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Enzymes and coenzymes. Regulation of a metabolism.

1. Amino acids found in enzymes-proteins. Their classification, structure and properties.
Isoelectric point of them.
2. Four levels of enzyme-protein structure. The bonds which stabilize this structure.
Methods of studying of enzyme’s primary structure.
3. Proteins. Structure and function of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin and myoglobin: features
of structure and actions.
4. Enzymes as proteins. Physico-chemical properties of proteins. Methods of enzymes
separation (chromatography, electrophoresis).
5. Enzymes. Their biological importance. Classification of enzymes. Specificity of
6. Enzymes as a polysite system. An active site of enzyme. An active site formation in
simple and complex enzymes. Mechanism of enzymatic action.
7. Enzymes. The theories of enzymatic action. Nonspecific regulation of enzymatic
activity. Specific regulation of enzymatic activity.
8. Isoenzymes, structure and function, significance in diagnostics of diseases.
9. Role of enzymes in medicine (enzymopathies, enzymodiagnostics, enzymotherapy).

Molecular bases of bio-energetic.

10. Enzymes of biological oxidation in mitochondria: NAD-, FAD-dehydrogenases,
11. Structure and biological role of ATP. Substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative
12. Chemiosmotic hypothesis of P. Mitchell.
13. Enzymes of microsomal oxidation. Role of the cytochrome P450.

Metabolism of carbohydrates and its regulation.

14. Carbohydrates. Structure and properties. Biological importance. Digestion of
carbohydrates in gastrointestinal tract.
15. The reactions of glycolysis under anaerobic conditions.
16. The pathway of glycogen synthesis. Glycogenolysis (glycogen degradation).
Regulation of glycogen metabolism.
17. Three main stages of glucose oxidation under aerobic conditions. The reactions of
citric acid cycle.
18. Pentose phosphate metabolism and its biological importance.
19. Gluconeogenesis. The sequence of reactions. Cori cycle.
20. Metabolic pathways of fructose and galactose transformation. Hereditary enzyme
pathology of carbohydrates metabolism (lactose intolerance, galactosemia, fructose
intolerance, Von Gierke’s disease).

Metabolism of lipids and its regulation.

21. Lipids: characteristic and classification. Their biological importance. Lipid digestion
and absorption in gastrointestinal tract.
22. β-oxidation of fatty acids. The net energy yield of palmitic acid.
23. Fatty acid synthesis (write one cycle). Biosynthesis of the triacylglycerols and
24. Cholesterol: structure and biological importance. Cholesterol synthesis (write the
main reactions). The normal content of cholesterol in human blood.
25. Ketone bodies synthesis (write the main reactions). metabolism of ketone bodies in
the condition of pathology. Mechanisms of excessive increase of ketone bodies during
diabetes and starvation; significance of ketone bodies definition in medicine.
26. Integration of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Hormonal regulation of lipid

Protein metabolism
27. Digestion of proteins. Mechanisms of secretion and activation of proteolytic enzymes
in gastro-intestinal tract. Daily requirements and biological valuable of proteins.
Essential amino acids. Nitrogen balance.
28. General ways of amino acids metabolism.
29. Deamination of amino acids, its types and biological role. The mechanism of
oxidizing deamination. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic stages of reaction, the role of
vitamin РР.
30. Formation and neutralization of ammonia. Urea cycle.
31. Reactions of transamination and their biological significance. Structural feature of
transaminases; role of vitamin B6 in transamination reactions. Determination of
transaminase blood serum activity in a clinic and its significance in the diagnostics.
32. Decarboxylation reactions of amino acids. Physiological functions of biogenic amines
in human and animal organisms.
33. Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, glycine and serine. Their role in the
biosynthesis of important substances.
34. Metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine. Formation of biologically active products.
Molecular pathology (phenilketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism).
35. Metabolism of dicarboxylic amino acids, metabolism of tryptophan and histidine.
Formation and biological role of these amino acids.
36. Catabolism of hemoglobin. Production and metabolism of bilirubin. Jaundices.

Structure and function of nucleic acids and biosynthesis of protein

37. Structure and biological role of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Types of RNA’s.
38. Structure of nucleosomes. Characteristic of DNA. Replication.
39. Principles of storages and transfers of the inheritable information. Genetic code.
Types of mutations.
40. Transcription. Introns and exons. Processing of m-RNA.
41. Translation. Differences of protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Postsynthetic modification of proteins.
42. Regulation of protein biosynthesis. Organization of lac-operon and his-operon.
43. Molecular pathology. Types of mutations. Genetic diseases: sickle-cell anemia and
thalassemia, phenilketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism.

Structure and biological role of hormones

44. Hormones. General characteristic. Classification. Principles of hormonal regulation of
metabolism. Mechanism of steroid and peptide hormones action.
45. Hypothalamic hormones (liberins and statins). Their action and role in regulation of
46. Hormones of the posterior pituitary. Their characteristic and role. Pathology of their
47. Hormones of the anterior pituitary. Their characteristic and role. Pathology of their
48. Thyroid hormones. Their characteristic and role. Pathology of their secretion.
49. Hormones regulating blood level of Ca2+. Pathology of their secretion.
50. Insulin and glucagon. Their characteristic, mechanisms of action and role in
51. Hormones of adrenal medulla. Their characteristic and role. Pathology of their
52. Hormones of the adrenal cortex: glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Their
characteristic and role. Pathology of their secretion.
53. Sex hormones. Their characteristic and role. Pathology of their secretion.
54. Hormonal mechanism of regulation the concentration of the blood serum glucose.

Structure and biological role of vitamins

55. Vitamins. General characteristic, classification biological role. Antivitamins.
Mechanism of their action. Importance for medicine.
56. Vitamin B1. Structure and metabolic role. Deficiency.
57. Vitamin B2. Structure and metabolic role. Deficiency.
58. Vitamin B6. Structure and metabolic role. Deficiency.
59. Vitamin B5 (PP). Structure and metabolic role. Deficiency.
60. Vitamin B8 (H, biotin). Structure and metabolic role. Deficiency.
61. Antianemic vitamins: B12 and B9 (folic acid). Structure and metabolic role.
62. Vitamin C. Structure and biological role. Deficiency.
63. Vitamin A. Structure and biological role. Deficiency. Hypervitaminosis.
64. Vitamin D. Structure, conversion to the active forms and biological role. Deficiency.
65. Vitamin E. Structure and biological role. Deficiency.
66. Vitamin K. Structure and metabolic role. Deficiency.

Biochemistry of blood
67. Characteristic of blood components. Buffer systems of blood. Residual nitrogen.
68. General characteristic of blood plasma proteins. Separation of blood serum proteins
(electrophoresis, chromatography). Albumin and globulins.
69. Immunoglobulins: structure, classification and functions.
70. Respiratory function of blood. Structure and function of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin
and myoglobin: features of structure and actions.

Biochemistry of liver
71. Role of liver in carbohydrates metabolism. Cori cycle.
72. Role of liver in lipids metabolism. Lipoproteins.
73. Role of liver in proteins metabolism. Urea cycle.
74. Detoxifying function of liver. Role of the cytochrome P450.
75. Participation of liver in pigment metabolism. Types of jaundices.

Biochemistry of kidneys
76. Water-salt metabolism. Hormonal regulation. Renin-angiotensin system. Role of
kidneys in regulation of acid-base balance.

Biochemistry of muscles, connective and nerve tissues

77. Characteristic of muscles. Muscular proteins: structure, properties and biological role.
Sources of energy for the muscles contraction. Biochemical mechanisms of muscles
contraction and relaxation.
78. Connective tissue. Structure and biological role of collagen and elastin. Role of
vitamin C in posttranslational modification of collagen. Characteristic of
79. Features of the structure and metabolism of bone tissue.
80. Features of the nerve tissue metabolism. Role of biogenic amines.

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