The New Law of Electrical Power Formation

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Ph. M. Kanarev
[email protected]

Announcement. All biological objects of Nature consume electrical energy, which supplies, for
example, the heart with the pulses. It is the most economical process of its consumption. All
electrical energy sources, which are invented by a man, produce it continuously. The absolute
majority of this energy is consumed continuously as well; all devices, which register its
consumption, are adjusted to continuous voltage, which is generated by the primary energy
sources: power station generators, accumulators and batteries. As a result, such devices distort
pulse consumption of electrical energy. An elimination of this distortion is based on the new law
of electrical power formation [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8].

In SI system, energy is expressed in joules (J) [6]. Electric energy quantity E depends on
voltage U , current I and time t of their action and is determined by the dependence

. (1)

It order to know a value of energy being generated per second, the notion “power” has been
introduced. It is determined according to the formula (Fig. 1) [6]

. (2)

When voltage and current are continuous (Fig. 1), average power is calculated according to the
PÑ  U Ñ  I Ñ , (3)

Fig. 1. Oscillogram of voltage and current at the terminals of the accumulator and the lamp

If voltage and current are consumed by pulses with the duration (for example, =0.0025 s, Fig.
2), which is considerably less than duration of a second, power, which is determined by the
product of the amplitudes of pulses of voltage and current, does not correspond to SI system,
which requires their continuous action in the interval of duration of the whole second [4]. In
order to make a correspondence of a multiplex result of the pulse values of voltage and current to
SI system, it is necessary to prolong the action of voltage and current to the duration of one
second (Fig. 2) [6]. In order to carry out this operation, the notion “relative pulse duration” was
introduced long ago. If the pulses of voltage and current are rectangular (Fig. 2), their relative
pulse duration S is equal to a ratio of pulse repetition period T to pulse duration  (Fig. 2) [4].

 . (4)

Fig. 2. Oscillogram of accumulator pulse discharge

If the pulses have a complicated form, their relative pulse duration is determined by a ratio of an
area of the oscillogram, which is limited by pulse repetition period T horizontally (Fig. 1) and an
amplitude of the pulses of voltage UA or current IA to an area, which is occupied by these pulses
in the above-mentioned limits, vertically. Relative pulse duration of voltage pulses SU can differ
from relative pulse duration of current pulses SI. Average values of voltage UC and current IC,
which correspond to notion “watt”, are determined according to the formulas:

UC 
SU ; (5)
IC  A
SI . (6)

It appears from this that average pulse power PC, which corresponds to notion “watt”, is
determined according to the formula [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

. (7)

Let us check a physical correspondence of this formula to SI system [6]. Availability of relative
pulse duration SI confirms that a value of current amplitude IA is prolonged to the value, which
corresponds to its continuous action during the whole period T. The current pulses (Fig. 2) with
the amplitudes I form automatically the voltage pulses with the amplitudes U A and duration ,
which corresponds to the current pulse duration (Fig. 2). In order to make the above-mentioned
voltage pulses correspond to SI system, they should be prolonged to duration of period T as well,
i.e. it is necessary to divide the amplitude values of voltage UA by relative pulse duration of their
pulses SU. The operation being described is reflected in the formula (7). It means that it reflects
exactly the physical sense, which is allocated by SI system into notion “watt” (5, 6) [6].
But it has been written in the textbooks on electrical engineering and electrodynamics for more
than 100 years that average pulse power is calculated according to the formula (8), which has
only relative pulse duration of current pulses SI only, and nobody has tried to check a
correspondence of the physical content of this formula to SI system.

. (8)

A check of its correspondence to SI system is stipulated by the necessity to get firm information
concerning a correct conversion of electrical energy into other types of energy, for example, into
thermal energy [6]. But nobody does it; everybody places confidence in the mathematicians who
elaborate electronic programs for the electric measuring devices taking this formula as a base (8).
In order to make this check vivid, let us connect it to the oscillogram, which has been taken from
the terminals of the accumulator, to which the lamp consuming energy with the current pulses
with the amplitudes IA and the voltage pulses with the amplitudes UA (Fig. 2). When a current
pulse disappears, voltage at the terminals of the accumulator is restored to the previous value,
and it does not take part in the formation of power taken from the accumulator till an appearance
of the next current pulse.
The presence of relative pulse duration SI of current pulses IA in the formula (8) means that its
amplitude value is prolonged to the duration of period T; it corresponds completely to the notion
“watt”. An absence of relative pulse duration SU of voltage pulses UA in the formula (8) means
automatically that value UA has remained non-prolonged to the duration of the whole period T
and takes parting the formation of power with its whole value UA within the whole period; it
distorts the final result in the quantity, which is equal to relative pulse duration of voltage pulses
SU . It is a fundamental physical error of the mathematicians, which has remained unnoticed
during more than 100 years.
Let us consider Fig. 2. We see that voltage value has taken part in the power formation only
within the interval of duration of pulse  and has not taken part in the interval T-; that’s why we
should prolong the amplitude (UA) of its duration for the whole interval T-. It is done by means
of a division of the value UA by relative pulse duration of pulses. An absence of this operation in
the mathematical model (8) makes the value of average power PC automatically inappropriate to
SI system in the quantity, which is equal to relative pulse duration of voltage pulses SU.

The existing process of electrical energy metering, which based on the mathematical model (8),
is random and is in conflict with the notion “watt”, which is involved in SI system. It gives a mix
of electrical values, not watts. All induction meters ignore a transfer of voltage pulses to a
consumer, because an erroneous mathematical model serves as a base of their operation (8) as it
does not take into account relative pulse duration SU of voltage pulses and fails to determine their
average value UC= UA / SU.
As a proof of authenticity of the new law of electrical power formation (7), let us analyse a
power balance of MG-2 motor-generator, which consumes energy from the accumulator by
pulses directly, without any intermediate electronic devices (Fig. 3). The rotor plays the role of
the motor, and the stator plays the role of the generator.

Fig. 3. MG-2 motor-generator and the motorcycle accumulator for its supply

Let us take an electrolyser cell as a load (Fig. 4), watch the discharge process of 6MTC-9
motorcycle accumulator, which supplies the motor-generator and compare it with the discharge
process of the same accumulator, which supplies a set of the lamps with total power, which is
equal to power being taken by the motor-generator from the accumulator for its idle run
according to the formulae (8) PCC = UCC IC =12.602.90=36.54 W (Fig. 5) and for water

Fig. 4. Photo of MG-2 +2 6MTC-9 accumulators + the electrolyser cell

An oscillogram, which is taken from the terminals of MG-2 rotor and the accumulator during
the idle run, is given in Fig. 5. MG-2 operated in the mode of the alternate discharge and charge
of the accumulators as a self-contained energy source. The oscillograms were made at the 100th
minute of the experiment, which lasted for 3 hours 10 minutes. Frequency was 1800 r/min.
MG-2 idle run
Oscillograph reading at the MG-2 rotor
UA =12.80 V;
UCC =12.60 V;
IA =18.00 A;
IC =2.90 A.
Design data:
SU =3.67; UC =11.0/3.67=3.00 V;
PCC = UCC IC =12.602.90=36.54 W;
PC = UC IC =3.002.90=8.70 W.

Fig. 5. Oscillogram of the rotor idle run: UCC and UC are the old value and the new one of
average voltage; PCC and PC are the old value and the new one of average pulse power.

At the rotor - idle run Device current, 2.80 A;

n=1800 r/min
UA =12.60 V;
UCC =12.30 V;
IA =23.60 A;
IC =3.08 A;
PCC = UCC IC =12.303.08=37.88 W;
Design data:
SU =3.67; UC =11.0/3.67=3.0 V;
PC = UC IC =3.003.08=9.33 W.

At the stator+1 cell Oscillograph:

UA =12.18 V;
UCC =1.99 V;
IA =9.30 A;
IC =2.77 A;
PCC = UCC IC= 1.992.77=5.51 W.
Solution consumption -m=4.6 g,
8.57 l or 2.7 l/h (O2 +H2).
Design data:
SU =3.67; UC =0.59 V;
PC = UC IC=0.592.77=1.63 W;
PC (sp.) = 1.63/2.70=0.60 W/l (O2 +H2).
At the stator + accumulator charge Oscillograph:
UA =6.96 V;
UCC =6.57 V;
IA =3.87 A;
IC =0.49 A;
PCC = UCC IC =6.570.49=3.22 W.
Design data:
SU =4.0; UC =6.57/4=1.64 V;
PC = UC IC=1.640.49=0.80 W.

Fig. 6. Oscillograms of MG-2 electric motor generator at the 100th minute of the experiment

The electronic program of the oscillograph (Figs 5 and 6), which determined the average values
of voltage and current is based on the mathematical model (8). On the right of the oscillograms
(Figs 5 and 6), the old average values of voltage UCC and current IC, which have been
determined by this program automatically, are given. Average power, which results from these
values, is called old power and is designated as PCC = UCC IC. In order to calculate new power,
which designated as PC = UC IC, the value of average voltage UC has been determined taking
into consideration relative pulse duration of its pulses (Fig. 6). The results of the calculations,
which originate from the oscillograms (Figs 5 and 6), are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Old average pulse power PCC and new average pulse power PC
at the terminals of MG-2 rotor and stator

Power at the terminals:

Old power, W New power, W
1. Of the rotor (idle run) 36.54 8.70
2. Rotor (power stroke) 37.88 9.33
3. Stator (self-induction EMF) 5.51 1.63
4. Stator (induction EMF) 3.22 0.80

Total time of the experiment was 3 hours 10 minutes. There were obtained 8.57 litres of

Table 2. Voltage drop at the accumulator terminals during 3 hours 10 minutes.

Numbers of the accumulators Initial voltage at the Final voltage at the
accumulator terminals, V accumulator terminals, V
1+2 (discharge) 12.28 12.00
3+4 (discharge) 12.33 12.00
The main thing is to prove erroneousness of the old mathematical law (8) of the pulse electrical
power and authenticity of the new law (7). According to the old law (8) of the formation of the
average value of pulse electrical power at the terminals of MG-2 rotor, which is connected to the
accumulator, the old average pulse power is PCC =37,88 W (Fig. 6, the first oscillogram). Each of
two pairs of 6 volt accumulators, which were connected in series when electric energy was
supplied by pulses into the rotor excitation winding during 3 hours 10 minutes, reduced voltages
at its terminals (Table 2) by 0.10 V/h on average.

Fig. 7. Accumulator discharge by the lamps

Initial voltage at the accumulator terminals, to which the lamps with total power of
(21+5+5+5)=36.00 W were connected, was 12.78 V (Fig. 7). When 1 hour 40 minutes passed, it
was decreased to 4.86 V, or by 7.92 V. It was 7.92/0.3=26.00fold as much than voltage drop rate
at the terminals of the accumulator, which supplied MG-2, without taking into consideration
various time of their operation. It is quite enough in order to make a conclusion that the old law
of pulse electrical power formation (8) was completely erroneous. Certainly, we disregarded 8.57
l of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, which was obtained by means of water electrolysis by
electric energy produced by MG-2. It is so to say additional energy. It results from the
oscillogram in Fig. 6 that direct expenditure of electric energy for the production of one litre of
the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen has been 0.60 watts.
The specialists understand that the new law of electrical power formation proves erroneousness
of many theoretical provisions of electrical engineering and electrodynamics. Large work should
be done in order to rectify them. The new law of electrical power formation gives unlimited
possibilities for an elaboration of the economical generators and consumers of electric energy.

Dear mathematicians,
For how many years has your fundamental physical error remained invisible for us? We treat
your efforts being connected with the elaboration of the computer programs, which do not
require profound knowledge in physics, with great respect, but we can no longer trust your
results, which describe physical processes and phenomena. It is time for you to reconsider your
work. We are not to be blamed for this necessity. It results from the natural process of science


1. Ph.M. Kanarev. The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld. Monograph. 15th edition.

2. Ph.M. Kanarev. The global physical error of the mathematicians.
3. Ph.M. Kanarev, S.B. Zatsarinin. Balance of power of the motor-generator. Folder “Articles”
4. Ph.M. Kanarev. The nearest prospects of domestic power engineering. Folder “Articles”
5. Ph.M. Kanarev. The end of electrical engineering law of conservation of energy Folder “Articles”
6. G.D. Burdun. The guide on the international system of units (SI). M. 1977. Publishing house
of standards. 232 pages
7. Ph.M. Kanarev. Economic electric lighting. Folder “Articles”
8. Ph.M. Kanarev, S.B. Zatsarinin. The self-contained energy source. Folder “Articles”
9. Ph.M. Kanarev. The Electromotor-generator -2 and Four other Video. Folder “Video, in Russian Видео”
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA

Energy Impulse Secrets

Philipp M. Kanarev
e-mail: [email protected]

Energy impulses keep preserving their secrets. The errors in Newton’s dynamics and electrodynamics
are the main causes of incomprehension of these secrets. A recovery of these errors will open new energy
possibilities before mankind; these possibilities will rescue mankind from an environmental disaster, which is
generated by hydrocarbon energy sources. It is not an empty forecast. Its authenticity is proved both
theoretically and experimentally.
Kanarev: Energy Impulse Secrets Vol. 8
1. Foundation of the Theory of Impulse ofA Theorem on the Change of Momentum of A
Force and Impact Force Material Point (Mathematical Symphony
Mathematicians were the trailblazers of theoretical mechanics.
They tried for a description of the mathematics processes of motion A connection of impulse of force with the main equation of
of the material points and bodies. It is natural they were concerned
Newtonian dynamics is expressed by the theorem of a change of
about strictness of an implementation of mathematical rules during
momentum of the material point
a process of the derivation of the equations, which describe a
Theorem. A change of momentum of the material point
motion of the material points and bodies. They were hardly
interested in the mechanical essence of the results being obtained. within a certain time period is equal to an impulse of
The authority of mathematics being the most exact science
preserved the point of view of the mathematicians and blocked aforce ( ), acting on the material point within the same
road for an acquisition of the mathematical models, which describetime period. A mathematical proof of this theorem can be called a
the mechanical essence of the results of the mathematicalmathematical symphony fragment. Here it is
operations of the mathematicians more exactly. Let us show this in
terms of the physical essence of the notions “impulse of force” and
“impact force” derived from the mathematical models of the
mathematicians. (3)
When the forces, which exert influence on the body, are
considered, one takes into account its mass; the product of mass The differential of momentum of the material point is
by motion velocity is called momentum of the body or impulseequal to an elementary impulse of force, which acts on the
of force. When the body is in a quiescent state, its velocity andmaterial point. If we integrate the expression (3) of the differential of
momentum of the material point is, we’ll have
momentum are equal to zero . When the body starts motion
and acquires velocity, a change of momentum of the body is written
in the following way (Fig. 1) [1].
The theorem is proved, and the mathematicians think that their
mission is finished, but the engineers, whose fate is to trust the
mathematicians, have questions when they use the equation being
proved (4). But the questions are blocked by the succession and
beauty of the mathematical operations (3 and 4), which charm and
invite to call them a mathematical symphony fragment. Many
generations of the engineers agreed with the mathematicians and
trembled before mysteriousness of their mathematical symbols! But
there appeared an engineer, who disagrees with the
mathematicians and puts questions to them.
Dear mathematicians, why none of your theoretical mechanics
manuals contains a consideration of a process of an
implementation of your symphonic result (4) in practice, for
example, in the description of a process of an acceleration of a car?
The left-hand part of the equation (4) is clear in the limit. The car
begins the acceleration from velocity and ends it, for
example, at velocity of . It is natural that the equation
Fig.1. Diagram to a determination of action of force
(4) becomes as follows:
Thus, momentum of a material point or body is a vector value
being equal to the product of mass of the point or body by
its velocity . The vector is directed in the same way as the
vector tangentially to the trajectory (Fig. 1).
A change of momentum of the material point within a
certain time period is an effect of an action of force on the
material point. The physicists have called this action an impulse of The first question arises at once: how is it possible to
force and have designated it by a symbol (Fig. 1). determine the force , under which influence the car is accelerated
up to 10 m/s, from the equation (5)? None of the numerous
(2)manuals devoted to theoretical mechanics has an answer to this
question. Let us go on. After the acceleration, the car begins a
uniform motion with the final velocity of 10 m/s. What force moves
the car? There is nothing to do but to blush together with the
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA
mathematicians. The first law of Newtonian dynamics states thatdecelerated motion [1].
when the car moves uniformly, no forces acts on it, but the car, so
How is it possible to return the results of the marked
to speak, does not take this law into consideration; it consumes
“symphonic” mathematical operations into the course of cause and
fuel, does work and moves, for example, at the distance of 100 km.
effect connections? There is the only way out: it is necessary to find
The symphonic mathematical equation (5) keeps silent; life goes on
a new definition of the notions “impulse of force” and “impact force”.
and requires an answer. Let us start searching it.
Let us divide both parts of the equation (7) by time t. As a result,
As the car moves rectilinearly and uniformly, the force, whichwe’ll have
moves it, is constant in its value and direction, and the equation (5)
becomes as follows:

Let us pay attention to the fact that the expression mV/t is a

rate of the change of momentum (mV/t) of the material point or the
(6)body. If we take into account that V/t is acceleration, mV/t is force,
which changes momentum of the body. A similar dimension to the
Thus, in this case the equation (6) describes an acceleratedleft and to the right of an equal sign gives us the right to call the
force F the impact force and to designate it with the help of the
motion of a body. What is force equal to? How can one express
its change in the course of time? The mathematicians prefer tosymbol and impulse S the impact impulse and to designate it
avoid this question and leave it to the engineers supposing that
they should search an answer to this question. There is only thingwith the help of the symbol . A new definition of impact force
left for the engineers to do: they should bear in mind that when theappears from this. The impact force , which acts on the material
accelerated motion of the body is over, a phase of the uniformpoint or the body, is equal to a ratio of the change of momentum
motion, which takes place under the influence of constant force
of the material point or the body to the time of this change.
, starts, and they should present the equation (6) for the
time of transition from the accelerated motion to the uniform motion
in the following way:

Let us pay special attention to the fact that only the Newtonian
force, which has changed velocity of the car from the value of zero
(7)to the maximal value , takes part in a formation of impact impulse
In this equation, an arrow designates a process of a transition (9); that’s why the equation (9) belongs to Newtonian dynamics
from its integral form to a simplified form, and is not a result of completely. As the value of velocity is much easier to register
experimentally than the value of acceleration, the formula (9) is
integration of this equation. In this equation, force is equivalentvery convenient for the calculations.
to the averaged force, which has changed momentum of the body An unusual result appears from the equation (9).
from zero to the end value . Dear mathematicians and
physicists- theorists, as you have no method to determine the
value of your impulse , we have to simplify a procedure of the
determination of force ; as there is no method of a determination
of action time of this force, we are placed in a desperate
situation, and we have to use an expression for the
Let us pay attention to the fact that according to the new laws
analysis of the process of a change of momentum of a body.
of mechanodynamics the Newtonian force is a generator of the
As a result, the longer the action of the force is, theimpact impulse in case of accelerated motion of the material point
or the body [1]. It forms an acceleration of motion of the point or the
larger its impulse is. This is at variance with the existing notionsbody when inertial force, which is directed oppositely to Newtonian
that the smaller the time of action of impulse of force is, the largeforce, appears automatically, and the impact Newtonian force
this impulse of force is. should overcome an influence of inertial force; that’s why inertial
Let us pay attention to the fact that momentum of the materialforce should be presented a balance of the forces in the left-hand
point (impulse of force) in case of its accelerated notion is changedpart of the equation (9). As inertial force is equal to mass of the
under the influence of Newtonian force and motion resistant force in
point or the body multiplied by a deceleration being formed by it,
the form of the forces, which are formed by mechanical resistances,
the equation (9) acquires the following form
and inertial force. But in the absolute majority of problems,
Newtonian dynamics ignores inertial force; mechanodynamics
states that momentum of the body in case of its accelerated notion
is changed due to an excess of the value of Newtonian force over (11)
the motion resistant forces, including inertial force [1].
Dear mathematicians, h ave a look at the mathematical model,
There is no Newtonian force in case of decelerated motion of awhich describes the impact impulse that accelerates a motion of the
body, for example, a car with the switched-off gear, and momentumbody being increased from zero velocity to maximal velocity V (11).
of the car is changed due to an excess of the motion dragLet us check its operation in the determination of the impact
forces over inertial force, which moves the car during its
Kanarev: Energy Impulse Secrets Vol. 8
impulse , which is equal to the impact force , which has
blasted the second energy unit of the Sayano–Shushenskaya
hydroelectric power station (Fig. 2), and the useless equation (6) is
left for you. In order to simplify the description, we examine the
formula (10) alone, and also use the formulas which give the
averaged values of forces. Have a look at the situation, in which
you place the engineer, who tries to solve a specific task.

Fig. 4. View of the well of the energy unit and of the energy unit
Fig. 2. Photo of the turbine room before the disaster itself after the disaster

L et us begin from Newton’s dynamics. The experts determined According to the new laws of mechanodynamics, the rise of the
that the second energy unit was raised at the height of 14 m. As itenergy unit consisted of two phases (Fig. 5): the first phase OA is
was raised in the gravity field, its potential energy at the height ofthe accelerated rise and the second phase AB is the decelerated
14 m was equal to rise [1], [4], [5].
Time and distances of their action are approximately equal
(12)(h1=h2=7 m). The kinematical equation of the accelerated phase of
the rise of the energy unit may be written in the following way [4]:
Its average kinetic energy was equal to

In the first phase, the law of the change of velocity of the rise of
The average rate of the rise of the energy unit (Figs 3, 4)the energy unit has the following form:
appears from the equality of kinetic energy (13) and potential
energy (12)


Fig. 5. Regularity of a change of velocity V of the flight of the energy unit

If we place time from the equation (15) into the equation (16),
Fig. 3. Photo of the turbine room after the disaster we’ll have


The time of the rise of the energy unit in the first phase is
determined from the formula (15)
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA

(18) (24)
From here, we find deceleration
The total time of the rise of the energy unit to the height of 14
m is equal to t=2t1=1.68 s. The mass of the energy unit and the
cover weighs 2580 tons. According to Newton’s dynamics, the force
, which has raised the energy unit, is equal to [4]
The value of this inertial force, which decelerated the motion of
the energy unit in the first phase of its motion, is equal to

Dear mathematicians, w e are guided by your symphonic

mathematical results and write your formula (6), which results from (26)
Newton’s dynamics, in order to determine the impact impulse,
which has blasted the second energy unit. Thus, a sum of the forces, which resisted the action of
Newtonian force, is equal to Newtonian force itself (19)

(20) (27)

And we set forth an elementary question: how is it possible to Please, do not be astonished: this result is an effect of the
determine the time of action of the impact impulse, which has main principle of mechanodynamics, which you do not know as yet.
blasted the second energy unit? It replaced the similar erroneous d’Alembert’s principle, which has
Dear sirs, please, try to imagine tons of chalk being used by thebeen used long ago. It is a beautiful balance (27), but it contains no
generations of your colleagues for writing on the blackboardsforces of resistance to break of 80 studs, which fastened the cover
teaching the students transcendentally how to determine the impactof the energy unit (Fig. 6).
As it is clear from Fig. 6, an unbroken stud (to the left) is not
impulse , and nobody explained how to determine action time ofeven slightly bent; this took place under the conditions when it
the impact impulse in each specific case. You assert that the actionfastened the cover shielded the rotating object, which weight was
time of the impact impulse is equal to the time interval of the1780 tons. The rest of the broken studs (to the right) had not the
change of velocity of the energy unit from zero to, say, the maximalsmallest appearance of being cut. Their condition proves that only
value of 16.75 m/s (14). It results from the formula (18) and is equalthe breaking forces exerted any influence on them; there were no
to 0.84 s. We accept this for the time being and determine anshear forces, because if they were present, the surviving stud
averaged value of the impact impulse. would be cut as well, despite of the presence or absence of the
nuts. As the broken studs have no area of gradual reduction of the
(21)diameter towards the surface of the break, it proves a simultaneous
nature of the action of the vertical force, which broke them (Fig. 6,
A question arises at once: why is the value of the impactto the right)
impulse (21) less than the Newtonian force of 50600 tons (19)?
Dear mathematicians, you have no answer to it [4]. Let us go on.
According to Newton’s dynamics, the main force, which

resisted a rise of the energy unit, was force of gravity . As this

force is directed opposite the motion of the energy unit, it generates
a deceleration, which is equal to free fall acceleration g=9.81 m/s2.
Gravitation force, which acts on the energy unit moving upwards, is
equal to

Newton’s dynamics does not take into account other forces,
which counter the action of Newtonian force of 50600 tons (19);
mechanodynamics states that the inertial force countered rise of
the energy unit; this inertial force is equal to [1]
Fig. 6. Photo of the studs, which fastened the cover of the energy unit

(23) The average specific stress of break of the rods made of CT-35

quality steel is . The studs had

A question arises at once: how is it possible to find the value of
diameters of . Section of a stud is
deceleration of motion of the energy unit? Newton’s dynamics
keeps silent; mechanodynamics replies: the force of gravity and . As a result, breaking load of
inertial force resisted the Newtonian force, which raised the energy
unit; that’s why the equation of the forces, which operated on theone stud is .. If we take
energy unit at that moment, is written as follows [1]: into account that the threads of the nuts of six unbroken studs were
Kanarev: Energy Impulse Secrets Vol. 8
cut, the load of this cut differed insufficiently from the breaking load
of the studs, and we can take into consideration all 80 studs. The
total load, which broke 80 studs, then equals

Dear mathematicians, what shall we do with your mathematics
in Newtonian dynamics? When the energy unit started its rise, three
main forces of resistance to its rise acted on it: gravitation force,
inertial force and stud break resistance force. Their total value is
equal to [4]

The results of your symphonic mathematical operations give the
value of impact impulse of 42504 tons (21). As I also spent 20
years writing your symphonic derivation of impulse of force and Fig. 7. Diagram of a determination of time of impact force action on
impact force on the blackboard, I too am guilty before my numerous the energy unit
pupils and I must apologize for my deep but unfounded belief in the It is only reasonable that the initial value of the impact impulse,
authority of mathematicians who were unable to make anand consequently the impact force, will be equal to the total force of
elementary analysis of physical essence of the phenomena orresistance to the motion of the energy unit of
processes being described. 25300+2530+21764=72364 tons divided by the impact time
Thus, in order to determine of impulse of force and impact force,
one should know the time, within which the velocity of the energy
unit changed from zero to the maximal value of 16,57 m/s (14). It is
equal to 0.84 s (18). Then, we’ll have [4] (31)

Dear mathematicians, what shall we do? Shall we take into

consideration the time (30) of the action of impact force or average
(29)velocity (14) of the flight of the energy unit? None of your newest
Dear mathematicians, what shall we do? Shall we protestmanuals devoted to theoretical mechanics contains an answer to
against the quotation marks, with which the word “symphony”this question: that’s why we give the results of a calculation, which
mentioned in this article should be used? takes into account average velocity as well (14).
There is one other solution of this task. Let us consider a bullet, The impact impulse (11), which is equal to impact force
which has left a cartridge. The main criterion of the determination of
a distance of action of impact force will be the moment when, , will be equal to [4]
according to the notions of orthodox physics, the gases, which form
the pressure and move the bullet, leave the closed space. Then,
the length of a barrel of the arm can be considered as the distance,
at which the impact force, which moves the bullet, acts. As velocity
of a flight of the bullet from the barrel is known, action time of
impact force can be determined as a quotient from a division
of the length of the barrel, along which the bullet moves, by velocity Which value of the impact force is closer to reality?
of its motion. Dear mathematicians, where are your recommendations
In the task being considered by us, the above-mentionedconcerning this matter? The answer to this question results from
functions belong to the upper part of the well of the energy unit (Fig.the mathematical model, which takes into account all forces of
7); distance L of action of impact force is equal to the distance fromresistance to motion. Formula (31), from which a value of impact
the place of location of the studs fastening the cover of the energy
force results, is the closest one to reality: Fy =723640 tons [4].
unit to the level of the floor of the turbine room (Fig. 7). We do not
Let us try to formulate a hypothesis, which would make it
know yet the nature of the forces, which blasted the energy unit, but
possible to find a physical essence of the process that has
when the cover of the energy unit was torn out, a closed space of
generated the impact force being equal to 723640 tons. First of all,
the energy unit became an open space in the same way as the
such force is a result of an explosion. As the photons are the main
closed space of motion of the bullet in the barrel becomes the open
participants of pressure formation in case of any explosion, one
space when the bullet leaves the barrel.
cannot exclude their participation in this process as well.
We do not know this distance exactly; that’s why we accept for It is known that a gramme-molecule of water is equal to 18
the calculation its approximate value being equal to L=0.80 m (Fig.grams. One litre of water contains 1000/18=55.56 gramme-
7). Then, time of action of impact force on the energy unit will bemolecules of water. It is also known that quantity of molecules of
equal to the part of total time of the rise of the energy unit of 1.68 s,water in its one gramme-molecule is equal to Avogadro number
which was spent for its displacement within the interval of6.021023. It appears from this that one litre of water contains
0.00…0.80 m, i.e. 6.02102355.56=3.341025 molecules of water.
The equipment at the Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric
power station showed the total area between the buckets of the
(30)hydraulic turbine, which was equal to 8.14 m when the water
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA
stream velocity via this section was 38.30 m/s [6]. The total volumethe turbine buckets emitting the photons. Approximately, the
of water, which passed per second via this section, wasvolume of one photon is equal to [4]
8.1438.30=253.77 m3=2.54105 litres =254 tons. The devices of the
Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station showed that
nearly 5 seconds passed from the run-away of the electric (35)
generator till its blast [6]. Within this time, 254x5=1270 tons of water
arrived into the well of the turbine. For a comparison, let us give the volume of the electron, which
has emitted this photon. It is equal to
We must congratulate the water hammer adherents! They have
an opportunity to blush. The water mass, which formed their water
hammer, is 50600/1270=40fold less than Newtonian force and
723640/1270=570fold less than impact force, which blasted the (36)
energy unit.
Thus is a central item of the problem being analysed. The
The water volume of 2.54105 litres containedvolume of the photon, which is emitted by the electron in this case,
2.541053.341025 = 8.481030 molecules of water. A molecule ofexceeds 20fold the volume of the electron. Thus, almost in all
water is given in Fig. 8, a; a cluster of two molecules is given in Fig.
8, b. Actually a water cluster contains many more molecules. processes of pressure formation, the main role is played by the
photons, not the gases as has been considered previously.
When water leaves the buckets, its velocity being equal to 38.3
m/s broke the clusters; they reached the turbine buckets and fused An area of the cover of the energy unit is
again emitting the photons. The wavelengths of the photons are
equal to their radii, which values depend on water temperature. Let
accept it as . This temperature determines the maximal
number of the photons in the medium, having the sameThen, the value of the specific impact force will be
temperature; in the water medium, these photons determine the
binding energies of the electrons in the water molecules and water
clusters. The value of radius r of the photons is determined
according to Wien’s formula
We have no information concerning the depth of the turbine well
from the level of the floor of the turbine room to its bottom (Fig. 9);
(33)that’s why we accept this value being equal to 20 m approximately.
Then, the volume of the turbine well will be


Fig. 9. Diagram of the energy unit and the turbine well

Fig. 8. Diagrams and photos of water clusters
Now let us designate the total volume of all photons, which have
The energy of these photons is equal to formed pressure, via Ww and determine a multiplicity coefficient K
of an excess of pressure inside the well being formed by the
photons, over atmospheric pressure [4]

They are the infrared invisible photons.
Taking into account the fact that total pressure on the lower
It is natural that water in the gap between the buckets moved in
plane of the energy unit well was formed from atmospheric
the form of linear clusters (Fig. 8, b), which were broken at the exit
pressure and the pressure which was created by the emitted
from the gap between the buckets; they fused again in the area of
Kanarev: Energy Impulse Secrets Vol. 8
photons and that only the atmospheric pressure Pa acted on the
upper plane of the cover, we have the following dependence


As a result, the volume of all photons, which formed pressure on

the lower plane of the cover of the energy unit, will be equal to


Taking into account the volume of one photon

(35), we shall find the number of the photons generating the
Fig. 10. Electromechanical generator of electric pulses

In order to check this hypothesis, an electromechanical

generator of electric pulses was made with the constant magnets,
which rotor was rotated by the electric motor with the power of 200
(43)watts (Fig. 10). It turned out that the energy costs for its idle run
were 150 watts, i.e. the efficiency of this generator was 25% only.
The equipment at the Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectricThe problem of the improvement of the device’s efficiency became
power station registered that showed that nearly 5 seconds passedapparent at once.
from the run-away of the electric generator until its blast [5]. During
this time, the repeated fusion of the water clusters emitted
of the infrared photons, which formed specific pressure
on the cover of the energy unit, being equal to ..
This hypothesis is closer to reality; moreover, it is implemented by
the military men in some of their devices, but they do not know the
theory of their action and so do not see this analogy.
Thus, we have understood energy power of the impulses of
force. How is it possible to use this power for the benefit of
mankind? Certainly, electric generators are the main devices, which
produce energy. They are mechanical devices, which consist of a
rotating rotor and a still stator. Usually, the stator has powerful
magnetic poles. The magnetic poles of the rotor interact with the
magnetic poles of the stator; and voltage, which is supplied to a
consumer, is induced in the rotor winding. The consumer uses Fig. 11. Diagram of the change of the torques, which act on the
current, which increases expenditures of mechanical energy to the rotor at the time of its start and during uniform rotation
rotor rotation sharply. The generators of the hydroelectric power
stations, thermal power stations and atomic power stations operate We do not any pay attention to the fact that the initial energy,
in this mode. In order to support the specified rotations of the rotor which was given to the rotor at the time of its run start, is preserved
in it in the form of kinetic energy of its rotation as we do not know
of the generator, energy is consumed continuously in the form ofhow to use it. In Fig. 11, a diagram of the change of momentum of
falling water or heated steam. And what if the consumer needsthe rotor is shown.
energy being supplied in the form of the electric pulses to an At the moment of the rotor rotation start, its starting torque
electrolyser, for example? Then, it becomes unnecessary to rotate
the rotor of the generator continuously because it has a stock ofovercomes resistance in the form of the moments of mechanical
kinetic energy, which can be used for a generation of the pulses of
resistances and in the form of inertial torque . As the
voltage and current. As a result, the total energy costs for the
rotor starts its uniform rotation, inertial torque becomes positive
rotation of the rotor should be decreased [2, 3].
and does not resist the rotor rotation; it aids its rotation (Fig.
11). It appears from this that in order to support the uniform rotation
of the rotor, it is unnecessary to expend energy continuously in
order to support a constant value of operating torque . Impulse
supply of energy, which will increase operating torque for a
short time up to the value that is designated by letter , is enough.
Simultaneously, the value of inertial torque will be increased up to
the value that is designated by letter (Fig. 11). At this moment,
energy costs for the rotary drive will be decreased almost to zero,
and Park,
it will MD 2011
possible of the
to turn off energy NPAto the rotorpulse generator, which have already been checked. They originate
from new knowledge concerning microworld; that’s why they are
shaft, because it will keep rotating for some time( ) because of
accessible to those who will master this knowledge.
inertia (Fig. 11). When its inertial torque is decreased to the value,
which is designated by letter , the automatic controls will turn onConclusion
the external power supply.
The physical chemistry calculation of the process of the
From the above-mentioned facts, it is clear that it is possible to
generation of the force, which has blasted the energy unit at the
save energy used in the driving of the rotor due to its feeding bySayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, will be given.
pulses. There are mechanical devices for use in the pulse feedingBut even their approximate results prove that the physicochemical
of energy to the rotating rotor. They are called overrunningprocess of a break and further fusion of water clusters is the only
clutches. But they are unsafe. What if we use electronics for thesource that can form the forces, which blasted the second energy
management of the electric power feed process for an excitation ofunit at the Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.
magnetic field of the rotating rotor? The new laws of
mechanodynamics and electrodynamics of microworld, which were Television informed us that the disasters, which were similar to
in possession of the author of this article at that time, gave anthe one that happened at the Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric
astonishingly simple and effective solution of this problem. As apower station, took place at Soviet time in the Middle Asia. It means
result, a self-rotating electric pulse generator was made and testedthat they can happen again, and not only in Russia. Specific
(Fig. 12). Its capacity was increased, and energy costs for idle runrecommendations concerning avoidance of such disasters result
were decreased 15fold and were 10 W (Fig. 12). from the facts, which have been described by us. But we refrain
from publishing them, because the experts of the state
commissions hope to find other causes of this disaster still. It only
remains to wish them success.
Let us note the main thing. Obsolete Newton’s dynamics cannot
solve such problems. Its old notions “impulse of force”, “impact
force” and the mathematical models for their determination are
erroneous. All mathematical models, which describe the vibrations,
especially vertical ones, are erroneous as well, because such
vibrations amount to an addition of the forces of inertia with the
forces of gravitation, which resulted in a sinusoidal dance of the
bridge in the city of Volgograd. Certainly, such dance will be
repeated as its main causes have not been found. They are not
found, because there is no theory for modelling such dance; that’s
why the losses caused by a disregard of new mechanodynamics
are growing, and they go on growing largely.
The law of inertial increase of electric power appears from the
new laws of mechanodynamics and electrodynamics of microworld.
They have originated in Russia from a new theory of microworld,
which is not accepted by the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a
result, the Russian authorities do not know that it is high time to
include new knowledge concerning microworld into the curriculum,
because there is no other accelerator of scientific progress at the
Fig. 12. The first in the world self-rotating electric pulse generator present stage of development of our knowledge.
The world’s first self-rotating electric pulse generator wasReferences
designed and made by S.B. Zatsarinin, a talented Russian
engineer, according to our technical assignment. As a result, the[ 1 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, Mechanodynamics Study guide (Krasnodar, 2010).
law of conservation of energy was buried, and a new law of inertial
[ 2 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, Answers to the Questions Concerning
increase of electric power, which hitherto was unknown, was
discovered [2]. Microworld Study Guide,
[ 3 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, The Foundations of Physchemistry of
Microworld, Monograph (Krasnodar, 2010), 1050 pp, In Russian,
(44)[ 4 ] Ph.M. Kanarev. Mathematical “Symphony” Fragment
The world’s first self-rotating electric pulse generator generates
current pulses up to 120 A. We shall not mention all the prospects[ 5 ] Yu.I. Lobanovsky. “Technical causes of the disaster at the
Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station”.
of an implementation of all possibilities of this self-rotating electric
Kanarev: Energy Impulse Secrets Vol. 8
Long Beach 2010 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA

Impulse Power Secrets

Philipp M. Kanarev
e-mail: [email protected]

Water is the main source of future environmentally-friendly power; that’s why the search for ways to tap
this resource increases continually. But there exist forces which seriously prevent advancement.
Kanarev: Impulse Power Secrets Vol. 6, No. 2
1. Introduction
I think it is necessary to take into account an attitude of our
contemporaries towards us and our scientific achievements. The
fate of Stanley Meyer, a talented American inventor [1], gives
conclusive evidence that such consideration is necessary. If you
have seen a video concerning Meyer’s fate, it is clear from it that I
am the next to be done away with. I think that it is enough for you to
understand that my life is dearer to me than the scientific secrets
which I possess. Certainly, I have already published the larger part
of the results of my scientific investigations (the monograph
concerning microworld in 1050 pages [2] and the textbook in 824
pages [4]), and I am sure that many future generations will be
grateful to me for such a present.
But I have many other scientific results that I cannot publish; I
cannot even commit some of my thoughts to paper. That’s why I
must apologize that I shall not reveal the essence of all energy
secrets which I possess; instead I shall give a popular presentation
of advantages which will benefit future generations.
It is possible to consider that the demands for energy are met at
any given stage of development of Earth’s civilizations. But this
process is accompanied by a worsening of the ecological situation.
It can be stopped only if water is used as an energy source. It is
known that water can decompose into hydrogen and oxygen when
an impulse excitation, which is directed to its ions and molecules,
takes place. This principle is used in the operation of the main
natural motor- the hearts of men and animals. The heart operates Fig. 1. Electromechanical electric pulse generator
one third of the period approximately, and it rests two thirds.
It has also turned out that this problem can be solved in two
Mankind has created powerful energy systems involving
ways: in the electric way and in the electromechanical way. We’ll
continuous energy production and consumption, rather than the
not reveal the secrets of the first way, and we’ll reveal the secrets
impulse system such as the heart uses. Continuous energy
of the second way only partially. The joint use of these secrets will
production is highly uneconomical and will continue to be so. The
increase the power effect considerably.
impulse power systems will decrease energy costs for us
considerably. It has already been established that the stand-aloneTheory
inertial impulse electromechanical energy sources decompose
water into hydrogen and oxygen in the most economic way.
It is known that the starting torque (Fig. 2) greatly exceeds
Magnetic field excitation is ten to a hundred times more expensive
per watt of power produced. The stand-alone power sources, whichthe operating torque when an electric motor is started. This is
implement the given effect, have already been tested. This effect isevidenced by the fact that a generator beginning to run undergoes
strengthened considerably when the inertia of gyrating masses of inaccelerated rotation. The acceleration process is impeded not only
mechanical systems is used.
An extended delay in implementing the above-mentioned effectby the mechanical and operating resistance forces , but also
is caused by an error in understanding the larger part of Newton’sby the inertial moment (Fig. 2).
dynamics, as well as a lack of comprehension regarding power When the initial acceleration is complete, a process of a uniform
formation in electric circuits. New laws of mechanodynamicsrotation begins (Fig. 2, BC). When mechanical and operating
describe separately all motion phases of physical bodies:
rotating resistance forces reach their maximum, they
accelerated motion, uniform motion and decelerated motion. These
laws make it possible to solve the problems which Newton’s preserve their values (Fig. 2, B’C’). The inertial moment
dynamics cannot resolve. The reality of the law of power formationbehaves otherwise. When it begins its uniform rotation, it changes
in electric circuits has been proven experimentally. Implementationits negative sign to a positive one (Fig. 2, AA’) and becomes the
of this law will considerably decrease electric energy expenses forinertial moment, which supports the rotation of the electric motor
its consumers, based on the operation an impulse system. and its drive, but then also becomes a partial consumer of its own
Implementation of the electromechanical electric pulsemechanical energy.
generator (Fig. 1) for a power supply of the electrolyzer has made it
possible to obtain such experimental confirmation of this law of
power formation in electric circuits. The power expended in water
electrolysis by this method, in which water is split into its
components, is far less expensive than known to science
previously. As it turns out, direct costs for production of one cubic
metre of a mixture of gases (hydrogen and oxygen) from water are
considerably less than previously expected; the cost is less than
the cost of natural gas.
Long Beach 2010 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA
which increase the operating torque (Fig. 4, points A1, A2, A3,
…). These impulses are transmitted to all rotating parts. As a result,
the inertial moment is increased by these impulses. (Fig. 4,
points B1, B2, B3, …). If one breaks the mechanical connection of
the electric motor with the mechanical energy consumer via the
help of the overrunning clutch, the electric energy consumer will go
on rotating for some time because of inertia, and the operating
torque of the electric motor shaft will be decreased to the
value of moment of its idle run (Fig. 4). As a result, for some
time the electric motor will consume only the electric power needed
for idling. (Fig. 4, a-b).

Fig. 2. Diagram of a change of the mechanical moments of the

body, which rotates with acceleration
Thus, a uniform rotation of the electric motor is provided first of
all by the inertial moment , and the operating torque (Fig.
2, BC) which overcome the moments of mechanical and operating
resistances. As these moments of resistance are non-uniform, the
operating torque should exceed them. Therefore, ( ) in
order to provide stability to the rotation process. The above-
mentioned excess is required because of the irregularity of the
moment of mechanical and operating resistances .
The question then arises as to whether it is possible to use the Fig. 4. Diagram of a change of the mechanical moments of the
inertial moment for a performance of useful mechanical work. rotating body within unbalanced drive
Engineers tried to make the installation to implement this idea only
At the time when the impulse of the inertial moment is
once, but it proved to be unsafe and, consequently, ineffective. The
decreased to the magnitude of its mean value (Fig. 4, points K1,
above-mentioned idea was fulfilled only in the case of using the
K2, K3…), the overrunning clutch is energized again, and operating
impulse for the inertial moment. It has turned out that if the inertial
moment is increased by impulses and then a connection to thetorque of the electric motor is increased to its former value.
electric motor shaft is established, while the mechanical energy Thus when an electric motor with an unbalanced drive operates,
shaft is disconnected with the help of an overrunning clutch, thenthere will be moments of complete release of the electric motor
there exist operating modes where the electric energy consumptionfrom the workload (Fig. 4, areas 1, 2, 3 …) and inertial impulses
for the drive of the electric motor (which is equipped with thetake over the drive of the mechanical energy consumer.
impulse device increasing the inertial moment) is decreased. The Figure 3 is a diagram of an electric motor with an unbalanced
electric motor is equipped with a device which uses the impulses todrive. It was tested and patented by E.I. Linevich, the Russian
increase the inertial moment. (Fig. 3). [5] inventor [5]. It gave positive experimental results concerning
electric energy conservancy. But the European engineers failed to
profit by it, because they made a mistake connecting the
unbalanced weight with the electric motor housing; producing a
conflict with the above-mentioned process of inertial impulse
formation (Fig. 4).
Let us give a mathematical description of the operation of an
electric motor with an unbalanced drive. As its operation begins
with an accelerated rotation, it is described by the first law of
mechanodynamics, which reads: the accelerated rotation of a
body takes place under the influence of Newton’s active
starting torque and the anti-torque moments in the form
of the inertial moment and the mechanical moments
of resistance. The mathematical model of this law is as follows. [2-

Fig. 3. Centrifugal power amplifier: 1 - electric motor; 2 and 3 - The components of this mathematical model are calculated in
unbalanced weights; 4 - gears, 5 - gear wheel; 6 - stationary axle; 7
the following ways.
- overrunning clutch, 8 - bearing, r - rotation radius of centre of mass
of unbalance.
If one installs unbalanced weights in the electric motor drive
system, they will generate impulses of the moments of forces, (2)
Kanarev: Impulse Power Secrets Vol. 6, No. 2
consumer of its mechanical energy uniformly.
Analysis of the process of a transition from accelerated rotation
to a uniform one allows a simpler calculation method of the moment
where is the starting toque; is the sum of the moments
of inertia . As it is a moment of resistance to accelerated
of inertia of all rotating parts; is rotational acceleration, which is
rotation together with the moment of mechanical and operating
determined according to the formula
resistances , its value is a part of the starting torque . If
(3) one takes into account the fact that in the case of uniform rotation,
the operating torque does not sufficiently exceed the moment
is the initial angular rotation velocity, which usually equals zero;
of mechanical and operating resistances , then inertial
is angular velocity of uniform rotation; is time from the start of
rotation to the transition to uniform rotation. moment can be determined as a difference between the

From the formula (3), if , we have starting moment and the operating one , i.e.

(4) Thus, the methods of the calculation of all indices of accelerated
rotation and uniform rotation of the electric motor and the consumer
of its mechanical energy are given. A calculation of the unbalanced
drive is the next step.
Here is the number of rotations per minute. is the sum of A diagram for a derivation of the equation of an inertial forces
the moments of inertia of all rotating parts, and is determinedmoment impulse, which is generated by the unbalanced weights
theoretically according to special formulas which take into
consideration the mass of the part, its geometry and layout in and , is given in Fig. 5. Let us pay attention to the fact that
relation to the axis of rotation. the central gear 1 on the electric motor shaft and two gears 2 and
The inertial moment is the next component of the3, with the unbalanced weights and , are a unified
accelerated rotation law. It is calculated according to the formula
mechanical system; that’s why the projections of and of
the centrifugal inertial forces , which effect both unbalances, form
pairs with the moments (Fig. 5):

where is the inertial slowdown, which is generated by the


moment of inertia . is the sum of all moments of

mechanical and operating resistances, which, with some
assumptions, can be shown to be equal to the operating torque(10)
of the electric motor when uniform rotation is established.
The value of the inertial slowdown of the electric motor
rotation is determined according to the formula (5), leading to

Thus, all components which are a part of the accelerated
rotation law (1), are determined. The uniform rotation of the electric Fig. 5. Analysis of the inertial force effect on the unbalanced
motor and of the consumer of its mechanical energy is described by
the formula weights and : R - radius of the central gear 1; r - radii of the

unbalanced gears 2 and 3; - radius of the unbalanced weights

Let us also pay attention to the fact (Fig. 5) that at the initial
The following physical and mathematical findings result from
moment promotes rotation of shaft 1 of the electric motor;
this mathematical model. The operating torque of the electric
that’s why it is denoted by a positive sign. hinders rotation,
and that’s why it is denoted by a negative sign. Behaviour of the
change of the moments of these pairs will form an additional effect
motor overcomes all mechanical resistances , and the sumon shaft 1 of the electric motor and the consumer of its mechanical
The analysis shows that theoretical behaviour (11) of the
of the inertial moments rotates the electric motor and thechange of the sum of the moments as the scalar values
Long Beach
is close 2010
to experimental PROCEEDINGS
behaviour (Fig. 6,of continuous
the NPA distortedinertial moment .
sinusoid). Now we’d like to attract attention of the European engineers
who tried to commercialize the mechanical invention of E.I.
Linevich, the Russian radio mechanic engineer. Installation of the
unbalanced weight unit on the electric motor housing results in a
(11) parasitic pulse with negative amplitude (Fig. 5) affecting the electric
motor shaft when it is disconnected from the consumer via the
overrunning clutch. As a result, the energy output is greatly
An impulse amplitude change diagram (Fig. 6) shows that two
clutches are necessary: between the electric motor and the
unbalanced weights unit, and between the unbalanced weights unit
and the consumer of mechanical energy. Both clutches should be
de-energized when the angle of rotation of the unbalanced weights

shaft is and should be energized when angle

. Only then can the effect of the parasitic negative pulse

can be eliminated (Fig. 6). Only the electromagnetic clutches
can perform this function.
Those who have read this text attentively will understand that it
is impossible to commercialize such inventions without knowledge
of the new laws of mechanodynamics. [2, 3]

Impulse power can make its first steps toward
commercialization. In order to understand how this can be done, it
is necessary to understand the new laws of mechanodynamics and
Fig. 6. Experimental maximum (A) and theoretical maximum (B) of the new laws of electrodynamics as applied to the microworld.
the sum of impulses of the components and of the
These laws describe the behaviour of electrons, which provide us
moments of the centrifugal inertial forces of unbalanced weights. with both thermal and electric energy.
Attention should be paid to the fact (Fig. 6) that positiveReferences
amplitude of the impulses of the moments of the centrifugal inertial
forces of the unbalanced weights and an angle of rotation of[ 1 ]
[ 2 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, The Foundations of Physchemistry of
unbalanced weights shaft, which forms positive amplitude, are
Microworld, Monograph (Krasnodar, 2010), 1050 pp, In Russian,
larger than an angle , which forms negative amplitude of the
[ 3 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, “Introduction to Mechanodynamics”, In English,
The amplitude of the impulse is much less than its theoretical
value when the angle of rotation of the unbalanced weights is 90°[ 4 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, The Theoretica; Base of the Physchemistry of
(Fig. 6, continuous distorted sinusoid). This is a result of the fact Microworld, Textbook, 3rd ed., (Krasnodar. 2010), 824 pp, In
that this amplitude corresponds to the instant of the disconnection
of the electric motor shaft from the shaft of the consumer of its
[5] E.I. Linevich, Application of Centrifugal Force as a Power Source,
mechanical energy via the help of the overrunning clutch. Thus the
larger, theoretical value of the impulse is transmitted to the shaft of In Russian,
the consumer of its mechanical energy alone, and this increases its

Ph.M. Kanarev
[email protected]

Announcement. Inability of the existing electric power meters to register its pulse consumption
is the main barrier before hydrogen power industry. The Russian science has already got total
scientific information in order to remove this barrier. We shall give the results of the laboratory
experiments, which prove the possibility of the removal of merely a scientific barrier on the way
of intense development of hydrogen power industry.

A mathematical model for a calculation of electric power (i.e. energy, which is produced or
consumed per second) forms the basis of design of all electric power meters, wattmeters and

. (1)
If electric power is consumed by pulses, a result of a graphical integration of the function of
voltage and current brings the formula (1) to a simple eventual result for a calculation
of an average value of pulse power (2), which takes into account current relative pulse duration

. (2)
The given formula is a production of the mathematicians who observe correctness of
mathematical operations, but demonstrate little interest in a correspondence of these operations
to physical reality. As a result, a fundamental physical error, which was included by the
mathematicians into the formula (2), remained unnoticed for more then 100 years.

Dear mathematicians,
I have already informed you about the essence of the global physical error in the formula (2) and
have suggested a method of its correction [1], [3]. Let us describe it once again (Fig. 1, a).

Fig. 1. Oscillogram of voltage and current at the terminals of the accumulator

According to the formula (2), the oscillogram processing process (Fig. 1) begins with a supply of
the signals of voltage and current to the multiplier, which can measure and multiply thousands of
ordinates of current and voltage per second and register a number of these multiplications. The
integrator sums these products and divides the result by a number of products of the ordinates of
current and voltage in the specified time interval. It corresponds to the formula (2) and disguises
the global physical error, which is eliminated if the signals of voltage and current are supplied to
the integrator first and to prescribe a determination of their average values with the following
limitation to it. A current signal should be the first to be processed; then a voltage signal should
be the second to be processes (with a small delay). All ordinates of voltage, which correspond to
zero ordinates of current, should be equated to zero automatically, and these zero ordinates of
voltage should be included into the total number of ordinates of voltage, which have been
measured within T period. Then the average values of the ordinates of current I C and voltage
U C should be determined in T period interval as well as average power PC by means of a
multiplication of the average values of voltage and current C . As a result, an actual
average value of pulse power C is obtained, and the formula (2) for its determination acquires
a new view


Please, follow our analysis of the regularities of a change of the pulses of voltage and current,
which are given in Fig. 1, a. According to the mathematical model (2), the process of the
measurement start of the ordinates of pulses of voltage and current in T period interval begins
in point A. In the duration interval of pulse  , the ordinates of pulses of voltage U Ai and current
I Ai are multiplied by the multiplier. After point B, the ordinates of current are equal to zero, and
the ordinates of voltage are not equal to zero. As a result, in the interval BC or T   the
products of the ordinates of voltage by zero values of the ordinates of current are equal to zero,
and the mathematicians pay no attention to voltage value at this moment.

According to notion “watt”, which is included into SI system, voltage and current should act
continuously during a second or T period. The presence of relative pulse duration of current
pulses IA in the formula (2) means that its amplitude value is stretched to the duration of T
period; it corresponds to notion “watt” completely. The absence of relative pulse duration SU of
voltage pulses UA in the formula (2) means that the value has remained non-stretched to the
duration of the whole T period and takes part in power formation with all its value UA within the
whole T period. It distorts a final result (2) in the number of times, which is equal to relative
pulse duration SU of voltage. This is a fundamental physical error of the mathematicians, which
was introduced by them into the formula (2) more than 100 years ago.

In Fig. 1, a, it is clearly seen that the voltage value takes part in power formation only in the
pulse duration interval τ and does not take part in the interval T-τ; that’s why we should stretch
the amplitude (UA) of its action for the whole T period. It is done by means of a division of UA
value by relative pulse duration. The absence of this operation in the mathematical model (2)
makes the value of average power discrepant to SI system in the number of times, which is equal
to relative pulse duration SU of voltage. As the mathematical model (2) is included into the
mathematical programs and the principles of operation of all electric power meters, wattmeters
and oscilloscopes, all of them overstate its pulse consumption in the number of times, which is
equal to relative pulse duration SU of voltage.
Taking into consideration the importance of the problem being analysed, let us repeat. According
to SI system, watt is a value of energy, which is produced or consumed continuously during one
second. The seconds are formed from the periods; that’s why is sufficient to check correctness of
the above-mentioned calculation procedure of the average value of pulse electric power PC in
the interval of T period. In the oscillogram (Fig. 1, a), it is clearly seen that durations  of
current pulses I A with average amplitude and voltage pulses with average amplitude U A are
less than duration of T period. SI system requires continuous operation of current and voltage in
the interval of the whole T period. This requirement is implemented by stretching of current
pulses with average amplitude I A and voltage pulses with average amplitude U A for the whole
T period, i.e. by a division of the amplitudes I A of current pulses and the amplitudes U A of
voltage pulses by relative pulse duration of their pulses, which is similar in this case and is equal
to S  T /  . It appears from this that a denominator of the formula (2) should have two relative
pulse durations S . One relative pulse duration ( SU ) stretches the voltage amplitude U A for the
whole T period; another relative pulse duration ( S I ) stretches the current amplitude I A . But
there is only one relative pulse duration S I in the formula (2). Why?

Dear mathematicians,
Please, have another look at Fig 1, a. Voltage U Ñ does not take part in power formation in
T   interval, but your formula (2) tries to convince us that it takes part in the formation of
average pulse power in this interval with all its average pulse value U Ñ . Do you understand
the contradiction, which is described by us???
As a proof of authenticity of the new law of electrical power formation (3), let us analyse a
power balance of MG-2 motor-generator, which consumes energy from the accumulator by
pulses directly, without any intermediate electronic devices. The rotor plays the role of the
motor, and the stator plays the role of the generator (Fig. 2) [1], [2].

Fig. 2. MG-2 motor-generator and the motorcycle accumulator for its supply
Let us take an electrolyser cell as a load for MG-2 (Fig. 2). Let us watch the discharge process of
6MTC-9 motorcycle accumulators, which supply the motor-generator and compare it with the
discharge process of the same accumulators, which supply a set of the lamps with total power,
which is calculated according to the oscillogram with the help of the mathematical model of the
old law (2) of the formation of average value of pulse electrical power.

MG-2 electric motor-generator operated in the mode of the alternate discharge and charge of the
accumulators as a self-contained energy source, which supplied the electrolyser cell at the same
time. The electric motor rotor rotated with frequency of 1800 r/min. Herewith, 8.57 litres of
H2+O2 was obtained. Voltage drop at the terminals of the accumulators is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Voltage drop at the accumulator terminals during 3 hours 10 minutes.

Numbers of the accumulators Initial voltage at the Final voltage at the
accumulator terminals, V accumulator terminals, V
1+2 (discharge) 12.28 12.00
3+4 (discharge) 12.33 12.00

According to the oscillogram, which is taken from the rotor terminals of MG-2 connected to the
accumulators (Fig. 1, b), average pulse power is PCC =37.88 W. Each of two pairs of 6 volt
accumulators, which were connected in series when electric energy was supplied by pulses into
the rotor excitation winding during 3 hours 10 minutes, reduced voltages at its terminals (Table
1) by 0.10 W/h on average.

Initial voltage at the accumulator terminals, to which the lamps with total power of
(21+5+5+5)=36.00 W corresponding to power of PCC=37.88 W, which is calculated according to
the formula (2), were connected, was 12.78 V. When 1 hour 40 minutes passed, it was decreased
to 4.86 V, or by 7.92 V. It was 7.92/0.3=26.00fold as much than voltage drop rate at the terminals
of the accumulators, which supplied MG-2, without taking into consideration various time of
their operation (Table 1). It is quite enough in order to make a conclusion that the old law of
pulse electrical power formation (2) was completely erroneous. Certainly, we disregarded 8.57 l
of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, which was obtained by means of water electrolysis by
electric energy produced by MG-2. It is so to say additional energy.

The essence of the second experiment, which is connected with a check of authenticity of the
new law (3) of the formation of the average value of pulse electrical power is simple as well
(Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Photo of MG-1 electric motor-generator without an extraneous drive

Let us take two groups, which consist of four twelve-volt motorcycle accumulators. Let us
supply voltage from the first group to an excitation winding of MG-1 rotor by pulses (Fig. 3). As
the discharge processes are followed by the charge processes of these accumulators
intermittently, a self-contained source of electric power is formed (Fig. 3). The results of the
experiment are given in Table 2. Discharge current of the accumulators at the beginning of the
experiment is 0.42 A; charge current is 0.21 A.

Table 2. Results of the seventy hour tests of MG-1 in “the continuous operating” electric
generator mode
Operation hours Total voltage of the first group of Total voltage of the second group
the accumulators, V of the accumulators, V
In 1 hour 51.50-50.00 – discharge 50.20-52.00 – charge
In 10 hours 51.00-49.30 – discharge 49.10-51.50– charge
In 20 hours 48.60-50.50 – charge 50.00-48.40 - discharge
In 30 hours 49.70-48.00 - discharge 48.00-50.10 - charge
In 40 hours 49.50-47.30 - discharge 49.90-47.50 - discharge
In 50 hours 46.90-48.90 - charge 49.30-46.80 - discharge
In 60 hours 48.60-46.10 - discharge 48.90-46.10 - discharge
In 70 hours 41.80-47.70 - charge 48.20-41.40 - discharge
During 70 hours, 43 litres of gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was obtained (0.60 l/hour)
The cause of unbalance of the processes of discharge and charge of the first group and the
second group of the accumulators results from Table 3.

Table 3. Voltage at the accumulator terminals in the discharge mode in 70 hours of the
continuous operation.
The first groups of the accumulators The second groups of the accumulators
Numbers of the Voltage, V Numbers of the Voltage, V
accumulators accumulators
1 11.03 5 11.40
2 11.57 6 11.47
3 7.99 7 10.77
4 11.64 8 11.74

Dear mathematicians,
For more than 100 years, your fundamental physical error in the formula (2), which is present in
the operation of all electric power meters, was hidden for us. It is high time to erect a monument
to the electric power meter (Fig. 4), which distorts pulse energy registration; this monument
should have an inscription: “Sample of the most expensive error of the mathematicians”.

Fig. 4. Electric power meter, which overstates its

pulse consumption in the number of times,
which is equal to relative pulse duration SU of
voltage - “Sample of the most expensive error of
the mathematicians”.

Now let us give the results of the laboratory investigations, which demonstrate the actual
expenditures of electrical energy for production hydrogen from water. The new electric power
meters, which will register its pulse consumption correctly, will read approximately the same
values of specific consumption of electrical energy per litre of hydrogen being produced from
water, which are given in Table 4. Three cells of the electrolyzer were supplied from the mains
via an electronic generator of electric pulses. The experiment was made on May 22, 2006.
Table 4. Indices of the process of water electrolysis by electrical pulses
Indices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Relative pulse duration S  T /  232 217 210 188 185 220 220
2. Water consumption m , g/hour 0.21 0.36 0.68 0.87 1.12 1.28 1.36

3. Hydrogen production Q . l/hour 0.29 0.49 0.85 1.19 1.53 1.75 1.86
4. Voltage pulse amplitude according
to the oscillogram. V 11.00 17.50 29.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 27.50
5. Current pulse amplitude according
to the oscillogram. V 66.70 120.00 155.50 177.80 182.20 191.1 200.0
6. Average voltage according to the
0.05 0.08 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.12
oscillogram U C . V
7. Average current according to the 0.29 0.55 0.74 0.94 0.98 1.13 1.20
oscillogram C . A

8. Average power P  I Ñ  U C .
0.014 0.044 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.18

9. Specific power. Wh/l H 2 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.10

Note: specific expenditures for production of 1 litre of hydrogen with the help of the modern
industrial electrolyzers are 5 to 7 Wh/l.


The scientific barrier on the way of intense development of hydrogen power industry is removed,
but the administrative barrier remains; there is no knowing how long it will remain in force.


1. Ph.M. Kanarev. Pulse power industry. Volume II of the 15th edition of the monograph “The
Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld”.
2. Ph.M. Kanarev. The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld. Monograph. The 15th
edition. 2010.
3. Ph.M. Kanarev. On the new law of electrical power formation briefly. Folder “Articles
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA

The Motors Generators

Philipp M. Kanarev
e-mail: [email protected]

Energy impulses keep preserving their secrets. The errors in Newton’s dynamics and electrodynamics
are the main causes of incomprehension of these secrets. A recovery of these errors will open new energy
possibilities before mankind; these possibilities will rescue mankind from an environmental disaster, which is
generated by hydrocarbon energy sources. It is not a empty forecast. Its authenticity is proved both theoretically
and experimentally. The test results of the first model of a motor-generator are a simple and convincing proof of
erroneousness of the first Newton law and existing electrodynamics. A video on motor-generator is at [1].
Kanarev: The Motor-Generator Vol. 8
1. Introduction
The The motor-generator MG-1 has a conventional rotor
and a conventional stator. In it, the rotor plays the role of the motor,
and the stator plays the role of the generator (Fig. 1). Nearly 100
years were necessary in order to understand how to make the
generator rotor rotate without an exterior drive [1], [2].

Fig. 2. Diagram of a change of the torques influencing the MG-1 rotor

when it starts its operation as well as in case of uniform rotation.

The amplitude (it is correct) of the first current pulse is more

Fig. 1. Photo of MG-1 motor-generator than 13 A. It exceeds average amplitude 3fold, and this is natural,
because not only the mechanical moments , but the inertial
The tests of the first model of the MG-1 started in the beginning
of June, 2010. We have many new experimental informationtorque as well resists the rotor rotation at this time (Fig. 2).
concerning impulse energetic. This is the little part of its. proceed (It is scientific correct, but I not know in English correct or not)
up to this date (Remove this). The results being obtained areAn analysis of the oscillogram in Fig. 3 shows that the values of the
specified in the article “Power balance of the motor-generator”, butcurrent pulse amplitudes become nearly equal after the 20th pulse.
this cannot be published completely now as it contains too muchThis means that the uniform rotation of the rotor begins after the
information belonging to the realm of commercial secrets. That’s20th pulse. In Fig. 2, the moment when the inertial torque becomes
why we publish only general information in this article (Yes, this ispositive corresponds to point B. The amplitude of the first
right. It is correct)). voltage pulse is more than 120 V, and the amplitude of the first
current pulse is 13 A (Fig. 3). This means that starting pulse power
The Motor-Generator
is 120x13=1560 W. It is used to overcome inertial torque and
F irst of all, let us consider MG-1 power balance in an idling is taken from the primary energy source only once, at the time
run. A theoretical illustration (it is correct) of this balance iswhen the rotor starts operating; that’s why it is not taken into
given in Fig. 2. consideration in the MG-1 power balance, which is realized after
many hours of operation. (These are all correct)
At the moment of the rotor rotation start, its starting torque
overcomes resistance in the form of the moments of mechanical
resistances and working resistances and in the form of
inertial torque . The total resistance (it is cjrrect) is
(Fig. 2). When the rotor starts its uniform rotation,
inertial torque becomes positive and does not resist the
rotation of the rotor; it assists (or help) its uniform rotation (Fig. 2).
The workload (or working) and the mechanical resistances and
aerodynamic resistances - resist the uniform rotation of the
rotor [3]. An oscillogram of the voltage and current pulses of voltage
and current at the start of the rotor’s rotation which is given in Fig.
3, proves that (it is correct). This has been illustrated by the
example of a resistance of 0.1 Ohm. That means that 0.5/01.=5 A
at one division of the oscillogram (It is correct).

Fig. 3. Oscillogram of the starting values of voltage and current of

the excitation winding of the rotor with the flywheel.
As the inertial torque of the rotor takes part in the process of the
startup, it is necessary to know its value. First of all, it is necessary
to determine kinetic energy of the rotor, which rotates uniformly,
and the mechanical power in its shaft in the case of this rotation [3].
The connection between the kinetic energy of a body, which
moves uniformly, and its power appears from work being done
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA
during its uniform motion per second [3].
We have calculated the power value (3) at the shaft of the
rotor, which rotates uniformly, and the inertial torque (4), which
accompanies this rotation and which is not predicted by Newtonian
dynamics [3]. Thus, on the shaft of the MG-1 rotor, which rotates
uniformly with n=2000 r/m, the mechanical power equal to 48.83 W
(3) and the inertial torque, which generates this power and is equal
(1)to 0,233 Nm (4), are present . (it is correct)
(It is correct, but the old equation is not correct) Voltage from the primary energy source is supplied to the
excitation winding of the MG-1 rotor in the form of pulses, which
The connection between kinetic energy of a body, whichduration and amplitude can be adjusted. In Fig. 4, a, the voltage
rotates uniformly, and its power appears from work beingpulses of minimal duration, which have been attained, are given; in
performed by it during its uniform rotation per second [3]. Fig. 4, b, the voltage pulses of greater duration are given [4].

(it is correct)

Thus, the numeric value of the kinetic energy of the rotor,

which rotates uniformly, is equal to mechanical power on its shaft.
The physical essence of the mathematical transformations (2)
being performed by us can be described as follows. As the rotor
rotates uniformly, it is necessary to divide its kinetic energy by
time in order to determine mechanical power hidden in its
rotation. In each second, a rotating motion of the rotor performs а) in case of minimal pulse duration
work, which is expressed in joules (J). This means that its
mechanical power is equal to a value of kinetic energy divided
by the time in seconds (it is correct) J/s=W. It is always present in
the rotor shaft during its rotation with constant velocity. This
presence is made to occur (or provide) by the magnitude of the
inertial torque .
It appears from the first Newtonian law that when the body
rotates uniformly, no forces or moments of forces operate on it.
This amounts (may be means) to a denial of any inertial torque
at the rotor shaft during its uniform rotation [3]. In order to see the
erroneousness of this denial, let us determine the value of inertial
torque at the shaft of the MG-1 rotor(it is correct). One should take
into account that the amount of energy, which is spent in order to
overcome inertial torque at the moment of the rotor’s starting, is
equal to the kinetic energy of its uniform rotation. In order to
determine this energy, it is necessary to know mass of the rotor,
moment of inertia and the rate of rotation . Kinetic
(mechanical) energy (power) of the rotor, which rotates uniformly
with n=2000 r/m, is equal to [3] (it is correct). b) in case of greater pulse duration
Fig. 4. Oscillogram of MG-1 idle run:

The amplitude of the voltage pulses (Fig. 4, a), which are

supplied to the excitation winding of the rotor, is equal to UA=225 V

(3) approximately, and the related pulse duration is . The

amplitude of current pulses in the excitation winding of the rotor, is
equal to , and the related pulse duration is .
Taking this into consideration, average values of voltage and
The inertial torque , which generates the kinetic energy
current are equal to (Fig. 4, a): (it is correct)
(3) of the rotor that rotates uniformly, is equal to [3]

Kanarev: The Motor-Generator Vol. 8

(6) (11)
It is natural that average pulse electric power, which is supplied How should one understand the power values, which are
to the excitation winding of the rotor, is equal to calculated according to the formulas (10) and (11), and the power
values, which result from the oscillograms in Fig. 4, a, and Fig. 4, b,
being calculated according to formulas (7) and (8)? If we divide only
(7) the current pulse amplitude by the relative pulse duration when
multiplying the amplitudes of voltage and current, the physical
In the oscillogram, which is given in Fig. 4, b, the voltage pulsesessence of this operation means that voltage is supplied to the rotor
have greater duration and the current pulse form is not triangular.winding continuously, not by pulses. It corresponds to power at the
The relative pulse duration of the voltage pulses is , andprimary energy resource terminals and (as the oscillograms in Fig.
4 show) does not correspond to pulse power at the consumer
the relative pulse duration of the current pulses is . Theterminals, because voltage is supplied to its by pulses, not
voltage pulse amplitudes are equal to UA=175 V, and the current
continuously with amplitude . What should be done?
pulse amplitudes are equal to .. Taking this intoIt is necessary to understand that the amount of pulse powers at
consideration, their average values are equal to ,various parts of the electric circuit is not equal to the power, which
is taken from the primary energy resource. It is an unusual result,
, respectively, and average value of pulse electric powerbut all contradictions in the pulse power balance analysis
is equal to processes are eliminated only if this result is held as a valid one.
The elimination of these contradictions brought about by the
necessity to obtain analytical results in the energy processes in
(8) consuming units of pulse electric power, which correspond the
But modern study guides in electrical engineering andreality that is checked by the similarity of the electric power being
electrodynamics consider the results (7) and (8) to be erroneousconsumed and power of the chemical reactions, which take place,
and recommend that one divide the product of the amplitudes offor example, in case of water electrolysis [4].
Thus the power, which is consumed by the MG-1 power unit
voltage pulses and current pulses by relative pulse
duration only once [4]. forming the primary energy source with continuous voltage, is 33.0
W (10) or 48.68 W (11), and the pulse powers, which are supplied
by the power unit to the rotor excitation winding, are 1.90 W (7) or
(9) 8.26 W (8).
As the rotor rotates uniformly, the first Newtonian law states that
This formula is valid for a calculation at the terminals of the
the amount of the momenta, which have influence with it, is zero
primary energy sources, because they all generate continuous
[3]. It means that the rotor, which rotates uniformly, requires no
voltage , which cannot be divided by the relative pulse durationadditional energy or power in order to support its uniform rotation,
of the voltage pulses which are supplied to the consumer. How is itbut an experiment denies it. The rotor can rotate uniformly only on
possible to use this formula for the calculation of average pulseconditions that 33 W or 48.68 W of power are supplied into its
power when the relative pulse durations of voltage pulses andpower unit from the external power source. The law of the formation
of power in the electric circuit dictates that the 33 W (10) and 48.83
current pulses are different ( ; )? There isW (11) power values, which are supplied into the power unit of the
no explanation of this because the authors of the study guidesuniformly rotating rotor, correspond to continuous voltage at the
where this formula is given are unfamiliar with the law of powerprimary power source terminals. Both voltage pulses and current
formation in an electric circuit. It runs as follows: average power inpulses are supplied to the rotor excitation winding and that’s why
any section of an electric circuit is equal to the product of theactual electric power, which is supplied to the rotor winding, is 1.9
average values of voltage and current (7), (8) [4]. As networkW (7) and 8.26 W (8). It is closer to zero, which corresponds to the
voltage is a continuous voltage, not a pulse one, we do not havefirst Newtonian law, but is not equal to zero; it proves inadequacy of
the right to divide such a voltage by the relative pulse durationthis law [3]. Let us analyze the physical essence of the use of 1.9 W
according to the law of power formation in the electric circuit when(7) and 8.26 W (8) pulse powers [4].
determining the average power at the electric power meter
terminals. In this case, the law allows us to divide only the current In Fig. 2, the positive inertial torque corresponds to the
by the relative pulse duration. Taking this into consideration, the mechanical energy (power) of the uniformly rotating rotor. The
power at the electric power meter terminals, which originates frompower, which corresponds to this torque, is 48.83 W (3). This power
the oscillogram in Fig. 4, a, is equal to [5] is present in the rotor shaft constantly when it rotates uniformly.
When the voltage pulses with the amplitudes of UA=225 V or
UA=175 V are supplied to the rotor winding, the current pulses with
the amplitudes of IA=5.0 A (Fig. 4, a) or 1.9 A (Fig. 4, b) are formed
simultaneously. The average values of these pulses are UC=13.0 V
(10) (5), IC=0,15 A (6) or UC=29.51 V (5) and IC=0,28 A, and their
average electrical power values are 1.90 W (7) and 8.26 W (8).
Continuous voltage ( ), not pulse voltage, isThey are the actual electric power values of the pulses, which are
supplied from the primary energy source to the rotor winding. They
supplied to the power unit of the MG-1 rotor; that’s why the power,
are added to the value of inertial mechanical power of 48.83 W (3),
which corresponds to the oscillogram in Fig. 4, b, and is received
which is present at the rotor shaft constantly during its uniform
by the power unit from the mains, is
rotation (Fig. 2). As a result, constant inertial torque gains a pulse
addition (Fig. 2), which value corresponds to the electric power
College Park, MD 2011 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA
pulse of PC=1.90 W (7) and PC=8.26 W (8).These additions arerotor winding at the stage of its switch-off from the energy source
spent in order to overcome resistances , which are formed byas well [5].
the processes of voltage and current generation in the rotor winding Let us take one cell of the classical electrolyzer (Fig. 5) as a
when its circuit is closed (Fig. 2, intervals and ). When self-induction EMF energy consumer and take at the beginning the
the rotor circuit is opened, these resistances disappear (Fig. 2,oscillograms of voltage and current at the stator terminals (Fig. 6, a)
and after the connection of the electrolyzer at the electrolyzer
interval or D…E); the remaining reserve of inertial torqueterminals (Fig. 6, b).
continues to rotate the rotor till the time of its next pulse
acquisition (Fig. 2, point A2). It appears from this that the rotor takes
the electric energy pulses, which average power is 1.90 W (7) or
8.26 W (8), from the power unit. The power values of 33 W (10) and
48.68 W (11) correspond to continuous voltage of the mains, not
pulse voltage. Let us again pay attention to the fact that power
values of 33.0 W and 48.68 W correspond to the average
continuously generating voltages of the mains, not to the average
pulse voltages, which are supplied to the rotor brushes of the MG-1
motor-generator [5].
We have considered the process of the MG-1 rotor starting and
the process of its uniform rotation in case of the minimal duration of
the voltage pulses (Fig. 4, a), and we are surprised by the small
value of electric power of 1.9 W (6), which provides a uniform
rotation of the rotor with mass of 2.6 kg and frequency of 2000 r/m.
This surprise is a result of neglecting the 48.83 W of power, which Fig. 5. Mg-1, lamp and electrolyser
is always present at the MG-1 rotor shaft during its uniform rotation.
This neglect is caused by the erroneous first Newtonian law. It is
necessary to understand that power values of 1.9 W or 8.26 W are
spent for the generation of the voltage and current pulses only in
the rotor excitation winding.
Thus, 48.83 W of mechanical power, which is always
present at the rotor shaft, overcomes all types of constant
resistances to its rotation, and the pulses of electric power of
1.9 W or 8.26 W (Fig. 2, intervals ) form
magnetic moments during the interaction of the magnetic
poles of the rotor and the stator, support the constancy of
inertial torque and form the working pulses of induction EMF
and self-induction EMF in the stator winding simultaneously
[5]. It is a very economical process of the simultaneous generation
of electrical and mechanical power pulses.
Let us pay attention to a narrow pulse (Fig. 4, b) S, which takes a) self-induction EMF pulses in the stator
place in the rotor excitation winding after the induction EMF pulse
formation (Fig. 4, a, b, с, d). This is a self-induction EMF pulse. The
pulses of the induction EMF and the self-induction EMF are
generated in the stator winding as well. The loading forms the
power pulses in the stator winding and that’s why one chooses
such stator winding parameters that they can correspond to power,
which is necessary for the consumer. An electrolyzer has been
chosen as the main consumer of the MG-1 stator power pulses. As
the electrolysis process is carried out with large current, the stator
winding was designed in order to get current pulses up to 100 A
with voltage pulses of 12 V. It was planed to use these pulses for
water electrolysis. But after the first tests of the MG-1 it was
necessary to make corrections to this plan. Their essence resulted
from simplicity of the separation in the circuit of the pulses of
induction EMF and self-induction EMF in the stator winding. This
made it possible to use them separately. A cell of the electrolyzer b) the same self-induction EMF pulses in the electrolyzer
receives the pulses of the self-induction EMF and decreases their
amplitude down to 2 volts automatically and increases pulse
duration, respectively. When the pulses of the self-induction EMF
are used, their relative pulse duration in the electrolyzer becomes
less than relative pulse duration of the pulses of induction EMF. Fig. 6. Self-induction EMF pulses in the stator winding: a) prior the
This is the main cause of the energy effect resulting from the use of connection of the electrolyzer; b) after the connection of the
the pulses of the self-induction EMF in the stator winding, for which
no energy of the primary source is spent, because these are It is known that water electrolysis takes place when average
formed at the time of voltage supply switch-off to the rotor excitationvoltage per cell is nearly 2 V. Why? This is unknown. The influence
winding. Besides, the reactive self-induction EMF of the statorof the number of cells on the electrolyzer efficiency is unknown too.
winding with the increased duration of the pulse is returned to theAn answer to this question was obtained recently when the MG-1
Kanarev: The Motor-Generator Vol. 8
self-rotating generator was used for electrolyzer supply. It producesshort of luck too. They have failed to understand why there is a limit
the voltage pulses (Fig. 6), which have no direct connection withfor low temperature and they still do not understand how
the primary energy resource: an accumulator or the electric mains.temperature is formed in space around us and where the physical
essence of heat and temperature may be found.
The amplitude and frequency of the voltage pulses, which are
produced by it, are closely connected with its design and are But the chemists, who think that the electrons move along the
determined by its rotation frequency. In Fig. 5, a, one can see anorbits round the atomic nuclei and join them into molecules
oscillogram of the self-induction EMF pulses being generated inmysteriously, look the more ridiculous.
the MG-1 stator winding in an idle run at the time of disconnection We are proud of the achievements in the field of formation and
of the electric circuit, which provides supply to the rotor winding; antransmission of information, and we don’t realize that they are the
oscillogram of the same pulses in the electrolyzer cell is given inresult of the experimental investigations, which are carried out
Fig. 6, b [5]. according to only one method: trial and error. No scientists in the
It is natural in order to increase the power of the pulses beingworld understand the physics of computer operation.
generated in the stator winding, that it was necessary to increase
Our descendants will laugh at the wish of our contemporaries
the pulse duration in the rotor winding. As a result, electric power of
to describe the information transmission processes with the help of
the pulses at the rotor shaft, which were calculated according to the
Maxwell equations while any knowledge concerning physics of the
formula (7), was increased up to 26 W. A lamp with power of 20 W
processes of formation, transmission and reception of information is
was connected to the stator induction EMF circuit and one cell of
the electrolyzer was connected to the stator self-induction EMF
circuit. When the oscillograms were processed, it turned out that The astrophysicists are in the most ridiculous state.
the average pulse electric power at the cell terminals is 22 W and atDescendants will laugh at their fairy tales concerning black holes
the lamp terminals is 4 W. Their total value was 26 W at a full glowand the Big Bang in the same way we laugh now at our ancestors,
of lamp with power of 20 W, i.e. actual power in the stator windingwho thought that the Earth was supported by three whales.
exceeded power in the rotor winding almost twice if we do not take
Certainly, to err is human; that’s why billions dollars, which are
into account energy of the gases being produced (hydrogen andspent by the scientists in order to make photons move circle-wise in
oxygen). A video concerning the MG-1 operation demonstrates thethe magnetic field, are nothing as compared with the silly
intensity of gases released from one cell of the electrolyzer. Thisexpenditures made by the politicians who wage wars thousands
intensity is equivalent to the intensity of gaseous release from akilometers from their borders.
series electrolyzer of the LIGA-12 gas welding apparatus when it We have touched upon a small part of the scientific problems of
consumes more than 200 W from the mains. This is much greatermodern physics and chemistry. They are numerous. Almost all of
than electric power at the rotor shaft being obtained from thethem have been analyzed; the causes of their existence have been
primary energy resource, and, of course, the old electrodynamicsdiscovered; the solutions, as a result of obtaining these causes,
prohibits such result [1], [2], [5]. We finished to test of MG-2 (Fig.have been found [4]. Modern knowledge concerning the microworld
7) can give answers to 1600 questions concerning the structure of the
inhabitants of microworld and their interactions. A part of them can
be found on the site “Study guides” [5].
The main conclusion resulting from the experiments, which have
been described by us is as follows: when the accumulator is used
for the rotor excitation winding supply, one of the EMF pulses in
the stator winding can be used for accumulator charging, another
pulse can be used for a technological processes (water electrolysis,
for example). As a result, a stand-alone energy source is formed
with service life equal to the service life of the accumulator. When
energy effectiveness of such energy source is determined, the
notion of “efficiency” loses meaning because such an energy unit
can serve for 5 years requiring no other energy sources.
Fig. 7. Electromotor – generator Mg-2 [7], [8] References
Conclusion [ 0 ]
Newtonian dynamics and Maxwellian electrodynamics were the[ 1 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, “Self-Rotating Generator”,.
main obstacles on the way of the creation of a motor-generator by a
great number of talented engineers and inventors of several
[ 2 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, “Self-Rotating Generator”,
generations. The motor-generator was enabled only due to the new
laws of mechanodynamics [3] and the new laws of electrodynamics
of microworld and macroworld [4]. [ 3 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, Mechanodynamics Study guide.
A determination of current direction in the wire as well as The Folder Text book.
magnetic field, which is formed round it, with the help of the so [ 4 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, The New Law of electrical power formation
called “right-hand and left-foot rule” seems very ridiculous now. The The Folder English.
old electrodynamics knowledge, which states a presence of the[5] Ph. M. Kanarev. The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld,
positive and negative electric charges in the wires, seems evenMonograph 15-th Edition. In Russian, Chapter “Electrodynamics of
more ridiculous. The old notions concerning the positive andMicroworld and Macroworld”.
negative electric charges, which form the electrostatic charges,[ 6 ] Ph.M. Kanarev, S.B. Zatsarinin, “The Motor-Generator”,
seem funny as well.
The scientists, who work in the field of thermodynamics, are
College Park,Kanarev,
[ 7] Ph.M. MD 2011S.B.PROCEEDINGS of the NPA
Zatsarinin, “Independent energy source”,[8] Ph. M. Kanarev Video about the Mg-1 and Mg-2. Folder “Articles” Folder “English”

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