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Student TS2

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1. Introduction
TeamSpeak 2 is the unique bi directional audio communication software allowed in IVAO Network.
TeamSpeak 2 simulates an aircraft or ATC radio transceiver.

TeamSpeak 3 is not compatible with current network and audio architecture.

Do not use TeamSpeak 3!

This document outlines TeamSpeak 2 procedures.

2. Use in IVAO
This Software can be used:
 As a pilot to speak with ATC when flying online
 As an ATC to speak with pilots flying in your airspace
 As an observer to listen to ATC and pilots in an ATC channel
 As a trainer or examiner to conduct training and examination
 As a staff member to communicate with all the members (staff or regular member)
 As a pilot to speak with your Virtual airline pilots

3. Equipment need
When using TeamSpeak, you need some basic equipment along with your computer:
 Headset equipped with microphone (using USB or Audio connectors)
 Headset with separate microphone
 Speaker with separate microphone

IVAO procedures recommend the use of a basic headset with an integrated microphone in order to keep
hands free for flying or controlling.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 1

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
4. Download
The last version of IvAp and IvAc will automatically install TeamSpeak 2. Use this method as regular
installation of IVAO software.

For x-IvAp users or for people who have any problems with TeamSpeak 2 installation, you can download
TeamSpeak 2 software for free using the link from the IVAO website:
5. Connection to a server

5.1. IVAO Server list

The table presented will show you some of the possible network server names

server name Server address name

Europe n°4 Eu4.ts.ivao.aero
Europe n°6 Eu6.ts.ivao.aero
Europe n°8 Eu8.ts.ivao.aero
Europe n°14 Eu14.ts.ivao.aero
Community Channel cc.ts.ivao.aero

Be aware that this list can change when some servers open or others close.
List can be found on : http://ts.ivao.aero

The community channel server (cc.ts) is the server that you must use when you want to chat with other
members when not making use of ATC services (example: private chat, virtual airline specific channel to
meet friends, staff meeting, and examination meeting …).

5.2. Connect a server manually

In order to connect a server manually:
 Open TeamSpeak 2
 Select Connection tab
 Click on “Connect”

Then a separate window named “connect to server” opens.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 2

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
 If you have some servers already programmed, double click on the chosen server to connect it.

If the server list is empty, please follow the server adding procedure

5.3. Server adding procedure

In order to add a server manually to the list, follow the procedure for each server:
 Open TeamSpeak 2
 Left-click Connection tab
 Left-click “Connect”

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 3

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
Then a separate window named “connect to server” opens.

 Right-click on “Servers” as in the image

 Left-click on “Add Server”

A new server name “New Server” is created in the list, then:

 Left-click on “New Server” in order to edit and assign an appropriate name.
 Complete the field as in the example below (EU1 server)

Personal name of server

IVAO Server Address Name

Your connected callsign

Tick the registered button

Your VID

Your IVAN password

After completing all the fields, click on the “Connect” button to test your new server.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 4

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
5.4. Server cloning procedure

After your first server is set, you can clone this server in order to duplicate servers and assign new names
and servers.

After duplicating your server, just edit and modify the Label name and the server Name in order to set up
a new server.

This procedure is the easiest to program another server without typing your VID and Password.
Of course, if you made too many duplicate servers, you can delete some using the Delete server

6. TeamSpeak 2 basic configuration

6.1. Push to talk set-up

In order to avoid unknown noises on a frequency, you must use the push-to-talk (PTT) setup and configure
an associated key to use for radio transmission.

In order to configure your PTT key:

 Open TeamSpeak 2
 Select Setting tab
 Click on “Sound Input/Output Settings”

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 5

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
A new sub window “Sound Settings” opens:
 Select “Push to talk” radio button

 Left-click on the “Set” button in order to define the transmission key (utilize an unused key on your

This key you have defined must be pressed before you speak and must be released after you have finished
speaking. Pay careful attention not to release the key as you speak the last word, but after the last word.

It is very important to select an unused key (key like CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, ALTGR)

Our advice is to not use the ‘voice activation’ feature in TS on IVAO due to external sounds which can
automatically activate transmission.
In the real world, there is no voice activation when flying!

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 6

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
6.2. Remove all automatic sound notifications

In order not to be disturbed by automatic sound notifications, we advise you to suppress them all.
In order to disable sound notifications:
 Open TeamSpeak 2
 Select Setting tab
 Click on “Options”

A new sub-window “Settings” opens:

 Select “Sound Notifications” tab
 Check the “Disable all sounds”

For advanced users, with this tab, you can select the notifications you wish to program, suppress or modify.
For beginners, we advise you to disable all sounds.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 7

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
7. Server internal structure presentation
Each server has several channels where ATCs and pilots communicate.
When connecting manually to a server, you are automatically placed in a channel called “Unicom”.

This “Unicom” channel is a standby channel. No radio communication shall be done in this default channel.
This is not a voice self-information channel.

Except in the “Community Server” channel, each open channel is opened by an active ATC.
Below, you will find the connection on the community server.

In the community channel server, some channel access may be restricted for private examinations,
training, staff meetings, and virtual airline meetings use. Please consult the channel description on the left
before entering.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 8

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
Each channel shall have the connection name of the active ATC inside

This name is made up of the ICAO code of the airport or controlled zone, followed by the position trigram

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 9

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
8. Use of TeamSpeak as an Air Traffic Controller (ATC)
When connecting to IvAc, you must select the Voice option in order to activate voice communication for the
ATC service you are going to provide.

IVAO policy recommends to all the use of voice communications due to the heightened sense of realism
(we try to be as real as it gets).

8.1. Connection
After IvAc has connected, TeamSpeak is automatically launched on the selected server.

Be aware that IvAc and TeamSpeak cannot automatically create your ATC channel. You must create it.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 10

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
8.2. Channel creation

Select “Channels” menu and left-click on “Create Channel”

Then, a sub-window “Create New Channel” opens.

In that window, type the name of your position which is the same as your IvAc call sign.

Then left-click “create channel” in order to create it on the server

The use of the same IvAc call sign, as used for the ATC position you will be manning, for the
TeamSpeak channel is mandatory.
If these names are not the same, pilots would not be able to automatically connect to your voice channel on
the server.

After channel creation, you will find yourself located in the new channel with channel rights (CA) given
Now you can start to control using voice.

Be aware that if you change your call sign on IvAc after a network disconnection and controlling the same
position, you must rename your channel according to the new call sign.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 11

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
If you change your position in IvAc, you must close the position and advise the pilots that you are leaving
this position. Then you can rename with [closed] comment in the channel name and leave this channel in
order to create the new position channel.

9. Use of TeamSpeak as a pilot

9.1. Transmission mode selection in IvAp

When you want to use voice communications as a pilot (highly recommended), you must select the
Transmit/Receive option in IvAp.

IVAO policy recommends to all the use of voice communications due to the heightened sense of realism
(try to be as real as it gets).

Some pilots can receive audio communications only and for some reason, they may not be able to speak
(ex: baby asleep). In this case, it is highly recommended to select ”Receive (listen) Only” in spite of No
voice. As a pilot you must know that text communication slows down the ATC efficiency.
The “No voice” mode is the historical text mode.
This mode can be used for a pilot who cannot speak (handicap) or they cannot understand spoken English.
Of course, when using this mode, you must be able to communicate using basic written English.

When using text mode, the “read back” procedure is also mandatory.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 12

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.
9.2. Automatic switching with IvAp

When you select an ATC in order to contact with him on IvAp, IvAp sends the connection command to
TeamSpeak 2 using Air Traffic Controller server parameters stored in his ATIS.

Your call sign will automatically be taken from IvAp and TeamSpeak will put you directly on the correct
server and channel (if the ATC has correctly programmed his ATIS and TeamSpeak channel).

After listening to the channel activity for a short period, you may contact the ATC when no one else is

As there are often many pilots on an ATC frequency, please be patient and listen to ATC, other pilots and
always speak after the read-back from any pilot. Be respectful.

TeamSpeak 2 basics Version 1.1 18 October 2015 Page 13

© IVAO HQ training department Training Documentation Manager Erwan L’hotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks.

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