only. To make
All these methods are faster and less expensive it applicable to grape juice or catsup, an adjustment in their
procedures than analysis by atomic absorption pH must be performed prior. A pH above 6-9, will result to
spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma-atomic a precipitation between silver and hydroxide. Below this pH
emission spectroscopy. chromate converts to dichromate, a bright orange colour
thereby obscuring the endpoint. Calcium carbonate is
Principle of Method often added to reduce the acidity of the solution.
The Mohr titration is a direct titration method to quantitate
chloride ions, to then calculate sodium ions. The chloride- 4. Would overshooting the endpoint result in an over- or
containing sample solution is titrated with a standard solution underestimation of the salt content using Mohr titration?
of silver nitrate. After the silver from silver nitrate has
complexed with all the available chloride in the sample, the Overshooting the endpoint will result to an overestimation
silver reacts with chromate that has been added to the of the salt content since the increase in volume of the silver
sample, to form an orange- colored solid, silver chromate. nitrate would directly increase the computation of % NaCl.
The volume of silver used to react with the chloride is used to
calculate the sodium content of the sample.
FT 105 Lab /Ang tulog madaling bawiin, ang isang sem hindi/ Page 12