MC 6 S 1999

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To * SUBJEC! CSC Resolution No. __99-0595_, s. 1999 caused the amendment of ‘Section 21 of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 41, s. 1998 in order to effect the ‘equitable availment of special leave privileges to all qualified sectors of the MCNo,__08 _, 8. 1999 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR ALL HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS AND AGENCIES OF THE NATIONAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS INCLUDING GOVERNMENT— OWNED AND CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS AND STATE UNIVERSITIES bureaucracy, regardless of civil status and personal circumstances. ‘The amendment reads as follows: Sec. 21. Special leave privileges. - _ In adkdtion to the vecation, sick, matemity and patomity leave, officials and employees with or without existing Collective Negotiation Agrooment (CNA), sxcen teachers and those covered by special lave laws are grated the following special leave privileges subject fo the conditions hereunder stated: a) » such as __birthdays/ weddingwedding anniversary celebrations and other ‘similar milestones, including death anniversaries. Parental_obligstions such as attendance in schoo! programs, PTA meetings, graduations, first Child of the goverment employee is involved. Filial_oblgations (0 cover the employee's moral ‘bigation toward his parents and siblings for their ‘medical and social needs. Domestic emergencies such as sudden urgent repairs ‘needed at home, suckden absence of a yaya or maki, ‘and the hike. ©) Personal transactions to cover the entire range of {transactions an individual does with goverment and private offices such as paying taxes, court ‘appearances, arranging @ housing loan, etc. 1) Calamity, accident hosptalization leave pertain fo fxce imajeure events thet affect the Ife, imb, and property of the employee or his immediate family. 1. An employes can still avail of his birthday or wedding anniversary loave i ‘such occasion fails on either a Saturday, ‘Sunday or Holiday, either before or after the occasion. 2. Employees applying for special privilege leaves shall no longer be required to present proof that they are entited f0 vail of such leaves. 3. Three-day limit for a given yoar shalt be stricly observed: an employee can avail of one special privilege leave for thee (3) days or @ combination of any of the Jeaves for maximum of three days in a given year. Special leave privileges are non — cumulative and sinctly non — conventibie to cash, 4. Immediate family in Rule | (Definition of Terms) refers to spouse, children, parents, unmaried brothers end sisters ‘or any relative living under the same roof ‘or dependent upon the employee for ‘support ‘This amendment shall take effect immediately. laces lag Chairman e |! Republic of the Philippines CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION s Re: Amendments to Section 21, CSC MC 41, s. 1998 x x RESOLUTION No. _990595 WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission is empowered to prescribe, amend, ‘and enforce rules and regulations to camry into effect the provisions of the Civil Service Law, WHEREAS, in line with its rule - making power, the Commission issued CSC. Memorandum Circular Nos. 6 and 20 on special leave privileges; WHEREAS, said provision was incorporated in CSC Memorandum Circular No, 41, 8. 1998 entitled Amendments to Rules | and XVI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987; WHEREAS, ten (10) occasions are enumerated in that section that would entitle an empioyee to the special leave privileges, ie., funeraV/mourninglmoumning leave calamity leave hospitalization leave graduation leave accident leave ‘enrolment leave relocation leave wedding’ anniversary leave ‘government transaction leave birthday leave WHEREAS, there have been repeated requests to revise the existing rules for more equity in availment taking into account the needs and circumstances of all the qualified sectors; WHEREAS, the Commission feels that the perceived inequity in the availment of special leave privileges must be corrected within the framework of the ‘government's thrust fo humanize the bureaucracy and in keeping with the spirit of ‘equal access to opportunities and equal protection of laws; WHEREAS, the Commission is in a continuing mission to update rules and regulations it promulgates for a more dynamic and responsive bureaucracy. WHEREFORE, Section 21 of MC 41, s. 1998 shall be amended as follows:

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