Medi-Caps University Faculty of Management Syllabus For Bachelor of Business Administration (Odd Sem)

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Medi-Caps University

Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration(Odd Sem)

Sem ester-3
S.N. Code Course Title Hours Per Week Credits
1 MS3SE03 Business Com m unication-II 2 2 3
2 MS3EG03 Material Management 3 3
3 MS3CO07 Hum an Resource Managem ent 3 3
4 MS3CO08 Marketing Managem ent 4 4
5 MS3CO09 Cost and Managem ent Accounting 4 1 5
6 MS3CO10 Quantitative Techniques 4 1 5

20 2 2 23
Medi-Caps University
Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration(Odd Sem)

Course Code Course Name L T P Credit

MS3SE03 Business Communication II 2 0 2 3

Course Content:

Unit 1 - Developing Reading Skills: identify the purpose of reading, factors affecting reading,
learning how to think and read, developing effective reading habits, reading tactics and
strategies: training eye and training mind, Recognizing a broad range of thought patterns in
reading selections, reading and interpreting visuals, making inferences, recognizing facts and

Unit 2 – Developing Listening Skills: importance, purpose of listening, art of listening, factors
affecting listening, components of effective listening, process of listening, principles and barriers
to listening, activities to improve listening. Listening situations, Developing Listening Skills

Unit 3 – Developing Writing skills: planning, drafting, revision, editing,

Employment Messages - Resume Writing: planning, organizing contents, layout, guidelines for
good resume, Application letter, Writing the opening paragraph, Writing the closing paragraph,

Letter Writing: Inter-office memorandums, notice, advertisement, faxes, e-mails, sales letters,
request letters, order letters, good news and bad news letters. Enquiries and replies - Placing and
fulfilling orders - Complaints and follow-up - Sales letters

Circular letters Report Writing, Review/summarizing of newspaper articles, features etc, on the
spot writing of dialogues/ conversation building.

Correspondence with banks- Regarding overdrafts, cash credits, loans; Drafting of sales

letters, circulars, preparation of sales reports,

Customers’ correspondence: - Complaints, Regarding dues, follow up letters

Secretarial Correspondence: -Correspondence with shareholders, debenture holders

regarding dividend, interest, transfer-transmission. Communicating with statutory

authorities and bodies like Stock exchange, RBI, SEBI.

Unit 4 – Developing Oral Skills : advantages and disadvantages, Conversation as

communication, extempore, speaking, art of public speaking, Meetings preparations , Group
communication through committees, conference and other formal communication with public at
large, seminar and conferences, Ambiguity avoidance. Debates, Speeches, English
Pronunciation, Building Vocabulary

Media of oral communication (Face-to-face conversation - Teleconferences – Press Conference –

Demonstration - Radio Recording - Dictaphone – Meetings - Rumor - Demonstration and
Dramatisation - Public address system Speeches -Customer Care/Customers Relations - Public

Unit 5 – Developing GD & Presentation Skills, Other business communication skills -

Nature, uses and importance, guidelines for GD.

Presentations: Four P‟s of presentation, structuring, rehearsing, and delivery methods, effective
Presentations. Interviews: Preparation techniques, frequently asked questions, projecting a
positive image

Business Etiquette: Understanding etiquette, Cross-cultural etiquette, Business manners.

Business to business etiquette.

Business Idioms , Business Phrases

Topics Prescribed for workshop/lab

1. Group Discussion

2. Mock Interview

3. Interview

4. Public Speech

5. Conflict Situation

6. Decision-making in a group

7. Written Communication

8. SWOT Analysis

9. TA (Transactional Analysis)

Note: The cases of each unit are supplemented in the T L P.

Text Books:

1. Lesikar, Petit, Business Communication, All India Traveler bookseller.

2. Pal, Rajendra & Korlahalli, Essentials of Business Communication, Sultan Chand & Sons

3. Bovee, Thill and Chaturvedi, Business Communication, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

1. Lesikar, R.V. & Flatley, M.E.; Basic Business Communication Skills for
Empowering the Internet Generation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New

2. Shirley, Taylor, Communication for Business, Pearson Education

3. Locker and Kaczmarek, Business Communication: Building Critical Skills, TMH

4. Kaul: Effective Business Communication: Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Medi-Caps University
Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration (Odd Sem)

Course Code Course Name L T P Credit

MS3EG03 Materials Management 3 0 0 3

Course Contents

Unit I – Introduction to Material Management

Nature & Scope of Material Management, Objectives & Importance of Material Management,
Organization of Material Management, Modern Trends in Material Management

Unit: II Purchase Management

Introduction - Objectives of Purchasing-Functions of Purchasing – Purchasing Organization -
Centralized and decentralized purchasing - Types of Buying Methods, Factors affecting selection
of sources,-Value analysis-Vendor Selection and vendor rating, vendor evaluation
methods(categorical, weighted point plan and cost ratio method, Negotiation and Buyer-Seller

UNIT- III Inventory Management Inventory – Meaning, types of inventory, inventory costs.
Inventory Management :- Meaning, objectives, Techniques of inventory control :- Stock levels,
ABC (Always Better Control) Analysis, VED (Vital, Essential & Desirable) Analysis, EOQ
(Economic order quantity) Analysis.

Unit-IV Store Keeping and Materials Handling - Objectives - Function of store keeping -
Store responsibilities - Location of store house - Centralized store room - Equipment - Security
measures - Protection and prevention of stores - Fire and other Hazards – Store Ledger - Bin
card, stock cards Materials Handling - Importance - Principles - Criteria for selection of
material handling equipments. Maintenance - Types - Breakdown - Preventive - Routine -

Unit V – Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

Overview & Objectives of (MRP) , Basic elements of MRP, Operation of the MRP System :-
MRP System Input, MRP System output, Issue in MRP :- Lot Sizing, Safety stock, Scrap
allowances & Pegging, Factors influencing MRP, Potential Benefits & Problems of MRP.

Note: The cases of each unit are supplemented in the T L P.

Text Books:
1 MM.Verma- Material Management, S.Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
2 S.E.Sexena – Material Management, Sahitya Bhawan.

Reference Books:
1 A.K. Dutta, Material Management, Prentrice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
2 Dolbey & Lee- Materials Management- IMH Publications
3 Gopal Krishanan- Material Management, PHI Publications, New Delhi
Medi-Caps University
Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration (Odd Sem)

Course Code Course Name L T P Credit

MS3CO07 Human Resource Management 3 0 0 3

Course Contents:
Unit I
Introduction: Importance of Human Resource Management-Meaning, Nature and Scope,
Functions and Role of HR Manager –Challenges of HRM; Personnel Management vs HRM
Unit II
Procurement and Development Functions: HR Planning Job Analysis, Job description, job
specification, recruitment, selection, placement and induction and socialization .
Unit III
Training and Development: Concept and importance of training; types of training; methods of
training; design of training programme; evaluation of training effectiveness;executive
development – process and techniques; career planning and development.
Unit IV
Compensation and Maintenance: Compensation: job evaluation – concept, process and
significance; components of employee remuneration – base and supplementary;Maintenance :
overview of employee welfare,health and safety,social security.
Performance and Potential appraisal – concept and objectives; traditional and modern methods,
limitations of performance appraisal methods, 360 degree appraisal technique;Employee
grievances and their redressa.Employee discipline.
Note: The cases of each unit are supplemented in the T L P.

Text Books:
1. Flippo,Edwin B.,Personnel Management,Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Rao,V S P,Human Resource Management,Text and Cases,Excel Books.
3. Aswathappa, K.; Human Resource and Personnel Management (Text and Cases),
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Chhabra, T. N; Human Resource Management; Dhanpati Rai and Co. Pvt. Ltd New
2. Dr. Gupta, C. B.; Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New

3.Dessler,Gary; Human Resource Management;Prentice Hall.

4.. D’Cenzo,David A & Stephen P.Robbin, Personnel Human Resource
Medi-Caps University
Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration (Odd Sem)

Course Code Course Name L T P Credit

MS3C008 Marketing Management 3 0 0 3

Unit-I: Concept of marketing

Market, Marketing, and Marketer, Approaches to the study of Marketing - Selling concept,
marketing concept, Social marketing concept - Need of marketing in Business Sector - Non-
profit sector and Government sector, Role & functions of Marketing Manager, Recent trends in
Marketing - Introduction, E-business – Tele-marketing – M-Business – Green Marketing –
Relationship Marketing – Retailing – Concept Marketing and Virtual Marketing (Meaning Only),
Marketing Mix

Unit II: Scanning the marketing environment

Meaning – Demographic – Economic – Natural – Technological - Political – Legal – Socio –

Cultural Environment Marketing Strategy: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning,
Meaning, Definition, Different ways to Segmentation, Essential of effective Market

Unit III: Marketing Mix

Meaning – Elements – Product – Product Mix – Product Line – Product Lifecycle – Product
Planning –New Product Development – Failure of New Product - Branding, Brand Equity and
Craft Brand Positioning, Packaging, Pricing Objectives – Factors influencing Pricing Policy and
Methods of Pricing, Physical Distribution – Meaning –Factors affecting Channel Selection –
Types of Marketing Channels. Promotion – Meaning and Significance of Promotion, Promotion
Mix - Brief introductory idea about Publicity and Sales Promotion, Personal Selling &
Advertising (Meaning Only),
Unit IV: Consumer Behaviour

Understanding Consumer: Consumer Behavior, Types of Consumers, Factors influencing

Consumer Behavior, Consumer Decision Making Process, Meaning and Definition – Role of
CRM – Advantages and Disadvantages

Unit V: Marketing Information System & Marketing Research

Concept & components of a Marketing Information System – Marketing Research – Meaning &
scope – marketing research procedure – types & techniques of Marketing Research –
Managements use of Marketing Research.

Note: The cases of each unit are supplemented in the T L P.

Text Books :

1. Philip Kotler, Kelvin & Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha “Marketing Management”,
A South Asia perspective –New Delhi : Pearson Education. Latest Edition.

2. Rajan Saxena – Marketing Management, TMH Latest Edition.

3. Dhiraj Sharma, Marketing – Cengage Latest Edition.

.Reference Books:

1. V.S.Ramaswamy & S.Namakumari - A Textbook on Marketing Management, McMillan.

2. Philip Kotler, Keller, Koshy & Jha - Marketing Management, Pearson Education

3.S H H Kazmi - Marketing Management, Excell Book

Medi-Caps University
Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration (Odd Sem)

Course Code Course Name L T P Credit

MS3C009 Cost & Management Accounting 4 1 0 5

Course Contents:

Unit-I: Introduction:
Meaning & Definition of Cost, and Cost Accounting, Objectives of Costing, Management
Accounting, Scope, Objects, Functions and Limitations of Management Accounting, Tools and
Techniques of Management Accounting Difference between Cost Accounting and Management

Unit – II: Cost classification:

Elements of Cost, Classification of Cost, Cost Centre and Cost Unit, Cost control,Cost Reduction
and overview of Cost Acconting Standards. Preparation of simple Cost Sheet, Tenders and
Quotations.Process Costing – Introduction and preparation of simple Process Accounts .

Unit – III: Material cost control:

Material Meaning, Direct Material ,Indirect Material, Store Keeping, Techniques of Inventory
Control, Setting of Stock Levels ,EOQ, ABC Analysis, VED Analysis Methods of Pricing
Material Issues, FIFO, LIFO method

Unit – IV: Marginal costing and cost volume profit analysis:

Marginal Cost and marginal costing, Marginal Costing as a tool for decision making
,contribution, Profit volume ratio, breakeven point, breakeven analysis, margin of safety, and
Cost - Volume Profit Analysis.

Unit – V: Standard costing and Budgeting:

Standard costing meaning, Variance analysis, Material cost variance, price variance & usage
variance. Labour cost variance, price variance & usage variance. Budget & Budgetary control,
Preparation of different types of budget (Theory only)
Note: The cases /numerical of each unit are supplemented in the T L P.

Text Books:
1. N. Arora: Cost Accounting, HPH
2.M.L. Agarwal: Cost Accounting, Sahithya Bhawan Publications
3.Jain &Narang: Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
4Horngren: Cost Accounting – A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall.

Reference Books:
1. J.Madegowda: Advanced Cost Accounting, HPH
2. N.K. Prasad: Cost Accounting, Book Syndicate.
3K. S. Thakur: Cost Accounting, New Century Book House Pvt. Ltd.
5. KhannaPandey&Ahuja : Practical Costing, Sultan Chand

Medi-Caps University
Faculty of Management
Syllabus for Bachelor of Business Administration (Odd Sem)

Course Code Course Name L T P Credit

MS3C010 Quantitative Techniques 4 1 0 5

Unit I
Correlation & Regression : Concept of correlation, Karl Pearson and Spearman's rank coefficient
of correlation, meaning of regression, Two regression equation, regression coefficient and
properties. Difference between correlation and regression.

Unit: II
Time Series: Meaning, definition , componenetand impotance of Time Series, Measurement of
Secular trend or long-term trend ( moving average and method of least square), Measurement of
seasonal variations (seasonal average method or seasonal variation index method, seasonal
variation through moving averages).

Index Number: Meaning and Definition of index number, characteristics, importance,
limitations and types of Index number, Methods of Computation of Index Numbers (For a
single commodity: fixed base and chain base, for a group of commodities: Laspeyre method,
Paasche method, Fisher Index method, Marshall Edgeworth method, Dorbish & Bowleymethod).


Theory of Probability and Theory: Meaning and definition of probability, various terms related
to probability, theorems of probability: the addition theorem and the multiplication theorems,
conditional probability, Theoretical Distribution: Binomial Poisson and Normal Distribution:
meaning, assumptions, properties, importance, numerical problems(basic).

Unit V –
Hypothesis Testing, Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests, Analysis of Differences between a
Single Sample and a Population, Analysis of Differences between Two or More than Two Levels
of an Independent Variable, Analysis of Designs with More than One Independent Variable,
Analysis of relationships, statistical inferences for one or two samples. F-test (ANOVA) and Non
parametric test Chi-Square.

Note: The cases /numerical of each unit are supplemented in the T L P.

Text Books:
1. D. C. Sancheti and V. K. Kapoor, “Statistics: Theory, Methods and Applications”
Sultan Chand and Sons.,
2. D.N. Elhance, Veena Elhance and B. M. Aggrawal, “Fundamentals of Statistics”
3. S.P.Gupta - Statistical Methods, Sultan chand & Co, Latest edition.
4. N. D. Vohra, Business Statistics, Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Reference Books:

1. Amir D Aczel, Jayavel Sounderpandian, Palanisamy Saravanan, Rohit Joshi,

2. Business Statistics, Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.
3. David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffey D. Camm, James
4. J. Cochran, Statistics for Business and Economics, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.


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