Ratio - J.E - 1.25 Sec L (On Ratio

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qQ t/Q
ratio -J.e--1.25 sec ~l [ On ratio

---IOn I I~


002. I50 impulses/see

0006 150 impulses]sec

(a) (b)

FIG. 25. Time course o f (rod-driven) square wave responses at different adaptation levels in cat retinal ganglion cells.
(a) The responses (averaged over many stimulus cycles and smoothed) of the receptive field center of an on-center cell at
five different levels of background retinal illumination: (a) l - - 5 0 quanta(deg 2 s) "1, (a)2--6. l & quanta(deg a s)-', (a)--6" l&
quanta(deg 2 s) -1, (a)4---9.104 quanta(deg 2 s)-t, and (a)5--5" l& quanta (deg 2 s) -1.
(b) A similar result is shown for an off-centercell at three backgroundilluminations: (b)l--100 quanta (deg2 s)-t, (b)2--3. l&
quanta(deg2 s)-l, (b)3--103 quanta (deg2 s)-'. Note that in the cat 1 deg2=0.048 mma, approximately.
For each response the i/q ratio, the gain, is shown at the left of the averaged response histogram. The time courses of
the responses and the i/q ratios at the top of each column were the same as those obtained in total dark adaptation. The
drop in gain with increase in background illumination goes hand in hand with the change in time course observed in the
histograms. From Enroth-Cugell and Shapley (1973a).

scotopic range. This finding applies to off-center i.e. the exponent P in equation (20) would be
as well as to on-center cells, and to X as well as Y around 0.6 for intermediate temporal frequencies
cells (Jakiela et al., 1976). of modulation (between 3 and 10 Hz; Enroth-
This change in time course of response with Cugell and Shapley, 1973a; Derrington and Lennie,
adaptation is related to another observation: the 1982). The responses to temporal frequencies above
steepness of the decline in gain with background 16 Hz suffer almost no attenuation in amplitude
depends on the temporal pattern of the stimulus with increases in mean level; for such high temporal
(and response). For example, the results in Fig. 24 frequencies, the exponent P in equation (20) is near
were derived from measurements of the peak zero (Shapley et al., 1983). Previously, Sakmann
response to an incremental step of illumination on and Creutzfeldt (1969) and Barlow and Levick (1976)
a background. One would obtain rather similar data also observed shallow slopes of gain vs background
from measurements of the gain o f the response to curves with brief incremental stimuli. The responses
a sinusoidally modulated small spot for temporal to such brief pulses of light, which contain a wide
frequencies of 2 Hz or less. In this case, either peak- range of temporal frequency components, follow
to-peak impulse rate modulation or the amplitude a gain vs background curve which obeys equation
of the sinusoid which is the best approximation to (20) with an exponent of about 0.6 on the average.
the neural response are two response measures However, as presented earlier, the gain of the peak
which would give the same dependence on of the response to a prolonged flash has a steeper
background. Similar measurements at 8 Hz or d r o p o f f of gain with background; the exponent in
above have a shallower dependence on background, this case is about 0.8, according to Barlow and

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