Lesson Plan 10 2f12-15 2f18
Lesson Plan 10 2f12-15 2f18
Lesson Plan 10 2f12-15 2f18
Name: Corinna Sech Date: October 12, 2018 & October 15, 2018
Standard Objective Assessment Activity(ies)
Expectation (10/12/18) Students Contributions
S6.1.1.1 - Students will label a map to graphic organizer Map Labels/Skills
apply their map
will use geographic (CC class only)
reading skills. (Only Post-Test VPP (CC
tools to locate places for the CC class - class only)
and describe the VPP) Mesopotamian
human and physical Contributions
characteristics in (10/12/18) Students reading/organizer
early world history. will recognize that
(CC class only) constant invasions in Advertisement
Mesopotamia led to
Indicator advancements.
(10/12/18) Students
will identify the
advancements made
by various
culture groups.
(10/15/18) Students
will create an
advertisement to
represent the
city-state /
contribution they
think is the most
important from
Materials Needed:
-Map labels worksheet
-Mesopotamian Contributions graphic organizer
-Blank drawing paper
-Colored pencils, markers, crayons, & rulers for the advertisement
Technology Integration/Needs:
A computer and screen is needed to project the PowerPoint and class instructions.
Lesson Procedure:
Warm-Up: Students will answer this warm-up question on their drill sheets: “Pick one of
Hammurabi’s laws that would be useful today. Explain why. Pick one of Hammurabi’s laws
that would not be useful today. Explain why.” After students write down their answers, I will
ask students to share some of their responses.
The CC class will take the post-test for my VPP after completing activity two.
Transition: “Thank you so much for working so hard and diligently. I know this was a
l ot of notes to take but it is imperative that you have this understanding of
Mesopotamian contributions as we proceed through the unit. However, because you
worked so hard.. I thought of a fun activity for us to do! Who can explain to me what
an advertisement is?”
Activity 3: Advertisement
After clarifying what an advertisement is, I will explain to students that they will be creating
one for either the Mesopotamian city-state they think is the most important OR the
contribution they think is the most important. I will be grading this on creativity and accuracy
of information. The advertisement is used in place of writing an essay for Mesopotamian
contributions. I will show students examples of advertisements so they have an understanding
of my expectations for this assessment. They will have the class period to work on the
advertisement and they will turn it in the following class.
-I will repeat student answers so the hearing-impaired student can hear other student responses.
-The CC class is not very low but my pacing and instruction will slow down to accomodate
-If any student is not comfortable working with a partner, he or she can work independently.