Atg Worksheet Errorpastsimr PDF
Atg Worksheet Errorpastsimr PDF
Atg Worksheet Errorpastsimr PDF
1. They ate dinner at six o’clock yesterday. 9. Where did you stay in Washington?
2. Did Maria drive to work this morning? 10. I was read that book last year.
3. I didn’t finish my homework last night. 11. John flew to Argentina last week.
4. Were you busy last Monday? 12. He wasn’t at home last night.
5. Did she buy a new car yesterday? 13. I didn’t see the movie last weekend.
6. I wanted to go to Montreal two years 14. What did you do last night?
ago. 15. Did they have a good time at the party?
7. Were you late for the meeting? 16. Were you in class yesterday?
8. Who did you talk to?