Sphere Handbook 2018 en
Sphere Handbook 2018 en
Sphere Handbook 2018 en
What is sphere?
Protection Principles
Sphere Association
3 Rue de Varembé
1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.spherestandards.org
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educational purposes, including for training, research and programme activities, provided
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prior written permission must be obtained by emailing [email protected].
A catalogue record for this publication is available from The British Library and the US Library
of Congress.
Citation: Sphere Association. The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum
Standards in Humanitarian Response, fourth edition, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018.
The Sphere Project was initiated in 1997 by a group of NGOs and the Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement to develop a set of universal minimum standards in core areas of
humanitarian response: The Sphere Handbook. The aim of the Handbook is to improve the
quality of humanitarian response in situations of disaster and conflict, and to enhance the
accountability of humanitarian action to crisis-affected people. The Humanitarian Charter
and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response are the product of the collective
experience of many people and agencies. They should therefore not be seen as represent-
ing the views of any one agency. In 2016, the Sphere Project was registered as the Sphere
Distributed for the Sphere Association by Practical Action Publishing and its agents and
representatives throughout the world. Practical Action Publishing (UK Company Reg. No.
1159018) is the wholly owned publishing company of Practical Action and trades only in
support of its parent charity objectives.
Practical Action Publishing, 27a, Albert Street, Rugby, CV21 2SG, United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 1926 634501; Fax +44 (0)1926 634502
Website: www.practicalactionpublishing.org/sphere
The Sphere Handbook is marking its 20th anniversary with the publication of
this fourth edition. It is the result of an intense year-long mobilisation of human-
itarian actors around the globe and reflects two decades of experience using the
standards in front-line operations, policy development and advocacy to uphold
principled quality and accountability.
With a clear, rights-based framework, the Handbook builds on the legal and
ethical foundations of humanitarianism with pragmatic guidance, global
good practice and compiled evidence to support humanitarian staff wherever
they work.
Sphere holds a unique place in the sector and in the constantly evolving human-
itarian landscape. This edition was clearly informed by the international commit-
ments made at the first World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and other global initiatives.
However, even as the policy landscape continues to evolve, we know that the
immediate survival needs of people in conflict and disasters remain largely
the same wherever crisis strikes. Sphere supports and contributes to global
and local policy processes by recalling the fundamental necessity to provide
accountable assistance to help people survive, recover and rebuild their lives
with dignity.
Sphere’s strength and global reach lie in the fact that it belongs to all. This
sense of ownership is renewed every few years, when the standards are
reviewed and revised by the users themselves. It is a moment when we collec-
tively restate our commitments and agree on improved action to make sure
that practitioners have the best information available to them wherever they
may work. This makes Sphere a core reference and a reminder of the funda-
mental importance of human dignity and the right of people to participate fully
in decisions that affect them.
Sphere is one of the foundations of humanitarian work. It is the starting point for
new humanitarian actors and a standing reference for experienced staff, providing
guidance on priority actions and where to find more detailed technical information.
Our standards partners provide even more support in specific sectors beyond
Sphere to help people recover and thrive.
This edition benefits from the input of thousands of people working with more
than 450 organisations in at least 65 countries around the world. The global reach
reflects experience from diverse contexts, extraordinary challenges and different
types of actors. These standards would not exist without the unwavering commit-
ment of so many of you. You have the thanks of our sector for your contributions
during the revision and, indeed, over the past two decades.
We look forward to continuing this important work and learning together with you
as you use this Handbook.
This edition of The Sphere
Handbook is the result of the The Shelter and Settlement chapter
most diverse and far-reaching is dedicated to the memory of Graham
consultation process in the Saunders, author of this chapter
history of Sphere. Nearly 4,500 in the 2004 and 2011 editions and
online comments were received advisor in the early development of
from 190 organisations, and more the 2018 edition.
than 1,400 people participated in Graham was a true humanitarian and
60 in-person events hosted by a champion of the Shelter sector. His
partners in 40 countries. Sphere vision, leadership and endless energy
gratefully acknowledges the have been instrumental in putting
scale and breadth of the contri- humanitarian shelter issues on the
butions made, including from map and shaping the field for future
national, local and international generations of shelter practitioners.
NGOs, national authorities and He continuously strived to improve
ministries, Red Cross and Red our practice and professionalise the
Crescent societies, universities, sector. He will be greatly missed as a
UN organisations and individual pioneer, professional and friend.
The revision process was coordinated by the Sphere office. Individual chapters
were developed by lead authors with cross-sectoral support from desig-
nated thematic experts and resource persons from the humanitarian sector.
The majority of the authors and thematic experts were put forward by their
home organisations, dedicating their time and effort as an in-kind contribution
to the sector.
Writing groups and reference groups were established to support the authors
and thematic experts in their work. Sphere acknowledges the valuable contribu-
tion of all these individuals throughout 2017 and 2018. A full list of all working
group and reference group members can be found on the Sphere website,
spherestandards.org. Lead authors and experts are noted below.
Foundation chapters
•• Humanitarian Charter and Annex 1: Dr Mary Picard
•• Protection Principles: Simon Russell (Global Protection Cluster) and Kate
Sutton (Humanitarian Advisory Group)
•• Core Humanitarian Standard: Takeshi Komino (CWSA Japan) and Sawako
Matsuo (JANIC)
Technical chapters
•• Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion: Kit Dyer (NCA) and Jenny Lamb
(Oxfam GB)
•• Food Security: Daniel Wang’ang’a (WVI)
•• Nutrition: Paul Wasike (Save the Children USA)
•• Shelter and Settlement: Seki Hirano (CRS) and Ela Serdaroglu (IFRC)
•• Health: Dr Durgavasini Devanath (IFRC), Dr Julie Hall (IFRC), Dr Judith Harvie
(International Medical Corps), Dr Unni Krishnan (Save the Children Australia),
Dr Eba Pasha (independent)
Thanks also go to Board members who initiated and guided the revision have
since left the Board: Sarah Kambarami (ACT Alliance) * Anna Garvander (Church
of Sweden/LWF) * Nan Buzard (ICVA) * Barbara Mineo (Oxfam International –
Intermón) * Maxime Vieille (Save the Children).
In addition to contributions from the Board organisations listed above, funding for
the Handbook revision process was provided by:
Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) * German Ministry of Foreign
Affairs * Irish Aid * Australian Government – Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade (DFAT) * European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
Department (ECHO) through International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (IFRC) * USAID’s Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance
(OFDA) * Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through
Church of Sweden * Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) * United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) * United States Department of
State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (US-PRM).
What is Sphere? – The Handbook
What is
What is Sphere?
Protection Core
Principles Humanitarian
What is Sphere?............................................................................................................................... 4
1. The Handbook........................................................................................................................ 4
Four foundation chapters and four technical chapters......................................... 5
The Minimum Standards promote a consistent approach................................... 6
The structure of the standards..................................................................................... 6
Working with the key indicators.................................................................................... 7
Links with other standards............................................................................................. 7
2. Using the standards in context........................................................................................ 8
The standards apply throughout the programme cycle.............................................. 9
Assessment and analysis................................................................................................ 9
Strategy development and programme design....................................................... 9
Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning............................................10
Understanding vulnerabilities and capacities...............................................................10
Data disaggregation........................................................................................................ 12
Children................................................................................................................................ 12
Older people....................................................................................................................... 13
Gender.................................................................................................................................. 13
Gender-based violence................................................................................................... 14
Persons with disabilities................................................................................................ 14
People living with and affected by HIV..................................................................... 15
LGBTQI people................................................................................................................... 15
Mental health and psychosocial support................................................................. 15
Understanding the operational setting........................................................................... 16
Supporting national and local actors......................................................................... 16
Protracted crises.............................................................................................................. 17
Urban settings................................................................................................................... 17
Communal settlements.................................................................................................18
Settings with domestic or international military forces.....................................18
Environmental impact in humanitarian response................................................. 19
Appendix: Delivering assistance through markets..........................................................20
References and further reading...............................................................................................26
What is Sphere?
What is Sphere?
The Sphere Project, now known as Sphere, was created in 1997 by a group of
humanitarian non-governmental organisations and the Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement. Its aim was to improve the quality of their humanitarian
responses and to be accountable for their actions. The Sphere philosophy is based
on two core beliefs:
•• People affected by disaster or conflict have the right to life with dignity and,
therefore, the right to assistance; and
•• All possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising out of
disaster or conflict.
The Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards put these core beliefs into
practice. The Protection Principles inform all humanitarian action, and the Core
Humanitarian Standard contains commitments to support accountability across
all sectors. Together, they form The Sphere Handbook, which has developed into
one of the most widely referenced humanitarian resources globally.
1. The Handbook
The principal users of The Sphere Handbook are practitioners involved in planning,
managing or implementing a humanitarian response. This includes staff and volun-
teers of local, national and international humanitarian organisations responding
to a crisis, as well as affected people themselves. The Handbook is also used for
humanitarian advocacy to improve the quality and accountability of assistance and
protection in line with humanitarian principles. It is increasingly used by govern-
ments, donors, military or the private sector to guide their own actions and allow
them to work constructively with the humanitarian organisations that apply the
The Handbook was first piloted in 1998, with revised editions published in
2000, 2004, 2011 and now 2018. Each revision process has relied on sector-
wide consultations with individuals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
governments and United Nations agencies. The resulting standards and guidance
are informed by evidence and reflect 20 years of field testing by practitioners
around the world.
This fourth edition marks the 20th anniversary of The Sphere Handbook and
reflects changes in the humanitarian sector over that time. It includes new
guidance for working in urban settings, for addressing Minimum Standards in
protracted crises, and for delivering assistance through markets as a way to meet
the standards. All technical chapters have been updated to reflect current
practice, and the harmonised Core Humanitarian Standard replaces the previous
Core Standards.
What is Sphere? – The Handbook
In practice, humanitarian needs do not fall neatly into specific sectors. Effective
humanitarian response must address people’s needs holistically, and sectors
should coordinate and collaborate with each other to do so. In the context of a
What is Sphere?
protracted crisis, this may also expand beyond the humanitarian response
with a need to work closely with development actors. The Handbook contains
cross-references to help make these links. Readers should familiarise them-
selves with all chapters to support a holistic response.
•• The standards are derived from the principle of the right to life with dignity.
These are general and qualitative in nature, stating the minimum to be
achieved in any crisis. The equivalents in the Core Humanitarian Standard
(CHS) are the “commitment” and “quality criterion”.
•• Key actions outline practical steps to attain the Minimum Standard. These
are suggestions and may not be applicable in all contexts. The practitioner
should select the most relevant for the situation.
What is Sphere? – The Handbook
What is Sphere?
What is Sphere? – The standards apply throughout the programme cycle
The Sphere standards are an expression of the fundamental rights related to life with
dignity, and remain constant. The indicators and minimum requirements may need to
be adapted to be meaningful in context. In cases where the standards are not met, any
proposal to reduce the minimum requirements should be considered carefully. Agree any
changes collectively and report the shortfall in actual progress against the minimums
widely. In addition, humanitarian organisations must assess the negative impact on the
population of not meeting a standard and take steps to minimise any harm. Use this
response gap for advocacy and strive to reach the indicators as soon as possible.
What is Sphere?
If the Sphere standards cannot be met for all or some groups from the affected
population, investigate why and explain the gaps, as well as what needs to change.
Assess the negative implications, including protection and public health risks.
Document these issues and work actively with other sectors and the affected
population to identify appropriate ways to minimise potential harm.
What is Sphere? – Understanding vulnerabilities and capacities
What problems must be addressed? For which groups of people? In what geographic area?
Over what timeframe? Against which standards?
What is Sphere?
change over time. Individual factors such as age, sex, disability and legal or health
status can limit access to assistance. These and other factors may also be the
basis of intentional discrimination. Systematic dialogue with women, men, girls
and boys of all ages and backgrounds – both separately and in mixed groups – is
fundamental to good programming. To be young or old, a woman or girl, a person
with a disability or of a minority ethnicity does not in itself make an individual
universally vulnerable. Rather, it is the interplay of factors in a given context that
can strengthen capacities, build resilience or undermine access to assistance for
any individual or group.
In many contexts, entire communities and groups may also be vulnerable because
they live in remote, insecure or inaccessible areas, or because they are geograph-
ically dispersed with limited access to assistance and protection. Groups may be
under-served and discriminated against because of nationality, ethnicity, language,
or religious or political affiliation, which requires special attention to reflect the
principle of impartiality.
When diverse groups are involved in programme design, humanitarian responses
are more comprehensive, inclusive and can have more sustainable results. Inclusion
of, and participation by, the affected population is fundamental to life with dignity.
Data disaggregation
In many situations, population-level data is difficult to find or determine. However,
disaggregated data will show the distinct needs and impact of actions on different
groups. Disaggregated data can help to identify those people most at risk, indicate
whether they are able to access and use humanitarian assistance, and where more
needs to be done to reach them. Disaggregate data to the extent possible and with
categories appropriate to the context to understand differences based on sex or
gender, age, disability, geography, ethnicity, religion, caste or any other factors
that may limit access to impartial assistance.
For general data on age, use the same cohorts as in national data-collection
systems. If there are no national age cohorts, use the table below. More refined
disaggregation may be needed to target specific groups such as infants, children,
youth, women or older people.
Children comprise a significant proportion of any crisis-affected population but are
often less visible. Children’s capacities and needs vary according to their biological
age and stage of development. Special measures must be taken to ensure they are
protected from harm and have equitable access to basic services.
During crises, children face specific life-threatening risks, including malnutrition,
separation from their families, trafficking, recruitment into armed groups, and
physical or sexual violence and abuse, all of which require immediate action.
Protection risks are often compounded by many factors. For example, adoles-
cent and young boys are more likely to be recruited as soldiers by armed forces
What is Sphere? – Understanding vulnerabilities and capacities
and groups or to participate in the worst forms of child labour. Adolescent girls
are more likely to be recruited as sex slaves or trafficked. Children with disabili-
ties are more likely to be abandoned or neglected. Girls with disabilities require
particular attention because they face greater risk of sexual violence, sexual
exploitation and malnutrition.
Actively seek the views of girls and boys of all ages and backgrounds, so they can
influence how assistance is delivered, monitored and evaluated. The Convention on
the Rights of the Child states that “child” means every person under the age of 18.
Analyse how the affected population defines children, to ensure that no child or
young person is excluded from assistance.
Older people
Older people are a fast-growing proportion of the population in most countries, but
often neglected in humanitarian responses.
In many cultures, being considered old is linked to circumstances (such as being a
grandparent) or physical signs (such as white hair), rather than age. While many
sources define old age as 60 years and older, 50 years may be more appropriate in
contexts where humanitarian crises occur.
Older people bring knowledge and experience of coping strategies and act as
caregivers, resource managers, coordinators and income generators. Older people
often embody traditions and history and act as cultural reference points. Isolation,
physical weakness, disruption of family and community support structures, chronic
illness, functional difficulties and declining mental capacities can all increase the
vulnerability of older people in humanitarian contexts.
Ensure that older people are consulted and involved at each stage of humanitar-
ian response. Consider age-appropriate and accessible services, environments
and information, and use age-disaggregated data for programme monitoring and
“Gender” refers to the socially constructed differences between women and men
throughout their life cycle. This may change over time and within and across cultures
What is Sphere?
and context. Gender often determines the different roles, responsibilities, power and
access to resources of women, girls, boys and men. Understanding these differences
and how they have changed during the crisis is critical to effective humanitarian
programming and the fulfilment of human rights. Crises can be an opportunity to
address gender inequalities and empower women, girls, boys and men.
Gender is not the same as sex, which refers to the biological attributes of a person.
“Gender” does not mean “women only”. While women and girls most often face
constraints within gender roles, men and boys are also influenced by strict expec-
tations of masculinity. Gender equality programming requires their inclusion
for the development of more equitable relationships and equal participation of
women, girls, men and boys.
Gender-based violence
“Gender-based violence” describes violence based on gender differences
between males and females. It underscores how inequality between males and
females is the foundation of most forms of violence perpetrated against women
and girls across the world. Crises can intensify many forms of gender-based
violence, including intimate partner violence, child marriage, sexual violence and
Organisations are responsible for taking all necessary steps to prevent the sexual
exploitation and abuse of people affected by crises, including in their own activities.
When allegations of misconduct are found to be true, it is important that the
competent authorities hold the perpetrator to account and that cases are dealt
with in a transparent way.
What is Sphere? – Understanding vulnerabilities and capacities
What is Sphere?
What is Sphere? – Understanding the operational setting
The municipality will often be the key government authority, with links to other
government actors and departments, such as line ministries. Access to basic
services, food security and livelihoods should be carefully assessed, including
any discrimination. People in cities and towns use cash to pay rent, buy food and
What is Sphere?
access healthcare. The Minimum Standards for life with dignity apply, regardless
of how the assistance is provided.
The Sphere Minimum Standards can be used to support multiple entry points for
providing assistance in urban areas, including through settlement, neighbourhood
or area-based approaches. Established groups with shared interests, such as
schools, clubs, women’s groups and taxi drivers, can provide useful entry points.
Working with local actors (such as the private sector, local government, neigh-
bourhood leaders and community groups) can be vital in restarting, supporting
and strengthening existing services instead of replacing them. Be mindful of how
humanitarian assistance may support municipal investment planning, creating
value during the crisis and in the longer term.
As in any setting, a context analysis in urban environments should look at
the existing resources and opportunities, such as commerce, cash, techno
logy, public spaces, people with specialised skill sets, and social and cultural
diversity, alongside risks and protection aspects. The analysis should inform
response options and the final choice of delivery mode, such as deciding to
provide in-kind or cash-based assistance (and the best way for doing so).
The cash-based economy of towns and cities provides opportunities for part-
nerships with actors in markets and technology, which may facilitate the use of
cash-based assistance.
Communal settlements
Planned communal settlements and camps, as well as collective centres and
spontaneous settlements, are home to millions of people who have been forcibly
displaced. The Sphere standards can be used to ensure the quality of assistance
in community settings. They can also help identify priorities for multi-sectoral
programmes to address public health concerns, and for access to basic services in
spontaneous settlements.
In communal settlements, dedicated camp management capacity can contribute
to greater accountability and coordinated service delivery. However, communal
settlements also pose specific protection risks. For example, when the right to
freedom of movement to leave the settlement is denied, people may not be able
to access markets or pursue livelihoods. Special attention should also be paid to
host communities, because real or perceived differences in treatment may lead
to escalating tensions or conflict. In such cases, advocating for an alternative to
camp-like settings and addressing host community needs too can help to ensure
that affected populations are able to live with dignity.
What is Sphere? – Understanding the operational setting
Delivering assistance through markets
This appendix complements The Sphere Handbook introduction, providing
further information and guidance on using markets to attain the Minimum
Standards and help people meet their needs in the aftermath of a crisis. It builds
on the foundation chapters and is referenced in the technical chapters. As such, it is
an integral component of The Sphere Handbook. To respond effectively, humani-
tarian actors should understand what the needs are as well as how to practically
meet them. Part of this analysis is understanding how markets are functioning
and what goods and services are available at the local, national, regional and
international level. This understanding also allows humanitarian programmes to
support – or at least not disrupt – markets during the response.
As part of response analysis, market analysis helps to identify what may be the
most effective way to meet priority needs: in-kind assistance, service provision,
cash-based assistance or a mix of these in context. Market analysis will help iden-
tify any constraints on markets, including supply and demand issues, or policies,
norms, rules or infrastructure that limit market functioning.
Whichever response option is chosen, it should be market-sensitive and strive to
protect livelihoods, local jobs and businesses. Sphere is based on a fundamental
respect for people affected by crisis and on supporting their choices for their own
recovery. By considering how people interact with local markets to get goods,
services and income, market analysis supports a people-centred approach.
Appendix – Delivering assistance through markets
Sex, ethnicity or disability often directly influence physical, financial and social
access to markets. How do men, women, youth and older people access markets
differently? Are traders from a specific ethnicity able to access credit facilities?
These and other factors influence the degree to which individuals can actively
participate in markets.
Ethical and environmental considerations should be weighed when developing
market-based programmes. Ensure that markets that over-exploit natural
resources, ecosystems and the environment are not developed in a way that puts
people at further risk.
Goods, services and markets: When responding to priority humanitarian needs,
consider both goods and services. Most Sphere standards involve providing some
kind of commodity or access to goods. Social sectors such as health and education,
however, are characterised by providing or improving access to services, and deliv-
ering through markets may not be an option. When working with third-party service
providers or sub-contractors, take steps to closely monitor the quality of services
and products with them ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.4: Health financing.
In some cases, market-based programmes that indirectly support access to
services are appropriate. Cash-based assistance can support transport to
healthcare facilities or access to education (buying uniforms and materials).
Tracking household expenditures provides clear data on the cost of accessing
services, including those that should be free. Household expenditure monitoring
should always be supported by outcome monitoring of cash assistance.
Service-based sectors can also consider market-based programming for goods
such as insecticide-treated bednets, supplementary feeding supplies and phar-
maceuticals if they meet quality criteria ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.3: Essential
medicines and medical devices.
In most contexts, a combination of market-based interventions will be needed.
Market-based programmes will likely need to be supported by other activities
such as those providing technical assistance. This combination will also evolve
over the course of the programme and may shift from in-kind to cash or vouchers
or vice versa. Along with programme monitoring, market monitoring is important
to confirm or adjust the form of assistance.
Checklist for cash-based assistance
This section presents a list of considerations for delivering assistance through
markets. It follows the programme management cycle and includes other impor-
tant elements to consider when adopting this approach to meet the Minimum
Standards. Each context will be different, and the options for delivery mechanisms
will vary based on infrastructure, data protection, cost-effectiveness and financial
Programme design
•• Base targeting criteria on programme objectives and include
cash-based-assistance-specific considerations.
•• Carefully consider who within the household should receive cash-based
assistance, informed by a clear risk assessment and weighing any protection
•• Identify safe, accessible and effective mechanisms to deliver assistance
based on the context, objectives and size of the programme as well as on
recipients’ financial literacy and preferences.
•• Calculate the transfer amount based on the needs to be covered and the cost
of meeting these needs.
•• Set the transfer frequency and duration based on needs, seasonality, the
financial service provider’s capacity and protection risks.
•• Where possible and feasible, adopt a multi-sector perspective.
•• Define key issues and related indicators to monitor process, activity, output
and outcome levels.
•• Include context-specific considerations and any other relevant dimen-
sions in financial service provider tenders and establish clear criteria
for selection.
•• Consider using existing familiar delivery mechanisms already in place for
social protection.
•• Set up recipient registration and identification systems that are appropriate
to the delivery mechanism and for the protection of personal data.
•• Ensure that registration and identification cover data required by the
financial service provider.
•• Apply and document data protection measures.
•• Set up mechanisms for digital data in collaboration with different organ
isations to the extent possible (“inter-operable systems”).
Appendix – Delivering assistance through markets
•• Clearly define the procedures, roles and responsibilities for the cash delivery
process, as well as risk management mechanisms.
•• Ensure that the process delivering cash-based assistance is accessible and
•• Make sure all affected groups can access the chosen delivery mechanism
throughout the project’s lifespan.
•• Ensure recipients have information on programme objectives and the
duration of cash-based assistance, so they can make informed spending
•• Ensure financial service providers are accountable to recipients through
contractual management and monitoring ⊕ see Core Humanitarian Standard
Commitments 4 and 5.
Programme design
•• Assess the local availability of needed goods and services before sourcing
them from outside the area.
•• Consider working with reputable local or regional transporters who have
valuable knowledge of local regulations, procedures and facilities and can
help to ensure compliance with the laws of the host country and to expedite
•• In a conflict environment, apply a particularly rigorous vetting process to
service providers.
•• Carefully ensure that sourcing locally does not cause or exacerbate hostilities.
•• Consider whether any use of natural resources is sustainable and whether
use may lead to further conflict over resources.
•• Establish a transparent, fair and open procedure for awarding contracts,
considering local, national and international options.
•• If several organisations are involved, coordinate local sourcing to the extent
•• Build good relationships with suppliers, local traders and service providers.
•• Enforce the appropriate quality of goods and services through contracts as
well as ethical and environmentally sustainable practices.
•• Train and supervise staff at all levels of the supply chain to maintain product
quality and adhere to, safety procedures (for recipients and staff) as well as
ethical and environmentally sustainable practices.
•• Include staff of partner organisations and service providers in training and
conduct training in the local language.
•• Set up accountability procedures, including supply, transport and storage
planning, inventory management, reporting and financial systems.
•• Avoid using food to pay for logistics operations such as unloading at
warehouses. Such costs should be included in the core budget.
•• Separate warehouses for food and non-food items are recommended.
When selecting a warehouse, establish that it has not been used to store
hazardous goods and that there is no danger of contamination. Factors to
Appendix – Delivering assistance through markets
Faith-based programming
A faith-sensitive approach in humanitarian response: Guidance on mental health
and psychosocial programming. The Lutheran World Federation and Islamic Relief
Worldwide, 2018. https://interagencystandingcommittee.org
Cash-based assistance
CBA Programme Quality Toolbox. CaLP. http://pqtoolbox.cashlearning.org
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to
Our beliefs
1. The Humanitarian Charter expresses our shared conviction as humanitarian
agencies that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to receive
protection and assistance to ensure the basic conditions for life with dignity.
We believe that the principles described in this Humanitarian Charter are univer-
sal, applying to all those affected by disaster or conflict, wherever they may
be, and to all those who seek to assist them or provide for their security. These
principles are reflected in international law, but derive their force ultimately from
the fundamental moral principle of humanity: that all human beings are born free
and equal in dignity and rights. Based on this principle, we affirm the primacy of
the humanitarian imperative: that action should be taken to prevent or alleviate
human suffering arising out of disaster or conflict, and that nothing should over-
ride this principle.
As local, national and international humanitarian agencies, we commit to promoting
and adhering to the principles in this Charter and to meeting Minimum Standards
in our efforts to assist and protect those affected. We invite all those who engage
in humanitarian activities, including governmental and private sector actors, to
endorse the common principles, rights and duties set out below as a statement of
shared humanitarian belief.
Our role
2. We acknowledge that it is firstly through their own efforts, and through the
support of community and local institutions, that the basic needs of people
affected by disaster or conflict are met. We recognise the primary role and respon-
sibility of the affected state to provide timely assistance to those affected, to
The Humanitarian Charter – Common principles, rights and duties
ensure people’s protection and security and to provide support for their recovery.
We believe that a combination of official and voluntary action is crucial to effective
prevention and response, and in this regard National Societies of the Red Cross
and Red Crescent Movement and other civil society actors have an essential role
to play in supporting public authorities. Where national capacity is insufficient,
we affirm the role of the wider international community, including governmental
donors and regional organisations, in assisting states to fulfil their responsibilities.
We recognise and support the special roles played by the mandated agencies of
the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
3. As humanitarian agencies, we interpret our role in relation to the needs and
capacities of affected populations and the responsibilities of their governments or
controlling powers. Our role in providing assistance reflects the reality that those
with primary responsibility are not always fully able to perform this role them-
selves, or may be unwilling to do so. As far as possible, consistent with meeting
the humanitarian imperative and other principles set out in this Charter, we will
support the efforts of the relevant authorities to protect and assist those affected.
We call upon all state and non-state actors to respect the impartial, independent
and non-partisan role of humanitarian agencies and to facilitate their work by
removing unnecessary legal and practical barriers, providing for their safety and
allowing them timely and consistent access to affected populations.
While these rights are not formulated in such terms in international law, they
encapsulate a range of established legal rights and give fuller substance to the
humanitarian imperative.
5. The right to life with dignity is reflected in the provisions of international
law, and specifically the human rights measures concerning the right to life, to
an adequate standard of living and to freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment. The right to life entails the duty to preserve
life where it is threatened. Implicit in this is the duty not to withhold or frustrate the
provision of life-saving assistance. Dignity entails more than physical well-being; it
demands respect for the whole person, including the values and beliefs of individu-
als and affected communities, and respect for their human rights, including liberty,
freedom of conscience and religious observance.
The Humanitarian Charter – Our commitment
ii. The right to seek asylum or sanctuary remains vital to the protection
of those facing persecution or violence. Those affected by disaster or
conflict are often forced to flee their homes in search of security and the
means of subsistence. The provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to
the Status of Refugees (as amended) and other international and regional
treaties provide fundamental safeguards for those unable to secure
protection from the state of their nationality or residence who are forced
to seek safety in another country. Chief among these is the principle of
non-refoulement: the principle that no one shall be sent back to a country
where their life, freedom or physical security would be threatened or
where they are likely to face torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment. The same principle applies by extension to
internally displaced persons, as reflected in international human rights law
and elaborated in the 1998 Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and
related regional and national law.
Our commitment
8. We offer our services in the belief that the affected population is at the centre
of humanitarian action, and recognise that their active participation is essential to
providing assistance in ways that best meet their needs, including those of vulner-
able and socially excluded people. We will endeavour to support local efforts to
prevent, prepare for and respond to disaster and to the effects of conflict, and to
reinforce the capacities of local actors at all levels.
9. We are aware that attempts to provide humanitarian assistance may sometimes
have unintended adverse effects. In collaboration with affected communities and
authorities, we aim to minimise any negative effects of humanitarian action on the
local community or on the environment. With respect to armed conflict, we recog-
nise that the way in which humanitarian assistance is provided may potentially
render civilians more vulnerable to attack, or may on occasion bring unintended
advantage to one or more of the parties to the conflict. We are committed to
minimising any such adverse effects, in so far as this is consistent with the
principles outlined above.
10. We will act in accordance with the principles of humanitarian action set out
in this Charter and with the specific guidance in the Code of Conduct for the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief (1994).
11. The Core Humanitarian Standard and the Minimum Standards give prac-
tical substance to the common principles in this Charter, based on agencies’
understanding of the basic minimum requirements for life with dignity and their
experience of providing humanitarian assistance. Though the achievement of
the standards depends on a range of factors, many of which may be beyond our
control, we commit ourselves to attempting consistently to achieve them and we
expect to be held to account accordingly. We invite all parties, including affected
and donor governments, international organisations, and private and non-state
actors, to adopt the Core Humanitarian Standard and the Minimum Standards as
accepted norms.
12. By adhering to the Core Humanitarian Standard and the Minimum Standards,
we commit to making every effort to ensure that people affected by disasters or
conflict have access to at least the minimum requirements for life with dignity
and security, including adequate water, sanitation, food, nutrition, shelter and
healthcare. To this end, we will continue to advocate that states and other parties
meet their moral and legal obligations towards affected populations. For our part,
we undertake to make our responses more effective, appropriate and accountable
through sound assessment and monitoring of the evolving local context, through
transparency of information and decision-making, and through more effective
coordination and collaboration with other relevant actors at all levels, as detailed
in the Core Humanitarian Standard and the Minimum Standards. In particular,
we commit to working in partnership with affected populations, emphasising
their active participation in the response. We acknowledge that our fundamental
accountability must be to those we seek to assist.
Humanitarian Charter
Protection Principles
Protection Principles...................................................................................................................36
Principle 1..................................................................................................................................38
Principle 2..................................................................................................................................40
Principle 3..................................................................................................................................41
Principle 4..................................................................................................................................43
Appendix: Summary of Professional Standards for Protection Work........................45
References and further reading...............................................................................................47
Protection Principles
Protection Principles
Four Protection Principles apply to all humanitarian action and all humanitarian
1. Enhance the safety, dignity and rights of people, and avoid exposing them
to harm.
2. Ensure people’s access to assistance according to need and without
3. Assist people to recover from the physical and psychological effects of
threatened or actual violence, coercion or deliberate deprivation.
4. Help people claim their rights.
The Protection Principles support the rights set out in the Humanitarian Charter:
the right to life with dignity, the right to humanitarian assistance and the right to
protection and security. The Principles articulate the role that all humanitarian
actors can play in helping protect people. The roles and responsibilities of human-
itarian actors are, however, secondary to those of the state. The state or other
authorities hold legal responsibility for the welfare of people within their territory
or control and for the safety of civilians in armed conflict. Ultimately, it is these
authorities that have the duty to ensure people’s security and safety through action
or restraint. The role of humanitarian actors may be to encourage and persuade
the authorities to fulfil their responsibilities and, if they fail to do so, assist people
in dealing with the consequences.
This chapter provides guidance on how humanitarian organisations can contribute
to protection by helping people stay safe, access assistance, recover from violence
and claim their rights.
Protection is concerned with the safety, dignity and rights of people affected by
disaster or armed conflict. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) defines
protection as:
“… all activities aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual in
accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant bodies of law (i.e. international
human rights law, international humanitarian law, international refugee law).”
In a broad sense, protection encompasses all efforts pursued by humanitarian and
human rights actors to ensure that the rights of affected persons and the obligations of
duty bearers under international law are understood, respected, protected and fulfilled
without discrimination.
Protection is about taking action to keep people safe from violence, coercion and
deliberate deprivation. There is often a priority set of protection concerns affecting
whole communities in any given humanitarian context, where concerted action is
essential if these are to be effectively tackled. For a humanitarian response to be
protection-oriented, it is vital to understand and address the key risks to those
affected, including serious harm arising from the failure to respect international
humanitarian, refugee or human rights law.
Protection Principles – Putting the Principles into practice
•• child protection;
•• gender-based violence;
•• housing, land and property rights;
•• mine action;
•• rule of law and justice;
•• legal counselling;
•• human rights advocates and defenders;
•• internally displaced populations; and
•• refugee rights.
⊕ See References and Appendix: Professional Standards for Protection Work, which
cover family tracing, renewal of documents, data protection and other areas.
Protection activities
Protection-related activities can be preventive, responsive, remedial and environ-
ment-building. Upholding the Protection Principles requires a combination of these
Protection Principles
Protection Principle 1:
Enhance people’s safety, dignity and rights
and avoid exposing them to further harm
Humanitarian actors take steps to reduce overall risks and vulnerability
of people, including to the potentially negative effects of humanitarian
Guidance notes
Context analysis: Understand the context and anticipate the consequences of
humanitarian action that may affect the safety, dignity and rights of the affected
population. Work with partners and groups of affected women, men, boys and girls
to do regular risk analysis as the situation changes over time.
The following list is not exhaustive but can form a basis for such an analysis:
•• What are the protection threats, risks and vulnerabilities across the whole
population? What capacities does the population have to minimise those?
•• Are there groups that face specific risks? Why? Consider, for example,
ethnicity, caste, class, gender, sex, age, disability or sexual orientation.
•• Are there obstacles preventing people from accessing assistance or partic-
ipating in decisions? These may include security, social or physical barriers,
or how information is provided.
•• What are local communities doing to protect themselves? How can human-
itarian organisations support and not undermine these efforts? Are there
risks to people protecting themselves?
•• Are people engaged in negative coping mechanisms such as transactional
sex, early marriage, child labour or risky migration? What can be done to
mitigate the underlying vulnerabilities?
PROTECTION PRINCIPLE 1: Enhance people’s safety, dignity and rights
Protection Principles
Protection Principle 2:
Ensure people’s access to impartial assistance,
according to need and without discrimination
Humanitarian actors identify obstacles to accessing assistance and take steps
to ensure it is provided in proportion to need and without discrimination.
Guidance notes
Impartiality: Prioritise assistance on the basis of need alone and provide assis-
tance in proportion to need. This is the principle of impartiality affirmed in the Code
of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs
in Disaster Relief ⊕ see Annex 2 and Humanitarian Charter. Humanitarian organ-
isations should not focus uniquely on a particular group (for example, displaced
people in a campsite or specific minority groups) if this focus is to the detriment of
another group in the affected population that is in need.
Right to receive humanitarian assistance: Advocate for the right of people affected
by crisis to receive humanitarian assistance. Where people are unable to meet
their basic needs and the relevant authorities are unable to provide assistance,
the authorities should not deny access to impartial humanitarian organisations.
Protection Principle 3:
Assist people to recover from the physical and
psychological effects of threatened or actual violence,
coercion or deliberate deprivation
Humanitarian actors provide immediate and sustained support to those
harmed by violations, including referral to additional services as appropriate.
Protection Principles
Guidance notes
Referrals: Be aware of the existing referral systems and help people affected by
violence to safely access appropriate services. Some people may not seek assis-
tance after a violation. Take steps to understand the barriers that stop people from
seeking assistance and adapt the referral system accordingly.
Support survivors of physical or gender-based violence to access services
such as healthcare, police assistance, mental health and psychosocial support,
and other services. These services should be sensitive to the people’s sex, age,
disability, sexual orientation and other relevant factors ⊕ see Guidelines for
Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action.
Set up and use safe and effective referral mechanisms to child protection services that
support children who are survivors of violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect.
Community action: Support community action and self-help activities that help to
restore people’s sense of agency and improve their protection.
Support family, community and individual response mechanisms of protection,
and mental health and psychosocial support. This can include creating opportuni-
ties where people can discuss their situation, choose particular protection threats
to be addressed, and develop and implement steps for addressing them.
Help local groups such as youth groups, women’s groups or religious groups to
implement non-violent means of self-protection, and support vulnerable people.
Wherever possible, keep families together, including non-traditional families, and
enable people from a particular village or support network to live in the same area.
Support positive communal coping mechanisms such as culturally appropriate
burials, religious ceremonies and practices, and non-harmful cultural and social
Ongoing violations, monitoring and reporting: Be aware of mechanisms to report
on human rights violations and follow the procedures and policies in place for
safe sharing of sensitive information ⊕ see Protection Principle 1 and Appendix:
Professional Standards for Protection Work.
Ongoing violations must also be considered and addressed with partners and
specialised agencies. The primary responsibility to protect people resides with
the government and other relevant authorities. Work with specialised agencies
to identify those parties who have the legal responsibility or capacity to provide
protection and remind them of their obligations.
Security and law enforcement agencies, police, and military and peacekeeping
forces play an important role in ensuring the physical security of people. When
appropriate and safe to do so, alert police or law enforcement or military actors
to violations of human rights.
During armed conflict, consider monitoring the institutions that provide essential
services and are specifically protected under international humanitarian law, such
Protection Principle 4: Help people to claim their rights
as schools and hospitals, and reporting any attacks on them. Make specific efforts
to reduce the risks and threats of abductions or forced recruitment that may
happen in these locations.
Managing sensitive information: Humanitarian organisations should have clear
policies and procedures to guide staff on how to respond if they become aware
of or witness abuses, and on how to make referrals to specialists or specialised
agencies. The confidentiality of the information should be explained in those
Evidence such as witness statements, population profiles and images that allow
people to be identified may be highly sensitive and can put people at risk. Sensitive
information on specific abuses or violations should be collected by specialised
agencies with the necessary skills, systems, capacity and protocols in place ⊕ see
Appendix: Professional Standards for Protection Work.
Protection Principle 4:
Help people to claim their rights
Humanitarian actors help affected communities claim their rights through
information and documentation, and support efforts to strengthen respect
for rights.
Central to this Principle is that people affected by crisis should know their rights
and entitlements ⊕ see Core Humanitarian Standard Commitment 4.
Guidance notes
Accessible information: Provide education and information that enable people to
understand and advocate for their rights. Inform people of their entitlements,
for example in relation to return and resettlement options. Work with specialised
organisations providing legal aid to inform people of their rights under the laws and
regulations of the country.
Provide information in languages that affected people can understand. Use
multiple formats (such as written, graphic or audio) to make information as widely
accessible as possible. Test message comprehension with different groups,
considering variations in age, gender, education level and mother tongue.
Protection Principles
Appendix – Summary of Professional Standards for Protection Work
Summary of Professional Standards for
Protection Work
In armed conflict or other situations of violence, the protection of civilians
who may be exposed to harm and suffering is critical. An effective protection
response requires professional competence and adherence to commonly agreed
professional Minimum Standards that are applicable to all protection actors.
The Professional Standards for Protection Work were established to create a
shared basis for protection work among humanitarian and human rights actors,
and to maximise the effectiveness of that work for the affected population. They
complement the Protection Principles.
The standards reflect the view that people must be at the centre of action taken on
their behalf. People have a meaningful role to play in analysing, developing and moni-
toring protection responses to the threats and risks they face. Beyond improving
people’s physical security, protection efforts should promote respect of the rights,
dignity and integrity of those at risk or subject to violations and abuse.
The range of activities implemented by humanitarian actors varies greatly, and it
is essential for all actors to integrate protection concerns into their practice in line
with the Protection Principles. The Professional Standards are primarily intended
for protection professionals and organisations implementing dedicated protection
work in armed conflict and other situations of violence.
The professional standards offer organisations a solid basis from which to review and
develop internal policies, guidelines and training materials. They offer a practical refer-
ence for practitioners who design and implement protection strategies at field level.
They can also serve as a source of inspiration. They are a useful reference point to help
other actors and stakeholders understand how specialised protection actors safely
implement activities to enhance the protection of individuals and communities.
These standards do not seek to regulate protection work or restrict diversity, but
rather complement other professional principles and encourage protection actors
to integrate them into their own practices, guidelines and training.
The 2018 Professional Standards are organised as follows:
1. Overarching principles in protection work
2. Managing protection strategies
3. Outlining the protection architecture
4. Building on the legal base of protection
5. Promoting complementarity
6. Managing data and information for protection outcomes
7. Ensuring professional capacities
References and further reading
Gender-based violence
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action:
Reducing risk, promoting resilience, and aiding recovery. IASC, 2015. gbvguidelines.org
Mine action
International Mine Action Standards. www.mineactionstandards.org
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to
Further reading
Further reading
General protection: background and tools
Aide Memoire: For the Consideration of Issues Pertaining for the Protection of Civilians.
OCHA, 2016. https://www.unocha.org/sites/unocha/files/Aide%20Memoire%20
Enhancing Protection for Civilians in Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence.
ICRC, 2017. www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/publication/p0956.htm
FMR 53: Local communities: first and last providers of protection. University of Oxford and
Refugee Studies Centre, 2016. www.fmreview.org/community-protection.html
Giossi Caverzasio, S. Strengthening Protection in War: A Search for Professional
Standards. ICRC, 2001. https://www.icrc.org/en/publication/0783-strengthening-
Growing the Sheltering Tree – Protecting Rights through Humanitarian Action –
Programmes & practices gathered from the field. IASC, 2002. www.global
Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural
Disasters. IASC, 2011. www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/IDPersons/Operational
O’Callaghan, S. Pantuliano, S. Protective Action: Incorporating Civilian Protection into
Humanitarian Response. HPG Report 26. ODI, 2007. https://www.odi.org/sites/odi.
Protection and Accountability to Affected Populations in the HPC (EDG Preliminary
Guidance Note). IASC, 2016. www.interagencystandingcommittee.org/system/
Protection Mainstreaming Training & Sector-Specific Guidance. Global Protection
Cluster. www.globalprotectioncluster.org/en/areas-of-responsibility/protection-
Safety with Dignity: A field manual for integrating community-based protection across
humanitarian programs. Action Aid, 2009. www.actionaid.org/sites/files/actionaid/
Statement on the Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action. IASC, 2013. https://
Slim, H. Bonwick, A. Protection – An ALNAP Guide for Humanitarian Agencies. ALNAP,
2005. www.alnap.org/resource/5263
Protection Principles
Cash-based interventions
Guide for Protection in Cash-based Interventions. UNHCR and partners, 2015. www.
Gender-based violence
Building Capacity for Disability Inclusion in Gender-based Violence Programming in
Humanitarian Settings: A Toolkit for GBV Practitioners. Women’s Refugee Commission &
International Rescue Committee, 2015. www.womensrefugeecommission.
Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and moni-
toring sexual violence in emergencies. WHO, 2007. http://apps.who.int/iris/
bit stream/handle/10665/4370 9/978 92415956 81_eng.pdf;jsessionid=
Gender-based Violence Against Children and Youth with Disabilities: A Toolkit for
Child Protection Actors. Women’s Refugee Commission, ChildFund International,
2016. www.womensrefugeecommission.org/populations/disabilities/research-
Further reading
Older people
Humanitarian Action and Older Persons: An essential brief for humanitarian actors. WHO,
HelpAge International, IASC, 2008. www.globalprotectioncluster.org/_assets/
Protection Principles
Paris Principles and Commitments to Protect Children from Unlawful Recruitment or Use
by Armed Forces or Groups. UNICEF, 2007. https://www.unicef.org/protection/
Responding to the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Emergencies. CPWG, 2010. http://
Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for
Key Populations. Update. WHO, 2016. www.who.int/hiv/pub/guidelines/
Implementing Comprehensive HIV and STI Programmes with Transgender People:
Practical guidance for collaborative interventions. UNDP, 2016. www.undp.org/
Implementing Comprehensive HIV and HCV Programmes with People Who Inject
Drugs: Practical guidance for collaborative interventions. UNODC, 2017. www.
Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with Sex Workers: Practical
approaches from collaborative interventions. WHO, 2013. www.who.int/hiv/pub/sti/
Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with Men Who Have Sex with Men:
Practical guidance for collaborative interventions. UNFPA, 2015. www.who.int/hiv/
Joint United Nations Statement on ending discrimination in health care
settings. WHO, 2017. www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2017/
The Humanitarian Charter and Protection Principles directly support the Core Humanitarian Standard.
Together, these three chapters constitute the principles and foundations of the Sphere standards.
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Appendix: Guiding questions for monitoring Key actions and Organisational requirements (online)
One core standard with nine commitments........................................................................52
Commitment 1.........................................................................................................................54
Commitment 2.........................................................................................................................56
Commitment 3.........................................................................................................................59
Commitment 4.........................................................................................................................63
Commitment 5.........................................................................................................................66
Commitment 6.........................................................................................................................70
Commitment 7.........................................................................................................................73
Commitment 8.........................................................................................................................76
Commitment 9.........................................................................................................................80
Appendix: Guiding questions for monitoring key actions and
organisational responsibilities (online)
References and further reading...............................................................................................85
Core Humanitarian Standard
A unique structure
The Core Humanitarian Standard was developed through a collective effort
by the humanitarian sector to harmonise the core standards from Sphere, the
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP), People In Aid, and Groupe URD
into a single framework. It is now managed on behalf of the sector by Sphere, the
CHS Alliance and Groupe URD, who jointly hold the copyright.
Each of the nine commitments concentrates on a specific aspect of response.
Taken together, they form a solid approach to effective and accountable humani-
tarian action.
The structure of the Core Humanitarian Standard differs slightly from that of the
other Sphere standards:
The following chart shows how the Core Humanitarian Standard can be used at
different levels. Sphere, Groupe URD and the CHS Alliance propose complementary
tools which can be found at corehumanitarianstandard.org.
Field level
and exchanges organisational & sectoral
implementation guidance
Core Humanitarian Standard
Commitment 1
Communities and people affected by crisis receive assistance appropriate to
their needs.
Quality criterion
Humanitarian response is appropriate and relevant.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis consider that the response takes
account of their specific needs, culture, and preferences.
2. The assistance and protection provided correspond with assessed risks,
vulnerabilities and needs.
3. The response takes account of the capacities, skills and knowledge of people
requiring assistance and protection.
Key actions
1.1 Conduct a systematic, objective and ongoing analysis of the context and
•• Assess the role and capacity of local government and other political and
non-political actors, as well as the impact of the crisis on them.
•• Assess existing local capacities (material, human, markets) to meet priority
assistance and protection needs, understanding that these will change
over time.
•• Cross-check and verify information, acknowledging that assessment data
will initially be imperfect, but should not impede life-saving actions.
•• Assess the safety and security of affected, displaced and host populations to
identify threats of violence and any forms of coercion, denial of subsistence
or denial of basic human rights.
•• Assess gender-related and power dynamics, as well as social marginalisation,
to define a more effective and sustainable response.
•• Coordinate with others to avoid burdening communities with multiple
assessments. Joint assessments and findings should be shared with
interested agencies, government and affected populations.
1.2 Design and implement appropriate programmes based on an impartial
assessment of needs and risks and an understanding of the vulnerabilities
and capacities of different groups.
•• Assess the protection and assistance needs of women, men, children and
adolescents, of those in hard-to-reach locations and at-risk groups such as
persons with disabilities, older people, socially isolated individuals, female-
headed households, ethnic or linguistic minorities and stigmatised groups
(for example, people living with HIV).
1.3 Adapt programmes to changing needs, capacities and context.
•• Monitor the political situation and adapt stakeholder analysis and security.
•• Monitor epidemiological and other data regularly to inform ongoing
decision-making and prioritise life-saving interventions.
•• Remain flexible enough to redesign any intervention in response to changing
needs. Confirm that donors agree with programme changes as needed.
Organisational responsibilities
1.4 Policies commit to providing impartial assistance based on the needs and
capacities of communities and people affected by crisis.
•• Organisations maintain policies, processes and systems that support a
commitment to humanitarian principles and inclusiveness.
•• All staff understand their responsibilities and how they may be held to
•• Organisations share these policies transparently with other stakeholders.
1.5 Policies set out commitments which take into account the diversity of
communities, including disadvantaged or marginalised people, and to collect
disaggregated data.
•• Required levels of data disaggregation for assessment and reporting are
clearly outlined.
1.6 Processes are in place to ensure an appropriate ongoing analysis of
the context.
•• Humanitarian workers have management support to acquire the knowl-
edge, skills, behaviours and attitudes necessary to manage and carry out
Guidance notes
Assessment and analysis is a process, not a single event. As time allows, in-depth
analysis should be carried out. The capacities and needs of affected people and
communities should not be assumed but identified through assessments that
engage them in an ongoing discussion to find appropriate responses.
Consider providing basic training in psychological first aid for staff involved in
assessments. This can help the staff manage people who become distressed
during an assessment.
Ensure specialised assessments for groups potentially facing protection risks.
Specific assessments with women, men, boys and girls to understand their
exposure to violence, discrimination and other harms are an example.
Impartial assessment: Acting impartially does not mean treating all people
the same. Providing rights-based assistance requires an understanding of
Core Humanitarian Standard
Commitment 2
Communities and people affected by crisis have access to the humanitarian
assistance they need at the right time.
Quality criterion
Humanitarian response is effective and timely.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis, including the most vulnerable
groups, consider that the timing of the assistance and protection they
receive is adequate.
2. Communities and people affected by crisis consider that the response meets
their needs.
3. Monitoring and evaluation reports show that the humanitarian response
meets its objectives in terms of timing, quality and quantity.
Key actions
2.1 Design programmes that address constraints so that the proposed action is
realistic and safe for communities.
•• Clearly identify and state any limitations if it is not possible to assess and
meet the needs of a specific area or population group, including hard-to-
reach locations.
•• Prioritise support to local response capacity in advance where contingency
planning shows areas or populations are vulnerable and may prove hard to
access in the future.
2.2 Deliver humanitarian response in a timely manner, making decisions and
acting without unnecessary delay.
•• Be aware of living conditions, cultural practices, seasons, agricultural
calendars and other factors that influence providing the right services at the
right time.
•• Include time frames for delivery and monitoring systems in programme
plans; anticipate and flag delays.
•• Acknowledge that decisions will be made based on imperfect knowledge
in the early stages of an acute crisis and refine decisions as information
becomes available.
•• Coordinate with others to develop shared strategies to address collective
issues that block timely assistance.
2.3 Refer any unmet needs to those organisations with the relevant technical
expertise and mandate, or advocate for those needs to be addressed.
•• This includes unmet information needs as well as protection and assis-
tance needs.
2.4 Use relevant technical standards and good practice employed across the
humanitarian sector to plan and assess programmes.
•• Apply national technical standards, where these exist, adapted to the
humanitarian context.
•• Coordinate with relevant stakeholders to advocate for the use of globally
agreed standards to complement national ones (including Sphere and
partner standards in related sectors).
Core Humanitarian Standard
2.5 Monitor the activities, outputs and outcomes of humanitarian responses in
order to adapt programmes and address poor performance.
•• Define time-bound and context-specific performance indicators.
Review them on a regular basis to measure progress towards meeting
assistance and protection needs.
•• Include progress against objectives and performance indicators, in addition
to activities and outputs (such as number of facilities built). Monitor project
outcomes and desired results such as use of facilities or changes in practice.
•• Review systems regularly so that only useful information is collected,
with updated contextual information (such as local market function,
change in security).
Organisational responsibilities
2.6 Programme commitments are in line with organisational capacities.
2.7 Policy commitments ensure:
Guidance notes
Addressing constraints and realistic programming: Where an organisation cannot
access a population or meet identified needs, it has a responsibility to refer these
needs to appropriate actors (including government, non-government actors) ⊕ see
Protection Principle 3.
Use forecasts and early warning systems for contingency planning before a crisis
to help communities, authorities and agencies respond quickly when needed.
This will also allow affected people to protect their assets before their lives and
livelihoods are at risk.
Develop decision-making processes that are flexible enough to respond to new
information from ongoing assessments. Within an organisation, delegate decisions
and resources as close to the implementation site as possible.
Document decisions and decision-making processes to demonstrate transparency.
Base the processes on consultation, meaningful participation and coordination
with others ⊕ see Commitment 6.
Commitment 3
Communities and people affected by crisis are not negatively affected and are
more prepared, resilient and less at-risk as a result of humanitarian action.
Quality criterion
Humanitarian response strengthens local capacities and avoids negative effects.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis consider themselves better able
to withstand future shocks and stresses, as a result of humanitarian action.
2. Local authorities, leaders and organisations with responsibilities for
responding to crises consider that their capacities have been increased.
3. Communities and people affected by crisis, including vulnerable and
marginalised individuals, do not identify negative effects resulting from
humanitarian action.
Key actions
3.1 Ensure programmes build on local capacities and work towards improving
the resilience of communities and people affected by crisis.
•• Design services (for example, drought management and flood-, hurricane- or
earthquake-resistant structures) that reduce the impact of hazards.
•• Support self-help initiatives and community preparedness actions.
Core Humanitarian Standard
3.2 Use the results of any existing community hazard and risk assessments and
preparedness plans to guide activities.
•• Understand and address needs and capacities of different groups who are
exposed to different levels of risk.
3.3 Enable the development of local leadership and organisations in their
capacity as first responders in the event of future crises, taking steps to
ensure that marginalised and disadvantaged groups are appropriately
•• Work with municipal authorities and local government as much as possible.
•• Advocate that local actors are treated as equal partners with autonomy to
design and/or lead a response.
•• Support the initiatives of local groups and organisations, as the
platform for learning and capacity-building to strengthen first response in
future crises.
•• Hire local and national staff, considering diversity within the population,
instead of expatriates wherever possible.
3.4 Plan a transition or exit strategy in the early stages of the humanitarian
programme that ensures longer-term positive effects and reduces the risk
of dependency.
•• Provide support to strengthen existing state and community systems, rather
than establish parallel efforts that will not last beyond the duration of the
3.5 Design and implement programmes that promote early disaster recovery
and benefit the local economy.
•• Take steps to restore social services, education, markets, transfer
mechanisms and livelihood opportunities that cater to the needs of
vulnerable groups.
•• Fully consider market conditions when analysing which form of assistance
(cash, voucher, or in-kind) will have the greatest positive outcome.
•• Buy goods and services locally when possible.
•• Mitigate negative repercussions on the market to the extent possible.
3.6 Identify and act upon potential or actual unintended negative effects in a
timely and systematic manner, including in the areas of:
a. people’s safety, security, dignity and rights;
b. sexual exploitation and abuse by staff;
c. culture, gender, and social and political relationships;
d. livelihoods;
e. the local economy; and
f. the environment.
Organisational responsibilities
3.7 Policies, strategies and guidance are designed to:
a. prevent programmes having any negative effects such as, for example,
exploitation, abuse or discrimination by staff against communities and
people affected by crisis; and
b. strengthen local capacities.
3.8 Systems are in place to safeguard any personal information collected from
communities and people affected by crisis that could put them at risk.
•• Establish clear and comprehensive policies on data protection, including
electronic registration and distribution systems.
•• Inform those receiving aid about their rights in relation to data protection,
how they can access the personal information that an organisation
holds about them and how to raise concerns they have about misuse of
Guidance notes
Community resilience and local leadership: Communities, local organisations and
authorities are the first to act in a crisis and have in-depth knowledge of the
situation and specific needs. These local actors should be equal partners and
given autonomy in designing or leading a response. This requires a commitment by
international and local agencies to adapt their way of working and engage in open
dialogue and constructive criticism. Local financial infrastructure/services should
be used wherever possible, instead of creating new parallel systems.
Transition and exit strategy: In collaboration with the authorities and affected
population, design services as soon as possible that will continue after the emer-
gency programme has finished (for example, introduce cost-recovery measures,
use locally available materials or strengthen local management capacity).
Negative effects and “do no harm”: The high value of aid resources and the powerful
position of humanitarian workers can lead to exploitation and abuse, competition,
conflict, and misuse or misappropriation of aid. Aid can undermine livelihoods
and market systems, drive resource conflict and amplify unequal power relations
between different groups. Anticipate these potential negative effects, monitor
and take actions to prevent them if possible.
Be aware of cultural practices that may have negative effects on some groups.
Examples include: biased targeting of girls, boys or specific castes; unequal
education opportunities for girls; refusing immunisations; and other forms of
discrimination or preferential treatment.
Safe and responsive feedback and complaints mechanisms can reduce abuse and
misuse. Staff should welcome and seek out suggestions and complaints. Staff
Core Humanitarian Standard
Commitment 4
Communities and people affected by crisis know their rights and entitlements,
have access to information and participate in decisions that affect them.
Quality criterion
Humanitarian response is based on communication, participation and feedback.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis are aware of their rights and
2. Communities and people affected by crisis consider that they have timely
access to clear and relevant information, including about issues that may put
them at further risk.
3. Communities and people affected by crisis are satisfied with the opportu-
nities they have to influence the response.
4. All staff are trained and provided with guidance on the rights of the affected
Key actions
4.1 Provide information to communities and people affected by crisis about the
organisation, the principles it adheres to, how it expects its staff to behave,
the programmes it is implementing and what they intend to deliver.
•• Consider information itself as a key element of protection. Without accurate
information about the assistance and their entitlements, people may
become vulnerable to exploitation and abuse ⊕ see Protection Principle 1.
•• Communicate clearly what behaviour people can expect from humanitarian
workers and how they can complain if they are not satisfied.
4.2 Communicate in languages, formats and media that are easily understood,
respectful and culturally appropriate for different members of the community,
especially vulnerable and marginalised groups.
•• Use existing communication systems and consult with people on their
communications preferences. Consider the degree of privacy required for
different formats and media.
•• Ensure that communications technology, new and old, is used effectively
and safely.
4.3 Ensure representation is inclusive, involving the participation and engage-
ment of communities and people affected by crisis at all stages of the work.
•• Give attention to groups or individuals historically excluded from power
and decision-making processes. Systematically consider ethical ways of
Core Humanitarian Standard
engaging with these individuals and groups to respect dignity and avoid
any increased stigma.
•• Consider the balance between direct community participation and indirect
representation by elected representatives through the various stages
of response.
4.4 Encourage and facilitate communities and people affected by crisis to provide
feedback on their level of satisfaction with the quality and effectiveness of
the assistance received, paying particular attention to the gender, age and
diversity of those giving feedback.
•• Train staff to gain and maintain people’s trust, know how to respond to
both positive and negative feedback and observe the reactions of different
community members to the way services are provided.
•• Integrate feedback collection into a broader approach across organisations
or sectors to review, analyse and act on the feedback.
•• Share response to the feedback with the community.
Organisational responsibilities
4.5 Policies for information sharing are in place, and promote a culture of open
•• Define and document processes for sharing information.
•• Strive to share organisational information about successes and failures
openly with a range of stakeholders to promote a system-wide culture of
openness and accountability.
4.6 Policies are in place for engaging communities and people affected by crisis,
reflecting the priorities and risks they identify in all stages of the work.
•• Outline how staff members are trained and encouraged to facilitate commu-
nity engagement and decision-making, listen to diverse communities of
affected people and manage negative feedback.
•• Design policies and strategies to help create space and time for community
dialogues, decision-making and self-help.
4.7 External communications, including those used for fundraising purposes,
are accurate, ethical and respectful, presenting communities and people
affected by crisis as dignified human beings.
•• Share information based on risk assessment. Consider potential harm to
the population, such as when sharing information about cash distributions
or demographics of specific settlements, which can put people at risk of
being attacked.
•• Exercise care when making use of stories and images that discuss and depict
affected people, as this can be an invasion of their privacy and a breach of
confidentiality if their permission is not sought ⊕ see Protection Principle 1 on
informed consent.
Guidance notes
Sharing information with communities: Sharing accurate, timely, understandable
and accessible information strengthens trust, deepens levels of participation and
improves the impact of a project. It is key to being transparent. Sharing financial
information with communities can improve cost-effectiveness and help communi-
ties to identify and highlight waste or fraud.
If an organisation does not share information appropriately with the people it
aims to assist, misunderstandings and delays, inappropriate projects that waste
resources, and negative perceptions about the organisation can develop. This can
generate anger, frustration and insecurity.
Effective, safe, accessible and inclusive communication: Different groups have
different communication and information needs and sources. They may need time
talking among themselves in a safe, private setting to process the information and
its implications.
Informed consent: Be aware that some people may express consent without fully
understanding the implications. This is not ideal, but a degree of consent and
participation may initially have to be assumed based on expressed willingness to
take part in project activities, observation, knowledge, or legal or other documents
(such as contractual agreements with the community) ⊕ see Protection Principle 1.
Participation and engagement: Consult affected people and local institutions
early in the response to build on existing knowledge and develop positive,
respectful relations. Early consultation can be a better use of time than fixing
inappropriate decisions later. In the early stages of an acute response, consul-
tation might only be possible with limited numbers of affected people. Over
time, there will be more opportunities for more people and groups to become
involved in decision-making.
Be aware that in some conflict settings, encouraging group discussions and
decision-making could be seen as a form of political organising and could harm
local people. Consider various methods to enhance community engagement with
the feedback system, including the use of community scorecards.
Feedback: Formal feedback can be sought through specific assessments (using
group discussions or interviews), post-distribution monitoring, or questionnaires.
Informal feedback received during daily interaction should also be used to develop
trust and improve programmes on an ongoing basis. Obtain feedback on whether
women, men, girls and boys feel respected and satisfied with their influence over
decision-making. People may be satisfied with the aid delivered, but dissatisfied
with their influence on decision-making.
People may fear that critical feedback will have negative repercussions. There
may also be cultural reasons why criticism of an intervention is unacceptable.
Explore different methods of providing informal and formal feedback, including
methods for confidentially sharing the feedback.
Core Humanitarian Standard
Design feedback mechanisms with other agencies and ensure they are accessi-
ble to all people. They should be seen as separate from complaints mechanisms
that address serious infringements of practice or behaviour ⊕ see Commitment 5,
although in practice there is usually an overlap in the types of feedback and
complaints received. Acknowledge and follow up on the feedback received and
adapt the programme when appropriate. Integrate feedback mechanisms into
organisations’ monitoring and evaluation systems.
Promoting a culture of open communication: Organisations should publicly state (on
their website or in promotional material that is accessible by affected people) any
specific interests such as political or religious identity. This allows stakeholders
to better understand the nature of the organisation and its likely affiliations
and policies.
Organisational commitment to participation and listening to communities:
Gender and diversity policies can help to promote the values and commitments
of the organisation and provide concrete examples of expected behaviour.
Feedback from affected people should also inform strategy and programme
Restricting information, confidentiality and non-disclosure: Not all information can
or should be shared with all stakeholders. Consider how the collection of informa-
tion that can identify groups (demographics) or individuals may cause or increase
people’s vulnerability or create new threats to their protection ⊕ see Protection
An ethical approach to external communications: Fundraising material and photo-
graphs taken out of context can often be misleading and can also increase protec-
tion risks. Policies and guidelines relating to external communications should be
available to all staff and can help to ensure that mistakes are not made.
Details attached to images and included in stories must not allow people
(particularly children) to be traced to his or her home or community. Geotagging
of images should be disabled when taking photographs.
Commitment 5
Communities and people affected by crisis have access to safe and
responsive mechanisms to handle complaints.
Quality criterion
Complaints are welcomed and addressed.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis, including vulnerable and marginalised
groups, are aware of complaints mechanisms established for their use.
Key actions
5.1 Consult with communities and people affected by crisis on the design,
implementation and monitoring of complaints processes.
•• Disaggregate by sex, age and disability, as these criteria may influence
people’s views on access and obstacles to complaints mechanisms.
•• Agree on how complaints can be submitted, what may prevent people
and staff from complaining, and how they wish to receive the response to
complaints. Consider how complaints will be recorded and tracked and how
what is learned from them will be incorporated into future planning.
•• Explore joint complaints mechanisms with other agencies, partners and
third-party contractors.
•• Train staff on the complaints mechanism.
5.2 Welcome and accept complaints, and communicate how the mechanism can
be accessed and the scope of issues it can address.
•• Consider an information campaign to help raise awareness of the system and
procedures, during which people can ask further questions about how it will work.
5.3 Manage complaints in a timely, fair and appropriate manner that prioritises
the safety of the complainant and those affected at all stages.
•• Deal with each complaint individually, even if many cover similar issues.
•• Provide a response within a specified time frame. The complainant should
know when to expect a response.
•• Consider community management or engagement in the complaints-handling
Organisational responsibilities
5.4 The complaints response process for communities and people affected by
crisis is documented and in place. The process should cover programming,
sexual exploitation and abuse, and other abuses of power.
•• Keep records of how the complaints mechanism is set up, decision
criteria, all complaints made, how they were responded to and within
what time frame.
•• Take care to ensure that information on complaints is kept confidential, in
strict accordance with data protection policies.
•• Work with other organisations on complaints mechanisms, as this may be
less confusing for communities and staff.
Core Humanitarian Standard
5.5 An organisational culture in which complaints are taken seriously and acted
upon according to defined policies and processes has been established.
•• Publicly share policies which relate to an organisation’s duty of care to the
people it aims to assist, its codes of conduct and how it will protect potentially
vulnerable groups such as women, children and people with disabilities.
•• Establish formal investigation procedures that adhere to the principles of
confidentiality, independence and respect. Conduct investigations in a thorough,
timely and professional manner, meeting legal standards and local labour law
requirements. Provide training to designated managers on investigations and
on handling staff misconduct, or provide access to specialist advice.
•• Include a grievance procedure and whistleblowing policy to deal with staff
complaints, and make staff aware of them.
5.6 Communities and people affected by crisis are fully aware of the expected
behaviour of humanitarian staff, including organisational commitments
made on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.
•• Explain the complaints process to communities and staff. Include mecha-
nisms for both sensitive issues (such as those relating to corruption, sexual
exploitation and abuse, gross misconduct or malpractice) and non-sensitive
information (such as challenges to the use of selection criteria).
5.7 Complaints that do not fall within the scope of the organisation are referred
to a relevant party in a manner consistent with good practice.
•• Clarify guidance on which complaints fall within the organisation’s remit, and
when and how to refer to other service providers.
Guidance notes
Designing a complaints mechanism: Social and power dynamics must be assessed
before deciding on the best way to interact with communities. Pay attention to the
needs of older people, women and girls, boys and men, persons with disabilities
and others who might be marginalised. Ensure they have a say in the design and
implementation of complaints systems.
Raising awareness about how to make a complaint: Time and resources will be
needed to ensure that affected people know what services, staff attitudes and
behaviour they can expect from humanitarian organisations. They should also
know what to do and where to make a complaint if a humanitarian organisation
has failed to meet these commitments.
The mechanism should be designed so that people may be assured that they can
always make a complaint confidentially and without fear of retaliation.
Manage expectations, as communities may believe that the complaints process
can solve all their problems. This can generate frustration and disappointment if
the expected changes are outside the control of the agency.
Managing complaints: Explain clearly to the complainant when the complaint falls
outside the control and responsibility of the organisation. Where possible and in
agreement with the complainant, refer the complaint to the appropriate organisation.
Coordinate with other agencies and sectors to ensure this functions effectively.
Only trained staff should investigate allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse
by humanitarian workers.
Confidential referral for additional care and support (such as mental health and
psychosocial support, or other healthcare) should be provided for complainants
according to their wishes.
Anonymous and malicious complaints present specific challenges because
their source is unknown. They may be a warning signal to the organisation
of underlying discontent, and any follow-up will need to investigate whether
there is any previously unacknowledged cause for complaint.
Protecting complainants: Take care when deciding who needs to know what
information within the organisation. People reporting sexual abuse may
face social stigma and real danger from perpetrators and their own families.
Design a mechanism which ensures that complaints will be treated confiden-
tially. A whistleblowing policy should be in place to protect staff who highlight
concerns about programmes or the behaviour of colleagues.
Data protection policies should cover how long specific types of information should
be kept, in accordance with relevant data protection laws.
Complaints-handling process: Ensure that both the organisation’s staff and
the communities it serves have the opportunity to report complaints. Such
complaints can be seen as an opportunity to improve the organisation and its
work. Complaints can indicate the impact and appropriateness of an intervention,
potential risks and vulnerabilities, and the degree to which people are satisfied
with the services provided.
Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) of people affected by crisis: An organisa-
tion and its senior management are responsible for ensuring that complaints
mechanisms and procedures are in place, and are safe, transparent, accessible
and confidential. Where appropriate, organisations should consider including
specific statements about cooperating with investigations into SEA cases in
their partnership agreements.
Organisational culture: Managers and senior staff should model and promote
a culture of mutual respect between all staff, partners, volunteers and people
affected by crisis. Their support for the implementation of community complaints
mechanisms is vital. Staff should be aware of how to handle complaints or allega-
tions of abuse. In the case of criminal activity or where international law has been
broken, staff should know how to contact the appropriate authorities. Organisations
working with partners should agree on how they will raise and handle complaints
(including against each other).
Core Humanitarian Standard
Staff behaviour and codes of conduct: Organisations should have a staff code
of conduct that is endorsed by senior management and made public. A child
safeguarding policy should apply to all staff and partners, and inductions
and training should be provided on expected standards of behaviour. Staff
should know and understand the consequences of breaching the code of
conduct ⊕ see Commitments 3 and 8.
Commitment 6
Communities and people affected by crisis receive coordinated, complementary
Quality criterion
Humanitarian response is coordinated and complementary.
Performance indicators
1. Organisations minimise gaps and overlaps identified by affected communi-
ties and partners through coordinated action.
2. Responding organisations – including local organisations – share relevant
information through formal and informal coordination mechanisms.
3. Organisations coordinate needs assessments, delivery of humanitarian aid
and monitoring of aid implementation.
4. Local organisations report adequate participation and representation in
coordination mechanisms.
Key actions
6.1 Identify the roles, responsibilities, capacities and interests of different
•• Consider collaboration to optimise the capacity of communities,
host governments, donors, private sector and humanitarian organ-
isations (local, national, international) with different mandates and
•• Suggest and lead joint assessments, trainings and evaluations across
organisations and other stakeholders to ensure a more coherent
6.2 Ensure humanitarian response complements that of national and local
authorities and other humanitarian organisations.
•• Recognise that the overall planning and coordination of relief efforts is
ultimately the responsibility of the host government. Humanitarian
organisations have an essential role to play in supporting the state’s
response and coordination function.
6.3 Participate in relevant coordination bodies and collaborate with others in
order to minimise demands on communities and maximise the coverage and
service provision of the wider humanitarian effort.
•• Advocate for the application of and adherence to recognised quality
standards and guidelines through coordination. Use coordination bodies
to contextualise humanitarian standards, especially the indicators, to
collectively monitor and evaluate activities and the overall response.
•• Determine the scope of activities and commitments, as well as any
overlap with other coordination bodies and how this will be managed,
for example in relation to accountability, gender and protection
6.4 Share necessary information with partners, coordination groups and other
relevant actors through appropriate communication channels.
•• Respect the use of local language(s) in meetings and other communications.
Examine barriers to communication so that local stakeholders are enabled
to participate.
•• Communicate clearly and avoid jargon and colloquialisms, especially when
other participants do not speak the same language.
•• Provide interpreters and translators if needed.
•• Consider the location of meetings to allow local actors to participate.
•• Work with networks of local civil society organisations to ensure their
members’ contributions are included.
Organisational responsibilities
6.5 Policies and strategies include a clear commitment to coordination and
collaboration with others, including national and local authorities, without
compromising humanitarian principles.
•• Include coordination in organisational policies and resourcing strategies.
The organisation should provide a statement on how it will engage with
partners, host authorities and other humanitarian or non-humanitarian
•• Staff representing agencies in coordination meetings should have the
appropriate information, skills and authority to contribute to planning and
decision-making. Clearly articulate coordination responsibilities in staff job
6.6 Work with partners is governed by clear and consistent agreements that
respect each partner’s mandate, obligations and independence, and recog-
nises their respective constraints and commitments.
•• Local and national organisations engage or collaborate with partners with
a shared understanding of each other’s organisational mandate and mutual
roles and responsibilities, for effective and accountable action.
Core Humanitarian Standard
Guidance notes
Working with the private sector: The private sector can bring commercial efficiencies,
complementary expertise and resources to humanitarian organisations. At the very
least, information sharing is required to avoid duplication and to promote humani-
tarian good practice. Ensure that the partnering businesses have committed to core
human rights and do not have a history of perpetuating inequalities or discrimina-
tory practices. Partnerships with the private sector should ensure explicit benefits
for people affected by crisis, while recognising that private sector actors may have
additional objectives of their own.
Civil–military coordination: Humanitarian organisations must remain clearly distinct
from the military to avoid any real or perceived association with a political or military
agenda that could compromise the agencies’ impartiality, independence, credibility,
security and access to affected populations.
The military has particular expertise and resources, including those associated
with security, logistics, transport and communication. However, any association
with the military must be in the service of and led by humanitarian agencies and
according to endorsed guidelines ⊕ see What is Sphere? Humanitarian Charter and
Protection Principles. Some organisations will maintain minimum dialogue to ensure
operational efficiency, while others may establish stronger links.
The three key elements of civil–military coordination are information sharing,
planning and division of tasks. Dialogue should take place throughout, in every
context and at all levels.
Complementary assistance: Local organisations, local authorities and civil society
networks have a significant amount of context-specific experience. They may need
support in re-establishing themselves following the effects of a crisis and need to
be engaged and represented in coordination of the response effort.
Where authorities are a party to the conflict, humanitarian actors should use their
judgement regarding the authorities’ independence, keeping the interests of the
affected populations at the centre of their decision-making.
Coordination: Cross-sectoral coordination can address people’s needs holistically
rather than in isolation. For example, coordination on mental health and psycho-
social supports must be done across the health, protection and education sectors,
such as through a technical working group made up of these specialists.
Coordination leaders have a responsibility to ensure that meetings and infor-
mation sharing are well managed, efficient and results-orientated. Local actors
may not participate in coordination mechanisms if they seem to be relevant only
to international agencies, due to language or location. National and sub-national
coordination mechanisms may be required and should have clear reporting lines.
Participation in coordination mechanisms before a disaster establishes relation-
ships and enhances coordination during a response. Link emergency coordination
Commitment 7
Communities and people affected by crisis can expect delivery of improved
assistance as organisations learn from experience and reflection.
Quality criterion
Humanitarian actors continuously learn and improve.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis identify improvements to the
assistance and protection they receive over time.
2. Improvements are made to assistance and protection interventions as a
result of the learning generated in the current response.
3. The assistance and protection provided reflects learning from other responses.
Key actions
7.1 Draw on lessons learned and prior experience when designing programmes.
•• Design monitoring systems that are simple and accessible, recognising that
information should be representative of different groups, clearly articulating
who benefited from previous programmes and who did not.
•• Consider failures as well as successes.
Core Humanitarian Standard
7.2 Learn, innovate and implement changes on the basis of monitoring and
evaluation, and feedback and complaints.
•• Use open-ended listening and other qualitative participatory approaches.
People affected by crisis are the best sources of information about needs
and changes in the situation.
•• Share and discuss learning with communities, asking them what they would
like to do differently and how to strengthen their role in decision-making or
7.3 Share learning and innovation internally, with communities and people
affected by crisis, and with other stakeholders.
•• Present the information collected through monitoring and evaluation
in an accessible format that allows sharing and decision-making ⊕ see
Commitment 4.
•• Identify ways to support system-wide learning activities.
Organisational responsibilities
7.4 Evaluation and learning policies are in place, and means are available to
learn from experiences and improve practices.
•• Organisations include a performance review and improvement plan that is
based on measurable, objective indicators in their learning cycle.
•• All staff understand their responsibilities in relation to monitoring the
progress of their work and how learning can contribute to their professional
7.5 Mechanisms exist to record knowledge and experience and make it
accessible throughout the organisation.
•• Organisational learning leads to practical changes (such as improved strate-
gies for carrying out assessments, reorganisation of teams for more cohesive
response, and clearer articulation of decision-making responsibilities).
7.6 The organisation contributes to learning and innovation in humanitarian
response among peers and within the sector.
•• Compile and publish reports on humanitarian responses, including key lessons
learned and recommendations for revised practices during future responses.
Guidance notes
Learning from experience: Different approaches and methods suit different
performance, learning and accountability purposes:
Monitoring – collection of regular data sets of project activities and performance
can be used for course correction. Use qualitative and quantitative data to monitor
and evaluate; triangulate data and maintain consistent records. Consider the ethics
of how data is collected, managed and reported. Determine what data is collected
and how it is presented based on the intended use and users of the data. Do not
collect data that will not be analysed or used.
Real-time reviews – one-off assessment exercises, involving people working on
the project, can be used for course correction.
Feedback – information received from affected people, not necessarily structures,
can be used for course correction. People affected by crisis are the best judges of
changes in their lives.
After-action reviews – one-off exercises, involving people working on project,
occurring after project completion. Identifies elements to retain and change in
future projects.
Evaluations – formal activities to objectively determine the value of an activity,
project or programme, normally conducted by people external to the project, can
be real time (to allow for course correction) or occur after project completion, to
provide learning for similar situations and to inform policy.
Research – this involves systematic investigation into specific defined questions
related to humanitarian action, generally used to inform policy.
Innovation: Crisis response often leads to innovation as people and organisa-
tions adapt to changing environments. People affected by crisis are innovating
as they adapt to their own changing circumstances; they may benefit from
support that involves them more systematically in innovation and develop-
ment processes.
Collaboration and sharing of lessons: Collaborative learning with other agencies,
governmental and non-governmental bodies and academic bodies is a professional
obligation and can introduce fresh perspectives and ideas, as well as maximise the
use of limited resources. Collaboration also helps to reduce the burden of repeated
evaluations in the same community.
Peer-learning exercises have been used by a variety of organisations and
can be undertaken to monitor progress in real time or as a reflective exercise
Networks and communities of practice (including academia) can create oppor-
tunities to learn from peer groups, both in the field and in after-action reviews
or learning forums. This can make an important contribution to organisational
practice and system-wide learning. Sharing challenges as well as successes
among peers can enable humanitarians to identify risks and avoid future
Evidence that is available across sectors is particularly useful. Learning and
reviewing evidence among organisations is more likely to contribute to organ
isational change than lessons learned within a single organisation.
Core Humanitarian Standard
Commitment 8
Communities and people affected by crisis receive the assistance they
require from competent and well-managed staff and volunteers.
Quality criterion
Staff are supported to do their job effectively and are treated fairly and equitably.
Performance indicators
1. All staff feel supported by their organisation to do their work.
2. Staff satisfactorily meet their performance objectives.
3. Communities and people affected by crisis assess staff to be effective in
terms of their knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes.
4. Communities and people affected by crisis are aware of humanitarian codes
of conduct and how to raise concerns about violations.
Key actions
8.1 Staff work according to the mandate and values of the organisation and to
agreed objectives and performance standards.
•• Different terms and conditions may apply to staff of different types or levels.
National employment law often dictates the status of an individual and
must be respected. All staff members must be made aware of their legal and
organisational status, whether national or international.
8.2 Staff adhere to the policies that are relevant to them and understand the
consequences of not adhering to them.
•• The need for induction and training on organisational mandate, policies and
codes of conduct applies in all situations, including a rapid deployment or
8.3 Staff develop and use the necessary personal, technical and management
competencies to fulfil their role and understand how the organisation can
support them to do this.
•• Opportunities for formal staff development may be limited in the first phase
of response, but managers should provide an induction and on-the-job
training as a minimum.
Organisational responsibilities
8.4 The organisation has the management and staff capacity and capability to
deliver its programmes.
•• Hire people who will increase the accessibility of services and avoid any
perception of discrimination, considering language, ethnicity, gender,
disability and age.
•• Consider how the organisation will address peaks in demand for qualified
staff in advance. Clarify country-level roles and responsibilities as well as
internal decision-making responsibilities and communication.
•• Avoid deploying staff for short periods of time which leads to high staff
turnover, undermines continuity and programme quality and may lead to
staff avoiding personal responsibility for assignments.
•• Adopt ethical recruitment practices to avoid the risk of undermining local
NGO capacity.
•• Develop locally recruited staff who are likely to stay for longer periods of
time. In multi-mandated agencies, development staff should be trained and
available for humanitarian response.
8.5 Staff policies and procedures are fair, transparent, non-discriminatory and
compliant with local employment law.
•• Organisational policy and practice promotes the role of national staff at
management and leadership level to ensure continuity, institutional memory
and more contextually appropriate responses.
8.6 Job descriptions, work objectives and feedback processes are in place so
that staff have a clear understanding of what is required of them.
•• Job descriptions are accurate and kept up to date.
•• Staff develop individual objectives for work aspirations and competencies
which are documented in a development plan.
8.7 A code of conduct is in place that establishes, at a minimum, the obligation
of staff not to exploit, abuse or otherwise discriminate against people.
•• The organisation’s code of conduct is understood, signed and upheld,
making it clear to all representatives of the organisation (including staff,
volunteers, partners and contractors) what standards of behaviour are
expected and what the consequences will be if they breach the code.
Core Humanitarian Standard
8.8 Policies are in place to support staff to improve their skills and competencies.
8.9 Policies are in place for the security and the well-being of staff.
Guidance notes
Staff and volunteers: Any designated representative of the organisation, including
national, international, permanent or short-term employees, as well as volunteers
and consultants, is considered to be a member of staff.
Organisations should sensitise staff and volunteers to raise awareness of
marginalised groups and avoid stigmatising and discriminatory attitudes and
Adhering to organisational mandates, values and policies: Staff are expected to
work within the legal scope, mission, values and vision of the organisation, which
should be defined and communicated to them. Beyond this wider understanding
of the role and ways of working of the organisation, an individual should work
to a set of personal objectives and the performance expectations agreed with
their manager.
Policies should make explicit commitments to gender balance with staff and
Policies should promote a work environment that is open, inclusive and access
ible to persons with disabilities. This might include: identifying and eliminating
barriers to accessibility in the workplace; prohibiting discrimination on the basis
of disability; promoting equal opportunities and equal remuneration for work
of equal value; and providing reasonable adjustments for persons with disabilities
in the workplace.
External partners, contractors and services providers should also know the
policies and codes of conduct that apply to them, as well as the consequences
of non-compliance (such as termination of contracts).
Core Humanitarian Standard
are as important, if not more important than, the skills of personnel in ensuring an
effective response.
Security and well-being: Staff often work long hours in risky and stressful
conditions. An agency’s duty of care to its national and international staff
includes actions to promote mental and physical well-being and avoid long-
term exhaustion, burnout, injury or illness.
Managers can promote a duty of care through modelling good practice and person-
ally complying with policy. Humanitarian workers also need to take personal
responsibility for managing their well-being. Psychological first aid should be
immediately available to workers who have experienced or witnessed extremely
distressing events.
Train staff to receive information on incidents of sexual violence experienced
by their colleagues. Provide access to robust investigative and deterrence meas-
ures that promote trust and accountability. When incidents do occur, adopt a
survivor-centred approach to medical and psychosocial support, which includes
recognition of vicarious trauma. Support should be responsive to and inclusive of
the needs of expatriate and national staff.
A culturally and linguistically appropriate mental health professional should
contact all national and international staff and volunteers one to three months
after they have survived a potentially traumatic event. The professional should
assess the survivor and refer them for clinical treatment if appropriate.
Commitment 9
Communities and people affected by crisis can expect that the organisations
assisting them are managing resources effectively, efficiently and ethically.
Quality criterion
Resources are managed and used responsibly for their intended purpose.
Performance indicators
1. Communities and people affected by crisis are aware of community-level
budgets, expenditures and results achieved.
2. Communities and people affected by crisis consider that the available
resources are being used:
a. for what they were intended; and
b. without diversion or wastage.
3. The resources obtained for the response are used and monitored according
to agreed plans, targets, budgets and time frames.
4. Humanitarian response is delivered in a way that is cost-effective.
Key actions
9.1 Design programmes and implement processes to ensure the efficient
use of resources, balancing quality, cost and timeliness at each phase of
the response.
•• Adapt procedures in rapid-onset crises to enable faster financial decision-
making and cope with challenges (for example, a lack of available suppliers to
carry out competitive tenders).
9.2 Manage and use resources to achieve their intended purpose, minimising
•• Ensure staff with specific skills and systems are in place to manage risks
related to procurement, cash-based assistance and stock management.
9.3 Monitor and report expenditure against budget.
9.4 When using local and natural resources, consider their impact on the
•• Conduct a rapid environmental impact assessment to determine risk and
put mitigating measures in place as early as possible in the response or
9.5 Manage the risk of corruption and take appropriate action if it is identified.
Organisational responsibilities
9.6 Policies and processes governing the use and management of resources are
in place, including how the organisation:
a. accepts and allocates funds and gifts-in-kind ethically and legally;
b. uses its resources in an environmentally responsible way;
c. prevents and addresses corruption, fraud, conflicts of interest and
misuse of resources;
d. conducts audits, verifies compliance and reports transparently;
e. assesses, manages and mitigates risk on an ongoing basis; and
f. ensures that the acceptance of resources does not compromise its
Core Humanitarian Standard
Guidance notes
Efficient use of resources: The term “resources” refers to the inputs an organisation
needs to deliver its mission. This includes but is not limited to funds, staff, goods,
equipment, time, land and the environment in general.
In high-profile acute crises, there is often pressure to respond quickly and to
demonstrate that agencies are doing something to address the situation. This
can lead to poor project planning and insufficient emphasis on exploring different
potential programme and financial options (for example, the use of cash-based
assistance) that may offer better value for money. However, the elevated risk of
corruption in these contexts means it is important to provide training and support
to staff and establish complaints mechanisms to prevent corruption within the
systems ⊕ see Commitments 3 and 5.
Deploying experienced senior staff during this time can help to mitigate the risks
and strike a balance between providing a timely response, maintaining standards
and limiting waste.
Collaboration and coordination between organisations (and communities)
can also contribute to a more efficient response (for example, by conducting
joint assessments or evaluations and supporting interagency registration and
logistics systems).
At the end of the project, the assets and resources that remain will need to be
donated, sold or returned responsibly.
Using resources for their intended purpose: All humanitarian actors are accountable
to both donors and affected people and should be able to demonstrate that
resources have been used wisely, efficiently and to good effect.
Accounting records should satisfy accepted national and/or international standards
and should be applied systematically within the organisation.
Fraud, corruption and waste divert resources away from those who need them
most. However, an intervention that is not effective because it is understaffed or
under-resourced cannot be said to be accountable. Economical does not always
equal value for money. A balance will often need to be struck between economy,
effectiveness and efficiency.
Monitoring and reporting on expenditure: All staff members share responsibility
for ensuring that finances are well managed. Staff are encouraged to report any
suspected fraud, corruption or misuse of resources.
Environmental impact and use of natural resources: Humanitarian responses
can have negative impacts on the environment. For example, they can produce
large amounts of waste, degrade natural resources, contribute to the depletion
or contamination of the water table and cause deforestation and other envi-
ronmental hazards. Ecosystems are essential to human well-being and buffer
Core Humanitarian Standard
Creating a culture where people feel that they can openly discuss and declare any
potential or actual conflicts of interest is key to managing them.
Auditing and transparency: Audits can take several forms. Internal audits check
that procedures are being followed. External audits verify whether the organ
isation’s financial statements are true and fair. An investigative audit is executed
when an organisation suspects a specific problem, usually fraud.
Appendix – Guiding questions for monitoring Key actions and Organisational responsibilities
Guiding questions for monitoring
key actions and organisational responsibilities
Below are some guiding questions related to the Core Humanitarian Standard’s
key actions and organisational responsibilities. These questions can be used
to support programme design or as a tool for reviewing a project, response
or policy.
Core Humanitarian Standard
5. Does the organisation have the funding, staffing policies and programmatic
flexibility to allow it to adapt the response to changing needs?
6. Does the organisation systematically carry out market analysis to determine
the appropriate forms of assistance?
Appendix – Guiding questions for monitoring Key actions and Organisational responsibilities
4. Are strategies and actions to reduce risk and build resilience designed in
consultation with, or guided by, affected people and communities?
5. In what ways (both formal and informal) are local leaders and/or authorities
consulted to ensure response strategies are in line with local and/or national
6. Are staff sufficiently supportive of local initiatives, including community-based
self-help initiatives, particularly for marginalised and minority groups, first
response and building capacities for future response?
7. Is the response designed to facilitate early recovery?
8. Is there progressive ownership and decision-making by local people?
9. Has a market assessment been completed, to identify possible impacts of
the programme on the local economy?
10. Has a clear transition and/or exit strategy been developed in consultation
with affected people and other relevant stakeholders?
Core Humanitarian Standard
4. Are all groups within the affected community aware of how to give
feedback on the humanitarian response, and do they feel safe using
those channels?
5. Is feedback used? Can the programme point to elements that have been
changed based on feedback? ⊕ See Key actions 1.3 and 2.5.
6. Are barriers to giving feedback identified and addressed?
7. Is data that is provided through feedback mechanisms disaggregated by sex,
age, disability and other relevant categories?
8. Where assistance is provided through electronic transfers, are feedback
channels available to people, even where there is no direct contact
with staff?
Appendix – Guiding questions for monitoring Key actions and Organisational responsibilities
4. Are there agreed and respected time frames for investigating and resolving
complaints? Is the time between when a complaint is filed and its resolution
5. Are complaints about sexual exploitation, abuse and discrimination investi-
gated immediately by staff with relevant competencies and an appropriate
level of authority?
Core Humanitarian Standard
Appendix – Guiding questions for monitoring Key actions and Organisational responsibilities
3. Do staff policies and procedures comply with local employment law and
follow recognised good practice in managing staff?
4. Do staff security and well-being policies cover the practical and psycho-
social needs of local staff who may have been personally affected by
the crisis?
5. Are soft skills that support the ability of staff to listen to and account for
feedback from people affected by crisis taken into consideration when
recruiting, training and appraising staff?
6. Do all staff have updated job descriptions and objectives, including specific
7. Is the compensation and benefits structure fair, transparent and consistently
8. Are all staff inducted and updated on performance management and staff
development policies and procedures?
9. Are all staff (and contractors) required to sign a code of conduct (that covers
the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse) and provided with an
appropriate induction on the code of conduct?
10. Is there a clear statement/clause/code of conduct included in the contract
with financial service providers and commercial actors to prevent sexual and
other exploitation?
11. Does the organisation have location-specific guidelines for an internal
complaints-handling mechanism? Are these known to staff?
12. Do staff members understand, recognise and respond to discrimination in
their own programmes and activities?
Commitment 9 Communities and people affected by crisis can expect that the
organisations assisting them are managing resources effectively, efficiently
and ethically.
Core Humanitarian Standard
References and further reading
Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS). Global Child Protection Working Group,
2010. http://cpwg.net
Complaints Mechanism Handbook. ALNAP, Danish Refugee Council, 2008.
Guidelines on Setting Up a Community Based Complaints Mechanism Regarding
SexualExploitation and Abuse by UN and non-UN Personnel. PSEA Task Force, IASC
Taskforce, 2009. www.pseataskforce.org
Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities. Age and
Disability Consortium, 2018. www.refworld.org
Lewis, T. Financial Management Essentials: Handbook for NGOs. Mango, 2015.
Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS). LEGS Project, 2014.
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS). SEEP Network, 2017.
Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Recovery and Response. The Inter-
Agency Network for Education in Emergencies INEE, 2010. www.ineesite.org
Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA). The Cash Learning Partnership
(CaLP), 2017. www.cashlearning.org
Munyas Ghadially, B. Putting Accountability into Practice. Resource Centre, Save
the Children, 2013. http://resourcecentre.savethechildren.se
Top Tips for Financial Governance. Mango, 2013. www.mango.org
Core Humanitarian Standard
Humanitarian Needs Assessment: The Good Enough Guide. ACAPS and ECB, 2014.
Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment Manual (revised July 2015). IASC, 2015.
Participatory assessment, in Participation Handbook for Humanitarian Field Workers
(Chapter 7). ALNAP and Groupe URD, 2009. http://urd.org
Cash-based response
Blake, M. Propson, D. Monteverde, C. Principles on Public-Private Cooperation in
Humanitarian Payments. CaLP, World Economic Forum, 2017.
Cash or in-kind? Why not both? Response Analysis Lessons from Multimodal
Programming. Cash Learning Partnership, July 2017. www.cashlearning.org
Martin-Simpson, S. Grootenhuis, F. Jordan, S. Monitoring4CTP: Monitoring Guidance
for CTP in Emergencies. Cash Learning Partnership, 2017.
Child Safeguarding Standards and how to implement them. Keeping Children Safe,
2014. www.keepingchildrensafe.org
Knox Clarke, P. Campbell, L. Exploring Coordination in Humanitarian Clusters.
ALNAP, 2015. https://reliefweb.int
Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at the Country Level. Humanitarian
Response, IASC, 2015. www.humanitarianresponse.info
References and further reading
Environment and Humanitarian Action: Increasing Effectiveness, Sustainability and
Accountability. UN OCHA/UNEP, 2014. www.unocha.org
The Environmental Emergencies Guidelines, 2nd edition. Environment Emergencies
Centre, 2017. www.eecentre.org
Training toolkit: Integrating the environment into humanitarian action and early recovery.
UNEP, Groupe URD. http://postconflict.unep.ch
Mazurana, D. Benelli, P. Gupta, H. Walker, P. Sex and Age Matter: Improving
Humanitarian Response in Emergencies. ALNAP, 2011, Feinstein International Center,
Tufts University.
Women, Girls, Boys and Men: Different Needs, Equal Opportunities, A Gender Handbook
for Humanitarian Action. IASC, 2006. https://interagencystandingcommittee.org
Gender-based violence
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action:
Reducing risk, promoting resilience, and aiding recovery. GBV Guidelines, IASC, 2015.
Handbook for Coordinating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian
Settings. United Nations, UNICEF, November 2010. https://www.un.org
Core Humanitarian Standard
Sphere for Monitoring and Evaluation. The Sphere Project, March 2015.
Slim, H. Bonwick, A. Protection: An ALNAP Guide for Humanitarian Agencies. ALNAP,
2005. www.alnap.org
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards. SEEP Network, 2017.
Reaching Resilience: Handbook Resilience 2.0 for Aid Practitioners and Policymakers
in Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Poverty Reduction. Reaching
Resilience, 2013. www.reachingresilience.org
Turnbull, M. Sterret, C. Hilleboe, A. Toward Resilience, A Guide to Disaster Risk Reduction
and Climate Change Adaptation. Catholic Relief Services, 2013. www.crs.org
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to www.spherestandards.org/handbook/
Further reading
Further reading
Hees, R. Ahlendorf, M. Debere, S. Handbook of Good Practices: Preventing Corruption in
Humanitarian Operations. Transparency International, 2010. www.transparency.org/
Value for Money: What it Means for UK NGOs (background paper). Bond, 2012.
Environment and Humanitarian Action (factsheet). OCHA and UNEP, 2014. www.
Core Humanitarian Standard
Water Supply,
and Hygiene
Protection Core
Principles Humanitarian
Hygiene Water Excreta Vector Solid waste
outbreaks and
promotion supply management control management
Standard 1.1 Standard 2.1 Standard 3.1 Standard 4.1 Standard 5.1 Standard 6
Hygiene Access and Environment Vector control Environment WASH in
promotion water quantity free from at settlement free from solid healthcare
human excreta level waste settings
Standard 1.2 Standard 2.2 Standard 3.2 Standard 4.2 Standard 5.2
Identification, Water quality Access to and Household and Household and
access and use of toilets personal personal
use of hygiene actions to actions to
items control vectors safely manage
solid waste
APPENDIX 1 Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion initial needs assessment checklist
APPENDIX 2 The F diagram: Faecal–oral transmission of diarrhoeal diseases
APPENDIX 3 Minimum water quantities: survival figures and quantifying water needs
APPENDIX 4 Minimum numbers of toilets: community, public places and institutions
APPENDIX 5 Water- and sanitation-related diseases
APPENDIX 6 Household water treatment and storage decision tree
Essential concepts in water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion...................92
Water supply, sanitation, and hygiene promotion standards:
1. Hygiene promotion....................................................................................................96
2. Water supply............................................................................................................. 105
3. Excreta management............................................................................................. 113
4. Vector control........................................................................................................... 121
5. Solid waste management..................................................................................... 126
6. WASH in disease outbreaks and healthcare settings................................. 131
Appendix 1: Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion initial
needs assessment checklist..........................................................................139
Appendix 2: The F diagram: faecal–oral transmission
of diarrhoeal diseases.................................................................................... 144
Appendix 3: Minimum water quantities: survival figures
and quantifying water needs....................................................................... 145
Appendix 4: Minimum numbers of toilets: community, public places
and institutions................................................................................................. 146
Appendix 5: Water- and sanitation-related diseases ................................................. 147
Appendix 6: Household water treatment and storage decision tree...................... 150
References and further reading............................................................................................ 151
for WASH & other
community priorities INFORMATION +
Practical, appropriate for
COMMUNITY context, and delivered
COLLABORATION ENGAGEMENT through diverse channels.
Content on access to
with national, services & reducing risk
international & local
actors to influence
with staff, partners, and
MONITORING, communities
+ LEARNING Increase community
Analyse monitoring data, ownership, ACCOUNTABILITY
share with communities decision-making, and Welcome and address
and agree adaptations of control over processes, complaints. Use power
programme where facilities, services responsibly
External engagement
WASH Community Engagement (Figure 4)
The right to water and sanitation is part of the universal rights essential for human
survival and dignity, and state and non-state actors have responsibilities to fulfil
the right. During armed conflict, for example, attacking, destroying, removing or
making water installations or irrigation works useless is prohibited.
Water use affects protection. Armed conflict and inequity affect water security for
individuals and groups. Multiple demands for water for consumption and domestic
and livelihoods purposes can cause protection concerns if short- and long-term
activities are not designed appropriately. Protection in WASH responses is often
considered from the perspective of personal protection and safety, recognising
particular vulnerability during water collection, defecation or menstrual hygiene
management. Such personal protection elements are essential, but wider protec
tion concerns are fundamental, too. Simple measures from the start, such as locks
on toilet doors, adequate lighting and facilities segregation can reduce the risk of
abuse or violence.
Adapted and inclusive programming is essential to avoid discrimination, reduce
potential risks and improve usage or quality of services. For example, ensure that
persons with disabilities can access hygiene facilities, and that women or children
have appropriately sized containers in which to carry water. Engaging individuals
and communities in all stages of the response can help incorporate protection
considerations into WASH programmes.
Aid workers should be trained on child safeguarding and know how to use refe
rral systems for suspected cases of violence, abuse or exploitation, including
of children.
Civil–military cooperation and coordination should be carefully considered for
humanitarian organisations, particularly in conflicts. Perceptions of neutrality
and impartiality may affect community acceptance. Humanitarian organ
isations may have to accept military help in some situations, for example in
transportation and distribution. However the impact on humanitarian princi
ples must be carefully considered and efforts made to mitigate protection risks
⊕ see Humanitarian Charter, and Settings with domestic and international military
forces in What is Sphere?
In applying the Minimum Standards, all nine Commitments in the Core
Humanitarian Standard should be respected as a foundation for providing an
accountable WASH programme.
1. Hygiene promotion
Diseases related to water, sanitation and hygiene cause significant preventa
ble sickness and death in crises. Hygiene promotion that supports behaviours,
community engagement, and actions to reduce the risk of disease is fundamental
to a successful WASH response.
A standardised approach that relies mostly on teaching messages and distributing
hygiene items is unlikely to be very effective. Risks–and the perception of risks–
vary across contexts. People have different life experiences, coping strategies,
and cultural and behavioural norms. It is important to adapt approaches based
on analysis of these factors as well as context. Effective hygiene promotion
relies on:
Hygiene promotion should build on people’s own knowledge of risk and disease
prevention to promote positive health-seeking behaviour.
Monitor activities and outcomes regularly to ensure that hygiene promotion
and WASH programmes evolve. Coordinate with health actors to monitor
the incidence of WASH-related diseases such as diarrhoeal disease, cholera,
typhoid, trachoma, intestinal worms and schistosomiasis ⊕ see Essential
healthcare – communicable diseases standards 2.1.1 to 2.1.4 and Health systems
standard 1.5.
Key actions
1 Identify the main public health risks and the current hygiene practices that
contribute to these risks.
•• Develop a community profile to determine which individuals and groups are
vulnerable to which WASH-related risks and why.
•• Identify factors that can motivate positive behaviours and preventive
2 Work with the affected population to design and manage hygiene promotion
and the wider WASH response.
•• Develop a communications strategy using both mass media and community
dialogue to share practical information.
•• Identify and train influential individuals, community groups and outreach workers.
3 Use community feedback and health surveillance data to adapt and improve
hygiene promotion.
•• Monitor access to and use of WASH facilities, and how hygiene promotion
activities affect behaviour and practice.
•• Adapt activities and identify unmet needs.
Key indicators
Percentage of affected households who correctly describe three measures to
prevent WASH-related diseases
Percentage of target population who correctly cite two critical times for
Percentage of affected households where soap and water are available for
Percentage of affected population who collect water from improved water sources
Percentage of carers who report that they dispose of children’s excreta safely
Percentage of people who have provided feedback and say that their feedback
was used to adapt and improve WASH facilities and services
Guidance notes
Understanding and managing WASH risks: Prioritising and reducing WASH risks
in the initial phase of a crisis can be challenging. Focus on the use of safe water,
excreta management and handwashing, as these are likely to have the greatest
to ensure they are understandable across differences in age, sex, education level
and language.
Community-level dialogue is useful for problem solving and action planning.
Mass media can reinforce general information with a broader reach. Both are
useful if targeted at specific audiences. Design appropriate feedback mech
anisms with users and monitor their effectiveness. Communicate feedback to
the community, encouraging them to respond in turn ⊕ see Core Humanitarian
Standard Commitment 5.
Handwashing with soap is an important way to prevent transmission of diarrhoeal
diseases. Handwashing facilities need a regular supply of water, soap and safe
drainage. Position facilities so that handwashing happens before touching
food (eating, preparing food or feeding a child) and after contact with excreta
(after using the toilet or cleaning a child’s bottom) ⊕ see Water supply standard 2.2:
Water quality.
Promoting the use of toilets: A key issue for hygiene promotion staff is the inclu
sive use of excreta disposal facilities and materials. In addition to concerns about
cleanliness and smell, major deterrents for people using toilets are embarrass
ment, cultural taboos, physical accessibility and concerns about privacy and safety
⊕ see Excreta management standard 3.2: Access to and use of toilets.
Collecting, transporting and storing drinking water safely is key to reducing
contamination risks. Households need separate containers for collecting and
storing drinking water ⊕ see Hygiene promotion standard 1.2 and Water supply
standards 2.1 and 2.2.
People on the move: Find opportunities to engage with people on the move, either by
travelling with them temporarily or meeting them at rest areas. Use communication
channels such as radio, SMS, social media groups and free hotlines to provide hygiene
information and solicit feedback. Design the “household items” package to support
this by including mobile phones or solar chargers, which will also enable people to
communicate with their families, access information and provide feedback.
Key actions
1 Identify the essential hygiene items that individuals, households and
communities need.
•• Consider different needs of men and women, older people, children and
persons with disabilities.
2 Provide timely access to essential items.
•• Assess availability of items through local, regional or international markets.
3 Work with affected populations, local authorities and other actors to plan
how people will collect or buy hygiene items.
•• Provide information about timing, location, content and intended recipients
of cash-based assistance and/or hygiene items.
•• Coordinate with other sectors to provide cash-based assistance and/or
hygiene items and decide on distribution mechanisms.
4 Seek feedback from affected people on the appropriateness of the
hygiene items chosen and their satisfaction with the mechanism for
accessing them.
Key indicators
All affected households have access to the minimum quantity of essential
hygiene items:
•• two water containers per household (10–20 litres; one for collection, one
for storage);
•• 250 grams of soap for bathing per person per month;
•• 200 grams of soap for laundry per person per month;
•• Soap and water at a handwashing station (one station per shared toilet or
one per household); and
•• Potty, scoop or nappies to dispose of children’s faeces.
Guidance notes
Identify essential items: Adapt hygiene items and hygiene kits to the culture
and context. Prioritise essential items in the initial phase (such as soap, water
containers, and menstruation and incontinence materials) over the “nice to
have” items (such as hair brush, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush). Some
groups will have specific requirements ⊕ see Guidance notes - At-risk groups
Water containers: Identify 10–20-litre water containers for collecting and
storing drinking and domestic water. The size and type of containers should be
appropriate for the age and carrying capacity of those who usually collect water.
Containers should have lids, be clean and covered. Storage containers should
have a narrow neck or tap to ensure safe collection, storage and consumption of
drinking water.
If the water supply is intermittent, provide larger storage containers. In urban
settings or where supplies are centralised, household storage should be
enough for ordinary consumption (including peak consumption, where relevant)
between refills.
At-risk groups: Some people will need different or greater quantities of personal
hygiene items because of their age, health status, disability, mobility or incon
tinence. Persons with disabilities or who face barriers to mobility may need
additional items. This includes extra soap, incontinence items, water containers,
bed pans, a commode chair or plastic covers for mattresses. Ask people or their
carers if they need help collecting and disposing of their waste in a way that
respects their dignity. Consult with them and their families or carers on the most
appropriate support.
Market-based programming for hygiene items: Provision of hygiene items
should support local markets where possible (for example by providing cash or
vouchers or improving warehouse infrastructure). A market assessment and
household income analysis, including gender roles in expenditure decisions,
should inform the plans for access and use of hygiene items. Monitor whether
or not the market is providing the quantity and quality of products, and adjust if
necessary ⊕ see Delivering assistance through markets.
Distribution: Prioritise the safety and security of the population when organising
any distribution ⊕ see Protection Principle 1.
Set up a dedicated distribution team. Inform people in advance of the timing,
location, list of items and any eligibility criteria. Counter discrimination or
stigmatisation and, if necessary, distribute to households or through separate
distribution lines. Identify and address any barriers to accessing distribution
locations or distribution systems, specifically for women and girls, older people
and persons with disabilities.
Replenish consumables: Establish a reliable regular supply of consumables such as
soap and menstruation and incontinence materials.
Coordination of joint distributions: Plan shared community consultations to
understand needs and coping mechanisms across sectors. Address multiple
needs at the same time for the convenience of the target population and to save
time and money across sectors. Ensure that households can safely transport
home all their items following distribution.
People on the move: Where people are on the move, confirm transportability of
hygiene items (such as travel-sized soap). Let people select the items they want,
rather than issuing standardised kits. Establish a system to collect and dispose of
packaging waste where people are on the move.
Key actions
1 Understand the practices, social norms and myths concerning menstrual
hygiene management and incontinence management, and adapt hygiene
supplies and facilities.
2 Consult women, girls and people with incontinence on the design, siting
and management of facilities (toilets, bathing, laundry, disposal and
water supply).
3 Provide access to appropriate menstrual hygiene management and
incontinence materials, soap (for bathing, laundry and handwashing) and
other hygiene items.
•• For distributions, provide supplies in discrete locations to ensure dignity and
reduce stigma, and demonstrate proper usage for any unfamiliar items.
Key indicators
Percentage of women and girls of menstruating age provided with access to
appropriate materials for menstrual hygiene management
Guidance notes
Addressing menstrual hygiene management and incontinence in crises: Successfully
managing menstrual hygiene and incontinence helps people to live with dignity
and engage in daily activities. In addition to providing access to hygiene items, it
is important to consult with users about disposal mechanisms at home as well as
in communal facilities and institutions such as schools. Toilet facilities should be
adapted and space provided for laundry and drying facilities ⊕ see Excreta manage-
ment standards 3.1 and 3.2.
Taboos about menstruation: Menstruation beliefs, norms and taboos will affect the
success of the response. Investigating these issues may not be possible during the
initial or acute phase of the crisis, but it should be done as soon as possible.
Incontinence may not be a widely used term in some contexts, even within the
medical profession. Incontinence is a complex health and social issue that occurs
when a person is unable to control the flow of their urine or faeces. It can lead to a
high level of stigma, social isolation, stress and an inability to access services, educa
tion and work opportunities. Prevalence may seem low, as many people will keep it a
secret, yet a wide range of people may live with incontinence. This includes:
•• older people;
•• persons with disabilities and those facing mobility barriers;
•• women who have given birth–including girls, who are at increased risk
of fistula;
•• people with chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, stroke or cancer;
•• girls and women who have experienced gender-based violence or have
undergone female genital mutilation;
•• people who have had surgery such as removal of the prostate;
•• women going through the menopause; and
•• young children and children psychologically affected by conflict or disaster.
•• a dedicated container with lid for soaking cloths and storing pads/cloths; and
•• rope and pegs for drying.
Water supply
2. Water supply
Inadequate water quantity and quality is the underlying cause of most public
health problems in crisis situations. There may not be sufficient water available to
meet basic needs, so supplying a survival level of safe drinking water is essential.
The priority is to provide an adequate quantity of water, even if it is of intermediate
quality. This may be necessary until Minimum Standards for both water quantity
and quality are met.
Taps, wells and pipes often fall into disrepair due to conflict, natural disaster or
lack of functional maintenance systems. In conflict, depriving access to water
may be used as an intentional strategy by parties to the conflict. This is strictly
prohibited in international humanitarian law.
Consult community members and relevant stakeholders to understand how they
use and access water, whether there are any access limitations, and how these
may change seasonally.
Key actions
1 Identify the most appropriate groundwater or surface water sources, taking
account of potential environmental impacts.
•• Consider seasonal variations in water supply and demand, and mechanisms
for accessing drinking water, domestic water and water for livelihoods.
•• Understand different sources of water, suppliers and operators, and access
to water within communities and households.
2 Determine how much water is required and the systems needed to deliver it.
•• Work with stakeholders to locate waterpoints that allow safe and equitable
access for all community members.
•• Establish operation and maintenance systems that assign clear responsi
bilities and include future needs for sustainable access.
3 Ensure appropriate waterpoint drainage at household and communal
washing, bathing and cooking areas and handwashing facilities.
•• Look for opportunities to reuse water, such as for vegetable gardens,
brick-making or irrigation.
Key indicators
Average volume of water used for drinking and domestic hygiene per household
•• Minimum of 15 litres per person per day
•• Determine quantity based on context and phase of response
Percentage of household income used to buy water for drinking and domestic
•• Target 5 per cent or less
Percentage of targeted households who know where and when they will next
get their water
Guidance notes
Water source selection should consider:
•• availability, safety, proximity and sustainability of a sufficient quantity
of water;
•• need for and feasibility of water treatment, whether bulk or at household
level; and
•• social, political or legal factors affecting the source control of water sources
might be controversial, especially during conflicts.
A combination of approaches and sources is often required in the initial phase of a
crisis to meet survival needs. Surface water sources, despite requiring more treat
ment, may be the quickest solution. Groundwater sources and/or gravity-flow
supplies from springs are preferable. They require less treatment, and gravity-flow
does not require pumping. Monitor all sources regularly to avoid over-extraction
⊕ see Shelter and settlement standard 2: Location and settlement planning.
Water supply
Needs: The quantity of water needed for drinking, hygiene and domestic use
depends upon the context and phase of a response. It will be influenced by factors
such as pre-crisis use and habits, excreta containment design and cultural habits
⊕ see Understanding and managing WASH risks in Hygiene promotion standard 1.1 and
Excreta management standard 3.2.
A minimum of 15 litres per person per day is established practice. It is never a
“maximum” and may not suit all contexts or phases of a response. For example,
it is not appropriate where people may be displaced for many years. In the acute
phase of a drought, 7.5 litres per person per day may be appropriate for a short
time. In an urban middle-income context, 50 litres per person per day may be the
minimum acceptable amount to maintain health and dignity.
The consequences of providing different quantities of water should be reviewed
against morbidity and mortality rates for WASH-related diseases. Coordinate with
other WASH actors to agree on a common minimum for quantity in context. For
guidance on determining water quantities for human, livestock, institutional and
other uses ⊕ see Essential healthcare – communicable diseases standards 2.1.1 to 2.1.4
and WASH Appendix 3. For emergency livestock water needs ⊕ see LEGS Handbook.
Minimum basic survival water needs: Water needs will vary within the population,
particularly for persons with disabilities or facing mobility barriers, and among
groups with different religious practices.
Measurement: Do not simply divide the quantity of delivered water by the popu
lation served. Household surveys, observation and community discussion groups
are more effective methods of collecting data on water use and consumption than
measuring the volume of water trucked or pumped, or handpump use. Triangulate
water system reports with household reports.
Access and equity: Waterpoints include communal bathing, cooking and laundry
facilities and toilets, as well as institutional settings such as schools or health
The minimum quantity targets (see key indicators above) assume that the
waterpoint is accessible for about 8 hours a day of constant water supply.
Use these targets with caution, as they do not guarantee a minimum quantity
of water or equitable access.
Water and sanitation responses should address the needs of both host and
displaced populations equitably to avoid tension and conflict.
During design, consider that needs vary across age groups and sex, as well as
for persons with disabilities or those facing mobility barriers. Locate accessible
waterpoints sufficiently close to households to limit exposure to any protec
tion risks.
Inform the affected population of when and where to expect the delivery of water,
their entitlement to equitable distribution, and how to give feedback.
Round-trip and queuing time: Excessive round-trip and queuing times indicate
an inadequate number of waterpoints or inadequate yields at water sources.
This can lead to reduced individual water consumption and increased consump
tion from unprotected surface sources, and result in less time for tasks such
as education or income-generating activities. Queuing time also affects the risk
of violence at the tap stand ⊕ see Protection Principle 1 and Core Humanitarian
Standard Commitment 1.
Appropriate water containers: ⊕ See Hygiene promotion standard 1.2: Identification,
access to and use of hygiene items. Where household-level water treatment and
safe storage (HWTSS) is used, adjust the number and size of containers. For exam
ple, a coagulant, flocculation and disinfection process will require two buckets,
a straining cloth and a stirrer.
Market-based programming for water: Analyse how households accessed water
and containers before and after the crisis. This simple market assessment should
inform decisions about how to provide sustainable access to water in the short
and long term. Determine how to use, support and develop the water market,
considering a combined approach of household cash-based assistance, grants and
technical capacity building with vendors or suppliers, or other means. Track the
monthly market prices (water, fuel) for household expenditure over time, and use
these trends to inform changes in programme design ⊕ see Delivering assistance
through markets.
Payment: Water costs should be no more than 3–5 per cent of household income.
Be aware of how households are covering higher costs during the crisis and take
steps to counter negative coping mechanisms ⊕ see Protection Principle 1. Ensure
that finance systems are managed in a transparent way.
Management of the water systems and infrastructure: Work with the community
and other stakeholders to decide on the siting, design and use of waterpoints
(both immediate and long-term plans). This includes bathing, cooking and laundry
facilities, toilets, and institutions such as schools, markets and health facilities.
Use feedback to adapt and improve access to water facilities.
Consider the previous and current water governance structures, the ability and
willingness of people to pay for water and sanitation services, and cost-recovery
Water supply
Key actions
1 Identify public health risks associated with the water available and the most
appropriate way to reduce them.
•• Protect water sources and regularly renew sanitary surveys at source and
water points.
2 Determine the most appropriate method for ensuring safe drinking water at
point of consumption or use.
•• Treatment options include bulk water treatment and distribution, with safe
collection and storage at the household level, or household-level water
treatment and safe storage.
3 Minimise post-delivery water contamination at point of consumption or use.
•• Equip households with safe containers to collect and store drinking water,
and the means to safely draw water for drinking.
•• Measure water quality parameters (free residual chlorine (FRC) and coliform-
forming units (CFU)) at point of delivery and point of consumption or use.
Key indicators
Percentage of affected people who collect drinking water from protected
water sources
Guidance notes
Maintaining a safe water chain: Water-related diseases pose a risk to the integ
rity of the water chain. The barriers to faecal–oral transmission include excreta
containment, covering food, handwashing at key times, and safe collection and
storage of water ⊕ see Hygiene promotion standard 1.1; Excreta management
standard 3.2 and Appendix 2: The F diagram.
A risk assessment of the water chain, from the water source to the drinking water
storage container, includes:
Where there is a high likelihood of unsafe water, these actions can highlight
apparent risks without carrying out labour-intensive household water-quality
A sanitary survey assesses conditions and practices that may constitute a
public health risk at the water point. It considers the structure of the water point,
Water supply
Household-level water treatment and safe storage (HWTSS): Use HWTSS when a
centrally operated water treatment system is not possible. HWTSS options that
reduce diarrhoea and improve the microbiological quality of stored household
water include boiling, chlorination, solar disinfection, ceramic filtration, slow
sand filtration, membrane filtration, and flocculation and disinfection. Work with
other sectors to agree household fuel requirements and access for boiling water.
Avoid introducing an unfamiliar water treatment option in crises and in epidemics.
Effective use of HWTSS options requires regular follow-up, support and moni
toring, and is a prerequisite to adopting HWTSS as an alternative water treatment
approach ⊕ see Appendix 6: Household water treatment and storage decision tree.
Water quality for institutions: Treat all water supplies for schools, hospitals,
health centres and feeding centres with chlorine or another residual disinfectant
⊕ see Appendix 3: Minimum water quantities: survival figures and quantifying
water needs.
Chemical and radiological contamination: Where hydrogeological records or
knowledge of industrial or military action suggest that water supplies may
carry chemical or radiological public health risks, carry out a chemical analysis.
A decision to use possibly contaminated water for longer-term supplies should
only follow a thorough analysis of the health implications and validation with
the local authorities.
Excreta management
3. Excreta management
An environment free of human excreta is essential for people’s dignity, safety,
health and well-being. This includes the natural environment as well as the living,
learning and working environments. Safe excreta management is a WASH priority.
In crisis situations, it is as important as providing a safe water supply.
All people should have access to appropriate, safe, clean and reliable toilets.
Defaecation with dignity is a highly personal matter. Appropriateness is deter
mined by cultural practices, people’s daily customs and habits, perceptions, and
whether individuals have used sanitation facilities before. Uncontrolled human
defaecation constitutes a high risk to health, particularly where population density
is high, where people are displaced, and in wet or humid environments.
Different terms are used in the WASH sector to define excreta management
facilities. In this Handbook, “toilet” means any facility or device that immediately
contains excreta and creates the first barrier between people and the waste ⊕ see
Appendix 2: The F diagram. The word “toilet” is used in place of the word “latrine”
throughout the Handbook.
Containment of human excreta away from people creates an initial barrier to
excreta-related disease by reducing direct and indirect routes of disease trans
mission ⊕ see Appendix 2: The F diagram. Excreta containment should be integrated
with collection, transport, treatment and disposal to minimise public health risks
and environmental impact.
Evidence of human faeces in the living, learning and working environment can
indicate protection issues. People may not feel safe using facilities, especially in
densely populated areas.
For this chapter, “human excreta” is defined as waste matter discharged from the
body, especially faeces, urine and menstrual waste. The standards in this section
cover the whole excreta chain, from initial containment to ultimate treatment.
Key actions
1 Establish facilities in newly constructed communal settlements or
those with substantially damaged infrastructure to immediately contain
2 Decontaminate any faeces-contaminated living, learning and working spaces
or surface water sources immediately.
3 Design and construct all excreta management facilities based on a risk
assessment of potential contamination of any nearby surface water or
groundwater source.
•• Assess the local topography, ground conditions and groundwater and
surface water (including seasonal variations) to avoid contaminating water
sources and inform technical choices.
4 Contain and dispose of children’s and babies’ faeces safely.
5 Design and construct all excreta management facilities to minimise access to
the excreta by problem vectors.
Key indicators
There are no human faeces present in the environment in which people live,
learn and work
All excreta containment facilities are sited appropriately and are an adequate
distance from any surface or groundwater source
Guidance notes
Phasing: Immediately after a crisis, control indiscriminate open defaecation as a
matter of urgency. Establish defaecation areas, site and build communal toilets,
and start a concerted hygiene campaign. Prevent defaecation near all water sources
(whether used for drinking or not) and water storage and water treatment facilities.
Do not establish defaecation areas uphill or upwind of settlements. Do not establish
them along public roads, near communal facilities (especially health and nutrition
facilities) or near food storage and preparation areas.
Conduct a hygiene promotion campaign that encourages safe excreta disposal and
creates a demand for more toilets.
In urban crises, assess the extent of damage to existing sewerage systems.
Consider installing portable toilets or use septic or containment tanks that can be
regularly desludged.
Distance from water sources: Ensure faecal material from containment facilities
(trench latrines, pits, vaults, septic tanks, soakaway pits) does not contaminate water
sources. Faecal contamination is not an immediate public health concern unless the
water source is consumed, but environmental damage must be avoided.
Where possible, conduct soil permeability tests to determine the speed at
which waste moves through the soil (infiltration rate). Use this to determine
the minimum distance between containment facilities and water sources.
Excreta management
The infiltration rate will depend on soil saturation levels, any extraction from
the source, and the nature of the excreta (more watery excreta will travel faster
than less watery excreta).
If soil permeability tests cannot be conducted, the distance between contain
ment facilities and water sources should be at least 30 metres, and the
bottom of pits should be at least 1.5 metres above the groundwater table.
Increase these distances for fissured rocks and limestone, or decrease them
for fine soils.
In high groundwater table or flood situations, make the containment infrastructure
watertight to minimise groundwater contamination. Alternatively, build elevated
toilets or septic tanks to contain excreta and prevent it from contaminating the
environment. Prevent drainage or spillage from septic tanks from contaminating
surface water or groundwater sources.
If contamination is suspected, immediately identify and control the source
of contamination and initiate water treatment. Some water contaminants
can be managed with purification treatment methods such as chlorination.
However, the source of contaminants such as nitrates needs to be identified
and controlled. Methaemoglobinaemia is an acute but reversible condition
associated with high nitrate levels in drinking water, for instance ⊕ see Water
supply standard 2.2: Water quality.
Containment of children’s faeces: Infants’ and children’s faeces are commonly
more dangerous than those of adults. Excreta-related infection among children is
frequently higher, and children may not have developed antibodies to infections.
Provide parents and caregivers with information about safe disposal of infants’
faeces, laundering practices and the use of nappies (diapers), potties or scoops to
manage safe disposal.
Key actions
1 Determine the most appropriate technical options for toilets.
•• Design and construct toilets to minimise safety and security threats to users
and maintenance workers, especially women and girls, children, older people
and persons with disabilities.
•• Segregate all communal or shared toilets by sex and by age where
2 Quantify the affected population’s toilets requirements based on public
health risks, cultural habits, water collection and storage.
3 Consult representative stakeholders about the siting, design and implemen
tation of any shared or communal toilets.
•• Consider access and use by age, sex and disability; people facing mobility
barriers; people living with HIV; people with incontinence; and sexual or
gender minorities.
•• Locate any communal toilets close enough to households to enable safe
access, and distant enough so that households are not stigmatised by
proximity to toilets.
4 Provide appropriate facilities inside toilets for washing and drying or disposal
of menstrual hygiene and incontinence materials.
5 Ensure that the water supply needs of the technical options can be
feasibly met.
•• Include adequate supply of water for handwashing with soap, for anal
cleansing, and for flush or hygienic seal mechanisms if selected.
Key indicators
Ratio of shared toilets
•• Minimum 1 per 20 people
Percentage of women and girls satisfied with the menstrual hygiene manage-
ment options at toilets they regularly use
Guidance notes
What is adequate, appropriate and acceptable? The type of toilet adopted will
depend on the phase of the response, preferences of the intended users, existing
infrastructure, the availability of water for flushing and water seals, the soil form
ation and the availability of construction materials.
Generally, toilets are adequate, appropriate and acceptable if they:
•• are safe to use for all of the population, including children, older people,
pregnant women and persons with disabilities;
•• are located to minimise security threats to users, especially to women and
girls and people with other specific protection concerns;
Excreta management
Provide people who have chronic illnesses, such as HIV, with easy access to a toilet.
They frequently suffer from chronic diarrhoea and reduced mobility.
Monitor use and the percentage of people who report that the toilets meet their
requirements. Use this information to understand which groups are not satisfied
and how to improve the situation. Consider access and use by sex and age, persons
with disabilities or facing mobility barriers, people living with HIV and people with
Accessibility: The technical option chosen should respect the right of all people,
including persons with disabilities, to safely access sanitation facilities. Accessible
toilets, or additions to existing toilets, may need to be constructed, adapted or
bought for children, older people and persons with disabilities or incontinence.
As a guide, single-access gender-neutral toilets with ramps or level entries, with
enhanced accessibility inside the superstructure, should also be made available
at a minimum ratio of 1 per 250 people.
Safe and secure facilities: Inappropriate siting of toilets may make women and
girls more vulnerable to attack, especially at night. Ensure that all at-risk groups,
including women and girls, boys, older people and others with specific protec
tion concerns feel and are safe when using the toilets during both day and night.
Adequately light facilities and consider providing at-risk groups with torches. Ask
the community, especially those most at risk, how to enhance their safety. Consult
stakeholders from schools, health centres and clinics, child-friendly spaces,
marketplaces and nutrition feeding centres.
Note that it is not sufficient to consult only with women and children about safe
and dignified WASH facilities, as in many contexts men control what women and
children are allowed to do. Be aware of these social hierarchies and power dynam
ics, and actively engage with decision-makers to reinforce the right of women and
children to safely access toilets and showers.
Lighting at communal facilities can improve access but can also attract people to
use the lighting for other purposes. Work with the community, especially those
most at risk of threats to their safety, to find additional ways to reduce their
exposure to risks.
Quantifying toilet requirements: Consider how to adapt toilet requirements in
context to reflect changes in the living environment before and after the crisis,
requirements in public areas and any specific public health risks. During the
first phases of a rapid-onset crisis, communal toilets are an immediate solu-
tion with a minimum ratio of 1 per 50 people, which must be improved as soon
as possible. A medium-term minimum ratio is 1 per 20 people, with a ratio of
3:1 for female to male toilets . For planning figures and number of toilets ⊕ see
Appendix 4.
Household, shared or communal? Household toilets are considered the ideal in
terms of user safety, security, convenience and dignity, and the demonstrated
links between ownership and maintenance. Sometimes shared facilities for a
small group of dwellings may be the norm. Communal or shared toilets can
be designed and built with the aim of ensuring household toilets in future.
For example, leaving sanitation corridors in settlements provides the space to
build communal facilities close to shelters and then build household facilities as
budgets allow. Sanitation corridors ensure access for desludging, maintenance
and decommissioning.
Communal toilets will also be necessary in some public or communal spaces such
as health facilities, market areas, feeding centres, learning environments and
reception or administrative areas ⊕ see Appendix 4: Minimum numbers of toilets:
community, public places and institutions.
Communal sanitation facilities built during a rapid response will have
specific operation and maintenance requirements. Payment for toilet cleaners
may be agreed with communities as a temporary measure, with a clear exit
Water and anal cleansing material: In designing the facility, ensure enough
water, toilet paper or other anal cleansing material is available. Consult users
about the most appropriate cleansing material and ensure safe disposal and
sustainability of supply.
Handwashing: Ensure that the facility allows for handwashing, including water
and soap (or an alternative such as ash) after using toilets, cleaning the bottom
of a child who has defecated, and before eating and preparing food.
Menstrual hygiene management: Toilets should include appropriate containers
for the disposal of menstrual materials in order to prevent blockages of sewer
age pipes or difficulties in desludging pits or septic tanks. Consult with women
and girls on the design of toilets to provide space, access to water for washing,
and drying areas.
Excreta management
Key actions
1 Establish collection, transport, treatment and disposal systems that align
with local systems, by working with local authorities responsible for excreta
•• Apply existing national standards and ensure that any extra load placed
on existing systems does not adversely affect the environment or
•• Agree with local authorities and landowners about the use of land for any
off-site treatment and disposal.
2 Define systems for short- and long-term management of toilets, especially
sub-structures (pits, vaults, septic tanks, soakage pits).
•• Design and size sub-structures to ensure that all excreta can be safely
contained and the pits desludged.
•• Establish clear and accountable roles and responsibilities and define sources
of finance for future operation and maintenance.
3 Desludge the containment facility safely, considering both those doing the
collection and those around them.
4 Ensure that people have the information, means, tools and materials to
construct, clean, repair and maintain their toilets.
•• Conduct hygiene promotion campaigns on the use, cleaning and maintenance
of toilets.
5 Confirm that any water needed for excreta transport can be met from
available water sources, without placing undue stress on those sources.
Key indicator
All human excreta is disposed of in a manner safe to public health and the
Guidance notes
Desludging is the removal of (untreated and partially treated) excreta from the
pit, vault or tank, and transport to an off-site treatment and disposal facility.
Vector control
4. Vector control
A vector is a disease-carrying agent. Vectors create a pathway from the source
of a disease to people. Vector-borne diseases are a major cause of sickness
and death in many humanitarian settings. Most vectors are insects such as
mosquitoes, flies and lice, but rodents can also be vectors. Some vectors can
also cause painful bites. Vectors can be symptomatic of solid waste, drainage
or excreta management problems, inappropriate site selection, or broader
safety and security problems.
Vector-borne disease can be complex, and solving vector-related problems may
require specialist advice. However, simple and effective measures can prevent the
spread of such diseases.
Vector control programmes may have no impact if they target the wrong vector,
use ineffective methods, or target the right vector in the wrong place or at the
wrong time. Controls must be targeted and based on the life cycles and ecologies
of the vectors.
Control programmes should aim to reduce vector population density, vector
breeding sites, and contact between humans and vectors. In developing control
programmes, consult existing studies and seek expert advice from national and
international health organisations. Seek local advice on disease patterns, breeding
sites and seasonal variations in vector numbers and disease incidence.
The standards in this section focus on reducing or eliminating problem vectors to
prevent vector-borne disease and reduce nuisance. Vector control across multiple
sectors is required ⊕ see Shelter and settlement standard 2, Essential healthcare –
communicable diseases standard 2.1.1 and Food assistance standard 6.2.
Key actions
1 Assess vector-borne disease risk for a defined area.
•• Establish whether the area’s incidence rate is greater than the World Health
Organization (WHO) or national established norm for the disease.
•• Understand the potential vector breeding sites and life cycle, especially
feeding, informed by local expertise and knowledge of important vectors.
2 Align humanitarian vector control actions with local vector control plans or
systems, and with national guidelines, programmes or policies.
3 Determine whether chemical or non-chemical control of vectors outside
households is relevant based on an understanding of vector life cycles.
•• Inform the population about potential risks that originate from chemical
control of vectors and about the schedule for chemical application.
•• Train and equip all personnel handling chemicals with personal protective
equipment (PPE) and clothing.
Key indicator
Percentage of identified breeding sites where the vector’s life cycle is disrupted
Guidance notes
Communal settlements: Site selection is important to minimising the exposure of
the affected population to the risk of vector-borne disease. This should be one of
the key factors when considering possible sites. To control malaria, for example,
locate communal settlements 1–2 kilometres upwind from large breeding sites
such as swamps or lakes, but ensure the availability of an additional clean water
source. Consider the impact a new settlement site can have on the presence of
problem vectors in neighbouring host communities ⊕ see Shelter and settlement
standard 2: Location and settlement planning.
Assessing risk factors: Base decisions about vector control responses on an
assessment of potential disease and other risks, as well as on epidemiological
and clinical evidence of vector-borne disease problems. Review suspected and
confirmed cases during the previous two years in the defined area. Other factors
influencing this risk include:
Removing or modifying vector breeding and feeding sites: Many WASH activities
can have a major impact on breeding and feeding sites, including:
Vector control
Such measures will reduce the population density of some vectors. It may not be
possible to have sufficient impact on all the vector breeding, feeding and resting
sites within or near a settlement, even in the longer term. If so, consider local
ised chemical control or individual protection measures. Spraying infected spaces
may reduce the number of adult flies and prevent a diarrhoea epidemic or help
to minimise the disease burden if employed during an epidemic. Indoor residual
spraying will reduce the adult density of mosquitoes transmitting malaria or
dengue. Toxic baits will reduce rodent populations.
National and international protocols: The WHO has published clear interna
tional protocols and norms that address both the choice and the application of
chemicals in vector control, as well as the protection of personnel and training
requirements. Vector control measures should address two principal concerns:
efficacy and safety. If national norms regarding the choice of chemicals fall
short of international standards, then consult with and lobby the relevant
national authority for permission to adhere to the international standards.
Protect all personnel handling chemicals by providing training, protective
clothing and bathing facilities and restricting the number of hours they spend
handling chemicals.
Coordination with malaria treatment: Implement malaria vector control strategies
simultaneously with early diagnosis and treatment with anti-malarials ⊕ see
Essential healthcare – communicable diseases standard 2.1.1: Prevention.
Key actions
1 Assess current vector avoidance or deterrence practices at the household
level as part of an overall hygiene promotion programme.
•• Identify barriers to adopting more effective behaviours and motivators.
2 Use participatory and accessible awareness campaigns to inform people of
problem vectors, high-risk transmission times and locations, and preventive
•• Follow up specifically with high-risk groups.
3 Conduct a local market assessment of relevant and effective preventive
•• Consider strengthening markets to provide a sustainable source of preven
tive measures.
Vector control
4 Train communities to monitor, report and provide feedback on problem
vectors and the vector control programme.
Key indicators
Percentage of affected people who can correctly describe modes of transmis-
sion and effective vector control measures at the household level
Guidance notes
Individual malaria protection measures: Timely, systematic protection measures
such as insecticidal tents, curtains and bed nets help protect against malaria.
Long-lasting insecticidal nets also give some protection against body and head
lice, fleas, ticks, cockroaches and bedbugs. Use other protection methods like
long-sleeved clothing, household fumigants, burning coils, aerosol sprays and
repellents against mosquitoes. Support the use of such methods for those most
at risk, such as children under five years, people with immune deficiencies and
pregnant women.
High-risk groups: Some sections of the community will be more vulnerable to
vector-related diseases than others, particularly babies and infants, older people,
persons with disabilities, sick people, and pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Identify high-risk groups and take specific action to reduce that risk. Take care to
prevent stigmatisation.
Social mobilisation and communication: Behavioural change is required at both
individual and community levels to reduce both vector larval habitats and the
adult vector population. Social mobilisation and communication activities should
be fully integrated into vector prevention and control efforts, using a wide variety
of channels.
Individual protection measures for other vectors: Good personal hygiene and regular
washing of clothes and bedding are the most effective protection against body
lice. Control infestations by personal treatment (powdering), mass laundering
or delousing campaigns. Develop and use treatment protocols for new arrivals
in the settlement. A clean household environment, effective waste disposal and
appropriate storage of cooked and uncooked food will deter rats, other rodents
and insects (such as cockroaches) from entering houses or shelters ⊕ see Hygiene
promotion standard 1.1: Hygiene promotion.
Key actions
1 Design the solid waste disposal programme based on public health risks,
assessment of waste generated by households and institutions, and
existing practice.
•• Assess capacities for local reuse, re-purposing, recycling or composting.
•• Understand the roles of women, men, girls and boys in solid waste manage
ment to avoid creating additional protection risks.
Solid waste management
2 Work with local or municipal authorities and service providers to make
sure existing systems and infrastructure are not overloaded, particularly
in urban areas.
•• Ensure new and existing off-site treatment and disposal facilities can be
used by everyone.
•• Establish a timeline for complying as quickly as possible with local health
standards or policies on solid waste management.
3 Organise periodic or targeted solid waste clean-up campaigns with the
necessary infrastructure in place to support the campaign.
4 Provide protective clothing for and immunise people who collect and dispose
of solid waste and those involved in reuse or re-purposing.
5 Ensure that treatment sites are appropriately, adequately and safely
•• Use any safe and appropriate treatment and disposal methods, including
burying, managed landfill and incineration.
•• Manage waste management sites to prevent or minimise protection risks,
especially for children.
6 Minimise packing material and reduce the solid waste burden by working
with organisations responsible for food and household item distribution.
Key indicator
Guidance notes
People on the move will discard items that are heavy or no longer needed. Solid
waste generation at distribution points may increase tensions with host popula
tions. The volume of solid waste will increase if distributed household items do
not meet real needs. This solid waste is likely to be of different materials to that
generated locally and may need to be treated or disposed of differently.
Urban areas: Urban solid waste management infrastructure may be integrated
with other service systems. Work with existing authorities and systems to accom
modate the extra solid waste burden.
Protection for waste handlers: Provide protective clothing for everyone involved
in solid waste management. At a minimum, provide gloves. Ideally, also provide
boots and protective masks. When necessary, provide immunisation against
tetanus and hepatitis B. Ensure soap and water is available for washing hands
and face. Inform and train staff on the correct ways to transport and dispose of
waste and of the risks associated with improper management ⊕ see Essential
healthcare – communicable diseases standard 2.1.1: Prevention.
Waste handlers can be stigmatised as dirty or poor. Community consultation can
help to change attitudes. Ensuring waste handlers have appropriate equipment
and are able to maintain cleanliness will also help.
Communal settlements and rural areas: Household solid waste disposal may be
possible, and even preferred, in communal settlements and areas with lower
population densities. Base the size of domestic solid waste burial or burning pits
on household size and an assessment of the waste stream. Household pits should
be properly fenced to prevent children and animals accessing them, and ideally be
located at least 15 metres from dwellings.
For neighbourhood or communal collection points, initially provide a 100-litre
container for every 40 households. Provide one container per ten households in
the longer term, as household waste production is likely to increase over time. As a
guide, a 2.5-person maintenance team should be available per 1,000 persons.
Reuse, re-purpose and recycle: Encourage reuse, re-purposing or recycling of
solid waste by the community, unless doing so presents a significant public
health risk. Consider the potential for small-scale business opportunities or
supplementary income from waste recycling, and the possibility of household
or communal composting of organic waste.
Key actions
1 Provide households with convenient, adequately sized and covered storage
for household waste or containers for small clusters of households.
•• Consider household preference for the number and size of containers for
reuse and recycling.
2 Provide clearly marked and fenced public neighbourhood collection points
where households can deposit waste on a daily basis.
3 Organise a system to regularly remove household and other waste from
designated public collection points.
4 Ensure that solid waste burial or burning pits at household or communal
levels are safely managed.
Solid waste management
Key indicators
Percentage of households with access to a designated neighbourhood or
communal solid waste collection point at an acceptable distance from their
Guidance note
Planning: The amount of solid waste that people generate depends on how food
is obtained and cooked, and which activities are carried out within or near the
household. Variations can be seasonal and often reflect distribution or market
schedules. Assume that one person generates 0.5 kilograms of solid waste per
day. This equates to 1–3 litres per person per day, based on a typical solid waste
density of 200 to 400kg/m3.
Key actions
1 Ensure that institutions such as schools and learning spaces, child-
friendly spaces and administrative offices have clearly marked, appro
priate and adequate covered on-site storage for waste generated at
that location.
2 Provide clearly marked and fenced storage for waste generated in
communal areas, especially formal or informal marketplaces, transit
centres and registration centres.
Key indicators
Percentage of schools and learning centres with appropriate and adequate
waste storage
Guidance notes
Market waste: Marketplaces need particular attention, as communal areas
often lack designated ownership and responsibility for solid waste management.
Treat most market waste in the same manner as domestic solid waste.
Abattoir waste: Ensure that slaughtering is hygienic and complies with local laws.
Much of the solid waste produced by abattoirs and fish markets can be treated as
domestic solid waste but pay special attention to their liquid waste. If appropriate,
dispose of this waste in a covered pit next to the abattoir or fish processing plant.
Run blood and other liquid waste into the pit through a slab-covered channel to
reduce insect access to the pit. Make water available for cleaning purposes.
Priority interventions
Safe collection,
transport and disposal
of solid waste
Standard 6:
WASH in healthcare settings
All healthcare settings maintain minimum WASH infection prevention and
control standards, including in disease outbreaks.
Key actions
1 Provide a reliable water supply of sufficient quantity and quality, appropriate
to the healthcare setting.
•• Store at least 48 hours’ worth of safe water (0.5mg/l free residual chlorine)
to ensure a constant supply.
•• Outbreaks: Increase water quantities and adapt chlorine solutions according
to disease type, risk and needs.
2 Provide sufficient excreta disposal facilities to limit disease transmission.
•• Provide commode chairs and bucket toilets for those facing mobility
•• Clean sanitation facilities (toilets, showers, washing area) with water and
detergent. Avoid using strong detergents in toilets.
•• Outbreaks: Provide excreta disposal facilities in each zone of the healthcare
•• Outbreaks: Adapt materials and supplies for the specific disease, such as
cholera beds and excreta or vomit buckets.
•• Outbreaks: Determine any extra precautions needed for cleaning,
decommissioning and desludging excreta facilities and equipment.
3 Provide enough cleaning materials and equipment for healthcare workers,
patients and visitors to maintain hygiene.
•• Provide handwashing stations at key locations with safe water, soap or
alcohol rub. Air dry or use “once only” towels.
•• Outbreaks: Provide handwashing stations in each zone.
•• Outbreaks: Set up additional hygiene practices, such as chlorine foot baths
or spraying (depending on the disease) and handwashing before putting on or
removing personal protective equipment (PPE).
•• Outbreaks: Provide patients with specific hygiene items and training before
4 Maintain a clean and hygienic environment.
•• Clean floors and horizontal work surfaces daily with water and detergent.
•• Clean and disinfect potentially contaminated surfaces with a 0.2 per cent
chlorine solution.
•• Clean, disinfect or sterilise reusable medical devices depending on risk before
each use.
•• Disinfect all linen with 0.1 per cent chlorine solution after soaking if visibly
soiled; sterilise all linens for operating theatres.
•• Outbreaks: Increase disinfectant strengths for cleaning floors and contami
nated surfaces. Consider special mechanisms for disinfecting linen.
5 Handle, treat and dispose of waste correctly.
6 Ensure all healthcare workers, patients and carers use appropriate PPE.
•• Provide PPE for the type of exposure and category of isolation precautions.
•• Train healthcare workers, patients and others in the facility to select, use and
remove PPE.
•• Outbreaks: Assess the type of anticipated exposure and adapt PPE to type
of transmission.
7 Manage and bury the dead in a way that is dignified, culturally appropriate
and safe according to public health practices.
•• Consider local traditions as well as the need for identification and return of
deceased to families.
•• Outbreaks: Identify alternatives with the community if usual practices are unsafe.
•• Outbreaks: Train and equip teams with appropriate PPE to carry out burials.
Key indicators
All healthcare workers clean their hands, using soap or alcohol rub, before and
after every patient contact
All patients and carers wash their hands before handling or eating food and
after going to the toilet
All handwashing stations have soap or alcohol rub (or 0.05 per cent chlorine
solution in outbreaks)
Guidance notes
Infection prevention and control programming is essential in all healthcare settings,
including ambulances and community health programmes. It requires develop
ment of guidelines on standard precautions, transmission-based precautions and
clinical aseptic techniques. Include a dedicated infection prevention and control
team in each setting and training for healthcare workers. Surveillance systems
should monitor healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance.
Settings should have appropriate staffing and workload. Beds should contain one
patient only. Healthcare should be provided in a safe and appropriate environment,
built with sufficient WASH infrastructure and equipment to maintain safe hygiene
practices ⊕ see Health systems standards 1.1 and 1.2.
Water quantity and quality: When calculating amounts of water required, refer to
the values in Appendix 3 and adjust for the situation, ⊕ see Appendix 3: Minimum
water quantities. Mobile clinics should aim to provide the same WASH standards
as for outpatients, including access to a safe water source and toilets. Ensure
at least a 48-hour supply (and storage) per facility. For outbreaks such as Ebola
and cholera, allow for 72 hours’ supply. For the foundations of community WASH
programmes ⊕ see Water supply standards 2.1 and 2.2.
The following chlorine solutions are required for different uses in healthcare
Excreta management: ⊕ See Excreta management standards 3.1 to 3.3 for guidance
on excreta management generally and Hygiene promotion standard 1.3: Menstrual
hygiene management and incontinence for specific information on materials.
Provide technically and culturally appropriate toilet facilities with separate
locked and well-lit toilets with sufficient space for carers to assist patients.
All sanitation facilities (toilets, showers, washing area) should be cleaned with
water and detergent. Avoid using strong disinfectants inside toilets (particu
larly for septic tanks), as it disrupts the natural biodegradation processes of
some pathogens.
During outbreaks, take extra precautions when cleaning, decommissioning or
desludging excreta facilities and equipment (for example, chlorine solution for
cleaning, treatment with quicklime or chlorine).
Greywater: As a minimum dispose of greywater using a grease trap and
soakaway pit. Ensure it is fenced off to prevent tampering by the public.
Healthcare waste contains infectious organisms such as HIV and hepatitis B,
which can also contaminate soil and water sources. Use a minimum three-bin
method to collect and segregate waste as soon as it is created:
Incinerators should exceed 900 degrees Celsius and have dual chambers.
Low-quality incinerators produce toxic emissions and air pollutants and do
not completely sterilise. All pits and incinerators should be built to existing
national and international standards and be safely operated, maintained and
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory for compliance with IPC
protocols and to ensure that patients, families and staff are not put at further risk.
Assess the type of exposure anticipated (splash, spray, contact or touch) and the
disease transmission category. Use equipment that is well-fitted, durable and
appropriate (such as fluid-resistant or fluid-proof).
Basic PPE protects wearers from exposure to blood, body fluid, secretions or
excretions. It includes: gloves when touching infectious material; gowns/aprons
when clothes or exposed skin is in contact with infectious material; face protection
such as masks, goggles or shields to protect from splashes, droplets or sprays.
Additional PPE (or basic PPE at additional times) may also have to be worn
depending on type of disease transmission: contact (e.g. gown and gloves when
in patient environment); droplet (surgical masks within 1 metre of patient); and
airborne (particulate respirators).
Place single-use PPE in waste bins (such as 220-litre barrels) at the entrance to
the undressing area. Collect and take bins to a designated waste management
area. Place reusable PPE such as heavy-duty gloves and goggles in bins containing
a 0.5 per cent chlorine solution. Clean, launder, repair and store appropriately.
A 0.5 per cent chlorine solution should be available for washing gloved hands after
each undressing step. Provide a separate 0.05 per cent chlorine solution hand
washing stand as the final step in the undressing process.
Management of the dead: Promote safe, dignified and culturally appropri
ate burial of dead persons, including identification of all persons. Let people
identify their family members and conduct funerals. Do not dispose of bodies
Appendix 1 – Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion initial needs assessment checklist
Appendix 1
Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion
initial needs assessment checklist
This list of questions is primarily for use to assess needs, identify resources
and describe local conditions. It does not include questions that will determine
the external resources needed to supplement those immediately and locally
•• How many people are affected and where are they? Disaggregate the data
by sex, age, disability and so on.
•• What are people’s likely movements? What are the security factors for the
affected people and for potential relief responses?
•• What are the current, prevalent or possible WASH-related diseases?
•• Who are the key people to consult or contact?
•• Who are the vulnerable people in the population and why?
•• Is there equal access for all to existing facilities, including at public places,
health centres and schools?
•• What special security risks exist for women, girls, boys and men? At-risk
•• What water, sanitation and hygiene practices were the population accus
tomed to before the crisis?
•• What are the formal and informal power structures (for example, community
leaders, elders, women’s groups)?
•• How are decisions made in households and in the community?
•• Is there access to local markets? What key WASH goods and services
were accessible in the market before the crisis and are accessible during
the crisis?
•• Do people have access to cash and/or credit?
•• Are there seasonal variations to be aware of that may restrict access or
increase demands on labour during harvesting time, for example?
•• Who are the key authorities to liaise and collaborate with?
•• Who are the local partners in the geographical area, such as civil society
groups that have similar capacity in WASH and community engagement?
Hygiene promotion
•• What water, sanitation and hygiene practices were people accustomed to
before the crisis?
•• What existing practices are harmful to health, who practises these and why?
•• Who still practises positive hygiene behaviour and what enables and
motivates them to do this?
•• What are the advantages and disadvantages of any proposed changes in
•• What are the existing formal and informal channels of communication and
outreach (such as community health workers, traditional birth attendants,
traditional healers, clubs, cooperatives, churches and mosques)?
•• What access to the mass media is there in the area (for example, radio,
television, video, newspapers)?
•• What local media organisations and/or non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) are there?
•• Which segments of the population can and should be targeted (for example,
mothers, children, community leaders, religious leaders)?
•• What type of outreach system would work in this context (for example,
community hygiene volunteers or workers or promoters, school health
clubs, WASH committees) for both immediate and medium-term
•• What are the learning needs of hygiene promotion staff and community
outreach workers?
•• What non-food items are available and what are the most urgently needed
based on preferences and needs?
•• Where do people access markets to buy their essential hygiene items? Has
this access (cost, diversity, quality) changed since the crisis?
•• How do households access their essential hygiene items? Who makes the
decisions regarding which items to buy and prioritise?
•• How effective are hygiene practices in healthcare settings (particularly
important in epidemic situations)?
•• What are the needs and preferences of women and girls for menstrual
hygiene practices?
•• What are the needs and preferences of people living with incontinence?
Water supply
•• What is the current water supply source and who are the present users?
•• How much water is available per person per day?
•• What is the daily and weekly frequency of the water supply availability?
•• Is the water available at the source sufficient for short-term and longer-term
needs for all groups?
•• Are water collection points close enough to where people live?
Are they safe?
•• Is the current water supply reliable? How long will it last?
•• Do people have enough water containers of the appropriate size and type
(collection and storage)?
•• Is the water source contaminated or at risk of contamination
(microbiological, chemical or radiological)?
Appendix 1 – Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion initial needs assessment checklist
Excreta disposal
•• Is the environment free of faeces?
•• If there is open defecation, is there a designated area?
•• Are there any existing facilities? If so, are they used? Are they sufficient?
Are they operating successfully? Can they be extended or adapted?
•• Are the facilities safe and dignified: lighted, equipped with locks, privacy
screens? Can people access the toilet facilities during the day and night?
If not at night, what are the alternatives?
•• What excreta management practices does the host population practice?
•• Is the current defecation practice a threat to water supplies (surface or
groundwater) or living areas and to the environment in general?
•• Are there any social – cultural norms to consider in the design of the toilet?
•• Are people familiar with the design, construction and use of toilets?
•• What local materials are available for constructing toilets?
•• Is there an existing acceptance of and practice for composting?
•• From what age do children start to use the toilet?
•• What happens to the faeces of infants and young children?
•• What is the slope of the terrain?
•• What is the level of the groundwater table?
•• Are soil conditions suitable for on-site excreta disposal?
•• Do current excreta disposal arrangements encourage vectors?
•• Are there materials or water available for anal cleansing? How do people
normally dispose of these materials?
•• Do people wash their hands after defecation and before food preparation
and eating? Are soaps or other cleansing materials with water available next
to the toilet or within the household?
•• How do women and girls manage menstruation? Are there appropriate
materials or facilities available for this?
•• Are there any specific facilities or equipment available for making sanitation
accessible for persons with disabilities, people living with HIV, people living
with incontinence or people immobile in medical facilities?
•• Have environmental considerations been assessed: for example, the
extraction of raw materials such as sand and gravel for construction
purposes, and the protection of the environment from faecal matter?
•• Are there skilled workers in the community, such as masons or carpenters
and unskilled labourers?
•• Are there available pit emptiers or desludging trucks? Currently, is the
collected faecal waste disposed of appropriately and safely?
•• What is the appropriate strategy for management of excreta – inclusive of
containment, emptying, treatment and disposal?
Vector-borne diseases
•• What are the vector-borne disease risks and how serious are they?
•• What daily or seasonal patterns do local vectors follow in relation to
reproduction, resting and feeding?
•• Are there traditional beliefs and practices (for example, the belief that
dirty water causes malaria) that relate to vectors and vector-borne
disease? Are any of these beliefs or practices either useful or harmful?
Appendix 1 – Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion initial needs assessment checklist
Appendix 2
The F diagram: faecal–oral transmission
of diarrhoeal diseases
Barriers can stop the transmission of disease; these
can be primary (preventing the initial contact with the
faeces) or secondary (preventing it being ingested by a
new person). They can be controlled by water,
sanitation and hygiene interventions.
Separate faeces
from the
Wash hands
Wash hands FINGERS before eating or
after defaecation preparing food
Store and
FOOD cook food
NOTE The diagram is a summary of pathways; other associated routes may be important. Drinking water may be contaminated
by a dirty water container, for example, or food may be infected by dirty cooking utensils. © WEDC
Appendix 3 – Minimum water quantities
Appendix 3
Minimum water quantities: survival figures
and quantifying water needs
Surviving needs: water intake 2.5–3 litres per person per day (depends on climate and
(drinking and food) individual physiology)
Basic hygiene practices 2–6 litres per person per day (depends on social and
cultural norms)
Basic cooking needs 3–6 litres per person per day (depends on food type,
social and cultural norms)
Health centres and hospitals 5 litres per outpatient
40–60 litres per in-patient per day
100 litres per surgical intervention and delivery
Additional quantities may be needed for laundry
equipment, flushing toilets and so on
Cholera centres 60 litres per patient per day
15 litres per carer per day
Viral haemorrhagic fever centre 300–400 litres per patient per day
Therapeutic feeding centres 30 litres per in-patient per day
15 litres per carer per day
Mobile clinic with infrequent visits 1 litre per patient per day
Mobile clinic with frequent visits 5 litres per patient per day
Oral rehydration points (ORPs) 10 litres per patient per day
Reception/transit centres 15 litres per person per day if stay is more than one day
3 litres per person per day if stay is limited to day-time
Schools 3 litres per pupil per day for drinking and hand washing
(Use for toilets not included: see Public toilets below)
Mosques 2–5 litres per person per day for washing and drinking
Public toilets 1–2 litres per user per day for hand washing
2–8 litres per cubicle per day for toilet cleaning
All flushing toilets 20–40 litres per user per day for conventional flushing
toilets connected to a sewer
3–5 litres per user per day for pour-flush toilets
Anal washing 1–2 litres per person per day
Livestock 20–30 litres per large or medium animal per day
5 litres per small animal per day
Appendix 4
Minimum numbers of toilets:
community, public places and institutions
Appendix 5 – Water- and sanitation-related diseases
Appendix 5
Water- and sanitation-related diseases
1 . Environmental classification of water-related infections
Category Infection Pathogenic agent
1) F
aecal–oral (water-borne
or water-washed)
a) Diarrhoeas and dysenteries Amoebic dysentery Protozoon
Balantidiasis Protozoon
Campylobacter enteritis Bacterium
Cholera Bacterium
Cryptosporidiosis Protozoon
E. coli diarrhoea Bacterium
Giardiasis Protozoon
Rotavirus diarrhoea Virus
Salmonellosis Bacterium
Shigellosis Bacterium
Yersiniosis Bacterium
b) Enteric fevers Typhoid Bacterium
Paratyphoid Bacterium
Poliomyelitis Virus
Hepatitis A Virus
Leptospirosis Spirochaete
Ascariasis Helminth
Trichuriasis Helminth
2) Water-washed
a) Skin and eye infections Infectious skin diseases Miscellaneous
Infectious eye diseases Miscellaneous
b) Other Louse-borne typhus Rickettsia
Louse-borne relapsing fever Spirochaete
3) Water-based
a) Penetrating skin Schistosomiasis Helminth
b) Ingested Guinea worm Helminth
Clonorchiasis Helminth
Diphyllobothriasis Helminth
Paragonimiasis Helminth
Others Helminth
4) Water-related insect vector
a) Biting near water Sleeping sickness Protozoon
b) Breeding in water Filariasis Helminth
Malaria Protozoon
River blindness Helminth
Mosquito-borne viruses Virus
Yellow fever Virus
Dengue Virus
Source: ACF: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Populations at Risk, Annex 5, page 675
Appendix 5 – Water- and sanitation-related diseases
Appendix 6
Household water treatment and storage
decision tree
Is the source contaminated?
Provide safe
YES NO water storage
and handling
Pre-treatment: Is the
Is the water muddy?
water muddy or cloudy?
Source: Adapted from IFRC (2008) Household water treatment and safe storage in emergencies manual
References and further reading
Menstrual hygiene
Mahon, T. Cavill, S. Menstrual Hygiene Matters: Training guide for practitioners. WaterAid.
Sommer, M. Schmitt, M. Clatworthy, D. A Toolkit for integrating Menstrual Hygiene
Management (MHM) into Humanitarian Response. Colombia University, Mailman
References and further reading
School of Public Health and International Rescue Committee. New York, 2017.
Groce, N. Bailey, N. Land, R. Trani, J.F. Kett, M. “Water and sanitation issues for persons
with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: a literature review and discussion
of implications for global health and international development.” Journal of Water and
Health, vol. 9, 2011, pp. 617-27.
Hafskjold, B. Pop-Stefanija, B. et al. “Taking stock: Incompetent at incontinence - why
are we ignoring the needs of incontinence sufferers?” Waterlines, vol. 35, no. 3, 2016.
Excreta management
Clasen, T.F. Bostoen, K. Schmidt, W.P. Boisson, S. Fung, I.C. Jenkins, M.W. Scott, B.
Sugden, S. Cairncross, S. “Interventions to improve disposal of human excreta for
preventing diarrhoea.” Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2010, CD007180.
Freeman, M.C. Garn, J.V. Sclar, G.D. Boisson, S. Medlicott, K. Alexander, K.T.
Penakalapati, G. Anderson, D. Mahtani, A.G. Grimes, J.E.T. Rehfuess, E.A. Clasen, T.F.
“The impact of sanitation on infectious disease and nutritional status: A systematic
review and meta-analysis.” Int J Hyg Environ Health, vol. 220, 2017, pp. 928-49.
Gensch, R. Jennings, A. Renggli, S. Reymond, Ph. Compendium of Sanitation
Technologies in Emergencies. German WASH Network and Swiss Federal Institute of
Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Berlin, Germany, 2018.
Graham, J.P. Polizzotto, M.L. “Pit latrines and their impacts on groundwater quality:
A systematic review.” Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 121, 2013.
Harvey, P., Excreta Disposal in Emergencies: A Field Manual. An Inter-Agency
Publication, WEDC, 2007. http://wash.unhcr.org
Simple Pit Latrines. WASH Fact sheet 3.4. WHO. www.who.int
Water treatment
Branz, A. Levine, M. Lehmann, L. Bastable, A. Imran Ali, S. Kadir, K. Yates, T. Bloom,
D. Lantagne, D. “Chlorination of drinking water in emergencies: a review of knowledge
to develop recommendations for implementation and research needed.” Waterlines,
vol. 36, no. 1, 2017. https://www.developmentbookshelf.com
Lantagne, D.S. Clasen, T.F. “Point-of-use water treatment in emergencies.” Waterlines,
vol. 31, no. 1-2, 2012.
Lantagne, D.S. Clasen, T.F. “Use of household water treatment and safe storage
methods in acute emergency response: Case study results from Nepal, Indonesia,
Kenya, and Haiti.” Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 46, no. 20, 2012.
Rayner, J. Murray, A. Joseph, M. Branz, A.J. Lantagne, D. “Evaluation of household
drinking water filter distributions in Haiti.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for
Development, vol. 6, no. 1, 2016.
Water quality
Bain, R. Cronk, R. Wright, J. Yang, H. Slaymaker, T. Bartram, J. “Fecal Contamination
of Drinking-Water in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-
Analysis.” PLoS Med, vol. 11, 2014, e1001644.
Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. WHO, 2017. www.who.int
Kostyla, C. Bain, R. Cronk, R. Bartram, J. “Seasonal variation of fecal contamination
in drinking water sources in developing countries: a systematic review.” PubMed, 2015.
Vector control
Dengue: Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control. New Edition.
World Health Organization, Geneva, 2009. Chapter 3, Vector management and
delivery of vector control services. www.who.int
Handbook for Integrated Vector Management. WHO, 2012. www.who.int
Lacarin, C.J. Reed, R.A. Emergency Vector Control Using Chemicals. WEDC,
Loughborough University, 1999. UK. https://wedc-knowledge.lboro.ac
Malaria Control in Humanitarian Emergencies: An Inter-agency Field Handbook. WHO,
2005. www.who.int
Thomson, M. Disease Prevention Through Vector Control: Guidelines for Relief
Organisations. Oxfam GB, 1995. https://policy-practice.oxfam.org
Vector Control: Aedes aegypti vector control and prevention measures in the context of
Zika, Yellow Fever, Dengue or Chikungunya: Technical Guidance. WASH WCA Regional
Group, 2016. http://washcluster.ne
References and further reading
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to
further reading
Further reading
General/Right to water
2.1 billion people lack safe drinking water at home, more than twice as many lack
safe sanitation. WHO, 2017. www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2017/
The Right to Water: Fact Sheet 35. OHCHR, UN-HABITAT and WHO, 2010. www.
Environment Marker – Guidance Note. UN OCHA & UNEP, 2014. www.humanitari
or http://www.unicefinemergencies.com/downloads/eresource/docs/WASH/
Kittle, B. A Practical Guide to Conducting a Barrier Analysis. Helen Keller International,
New York, 2013. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00JMZW.pdf
Service, O. et al (The Behavioural Insights Team) EAST: Four Simple Ways to Apply
Behavioural Insights. In partnership with Cabinet Office, Nesta, 2014. www.
Menstrual hygiene
House, S. Considerations for selecting sanitary protection and incontinence materials
for refugee contexts. UNHCR Publication, 2016. http://wash.unhcr.org/download/
House, S. Mahon, T. Cavill, S. Menstrual Hygiene Matters; A resource for improving
menstrual hygiene around the world. WaterAid/SHARE, 2012. https://washmatters.
water aid.or g /sites/g /f iles/jk xoof 256/f iles/Mens t r ual% 20 hygiene% 20
Excreta management
Majorin, F. Torondel, B. Ka Saan Chan, G. Clasen, T.F. “Interventions to improve disposal
of child faeces for preventing diarrhoea and soil-transmitted helminth infection.” Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014.
Simple Pit Latrines. WASH Fact sheet 3.4. WHO. www.who.int/water_sanitation_
Water quality
Fewtrell, L. “Drinking water nitrate, methemoglobinemia, and global burden of disease:
A discussion.” Environ Health Perspectives, vol. 112, no. 14, Oct 2004, pp. 1371-74.
doi: 10.1289/ehp.7216. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1247562/
Kostyla, C. Bain, R. Cronk, R. Bartram, J. “Seasonal variation of fecal contamination in
drinking water sources in developing countries: A systematic review.” Science of The Total
Environment, vol. 514, 2015, pp. 333-43.
Villenueava, C.M. et al. “Assessing Exposure and Health Consequences of Chemicals
in Drinking Water: Current State of Knowledge and Research Needs.” Environmental
Health Perspectives, vol. 122, 2014, pp. 213-21. pdfs.semanticscholar.org/
Vector control
Benelli, G. Jeffries, C.L. Walker, T. “Biological Control of Mosquito Vectors:
Past, Present, and Future.” Insects, vol. 7, no. 4, 2016. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Chemical methods for the control of vectors and pests of public health importance.
WHO, 1997. http://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/63504
further reading
Hunter, P. Waterborne Disease: Epidemiology and Ecology. John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, Chichester, UK, 1997. www.wiley.com/en-us/Waterborne+Disease%3A+
Malaria Control in Humanitarian Emergencies. Working Group GFATM in Humanitarian
Emergencies, 2009. www.unhcr.org/4afacdfd9.pdf
Manual for Indoor Residual Spraying: Application of Residual Sprays for Vector Control,
3rd Ed. WHO, 2007. http://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/69664
Malaria vector control policy recommendations and their applicability to product
evaluation. WHO, 2017. www.who.int/malaria/publications/atoz/vector-control-
Rozendaal, J.A. Vector Control: Methods for use by individuals and communities. WHO,
1997. www.who.int/whopes/resources/vector_rozendaal/en/
Warrell, D. Gilles, H. (eds). Essential Malariology. Fourth Edition. Arnold. London, 2002.
Food Security
and Nutrition
Protection Core
Principles Humanitarian
Standard 1.1 Standard 2.1 Standard 3 Standard 4.1 Standard 5 Standard 6.1 Standard 7.1
Standard 1.2 Standard 2.2 Standard 4.2 Standard 6.2 Standard 7.2
Standard 6.3
and delivery
Standard 6.4
Food use
Essential concepts in food security and nutrition.......................................................... 160
1. Food security and nutrition assessments.................................................................... 165
2. Management of malnutrition............................................................................................ 172
3. Micronutrient deficiencies................................................................................................. 182
4. Infant and young child feeding......................................................................................... 185
5. Food security.......................................................................................................................... 193
6. Food assistance..................................................................................................................... 197
7. Livelihoods............................................................................................................................... 211
Appendix 1: Food security and livelihoods assessment checklist........................... 219
Appendix 2: Seed security assessment checklist...........................................................221
Appendix 3: Nutrition assessment checklist....................................................................223
Appendix 4: Measuring acute malnutrition......................................................................225
Appendix 5: Measures of the public health significance of micronutrient
Appendix 6: Nutritional requirements................................................................................231
References and further reading............................................................................................ 233
Food Security and Nutrition
Essential concepts
in food security and nutrition
Everyone has the right to be free from hunger and to have adequate food
The Sphere Minimum Standards for food security and nutrition are a practical
expression of the right to adequate food in humanitarian contexts. The standards
are grounded in the beliefs, principles, duties and rights declared in the
Humanitarian Charter. These include the right to life with dignity, the right to
protection and security, and the right to receive humanitarian assistance on
the basis of need.
For a list of the key legal and policy documents that inform the Humanitarian
Charter, with explanatory comments for humanitarian workers, ⊕ see Annex 1.
Undernutrition reduces people’s ability to recover after a crisis. It impairs cognitive
functions, reduces immunity to disease, increases susceptibility to chronic
illness, limits livelihoods opportunities and reduces the ability to engage within
the community. It undermines resilience and may increase dependence on
ongoing support.
Essential concepts in food security and nutrition
Morbidity, Adult size, intellectual
mortality, disability MATERNAL ability, economic
productivity, reproductive
AND CHILD performance, metabolic
UNDERNUTRITION and cardiovascular disease
dietary intake
Financial, human, physical, social,
BASIC natural and political
Food Security and Nutrition
and developing these assets, and therefore supporting different livelihood strategies,
whether there are high malnutrition rates or not.
Social, economic, cultural and political changes in the post-crisis environment
will affect a household’s coping strategies and access to livelihoods or live-
lihood assets. Stabilising those external factors will contribute to increased
opportunities for income and ultimately reduce people’s exposure to the causes
of undernutrition.
Essential concepts in food security and nutrition
are not duplicated and that the quality of food security and nutrition responses
is optimised. Cross-references throughout the Handbook suggest potential
For example, if nutritional requirements are not being met, the need for WASH is
greater, because people’s vulnerability to disease increases. The same applies to
populations where HIV is prevalent or where there is a large proportion of older
people or persons with disabilities. In those circumstances, healthcare resources
will also need to be adjusted. Decide priorities based on information shared
between sectors, and review it as the situation evolves.
Where national standards are lower than the Sphere Minimum Standards,
humanitarian organisations should work with the government to raise them
Food Security and Nutrition
and respond quickly to any concerns. Aid workers should be trained on child safe-
guarding and know how to use referral systems for suspected cases of violence,
abuse or exploitation, including of children ⊕ see Protection Principle 1 and Core
Humanitarian Standard Commitment 5.
Civil-military cooperation and coordination, such as logistical support, should be
carefully evaluated in all situations, and especially in conflict settings ⊕ see What is
Sphere and Protection Principles.
In applying the Minimum Standards, all nine Commitments in the Core Humanitarian
Standard should be respected as a foundation for providing an accountable food
security and nutrition programme.
Food security and nutrition assessments
•• understand the situation, current needs and how to meet those needs;
•• estimate how many people need assistance;
•• identify groups at highest risk; and/or
•• provide a baseline to monitor the impact of a humanitarian response.
•• an initial assessment within the first two to three days to start immediate
distribution of food assistance;
•• a rapid assessment within two to three weeks, relying on assumptions and
estimates to provide a basis for designing programmes;
•• a detailed assessment within 3 to 12 months if the situation seems to
be deteriorating or more information is required to develop recovery
Food Security and Nutrition
Key actions
1 Collect and analyse information on food security at the initial stage and
during the crisis.
•• Include analysis of critical issues linked to food security, such as environ-
mental degradation, security and market access.
2 Analyse the impact of food security on the nutritional status of the affected
•• Include a review of the underlying causes of undernutrition, including
inadequate care, unhealthy household environments, lack of healthcare or
access to social protection systems.
•• Collect data more frequently in urban contexts, where the situation can
change more rapidly and be more difficult to observe than in rural contexts.
3 Identify possible responses that can help to save lives and protect and
promote livelihoods.
•• Include market assessments and capacities of government and other actors
to respond to needs.
4 Analyse available cooking resources and methods, including the type of stove
and fuel and availability of pots and utensils.
•• Analyse how people got and stored food and cooking fuel before the crisis,
their pre-crisis income, and how they cope now.
Food security and nutrition assessments
•• Pay attention to the rights and protection needs of women and girls, who are
most commonly responsible for fuel collection and food preparation.
Key indicators
Standardised protocols are used to analyse food security, livelihoods and
coping strategies
Guidance notes
Pre-crisis data combined with geographical information systems data can
provide an overview of the potential impact of a crisis. However, it is unlikely to
be disaggregated sufficiently to give a clear picture in an urban situation.
Assessment sources, tools and information systems: Information sources include
crop assessments, satellite images, household assessments, focus group
discussions and interviews with key informants. Useful tools include the Food
Consumption Score, Household Dietary Diversity Score and Reduced Coping
Strategies Index for rapid measurement of household food security. There are
many local and regional food security information systems, including famine
early warning systems. Use the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
where available and use standardised protocols to classify the severity and
causes of acute food insecurity in the areas of concern. The design of food
security programmes should be based on a clear response analysis using the
findings of assessments.
Environmental degradation can cause food insecurity, and food insecurity can lead
to environmental degradation. For example, collecting firewood and producing
traditional charcoal make it possible to cook food and generate income from its
sale. However, it can also result in deforestation. Responses should protect and
support food security while limiting negative environmental impact.
At-risk groups: Disaggregate data by sex, age, disability, wealth group and other
relevant factors. Women and men may have different complementary roles in
securing household nutritional well-being. Consult with both, separately if neces-
sary, about practices related to food security, food preparation and household
resources. Be aware that older people and people with disabilities may be excluded
in intra-household distribution of food assistance.
Include girls and boys, especially child-headed households, separated or unaccom-
panied children, children with disabilities and children living in alternative care. Be
mindful of children in different crisis contexts. During infectious disease outbreaks,
for example, include children in observation, interim care and treatment centres. In
conflict settings, include children in demobilisation centres.
Food Security and Nutrition
Coping strategies: Consider the different types of coping strategy, their effective-
ness and any negative effects. Some coping strategies, such as the sale of land,
migration of whole families or deforestation, may permanently undermine future
food security. Some coping strategies used by, or forced on, women, girls and boys
may impact their health, psychological well-being and social integration. These
coping strategies include transactional or “survival” sex, marrying daughters for
bride price, women and girls eating last and least, child labour, risky migration, and
sale and trafficking of children.
Proxy measures: Food consumption reflects the energy and nutrient intake
of individuals in households. It is not practical to measure actual energy and
nutrient intake during initial assessments, so use proxy indicators. For exam-
ple the number of food groups consumed by an individual or household and the
frequency of consumption over a given period reflect dietary diversity. Changes
in the daily number of meals consumed and dietary diversity are good proxy
measures of food security, especially when correlated with a household’s socio-
economic status.
Tools for measuring food consumption patterns include the Household Dietary
Diversity Score, the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale and the Food
Consumption Score. The Household Hunger Scale is another good proxy indicator
of food insecurity. Some commonly used indicators such as the Food Consumption
Score may not adequately reflect food insecurity in an urban context. Triangulate
selected measures with coping strategy measures to understand different
constraints in accessing food.
The Food Expenditure Share and its established thresholds may be too complex to
implement in urban households. This is because several people may be in charge of
the food basket, household members consume food sourced outside of the house,
and many people may contribute to household income.
Market analysis and cost of diet: Capture information about access to markets,
financial capital, livelihoods and economic vulnerability. These elements are linked
to commodity prices, income-earning opportunities and wage rates, which affect
food security. Market systems, both formal and informal, can protect livelihoods
by supplying productive items such as seeds and tools ⊕ see Food security and nutri-
tion – livelihoods standards 7.1 and 7.2.
Include a market analysis as part of initial and subsequent context assess-
ments. Market analyses should assess whether local markets can support
nutritional needs and establish the minimum cost and affordability of foods
that meet the nutrient needs of a typical household ⊕ see Delivering assistance
through markets.
Increasingly in rural areas, and regularly in urban areas, responses are market-
based. They use vendors, market spaces, local food products and transportation
services to address the needs of affected people. It is therefore important to
understand market access for at-risk groups ⊕ see MISMA Handbook.
Food security and nutrition assessments
Key actions
1 Compile pre-crisis information and conduct initial assessments to establish
the nature and severity of the nutrition situation.
•• Assess national and local capacity to lead or support a response, as well as
other nutrition actors.
2 Conduct rapid mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening and infant
and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E) assessments to assess the
nutritional situation at the onset of the crisis.
3 Identify groups that have the greatest need for nutritional support.
4 Determine an appropriate response based on an understanding of the
context and the emergency.
•• Determine whether the situation is stable or declining, reviewing trends in
nutritional status over time rather than the prevalence of malnutrition at a
specific time.
•• Consider both prevention and treatment options.
Key indicators
Standardised protocols are used to assess malnutrition and identify causes
Guidance notes
Contextual information: Information on the causes of undernutrition can be gath-
ered from primary and secondary sources, including health and nutrition profiles,
research reports, early warning information, health facility records, food security
reports and other sources. Examples include:
•• demographic health surveys;
•• multi-indicator cluster surveys;
•• national nutrition information databases;
Food Security and Nutrition
Food security and nutrition assessments
making. Work with other sectors to include IYCF-E questions in other sectoral
assessments and draw on available multi-sectoral data to inform the assessment
⊕ see Appendix 3: Nutrition assessment checklist.
Include the number of available breastfeeding counsellors, trained health workers and
other support services and their capacity. For more in-depth assessment, conduct
random sampling, systematic sampling or cluster sampling. This may be through a
stand-alone IYCF-E survey or an integrated survey. However, an integrated survey may
result in limited sample size, which may reduce the representativeness of the survey.
Other indicators: Additional information can be carefully considered to inform the
overall assessment of nutritional status. This includes immunisation and nutrition
programme coverage rates, especially measles, vitamin A, iodine or other micronu-
trient deficiencies, disease morbidity and health-seeking behaviour. Crude infant and
under-5 mortality rates, with cause of death, can also be considered where available.
Interpreting levels of undernutrition: Detailed analysis of the reference population
size and density, as well as mortality and morbidity rates, is needed to decide
whether levels of undernutrition require intervention. Information is also needed
on health status, seasonal fluctuations, IYCF-E indicators, pre-crisis levels of
undernutrition, the proportion of severe acute malnutrition in relation to global
acute malnutrition, and levels of micronutrient deficiencies ⊕ see Essential health-
care standard 2.2.2: Management of newborn and childhood illness and Appendix 5:
Measures of the public health significance of micronutrient deficiencies.
A combination of complementary information systems may be the most cost-
effective way to monitor trends. Decision-making models and approaches that consider
several variables, such as food security, livelihoods, and health and nutrition may be appro-
priate ⊕ see Food security and nutrition assessments standard 1.1: Food security assessment.
Food Security and Nutrition
2. Management of malnutrition
The prevention and treatment of malnutrition are both important considerations
in humanitarian crises. Chronic malnutrition can be prevented, but there is limited
evidence that it can be reversed or treated. On the other hand, acute malnutrition –
which may be triggered during a crisis – can be prevented and treated with the
right nutrition responses.
Nutrition responses are key in reducing morbidity and mortality in affected
populations. However, they require an understanding of the complex underlying
causes of malnutrition. A multi-sectoral approach is essential to addressing all
the causes and their interactions.
Management of moderate acute malnutrition: In crises, supplementary feeding is
often the primary strategy for preventing and treating moderate acute malnutrition.
Two types of supplementary feeding programmes are common: blanket supple-
mentary feeding programmes for prevention, and targeted supplementary feeding
programmes for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition and prevention of severe
acute malnutrition. The use of each depends on the levels of acute malnutrition,
vulnerable population groups and the risk of an increase in acute malnutrition.
Blanket supplementary feeding programmes are recommended where food
insecurity is high and there is a need to expand interventions beyond only
moderate acute malnutrition cases. They should be accompanied by general
food distributions targeting affected households. There are no defined impact
indicators for blanket supplementary feeding programmes, but it is important to
monitor coverage, adherence, acceptability and rations provided. The indicators
for managing moderate acute malnutrition primarily refer to targeted supple-
mentary feeding.
The main aim of a targeted supplementary feeding programme is to prevent the
moderately malnourished becoming severely malnourished and to rehabilitate
them. These types of programmes usually provide a food supplement to the general
ration for moderately malnourished individuals, pregnant and nursing mothers, and
other at-risk individuals.
Management of severe acute malnutrition: A variety of approaches are used for
therapeutic care. Community-based management of acute malnutrition is the
preferred approach where conditions allow. This includes:
•• inpatient care for people with medical complications who present with
severe acute malnutrition;
•• inpatient care for all infants under six months old who present with severe
acute malnutrition;
•• outpatient care for people with severe acute malnutrition but without
medical complications;
Management of malnutrition
Key actions
1 Establish clearly defined and agreed strategies, objectives and criteria for
set-up and closure of interventions from the outset of the programme.
2 Maximise access to coverage of moderate acute malnutrition interventions
through community engagement and involvement from the beginning.
•• Work with community stakeholders to identify vulnerable individuals and
3 Establish admission and discharge protocols, based on nationally and
internationally accepted anthropometric criteria.
•• Specify the discharge criteria when reporting performance indicators.
•• Investigate and act on causes of default and non-response, or an increase in
4 Link the management of moderate acute malnutrition to the management of
severe acute malnutrition and to existing health services.
5 Provide take-home dry or suitable ready-to-use supplementary food rations
unless there is a clear rationale for on-site feeding.
•• Provide rations on a weekly or every two weeks basis. Consider household
composition and size, household food security, and the likelihood of sharing
when setting the size and composition of the ration.
•• Provide clear information on how to hygienically prepare and store supple-
mentary food, and how and when to consume it.
6 Emphasise protecting, supporting and promoting breastfeeding, comple-
mentary feeding and hygiene.
•• Provide clear information on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in
children up to six months, and continued breastfeeding for children from
6 to 24 months, for both the physical and psychological health of mother
and child.
Food Security and Nutrition
Key indicators
Percentage of target population that can access dry ration supplementary feeding
sites within one day’s return walk (including time for treatment)
•• >90 per cent
Guidance notes
Programme design: Design programmes that build on and support existing health
system capacity and consider access to health facilities, the geographical spread
of the population and security. Maintain links to inpatient and outpatient thera-
peutic care, ante-natal care, malaria prevention, childhood illness and screening,
HIV and tuberculosis care, and food security programmes including food, cash or
voucher transfers.
Supplementary feeding programmes are not meant to replace the diet but to
complement it. It is key to design programmes as part of a multi-sectoral approach
with complementary services such as WASH, health, IYCF and general food distri-
bution. Assess availability of supplementary foods on national or international
markets and factor potential pipeline constraints into programme planning ⊕ see
Delivering assistance through markets.
Prevention or treatment: Adopt a blanket approach to prevent malnutrition, or a
targeted approach to treat it. The decision will depend on:
•• levels of acute malnutrition and numbers of affected people;
•• risk of increased morbidity;
Management of malnutrition
Targeted supplementary feeding generally requires more time and effort to screen
and monitor individuals with acute malnutrition, but it also requires fewer special-
ised food resources. A blanket approach generally requires less staff expertise but
more specialised food resources.
Effective community mobilisation: Community mobilisation and involvement will
improve people’s understanding of the programme and its likely effectiveness. Work
with the target population in deciding where to locate programme sites. Consider
at-risk groups who may face difficulties in accessing sites. Share clear and compre-
hensive information on the available support in accessible languages using multiple
information-sharing channels, including audio, visual and written forms.
Coverage refers to the number of individuals receiving treatment as a proportion of
the number of people who need treatment. Coverage can be affected by the:
•• acceptability of the programme, including location and accessibility of
programme sites;
•• security situation;
•• frequency of distributions;
•• waiting time;
•• extent of mobilisation, home visits and screening;
•• availability of male and female nutrition staff;
•• alignment of admission criteria and coverage; and
•• caregivers’ ability to identify signs of malnutrition.
Coverage assessment methodologies are costly and require specially trained staff.
If coverage surveys are not feasible, consult national guidance when deciding on
alternative methods. Use routine programme data such as screening, referrals and
admissions to estimate coverage.
There may be no need to conduct regular coverage assessments unless there have
been significant changes in the programme area, such as population movements
or a new treatment product or protocol.
Admission criteria should be consistent with national and international guidance.
Admission criteria for infants below six months and for groups whose anthropomet-
ric status is difficult to determine should include clinical and breastfeeding status
⊕ see Appendix 4: Measuring acute malnutrition and References and further reading.
Individuals who are (or are suspected to be) HIV-positive or who have tuberculosis
or another chronic illness should not be discriminated against and should have
equal access to care if they meet the admission criteria. Some individuals who
do not meet anthropometric criteria for acute malnutrition may benefit from
Food Security and Nutrition
supplementary feeding. This may include, for example people living with HIV,
tuberculosis or other chronic diseases, people discharged from care but requiring
therapeutic support to avoid relapse, or persons with disabilities. Adjust
monitoring and reporting systems if such individuals do not meet anthropo-
metric criteria.
People living with HIV who do not meet admission criteria often require nutri-
tional support. Such support is better offered outside the context of treatment
for severe acute malnutrition in crises. Provide these individuals and their
families with a range of services, including community and home-based care,
tuberculosis treatment centres and prevention of mother-to-child-transmission
Discharge criteria and monitoring: The number of discharged individuals includes
those who have recovered, died, defaulted or not recovered. Individuals referred
for complementary services, such as healthcare, have not ended the treat-
ment and will either continue treatment or return to the treatment later. Do
not include individuals transferred to other sites or who have not ended the
If individuals join a nutrition programme after discharge from therapeutic care,
report them as a separate category to avoid biased results. If an individual develops
acute malnutrition symptoms as a result of other factors such as disability, cleft or
surgical problems, include them in programme reporting. Investigate how the
gender of the individual may influence access to treatment, treatment default,
and recovery.
Calculate discharge statistics as follows:
Management of malnutrition
•• morbidity patterns;
•• levels of undernutrition in the population;
•• level of food insecurity in households and in the population;
•• complementary interventions available to the population (including general
food assistance or equivalent programmes); and
•• the capacity of existing systems for service delivery.
Links to health and other sectors: Both targeted and blanket supplementary feeding
programmes can be used as a platform for delivering complementary services.
In many situations, a blanket supplementary feeding programme for prevention
can support crisis response. For example, it can provide access to the target popu-
lation through a census registration, community screening and referral for severe
acute malnutrition and moderate acute malnutrition management. It can also
allow for child survival interventions such as:
•• anthelmintics;
•• vitamin A supplementation;
•• iron and folic acid combined with malaria screening and treatment;
•• zinc for treatment of diarrhoea; and
•• immunisations.
Key actions
1 Establish clearly defined and agreed strategies, objectives and criteria for
set-up and closure of interventions from the outset of the programme.
•• Include adequate staffing and relevant capacity, expertise and skills.
2 Include inpatient care, outpatient care, referral and community mobilisation
components in the management of severe acute malnutrition.
3 Provide nutrition and healthcare according to nationally and internationally
Food Security and Nutrition
4 Establish discharge criteria that include anthropometric and other indices.
5 Investigate and act on causes of default and non-response, or an increase
in deaths.
6 Protect, support and promote breastfeeding, complementary feeding,
hygiene promotion, and good mother and child interaction.
•• Provide clear information on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in
children up to six months, and continued breastfeeding for children from
6 to 24 months, for both the physical and psychological health of mother
and child.
Key indicators
Percentage of the target population less than a one day’s return walk (including
time for treatment) to the programme site
•• >90 per cent of the target population
Guidance notes
Programme components: Inpatient care may be provided directly or through referral.
Programmes should provide decentralised outpatient care for children with no
medical complications. Outpatient programme sites should be close to the targeted
population, to reduce the risks and costs associated with travelling with young
children, and the risk of further displacement. ⊕ See Child health standard 2.2.2:
Management of newborn and childhood illness.
Link programmes with other relevant services, such as:
•• supplementary feeding;
•• HIV and tuberculosis networks;
•• rehabilitation;
•• primary health services; and
•• food security programmes including food or cash-based assistance.
Management of malnutrition
Food Security and Nutrition
Management of malnutrition
children. Enable all caregivers of severely malnourished children to feed and care
for their children during treatment; provide them with advice, demonstrations and
health and nutrition information. Pay attention to the impact of treatment on the
caregivers and siblings to ensure adequate childcare arrangements, avoid family
separation, minimise psychosocial distress and maximise the potential treatment
Linkage with other actors: Coordinate with child protection and gender-based
violence partners to establish referral pathways and information sharing protocols.
Train nutrition staff in how to provide supportive and confidential referrals for caregivers
of children exposed to physical, sexual or emotional violence, exploitation or abuse.
Food Security and Nutrition
3. Micronutrient deficiencies
Micronutrient deficiencies are a constraint to socio-economic development in
many countries. They have a great impact on people’s health, learning ability
and productivity. These deficiencies contribute to a vicious cycle of malnutrition,
underdevelopment and poverty, affecting already underprivileged groups.
Micronutrient deficiencies are difficult to identify in many contexts. While clinical
signs of severe deficiencies may be easy to diagnose, the greater burden on the
health and survival of populations may be subclinical deficiencies. Assume that a
crisis will worsen any existing micronutrient deficiencies in a population. Address
these deficiencies using population-wide interventions and individual treatment.
There are three approaches to controlling micronutrient deficiencies:
While all three approaches are used in crises, the most common and widely used
is supplementation.
Key actions
1 Collect information on the pre-crisis situation to determine the most
common micronutrient deficiencies.
2 Train health staff in identifying and treating micronutrient deficiencies.
3 Establish procedures to respond to micronutrient deficiency risks.
Micronutrient deficiencies
4 Link micronutrient responses with public health responses to reduce
diseases commonly associated with crises, such as vitamin A to manage
measles and zinc to manage diarrhoea.
Key indicators
There are no cases of scurvy, pellagra, beriberi or riboflavin deficiency
•• ⊕ See Appendix 5: Measures of the public health significance of micronutrient
deficiencies for a definition of public health significance by age group and
whole population.
•• Use national or context-specific indicators where they exist.
Rates of xerophthalmia, anaemia and iodine deficiency are not of public health
•• ⊕ See Appendix 5: Measures of the public health significance of micronutrient
deficiencies for a definition of public health significance by age group and
whole population.
•• Use national or context-specific indicators where they exist.
Guidance notes
Diagnosing clinical micronutrient deficiencies: Clinical micronutrient deficien-
cies should always be diagnosed by qualified medical staff. When clinical indica-
tors of these deficiencies are incorporated into health or nutritional surveillance
systems, train staff to conduct the basic assessment and refer accordingly. Case
definitions are problematic; in crises, determine them through the response to
Subclinical micronutrient deficiencies are those that are not severe enough to
present readily identifiable symptoms. However, they can have adverse health
outcomes. Identification requires specialised biochemical examination. An excep-
tion is anaemia, for which a basic test is available and easily undertaken in the field.
Indirect indicators can be used to assess the risk of micronutrient deficiencies
and determine when supplements or an improved dietary intake may be required.
Indirect assessment involves estimating nutrient intakes at the population level
and extrapolating deficiency risk. To do this, review available data on food access,
availability and utilisation, and assess food ration adequacy.
Prevention: Strategies for micronutritient deficiency prevention are addressed in
section 6 below (⊕ see Food assistance standard 6.1: General nutrition requirements).
Disease control is critical in preventing micronutrient deficiencies. Acute respiratory
infection, measles, parasitic infections such as malaria, and diarrhoea are examples
of diseases that deplete micronutrient stores. Preparedness for treatment will
involve developing case definitions and guidelines for treatment, and systems for
active case-finding ⊕ see Essential healthcare – child health standards 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.
Food Security and Nutrition
If multiple micronutrient products containing iron are not available, provide daily
iron and folic acid supplements to pregnant women and those who have given birth
in the past 45 days.
Use sex-disaggregated indirect indicators to assess the risk of micronutrient
deficiecies in the affected population and determine the need for improved
dietary intake or the use of supplements. For example, indirect indicators for
vitamin A deficiency can include low birth weight, wasting or stunting. Assess
the risk of micronutrient deficiencies in affected people and determine the need for
improved dietary intake or the use of supplements ⊕ see Food Security and Nutrition
assessment standard 1.2: Nutrition assessment.
Infant and young child feeding
IYCF-E addresses actions and interventions to protect and support the nutri-
tional needs of both breastfed and non-breastfed infants and young children
aged 0–23 months. Priority interventions include:
Food Security and Nutrition
Key actions
1 Establish an IYCF-E coordination authority within the crisis coordination
mechanism, and ensure collaboration across sectors.
•• Assume the government is the coordination authority, wherever possible.
2 Include the specifications of the Operational Guidance in relevant national
and humanitarian organisation policy guidance on preparedness.
•• Develop guidance and a joint statement with national authorities in
situations where there is no policy.
•• Strengthen relevant national policies wherever possible.
3 Support strong, harmonised, timely communication on IYCF-E at all response levels.
•• Inform humanitarian organisations, donors and media as soon as possible
about any IYCF-E policies and practices that are in place.
•• Communicate with affected people about available services, IYCF-E practices
and feedback mechanisms.
4 Avoid accepting or soliciting donations of breastmilk substitutes, other liquid
milk products, feeding bottles and teats.
•• Donations that do arrive should be managed by the designated authority, in
accordance with the Operational Guidance and the Code.
•• Ensure strict targeting and use, procurement, management and distribution
of breastmilk substitutes. This must be based on needs and risk assessment,
data analysis and technical guidance.
Key indicators
Percentage of adopted IYCF policies in emergencies that reflect the specifica-
tions of the Operational Guidance
Guidance notes
Communication with the affected people, responders and media: Communicating
about available services and healthy infant and young child feeding practices will
Infant and young child feeding
require adapted messages for different groups providing assistance and for the
public. Consider the need to support caregivers who are grandparents, single
parents, child-headed households or siblings as well as caregivers with disabilities,
and people living with HIV when generating messages.
International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes: The Code protects artificially
fed babies by ensuring safe use of breastmilk substitutes. It is based on impartial,
accurate information and applies in all contexts. It should be included in legislation
during the preparedness phase and enforced during the crisis response. In the absence
of national legislation, implement the Code provisions at a minimum.
The Code does not restrict the availability or prohibit the use of breastmilk substi-
tutes, feeding bottles or teats. It only restricts their marketing, procurement
and distribution. Common Code violations in crises derive from labelling issues
and untargeted distribution. During crises, monitor and report Code violations to
UNICEF, WHO and local authorities.
Use standard indicators where they exist and develop context-specific indica-
tors where they do not. Define IYCF-E benchmarks to determine progress and
achievement, considering intervention time frames. Encourage consistent IYCF-E
indicator use across implementing partners and in surveys. Repeat assessments
or parts of a baseline assessment as part of monitoring IYCF-E interventions.
Use annual surveys to determine the impact of these interventions.
Artificial feeding: All breastmilk substitutes must comply with Codex Alimentarius
and the Code. Access to adequate WASH services is essential to minimise the
risks of artificial feeding in emergencies. The distribution system for breastmilk
substitutes will depend on the context, including the scale of intervention. Do not
include infant formula and other breastmilk substitutes in general or blanket
food distributions. Do not distribute dried liquid milk products and liquid milk as a
single commodity. Indications for and management of artificial feeding should be
in accordance with the Operational Guidance and the Code, under the guidance of
the designated IYCF-E coordinating authority.
Key actions
1. Prioritise pregnant and breastfeeding women for access to food, cash or
voucher transfers and other supportive interventions.
Food Security and Nutrition
2 Provide access to skilled breastfeeding counselling for pregnant and breast-
feeding mothers.
3 Target mothers of all newborns with support for early initiation of exclusive
•• Provide simple guidance for exclusive breastfeeding in maternity services.
•• Protect, promote and support exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged
0–5 months, and continued breastfeeding in children aged six months to
two years.
•• Where mixed feeding is practised in infants aged 0–5 months, support
transitioning to exclusive breastfeeding.
4 Provide appropriate breastmilk substitutes, feeding equipment and
associated support to mothers and caregivers whose infants require
artificial feeding.
•• Explore the safety and viability of relactation and wet nursing where infants
are not breastfed by their mother. Consider the cultural context and service
availability in such situations.
•• If breastmilk substitutes are the only acceptable options, include an essential
package of support with cooking and feeding equipment, WASH support and
access to healthcare services.
5 Support timely, safe, adequate and appropriate complementary food support.
•• Assess household foods to assess whether they are suitable as complemen-
tary foods for children and provide context-specific advice and support on
complementary feeding.
•• Ensure access to feeding equipment and cooking supplies, with considera-
tions for children with feeding difficulties.
6 Provide feeding support to particularly vulnerable infants and young children.
Key indicators
Percentage of breastfeeding mothers who have access to skilled counselling
Infant and young child feeding
Guidance notes
IYCF-E assessment and monitoring: Assess the needs and priorities for IYCF-E
response and monitor the impact of IYCF-E interventions ⊕ see Food security and
nutrition assessments standard 1.2: Nutrition assessment.
Multi-sectoral collaboration: Sectoral entry points to identify and support
IYCF-E include:
Target groups: All assessment and programme data for children under five
years should be disaggregated by sex and by age 0–5 months, 6–11 months,
12–23 months, and 24–59 months. Disaggregation by disability is recommended
from 24 months.
Identify and establish services to provide for the nutritional and care needs of
children with disabilities, separated and unaccompanied infants and young children.
Refer separated and unaccompanied children to child protection partners. Identify
the proportion of pregnant and lactating women.
Consider populations with medium or high HIV prevalence, separated and unac-
companied children, low birth-weight infants, children with disabilities and with
feeding difficulties, children under two years not breastfeeding, and those acutely
malnourished. Be aware that children of mothers with depression tend to be at
higher risk of malnutrition.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women: If the needs of pregnant and breastfeeding
women are not met in food, or cash or voucher assistance programmes, target
pregnant and breastfeeding women with fortified food. Give micronutrient supple-
ments in accordance with WHO recommendations.
Organise psychosocial support for distressed mothers, including referral to mental
health services as necessary. Arrange appropriate support for mothers with disabilities.
Create safe places in camp and other collective settings for women to breastfeed,
such as baby friendly spaces with exclusive breastfeeding areas.
Food Security and Nutrition
Breastfed infants: Planning and resource allocation should allow for skilled breast-
feeding support in difficult situations. This could include for acutely malnourished
infants aged 0–6 months, populations where mixed feeding is common, and infant
feeding in the context of HIV.
Non-breastfed infants: In all crises, protect infants and young children who
are not breastfed and support them to meet their nutritional needs. The
consequences of not breastfeeding vary by the age of the child. The youngest
children are most vulnerable to infectious diseases. They depend on access to
assured supplies of appropriate breastmilk substitutes, fuel, equipment and
WASH conditions.
Infant formula and other breastmilk substitutes: Infant formula is the appropriate
breastmilk substitute for infants aged 0–5 months. Give preference to ready-to-
use infant formula in liquid form, since it does not require preparation and carries
fewer safety risks than powdered infant formula.
Appropriate use, careful storage and hygiene of feeding utensils are essential for
ready-to-use infant formula. Ready-to-use infant formula is bulky and therefore
expensive to transport and store. In children over six months, use alternative liquid
milks. Alternative milks include pasteurised full-cream milk from a cow, goat,
sheep, camel or buffalo; ultra-high temperature liquid milk; fermented liquid milk;
or yogurt.
Use of infant formula in children over six months will depend on pre-crisis practices,
resources available, sources of alternative liquid milks, adequacy of complemen-
tary foods and humanitarian organisation policy. Indications for using breastmilk
substitutes may be short or longer term. Follow-on, growing-up liquid milks and
toddler liquid milks marketed to children over six months are not necessary.
A qualified health or nutrition worker can determine the need for infant formula
through individual assessment, follow-up and support. Where individual assess-
ment is not possible, consult with the coordinating authority and technical human-
itarian organisations for advice on assessment and targeting criteria. Provide
infant formula until the child is breastfeeding or at least six months. When provid-
ing breastmilk substitutes to children who need it, do not inadvertently encourage
breastfeeding mothers to use it also.
Do not use feeding bottles; they are difficult to clean. Encourage and support cup
Maintain surveillance of morbidity at individual and population levels, with a focus
on diarrhoea.
Complementary feeding is the process that starts when breastmilk alone is no
longer sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of infants and other foods
and liquids are needed along with breast milk. Complementary foods and liquids,
whether industrially produced or locally prepared, should be provided to children
aged 6–23 months.
Infant and young child feeding
Pre-existing and existing nutrient gaps are key in determining complementary food
support options. Other considerations include the affordability and availability of a
nutritious diet, seasonality of food supply and access to locally available comple-
mentary foods of good quality. Complementary food response options include:
Food Security and Nutrition
Food security
5. Food security
Food security exists when all people have physical and economic access to suffi-
cient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences
for an active and healthy life.
Food security is influenced by macro-economic, socio-political and environmental
factors. National and international policies, processes or institutions can impact
affected people’s access to nutritionally adequate food. The degradation of the
local environment and the increasingly variable and extreme weather caused by
climate change also affect food security.
In a humanitarian crisis, food security responses should aim to meet short-term
needs and reduce the need for the affected population to adopt potentially
damaging coping strategies. Over time, responses should protect and restore
livelihoods, stabilise or create employment opportunities and contribute to
restoring longer-term food security. They should not have a negative impact on
natural resources and the environment.
Household food insecurity is one of four underlying causes of undernutrition, along
with poor feeding and care practices, an unhealthy household environment and
inadequate healthcare.
The standards in this section consider the resources to meet the food needs of
both the general population and people at increased nutritional risk, such as children
under five years of age, people living with HIV or AIDS, older people, people with
chronic illnesses and people with disabilities.
Responses aimed at treating malnutrition will have a limited impact if the food
needs of the general population are not met. People who recover from malnutri-
tion but who cannot maintain an adequate food intake will deteriorate again.
The choice of the most effective and efficient crisis response options requires
a thorough analysis of sex-disaggregated needs, household preferences, cost
efficiency and effectiveness, protection risks and seasonal changes. It should also
identify the specific type and quantity of food required and the optimal way of
distributing it.
Food is the major expenditure for vulnerable households. Cash-based assistance
can enable people receiving assistance to better manage their overall resources,
although this depends on the transfer value provided. Collaborative analysis and
programme objectives will guide the targeting, transfer value and any potential
conditions placed on the transfer.
Food security responses should progressively aim to work through or support local
markets. Decisions on local, national or regional procurement should be based on
an understanding of markets, including market and financial service providers.
Food Security and Nutrition
Market-based programming, such as grants to traders for restocking, can also support
markets ⊕ see Delivering assistance through markets and MERS Handbook.
Key actions
1 Based on food security assessment data, design the response to meet
immediate needs, and consider measures to support, protect, promote and
restore food security.
•• Consider both in-kind and cash-based options for the food basket.
2 Develop transition and exit strategies for all food security programmes as
early as possible.
•• Integrate programmes with responses from other sectors.
3 Ensure that people receiving assistance have access to the necessary know
ledge, skills and services to cope and support their livelihoods.
4 Protect, preserve and restore the natural environment from further
•• Consider the impact of cooking fuel on the environment.
•• Consider livelihoods strategies that do not contribute to deforestation or soil
5 Monitor the level of acceptance of and access to humanitarian food security
interventions by different groups and individuals.
6 Ensure that people receiving food assistance are consulted on the design of
the response and are treated with respect and dignity.
•• Establish a mechanism for providing feedback.
Key indicators
Percentage of targeted households with acceptable Food Consumption Score
•• >35 per cent; if oil and sugar are provided, >42 per cent
Food security
Guidance notes
Context: Monitor the wider food security situation to assess the continued relevance
of a response. Determine when to phase out activities and when to introduce
modifications or new projects, and identify any need for advocacy.
In urban settings, take steps to contextualise household food expenditure indi-
cators, particularly in dense low-income settlements. For example, the Food
Expenditure Share and its established thresholds may be less accurate in urban
contexts, because non-food expenses, such as rent and heating, are relatively
Exit and transition strategies: Start developing exit and transition strategies from
the outset of the programme. Before closing a programme or making a transition,
there should be evidence of improvement or that another actor can take respon-
sibility. In the case of food assistance, it may mean understanding the existing or
planned social protection or long-term safety-net systems.
Food assistance programmes can coordinate with social protection systems or
lay the foundation for such a future system. Humanitarian organisations can also
advocate for systems that address chronic food insecurity, informed by a chronic
food insecurity analysis where available ⊕ see MERS Handbook.
At-risk groups: Use community-based risk assessments and other participatory
monitoring to counter any patterns that endanger particular groups or individuals.
For example, distributing fuel and/or fuel-efficient stoves may reduce the risks
of physical and sexual assault for women and girls. Supplemental cash transfers,
especially to vulnerable households or individuals, such as women- and child-
headed households or households with people with disabilities, can reduce the risk
of sexual exploitation and child labour.
Community support structures: Design community support structures together with
users, so that they are appropriate and adequately maintained and are more likely
to remain after the programme ends. Consider the needs of vulnerable individuals
during the design. For example, separated or unaccompanied girls and boys may
miss out on the information and skills development that takes place within a family
⊕ see Core Humanitarian Standard Commitment 4.
Livelihoods support: ⊕ See Food security and nutrition – livelihoods standards 7.1 and
7.2, MERS Handbook and LEGS Handbook.
Environmental impact: People living in camps require cooking fuel, which may
accelerate local deforestation. Consider options such as fuel distribution, efficient
stoves and alternative energy. Take account of the potential environmental
Food Security and Nutrition
Food assistance
6. Food assistance
Food assistance is required when the quality and quantity of available food
or access to food is not sufficient to prevent excessive mortality, morbidity or
malnutrition. It includes humanitarian responses that improve food availability
and access, nutrition awareness and feeding practices. Such responses should
also protect and strengthen the livelihoods of affected people. Response options
include in-kind food, cash-based assistance, support for production and market
support. While meeting immediate needs is a priority in the initial stages of a crisis,
responses should preserve and protect assets, help to recover assets lost through
crises and increase resilience to future threats.
Food assistance may also be used to prevent people adopting negative coping
mechanisms such as the sale of productive assets, over-exploitation or destruc-
tion of natural resources or the accumulation of debt.
A wide range of tools can be used in food assistance programmes, including:
General food distributions provide support to those who need the food most.
Discontinue these distributions when the people receiving assistance can produce
or access their food through other means. Transitional arrangements may be
needed, including conditional cash-based assistance or livelihood support.
People with specific nutrient needs may require supplementary food in addition to
any general ration. This includes children aged 6–59 months, older people, persons
with disabilities, people living with HIV, and pregnant or breastfeeding women. In
many situations, supplementary feeding saves lives. On-site feeding is under-
taken only when people do not have the means to cook for themselves. This can
be necessary immediately after a crisis, during population movements or where
insecurity would put recipients of take-home rations at risk. It can also be used
for emergency school feeding, although take-home rations may be distributed
through schools. Consider that children not attending school will not access these
distributions; plan outreach mechanisms for these children.
Food assistance requires good supply chain management and logistics capabilities
to manage commodities effectively.
Management of any cash delivery system needs to be robust and accountable,
with systematic monitoring ⊕ see Delivering assistance through markets.
Food Security and Nutrition
Key actions
1 Measure the levels of access to adequate quantity and the quality of food.
•• Assess the level of access on a frequent basis to see whether it is stable or
likely to decline.
•• Assess affected people’s access to markets.
2 Design food and cash-based assistance to meet the standard initial planning
requirements for energy, protein, fat and micronutrients.
•• Plan rations to make up the difference between the nutritional requirements
and what people can provide for themselves.
3 Protect, promote and support affected people’s access to nutritious foods
and nutritional support.
•• Ensure that children aged 6-24 months have access to complementary
foods and that pregnant and breastfeeding women have access to additional
nutritional support.
•• Ensure households with chronically ill members, people living with HIV and
tuberculosis, older people and people with disabilities have appropriate
nutritious food and adequate nutritional support.
Key indicators
Prevalence of malnutrition among children <5 years disaggregated by sex, and
disaggregated by disability from 24 months
•• Use WHO classification system (MAD, MDD-W).
•• For disaggregation by disability, use the UNICEF/Washington Group module
on Child Functioning.
Food assistance
Guidance notes
Monitoring access to food: Consider variables including levels of food security, access
to markets, livelihoods, health and nutrition. This will help determine whether the
situation is stable or declining, and whether food interventions are necessary. Use
proxy indicators such as the Food Consumption Score or dietary diversity tools.
Forms of assistance: Use appropriate forms of assistance (cash, vouchers or
in-kind) or a combination to ensure food security. Where cash-based assistance
is used, consider complementary food distributions or supplementary food distri-
butions to meet the needs of specific groups. Consider the adequacy of markets
to serve particular nutritional needs and use specific methodologies including ‘the
minimum cost of a healthy diet’ assessment tool.
Design of food rations and nutritional quality: A number of ration planning tools are
available, for example NutVal. To plan general rations ⊕ see Appendix 6: Nutritional
requirements. If a ration is designed to provide all the energy content of the diet,
then it must contain adequate amounts of all nutrients. If a ration provides only part
of the energy requirement of the diet, then design it using one of two approaches:
•• 2,100 kCal per person per day with 10–12 per cent of total energy provided
by protein and 17 per cent provided by fat ⊕ see Appendix 4: Nutritional
requirements for further details.
Ensuring adequate nutrient content of food rations may be challenging where there
are limited food types available. Consider access to iodised salt, niacin, thiamine and
riboflavin. Options for improving the nutritional quality of the ration include fortifying
staple commodities, including fortified blended foods, and encouraging the purchase of
locally produced fresh foods using vouchers. Consider using supplementation
products such as lipid-based, nutrient-dense, ready-to-use foods, or multiple
micronutrient tablets or powders. Provide IYCF-E messages to ensure that optimal
breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices are promoted ⊕ see Infant
and young child feeding standards 4.1 and 4.2.
When planning rations, consult with the community to take account of local and
cultural preferences. Choose foods that do not require long cooking if fuel is sparse.
Whenever there are changes in rations, share information with entire communi-
ties as early as possible to minimise resentment and limit the risk of household
Food Security and Nutrition
violence against women, who may be blamed for reduced rations. Clearly commu-
nicate the exit plan from the onset to manage expectations, reduce anxiety and
enable households to make relevant decisions.
Link with health programmes: Food assistance can prevent the deterioration of
the nutrition status of the affected population, especially when combined with
public health measures to prevent diseases such as measles, malaria and parasitic
infection ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.1: Health service delivery and Essential
healthcare – communicable diseases standard 2.1: Prevention.
Monitoring food use: Key indicators for food assistance measure access to food
but do not quantify food use. Direct measurement of nutrient intake is not realistic.
Indirect measurement is a good alternative, using information from various
sources including food availability and use at the household level, and assessing
food prices, food availability and cooking fuel in local markets. Other options
include examining food assistance distribution plans and records, assessing any
contribution of wild foods and conducting food security assessments.
At-risk groups: When setting eligibility criteria for food assistance, consult with
different groups to identify any particular needs that might otherwise be over-
looked. Include adequate and acceptable food such as fortified blended food for
young children (aged 6–59 months) in the general ration. Specific population groups
that may need attention include older people, people living with HIV, persons with
disabilities, and caregivers.
Older people: Chronic disease and disability, isolation, large family size, cold weather
and poverty can reduce access to food and increase nutrient requirements. Older
people should be able to access food sources and food transfers easily. Foods
should be easy to prepare and consume and should meet the additional protein
and micronutrient requirements of older people.
People living with HIV: There is a high risk of malnutrition for people living with
HIV. This is due to factors such as reduced food intake, poor absorption of nutri-
ents, changes in metabolism, and chronic infections and illness. The energy
requirements of people living with HIV vary with the stage of the infection.
Milling and fortifying food, or providing fortified, blended or special food supple-
ments are possible strategies for improving access to an adequate diet. In some
situations it may be appropriate to increase the overall size of any food ration.
Refer malnourished people living with HIV to targeted feeding programmes,
when available.
Persons with disabilities, including people with psychosocial disabilities, may be at
particular risk of separation from immediate family members and usual caregivers
in a crisis. They also may face discrimination. Reduce these risks by ensuring
physical access to food, access to energy-dense and nutrient-rich foods, and
mechanisms for feeding support. This may include providing manual blenders,
spoons and straws, or developing systems for home visiting or outreach. In addition,
Food assistance
consider that children with disabilities are less likely to be enrolled in schools,
missing school-based food programmes.
Caregivers: It is important to support people caring for vulnerable individuals.
Caregivers and those they are caring for may face specific nutritional barriers.
For example, they may have less time to access food because they are ill or caring
for the ill. They may have a greater need to maintain hygienic practices. They may
have fewer assets to exchange for food, due to the costs of treatment or funerals.
They may face social stigma and reduced access to community support mechanisms.
Use existing social networks to train selected members of the population to
support caregivers.
Key actions
1 Select foods that conform to the national standards of the host government
and other internationally accepted quality standards.
•• Perform random sample testing on food stocks.
•• Understand and respect national regulations concerning the receipt and use
of genetically modified foods when planning to use imported food.
2 Choose appropriate food packaging.
•• Provide labels with the date of production, country of origin, expiration or
“best before” date, nutritional analysis and cooking instructions in access
ible formats and in the local language, especially for less familiar or less
commonly used foods.
3 Assess access to water, fuel, stoves and food storage facilities.
4 Provide access to adequate milling and processing facilities when whole-
grain cereal is provided.
•• Meet milling costs of recipients using cash or vouchers, or the less-preferred
approach of providing additional grain or milling equipment.
5 Transport and store food in appropriate conditions.
Food Security and Nutrition
Key indicators
Percentage of affected population that report that food provided is of appropri-
ate quality and meets local preferences
Percentage of households that report that received food items were easy to
prepare and store
Guidance notes
Food quality: Foods must conform to the food standards of the host country’s
government. Food must also conform to the Codex Alimentarius standards
about quality, packaging, labelling and fitness for purpose. When food is not
of the quality required for its intended use, it is unfit for the purpose. This is
true even if it is fit for human consumption. An example is when the quality of
flour may not enable baking at household level even if it is safe to consume.
Phytosanitary certificates or other inspection certificates must accompany
locally purchased and imported foods. Fumigation should use appropriate
products and follow strict procedures. Ensure that independent quality surveyors
inspect large-quantity consignments and use independent quality surveyors
when there are doubts or disputes about quality.
Ensure that host governments remain involved as much as possible. Obtain infor-
mation on the age and quality of food consignments from supplier certificates,
quality control inspection reports, package labels and warehouse reports. Make a
database for certificates of analysis (CoA) issued by a relevant authority to certify
the quality and purity of a product.
Assess availability of food commodities on local, national or international markets.
If food assistance is sourced locally, it should be sustainable and not further strain
local natural resources or distort markets. Factor potential food supply constraints
into programme planning.
Food packaging: Food losses can be reported at warehouses and final distri-
bution points. Food losses can be due to poor packaging in the distribution
cycle. Packaging should be sturdy and convenient for handling, storage and
distribution. It should be accessible for older people, children and persons with
Food assistance
Food Security and Nutrition
Food storage and preparation: Household storage capacity should inform the choice
of foods offered. Ensure that people receiving assistance understand how to avoid
public health risks associated with food preparation. Provide fuel-efficient stoves
or alternative fuels to minimise environmental degradation.
Storage areas should be dry and hygienic, adequately protected from weather
and free of chemical or other contamination. Secure storage areas against pests
such as insects and rodents. Where appropriate, use Ministry of Health officers to
certify the quality of food supplied by vendors and traders.
Key actions
1 Identify and target food assistance recipients based on need and consulta-
tions with appropriate stakeholders.
•• Provide clear, publicised details of targeting approaches that are accepted by
both recipient and non-recipient populations, to avoid creating tensions and
doing harm.
•• Initiate formal registration of households to receive food as soon as it is
feasible, and update as necessary.
2 Design food distribution methods or direct cash/voucher delivery
mechanisms that are efficient, equitable, secure, safe, accessible
and effective.
•• Consult women and men, including adolescents and youth, and promote
participation by potentially vulnerable or marginalised groups.
3 Locate distribution and delivery points where they are accessible, safe and
most convenient for the recipients.
•• Minimise risks to people reaching distributions, regularly monitoring
checkpoints or changes in the security situation.
4 Provide recipients with advance details of the distribution plan and schedule,
the quality and quantity of the food ration or the cash or voucher value, and
what it is intended to cover.
•• Schedule distributions in a way that respects people’s travelling and working
time and that prioritises at-risk groups as appropriate.
•• Define and establish feedback mechanisms with the community before
Food assistance
Key indicators
Guidance notes
Targeting: Ensure that targeting tools and methods are adapted to context. Targeting
should span the intervention, not just the initial phase. Finding the right balance
between exclusion errors, which can be life-threatening, and inclusion errors, which
are potentially disruptive or wasteful, is complex. In rapid onset crises, inclusion errors
are more acceptable than exclusion errors. General food distributions may be appro-
priate in crises where households have suffered similar losses or where a detailed
targeting assessment is not possible due to lack of access.
Children aged 6–59 months, pregnant and lactating women, people living with
HIV and other vulnerable groups may be targeted for supplementary foods, or
they may be linked to nutrition treatment and prevention strategies. For people
living with HIV, this will increase their daily caloric intake and support adherence to
anti-retroviral therapy.
Any targeted programme should carefully avoid creating stigma or discrimination.
People living with HIV can be included as part of distributions for “people with
chronic diseases”, for instance, and provided through the health centres where
they receive care and treatment. Lists of people living with HIV should never
be publicised or shared, and in most contexts community leaders should not be
involved as targeting agents for people living with HIV.
Food Security and Nutrition
Food assistance
or when carrying food home would put people receiving assistance at risk of theft,
violence, abuse or exploitation. Use school meals and food incentives for education
personnel as a distribution mechanism in an emergency.
Distribution points: When locating distribution points, consider the terrain and try
to provide reasonable access to other sources of support such as clean and safe
water, toilets, health services, shade and shelter, and safe spaces for children and
women. The presence of armed checkpoints and military activity must be consid-
ered to minimise any risk to civilians and establish safe access to aid. Roads to
and from distribution points should be clearly marked, accessible and frequently
used by other members of the community. Consider the practicalities and costs of
transporting commodities ⊕ see Protection Principle 2.
Develop alternative means of distribution to reach those who are located further
from the distribution point or who have functional difficulties. Access to distribu-
tion is a common source of anxiety for marginalised and excluded populations in a
crisis. Provide direct distributions to populations in institutional settings.
Scheduling distributions: Schedule distributions at times that allow travel to distri-
bution points and back home during daylight hours. Avoid creating a requirement for
an overnight stay, which creates additional risks. Schedule distributions to minimise
disruption to everyday activities. Consider establishing fast-track or prioritisation
lines for at-risk groups, and a desk staffed with a social worker who can register
any unaccompanied and separated children. Provide advance information on the
schedule and distribution through a broad range of communications.
Safety during food, voucher and cash distributions: Take steps to minimise risks to
those participating in the distribution. This includes proper crowd control, supervision
of distributions by trained staff, and members of the affected population guarding
distribution points themselves. If necessary, involve the local police. Inform police offi-
cials and officers of the objectives of the food transfers. Carefully plan the site layout
at distribution points so that it is safe and accessible for older people, persons with
disabilities and people with functional difficulties. Inform all food distribution teams
about appropriate expected conduct, including penalties for sexual exploitation and
abuse. Include female guardians to oversee off-loading, registration, distribution and
post-distribution monitoring of food ⊕ see Core Humanitarian Standard Commitment 7.
Providing information: Display ration information prominently at distribution
points, in languages and formats accessible to people who cannot read or who
have communication difficulties. Inform people through printed, audio, SMS and
voice messages about:
•• the ration plan, specifying the quantity and type of food rations, or the cash/
voucher value and what it is intended to cover;
•• reasons for any changes from earlier plans (timing, quantity, items, other);
•• the distribution plan;
•• the nutritional quality of the food and, if needed, any special attention
required by recipients to protect its nutritional value;
Food Security and Nutrition
•• the requirements for the safe handling and use of the foods;
•• specific information for optimum use of food for children; and
•• options for obtaining more information or providing feedback.
Key actions
1 Protect people receiving assistance from inappropriate food handling or
•• Inform people of the importance of food hygiene and promote good hygiene
practices in food handling.
Food assistance
•• Where cooked rations are provided, train staff in safe storage, handling and
preparation of food, and the potential health hazards of improper practices.
2 Consult with and advise people receiving assistance on storage, preparation,
cooking and consumption of food.
3 Ensure that households have safe access to appropriate cooking utensils,
fuel, fuel-efficient stoves, clean water and hygiene materials.
4 Ensure that individuals who cannot prepare food or feed themselves have
access to caregivers who can support them where possible and appropriate.
5 Monitor how food resources are used within the household.
Key indicators
Number of cases reported of health hazards from food distributed
Guidance notes
Food hygiene: Crises may disrupt people’s normal hygiene practices. Promote food
hygiene practices that are adapted to local conditions and disease patterns. Stress
the importance of avoiding water contamination, controlling pests and always
washing hands before handling food. Inform people receiving food about storing
food safely at the household level ⊕ see WASH hygiene promotion standards.
Food processing and storage: Access to food-processing facilities, such as cereal-
grinding mills, enables people to prepare food in the form of their choice and saves
time for other productive activities. Where perishable food items are offered,
consider appropriate facilities to store these, such as watertight containers, coolers
and freezers. Heat, cold and moisture influence the storage of perishable foods.
Individuals who may require assistance with storage, cooking and feeding
include young children, older people, people with disabilities and people living
with HIV. Outreach programmes or additional support may be necessary for
people who have difficulty providing food to their dependants, such as parents
with disabilities.
Intra-house food use monitoring: Humanitarian organisations should monitor and
assess intra-house use of food and its appropriateness and adequacy. At the
household level, food commodities can either be consumed as intended or be
traded or bartered. The goal of the barter could be to access other more-preferred
Food Security and Nutrition
food items, non-food items or payment for services such as school fees or medical
bills. Intra-household allocation assessment should also monitor food use by sex,
age and disability.
The use of cash and vouchers: It is important to manage the risk of panic buying
when households receive cash or vouchers. Prepare traders and people receiving
assistance before distribution, at distribution and after distribution. For example,
consider whether food will be available throughout the month or whether it would
be better to stagger distributions over the course of a month. Vouchers can be
issued in small denominations redeemable on a weekly basis, where appropriate. The
same principle should apply to cash that is redeemable through automatic teller
machines or other forms of digital or manual payment.
7. Livelihoods
People’s ability to protect their livelihoods is directly related to their vulnerability
to crises. Understanding vulnerabilities before, during and after a crisis makes it
easier to provide appropriate assistance, and to identify how communities can
rehabilitate and improve their livelihoods.
Crises can disrupt many of the factors that people rely on to maintain their liveli-
hoods. People affected by crises may lose their jobs or have to abandon their land
or water sources. Assets may also be destroyed, contaminated or stolen during
conflict or natural disasters. Markets may stop functioning.
In the initial stages of a crisis, meeting basic survival needs is the priority. However,
over time, rehabilitation of the systems, skills and capacities that support liveli-
hoods will also help people recover with dignity. Promoting livelihoods among
refugees often presents unique challenges, such as encampment or restrictive
legal and policy frameworks in countries of asylum.
Those who produce food need access to land, water, livestock, support services and
markets that can support production. They should have the means to continue produc-
tion without compromising other resources, people or systems ⊕ see LEGS Handbook.
In urban areas, the impact of a crisis on livelihoods is likely to be different from the
impact in rural areas. Household composition, skills, disabilities and education will
determine the degree to which people may participate in different economic activ-
ities. Generally, poorer urban people have a less diverse range of livelihoods coping
strategies than their counterparts in rural areas. For example, in some countries,
they cannot access land to grow food.
Bringing together those who have lost their livelihoods and those who influence
how new opportunities might be created will help to set the priorities of a liveli-
hoods response. This should reflect an analysis of labour, services and associated
product markets. All livelihoods interventions should consider how to use and/or
support local markets ⊕ see MERS Handbook.
Key actions
1 Provide access to production inputs and/or assets for farmers.
•• Prefer cash or vouchers where markets are functioning and can be supported
to recover, to give farmers flexibility to select preferred inputs, seeds, fish
stock or livestock species.
Food Security and Nutrition
•• Introduce new technologies after a crisis only if they have been tested in or
adapted to similar contexts.
2 Deliver inputs that are locally acceptable, conform to appropriate quality
norms and are on time for best seasonal use.
•• Favour locally appropriate livestock inputs and local crop varieties that are
already in use and in demand for the upcoming season.
3 Ensure inputs and services do not increase vulnerability for recipients or
create conflict within the community.
•• Assess potential competition for scarce natural resources (such as land or
water) as well as potential damage to existing social networks.
4 Involve affected men and women equitably in planning, decision-making,
implementing and monitoring of primary production responses.
5 Train producers engaged in crop, fishery, aquaculture, forestry and livestock
sectors in sustainable production and management practices.
6 Assess the market and stimulate demand for locally produced crops,
vegetables and other agricultural products.
Key indicators
Percentage change in the targeted population’s production (food or income
source) compared with a normal year
Guidance notes
Production strategies: Production strategies must have a reasonable chance of
developing and succeeding in context. This can depend on many factors, including
access to:
Food Security and Nutrition
even when prices are high, such as during a drought. For livestock guidance
⊕ see LEGS Handbook.
Seeds: Farmers and local agricultural experts should approve specific varieties.
Seeds should suit the local agro-ecology and farmers’ own management conditions.
They should also be disease-resistant and withstand potentially harsh weather
conditions due to climate change. Test the quality of seeds originating from
outside the region and check that they are appropriate for local conditions. Give
farmers access to a range of crops and varieties in any seed-related intervention.
This allows them to work out what is best for their particular farming system.
For example, farmers growing maize may prefer hybrid seeds to local varieties.
Comply with government policies regarding hybrid seeds. Do not distribute genet-
ically modified seeds without the approval of local authorities. Inform farmers if
they are provided with genetically modified seeds. When farmers use vouchers
or seed fairs, encourage them to buy seeds from local formal suppliers. Farmers
may prefer traditional varieties which are adapted to the local context. These will
definitely be available at a lower price, meaning they get more seeds for the same
voucher value.
Community tensions and security risks: Tensions between the displaced and
local population or within the affected community can arise when production
requires a change in access to the available natural resources. Competition
over water or land can lead to restrictions in their use. Primary food production
may not be viable if there is a shortage of vital natural resources over the long
term. It is also not feasible if there is a lack of access for certain populations,
such as landless people. Providing free inputs can also disrupt traditional
social support, compromise redistribution mechanisms or affect private sector
operators. This can create tensions and reduce future access to inputs ⊕ see
Protection Principle 1.
Supply chain: Use existing local, verifiable supply chains to obtain inputs and
services for food production, such as veterinary services and seeds. To support
the local private sector, use mechanisms such as cash or vouchers that link
primary producers directly to suppliers. When designing local purchasing systems,
consider the availability of appropriate inputs and suppliers’ capacity to increase
supply. Assess the risk of inflation and the sustainability of the quality of inputs.
Monitor and mitigate the negative effects of responses, including large localised
food purchases and distribution, on market prices. Consider the effects of local
food purchases and imports on local economies. When working with the private
sector, identify and address gender inequalities and share any profits equitably
⊕ see MERS Handbook.
Monitor whether producers actually use the provided inputs as intended. Review
the quality of the inputs in terms of their performance, their acceptability and
producer preferences. Evaluate how the project has affected food availability
at household level. For example, consider the quantity and quality of food that
is being stocked, consumed, traded or given away. Where the project aims to
increase production of a specific food type (animal/fish products or protein-rich
legumes), investigate the households’ use of these products. Include an analysis of
the benefit to different members of the household, such as women, children, older
people and people with disabilities.
Post-harvest storage: A significant proportion of produce (estimated average of
30 per cent) is unusable after harvest, due to losses. Support affected people to
minimise losses by managing handling, storage, processing, packaging, trans-
portation, marketing and other post-harvest activities. Advise and enable them
to store their harvest to avoid moisture and aflatoxins produced by fungi. Enable
them to process their crops, especially cereals.
Key actions
1 Base decisions regarding income-earning activities on a gender-sensitive
market assessment.
•• Reduce the risk of undernutrition and other public health risks by ensuring
that participation in income-earning opportunities does not undermine
childcare or other caring responsibilities.
•• Understand labour rates for community members and the government
minimum wage for unskilled and skilled work.
2 Choose types of payment (in-kind, cash, voucher, food or a combination)
based on a participatory analysis.
•• Understand local capacities, safety and protection benefits, immediate
needs, equitable access, existing market systems and the affected people’s
3 Base the level of payment on the type of work, local rules, objectives
for livelihoods restoration and prevailing approved levels of payment in
the region.
•• Consider safety-net measures such as unconditional cash and food transfers
for households that cannot participate in work programmes.
4 Adopt and maintain inclusive, safe and secure working environments.
Food Security and Nutrition
5 Promote partnerships with the private sector and other stakeholders to
create sustainable employment opportunities.
•• Provide capital resources equitably to facilitate livelihood recovery.
6 Choose environmentally sensitive options for income generation whenever
Key indicators
Percentage of the target population who improve their net income during a
defined period
Guidance notes
Analysis: A gender-sensitive labour and market analysis is fundamental to justify
and define activities, promote recovery and resilience, and sustain outcomes.
Understanding the household roles and responsibilities is essential to address any
opportunity costs, such as caring for children or older people, or accessing other
services such as education or healthcare.
Use existing tools to understand markets and economic systems. Food security
responses should be based on market functions before and after the crisis, and
their potential for improving the living conditions for poor people. Discuss alter-
natives or adaptations for at-risk groups (such as youth, persons with disabilities,
pregnant women or older people) within the targeted group. Analyse their skills,
experience and capacities, and potential risks and mitigation strategies. Explore
whether household members normally migrate for seasonal work. Understand
how different groups of the affected population may have restricted access to
markets and livelihoods opportunities, and support them in getting access.
Safety-net measures: Some women and men may not be able to participate in
income-generating activities, such as an elderly couple. The crisis itself may make
it impossible for others to participate in employment due to changes in respon-
sibilities or health status. Short-term safety-net measures can support such
cases, with links to existing national social protection systems. Recommend new
safety nets where needed. Delivery of safety-net measures must support the
fair distribution of resources, ensuring that women and girls have direct access to
resources where appropriate. At the same time, work with safety-net recipients to
find ways for them to transition to safe and sustainable income-generating activ-
ities. Whenever possible, cash-based responses should be linked to existing safe-
ty-net programmes as part of sustainability and the social protection strategy.
Payments: Conduct a market analysis before implementing any paid work programme.
Payment may be in cash or in food or a combination of these and should enable
food-insecure households to meet their needs. Communicate project objectives,
the humanitarian organisation’s expectations of workers, the conditions under which
people will be working and the payment amount and process.
Make payment an incentive for people to improve their own situation, rather
than compensation for any work in the community. Consider people’s purchasing
needs and the impact of giving cash or food to create household income to meet
basic needs such as school, healthcare and social obligations. Decide on the type
and level of payment case by case. Monitor to ensure that all women and men are
paid equally for agreed units of work and that there is no discrimination against
specific groups.
Consider the impact of resale values on local markets where payment is in-kind and
provided as an income transfer. New income-generating activities should enhance
rather than replace the existing range of income sources. Payment should not have
a negative impact on local labour markets, for example by causing wage inflation,
diverting labour from other activities or undermining essential public services.
Purchasing power: Provision of cash may have positive multiplier effects in local
economies, but can also cause local inflation for key goods. Food distribution can
also affect the purchasing power of people receiving assistance. The purchasing
power associated with a given food or combination of foods influences whether
the recipient’s household eats or sells that food. Some commodities (such as oil)
are easier to sell for a good price than others (such as blended food). Establish an
understanding of household food sales and purchases when assessing the wider
impact of food distribution programmes.
Safety at work: Use practical procedures for minimising public health risk or treating
injuries. For example, provide training, protective clothing and first-aid kits where
necessary. Minimise the risk of exposure to communicable diseases and HIV.
Establish safe access routes to work sites, providing workers with torches where
the route is not well lit. Use bells, whistles and radios to warn of threats. Encourage
travelling in groups and avoid travelling after dark. Ensure that all participants
are aware of emergency procedures and can access early warning systems. Women
and girls should be equally protected, and any discriminatory norms in the workplace
should be addressed.
Managing household and family duties: Speak regularly with affected people,
including women and men separately, to learn their preferences and prior-
ities regarding income generation, cash-for-work opportunities, and other
Food Security and Nutrition
household and family needs. Discuss workloads and any increased tensions
in the home due to changes in traditional gender roles and women’s increased
control over assets.
Cash-for-work activity schedules should consider the physical condition and daily
routines of men and women and be culturally appropriate. For example, they
should consider prayer times and public holidays. Working hours should not place
unreasonable competing demands on people’s time. Programmes should not
divert household resources away from existing productive activities, nor should
they adversely affect access to other employment or education. Participation in
income generation should respect national laws on the minimum employment
age. This is usually not less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling.
Childcare facilities with appropriate financial allocation are recommended at the
work sites if caregivers with small children are participating in the programme.
Environmental management: Support people’s engagement in environmental
activities such as tree planting, camp clean-up and environmental rehabilitation
through food and cash-for-work programmes. Though temporary, these activities
will increase people’s engagement in their surrounding environment.
Consider the accessibility and safety of the working environment. Ensure that any
debris to be cleared does not contain hazardous materials. Cash-for-work programmes
should not involve any clearance at industrial or waste management sites.
Promote the production of environmentally sustainable construction materials as
an income-generating activity and provide associated vocational training. Train
people and encourage composting of biodegradable waste for use as fertiliser.
Private sector: The private sector can play an important role in facilitating livelihood
protection and recovery. Where possible, establish partnerships to create employment
opportunities. These partnerships can also help to establish and grow micro, small
and medium enterprises. Business and technology incubators can provide financial
capital and opportunities for knowledge transfer ⊕ see MERS Handbook.
Appendix 1 – Food security and livelihoods assessment checklist
Appendix 1
Food security and livelihoods assessment
Food security assessments often broadly categorise the affected people into live-
lihood groupings according to their sources of, and strategies for, obtaining income
or food. This may also include a breakdown of the population according to wealth
groups or strata. It is important to compare the current situation with the history of
food security before the crisis. Use “average normal years” as a baseline. Consider
the specific roles and vulnerabilities of women and men, and the implications of
these for household food security.
The following checklist questions cover the broad areas to consider in a food security
Food Security and Nutrition
Appendix 2 – Seed security assessment checklist
Appendix 2
Seed security assessment checklist
Below are sample questions for seed security assessments. Assessment of seed
security should consider national legislation on hybrid and genetically modified
Appendix 3 – Nutrition assessment checklist
Appendix 3
Nutrition assessment checklist
Below are sample questions for assessments examining the underlying causes
of undernutrition, the level of nutrition risk and the possibilities for response.
The questions are based on the conceptual framework of the causes of under-
nutrition. ⊕ See Figure 7 Food security and nutrition: causes of undernutrition.
The information is likely to be available from a variety of sources. Gathering
it will require various assessment tools, including key informant interviews,
observation and review of secondary data.
Pre-emergency situation
What information already exists on the nature, scale and causes of undernutri-
tion among the affected people? ⊕ See Food security and nutrition assessments
standard 1.1.
What is the risk of undernutrition related to infant and young child feeding and
care practices?
•• Is there a change in work and social patterns (due to factors such as migra-
tion, displacement or armed conflict) affecting the roles and responsibilities
in the household?
•• Is there a change in the normal composition of households? Are there large
numbers of separated children?
•• Has the normal care environment been disrupted (for example, through
displacement), affecting access to secondary caregivers, access to foods or
access to water?
•• Are any infants not breastfed? Are there infants who are artificially fed?
•• Has there been any evidence or suspicion of a decline in infant feeding
practices in the crisis? In particular, has there been a decrease in breast-
feeding initiation or exclusive breastfeeding rates? Has there been an
increase in artificial feeding rates and/or any increase in the proportion of
infants not breastfed?
•• Are age-appropriate, nutritionally adequate, safe complementary foods, and
the means to prepare them, hygienically accessible?
•• Is there any evidence or suspicion of general distribution of breastmilk
substitutes such as infant formula, other milk products, bottles and teats,
either donated or purchased?
Food Security and Nutrition
•• In pastoral communities, have the herds been away from young children for
long? Has access to milk changed from normal?
•• Has HIV affected caring practices at household level?
•• Has the general food ration been adapted to the needs of older people and
people with difficulties feeding? Evaluate its energy composition and micro-
nutrient content. Assess the acceptability of the food products (palatability,
chewability and digestibility).
What formal and informal local structures are currently in place through which
potential interventions could be channelled?
•• What is the capacity of the Ministry of Health, religious organisations,
community support groups, breastfeeding support groups or NGOs with a
long- or short-term presence in the area?
•• What nutrition interventions or community-based support were already in
place and organised by local communities, individuals, NGOs, government
organisations, UN agencies or religious organisations? What are the nutri-
tion policies (past, ongoing and lapsed), the planned long-term nutrition
responses, and programmes that are being implemented or planned in
response to the current situation?
Appendix 4 – Measuring acute malnutrition
Appendix 4
Measuring acute malnutrition
In major nutritional emergencies, it may be necessary to include infants under six
months, pregnant and breastfeeding women, older children, adolescents, adults
and older people in nutrition assessments or nutritional programmes.
•• The infant’s longitudinal growth – is the growth rate good, despite body size
being small (some infants may be “catching up” following low birth weight)?
•• Infant feeding practices – is the infant exclusively breastfeeding?
•• Clinical status – does the infant have any medical complications or condi-
tions that are treatable or that make him or her high risk?
•• Maternal factors – for example, does the mother lack family support or is
she depressed? Inpatient admission to therapeutic feeding programmes
should be a priority for high-risk infants.
Food Security and Nutrition
Appendix 4 – Measuring acute malnutrition
and clinicians should assess adult oedema to exclude other causes. Individual
humanitarian organisations should decide on the indicator to determine eligibility
for care, taking into account the known shortcomings of BMI, the lack of infor-
mation on MUAC and the programme implications of the indicators’ use. This is a
developing technical area, so refer to the latest guidance and technical updates.
MUAC may be used as a screening tool for pregnant women, for example as a
criterion for entry into a feeding programme. Given their additional nutritional
needs, pregnant women may be at greater risk than other groups in the popula-
tion. MUAC does not change significantly through pregnancy. A MUAC of less than
20.7 centimetres indicates a severe risk of foetal growth retardation, and less than
23 centimetres indicates a moderate risk. Suggested cut-off points for risk vary by
country, but range from 21 to 23 centimetres. Consider less than 21 centimetres
as an appropriate cut-off for selection of women at risk during emergencies.
Older people
There is currently no agreed definition of malnutrition in older people, yet this group
may be at risk of malnutrition in crises. WHO suggests that the BMI thresholds for
adults may be appropriate for people aged over 60 years. However, accuracy of
measurement is problematic because of spinal curvature (stooping) and compression
of the vertebrae. Arm span or demi-span can be used instead of height, but the
multiplication factor to calculate height varies according to the population. Visual
assessment is necessary. MUAC may be a useful tool for measuring malnutrition in
older people, but research on appropriate cut-offs is still in progress.
Food Security and Nutrition
Appendix 5
Measures of the public health significance
of micronutrient deficiencies
Urgently treat clinical micronutrient deficiencies on an individual basis. Individual
cases of clinical micronutrient deficiencies are also usually indicative of an under-
lying problem of micronutrient deficiency at the population level. Measuring and
classifying micronutrient deficiencies at the population level is important for
planning and monitoring interventions.
Biochemical tests provide an objective measure of micronutrient status. However,
the collection of biological samples for testing often presents logistical, staff
training, cold chain and sometimes acceptability challenges. Also, biochemical
measurements are not always as sensitive and specific as required. As with acute
malnutrition, there may be variations according to the time of day or season of the
year when the sample is collected. Good quality control is essential and should
always be considered when selecting a laboratory for sample testing.
When assessing micronutrient status, consider the possibility of excessive intakes
as well as deficiency. This is of particular concern when multiple highly fortified
products or supplements are used to deliver micronutrients.
Micronutrient deficiencies have severe consequences for older people’s mental
and physical health, their immune system and their functional abilities.
The table below shows classifications of the public health significance of selected
micronutrient deficiencies using different indicators. For information about
biochemical tests and public health thresholds, consult the latest literature or seek
specialist advice.
Appendix 5 – Measures of the public health significance of micronutrient deficiencies
Vitamin A deficiency
Severe 5
Severe 20
Iodine deficiency
Severe 30.0
Iron deficiency
Moderate 1–4
Severe 5
Food Security and Nutrition
Severe 20–49
Severe 5
Severe 50
Moderate 1–4
Severe 5
Appendix 6 – Nutritional requirements
Appendix 6
Nutritional requirements
Use the following table for planning in the initial stage of a crisis. The minimum
nutrient requirements given in the table should be used to assess general rations.
They are not intended for assessing the adequacy of supplementary or therapeutic
care rations or for assessing rations for particular groups of people such as
individuals suffering from tuberculosis or people living with HIV.
Food Security and Nutrition
and people’s activity levels. They also take into account the additional needs of
pregnant and breastfeeding women.
The requirements are expressed as reference nutrient intakes (RNI) for all nutrients
except energy and copper.
Updates and further research on macro- and micronutrients are available on
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO
Adjust the population energy requirements (up or down) for the following:
For guidance on calculating adjustments, ⊕ see UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and WHO
(2002), Food and Nutrition Needs in Emergencies and WFP (2001), Food and Nutrition
Handbook for guidance on calculating adjustments.
If it is not possible to gain this kind of information from assessments, use the
figures in the table above as the minimum requirements.
For understanding the population structure, broken down by sex, age and other
criteria as needed, use national baseline data or refer to World Population
Prospects: https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/
References and further reading
RAM-OP: Rapid Assessment Method for Older People. www.helpage.org
SMART (Standardized Monitoring and Assessments of Relief and Transition) Guidelines
and Methodology. SMART. http://smartmethodology.org
Castleman, T. Seumo-Fasso, E. Cogill, B. Food and Nutrition Implications of Antiretroviral
Therapy in Resource Limited Settings, Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance, technical
note no. 7. FANTA/AED, 2004.
Food Security and Nutrition
Participatory methodologies
Bonino, F. What Makes Feedback Mechanisms Work. ALNAP, 2014.
Growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents. WHO, 2007. www.who.int
Food security
Coping Strategies Index: CSI Field Methods Manual. CARE, 2008.
Caccavale, O. Flämig, T. Collecting Prices for Food Security Programming. World Food
Programme, 2015. http://documents.wfp.org
Coates, J. Swindale, A. Bilinsky, P. Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) for
Measurement of Food Access, Indicator Guide, Version 3. FANTA, 2007.
Food Safety and Quality. FAO and WHO. www.fao.org
Food Security Cluster Urban Group Tools and Pilot Projects. Food Security Cluster.
Food Security Cluster Core Indicator Handbook. Food Security Cluster. http://fscluster.org
Humanitarian, Impact areas. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2018.
References and further reading
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) 2018 – Technical Manual Version 3.
IPC Global Partners, 2018.
Save Food: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction – Extent, Causes and
Reduction. FAO and WHO. http://www.fao.org
Swindale, A. Bilinsky, P. Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) for Measurement of
Household Food Access: Indicator Guide, Version 2. FANTA, 2006.
Technical Guidance Note: Food Consumption Score Nutritional Quality Analysis (FCS-N).
WFP, 2015. https://www.wfp.org
Tier ranking from the IWA interim ISO standards. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate
Food in the Context of National Food Security. Committee on World Food Security,
Food assistance
Guide to Personal Data Protection and Privacy. WFP, 2016. https://docs.wfp.org
Integrated Protection and Food Assistance Programming. ECHO-DG, Final Draft.
NutVal 2006 version 2.2: The planning, calculation, and monitoring application for food
assistance programme. UNHCR, WFP, 2006. www.nutval.net
Protection in Practice: Food Assistance with Safety and Dignity. UN-WFP, 2013.
Revolution : From Food Aid to Food Assistance – Innovations in Overcoming Hunger.
WFP, 2010. https://documents.wfp.org
Seed interventions
Seed System Security Assessment (SSSA). CIAT and DEV, 2012. https://seedsystem.org
Seeds in Emergencies: A Technical Handbook. FAO, 2010. www.fao.org
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action.
IASC, 2015. www.gbvguidelines.org
Food Security and Nutrition
Researching Violence Against Women: A Practical Guide for Researchers and Activists. WHO
and Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), 2005. www.who.int
CLARA: Cohort Livelihoods and Risk Analysis. Women’s Refugee Commission, 2016.
Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets. DFID, 2000. http://www.livelihoodscentre.org
Flash Environmental Assessment Tool. UNOCHA. www.eecentre.org
Handbook on Safe Access to Firewood and Alternative Energy. WFP, 2012.
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) 2018 – Technical Manual Version 3.
IPC Global Partners, 2018.
Lahn, G. Grafham, O. Heat, Light and Power for Refugees: Saving Lives, Reducing Costs.
Chatham House, 2015. https://www.chathamhouse.org
Moving Energy Initiative. Chatham House, 2018. https://mei.chathamhouse.org
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to
further reading
Further Reading
Initial assessment
Joint Assessment Mission (JAM): Guidelines Second Edition. UNHCR/WFP, 2009.
Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) Tool. IASC, 2015.
Technical Guidance for the Joint Approach to Nutrition and Food Security Assessment
(JANFSA). WFP and UNICEF, 2016.
Livelihood assessment
Jaspers, S. Shoham, J. A Critical Review of Approaches to Assessing and Monitoring
Livelihoods in Situations of Chronic Conflict and Political Instability. ODi, 2002.
Matrix on Agency Roles and Responsibilities for Ensuring a Coordinated, Multi-Sectoral
Fuel Strategy in Humanitarian Settings. Version 1.1. Task Force on Safe Access to
Firewood and Alternative Energy in Humanitarian Settings. IASC, 2009.
Adams, L. Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Final Report, HPG back-
ground paper. HPG, 2007. https://www.odi.org/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/
Food Security and Nutrition
Cash, Local Purchase, and/or Imported Food Aid? Market Information and Food Insecurity
Response Analysis. CARE, 2008.
Creti, P. Jaspars, S. Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies. Oxfam GB, 2006.
Delivering Money: Cash Transfer Mechanisms in Emergencies. Save the Children UK,
Oxfam GB and British Red Cross, with support from ECHO, CaLP, 2010.
Harvey, P. Cash and Vouchers in Emergencies, HPG background paper. ODI, 2005.
Implementing Cash-Based Interventions: A guide for aid workers. Action contre la
faim, 2007.
Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA). CaLP, 2013.
Mike, A. Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA) toolkit. Oxfam GB, 2010.
Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessments (MIRA) Guidance. IASC, 2015.
Food consumption
Food Consumption Analysis: Calculation and Use of the Food Consumption Score
in Food Security Analysis. Technical Guidance Sheet. WFP, 2008. www.wfp.org/
Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS). Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
Project, 2006.
Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) publications. WHO. www.who.int/nutrition/publi-
cations/nutrient/en/ and www.who.int/elena/nutrient/en/
Participatory methodologies
Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE, 2009.
Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Risk and Adaptation Assessment
(CEDRA). Tearfund, 2009.
How to do a Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA), a step-by-step guide for Red
Cross and Red Crescent Staff and Volunteers. IFRC, 2007.
Participatory Vulnerability Analysis. ActionAid, 2004.
further reading
Anthropometric assessment
A Manual: Measuring and Interpreting Malnutrition and Mortality. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention and WFP, 2005.
Assessment of Adult Undernutrition in Emergencies. Report of an SCN working group on
emergencies special meeting, pp. 49–51. UN ACC Sub Committee on Nutrition, 2001.
Collins, S. Duffield, A. Myatt, M. Adults: Assessment of Nutritional Status in
Emergency-Affected Populations. ACC, Sub-Committee on Nutrition, 2000.
Emergency Nutrition Assessment and Guidance for Field Workers. Save the Children
UK, 2004.
Young, H. Jaspars, S. The Meaning and Measurement of Acute Malnutrition in
Emergencies: A Primer for Decision Makers. HPN, 2006. https://odihpn.org/
Micronutrient assessment
Gorstein, J. Sullivan, K.M. Parvanta, I. Begin, F. Indicators and Methods for Cross
Sectional Surveys of Vitamin and Mineral Status of Populations. Micronutrient
Initiative and CDC, 2007. www.who.int/vmnis/toolkit/mcn-micronutrient-
Food Security and Nutrition
Indicators for Assessing Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices. USAID, AED, FANTA,
IFPRI, UNICEF and WHO, 2007.
Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices: Standard Operating Procedures for the
Handling of Breast Milk Substitutes in Refugee Children 0–23 months and the Annex.
UNHCR, 2015. www.unhcr.org/55c474859.pdf
Module 2 on Infant Feeding in Emergencies for health and nutrition workers in emergency
situations. IFE Core Group and collaborators, 2007. www.ennonline.net/ifemodule2
Protecting infants in emergencies, Information for the media. IFE Core Group, 2009.
UNICEF Programming Guide on Infant and Young Child Feeding 2011. www.unicef.org/
further reading
Seed interventions
Seed Vouchers and Fairs: A Manual for Seed-Based Agricultural Recovery in Africa.
CRS with ODI and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics, 2002.
Sperling, L. Remington, T. Haugen, JM. Seed Aid for Seed Security: Advice for
Practitioners, Practice Briefs 1-10. International Centre for Tropical Agriculture and
CRS, 2006.
Vulnerable people
Addressing the Nutritional Needs of Older People in Emergency Situations in Africa: Ideas
for Action. HelpAge International, 2001. http://nutritioncluster.net/wp-content/
Food Assistance Programming in the Context of HIV. FANTA and WFP, 2007.
Living Well with HIV and AIDS. A Manual on Nutritional Care and Support for People
Living with HIV and AIDS. FAO and WHO, 2002.
Older People in Disasters and Humanitarian Crisis. HelpAge and UNHCR, 2007.
Women, Girls, Boys and Men: Different Needs – Equal Opportunities. IASC, 2006.
Winstock, A. The Practical Management of Eating and Drinking Difficulties in Children.
Winslow Press, 1994.
Food Security and Nutrition
Micronutrient deficiencies
Guiding Principles for the Use of Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Preparations in
Emergencies. WHO and UNICEF, 2007.
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Assessment, Prevention and Control. A Guide for Program
Managers. UNICEF, UNU and WHO, 2001.
Pellagra and Its Prevention and Control in Major Emergencies. WHO, 2000.
Seal, A. Prudhon, C. Assessing Micronutrient Deficiencies in Emergencies: Current
Practice and Future Directions. UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, 2007. https://
Scurvy and Its Prevention and Control in Major Emergencies. WHO, 1999.
Thiamine Deficiency and Its Prevention and Control in Major Emergencies. WHO, 1999.
Vitamin A Supplements: A Guide to Their Use in the Treatment and Prevention of Vitamin
A Deficiency and Xeropthalmia, Second Edition. WHO, 1997.
Shelter and
Protection Core
Principles Humanitarian
and Living Household Technical Security Environmental
settlement space items assistance of tenure sustainability
Essential concepts in shelter and settlement................................................................. 240
Shelter and settlement standards:
1. Planning.............................................................................................................................. 246
2. Location and settlement planning............................................................................. 249
3. Living space....................................................................................................................... 254
4. Household items.............................................................................................................. 258
5. Technical assistance....................................................................................................... 262
6. Security of tenure............................................................................................................ 266
7. Environmental sustainability....................................................................................... 270
Appendix 1: Shelter and settlement assessment checklist....................................... 274
Appendix 2: Description of settlement scenarios......................................................... 278
Appendix 3: Additional characteristics of settlement scenarios............................. 280
Appendix 4: Assistance options.......................................................................................... 282
Appendix 5: Implementation option................................................................................... 285
Appendix 6: Potential assistance and implementation options connected
to settlement scenarios (online)
References and further reading............................................................................................ 286
Essential concepts in shelter and settlement
Work opportunities are Shelter protects people
close to the shelter from falling ill
People can feel safe from
the outside world PROVIDES Shelter provides a safe
place for families to live
and engage with others
Family members have
privacy within their home
Essential concepts in shelter and settlement
1. Owner occupied 1. Rental arrangement 1. Host population
accommodation or land
2. Hosted arrangement
2. Rental accommodation 3. Spontaneous arrangement
or land
collaboration are required with other sectors. Coordination with local authorities
and other responding agencies helps ensure that needs are met, that efforts are not
duplicated and that the quality of food security and nutrition responses is optimised.
Cross-references throughout the Handbook suggest some potential linkages.
For example, adequate water supply and sanitation facilities in settlements are
necessary to ensure the health and dignity of the affected population. Essential
cooking and eating utensils and fuel for cooking enable people to use food assistance
and meet nutritional requirements.
Where national standards are lower than the Sphere Minimum Standards, humanitarian
organisations should work with the government to progressively raise them.
Essential concepts in shelter and settlement
Aid workers should be trained on child safeguarding and know how to use referral
systems for suspected cases of violence, abuse or exploitation, including of children.
In applying the Minimum Standards, all nine Commitments in the Core
Humanitarian Standard should be respected as a foundation for providing an
accountable shelter and settlement programme.
1. Planning
Planning is crucial for optimal response outcomes at regional, national, agency or
community levels. Understanding the pre- and post-crisis context allows an
assessment of both the direct and the indirect impact of the crisis on people’s
living conditions and any social, economic and political consequences. Identifying
needs and then developing appropriate response options, is the basis for a well-
planned and coordinated shelter and settlement response.
Key actions
1 Work with the affected population as well as national and local authorities to
assess the shelter and settlement needs and capacities.
•• Assess changes from the pre-crisis context, identify immediate needs and
capacities for the displaced and non-displaced populations, and consider any
specific needs of at-risk groups.
•• Identify the availability of habitable or occupiable land, buildings, apartments
and rooms within the local housing and land rental markets.
2 Work with stakeholders to identify the most effective and appropriate
assistance options and how to provide these.
3 Develop a shelter and settlement plan in coordination with relevant authorities
and the affected communities.
•• Offer assistance tailored to the needs and preference of the affected population
and authorities.
•• Optimise cost-efficiency, technical quality, speed and timing, scale of
implementation and replicability.
Key indicators
The shelter and settlement plan provides for the essential needs of the target
population and is agreed with the population and relevant authorities
Guidance notes
Assessment: During assessment, review changes in the shelter and settlement
conditions post-crisis and include possible protection risks from the outset. These
may include perceptions of the host community, risks associated with access to
the settlement, safe access to services or risks of expulsion.
Consider the direct and indirect impact of the crisis on people’s living conditions,
including social, economic and political consequences.
Crisis affects people in different ways, so different people will have different
shelter and settlement needs. Work with groups who may face specific barriers
to access shelter, such as persons with disabilities, female-headed house-
holds, older people or ethnic and linguistic minorities ⊕ see Appendix 1: Shelter
and settlement assessment checklist, Protection Principle 2 and Core Humanitarian
Standard Commitment 4.
Assistance and implementation options: Select the most effective options
based on context, capacity, resources available, the settlement scenario and
the phase of the response. Other factors to consider include location, housing
type (including local construction techniques), tenure, and market and legal
frameworks. Prioritise support for people’s return to their original dwelling
(or site of their dwelling) where possible. Assist those who are unable or unwilling to
return to their original dwellings to access options tailored to their needs ⊕ see
Appendices 2 to 6.
Define a timeline to meet immediate needs, considering efficiency, technical
quality, scale of implementation, capacities on the ground and replicability.
Explore options to increase communities’ long-term recovery and resilience to
future crises.
Consider different ways to deliver the chosen options, including a combination of:
•• financial support;
•• in-kind material assistance;
•• contracting works/commissioned labour;
•• technical assistance/quality assurance support; and
•• capacity building.
Review and adjust the combination of options over time as the situation changes.
Displaced people: As well as having immediate needs for shelter, displaced people
also require specific support to make informed decisions about shelter solutions
available to them. Examples of support include information about whether and
when they will return home, how to integrate at the place of displacement or
whether to resettle at a third location.
Non-displaced households will need support to return to their original living
conditions and should receive appropriate shelter assistance. If reconstruction
will take a long time or people are not safe, explore temporary options such as
Location and settlement planning
Key actions
1 Work within existing planning processes and regulations and agree terms
with host communities and relevant authorities.
•• Locate any new settlements a safe distance from actual or potential threats
and minimise risks from existing hazards.
•• Consider the expected lifespan of the settlement to determine what
essential services may need to be expanded or developed.
2 Involve diverse stakeholders, including groups within the affected popula-
tion, in site selection and settlement planning.
•• Identify factors that could affect the location or site layout, considering sex, age,
disability, ethnic or linguistic identity, and gender roles and responsibilities.
•• In urban contexts, work through a geographically defined, area-based
approach to better understand community dynamics.
3 Ensure the affected population has access to essential services and facilities,
including livelihoods opportunities.
•• Work with other sectors to establish an acceptable distance and safe travel
(or transport) to essential services and facilities.
•• Coordinate with service providers to prioritise and deliver essential services
and livelihoods opportunities where these do not already exist.
4 Plan the use of land to provide sufficient space for all functions, accessibility
to all shelters and services, and adequate safety measures throughout the
•• Include planning for shared resources like water and sanitation facilities,
communal cooking facilities, child-friendly spaces, gathering areas, religious
needs and food distribution points.
•• Ensure that the placement of essential services within settlements follows
standards for safety, protection and dignity.
5 Include rainfall or floodwater drainage planning in site selection and settle-
ment development.
•• Provide appropriate drainage facilities so that all dwelling areas and
services are kept free of standing water and storm water drains are
kept clear.
•• Anticipate and manage breeding sites of disease vectors.
Key indicators
Percentage of shelters and/or settlement sites that are located in areas with no
or minimal known natural or man-made threats, risks and hazards
Percentage of shelters and/or settlement sites that have safe access to essential
services within an acceptable amount of time or distance
Percentage of those receiving settlement assistance who feel safe about the
location of their shelter or settlement
Percentage of settlement sites that offer sufficient usable surface area to carry
out private and public outdoor activities appropriate to the context
Guidance notes
Planning processes and principles: Governments or local authorities often intro-
duce new policies regarding no-build zones, safe zones or buffer zones after a
crisis. Advocate for risk-informed planning and appropriate assistance options.
A “no-build zone” does not mean a “no-assistance zone”, and should not delay
shelter or settlement responses.
Understand the ownership situation of any land and property ⊕ see Shelter and
settlement standard 6: Security of tenure.
Engage the affected people in calculating and organising space to support existing
social and cultural practices. Involve women and other at-risk groups in the design
and implementation of shelter and settlement planning.
Essential services and facilities: People returning to their original homes and those
living in temporary locations or settlements require safe, secure and equitable
access to essential services and facilities, such as:
Location and settlement planning
Site planning for temporary settlements: Site layouts should be based on urban
design and town planning principles, with connecting components such as access
points, intersections and public space. These components, informed by physi-
cal, social, environmental and economic factors, form the spatial plan of the new
settlement. Settlement planning should support existing social networks, allow
opportunities for new networks to form, contribute to safety and security, and
enable self-management by the affected people.
Maintain the privacy and dignity of separate households when creating the
plot layout for temporary settlements. Each household shelter should open
onto common space or a screened area, not onto the entrance of another
shelter. Provide safe living areas for all potentially vulnerable groups, but avoid
clustering them because that can increase their vulnerability. Group together
families, extended families and groups from similar backgrounds, to retain
social bonds. Consider the needs, preferences and habits of different age, sex
and disability groups.
Surface area of planned or self-settled settlements: For planned settlements,
the minimum usable surface area is 45 square metres per person in camp-type
settlements, including household plots. This includes space for roads and foot-
paths, external cooking areas or communal cooking areas, education and recre-
ation areas, healthcare facilities, sanitation, firebreaks, administration, water
storage, site drainage, religious facilities, food distribution areas, markets,
storage and limited kitchen gardens for individual households (excluding
significant agricultural activities or livestock). Where communal services can
be provided by existing or additional facilities outside the planned settlement,
the minimum surface area should be 30 square metres per person. If the
minimum surface area cannot be provided, actively take steps to address the
consequences of higher-density occupation. Settlement planning should also
consider changes in the population.
When operating in an urban area, make use of existing services and housing stock.
Ensure adequate separation and privacy between individual households, and
reserve space for the required facilities.
Plot size for shelters: A ratio of shelter footprint to plot size of 1:2 or 1:3 is recom-
mended, to allow sufficient space for the most essential outdoor activities of the
households. However, a ratio closer to 1:4 or 1:5 is preferable. The ratio should
consider cultural and social norms and practical space availability.
Drainage of rainfall and floodwater: Poor drainage of rainfall or floodwater can
severely limit people’s living spaces, mobility and access to services. Generally,
site selection and infrastructure development determine the nature of large-scale
drainage systems. Avoid selecting a site that is on a floodplain; it can compromise
safety and security, particularly in congested or confined spaces. Water entering
and stagnating in people’s living, learning and working environments poses a
general threat to health, dignity and well-being.
Protect toilets and sewers from flooding, to avoid structural damage and leakage.
The main public health threat associated with poor drainage is an increased expo-
sure to diarrhoeal diseases from contact with contaminated water.
Uncontrolled water can also damage other infrastructure, dwellings and
belongings, limit livelihood opportunities and cause stress. Poor drainage also
provides conditions for vector breeding ⊕ see WASH vector control standards 4.1
and 4.2.
Access: Consider the condition of local roads and the proximity to transport hubs
for the supply of relief assistance and other goods. The supply of relief assis-
tance must avoid damaging the local road infrastructure. Consider seasonal
constraints, hazards and security risks. The site and any primary storage and
food distribution points must be accessible by heavy trucks from an all-weather
road. Other facilities must be accessible by light vehicles. Provide safe, secure
roads and pathways within settlements, and all-weather access to all individual
dwellings and communal facilities. Consider the needs of people facing mobility
or access barriers.
Fire safety: Fire risk assessments should inform site planning. Include 30-metre
firebreaks every 300 metres in built-up areas in camp settings. The space between
buildings should be at least 2 metres; ideally it should be double the building height
to prevent collapsing structures from touching adjacent buildings.
Consider local cooking and heating practices (such as type of stoves and preferred
location). Consider providing safe stoves, fire safety equipment and awareness
training to residents. Prefer fire-resistant construction materials and household
items. Inform residents (including those facing mobility or accessibility barriers)
about fire prevention, management and evacuation plans.
Reducing crime: The design of the settlement can contribute to reducing crime and
gender-based violence. Consider the location and accessibility of shelters, build-
ings and facilities, night lighting, distance to the toilet and bathing area from the
shelter, and passive surveillance through visual lines. Buildings used as collective
centres must have alternative escape routes.
Location and settlement planning
Changing threats and risks: Undertake regular context, hazard and risk assessments
as the situation changes. This may include seasonal hazards, changes in the security
situation, unexploded ordnance on the site from previous or current conflicts,
or consequences of changing demographics.
Safety of collective centres and community infrastructure: Technical specialists
should assess the structural stability of community buildings, collective centres
and other structures in inhabited areas affected by crises. Consider actual and
potential security or health threats.
Livelihood support: Consider pre-disaster economic activities and potential
livelihoods opportunities in the post-disaster context. Identify available land for
cultivation and grazing, or access to markets and/or employment opportunities.
Shelter and settlement responses have the potential to offer local employment,
such as roles in technical assistance, supplies and the labour market. Use training
and education programmes to boost local capacity to achieve results within a set
time frame ⊕ see Shelter and settlement standard 5 and Food security and nutrition –
livelihoods standards 7.1 and 7.2.
Operation and maintenance: Create an operation and maintenance plan to
ensure the effective running of any facilities, services and utilities (such as
water, sanitation, drainage, waste management, schools). Key components of
a plan include community participation, establishing user groups, defining roles
and responsibilities, and having a cost recovery or cost sharing plan.
Decommissioning of sites and handover: Appropriate environmental rehabilitation
measures can enhance the natural regeneration of the environment in and around
temporary settlements. Sites should have a decommissioning plan, ideally devel-
oped at the design stage of the intervention ⊕ see Shelter and settlement standard 7:
Environmental sustainability.
Teaching local populations sustainable land management techniques ensures the
recovery of the site and the local environment. Use local labour in clearing and
decommissioning activities where possible.
3. Living space
Living space is very important for people’s well-being. It is a core human need and
right to have a place for a family to dwell, feel safe and perform a variety of essen-
tial domestic activities.
Key actions
1 Ensure that each affected household has adequate living space to perform
basic domestic activities.
•• Provide living space that accommodates the diverse needs of members of
the household for sleeping, food preparation and eating, respecting local
culture and lifestyles.
•• Provide a basic roof and walls for occupants and their household assets,
offering physical security, dignity, privacy and protection from weather.
•• Provide optimal lighting conditions, ventilation and thermal comfort.
2 Ensure that the space immediately surrounding the living space supports
safe access to fundamental activities.
•• Include appropriate cooking, toilets, laundry, bathing, livelihoods activities,
socialising and play areas.
3 Promote the use of shelter solutions, construction techniques and materials
that are culturally and socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable.
Key indicators
Percentage of the affected population who have adequate living space in and
immediately around their shelters to carry out daily activities
•• Minimum 3.5 square metres of living space per person, excluding cooking
space, bathing area and sanitation facility
•• 4.5–5.5 square metres of living space per person in cold climates or urban
settings where internal cooking space and bathing and/or sanitation facilities
are included
•• Internal floor-to-ceiling height of at least 2 metres (2.6 metres in hot
climates) at the highest point
Living space
Percentage of people receiving shelter assistance that feel safe in their shelter
Guidance notes
Living space: Living space should be adequate for daily activities such as sleeping,
preparing and eating food, washing, dressing, storing food and water, and protect-
ing household possessions and other key assets. It must ensure privacy and
separation as required between sexes, different age groups and families within a
given household according to cultural and social norms ⊕ see Shelter and settlement
standard 2: Location and settlement planning.
Consider living space for household members to gather, and for the care of infants,
children and persons who are ill or injured. Pay attention to changing use of space
during day and night, and plan the locations of windows, doors and partitions
to maximise the use of internal space and any adjacent external areas such as
kitchens or play areas.
To accommodate these activities in dignity, shelters need an enclosed space (walls,
windows, doors and roof) with adequate floor area. Overcrowding or exposure to
the elements increases the risk of disease outbreak or illness. Reduced space may
lead to protection risks, reduced security and privacy.
The minimum living space should reflect cultural and social norms, the context,
the phase of response, and guidance by national authorities or the humanitarian
response sector. Carefully consider the potential consequences of adopting the
minimum calculated space (3.5 square metres per person, 4.5 square metres in
cold climates) and agree any adaptation with partners, moving towards the
minimum as quickly as possible for all.
Where there is a need to act quickly and save lives, consider initial assistance
to either:
•• build a roof cover for the minimum living space and follow up with support
for walls, doors and windows; or
•• build a shelter with a smaller floor area and follow up to increase floor area.
In some situations, the space standard may be dictated by physical limitations.
This may be in a confined settlement, dense urban settings or in extreme climatic
conditions where shelter materials are not readily available. The minimum space
indicated is applicable in the emergency phase and in temporary or transitional
shelter solutions. When the duration of stay extends, the habitable space calcula-
tions must be revisited. In the recovery phase, acceptable local standards and exit
strategies must be taken into account.
Involve affected communities and households as much as possible in determining
the type of assistance to be provided. Consult with the people who spend more
time in the covered living space and those facing mobility or access barriers.
Ensure that living space is accessible for persons with disabilities and those
living with them. Persons with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual
and psychosocial disabilities, may need additional space.
Cultural practices, safety and privacy: Respect existing practices and customs and
how these affect the need for internal subdivisions (curtains, walls). For example,
design the dwelling to accommodate sleeping arrangements for extended family
members or different families within the same household.
In collective accommodation, well-planned, well-lit access routes through the
living area with partitions to screen personal and household space can provide
personal privacy and safety.
In collective accommodation, allow the option for peer groups to share space.
For example, some LGBTQI individuals prefer living with friends and peers rather
than with their own families.
Protection: Ensure there are multiple exit routes from the dwelling, and that
interior spaces open into public areas. Ensure that staff know how to refer any
protection concerns around domestic violence or abuse, violence, exploitation
or neglect of children. Women, girls and those needing assistance with personal
hygiene often require additional space ⊕ see WASH hygiene promotion standard 1.3:
Menstrual hygiene management and incontinence.
Where temporary collective accommodations are used, take specific actions
to prevent sexual exploitation and sexual violence. Work with the community
members to understand the risks and address them, and establish a strong
complaints system with immediate and verifiable actions.
Psychosocial considerations: Accommodation layout and design should include
open public household living spaces that increase options for socialising.
In warm, humid climates, design and orient shelters to maximise ventilation
and minimise entry of direct sunlight. A higher ceiling helps air circulation.
An attached covered outdoor space helps reduce direct sunlight and protect
from rain. Consider the use of adjacent shaded or covered external space for
food preparation and cooking, with separate space for other living activities.
The roof should be sloped for rainwater drainage with large overhangs, except
in locations vulnerable to high winds. The shelter construction material should
be lightweight with a low thermal capacity, such as timber. Use raised floors
to prevent water entering the covered living area ⊕ see Shelter and settlement
standard 2: Location and settlement planning.
In hot, dry climates, heavyweight construction material (such as earth or stone) ensures
thermal comfort despite changes in night and day temperatures. Alternatively, use
a lightweight construction with adequate insulation. Pay attention to the structural
design of heavyweight construction in seismic risk areas. Provide shaded and
ventilated places where possible and appropriate. If only plastic sheeting or tents
are available, provide a double-skinned roof with ventilation between the layers to
Living space
reduce radiant heat gain. Position door and window openings away from the
direction of the prevailing hot wind. Internal flooring should meet the external walling
without gaps, to prevent dust and disease vectors entering.
In cold climates, a lower ceiling is preferable to minimise the internal volume that
requires heating. Shelters occupied throughout the day require heavyweight
construction with high thermal capacity. For shelters only occupied at night,
a lightweight construction with low thermal capacity and substantial insulation is
more appropriate. Minimise air flow, particularly around door and window openings,
to ensure personal comfort while also providing adequate ventilation for space
heaters or cooking stoves.
Adequate ventilation helps maintain a healthy internal environment, prevents
condensation and reduces the spread of communicable disease. It reduces the
effect of smoke from indoor household stoves, which can cause respiratory infections
and eye problems. Consider natural ventilation where possible.
Vector control: Low-lying areas, debris and vacant buildings can provide breeding
grounds for vectors that can pose public health risks. For communal settlements,
site selection and the active mitigation of vector risks are key to reducing the
impact of vector-borne diseases ⊕ see WASH vector control standard 4.2: Household
and personal actions to control vectors.
4. Household items
Household item assistance supports restoring and maintaining health, dignity
and safety and undertaking daily domestic activities in and around the home.
This standard addresses items for sleeping, food preparation and storage, eating
and drinking, thermal comfort, lighting and personal clothing. The WASH chapter
gives additional detail about items such as bednets, buckets, water storage and
hygiene items.
Key actions
1 Assess and ensure access to items that enable households to restore and
maintain essential domestic activities.
•• Consider different needs according to age, sex, disability, social and cultural
practices, and family size.
•• Prioritise access to items for domestic activities, personal clothing, personal
hygiene, and to support safety and health.
2 Decide how to deliver the household item assistance effectively and
•• Consider what can be sourced locally through cash or voucher-based
assistance and through local, regional or international procurement for
in-kind distribution.
•• Consider environmental issues related to how items are packaged or delivered.
3 Monitor the availability, quality and use of household items, and adapt as
•• Plan to replenish in cases of extended displacement.
•• Monitor the chosen markets for availability, price and quality. Adapt the way
assistance is provided as the situation evolves.
Key indicators
People have sufficient and appropriate quality clothing
•• Minimum two full sets of clothing per person, in the right size and appropriate
to culture, season and climate, and adapted to any particular needs
Household items
People have sufficient and appropriate quality items for safe, healthy and
private sleeping
•• Minimum one blanket and bedding (floor mat, mattress, sheeting) per
person. Additional blankets/ground insulation required in cold climates
•• Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets where needed
People have sufficient and appropriate items to prepare, eat and store food
•• Per household or group of four to five individuals: two family-sized cooking
pots with handles and lids, one basin for food preparation or serving, one
kitchen knife and two serving spoons
•• Per person: one dished plate, one set of eating utensils and one drinking
Guidance notes
Essential household items should be available in sufficient quantity and quality for:
Household items
such as shelter support items. Consider including containers for the storage and
transportation of personal and household goods.
Post-distribution monitoring: Assess the appropriateness of both the distribution
process and the household items themselves. If items are not being used or are
being sold in the market, or if there are delays in accessing the items, adapt the
process or products. Be aware that needs will change over time and programmes
should adapt to those changes.
5. Technical assistance
Technical assistance is an integral part of shelter and settlement responses.
It supports the self-recovery of the affected people and improves the quality and
safety of their shelter and settlement. It is essential that affected households or
communities are actively involved in choosing their accommodation, the design of
shelters, the site layout and materials, and in supervising or carrying out work to
build the shelters and other construction.
Key actions
1 Understand the pre-crisis planning and building practices, available materials,
expertise and capacities.
•• Consult with affected people, local building professionals and authorities
to agree on building practices and materials and to find the required
expertise for quality assurance.
2 Involve and support the affected people, local government and local profes-
sionals in the building process.
•• Comply with the applicable planning and building codes, material specifications
and quality standards, as appropriate for the intended lifespan of the shelter,
settlement and household intervention.
•• Optimise building practices and local livelihood opportunities.
3 Promote safer building practices to meet current shelter needs and reduce
future risks.
•• For damaged or destroyed houses or shelters, identify the structural
risks and hazards, the reasons for any failure, or what may fail in
the future.
•• Learn from, improve and innovate local building practices and techniques
where possible; facilitate effective knowledge transfer to promote appropriate
building practices.
4 Ensure that people have access to adequate technical assistance.
Technical assistance
5 Establish appropriate project management of materials, finance, labour,
technical assistance and processes for regulatory approval requirements to
ensure quality outcomes.
•• Follow appropriate tender, bidding, procurement, contract and construction
management processes and codes of conduct.
•• Encourage the use of locally available, sustainable and familiar technologies, tools
and materials and hire labour locally for maintaining and upgrading shelters.
Key indicators
Percentage of programmes where local authorities are involved in defining
construction standards and in the monitoring of construction activities
Guidance notes
Participation and engagement with affected people: Participation in shelter and
construction activities should be compatible with existing local practices. Training
programmes and apprenticeship schemes can maximise opportunities for participa-
tion of all affected people (directly affected people and the host community) during
construction. Provide opportunities for women and persons with disabilities to
participate. People less able to undertake physical tasks can contribute to activities
such as site monitoring, inventory control, administrative support, childcare or
food preparation for those engaged in construction work. Be aware that affected
people may have other conflicting time constraints. Volunteer community labour
teams or contracted labour can support construction efforts of individual house-
holds, particularly those headed by women, children, older people or persons with
disabilities. Such assistance is important because those groups may be at risk of
sexual exploitation when seeking construction assistance.
Engaging young people in construction activities: Being part of a construction
project can provide young people with valuable skills, confidence, self-esteem and
connectedness to the community.
Ensure children under the minimum working age are not involved in shelter
construction or cash-for-work shelter programmes. Children between the minimum
working age (usually 14 or 15) and 18 years old should participate in a way that
is appropriate for their age and development. Ensure their participation is in line
with national legislation in context. Measures must be put into place to ensure
international standards and national labour law are adhered to in order to avoid
hazardous and underage child labour. Any suspected issues or questions on child
labour should be referred to child protection specialists or social services ⊕ see CPMS
Professional expertise: Provide advice on issues such as site and spatial planning,
local construction techniques, damage assessment, demolition and debris removal,
construction, site management, assessment of existing building stock and security
of tenure. This can ensure that shelters meet established standards. Knowledge
of material and labour markets will also be useful, as will legal and administrative
support ⊕ see Shelter and settlement standard 6: Security of tenure.
Adherence to building codes: Find out whether local or national building codes are
usually followed or enforced. If not, advocate for using and complying with them.
These codes should reflect local housing culture, climatic conditions, resources,
building and maintenance capacities, accessibility and affordability. Ensure that
shelter programmes allow households to meet or progressively attain agreed
codes and standards, especially in programmes using cash-based assistance to
meet shelter needs. Where there are no existing standards, establish Minimum
Standards in collaboration with the local authorities and relevant stakeholders
(including, where possible, the affected people) to ensure they meet safety and
performance requirements.
Increasing technical capacity: Increase community capacity by contributing to train-
ing and awareness-raising among the affected populations, local authorities, local
building professionals, skilled and unskilled labour, landlords, legal experts and local
In locations vulnerable to seasonal or cyclical crises, involve technical specialists
and local experts who have experience with appropriate local solutions or best
practices. These people can inform design and building practices and help develop
improved solutions.
Sourcing of materials: Where appropriate building materials can be provided quickly,
the affected population can construct shelters themselves. These shelter solutions
can consist of separate components or a pre-defined kit, with appropriate
construction tools. A rapid market assessment and analysis and an environmental
impact assessment should inform the selection of materials.
Sourcing materials locally may affect the local economy, workforce or the natural
environment. In some situations, adequate quality materials may not be available
locally. In those situations, use alternative materials or production processes,
or commercial shelter systems, but consider the impact of using materials that are
Technical assistance
unfamiliar to the local culture. Avoid materials produced through the exploitation of
local workers and children.
Safe public buildings: Construct or repair temporary and permanent public buildings
such as schools and health centres so that they do not pose a public health risk and are
disaster-resilient. Such facilities should comply with building standards and approval
procedures. Ensure safety and access for all, including for persons facing barriers
to moving and communicating (when possible, coordinate with organisations
representing persons with disabilities). Consult with the appropriate authorities when
repairing and constructing such buildings. Establish an affordable operation and
maintenance strategy.
Procurement and construction management: Develop a construction schedule
that includes key target milestones such as start and completion dates, and the
dates and duration of the relocation of displaced people. This applies whether
the construction is managed by the owner or a contractor. The schedule should
note the expected onset of seasonal weather and include a contingency plan for
unforeseen events. Establish a construction management and monitoring system
for materials, labour and site supervision. This should address sourcing, procurement,
transportation, handling and administration throughout the process.
Hire local labour as much as possible to increase their skill set and to support
the livelihoods of the affected people. Hire specialist professionals (such as
engineers, architects, urban designers, contract managers or lawyers) to carry
out specific tasks.
Ensure that environmental concerns are addressed. Promote socially accept-
able reuse of salvaged materials where the rights to such material and its
quality can be confirmed ⊕ see Shelter and settlement standard 7: Environmental
Upgrading and maintenance: Initial shelter responses typically only provide a
minimum level of covered or enclosed living space. However, the initial construc-
tion methods and materials should enable households to maintain, adapt or
upgrade the shelter to meet their longer-term needs. Adaptations should be
made safely using locally available, familiar and affordable tools and materials,
where possible.
Communal tools: Establish procedures that set out how to use, maintain and safely
store communal or shared-use tools and materials.
6. Security of tenure
Security of tenure means that people can live in their homes without fear of forced
eviction, whether in communal settlement situations, informal settlements, host
communities or after return. It is the foundation of the right to adequate housing
and many other human rights. In the humanitarian context, an incremental – or
step-by-step – approach may be the most appropriate. This recognises that
displaced people can be supported to improve their living conditions in different
types of accommodation. It does not mean prioritising owners for assistance, nor
does it necessarily convey permanence or ownership. Shelter actors have been
developing an understanding of what is “secure enough” for the purposes of
designing shelter options that support the most vulnerable and tenure-insecure.
For more on due diligence and the concept of “secure enough” ⊕ see References:
Payne and Durand-Lasserve (2012).
Key actions
1 Undertake due diligence in programme design and implementation.
•• Achieve as much legal certainty about tenure as possible (the “secure
enough” approach), given the context and constraints.
•• Coordinate and work with local authorities, legal professionals and intera-
gency forums.
2 Understand the legal framework and the reality on the ground.
•• Map tenure systems and arrangements for the different post-crisis
shelter and settlement scenarios; identify how these affect the most
at-risk groups.
•• Work with local authorities to understand which regulations will be enforced
and which will not, and the related time frames.
•• Understand how tenure relations are managed and disputes resolved, and
how this may have changed since the onset of the crisis.
3 Understand how tenure systems, arrangements and practices affect
security of tenure for at-risk groups.
•• Include security of tenure as an indicator of vulnerability.
•• Understand what documents may be required by people participating in a
programme, noting that the most vulnerable may not have, or be able to
access, these documents.
Security of tenure
4 Implement shelter and settlement programmes to support security of
•• Use local expertise to adapt programming to the different types of tenure,
especially for vulnerable groups.
•• Ensure that documentation, such as tenure agreements, is properly prepared
and reflects the rights of all parties.
•• Reduce the risk that the shelter programme may cause or contribute to
tensions within the community and with surrounding local communities.
5 Support protection from forced eviction.
Key indicators
Percentage of shelter recipients that have security of tenure for their shelter
and settlement option at least for the duration of a particular assistance
Guidance notes
Tenure is the relationship among groups or individuals with respect to housing
and land, established through statutory law or customary, informal or religious
arrangements. Tenure systems determine who can use what resources, for how
long, and under what conditions. There are many forms of tenure arrangements,
ranging from full ownership and formal rental agreements to emergency hous-
ing and occupation of land in informal settlements. Regardless of the tenure
arrangement, all people still retain housing, land and property rights. People
living in informal settlements, who are often internally displaced, may not
possess a legal right to occupy the land but still possess the right to adequate
housing and protection against forced eviction from their home. In order to
determine whether an appropriate security of tenure is in place, information
such as tenure documentation and organisational use of due diligence methods
are required.
•• inability to pay rent, often due to restrictions on livelihoods such as the right
to work;
•• absence of written lease agreements with landlords, making people
vulnerable to price increase and eviction;
•• disputes with landlords;
•• discrimination against affected people;
•• restrictions on improving the housing environment, with those in breach of
building permissions coming under constant threat of eviction;
•• users or occupants of buildable areas being unable to regularise their
situation with the civil administration;
•• housing transactions taking place within customary or religious frameworks,
and therefore not being recognised by statutory law, or vice versa;
•• for women: divorce, intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic
violence, or the death of their husband; and
Security of tenure
7. Environmental sustainability
Environmental sustainability addresses responsible programming that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. Ignoring environmental issues in the short term can
compromise recovery, worsen existing problems or cause new ones ⊕ see Protection
Principle 1 and Core Humanitarian Standard Commitments 3 and 9.
Key actions
1 Integrate environmental impact assessment and management in all shelter
and settlement planning.
•• Assess the environmental impacts of the crisis, and environmental risks and
vulnerabilities, to minimise negative effects of the shelter and settlement
•• Incorporate an environmental management plan into operations and
monitoring procedures.
2 Select the most sustainable materials and techniques among the viable
•• Prefer those that do not deplete local natural resources or contribute to
long-term environmental damage.
•• Salvage and reuse, recycle or re-purpose available materials, including debris.
3 Manage solid waste in a safe, timely, culturally sensitive and environmentally
sustainable way in all settlements.
•• Coordinate with WASH, health, public works and other authorities, the
private sector and other stakeholders to establish or re-establish sustainable
waste management practices.
4 Establish, restore and promote safe, reliable, affordable and environmentally
sustainable energy supply systems.
•• Determine whether existing energy supply systems have a negative environ-
mental impact on natural resources, pollution, health and safety.
•• Ensure any new or revised energy supply options meet user needs, and
provide training and follow-up as needed.
Environmental sustainability
5 Protect, restore and improve the ecological value of operational sites
(such as temporary settlements) during and after use.
•• Assess environmental baseline conditions and available local natural
resources for each site and identify environmental hazards, including those
due to previous commercial or industrial use.
•• Remove immediate and obvious hazards from the area and repair any
serious environmental degradation, while keeping the removal of natural
vegetation and the disruption of natural drainage at a minimum.
•• Leave the site in a state that will allow the local population to use it immedi-
ately, where possible in better condition than before.
Key indicators
Percentage of shelter and settlement activities that are preceded by an
environmental review
Guidance notes
Environmental impact assessment consists of three elements: a baseline
description of the local environment against which the assessment is occurring;
an understanding of the proposed activity and its potential threat to the environ-
ment; and an understanding of the consequences if the threat occurs.
It may be helpful to consult with appropriate environmental agencies. Key points to
consider in an environmental impact assessment include:
•• pre-crisis access to and use of local natural resources, including fuel and
construction materials, water sourcing and waste management;
•• the extent of locally available natural resources and the impact of the crisis
on these assets; and
•• social, economic and cultural issues (including gender roles) that may influ-
ence the sustainability of the response and improve its overall effectiveness
and efficiency.
Environmental sustainability
essential. If necessary, consult external experts. The resource management plan may
suggest external fuel supplies and options for livestock grazing, agricultural production
and other income streams that depend on natural resources. Large, well-managed
settlements may be more environmentally sustainable than numerous smaller,
dispersed settlements that are not as easy to manage or monitor. However, large
communal settlements may put more pressure on nearby host communities than
smaller, dispersed settlements. Shelter actors should always consider the impact of
their interventions on the host population’s needs for natural resources ⊕ see Core
Humanitarian Standard Commitment 9 and LEGS Handbook.
Urban and rural contexts: People in rural areas are generally more dependent
on the natural resources in their immediate surroundings, compared with urban
dwellers. However, urban areas absorb large quantities of natural resources
such as timber, sand and cement, bricks and other natural building materials,
coming from a much larger catchment area. Informed decisions should be taken
when using large quantities of construction materials in urban or other large-
scale shelter programmes, where environmental impacts may go far beyond the
programme implementation area.
Appendix 1
Shelter and settlement assessment checklist
This list of questions serves as a checklist to ensure that appropriate data is
obtained to inform the post-crisis shelter and settlement response. The list of
questions is not mandatory. Use and adapt it as appropriate.
Information on the underlying causes of the crisis, the security situation, the basic
demographics of the displaced and any host population, and the key people to
consult and contact, will need to be obtained separately.
•• How many people comprise an average household?
•• How many affected people are living in different types of households?
Consider groups living outside of family connections, such as groups of
unaccompanied children, households that are not average size, or others.
Disaggregate by sex, age, disability and ethnicity, linguistic or religious
affiliation as appropriate in context.
•• How many affected households lack adequate shelter, and where are these
•• How many people, disaggregated by sex, age and disability, who are not
members of individual households have no or inadequate shelter, and where
are they located?
•• How many affected households that lack adequate shelter have not been
displaced and can be assisted at the site of their original homes?
•• How many affected households that lack adequate shelter are displaced and
require shelter assistance with host families or in temporary settlements?
•• How many people, disaggregated by sex and age, lack access to communal
facilities such as schools, healthcare facilities and community centres?
•• What are the immediate risks to life, health and security resulting from the
lack of adequate shelter, and how many people are at risk?
Appendix 1 – Shelter and settlement assessment checklist
•• What are the less immediate risks to people’s lives, health and security
resulting from the lack of adequate shelter?
•• How do tenure systems, arrangements and practices affect security of
tenure for vulnerable and marginalised populations?
•• What are the particular risks for vulnerable people, including women,
children, unaccompanied minors, and persons with disabilities or chronic
illnesses, due to the lack of adequate shelter, and why?
•• What is the impact on any host populations of the presence of displaced
•• What are the potential risks for conflict or discrimination among or between
groups within the affected population, particularly for women and girls?
Appendix 1 – Shelter and settlement assessment checklist
Appendix 2
Description of settlement scenarios
Settlement scenarios allow for a first-level categorisation of where and how
affected people are living. An understanding of the crisis through these settlement
scenarios will help when planning assistance strategies. Gather additional details
to inform detailed planning ⊕ see Appendix 3: Additional characteristics of settlement
Appendix 2 – Description of settlement scenarios
Appendix 3
Additional characteristics of
settlement scenarios
This table sets out secondary characteristics that expand the settlement scenarios
outlined in ⊕ Appendix 2 Description of settlement scenarios. Using it to understand
the crisis in more detail should inform detailed planning processes.
Note: The choice of characteristics and their definition vary by context and should align to the relevant
guidance. Create additional characteristics as needed for a particular context.
Appendix 3 – Additional characteristics of settlement scenarios
Appendix 4
Assistance options
A range of context-specific assistance options can be combined to meet the needs
of affected people. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each and
develop the most appropriate programme.
Appendix 4 – Assistance options
Appendix 5 – Implementation options
Appendix 5
Implementation options
The assistance delivery method influences the quality, timing, scale of delivery and
cost. Select implementation options based on an understanding of local markets,
including commodity, labour and rental markets, in support of economic recovery
⊕ see Delivering assistance through markets. Consider the impact of the selected
implementation options on the degree of participation and sense of ownership,
gender dynamics, social cohesion and livelihoods opportunities.
For a table with potential assistance and implementation options connected to settle-
ment scenarios please go to www.spherestandards.org/handbook/online-resources
Settlement scenario
Non-displaced Displaced
Dispersed Communal
Owner Rented Informally Rental Hosted Spontaneous Collective Planned Unplanned Indirectly
occupied accommo- occupied arrange- arrange- arrangement accommo- settlement settlement affected
accommoda- dation or accommoda- ment ment dation
tion or land land tion or land
Shelter kits X X X X X X X X X X
Shelter toolkits X X X X X X X X X X
Tents X X X X X X X X
Return and X X X X X X
transit support
Repairs X X X X X X X
Retrofitting X X X X X X
Host assistance X X X X
Rental X
Temporary X X X X X X
Transitional X X X X X X
Core housing X X X X
Reconstruction/ X X
Potential assistance and implementation
options connected to settlement scenarios
Settlement scenario
Non-displaced Displaced
Dispersed Communal
Settle- Information X X X X X X X X X X
ment centres
scale Legal and X X X X X X X X X X
Securing tenure X X X X X X X X
Infrastructure X X X X X
and settlement
Urban/village X X X X X X X X
planning and
Collective X X
Managing X X X X
and collective
Debris X X X X X X X X X X
removal and
management of
the deceased
Rehabilitate X X X X X X X X X X
and/or install
Appendix 6 – Potential assistance and implementation options
Settlement scenario
Non-displaced Displaced
Dispersed Communal
Rehabilitate and/ X X X X X X X X X X
or construct
Urban/village X X X X X X X X X X
planning and
Relocation X X X X X X X X X
Imple- Technical assis- X X X X X X X X X
mentation tance and quality
options assurance
Financial support X X X X X X X X X
In-kind material X X X X X X X X X
Commissioned X X X X X X X X X
labour and
Capacity building X X X X X X X X X
Camp Closure Guidelines. Global CCCM Cluster, 2014. www.globalcccmcluster.org
Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS). Global Child Protection Working Group,
2010. http://cpwg.net
Emergency Handbook, 4th Edition. UNHCR, 2015. emergency.unhcr.org
Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination: A Guide for the Military. UNOCHA, 2014.
Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities. Age and
Disability Consortium, 2018. www.refworld.org
Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS). LEGS Project, 2014.
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS). SEEP Network, 2017.
Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Recovery and Response.
The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies [INEE], 2010.
Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA). The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP),
2017. www.cashlearning.org
Post-Disaster Settlement Planning Guidelines. IFRC, 2012. www.ifrc.org
UN-CMCoord Field Handbook. UN OCHA, 2015. https://www.unocha.org
Settlement scenarios
Humanitarian Profile Support Guidance. IASC Information Management Working
Group, 2016. www.humanitarianresponse.info
Shelter after Disaster. Shelter Centre, 2010. http://shelterprojects.org
References and further reading
Child protection
Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Standard 24. Alliance for
Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Global Protection Cluster, 2012. http://cpwg.net
Urban context
Urban Informal Settlers Displaced by Disasters: Challenges to Housing Responses. IDMC,
2015. www.internal-displacement.org
Urban Shelter Guidelines. NRC, Shelter Centre, 2010. http://shelterprojects.org
Security of tenure
Land Rights and Shelter: The Due Diligence Standard. Shelter Cluster, 2013.
Payne, G. Durand-Lasserve, A. Holding On: Security of Tenure – Types, Policies,
Practices and Challenges. 2012. www.ohchr.org
Rapid Tenure Assessment Guidelines for Post-Disaster Response Planning. IFRC, 2015.
Securing Tenure in Shelter Operations: Guidance for Humanitarian Response. NRC,
2016. https://www.sheltercluster.org
The Right to Adequate Housing, Fact Sheet 25 (Rev.1). OHCHR and UN Habitat, 2014.
The Right to Adequate Housing, Fact Sheet 21 (Rev.1). OHCHR and UN Habitat, 2015.
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to
Further reading
Further reading
Evictions in Beirut and Mount Lebanon: Rates and Reasons. NRC, 2014. https://
Housing, Land and Property Training Manual. NRC, 2012. www.nrc.no/what-we-do/
Land and Conflict: A Handbook for Humanitarians. UN Habitat, GLTN and CWGER,
2012. www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/clusters/early-recovery/document/
Rolnik, R. Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing (2015) Guiding Principles on Security
of Tenure for the Urban Poor. OHCHR, 2015. www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Housing/
Security of Tenure in Urban Areas: Guidance Note for Humanitarian Practitioners. NRC,
2017. http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/10827IIED.pdf
Social Tenure Domain Model. UN Habitat and GLTN. https://stdm.gltn.net/
Construction management
How-to Guide: Managing Post-Disaster (Re)-Construction projects. Catholic Relief
Services, 2012. https://www.humanitarianlibrary.org/resource/managing-
Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (BMEG). WWF Environment
and Disaster Management, 2017. http://envirodm.org/post/materialguide
Environmental assessment tools and guidance for humanitarian programming. OCHA.
Environmental Needs Assessment in Post-Disaster Situations: A Practical Guide for
Implementation. UNEP, 2008. http://wedocs.unep.org/handle/20.500.11822/17458
Flash Environmental Assessment Tool. OCHA and Environmental Emergencies Centre,
2017. www.eecentre.org/feat/
FRAME Toolkit: Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Environment in
Refugee-Related Operations. UNHCR and CARE, 2009. www.unhcr.org/uk/protection/
Green Recovery and Reconstruction: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Action (GRRT).
WWF & American Red Cross. http://envirodm.org/green-recovery
Guidelines for Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment (REA) in Disasters. Benfield
Hazard Research Centre, University College London and CARE International, 2003.
Protection Core
Principles Humanitarian
Essential Healthcare
Health Prevention Childhood Reproduct ive, Injury and Mental health Care of non- Palliative
service vaccine- maternal and trauma care communicable care
delivery preventable newborn care diseases
diseases healthcare
Health Outbreak
financing preparedness
and response
standard 1.5
Essential concepts in health..................................................................................................292
1. Health systems....................................................................................................................297
2. Essential healthcare...........................................................................................................311
2.1 Communicable diseases.....................................................................................311
2.2 Child health.............................................................................................................322
2.3 Sexual and reproductive health.......................................................................327
2.4 Injury and trauma care........................................................................................335
2.5 Mental health.........................................................................................................339
2.6 Non-communicable diseases...........................................................................342
2.7 Palliative care.........................................................................................................345
Appendix 1: Health assessment checklist.......................................................................349
Appendix 2: Sample weekly surveillance reporting forms.........................................351
Appendix 3: Formulas for calculating key health indicators......................................356
Appendix 4: Poisoning.............................................................................................................358
References and further reading........................................................................................................360
•• CMR >1/10,000/day
•• U5CMR >2/10,000/day
Essential concepts in health
Where national standards are lower than Sphere minimums, work with the govern-
ment to progressively raise them.
Priorities should be decided on the basis of sound information shared between
sectors and be reviewed as the situation evolves.
•• population is protected;
•• professionals responsible for the health system are well trained and
committed to universal ethical principles and professional standards;
•• health system meets Minimum Standards; and
•• state is able and willing to establish and maintain safe and stable conditions
in which healthcare can be delivered.
Attacks, threats and other violent obstructions of the work of healthcare person-
nel, facilities and medical transport are a violation of international humanitarian
law. These protections are derived from the basic obligations to respect and
protect the wounded and sick.
Humanitarian organisations should carefully consider the nature of any threat
and how to address it. For example, an attack by a national army may be treated
differently from a threat from the local community ⊕ see Special considerations to
protect healthcare below.
Essential concepts in health
Take physical security measures to protect the facility and staff from hazards.
At the same time, understand how security measures can affect the general
public’s perception and acceptance of the healthcare facility.
Humanitarian organisations must consider the risks and advantages in how
they profile their services and how this affects community trust and acceptance.
Keeping a low profile (for example by not branding assets or locations) may be
appropriate in some operations, while in others it might be better to display large
logos on assets or locations.
Health systems
1. Health systems
A well-functioning health system can respond to all healthcare needs in a crisis
so that even during a large-scale health crisis such as an Ebola outbreak, other
healthcare activities can continue. Easily treatable conditions will still be treated,
and maternal and child health primary care programmes will continue, reducing
excess mortality and morbidity. Any actor promoting, restoring or maintaining
health contributes to the overall health system. The health system encompasses
all levels, from national, regional, district and community to household carers, the
military and the private sector.
In a crisis, health systems and the provision of healthcare are often weakened,
even before demand increases. Healthcare workers may be lost, medical supplies
interrupted or infrastructure damaged. It is important to understand the impact
of the crisis on health systems to determine priorities for humanitarian response.
Humanitarian actors rarely operate in an emergency where there is no pre-
existing health system. Where a system is weak, it will need to be strengthened
or developed (for example through referral pathways, health information collation
and analysis).
The standards in this section address five core aspects of a well-functioning
health system:
These aspects affect each other in many ways. For instance, insufficient health-
care workers or lack of essential medicines will affect service delivery.
Leadership and coordination are vital to ensure needs are addressed in an impartial
manner. The ministry of health (MoH) usually leads and coordinates the response
and may request support from other health actors. Sometimes the ministry lacks
capacity or willingness to assume the role in an efficient and impartial manner, so
another agency should take this responsibility. If the MoH does not have access
or would not be accepted in all areas of the country, humanitarian actors should
seek to support the accepted existing system, especially in an acute emergency.
Carefully determine how to work with non-state actors and others, and their
ability to provide or coordinate healthcare for the population.
Access to the population is important but must be considered with a clear
understanding of the humanitarian principles and implications for impartial
and neutral assistance. Coordination should occur at and between all levels of
healthcare from national to community and with other sectors such as WASH,
nutrition and education, as well as with cross-sectoral technical working groups
such as mental health and psychosocial support, gender-based violence (GBV)
and HIV.
Key actions
1 Provide sufficient and appropriate healthcare at the different levels of the
health system.
•• Prioritise health services at country level or at the closest operational level
in acute emergencies, based on type of crisis, epidemiological profile and
health system capacity.
•• Identify different types of care that should be available at different levels
(household, community, healthcare facility and hospital).
2 Establish or strengthen triage mechanisms and referral systems.
•• Implement protocols for triage at healthcare facilities or field locations in
conflict situations, so that those requiring immediate attention are identified
and quickly treated or stabilised before being referred and transported
elsewhere for further care.
•• Ensure effective referrals between levels of care and services, including
protected and safe emergency transport services and between sectors such
as nutrition or child protection.
3 Adapt or use standardised protocols for healthcare, case management and
rational drug use.
•• Use national standards, including essential medicines lists, and adapt to the
emergency context.
•• Use international guidelines if national guidelines are outdated or not
4 Provide healthcare that guarantees patients’ rights to dignity, privacy,
confidentiality, safety and informed consent.
•• Ensure safety and privacy so that everyone may access care, including
people with conditions often associated with stigma, such as HIV or sexually
transmitted infections (STIs).
Health systems
5 Provide safe healthcare and prevent harm, adverse medical events
or abuse.
•• Implement a system to report and review adverse medical events.
•• Establish a policy to report any abuse or sexual violence.
6 Use appropriate infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, including
minimum WASH standards and medical waste disposal mechanisms, in all
healthcare settings.
•• During disease outbreaks such as cholera or Ebola, seek comprehensive
guidance from specialist bodies such as the World Health Organization
(WHO) UNICEF and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
7 Manage or bury the dead in a safe, dignified, culturally appropriate manner,
based on good public health practice.
Key indicators
Percentage of population that can access primary healthcare within one hour’s
walk from dwellings
•• Minimum 80 per cent
Guidance notes
Access to healthcare depends on availability of healthcare, including physical
reach, acceptability and affordability for all.
Availability: Healthcare can be delivered through a combination of community-
level, mobile and fixed healthcare facilities. The number, type and location
of each will vary by context. A broad guideline for planning coverage of fixed
healthcare facilities is:
Health systems
•• Prevention of injuries from sharps: Handle needles, scalpels and other sharps
with care, for example when cleaning used instruments or disposing of
used needles. Anyone with a sharps injury should be offered post-exposure
prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV within 72 hours ⊕ see Essential healthcare – sexual
and reproductive health standard 2.3.3: HIV.
•• Use of personal protective equipment (PPE): Provide appropriate PPE based on
risk and the task to be performed. Assess the type of exposure anticipated
(for example, splash, spray, contact or touch) and the category of transmission
of disease, the durability and appropriateness of the PPE for the task (such
as fluid-resistant or fluid-proof), and the fit of the equipment. Additional PPE
will depend on the type of transmission: contact (for example, gown or gloves),
droplet (surgical masks need to be worn when within 1 metre of the patient)
Adverse events: Globally, 10 per cent of hospital patients suffer an adverse event
(even outside a humanitarian crisis), mostly from unsafe surgical procedures,
medication errors and healthcare-associated infections. An adverse events
register should be maintained at every healthcare facility and audited to promote
Management of the dead: Use local customs and faith practices to respect-
fully manage the dead and identify and return remains to families. Whether
an epidemic, natural disaster, conflict or mass killing, management of the dead
requires coordination between health, WASH, legal, protection and forensic
Dead bodies rarely represent an immediate health risk. Certain diseases
(for example cholera or Ebola) require special management. Recovery of the
dead may require PPE, equipment for recovery, transportation and storage, as
well as documentation. ⊕ See WASH standard 6: WASH in healthcare settings.
Key actions
1 Review existing staffing levels and distribution against national classifica-
tions to determine gaps and under-served areas.
•• Track staffing levels per 1,000 people by function and place of employment.
2 Train staff for their roles according to national standards or international
•• Recognise that staff in acute emergencies may have expanded roles and
need training and support.
•• Introduce refresher training where turnover is high.
3 Support healthcare workers to operate in a safe working environment.
Health systems
4 Develop incentive and salary strategies that minimise pay differences and
inequitable distribution of healthcare workers between MoH and other
healthcare providers.
5 Share healthcare workforce data and readiness information with MoH and
other relevant bodies locally and nationally.
•• Be aware of displacement and departure of healthcare workers during conflict.
Key indicators
All health staff performing clinical work have received training in clinical
protocols and case management
Guidance notes
Availability of healthcare workers: The healthcare workforce includes medical
doctors, nurses, midwives, clinical officers, laboratory technicians, pharmacists and
CHWs, as well as management and support staff. The number and profile of workers
should match the population and service needs. Understaffing can result in excessive
workloads and unsafe healthcare. Integrate existing healthcare workers into the
emergency response.
When recruiting and training local staff, follow national guidelines (or international
if national are unavailable). International staff recruitment should follow national
and MoH regulations (for example evidence of qualifications, especially for clinical
Consider care for people in hard-to-reach rural and urban areas, including
those close to conflict. Staff must provide care to people of all ethnicities,
languages and affiliations. Recruit and train lower-level healthcare workers
for community outreach, case management in mobile teams or health posts,
and develop strong referral mechanisms. Incentive packages may be needed to
work in difficult areas.
Key actions
1 Establish standardised essential medicine and medical device lists for
priority healthcare.
•• Review existing national essential medicines and medical device lists early in
the response and adapt to the emergency context.
Health systems
2 Establish effective management systems to ensure availability of safe
essential medicines and medical devices.
•• Include transport, storage and cold chain for vaccines as well as for the
collection and storage of blood products.
3 Accept donations of medicine and medical devices only if they follow interna-
tionally recognised guidelines.
Key indicators
Number of days essential medicines are not available
•• Maximum 4 days out of 30 days
Guidance notes
Managing essential medicines: Essential medicines include drugs, vaccines and
blood products. Good medicine management ensures availability but also prohibits
unsafe or expired medicines. The main management elements are selection,
forecasting, procurement, storage and distribution.
Selection should be based on the national essential medicines list. Advocate to
close any gaps such as for non-communicable diseases, reproductive health, pain
relief for palliative care and surgery, anaesthesia, mental health, controlled drugs
(see below) or others.
Forecasting should be based on consumption, morbidity data and context
analysis. National medicine supplies may be disrupted if local manufacturing
is affected, warehouses are damaged or international procurement is delayed,
among other factors.
Procurement methods should adhere to national laws, customs regulations and
quality assurance mechanisms for international procurement. Advocate for
improved mechanisms if delays occur (through the MoH, lead agency, national disas-
ter management authority or humanitarian coordinator). If systems do not exist,
procure prequalified products, within expiry date and in the language of the country
and healthcare workforce.
Storage: Medicines should be safely stored throughout the drug supply cycle.
Requirements vary between products. Medicines should not be stored directly on
the floor. Ensure separate areas for expired items (locked), flammable products
(well ventilated, with fire protection), controlled substances (with added security)
and products requiring cold chain or temperature control.
Distribution: Establish safe, protected, predictable and documented transport
mechanisms from central stocks to healthcare facilities. Partners may use a push
(automatic supply) or pull (supply on demand) system.
Safe disposal of expired medicines: Prevent environmental contamination and
hazards to people. Comply with national regulations (adapted to emergencies) or
international guidance. Ultra-high temperature incineration is costly, and pharma-
ceutical stockpiling works only in the short term ⊕ see WASH standard 6: WASH in
healthcare settings.
Essential medical devices: Define and procure necessary devices and equipment
(including laboratory reagents, larger machines) at each level of healthcare that are
nationally or internationally compliant. Include assistive devices for persons with
disabilities. Ensure safe use of devices, including regular maintenance and spare
parts supply, preferably locally. Decommission devices safely. Distribute or replace
lost assistive devices and provide clear information on use and maintenance. Refer
to rehabilitation services for appropriate size, fitting, use and maintenance. Avoid
one-off distribution.
Prequalified kits are useful in the early stages of a crisis or in pre-positioning
for preparedness. They contain prequalified essential medicines and medical
devices and vary according to health intervention. WHO is the lead provider
for Interagency Emergency Health Kits and non-communicable disease kits, in
addition to kits to manage diarrhoea, trauma and others. The United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) is the lead provider of sexual and reproductive
health kits.
Controlled drugs: Medicines for pain relief, mental health and post-partum
bleeding are usually controlled. As 80 per cent of low-income countries do not
have access to adequate pain relief medicines, advocate with the MoH and
government to improve availability for controlled drugs.
Blood products: Coordinate with the national blood transfusion service, where it
exists. Only collect blood from volunteers. Test all products for HIV, hepatitis B
and C, and syphilis as a minimum, with blood grouping and compatibility testing.
Store and distribute products safely. Train clinical staff in the rational use of blood
and blood products.
Health systems
Key actions
1 Plan for user fees to be abolished or temporarily suspended where they are
charged through government systems.
2 Reduce indirect costs or other financial barriers to reach and use services.
Key indicators
Percentage of healthcare facilities that do not charge user fees for priority
healthcare (including consultations, treatment, investigations and provision of
•• Target 100 per cent
Percentage of people not making any direct payment when accessing or using
healthcare (including consultations, treatment, investigations and provision of
•• Target 100 per cent
Guidance notes
User fees: Requiring payment for services during an emergency impedes access
and may prevent people from seeking healthcare.
Suspending user fees for government healthcare providers will necessarily cause
financial strain. Consider supporting MoH facilities or those of other responsible
providers with staff salaries and incentives, extra medicines, medical devices
and assistive devices. If user fees are temporarily suspended, ensure users get
clear information about the timing and reasons, and monitor accessibility and
service quality.
Indirect costs can be minimised by providing adequate services in communities and
using planned mechanisms for transport and referral.
Cash-based assistance: The Universal Health Coverage 2030 targets state that
people should receive healthcare without undue financial hardship. There is no
clear evidence that using cash-based assistance specifically for health responses in
humanitarian contexts has a positive impact on health outcomes, as of this edition
⊕ see What is Sphere? including Delivering assistance through markets.
Key actions
1 Strengthen or develop a health information system that provides sufficient,
accurate and up-to-date information for effective and equitable health
•• Ensure the health information system includes all stakeholders, is simple to
implement and simple to collect, analyse and interpret information to steer
2 Strengthen or develop disease Early Warning, Alert and Response (EWAR)
mechanisms for all hazards that require an immediate response.
•• Decide which priority diseases and events to include based on the epidemio-
logical risk profile and context of the emergency.
•• Incorporate both indicator- and event-based components.
3 Agree on and use common operating data and definitions.
•• Consider denominator figures, such as population, family size and age
•• Establish administrative areas and geographic codes.
4 Agree standard operating procedures for all health actors when using health
5 Ensure mechanisms to protect data to guarantee the rights and safety of
individuals, reporting units and/or populations.
6 Support the lead actor to compile, analyse, interpret and disseminate health
information to all stakeholders in a timely and regular manner, and to guide
decision-making for health programmes.
•• Include coverage and utilisation of health services, and analysis and interpre-
tation of epidemiological data.
Health systems
Key indicators
Percentage of complete Early Warning, Alert and Response (EWAR)/surveil-
lance reports submitted on time
•• Minimum 80 per cent
Guidance notes
Health information system: A well-functioning health information system ensures
the production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable and timely information
on health determinants, health systems performance and health status. Data may
be qualitative or quantitative and collected from various sources such as census
surveys, vital registration, population surveys, perceived needs surveys, individual
records and healthcare facility reports (such as health management information
systems). It should be flexible enough to incorporate and reflect unexpected chal-
lenges such as outbreaks or the total collapse of the health system or services.
Information will identify problems and needs at all levels of the health system.
Collect missing information through further assessment or surveys. Consider
cross-border movement of people, and the information needed or available.
Provide regular analysis on who is doing what and where.
Health management information systems (HMIS) or routine reporting use
health information generated from healthcare facilities to assess healthcare
delivery performance. An HMIS monitors delivery of specific interventions,
treatment of conditions, resources such as tracer drug availability, human
resources and utilisation rates.
Health surveillance is the continuous and systematic collection, analysis and inter-
pretation of health data. Disease surveillance specifically monitors different
diseases and patterns of progression and is often captured in HMIS reporting.
Early Warning Alert and Response (EWAR) is part of a routine health surveillance
system. It detects and generates an alert for any public health event that needs an
immediate response, such as chemical poisoning or epidemic prone diseases ⊕ see
Essential healthcare – communicable diseases standard 2.1.2: Surveillance, outbreak
detection and early response.
Standard operating procedures: Establish common definitions and ways of
conveying information across geographical locations, levels of care and health
actors. As a minimum, agree on:
•• case definitions;
•• indicators of what to monitor;
•• reporting units (such as mobile clinics, field hospitals, health posts);
2. Essential healthcare
Essential healthcare addresses the major causes of mortality and morbidity in
a crisis-affected population. Coordinate with the ministries of health and other
official health actors to agree on which services to prioritise, when and where.
Base priorities on context, risk assessment and available evidence.
A crisis-affected population will have new and different needs, which will continue
to evolve. People may face overcrowding, multiple displacements, malnutrition,
lack of access to water, or continuing conflict. Age, gender, disability, HIV status,
linguistic or ethnic identity can further influence needs and may be significant
barriers to accessing care. Consider the needs of those living in under-served or
hard-to-reach locations.
Agree on priority services with the MoH and other health actors, focusing on those
risks most likely to occur and cause the greatest morbidity and mortality. Health
programmes should provide appropriate, effective care, taking into account the
context, logistics and resources that will be needed. Priorities may change as
the context improves or deteriorates further. This exercise should be conducted
regularly, based on available information and as the context changes.
Once mortality rates have declined or a situation has stabilised, more comprehensive
health services may be feasible. In protracted settings this may be an essential
package of health services, defined at country level.
This section outlines the essential minimum healthcare in key areas of emer-
gency response: communicable diseases, child health, sexual and reproductive
health, injury and trauma care, mental health, non-communicable diseases and
palliative care.
Key actions
1 Determine the risk of communicable diseases in the affected population.
•• Review pre-existing health information if available and surveillance data as
well as nutritional status and access to safe water and sanitation.
•• Conduct risk assessments with the affected population, including local
leaders and health professionals.
2 Work with other sectors to develop general prevention measures and
establish integrated health promotion programmes at community level.
•• Address specific fears, rumours and common beliefs that could undermine
healthy behaviour.
•• Coordinate with other sectors performing outreach, such as hygiene promoters
or community nutrition workers, to ensure harmonised messaging.
3 Implement vaccination measures to prevent disease.
4 Implement disease-specific prevention measures as needed.
5 Implement infection prevention and control (IPC) measures at all levels of
healthcare according to risk ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.1 and WASH
support in WASH standard 6: WASH in healthcare settings.
Key indicators
Percentage of people who adopt key practices promoted in health education
activities and messages
Percentage of affected households who can describe three measures they are
taking to prevent communicable diseases
Guidance notes
Risk assessments: Conduct risk assessments with the affected population, local
leaders and health professionals. Analyse risks posed by the context and envi-
ronment, such as in crowded communal settlements and urban areas. Actively
consider different segments of the population for disease-specific factors, low
immunity or other risks.
Inter-sectoral prevention measures: Develop general prevention measures such
as appropriate hygiene, waste disposal, safe and sufficient water and vector
management. Adequate shelter, spacing of shelters and ventilation can help reduce
transmission. Exclusive breastfeeding and access to adequate nutrition contrib-
utes directly to health status ⊕ see Core Humanitarian Standard Commitment 3, WASH
hygiene promotion standard 1.1, WASH water supply standards 2.1 and 2.2, WASH solid
waste management standards 5.1 to 5.3, Shelter and settlement standard 2 and Food
security and nutrition – infant and young child feeding standards 4.1 and 4.2.
Health promotion: Engage communities to provide information in formats and
languages that are accessible for older people, persons with disabilities, women
and children. Take the time to test and validate messages on sensitive issues.
Vaccination: The decision to implement a vaccination campaign will be based on
three factors:
Key actions
1 Strengthen or establish a context-specific disease Early Warning Alert and
Response (EWAR) mechanism.
•• Decide priority diseases and events to be included, based on epidemio-
logical risk.
•• Train healthcare workers at all levels about priority diseases and mecha-
nisms to notify health authorities and generate an alert.
•• Disseminate weekly EWAR reports to all stakeholders to take necessary action.
2 Establish outbreak investigation teams.
•• Ensure actions are triggered rapidly when an alert is generated.
•• Initiate remote investigation where teams do not have access to the affected
populations, such as in active conflict areas.
3 Ensure samples can be tested by rapid diagnostic tests or laboratories to
confirm an outbreak ⊕ see Essential healthcare – communicable diseases
standard 2.1.3: Diagnosis and case management.
Key indicators
Percentage of alerts being reported within in 24 hours
•• 90 per cent
Percentage of reported alerts being verified within 24 hours
•• 90 per cent
Guidance notes
Early Warning Alert and Response (EWAR): In coordination with all stakeholders,
including MoH, partners and community, strengthen or establish an EWAR system
representative of the affected population ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.5: Health
information. The system should be able to capture rumours, unusual events and
community reports.
Surveillance and early warning: Strengthen the EWAR system with partners, and
agree on reporting units, data flow, reporting tools, data analysis tools, case
definitions and frequency of reporting.
Alert generation and reporting: Alerts are unusual health events that may
signal the early stages of an outbreak. Define alert thresholds specific to each
disease and report as quickly as possible. Use event-based immediately notifiable
reporting by healthcare workers or analyse indicator-based reports (weekly or
more frequently). Log all alerts immediately and relay them to outbreak investi-
gation teams to verify.
Alert verification: Verify the alert information within 24 hours. Verification can
be done remotely, such as by phone, and involves collecting further data and
analysing the case(s) based on symptoms, date of onset, place, sex, age, health
outcomes and differential diagnoses.
Outbreak detection: If an alert is verified, conduct a field investigation within 24 hours.
Ensure teams have sufficient skills to verify alerts, perform field investigation, detect
a suspected outbreak and take laboratory samples. The investigation will confirm an
outbreak if an epidemic threshold has been reached or determine whether the alert
reflects sporadic cases or seasonal peaks.
Review cases, take samples and conduct a risk assessment. Possible outcomes are:
•• it is not a case;
•• a case is confirmed, but it is not an outbreak; or
•• a case is confirmed and an outbreak is suspected/confirmed.
•• cases, deaths and person, time and place of onset, to develop an epidemic
curve and spot map;
•• line listings which follow each case and analyse the extent of outbreak, for
example number of hospitalisations, complications, case fatality rate; and
•• calculating attack rates based on agreed population figures.
Key actions
1 Develop clear messages that encourage people to seek care for symptoms
such as fever, cough and diarrhoea.
•• Develop written materials, radio broadcasts or mobile phone messages
using accessible formats and languages.
2 Use approved standard case management protocols to provide healthcare.
•• Consider implementing community-based case management such as for
malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia.
•• Refer severe cases to higher levels of care or isolation.
3 Provide adequate laboratory and diagnostic capacity, supplies and quality
•• Determine the use of rapid diagnostic tests or laboratory testing for
pathogens, and at which level of healthcare it should be provided (for example,
rapid diagnostic tests in the community).
4 Ensure treatment is not disrupted for people receiving long-term care for
communicable diseases such as TB and HIV.
•• Introduce TB control programmes only after recognised criteria are met.
•• Coordinate with HIV programmes to ensure healthcare provision for those
with HIV–TB co-infection.
Key indicators
Percentage of health centres supporting a crisis-affected population using
standardised treatment protocols for a specified illness
•• Use monthly record review to monitor trends
Guidance notes
Treatment protocols: Protocols should include a package of diagnosis, treatment
and referral. If no such package is available in a crisis, consider interna-
tional guidance. Understand local drug-resistance patterns (also considering
displacement), especially for malaria, TB and typhoid. Consider clinically high-risk
groups such as children under age two years, pregnant women, older people,
people living with HIV and acutely malnourished children, who are at higher risk
for certain communicable diseases.
Acute respiratory infections: In crises, vulnerability is increased by overcrowding,
indoor smoke and poor ventilation, and malnutrition and/or vitamin A deficiency.
Reduce case fatality rates through timely identification, oral antibiotics and
referral of severe cases.
Diarrhoea and bloody diarrhoea: Control mortality rates through increased
access to and use of oral rehydration therapy and zinc supplementation
at household, community or primary healthcare level. Treatment can be at
community oral rehydration points.
Community case management: Patients with malaria, pneumonia or diarrhoea can be
treated by trained CHWs. Ensure all programmes are linked and overseen from the
nearest healthcare facility. Ensure equitable and impartial access for all.
Laboratory testing: Establish a referral network of national, regional and interna-
tional laboratory facilities to test specimens. Ensure rapid diagnostic testing for
malaria, cholera and dengue fever, plus testing of blood haemoglobin level. Provide
appropriate transport media for samples to be tested for other pathogens (such as
Cary-Blair medium for cholera).
Train healthcare workers in diagnostic methods, quality assurance, and specimen
collection, transport and documentation. Develop a protocol for definitive testing
at reference laboratories nationally, regionally or internationally. Definitive
testing includes cultures from specimens, serological and antigen testing or
RNA testing for yellow fever, viral haemorrhagic fevers and hepatitis E. Establish
protocols on safe transport mechanisms for pathogens, especially for viral
haemorrhagic fever, plague or similar. Consider aviation regulations for transport
of specimens by air.
Tuberculosis (TB) control is complex because of increasing drug resistance.
Only establish programmes if continuous access to the population and provi-
sion of care is assured for at least 12–15 months. Multi-drug-resistant TB
(MDR TB, resistant to two core anti-TB drugs, isoniazid and rifampicin) and
extensively drug-resistant TB (EDR TB, resistant to four core anti-TB drugs)
have been identified. Both these types require longer, more expensive
and more complex treatments. In crises, it is often difficult to access the diag-
nostic and sensitivity testing necessary to ensure correct selection and use of
TB medications.
Key actions
1 Develop and disseminate an integrated outbreak preparedness and response
plan in partnership with all stakeholders and sectors.
•• Focus training on key staff in high-risk areas.
•• Pre-position essential medicines, medical devices, rapid tests, PPE and kits
(such as for cholera and diarrhoeal disease) in epidemic-prone areas and
areas with limited access.
2 Implement disease-specific control measures once an outbreak is
•• Determine the need for a targeted vaccination campaign.
•• Scale up IPC measures, including providing isolation areas for cholera,
hepatitis E or other outbreaks.
3 Create and coordinate outbreak-specific logistic and response capacity.
•• Ensure transport and storage capacity for medicines and supplies, including
cold chain for vaccines.
•• Add healthcare facility capacity, such as cholera or meningitis tents.
•• Ensure access and transport to laboratories at local, national and interna-
tional levels to test samples.
4 Coordinate with other sectors as needed, including child protection.
Key indicators
Percentage of health staff in high-risk areas trained on outbreak response plan
and protocols
Guidance notes
Outbreak preparedness and response plan: Develop this with health partners,
MoH, community members and leaders. WASH, nutrition, shelter and education
partners, the host government, prisons and military (if relevant) should also be
involved. Ensure that other critical health services are not compromised when
responding to the outbreak.
The plan should define:
Vaccination campaigns
Meningitis: Serogroups A, C, W and Y can cause outbreaks in crises. Vaccines for
A and C are available for use in epidemics. Routine vaccination in crises is not
recommended and not possible for serogroups C and W. Target vaccination at
specific age groups based on known attack rates, or at those aged six months to
30 years. Given the need for lumbar puncture for a definitive diagnosis, establish
a clear case definition.
Viral haemorrhagic fever: The management and diagnosis of viral haemorrhagic fevers,
such as Ebola or Lassa fever, are based on stringent national and international
guidelines. This includes protocols on new vaccines and innovative treatment meth-
ods. Effective community engagement during these outbreaks is vital.
Yellow fever: Mass vaccination is recommended once a single case is confirmed in
a settlement for displaced and host populations. Combine this with Aedes vector
control measures and strict isolation of cases.
Polio: Polio is included in the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI),
and vaccination should be restarted following the initial stages of an emergency.
Initiate mass vaccination if a case of paralytic polio is detected.
Cholera: Clear treatment and outbreak protocols should be available and coordi-
nated across sectors. Use cholera vaccines according to the WHO framework and
complement existing strategies for cholera control.
Hepatitis A and E: These present a significant risk, particularly in refugee camps.
Prevent and control outbreaks using improved sanitation and hygiene and access
to safe water.
Measles: ⊕ See Essential healthcare – child health standard 2.2.1: Childhood vaccine-
preventable diseases.
Pertussis or diphtheria: Pertussis outbreaks are common when people are
displaced. Due to concerns about risks among older recipients of the whole-cell
diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) vaccine, be careful about a pertussis
outbreak-related vaccination campaign. Use an outbreak to address routine
immunisation gaps. Case management includes antibiotic treatment of cases and
early prophylactic treatment of contacts in households where there is an infant
or a pregnant woman. Diphtheria outbreaks are less common but still a threat
in crowded settings with low diphtheria immunity. In camps, mass diphtheria
vaccination campaigns with three separate doses of vaccine are not unknown.
Case management includes the administration of both antitoxin and antibiotic.
Case fatality rates: The acceptable case fatality rate CFR for specific diseases
varies with context and existing immunity. Aim to reduce case fatality rates
as much as possible. High case fatality rates may indicate a lack of access to
appropriate healthcare, late presentation and case management, significant
co-morbidities in the population, or poor-quality healthcare. Monitor the case
fatality rate frequently and take immediate corrective steps if higher than
Care of children: During outbreaks, consider children to be a specific group
when designing and implementing programmes. Coordinate and refer between the
health and child protection sectors. Address the risks of separating children from
their parents. The risks may be caused by morbidity and mortality of the parents or
by programme design. Focus on preventing family separation and ensure parental
or child consent for treatment. Take measures to keep education facilities open,
being mindful of necessary control measures and health education.
Key actions
1 Determine whether there is a need for vaccinations, and the appropriate
approach for the emergency.
•• Base this on an assessment of risk (for example population, season),
feasability of a campaign (including need for mutliple doses, availibility),
and context (such as security, competing needs). This should be an ongoing
process as a crisis evolves ⊕ see Essential healthcare – communicable diseases
standard 2.1.1: Prevention.
2 Conduct a mass measles vaccination campaign for children aged six months
to 15 years, regardless of measles vaccination history, when estimated
measles coverage is less than 90 per cent or unknown.
•• Include vitamin A for children age 6–59 months.
•• Ensure that all infants vaccinated between six and nine months receive
another dose of measles vaccine at nine months.
3 Re-establish the EPI defined on p.401 and 402 EPI as soon as possible.
4 Screen children attending healthcare facilities or mobile clinics for vaccination
status and administer any needed vaccinations.
Key indicators
Percentage of children aged six months to 15 years who have received measles
vaccination, on completion of a measles vaccination campaign
•• >95 per cent
Percentage of children aged 12 months who have had three doses of DPT
•• >90 per cent
Percentage of primary healthcare facilities that offer basic EPI services at least
20 days/month
Guidance notes
Vaccination: Vaccines are vital in preventing excess deaths in acute crises. National
guidance may not cover emergencies or people who have crossed borders, so work
without delay to determine needed vaccines and create an implementation plan
that includes procurement processes. ⊕ See Essential healthcare – communicable
diseases standard 2.1.1 for guidance on risk assessment and vaccination decisions
and Health systems standard 1.3: Essential medicines and medical devices on the
procurement and storage of vaccines.
Measles vaccination: Measles immunisation is a priority health intervention
in crises.
Key actions
1 Provide appropriate healthcare at different levels (facility, mobile clinics or
community programmes).
•• Use ‘Newborn Health in Humanitarian Settings’ guidelines for essential
newborn care ⊕ see References.
•• Consider adopting integrated community case management (iCCM) and
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI).
2 Establish a standardised system of assessment and triage at all facilities
that provide care for sick newborns or children.
•• Ensure that children with danger signs (unable to drink or breastfeed, vomits
everything, convulsions, and lethargic or unconscious) receives immediate
•• Include assessment of trauma and chemical poisoning in contexts where
there is increased risk.
3 Make essential medicines available in the appropriate dosages and formula-
tions for treating common childhood illnesses at all levels of care.
4 Screen children for their growth and nutritional status.
5 Establish an appropriate case management protocol for treating childhood
and vaccine-preventable diseases, such as diphtheria and pertussis, in
situations where the risk of outbreak is high.
•• Use existing protocols where possible.
6 Design health education messages to encourage families to engage in
healthy behaviour and disease preventive practices.
•• Promote actions such as exclusive breastfeeding, infant feeding, handwashing,
keeping infants warm and encourage early childhood development.
7 Design health education messages to encourage people to seek early
care for any illness such as fever, cough or diarrhoea among children and
•• Take steps to reach children who do not have an adult or parent caring
for them.
8 Identify children with a disability or developmental delay.
Key indicators
Under-five crude mortality rates
•• Fewer than 2 deaths per 10,000 per day ⊕ see Appendix 3 for calculations
Effective anti-malarial treatment provided in a timely manner to all children
under age five years presenting with malaria
•• Within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms
•• Exception for children under age five years experiencing severe acute
Appropriate care provided in a timely manner to all children under age five
years presenting with pneumonia
•• Within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms
Guidance notes
Essential newborn care: Provide all newborns with skilled care at birth, preferably
in a healthcare facility and according to the ⊕ see ‘Integrated Management of
Pregnancy and Childbirth’ (IMPAC) and ‘Newborn Health in Humanitarian Settings’
guidelines. Whether the birth takes place with or without skilled care, essential
newborn care consists of:
•• thermal care (delay bathing, and keep the baby dry and warm with skin-to-
skin contact);
•• infection prevention (promote clean birth practices, handwashing, clean cord,
and skin and eye care);
•• feeding support (immediate and exclusive breastfeeding, not discarding
•• monitoring (assess for danger signs of infections or conditions that may need
referral); and
•• post-natal care (provide it at or close to home in the first week of life, with
the first 24 hours being the most critical for a post-natal care visit; aim for
three home visits in the first week of life).
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Sexual and reproductive health
HIV: Where HIV prevalence is greater than 1 per cent, test all children with severe
acute malnutrition. Mothers and caregivers of HIV-exposed infants require
adapted support and advice ⊕ see Food security and nutrition standards.
Feeding separated children: Arrange supervised feeding for separated or unacco
mpanied children.
Child protection concerns: Use routine health services to identify child neglect,
abuse and exploitation. Refer cases to child protection services. Integrate iden-
tification and gender-sensitive case management procedures into routine health
services for mothers and infants, children and adolescents.
Nutrition referrals: ⊕ See Food security and nutrition standard 3: Micronutrient defi-
ciencies, and Management of malnutrition standard 2.2: Severe acute malnutrition.
Household air pollution: Consider providing alternative cooking stoves to reduce
smoke and fumes and the respiratory illness they cause ⊕ see Shelter and settle-
ment standard 3: Living space and standard 4: Household items.
Poisoning: ⊕ See Appendix 4.
Key actions
1 Ensure that clean and safe delivery, essential newborn care, and emergency
obstetric and newborn care services are available at all times.
•• Establish a referral system with communication and transportation from the
community to the healthcare facility or hospital that functions at all times.
2 Provide all visibly pregnant women with clean delivery packages when
access to skilled health providers and healthcare facilities cannot be
3 Consult the community to understand local preferences, practices and
attitudes towards contraception.
•• Involve men, and women, and adolescent boys and girls in separate and
private discussions.
4 Make a range of long-acting reversible and short-acting contraceptive
methods available at healthcare facilities based on demand, in a private and
confidential setting.
•• Provide counselling that emphasises informed choice and effectiveness.
Key indicators
Skilled care is available for emergency obstetrics and newborn care at all times
•• Basic emergency obstetric and newborn care: minimum five facilities per
500,000 people
•• Comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care: minimum one
facility per 500,000 people
All primary health centres report availability of at least four methods of contra-
ception between three and six months after the onset of the crisis.
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Sexual and reproductive health
Guidance notes
Emergency obstetric and newborn care: About 4 per cent of any population will be
pregnant women, and about 15 per cent of those will experience an unpredictable
obstetric complication during pregnancy or at the time of delivery that will require
emergency obstetric care. About 5–15 per cent of deliveries will require surgery such
as caesarean section. Globally 9–15 per cent of newborns will require life-saving
emergency care. About 5–10 per cent of newborns do not breathe spontaneously
at birth and require stimulation, and half of those require resuscitation. The major
reasons for failure to breathe include pre-term birth and acute intrapartum events
resulting in severe asphyxia ⊕ see Essential healthcare – child health standard 2.2.2:
Management of newborn and childhood illness.
Basic emergency obstetrics and newborn care includes parenteral antibiotics,
uterotonic drugs (parenteral oxytocin, misoprostol), parenteral anticonvul-
sant drugs (magnesium sulphate), removal of retained products of conception
using appropriate devices, manual removal of placenta, assisted vaginal delivery
(vacuum extraction), and maternal and newborn resuscitation.
Comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care includes all of the
above as well as surgery under general anaesthesia (caesarean section, lapa-
rotomy), and rational and safe blood transfusion with standard precaution
measures. Post-abortion care is a life-saving intervention that is part of emer-
gency obstetric and newborn care and aims to reduce death and suffering from
the complications of miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) and unsafe abortions.
Treatment includes managing bleeding (possibly through surgical intervention)
and sepsis, and providing tetanus prophylaxis.
It is essential that both basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric and
newborn care services are available at all times.
The referral system should ensure that women or newborns have the means to
travel to and from a primary healthcare facility with basic emergency obstetric
and newborn care and to a hospital with comprehensive emergency obstetric and
newborn care.
Family planning: Engage with various groups in the community to understand
preferences and cultural attitudes. Ensure the community is aware of where
and how to access contraception. Share information in multiple formats and
languages to ensure accessibility. Engage community leaders to disseminate
the information.
Trained providers who understand the client’s preferences, culture and context
should give contraceptive counselling. Counselling should emphasise confi-
dentiality and privacy, voluntary and informed choice and consent, method
effectiveness for medical and non-medical methods, possible side effects,
management and follow-up, and guidance on removal if needed.
Key actions
1 Identify a lead organisation to coordinate a multi-sectoral approach to
reduce the risk of sexual violence, ensure referrals and provide holistic
support to survivors.
•• Coordinate with other sectors to strengthen prevention and response.
2 Inform the community of available services and the importance of seeking
immediate medical care following sexual violence.
•• Provide post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV as soon as possible (within 72
hours of exposure).
•• Provide emergency contraception within 120 hours.
3 Establish safe spaces in healthcare facilities to receive survivors of sexual
violence and to provide clinical care and referral.
•• Display and use clear protocols and a list of patients’ rights.
•• Train healthcare workers in supportive communication, maintaining
confidentiality and protecting survivor information and data.
4 Make clinical care and referral to other supportive services available for
survivors of sexual violence.
•• Ensure referral mechanism for life-threatening, complicated or severe
•• Establish referral mechanisms between health, legal, protection, security,
psychosocial and community services.
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Sexual and reproductive health
Key indicators
All health facilities have trained staff, sufficient supplies and equipment for
clinical management of rape survivor services based on national or interna-
tional protocols
All survivors of sexual violence state they received healthcare in a safe and
confidential manner
Guidance notes
Prevention of sexual violence and rape requires action across all sectors ⊕ see
WASH water supply standard 2.1 ⊕ see WASH excreta management standard 3.2
⊕ see Food security and nutrition – food assistance standard 6.3 and Livelihoods
standard 7.2; Shelter and settlement standards 2 and 3 ⊕ see Protection Principle
1 and Core Humanitarian Standard Commitments 4 and 8. ⊕ See Health systems
standard 1.1 to 1.3 for further information on making healthcare facilities safe
and providing safe care.
Clinical care, including mental healthcare and referral for survivors, must be in place
in all primary healthcare facilities and mobile teams ⊕ see Healthcare systems 1.2
and Essential healthcare standard 2.5. This includes skilled staff to provide compas-
sionate, timely and confidential treatment and counselling to all children, adults
and older people on:
•• emergency contraception;
•• pregnancy testing, pregnancy options information and safe abortion referral
to the full extent of the law;
•• presumptive treatment of STIs;
•• post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV transmission ⊕ see Health
standard 2.3.3: HIV
•• prevention of hepatitis B;
•• care of wounds and prevention of tetanus; and
•• referral for further services, such as other health, psychological, legal and
social services.
and needed, provide training on the medico-legal system and forensic evidence
Child survivors of sexual violence: Children should be cared for by healthcare work-
ers trained in post-rape management of children. Allow children to choose the
gender of the healthcare worker. Involve specialised protection actors quickly in
all cases.
Community engagement: Work with patients and the community to improve acces-
sibility and acceptability of care and to deliver prevention programmes through-
out a crisis. Ensure confidential feedback mechanisms and swift feedback. Involve
women, men, adolescent girls and boys, and at-risk populations such as persons
with disabilities and LGBTQI groups.
Legal frameworks: Be aware of the national medico-legal system and relevant
laws on sexual violence. Inform survivors of any mandatory reporting laws that
could limit the confidentiality of the information patients disclose to healthcare
providers. This may influence their decision to continue to seek care, but must be
In many countries, induced abortion is legal under circumstances such as
rape. Where this is the case, access or referrals should be provided without
While addressing sexual violence is critical, forms of gender-based violence (GBV)
such as intimate partner violence, child and forced marriage and female genital
mutilation are also not only prevalent in humanitarian crises, but in some scenarios
may increase during a crisis and have significant unique health impacts (physical,
sexual, mental) on individuals that require specific responses. Other international
guidelines are increasingly recognising not only sexual violence, but these other
forms of GBV and their impacts on health ⊕ see IASC Guidelines for Integrating
Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action.
Key actions
1 Establish and follow standard precautions and procedures for the safe and
rational use of blood transfusion.
2 Provide anti-retroviral therapy (ART) to everyone who is already on it, including
women in prevention of mother-to-child transmission programmes.
•• Actively trace people living with HIV to continue treatment.
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Sexual and reproductive health
3 Provide lubricated male condoms and, where already used by the population,
female condoms.
•• Work with leaders and the affected population to understand local use,
increase acceptance and ensure that condom distribution is culturally
4 Offer testing to all pregnant women where HIV prevalence is greater than
1 per cent.
5 Initiate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) as soon as possible, but within
72 hours of exposure for survivors of sexual violence and occupational
6 Provide co-trimoxazole prophylaxis for opportunistic infections for:
7 Ensure primary healthcare facilities have antimicrobials and provide syndro-
mic management to patients with symptoms of an STI.
Key indicators
All transfused blood is screened and is free of transfusion-transmissible
infections, including HIV
Percentage of women accessing health services who are tested for HIV, where
HIV prevalence is greater than 1 per cent
•• 90 per cent
Guidance notes
The key actions above should apply in all humanitarian crises, regardless of the
local HIV epidemiology.
Involve the affected community and key populations (healthcare workers, leaders,
women, LGBTQI people, persons with disabilities) in HIV service delivery, and
ensure they know where to access anti-retroviral (ARV) medicines. If there is
already an association of people living with HIV, consult with and involve them in
programme design and delivery.
Community-led distribution of condoms within peer groups is useful. Key
populations and adolescents will often know where their peers congregate,
and volunteers can distribute to peers. Educate key populations with cultur-
ally appropriate messages about correct use and disposal of used condoms.
Make condoms available to the community, aid agency staff, uniformed staff,
aid delivery truck drivers and others.
Blood transfusion: ⊕ See Health systems standards 1.1 and 1.3.
Post-exposure care and treatment should include counselling, HIV exposure risk
assessment, informed consent, assessment of the source, and provision of
anti-retroviral medicines. Do not give PEP to a person known to be living with
HIV. Although counselling and testing is recommended before starting PEP, if
not feasible do not delay the initiation of PEP ⊕ see Essential healthcare – sexual
and reproductive health standard 2.3.2: Sexual violence and clinical management
of rape.
Comprehensive HIV-related activities in crises: Establish the following activities
as soon as feasible:
HIV awareness: Provide accessible information to the public, particularly to popula-
tions at higher risk, about preventing HIV and other STIs.
HIV prevention: Provide high-risk populations with harm-reduction services
such as sterile injecting equipment and opioid substitution therapy for people
who inject drugs, where these services already existed ⊕ see Essential healthcare
standard 2.5: Mental health care.
HIV counselling and testing: Provide (or re-establish) counselling and testing services
linked to ART initiation. Priority groups for HIV testing are pregnant women and
their partners, children with severe acute malnutrition where the HIV prevalence is
greater than 1 per cent, and other at-risk groups.
Stigma and discrimination: It is crucial to ensure that strategies and programmes do
not increase stigma. Aim to actively decrease stigma and discrimination in areas
known to have high stigma index and discriminatory behaviours.
ART interventions: Extend anti-retroviral therapy to all who need it – not only those
who were previously enrolled – as soon as possible.
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission: Test pregnant women and their
partners and provide early infant HIV diagnosis. Provide ART to women who
Note: Caritas Internationalis and its Members do not promote the use of, or distribute any form of,
artificial birth control.
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Injury and trauma care
are already known to be positive for or who newly test positive for HIV. Refer
infants who test positive to paediatric HIV services. Provide infant feeding guid-
ance specific to women living with HIV, and retention and adherence support
⊕ see Food security and nutrition – Infant and young child feeding standards 4.1
and 4.2.
Services for HIV/TB co-infection: Provide TB screening and referral for people
living with HIV. Provide TB treatment to people previously enrolled on a
treatment programme ⊕ see Essential healthcare – Communicable disease
standard 2.1.3: Diagnosis and case management. Link testing services for TB and
HIV in high – prevalence settings and establish TB infection control in health-
care settings.
Key actions
1 Provide care for trauma at all levels for all patients.
•• Quickly establish safe referral systems between facilities and from affected
communities to facilities.
•• Establish mobile clinics or field hospitals if care in fixed structures is not
accessible to the population.
2 Ensure that healthcare workers have the skills and knowledge to address
•• Include all levels from first responders to those providing definitive surgical
and anaesthetics care.
3 Establish or strengthen standardised protocols for triage and injury and
trauma care.
•• Include referral systems for child protection, survivors of sexual violence,
and those requiring mental health and psychosocial support.
4 Provide tetanus prophylaxis to anyone at risk of injury, to injured people with
open wounds and those involved in rescue and clean-operations.
5 Ensure minimum safety and governance standards for all facilities providing
trauma and injury care, including field hospitals.
6 Ensure timely access to rehabilitation services, priority assistive devices and
mobility aids for injured patients.
•• Confirm that assistive devices such as wheelchairs and crutches or other
mobility aids can be repaired locally.
7 Ensure timely access to mental health services and psychosocial support.
8 Establish or strengthen the health information systems to include injury and
trauma data.
•• Prioritise basic clinical documentation such as individual medical records for
all trauma patients.
•• Use standard definitions to integrate injury into the health information
system data sets.
Key indicators
Percentage of health facilities that have a disaster plan including management
of mass casualties, reviewed and rehearsed on a regular basis
Percentage of health facilities with protocols for the acutely injured including
formal triage instruments
Percentage of health facilities with staff that have received basic training in the
approach to the acutely injured
Guidance notes
Training and skills development for injury and trauma care should include:
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Injury and trauma care
Minimum safety and quality standards: Even where trauma care is being provided
in response to an acute event or ongoing conflict, Minimum Standards must be
assured. Areas to be addressed include:
•• the safe and rational use of medications, devices and blood products,
including supply chain;
•• infection prevention and control;
•• sufficient power supply for lighting, communications and operating essential
medical devices such as emergency resuscitation equipment and sterilisation
autoclaves; and
•• medical waste management.
more harm than doing nothing. Surgery provided without appropriate pre- and
post-operative care and ongoing rehabilitation can result in a failure to restore
functional capacities of the patient.
Field hospitals: The use of temporary field hospitals may be necessary, especially
in acute crises, and should be coordinated with MoH or lead agencies and other
health actors. Standards and safety of care should meet national and international
standards ⊕ see References for further guidance.
Rehabilitation and social reintegration: Early rehabilitation can increase survival,
maximise the impact of medical and surgical interventions and enhance quality of life
for injured survivors. Medical teams with inpatient capacity must be able to provide
early rehabilitation. Map existing rehabilitation capacities and referral pathways
and understand the links between existing social welfare systems and cash-based
assistance. Establish links with local rehabilitation centres or community-based
rehabilitation organisations for ongoing care.
Prior to discharge, consider the ongoing needs of trauma and injury patients,
including those with a pre-existing disability. Ensure medical and rehabilitation
follow-up, patient and caregiver education, essential assistive devices (such as
crutches or wheelchairs), mental health and psychosocial support, and access to
other essential services. Establish multi-disciplinary care plans and teams
including physical rehabilitation specialists and staff skilled in mental healthcare
and psychosocial support. Mental health and psychosocial support for those
with life-changing injuries should begin as when they are inpatients. Links to
ongoing support services are essential ⊕ see Essential healthcare standard 2.5:
Mental health care.
Special management considerations – pain control: Good pain management after
injury reduces the risks of pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis and helps the
patient start physiotherapy. It reduces the physiological stress response, leading to
a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity, and reduces psychological stress. Acute pain
from trauma should be treated following the reverse WHO pain ladder. Neuropathic
pain resulting from nerve injury may be present from the outset and should be treated
appropriately ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.3: Essential medicines and medical devices
and Essential healthcare standard 2.7: Palliative care ⊕ see WHO pain ladder.
Special management considerations – wound management: In most crises, many
patients will present for care more than six hours after injury. Delayed presentation
greatly increases the risk of wound infection and associated mortality. Healthcare
workers must know protocols to manage wounds (including burns) and prevent
and treat infection, for both acute and delayed presentations. These protocols
include providing appropriate antibiotics, surgical removal of foreign material and
dead tissue, and dressing.
Tetanus: In sudden-onset natural disasters the risk of tetanus can be relatively
high. Administer tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (DT or Td – diphtheria and
Key actions
1 Coordinate mental health and psychosocial supports across sectors.
•• Set up a cross-sectoral technical working group for mental health and
psychosocial issues. It may be co-led by a health organisation and a protection
humanitarian organisation.
2 Develop programmes based on identified needs and resources.
•• Analyse existing mental health systems, staff competencies, and other
resources or services.
•• Conduct needs assessments, keeping in mind that mental health conditions
may be pre-existing, induced by the crisis or both.
3 Work with community members, including marginalised people, to
strengthen community self-help and social support.
•• Promote community dialogue on ways to address problems collaboratively,
drawing on community wisdom, experience and resources.
•• Preserve or support re-initiation of pre-existing support mechanisms such
as groups for women, youth and people living with HIV.
4 Orient staff and volunteers on how to offer psychological first aid.
•• Apply the principles of psychological first aid to manage acute stress after
recent exposure to potentially traumatic events.
5 Make basic clinical mental healthcare available at every healthcare facility.
6 Make psychological interventions available where possible for people
impaired by prolonged distress.
•• Where feasible, train and supervise non-specialists.
7 Protect the rights of people with severe mental health conditions in the
community, hospitals and institutions.
•• Visit psychiatric hospitals and residential homes for people with severe
mental health conditions on a regular basis from early in the crisis.
•• Address neglect and abuse in institutions and organise care.
8 Minimise harm related to alcohol and drugs.
•• Train staff in detection and brief interventions, harm reduction, and manage-
ment of withdrawal and intoxication.
9 Take steps to develop a sustainable mental health system during early
recovery planning and protracted crises.
Key indicators
Percentage of secondary healthcare services with trained and supervised staff
and systems for managing mental health conditions
Percentage of health services users who receive care for mental health conditions
Percentage of people who have received care for mental health conditions who
report improved functioning and reduced symptoms
Number of days for which essential psychotropic medicines were not available
in the past 30 days
•• Less than four days
Guidance notes
Multi-level support: Crises affect people in different ways, requiring different
kinds of support. A key to organising mental health and psychosocial support is to
develop a layered system of complementary supports that meets different needs,
community and
family supports
Social considerations
in basic services and
as illustrated in the diagram below. This pyramid shows how different actions
complement each other. All layers of the pyramid are important and should ideally
be implemented concurrently.
Assessment : Rates of mental health conditions are substantial in any crisis.
Prevalence studies are not essential to initiate services. Use rapid participatory
approaches and, where possible, integrate mental health in other assessments.
Do not limit assessment to one clinical issue.
Community self-help and support : Engage community health workers, leaders
and volunteers to enable community members, including marginalised people, to
increase self-help and social support. Activities could include creating safe spaces
and the conditions for community dialogue.
Psychological first aid: Psychological first aid needs to be available to people
exposed to potentially traumatic events such as physical or sexual violence,
witnessing atrocities and experiencing major injuries. This is not a clinical interven-
tion. It is a basic, humane and supportive response to suffering. It includes listening
carefully, assessing basic needs and ensuring they are met, encouraging social
support and protecting from further harm. It is non-intrusive and does not press
people to talk about their distress. After brief orientation, community leaders,
healthcare workers and others involved in the humanitarian response can provide
psychological first aid to people in distress. Although psychological first aid should
be widely available, the overall mental health and psychosocial support response
should not be limited to it alone.
2.6 Non-communicable diseases
The need to focus on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian
crises reflects increased global life expectancy combined with behavioural risk
ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE – Non-communicable diseases
factors such as tobacco smoking and unhealthy diets. About 80 per cent of
deaths from NCDs occur in low- or middle-income countries, and emergencies
exacerbate this.
Within an average adult population of 10,000 people, there are likely to be
1,500–3,000 people with hypertension, 500–2,000 with diabetes, and 3–8
acute heart attacks over a normal 90-day period.
Diseases will vary but often include diabetes, cardiovascular disease (including
hypertension, heart failure, strokes, chronic kidney disease), chronic lung
disease (such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and
Initial response should manage acute complications and avoid treatment inter-
ruption, followed by more comprehensive programmes.
Mental health and palliative care are specifically addressed in ⊕ Essential
healthcare standards 2.5: Mental healthcare and 2.7: Palliative care.
Key actions
1 Identify the NCD health needs and analyse the availability of services
•• Identify groups with priority needs, including those at risk of life-
threatening complications such as insulin-dependent diabetes or
severe asthma.
2 Implement phased-approach programmes based on life-saving priorities
and relief of suffering.
•• Ensure patients diagnosed with life-threatening complications
(for example, severe asthma attack, diabetic ketoacidosis) receive
appropriate care. If appropriate care is not available, offer palliative
and supportive care.
•• Avoid sudden treatment disruption for patients diagnosed before the crisis.
3 Integrate NCD care into the health system at all levels.
4 Establish national preparedness programmes for NCDs.
Key indicators
Percentage of primary healthcare facilities providing care for priority NCDs
Number of days essential medicines for NCDs were not available in the past
30 days
•• Less than four days
Number of days for which basic equipment for NCDs was not available (or not
functional) in the past 30 days
•• Less than four days
All healthcare workers providing NCD treatment are trained in NCD management
Guidance notes
Needs and risk assessment to identify priority NCDs: Design according to
context and phase of emergency. This could involve reviewing records, using
pre-crisis data, and conducting household surveys or epidemiological assess-
ment with a cross-sectional survey. Gather data regarding specific NCD
prevalence and incidence and identify life-threatening needs or severely
symptomatic conditions.
Analyse pre-crisis service availability and use, especially for complex cases such
as cancer or chronic renal disease, to assess expectations and health system
capacity in the context. The medium- to long-term aim is to support and reinstate
such services.
Complex treatment needs: Provide continuity of care for patients with complex
needs such as renal dialysis, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, if possible. Give
clear and accessible information about referral pathways. Provide referrals
to palliative care support if available ⊕ see Essential healthcare standard 2.7:
Palliative care.
Integration of NCD care into the health system: Provide basic treatment for NCDs
at primary healthcare level in line with national standards, or in line with interna-
tional emergency guidance where national standards do not exist.
Work with communities to improve early detection and referrals. Integrate CHWs
into primary care facilities, and engage with community leaders, traditional heal-
ers and the private sector. Outreach services can provide NCD health services to
isolated populations.
Adapt the existing health information system for the crisis setting, or develop a
new one, to include monitoring of main NCDs: hypertension, diabetes, asthma,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischaemic heart disease and epilepsy
⊕ see Health systems standard 1.5: Health information and appendix 2.
Medicines and medical devices: Review the national list of essential medicines
and devices, including technologies and core laboratory tests, to manage NCDs.
Focus on primary healthcare ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.3: Essential medicines
and medical devices. If needed, advocate for the inclusion of key essential medicines
and medical devices in line with international and emergency guidance on
NCDs. Provide access to essential medicines and medical devices at the appro-
priate levels of care. NCD kits may be used in conjunction with inter-agency
emergency health kits in the early stages of the crisis to increase availability of
essential medicines and equipment. Do not use these kits to provide long-term
Training: Train all levels of clinical staff on case management of NCD conditions
and train all staff in priority NCD management, including standard operating
procedures on referral ⊕ see Health systems standard 1.2: Health care workforce.
Health promotion and education: Provide information about NCD services and where
to access care. Information should be accessible to all, including older people and
persons with disabilities, to promote healthy behaviours, modifying risk factors,
and improving self-care and adherence to treatment. Healthy behaviours can
include regular physical activity or reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption,
for example. Work with different parts of the community to develop messages
and distribution strategies so that they are age, gender and culturally appropriate.
Adapt prevention and control strategies to the context, considering constraints
such as limited food supply or overcrowding.
Prevention and preparedness plans: Include NCD management in national disaster
and emergency plans, ensuring it is specific to the different types of healthcare
facilities (for example, small health centres or major hospitals with dialysis units).
Health centres in unstable or disaster-prone contexts should be prepared for NCD
service delivery.
Form a registry of patients with complex conditions and critical needs and create
standardised operating protocols for referring them if a crisis occurs.
2.7 Palliative care
Palliative care is the prevention and relief of suffering and distress associated with
end-of-life care. It includes identifying, assessing and treating pain as well as other
physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs. Integrate physiological, psychological
and spiritual care based solely on patient or family request, and include support
systems to help patients, families and caregivers. This end-of-life care should be
provided regardless of the cause.
Key actions
1 Establish guidelines and policies to support consistent palliative care.
•• Include national or international guidelines for pain and symptom control at
healthcare facilities.
•• Develop triage guidelines based on the patient’s medical condition and
prognosis and availability of resources.
2 Develop a care plan and provide palliative care to patients who are dying.
•• Ensure pain relief and dignity in death in an acute emergency, as a minimum.
•• Explore the patient’s or family’s understanding of the situation as well as
their concerns, values and cultural beliefs.
3 Integrate palliative care into all levels of health system.
4 Train healthcare workers to provide palliative care, including pain and
symptom control, and mental health and psychosocial support.
•• Meet national standards, or international standards where national
standards do not exist.
5 Provide essential medical supplies and equipment.
Key indicators
Number of days for which essential palliative care medicines were not available
in the past 30 days
•• Less than 4 days
Percentage of staff trained in basic pain and symptom control or palliative care
in each health centre, hospital, mobile clinic and field hospital
Guidance notes
Humanitarian health actors should be aware of and respect local ways of making
medical decisions and local values related to illness, suffering, dying and death.
Relief of suffering is important, and dying patients should receive comfort-ori-
ented care, whether their illness is from fatal injuries, infectious disease or any
other cause.
Developing a care plan: Identify relevant patients and respect their right to
make informed decisions about their care. Provide unbiased information and
take account of their needs and expectations. The care plan should be agreed
and be based on patient preferences. Offer access to mental health and
psychosocial support.
Availability of medicines: Some palliative care medicines such as pain relief are
included in the basic and supplementary modules of the inter-agency emergency
health kit, and in the Essential Medicines List. Inter-agency emergency health kits
(IEHK) are useful for early phases of a crisis but are not suitable for protracted
situations where more sustainable systems should be established ⊕ see Health
systems standard 1.3: Essential medicines and medical devices and References and
further reading.
Family, community and social support: Coordinate with other sectors to agree a
referral pathway for patients and their families to have integrated support. This
includes accessing national social and welfare systems or organisations that offer
assistance in shelter, hygiene and dignity kits, cash-based assistance, mental
health and psychosocial support, and legal assistance to ensure that basic daily
needs are met.
Coordinate with relevant sectors to trace separated families so that patients may
communicate with them.
Work with existing networks of community care, who often have trained home-
based care facilitators and community psychosocial workers, to provide additional
support for patients and family members and help provide home-based care if
required (such as for people living with HIV).
Spiritual support: All support should be based on patient or family requests. Work
with local faith leaders to identify spiritual care providers who share the patient’s
faith or belief. These providers can act as a resource for patients, carers and
humanitarian actors.
Orient local faith leaders on key principles of psychosocial support for patients
facing major health issues.
Establish reliable mechanisms for bilateral referral between the healthcare system
and spiritual leaders for any patient, caregiver or family member who requests it.
Ensure support for safe and dignified burial practices in collaboration with the local
community, according to national or international guidance ⊕ see Health systems
standard 1.1: Health service delivery.
Appendix 1 – Health assessment checklist
Appendix 1
Health assessment checklist
•• Obtain available information on the crisis-affected population.
•• Obtain available maps, aerial photos or satellite images, and geographic
information system (GIS) data of the affected area.
•• Obtain demographic, administrative and health data.
Morbidity rates
•• Determine incidence rates of major health conditions that have public health
•• Determine age- and sex-specific incidence rates of major health conditions
where possible.
Available resources
•• Determine the capacity of the MoH of the country affected by the crisis.
•• Determine the status of national health facilities, including total number by
type of care provided, degree of infrastructure damage, and access.
•• Determine the numbers and skills of available healthcare staff.
•• Determine the available health budgets and financing mechanism.
•• Determine the capacity and functional status of existing public health
programmes such as Extended Programme on Immunisation.
•• Determine the availability of standardised protocols, essential medicines,
medical devices and equipment, and logistics systems.
•• Determine the status of existing referral systems.
•• Determine the level of IPC standards in health facilities.
•• Determine the status of the existing health information system.
Appendix 2 – Sample weekly surveillance reporting forms
Appendix 2
Sample weekly surveillance reporting forms
2.1 Mortality surveillance form (aggregate)*
Site: ........................................................................................................................................................
Date from Monday: ....................................... To Sunday: ............................................................
Total population at beginning of this week: .............................................................................
Births this week: ............................................ Deaths this week: ..............................................
Arrivals this week (if applicable): .............. Departures this week: ......................................
Total population at end of week: .............. Total under 5 years population: ....................
Site: .........................................................................................................................................................
Date from Monday: ........................................ To Sunday: ...........................................................
Total population at beginning of this week: ............................................................................
Births this week: ............................................ Deaths this week: .............................................
Arrivals this week (if applicable): ............... Departures this week: ....................................
Total population at end of week: ............... Total under 5 years population: ...................
Meningitis (suspected)
Neonatal (0-28 days)
Cholera (suspected)
Diarrhoea – watery
Diarrhoea – bloody
Date (dd/mm/yy)
AIDS (suspected)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Sex (m, f)
*This form is used when there is enough time to record data on individual deaths; it allows analysis by age,
location and facility utilisation rates.
–Frequency of reporting (that is, daily or weekly) depends upon the number of deaths.
–Other causes of death can be added as appropriate in the situation.
–Deaths should not be reported solely from site health facilities, but should include reports from site and
religious leaders, community workers, women’s groups and referral hospitals.
–Whenever possible, case definitions should be put on the back of this form.
–Age can be further disaggregated as feasible, for example 0–11 months, 1–4 years, 5–14 years,
15–49 years, 0–59 years, >60 years.
Appendix 2 – Sample weekly surveillance reporting forms
2.3 Sample early warning alert and response (EWAR) early warning reporting form
This form is used in the acute phase of the crisis when the risk of public health events, such as trauma, poison-
ing, or outbreaks from epidemic-prone diseases, are high.
Date from Monday: .................................................................. To Sunday: ..............................................................................
Province: ...................................................................................... District: ....................................................................................
Subdistrict: .................................................................................. Site name: ..............................................................................
• Inpatient • Outpatient • Health centre • Mobile clinic
Supporting agency(ies): ...............................................................................................................................................................
Reporting officer & contact number: ......................................................................................................................................
Total population: ....................................................................... Total under 5 years population: ...
At any time you suspect any of the following diseases, please SMS or phone ………………..
or email ……………... with maximum information on time, place and number of cases and
deaths: cholera, shigellosis, measles, polio, typhoid, tetanus, hepatitis A or E, dengue,
meningitis, diphtheria, pertussis, haemorrhagic fever, trauma and chemical poisoning.
This list of diseases will vary depending on the disease epidemiology of the country.
Site: ........................................................................................................................................................
Date from Monday: ................................................. To Sunday: ..................................................
Total population at beginning of this week/month: ..............................................................
Births this week/month: ....................................... Deaths this week/month: .....................
Arrivals this week/month (if applicable): ..................................................................................
Departures this week/month: ......................................................................................................
Total population at end of week/month: ..................................................................................
Total under 5 years population: ...................................................................................................
Appendix 2 – Sample weekly surveillance reporting forms
Appendix 3
Formulas for calculating key health indicators
Crude mortality rate (CMR)
Definition: The rate of death in the entire population, including both women and
men and all ages.
Incidence rate
Definition: The number of new cases of a disease that occur during a specified
period of time in a population at risk of developing the disease.
Appendix 3 – Formulas for calculating key health indicators
*FTE (full-time equivalent) refers to the equivalent number of clinicians working in a health facility.
For example, if there are six clinicians working in the outpatient department but two of them work
half-time, then the number of FTE clinicians = 4 full-time staff + 2 half-time staff = 5 FTE clinicians.
Appendix 4
Poisoning can occur when people are exposed to toxic chemicals through the
mouth, nose, skin, eyes or ears or through ingestion. Children are at higher risk
because they breath more quickly, have a large surface area relative to body mass,
have more permeable skin, and are closer to the ground. Toxic exposures can affect
a child’s development, including causing growth retardation and impaired nutri-
tion, and can lead to illness or death.
Initial management
On presentation to the health facility, if the patient is known to have been exposed
to or has signs and symptoms of chemical exposure:
Treatment protocols
These may vary by country. In general, providing an antidote, and supportive
treatment (such as for breathing), is needed.
The table below shows symptoms of chemical exposure and common antidotes
Appendix 4 – Poisoning
Civil–military coordination
Civil Military Coordination during Humanitarian Health Action. Global Health Cluster,
2011. www.who.int
Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination: A Guide for the Military. UN OCHA, 2014.
Health Cluster Guide. Global Health Cluster, 2009. http://www.who.int
Reference module for cluster coordination at the country level. IASC, 2015.
Health in emergencies
Blanchet, K et al Evidence on public health interventions in humanitarian crises.
The Lancet, 2017: http://www.thelancet.com
Classification and Minimum Standards for foreign medical teams in sudden onset
disasters. WHO, 2013. http://www.who.int
Ensuring Access to Health Care Operational Guidance on Refugee Protection and
Solutions in Urban Areas. UNHCR, 2011. http://www.unhcr.org
References and further reading
Public Health Guide in Emergencies. The Johns Hopkins and Red Cross Red Crescent,
2008. http://pdf.usaid.gov
Refugee Health: An approach to emergency situations. Médecins Sans Frontières,
1997. http://refbooks.msf.org
Spiegel et. al. Health-care needs of people affected by conflict: future trends and
changing frameworks. The Lancet, 2010. http://www.thelancet.com
Clinical guidelines
Clinical Guidelines - Diagnosis and Treatment Manual. MSF, 2016.
Health systems
Analysing Disrupted Health Sectors. A Modular Manual. WHO, 2009.
Elston et al. Impact of the Ebola outbreak on health systems and population health in
Sierra Leone. Journal of Public Health, 2015. https://academic.oup.com
Everybody’s Business. Strengthening Health Systems to Improve Health Outcomes.
WHO, 2007. http://www.who.int
The Health System Assessment Approach: A How to Manual 2.0. USAID, 2012. www.
Parpia et al. Effects of Response to 2014-2015 Ebola Outbreak on Deaths from
Malaria, HIV / AIDS and Tuberculosis West Africa. Emerging Infection Diseases Vol 22.
CDC, 2016. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov
Recovery Toolkit: Supporting countries to achieve health service resilience. WHO, 2016.
Toolkit assessing health system capacity to manage large influx of refugees, asylum-seekers
and migrants. WHO/UNHCR/IOM, 2016. http://www.euro.who.int
Comprehensive Safe Hospital Framework. WHO, 2015. http://www.who.int
Patient Safety: Making Health Safer. WHO, 2017. http://www.who.int
Healthcare workforce
Classifying health workers: mapping occupations to the international standards. WHO.
Global strategy on human resources for health. Workforce 2030. WHO, 2016.
Human resources for Health Information System, Minimum Data Set for Health
Workforce Registry. WHO, 2015. http://www.who.int
Health workforce requirement for universal health coverage and the SDGs. WHO, 2016.
International Standard Classification of Occupation: Structure, group definitions and
correspondence tables. ILO, 2012. http://www.ilo.org
WISN Workload indicators of staffing need, user’s manual. WHO, 2010.
Working together for health. World Health Report 2006. WHO 2006.
Emergency Reproductive Health Kit. UNFPA, 2011. https://www.unfpa.org
Guidelines of Medicine Donations. WHO, 2010. http://www.who.int
Interagency Emergency Health Kit. WHO, 2015. http://www.who.int
Model Formulary for children. WHO, 2010. http://apps.who.int
Model List of Essential Medicines 20th List. WHO, 2017. http://www.who.int
Non-Communicable Diseases Kit. WHO, 2016. http://www.who.int
Revised Cholera Kits. WHO, 2015. http://www.who.int
The Interagency Emergency Health Kit 2017: Medicines and Medical Devices for 10 000
People for Approximately Three Months. WHO. 2017.
References and further reading
Controlled medicines
Access to Controlled Medications Programme, WHO Briefing Note. WHO, 2012.
Availability of Internationally Controlled Drugs: Ensuring Adequate Access for Medical
and Scientific Purposes. International Narcotics Control Board and WHO, 2010.
Availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in emergency situations, INCD
report, pages 36-37. International Narcotics Control Board, 2014. www.incb.org
Ensuring Balance in National Policies on Controlled Substances. Guidance for availability
and accessibility of controlled medicines. WHO, 2011. http://www.who.int
Blood products
Blood safety and availability. WHO, 2017. http://www.who.int
Guidelines on management of blood and blood components as essential medicines,
Annex 3. WHO, 2017. http://apps.who.int
Universal Access to Safe Blood Transfusion. WHO, 2008. http://www.who.int
Health financing
Cash-based Interventions for Health Programmes in Refugee Settings: A Review. UNHCR,
2015. http://www.unhcr.org
Cash for Health: Key Learnings from a cash for health intervention in Jordan. UNHCR,
2015. http://www.unhcr.org
Monitoring progress towards universal health coverage at country and global levels.
WHO, 2014. http://apps.who.int
Removing user fees for primary health care services during humanitarian crises. Global
Health Cluster and WHO, 2011. http://www.who.int
Health information
IASC Guidelines: Common Operating Datasets in Disaster Preparedness and Response. IASC,
2011 https://interagencystandingcommittee.org
Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators. WHO, 2015. http://www.who.int
Standards for Public Health Information Services in Activated Health Clusters and Other
Humanitarian Health Coordination Mechanisms. Global Health Cluster, 2017.
References and further reading
Outbreak Surveillance and Response in Humanitarian Crises, WHO guidelines for EWARN
implementation. WHO, 2012. http://www.who.int
Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines for health and psychosocial service
providers in humanitarian settings. IRC and UNICEF, 2012. https://www.unicef.org
Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: Developing protocols for use with refugees
and internally displaced persons, Revised Edition, pp.44–47. WHO, UN Population
Fund, and UNHCR, 2004. www.who.int
Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: E-Learning. WHO 2009. http://apps.who.int
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian
Action, Reducing Risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery. Inter-Agency
Standing Committee, 2015. https://gbvguidelines.org
Guidelines for Medico-Legal Care of Victims of Sexual Violence. WHO, 2003.
Consolidated Guidelines on the Use or ART Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV
Infection: Recommendations for a public health approach - Second edition. WHO, 2016.
Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings. UNAIDS and IASC, 2010.
Guidelines for the delivery of antiretroviral therapy to migrant and crisis-affected
populations in Sub Saharan Africa. UNHCR, 2014. http://www.unhcr.org
Guidelines for management of sexually transmitted infections. WHO, 2003.
Guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and the use of Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis
for HIV-related infections among adults, adolescents and children. WHO, 2014.
HIV prevention in emergencies. UNFPA, 2014. http://www.unfpa.org
PMTCT in Humanitarian Settings Inter-Agency Task Team to Address HIV in Humanitarian
Emergencies Part II: Implementation Guide. Inter-Agency Task Team, 2015.
WHO policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities Guidelines for national programmes and
other stakeholders. WHO, 2012. http://www.who.int
References and further reading
Mental health
A faith-sensitive approach in humanitarian response: Guidance on mental health and
psychosocial programming. The Lutheran World Federation and Islamic Relief
Worldwide, 2018. https://interagencystandingcommittee.org
A Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Mental Health and Psychosocial
Support in Emergency Settings. IASC, 2017. https://reliefweb.int
Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources: Toolkit for
Humanitarian Settings. WHO and UNHCR, 2012. http://www.who.int
Building back better: sustainable mental health care after emergencies. WHO, 2013.
Facilitate community self-help and social support (action sheet 5.2) in guidelines on
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. IASC, 2007.
Group Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) for Depression. WHO, 2016. http://www.who.int
Inter-Agency Referral Form and Guidance Note for Mental Health and Psychosocial
Support in Emergency Settings. IASC, 2017.
Non-communicable diseases
Disaster Risk Management for Health: Non-Communicable Diseases Fact Sheet
2011. WHO, 2011. http://www.who.int
Jobanputra, K. Boulle, P. Roberts, B. Perel, P. Three Steps to Improve Management of
Noncommunicable Diseases in Humanitarian Crises. PLOS Medicine, 2016.
Lozano et al. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age
groups in 1990 and 2010: a systemic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
2010. The Lancet, 2012. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
NCD Global Monitoring Framework. WHO, 2013. http://www.who.int
NCDs in Emergencies – UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs. WHO, 2016.
Slama, S et al. Care of Non-Communicable Diseases in Emergencies. The Lancet, 2016.
WHO Package of Essential Non-Communicable Disease Interventions, Tools for imple-
menting WHO PEN. WHO, 2009. http://www.who.int
Palliative care
Caring for Volunteers Training Manual. Psychosocial Centre IFRC, 2015.
Disaster Spiritual Care Handbook. Disaster Services, American Red Cross, 2012.
Guidance for managing ethical issues in infectious disease outbreaks. WHO, 2016.
IASC guidelines on mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings. IASC,
2007. http://www.who.int
IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. International Association for
Hospice and Palliative Care, 2007. https://hospicecare.com
References and further reading
Matzo, M et al. Palliative Care Considerations in Mass Casualty Events with Scarce
Resources. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, NCBI, 2009.
Powell, RA. Schwartz, L. Nouvet, E. Sutton, B. et al. Palliative care in humanitarian
crises: always something to offer. The Lancet, 2017. http://www.thelancet.com
Palliative Care, Cancer control: knowledge into action: WHO guide for effective programmes.
WHO, 2007. http://www.who.int
Silove, D. The ADAPT model: a conceptual framework for mental health and psychoso-
cial programming in post conflict settings. War Trauma Foundation, 2013.
Nouvet, E. Chan, E. Schwartz, LJ. Looking good but doing harm? Perceptions of short-
term medical missions in Nicaragua. Global public health, NCBI, 2016.
19th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines chapter 2 2, Medicines for pain and palliative
care. WHO, 2015. http://www.who.int
Initial Clinical management of patients exposed to chemical weapons. WHO, 2015.
Further reading
For further reading suggestions please go to
further reading
Further reading
Civil–military coordination
UN-CMCoord Field Handbook. UN OCHA, 2015. https://www.unocha.org/legacy/
Global Health Cluster. http://www.who.int/health-cluster/en/
Health systems
Approach to Health Systems Strengthening. UNICEF, 2016. https://www.unicef.org/
Health System Strengthening, from diagnosis to Planning. Action Contre Le Faim,
2017. https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/publication/2017/03/health-system-
Monitoring the Building Blocks of Health Systems: A handbook of indicators and their
measurement strategies. WHO, 2010. http://www.who.int/healthinfo/systems/
Newbrander et al. Rebuilding and strengthening health systems and providing basic
health services in fragile states. NCBI, Disasters, 2011. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Strategizing national health in the 21st century: a handbook. WHO, 2017. http://www.
van Olmen, J et al. Health Systems Frameworks in their Political Context: Framing
Divergent Agendas. BMC Public Health, 2012. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.
Diagnostic Errors: Education and Training, Electronic Tools, Human Factors, Medication
Error, Multi-morbidity, Transitions of care. WHO, 2016. http://apps.who.int/iris/
bitstream/handle/10665/252410/9789241511636-eng.pdf ?sequence=
Hospital Safety Index Guide for Evaluators, 2nd ed. WHO, 2015. http://apps.who.int/
Technical Series on Safer Primary Care: Patient engagement: Administrative
errors. WHO, 2016. http://www.who.int/patientsafety/topics/primary-care/
Management of Drugs at Health Centre Level, Training Manual. WHO, 2004. http://
Controlled medicines
Model Guidelines for the International Provision of Controlled Medicines for Emergency
Medical Care. International Narcotics Control Board, 1996. www.incb.org/
Health financing
Doocy et al. Cash-based approaches in humanitarian emergencies, a systematic review.
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, 2016. http://www.3ieimpact.org/
Wenjuan Wang et al. The impact of health insurance on maternal health care utilization:
evidence from Ghana, Indonesia and Rwanda. Health Policy and Planning, NCBI, 2017.
Health information
Checchi et al. Public Health Information in Crisis-Affected populations. A review of
methods and their use for advocacy and action. The Lancet, 2017. http://www.
Creating a master health facility list. WHO, 2013. http://www.who.int/healthinfo/
Thierin, M. Health Information in Emergencies. WHO Bulletin, 2005. http://www.who.
further reading
Malchow, Rj et al. The evolution of pain management in the critically ill trauma patient:
Emerging concepts from the global war on terrorism. Critical Care Medicine, NCBI,
2008. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18594262
Providing Care for an Influx of Wounded. MSF, 2008. http://oops.msf.org/OCBLog/
Mental health
Toolkit for the Integration of Mental Health into General Healthcare in Humanitarian
Settings. International Medical Corps, 2018. http://www.mhinnovation.net/
Non-communicable diseases
Action Plan for the global strategy for the prevention and control of non-communi-
cable diseases 2008/2013. WHO, 2009. http://www.who.int/nmh/publications/
Demaio, A. Jamieson, J. Horn,R. de Courten, M. Tellier, S. Non-Communicable Diseases
in Emergencies: A Call to Action. PLOS Currents Disasters, 2013. http://currents.
Global Status Report on Non-communicable diseases. WHO, 2010. http://www.who.
The Management of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in Emergency and Humanitarian Settings. WHO, 2008.
Palliative care
A faith-sensitive approach in humanitarian response: Guidance on mental health and
psychosocial programming. The Lutheran World Federation and Islamic Relief
Worldwide, 2018. https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/mental-health-and-
Crisis Standards of Care: A Systems Framework for Catastrophic Disaster
Response. Institute of Medicine. 2012. https://www.nap.edu/catalog/13351/
Ethics in epidemics, emergencies and disasters: research, surveillance and patient care:
training manual. WHO, 2015. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/19
Faith Leader Toolkit. Coalition for Compassionate Care in California, 2017. http://
Knaul, F. Farmer, P.E. et al. Report of the Lancet Commission on Global Access to
Palliative Care & Pain Control. The Lancet, 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
further reading
Chemical Hazards Compendium. UK Government, 2013. https://www.gov.uk/
Emergency preparedness and Response, Fact Sheets on Specific Chemical Agents.
Center for Disease control and prevention, 2013. https://emergency.cdc.gov/
Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Lead Exposure in Pregnant and
Lactating Women. CDC, 2010. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/publications/
The Public Health Management of Chemical Incidents, WHO Manual. WHO, 2009.
A Annexes
Annex 1: Legal Foundation to Sphere.............................................................................................374
Annex 2: The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross
and Red Crescent Movement and Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)
in Disaster Relief......................................................................................................................................385
Annex 3: Abbreviations and Acronyms...........................................................................................393
Annex 1
Legal Foundation to Sphere
The Humanitarian Charter sets out shared beliefs and common principles concerning
humanitarian action and responsibilities in situations of disaster or conflict, and
notes that these are reflected in international law. The following annotated list of
key documents includes the most relevant international legal instruments relating
to international human rights law, international humanitarian law (IHL), refugee
law and humanitarian action. It does not attempt to represent regional law and
developments. Further resources and web links to a number of other guidelines,
principles, standards and frameworks that support implementation are available
on the Sphere website, www.spherestandards.org. Notes are provided only for
the documents that require explanation, are newer additions, or have specific
sections concerning disaster or conflict.
The Sphere Handbook reflects specific concerns that are part of the international
legal framework. Generally, these include the right to personal safety and dignity;
freedom from discrimination; and the rights to water and sanitation, shelter, food
security and nutrition, and healthcare. While some of these rights are spelled
out in specific international covenants, they are all included in one of the general
human rights instruments on either civil and political rights or economic, social
and cultural rights.
This annex includes documents which are organised thematically in four categories:
To ensure clarity about the status of each document within these categories, they
are classified as a) treaties and customary law or b) UN and other formally adopted
intergovernmental guidelines and principles.
Annex 1 – Legal foundation to Sphere
•• Some limited civil and political rights may be suspended during declared
national emergencies, consistent with Article 4 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (“derogation”).
•• During recognised armed conflicts, IHL applies first if there is any inconsist-
ency with human rights law.
Comment: States parties to the ICCPR must respect and ensure the rights
for all individuals within their territory or under their jurisdiction, while
Annex 1 – Legal foundation to Sphere
entry into force 12 February 2002, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2173, p. 222.
Optional Protocol to CRC on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child
Pornography 2000, adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/54/263
of 25 May 2000, entry into force 18 January 2002, United Nations, Treaty Series,
vol. 2171, p. 227. www.ohchr.org
Comment: The CRC has almost universal state accession. It restates the
basic human rights of children and identifies when they need special
protection (for example, when separated from their families). The protocols
require positive action on specific child protection issues for states that are
parties to them.
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006 (CRPD), adopted
by UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/61/106 of 13 December 2006, entry
into force 3 May 2008, United Nations, Treaty Collection, Chapter IV, 15.
Comment: The CRPD supports the rights of people with disabilities under
all other human rights treaties, as well as dealing specifically with aware-
ness-raising regarding persons with disabilities, non-discrimination and
accessibility of services and facilities. There is also special mention of
“situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies” (Article 11).
Annex 1 – Legal foundation to Sphere
Comment: The four Geneva Conventions – to which all states are parties
and which are also generally accepted as part of customary law – concern
protection and treatment of the wounded and sick in land warfare (I) and at
sea (II), treatment of prisoners of war (III) and protection of civilians during
armed conflict (IV). They apply primarily to international armed conflicts,
except for Article 3 common to the conventions which concerns non-
international conflicts, and some other elements now accepted as custom-
ary law in non-international conflicts. The two 1977 protocols updated
the conventions at that time, especially the definitions of combatants
and codifying of non-international conflicts. A number of states have not
acceded to the protocols.
Comment: The study covers almost the full ambit of the law of armed conflict.
It lists 161 specific rules and whether each applies in international armed
conflict and/or non-international armed conflict. While some legal
commentators criticise its methodology, the CIHL study emerged from a
broadly consultative and rigorous research process over ten years, and its
authority as a collection and interpretation of the customary rules is widely
Annex 1 – Legal foundation to Sphere
Annex 1 – Legal foundation to Sphere
Comment: The UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement are
all part of one treaty framework. They address the urgent need for imple-
menting climate change adaptation and risk reduction strategies, and
building local capacity and resilience, especially in countries that are prone
to natural disasters. They emphasise disaster reduction strategies and risk
management, especially with regard to climate change.
Annex 1 – Legal foundation to Sphere
Annex 2
The Code of Conduct for the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement and Non-governmental
Organisations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief
Prepared jointly by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross1
This Code of Conduct seeks to guard our standards of behaviour. It is not about
operational details, such as how one should calculate food rations or set up a
refugee camp. Rather, it seeks to maintain the high standards of independence,
effectiveness and impact to which disaster response NGOs and the International
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement aspires. It is a voluntary code, enforced
by the will of the organisation accepting it to maintain the standards laid down in
the Code.
In the event of armed conflict, the present Code of Conduct will be interpreted and
applied in conformity with international humanitarian law.
The Code of Conduct is presented first. Attached to it are three annexes, describing
the working environment that we would like to see created by Host Governments,
Donor Governments and Inter-governmental Organisations in order to facilitate
the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance.
NGOs: NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) refers here to organisations,
both national and international, which are constituted separately from the govern-
ment of the country in which they are founded.
NGHAs: For the purposes of this text, the term Non-Governmental Humanitarian
Agencies (NGHAs) has been coined to encompass the components of the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – The International
Committee of the Red Cross, The International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies and its member National Societies – and the NGOs as defined
Sponsored by: Caritas Internationalis,* Catholic Relief Services,* International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,* International Save the
Children Alliance,* Lutheran World Federation,* Oxfam,* World Council of Churches,*
International Committee of the Red Cross (* members of the Steering Committee for
Humanitarian Response).
above. This code refers specifically to those NGHAs who are involved in disaster
IGOs: IGOs (Inter-Governmental Organisations) refers to organisations constituted
by two or more governments. It thus includes all United Nations Agencies and
regional organisations.
Disasters: A disaster is a calamitous event resulting in loss of life, great human
suffering and distress, and large scale material damage.
2. Aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality of the recipients and
without adverse distinction of any kind. Aid priorities are calculated on the
basis of need alone
Wherever possible, we will base the provision of relief aid upon a thorough assess-
ment of the needs of the disaster victims and the local capacities already in place to
meet those needs. Within the entirety of our programmes, we will reflect consider-
ations of proportionality. Human suffering must be alleviated whenever it is found;
life is as precious in one part of a country as another. Thus, our provision of aid will
reflect the degree of suffering it seeks to alleviate. In implementing this approach,
we recognise the crucial role played by women in disaster-prone communities
and will ensure that this role is supported, not diminished, by our aid programmes.
The implementation of such a universal, impartial and independent policy, can only
be effective if we and our partners have access to the necessary resources to
provide for such equitable relief, and have equal access to all disaster victims.
3. Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint
Humanitarian aid will be given according to the need of individuals, families and
communities. Not withstanding the right of NGHAs to espouse particular political or
religious opinions, we affirm that assistance will not be dependent on the adher-
ence of the recipients to those opinions. We will not tie the promise, delivery or
distribution of assistance to the embracing or acceptance of a particular political
or religious creed.
Annex 2 – Code of Conduct
future disasters and help create sustainable lifestyles. We will pay particular
attention to environmental concerns in the design and management of relief
programmes. We will also endeavour to minimise the negative impact of
humanitarian assistance, seeking to avoid long-term beneficiary dependence
upon external aid.
9. We hold ourselves accountable to both those we seek to assist and those
from whom we accept resources
We often act as an institutional link in the partnership between those who wish to
assist and those who need assistance during disasters. We therefore hold ourselves
accountable to both constituencies. All our dealings with donors and beneficiaries
shall reflect an attitude of openness and transparency. We recognise the need to
report on our activities, both from a financial perspective and the perspective
of effectiveness. We recognise the obligation to ensure appropriate monitoring of
aid distributions and to carry out regular assessments of the impact of disaster
assistance. We will also seek to report, in an open fashion, upon the impact of our
work, and the factors limiting or enhancing that impact. Our programmes will be
based upon high standards of professionalism and expertise in order to minimise
the wasting of valuable resources.
Annex 2 – Code of Conduct
2. Host governments should facilitate rapid access to disaster victims for NGHAs
If NGHAs are to act in full compliance with their humanitarian principles, they should
be granted rapid and impartial access to disaster victims, for the purpose of
delivering humanitarian assistance. It is the duty of the host government, as part
of the exercising of sovereign responsibility, not to block such assistance, and to
accept the impartial and apolitical action of NGHAs. Host governments should facilitate
the rapid entry of relief staff, particularly by waiving requirements for transit, entry
and exit visas, or arranging that these are rapidly granted. Governments should grant
over-flight permission and landing rights for aircraft transporting international relief
supplies and personnel, for the duration of the emergency relief phase.
3. Governments should facilitate the timely flow of relief goods and information
during disasters
Relief supplies and equipment are brought into a country solely for the purpose
of alleviating human suffering, not for commercial benefit or gain. Such supplies
should normally be allowed free and unrestricted passage and should not be subject
to requirements for consular certificates of origin or invoices, import and/or export
licences or other restrictions, or to importation taxation, landing fees or port charges.
The temporary importation of necessary relief equipment, including vehicles, light
aircraft and telecommunications equipment, should be facilitated by the receiving
host government through the temporary waving of licence or registration restrictions.
Equally, governments should not restrict the re-exportation of relief equipment at the
end of a relief operation.
To facilitate disaster communications, host governments are encouraged to
designate certain radio frequencies, which relief organisations may use in-country
and for international communications for the purpose of disaster communications, and
to make such frequencies known to the disaster response community prior to the
disaster. They should authorise relief personnel to utilise all means of communication
required for their relief operations.
security risks they may encounter. Governments are urged to provide such
information to NGHAs.
To facilitate effective coordination and the efficient utilisation of relief efforts, host
governments are urged to designate, prior to disaster, a single point-of-contact for
incoming NGHAs to liaise with the national authorities.
3. Donor governments should use their good offices to assist NGHAs in obtaining
access to disaster victims
Donor governments should recognise the importance of accepting a level of
responsibility for the security and freedom of access of NGHA staff to disaster
sites. They should be prepared to exercise diplomacy with host governments on
such issues if necessary.
Annex 2 – Code of Conduct
falls to the host government and the relevant United Nations authorities. They
are urged to provide this service in a timely and effective manner to serve the
affected state and the national and international disaster response community.
In any case, NGHAs should make all efforts to ensure the effective co-ordination
of their own services.
In the event of armed conflict, relief actions are governed by the relevant provisions
of international humanitarian law.
4. IGOs should provide NGHAs with the same access to relevant information as
is granted to UN organisations
IGOs are urged to share all information, pertinent to the implementation of effective
disaster response, with their operational NGHA partners.
Annex 3 – Abbreviations and acronyms
Annex 3
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ART anti-retroviral therapy
BMI body mass index
CBA cash-based assistance
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CHS Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability
CHW community health worker
cm centimetre
CMR crude mortality rate
CPMS Child Protection Minimum Standards
CRPD Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
DPT diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus
EPI Expanded Programme on Immunization
EWAR Early warning alert and response
FANTA Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FRC free residual chlorine
GBV gender-based violence
HMIS health management information system
HWTSS household-level water treatment and safe storage
IASC Inter-agency standing committee
iCCM Integrated Community Case Management
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IDP internally displaced person
IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IHL international humanitarian law
IMCI integrated management of childhood illness
INEE Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
IPC infection prevention and control
IYCF infant and young child feeding
km kilometre
LEGS Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards
LGBTQI Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex
LLIN long-lasting insecticide-treated net
MAM moderate acute malnutrition
MEAL monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning
MERS Minimum Economic Recovery Standards
MISMA Minimum Standard for Market Analysis
MOH ministry of health
I Index
hygiene promotion 101
A auditing 84
abattoir waste 130
abbreviations 393
abuse 61. See also gender-based violence; see also B
protection; see also sexual exploitation and bathing facilities 109
abuse (SEA) beneficiaries, involvement 387
acceptability blood products 306
food security 196 blood transfusions 334
healthcare workers 304 bottled water 109
access breastfeeding 180, 190
food 199 breastmilk substitutes 190
humanitarian assistance 40 building codes 264
justice systems 44 building materials 264
legal support 44
settlements/shelter 252
toilets 115
water 105
accountability camps. See communal settlements
general 388 caregivers, food assistance 201
Minimum Standards 10 care plans 347
references/further reading 85 case fatality rates (CFR) 319, 321, 356
acronyms 393 cash-based assistance
admission criteria checklist 22
feeding programmes 225 general 9
malnutrition management 175, 179 references/further reading 26, 86
adults. see also people WASH 156
malnutrition 226 CFR (case fatality rates) 319, 321, 356
adverse events 302 checklists
aedes mosquito-transmitted diseases 314 food security 219
AIDS. See HIV/AIDS hygiene promotion 139
aid workers. See staff members; See community livelihoods 219
health workers (CHWs); See healthcare nutrition assessment 223
workers seed security assessment 221
air pollution 327 solid waste management 143
anaesthesia 337 vector control 142
anthropometric surveys 170 WASH general 139
anti-retroviral therapies 334 water supply 140
armed conflicts children. see also healthcare; see also infants and
disaster relief 390 young children
guidelines 380 faeces 115
legal provision 30 feeding 185, 327
treaties and customary laws 379 feeding, artificial 187, 190
artificial feeding, infants and young children 187, feeding, reference/further reading 3
190, 203 gender-based violence 192
artificial lighting 260 healthcare 322
ART interventions 334 illnesses 324
ARV interventions 334 malnutrition 225
assessments protection 12, 327
mental health conditions 341 references/further reading 3, 86
NCDs 344 separated 327
references/further reading 86 sexual violence 332
shelter and settlement planning 247 vaccination 322, 323
at-risk groups WASH 98
food assistance 200 chlorine solutions 135
food security 167, 195 cholera 321
I treaties on 381
International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk
ICCM (Integrated Community Case Substitutes 187
Management) 326 international humanitarian law
IDPs. See internally displaced persons (IDPs) guidelines 380
IGOs (inter-governmental organisations) treaties 379
definition 386 international law. see also international
recommendations 390 humanitarian law
IMCI (Integrated Management of right to adequate shelter 244
Childhood Illness) 326 right to timely and appropriate healthcare 294
impartiality, humanitarian response 40, 55, 386 right to water and sanitation 94
implementation intra-house food use 209
cash-based assistance 22 IPC (infection prevention and control) 135, 155, 301
shelter and settlement 247 IYCF-E assessment 189
supply chain management 24
incontinence 102, 153
incremental tenure 268 J
infant feeding joint distributions 101
artificial 187 justice systems 44
breastfeeding 180
complementary 190
HIV 191 K
malnutrition measuring 225 key actions 6
multi-sectorial support 187 key indicators 7
overview 185 knowledge management 76
infant formula 190
infants and young children. see also infant feeding
faeces 115 L
illnesses 324 laboratory testing 318
vaccination 322, 323 landmines 47, 379
infections. see also tuberculosis (TB) learning
prevention and control (IPC) 135, 155, 301 collaboration 75
respiratory 318 humanitarian organisations 73, 92
information. See also communications legal foundation, Sphere 374
accessibility 43 legal frameworks, sexual violence 332
rape 330 safeguarding
rapid responses, nutrition assessment 170 dignity 38
rations 199, 206 personal information 61, 62
recipient goverments. See host governments rights 38
recycling, waste 128, 272 safety. see also safeguarding
refugees distributions 101, 207
treaties 381 fire 252
registration processes, food assistance 206 healthcare facilities 301
rehabilitation, patients 338 healthcare workers 310
religion household items 260
humanitarian response 386 humanitarian assistance 39
palliative care 347 living spaces 256
reproductive health. See sexual and reproductive public buildings 265
health settlements 240, 253
resources. see also natural resources toilets 117
excreta as 120 trauma care 337
management 80 vaccines 324
respiratory infections 318 water chain 110
response analysis 20 work 217
restricted weapons 379 safety-net measures, livelihoods 216
return, displaced people 248 schools, WASH 104
reuse security, right 30
solid waste 128 seeds 214, 221
waste 272 selection, essential medicines 305
rights separated children 327
claiming 43 settlement scenarios
complicity in violation 39 characteristics 280
patients 300 descriptions 278
safeguarding 38 post-crisis 242
right to adequate food 160, 163 settlements/shelter
right to adequate shelter access 252
general 240 assistance options 282
links to Core Humanitarian Standard 244 checklist 274
links to international law 244 crime reduction 252
links to other rights 242 decommissioning and handover 253
links to Protection Principle 244 energy supply 260
right to be free from hunger 160 environment 270
right to life with dignity 29 essential services and facilities 250
right to protection and security 30 fire safety 252
right to receive humanitarian assistance 30, household items 258
40, 386 implementation options 247, 285
right to seek asylum or sanctuary 31 key concepts 240
right to timely and appropriate healthcare livelihoods 248, 253, 276
links to Core Humanitarian Standard 294 living space 254
links to international law 294 operation and maintenance 253
links to Protection Principles 294 planning 246, 249
right to water and sanitation 92 safety 240, 253
international law 94 site planning 251
linked to other rights 94 site selection 122, 272
links to Core Humanitarian Standard 95 surface areas 251
links to Protection Principles 95 technical assistance 262
reference/further reading 151 tenure 266
risk assessments, disease prevention 313 thermal comfort 260