Bomba KSB - Mha
Bomba KSB - Mha
Bomba KSB - Mha
Operating Instructions
1777.8/5-10 G2 Multitec
High-Pressure Pumps in Ring-Section Design
Section Page Section Page
Adjusting Dimensions for Coupling Align Removing the Mechanical Sea 7.3.5 18
ment, Pump sizes 32 to 65, Repairs 7.5.2 25
Pump versions E, Ex, F, Fx, V, Vx 32
Returning to Service after Storage 6.4 13
Aligning the Pump / Drive 5.3.1 8
Safety 2 4
Bearings 7.4.4 22
Safety Awareness 2.4 4
Bearings and Lubrication 7.2.2 14
Safety Instructions for Maintenance, In-
Checking the Direction of Rotation 5.5.3 10 spection and Installation Work 2.6 5
Commissioning 6.1 11 Safety Instructions for the Operator / User 2.5 5
Commissioning, Start–up / Shutdown 6 11 Safety Regulations/Special Instructions 5.1 7
Connecting the Motor 5.5.1 10 Seals 7.4.3 21
Connecting the Piping 5.4 9 Setting the Time-Lag Relay 5.5.2 10
Connection to Power Supply 5.5 10 Shaft Seal 7.2.3 15
Connection to Power Supply 6.1.4 12 Shutdown 6.1.6 12
Contact Guard 6.1.3 12 Shutdown / Storage / Preservation 6.3 13
Coupling 7.2.4 15 Start-up 6.1.5 12
Density of the Medium Handled 6.2.4 13 Storage / Preservation 3.2 5
Description of the Product and Accessories 4 6 Supervision of Operation 7.2.1 14
Design Details 4.3 6 Switching Frequency 6.2.2 13
Designation 4.2 6 Technical Specification 4.1 6
Dismantling 7.3 15 Temperature of Medium Handled 6.2.1 13
Dismantling and Replacement of Shaft 7.3.4 18 The pump is removed from the pipe and
Seal stored 6.3.2 13
Dismantling the Bearings 7.3.3 16 The Unit/Pump Remains Installed, with
Dismantling the Hydraulic Elements 7.3.6 20 periodic check of operation 6.3.1 13
Fields of Application 4.4 6 Tightening of Shaft Nuts of the Multitec 23
2.5 Safety Instructions for the Operator / User
-- Any hot or cold components that could pose a hazard must
be equipped with a guard by the operator.
-- Guards which are fitted to prevent accidental contact with
moving parts (e.g. coupling) must not be removed whilst the
machine is operating.
-- Leakages (e.g. at the shaft seal) of hazardous media
handled (e.g. explosive, toxic, hot) must be contained so as
to avoid any danger to persons and the environment.
Pertinent legal provisions must be adhered to.
-- Electrical hazards must be eliminated. (In this respect refer Fig. 3.1-2 Transport of the complete unit
to the relevant safety regulations applicable to different For transporting the unit, lifting ropes shall be attached to the
countries and/or the local energy supply companies.) pump and the motor as shown above. Never use the motor eye-
2.6 Safety Instructions for Maintenance, Inspection bolt for lifting the unit!
and Installation Work
The operator is responsible for ensuring that all maintenance,
inspection and installation work be performed by authorized,
qualified specialist personnel who are thoroughly familiar with
the manual.
Work on the machine must be carried out only during standstill.
The shutdown procedure described in the manual for taking the
machine out of service must be adhered to without fail
(See section 6.3).
Pumps or pump units handling media injurious to health must Fig. 3.1-3 Transport of close–coupled pumps and vertical
be decontaminated. pumps
Immediately following completion of the work, all safety-
relevant and protective devices must be re-installed and/or 3.2 Storage / Preservation
Unless otherwise stated in the purchase orderconfirmation, the
Please observe all instructions set out in the chapter on pumps are supplied by our factory duly preserved for a storage
”Commissioning” (6.1) before returning the machine to service. period of 3 months from delivery.
2.7 Unauthorized Modification and Manufacture of We recommend to take the followingadditional measures if the
Spare Parts pump is stored for a prolonged period of time prior to installation:
Indoor storage of new pumps:
Modifications or alterations of the machine are only permitted
New pumps are preserved for indoor storage in a dry, closed
with KSB’s prior approval. Original spare parts and accessories
room in their original, unopened packaging for a maximum
authorized by KSB ensure safety. The use of other parts will in-
period of 3 months.
validate KSB’s liability for consequential damage.
Protect all stored goods against humidity, dirt,
2.8 Unauthorized Modes of Operation Caution vermin and unauthorized access! All openings of
The warranty relating to the operating reliability and safety of the assembled unit components are closed and must only be
the pump is only valid if the machine is used in accordance with opened when required during installation.
its designated use as described by the technical data specified.
Outdoor storage with the packaging unopened:
For further details please refer to the information in section 4 of
this operating manual. The limits stated in the data sheet must Protect the pump/unit against humidity, dirt, vermin and
not be exceeded under any circumstances. unauthorized access.
It is imperativ to remove the preservative prior to normal
3 Transport and Storage commissioning by flushing through the system.
If the pump is to be stored for more than 3 months:
3.1 Transport/Handling
(optional, specified in the purchase order):
Transport of the unit requires proper preparation and handling. New pump/unit
Never use the motor eyebolt for lifting the unit.
New pumps/units are specially preserved in the manufacturer’s
factory. The preservative must be removed before normal
IIf the pump / unit slips out of the suspension commissioning of the pump/unit, by flushing the system
arrangement, it may cause personal injury and damage thoroughly.
to property.
Caution The product used for this purpose is not suited for
potable water systems and, as the case may be,
must be removed completely by dismantling and subsequent
cleaning of all parts of the pump coming into contact with the
pumped medium if required. Further information in this regard is
noted in the order confirmation.
Foundation bolts
Fig. 5.3-1 Fitting required shims
Tighten the foundation bolts evenly and firnly after the concrete
has set.
It is essential to make sure that the baseplate is
Fig. 5.1-1 Nameplate not warped in axial or radial direction.
Proceed with utmost care when aligning the unit, as the pump
This pump / unit must not be operated beyond the unit will only give trouble-free operation when correctly aligned.
limit values specified on the nameplate for capacity, Non-compliance with these instructions will lead to forfeiture of
speed and temperature or other instructions laid down in all warranty claims.
this manual or in the contract documentation. Any data Baseplates made of U–rails (up to 400 mm wide) are torsion–
stipulated for the electrical connection of the unit and in- resistant in their own right and need not be grouted.
structions for maintenance and installation must be ad- After fastening, baseplates more than 400 mm wide shall be
hered to without fail. Operation beyond the conditions indi- grouted up to the upper frame edge using low shrinkage
cated above will lead to overloads the unit cannot concrete, making sure that no cavities remain.
Close-coupled pumps
Trained personnel is essential to ensure trouble-free operation It is essential to make sure that the pump is not warped in axial
of the unit. or radial direction.
KSB will not accept any responsibility for the safe and If pump and motor are supplied separately, place the pump onto
reliable operation of the pump unit if these operating the foundation without the motor, align with the help of a
instructions are not complied with. precision spirit level (on the upper flange of the drive lantern),
In case of damage or if you need further information, please then fasten.
contact KSB’s nearest customer service centre. Shims shall be fitted between the pump foot and the foundation
5.2 Foundation/Checks to be Carried out Prior to itself; they shall always be inserted to the left and right of the
Installation foundation bolts and in close proximity to these bolts. All shims
All structural work required must have been prepared in accor- must lie perfectly flush.
dance with the dimensions stated in the dimension table / instal- Tighten the foundation bolts evenly and firmly.
lation plan.
The concrete foundations shall have sufficient strength (min.
class X0) to ensure safe and functional installation in accor-
dance with DIN 1045 or equivalent standards.
Make sure that the concrete foundation has set firmly before
placing the unit on it. Its surface shall be truly horizontal and
5.3.1 Aligning the Pump/Drive For product temperatures of 120 °C and higher,
Caution the foot bolts to secure the pump on the baseplate
Coupling guard
are to be tightened with torques according to the following table:
In compliance with the accident prevention
Caution regulations the pump must not be operated Torque
MTC Thread Strength
without a coupling guard / a guard on the drive lantern. If the drive non-drive
customer specifically requests not to include a coupling guard / 32 M 12 4.6 30 Nm 15 Nm
lantern guard in our delivery, then the operator must supply one.
50 M 12 4.6 30 Nm 15 Nm
Baseplate–mounted units 65 M 16 4.6 60 Nm 30 Nm
After fastening the baseplate on the foundation, the 100 M 20 4.6 120 Nm 60 Nm
coupling must be thoroughly checked and the pump
125 M 20 4.6 120 Nm 60 Nm
unit be realigned (at the motor), if required.
150 M 30 4.6 450 Nm 200 Nm
Prior to checking the alignment/realignment, loosen the pump
feet and re-tighten without transmitting any stresses or strains. This will avoid that longitudinal increase of the pump by
thermal expansion will lead to warping and deformation.
Coupling check and realignment must be
Caution effected even if pump and motor are supplied As the thermal expansion in height of pump and motor may
completely assembled and aligned on a common baseplate. differ, this has to be considered when aligning the coupling of
pump units handling temperatures of 100 °C and higher.
To estimate the increase in height, the following equation can
serve as a guide to calculate by how much the motor has to
be elevated in relationship to the pump:
DTp =
Temperature difference pump - environment (°C)
Hp =
Height of pump axis [mm]
DTm =
Temperature difference moto – environment (°C)
a b Hm =
Height of motor axis [mm]
Caution In any case, also when using this correction, the
coupling has to be re-aligmed when the unit is in
Straight--edge Gauge warm condition from operation.
Final check
Re-check the alignment as described in the sections above.
a b It must be easy to rotate the shaft by hand at the coupling.
Check the integrity and proper functioning of all connections.
Straight-edge Gauge
Fig 5.3-4 Aligning a spacer-type coupling
The radial and axial deviation between the two coupling halves
shall not exceed 0.1 mm.
5.4.1 Vacuum Balance Line Y starting (high voltage)
Where liquid has to be pumped out of a vessel under vacuum, it
is advisable to install a vacuum balance line. This line should
have a nominal size of at least 25 mm and must be arranged to
lead into the vessel at a point above the highest permissible
liquid level.
An additional pipeline fitted with a shut-off valve – from the
pump discharge nozzle to the balance line – facilitates venting
of the pump before start–up.
Fig. 5.5-2: Connection diagram for three–phase motors,
Y starting
5.5.2 Setting the Time-Lag Relay
Make sure that in the case of three-phase motors with
star-delta starting method switching over from star to delta will
be effected at very short intervals. Prolonged switch–over inter-
vals may result in pump damage.
Time-lag relay setting recommended for star-delta starting: -
3-5 seconds, depending on motor rating.
EN 50014 (Regulation DIN VDE 0170/0171 Part 1) stipulates
that explosion-proof motors, type of protection IP 54,
”increased safety” (Ex)e, thermal class T3, must always be
connected via a motor protection switch.
5.5.3 Checking the Direction of Rotation
A Main shut-off valve
B Vacuum balance line Caution On pumps fitted with uni--directional mechanical
seals (seal codes 62 and 63) the direction of
C Shut-off valve rotation must never be checked with the pump coupled to the
E Vacuum-tight shut–off valve motor. If the motor and pump need not be de--coupled, make
R Swing check valve sure that the pump has been primed before checking the
V Vessel under vacuum direction of rotation.
Z Intermediate flange The motor’s direction of rotation must correspond to the
direction indicated by the arrow on the pump resp. motor
Fig. 5.4-3 Suction line and vacuum balance line (clockwise when seen from the motor end; on version D
anti-clockwise). This can be verified by switching the motor on
5.5 Connection to Power Supply and then off again immediately.
If the unit runs in the wrong direction of rotation, interchange two
Connection to the power supply must be effected by a of the three phases L1, L2 or L3 of the power supply cable in the
trained electrician only (see 5.1). The applicable motor terminal box.
DIN VDE regulations must be complied with.
Check available mains voltage against the data on the motor
rating plate and select appropriate start–up method.
Connection to the power supply must be effected in
accordance with the technical regulations of the
responsible local energy supply company.
We strongly recommend to use a motor protection switch.
5.5.1 Connecting the Motor
Connect the motor in accordance with the circuit diagram in the
terminal box or as illustrated in Fig. 5.5-1 / Fig. 5.5-2.
6.1.3 Contact Guard If the pump has to remain operational during shutdown periods,
In compliance with accident prevention regulations it must be started up regularly for at least 5 minutes (see also
the pump must not be operated without a coupling guard. 6.3):
If the customer specifically requests not to include a coupling - fire-fighting pumps at least once a month
guard in our delivery, then the operator must supply one. - drinking water pumps at least once in 48 hours
- standby pumps at least once a week.
6.1.4 Connection to Power Supply (It is better to operate the pumps by alternating daily)
If the pump is equipped with an electric motor, connection to the During these periodic check runs, also check the tightness and
power supply must be effected by a trained electrician only. proper functioning of the auxiliary feed lines.
Check available mains voltage against the data on the motor
6.1.7 Final Check
rating plate and select appropriate start–up method.
Make sure that in the case of three-phase motors with star-delta After the pump has been primed, it must be easy to rotate the
starting method switching over from star to delta will be effected coupling/shaft by hand.
at very short intervals. Prolonged switc-–over intervals may re- There must be no impermissible leakage at the shaft seal
sult in pump damage. during pump operation.
Time-lag relay setting for star-delta starting Gland packing
Motor rating Y-time to be set The gland packing has been fitted in the factory. Its permanent
! 30 kW 3 sec. " 30 % compression can only be set after several hours of pump
> 30 kW 5 sec. " 30 % operation. During this running-in period, seal leakage will be
higher than during normal pump operation. Check the
6.1.5 Start-up temperature of the leakage.
Start-up procedure: Final adjustment of the gland packing is made gradually after
- The discharge-side shut-off valve must be closed. having allowed for a sufficient running-in period, so that leakage
- Start–up must proceed without abnormal vibrations or is reduced to individual drops (approx. 20 drops per minute).
noises. Tightening the gland cover too early or too hard without allowing
- An automatic check valve installed must open steadily when a sufficient running-in period would cause a local temperature
the operating speed has been reached, without abnormal rise and insufficient lubrication, resulting in the destruction of
noises, vibrations or increased power consumption of the the gland packing, premature wear on the shaft protecting
unit. sleeve and higher, uncontrollable leakage.
- Open the discharge-side shutoff element. For speed controlled pumps or fluctuating inlet pressure, no
- After the duty point has been reached, check motor input packing should be used, if possible. Changing pressures make
power and bearing temperature. the setting of an even and controlled leakage rate very difficult
After the operating temperature has been reached, switch off to achieve.
the unit and re-tighten the bolts at the connecting flanges.
Caution In the event of abnormal noises, vibrations, Caution Should these conditions occur, leakage of the
gland packing may not be stopped during any
temperatures or leakage, switch off the unit
operating condition whatsoever. With increased inlet pressure
immediately and re-start it only after the cause for the problem
and/or increased speed, the inevitably higher leakage of the
has been eliminated.
gland packing must not be reduced by subsequent
Increased temperature of the rolling element bearings after
re-tightening the gland bolts. The setting of the minimum
commissioning are caused by the running-in processes. The
leakage may only be done at lowest speed and/or lowest inlet
final bearing temperature will be established only after some
operating time (depending on the conditions up to 48 hours).
Mechanical seal
6.1.6 Shutdown The mechanical seal assembly has been adjusted and installed
Close the shut–off element in the discharge line. in the factory. It is maintenance-free. Check the seal for leakage
If the discharge line is equipped with a non–return or check occasionally.
valve, the shut-off valve may remain open, provided there is During commissioning, increased leakage may occur for a
sufficient backpressure in the line. short period of time. If leakage remains high, immediately
- Switch off the drive, making sure that the pump set runs switch off the unit and investigate the leakage cause, e.g.
smoothly down to a standstill.
contaminated medium handled or previous dry running due to
- In the case of prolonged shutdown, the shut-off valve in the
inadequate venting of the pump.
inlet line has to be closed. Also close any shut-off elements
in the auxiliary feed lines.
- The shaft seal in pumps where the liquid is fed in under Cooled mechanical seal (seal code 64)
vacuum must also be fed with sealing liquid during standstill. If the pump is fitted with a cooled mechanical seal (seal code
- In the event of frost and/or prolonged shutdowns, the pump 64), vent the seal chamber as described in section 6.1.1.
must be drained or otherwise protected against freezing.
6.2 Operating Limits Caution In the case of horizontal pumps, vitually complete
The hydraulic system is designed for pure or slightly drainage of the stage casings of pumps in
contaminated liquids (solid matter content max. 20 ppm). Care installed condition can only ensured by opening the plugs on
needs to be taken that the operating limits indicated in the order the stage casings (option). If this is not possible, it is
confirmation are complied with. recommended to remove the pump and to proceed according
6.2.1 Temperature of the Medium Handled chap. 6.3.2.
Do not operate the pump at temperatures exceeding those
6.3.2 The pump is removed from the pipe and stored
specified on the nameplate or the technical data sheet.
Before putting the pump into storage carry out all checks and
6.2.2 Switching Frequency maintenance work specified in sections 7.1. Then preserve as
The permissible number of start-ups in a given period of time follows:
depends on the circumstances prevailing in the plant and the Drain pump as completely as possible. For vertical pumps, this
operating conditions. Overloading of the motor may generally can be done by opening the drai plugs on the suction casing.
result in: For horizontal pumps, an almost complete draining can be
– an abnormal increase in motor temperature exceeding the achieved through the draining holes on the stage casings
temperature limit of the winding or the bearing grease. (option) by opening the respective closing plug. The drainage
– premature coupling wear can also achieved by having the pump brought into vertical
– a reduced service life of the pump components position with the aid of a crane, with the suction nozzle pointing
– irregularities or malfunctions in the plant down, while turning the rotor by hand. However, in addition, the
To prevent abnormal temperature increases in the motor and seal chamber still has to be drained by opening the respective
excessive loads on the motor, coupling, pump, seals and drain plug.
bearings, the switching frequency must not exceed the When utilising lifting equipment, care must be taken that
following number of start–ups per hour (h). the pump does not slip out of the suspension as other-
wise there is a risk of personal and material damage! If a
Motor rating (kW) Max. start-ups/h
complete draining is not possible, it is recommended to
up to 3 kW 20 dismantle the pump and to dry the individual parts.
from 4 to 11 kW 15 Afterwards, fill the pump with a water--repellent preservative,
from 11 to 45 kW 10 e.g. RUSTELO DEWATERING 924 (manufacturer CASTROL),
45 kW and above 5 OSYRIS DW (manufacturer TOTAL) or equivalent.
The pump shall be turned by hand several times in order to
6.2.3 Minimum Flows ensure even distribution of the preservative. Then drain the
If the plant configuration is such that the pump might be pump and close the suction and discharge nozzle.
operated against a closed discharge–side shut–off valve, the Exposed blank metal parts are to be treated with a suitable
following minimum flows are required during this time. anti-corrosive agent.
t -10 to + 100 °C 15 % of Qopt
t > 100 to + 140 °C 20 % of Qopt Caution If the pump must be preserved for a longer
t > 140 to + 200 °C 25 % of Qopt storage period with KLÜBERTOP K 01--601 or
Contact KSB if exact minimum flows have to be calculated. with another preservative on the basis of glycol, the
preservative must not be drained. In this case, the pump must
The minimum flows indicated above are for single pump be filled completely with the preservative for storage. The
operation and prevent a thermal or mechanical overload of the preservative has to be drained before the pump is returned to
pump. In case of parallel operation with pumps of identical or operation. It can be re--used. Before re--use, it should be made
different design higher minimum flows may be required in some sure that the water content in the preservative does not exceed
cases, to guarantee a stable operating behaviour. 20 %.
6.2.4 Density of the Medium Handled 6.4 Returning to Service after Storage
The power input of the pump will increase in proportion to the Before returning the pump to service, carry out all instructions
density of the medium handled. To avoid overloading of the laid down in the sections on ”Commissioning” (6.1) and
motor and the pump, the density of the medium must comply ”Operating Limits” (6.2).
with the data specified on the purchase order. Upon completion of the work, all safety-related and protective
equipment must be properly refitted and/or reactivated before
6.3 Shutdown / Storage / Preservation starting the pump set.
6.3.1 The pump/unit remains installed; periodic check of
In order to make sure that the pump is always ready for instant
start–up and to prevent the formation of deposits within the
pump and the pump intake area, start up the pump set regularly
once a month or once every 3 months for a short time (approx. 5
minutes) during prolonged shutdown periods. Follow the
instructions for commissioning (see 6.1).
For pumps of material variants 10, 20 and 21 (cast iron), longer
shutdown periods have to be avoided especially when pumping
aggressive water qualities (high oxygen content). In this case,
the pumps should be left filled and the functional run should be
made at least every two days instead of in intervals of 1 to 3
months (see also 6.1.5).
In the event of frost and/or prolonged shutdowns, the pump
must be drained and protected against freezing and corrosion.
To drain the pump, open drain plug 6B.
7 Maintenance / Repair 7.2.2 Bearings and Lubrication
For the variant with grease lubrication, the rolling element
7.1 General Instructions bearings of the Multitec 32 as well as the rolling element bearing
The operator is responsible for ensuring that all maintenance, of the non--drive end of the Multitec 50 and 65 in design C and
inspection and installation work is carried out by authorised, D are lubricated for life and do not require any relubrication. In
duly qualified staff who are thoroughly familiar with these this case, there are no lubricating nipples on the bearing
operating instructions. brackets.
A regular maintenance schedule will help avoid expensive
repairs and contribute to trouble-free, reliable operation of the
pump with a minimum of maintenance expenditure and work. Pump
Work on the unit must only be carried out with the Depending on the pump version, the rolling element bearings
electrical connections disconnected. Make sure that are grease–lubricated or oil-lubricated.
the pump set cannot be switched on accidentally. Grease Quality / Grease Change
The bearings are packed with high-quality lithium-soap grease.
Pumps handling liquids posing health hazards must
! be decontaminated. When draining the medium see
Depending on the size of the pump and the operating hours of
the pump, the rolling element bearings must be re-lubricated or
to it that there is no risk to persons or the environment. All
the grease in the rolling element bearings must be replaced.
relevant laws must be adhered to.
Speed (1/min)
7.2 Maintenance / Inspection Size MTC < 1800 » 2950 » 3550
7.2.1 Supervision of Operation
32-50-65 10000h 7200h 5700h
Caution The pump must run quietly and free from 100-125 9000h 5700h 3900h
vibrations at all times.
The pump must never be allowed to run dry.Max. ambient 150 8300h 4000h 3100h
temperature: 40 °C. If re--lubrication intervals are short, it is recommended to
The bearing temperature may exceed ambient temperature by completely exchange the grease once a year. If this is not the
up to 50 °C but must never rise above +90 °C (measured on the case, a complete exchange must take place at least every two
outside of the bearing bracket), see section years. When doing so, the rolling element bearings must be dis-
Prolonged operation against a closed shut-off element is mantled, cleaned, and packed with new grease.
! not permitted, to prevent the medium handled from In case of unfavourable operating conditions, e.g. high ambient
heating up. temperatures and high air humidity, dust-filled air, aggressive
Caution: Required minimum flows see 6.2.3. industrial atmospheres etc., the bearings should be controlled
The shut-off element in the inlet line must not be closed earlier and, if necessary, cleaned and packed with new grease.
! during pump operation. Under normal conditions grease-lubricated rolling element
The mechanical seal leaks only slightly or invisibly (vapour) bearings will run for 15,000 operating hours or 2 years. Thereaf-
during operation. It is maintenance-free. ter, the bearings have to be dismantled, cleaned and re-packed
Gland packings must leak slightly (individual drops). with grease. Under unfavourable operating conditions, e.g.
Any stand-by pumps installed shall be switched on and then high room temperature, high atmospheric humidity, dust–laden
immediately off again once a week to keep them operational. air, aggressive industrial atmosphere etc., the bearings should
Attention shall be paid to the correct functioning of the auxiliary be checked earlier and cleaned and re-lubricated, if required.
connections. Use a high-quality lithium-soap grease, free of resin and acid,
not liable to crumble and with good rust–preventive
characteristics. The grease shall have a penetration number
between 2 and 3, corresponding to a worked penetration
between 220 and 295 mm/10. Its drop point must not be below
175 °C. The bearing cavities must only be half–filled with
If required, the bearings may be lubricated with greases of other
soap bases. Since greases of differing soap bases must not be
mixed, the bearings must be thoroughly cleaned beforehand.
The re-lubrication intervals required must then be adjusted to
the greases used.
7.3.3 Dismantling the Bearings N.B.: The anti-torsion pin 561.1 remains in position.
The sections below describe partial dismantling (bearings,
seals, etc.) and complete dismantling of the pump unit. Shaft in 1.4021/1.4462 Dismantling the Non-Drive-End Bearings
Plain bearing
The plain bearing is removed without dismantling the hydraulic
system of the pump.
Axial suction nozzle:
Fig. 7.3-3
Rolling element bearings:
If the pump is oil-lubricated, drain the oil before dismantling.
- Unscrew bolts 901.4 or 901.9 and remove non-drive end
bearing cover 361.1 or 361.2.
- Unscrew nut 920.7 with lockwasher 931 or the nut with
castellated nut 920.6.
- pull out sleeve 520.2 with rolling element bearing 320.2
Grease lubrication
Multitec 32 - 125 Multitec 150
Fig. 7.3-1
- Pull off bearing cover 160.2 using forcing screws.
- Remove circlip 932.1 (shaft in C45) or bolt 901.2 and disc
550.7 (shaft in 1.4021 / 1.4462).
- Take out bearing sleeve 529.
- Pull out bearing cartridge 381 with its two O–rings 412.2.
N.B.: The anti–torsion pin 561.1 remains in position.
Fig. 7.3-4
Oil lubrication
Fig. 7.3-6
7.3.4 Dismantling and Replacement of Shaft Seal 7.3.5 Removing the Mechanical Seal
Gland Packings Removing the Mechanical Seal Replacing the Packing Rings - Remove the bearings as described in sections
Access to packing rings without removing the bearing or the and
lantern: - For grease lubricated version pull V--ring 411.6 off
- Undo both nuts 920.3 and pull gland cover 452 out of spacer sleeve 525.1
- Remove O-ring 412.10
seal housing 441.1. - Pull off spaces sleeve 525.1
- Remove packing rings 461. - Remove any auxiliary pipe work (circulation, etc.), Replacing the Shaft Protecting Sleeve depending on the pump version.
- Loosen nuts 920.3 at the mechanical seal cover
- Remove the bearing as described in sections and until the spring is relaxed. - Remove bearing housing 350.1.
- Remove packing rings as described in section - Take off mechanical seal cover 471.1 with the seat ring and
- Grease-Lubricated version pull V-ring 411.6 off gasket 400.1, remove spring loaded ring (not in case of
spacer sleeve 525.1. bellows seal).
- Remove O-ring 412.10. - Remove key 940.2.
- Take off spacer sleeve 525.1. - Pull off sleeve 523.1 with the rotating assembly of the
- Remove bearing housing 350.1. mechanical seal. (Two holes are supplied in the sleeve for
- Remove the seal housing 441.1 together with gland engaging a pull-off device.)
cover 452. - Take off shaft seal housing 441.1
- Remove key 940 - Remove O-ring 412.4.
- Take off sleeve 524 with a pull--off device. Use the groove
in the sleeve to do so.
- Remove O-ring 412.4.
N.B.: If the sleeve 524 proves difficult to remove, the balance
drum can be used for leverage.
- Remove balance drum 59-4, disc 550.3 and sleeve 524 with
a pull-off device engaged in the threaded holes on the drum.
This is not possible on pumps without balance drum.
Fig. 7.3-9
Fig. 7.3-7
Fig. 7.3-8
Multitec Removing an Air–Cooled Mechanical Seal Dismantling of a water--cooled mechanical seal
(Seal code 64) (Sealing Code 64)
Fig. 7.3-10
N.B.: This mechanical seal design is used for
application temperatures from 140 °C to 200 °C and Multitec
sizes 32 to 100. The pump shall only be coupled to a motor with
enclosure IP 55.
- Remove bearing acc. to sections or Fig. 7.3-12
- Remove O--ring 412.10
- Pull off spacer sleeve 525.1. N.B.: This application concerns the operation at temperatures
- Loosen bolts 901.11. ranging from 140 to 200°C and sizes 125 and 150 (optional for
- Remove bearing housing 350.1 sizes 32 to 100).
- Remove mechanical seal cover 471.1 with the seat
ring and gasket 400.1. -- Drain pump and unscrew circulation line using the pipe
- Remove key 940.5 unions 731.15
- Pull off sleeve 523.1 with the rotating assembly of -- Remove rolling element bearing according to chapters
mechanical seal 433.7. (Two holes are supplied in and
the sleeve for engaging a pull–off device.) -- Remove O-ring 412.10
- Take off sealing housing 441.1 -- Pull off spacer sleeve 525.1
- Remove O-ring 412.4. -- Unscrew nuts 920.3
In case of a between-bearings pump (installation type/pump -- Take off bearing housing 350.1
version C or D) the mechanical seal shall be removed as fol-
-- Remove mechanical seal cover 471.1 together with the seat-
- Remove screws 900.2 and hood 683.1. ring and gasket 400.1
- Undo axle 87-5 together with fan impeller 831.1 -- Remove key 940.5
- the threaded insert 915 has to remain in the shaft 210 -- Pull off sleeve 523.1 with the rotating assembly of the
mechanical seal 433.7. (Two holes are provided in the
Caution For previous versions (prior to 03/2002) and sleeve for engaging a pull--off device).
assembly in the factory, the axle 87-5 and the fan
impeller 831.1 were assembled using Loctite 222. -- Remove cooling jacket 66-2
For previous versions and re-installation, the axle -- Take off seal housing 441.4
Caution 87-5 and the fan impeller 831.1 must be -- Remove O-ring 412.4
secured with Loctite 222. Removing a Double-Acting Mechanical Seal
- Remove support 59-7. Mechanical seals in tandem, face-to–face and back-to-back
- Dismantle the bearing as described in section arrangement are fitted as per customer specifications. There is as well as spacer sleeve 525.1 and bearing a wide variety of variants, types and brands. Please refer to the
housing 350.1. general drawing and the documentation supplied with the pump
The removal of the mechanical seal is done as described for orientation.
Fig. 7.3-11
7.3.6 Dismantling the Hydraulic Elements 7.3.7 Recommended Spare Parts Stock for 2 Years’
- Remove the bearings as described in sections and Coutinuous Operation and the shaft seals as described in sections We recommend to replace different wear parts
7.3.4 and 7.3.5. (such as rolling element bearings, sealing
lt possible, place the hydraulic system in vertical position and elements, circlips etc. ) whenever the entire hydraulic system is
start dismantling it from the discharge end. dismantled (See spare parts list below.)
-- Loosen the four tie bolts 905. Part Description Number of pumps
-- Remove discharge casing 107 and then the hydraulic No. (including stand-by pumps)
system. 2 3 4 5 6+7 8+9 10 and
N.B.: The pump versions A/B/C/D in material variants 22/23/30 more
have an intermediate bearing in the middle stage as of the For shaft seal codes 65 and 66 (gland packing)
number of stages listed in the table (see Fig. 7.3-12). 210 Shaft with small parts 1 1 2 2 2 3 30 %
230 Impeller(set = S) 1 1 1 2 2 3 30 %
Pump Size 32 50 65 100 125 150
231 Suction impeller 1 1 1 2 2 3 30 %
No. of Stages 8 7 6 6 5 6 320.1 Fixed bearing (set) 1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
320.2 Radial bearing 1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
381 Bearing cartridge 1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
411 V–ring( set) 4 8 8 8 9 12 150 %
412 O–ring(set = S) 4 8 8 8 9 12 150 %
461 Gland packing (set) 4 6 8 8 9 12 150 %
502 1) Casing wear ring (set) 2 2 2 3 3 4 50 %
520 Sleeve 1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
524 Shaft protecting aleeve 2 2 2 3 3 4 50 %
525 Spacer sleeve 2 2 2 3 3 4 50 %
529 Bearing sleeve 1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
540 Bush 1 1 1 2 2 3 30 %
550.12) Disc 2 2 2 3 3 4 50 %
59-4 Balance drum 1 1 1 2 2 3 30 %
For shaft seal codes 61, 62, 63 and 64 (with mechanical seal)
433 Complete mechanical seal 2 3 4 5 6 7 90 %
523 Shaft sleeve (set) 2 2 2 3 3 4 50 %
1) only pump sizes 125 and 150
2) only pump sizes 32 to 100
3) Parts 461 and 524 unassembled
Bild 7.3-12 N.B.: Please always indicate the works number stamped onto
the pump name plate when ordering spare parts.
540.3 Intermediate bearing-bush
520.3 Intermediate bearing-sleeve 7.4 Reassembly
171.5 Intermediate bearing-diffuser Caution The pump shall be reassembled in accordance
230.2 Intermediate bearing-impeller with the rules of sound engineering practice:
- Under no circumstances use force.
- Due to their weight, some pump components must be
supported during reassembly.
- Before reassembly, the locating surfaces of the individual
components must be coated with a mounting aid in
compliance with hygienic health and safety regulations.
- The properties of new pump components must not be
altered without prior consultation with our technical
- The parts must be clean and free from shavings or dust.
- Reassembly is effected in reverse order to dismantling.
- The tightening torques indicated must be complied with.
Avoid the use of mounting aids as far as possible. Should
a mounting aid be required after all, use a commercially
available contact adhesive, e.g. Pattex, HYLOMAR or
Epple 33, after prior consultation with our technical
departments. The adhesive must only be applied
at selected points and in thin layers. Do not use cyano-
acrylate adhesives (quick-setting adhesives).
7.4.1 Tightening Torques -- Tie Bolts 905 The gland cover must be tightened by hand at first. Use a feeler
Material codes 10, 11, 12 (casing: cast iron) gauge to check the level position of the gland cover. It must be
easy to rotate the rotor by hand.
Pump size Tightening torque (Nm)
Leakage is normal during pump commissioning. After approx.
Multitec 32 85 5 minutes’ operating period, the amount of leakage can be
Multitec 50 140 reduced by steadily tightening the nuts of the gland cover by 1/6
Multitec 65 250 of a turn. Keep an eye on the amount of leakage and the water
Multitec 100 395 temperature. It takes several hours of pump operation for the
Multitec 125 600 gland to be adjusted completely. There must be a high leakage
Multitec 150 700 rate during the running-in period.
Repeat this procedure every five minutes until a minimum value
is reached.
Material codes 20, 21, 22, 23, 30
(casing: steel or stainless steel) Dimensions in Pump size
Operating pressure Tightening torque mm 32 -- 50 -- 65 100 125 150
Pump size
(bar) (Nm)
Packing cross-
Multitec 32 150 10 " 12,5 " 16 "
Multitec 50 240 Length of
≈181 ≈223 ≈254 ≈306
Multitec 65 All 430 packing cord
Multitec 100 680 Number of
5 6
Multitec 125 1370 packing rings
≤ 40 1500 Gland housing
Multitec 150
> 40 2000
7.4.2 Reassembly of Hydraulic System
Pump reassembly starts at the suction side and proceeds
towards the discharge side. lt is advisable to place the pump in
vertical position for reassembly. The sequence of reassembly
does not pose special problems and should be done according
to detailed sectional drawings showing the list of individual
parts. The components shall be re--installed in the same place
as before dismantling.
A clearance of 0.7 to 1.2 mm shall be set between the last da
impeller 230.1 or 230.3 and the balance drum 59-4 (or spacer d
sleeve 525.4). i
When tightening the tie bolts, proceed as follows: l
- Tighten the nuts of the tie bolts 905 gently, with the pump
in vertical position. Pump size di da l
- Place the pump in horizontal position upon its feet on the 32 -- 50 -- 65 45 65 50
assembly table. 100 56 80 60
- Tighten the nuts of tie bolts 905 in two steps (first step:
125 66 90 72
50 % of nominal torque, second step: nominal torque) in
the sequence 150 78 110 96
Fig. 7.4-2 Gland chamber dimensions
1 2
3 4
Fig. 7.4-1
7.4.3 Seals
Gland packing
Before re-packing, thoroughly clean the gland packing
chamber and the gland cover.
Caution Packing rings must be inserted so that the cut
edge is displaced by approx. 90! to 120! in
relation to the previous one.
Slip the pre–stressed packing rings onto the shaft protecting
sleeve, press home the first packing ring with the help of the
gland follower. Each packing ring must be pressed into the
packing chamber individually, using the gland cover.
For gland packings with lantern ring (for use in vacuum oper-
ation), the lantern ring is mounted instead of the next to last
packing ring (the last packing ring is located in the seal chamber
on the pump side).
anti-clock- View
wise towards
the spring-
loaded ring
Fig. 7.4-3
Sealing elements
Caution DSealing elements made of EPDM must never
come into contact with oil or grease.
Defective O-rings (which have sustained mechanical damage
such as cuts, cracks and deformation as well as changes in
properties from deposits or embrittlement) must be replaced.
New gaskets shall be used whenever the pump is
If possible, sealing elements shall be mounted without the use
of mounting aids like grease or adhesives, unless authorised
mounting aids are used.
Nut with counter--nut – drive end (and non--drive end for versions C and D)
M1 1.) Tighten first nut with torque M1, then loosen again
M2 2.) Tighten first nut with torque M2
M3 3.) Tighten second nut with torque M3, at the same time block first nut
Self-locking nut -- old design MTC E/F/V 32/50/65 (drive side) No torques specified.
No torques given
If there is no suitable torque wrench available for the tightening After installation of the bearings, the following controls need
of the shaft nuts, proceed as follows with respect to each to be made:
design: - Grease lubricated bearings: Check the clearance
between cover 360.1 and bearing housing 350.1 after
Self--locking nut on drive end or non-drive end (versions having tightened the bolts 901.1. There should be a
C and D) clearance between 0.2 mm and 0.8 mm. The cover 360.1
# Tighten fast the shaft nut firmly must not rest on the bearing housing 350.1.
# Loosen the shaft nut again - Oil lubricated bearings: Check the clearance between
# Apply adhesive to thread (e.g. LOCTITE) cover 360.2 and bearing housing 350.1 by verifying the
# Moderately tighten the shaft nut dimensions prior to re–assembly (if bearings or cover
have to be replaced).
Nut with lockwasher on drive end (or non-drive end
versions C and D)
Rolling element bearings
# Tighten the shaft nut firmly Grease lubricated bearings
# Loosen the shaft nut again 0.2 ...0.8 mm
# Moderately tighten the shaft nut
# Bend over lockwasher
MTC 32/50/65 : 30 Nm
MTC 100/125/150 40 Nm
Fig. 7.4-5
Radial bearing
Versions C and D are equipped with a deep-groove ball bearing 7.5.2 Repairs
as radial bearing. (The other versions are fitted with a plain Clearance between impeller 231 and suction casing:
bearing in the suction casing.) The outer race of the Pump size 32 to 65 for material codes 10, 11, 12:
deep-groove ball bearing must have axial play. The bearing is Re-working the suction casing and mounting a spare casing
installed without spacer discs 551.1. wear ring as per ZN 1095 and re--working the impeller.
For other pump sizes and material codes:
Replacing the casing wear ring 521.1 by a spare ring as per
ZN 1095 and re-working the impeller.
Clearance between impeller 230 and disc 550.1 resp.
casing wear ring 502.2:
(Size 125 and 150):
Replace the casing wear ring 502.2 with a spare ring as per
ZN 1095 and re--working the impeller.
(Size 32 to 100):
Various repair methods are possible:
a) Replacing the impellers 230 and discs 550.1 with new parts.
Quick repair method, no re-work of parts required.
b) Re-working the impellers at the impeller eye by deposit
welding and subsequently machining to the original diameter.
This repair method is used for impellers made of stainless steel.
c) Re-working the impellers 230, re-assembly of stage
Fig. 7.4-6 casings or diffusers (depending on the pump version) and
replacing the discs made of deep-drawn sheet metal by solid
discs. This repair method does not require KSB spare parts. Temperature of the Rolling Element Bearings
Caution The temperature of the rolling element bearings,
which run at 3000 1/min and more, can be 90°C.
Manual temperature checks are not sufficient!
- The bearings only reach their normal operating temperature
after some hours of operation.
- When a new pump is started up, the bearing temperature
may exceed 95°C. After 2 or 3 operating hours, it will sink
slowly and level out to a constant value after approxi
mately one week.
- A temperature rise may occur after service activities
comprising re-placement of bearings or dismantling of
hydraulic system.
Should the temperature exceed 100 °C during pump start--up,
switch off the pump and perform the following checks:
- Check whether the unit is correctly aligned
- Remove the bearings, check grease quantity.
An excessive grease quantity will cause excessive
- Check the bearing type and arrangement (see
- Restart the pump. Ensure tight press fit between outer races
and cover (fixed bearing).
7.5 Re-adjusting the Clearance Gaps
7.5.1 Maximum Clearance Gaps
The following max. diameters of clearances apply:
Impellers 230 and 231
Suction side clearance gap 0.8 mm
Clearance gap at the hub 0.8 mm
Balance drum 59-4 0.8 mm
Suction casing 106.1 and spacer 1.0 mm if the product is pumped
sleeve 525.2 (only for pump ver- from a vessel under vacuum
sions C and D) conditions
2.5 mm for all other operating
Should wider clearances be found, the parts subject to wear
must be replaced.
N.B.: The performance of the pump is adversely affected by
excessive clearances. Losses in efficiency and head will occur.
N.B. The advantage of the deep-drawn discs is their hardness Clearance gaps between impeller 230 and diffusor:
at the sealing gap due the forming procedure during production. a) Re-working the impellers at the sealing gaps of the hubs.
Deep-drawn parts are much harder than machined parts, which Re-working the diffusors and installing a casing wear ring to
places the deep-drawn components at a considerable ZN 140.
advantage in the event of the impeller coming into rubbing b) Should hub thickness be insufficient after re-working, replace
contact during pump operation. This feature is of particular the impeller or install a spacer sleeve (see drawing below). The
importance for pumps with stainless steel impellers. spacer sleeve must be driven by the impeller key. Attention
Should repair method c) be applied, the clearance gaps have to should be given that the carrying key length in the impeller is at
be increased by approx. 0.1 mm as against the original least 2/3 of the total (carrying) key length.
clearance gaps.
Fig 7.5-2
8 Trouble-Shooting
Cause Remedy 1)
* * * Pump delivers against an excessively high discharge pressure. Re-adjust duty point.
Check plant for impurities.
Fit one or several larger impellers.
Increase the speed (turbine, I.C. engine).
* * * * Pump or piping are not completely vented or primed. Vent and/or prime.
* * Supply line or impeller clogged. Remove deposits in the pump and/or piping.
* * * * * Suction head is too high/NPSH available (positive suction head) is too low. Check/alter liquid level.
Fully open shut-off valve in the suction line.
Change suction line, if the friction losses in the suction line are too high.
Check strainer / foot valve and suction line for clogging.
* * Air intake at the shaft seal. Clean sealing liquid channel, supply with external sealing liquid 2) 3), if
required, or increase its pressure.
Fit new shaft seal.
* * * Reverse rotation. Interchange two of the phases of the power supply cable.
* * Pump back pressure is lower than specified in the purchase order. Adjust duty point accurately.
* Score marks or roughness on shaft protecting sleeve / shaft sleeve. Fit new shaft protecting sleeve / shaft sleeve.
Fit new shaft seal.
* * * The pump is warped or sympathetic vibrations in the piping. Check pipeline connections and secure fixing of pump; if required, reduce
the distances between the pipe clamps.
Fix the pipelines using anti–vibration material.
* Outer bearing races of fixed bearing are loose. Clamp outer bearing races axially.
* Increased axial thrust. 2) Check rotor clearances, axial adjustment and clearance on throttling bush/
balance drum
* * Insufficient or excessive quantity of lubricant or unsuitable lubricant. Top up, reduce or change lubricant.
* Non-compliance with specified coupling distance. Correct distance according to the installation plan.
* * The motor is running on two phases only. Replace the defective fuse.
Check the electric cable connections.
* * * Inadequate cooling of shaft seal chamber. Check the free cross–section of the cooling liquid feed line.
* * * Change in the free cross–section of the return line of the balancing liquid.
Wear in balancing device.
Check the balancing line.
Check the clearance on the throttling bush/balance drum
1) The pump pressure must be released before attempting to remedy faults on parts which are subjected to pressure.
2) Contact KSB.
3) Pump version with sealing liquid supply only available on request.
9 General Drawing
Sizes 32 to 100
Radial suction nozzle
Close-coupled pump up to size 65
Radial suction nozzle
Vertical version
Pump size 32, 50 and 65
Vertical version
Pump size 100 and 125
Version B
Version C
Adjusting Dimensions for Coupling Alignment, Pump sizes 32 to 65, Pump Versions E, Ex, F, Fx, V, Vx
Cotes de réglage pour alignement de l’accouplement tailles 32 jusqu’à 65, Exécutions E, Ex, F, Fx, V, Vx
Einstellmaße für Kupplungsausrichtung Baugrößen 32 bis 65, Ausführung E, Ex, F, Fx, V, Vx
Attenzion The motors of versions Ex, Fx and Vx are special motors with reinforced bearing which cannot be replaced by
standard motors!
Les moteurs pour les versions Ex, Fx et Vx sont des moteurs spéciaux à paliers renforcés qui ne peuvent pas être
remplacés par des moteurs standard!
Bei den Motoren für die Version Ex, Fx und Vx handelt es sich um Sondermotoren mit verstärkter Lagerung , die nicht
durch Standard--Motoren ersetzt werden können!
Allée de Sagan - B. P. 189 . 36004 Châteauroux Cedex
Tél.: (02) 54 08 84 00 Fax: (02) 54 08 84 91