Protein metabolism
27. Digestion of proteins. Mechanisms of secretion and activation of proteolytic enzymes
in gastro-intestinal tract. Daily requirements and biological valuable of proteins.
Essential amino acids. Nitrogen balance.
28. General ways of amino acids metabolism.
29. Deamination of amino acids, its types and biological role. The mechanism of
oxidizing deamination. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic stages of reaction, the role of
vitamin РР.
30. Formation and neutralization of ammonia. Urea cycle.
31. Reactions of transamination and their biological significance. Structural feature of
transaminases; role of vitamin B6 in transamination reactions. Determination of
transaminase blood serum activity in a clinic and its significance in the diagnostics.
32. Decarboxylation reactions of amino acids. Physiological functions of biogenic amines
in human and animal organisms.
33. Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, glycine and serine. Their role in the
biosynthesis of important substances.
34. Metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine. Formation of biologically active products.
Molecular pathology (phenilketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism).
35. Metabolism of dicarboxylic amino acids, metabolism of tryptophan and histidine.
Formation and biological role of these amino acids.
36. Catabolism of hemoglobin. Production and metabolism of bilirubin. Jaundices.
Biochemistry of blood
67. Characteristic of blood components. Buffer systems of blood. Residual nitrogen.
68. General characteristic of blood plasma proteins. Separation of blood serum proteins
(electrophoresis, chromatography). Albumin and globulins.
69. Immunoglobulins: structure, classification and functions.
70. Respiratory function of blood. Structure and function of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin
and myoglobin: features of structure and actions.
Biochemistry of liver
71. Role of liver in carbohydrates metabolism. Cori cycle.
72. Role of liver in lipids metabolism. Lipoproteins.
73. Role of liver in proteins metabolism. Urea cycle.
74. Detoxifying function of liver. Role of the cytochrome P450.
75. Participation of liver in pigment metabolism. Types of jaundices.
Biochemistry of kidneys
76. Water-salt metabolism. Hormonal regulation. Renin-angiotensin system. Role of
kidneys in regulation of acid-base balance.