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Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated disease that affects the skin and joints. It occurs when the immune system mistakes skin cells for pathogens and causes overproduction of new skin cells. There is currently no cure, but various treatments can help control symptoms.

Psoriasis is caused when the immune system sends out faulty signals that cause overproduction of new skin cells. It has been linked to increased risk of stroke. Certain genes, lifestyle factors, and triggers like stress or injury can influence its development or worsening.

Natural treatments for psoriasis include bitter gourd juice, avocado oil, cashew nut oil, buttermilk, and vitamins A, D, and E. Herbal remedies and homeopathy may also provide relief.

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that affects the skin.

It is typically a
lifelong condition. There is currently no cure, but various treatments can help to
control the symptoms. Psoriasis occurs when the immune system mistakes a
normal skin cell for a pathogen, and sends out faulty signals that cause
overproduction of new skin cells. It is not contagious. Psoriasis has been linked to
an increased risk of stroke, and treating high blood lipid levels may lead to
improvement. There are five types of ps oriasis: plaque, gutate, inverse, pustular,
and erythrodermic. The most common form, plaque psoriasis, is commonly seen as
red and white hues of scaly patches appearing on the top first layer of the
epidermis (skin). Some patients, though, have no dermatol ogical signs or
symptoms. The name psoriasis (ψωρίασις) is from the Greek language, meaning
roughly “itching condition” (psora “itch” + -sis “action, condition”). In plaque
psoriasis, skin rapidly accumulates at these sites, which gives it a silvery -white
appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can
affect any area, including the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and genitals.
In contrast to eczema, psoriasis is more likely to be found on the outer side of the
joint. The disorder is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity from
minor localized patches to complete body coverage. Fingernails and toenails are
frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be seen as an isolated sign.
Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, which is known as psoriatic
arthritis. Between 10% and 30% of all people with psoriasis also have psoriatic
arthritis. Diseases due to afflictions of the Karakas of houses. If the Karaka of a
house is in the 6th house associated with Saturn and Rahu, the native suffers from
a chronic disease indicated by the house in Question. • What causes diseases ? •
Saturn and Rahu are slow moving planets and are said to be huge in form
(symbolically). Therefore , the diseases cau sed by them are long lasting and
chronic. Astrological causes Mercury - As it rules over immune system and skin.
Saturn - For all chronic diseases and skin significator. 6th lord, 8th lord and 11th
lord ( because 11 th is 6th from 6th and significator of e xpansion) Jupiter for
expansion as karak for 11th house. Rahu and ketu for sudden onset . • Mercury
represents memory and intelligence. Weak nervous system, skin problems,
allergies, hay fever, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, confusion, weak mind, lack of
memory are some of the effects of malefic Mercury. -Saturn itself is considered a
planet of diseases, sorrows and old age. Rheumatic pains, nervous disorders,
arthritis, bone problems, fractures, paralysis, osteoporosis, severe depression and
old age related diseases etc. are the indicator of malefic Saturn. Mercury Cold and
dry. Relates to the nervous system and to nervous activity. Jupiter Expansive,
nourishing, warm and moist, sanguine. Relates to the blood circulation, liver and
fat metabolism and cellular nutrition. Saturn Contracting, slowing, binding,
restricting, hardening, devitalising, cold and dry, melancholic. Sign - Libra ,Aquarius
for skin. Saturn/ Mars relationship is almost a prerequisite in all skin ailments. As
per Ayurveda, a skin disease happens due to imbalance of Fire and water element
and is mostly pitta in dosha. Lord of 6th is conjunct with the 8th lord, Saturn and
Venus and aspected by retrograde Jupiter from 11th house and Rahu from 1st
house ,so we have afflicted 6th lord Mercury, 8 th lord Sun, 5th and 10th lord
Venus and lord of ascendant or lagna aturn all under the malefic aspect of Rahu
and functional malefic Jupiter the planet of expansion, here Jupiter is in nakshatra
of Saturn thus in control of Saturn.While aturn is in naksha tra of 8th lord
Sun.There are two grah yuddhas in the horoscope. Rahu defeats Mars in planetary
war and venus defeats Saturn the lagna lord here rendering it weak to pep up the
immune system.More so lords of 64th Navamsa is Mercury and 22nd Drekkana Sun.
The native was first diagnosed with Psoriasis in 1997 in MD of Rahu and AD -Jupiter
then in 2000 it was a full blown disease; the dasha sequence was Rahu -Saturn.
Lord of ascendant Mercury is in5th under aspect from 6th lord situated in 8th.
Saturn/ Mercury combination is responsible for skin ailments, Jupiter aspects the
11th house, it also makes a relation with 6th lord Saturn through 8th and 3rd lord
Mars. Lord of 64th Navamsa and 22nd Drekkana is Jupiter. Jupiter is again in
nakshatra of Saturn ( anuradha). This again is a case of psoriasis. Ascendent lord in
8th house in RKA with 11th and 2nd lord Mercury, Saturn aspects lagna lord,
Mercury and Rahu as 6th and 7th lord,Jupiter as 8th and 5th lord also aspects the
the troika of planets as mentioned earlier in the 8th house 64th Navmsa lord is Sun
and 22nd Drekkana lord is Jupiter. Saturn, Mercury link and Jupiter’s expansion
mode to lord of 11th or 11th house is once again a c ommon factor here hinting at
Psoriasis is an insusceptible intervened malady that influences the skin. It is
regularly a long lasting condition. There is presently no cure, yet different
medications can help to control the indications.
Psoriasis happens when the insusceptible framework mix ups an ordinary skin cell
for a pathogen, and conveys flawed signs that cause overproduction of new skin
cells. It is not infectious. Psoriasis has been connected to an expanded danger of
stroke, and treating high blood lipid levels may prompt change. There are five sorts
of psoriasis – ‘Plaque’, ‘Gutate’, ‘Inverse’, ‘Pustular’, and ‘Erythrodermic’. The
most well-known structure, plaque psoriasis, is normally seen as red and white
tones of textured patches showing up on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin).
A few patients, however, have no dermatological signs or manifestations. The
name psoriasis is from the Greek dialect, importance generally “tingling condition”
(psora “tingle” + -sis “activity, condition”).
In plaque psoriasis, skin quickly gathers at these destinations, which causes a
shining white appearance. Plaques habitually happen on the skin of the elbows and
knees, yet can influence any region, including the palms of hands, soles of feet,
scalp and privates areas. As opposed to skin inflammation, psoriasis is more prone
to be found on the external side of the joint.
The issue is a perpetual repeating condition that fluctuates in seriousness from
minor restricted patches to finish body scope. Fingernails and toenails are
habitually influenced (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be seen as a confined sign.
Psoriasis can likewise bring about aggravation of the joints, which is known as
psoriatic joint pain. Somewhere around 10% and 30% out of eve ry other person on
earth with psoriasis likewise have psoriatic joint inflammation.
Illnesses occur due to affected houses of Karakas :
In the event that the Karaka of a house is in the 6th house Associated with Saturn
and Rahu, the local experiences an en dless sickness showed by the house being
referred to.
(i) What causes infections ?
(ii) Saturn and Rahu are moderate moving planets and are said to be gigantic in
structure (typically). Accordingly as per standards of symbology, the maladies
brought about by them are durable and perpetual.
Visionary reasons :
Mercury – as it guidelines over insusceptible framework and skin.
Saturn – for every single incessant disease and skin significator.
6 th ruler, 8 th master and 11th master (in light of the fact that 11t h is 6 th from
6 th and significator of extension).
Jupiter for development as karak for 11th house.
Rahu and Ketu for sudden onset.
(a) Mercury speaks to memory and knowledge. Frail sensory system, skin issues,
anaphylaxes, roughage fever, Obsessive Compuls ive Disorders, perplexity, weak
personality, absence of memory etc. are significant impacts of malefic mercury.
(b) Saturn itself is viewed as a planet of ailments, distresses and seniority.
Rheumatic agonies, apprehensive issue, joint pain, bones issues, breaks, loss of
motion, osteoporosis, extreme wretchedness and maturity related ailments and so
forth are the pointer of malefic Saturn.

Sign – Libra, Aquarius for skin

According to ayurveda, a skin ailment happens because of unevenness of Fire and
water component.

Master of 6th is conjunct the 8th ‘ruler’, Saturn and Venus and ‘aspected’ by
‘retrograde’ Jupiter in 11th house and Rahu from first house, so we have
‘harassed’ 6th ruler Mercury, 8th ruler Sun, 5th and 10th master Venus and master
of ‘ascendant’ or ‘lagna’ Saturn all under the malefic part of Rahu and utilitarian
‘malefic’ Jupiter the planet of extension. Here Jupiter is in ‘nakshatra’ of Saturn
consequently in control of Saturn, while Saturn is in ‘nakshatra’ of 8th master Sun.
There are two ‘grah yudhas’ in the horoscope – Rahu thrashing Mars in planetary
war and Venus ‘routs’ Saturn, the ‘lagna’ master here rendering it powerless to get
up and go up the resistant framework. All the more so masters of 64rh ‘navamsa’ is
Mercury and 22nd ‘drekkana’ Sun. The person was initially diagnosed with
Psoriasis in 1997 in ‘MD of Rahu’ and ‘AD -Jupiter’ then in 2000 it was an out and
out illness the dasha grouping was Rahu -Saturn.
Conclusion – part of Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu is observed for o ccurring
the disease.
Psoriasis is one of the most stubborn skin diseases. It is a chronic disease,
characterized by thick, red, silvery, scaled patches of the skin. This disease
affects both sexes equally, and is mor e common during the first fifteen to
thirty years, although it may appear at any age. Psoriasis is not contagious

Psoriasis symptoms Skin appears red, irritated and with bright silvery scales
Generally, the skin of the person suffering from this disease appears red and
irritated and may be covered with bright silvery scales. Sometimes there is also
a little itching

Psoriasis causes Abnormality, metabolism of amino acids The areas usually

involved are the elbows, knees, and the skin behind the ears, the trunk, and the
scalp. The disease may also affect the underarms and genital areas. The lesions
vary in size from minute papules to sheets covering large parts of the body.
Quite often, they are discs from half an inch to several inches in size. The
lesions are always dry and rarely become infected. Recent studies have shown
that psoriasis involves an abnormality in the mechanism in which the skin grows
and replaces itself. The abnormality is related to the metabolism of amino
acids, the nature's basic building blocks for the reprodu ction of cell tissues
Heredity Heredity also plays a role in the development of psoriasis as it
tends to occur in families.
Stress, infections and medicines The factors that aggravate and precipitate
the outbreak of this disease are physical and emotional stress, infections, and
use of certain medicines for the treatment of other diseases
Home Remedies for Psoriasis Psoriasis treatment using Cabbage Leaves Cabbage
leaves have been successfully used in the form of compresses in the treatment of
psoriasis. The thickest and greenest outer leaves are most effective for use as
compresses. They should be thoroughly washed in warm water and dried with a
towel. The leaves should be flattened, softened and smoothed out by rolling them
with a rolling pin after removing the thick veins. They should he warmed and
then applied smoothly to the affected part in an overlapping manner. A pad of
soft woollen cloth should be put over them. The whole compress should then be
secured with an elastic bandage.
Psoriasis treatment using Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd is a valuable remedy for
psoriasis. A cup of fresh juice of this vegetable, mixed with a teaspoon of lime
juice, should be taken sip by sip, on an empty stomach daily for four to six
Psoriasis treatment using Avocado Oil The oil of avocado has been found
beneficial in the treatment of this disease. It should be applied gently to the
affected parts
Psoriasis treatment using Cashew nut Oil The oil extracted from the outer
shell of the cashew nut is acrid and rubefacient. It can be applied beneficially
on the affected area
Psoriasis treatment using Buttermilk The use of curd in the form of
buttermilk has proved useful in psoriasis and the patient should drink it in
liberal quantities. The application of buttermilk compress es over the affected
parts will also be useful in treating this condition.
Psoriasis treatment using Vitamin E Vitamin E therapy has been found
effective in the treatment of psoriasis. The patient should take this vitamin in
therapeutic doses of 400 mg a day. It will help reduce itching and scab
Psoriasis treatment using Lecithin Lecithin is also considered a remarkable
remedy for psoriasis. The patient may take six to nine lecithin capsules a
day-two or three capsules before or after each meal. If taken in the form of
granules, four tablespoonfuls may be taken daily for two months. The dosage may
be reduced thereafter to two tablespoons.
Psoriasis Diet Carrots, beets, cucumbers and grapes juices Since psoriasis
is a metabolic disease, a cleansing juice fast for a week is always desirable at
the beginning of the treatment. Carrots, beets, cucumbers, and grapes may be
used for juices.
Well-balanced diet made of raw seeds, nuts etc After the juice fast, the
patient should adopt a well-balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains,
vegetables, and fruits. Emphasis should be placed on raw seeds and nuts,
especially sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and plenty of
organically grown raw vegetables and fruits. When there is a substantial
improvement, goat's milk, yoghurt, and home -made cottage cheese may be added
the diet. The juice fast may be repeated after a month or so.
Avoid animal fats, refined or processed foods All animal fats, including
milk, butter, eggs; refined or processed foods; foods containing hydrogenated
fats or white sugar; all condiments; and tea and coffee should be avoided. When
there is a substantial improvement, goat's milk, yoghurt, and home -made cottage
cheese may be added to the diet. The juice fast may be repeated after a month or
Psoriasis--is an immune-mediated disease that affects the skin. It is typically a
lifelong condition. There is currently no cure, but various treatments can help to
control the symptoms.
Psoriasis occurs when the immune system mistakes a normal skin cell for
a pathogen, and sends out faulty signals that cause overproduction of new skin
cells. It is not contagious. Psoriasis has been linked to an increased risk of
stroke, and treating high blood lipid levels may lead to improvement. There are
five types of psoriasis: plaque, gutate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic. The
most common form, plaque psoriasis, is commonly seen as red and white hues of
scaly patches appearing on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin). Some
patients, though, have no dermatological signs or symptoms. The
name psoriasis (ψωρίασις) is from the Greek language, meaning roughly "itching
condition" (psora "itch" + -sis "action, condition").
In plaque psoriasis, skin rapidly accumulates at these sites, which gives it a silvery -
white appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees,
but can affect any area, including the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet,
and genitals. In contrast to eczema, psoriasis is more likely to be found on
the outer side of the joint.

The disorder is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity from minor
localized patches to complete body coverage. Fingernails and toenails are
frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be seen as an isolated sign.
Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, which is known as psoriatic
arthritis. Between 10% and 30% of all people with psoriasis also have psoriatic
Diseases due to afflictions of the Karakas of houses.

If the Karaka of a house is in the 6th house Associated with Saturn and Rahu, the
native suffers From a chronic disease indicated by the house in Question.

What causes diseases ?

Saturn and Rahu are slow moving planets and are said to be huge in form
(symbolically). Therefore according to principles of symbology, the diseases caused
by them are long lasting and chronic.
Astrological causes----
Mercury - As it rules over immune system and skin.
Saturn - For all chronic diseases and skin significator.
Sixth lord,8th lord and 11th lord ( because 11 th is 6th from 6th and significator of
Jupiter for expansion as karak for 11th house.
Rahu and ketu for sudden onset .

Mercury represents memory and intelligence. Weak nervous system, skin

problems, allergies, hay fever, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, confusion, weak
mind, lack of memory are some of the effect of malefic mercury.
Saturn itself is considered a planet of disease s, sorrows and old age. Rheumatic
pains, nervous disorders, arthritis, bones problems, fractures, paralysis,
osteoporosis, sever depression and old age related diseases etc. are the indicator
of malefic Saturn.

Mercury Cold and dry. Relates to the nervous system and to nervous activity.

Expansive, nourishing, warm and moist, sanguine. Relates to the

blood circulation, liver and fat metabolism and cellular nutrition.

Contracting, slowing, binding, restricting, hardening, devitalising, cold

and dry, melancholic.

Sign-- Libra ,Aquarius for skin.

As per ayurveda a skin disease happens due to imbalance of Fire and water
element and are mostly pitta in dosha.
Lord of sixth is conjunct the 8th lord ,saturn and venus and aspected by
retrograde jupiter in 11th house and rahu from first house ,so we have afflicted
sixth lord mercury ,8th lord sun ,5th and 10th lord venus and lord of ascendant or
lagna saturn all under the malefic aspect of rahu and functional malefic jupiter the
planet of expansion.,here jupiter is in nakshatra of saturn thus in control of
saturn.While saturn is in nakshatra of 8th lord sun.There are two grah yudhas in
the horoscope Rahu defeats Mars in planetary war and venus defeats saturn the
lagan lord here rendering it weak to pep up the immune system.More so lors of
64rh navamsa is Mercury and 22nd drekana Sun.The native was first diagonalised
with Psoriasis in 1997 in MD of rahu and AD -Jupiter then in 2000 it was a full
blown disease the dasha sequence was Ra hu-Saturn.

Conclusion- We have seen the role of mercury,saturn ,jupiter and rahu in

manifesting the disease .
Psoriasis is a skin disease that has shattered many mentally and pushed many into
depression, with a sense of shame sends them into hiding. It is not difficult to
understand how heart breaking it would be for someone in the modeling
profession to suffer from this dreaded, chronic disease. But, this brave girl CariDee
English who in spite of suffering from the disease not only participated in the
“America’s Next Top Model” context, but also won it! She did it in 2006 at the age
of 24. She did have the problem since the age of five. It takes lots of guts not just
to go public with this problem, in such an industry, but to show that one can thrive
in such adverse conditions too, if one accepts the reality and learns to deal with it.
Otherwise, she could have been another case of a person suffering from mental

Psoriasis is a medical condition that occurs when skin cells grow too rapidl y. Faulty
signals in the immune system cause new skin cells to form in days rather than
weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells, so the cells pile up on the
surface of the skin and lesions get formed. Though there are different varieties of
it, it is not the purpose of this article to go into those details. On the contrary, the
purpose is to find the footprints of Psoriasis in astrological charts.

From the definition of Psoriasis, one can broadly see the problem as:

It is a disease of the skin and can occur on any part of the body including nails
Skin growth gets multiplied many a fold
It is a chronic condition
It is caused due to some malfunction in the immune system
Today, medical science has yet to pin point the actual causes for Psoriasis. It is
believed that some genetic conditions are responsible for the disease to surface.
Probably, the astrological charts can point to better clues in this regard!

When we try to map above facts to astrological parameters, we can say the

The problem could be related to affliction to Mercury

The planets causing multiplicity, Jupiter and/or 11th lord are involved
The above planets would have their influence on Mercury
Role of 8th lord should be seen in chronic conditions
As Rahu can cause malfunction of the immune system, will have a role to play

The investigation of charts of people suffering from Psoriasis started with the
above astrological indications in focus. Though most of the above assumptions are
found to be correct, there was on unique factor that stood out:

Invariably, there was a sambandha between Jupiter, the karaka for multiplicity and
the 11L, the lord of multiplicity in most of the charts that were investigated.

This observation indicates that the factors promotin g multiplicity have come
together to cause growth rate of the skin to multiply at an alarming rate. Another
interesting point that came out is that people with Leo lagna, or Scorpio lagna, or
Aquarius lagna have higher chance of suffering from this disease . The reasons are
as follows:

For Leo lagna, Mercury itself is the 11th lord and Jupiter is the 8th lord. Both these
planets are involved in causing the disease.
For Scorpio lagna, Mercury is both the 8th lord and the 11th lord! Hence, the
chronic condition and the multiplicity factor are already linked together and when
Jupiter satisfies the other required condition in the chart, it is highly probable that
the native suffers from the disease.
For Aquarius lagna, Jupiter is the 11th lord and Mercury is th e 8th lord. Just a
conjunction of these two satisfies most of the conditions necessary for the
problem to crop up.

It does not mean that the natives with any other lagna will not have Psoriasis. Even
when Jupiter and Mercury don’t own 8th or 11th houses, it is possible that they
can either occupy those houses or have a sambandha with lords of those houses.
Putting all the observations together, the footprint of Psoriasis in a natal chart can
be generalized as below:
Weak or afflicted Mercury
A sambandha between Jupiter and 11th house/Lord
A sambandha between Mercury and either Jupiter or 11th house/Lord
A sambandha between Mercury and 8th house/Lord
A sambandha between Mercury and Rahu
A sambandha (relationship) can be at Rasi, or at Navamsha or at Naksha tra level.

Affected body parts

The affected body parts will be generally indicated by the house where Mercury is
placed. It can also be found in the body parts that are indicated by the houses
owned by Mercury. When Mercury is placed in Lagna, multiple b ody parts could be
affected as lagna indicates the body as a whole in general.


The problem could trigger during the dasha bhuktis of Mercury or the dasha
bhuktis of planets having a sambandha with Mercury.

1. Kim Kardishian (Astrodatabank birth data rating is ‘AA’)

Kim is an Armenian-American businesswoman, socialite, television personality,

model, and actress. She has been recently diagnosed to have Psoriasis on her legs.
Even her mother Kris Jenner is known to be suffering from the same disease.
Weak or afflicted Mercury
Is in a dusthana with debilitated Sun
A sambandha between Jupiter and 11th house/Lord
Jupiter is placed in the 11th house
A sambandha between Mercury and either Jupiter or 11th house/Lord
Mercury is the 11th lord and also disposits Jupiter in Rasi. And Mercury is in the
nakshatra of Jupiter
A sambandha between Mercury and 8th house/Lord
Mercury is also the 8th lord
A sambandha between Mercury and Rahu
Rahu is in the nakshatra of Mercury
Affected body parts

Psoriasis has first shown up on her legs. It may be noted that Mercury owns the
11th house (where Jupiter is also placed) and Mercury is placed in the 12th house.
These two houses indicate legs and foot for the native.


She was diagnosed with Psoraisis recently during vimshottari dasha period of Mer -
Jup! Both these planets form the core of the problem.

2. LeAnn Rimes (Astrodatabank birth data rating is ‘A’)

LeAnn Rimes is an American country-western singer with a mature voice at 13 that
is similar to that of Patsy Cline. She has state that she suffered from Psoriasis since
she was two years old.

Weak or afflicted Mercury
Mercury is conjunct Saturn and debilitated in Navamsha
A sambandha between Jupiter and 11th house/Lord
Jupiter is conjunct 11th lord Mars in Rasi. Also Mars is in the nakshatra of Jupiter.
A sambandha between Mercury and either Jupiter or 11th house/Lord
Mercury is in the amsha of Jupiter
A sambandha between Mercury and 8th house/Lord
Mercury is in the nakshatra of 8L Sun
A sambandha between Mercury and Rahu
Rahu is in the sign owned by Mercury in Rasi
Affected body parts

As lagna lord Saturn is conjunct Mercury and disposited Mercury, she has the
problem on many parts of her body.


She has it since she was two years old. That corresponds to the vimshottari dasha
period of Ven-Ven. It may be noted that Venus is in the nakshatra of Mercury. Or,
the problem could have initiated in Ket -Mer period too, slightly before she was

3. Ben Elton (Astrodatabank birth data rating is ‘A’)

Benjamin Charles Elton is an English comedian, writer and director. He became a

stand-up comedian and comedy writer shortly after leaving university in 1980, and
was a central figure in the alternative comedy scene in the 1980s. More recently
he has achieved success writing lyrics for and producing musicals, and as an
author. Ben has psoriasis. He has always suffered fr om the skin disease psoriasis,
and he rolls up his trouser leg to show an angry rash. “I've got it all over. Doctors
say I am a bad case, and other people tell me that I've got to stop working.”

Weak or afflicted Mercury
Mercury is in its debilitation sign and is conjunct Ketu
A sambandha between Jupiter and 11th house/Lord
Jupiter disposits 11th lord Mercury in Rasi
A sambandha between Mercury and either Jupiter or 11th house/Lord
Mercury is the 11th lord and is disposited by Jup iter in Rasi.
A sambandha between Mercury and 8th house/Lord
Mercury is also the 8th lord j. A sambandha between Mercury and Rahu
Rahu is in the sign owned by Mercury in Rasi
Affected body parts

It may be noted that Mercury occupies Chandra lagna and Jup iter occupies Lagna.
As a result, he seems to have the condition on all over his body.


There is no information about when the problem started for him, though he has
said that he had all the time. It is quite possible that he might have had it when his
Mercury MD started around the age of 14.

4. John Updike (Astrodatabank birth data rating is ‘AA’)

John Updike, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was plagued from an early age with
psoriasis. In his book, "Self-Consciousness", he devoted an en tire chapter to his
lifelong battle with psoriasis called "At war with my skin." He states: "Because of
my skin I counted myself out of any of those jobs - salesman, teacher, financier,
movie star - that demand being presentable. What did that leave? Becom ing a
craftsman of some kind, closeted and unseen - perhaps a cartoonist or a writer, a
worker in ink who can hide himself and send out a surrogate presence, a signature
that multiplies even while it conceals." His grandmother is known to have also
suffered from the same problem.
Weak or afflicted Mercury
In the sign of its debilitation and conjunct Rahu and is in a dusthana
A sambandha between Jupiter and 11th house/Lord
Jupiter disposits 11th lord Mercury in Rasi
A sambandha between Mercury and either Jupiter or 11th house/Lord
Mercury is the 11th lord and is disposited by Jupiter in Rasi.
A sambandha between Mercury and 8th house/Lord
Mercury is in the 8th house in Rasi
A sambandha between Mercury and Rahu
Mercury is conjunct Rahu
Affected body parts

Though not much information is available, it may be concluded that Psoriasis might
have spread over good part of his body as lagna lord Sun is conjunct Mercury.


He is known to be suffering with Psoriasis since the age o f six. That corresponds to
the vimshottari dasha period of Mer-Ven. It may be noted that Venus debilitated in
Navamsha (in a sign owned by Mercury).


The author would like to thank Astrodatabank from where lot of information about
the birth details of people has been used in this article.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune situation in which red, flaky, crusty patches of skin
covered with silvery scales appear on the skin. Psoriasis causes Abnormality,
metabolism of amino acids The areas usual ly involved are the elbows, knees, and
the skin behind the ears, the trunk, and the scalp. The disease may also affect the
underarms and genital areas. The lesions vary in size from minute papules to
sheets covering large parts of the body.
Quite often, they are discs from half an inch to several inches in size. The lesions
are always dry and rarely become infected. Recent studies have shown that
psoriasis involves an abnormality in the mechanism in which the skin grows and
replaces itself. The abnormality is related to the metabolism of amino acids, the
nature’s basic building blocks for the reproduction of cell tissues
Heredity Heredity also plays a role in the development of psoriasis as it tends to
occur in families.
Causes of Psoriasis:
Immune system: Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the body starts
attacking itself. In psoriasis, the white blood cells called as T cells attack the skin
mistakenly. Mistaken attack of the white blood cells causes the skin cell
production to go up, and newly prod uced cells are pushed to the surface of the
skin causing to piling of cells and developing of psoriasis.
Genetics: Inheriting genes in some people make them more likely to develop
psoriasis. A person having a family member with any history of psoriasis is at a
higher risk of developing psoriasis.
However, the percentage of individuals having genetic psoriasis is very low
approximately 2 to 3 percent.
Symptoms of Psoriasis:
Inflamed, raised, Red patches of skin
Red patches, Silver – white scales or plaques
Cracking of dry skin that may lead to bleeding
Patches with soreness around it
Patches with itching and burning sensation around them
Pitted thick nails
Swollen and painful Joints
Root causes:
Recent studies have shown that psoriasis involves abnormality in the mechanism in
which the skin grows and replaces itself. The abnormality is related to the
metabolism of amino acids, the nature’s basic building blocks for the reproduction
of cell tissues. Heredity also plays a role in the development of psoriasis, as it
tends to occur in families. The factors that aggravate and precipitate the outbreak
of these diseases are physical and emotional stress, infections, and use of certain
medicines for the treatment of other diseases.
Astrological Factors for Psoriasis:
Planets – Moon (blood impurity as key reason for skin issue), Mercury (ruling
immune system and skin disease); Saturn (ruling skin, cold/dry; degeneration /
restriction; Chronic disease), Venus (cosmetic aspect of skin); Mars (ruling
inflammation, boils, rashes, allergies, measles etc); Ketu ruling dryness too;
Neptune (autoimmune diseases)
Signs – Capricorn (ruling skin)
Houses – 6th House / 8th House (Chronic condition) / 11th house for Multiplicity
Constellations – Uthrashada (2,3,4 padas represent eczema , skin disease, leprosy
etc). Sravana (represents Filaria, eczema, skin disease etc), Pushya, Swati,
Anuradha, Shatabhisha
Psoriasis: Mars in Capricorn., Venus Neptune afflictions; Mercury – Rahu; 8th
House emphasis; Afflicted Mercury
Neptune angular always gives extreme sensitivity to the environment. It reacts
negatively to sugar, fumes, pollens, preservatives, chemicals, drugs, alcohol .. and
so on. As Rahu can cause malfunction of the immune system, will have a role to
The planets causing multiplicity, Jupiter and/or 11th lord are involved Invariably,
there was a sambandha between Jupiter, the karaka for multiplicity and the 11L,
the lord of multiplicity in most of the charts that were investigated.
Another interesting point that came out is that p eople with Leo lagna, or Scorpio
lagna, or Aquarius lagna have higher chance of suffering from this disease. The
reasons are as follows:

For Leo lagna, Mercury itself is the 11th lord and Jupiter is the 8th lord. Both these
planets are involved in causing the disease.
For Scorpio lagna, Mercury is both the 8th lord and the 11th lord! Hence, the
chronic condition and the multiplicity factor are already linked together and when
Jupiter satisfies the other required condition in the chart, it is highly probab le that
the native suffers from the disease.
For Aquarius lagna, Jupiter is the 11th lord and Mercury is the 8th lord. Just a
conjunction of these two satisfies most of the conditions necessary for the
problem to crop up.

It does not mean that the natives with any other lagna will not have Psoriasis. Even
when Jupiter and Mercury don’t own 8th or 11th houses, it is possible that they
can either occupy those houses or have a sambandha with lords of those houses.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) in Medical Astrology
Mars (Mangal) in Medical Astrology
Mercury (Budh) in Medical Astrology
Moon (Chandra) in Medical Astrology
Capricorn (Makar) Sign in Medical Astrology
Allergies in Medical Astrology
Cancer / Capricorn: The Nutritive / Structural Axis
Body Parts: stomach, knees, bones, joints, skin, connective tissue, digestive tract
The Cancer / Capricorn axis is both nutritive (Cancer) and structural (Capricorn). It
involves both the stomach and digestive tract (Cancer) and the bones, joints and
skeletal system (Capricorn).
Psychologically and psychosomatically, there are a lot of deep issues connected
with this axis: security issues, emotional expression versus inhibition, and self
nurturing versus self denial. Many of these problems and concerns are often
rooted in one’s family background.
The security issues of this axis often play themselves out psych osomatically in
conditions, whether congenital, acquired, or even through accidents and trauma,
involving damage or disruption to the structural framework of the body – the
bones, joints and skeletal system. They also reflect an emotional fragility involv ed
with this axis.
In terms of temperament, Cancer is Phlegmatic, whereas Capricorn is
Melancholic. They’re both cold, Yin signs, and differ only in their secondary
qualities of Wet (Cancer) versus Dry (Capricorn). Psychosomatically, the wetness of
Cancer concerns emotional expression, indulgence and bonding, whereas the
dryness of Capricorn concerns emotional denial, inhibition, and austerity.
This plays out in the skin conditions connected with this axis, which can either be
wet, like weeping eczema, which indicates a desperate cry for emotional nurturing
and support; or dry, as in psoriasis, indicating emotional rigidity and self
denial. Arthritic and articular conditions connected with this axis involve either
excessive laxness and dislocation (wet) o r excessive stiffness and rigidity
(dry). Also involved with this wet – indulgent versus dry – denial nurturing dynamic
are eating disorders and body weight issues like anorexia, bulemia and obesity.
According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis occurs due to vitiatio n of Vata, Kapha, Pitta
& Rakta doshas. From the aspect of Ayurveda, Psoriasis Treatment in Ayurveda is
done by detoxification of the body or disposal of toxic material from the body fluid
which is accomplished through medications. Psoriasis majorly occurs due to
vitiated pitta in the body. As the liver is the seat of Pitta in Ayurveda
& body detoxification organ according to modern science, so patient is
recommended to take some useful herbs for liver care & detoxification.
Home Remedies
Home Remedies for Psoriasis Psoriasis treatment using Cabbage Leaves Cabbage
leaves have been successfully used in the form of compresses in the treatment of
psoriasis. The thickest and greenest outer leaves are most effective for use as
compresses. They should be thoroughly washed in warm water and dried with a
towel. The leaves should be flattened, softened and smoothed out by rolling them
with a rolling pin after removing the thick veins. They should he warmed and then
applied smoothly to the affected part in an overlapping manner. A pad of soft
woollen cloth should be put over them. The whole compress should then be
secured with an elastic bandage.
Avocado Oil
Cashew nut oil
Vitamin E
Psoriasis treatment using Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd is a va luable remedy for
psoriasis. A cup of fresh juice of this vegetable, mixed with a teaspoon of lime
juice, should be taken sip by sip, on an empty stomach daily for four to six months.

Psoriasis treatment using Avocado Oil The oil of avocado has been foun d beneficial
in the treatment of this disease. It should be applied gently to the affected parts
Psoriasis treatment using Cashew nut Oil The oil extracted from the outer shell of
the cashew nut is acrid and rubefacient. It can be applied beneficially on t he
affected area
Psoriasis treatment using Buttermilk The use of curd in the form of buttermilk has
proved useful in psoriasis and the patient should drink it in liberal quantities. The
application of buttermilk compresses over the affected parts will also be useful in
treating this condition.
Psoriasis treatment using Vitamin E Vitamin E therapy has been found effective in
the treatment of psoriasis. The patient should take this vitamin in therapeutic
doses of 400 mg a day. It will help reduce itching and scab formation.
Psoriasis treatment using Lecithin Lecithin is also considered a remarkable remedy
for psoriasis. The patient may take six to nine lecithin capsules a day -two or three
capsules before or after each meal. If taken in the form of granules, fo ur
tablespoonfuls may be taken daily for two months. The dosage may be reduced
thereafter to two tablespoons.
Psoriasis Diet Carrots, beets, cucumbers and grapes juices Since psoriasis is a
metabolic disease, a cleansing juice fast for a week is always des irable at the
beginning of the treatment. Carrots, beets, cucumbers, and grapes may be used for
Well-balanced diet made of raw seeds, nuts etc After the juice fast, the patient
should adopt a well-balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, ve getables, and
fruits. Emphasis should be placed on raw seeds and nuts, especially sesame seeds,
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and plenty of organically grown raw vegetables
and fruits. When there is a substantial improvement, goat’s milk, yoghurt, and
home-made cottage cheese may be added to the diet. The juice fast may be
repeated after a month or so.
Avoid animal fats, refined or processed foods All animal fats, including milk,
butter, eggs; refined or processed foods; foods containing hydrogenated fats or
white sugar; all condiments; and tea and coffee should be avoided. When there is a
substantial improvement, goat’s milk, yoghurt, and home -made cottage cheese
may be added to the diet. The juice fast may be repeated after a month or so.

Psoriasis is a metabolic disease. It is very much essential to take less spicy and
easily digestible food to take in this disorder. More fruits, vegetable, fruit juices
etc are very valuable for this. Bitter gourd, curd, boiled vegetables pumpkin these
are good for this disease. All animal fats, eggs, processed canned foods are not to
be taken
Take bath daily. Take a shower, go for a swim, soak in a tub or apply a wet
compressor. It helps to rehydrate and calm down the inflamed skin, and also in the
removal of scales (since scaling is a barrier to medications, it is essential to remove
it as gently as possible). Besides that, regular bathing lessens the redness and
itching of lesions. You can add Epsom salt, Dead Sea salt, bath oil or colloidal
oatmeal to your tub of water and soak in for approximately 15 minutes. Harsh
soaps and hot water can worsen the situation, so avoid using them. Mild soaps
with added fats, oils and lukewarm water are a safe bet.
Keep the bowels clean. Keep your towel, clothes separate and clean. Tr y to take
your bath with an Ayurvedic soap, which contains neem. If it is possible try sea
water bath or apply sea water on the affected place once a day is very much
beneficial. Keep your skin clean.

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