Design and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composite Drive Shaft As An Alternative To Conventional Steel Drive Shaft

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Design and Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber

Composite Drive Shaft as an Alternative to
Conventional Steel Drive Shaft
Vardhaman Chougule, Akash Gupta, Shantanu Chavan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maharashtra Institute of Technology,
Pune, India

Abstract:- Weight is a critical factor in performance of all B. Composite materials

Automobiles, especially in the racing sector. Drive shafts A composite material (also called a composition
are one of the heavier components in automobiles and a material or shortened to composite) is a material made from
reduction in their weight can increase vehicle two or more constituent materials with significantly different
performance considerably. Replacing conventional drive physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce
shafts with drive shafts made of composite material is a a material with characteristics different from the individual
feasible way of performance enhancement. Optimization components.
of composite material used, leads to further reduction in
weight thus leading to better vehicle performance. Our C. Fibers
paper deals with the optimization of carbon fiber Fibers are the principal constituent in a fiber-reinforced
composite drive shaft of SAE Baja vehicle for the best composite material. They occupy the largest volume fraction
possible weight reduction without compromising its in a composite laminate and share the major portion of the
strength. The major factors in design of composite shaft load acting on a composite structure. Proper selection of the
include the number of layers of Carbon fiber and the type, amount and orientation of fibers is very important,
orientation of fibers within each layer. Using the because it influences the following characteristics of a
MATLAB software and finite element analysis, composite laminate.
optimization was carried out for all the possible layers.
After the design finalization, the shaft has been II. LITERATURE REVIEW
manufactured and tested. The data obtained by testing of The first application of composite drive shafts to
composite shaft was compared with that of the steel drive automobiles was developed by Spicer U—Joint divisions of
shaft. The result was in coherence with the aim of this the Dana Corporation for the Ford Econoline van models in
project. l985. Dr Andrew Pollard GKN Technology, Wolverhampton,
Keywords:- Drivetrain; Transmission; Driveshaft; Carbon UK has been delivering carbon composite propeller shafts to
Fiber; Composite; Torque; Epoxy; Laminas; Resin; Spool; production car applications since 1988. The technical drivers
ABD Matrix; Laminator; Filament Winding; Ply-by-ply. for use of composite material in this application are very
powerful; the weight saving in particular can be considerable.
I. INTRODUCTION Despite this, the overwhelming majority of automotive
A. Background propeller shaft continue to be produced from steel.
The function of automotive drive shaft is to transmit the
torque that is produced from the engine to the rear wheels to III. SPECIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM
push the vehicle forward and reverse. The drive shaft is used The drive shaft diameter should not exceed 50mm due
to transfer this torque from differential to wheels that cannot to space constraint. The drive shaft of transmission system is
be connected directly because of distance or the need to allow to be designed optimally for following specified design
for relative movement between them. The steel drive shaft is requirements which are as follows. The following
usually manufactured in two pieces to increase the specifications are assumed which are based on literature and
fundamental bending natural frequency because the bending available standards of automobile drive shaft.
natural frequency of a shaft is inversely proportional to the
square of beam length and proportional to the square root of BAJA CAR Specifications:
specific module. As torque carriers, drive shafts are subjected Model: BAJA ATV (2016 Season)
to torsion and shear stress, equivalent to the difference Max Engine Output: 10 HP @ 3800rpm
between the input torque and the load, they must therefore be Max Torque: 18.85 Nm @2600rpm
strong enough to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too much
additional weight as that would in turn increase their inertia. In this project based the student built BAJA ATV for
Since carbon fiber epoxy composite materials have more than SAE Baja Competitions, the inner diameter of the drive shaft
four times specific stiffness of steel or aluminium materials, it is taken as 30mm and length of the shaft is 400mm.
is possible to manufacture composite drive shafts in lesser
weight without compromising the strength.

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. DESIGN OF STEEL DRIVESHAFT D. Design based on Torsional Rigidity

A. Mechanical Properties
The three design specifications like torque transmission
capability, buckling torque capability and bending natural
frequency should be satisfied by the steel drive shaft. Steel is
used for automotive drive shaft applications. The material
properties of the AISI4130 are given in table.

Mechanical Properties Unit Values The permissible angle of twist for machine tool
application is 0.25 degree per meter length. For line shaft in
Young's Modulus E GPa 210 between 4 degree to 5 degree in the limiting value.
Shear Modulus G GPa 80
E. Torsional Buckling Capacity of Drive Shaft
Poission's Ratio μ - 0.3
Density ρ Kg/m3 7800
Yield Strength Sy MPa 660
Table 1:- Mechanical Properties of steel (AISI4130)

B. Gear Ratio for BAJA ATV

Parameters Values The value of Critical torsional buckling moment is

Primary Reduction 1 larger than the applied torque of 282.667Nm. Thus the shaft
will withstand the torsional buckling capacity such that the
CVT Low ratio 3.83
condition is satisfied.
CVT High Ratio 0.9
F. Natural Frequency Calculations
Final Reduction 7.8306
Natural frequencies can be found by using two theories:
Table 2:- BAJA Car Gear ratios 1. Timoshenko Beam Theory
2. Bernoulli Euler Theory
So, the torque is maximum at CVT lower ratio range,
when the speed of vehicle is low. Therefore the maximum Out of these two theories, as per the assumptions
torque will be, Bernoulli Euler Theory is more suitable in this case.

Bernoulli Euler Theory:

This will be available at the end of open differential. So It neglects both transverse shear deformation as well as
on each shaft torque will be half of this calculated torque rotary inertia effects. Natural frequency based on the
value due to use of open differential. Bernoulli Euler Theory is given by,

C. Design of steel shaft based on Torsional Strength basis Where,

Torsional Strength: The primary load in the drive shaft fnt = Natural frequency based on Bernoulli Euler theory,
is torsion. The maximum shear stress τmax in the driveshaft is Hz
at outer radius, and is given as follows considering fos = 2.5; P = 1, First Natural Frequency
Ix = Area moment of inertia in X direction, m4
Ml = Mass per unit length, Kg/m
Now the area moment of inertia, Ix is

C = 0.8105
Which gives, Di = 0.8105 x 37 = 29.989 mm ≈ 30 mm

Mass per unit length of the shaft is,

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
To get the natural frequency following Bernoulli Euler hardener XB 3486 is used as it has a long pot life which helps
Formula is, in the production of very large industrial parts.

Mechanical Properties Unit Values

Clear colorless to
Aspect Visual slightly yellow
This value is greater than the minimum desired natural liquid
frequency of 60 Hz. Thus, the steel design of solid shaft of Density at 25°C g/cm2 1.1-1.2
diameter 24.2035mm is an acceptable design and is Viscosity at 25°C mPa-s 1200-1400
comparable with OEM shaft dimension of 23mm.
The critical speed of shaft is given by, Epoxide Eq. Weight
gm/eq 161-173
Tensile Strength Mpa 72-76
. Tensile elongation at
% 4.6-5.0
G. Analytical Results Tensile modulus Mpa 2860-3000
Sr. Flexural Strength Mpa 118-130
Parameters Values
No. Flexural elongation at
% 5.5-6.5
1 Outer Diameter 37 mm break
Flexural modulus Gpa 2900-3050
2 Inner Diameter 30 mm
Shear Strength Mpa 53-58
3 Thickness 2.5 mm
Table 5:- Mechanical properties Epoxy resin(LY-
4 Applied Torque 282.667 Nm 1564/Aradur 3486)
5 Natural Frequency 606.583 Hz
C. Micromechanical Analysis of Lamina
Torsional Buckling
33788.149 Nm  Volume Fraction of Fiber: 0.7 (70%)
 Volume fraction of Matrix: 0.3 (30%)
7 Critical Speed 36352.3 rpm
 Volume of composites: 1 (100%)
8 Mass 1.15 Kg
Table 3:- Analytical Results of Steel Drive Shaft Density of Composite:

V. DESIGN OF COMPOSITE DRIVESHAFT From the above table, we know

A. Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber
Carbon Fiber (ZOLTEK PANEX 35) reinforced
Weight of Fiber:
composites are remarkable in their performance
characteristics and properties that include: high strength, low
weight, high stiffness, corrosion resistance, heat resistance,
and electrical conductivity.

Material Properties Unit Values Weight of Matrix:

Number of Filament - 12,000
Tensile Strength MPa 4,278
Tensile Modulus GPa 240
Elongation % 18
3 Sum of mass Fractions:
Density g/cm 1.8
Filament Diameter - 7µ
Table 4:- Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber (PANEX
35) Young’s Modulus of Lamina:
B. Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin (Araldite LY
From properties table
1564/Hardener XB 3486)
Epoxy resin LY1564 is a modified low viscosity
bisphenol-A based liquid epoxy resin for filament winding.
It is highly flexible. The reactivity may easily be adjusted to
demands through the combination of the hardeners. The

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Young’s Modulus of Lamina (Transverse Direction):

c. Ultimate Longitudinal Strength:

Major Poisson’s Ratio:

d. Ultimate Transverse Tensile Strength:

Minor Poisson’s Ratio:

Shear Modulus:
Minimum Fiber Volume Fraction:

Critical Fiber volume Friction:

Shear Strength:
Ultimate Longitudinal Strength:
a. Ultimate Failure Strain of Fiber: Where,

The Fiber diameter to fiber spacing ratio is,

From table,

Therefore the shear strength is given by,

b. Ultimate Failure Strain of Matrix: Using the formula of micromechanical analysis of lamina
following properties are calculated which is shown in
following table.

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Symbo Value
Composite Properties Unit
l s
Young’s Modulus
E1 GPa 198.9
(Longitudinal Direction)
Young’s Modulus
E2 GPa 9.716
(Transverse Direction)
Major Poission’s Ratio µ12 - 0.3
Minor Poission’s Ratio µ21 - 0.017
Shear Modulus G12 GPa 3.737
Ultimate Longitudinal
MPa 3010
Ultimate Transverse Fig 1:- MATLAB module output window From the output
Mpa 27.58 of the MATLAB program following are satisfying layers
Ultimate Longitudinal obtained-
Mpa 81.6
Compressive Strength
1. 90 -45 45 -45 45 45
Ultimate Transverse
MPa 21.36 -45 45 -45 90 2.16
Compressive Strength
2. 90 -30 30 -30 45 45
Minimum Fiber Volume 0.523
Vf min % -30 30 -30 90 2.08
Fraction 8
3. 90 -30 45 -30 30 30
Critical Fiber Volume 0.533
Vf cr % -30 45 -30 90 2.08
Fraction 2
4. 90 -30 45 -30 45 45
Shear Strength τ MPa -30 45 -30 90 2.25
5. 90 30 -30 45 -30 -30
Table 6:- Properties of Composite Lamina
45 -30 30 90 2.08
VI. ANALYTICAL CALCULATION AND 6. 90 45 -45 45 -45 -45
OPTIMIZATION 45 -45 45 90 2.16
7. 90 45 -30 30 -30 -30
Our primary objective is to obtain the best layer 30 -30 45 90 2.08
combination first we started with manual calculations. In 8. 90 45 -30 45 -30 -30
carbon fiber the number of layers, orientation of the ply 45 -30 45 90 2.25
decide the strength of the laminate. There are a large number
of combinations that are possible. Manual calculations for Hence 8 configurations of 10 sequences were obtained
every different configuration would be trivial and time from the calculation which satisfy the criteria. We eliminated
consuming. So we wrote a MATLAB code for going through the stacking sequences with lower strength ratio. The
different number of layers (3 onwards) with varying ply remaining configurations are:
orientation. Around 67 lakhs different combinations are 1. 90 -45 45 -45 45 45
checked. Then the stacking sequence satisfying are listed. -45 45 -45 90 2.16
Depending on the design requirements we have further 2. 90 -30 45 -30 45 45
shortlisted the layers. Lastly FEA analysis is done and the -30 45 -30 90 2.25
final stacking sequence is selected depending on the 3. 90 45 -30 45 -30 -30
MATLAB result and FEA result and manufacturing 45 -30 45 90 2.25
These three layers were analyzed using FEA and their
A. Analytical Calculations and Optimization using Matlab FOS was found out.
software 1. 90 -45 45 -45 45 45
We developed a MATLAB code referring to the book -45 45 -45 90 1.70
AUTAR K KAW. The code gives the layers which satisfy the 2. 90 -30 45 -30 45 45
following criteria -30 45 -30 90 1.55
 Factor of Safety (Strength Ratio) >2 3. 90 45 -30 45 -30 -30
 Symmetric: configuration is preferred as it eliminates the 45 -30 45 90 1.66
moment components and analysis is easy
From the results the following stacking sequence has the
The input to the MATLAB code is the Torque is to be highest factor of safety of 1.70 by FEA and hence it was
transmitted. selected for designing the composite drive shaft.
The following output was obtained 90 -45 45 -45 45 45 -45
45 -45 90

This stacking sequence is used for final analysis using

LAMINATOR software.

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Composite Ply Orientation [B] couples the force and moment terms to the mid-plane
strains and mid-plane curvatures.

Following are the steps followed to find the ABD matrix from
1. Input the Laminate elastic properties.
2. Input the Laminate construction: ply thickness, ply
orientation, stacking sequence.
3. Calculate the laminate stiffness matrix from the laminate
elastic properties.
4. Transform the stiffness matrix to different ply orientation.
5. Calculate laminate stiffness matrices [A], [B], [D].
6. Calculate Laminate strains and stresses.

Once we get the [A] stiffness matrices we can get the

values of Ex and Ey. The ABD matrix is obtained from
LAMINATOR software for the finalized 10 layer stacking
Fig 2:- Arrangement of eight-ply laminates
E. Ply-by-ply failure analysis of laminate
C. Torsional strength of Shaft A laminate will fail under increasing mechanical and
Assuming drive shaft to be a thin, hollow cylinder, an thermal loads. The laminate failure, however, may not be
element in the cylinder can be assumed to be flat laminate. catastrophic. It is possible that some layer fails first and that
The only nonzero load on this element is the shear force, Nxy the composite continues to take more loads until all the plies
if the average shear stress (τxy) average the applied torque fail. Failed plies may still contribute to the stiffness and
then, strength of laminate.

Then Following table shows the strength ratio values obtained

for each layer in the stacking sequence obtained from

The mean radius, rm is Laye Max Max Hoffma Tsai-

Tsi Hill
r Stress Strain n Wu
1 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90
2 2.28 2.25 2.21 2.31 2.25
3 13.54 9.53 13.34 43.17 30.20
4 2.28 2.25 2.21 2.31 2.25
N 5 13.54 9.53 13.34 43.17 30.20
The average shear stress is given by
6 13.54 9.53 13.34 43.17 30.20
7 2.28 2.25 2.21 2.31 2.25
8 13.54 9.53 13.34 43.17 30.20
9 2.28 2.25 2.21 2.31 2.25
10 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90
Min 2.28 2.25 2.21 2.31 2.25
Table 7:- Strength ratio values for each layer
Using LAMINATOR software with stacking sequence
[90,-45,45,-45,45]s and input = 125060 N/m we obtain the From the above table we got minimum Strength Ratio of
ABD matrix and strength ratios of each layer. 2.21 for layer having -45o orientation. This confirms that -45o
layers will fail first if the load on that layer increases beyond
D. ABD Matrix maximum allowable load, which is given by:
The [A], [B], and [D] matrices are called the
extensional, coupling, and bending stiffness matrices,
respectively. The extensional stiffness matrix [A] relates the
resultant in-plane forces to the in-plane strains, and the
bending stiffness matrix [D] relates the resultant bending Thus if the load on the -450 layers increase beyond
moments to the plate curvatures. The coupling stiffness matrix 276.382 kN then layer will fail first.

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
F. Torsional Buckling Capacity of Shaft
When a hollow shaft is subjected to torsion, at a certain
amount of torsional load instability occurs. This is called the Since the minimum Natural frequency required is 50 Hz,
torsional buckling load. An orthotropic thin hollow cylinder this requirement is also met by our laminate.
will buckle torsionally, if the applied torque is greater than the The critical speed of shaft is given by,
critical torsional buckling load given by:

From the Laminator Software and by using Macro I. Mass Saving

mechanical and micromechanical analysis of lamina, we get  Mass of steel drive shaft = 1.15Kg
the longitudinal young’s moduli Ex and the transverse  Mass of Composite drive shaft calculated:
young’s moduli Ey of the [90 -45 45 -45 45 45 -45 45 -45
90]s carbon fiber/epoxy laminate based on calculation and
from laminator software,
 Percentage of mass saving over steel:

Because lamina thickness is 0.8mm, the total thickness

of eight ply is J. Result summary of designed Composite drive shaft
To find the torsional stiffness and angular deflection of
drive shafts following steps are followed;

Sr. Composite Shaft

No. (Designed)
1 Outer Diameter 46 mm
2 Thickness 8 mm
This value is greater than the applied torque of 283.67
Nm, thus the composite shaft is safe in buckling. 3 Applied Torque (T) 282.667 Nm
4 Torsional Buckling (Tb) 53416.1 Nm
G. Torsional Stiffness
To find the torsional stiffness and angular deflection of 5 Natural Frequency (fnb) 551 Hz
drive shafts following steps are followed; 6 Critical Speed (Ncr) 33060 rpm
From LAMINATOR we got,
7 Torsional Stiffness (Kt) 8615.63 Nm/rad
L = 0.4 m
Carbon fiber: epoxy (%
8 70 : 30
9 Mass (m) 0.590 Kg
Percentage of mass
10 48.69 %
Hence, torsional stiffness is Table 8:- Design of Composite Drive Shaft


A. Finite element analysis

Thus torsional deflection is, FEA is a computational tool for performing engineering
analysis. It includes the use of mesh generation techniques for
dividing a complex problem into small elements, as well as
the use of software program coded with FEM algorithm. In
applying FEA, the complex problem is usually a physical
system with the underlying physics such as the Euler-
H. Natural Frequency Bernoulli beam equation, the heat equation, or the Navier-
Find out the minimum Natural Frequency of the drive Stokes equations expressed in either PDE or integral
shaft, given by equations, while the divided small elements of the complex
problem represent different areas in the physical system.

B. Analysis of Composites
The analysis of composite shaft is done using
SolidWorks Simulation. The aim is to optimize orientation of

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the composite ply layup to ensure product quality,
performance, and factor of safety (FOS).
The failure criterion for composite materials is very
different than for metals. Composite materials do not yield;
rather, the fibers delaminate and fracture. SolidWorks
Simulation reports the Factor of Safety (FOS) against failure
according to the Tsai-Wu, Tsai-Hill and Maximum shear
stress failure indexes.

SolidWorks Simulation uses finite element analysis

(FEA) methods to discretize composite components into shell Fig 5:- FOS by Tsai-Wu Theory – [1.702]
elements and uses stress analysis to determine the response of
parts and assemblies due to the effect of:

 Forces
 Pressures
 Accelerations
 Temperatures
 Contact between components
 Fiber Delamination

C. Shaft Modelling in FEA software

In order to perform the analysis in FEA software, we
need to create the model of shaft as per the analytical design.
Then we need to provide all the details of carbon fiber, resin Fig 6:- FOS by Tsi-Hill Theory – [1.735]
used, in order to find the composite properties. The next step
is to input the different layers in stacking of carbon fiber shaft.
Further the meshing of shaft is done and required constraints
are applied. After constraints the torsional loading is done on
shaft and analysis is performed. Based on the analysis results
stacking sequence with lower factor of safety are eliminated
and one with maximum factor of safety is finally selected.

D. Results obtained from FEA

The FEA results obtained for final shortlisted stacking Fig 7:- FOS by Maximum Stress Theory – [1.740]

sequence i.e. [90 -45 45 -45 45]s is as follows;

Fig 3:- Modelling of Composite drive shafts with
constraints and loading Fig 8:- Shear stress generated – [24.419 MPa]

E. Conclusion of FEA
The Shear stress generated in shaft is 24.419 MPa.
Tsi Wu = 1.735, Tsi Hill = 1.702, Max Stress = 1.740


A. Filament Winding Process

In filament winding method, fiber strands are unwind and
passed continuously to the resin tank. In resin tank, fiber
strand are impregnated completely with the resin. Now, these
resin impregnated strands are passed onto a rotating mandrel.
Fig 4:- Meshed model of drive shaft

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
These strands are wound around the mandrel in a controlled
B. Results of Torsion Test
Following results were obtained from the testing:

manner and in a specific fiber orientation. 500
Fig 9:- Filament Winding Process
B. Manufacturing 0
The shaft is manufactured using fully automated CNC 12:20:10 12:23:02 12:25:55 12:28:48 12:31:41 12:34:34
Delta filament winding machine at the facility of Carbon
Light Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad, U.P., India. The machine uses Fig 11:- Torque Vs Time
four spools of Panex 35 simultaneously and orients the spool
as programmed by the programmer. From the above graph it can be seen that after 1250 Nm the
shaft stops transmitting the torque.

A torsion test can be conducted on most of the materials

to determine the torsional properties of the material like
modulus of elasticity in shear, yield shear strength, ultimate
shear strength, modulus of rupture in shear, ductility, etc.
Torsion testing is performed since many products and
components are subjected to torsional forces during their
operation. Products such as biomedical catheter tubing,
switches, fasteners, and automotive steering columns are just
a few devices subject to such torsional stresses. By testing
these products in torsion, manufacturers are able to simulate
real life service conditions, check product quality, verify
designs, and ensure proper manufacturing techniques.

A. Procedure Fig 12:- Torque vs Angle of twist graph

For the torque testing of the shaft, end attachments are
required to be fixed on the shaft for its proper mounting on the The deflection increases proportionally with the torque
torque testing machine. Steel ends are made which are press up to 720 Nm. At 720 Nm there is very less change in torque
fitted inside the shaft. Aeronautical Grade Adhesive is applied but a large change in deflection which is due to loss of elastic
at the end attachments before they are inserted in the shaft. behavior in angle of twist.
The adhesive makes sure that the end attachments are firmly
C. Torsional Stiffness Calculation
attached with the shaft transmitting the required torque. The Torsional stiffness in terms of torque is given by,
end attachments are then bolted to the torque testing machine.
SYSCON Torsional testing machine is used for the testing
From the graph we found out value of Kt as follows;
purpose. The machine can apply a maximum load of 10,000
Taking two points from graph (1.636, 280) & (2.364, 400)
Nm. The testing is done at the facility of Carbon Light Pvt.
Ltd. Ghaziabad, U.P. India.

Hence torsional stiffness obtained experimentally is

9444.63 Nm/rad.
D. Angular Deflection

Fig 10:- Torque Testing of Composite Shaft

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
E. Modulus of Rigidity Composit Composite
e Shaft Shaft
Parameter Steel shaft
(Designed (Manufacture
) d)
37 mm 46 mm 46 mm
F. Comparison Table Diameter
Thickness 2.5 mm 8 mm 8 mm
Sr. Composite Shaft Applied 282.667 282.667
Parameters 282.667 Nm
No. (Manufactured) Torque (T) Nm Nm
1 Outer Diameter 46 mm Torsional
33788.149 53416.1
2 Thickness 8 mm Buckling -
Nm Nm
3 Applied Torque (T) 282.667 Nm Natural
4 Torsional Stiffness (Kt) 9444.3 Nm/rad Frequency 606.583 Hz 551 Hz -
5 Carbon fiber: epoxy (%) 65 : 35
Critical 36352.3 33060
6 Angular Deflection (θ) 4.2 deg/m -
Speed (Ncr) rpm rpm
7 Mass (m) 0.650 kg Torsional
6174.46 8615.63 9444.3
Percentage of mass Nm/rad Nm/rad Nm/rad
8 44.26 % (Kt)
Table 9:- Properties of Manufactured Composite drive
fiber: epoxy - 70 : 30 65 : 35
Deflection 2.32 deg/m 4.7 deg/m 4.2 deg/m
In this project firstly we designed the composite drive (θ)
shaft using Classical Lamination theory. We optimized the Mass (m) 1.15 Kg 0.590 Kg 0.650 kg
stacking sequence with the help of MATLAB and FEA Percentage
software Solidworks. After the manufacturing, torsional of mass - 48.69 % 44.26 %
testing was conducted. Also we found out the actual saving
volumetric ratio of fiber and resin. From the above study Table 10:- Properties of Manufactured Composite drive
following conclusions were made: shaft
 The carbon fiber drive shaft has been designed to replace
the steel drive shaft of the SAE Baja ATV. The shaft has REFERENCES
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