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This Lease Deed is made on...................... and effective from DAY and Date ,

M/S SBW Logistics Pvt. Ltd., a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having
its Corporate Office at 502, Pujit Plaza, Sector 11, CBD, Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614
(hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor” which term shall where the context so admits shall include
its administrators, legal representatives, heirs, successors, assigns, associates etc.) through Mr. -
------------- who is duly authorized to sign this Lease Deed


NAME OF THE COMPANY a company incorporated under the Companies Act. 1956 having
its registered office at ADDRESS OF THE COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as the “Lessee”
which term shall where the context so admits shall include its administrators, legal
representatives, heirs, successors, assigns, associates etc.) through its Director Sh. Surjit Gupta,
who is duly authorised to sign this Lease Deed (hereinafter individually referred to as Party and
collectively as Parties)

Whereas the Lessor is the absolute owner of the property situated at ADDRESS OF BUSINESS
ACTIVITIY consisting of an area admeasuring 00,000 sq. ft. more specifically described in
the site plan attached hereto as Annexure-A (hereinafter referred to as the “Demised

And Whereas the Lessor has represented to the Lessee that it has full and unfettered rights to let
out the said Demised Premises or any portion or portions thereof on such terms and conditions
as it may think fit and the said Demised Premises are free from all encumbrances.

And Whereas Accordingly the Lessor has shown his interest and agreed to the Lessee to give
on lease the Demises Premises to the Lessee for the purpose of running its business operations
etc. by the Lessee and the Lessor has agreed to let out the Demised Premises to the Lessee and
the Lessee has agreed to take the same on the terms & conditions contained herein.

Now, therefore, the Parties hereto have agreed as under: -

1. Term: In consideration of the rent hereby reserved the Lessor hereby grants on lease to
the Lessee the Demised Premises for a period of 0 ( ) years commencing with effect
from to (Lease Term)

2. Monthly Rent: The monthly rent payable for the Lease Term of the Demised Premises
is Rs.00,000/- (Rupees). It is hereby clarified and agreed between the Parties that
monthly rental shall be paid on or before the 7th day of the succeeding calendar month
into the Account bearing No.000000000 of the Lessor with -----------Bank Ltd., by
electronic transfer, subject to TDS and applicable taxes. The rent payable shall be
increased annually by 5% of the last paid rent.

3. It is agreed by the Lessor that the Lessor alone shall be responsible for paying all
municipal and other taxes, charges, etc. to the concerned authorities with respect to the
Demised Premises. GST, as applicable on the monthly rent shall be paid by the Lessee.

4. It is agreed between the parties that six months prior to the expiry of the term of this
Lease Deed hereof, the parties shall mutually start the negotiations to renew this lease
for a further period, failing which the Lessee shall vacate the Demised Premises on
expiry of the Lease Deed term.

5. Security Deposit: The Lessee has already deposited an amount of Rs.0,00,000/-

(Rupees----------------) as an interest free Security Deposit, the receipt of which the
Lessor hereby acknowledges. The said Security Deposit shall either be adjusted against
the rent of the tenancy or shall be refunded by the Lessor to the Lessee simultaneously
at the time of vacating the Demised Premises, by way of a Demand Draft/Pay order. It is
further agreed between the Parties that in case the Lessor fails to refund the Security
Deposit at the time of vacation to the Lessee, in that eventuality, the Lessee shall have
the right to continue in with possession of the Demised Premises by paying the reduced
rent of Rs.100/- per month and the Security Deposit amount shall carry an interest @18%
Per annum from the day of such default, till final payment to the Lessee.

6. Electricity and Water charges: The Lessee shall pay the electricity and water
consumption charges on actual basis as per meters installed by the Lessor for the
Demised Premises. In case the Lessee requires any additional load at the Demised
Premises, the Lessor shall on request of the Lessee get the needful done without fail.

7. Signage and Boards: That the Lessee shall have a right to install their Board/ neon signs
etc. at and /or near the main entrance of the Demised Premises whose size shall not be
less than 10x4 feet.

8. Parking: That the Lessee shall have a right to park its four-wheelers and two-wheelers
outside the Demised Premises. The Lessor shall not cause/create any obstruction,
whatsoever, in the ingress and egress of vehicles coming to the Demised Premises for
the Lessee.

9. Maintenance: That the Lessee shall be liable to keep and maintain the Demised
Premises in good and tenantable state, subject to normal wear and tear, but will not be
liable to any restoration.

10. Use by Associates: That the Parties have mutually agreed that the Lessee shall use
the Demised Premises for the purposes of carrying out its warehousing and
distribution activities and by setting up its office in connection hereto for its own
business and/or, inter alia, its Associates/group companies by itself or through its
Carrying & Forwarding/Selling Agents
11. Sublease: That the Lessee shall not sublet the Demised Premises in whole or in part to
any one directly or indirectly without the prior permission / approval of the Lessor except
to, inter alia, its associate/group companies.

12. Additions and Alterations: That the Lessee shall not be entitled to make any additions
or alterations in the Demised Premises without the consent of the Lessor. However, the
Lessee may make addition and alter minor changes without disturbing the basic structure
of the Building for the purposes of carrying out its commercial activities in particular but
not limited to installation of Coolers, Geysers, A.C., Computers,
Fax/Telex/Generator/Internet/partitions/fixtures/fittings/racks, etc.

13. Inspections: That the Lessee shall permit the Lessor to enter into and upon the Demised
Premises at any reasonable hours during daytime to view the state of upkeep of the
Demised Premises but with prior notice and approval.

14. No Obnoxious Trade: That the Lessee shall not be permitted to carry on any obnoxious
trade in the Demised Premises.

15. Permissions from Authorities : That the Lessor hereby confirms:

a) That the Lessor has the necessary permission from the concerned authorities for
giving the Demised Premises on Lease to the Lessee for carrying out the commercial
activities by the Lessee.
b) That Lessor shall during the subsistence of this Lease Deed shall at all times keep
the necessary permissions, if any, required from the authorities, valid and subsisting
for giving the Demised Premises on lease to the Lessee.

16. Notices: All notices required to be served upon the parties shall be treated as served if
sent by registered post acknowledgement due, in addition to electronic mail at the address
mentioned in the title of this agreement.

17. Attornment: If the Lessor at any time during the Renewed Term of this Agreement,
sells and/or transfers his rights in the Demised Premises as a whole or in any part or parts
thereof to any one person or more than one person, in any manner whatsoever, then in
that event such sale or transfer by the Lessor shall be subject to the rights of the Lessee
herein and the Lessee shall attorn its lease to such transferee or transferees on the same
terms and conditions as are contained herein.

18. Force Majeure: The Lessor shall not be responsible for any injury or damage
which may be caused to Lessee using the Demised Premises or at any goods or
property of the Lessee which may be lying in the Demised Premises by fire, rain,
white ants, leakage or bursting water or gas pipes or electricity or accidentally
giving way or any portion of wall, floor, roof or any portion of the building or
from theft or from any cause or causes whatsoever not resulting from negligence
on the part of the Lessor.
19. Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute, difference or question arising in
respect of any breach or terms of this Agreement the same shall be referred to a Sole
Arbitrator to be appointed by the Director of the Lessee who shall not be less than a
retired High Court Judge and who shall hold the Arbitration at New Delhi in English.
The decision or award so given shall be binding on the parties hereto.

20. Indemnity: That the Lessor shall be bound to indemnify the Lessee, its Directors,
Employees, or representatives etc. against all consequences including damages,
losses, costs or any other claims and demands arising due to defect or deficiency
or inadequacy in the Lessor’s right to lease the Demised Premises and further in
respect of any action or objection by any authority or person regarding use and
occupation of the Demised Premises and facilities comprised therein or provided
under the Lease Deed and against any claims, demands, penalties, losses or
damages whatsoever that may be occasioned thereby or any hindrance or
obstruction being caused in the quiet and peaceful enjoyment by the Lessee of
the Demised Premises.

21. Termination: That either Party can terminate this Lease Deed by giving 1 (One) month
advance notice to the other Party.

22. Amendments: No Change variation or modification of the terms and conditions set forth
herein shall be valid unless agreed to in writing by the authorized representatives of both
the Parties.

23. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the
Parties with respect to the subject matters hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and
understandings, both written and oral.

IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the Parties have set their hands on this deed at on this day, month
and year mentioned above in the presence of witnesses.


(From Lessor’s side) (From Lessee’s side)
1. ……………………. 1. ……………………..


Res. Address:

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