ANATOMY OF PIGEON (Columba Domestica)
ANATOMY OF PIGEON (Columba Domestica)
ANATOMY OF PIGEON (Columba Domestica)
By :
Name : Mellya Rizki Pitriani
Student ID : B1B017031
Group : VI
Subgroup :1
Assistant : Siti Munawaroh
B. Purpose
The purpose of this practical lab is to observe and study morphology and
pigeon anatomy (Columba domestica).
A. Material
The materials that used in this practice are pigeon (Columba domestica),
chloroform, tissue, and tap water.
The tools that used in this practice are surgical scissors, tweezers, knives,
and tub preparations.
B. Methods
The methods that used in this activity are:
1. Birds drugged using chloroform, then placed on a tub.
2. The base of the beak is opened wide, to see the parts of the cavity oris.
3. The feathers on the chest wetted first with water then plucked.
4. Skin that binds the chest area, caches and neck removed.
5. Surgery is performed on the origo part of the muscle, the carina sterni part,
surgery done with care as will be about the musculus pectoralis minor located
6. Musculus pectoralis major opened, then abdominal surgery starting from the
front of the cloaca to the front that is on the right and left of the base of the
sterni by cutting the ribs up to the fractula bone. Be careful in surgery on the
abdomen, chest and neck because there are air sacs.
7. Organs in pigeons are observed from the digestive organs to their genitals.
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Alter, Steven, 1999. Information System, A Management Perspective, edisi ke-3.
Addison- Wesley. United State of America.
Brotowidjoyo, M. D, 1990. Zoologi Dasar. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Djuhanda, T. 1982. Anatomi dari Empat Species Hewan
Vertebrata. Bandung: Armico.
Hildebrand, M., 1984. Analysis of Vertebrate Structure Second Edition. New York:
Jhon Wiley & Son.
Jasin, M., 1989. Sistematika Hewan Invertebrata & Vertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar
Pratiwi, D. A. 1996. Biologi 2. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Radiopoetro, 1977. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Radiopoetro, 1996. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Stoner & Usinger. 1957. General Zoologi. Tokyo: Kogakhusa Company, LTD.
Tanudimadja. 1978. School of Environmental Conservation Management. Ciawi,
Walter, H. E, dan Leonard P. Sayles. 1959. Biology of The Vertebrates. New
York: The Macmilan Company.
Weichert, C.K. 1959. Elements of Chordate Anatomy Second Edition. New
York:McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc.
Choudhary, P., Sudhamani, S., Pandit, A. & Kiri, V., 2012. Comparison of Modified
1 spasi
Ultrafast Papanicolaou Stain with The Standard Rapid Papanicolaou Stain in
Cytology of Various Organs. Journal of Cytology/Indian Academy of
Cytologists, 29(4), pp.241-245.
1. Times New Roman font size 12 except the title and chapter (14).
2. The margin left 4, right, down, up 2.5.
3. Spacing between chapters to Section 2 spaces, spacing between last word
in subbab to next subbab is 2 space, spaces between sentences to the first
paragraph of section 1,5 and the spacing between lines of 1.5 spaces.
4. Paper A4 80 grams
5. The background contains practical reason for the event, when quoting
from journals or books do not forget listed the author and that included
in the reference list.
6. Background consist of at least 3 paragraphs, and each paragraph
consists of at least 3 sentences.
7. In preparing the report using at least 5 text book and 2 journals last 5
years (2014-2018).
8. Discussion contains a comparison between the theoretical and the
practical results of existing research results in journals that are relevant
to practical events.
9. Conclusions based on the results and discussion that refers to the goal.
10.All theories taken from the quote should be in included in the reference