Artificial Neural Networks Applied To The Design of Microstrip Antennas
Artificial Neural Networks Applied To The Design of Microstrip Antennas
Artificial Neural Networks Applied To The Design of Microstrip Antennas
June, 2006 Microwave Review
The following quantities can be obtained from the output of measured from the previous works in literature. ANN models
black-box as the functions of the input variables: developed for the evaluation of the input impedances of
• W : width of the patch; microstrip antennas are also available in literature [10], [11].
• L : length of the patch. There is also a fast technique to evaluate the resonant
frequency of microstrip antennas using neuro-fuzzy networks
[12]. In [13] and [14], a neural technique is combined with the
spectral (wavenumber domain) analysis together resulting
“Neurospectral” analysis to apply the square-patch antenna
basically for analysis but then reversing the model for the
synthesis of the antenna. Another work for ANNs in use of
reverse modeling is its utilization as the function/inverse
function approximators for RF/Microwave transmission line
design problems [15].
Mikrotalasna revija Jun 2006.
The effective dielectric constant of the dielectric material is Given the inputs x, the total input to the ith hidden neuron
given in (3). γi is given by
ε g +1 ε g −1 h
ε eff = + [1 + 12 e ]−1 / 2 (3)
2 2 W n x j − cij
For an efficient radiator, a practical width that leads to good γi = ∑ , i = 1,2,....., N (7)
radiation efficiencies is [2]: j =1 λ
vo 2
W= , (4) where(4)
N is the number of hidden neurons. The output value of
2 fr ε g +1 the ith hidden neuron is zij = σ (γ i ) , where σ (γ ) is a radial
where vo is the free-space velocity of light. basis function. Finally, the outputs of the RBF network are
computed from hidden neurons as
The actual length of the patch:
1 N
2 f r ε eff µ oε o
− 2 ∆L (5) yk = ∑ wki zki (8)
i =0
where ∆L is the extension of the length due to the fringing
where wki is the weight of the link between ith neuron of the
effects and is given by:
hidden layer and kth neuron of the output layer. Training
(ε eff + 0.3) Wh + 0.264 parameters w of the RBF network include wk0, wki, cij, λij,
k=1,2,…,m, i=1,2,….,N, j=1,2,…n, [17].
= 0.412
(ε eff
− 0.258 + 0.8
B. Multilayer Perceptron Networks
MLP are feedforward neural networks trained with the
standard backpropagation algorithm. They are supervised
IV. BUILDING NEURAL NETWORKS FOR THE networks so they require a desired response to be trained.
RECTANGULAR MICROSTRIP ANTENNA AND They learn how to transform input data into a desired
RESULTS response, so they are widely used for pattern classification.
With one or two hidden layers, they can approximate virtually
A. RBF Networks any input-output map. They have been shown to approximate
the performance of optimal statistical classifiers in difficult
Feedforward neural networks with a single hidden layer problems. Most neural network applications involve MLP.
that use radial basis activation functions for hidden neurons The basic MLP building unit is a simple model of artificial
are called radial basis function networks. RBF network are neuron. This unit computes the weighted sum of the inputs
applied to various microwave modeling purposes. A typical plus the threshold weight and passes this sum through the
RBF network structure is given in Figure 4. The parameters cij activation function (usually sigmoid). In a multilayer
and λij are centers and standard deviations of radial basis perceptron, the outputs of the units in one layer form the
activation functions. Commonly used radial basis activation inputs to the next layer. The weights of the network are
functions are gaussian and multiquadratic. usually computed by training the network using the back
propagation algorithm [17].
June, 2006 Microwave Review
In 1991, Park and Sandberg proved the universal subsection. The results of the synthesis and analysis ANN and
approximation theorem for RBF networks [16]. According to comparison with the targets are given in Table 2 and 3,
their work, a RBF neural network with a sufficient number of respectively.
hidden layers is capable of approximating any given nonlinear The train and test data of the synthesis and analysis ANN
function to any degree of accuracy. were obtained from both experimental results given in
In Table 1, the accuracy values of analysis ANN for four previous works [6] and a computer program using formulae
networks giving the best results have been given. As can be given in Section 3 [2]. The data are in a matrix form
seen from Table 1 and Table 4, in synthesis and analysis, RBF consisting inputs and target values and arranged according to
network were the one giving the best approximation to the the definitions of the problems.
target values whose structure is defined in the following
% Accuracy % Accuracy
RBF 99.09 RBF 97.76
MLP 1 96.53 MLP 3 97.75
MLP 2 95.05 MLP 2 96.68
MLP 3 94.88 MLP 1 95.85
RBF: Radial basis function network.
MLP 1: Multilayer perceptron network using scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation as learning algorithm.
MLP 2: Multilayer perceptron network using resilient backpropagation algorithm as learning algorithm.
MLP 3: Multilayer perceptron network using Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm as learning algorithm
h(cm) εr fr(GHz) W-target(cm) W-RBF(cm) L-target(cm) L-RBF(cm)
0.3175 2.33 2.310 5.7000000e+000 5.6974505e+000 3.8000000e+000 3.7994597e+000
0.3175 2.33 2.890 4.5500000e+000 4.5474521e+000 3.0500000e+000 3.0499109e+000
0.3175 2.33 4.240 2.9500000e+000 2.9511621e+000 1.9500000e+000 1.9486281e+000
0.3175 2.33 5.840 1.9500000e+000 1.9475063e+000 1.3000000e+000 1.2971094e+000
0.3175 2.33 6.800 1.7000000e+000 1.6944723e+000 1.1000000e+000 1.1033160e+000
0.3175 2.33 7.700 1.4000000e+000 1.3929305e+000 9.0000000e-001 9.0775583e-001
0.3175 2.33 8.270 1.2000000e+000 1.1977494e+000 8.0000000e-001 7.9030186e-001
0.3175 2.33 9.140 1.0500000e+000 1.0426235e+000 7.0000000e-001 7.0188779e-001
0.9525 2.33 4.730 1.7000000e+000 1.7005360e+000 1.1000000e+000 1.1001805e+000
0.4000 2.55 7.134 7.9000000e-001 7.9083561e-001 1.2550000e+000 1.2579399e+000
0.4500 2.55 6.070 9.8700000e-001 9.8108696e-001 1.4500000e+000 1.4564505e+000
0.4760 2.55 5.820 1.0000000e+000 1.0135424e+000 1.5200000e+000 1.5142246e+000
0.4760 2.55 6.380 8.1400000e-001 8.1739191e-001 1.4400000e+000 1.4414665e+000
0.5500 2.55 5.990 7.9000000e-001 7.8253575e-001 1.6200000e+000 1.6187765e+000
0.1570 2.33 5.060 1.7200000e+000 1.7173371e+000 1.8600000e+000 1.8634147e+000
h(cm) εr W (cm) L (cm) fr -target(GHz) fr -RBF(GHz)
0.3175 2.33 5.7 3.80 2.3100000e+000 2.3108710e+000
0.3175 2.33 4.55 3.05 2.8900000e+000 2.8880900e+000
0.3175 2.33 2.95 1.95 4.2400000e+000 4.2060612e+000
0.3175 2.33 1.95 1.30 5.8400000e+000 5.8893107e+000
0.3175 2.33 1.70 1.10 6.8000000e+000 6.6958903e+000
0.3175 2.33 1.40 0.90 7.7000000e+000 7.7905070e+000
0.3175 2.33 1.20 0.80 8.2700000e+000 8.3661174e+000
0.3175 2.33 1.05 0.70 9.1400000e+000 9.0719890e+000
0.9525 2.33 1.70 1.10 4.7300000e+000 4.6866520e+000
0.4000 2.55 0.79 1.255 7.1340000e+000 7.0603068e+000
0.4500 2.55 0.987 1.45 6.0000000e+000 6.0940227e+000
0.4760 2.55 1.00 1.52 5.8200000e+000 5.8599528e+000
0.4760 2.55 0.814 1.44 6.3800000e+000 6.4233684e+000
0.5500 2.55 0.79 1.62 5.9900000e+000 5.9439372e+000
0.1570 2.33 1.72 1.86 5.0600000e+000 5.0258464e+000
Mikrotalasna revija Jun 2006.
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