MTH 462 Lesson Day 6
MTH 462 Lesson Day 6
MTH 462 Lesson Day 6
Systems of Inequalities
Grade: This course will primarily include students in 9th or 10th grade that are taking the
course to fulfill their first High School math course required for graduation.
Subject: Algebra I
Duration: 1 class period
Common Core State Standards:
Graph the solutions to a linear inequality in two variables as a half-plane (excluding the
boundary in the case of a strict inequality), and graph the solution set to a system of two
linear inequalities in two variables as the intersection of the corresponding half-planes.
Mathematical Practices: 1,6
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
6. Attend to precision
Essential Question: How can we find the solutions to a system of linear inequalities by
Learning Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to
1. Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing.
2. Decide when it is appropriate to use a dotted line vs. a solid line when graphing systems
of inequalities.
3. Identify the solution of a system of linear equations as the intersection of the two shaded
portions of the graphs.
Ø Graph paper for students (about 30 sheets)
Ø Dry erase markers
Ø Dry erase eraser
Ø Colored pencils
Ø There will be an alternate version of the worksheet so struggling students will be
able to have a worksheet that best suits their needs.
Ø There will be a partially filled in version of the notes for students that need it and
absent students.
Detailed Description of Lesson:
Ø To check for prior knowledge, students will have a warm-up to complete at the
beginning of class where they will practice graphing linear equations.
o 𝑦 = − 𝑥 + 3
o 3𝑦 = 4𝑥 − 2
o Students are given these equations to refresh their graphing skills for
different types of linear equations.
o This will also allow the instructor to see students’ prior knowledge with
respect to graphing equations.
Ø We will go over the warm up as a class. I will ask for two volunteers to present their
solutions to the class using the visualizer and walk the class through their thought
processes and ideas.
Ø Introduction: Previously, we solved systems of linear equations by graphing. Now,
we are going to apply that same practice to systems while also introducing them to
systems of inequalities. We will work to answer the question: “How can we find the
solutions to a system of linear inequalities by graphing?”
Ø After the warm-up, I will put two equations on the board. I will ask students to
graph these two equations on the same graph on their graph paper.
o Equations are:
§ 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 3
§ 𝑦 = 3𝑥 + 4
o To check for understanding, I will walk around the room to answer any
questions students may have.
o After I see that all students are ready to move on, I will ask for a volunteer to
present their solutions to the class using the visualizer and walk the class
through their thought processes and ideas.
Ø I will repeat this process with another two equations.
o This time, the equations will have inequality signs instead of equal signs.
§ Equations are:
• 𝑦 > 2𝑥 − 4
• 𝑦 ≤ 4𝑥 + 2
o I will ask students to graph these two equations on the same graph the same
way they graphed the previous equations with one minor change. If the
equation is greater than or equal to or less than or equal to, the students will
graph the equation using a solid line. If the equation is a greater than or less
than, the students will graph the equation using a dotted line.
o I will walk around the room to answer any questions and I will check to
make sure each student is on the right track. After I see that all students are
ready to move on, I will ask for a volunteer to present their solutions to the
class using the visualizer and walk the class through their thought processes
and ideas.
Ø After this, I will explain to students that we also need to shade portions of the graph
when we are solving inequalities by graphing.
o Along with deciding to use a dotted or solid line when graphing, if the
equation is greater than, we shade above the equation. If the equation is less
than, we shade below the equation.
Ø On the visualizer, the teacher will walk the students through one shading problem
on the visualizer.
o The equations are:
o We will shade one graph using colored pencils. We will use one color for one
graph and a different color for the other graph. This will allow students to see
the area the graphs have in common along with the area that the graphs do
not have in common.
o Next, we shade the area that both graphs have in common with a third color.
Ø To practice this, I will ask students to properly shade the graph that they did in the
previous question.
o When all students have shaded, I will ask a volunteer to come up to the
board and use the visualizer to walk the class through their thought
processes and ideas.
o After that student is done presenting, I will ask the class if anyone shaded
their graph differently. If any students have, I will ask them to come up to the
board and explain what they shaded and why.
o This will let students see different thought processes and perspectives in
Ø Conclusion: To wrap up the lesson, ask students the following questions in the form
of a class discussion as a way of answering the essential question:
o “What type of line, dotted or solid, does a greater than or equal to equation
o “What type of line, dotted or solid, does a less than or equal to equation
o “What type of line, dotted or solid, does a less than equation have?”
o “What type of line, dotted or solid, does a greater than equation have?”
o “How do we know whether to shade above or below the line?”
o “When we have a system of linear equations, what part of the graph do we
Ø Students will solve problems in the textbook where they will be able to practice
their skills of graphing and shading systems of inequalities.
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