Design and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composite Drive Shaft As An Alternative To Conventional Steel Drive Shaft
Design and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composite Drive Shaft As An Alternative To Conventional Steel Drive Shaft
Design and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composite Drive Shaft As An Alternative To Conventional Steel Drive Shaft
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A. Mechanical Properties
The three design specifications like torque transmission
capability, buckling torque capability and bending natural
frequency should be satisfied by the steel drive shaft. Steel is
used for automotive drive shaft applications. The material
properties of the AISI4130 are given in table.
Mechanical Properties Unit Values The permissible angle of twist for machine tool
application is 0.25 degree per meter length. For line shaft in
Young's Modulus E GPa 210 between 4 degree to 5 degree in the limiting value.
Shear Modulus G GPa 80
E. Torsional Buckling Capacity of Drive Shaft
Poission's Ratio μ - 0.3
Density ρ Kg/m3 7800
Yield Strength Sy MPa 660
Table 1:- Mechanical Properties of steel (AISI4130)
C = 0.8105
Which gives, Di = 0.8105 x 37 = 29.989 mm ≈ 30 mm
Shear Modulus:
Minimum Fiber Volume Fraction:
Shear Strength:
Ultimate Longitudinal Strength:
a. Ultimate Failure Strain of Fiber: Where,
The Fiber diameter to fiber spacing ratio is,
From table,
b. Ultimate Failure Strain of Matrix: Using the formula of micromechanical analysis of lamina
following properties are calculated which is shown in
following table.
Following are the steps followed to find the ABD matrix from
1. Input the Laminate elastic properties.
2. Input the Laminate construction: ply thickness, ply
orientation, stacking sequence.
3. Calculate the laminate stiffness matrix from the laminate
elastic properties.
4. Transform the stiffness matrix to different ply orientation.
5. Calculate laminate stiffness matrices [A], [B], [D].
6. Calculate Laminate strains and stresses.
B. Analysis of Composites
The analysis of composite shaft is done using
SolidWorks Simulation. The aim is to optimize orientation of
Contact between components
Fiber Delamination
E. Conclusion of FEA
The Shear stress generated in shaft is 24.419 MPa.
Tsi Wu = 1.735, Tsi Hill = 1.702, Max Stress = 1.740
manner and in a specific fiber orientation. 500
Fig 9:- Filament Winding Process
B. Manufacturing 0
The shaft is manufactured using fully automated CNC 12:20:10 12:23:02 12:25:55 12:28:48 12:31:41 12:34:34
Delta filament winding machine at the facility of Carbon
Light Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad, U.P., India. The machine uses Fig 11:- Torque Vs Time
four spools of Panex 35 simultaneously and orients the spool
as programmed by the programmer. From the above graph it can be seen that after 1250 Nm the
shaft stops transmitting the torque.