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Emvision Prospectus

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ACN 620 388 230

For an initial public offer of 24,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.25 each to raise $6,000,000
(before costs) (Public Offer).
Level 10, 12 Creek Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000 This Prospectus also incorporates an offer of 2,000,000 Options to the Lead Manager (or its nominees)
02 8667 5337 in part consideration for capital raising services provided to the Company (Lead Manager Offer).

emvision.com.au It is proposed that the Public Offer and the Lead Manager Offer (together, Offers) will close at 5.00pm(WST)
on [14] November 2018. The Directors reserve the right to close the Offers earlier or to extend this date
without notice. Applications must be received before that time.

This is an important document and requires your immediate attention. It should be read in its entirety.
Please consult your professional adviser(s) if you have any questions about this document.

An investment in the Company under this Prospectus should be regarded as highly speculative in nature,
and investors should be aware that they may lose some or all of their investment. Refer to Section 4 for
a summary of the key risks associated with an investment in the Shares.



















ii EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

This Prospectus is dated, and was lodged with ASIC on, This Prospectus will generally be made available in
11 October 2018. Neither ASIC nor ASX (or their respective electronic form by being posted on the Company’s
officers) take any responsibility for the contents of this website at www.emvision.com.au. Persons having
Prospectus or the merits of the investment to which this received a copy of this Prospectus in its electronic form
Prospectus relates. The expiry date of this Prospectus is may obtain an additional paper copy of this Prospectus
5.00pm (WST) on that date which is 13 months after the and the relevant Application Form (free of charge) from
date this Prospectus was lodged with ASIC. No Shares the Company’s registered office during the Offer Period
will be issued on the basis of this Prospectus after that by contacting the Company as detailed in the Corporate
expiry date. Directory. The Offers constituted by this Prospectus in
electronic form is only available to persons receiving an
Application will be made to ASX within 7 days of the date
electronic version of this Prospectus and the relevant
of this Prospectus for Official Quotation of the Shares the
Application Form within Australia.
subject of the Public Offer.
Applications will only be accepted on the relevant
No person is authorised to give any information or to make
Application Form attached to, or accompanying, this
any representation in connection with the Offers, other
Prospectus or in its paper copy form as downloaded in its
than as is contained in this Prospectus. Any information or
entirety from www.emvision.com.au. The Corporations Act
representation not contained in this Prospectus should not
prohibits any person from passing on to another person the
be relied on as having been made or authorised by the
Application Form unless it is accompanied by or attached
Company or the Directors in connection with the Offers.
to a complete and unaltered copy of this Prospectus.
It is important that you read this Prospectus in its entirety
Prospective investors wishing to subscribe for
and seek professional advice where necessary. The
Shares under the Public Offer should complete the IPO
Securities the subject of this Prospectus should be
Application Form. If you do not provide the information
considered highly speculative.
required on the IPO Application Form, the Company
may not be able to accept or process your Application.
No document or information included on the Company’s
This Prospectus will be circulated during the Exposure website is incorporated by reference into this Prospectus.
Period. The purpose of the Exposure Period is to enable
this Prospectus to be examined by market participants
prior to the raising of funds. You should be aware that this
examination may result in the identification of deficiencies No action has been taken to register or qualify the
in this Prospectus. In such circumstances, any Application Securities the subject of this Prospectus, or the Offers,
that has been received may need to be dealt with in or otherwise to permit the public offering of the Securities,
accordance with section 724 of the Corporations Act. in any jurisdiction outside Australia, other than as is set
Applications under this Prospectus will not be processed out in Section 1.15. The distribution of this Prospectus in
by the Company until after the Exposure Period. No jurisdictions outside of Australia may be restricted by law
preference will be conferred upon Applications received and persons who come into possession of this Prospectus
during the Exposure Period. outside of Australia should seek advice on and observe
any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with such
restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable
securities laws. This Prospectus does not constitute an
offer of Securities in any jurisdiction where, or to any
person to whom, it would be unlawful to issue this
Prospectus except to the extent permitted below.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus iii


WARNING: This document has not been, and will not The Securities offered pursuant to this Prospectus should
be, registered as a prospectus under the Companies be considered highly speculative. There is no guarantee
(Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance that the Securities offered pursuant to this Prospectus will
(Cap. 32) of Hong Kong, nor has it been authorised by make a return on the capital invested, that dividends will
the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong be paid on the Shares or that there will be an increase in
pursuant to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) the value of the Shares in the future.
of the Laws of Hong Kong (SFO). No action has been taken
Prospective investors should carefully consider whether
in Hong Kong to authorise or register this document or to
the Securities offered pursuant to this Prospectus are an
permit the distribution of this document or any documents
appropriate investment for them in light of their personal
issued in connection with it. Accordingly, the Shares have
circumstances, including their financial and taxation
not been and will not be offered or sold in Hong Kong
position. Refer to Section 4 for details relating to the
other than to ‘‘professional investors’’ (as defined in the
key risks applicable to an investment in the Shares.
SFO and any rules made under that ordinance).

No advertisement, invitation or document relating to the COOLING OFF RIGHTS

Shares has been or will be issued, or has been or will be
in the possession of any person for the purpose of issue, Cooling off rights do not apply to an investment in
in Hong Kong or elsewhere that is directed at, or the Securities pursuant to the Offers. This means that, in most
contents of which are likely to be accessed or read by, the circumstances you cannot withdraw your Application once
public of Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under it has been accepted.
the securities laws of Hong Kong) other than with respect
to Shares that are or are intended to be disposed of only USING THIS PROSPECTUS
to persons outside Hong Kong or only to professional
Persons wishing to subscribe for Securities offered by this
investors. No person allotted Shares may sell, or offer to
Prospectus should read this Prospectus in its entirety in
sell, such securities in circumstances that amount to an
order to make an informed assessment of the assets and
offer to the public in Hong Kong within six months
liabilities, financial position and performance, profits and
following the date of issue of such securities.
losses, and prospects of the Company and the rights and
The contents of this document have not been reviewed liabilities attaching to the Securities offered pursuant to
by any Hong Kong regulatory authority. You are advised this Prospectus. If persons considering subscribing for
to exercise caution in relation to the offer. If you are in Securities offered pursuant to this Prospectus have any
doubt about any contents of this document, you should questions, they should consult their stockbroker, solicitor,
obtain independent professional advice. accountant or other professional adviser for advice.


No approval from, or recognition by, the Securities

Commission of Malaysia has been or will be obtained
in relation to any offer of Shares. The Shares may not
be offered or sold in Malaysia except pursuant to, and
to persons prescribed under, Part I of Schedule 6 of
the Malaysian Capital Markets and Services Act.

iv EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


This Prospectus contains forward-looking statements The Technology and Company Overview in Section 2
which are identified by words such as ‘‘believes’’, and the Stroke Overview in Section 3 of this Prospectus
‘‘estimates’’, ‘‘expects’’, ‘‘targets’’, ‘‘intends’’, ‘‘may’’, ‘‘will’’, includes attributed statements from books, journals and
‘‘would’’, ‘‘could’’, or ‘‘should’’ and other similar words comparable publications that are not specific to, and have
that involve risks and uncertainties. no connection with the Company. The authors of these
books, journals and comparable publications have not
These statements are based on an assessment of present
provided their consent for these statements to be included
economic and operating conditions, and on a number of
in this Prospectus, and the Company is relying upon
assumptions regarding future events and actions that, as
ASIC Corporations (Consents to Statements) Instrument
at the date of this Prospectus, are expected to take place.
2016/72 for the inclusion of these statements in this
Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of Prospectus without such consent having been obtained.
future performance and involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, MISCELLANEOUS
many of which are beyond the control of the Company,
the Directors and management of the Company. Key risk All financial amounts contained in this Prospectus are
factors associated with an investment in the Company expressed as Australian currency unless otherwise
are detailed in Section 4. These and other factors could stated. Conversions may not reconcile due to rounding.
cause actual results to differ materially from those All references to ‘‘$’’ or ‘‘A$’’ are references to
expressed in any forward-looking statements. Australian dollars.

The Company has no intention to update or revise All references to time in this Prospectus are references to
forward-looking statements, or to publish prospective (WST), being the time in Perth, Western Australia, unless
financial information in the future, regardless of whether otherwise stated.
new information, future events or any other factors affect Defined terms and abbreviations used in this Prospectus
the information contained in this Prospectus, except are detailed in the glossary in Section 12.
where required by law.

The Company cannot and does not give assurances that

the results, performance or achievements expressed or
implied in the forward-looking statements contained in
this Prospectus will actually occur and investors are
cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-
looking statements.


Photographs used in this Prospectus which do not have

descriptions are for illustration only and should not be
interpreted to mean that any person shown endorses this
Prospectus or its contents or that the assets shown in
them are owned by the Company. Diagrams used in this
Prospectus are illustrative only and may not be drawn
to scale. Unless otherwise stated, all data contained in
charts, graphs and tables is based on information
available at the date of this Prospectus.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus v


Mr John Keep Executive Chairman

Mr Scott Kirkland Executive Director

Dr Ronald Weinberger Chief Executive Officer

Mr Ryan Laws Non-Executive Director

Mr Geoff Pocock Non-Executive Director

Mr Tony Keane Non-Executive Director


Ms Emma Waldon


Level 10, 12 Creek Street Link Market Services Limited

BRISBANE QLD 4000 QV1 Building
Level 12, 250 St Georges Terrace
Phone: 02 8667 5337
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.emvision.com.au Phone (within Australia): +61 1300 554 474
Fax:+61 2 9287 0303
Mac Equity Partners
AFSL 338731 Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
Suite 7, 29 The Avenue Proposed ASX Code: EMV
BDO Corporate Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd
Bellanhouse Level 11, 1 Margaret Street
Level 19, Alluvion SYDNEY NSW 2000
58 Mounts Bay Road

BDO East Coast Partnership

Level 11, 1 Margaret Street
Wrays SYDNEY NSW 2000
Level 7, 863 Hay Street

*These entities are included for information purposes only. They have not been involved in the preparation of this Prospectus.

vi EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


Dear Investor

On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present this Prospectus and to invite you to become a shareholder in the Company.

The Company is an Australian medical device company developing medical imaging technology that utilises
electromagnetic microwave energy to create images of the human brain and other organs (EMVT). Formed in July 2017,
the Company will, upon completion of the Public Offer, acquire the intellectual property to develop and commercialise
this exciting new technology that is the product of over a decade of development by The University of Queensland (UQ).

The EMVT has the potential to advance medical imaging through its adoption into non-invasive, safe and cost-effective
devices. The EMVT has potentially far reaching applications for the whole body. The Company’s initial focus is
neurological conditions, specifically stroke care due to the clinical need and potentially large commercial opportunity.
According to the World Health Organisation, stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and a leading
cause of permanent disability. It is a time sensitive medical emergency and requires intervention within 24 hours of
onset of symptoms. Incorrect or delayed diagnosis of stroke can lead to treatment delays which can result in death or
permanent disability for stroke patients. As a result of the progress to-date, the Company believes it is now appropriate
to invest in developing the Company’s brain scanner, a portable clinical prototype that utilises the EMVT (Brain Scanner)
to create three dimensional images of the human brain, towards meeting regulatory requirements for use in humans and
the initial commercial uses identified in this Prospectus.

The highly regarded UQ research and development team includes Professor Amin Abbosh, co-inventor and leader of
the research group that has been developing the EMVT for over a decade, and Professor Stuart Crozier the Director of
Biomedical Engineering at UQ, well-known for his advancements in MRI. The Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ron
Weinberger, has more than 20 years’ experience in medical research and biotechnology. Previously he was Managing
Director and Chief Executive of Nanosonics Ltd (ASX:NAN) (Nanosonics), where he co-invented and commercialised
Nanosonics’ widely used Trophon device.
With the Offers the Company is seeking to raise $6,000,000. The funds will predominantly be used for product design
and development and undertaking clinical trials, as the Company aims to satisfy its objective of developing the Brain
Scanner and demonstrating its performance and safety through clinical trials.

This Prospectus contains detailed information about the Offers and the current and proposed operations of the
Company, as well as the risks pertaining to an investment in the Company. Potential investors in the Company should
carefully consider those risks (detailed in Section 4).

We look forward to welcoming you as a Shareholder should you decide to take up Securities pursuant to the Offers.

Yours faithfully

John Keep
Executive Chairman
EMvision Medical Devices Limited

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 1


Key Details of the Offers 1 Shares Options Rights
Existing Securities on issue 2 33,578,750 5,500,000 3 6,000,000 4
58.3% 73.3% 100.0%
Shares offered under the Public Offer 24,000,000 – –
Options offered under the Lead Manager Offer  5
– 2,000,000 –
Total Securities on issue on completion of the Public Offer 57,578,750 7,500,000 6,000,000

1. Please refer to Section 1.7 for further details relating to the proposed capital structure of the Company.
2. See Section 2.6 for further details of the current capital structure of the Company.
3. Options issued to Key Management Personnel and third-party service providers on the terms set out in Section 10.3.
4. Performance Rights issued to UniQuest on the terms set out in Section 10.4.
5. Lead Manager Options to be issued on the terms set out in Section 10.3.


Event Date
Lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC 11 October 2018
Opening Date for the Offers 19 October 2018
Closing Date for the Offers 14 November 2018
Allotment Date 19 November 2018
Despatch of holding statements 19 November 2018
Expected date for quotation on ASX 30 November 2018

The dates shown in the table above are indicative only and may vary subject to the Corporations Act, the Listing Rules and other applicable laws. In particular, the Company
reserves the right to vary the Opening Date and the Closing Date without prior notice, which may have a consequential effect on the other dates. Applicants are therefore
encouraged to lodge their Application Form as soon as possible after the Opening Date if they wish to invest in the Company.

2 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

This Section is not intended to provide full information for investors intending to apply for Securities offered pursuant to
this Prospectus. This Prospectus should be read and considered in its entirety. The Securities offered pursuant to this
Prospectus carry no guarantee in respect of return of capital, return on investment, payment of dividends or the future
value of the Securities.

Topic Summary More information

Who is the Company EMvision Medical Devices Limited (ACN 620 388 230) (Company) is an Section 2
and what does it do? Australian incorporated company, primarily focussed on the development
and commercialisation of medical imaging technology.
What is the The Company is developing and seeking to commercialise a potentially low cost, Section 2.1
Company’s portable, medical imaging device using electromagnetic microwave imaging for
technology diagnosis of stroke and other medical applications.
The technology is the result of over 10 years of development by researchers at
the University of Queensland.
What is the A summary of the financial history of the Company is in the financial information Sections 6 and 7
Company’s section and Independent Limited Assurance Report in Sections 6 and 7
financial position? respectively.
What is the Section 1.7
proposed capital
Key Details of the Offers Shares Options Rights
structure of the
Company? Existing Securities on 33,578,750  1
5,500,000 2 6,000,000 3
58.30% 73.30% 100.00%
Shares offered under the 24,000,000 – –
Public Offer
Options offered under – 2,000,000 –
the Lead Manager Offer 4
Total Securities on issue 57,578,750 7,500,000 6,000,000
on completion of the
Public Offer

1. Including 6,000,000 Shares issued to UniQuest as set out in Section 10.4(c) and 750,000 Shares issued
under the Lead Manager Mandate.
2. The Options have been issued to Key Management Personnel (or their nominees) and third-party service
providers, with each Option exercisable at $0.35 and expiring on 31 December 2021. For further
information, see Section 10.3.
3. 6,000,000 Performance Rights will be issued to UniQuest (or its nominees) on the terms set out in
Section 10.4, comprising 1,800,000 Class A Performance Rights, 2,100,000 Class B Performance Rights
and 2,100,000 Class C Performance Rights.
4. The Lead Manager Options will be issued to Mac Equity (or its nominees) under the Lead Manager Offer,
have an exercise price of $0.35 per Option and an expiry date of 31 December 2021. For further
information, see Section 10.3.

What is the The proceeds of the Public Offer will be applied by the Company as follows: Section 1.6
proposed use of (a) product design, research and development;
funds raised under
(b) clinical studies and trials;
the Public Offer?
(c) regulatory systems and compliance costs;
(d) Patent and Intellectual Property protection; and
(e) costs of the Offers.
What is the The Company aims to develop and commercialise its proprietary medical imaging Sections 2.3 and 3.9
Company’s strategy? technology to provide a safe, portable and low-cost medical imaging tool that
can be used at the point of care for the diagnosis and treatment of stroke, non‑
alcoholic fatty liver disease and other medical applications.
Subject to the various risks facing the development and commercialisation of new
technologies (as set out in Section 2.3), the Company primarily aims to develop its
technology to meet market demand for stroke diagnosis in Australia and Europe.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 3

Topic Summary More information
Summary of key risks
Prospective investors should be aware that subscribing for Shares in the Company involves a number of risks. The risk factors set
out in Section 4, and other general risks applicable to all investments in listed securities, may affect the value of the Shares in the
future. Accordingly, an investment in the Company should be considered highly speculative. This Section summarises the key risks
which apply to an investment in the Company and investors should refer to Section 4 for a more detailed summary of the risks.
Intellectual The Company relies on laws relating to patents, trade secrets, copyright and Section 4.1(a)
Property Risk trademarks to assist to protect its proprietary rights. However, there is a risk
that unauthorised use or copying of the Company’s software, data, specialised
technology or platforms will occur. If the Company fails to adequately protect its
intellectual property rights, competitors may gain access to its technology which
could harm the Company’s businesses.
Future Intellectual The Company’s Intellectual Property is being developed in conjunction with third Section 4.1(b)
Property Rights parties, including contractors and researchers employed by UQ. The Company’s
access to future Intellectual Property and improvements to future Intellectual
Property developed by third parties depends on contractual relationships
between third parties and their employees and the effective transfer of relevant
information and title to inventions or other Intellectual Property from employees
to their employers and then to the Company.
Clinical Testing The Licensed IP must still undergo further clinical studies and those tests and Section 4.1(c)
trials may show that it does not work in a safe and effective manner. The Company
intends to conduct clinical studies of the Licensed IP in the future, but there can
be no guarantee that relevant regulatory agencies such as the TGA (Therapeutic
Goods Administration in Australia) or other regulatory agencies will allow the
Company to undertake such trials and/or the development and approval process
may take longer, cost more than expected and may result in the Licensed IP not
producing a viable diagnostic product.
Funding Agreement The Company has entered into a funding agreement with the Commonwealth Sections 4.1(d) and
and Collaboration Government and collaboration and agreements with the University of Queensland 4.1(e)
Agreement Risk and other third-party service providers. Under these agreements, funds will be
provided to the Company to be applied to the advancement of the Company’s
projects. Funding available under these agreements is subject to contributions
made by third parties and the achievement of certain Project Milestones. In the
event the third parties do not meet their obligations under these agreements or
the Company does not satisfy the Project Milestones, funding may be withheld on
a temporary basis or in some instances the funding agreements may be terminated.
Commercialisation To date, the Company has funded its activities through the issue of Shares, from Section 4.1(f)
Risk payment received from Project Participants pursuant to the CRC-P Grant and from
other government grants. The Company has not completed the development of
any of its devices and does not currently have any commercial agreements to
distribute devices or consumables. The Company’s ability to generate revenues
in the future will be subject to a number of factors, including but not limited to the
Company’s prototypes performing to a level sufficient to warrant commercialisation,
and in particular, that the current and future prototypes of the Brain Scanner are
able to produce sufficient signal penetration, image quality and accuracy within
an acceptable operating period to warrant commercialisation.
Competition and The industry in which the Company is involved is subject to domestic and global Section 4.1(g)
new technology competition which is fast-paced and fast-changing. While the Company will
undertake all reasonable due diligence in its business decisions and operations,
the Company will have no influence or control over the activities or actions of its
competitors, whose activities or actions may positively or negatively affect the
operating and financial performance of the Company’s projects and business.
For instance, new technologies could result in the Company not being differentiated
to other similar offerings.

4 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Topic Summary More information
Reliance on key The Company relies on key contributors, including the chief inventor Professor Section 4.1(o)
personnel Amin Abbosh and Professor Stuart Crozier, the Director of Biomedical Engineering
at UQ, who are largely responsible for the research and development of the Brain
Scanner and EMVT.
Although chief inventor Professor Amin Abbosh is an employee of UQ and
Professor Stuart Crozier is contracted as a consultant to continue the development
of the EMVT (as set out in Section 5.3(c)) there is no assurance that such
agreements will not be terminated. If such agreements are terminated or breached,
or if these individuals no longer continue in their current roles, new personnel will
need to be contracted by the Company or employed by UQ, which may adversely
affect the development of the EMVT.
Third party In both domestic and foreign markets, sales of products are likely to depend in Section 4.1(p)
healthcare payer part upon the availability and amounts of reimbursement from third party healthcare
organisations payer organisations, including government agencies such as Medicare, private
healthcare insurers, self-insured employee plans and other healthcare payers
such as health maintenance organisations. In most major markets, there is
considerable pressure to reduce the cost of healthcare. No assurance can be
given that the Company will obtain reimbursement by such payors at all, or without
substantial delay, or that reimbursement amounts will be sufficient to enable the
Company to sell products developed on a profitable basis.
Completion risk There is a risk that if any of the conditions to completion are not satisfied or Section 4.1(q)
waived, or UniQuest does not comply with its obligations, the assignment of the
rights and title to the Licensed IP to the Company may be deferred, occur in part
or not at all.
Further risks For further information on risks specific to the Company, please see Section 4.1. Sections 4.1 and 4.2
For further information on general risks, please see Section 4.2.
Directors, Related Party Interest and Substantial Holders
Who are the The Directors of the Company are as follows: ‘‘Corporate
Directors? (a) Mr John Keep – Executive Chairman Directory’’ and
Section 5.1
(b) Mr Scott Kirkland – Executive Director
(c) Mr Tony Keane – Non-Executive Director
(d) Mr Ryan Laws – Non-Executive Director
(e) Mr Geoff Pocock – Non-Executive Director
What interests do As at the date of the Prospectus, the Directors hold relevant interests in the Sections 5.5 and 10.3
Directors have in Securities specified below.
the securities of the
Company? No of % of
Shares at Shares at
Existing completion completion
Director Shares of the Offer of the Offer Options
Mr John Keep 1,707,500 1,807,500 3.1% 400,000
Mr Scott 3,575,000 3,695,000 6.4% 600,000
Mr Tony Keane 0 100,000 0.2% 500,000
Mr Ryan Laws 3,212,500 3,212,500 5.6% 500,000
Mr Geoff 225,000 300,000 0.5% 500,000

Refer to Section 10.3 for the terms and conditions of the Options.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 5

Topic Summary More information
What benefits are The Company has entered into executive services agreements with Sections 5.6 and 5.7
being paid to the Messrs Kirkland and Keep, who will be paid $205,000 and $95,000 per annum
Directors? respectively (exclusive of superannuation) following Admission, on the terms set
out in Sections 9.2(b) and 9.2(c).
The Company has entered into letters of appointments with Messrs Keane,
Laws and Pocock, who will each be paid $25,000 per annum (exclusive of any
applicable superannuation or GST) as set out in Section 9.2(d). Messrs Keane
and Pocock will each receive an additional fee of $5,000 per annum (exclusive of
any superannuation or GST) for services provided as Chair of the Audit and Risk
Committee and Chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee respectively.
Mr Ryan Laws has also received fees as an authorised representative of Mac Equity,
which is the Lead Manager to the Offer. Mac Equity has been paid $52,212 (plus
GST) in capital raising fees in the two years prior to this Prospectus, and will
receive additional fees in connection with the Public Offer pursuant to a mandate
agreement as summarised in Section 9.1.
What important In addition to the agreements set out above, the Company has entered the Sections 5.7, 9.1,
contracts with following agreements with related parties: 9.2(a) and 9.10
related parties is the (a) deeds of indemnity, insurance and access with each of its Directors on
Company a party to? standard terms as set out in Section 9.10; and
(b) a non-recourse loan with Dr Ron Weinberger in the amount of $160,000, by
which Dr Weinberger acquired 1,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.16
as set out in Section 9.2(a). No interest is payable on the loan and the Shares
issued to Dr Weinberger or a portion thereof will be subject to ASX restrictions.
The Company has also entered into the Lead Manager Mandate with Mac Equity
as set out in Section 9.1. While Mac Equity is not a related party of the Company,
a director of the Company, Mr Ryan Laws, is an authorised representative of
Mac Equity.
Who will be the The substantial Shareholders of the Company, as well as their percentage holdings Section 10.5
substantial holders at present, and at the proposed completion of the Offer, on the assumption that
of the Company? the substantial Shareholders do not subscribe for and receive Shares under the
Offer, are set out below.

% of Shares at
Number of % of Existing completion of
Name Shares Shares the Offer
UniQuest 6,000,000 17.9% 10.4%
Mr Scott Kirkland 3,575,000 10.6% 6.2%
Mr Ryan Laws 3,212,500 9.6% 5.6%

What is the Public Offer?

What is the Public The Public Offer is a public offering of 24,000,000 Shares to raise $6,000,000 Section 1.1
Offer? (before costs).
What is the Offer $0.25 per Share. Section 1.1
What is the minimum The minimum subscription for the Offer is 24,000,000 Shares at $0.25 per Share Section 1.2
subscription amount to raise $6,000,000 before costs.
under the Public
Will the Shares be The Company will apply to the ASX for its admission to the official list of ASX ‘’Corporate
quoted? and quotation of Shares on the ASX (expected to be under the code EMV) within Directory’’ and
7 days of the date of this Prospectus. Section 1.11

6 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Topic Summary More information
What is the purpose The Offers are being conducted to: Section 1.3
of this Prospectus? (a) raise $6,000,000 pursuant to the Public Offer (before associated costs of
the Offers);
(b) assist the Company to meet requirements of ASX and satisfy Chapters 1 and
2 of the Listing Rules, as part of the Company’s application for Admission; and
(c) position the Company to seek to achieve the objectives detailed in Section 2.
What are the The Company is undertaking the Lead Manager Offer under this Prospectus to Section 1.4
Secondary Offers? remove the need for an additional disclosure document to be issued upon the
sale of any Lead Manager Options (or any Shares issued on conversion of any
Lead Manager Options into Shares) that are issued under the Lead Manager Offer.
What are the The Offers under this Prospectus are conditional upon the following events Section 1.5
conditions of the occurring:
Offers? (a) the Company raising the Minimum Subscription (A$6,000,000) under the
Public Offer (refer to Section 1.2);
(b) to the extent required by ASX or the Listing Rules, each person entering into a
restriction agreement imposing such restrictions on trading on the Company’s
securities as mandated by the Listing Rules; and
(c) ASX providing the Company with a list of conditions which, once satisfied,
will result in ASX admitting the Company to the Official List.
If these conditions are not satisfied, the Offers will not proceed and the Company
will repay all Application Monies in accordance with the Corporations Act.
Are there any Yes, there are compulsory escrow arrangements under the ASX Listing Rules. Section 1.16
escrow ASX will classify certain existing Securities (including the Securities issued under
arrangements? the Lead Manager Offer) on issue in the Company (as opposed to those to be
issued under this Prospectus) as being subject to the restricted securities
provisions of the Listing Rules. Classified Securities would be required to be held
in escrow for up to 24 months and would not be able to be sold, mortgaged,
pledged, assigned or transferred for that period without the prior approval of ASX.
During the period in which these Securities are prohibited from being transferred,
trading in Shares may be less liquid which may impact on the ability of a
Shareholder to dispose of their Shares in a timely manner.
Prior to the Company’s Shares being admitted to quotation on the ASX, the
Company will enter into escrow agreements with the recipients of any restricted
securities in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Listing Rules, and the Company will
announce to ASX full details (quantity and duration) of any Securities required to
be held in escrow.
As at the date of this Prospectus the Company expects approximately
18,255,200 Shares and 6,400,000 Options to be subject to 24 months escrow
and approximately 1,829,250 Shares and 6,000,000 Performance Rights to
be subject to 12 months escrow representing an aggregate of approximately
34.9% of the Shares on issue on Admission (assuming none of the Options or
Performance Rights are exercised).
What is the Offer An indicative timetable for the Offers is set in the ‘’Indicative Timetable’’ section ‘’Indicative
period? of this Prospectus. Timetable’’
Is the Public Offer No, the Public Offer is not underwritten. Section 1.17
Who are the (a) Bellanhouse is the legal advisor to the Company. Sections 9.1 and 10.6
advisers to the (b) Mac Equity is the Lead Manager of the Public Offer.
(c) BDO is the Investigating Accountant and Auditor to the Company in respect of
the Offers.
(d) Wrays are the legal advisor to the Company in respect of intellectual property
Refer to Section 9.1 for a summary of the Lead Manager Mandate and Section 10.6
for a summary of fees payable.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 7

Topic Summary More information
Additional information
Will the Company be The Board believes that the funds raised from the Public Offer will provide the Section 1.6
adequately funded Company with sufficient working capital to achieve its stated objectives as
after completion of detailed in this Prospectus.
the Public Offer?
What rights and A summary of the material rights and liabilities attaching to the Securities offered Sections 10.1, 10.3
liabilities attach under the Offers is set out in Sections 10.1, 10.3 and 10.4. and 10.4
to the Securities
on issue?
Who is eligible to The Public Offer is open to all investors with a registered address in Australia. Sections 1.9 and 1.15
participate in the In addition, subject to the provisions in Section 1.15, certain investors located
Offers? in Hong Kong and Malaysia are also eligible to participate in the Public Offer.
Only Mac Equity (or its nominees) may accept the Lead Manager Offer.
How do I apply for Applications under the Offers can be made by completing the relevant Application Section 1.9
Shares under the Form, in accordance with the instructions accompanying the relevant Application
Public Offer? Form.
What is the The Directors, in conjunction with the Lead Manager, will allocate Shares at their Section 1.13
allocation policy? sole discretion with a view to:
(a) obtaining an appropriate spread of Shareholders to satisfy Listing Rule 1.1
condition 8;
(b) recognising the ongoing support of existing Shareholders;
(c) identifying new potential long-term or cornerstone investors; and
(d) ensuring an appropriate Shareholder base for the Company going forward.
There is no assurance that any Applicant will be allocated any Shares for which
the Applicant has applied.
When will I receive Subject to the matters in Section 1.11, Securities under the Offers are expected ‘’Indicative
confirmation that my to be allotted on the Allotment Date. It is the responsibility of Applicants to Timetable’’ and
Application has determine their allocation prior to trading in the Shares issued under the Public Section 1.13
been successful? Offer. Applicants who sell Shares before they receive their holding statements
do so at their own risk.
What is the The Company does not expect to pay dividends in the near future as its focus will Section 2.7
Company’s dividend primarily be on growing the existing businesses. Any future determination as to
policy? the payment of dividends by the Company will be at the discretion of the Directors
and will depend upon matters such as the availability of distributable earnings, the
operating results and financial condition of the Company, future capital requirements,
general business and other factors considered relevant by the Directors. No
assurances are given in relation to the payment of dividends, or that any dividends
may attach franking credits.
How can I find out Further information on the Company and the Offers can be obtained by: ‘‘Corporate
more about the (a) speaking to your sharebroker, solicitor, accountant or other independent Directory’’
Prospectus or the professional adviser; and
(b) visiting the Company’s website at www.emvision.com.au.
Questions relating to the Offers and the completion of an Application Form or the
Lead Manager Offer Application Form can be directed to the Company Secretary
at [email protected].

8 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


This Prospectus invites investors to apply for 24,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.25 each to raise $6,000,000
(before associated costs) (Public Offer).

The Shares to be issued pursuant to the Public Offer are of the same class and will rank equally with the existing
Shares on issue. The rights and liabilities attaching to the Shares are further described in Section 10.1.

Applications for Shares under the Public Offer must be made on the IPO Application Form accompanying this
Prospectus and received by the Company on or before the Closing Date. Persons wishing to apply for Shares under
the Public Offer should refer to Section 1.9 for further details and instructions.


The minimum subscription for the Offer is 24,000,000 Shares at $0.25 per Share to raise $6,000,000 before costs
(Minimum Subscription). None of the Securities offered under this Prospectus will be issued if Applications are not
received for the Minimum Subscription. Should Applications for the Minimum Subscription not be received within
3 months from the date of this Prospectus, the Company will either repay the Application Monies (without interest)
to Applicants or issue a supplementary prospectus or replacement prospectus and allow Applicants one month to
withdraw their Applications and have their Application Monies refunded to them (without interest).


The purposes of the Public Offer are to:

(a) raise approximately $6,000,000 (before associated costs);

(b) assist the Company to meet the requirements of ASX and satisfy Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules, as part
of the Company’s application for Admission; and

(c) position the Company to seek to achieve the objectives detailed in Section 2.


In addition to the Public Offer, the Company will issue a total of 2,000,000 Options to Mac Equity Partners Pty Ltd
(Mac Equity) (Lead Manager), each exercisable at $0.35 each and expiring on, or before, 31 December 2021
(Lead Manager Options) pursuant to the Lead Manager Mandate (see Section 9.1 for further details).

The Lead Manager Offer is being made under this Prospectus to remove the need for an additional disclosure
document to be issued upon the sale of any Lead Manager Options (or any Shares issued upon exercise of any
Lead Manager Options) that are issued under the Lead Manager Offer.

The rights and liabilities attaching to the Lead Manager Options are described in Section 10.3. If the Lead Manager
Options are exercised, the resultant Shares will be of the same class and will rank equally in all respects with the
existing Shares in the Company. The Company does not intend for the Lead Manager Options to be quoted.

Only the Lead Manager (or its nominees) may accept the Lead Manager Offer. A personalised Lead Manager Offer
Application Form will be issued to the Lead Manager together with a copy of this Prospectus.


The Offers under this Prospectus are conditional upon the following events occurring:

(a) the Company raising the Minimum Subscription pursuant to the Public Offer; and
(b) ASX providing the Company with a list of conditions which, once satisfied, will result in ASX admitting the Company
to the Official List.

If these conditions are not satisfied then the Offers will not proceed and the Company will repay all Application Monies
received under the Offers in accordance with the Corporations Act.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 9


Following the Public Offer, it is anticipated that the following funds will be available to the Company:

Source of funds Amount $

Approximate cash as at the date of this Prospectus $837,000
Proceeds from the Public Offer $6,000,000
Total funds available $6,837,000

The following table shows the intended use of funds in the two-year period following Admission:

Proposed use of funds – Year 1 $ %

Product design, research and development  1 and 4
1,800,000 26
Clinical studies and trials 350,000 5
Quality Management systems and regulatory consultancy costs 100,000 1
Fees associated with patent and intellectual property protection 100,000 1
Directors’ fee  2
150,000 2
Corporate administration costs  5
900,000 13
General working capital  6
240,000 4
Estimated expenses of the Offer  3
532,000 8
Total Expenditure – Year 1 4,172,000 61
Proposed use of funds – Year 2 $ %
Product design, research and development  4
1,400,000 20
Clinical studies and trials 150,000 2
Quality Management systems and regulatory consultancy costs 100,000 1
Fees associated with patent and intellectual property protection 75,000 1
Directors’ fees 100,000 1
Corporate administration costs 5 600,000 9
General working capital  6
240,000 4
Total Expenditure – Year 2 2,665,000 39
Total Funds Allocated 6,837,000 100

1. The Company anticipates having access to additional sources of cash funding of approximately $1,800,000 from the CRC Project Funding Agreement in accordance with
Section 9.4 and approximately $818,000 from the CRC Project Participants Agreement in accordance with Section 9.5. Any funds received will be applied to research and
development and clinical trials. In addition, the Company will benefit from in-kind contributions including consumables, practical expertise and guidance from the Project
Participants in accordance with Section 9.5. Any in-kind contributions received will be applied to research and development and clinical trials. The CRC Project Funding
Agreement and Participants Funding Agreement risk in Section 4.1(d) outlines the potential impact of this funding not being available.
2. The $150,000 includes $50,000 payable to Messrs Laws and Pocock in respect of a once off success fee payable upon Admission of the Company in respect of work
undertaken by Messrs Laws and Pocock as part of the Admission process, as set out in Section 9.2(d).
3. Total costs of the Offer are $600,000 in accordance with Section 9.1. Approximately $68,000 of these expenses have already been paid by the Company out of existing
cash reserves. The costs of the Offer include capital raising fees of 6% on all monies raised being $360,000 upon completion of the Public Offer.
4. Product design, research and development includes the Company’s cash contributions to the CRC Project in accordance with Sections 9.4 and 9.5.
5. Corporate administration costs include a portion of remuneration of executive management, the Lead Manager corporate advisory fee, audit fees, insurance costs, legal
fees, ASX fees and share registry costs.
6. General working capital includes an allocation for office and other corporate overhead and is otherwise unallocated. General working capital may also be used to accelerate
research and development.
7. The Company may seek to access any research and development tax incentive funding from the Australian Commonwealth Government to assist funding research and
development. Currently, a research and development tax incentive provides a refundable tax offset for certain eligible research and development activities for an entity
whose aggregate turnover is less than $20 million. Any such funding is uncertain and has therefore not been included in the budgets above.

10 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Shareholders should note that the above estimated expenditures will be subject to modification on an ongoing basis
depending on the results obtained from the Company’s activities. Due to market conditions, the development of new
opportunities and/or any number of other factors (including the risk factors outlined in Section 4), actual expenditure
levels may differ significantly from the above estimates.

The Board believes that the funds raised from the Public Offer will provide the Company with sufficient working capital
to achieve its stated objectives as detailed in this Prospectus.

The use of further equity funding or Share placements will be considered by the Board where it is appropriate to
accelerate a specific project or strategy.

Based on the intended use of funds detailed above, the amounts raised pursuant to the Public Offer are expected to
provide the Company sufficient funding for only 2 years’ operations. The Company may require further financing in the
future. See Section 4.1(n) for further details about the risks associated with the Company’s future capital requirements.


On the basis that the Company completes the Offers on the terms in this Prospectus and assuming no further Securities
are issued or Options exercised, on Admission the Company’s capital structure will be as follows:

Key Details of the Offers Shares Options Rights
Existing Securities on issue 33,578,750 1 5,500,000 2 6,000,000 3
58.3% 73.3% 100.0%
Shares offered under the Public Offer 24,000,000 – –
41.7% – –
Options offered under the Lead Manager Offer  4
– 2,000,000 –
– 26.7% –
Total Securities on issue on completion of the Public Offer 57,578,750 7,500,000 6,000,000

1. Including 6,000,000 Shares issued to UniQuest as set out in Section 10.4(c) and 750,000 Shares issued under the Lead Manager Mandate.
2. The Options have been issued to Key Management Personnel (or their nominees) and third-party service providers, with each Option exercisable at $0.35 and expiring
on 31 December 2021. For further information, see Section 10.3.
3. 6,000,000 Performance Rights will be issued to UniQuest (or its nominees) on the terms set out in Section 10.4, comprising 1,800,000 Class A Performance Rights,
2,100,000 Class B Performance Rights and 2,100,000 Class C Performance Rights.
4. The Lead Manager Options will be issued to Mac Equity (or its nominees) under the Lead Manager Offer, have an exercise price of $0.35 per Option and an expiry date
of 31 December 2021. For further information, see Section 10.3.


The Directors have considered the matters detailed in ASIC Regulatory Guide 170 and believe that they do not have a
reasonable basis to forecast future earnings on the basis that the operations of the Company are inherently uncertain.
Accordingly, any forecast or projection information would contain such a broad range of potential outcomes and
possibilities that it is not possible to prepare a reliable best estimate forecast or projection.

The Directors consequently believe that, given these inherent uncertainties, it is not possible to include reliable
forecasts in this Prospectus.

Refer to Sections 1.6 and 2.3 for further information in respect to the Company’s proposed activities.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 11


(a) General

Applications for Securities under the Offers can only be made using the relevant Application Form accompanying this
Prospectus. For further information on how to complete the Application Form, Applicants should refer to the instructions
set out on the form.

No brokerage, stamp duty or other costs are payable by Applicants. Cheques must be made payable to ‘‘EMvision
Medical Devices Limited’’ and should be crossed ‘‘Not Negotiable’’. All Application Monies will be paid into a trust account.

BPAY is also available for electronic payment. Applicants wishing to pay by BPAY should complete the online Application
Form accompanying the electronic version of this Prospectus which is available via a link at www.emvision.com.au
and follow the instructions on the online Application Form (which includes the Biller Code and your unique Customer
Reference Number (CRN)).

You should be aware that you will only be able to make a payment via BPAY if you are the holder of an account with
an Australian financial institution which supports BPAY transactions.

When completing your BPAY payment, please make sure you use the specific Biller Code and your unique CRN
provided on the online Application Form. If you do not use the correct CRN your Application will not be recognised as
valid. It is your responsibility to ensure that payments are received by 5.00pm (WST) on the Closing Date. Your bank,
credit union or building society may impose a limit on the amount which you can transact on BPAY, and policies with
respect to processing BPAY transactions may vary between banks, credit unions or building societies. The Company
accepts no responsibility for any failure to receive application monies or payments by BPAY before the Closing Date
arising as a result of, among other things, processing of payments by financial institutions. Completed Application
Forms and accompanying cheques (for Applications under the Public Offer) must be received by the Company before
5.00pm (WST) on the relevant Closing Date by either being posted or delivered to the following addresses:

By Hand By Post
To EMvision Medical Devices Limited To EMvision Medical Devices Limited
C/- Link Market Services Limited C/- Link Market Services Limited
1A Homebush Bay Drive Locked Bag A14
Rhodes NSW 2138 Sydney South NSW 1235

An original, completed and lodged Application Form together with a cheque for the Application Monies (for Applications
under the Public Offer), constitutes a binding and irrevocable offer to subscribe for the number of Shares specified in the
Application Form. The Application Form does not need to be signed to be valid. If the Application Form is not completed
correctly or if the accompanying payment is for the wrong amount, it may be treated by the Company as valid. The
Directors’ decision as to whether to treat such an Application as valid and how to construe amend or complete the
Application Form is final. However, an Applicant will not be treated as having applied for more Shares than is indicated
by the amount of the cheque for the Application Monies.

It is the responsibility of Applicants outside Australia to obtain all necessary approvals for the allotment and issue of
Shares pursuant to this Prospectus. The return of a completed Application Form with the requisite Application Monies
(under the Public Offer) will be taken by the Company to constitute a representation and warranty by the Applicant that
all relevant approvals have been obtained and that the Applicant:

(i) agrees to be bound by the terms of the relevant offer;

(ii) declares that all details and statements in the Application Form are complete and accurate;

(iii) declares that, if they are an individual, they are over 18 years of age and have full legal capacity and power to
perform all its rights and obligations under the Application Form;

(iv) authorises the Company and its respective officers or agents, to do anything on their behalf necessary for the
Securities to be issued to them, including to act on instructions of the Company’s Share Registry upon using the
contact details set out in the Application Form;

12 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(v) acknowledges that the information contained in, or accompanying, the Prospectus is not investment or financial
product advice or a recommendation that Securities are suitable for them given their investment objectives, financial
situation or particular needs; and

(vi) acknowledges that the Securities have not, and will not be, registered under the securities laws in any other
jurisdictions outside Australia and accordingly, the Securities may not be offered, sold or otherwise transferred
except in accordance with an available exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration
requirements of applicable securities laws.

The Offers may be closed at an earlier date and time at the discretion of the Directors, without prior notice. Applicants
are therefore encouraged to submit their Application Forms as early as possible. However, the Company reserves the
right to extend the Offers or accept late Applications.

(b) Public Offer

Applications under the Public Offer must be for a minimum of 8,000 Shares ($2,000).

(c) Lead Manager Offer

Only Mac Equity (or its nominees) may accept the Lead Manager Offer. A personalised application form in relation to
the Lead Manager Offer will be issued to Mac Equity together with a copy of this Prospectus (Lead Manager Offer
Application Form). The Company will only provide a Lead Manager Offer Application Form to Mac Equity. No monies
are payable for the Lead Manager Options under the Lead Manager Offer.


The Company will apply to participate in CHESS. All trading on the ASX will be settled through CHESS. ASX Settlement,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the ASX, operates CHESS in accordance with the Listing Rules and the ASX Settlement
Operating Rules. On behalf of the Company, the Share Registry will operate an electronic issuer sponsored sub-register
and an electronic CHESS sub-register. The two sub-registers together make up the Company’s principal register of

Under CHESS, the Company will not issue certificates to Shareholders. Rather, holding statements (similar to bank
statements) will be sent to Shareholders as soon as practicable after allotment. Holding statements will be sent either
by CHESS (for Shareholders who elect to hold Shares on the CHESS sub-register) or by the Company’s Share Registry
(for Shareholders who elect to hold their Shares on the issuer sponsored sub-register). The statements will set out the
number of existing Shares (where applicable) and the number of new Shares allotted under this Prospectus and provide
details of a Shareholder’s holder identification number (for Shareholders who elect to hold Shares on the CHESS sub-
register) or Shareholder reference number (for Shareholders who elect to hold their Shares on the issuer sponsored
sub-register). Updated holding statements will also be sent to each Shareholder at the end of each month in which
there is a transaction on their holding, as required by the Listing Rules.


Within 7 days after the date of this Prospectus, the Company will apply to ASX for admission to the Official List and for
the Shares, including those offered by this Prospectus, to be granted Official Quotation (apart from any Shares that may
be designated by ASX as restricted securities).

If ASX does not grant permission for Official Quotation within three months after the date of this Prospectus (or within
such longer period as may be permitted by ASIC) none of the Shares offered by this Prospectus will be allotted and
issued. If no allotment and issue is made, all Application Monies will be refunded to Applicants (without interest) as soon
as practicable.

ASX takes no responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus. The fact that ASX may grant Official Quotation is not to
be taken in any way as an indication of the merits of the Company or the Shares offered pursuant to this Prospectus.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 13


Application Monies will be held in trust for Applicants until the allotment of the Shares under the Public Offer.
Any interest that accrues will be retained by the Company.

If the Shares to be issued under this Prospectus are not admitted to quotation within a period of three months from the
date of this Prospectus, the Company will either repay the Application Monies (without interest) as soon as practicable
to Applicants or issue a supplementary prospectus or replacement prospectus and allow Applicants one month to
withdraw their Applications and have their Application Monies refunded to them (without interest).


The Directors, in conjunction with the Lead Manager, will allocate Shares at their sole discretion with a view to:

(a) obtaining an appropriate spread of Shareholders to satisfy Listing Rule 1.1 condition 8;
(b) recognising the ongoing support of existing Shareholders;
(c) identifying new potential long-term or cornerstone investors; and
(d) ensuring an appropriate Shareholder base for the Company going forward.

There is no assurance that any Applicant will be allocated any Shares, or the number of Shares for which it has applied.
The Company reserves the right to reject any Application or to issue a lesser number of Shares than those applied for.
Where the number of Shares issued is less than the number applied for, surplus Application Monies will be refunded
(without interest) as soon as reasonably practicable after the Closing Date.

Subject to the matters in Section 1.11, Securities under the Offers are expected to be allotted on the Allotment Date. It is
the responsibility of Applicants to determine their allocation prior to trading in the Shares issued under the Public Offer.
Applicants who sell Shares before they receive their holding statements do so at their own risk.

1.14 RISKS

Prospective investors should be aware that an investment in the Company should be considered highly speculative
and involves a number of risks inherent in the various business segments of the Company. Section 4 details the key risk
factors which prospective investors should be aware of. It is recommended that prospective investors consider these
risks carefully before deciding whether to invest in the Company.

This Prospectus should be read in its entirety as it provides information for prospective investors to decide whether to
invest in the Company. If you have any questions about the desirability of, or procedure for, investing in the Company
please contact your stockbroker, accountant or other independent adviser.


No action has been taken to register or qualify the Securities, or the Offers, or otherwise to permit the offering of the
Securities, in any jurisdiction outside of Australia.

The distribution of this Prospectus within jurisdictions outside of Australia may be restricted by law and persons
into whose possession this Prospectus comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions.
Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of those laws.

This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of Securities in any jurisdiction where, or to any person to whom, it would
be unlawful to issue this Prospectus.

It is the responsibility of any overseas Applicant to ensure compliance with all laws of any country relevant to his or her
Application. The return of a duly completed Application Form will be taken by the Company to constitute a representation
and warranty that there has been no breach of such law and that all necessary approvals and consents have been obtained.

This document does not constitute an offer of Shares in any jurisdiction in which it would be unlawful. In particular, this
document may not be distributed to any person, and the Shares may not be offered or sold, in any country outside
Australia except to the extent permitted below.

14 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(a) Hong Kong

This document has not been, and will not be, registered as a prospectus under the Companies (Winding Up and
Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32) of Hong Kong, nor has it been authorised by the SFO. No action has
been taken in Hong Kong to authorise or register this document or to permit the distribution of this document or any
documents issued in connection with it. Accordingly, the Shares have not been and will not be offered or sold in
Hong Kong other than to ‘‘professional investors’’ (as defined in the SFO and any rules made under that ordinance).

No advertisement, invitation or document relating to the Shares has been or will be issued, or has been or will be in the
possession of any person for the purpose of issue, in Hong Kong or elsewhere that is directed at, or the contents of which
are likely to be accessed or read by, the public of Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under the securities laws of
Hong Kong) other than with respect to Shares that are or are intended to be disposed of only to persons outside Hong
Kong or only to professional investors. No person allotted Shares may sell, or offer to sell, such securities in circumstances
that amount to an offer to the public in Hong Kong within six months following the date of issue of such securities.

The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any Hong Kong regulatory authority. You are advised to
exercise caution in relation to the offer. If you are in doubt about any contents of this document, you should obtain
independent professional advice.

(b) Malaysia

No approval from, or recognition by, the Securities Commission of Malaysia has been or will be obtained in relation to
any offer of Shares. The Shares may not be offered or sold in Malaysia except pursuant to, and to persons prescribed
under, Part I of Schedule 6 of the Malaysian Capital Markets and Services Act.


ASX will classify certain existing Securities (including the Securities issued under the Lead Manager Offer) on issue
in the Company (as opposed to those to be issued under this Prospectus) as being subject to the restricted securities
provisions of the Listing Rules. Classified Securities would be required to be held in escrow for up to 24 months and
would not be able to be sold, mortgaged, pledged, assigned or transferred for that period without the prior approval
of ASX. During the period in which these Securities are prohibited from being transferred, trading in Shares may be
less liquid which may impact on the ability of a Shareholder to dispose of their Shares in a timely manner.

Prior to the Company’s Shares being admitted to quotation on the ASX, the Company will enter into escrow agreements
with the recipients of any restricted securities in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Listing Rules, and the Company will
announce to ASX full details (quantity and duration) of any Securities required to be held in escrow.

As at the date of this Prospectus the Company expects approximately 18,255,200 Shares and 6,400,000 Options to be
subject to 24 months escrow and approximately 1,829,250 Shares and 6,000,000 Performance Rights to be subject to
12 months escrow representing an aggregate of approximately 34.9% of the Shares on issue on Admission (assuming
none of the Options or Performance Rights are exercised).


The Offers are not underwritten.


Mac Equity has been appointed as Lead Manager to the Public Offer on the terms and conditions summarised in
Section 9.1 of this Prospectus.


The Directors may at any time decide to withdraw this Prospectus and the Offers in which case the Company will return
all Application Monies (without interest) within 28 days of giving notice of their withdrawal.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 15


Persons who apply for Shares pursuant to this Prospectus are asked to provide personal information to the Company,
either directly or through the Share Registry. The Company and the Share Registry collect, hold and use that personal
information to assess Applications for Shares, to provide facilities and services to Shareholders, and to carry out various
administrative functions. Access to the information collected may be provided to the Company’s agents and service
providers and to ASX, ASIC and other regulatory bodies on the basis that they deal with such information in accordance
with the relevant privacy laws. If you do not provide the information required on the Application Form, the Company may
not be able to accept or process your Application.

An Applicant has a right to gain access to the information that the Company holds about that person subject to certain
exemptions under law. A fee may be charged for access. Access requests must be made in writing to the Company’s
registered office.


The Company will provide paper copies of this Prospectus (including any supplementary or replacement document)
and the IPO Application Form to investors, or the Lead Manager Offer Application Form to the Lead Manager, upon
request and free of charge. Requests for a paper copy from should be directed to the Company Secretary at
[email protected].


This Prospectus provides information for potential investors in the Company, and should be read in its entirety. If, after
reading this Prospectus, you have any questions about any aspect of an investment in the Company, please contact
your stockbroker, accountant or independent financial adviser.

Questions relating to the Offers and the completion of an Application Form or the Lead Manager Offer Application Form
can be directed to the Company Secretary at [email protected].

16 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


Diagnostic imaging is used to produce images of internal structures of the human body for the purpose of accurate
medical diagnosis. A number of mechanisms can be used to produce the images. The use of ‘‘invisible light’’ scanning
– using electromagnetic radiation other than the visible light spectrum – for medical diagnostics has been well established
over the past 100 years. Initially seen with the development of X-ray imaging in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
the field of radiology has grown with modern imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) methods, nuclear medicine and positron emission tomography (PET), developed in the latter decades of
the 20th century.

CT and MRI scans with and without intravenous contrast material are used in diagnosis of stroke and associated post
stroke scanning and imaging, however both techniques have inherent limitations. A key limitation for both technologies
is logistical, as imaging currently requires substantial time – both for the initial procedure and subsequent clinical
interpretation creating delays and limiting access to services. Both MRI and CT technology require significant levels
of sophisticated equipment, and this offers substantial challenges to the development of portable or mobile CT or MRI
devices, further increasing the logistical burden for rapid diagnosis. The high level of sophisticated equipment has an
impact on the effective cost of the techniques and therefore their utility in broad application for diagnosis and post-
operative care. In addition, CT scanning uses high energy ionising X-ray radiation, which is known to be carcinogenic
and so is not ideal for repeated use and ongoing monitoring of stroke patients. Nevertheless, CT approaches are
widely accepted as the standard neuroimaging technique, and non-contrast CT is typically conducted in all suspected
stroke patients.


The Company is developing and seeking to commercialise a portable brain scanner (Brain Scanner), which utilises
electromagnetic microwave imaging for diagnosis of stroke and other medical applications. The Company is currently
building a portable pre-clinical prototype of the Brain Scanner and intends to develop a prototype suitable for
clinical trials.

A prior prototype of the Brain Scanner, built by UQ, has been tested with both modelling and simulation and on realistic
phantom heads which are models that represent and can emulate the anatomical and dielectric properties of the human
brain. The testing of the Brain Scanner on the phantom heads involves inserting bleed and clot mimicking substances
into the phantom heads to determine if the Brain Scanner can detect the presence of simulated bleeds and clots.

A prototype of the Brain Scanner

built by UQ on the phantom head.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 17

The Brain Scanner is not expected to provide the depth of detail that MRI and CT scans can provide and the Company
intends to develop the Brain Scanner as a complementary imaging tool, for use in situations where MRI and CT scans are
impractical to use due to their size, cost, complexity, and in the case of CT, ionising radiation. The Company’s objective
is to develop a portable Brain Scanner that is cheaper to use than MRI and CT scans, that could be used at the point of
care in post-operative treatment, ambulatory and first responder settings with a focus on diagnosis and stroke monitoring.

Previous prototypes of the Brain Scanner have been able to differentiate between blood clots and bleeds in simulation
environments and on realistic phantoms. The Company intends to continue testing the Brain Scanner so that it can
be used in excluding haemorrhagic stroke in medical settings. This clinical utility would be analogous to that of a non-
contrast CT Scan in stroke care, except without ionising radiation and deployed at the point of care. If the Company
is able to satisfy this objective, the Company initially intends to develop the Brain Scanner so that it could be used
to monitor life threatening bleeds in the 24-hour and beyond post treatment window in patients who have received
thrombolytic drug treatment or a thrombectomy. For further information on the prevalence of stroke in Australia and
Europe, see Section 3.

The Company also intends to explore the development and commercialisation of other medical imaging devices that
utilise the EMVT for the diagnosis of medical conditions that may arise elsewhere in the body, including the torso of
human patients. Whilst work has begun on these projects, including research at UQ, these projects are yet to be
developed into clinical ready prototypes.

The EMVT is the result of over 10 years of development by researchers in the School of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering at UQ. The principal focus of research to date has been the development of underlying research
concepts, and the subsequent design and development of a pre-clinical ‘‘proof of concept’’ prototype of the Brain Scanner.

The EMVT enables the use of low energy non-ionising microwave radiation to generate 3-dimensional images for use in
medical diagnostics and other applications. The EMVT offers a disruptive alternative imaging modality with potentially
far reaching applications and commercial opportunity. Electromagnetic microwave imaging as a modality has great
potential to become an imaging technology for biomedical applications such as stroke diagnosis and monitoring and
offers many potential advantages over CT and MRI, such as:

(a) based on the Company’s research to date, the Brain Scanner is intended to be less capital intensive to manufacture
and more cost effective to use compared to CT, MRI or PET allowing it to be priced at a point that may be attractive
and affordable for many hospitals;  1

(b) the Brain Scanner uses low power microwave signals and, in contrast to CT scans, does not produce ionising radiation;

(c) power consumption for the Brain Scanner is estimated to be a small percentage of the power output of a mobile
phone. This forgoes the need and cost of using shielding rooms that are used in conjunction with MRI and CT; and

(d) the Brain Scanner has the potential to be ‘‘miniaturized’’ to allow for more ubiquitous commercialisation, which may
include ambulatory, first responder and remote applications as well as in post-operative settings where it may be
preferable not to transport a recovering patient.

Microwave images are maps of the microwave signals that result from the interactions with the electrical property
distributions of objects. Two properties that affect the propagation of electromagnetic radiation within materials are
dielectric permittivity (tissue capacitance) and conductivity.  2 These properties are related to other physical properties
such as temperature, density, and water content.  3 Low-water-content tissues such as skin and fat have permittivity
values that are estimated to be less than half those of high water-content tissues such as blood and some cancerous
tissues.  4 The use of microwave imaging in medical applications relies on this contrast of the difference in microwave
propagation due to changes in dielectric and conductive properties between healthy and unhealthy tissue.  5

1 Noghanian S ‘Microwave Tomography for Biomedical Quantitative Imaging’ Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems (2012), p 1. Note the author has not provided consent
for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Mobashsher, A. T. and Abbosh, A. M. On-site Rapid Diagnosis of Intracranial Hematoma using Portable Multi-slice Microwave Imaging System. Sci. Rep. 6, 37620; doi: 10.1038/
srep37620 (2016), p 2. Note the author has not provided consent for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.

18 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

The core of the Brain Scanner is the antenna arrays and associated software necessary to analyse the signals and
generate images, based on variations in dielectric properties associated with different materials, including different
tissue types and organs within the body. The research team responsible for the development of the Brain Scanner have
built a number of laboratory test prototypes including an antenna array, signal capture, image processing algorithms
and artificial intelligence driven boundary conditions.

The Company believes that the knowledge acquired from the development of the Brain Scanner will be applicable to the
development of other devices. Electromagnetic microwave imaging technology can be adapted to meet various diagnostic
needs by the customisation of a specific antenna array, switching network and algorithms for multiple applications.

In addition to the initial application for the EMVT in stroke diagnosis, UQ, in partnership with the Company and Metro
South Hospital and Health Service (PA Hospital), is undertaking research to develop a potential novel low cost, portable,
safe and non-invasive electromagnetic torso scanner for the detection and monitoring of non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD Project) as a potential adjacent clinical application for the EMVT and microwave imaging. The initial
focus of development work will be characterising the dielectric properties of liver tissue and on building and testing a
prototype that can be advanced to subsequent clinical trials. It is intended that the funds received pursuant to the QBAF
Agreement will go towards undertaking the activities contemplated by the NAFLD Project. See Section 9.6 for further
detail on the NAFLD Project.


(a) Typical Device Development Pathway

The development of clinical medical devices is tightly regulated and involves the sequential demonstration of both
safety and efficacy of the devices, comparable to the development pathway for other medical technologies such as
drug development. An illustration of the typical device development process is shown below.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 19

(b) The Company’s Proposed Development Pathway

The Company intends to develop the EMVT through the above regulatory pathways to enable devices incorporating the
EMVT to be deployed in medical fields in target markets. Development of the underlying EMVT has progressed over the
last 10 years from initial concept and proof-of-concept experiments through pre-clinical research. The Company is now
poised to begin the human testing phase of product development for its initial target application of brain injury with a
focus on rapid stroke diagnosis and monitoring in accordance with Stage 3 – Pathway to Approval as per the
development pathway set out in Section 2.3(a).

The Company intends to initiate its planned clinical program immediately on completion of the Public Offer, and over
12 months following the completion of the Public Offer, it intends to gather substantial information to optimise the
prototypes incorporating the EMVT.

The Company intends to carry out a Healthy Human Trial with its early clinical prototype before proceeding with a
feasibility (pilot) clinical trial. The number and size of the clinical trials will be determined with guidance from clinical
research organisations, regulatory consultants alongside regulatory authorities such as the Therapeutic Goods
Administration in Australia. The feasibility trial will be aimed at collecting data from stroke patients to refine the
prototype and its components such as system algorithms hardware, patient interface and software. Information
regarding the technical risks of the device, patient safety, usability amongst other factors will contribute further to
the design requirements for any commercialised product.

Under the above development pathway, entities that successfully complete a suitable feasibility study may begin to
focus on design controls. At this point most of the design elements begin to be locked down based on earlier patient
and clinical testing and subsequent engineering improvements. Design and process controls in compliance with
international regulatory standards such as ISO:13485 are mandatory at this point (for further information regarding the
Company’s device and process control compliance see Section 2.4). A key purpose of this phase is to ensure that there
is a sufficiently de-risked pathway to regulatory approval, with the aim of having a safe, quality assured product that
meets its intended clinical use and the entity’s commercial requirements.

In the event the Company successfully completes a feasibility study, the Company currently anticipates that it would
invest in developing the EMVT towards completing the necessary clinical verification to meet regulatory requirements.
It is anticipated that the Company will need to complete a pivotal clinical trial to generate the clinical data, including
safety and efficacy, required for its initial regulatory pathway, which it currently intends to be CE mark approval.  6
Final regulatory classification of the device would be determined by the level of patient risk and safety. Factors that
can influence the timing of regulatory approval include the risk category of the device, its unique characteristics and
comparison to similar devices in the market amongst others.
The path to commercialisation may be affected by numerous factors including but not limited to the regulatory
environment, access to key personnel, researchers, material compatibility, funding, competition and market demands
which have the ability to significantly affect the time it takes to reach specific development and commercialisation
milestones. Accordingly, the Company considers that it is too premature to provide an indicative timetable as to when
development and commercialisation events are likely to occur. For further information regarding risks that may affect
the commercialisation objectives of the Company, see Section 4.

(c) Commercialisation

The Company intends to expand upon its existing and future clinical collaborations and seek to attract potential
commercial partners throughout its clinical program. If the Company achieves regulatory clearance for the Brain
Scanner, the Company will aim to secure a major distribution partner, which it considers would be a key milestone
towards commercialisation and potential profitability, noting that there is no guarantee that the Company will secure
commercial partnerships or agreements or profitability.

The Company has identified Europe and Australia as two primary target market regions, however other geographic
markets may also offer commercial opportunities for the Company’s commercialisation endeavours.

6 CE Marking is a certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety and environmental protection standards form products sold within the European Economic Area.

20 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Subject to the Brain Scanner producing sufficient signal penetration, image quality and accuracy within an acceptable
operating period to warrant commercialisation, the Company’s objective is to establish distribution capabilities and
networks for capital equipment sales and potential annuity revenue streams which may include but is not limited to
consumables, accessories and service.

The above sets out the Company’s intentions as at the date of this Prospectus and the Company will continue to
monitor the market and its ongoing operations with a view to identifying other potential revenue sources.

The Company does not expect to generate revenue until the Brain Scanner has been cleared for commercial use.
Future revenue will likely be dependent on successful development milestones, including clinical validation and
regulatory clearance.


The Company is an Australian public company, incorporated on 11 July 2017 founded by Messrs Scott Kirkland and
Ryan Laws.

The Company executed a Licence Agreement (Licence Agreement) with UniQuest Pty Ltd (UniQuest), a
commercialising entity that manages the Intellectual Property of UQ, granting the Company an exclusive, worldwide
and perpetual licence to commercialise the EMVT, including the Brain Scanner. Under an IP assignment deed
(IP Assignment Deed) and subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent as set out in Section 9.3, the
Company will be assigned the Intellectual Property rights held by UniQuest to the EMVT.

The Company was successful in winning a Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) grant from the Government of the
Commonwealth of Australia (Commonwealth), presented by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, under
which the Company will receive approximately $3,500,000 in cash funding (plus GST), comprising $2,600,000 from
the Commonwealth and $910,000 from the Project Participants. In addition, the Company will receive approximately
$3,515,759 by way of in-kind contributions including consumables, practical expertise and guidance from the
Project Participants.

The program supports industry-led collaborations between industry, researchers and the community and is a proven
model for linking researchers with industry to focus on research and development towards use and commercialisation.
For further information, see Section 9.5.

In March 2018, UQ was awarded a Queensland State Government Biomedical Assistance Fund (QBAF Agreement)
grant of $160,000 to assist with the funding of the NAFLD Project. The grant is subject to UQ contributing $80,000
and the Company entering into a collaboration agreement with UQ and agreeing to provide support to the project in
the form of a cash contribution of $80,000 and an in-kind contribution equal to $10,000 including practical expertise
and guidance.

The Company has also contracted with UQ, principally through the CRC Project Funding Agreement to carry out further
research and development of microwave imaging techniques for biomedical applications. These include advancements
in iterative beamography, local area tomography, global tomography, classification (deep learning neural networks) and
initial brain template construction.

To further the ongoing product development of the EMVT, the Company has engaged Tiller Design, an industrial
design company in Australia to provide industrial design and feasibility studies, mechanical and electronic engineering,
production tooling, product assembly and certification as well as project and risk management, supply and sourcing.

In July 2018, TÜV Rheinland completed a successful second stage audit on the Company, which is a significant
milestone in the process to obtaining ISO 13485 certification. ISO 13485 is a harmonised standard for quality
management systems for medical devices and a number of countries require ISO 13485 certification to support
regulatory clearance.

The Company has also engaged third parties for regulatory advice and strategy for the intended design and
development of medical devices, as well as to assist the Company with strategic advice for the development of its
clinical investigational plans, including those for initial healthy human trials with a clinical prototype and the Company’s
envisioned pilot hospital trial.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 21


UQ has lodged provisional and PCT patent applications that address various potentially unique and novel aspects of
the Brain Scanner and EMVT. These patent applications will be assigned to the Company in accordance with the terms
of the IP Assignment Deed subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent set out in Section 9.3 and cover
methods of using microwave radiation to develop 3-dimensional diagnostic images, as well as the framework of the
commercial solution based on the underlying Intellectual Property. The patent applications also include aspects of the
hardware necessary to generate and interpret the microwave signals for imaging purposes.

In addition to the patent applications, the EMVT and Intellectual Property includes considerable know how in the
method of applying microwave-based imaging to the development of possible commercial diagnostic devices.

The details of the Company’s Intellectual Property portfolio and the patent applications are more fully detailed in the
Intellectual Property Report in Section 8.


As at the date of this Prospectus, the capital structure of the Company and particulars of its current Shareholders are
as follows:

Shareholder Shares % Options Rights
UniQuest Pty Ltd 6,000,000 17.9 0 6,000,000
Mr Scott Kirkland 3,575,000 10.6 600,000 0
Mr Ryan Laws 1 3,212,500 9.6 500,000 0
Mr John Keep 1,707,500 5.1 400,000 0
Mr Geoff Pocock 225,000 0.7 500,000 0
Dr Ron Weinberger 1,000,000 3.0 1,000,000 0
Mr Bryant McLarty  2
1,050,000 3.1 0 0
Mr Tony Keane 0 0 500,000 0
Non-related party Shareholders 16,808,750 50.1 2,000,000 0
Shares and Options on issue 33,578,750 100.0 5,500,000 6,000,000
as at the date of this Prospectus

1. Mr Ryan Laws is an authorised representative of Mac Equity, which is the Lead Manager to the Offer and has entered into a mandate agreement as summarised in Section
9.1. Mac Equity or parties nominated by it are entitled to be issued 2,000,000 Options under the Lead Manager Offer. Mr Ryan Laws holds the 3,212,500 Shares in his
personal capacity.
2. Mac Equity, a company controlled by Mr Bryant McLarty, is Lead Manager to the Offer and has entered into a mandate agreement as summarised in Section 9.1. Mac Equity
or parties nominated by it are entitled to be issued 2,000,000 Options under the Lead Manager Offer.

Refer to Section 10.1 for a summary of the rights attaching to the Shares.


The Company does not expect to pay dividends in the near future as its focus will primarily be on growing the existing

Any future determination as to the payment of dividends by the Company will be at the discretion of the Directors and
will depend upon matters such as the availability of distributable earnings, the operating results and financial condition
of the Company, future capital requirements, general business and other factors considered relevant by the Directors.
No assurances are given in relation to the payment of dividends, or that any dividends may attach franking credits.

22 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


Stroke, also known as brain attack, is a serious acute medical emergency caused by sudden impairment in blood supply
to the brain, resulting in possible damage to brain tissue.  7

Strokes can be classified into two major categories: ischemic and haemorrhagic.  8

(a) Ischemic stroke: is the most common type of stroke and occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked, for
example by a blood clot.  9 Strokes may occur when a blood clot forms somewhere in the body and travels through
the bloodstream to the brain (embolic), or blood vessels may narrow as a result of atheroma or small vessel disease
(thrombosis).  10

(b) Haemorrhagic stroke: occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks or bursts and results in bleeding within the
brain tissue (intracerebral haemorrhage) or in the space around the brain (subarachnoid haemorrhage).  11

It is estimated that more than 85% of strokes are acute ischemic stroke, caused by thrombotic or embolic occlusion
of the cerebral artery.  12


Stroke symptoms typically start suddenly, over seconds to minutes following blockage or bleeding.  13 The symptoms
depend on the area of the brain affected.  14 The more extensive the area of brain affected, the more functions are likely
to be impacted.  15

Emergency teams need to evaluate the type of stroke the victim is having and the areas of the brain that are affected by
the stroke. This will help to determine the correct treatments, and with early treatment the extent of permanent damage
can be limited.  16 It is necessary to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms, such as a brain tumour or a drug
reaction which require different treatments.  17

Some patients with ischemic stroke can be treated with a medicine that dissolves the blood clot (i.e. intravenous
thrombolysis with a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator).  18 The earlier intravenous thrombolysis is given, the
greater the chance of a favourable outcome.  19 It is recommended that intravenous thrombolysis is administered as
early as possible, but may be administered up to four-and-a-half hours after the onset of stroke.  20 Streamlining the
acute treatment of stroke with screening tools and hospital pre-notification can increase access to intravenous
thrombolysis – reducing mortality and morbidity from stroke.  21

7 Joshi, B ‘Stroke Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets’ BCC Research (2015) HLC180A, p 7.
8 Deloitte Access Economics ‘The economic impact of stroke in Australia’, National Stroke Foundation (2013), p 1.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 Joshi, B ‘Stroke Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets’ BCC Research (2015) HLC180A, p 7. Note the author has not provided consent for this statement to be included
in this Prospectus.
13 Ibid, p 11.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stroke/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350119
17 Ibid.
18 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare ‘Acute Stroke – the Case for Improvement’. Sydney: ACSQHC, 2016, p 7.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 23


Imaging plays a critical role in evaluating patients suspected of acute stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA),
especially prior to initiating treatment.  22 Over the past few decades, major advances have occurred in stroke imaging
and treatment, including FDA approval of revascularisation therapies for effective treatment of acute ischemic stroke.  23
The primary goal of imaging patients with acute stroke symptoms is to distinguish between haemorrhagic and ischemic
stroke, this will permit commencement of effective treatments, and determine which is the correct treatment and will
ultimately assist outcomes for stroke patients.  24

A wide variety of imaging techniques have become available to assess vascular lesions and brain tissue status in
acute stroke patients.  25 However, the challenge for physicians is to understand the multiple facets of these imaging
techniques, including which imaging techniques to implement and how to optimally use them, given available resources
at their local institution.  26 Important considerations include constraints of time, cost, access to imaging modalities,
preferences of treating physicians, availability of expertise, and availability of endovascular therapy.  27 The choice
of which imaging techniques to employ is impacted by the time urgency for evaluation of patients and the dynamic
changes in the literature on acute stroke imaging and treatment. Ideally, imaging algorithms should incorporate rapid
access to techniques that provide optimal information without delaying treatment.  28


The information relevant to specific disease conditions and the Company’s target markets is historical and not projected
information. This section does not represent any forecast or projection as to future revenue or profitability of the
Company or penetration into markets.

(a) Europe

Stroke is the second most common single cause of death in Europe, accounting for 405,000 deaths (9%) in men and
583,000 (13%) deaths in women each year.  29 Stroke is the second most common single cause of death in women
(137,000 deaths, 10%) and the third most common cause of death in men (183,000 deaths, 7%) in the under 75 age
group.  30 Stroke is, jointly with breast cancer, the most common single cause of death under 65 years in women
(51,000, 7%), and the third most common cause of death in men (90,000, 6%) in the under 65 year age group.  31

Stroke is estimated to cost the EU economy €45 billion a year: around one-fifth of the overall cost of Cardiovascular
Disease (CVD).  32 Of the total cost of stroke in the EU, 44% (€20 billion) is due to direct health care costs, 21% (€9 billion)
to productivity losses and 35% (€16 billion) to the informal care of people with stroke.  33

(b) Australia

In 2015, there were 10,869 stroke fatalities in Australia, accounting for 6.8% of the 159,052 deaths.  34 In 2015-16, there
were 37,300 acute care hospitalisations with a principal diagnosis of stroke, at a rate of 134 per 100,000 population.  35

22 Wintermark et al (2013). Imaging Recommendations for Acute Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack Patients: A Joint Statement by the American Society of Neuroradiology, the
American College of Radiology and the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery. AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 34(11), E117–E127, p 2. http://doi.org/10.3174/ajnr.
A3690 Note the author has not provided consent for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.
23 Ibid.
24 Ibid, p 8.
25 Ibid, p 2.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.
29 Wilkins et al (2017). European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. European Heart Network, p11. Note the author has not provided consent for this statement to be included
in this Prospectus.
30 Ibid, p11,12.
31 Ibid, p12.
32 Ibid, p 180.
33 Ibid.
34 ABS – 3303.0 – Causes of Death, Australia, 2015. Note the author has not provided consent for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.
35 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2018. Australia’s health 2018’. Australia’s health series no. 16. AUS 221. Canberra: AIHW, p 116. Note the author has not provided
consent for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.

24 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


There are various diagnostic imaging modalities and techniques used by clinical professionals, including:  36

(a) ultrasound;
(b) CT;
(c) diagnostic radiology (such as x-ray and mammography);
(d) MRI; and
(e) Nuclear medicine imaging, such as PET.

In Sections 3.6 and 3.7 the Company provides an overview of the medical and diagnostic imaging market for the
Company’s primary target market regions, being Australia and Europe. The Company has focussed on MRI and CT
as the two modalities for which the Company’s technology is most closely related.


The distribution of diagnostic imaging machines around Australia is determined by private providers, based on
commercial considerations, and by the state and territory governments that provide public health services.  37
As at 30 September 2017 there was 348 Medicare eligible MRI machines in Australia.  38 NSW accounts for the highest
number of Medicare eligible MRI machines (122 machines) followed by VIC (82 machines).  39 In 2015-16 there were a total
of 1507 CT machines in Australia, with NSW accounting for the highest proportion of machines (562 machines) and the
NT accounting for the lowest proportion of machines (13 machines).  40

During 2016-17, total imaging services (including the diagnosis and treatment of strokes) provided by MRI and CT
together accounted for 16% of all Medicare Benefits Scheme services by modality.  41 The Commonwealth paid over
$3.4 billion in patient rebates for all medical services provided during the 2016-17 financial year, of which 33 per cent
was paid where an ultrasound was used, followed by 29 percent where a CT was used, 17 per cent for the use of
diagnostic radiology, 13 percent where an MRI was used and 8 per cent where nuclear medicine imaging was used.  42

Figure 1: Percentage Medicare Benefits Scheme benefits by modality 2016 – 17

33% Ultrasound

29% CT

17% Diagnostic Radiology

8% Nuclear medicine imaging (including PET)

13% MRI

Source: Commonwealth of Australia, The Senate Community Affairs References Committee ‘Availability and
accessibility of diagnostic imaging equipment around Australia’ (2018), p 61. Note the author has not
provided consent for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.

36 Commonwealth of Australia, The Senate Community Affairs References Committee ‘Availability and accessibility of diagnostic imaging equipment around Australia’ (2018), p 1.
Note the author has not provided consent for this statement to be included in this Prospectus.
37 Ibid, p 9.
38 Ibid, p 27.
39 Ibid.
40 Ibid, p 89.
41 Ibid, p 60.
42 Ibid, p 61.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 25

Before approving a new medical technology for reimbursement and allocating a reimbursement code, private and
governmental payers analyse clinical and economic data to determine the clinical value and cost-effectiveness of a
product as compared to other available products. Obtaining such a reimbursement code for the Brain Scanner will
be subject to the Company commercialising the Brain Scanner and demonstrating that it has clinical value and cost
effectiveness in comparison to existing diagnostic options.


The total market for medical imaging devices in Europe was US$12.7 billion in 2017.  43 The market for MRI in 2017 was
US$1.4 billion and the market for CT in 2017 was US$1.5 billion.  44


There are competitors with portable brain scanner technologies, with a focus on stroke care, in varying stages of
development. The competitors’ technologies have varying clinical utility and a varying ability to deliver accurate and
reliable diagnostics. Such companies currently developing these technologies include, but are not limited to Cerebrotech
Medical Systems Inc., EMTensor GmbH and Medfield Diagnostics AB. Based on publicly available research papers and
marketing materials, the Company believes the Brain Scanner’s advantage in comparison to its competitors is the Brain
Scanner’s calculation methods, which are capable of generating three-dimensional images of the dielectric properties
of biological tissue in a short time, whilst enabling a traditional central processing unit (CPU) to be used for image
reconstruction and results analysis.


The Company aims to successfully develop and commercialise the Brain Scanner and penetrate, in the first instance, the
Australian and European markets in a manner that responds to the market demand for a portable, safe and cost-effective
imaging device that can be used in situations where existing imaging techniques may be impractical, such as in first
responder, ambulatory or post-operative settings. The achievement of this aim is subject to a number of risks as
summarised in Section 4. This Section 3 does not represent any forecast or projection as to future revenue or profitability
of the Company or penetration into markets. The Company provides this Section 3 as an overview of the prevalence of
stroke in Australia and Europe and the market demand for technology assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of stroke.

43 Laxmi V, ‘Medical Devices: Technologies and global markets’ BCC Research (2018), p 52.
44 Ibid, p 55, 83.

26 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

As with any share investment, there are risks involved. This Section identifies the major areas of risk associated with
an investment in the Company, but should not be taken as an exhaustive list of the potential risk factors to which the
Company and its Shareholders are exposed. Potential investors should read the entire Prospectus and consult their
professional advisers before deciding whether to apply for Shares.

Any investment in the Company under this Prospectus should be considered highly speculative.


(a) Intellectual property risk

The Company relies on laws relating to patents, trade secrets, copyright and trademarks to assist to protect its
proprietary rights. However, there is a risk that unauthorised use or copying of the Company’s software, data, specialised
technology or platforms will occur. If the Company fails to adequately protect its intellectual property rights, competitors
may gain access to its technology which could harm the Company’s businesses.

The core of the EMVT is the subject of multiple patent applications as set out in Section 8. The success of the Company
may depend in part on the Company’s ability to obtain patents (and therefore proprietary rights) without infringing the
proprietary rights of others. There is a risk that the Company will be unable to register or otherwise protect new
intellectual property it develops in the future. The grant and enforceability of patents involves complex legal and
scientific questions and can be uncertain. There can be no assurance that any patents in relation to the EMVT will
afford the Company commercially significant protection of the EMVT, or that competitors will not develop competing
technologies that circumvent such patents. This may materially adversely impact the Company’s revenue, legal
expenses and profitability.

If the Company believes its intellectual property rights have been infringed, it may initiate or otherwise be involved
in litigation against third parties for infringement, or to establish the validity, of the Company’s rights. Any litigation,
whether or not it is successful, could result in significant expense to the Company and divert the efforts of its personnel.
In addition, unauthorised use of the various brands of the Company in counterfeit products or services could not only
result in potential revenue loss, but also have an adverse impact on its brand value and perception of product quality.

(b) Future Intellectual Property Rights

While UniQuest will warrant clear title to the Licensed IP at the time of its assignment to the Company, any claims or
potential claims employees or students of UQ, or other third parties, may have in respect of UQ’s ownership of the
Licensed IP, may affect the Company’s rights to exploit the Licensed IP.

The Company’s Intellectual Property is being developed in conjunction with third parties, including contractors and
researchers employed by UQ. The Company’s access to future Intellectual Property and improvements to future
Intellectual Property developed by third parties depends on contractual relationships between third parties and their
employees and the effective transfer of relevant information and title to inventions or other Intellectual Property from
employees to their employers and then to the Company.

(c) Clinical Testing

The Licensed IP must still undergo further clinical studies and those tests and trials may show that it does not work in a
safe and effective manner. The Company intends to conduct clinical studies of the Licensed IP in the future, but there can
be no guarantee that relevant regulatory agencies such as the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia) or
other regulatory agencies will allow the Company to undertake such trials and/or the development and approval process
may take longer, cost more than expected and may result in the Licensed IP not producing a viable diagnostic product.

(d) CRC Project Funding Agreement and Participant Agreement Risk

As set out in Sections 9.4 and 9.5, the Company has entered into the CRC Project Funding Agreement, pursuant to
which the Company will receive up to $2,600,000 in funds from the Commonwealth and $910,000 from the Project
Participants over a 36-month period. The funding is conditional on the Company meeting the Project Milestones (or
otherwise satisfying the Commonwealth that it is progressing the project in a manner that warrants continued funding)
and is subject to the performance of the Project Participants which are required to make contributions of cash, full time
equivalents or both, assessed at quarterly intervals over the term of the CRC Project Funding Agreement.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 27

In the event that the Company is unable to meet the Project Milestones the Company must satisfy the Commonwealth
that it is progressing the project in a manner that warrants continued funding. In this event, there is a risk the CRC
Project Funding Agreement may be suspended or terminated and that the Company will not have access to the funds
that would otherwise be available under the CRC Project Funding Agreement.

In the event that the Company is not able to obtain the required contributions from the Project Participants the Company
may be required to make good the shortfall otherwise the Commonwealth may reduce the amount of funding.

In the event that the funding under the CRC Project Funding Agreement is reduced, suspended or terminated for any
reason, the Company will be required to reassess its research and development budget and activities. If any funding
is reduced, suspended or terminated, this is likely to require the Company to seek alternative funding arrangements,
however, there can be no assurance that additional funding will be available on acceptable terms to the Company or at all.

In order to satisfy the 31 December 2018 milestone, the Company is required to validate the first prototype for stroke
detection in a clinical study by that date. At present, the Company does not intend to commence clinical trials and
patient recruitment until the second half of 2019. The Company has advised the Commonwealth of this change to the
31 December 2018 milestone and has received preliminary advice from the Commonwealth that a variation to the Project
Milestones will not be required at this stage and the change of date can be confirmed in the Company’s quarterly report
to the Commonwealth. This date change may affect the timing of future Project Milestones and require the Company
to seek variations to these Project Milestones with the Commonwealth at the appropriate time (of which there is no
guarantee the Commonwealth will agree to such variation). To ensure continued funding under the CRC Project Funding
Agreement in such circumstances, the Company must continue to satisfy the Commonwealth that it is progressing the
project in a manner that warrants continued funding.

(e) QBAF and NAFLD Collaboration Agreement

The QBAF Agreement is a grant of $160,000 to UQ to assist with the funding of the NAFLD Project and is subject to the
Company entering into a collaboration agreement with UQ and other NAFLD Project collaborators (NAFLD Collaboration
Agreement) and, subject to finalisation of the terms, providing support to the NAFLD Project in the form of a cash
contribution of $80,000 and an in-kind contribution equal to $10,000 including practical expertise and guidance.

In the event that the Company or other NAFLD Project collaborators do enter into the NAFLD Collaboration Agreement
and meet their respective contributions, there is a risk that the Queensland Government may not continue to make
funding available to UQ to advance the NAFLD Project. Similarly, if the Company does not meet its contribution
requirements under the NAFLD Collaboration Agreement it may be liable to UQ for breaches of warranty.

(f) Product development and commercialisation

To date, the Company has funded its activities through the issue of Shares, payments received from Project Participants
pursuant to the CRC-P Grant and from other government grants. The Company has not completed the development of
any of its devices and does not currently have any commercial agreements to distribute devices or consumables. The
Company’s ability to generate revenues in the future will be subject to a number of factors, including but not limited to:

(i) the Company’s prototypes performing to a level sufficient to warrant commercialisation, and in particular, that the
current and future prototypes of the Brain Scanner are able to produce sufficient signal penetration, image quality
and accuracy within an acceptable operating period;

(ii) the successful completion of product validation and obtaining regulatory clearance for the Brain Scanner;

(iii) the successful development, product validation and regulatory clearance of other products in the EMVT
development pipeline;

(iv) whether the Company is able to conclude commercially acceptable arrangements with third party manufacturers
and distributors;

(v) the success of sales and marketing efforts and adequate market uptake of the Company’s products, including the
Brain Scanner; and

(vi) in the event that any of the products being developed by the Company are commercialised, the ability of the
Company to continue to sell products, will depend on its ability to maintain regulatory compliance, pass regular
audits and respond to any issues that are raised by regulators from time to time.

28 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(g) Competition and new technologies

The industry in which the Company is involved is subject to domestic and global competition which is fast-paced and
fast-changing. While the Company will undertake all reasonable due diligence in its business decisions and operations,
the Company will have no influence or control over the activities or actions of its competitors, whose activities or actions
may positively or negatively affect the operating and financial performance of the Company’s projects and business.
For instance, new technologies could result in the Company not being differentiated to other similar offerings.

The size and financial strength of some of the Company’s competitors may make it difficult for it to maintain a
competitive position in the technology market. In particular, the Company’s ability to acquire additional technology
interests could be adversely affected if it is unable to respond effectively and/or in a timely manner to the strategies
and actions of competitors and potential competitors or the entry of new competitors into the market. This may in turn
impede the financial condition and rate of growth of the Company.

(h) Cost of component parts risk

The development of products embodying the EMVT may be adversely affected by the availability of products,
resources, materials or any variables that may impact on the cost of components for such a product. The price of
components for the Company’s products could also affect any potential profit margins. If there are delays in product
development due to contracted manufacturers or suppliers, it could mean a delay in the release of products which
could have an impact on potential future cash flows.

(i) Sales and marketing success

The Company intends to focus on developing and marketing the Company’s EMVT and its associated technology. By its
nature, there is no guarantee that the Company’s technology development and marketing campaign will be successful.
In the event that it is not, the Company may encounter difficulty creating market awareness and this would likely have
an adverse impact on the Company’s future financial performance.

(j) Technology risk

If the Company’s technology network is compromised for any reason or the Company’s infrastructure and systems prove
insufficient and unable to keep up with evolving technologies or demand for the Company’s services, the Company’s
ability to reliably service its clients and remain competitive may be compromised, which in turn may have an adverse
impact on the Company’s future financial performance.

(k) Personal information collation risk

It is likely that the Company will in the future collect, store and process highly sensitive, highly regulated and confidential
information. The provision of secure and reliable information storage and processing services is integral to the
businesses and operations of the Company.

As the Company has not yet commenced undertaking clinical trials, the Company does not yet have strict policies and
procedures for the collection of data. The Company will need to develop such policies prior to collecting sensitive and
personal data. However, even with such policies in place, if the Company’s systems or data is compromised for any reason
there is a risk that the Company may become involved in legal action due to breaching data confidentiality agreements.

(l) Brand establishment and maintenance

The Company believes that establishing and maintaining the Company’s brand in the industry in which it operates is
critical to growing its customer base and product and service acceptance. This will depend largely on the Company’s
ability to provide innovative and in-demand products and services. If the Company fails to successfully establish and
maintain its brand, its business and operating results could be adversely affected.

(m) New markets

The Company may look to expand its product offerings into new markets. Any efforts to enter a new market space holds
the risk that the product offering does not meet the needs of the market at an acceptable price point, the product does
not meet the relevant regulatory standards and/or that the underlying Intellectual Property is not registerable in the
market. New markets usually cost substantially more to penetrate than a known market.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 29

(n) Future Capital Needs and Additional Funding

The future capital requirements of the Company will depend on many factors, including the pace and magnitude of its
development of its business. The Company believes that its available cash and the net proceeds of the Public Offer will
be adequate to satisfy its anticipated current working capital and other capital requirements for the period of time as set
out in Section 1.6. Should the Company require additional funding, there can be no assurance that additional financing
will be available on acceptable terms or at all. Any inability to obtain additional financing, if required, would have a
material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and results of operations.

(o) Reliance on key personnel and researchers

Success of the business will depend on the Directors, CEO and the management of the Company to develop the
business and manage operations, and on the ability to attract and retain key quality staff and consultants.

The Company has key contributors including chief inventor Professor Amin Abbosh and Professor Stuart Crozier, who
are largely responsible for the research and development of the Brain Scanner and EMVT.

Although chief inventor Professor Amin Abbosh and Professor Stuart Crozier are employees of UQ and Professor Stuart
Crozier is contracted as a consultant to continue the development of the EMVT, as set out in Section 5.3(c), there is
no assurance that such agreements will not be terminated. If such agreements are terminated or breached, or if these
individuals no longer continue in their current roles, new personnel will need to be contracted by the Company or
employed by UQ, which may adversely affect the development of the EMVT.

Because of the complexity of its services and technologies, the Company is also substantially dependent on the
continued service of its existing researchers and development personnel, some of which are employees of UQ. There
is no assurance that these persons will continue to be available to the Company, either as employees of UQ or by other
means. In addition, there is no assurance that these persons will remain healthy and able to continue their current roles.

The Company outsources to consultants for expert advice and contract organisations (including UQ) for research,
clinical and manufacturing services as well as regulatory pathway expertise. There is no guarantee that such experts
or organisations will be available as required or will meet expectations.

(p) Third-party healthcare payer organisations

In both domestic and foreign markets, sales of products are likely to depend in part upon the availability and amounts
of reimbursement from third party healthcare payer organisations, including government agencies such as Medicare,
private healthcare insurers, self-insured employee plans and other healthcare payers such as health maintenance
organisations. In most major markets, there is considerable pressure to reduce the cost of healthcare. No assurance
can be given that the Company will obtain reimbursement by such payors at all, or without substantial delay, or that
reimbursement amounts will be sufficient to enable the Company to sell products developed on a profitable basis.

(q) Completion risk

As set out in Section 9.3, the Company has entered into a Licence Agreement and IP Assignment Deed with UniQuest,
whereby UniQuest licensed and will subsequently assign the Licensed IP to the Company. Under the Licence Agreement
the Company has a sole and exclusive right to commercialise the Licensed IP, but will not be assigned the rights and
title to the Licensed IP unless and until it completes the assignment pursuant to the IP Assignment Deed. There is a
risk that if any of the conditions to completion under the IP Assignment Deed are not satisfied or waived, or any of the
counterparties do not comply with their obligations, completion of the assignment may be deferred, occur in part, or
may not occur at all. In particular, the Company notes that in order for the IP Assignment Deed to complete, UniQuest
must provide evidence to the satisfaction of the Company that UQ’s rights and title to the Licensed IP have been
assigned to UniQuest. If the assignment does not complete, the Company will not obtain the assignment rights and
title to the Licensed IP, but will retain the exclusive license under the License Agreement.

(r) Legal Proceedings

Legal proceedings may arise from time to time in the course of the business of the Company including enforcing or
defending its intellectual property rights against infringement and unauthorised use by competitors or in relation to a
contract dispute. As at the date of this Prospectus, there are no material legal proceedings affecting the Company and
the Directors are not aware of any legal proceedings pending or threatened against or affecting the Company.

30 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


(a) General economic climate

Factors such as inflation, currency fluctuations, interest rates, legislative changes, political decisions and industrial
disruption have an impact on operating costs. The Company’s future income, asset values and share price can be
affected by these.

(b) Risks Associated with the Regulatory Environment

The Company is not assured of receiving all necessary regulatory clearances and approvals to proceed to
commercialisation, and cannot predict with certainty the timelines for such clearances and approvals, or other
requirements that may be imposed by regulatory authorities (e.g. further clinical trials or other requirements to prove
the safety and effectiveness of the EMVT). In addition, future changes to the EMVT which affect its safety or efficacy
may require new regulatory clearance or approvals.

(c) Policies and legislation

Any material adverse changes in government policies or legislation of Australia, or any other country that the Company
has economic interests in, may affect the viability and profitability of the Company.

(d) Enforcement of contracts in foreign jurisdictions

From time to time, as part of its business, the Company may enter into contracts which are to be governed by the laws
of countries other than Australia.

Should a contractual dispute result in court action or should the Company be required to enforce its rights, the
procedure of the courts in the various foreign jurisdictions may be different to those in Australia and the Company may
incur significant costs and resources in enforcing such rights.

(e) Negative publicity may adversely affect the Share price

Any negative publicity or announcement relating to any of the Company’s substantial Shareholders, key personnel or
activities may adversely affect the stock performance of the Company, whether or not this is justifiable. Examples of
such negative publicity or announcements may include involvement in legal or insolvency proceedings, failed attempts
in takeovers, joint ventures or other business transactions.

(f) Liquidity and Dilution Risk

There can be no guarantee that an active market in the Securities will develop or that the price of the Securities will
increase. On completion of the Offers, 34.9% of the issued Shares are anticipated to be subject to escrow with 65.1%
of the issued Shares freely tradable.

Any additional equity financing may be dilutive to Shareholders, may be undertaken at lower prices than the Public Offer
and may involve restrictive covenants which limit the Company’s operations and business strategy. Debt financing, if
available, may involve restrictions on financing and operating activities. The Company may undertake offerings of
securities convertible into Shares in the future. The increase in the number of Shares issued and outstanding and the
possibility of sales of such Shares may have a depressive effect on the price of Shares. In addition, as a result of such
additional Shares, voting power of the Company’s existing Shareholders may be diluted.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 31

(g) Stock market conditions

As with all stock market investments, there are risks associated with an investment in the Company. Share prices may rise
or fall and the price of Shares might trade below or above the Offer Price. Neither the Company nor the Directors warrant
the future performance of the Company or any return on an investment in the Company. Further, the stock market is
prone to price and volume fluctuations. There can be no guarantee that trading prices will be sustained. These factors
may materially affect the market price of the Shares, regardless of the Company’s operational performance.

General factors that may affect the market price of Shares include without limitation; economic conditions in Australia
and internationally, investor sentiment, local and international share market conditions, changes in interest rates and the
rate of inflation, variations in commodity prices, the global security situation and the possibility of terrorist disturbances,
changes to government regulation, policy or legislation, changes which may occur to the taxation of companies as a
result of changes in Australian and foreign taxation laws, changes to the system of dividend imputation in Australia, and
changes in exchange rates.

(h) Foreign Currency and exchange rate risks

The Company currently acquires supplies from international suppliers and may in the future conduct business in other
jurisdictions and is therefore exposed to the effects of changes in currency exchange rates. Unhedged, unfavourable
movements in foreign exchange rates may have an adverse effect on the Company’s revenue and/or cost of operating
and therefore affect the market price of the Shares. The Company’s primary operating currency is the Australian dollar.

(i) Speculative investment

The above list of risk factors ought not to be taken as exhaustive of the risks faced by the Company or by investors in
the Company. The above factors, and others not specifically referred to above, may in the future materially affect the
financial performance of the Company and the value of the Securities offered under this Prospectus.

Therefore, the Securities to be issued pursuant to this Prospectus carry no guarantee with respect to the payment of
dividends, returns of capital or the market value of those Shares.

Potential investors should consider that the investment in the Company is highly speculative and should consult their
professional advisers before deciding whether to apply for Shares pursuant to the Public Offer.

32 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


As at the date of this Prospectus, the Board comprises of:

(a) Mr John Keep – Executive Chairman;

(b) Mr Scott Kirkland – Executive Director;
(c) Mr Tony Keane – Non-Executive Director;
(d) Mr Ryan Laws – Non-Executive Director; and
(e) Mr Geoff Pocock – Non-Executive Director.


The names and details of the Directors in office at the date of this Prospectus are:

(a) Mr John Keep – Executive Chairman

Mr John Keep has extensive public company board experience as well as senior
management experience in the healthcare and hospitality sectors including managing start up
enterprises and medical diagnostic companies. Mr Keep led the successful restructuring and
revitalization of the radiology company Queensland Diagnostic Imaging, Queensland’s leading
private radiology and diagnostic imaging group and at Lemarne Healthcare, a company
specialising in the detection and treatment of skin cancer. Mr Keep is a director of Queensland
Symphony Orchestra Holdings Ltd and a member of that company’s Finance Audit and Risk
Committee. Mr Keep holds a Bachelor Degree (Economics and Financial Studies Major) from
Macquarie University.

Mr Keep leads the development and execution of the Company’s strategy and manages its
research and engineering partnerships.

(b) Mr Scott Kirkland – Executive Director

Mr Scott Kirkland has held several senior sales positions, including Head of Client Sales at
Quantcast, a US-based technology company, prior to founding Kirkland Capital, a private
investment company focused on emerging technologies. Mr Kirkland is a co-founder of the
Company and will oversee its corporate affairs, commercial strategy and business development
efforts. Mr Kirkland has a Bachelor of Arts Informatics degree from the University of Sydney
and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

(c) Mr Tony Keane – Non-Executive Director

Mr Tony Keane is an experienced business and finance executive and holds a number of
independent non-executive director and advisory board roles. Mr Keane also undertakes
finance advisory and consultancy assignments for various business clients and previously
held numerous roles with a major trading bank principally in business, corporate and
institutional banking.

Mr Keane is currently an Independent Non-Executive Director of National Storage Holdings Ltd,

the holding company established for National Storage REIT, the first independent, internally
managed and fully-integrated owner and operator of self-storage centres listed on the ASX,
director of Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd, Queensland’s largest performing arts
company and only professional symphony orchestra and Chairman of Oncore Group Holdings
Pty Ltd, which has various interests in the business services sector in Australia, NZ and the UK.

Mr Keane has a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) degree from University of Adelaide, a

Graduate Diploma in Corporate Finance from Swinburne, is a Fellow of the Financial Services
Institute of Australasia, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 33

(d) Mr Ryan Laws – Non-Executive Director

Mr Ryan Laws has been involved in the establishment, structuring and capital raising for
multiple start-up and early stage companies prior to co-founding the Company. Mr Laws has
been investing for a number of years and has an extensive reach throughout the investing
community including a number of high net worth and sophisticated investors.

Mr Laws is a co-founder of the Company and is a corporate adviser at Mac Equity.

(e) Mr Geoff Pocock – Non-Executive Director

Mr Geoff Pocock has significant experience as a corporate advisor and strategy consultant
advising companies on commercialisation and IP management, business development, mergers
and acquisitions strategy and raising equity capital from private and public equity markets.

Mr Pocock is currently the principal of Polaris Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd, and was formerly
the Managing Director of Hazer Group Ltd (ASX: HZR), an ASX-listed cleantech chemical
engineering company, commercialising a novel low cost and low emission graphite and
hydrogen production process initially developed by the University of Western Australia.

Mr Pocock has a Bachelor of Science with first class honours and a Bachelor of Law from
the University of Western Australia, and has completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied
Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia. Mr Pocock previously spent
several years as a research scientist in the biopharmaceutical industry in Australia and the
United Kingdom.


Other than the Directors, the Company’s Key Management Personnel are as follows:

(a) Dr Ronald Weinberger – Chief Executive Officer

Dr Weinberger has more than 20 years’ experience in medical research, biotechnology and
commercialisation. Dr Weinberger joined Nanosonics in August 2004 and was appointed as
an Executive Director in July 2008 then Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer in
December 2011 with a period as acting CEO from May 2011. From October 2013 to February
2018, Dr Weinberger was President of Technology Development and Commercialisation
and was responsible for the direction of Nanosonics’ technology development and
commercialisation strategy. He is co-inventor of several of Nanosonics’ key technology patents.

(b) Ms Emma Waldon – Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary

Ms Emma Waldon completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Western Australia,

is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand and a
Certificated Member of the Governance Institute of Australia.

Ms Waldon has diverse global corporate advisory, capital markets and corporate governance
experience having held roles in accounting and debt and equity capital markets in Australia and
the United Kingdom. Ms Waldon is currently the company secretary of ASX listed companies
Hazer Group Ltd (ASX:HZR), Parkd Ltd (ASX:PKD) and a number of unlisted companies.

34 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(c) Professor Stuart Crozier – Clinical Development

Co-inventor of the EMVT, Professor Stuart Crozier is also the Director of Biomedical Engineering
at the UQ. Professor Crozier’s advancements in MRI technology have been used in billions of
scans around the world and are now central to 65% of all MRI machines manufactured since
1997. Professor Crozier brings a wealth of experience in developing and commercialising
medical imaging systems.

(d) Mr Robert Tiller – Product Director

Mr Robert Tiller has over 25 years’ experience in medical device product design and
commercialisation. As CEO of Tiller Design, Mr Tiller and his team, in collaboration with
Nanosonics’ R&D team, developed the Trophon EPR device. That device underpinned
Nanosonics’ success, spring boarding the company to a market capitalisation of over
$800 million.


No Director (or entity in which they are a partner or director) has, or has had in the two years before the date of this
Prospectus, any interests in:

(a) the formation or promotion of the Company; or

(b) property acquired or proposed to be acquired by the Company in connection with its formation or promotion of
the Offers; or

(c) the Offers, and

no amounts have been paid or agreed to be paid and no value or other benefit has been given or agreed to be given to:

(a) any Director to induce him or her to become, or to qualify as, a Director; or

(b) any Director of the Company for services which he or she (or an entity in which they are a partner or director) has
provided in connection with the formation or promotion of the Company or the Offers,

except as disclosed in this Prospectus and as follows.


The Directors and their related entities have the following interests in Securities as at the date of this Prospectus:

Director Shares % Options 1

Mr John Keep 1,707,500 5.1% 400,000
Mr Scott Kirkland 3,575,000 10.6% 600,000
Mr Tony Keane 0 0.0% 500,000
Mr Ryan Laws 3,212,500 9.6% 500,000
Mr Geoff Pocock 225,000 0.7% 500,000

1. Comprised of Options issued on the terms and conditions set out in Section 10.3.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 35

Based on the intentions of the Directors at the date of this Prospectus in relation to the Offers, the Directors and their
related entities will have the following interests in Securities on Admission:

Director Shares % Options 1

Mr John Keep 1,807,500 2 3.1% 400,000
Mr Scott Kirkland 3,695,000  3
6.4% 600,000
Mr Tony Keane 100,000  4
0.2% 500,000
Mr Ryan Laws 3,212,500 5.6% 500,000
Mr Geoff Pocock  5
300,000 0.5% 500,000

1. Comprised of Options issued on the terms and conditions set out in Section 10.3.
2. It is Mr John Keep’s intention to subscribe for up to 100,000 Shares under the Public Offer through an associated entity.
3. It is Mr Scott Kirkland’s intention to subscribe for up to 120,000 Shares under the Public Offer.
4. It is Mr Tony Keane’s intention to subscribe for up to 100,000 Shares under the Public Offer.
5. It is Mr Geoff Pocock’s intention to subscribe for up to 75,000 Shares under the Public Offer.


The Directors have received, or accrued, the following remuneration since incorporation of the Company.

Director 1 July 2017 – 31 December 2017 1 January 2018 – present

Mr John Keep  1
$0 $67,334
Mr Scott Kirkland  1
$0 $64,640
Mr Tony Keane  2
$0 $8,212
Mr Ryan Laws  2, 3 and 4
$0 $29,419
Mr Geoff Pocock 2 and 4 $0 $0

1. The Company has entered into executive services agreements with Messrs Kirkland and Keep as set out in Sections 9.2(b) and 9.2(c).
2. The Company has entered into letters of appointment with each of Messrs Keane, Laws and Pocock as set out in Section 9.2(d).
3. Mr Laws has also received fees as an authorised representative of the Lead Manager, Mac Equity, as summarised in Section 9.1.
4. These figures do not include once off success fees of $25,000 payable to each of Messrs Laws and Pocock upon Admission, in respect of work undertaken for the Company
prior to Admission.


The Company has entered into the following related party transactions on arms’ length terms:

(a) executive services agreements with Messrs Scott Kirkland and John Keep as set out in Sections 9.2(b) and 9.2(c);

(b) letters of appointment with each of its non-executive Directors on standard terms as set out in Section 9.2(d);

(c) a contractor services agreement dated 13 March 2018 (Contractor Services Agreement) with Mr Ryan Laws for
corporate communication services provided to the Company, as set out in Section 9.1;

(d) deeds of indemnity, insurance and access with each of its Directors on standard terms as set out in Section 9.10; and

(e) a non-recourse loan with Dr Ron Weinberger in the amount of $160,000, by which Dr Weinberger acquired
1,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.16 as set out in Section 9.2(a). No interest is payable on the Loan and the
Company expects (subject to ASX’s application of the restrictions applicable under the Listing Rules) that all Shares
issued to Dr Weinberger will be subject to ASX restrictions.

The Company has also entered into the Lead Manager Mandate with Mac Equity as set out in Section 9.1. While
Mac Equity is not a related party of the Company, Director Mr Ryan Laws is an authorised representative of Mac Equity.

At the date of this Prospectus, no other material transactions with related parties and Directors’ interests exist that the
Directors are aware of, other than those disclosed in the Prospectus.

36 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


The Company has adopted comprehensive systems of control and accountability as the basis for the administration of
corporate governance. The Board is committed to administering the Company’s policies and procedures with openness
and integrity, pursuing the true spirit of corporate governance commensurate with the Company’s needs.

To the extent applicable, the Company has adopted the 3rd edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s
Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (Recommendations).

In light of the Company’s size and nature, the Board considers that the current Board is a cost effective and practical
method of directing and managing the Company. As the Company’s activities develop in size, nature and scope, the
size of the Board and the implementation of additional corporate governance policies and structures will be reviewed.

The Company’s main corporate governance policies and practices as at the date of this Prospectus are detailed below.
Following Admission, the Company’s full Corporate Governance Plan will be made available in a dedicated corporate
governance information section of the Company’s website at www.emvision.com.au.

(a) Board of Directors

The Board is responsible for the corporate governance of the Company. The Board develops strategies for the Company,
reviews strategic objectives and monitors performance against those objectives. Clearly articulating the division of
responsibilities between the Board and management will help manage expectations and avoid misunderstandings
about their respective roles and accountabilities.

In general, the Board assumes (amongst others) the following responsibilities:

(i) providing leadership and setting the strategic objectives of the Company;

(ii) appointing and when necessary replacing the Executive Directors;

(iii) approving the appointment and when necessary replacement, of other senior executives;

(iv) undertaking appropriate checks before appointing a person, or putting forward to security holders a candidate
for election, as a Director;

(v) overseeing management’s implementation of the Company’s strategic objectives and its performance generally;

(vi) approving operating budgets and major capital expenditure;

(vii) overseeing the integrity of the Company’s accounting and corporate reporting systems including the external audit;

(viii) overseeing the Company’s process for making timely and balanced disclosure of all material information concerning
the Company that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of the
Company’s securities;

(ix) ensuring that the Company has in place an appropriate risk management framework and setting the risk appetite
within which the Board expects management to operate; and

(x) monitoring the effectiveness of the Company’s governance practices.

The Company is committed to ensuring that appropriate checks are undertaken before the appointment of a Director
and has in place written agreements with each Director which detail the terms of their appointment.

(b) Composition of the Board

Election of Board members is substantially the province of the Shareholders in general meeting. The Board currently
consists of the 2 Executive Directors and 3 Non-Executive Directors (2 of whom the Company considers independent).
As the Company’s activities develop in size, nature and scope, the composition of the Board and the implementation of
additional corporate governance policies and structures will be reviewed.

(c) Identification and management of risk

The Board’s collective experience will assist in the identification of the principal risks that may affect the Company’s
business. Key operational risks and their management will be recurring items for deliberation at Board meetings.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 37

(d) Ethical standards

The Board is committed to the establishment and maintenance of appropriate ethical standards.

(e) Independent professional advice

Subject to the Chairman’s approval (not to be unreasonably withheld), the Directors, at the Company’s expense, may
obtain independent professional advice on issues arising in the course of their duties.

(f) Remuneration arrangements

The remuneration of any Executive Director will be decided by the Board, without the affected Executive Director
participating in that decision-making process.

In addition, subject to any necessary Shareholder approval, a Director may be paid fees or other amounts as the Directors
determine where a Director performs special duties or otherwise performs services outside the scope of the ordinary
duties of a Director (e.g. non-cash performance incentives such as options).

Directors are also entitled to be paid reasonable travel and other expenses incurred by them in the course of the
performance of their duties as Directors.

The Board reviews and approves the Company’s remuneration policy in order to ensure that the Company is able
to attract and retain executives and Directors who will create value for Shareholders, having regard to the amount
considered to be commensurate for an entity of the Company’s size and level of activity as well as the relevant
Directors’ time, commitment and responsibility.

The Board is also responsible for reviewing any employee incentive and equity-based plans including the
appropriateness of performance hurdles and total payments proposed.

(g) Securities trading policy

The Board has adopted a policy that sets out the guidelines on the sale and purchase of securities in the Company
by its Key Management Personnel (i.e. Directors and, if applicable, any employees reporting directly to the Executive
Directors). The policy generally provides that the written acknowledgement of the Chairman (or the Board in the case
of the Chairman) must be obtained prior to trading.

(h) Diversity policy

The Board values diversity and recognises the benefits it can bring to the organisation’s ability to achieve its goals.
Accordingly, the Company has set in place a diversity policy. This policy outlines the Company’s diversity objectives
in relation to gender, age, cultural background and ethnicity.

Given the current size of the Company, the Board has determined that the benefits of the initiatives recommended by
the ASX Corporate Governance Council are disproportionate to the costs involved in implementing such strategies
including compliance with the requirement for the Company to set and report against measurable objectives for
achieving gender diversity.

The Board will drive the Company’s diversity strategies on an informal basis and will apply the initiatives contained in its
Diversity Policy to the extent that the Board considers relevant and necessary.

(i) Audit and risk

The Company has a separate audit and risk committee which carries out duties including but not limited to, monitoring
and reviewing any matters of significance affecting financial reporting and compliance, the integrity of the financial
reporting of the Company, the Company’s internal financial control system and risk management systems and the
external audit function.

(j) External audit

The Company in general meetings is responsible for the appointment of the external auditors of the Company, and the
Board from time to time will review the scope, performance and fees of those external auditors.

38 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


Following Admission, the Company will be required to report any departures from the Recommendations in its annual
financial report.

The Company’s departures from the Recommendations as at the date of this Prospectus are detailed in the table below.

Principles and Recommendations (Yes/No) Explanation
Recommendation 1.5 Partially (a) The Company has adopted a Diversity Policy,
A listed entity should: however, given the current size of the Company,
the Board has determined that the benefits of the
(a) have a diversity policy which includes
initiatives recommended by the ASX Corporate
requirements for the board or a relevant
Governance Council are disproportionate to the
committee of the board to set measurable
costs involved in implementing such strategies,
objectives for achieving gender diversity and
including compliance with the requirement for the
to assess annually both the objectives and the
Company to set and report against measurable
entity’s progress in achieving them;
objectives for achieving gender diversity.
(b) disclose that policy or a summary of it; and
The Board will drive the Company’s diversity
(c) disclose as at the end of each reporting period strategies on an informal basis and will apply the
the measurable objectives for achieving gender initiatives contained in its Diversity Policy to the
diversity set by the board or a relevant committee extent that the Board considers relevant and
of the board in accordance with the entity’s necessary.
diversity policy and its progress towards
(b) The Company’s Diversity Policy will be available
achieving them and either:
on the Company’s website following Admission.
(1) the respective proportions of men and
(c) For each reporting period following Admission,
women on the board, in senior executive
the Company will include in the annual report
positions and across the whole organisation
each year relevant information about the
(including how the entity has defined ‘‘senior
Company’s diversity practices to the extent
executive’’ for these purposes); or
required by its Diversity Policy.
(2) if the entity is a ‘‘relevant employer’’ under
the Workplace Gender Equality Act, the
entity’s most recent ‘‘Gender Equality
Indicators’’, as defined in and published
under that Act.
Recommendation 2.4 No The Board has formed the view that, given the size
A majority of the board of a listed entity should be and nature of the business of the Company, the
independent directors. current Board structure is appropriate for the
Company at its current stage of development.
Recommendation 2.5 Partially The Board has formed the view that, given the size
The chair of the board of a listed entity should be an and nature of the business of the Company, and the
independent director and, in particular, should not be knowledge and experience John Keep brings to the
the same person as the CEO of the entity. Company, that John Keep is the most appropriate
person to hold the position of Chairman of the
Company even though he is not independent by
reason of being an Executive Director.
The Chairman is not the same person as the CEO of
the entity.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 39

Principles and Recommendations (Yes/No) Explanation
Recommendation 4.1 Partially The Company has an Audit and Risk Committee
The board of a listed entity should: which comprises Tony Keane (Chair), Geoff Pocock
and John Keep. A majority of these members are
(a) have an audit committee which:
Independent Directors, however John Keep is an
(1) has at least three members, all of whom are Executive Director.
non-executive directors and a majority of
The Audit and Risk Committee’s Charter will be
whom are independent directors; and
available on the Company’s website following
(2) is chaired by an independent director, who Admission.
is not the chair of the board, and disclose:
The Company will report on the meetings and
(i) the charter of the committee; attendance of the Audit and Risk Committee.
(ii) the relevant qualifications and
experience of the members of the
committee; and
(iii) in relation to each reporting period, the
number of times the committee met
throughout the period and the individual
attendances of the members at those
meetings; or
(b) if it does not have an audit committee, disclose
that fact and the processes it employs that
independently verify and safeguard the integrity
of its corporate reporting, including the processes
for the appointment and removal of the external
auditor and the rotation of the audit engagement

40 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


The financial information contained in this Section 6 includes historical and pro forma consolidated financial information
for the financial period ending 30 April 2018. The financial period commenced on the Company’s date of incorporation
11 July 2017.

The financial information in this Section relates to the following statements:

(a) statutory historical statement of profit and loss for the period ended 30 April 2018 (FY18), (Statutory Historical Results);

(b) statutory historical statement of cash flows for FY18 (Statutory Historical Cash Flows); and

(c) statutory historical statement of financial position as at 30 April 2018 (Statutory Historical Statement of
Financial Position),

(referred to in this Section as the Statutory Historical Financial Information).

Information provided in this Section 6 should be read in conjunction with the risk factors outlined in Section 4, and the
other information provided in this Prospectus.


(a) Overview

The statutory consolidated historical financial statements of the Company for FY18 have been audited by BDO East
Coast Partnership.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations
issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and the Corporations Act 2001, as appropriate for for-
profit oriented entities. These financial statements also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

The Statutory Historical Financial Information has been reviewed and reported on by BDO Corporate Finance (East
Coast) Pty Ltd (BDO) as set out in the Independent Limited Assurance Report on Historical Financial Information set
out in Section 7. Investors should note the scope and limitations of the Independent Limited Assurance Report (refer
to Section 7).

(b) Preparation of the Historical and Pro Forma Financial Information

The Statutory Historical Financial Information has been extracted from the audited statutory consolidated financial
statements of the Company for the financial period ending 30 April 2018.

The Pro Forma Historical Financial Information has been prepared for the purpose of inclusion in this Prospectus.
The Pro Forma Historical Statement of Financial Position as at 30 April 2018 is based on the reviewed consolidated
financial statements of the Company at that date adjusted to reflect the impact of the Public Offer and the Lead Manager
Offer and other material transactions post 30 April 2018.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 41



Table 1 below sets out the Statutory Historical Results for the financial period ended 30 April 2018.

Table 1: Statement of profit or loss for the financial period ended 30 April 2018

Grant income 401,000
Other income 45,834
Interest received 15
Administration expenses (92,800)
Employee expenses (103,518)
Research and development costs (655,120)
Finance costs (177)
Loss before income tax expense (404,765)
Income tax expense –
Loss after income tax expense for the period (404,765)



Table 2 below sets out the Statutory Historical Cash Flows for the financial period ended 30 April 2018.

Table 2: Statutory Historical Cash Flows for the financial period ended 30 April 2018

Cash flows from operating activities
Grant income received (inclusive of GST) 421,100
Payments to suppliers and employees (inclusive of GST) (793,611)
Interest received 15
Interest and other finance costs paid (177)
Net cash used in operating activities (372,673)
Cash flows from investing activities
Net cash used in investing activities –
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares 1,697,663
Share issue costs –
Net cash from financing activities 1,697,663
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 1,324,990
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of financial period –
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1,324,990

42 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


Below is a discussion of the main factors which affected the Company’s operations and relative historical financial
performance in the financial period ended 30 April 2018. The discussion of these general factors is intended to provide
a summary only and does not detail all factors that affected the Company’s historical operating and financial performance.

The loss for the Company for the period amounted to $404,765.

During the period the Company had grant income of $401,000 from a Cooperative Research Centre Program (CRCP)
grant and other income of $45,834 being contributions from participants in the CRCP.

Operating expenses during the period principally related to research and development costs associated with the
EMVT, employee expenses, general corporate overheads and costs associated with a proposed listing of the Company
on the ASX.

Operating cash outflows for the period were $372,673. Financing cash inflows for the period were $1,697,663 from the
issue of 31,453,750 Shares in the Company at a range of issue prices.

The Company had a net asset position at 30 April 2018 of $1,719,380. The net asset position included a $480,000
intangible asset being a license in respect of the technology licensed from UniQuest.


(a) Overview

Table 3 below sets out the pro forma adjustments that have been made to the audited Statutory Historical Statement
of Financial Position for the Company at 30 April 2018 in order to prepare the Pro Forma Statement of Financial Position
for the Company. These adjustments (including the $6,000,000 (before costs) raised under the Public Offer, transaction
expenses and other material transactions) reflect the impact of the changes in capital structure that will take place as
part of the Offers under this Prospectus, as if they had occurred or were in place as at 30 April 2018.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 43

Table 3: Statutory Historical Statement of Financial Position and Pro Forma Historical Statement of Financial
Position as at 30 April 2018

Audited Pro forma Pro forma

$’000 30 April 2018 adjustments 30 April 2018
Cash and cash equivalents 1,324,990 5,400,000 6,724,990
Short term investments – – –
Trade and other receivables 65,416 – 65,416
Notes receivable – – –
Inventory – – –
Prepaid expenses – – –
Other current assets – – –
Total current assets 1,390,406 5,400,000 6,790,406

Fixed assets – – –
Long term investments – – –
Goodwill – – –
Intangible assets 480,000 – 480,000
Other assets – 160,000 160,000
Total non–current assets 480,000 160,000 640,000

Total assets 1,870,406 5,560,000 7,430,406

Trade and other payables (151,026) – (151,026)

Current portion of long term debt – – –
Accrued expenses – – –
Other current liabilities – – –
Total current liabilities (151,026) – (151,026)

Long term debt – – –

Other long term liabilities – – –
Total non–current liabilities – – –

Total liabilities (151,026) – (151,026)

Net assets 1,719,380 5,560,000 7,279,380

Common stock 2,124,145 5,746,210 7,870,355
Preferred stock – – –
Reserves – 614,045 614,045
Retained earnings (404,765) (800,255) (1,205,020)
Other stockholder equity – – –
Total equity 1,719,380 5,560,000 7,279,380

44 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(b) Adjustments adopted in compiling the Pro Forma Historical Statement of financial position

The Pro Forma Historical Statement of Financial Position has been adjusted to reflect the following:

(i) Pro forma cash and cash equivalents have been adjusted to reflect the issue of 24,000,000 Shares at $0.25 each
to raise $6,000,000 (before costs), offset by transaction costs of $600,000.

(ii) On 6 July 2018, the Company entered into a $160,000 non-recourse loan agreement with Dr Ron Weinberger
(Chief Executive Officer) to facilitate Dr Weinberger’s purchase of 1,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.16 each
pursuant to his executive services agreement as summarised in Section 9.2(a). No interest is payable on the loan.
These Shares were issued on 17 July 2018 and are part of the 2,125,000 Shares noted below.

(iii) On 17 July 2018, the Company issued 2,125,000 Shares to the directors, executives and contractors of the Company
for no cash consideration.

(iv) On 17 July 2018, the Company issued 5,500,000 Options to directors, executives and contractors of the Company
with an exercise price of $0.35 each and an expiry date of 31 December 2021.

(v) The issue of 2,000,000 Options to the Lead Manager (or its nominees) in part consideration for capital raising
services provided to the Company. These Options will have an exercise price of $0.35 per Option and an expiry
date of 31 December 2021.

(vi) On 25 September 2018, the Company issued 6,000,000 Performance Rights to UniQuest on the terms set out
in Section 9.3. The issue of these Performance Rights does not impact the Pro Forma Historical Statement of
Financial Position.


The Board believes that the funds raised from the Public Offer will provide the Company with sufficient working capital
to achieve its stated objectives as detailed in Sections 1.6 and 2.

The use of further equity funding or Share placements will be considered by the Board where it is appropriate to
accelerate a specific project or strategy.

Based on the intended use of funds detailed in Section 1.6, the amounts raised pursuant to the Public Offer will provide
the Company sufficient funding for only 2 years’ operations. The Company may require further financing in the future.
See Section 4.1(n) for further details about the risks associated with the Company’s future capital requirements.


A summary of key accounting policies which have been adopted in preparation of the Statutory Historical Financial
Information are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the periods presented, unless
otherwise stated.

(a) Basis of preparation

The general-purpose financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards
and Interpretations issued by the AASB and the Corporations Act 2001, as appropriate for for-profit oriented entities.
These financial statements also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the IASB.

(b) Historical cost convention

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for, where applicable,
the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets, financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,
investment properties, certain classes of property, plant and equipment and derivative financial instruments.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 45

(c) Critical accounting estimates

The preparation of the financial statements requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires
management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Company’s accounting policies. The areas
involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to
the financial statements, are disclosed herein.

(d) Foreign currency translation

The financial statements are presented in Australian dollars, which is the Company’s functional and presentation currency.

(e) Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognised when it is probable that the economic benefit will flow to the Company and the revenue can be
reliably measured. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable.

(f) Interest

Interest revenue is recognised as interest accrues using the effective interest method. This is a method of calculating
the amortised cost of a financial asset and allocating the interest income over the relevant period using the effective
interest rate, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the
financial asset to the net carrying amount of the financial asset.

(g) Grant income

The Company receives grant income from the federal government and other non-government participants in the
grant program.

If conditions are attached to a grant which must be satisfied before the Company is eligible to receive the contribution,
recognition of the grant as revenue is deferred until those conditions are satisfied.

Where a grant is received on the condition that specified services are delivered to the grantor, this is considered a
reciprocal transaction. Revenue is recognised as services are performed and at year end a liability is recognised until
the service is delivered.

Revenue from a non-reciprocal grant that is not subject to conditions is recognised when the Company obtains control
of the funds, economic benefits are probable and the amount can be measured reliably. Where a grant may be required
to be repaid if certain conditions are not satisfied, a liability is recognised at year end to the extent that conditions
remain unsatisfied.

(h) Impairment of other tangible and intangible assets

At each reporting date, the Company reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets to determine
whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the
recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). Where the
asset does not generate cash flows that are independent from other assets, the Company estimates the recoverable
amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. Where a reasonable and consistent basis of allocation
can be identified, corporate assets are also allocated to individual cash-generating units, or otherwise they are allocated
to the smallest group of cash-generating units for which a reasonable and consistent allocation basis can be identified.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment
annually and whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired.

Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the
estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current
market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimates of future cash
flows have not been adjusted. If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less
than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (cash generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount.

46 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss immediately, unless the relevant asset is carried at fair value, in which
case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease.

Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (cash-generating unit) is increased to
the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but only to the extent that the increased carrying amount does not exceed
the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset (cash-
generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss immediately, unless the
relevant asset is carried at fair value, in which case the reversal of the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation increase.

(i) Income tax

The income tax expense or benefit for the period is the tax payable on that period’s taxable income based on the
applicable income tax rate for each jurisdiction, adjusted by the changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities attributable
to temporary differences, unused tax losses and the adjustment recognised for prior periods, where applicable.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for temporary differences at the tax rates expected to be applied
when the assets are recovered or liabilities are settled, based on those tax rates that are enacted or substantively
enacted, except for:

(i) When the deferred income tax asset or liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or an asset or liability
in a transaction that is not a business combination and that, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the
accounting nor taxable profits; or
(ii) When the taxable temporary difference is associated with interests in subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures, and
the timing of the reversal can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the
foreseeable future.

Deferred tax assets are recognised for deductible temporary differences and unused tax losses only if it is probable
that future taxable amounts will be available to utilise those temporary differences and losses.

The carrying amount of recognised and unrecognised deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date.
Deferred tax assets recognised are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that future taxable profits will be
available for the carrying amount to be recovered. Previously unrecognised deferred tax assets are recognised to the
extent that it is probable that there are future taxable profits available to recover the asset.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset only where there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets
against current tax liabilities and deferred tax assets against deferred tax liabilities; and they relate to the same taxable
authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend to settle simultaneously.

(j) Current and non-current classification

Assets and liabilities are presented in the statement of financial position based on current and non-current classification.

An asset is classified as current when: it is either expected to be realised or intended to be sold or consumed in normal
operating cycle; it is held primarily for the purpose of trading; it is expected to be realised within 12 months after the
reporting period; or the asset is cash or cash equivalent unless restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a
liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period. All other assets are classified as non-current.

A liability is classified as current when: it is either expected to be settled in normal operating cycle; it is held primarily
for the purpose of trading; it is due to be settled within 12 months after the reporting period; or there is no unconditional
right to defer the settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period. All other liabilities are
classified as non-current.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are always classified as non-current.

(k) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand, deposits held at call with financial institutions, other short-term,
highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts
of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. For the statement of cash flows presentation
purposes, cash and cash equivalents also includes bank overdrafts, which are shown within borrowings in current
liabilities on the statement of financial position.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 47

(l) Trade and other payables

These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Company prior to the end of the financial
period and which are unpaid. Due to their short-term nature they are measured at amortised cost and are not
discounted. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition.

(m) Employee benefits

(i) Short-term employee benefits

Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits, annual leave and long service leave expected to
be settled within 12 months of the reporting date are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities
are settled.

(ii) Defined contribution superannuation expense

Contributions to defined contribution superannuation plans are expensed in the period in which they are incurred.

(iii) Share-based payments

The Company provides benefits in the form of share-based payments, whereby persons render services in exchange
for shares or rights over shares (‘equity settled transactions’). The Company does not provide cash settled share-based

The cost of equity-settled transactions are measured at fair value on grant date. Fair value is independently determined
using an option pricing model that takes into account the exercise price, the term of the option, the impact of dilution,
the share price at grant date and expected price volatility of the underlying share, the expected dividend yield and the
risk free interest rate for the term of the option, together with non-vesting conditions that do not determine whether the
Company receives the services that entitle the employees to receive payment. No account is taken of any other vesting

The cost of equity-settled transactions are recognised as an expense with a corresponding increase in equity over
the period in which the service conditions are fulfilled, ending on the date on which the relevant persons become fully
entitled to the award (the ‘vesting period’). The cumulative charge to profit or loss is calculated based on the grant date
fair value of the award, the best estimate of the number of awards that are likely to vest and the expired portion of the
vesting period. The amount recognised in profit or loss for the period is the cumulative amount calculated at each
reporting date less amounts already recognised in previous periods.

All changes in the liability are recognised in profit or loss. Market conditions are taken into consideration in determining
fair value. Therefore any awards subject to market conditions are considered to vest irrespective of whether or not that
market condition has been met, provided all other conditions are satisfied.

If equity-settled awards are modified, as a minimum an expense is recognised as if the modification has not been made.
An additional expense is recognised, over the remaining vesting period, for any modification that increases the total fair
value of the share-based compensation benefit as at the date of modification.

If the non-vesting condition is within the control of the Company or employee, the failure to satisfy the condition is
treated as a cancellation. If the condition is not within the control of the Company or employee and is not satisfied
during the vesting period, any remaining expense for the award is recognised over the remaining vesting period,
unless the award is forfeited.

If equity-settled awards are cancelled, it is treated as if it has vested on the date of cancellation, and any remaining
expense is recognised immediately. If a new replacement award is substituted for the cancelled award, the cancelled
and new award is treated as if they were a modification.

(n) Issued capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity.

Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of
tax, from the proceeds.

48 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(o) Goods and Services Tax (GST) and other similar taxes

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of associated GST, unless the GST incurred is not
recoverable from the tax authority. In this case it is recognised as part of the cost of the acquisition of the asset or as
part of the expense.

Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of the amount of GST receivable or payable. The amount of GST
recoverable from the tax authority is included in other receivables and the amount of GST payable to the tax authority
is included in other payables in the statement of financial position.

Cash flows are presented on a gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing or financing
activities which are recoverable from, or payable to the tax authority, are presented as operating cash flows.

Commitments and contingencies are disclosed net of the amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the tax authority.

(p) Research and development

Research costs are expensed in the period in which they are incurred.

Development costs are capitalised when it is probable that the project will be a success considering its commercial
and technical feasibility; the Company is able to use or sell the asset; the Company has sufficient resources; and intent
to complete the development and its costs can be measured reliably. Capitalised development costs are amortised on
a straight-line basis over the period of their expected benefit.

(q) New Accounting Standards and Interpretations not yet mandatory or early adopted

A number of Australian Accounting Standards have been issued or amended but are not yet effective. None are
considered relevant to the Company.

(r) Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts in the financial statements. Management continually evaluates its judgements and estimates
in relation to assets, liabilities, contingent liabilities, revenue and expenses. Management bases its judgements,
estimates and assumptions on historical experience and on other various factors, including expectations of future
events, management believes to be reasonable under the circumstances. The resulting accounting judgements and
estimates will seldom equal the related actual results. The judgements, estimates and assumptions that have a significant
risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities (refer to the respective notes) within
the next financial year are discussed below.

(i) Impairment of intangibles

The Company assesses impairment at the end of each reporting period by evaluating conditions and events specific
to the Company that may be indicative of impairment triggers. Recoverable amounts of relevant assets are reassessed
using calculations which incorporate various key assumptions. All intangible assets are accounted for using the cost
model whereby costs are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The Company has yet to
ascribe an estimated useful life of the intangibles as the patents are provisional and the technology subject to research
and development before being available to be commercialised. Residual values and useful lives are reviewed at each
reporting date. In addition, they are subject to impairment testing.

(ii) Share-based payment transactions

The Company measures the cost of equity-settled transactions with employees by reference to the fair value of the
equity instruments at the date at which they are granted. The fair value is determined by using either the Binomial or
Black-Scholes model taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the instruments were granted. The
accounting estimates and assumptions relating to equity-settled share-based payments would have no impact on the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next annual reporting period but may impact profit or loss and equity.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 49


Tel: +61 2 9251 4100 Level 11, 1 Margaret St

Fax: +61 2 9240 9821 Sydney NSW 2000
www.bdo.com.au Australia

The Directors
EMvision Medical Devices Limited
Suite 7, 29 The Avenue
Nedlands WA 6009, Australia

11 October 2018

Dear Directors


BDO Corporate Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd (BDO) has been engaged by EMvision Medical Devices
Limited (EMvision or the Company) to prepare this Independent Limited Assurance Report (Report) in
relation to certain financial information of EMvision, for the Initial Public Offer of fully paid ordinary
shares (Shares) in the Company, for inclusion in a prospectus proposed to be issued in October 2018
Unless stated otherwise in this Report, expressions defined in the Prospectus have the same meaning in
this Report.
This Report has been prepared for inclusion in the Prospectus. We disclaim any assumption of
responsibility for any reliance on this Report or on the Financial Information to which it relates for any
purpose other than that for which it was prepared.


Statutory historical financial information

This Report relates to the following Financial Information as set out in Section 6 of the Prospectus:
• statutory historical statement of profit and loss for the period ended 30 April 2018 (FY18),
(Statutory Historical Results);
• statutory historical statement of cash flows for FY18 (Statutory Historical Cash Flows); and
• statutory historical statement of financial position as at 30 April 2018 (Statutory Historical
Statement of Financial Position),
(together, the Statutory Historical Financial Information).
You have engaged BDO to review the Statutory Historical Financial Information of EMvision (listed
above) included in the Prospectus.
The Statutory Historical Financial Information has been prepared in accordance with the stated basis of
preparation, being the recognition and measurement principles contained in Australian Accounting
Standards and the company’s adopted accounting policies. The Statutory Historical Financial
Information has been extracted from the interim financial report of EMvision for the period ended 30

BDO Corporate Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd ABN 70 050 038 170 AFS Licence No. 247420 is a member of a national association of independent entities
which are all members of BDO Australia Ltd ABN 77 050 110 275, an Australian company limited by guarantee. BDO Corporate Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd
and BDO Australia Ltd are members of BDO International Ltd, a UK company limited by guarantee, and form part of the international BDO network of
independent member firms. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation, other than for the acts or omissions of
financial services licensees.

50 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

April 2018, which was audited by BDO East Coast Partnership Pty Ltd in accordance with the Australian
Auditing Standards.

BDO East Coast Partnership Pty Ltd issued an unmodified opinion on the financial report for the period
to 30 April 2018. The audit opinion contains an explanatory paragraph stating the financial statements
have been prepared assuming EMvision will continue as a going concern. BDO East Coast Partnership Pty
Ltd noted that the Company’s loss from continuing operations since inception and negative cash flows
from operations raise material uncertainty about EMvision’s ability to continue as a going concern.
The Statutory Historical Financial Information is presented in the Prospectus in an abbreviated form,
insofar as it does not include all of the presentation and disclosures required by Australian Accounting
Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements applicable to general purpose
financial reports prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001.


Pro Forma historical financial information
You have engaged BDO to review the following pro forma financial information included in the
• Pro forma historical statement of financial position as at 30 April 2018 (Pro Forma Historical
Statement of Financial Position).
(Pro Forma Historical Financial Information)
The Pro Forma Historical Financial Information has been derived from the Statutory Historical Financial
Information of EMvision, after adjusting for the effects of pro forma adjustments described in section 6
of the Prospectus. The stated basis of preparation is the recognition and measurement principles
contained in Australian Accounting Standards applied to the historical financial information and the
event(s) or transaction(s) to which the pro forma adjustments relate, as described in section 6 of the
Prospectus, as if those event(s) or transaction(s) had occurred as at the date of the historical financial
information. Due to its nature, the Pro Forma Historical Financial Information does not represent the
company’s actual or prospective financial position, financial performance, and cash flows.

Directors’ Responsibility
The directors of EMvision are responsible for the preparation of the Statutory Historical Financial
Information and Pro Forma Historical Financial Information, including the selection and determination
of pro forma adjustments made to the historical financial information and included in the Pro Forma
Historical Financial Information. This includes responsibility for such internal controls as the directors
determine are necessary to enable the preparation of the Statutory Historical Financial Information
and Pro Forma Historical Financial Information that are free from material misstatement, whether due
to fraud or error.

Our Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion on the Statutory Historical Financial
Information and Pro Forma Historical Financial Information based on the procedures performed and the
evidence we have obtained. We have conducted our engagement in accordance with the Standard on
Assurance Engagement ASAE 3450 Assurance Engagements involving Corporate Fundraisings and/or
Prospective Financial Information.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 51

A review consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope
than an audit conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and consequently does not
enable us to obtain reasonable assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that
might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Our engagement did not involve updating or re-issuing any previously issued audit or review report on
any financial information used as a source of the financial information.
Review statement on the Historical and Pro Forma Financial Information
Based on our review, which is not an audit, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the Statutory Historical Financial Information and Pro Forma Historical Financial Information for
the period ended 30 April 2018 are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with
the stated basis of preparation, as described in section 6 of the Prospectus.

Apart from the matters dealt with in this Report, and having regard to the scope of this Report and the
information provided by the Directors, to the best of our knowledge and belief no material transaction
or event outside of the ordinary business of EMvision not described in the Prospectus, has come to our
attention that would require comment on, or adjustment to, the information referred to in our Report
or that would cause such information to be misleading or deceptive.

BDO is a member of BDO International Ltd. BDO does not have any interest in the outcome of the
Prospectus other than in connection with the preparation of this Report and participation in due
diligence procedures, for which professional fees will be received. BDO performs the audit of the
closed end funds managed by EMvision for which normal professional fees are received.


This Report has been prepared, and included in the Prospectus, to provide investors with general
information only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any
specific investor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and potential investors
should not make specific investment decisions in reliance on the information contained in this Report.
Before acting or relying on any information, potential investors should consider whether it is
appropriate for their objectives, financial situation or needs.
Without modifying our conclusions, we draw attention to section 6 of the Prospectus, which describes
the purpose of the financial information, being for inclusion in the Prospectus. As a result, the financial
information may not be suitable for use for another purpose.
BDO has consented to the inclusion of this Report in the Prospectus in the form and context in which it
is included. At the date of this Report this consent has not been withdrawn. However, BDO has not
authorised the issue of the Prospectus. Accordingly, BDO makes no representation regarding, and takes
no responsibility for, any other statements or material in or omissions from the Prospectus.

52 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Our Financial Services Guide follows this Report. This guide is designed to assist retail clients in their
use of any general financial product advice in our Report.

Yours faithfully


Sebastian Stevens

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 53

Appendix 1:
This Financial Services Guide is issued in relation to an independent limited assurance report (ILAR) prepared by BDO Corporate Finance
(East Coast) Pty Ltd (ABN 70 050 038 170) (BDO) at the request of the Directors of EMvision Medical Devices Ltd (EMvision).

in relation to the transaction.

The ILAR is intended to accompany the prospectus proposed to be Remuneration or other benefits received by our employees
issued by EMvision in October 2018 (Prospectus).
All our employees receive a salary. Employees may be eligible for
Financial Services Guide bonuses based on overall productivity and contribution to the
BDO holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (License No: operation of BDO or related entities but any bonuses are not
247420) (Licence). As a result of our ILAR being provided to you BDO directly connected with any assignment and in particular are not
is required to issue to you, as a retail client, a Financial Services directly related to the engagement for which our ILAR was
Guide (FSG). The FSG includes information on the use of general provided.
financial product advice and is issued so as to comply with our Referrals
obligations as holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence.
BDO does not pay commissions or provide any other benefits to any
Financial services BDO is licensed to provide parties or person for referring customers to us in connection with
The Licence authorises BDO to provide reports for the purposes of the reports that BDO is licensed to provide.
acting for and on behalf of clients in relation to proposed or actual Associations and relationships
mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, corporate restructures or share
issues, to carry on a financial services business to provide general BDO is the licensed corporate finance arm of BDO East Coast
financial product advice for securities and certain derivatives Partnership, Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers. The
(limited to old law securities, options contracts and warrants) to directors of BDO may also be partners in BDO East Coast
retail and wholesale clients. Partnership, Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers.
BDO provides financial product advice by virtue of an engagement to BDO East Coast Partnership, Chartered Accountants and Business
issue the ILAR in connection with the issue of securities of another Advisers is comprised of a number of related entities that provide
person. audit, accounting, tax and financial advisory services to a wide
range of clients.
Our ILAR includes a description of the circumstances of our
engagement and identifies the party who has engaged us. You have BDO’s contact details are as set out on our letterhead.
not engaged us directly but will be provided with a copy of our ILAR
(as a retail client) because of your connection with the matters on
BDO is unaware of any matter or circumstance that would preclude
which our ILAR has been issued.
it from preparing the ILAR on the grounds of independence under
Our ILAR is provided on our own behalf as an Australian Financial regulatory or professional requirements. In particular, BDO has had
Services Licensee authorised to provide the financial product advice regard to the provisions of applicable pronouncements and other
contained in the ILAR. guidance statements relating to professional independence issued
by Australian professional accounting bodies and Australian
General financial product advice Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
BDO Corporate Finance does not accept instructions from retail Complaints resolution
clients. BDO Corporate Finance provides no financial services directly
to retail clients and receives no remuneration from retail clients for As the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence, we are
financial services. BDO Corporate Finance does not provide personal required to have a system for handling complaints from persons to
retail financial product advice to retail investors nor does it provide whom we provide financial product advice. All complaints must be
market-related advice to retail investors. in writing, addressed to The Complaints Officer, BDO Corporate
Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd, Level 11, 1 Margaret Street, Sydney
We provide general advice by virtue of an engagement to issue a NSW 2000.
report in connection with a financial product of another person. Our
report will include a description of the circumstances of our On receipt of a written complaint we will record the complaint,
engagement and identify the person who has engaged us. acknowledge receipt of the complaint and seek to resolve the
complaint as soon as practical. If we cannot reach a satisfactory
In our report we provide general financial product advice, not resolution, you can raise your concerns with the Financial
personal financial product advice, because it has been prepared Ombudsman Service Limited (FOS). FOS is an independent body
without taking into account your personal objectives, financial established to provide advice and assistance in helping resolve
situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of this complaints relating to the financial services industry. BDO is a
general advice having regard to your own objectives, financial member of FOS. FOS may be contacted directly via the details set
situation and needs before you act on the advice. Where the advice out below.
relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a financial
product, you should also obtain a product disclosure statement
relating to the product and consider that statement before making Financial Ombudsman Service Limited
any decision about whether to acquire the product. GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Benefits that BDO may receive Toll free: 1300 78 08 08
Email: [email protected]
BDO will receive a fee based on the time spent in the preparation of
the ILAR in the amount of approximately $20,000 (plus GST and
disbursements). BDO will not receive any fee contingent upon the
outcome of the proposed transaction, and accordingly, does not have
any pecuniary or other interests that could reasonably be regarded
as being capable of affecting its ability to give an unbiased opinion

54 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus



EMvision Medical Devices Limited

Dr Brendan Peachey

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 55

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018


9 October 2018

The Directors
Emvision Medical Devices Limited
Level 10, 12 Creek Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Dear Sirs

This Report has been prepared for inclusion in a Prospectus required for lodgement at the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission for the purpose of raising funds through the
issue of securities.


1.0 Executive Summary

Section 2.0 briefly sets out the background of the EMvision Medical Devices Limited (ACN 620
388 230) of Level 10, 12 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, (hereinafter ‘Emvision’) intellectual
property portfolio and the basis of the summary of the patent applications and patents given in
this report.

Section 3.0 describes the families of patents and patent applications that will be assigned to
Emvision upon the satisfaction of certain conditions precedent as set out below in section 4.0.

Section 4.0 explains the proprietorship of the relevant applications in the patent portfolio.

Sections 5.0 and 6.0 provide general comments on patent procedures and protection.

Section 7.0 addresses Emvision know-how.

56 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

2.0 Background

Emvision has exclusive rights to commercialise a portfolio of Australian and International patent
applications and trade secrets and know-how associated with such patents.

This Report has been prepared by Wrays. The status summary of patents and patent
applications provided in this Report is correct to the best of our knowledge at the date of this

3.0 The Emvision Patent Portfolio

3.1 Background

The information in this Report is current as at 28 September 2018.

This Report summarises the status of patents and patent applications. In compiling this Report,
the filing particulars have been confirmed and the current status ascertained. The patents and
patent applications set out in this Section are currently in force, although they are subject to the
payment of periodic (mainly annual) fees in order to maintain them in force.

3.2 Emvision Patent Families

3.2.1 Patent Family 1 : An Improved Computational Electromagnetic Process and


International Patent Application PCT/AU2017/050568

Applicant: The University of Queensland*
Filing Date: 7 June 2017
Listed Inventors: Abbosh, Amin; Afsari, Arman
Priority Date: 7 June 2016 (AU2016902221)
8 March 2017 (AU2017900803)

3.2.2 Patent Family 2 : A Tomographic Imaging System and Process

International Patent Application PCT/AU2018/050425

Applicant: The University of Queensland*

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 57

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

Filing Date: 9 May 2018

Listed Inventors: Abbosh, Amin; Zamani, Ali; Afsari, Arman
Priority Date: 8 June 2017 (AU2017902192)

3.2.3 Patent Family 3 : Wearable Antenna Assembly for Electromagnetic Head Imaging

Australian Provisional Patent Application 2018903275

Applicant: The University of Queensland*
Filing Date: 4 September 2018
Listed Inventors: Not yet listed

3.2.4 Patent Family 4 : System and Process for Electromagnetic Medical Imaging

Australian Provisional Patent Application 2018903284

Applicant: The University of Queensland*
Filing Date: 4 September 2018
Listed Inventors: Not yet listed

3.2.5 Patent Family 5 : Beamography System and Process for Electromagnetic Medical

Australian Provisional Patent Application 2018903285

Applicant: The University of Queensland*
Filing Date: 4 September 2018
Listed Inventors: Not yet listed

*see information under the heading ‘Proprietorship’ for further details

4.0 Proprietorship

4.1 Assignment of Patent Families

Each of the Patent Families listed above will be assigned in two steps:

58 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

 Step 1: The University of Queensland (the current proprietor, subject to our comments
on Entitlement in section 4.2 below) to Uniquest Pty Ltd (an interim proprietor)
(Assignment Step 1);

 Step 2: Uniquest Pty Ltd to Emvision (Assignment Step 2).

Assignment Step 2 will occur upon satisfaction or waiver of the following conditions precedent
(Conditions Precedent):

(a) Emvision receiving from the ASX a conditional admission letter that it will be
admitted to the official list of the ASX subject to the satisfaction of various conditions
as specified by the ASX and, either:

i. Emvision confirming that it has received valid subscriptions under its capital
raising for not less than 20,000,000 shares at an issue price of no less than
$0.25 to raise not less than $5,000,000; or

ii. the admission of Emvision to a similarly recognised financial market and

Emvision receiving valid subscriptions for a capital raising of at least $5
million; and

(b) Uniquest Pty Ltd providing evidence to Emvision’s satisfaction that The University
of Queensland has assigned its rights and title in the Patent Families to Uniquest
Pty Ltd (i.e. evidence that Assignment Step 1 is complete).

As part of the legal assignment giving effect to Assignment Step 2 which will be executed by
Uniquest Pty Ltd and Emvision, Uniquest has agreed to give a warranty to Emvision, as at the
date of execution of the assignment, that Uniquest has obtained an assignment of the Patent
Families (and other related intellectual property) from The University of Queensland and all
contributors involved in the creation of the inventions the subject of the Patent Families.

In effect, this means that upon execution of the assignment for Assignment Step 2, Uniquest
promises that it will be able to give good title in the Patent Families to Emvision.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 59

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

4.2 Entitlement

A patent for an invention may only be granted to the inventor(s) or to a person who has
entitlement to the invention by way of assignment, employment contract or other means.

Patent Families 1 to 5 inclusive were filed in the name of The University of Queensland. Each
of these Patent Families will be assigned to Emvision as per section 4.1 above.

As part of the legal assignment giving effect to Assignment Step 2, Uniquest is required to
provide Emvision with a list of contributors/inventors to the Patent Families together with a
warranty that it will obtain all necessary assignments from those contributors/inventors in order
to give Emvision good title to the Patent Families (and other related intellectual property) under
the assignment.

5.0 Patent Protection and the Requirements for Patentability

Patent rights constitute an important component of intellectual property, and provide protection
for new, non-obvious and useful inventions for a limited period. Patents may be granted in
respect of new or improved products, compositions and processes in almost all areas of current
scientific, commercial and industrial activities, including pharmaceuticals.

Patent rights are essentially national rather than trans-national and a patent must be obtained
in each country where protection of an invention is required. A fundamental requirement of the
patent system is that the invention be ‘new’ at the time of lodging a patent application.
Newness in this sense is judged in relation to what was publicly known or used at the date of
the application. Another requirement is for a distinct inventive advance over what was
previously known. This means that valid patent protection cannot be obtained for trivial or
obvious developments.

Pursuant to the Paris Convention, the filing of an initial patent application in, for example,
Australia establishes a priority date for the invention in Australia and all other countries that are
a party to this Convention, including countries such as the United States, Canada, New
Zealand, Europe and Japan.

The usual steps towards obtaining a patent in Australia and other countries in respect of an
invention begin by filing of an application accompanied by a provisional specification. The filing

60 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

of a provisional application establishes the priority date in respect of the invention disclosed in
the provisional specification.

Within twelve months from the date of the filing of the provisional application, a complete
application must be lodged otherwise the provisional application, which remains pending for
only one year, ceases to exist, along with the priority date set thereby. Thus, if no application
is filed within one year of the provisional application, the priority date is no longer valid. Within
the one year pendency of the provisional application, in order to obtain protection in other
countries, the applicant may file separate national patent applications in each of the countries
in which protection is required. Alternatively, the applicant may file a single International
application under the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (generally referred to as a
‘PCT’ application or an ‘International’ application) in which it is possible to designate countries
or regions in which protection is required. The International application itself does not mature
into a worldwide patent, but at the end of the international phase, steps can be taken to file the
application into any or all of the countries or regions designated in the original International

Regional patent applications, such as a European regional application, may also be filed. A
European application may designate any or all countries that are a party to the European Patent
Convention. A European patent application may also be extended to certain other jurisdictions
including those that are not full signatories to the European Patent Convention. The European
patent application is processed centrally and in a single language and, if ultimately successful,
can mature into a granted European patent, which must then be validated in each country in
which protection is sought, some of which require translation into that country’s native
language. The term ‘European patent’ thus actually constitutes a bundle of national patent
rights, each of which can be enforced separately through national Courts.

In Australia and most other countries, patent rights may be kept in force for a period of 20 years
from the date of filing of the complete application on which the patent is granted, and while the
patent is in force the owner has the exclusive right to exploit the invention.

6.0 Potential Limitation of Patent Protection

In most countries, a patent application is subjected to examination for novelty (and

obviousness) before a patent is granted. There can be no assurance that each of the patent
applications set out in Section 3.0 will result in the grant of a patent, or that the scope of

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 61

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

protection provided by any granted patent will be identical to the scope of the application as
originally filed. Furthermore, the scope of protection provided by a granted patent in one
jurisdiction may differ from that provided by a granted patent in another jurisdiction, due to
differences in examination and scope of available protection.

It should be noted that the grant of a patent does not guarantee validity of that patent since it
may be revoked on the grounds of invalidity at any time during its life. If none of the claims of
a granted patent are valid then the patent is unenforceable. For example, relevant prior
disclosures may be discovered that were not raised during examination, which may limit the
scope of patent protection sought, perhaps to a very narrow field.

Further, it should also be noted that the granting of a patent does not guarantee that the
patentee has freedom to operate the invention claimed in the patent. It may be that working of
a patented invention is prevented by the existence of another patent.

7.0 Emvision Trade Secrets and Know-How

Emvision, though its own efforts and through subcontracted services agreements and research
partnerships, undertakes considerable research and development activity. This activity gives
rise to a pool of knowledge, some of which may provide a basis for formalised protection (such
as patents) and some of which is retained confidentially for internal use to aid subsequent
development activities (such as trade secrets and confidential know-how). That is, in our
opinion, Emvision has a degree of know-how and trade secrets that extends beyond the
formalised protection described above. Further, in addition to the above, it is our understanding
that Emvision takes steps to ensure the documentation of know-how and prevent leakage of
IP through a combination of:

 Taking active steps within the organisation to ensure that trade secrets and know-how
are treated and managed as highly confidential information;
 Maintaining a database to document, record and manage the storage, transfer and
release of trade secrets and know-how;
 Incorporating confidentiality clauses into employment agreements to ensure the
information stays within Emvision;
 Entering into confidentiality agreements with potential collaborators, partners and other
third parties prior to any disclosure of detailed technical information.

62 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

Upon satisfaction or waiver of the Conditions Precedent, Uniquest has also agreed to assign
to Emvision certain know-how and technical information (including any calculations and
algorithms) related to:
(a) the Patent Families;
(b) developments, updates, enhancements, improvements, variations, modifications,
derivations or adaptations, to, for or of, the Patent Families (Improvements), including
any new or parallel applications or uses of the Patent Families or the Improvements;
(c) any hardware, software, articles or devices which can be used to exploit the Patent
Families or the Improvements; and
(d) any intellectual property rights in or relating to any product, kit, apparatus, substance,
documentation or information resource (or any part of such materials) which applies or
is made according to all or any part of the Patent Families or the know-how and
technical information listed above.

8.0 Disclaimer and Limitations

The Report is not to be construed as a legal opinion as to the registrability of patent

applications. It should also be appreciated that the Report is not a validity opinion. No
conclusions on validity based on the Report should be made. Moreover, the Report does not
provide any guarantee that the subject inventions may be commercially exploited without risk
of infringement of earlier patents.

The searches conducted for this Report and the results of which are in part relied upon in this
Report, have been substantially computer based and as such, would have been limited in
terms of the time periods and the geographical areas covered. All searches are subject to the
accuracy and scope of the records searched as well as to the indexing and classification of
those records. Moreover, any search strategy will inevitably involve some compromise
between scope and cost.

8.1 Patent Disclaimer

It should be noted that our search results are largely dependent upon the accuracy with which
the patent office databases have been established and maintained. Note that this search
cannot be taken as an indication as to whether the invention(s) infringe any patents or patent
applications in force in Australia or in any other country. An infringement search in respect of
Australia would require an exhaustive search of Australian Patent Office records, and an

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 63

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

infringement search for any other country would require a similar search of that country’s patent

Limitations Due to Unpublished Documents

Further please note that the search results are limited to patents and patent applications that
have been published, i.e. are open to public inspection. This normally occurs 18 months after
the original priority application has been filed with the Patent Office. The United States is an
exception where certain older patent applications are not published until grant, which typically
occurs between two to four years from the U.S. filing date. There may also be delays between
official publication and the implementation of information onto the relevant databases. It is
therefore possible that applications relevant to Emvision have been filed but not yet published,
in which case such applications would not have been located by our search.

Examination Reports in One Country Not Binding In Other Countries

In most countries, patent applications undergo an independent search and examination by the
local Patent Office, the results of which are not binding in other jurisdictions. Similarly,
international PCT search and examination reports are not binding on national patent
applications during subsequent examination in the national phase. Such reports should
therefore be regarded as indicative only and not determinative of patentability. It should also
be appreciated that the grant of a patent in one country provides no guarantee that patents will
grant in other jurisdictions.

Scope of Claims May Vary during Examination

It is often necessary during the examination of a patent application to define the invention more
specifically by amendment of the claims, so as to distinguish relevant prior art. As a result of
this process, there may be variations in the claims between countries, reflecting in part the
different examination procedures and threshold requirements for patentability, according to
national laws. Whilst this is a relatively standard procedure, in certain circumstances, such
amendments may affect the scope and hence the commercial significance of the resultant
patent protection.

Grant of Patent Provide No Guarantee of Validity

A granted patent provides no guarantee of validity. In most jurisdictions, a patent application
undergoes a substantive examination process before proceeding to grant which confers an
initial presumption of validity. However, the validity of a patent may be challenged at any time
after grant, by way of revocation proceedings filed in a Court of competent jurisdiction.

64 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Intellectual Property 9 October, 2018

Grant of Patent Provides No Guarantee of Non-Infringement

The grant of a patent provides no guarantee that the patentee is entitled to commercially exploit
the patented invention, since the working of an invention, even if validly patented, may infringe
an earlier patent or other intellectual property rights.

9.0 Statement of Independence

Wrays, established in 1920, is Western Australia’s largest patent and trade mark attorney
practice, proudly representing a significant number of Western Australia’s largest businesses,
in addition to numerous international and multinational clients. Neither Wrays nor any of its
partners has any entitlement to any securities in Emvision, or has any other interest in the
promotion of Emvision. Furthermore, the payment of fees to Wrays for the preparation of this
Report is not contingent upon the outcome of the Prospectus.

We have given our consent to the issue of the Prospectus with this report appearing therein.


EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 65

The Directors consider that certain contracts entered into by the Company are material to the Company or are of such a
nature that an investor may wish to have particulars of them when making an assessment of whether to apply for Shares
under the Public Offer. The provisions of such material contracts are summarised in this Section.


On 25 October 2017, the Company entered into a mandate to appoint Mac Equity as Lead Manager to the Public Offer
which was amended by letters on 28 March 2018 and 5 June 2018 (Lead Manager Mandate). Pursuant to the Lead
Manager Mandate, Mac Equity will provide lead manager and corporate advisory services in connection with the
marketing of, and undertaking of, the Public Offer.

Pursuant to the Lead Manager Mandate, the Company will pay Mac Equity the following fees:

(a) (Seed Capital Raise): 6.0% on the total amount raised under the Company’s previous seed capital raise of $870,200
at $0.16 per Share (which has already been paid);

(b) (Public Offer): 6.0% on the total amount raised under the Public Offer;

(c) (Founder Shares): 750,000 Shares (which have already been issued);

(d) (Lead Manager Options): 2,000,000 Options on the terms and conditions set out in Section 10.3; and

(e) (Corporate Advisory) following Admission, the Company will retain Mac Equity for a monthly fee of $5,000 (plus
GST) for a 12-month period for the provision of corporate advisory services.

The Lead Manager Mandate contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature.

Mr Ryan Laws, a Director of the Company, is an authorised representative, and is not a director or employee of, the Lead
Manager. Mr Laws has, or will, receive the following fees in connection with services provided to the Company by the
Lead Manager:

(a) $27,518 (plus GST) in relation to the seed capital raise (which has already been paid);

(b) a maximum amount of up to $180,000 (plus GST) comprising part of the Lead Manager’s 6% fee in relation to the
Public Offer; and

(c) $3,500 (plus GST) of the Lead Manager’s monthly corporate advisory fee.

As at the date of this Prospectus, the Company has also paid Mr Laws a sum of $29,419 (plus GST) pursuant to the
Contractor Services Agreement for corporate communication services provided to the Company. The Contractor
Services Agreement will terminate on either party providing the other with 14 days’ written notice. Mr Laws intends
to terminate the Contractor Services Agreement on Admission.

See Section 9.2(d) for details relating to the terms of Mr Laws’ director engagement with the Company.

66 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


(a) Executive Services Agreement – Dr Ronald Weinberger

The Company entered into an executive services agreement with Dr Ron Weinberger (Weinberger Agreement) on
28 May 2018 (Commencement Date) pursuant to which he is engaged as a full-time employee and serves the Company
as the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the overall management and supervision of the activities, operations and
affairs of the Company, subject to the overall control and direction of the Board (Services).

The remuneration payable to Dr Weinberger for the Services is $260,000 per annum (inclusive of superannuation)
(RW Base Salary) and will accrue from the Commencement Date. In addition, the Company has issued Dr Weinberger
with 1,000,000 Shares (at $0.16 per Share by way of a non-recourse loan provided on standard terms to the value of
$160,000) and 1,000,000 Options pursuant to the Plan which are subject to certain vesting conditions and otherwise on
the terms set out in Section 10.3. The Options will be escrowed for a period of 24 months in accordance with Listing Rules.

The Board may, in its absolute discretion, invite Dr Weinberger to participate in bonus and/or other incentive schemes
that the Company may implement from time to time, subject to Shareholder approval.

In the event of a change of control, Dr Weinberger will receive a bonus payment equal to 12 months of the RW Base Salary.

The Weinberger Agreement is for an indefinite term, continuing until terminated by either the Company or Dr Weinberger
giving not less than 6 months’ written notice of termination to the other party (or shorter period in limited circumstances).

Dr Weinberger is also subject to restrictions in relation to the use of confidential information during and after his
employment with the Company ceases and being directly or indirectly involved in a competing business during the
continuance of his employment with the Company and for a period of 12 months after his employment with the Company
ceases, on terms which are otherwise considered standard for agreements of this nature.

The Weinberger Agreement contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature.

(b) Executive Services Agreement – Mr Scott Kirkland

The Company has entered into an executive services agreement with Mr Scott Kirkland (Kirkland Agreement) pursuant
to which he is engaged as a full-time employee and serves the Company as the Executive Director of Corporate Affairs
responsible for overseeing all aspects of business development, including; corporate communications, marketing and
product commercialisation (Services).

Prior to listing, Mr Kirkland is paid an annual fee of $72,000 (exclusive of GST). Subsequent to listing on the ASX, the
remuneration payable to Mr Kirkland for the Services is $205,000 per annum (exclusive of superannuation) (SK Base
Salary). In addition, the Company has issued Mr Kirkland with 600,000 Options (for nil consideration) pursuant to the
EMvision Employee Securities Incentive Plan (Plan), some of which are subject to certain vesting conditions as set out
in Section 10.3(c). The Options will be escrowed for a period of 24 months in accordance with Listing Rules.

The Board may, in its absolute discretion, invite Mr Kirkland to participate in bonus and/or other incentive schemes that
the Company may implement from time to time, subject to Shareholder approval.

In the event of a change of control, Mr Kirkland will receive a bonus payment equal to 12 months of the SK Base Salary.

The Kirkland Agreement commenced on 12 July 2018 and is for an indefinite term, continuing until terminated by either
the Company or Mr Kirkland giving not less than 3 months’ written notice of termination to the other party (or shorter
period in limited circumstances).

Mr Kirkland is also subject to restrictions in relation to the use of confidential information during and after his employment
with the Company ceases and being directly or indirectly involved in a competing business during the continuance of
his employment with the Company and for a period of 12 months after his employment with the Company ceases, on
terms which are otherwise considered standard for agreements of this nature.

The Kirkland Agreement contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 67

(c) Executive Services Agreement – Mr John Keep

The Company has entered into an executive services agreement with Mr John Keep (Keep Agreement) pursuant to
which he is engaged as a full-time employee and serves the Company as Executive Chairman responsible for assuming
leadership and direction of the Board and working in conjunction with the CEO to develop the Company’s research and
business strategy (Services).

Prior to listing, Mr Keep is paid an annual fee of $75,000 (exclusive of GST). Subsequent to listing on the ASX, the
remuneration payable to Mr Keep for the Services is $95,000 per annum (exclusive of superannuation). In addition, the
Company has issued Mr Keep with 400,000 Options pursuant to the Plan, some of which are subject to certain vesting
conditions and terms as set out in Section 10.3. The Options will be escrowed for a period of 24 months in accordance
with Listing Rules.

The Board may, in its absolute discretion, invite Mr Keep to participate in bonus and/or other incentive schemes that the
Company may implement from time to time, subject to Shareholder approval.

The Keep Agreement commenced on 12 July 2018 and is for an indefinite term, continuing until terminated by either the
Company or Mr Keep giving not less than 3 months’ written notice of termination to the other party (or shorter period in
limited circumstances).

Mr Keep is also subject to restrictions in relation to the use of confidential information during and after his employment
with the Company ceases and being directly or indirectly involved in a competing business during the continuance of
his employment with the Company and for a period of 12 months after his employment with the Company ceases, on
terms which are otherwise considered standard for agreements of this nature.

The Keep Agreement contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature.

(d) Non-Executive Director Agreements – Messrs Geoff Pocock, Ryan Laws and Tony Keane

The Company has entered into separate non-executive director letter agreements with Messrs Pocock, Laws and Keane.

Pursuant to these letter agreements, the Company has agreed to pay Messrs Pocock and Laws (on and from
Admission) and Mr Keane (effective from his appointment date) each a director’s fee of $25,000 (plus applicable GST or
superannuation) per year for services provided to the Company as Non-Executive Directors and issue 500,000 Options
each which are subject to certain vesting conditions and terms set out in Section 10.3. In addition, Messrs Pocock and
Keane will each receive an additional director’s fee of $5,000 (plus superannuation) per year whilst serving as Chair of
the Remuneration & Nomination Committee and Audit & Risk Committee respectively.

The appointment of Mr Geoff Pocock was effective from 1 March 2018, Mr Ryan Laws from 11 July 2017 and Mr Tony Keane
from 29 June 2018 and may be terminated by advising the Board in writing of their resignation.

Pursuant to their respective letter agreements, Messrs Laws and Pocock will each be paid a once off success fee of
$25,000 upon Admission, in respect of work undertaken for the Company prior to Admission.

68 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(e) Executive Services Agreement – Mr Stuart Crozier

The Company entered into an executive services agreement (Crozier Agreement) with Mr Stuart Crozier on
21 September 2017 as amended on 4 July 2018 pursuant to which Mr Crozier is engaged as Research and Clinical
Development Executive consultant (Engagement).

Mr Crozier will be responsible, for giving advice to the board, in conjunction with the CEO and the research team, for
the following:

(i) overseeing the development of the Company’s proprietary technology;

(ii) managing the Company’s clinical development activities; and

(iii) assisting the Company’s business and commercialisation plan with respect to clinical validation and regulatory

Pursuant to the Crozier Agreement, the Company has issued 1,000,000 Shares, and 500,000 Options. The Options
are subject to certain vesting conditions and terms as set out in Section 10.3.

The Engagement will end on 31 December 2019 or as otherwise agreed unless terminated earlier by either party
providing the other with 3 month’s written notice.

Mr Crozier is also subject to restrictions in relation to the use of confidential information during and after his Engagement
with the Company ceases and being directly or indirectly involved in a competing business during the continuance of
his Engagement with the Company and for a period of 12 months after his Engagement with the Company ceases, on
terms which are otherwise considered standard for agreements of this nature.

(f) Executive Services Agreement – Robert Tiller

The Company entered into an executive services agreement with Mr Robert Tiller (Tiller Agreement) on 1 May 2018
pursuant to which Mr Tiller is engaged as the Director of Product Development.

Mr Tiller will be responsible for the oversight and leadership of the design, development and manufacture of the
Company’s products to meet commercial, clinical, quality and regulatory compliance.

Prior to Admission, the Company will pay Mr Tiller fees of $75,000 per annum (including superannuation) and following
Admission, Mr Tiller will receive $220,000 per annum (including superannuation). Pursuant to the Tiller Agreement,
the Company has also issued 300,000 Shares for nil issue price, and 400,000 Options to Mr Tiller, with each Option
exercisable at $0.35 on or before 31 December 2021 and subject to certain vesting conditions and terms as set out in
Section 10.3.

The Tiller Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party providing the other with 3 month’s written notice,
or without notice upon a material breach of the Tiller Agreement.

Mr Tiller is also subject to restrictions in relation to the use of confidential information during and after his employment
with the Company ceases and being directly or indirectly involved in a competing business during the continuance of
his employment with the Company and for a period of 6 months after his employment with the Company ceases, on
terms which are otherwise considered standard for agreements of this nature.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 69

(g) Company Secretary and Financial Controller Agreement

The Company entered into a contractor services agreement dated 2 October 2018 with the Company Secretary,
Ms Emma Waldon (Waldon Agreement) for the provision of company secretarial and chief financial officer services.
Prior to Admission, the Company will pay Ms Waldon a monthly fee of $5,000 (plus GST) and on and from Admission,
a monthly fee of $9,000 (plus GST).

The Company has also issued Ms Waldon 800,000 Options pursuant to the Plan, with each Option exercisable at
$0.35 expiring on 31 December 2021 and otherwise on the terms set out in Section 10.3.

The Waldon Agreement may be terminated by either party on the provision of 1 months’ written notice to the other party,
or without notice upon a material breach of the Waldon Agreement.

Ms Waldon is subject to restrictions in relation to the non-solicitation of any of the Company’s Key Management
Personnel or any of their related entities for a period of 12 months after her employment with the Company ceases.
The Waldon Agreement is otherwise on terms which are considered standard for agreements of this nature.


UniQuest is a commercialising entity that manages the Intellectual Property of UQ, and accordingly, UQ has granted the
sole and exclusive global rights in Intellectual Property the subject of the Licence Agreement (Licensed IP) to UniQuest.
The Company executed the Licence Agreement with UniQuest for the sole and exclusive global right to develop and
commercialise the Licensed IP in relation to the whole body of human and animal subjects. In consideration for the
Licence Agreement, the Company:

(a) issued 6,000,000 Shares to UniQuest;

(b) issued 6,000,000 Performance Rights to UniQuest on the terms set out in Section 10.4; and

(c) agrees to pay UniQuest a royalty of:

(i) 3.5% on net sales by the Company;

(ii) 10% on any net consideration received by the Company in return for a grant of a sub-licence of the Licensed IP
or under any settlement for infringement of the Licensed IP; and

(iii) once the Company obtains regulatory approval for a Licensed Product in Australia, North America or Europe,
and worldwide commercial sales of 20 units of a Licensed Product, the Company will be required to pay
$20,000 annually until all the last of the patent rights comprising the Licensed IP expires,
(together, the Royalty).

The Licence Agreement, also contains the IP Assignment Deed by which UniQuest assigns all rights and title in the
Licensed IP to the Company. The assignment of the Licensed IP is subject to the following conditions precedent:

(a) the Company receiving a conditional admission letter from ASX which sets out, among other things, that the
Company will be admitted to the official list of the ASX, subject to the satisfaction of various conditions as specified
by the ASX;

(b) UniQuest providing evidence to the satisfaction of the Company that UQ has assigned its rights and title in the
Licensed IP to UniQuest; and

(c) the Licensee confirming that it has received valid subscriptions under its capital raising for not less than 20,000,000
Shares to raise not less than $5,000,000; or

(d) the admission of the Company to a similarly recognised financial market and the Company receiving valid
subscriptions for a capital raising of at least $5,000,000.

In consideration for the IP Assignment Deed, the Company will pay nominal consideration of $10 to UniQuest. Effective
from the date of the IP Assignment Deed, the Licence Agreement will terminate, save for the dispute resolution
provisions and the Company’s ongoing obligations in respect of the Royalty and the Performance Rights.

70 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


On 21 December 2017 the Company entered into the CRC Project Funding Agreement (CRC-P60941) with the
Commonwealth’s Department of Industry Innovation and Science, pursuant to subsection 34(1) of the Industry Research
and Development Act 1986 (Cth).

Under the CRC Project Funding Agreement, the Commonwealth will provide up to $2,600,000 by way of quarterly
instalments over a 36-month period. The Company has received $801,000 of this funding as at the date of this Prospectus.

The payment of the instalments is conditional on the occurrence of the Company meeting certain performance
milestones and obtaining contributions from the Company’s project participants, being UQ, GE Healthcare Australia
Pty Ltd (GE Healthcare) and PA Hospital (together, Project Participants) in a timely manner (Participant Contributions).

The Company is obliged to contribute $2,179,914 in cash over the life of the CRC-P project. As part of the Participants
Agreement, it is expected that a large portion of the Company’s cash contribution will be spent with UQ in research and
development for the proposed development of the portable brain scanner. The Company has paid $264,940 of these
cash contributions as at the date of this Prospectus.

The milestones include the:

(a) (Feasibility Trial): validation of the first prototype for stroke detection in a clinical study by 31 December 2018;

(b) (Pivotal Trial): validation for the second prototype for stroke detection in a clinical study by 31 December 2019;

(c) building a miniaturised clinical prototype by 5 December 2020; and

(d) completion of the project by 5 December 2020.

(together, the Project Milestones).

In order to satisfy the 31 December 2018 milestone, the Company is required to validate the first prototype for stroke
detection in a clinical study by that date. At present, the Company does not intend to commence clinical trials and
patient recruitment until the second half of 2019, but has made progress in terms of advancing relevant algorithms,
establishing its quality management system and progress towards obtaining ethics clearances for clinical trials.
Based on prior dealings under the CRC Project Funding Agreement, in order to continue to receive funding from
the Commonwealth in lieu of missing a milestone, the Company will be required to provide a progress report to the
satisfaction of the Commonwealth, which the Company intends to provide prior to the deadline. The Company has
advised the Commonwealth of this change to the 31 December 2018 milestone and has received preliminary advice
from the Commonwealth that a variation to the Project Milestones will not be required at this stage and the change of
date can be confirmed in the Company’s quarterly report to the Commonwealth.

This date change may affect the timing of future Project Milestones and require the Company to seek variations to these
Project Milestones with the Commonwealth at the appropriate time (of which there is no guarantee the Commonwealth
will agree to such variation). To ensure continued funding under the CRC Project Funding Agreement in such
circumstances, the Company must continue to satisfy the Commonwealth that it is progressing the project in a manner
that warrants continued funding.

The Commonwealth may terminate the project or reduce the scope of the project by notice and may terminate the
project immediately in a number of events, including upon breaches the CRC Project Funding Agreement or in the event
the Company is unable to obtain Participant Contributions.

Any intellectual property created under the CRC Project Funding Agreement will vest with the Company, save for any
third-party rights to the relevant intellectual property.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 71


On 4 April 2018, the Company entered into a Participants Agreement with UQ, GE Healthcare Australia and PA Hospital
for the purpose of carrying out the portable brain scanner project.

The project will take the prototypes through clinical trials to validate the safety, efficacy and patient benefit. The clinical
trials are a crucial step in delivering the device to the market to improve patient outcomes after stroke or traumatic
brain injury.

Under the Participants Agreement, over the 36-month period covered by the CRC Project Funding Agreement, the
Project Participants and the Company will contribute the following cash, full time equivalent value and non-staff in
kind contributions:

Type Company Participants Total

Cash 2,179,914 910,000 3,089,914
Full time equivalent value 1,250,000 850,000 2,100,000
Non-Staff In kind 500,000 2,665,759 3,165,759
Total contribution 3,929,914 4,425,759 8,355,673

The contributions will be made in respect of the Project Milestones. As at the date of this Prospectus, the Participants
have paid $91,667 (plus GST) in cash contributions and the Company has contributed $264,940.

The Company may terminate the agreement by notice in the event the Commonwealth terminates the CRC Project
Funding Agreement or in the event that it reasonably believes the project is no longer viable.


The State of Queensland acting through the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and
Planning (Department) has established the Queensland Biomedical Assistance Fund to provide funding for qualified
researchers to undertake evidence-based research in a Queensland university or research institution, which research
is aligned to the Department’s research priorities.

UQ has signed the QBAF Agreement with the Department governing the terms and conditions on which funding of
$160,000 will be provided by the Department to UQ to be applied to the NAFLD Project. In order for UQ to receive
funds under the QBAF Agreement, the Company must enter into the NAFLD Collaboration Agreement with UQ and
other project collaborators. The NAFLD Collaboration Agreement has not been executed at the time of issuing this
Prospectus, however, the Company expects this to occur shortly after Admission.

The NAFLD Collaboration Agreement will set out the obligations of the NAFLD Project collaborators, which includes
the Company. Under the NAFLD Collaboration Agreement, the Company will retain the rights to its Intellectual Property
and Intellectual Property created during the NAFLD Project.

Under the NAFLD Collaboration Agreement, the Company is likely to be required to make four cash contributions of
$20,000 and an in-kind contribution of $10,000, as a condition of UQ obtaining funding under the QBAF Agreement.

72 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


The Company entered into a services agreement with Tiller Design Pty Limited (Tiller Design) on 9 July 2018 to
provide design data and fabricated prototypes for the Company’s clinical trials and support the research team
(Tiller Design Agreement).

Subject to actual costs of the development and production of the prototype, it is estimated that costs (excluding
prototype hardware costs and general expenses) for the design and development of the prototypes up to December
2019 will be approximately $1,093,000 (exclusive of GST). The Tiller Design Agreement is invoiced on a monthly basis
and may be terminated at any time, with all fees payable to Tiller Design up to and including the current month and the
next full month post-termination.

On full satisfaction of payment of fees owed pursuant to the Tiller Design Agreement, all industrial and intellectual
property rights which are created or arise from services provided by Tiller Design will automatically be assigned to the
Company. As set out in section 9.2(f), the Company has appointed Mr Robert Tiller as Director of Product Development.
Whilst Mr Tiller is a related party of Tiller Design, he is not considered to be a related party of the Company.

The Tiller Design Agreement contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature.


The Company entered into a clinical trial services agreement with Mobius Medical Pty Ltd (Mobius), a contract research
organisation, on 7 December 2017 pursuant to which Mobius will provide consultancy services in connection with the
Company’s clinical trials (Services) (Mobius Agreement).

The Mobius Agreement will terminate on 31 December 2020 unless terminated earlier by the parties providing written
notice to the other party at any time that no project is outstanding, or where there is an ongoing project, by providing
30 days’ written notice. Subject to the actual costs of the clinical trial, it is estimated that the Company will pay Mobius
a fee of approximately $152,515 (inclusive of GST).

The Mobius Agreement contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature, including an
acknowledgement by Mobius that any Intellectual Property that arises from the provision of the Services remains the
exclusive property of the Company.


The Company entered into a services agreement with Spring Sydney Pty Limited (Spring) on 2 July 2018 pursuant to
which Spring will provide investor and media engagement services (Services) (Spring Services Agreement).
Prior to Admission, Spring will be paid a fee of $5,000 per month (exclusive of GST) in part consideration for the
performance of Services. Subsequent to listing on the ASX, Spring will be paid a fee of $8,000 per month (exclusive
of GST). In addition, the Company has issued Spring (or its nominees) 200,000 Options exercisable at $0.35 each,
expiring 31 December 2021 and otherwise on the terms and vesting conditions set out in Section 8.3.

The Spring Services Agreement can be terminated by either party providing four weeks’ written notice to the other
party. The Spring Services Agreement contains additional provisions considered standard for agreements of this nature.


The Company is party to a deed of indemnity, insurance and access with each of the Directors and the Company
Secretary. Under these deeds, the Company indemnifies each Director and the Company Secretary to the extent
permitted by law against any liability arising as a result of the Director or officer acting as a director or officer of the
Company. The Company is also required to maintain insurance policies for the benefit of the relevant Director or officer
and must allow the Directors and officers to inspect board papers in certain circumstances. The deeds are considered
standard for documents of this nature.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 73


A summary of the rights attaching to the Shares is detailed below. This summary is qualified by the full terms of the
Constitution (a full copy of the Constitution is available from the Company on request free of charge) and does not
purport to be exhaustive or to constitute a definitive statement of the rights and liabilities of Shareholders. These rights
and liabilities can involve complex questions of law arising from an interaction of the Constitution with statutory and
common law requirements. For a Shareholder to obtain a definitive assessment of the rights and liabilities which attach
to the Shares in any specific circumstances, the Shareholder should seek legal advice.

(a) (Ranking of Shares): At the date of this Prospectus, all Shares are of the same class and rank equally in all respects.
Specifically, the Shares issued pursuant to this Prospectus will rank equally with existing Shares.

(b) (Voting rights): Subject to any rights or restrictions, at general meetings:

(i) every Shareholder present and entitled to vote may vote in person or by attorney, proxy or representative;

(ii) has one vote on a show of hands; and

(iii) has one vote for every Share held, upon a poll.

(c) (Dividend rights): Shareholders will be entitled to dividends, distributed among members in proportion to the
capital paid up, from the date of payment. No dividend carries interest against the Company and the declaration
of Directors as to the amount to be distributed is conclusive.

Shareholders may be paid interim dividends or bonuses at the discretion of the Directors. The Company must not
pay a dividend unless the Company’s assets exceed its liabilities immediately before the dividend is declared and
the excess is sufficient for the payment of the dividend.

(d) (Variation of rights): The rights attaching to the Shares may only be varied by the consent in writing of the holders
of three-quarters of the Shares, or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a general meeting.

(e) (Transfer of Shares): Shares can be transferred upon delivery of a proper instrument of transfer to the Company or
by a transfer in accordance with the ASX Settlement Operating Rules. The instrument of transfer must be in writing,
in the approved form, and signed by the transferor and the transferee. Until the transferee has been registered, the
transferor is deemed to remain the holder, even after signing the instrument of transfer.

In some circumstances, the Directors may refuse to register a transfer if upon registration the transferee will hold
less than a marketable parcel. The Board may refuse to register a transfer of Shares upon which the Company has
a lien.

(f) (General meetings): Shareholders are entitled to be present in person, or by proxy, attorney or representative to
attend and vote at general meetings of the Company.

The Directors may convene a general meeting at their discretion. General meetings shall also be convened on
requisition as provided for by the Corporations Act.

(g) (Unmarketable parcels): The Company’s Constitution provides for the sale of unmarketable parcels subject to any
applicable laws and provided a notice is given to the minority Shareholders stating that the Company intends to sell
their relevant Shares unless an exemption notice is received by a specified date.

(h) (Rights on winding up): If the Company is wound up, the liquidator may with the sanction of special resolution,
divide the assets of the Company amongst members as the liquidator sees fit. If the assets are insufficient to repay
the whole of the paid up capital of members, they will be distributed in such a way that the losses borne by
members are in proportion to the capital paid up.

74 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


The Company’s Employee Securities Incentive Plan (Plan) was adopted by the Board on 24 May 2018. The full terms
of the Plan may be inspected at the registered office of the Company during normal business hours. A summary of the
terms of the Plan is set out below:

(a) Eligible Participant

Eligible Participant means a person that:

(i) is an ‘’eligible participant’’ (as that term is defined in ASIC Class Order 14/1000) in relation to the Company or an
Associated Body Corporate (as that term is defined in ASIC Class Order 14/1000); and

(ii) has been determined by the Board to be eligible to participate in the Plan from time to time.

(b) Purpose

The purpose of the Plan is to:

(i) assist in the reward, retention and motivation of Eligible Participants;

(ii) link the reward of Eligible Participants to Shareholder value creation; and

(iii) align the interests of Eligible Participants with shareholders of the Group (being the Company and each of its
Associated Bodies Corporate), by providing an opportunity to Eligible Participants to receive an equity interest in
the Company in the form of Securities.

(c) Plan administration

The Plan will be administered by the Board. The Board may exercise any power or discretion conferred on it by the
Plan rules in its sole and absolute discretion. The Board may delegate its powers and discretion.

(d) Eligibility, invitation and application

(i) The Board may from time to time determine that an Eligible Participant may participate in the Plan and make an
invitation to that Eligible Participant to apply for Securities on such terms and conditions as the Board decides.

(ii) On receipt of an Invitation, an Eligible Participant may apply for the Securities the subject of the invitation by sending
a completed application form to the Company. The Board may accept an application from an Eligible Participant in
whole or in part.

(iii) If an Eligible Participant is permitted in the invitation, the Eligible Participant may, by notice in writing to the Board,
nominate a party in whose favour the Eligible Participant wishes to renounce the invitation.

(e) Grant of Securities

The Company will, to the extent that it has accepted a duly completed application, grant the Participant the relevant
number of Securities, subject to the terms and conditions set out in the invitation, the Plan rules and any ancillary
documentation required.

(f) Terms of Convertible Securities

Each ‘Convertible Security’ represents a right to acquire one or more Shares (for example, under an option or
performance right), subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan.

Prior to a Convertible Security being exercised a Participant does not have any interest (legal, equitable or otherwise)
in any Share the subject of the Convertible Security by virtue of holding the Convertible Security. A Participant may not
sell, assign, transfer, grant a security interest over or otherwise deal with a Convertible Security that has been granted
to them. A Participant must not enter into any arrangement for the purpose of hedging their economic exposure to a
Convertible Security that has been granted to them.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 75

(g) Vesting of Convertible Securities

Any vesting conditions applicable to the grant of Convertible Securities will be described in the invitation. If all the
vesting conditions are satisfied and/or otherwise waived by the Board, a vesting notice will be sent to the Participant by
the Company informing them that the relevant Convertible Securities have vested. Unless and until the vesting notice is
issued by the Company, the Convertible Securities will not be considered to have vested. For the avoidance of doubt, if
the vesting conditions relevant to a Convertible Security are not satisfied and/or otherwise waived by the Board, that
Convertible Security will lapse.

(h) Exercise of Convertible Securities and cashless exercise

To exercise a Convertible Security, the Participant must deliver a signed notice of exercise and, subject to a cashless
exercise of Convertible Securities (see below), pay the exercise price (if any) to or as directed by the Company, at any
time prior to the earlier of any date specified in the vesting notice and the expiry date as set out in the invitation.

An invitation may specify that at the time of exercise of the Convertible Securities, the Participant may elect not to
be required to provide payment of the exercise price for the number of Convertible Securities specified in a notice of
exercise, but that on exercise of those Convertible Securities the Company will transfer or issue to the Participant that
number of Shares equal in value to the positive difference between the Market Value of the Shares at the time of
exercise and the exercise price that would otherwise be payable to exercise those Convertible Securities.

Market Value means, at any given date, the volume weighted average price per Share traded on the ASX over the
5 trading days immediately preceding that given date, unless otherwise specified in an invitation.

A Convertible Security may not be exercised unless and until that Convertible Security has vested in accordance with
the Plan rules, or such earlier date as set out in the Plan rules.

(i) Delivery of Shares on exercise of Convertible Securities

As soon as practicable after the valid exercise of a Convertible Security by a Participant, the Company will issue or
cause to be transferred to that Participant the number of Shares to which the Participant is entitled under the Plan rules
and issue a substitute certificate for any remaining unexercised Convertible Securities held by that Participant.

(j) Forfeiture of Convertible Securities

Where a Participant who holds Convertible Securities ceases to be an Eligible Participant or becomes insolvent, all
unvested Convertible Securities will automatically be forfeited by the Participant, unless the Board otherwise
determines in its discretion to permit some or all of the Convertible Securities to vest.

Where the Board determines that a Participant has acted fraudulently or dishonestly, or wilfully breached his or her
duties to the Group, the Board may in its discretion deem all unvested Convertible Securities held by that Participant
to have been forfeited.

Unless the Board otherwise determines, or as otherwise set out in the Plan rules:

(i) any Convertible Securities which have not yet vested will be forfeited immediately on the date that the Board
determines (acting reasonably and in good faith) that any applicable vesting conditions have not been met or
cannot be met by the relevant date; and

(ii) any Convertible Securities which have not yet vested will be automatically forfeited on the expiry date specified
in the invitation.

(k) Change of control

If a change of control event occurs in relation to the Company, or the Board determines that such an event is likely to
occur, the Board may in its discretion determine the manner in which any or all of the Participant’s Convertible Securities
will be dealt with, including, without limitation, in a manner that allows the Participant to participate in and/or benefit from
any transaction arising from or in connection with the change of control event.

76 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(l) Rights attaching to Plan Shares

All Shares issued under the Plan, or issued or transferred to a Participant upon the valid exercise of a Convertible
Security, (Plan Shares) will rank pari passu in all respects with the Shares of the same class. A Participant will be entitled
to any dividends declared and distributed by the Company on the Plan Shares and may participate in any dividend
reinvestment plan operated by the Company in respect of Plan Shares. A Participant may exercise any voting rights
attaching to Plan Shares.

(m) Disposal restrictions on Plan Shares

If the invitation provides that any Plan Shares are subject to any restrictions as to the disposal or other dealing by a
Participant for a period, the Board may implement any procedure it deems appropriate to ensure the compliance by
the Participant with this restriction.

For so long as a Plan Share is subject to any disposal restrictions under the Plan, the Participant will not:

(i) transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose of, or have a security interest granted over that Plan Share; or

(ii) take any action or permit another person to take any action to remove or circumvent the disposal restrictions
without the express written consent of the Company.

(n) Adjustment of Convertible Securities

If there is a reorganisation of the issued share capital of the Company (including any subdivision, consolidation,
reduction, return or cancellation of such issued capital of the Company), the rights of each Participant holding
Convertible Securities will be changed to the extent necessary to comply with the Listing Rules applicable to a
reorganisation of capital at the time of the reorganisation.

If Shares are issued by the Company by way of bonus issue (other than an issue in lieu of dividends or by way of
dividend reinvestment), the holder of Convertible Securities is entitled, upon exercise of the Convertible Securities, to
receive an allotment of as many additional Shares as would have been issued to the holder if the holder held Shares
equal in number to the Shares in respect of which the Convertible Securities are exercised.

Unless otherwise determined by the Board, a holder of Convertible Securities does not have the right to participate in
a pro rata issue of Shares made by the Company or sell renounceable rights.

(o) Participation in new issues

There are no participation rights or entitlements inherent in the Convertible Securities and holders are not entitled
to participate in any new issue of Shares of the Company during the currency of the Convertible Securities without
exercising the Convertible Securities.

(p) Amendment of Plan

Subject to the following paragraph, the Board may at any time amend any provisions of the Plan rules, including (without
limitation) the terms and conditions upon which any Securities have been granted under the Plan and determine that
any amendments to the Plan rules be given retrospective effect, immediate effect or future effect.

No amendment to any provision of the Plan rules may be made if the amendment materially reduces the rights of any
Participant as they existed before the date of the amendment, other than an amendment introduced primarily for the
purpose of complying with legislation or to correct manifest error or mistake, amongst other things, or is agreed to in
writing by all Participants.

(q) Plan duration

The Plan continues in operation until the Board decides to end it. The Board may from time to time suspend the
operation of the Plan for a fixed period or indefinitely, and may end any suspension. If the Plan is terminated or
suspended for any reason, that termination or suspension must not prejudice the accrued rights of the Participants.

If a Participant and the Company (acting by the Board) agree in writing that some or all of the Securities granted to that
Participant are to be cancelled on a specified date or on the occurrence of a particular event, then those Securities may
be cancelled in the manner agreed between the Company and the Participant.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 77


The following terms and conditions apply to the Options (including the Lead Manager Options) issued to third party
service providers, unless specified otherwise):

(a) Entitlement

Each Option entitles the holder to subscribe for one fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company (Share) upon
exercise of the Option.

(b) Exercise Price and Expiry Date

The Options have an Exercise Price of $0.35 per Option and will expire at 5:00pm AEST on or before 31 December 2021.

The Lead Manager Options have an Exercise Price of $0.35 per Option and will expire at 5:00pm (WST) on or before
31 December 2021.

If the Options are not exercised before the Expiry Date will automatically lapse on the Expiry Date.

(c) Vesting Terms

The following Options issued are subject to vesting conditions that are yet to be satisfied, as set out below:

Holder Vesting Condition

Dr Ron Weinberger 500,000 Options will vest on the date that is 12 months from the date of Admission;
250,000 Options will vest on the date that a healthy human trial is completed with a clinical
device prototype of the Brain Scanner; and
250,000 Options will vest on the date the Company completes a successful pilot clinical trial.
Mr Scott Kirkland 402,000 Options will vest on or about the date of Admission.
Mr John Keep 268,000 Options will vest on or about the date of Admission.
Messrs Geoff Pocock, Ryan Laws 500,000 Options will vest on or about the date of Admission
and Tony Keane
Mr Stuart Crozier The Options will vest in 4 equal tranches of 125,000 Options every 3 months over a 12-month
period commencing upon the date of Admission.
Mr Robert Tiller (a) 200,000 Options will vest on the date that a healthy human trial is completed with a clinical
device prototype of the Brain Scanner; and
(b) 200,000 Options will vest on the date the Company completes a successful pilot clinical
Third party service providers (a) 100,000 Options will vest at completion of 6 months services to the Company; and
(b) 100,000 Options will vest at completion of 12 months services to the Company.

(d) Exercise Period

The Options are exercisable at any time and from time to time on or prior to the Expiry Date.

(e) Quotation of the Options

The Options are not quoted on the Official List. No application for quotation of the Options on the Official List will be
made by the Company.

(f) Transferability of the Options

The Options will be transferable subject to compliance with the Corporations Act and Listing Rules.

78 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(g) Notice of Exercise

The Options may be exercised by notice in writing to the Company in the manner specified on the Option certificate
(Notice of Exercise) and payment of the Exercise Price for each Option being exercised in Australian currency by
electronic funds transfer or other means of payment acceptable to the Company.

Any Notice of Exercise of an Option received by the Company will be deemed to be a notice of the exercise of that
Option as at the date of receipt.

(h) Shares Issued on Exercise

Shares issued on exercise of the Options rank equally with the then Shares of the Company.

(i) Quotation of Shares on Exercise

The Company will apply for official quotation on ASX of all Shares issued upon exercise of the Options within
10 Business Days after the date of issue of those Shares.

(j) Timing of Issue of Shares

Within 10 Business Days after the date of receipt of the Exercise Notice accompanied by the Exercise Price, the
Company will issue the number of Shares required under these terms and conditions in respect of the number of
Options specified in the Exercise Notice to the Option holder (or his nominee).

(k) Participation in New Issues

There are no participation rights or entitlements inherent in the Options and the Option holder will not be entitled to
participate in new issues of capital offered to Shareholders during the currency of the Options. However, the Company
will give the Option holder no less than 10 Business Days’ notice of the proposed issue prior to the date for determining
entitlements to participate in any such issue.

Adjustment for Bonus Issues of Shares

If the Company makes a bonus issue of Shares or other securities to existing Shareholders (other than an issue in lieu
or in satisfaction of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment):

(i) the number of Shares which must be issued on the exercise of an Option will be increased by the number of Shares
which the Option holder would have received if the Option holder had exercised the Option before the record date
for the bonus issue; and

(ii) no change will be made to the Exercise Price.

(l) Adjustment for Entitlements Issue

If the Company makes an issue of Shares pro rata to existing Shareholders (other than an issue in lieu or in satisfaction
of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment) the Exercise Price of an Option will not be adjusted following an
entitlement offer.

(m) Adjustments for Reorganisation

If there is any reorganisation of the issued share capital of the Company, the rights of the Option holders will be varied
in accordance with the Listing Rules.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 79


The terms and conditions of the Performance Rights are as follows:

(a) Definitions

In these terms and conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:

Restriction Period means the period which a Share issued on the exercise of a Performance Right is dealt with in
accordance to the Listing Rules.

Successful Clinical Trial means a clinical trial that meets its primary end point and is designed to collect definitive
evidence of the safety and performance of the device for a specified intended use, typically in a statistically justified
number of patients.

(b) Milestones

The Performance Rights have the following milestones attached to them:

(i) Class A Performance Rights: 1,800,000 Performance Rights will vest upon the completion of the first Successful
Clinical Trial for a Licensed Product for the head or neck.

(ii) Class B Performance Rights: 2,100,000 Performance Rights will vest upon the issue of the first regulatory approval
for any Licensed Product in any of Australia, North America or Europe for the head or neck.

(iii) Class C Performance Rights: 2,100,000 Performance Rights will vest upon the completion of the first Successful
Clinical Trial for a Licensed Product for the torso.

(each referred to as a Milestone).

(c) Grant of Performance Rights

The Performance Rights are granted to UniQuest by the Company as per the Milestones in paragraph 10.4(b) above.
A grant certificate will be provided in respect of each Performance Right.

(d) Vesting

The Performance Rights will vest on the date the Milestone relating to that Performance Right has been satisfied.
The Company will notify the holder in writing when the relevant Milestones have been satisfied. The Company will
notify the holder within 14 days of becoming aware that a Milestone has been satisfied.

(e) Conversion

Upon vesting, each Performance Right will, at the holder’s election, convert into one Share free of encumbrances.
The holder may apply to exercise Performance Rights upon vesting by filling out a notice of exercise form, as attached.

(f) Lapse

Any Performance Right that has not vested within 5 years from the date the Company is admitted to the Official List
(Listing Date) will automatically lapse.

(g) Expiry Date

The Performance Rights will automatically expire 5 years after the Listing Date.

For the avoidance of doubt any vested but unexercised Performance Rights will automatically expire on the Expiry Date.

(h) Transfer

The Performance Rights are not transferable.

80 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

(i) Participation in entitlements and bonus issues

Subject always to the rights under paragraphs (j) and (k), holders of Performance Rights will not be entitled to participate
in new issues of capital offered to holders of Shares such as bonus issues and entitlement issues.

(j) Adjustment for bonus issue

If securities are issued pro-rata to Shareholders generally by way of bonus issue (other than an issue in lieu of dividends
by way of dividend reinvestment), the number of Performance Rights to which holders of Performance Rights are
entitled will be increased by that number of securities which the holder would have been entitled if the Performance
Rights held by the holder were vested immediately prior to the record date of the bonus issue, and in any event in a
manner consistent with the Corporations Act and the Listing Rules at the time of the bonus issue. UniQuest will be given
notice in writing of any adjustment by the Company.

(k) Reorganisation of capital

In the event that the issued capital of the Company is reconstructed, all the holder’s rights as a holder of Performance
Rights will be changed to the extent necessary to comply with the Listing Rules and Corporations Act at the time of
reorganisation provided that, subject to compliance with the Listing Rules and Corporations Act, following such
reorganisation the holder’s economic and other rights are not diminished or terminated. UniQuest will be given notice
in writing of any adjustment by the Company.

(l) Dividend and voting rights

The Performance Rights do not confer on the holder an entitlement to vote or receive dividends.

(m) Return of capital rights

The Performance Rights do not confer any right to a return of capital, whether in a winding up, upon a reduction of
capital or otherwise.

(n) Rights on winding up

The Performance Rights have no right to participate in the surplus profits or assets of the Company upon a winding up
of the Company.

(o) Change in control


(i) a takeover bid under Chapter 6 of the Corporations Act having been made in respect of the Company and:

(A) having received acceptances for not less than 50.1% of the Company’s shares on issue; and

(B) having been declared unconditional by the bidder; or

(ii) a Court granting orders approving a compromise or arrangement for the purposes of or in connection with a scheme
of arrangement for the reconstruction of the Company or its amalgamation with any other company or companies,
then, to the extent Performance Rights have not converted into Shares due to satisfaction of a Milestone, Performance
Rights will automatically convert to that number of Shares which would have issued in connection with the Performance
Rights as if the relevant Milestone had been achieved. If the Performance Rights convert to Shares representing more
than 10% of the total Shares on issue at that time, then the Performance Rights will be adjusted so the Shares granted
to UniQuest will represent 10% of the total Shares.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 81

(p) Issue of Shares

The Shares to which the holder is entitled on exercise of the Performance Right will be issued, free of encumbrances,
to the holder within 10 Business days of the date of the exercise of notice in respect of the relevant Performance Right.
All Shares issued upon the vesting of Performance Rights will upon issue rank pari passu in all respects with other Shares.
For the avoidance of doubt, the holder will, from and including the issue date of any Shares, be the legal owner of the
Shares and will be entitled to dividends and to exercise voting rights attached to the Shares. The Company will bear all
costs and expenses associated with the issue of Shares in accordance pursuant to these terms and conditions.

(q) Quotation

The Company will not apply for quotation of the Performance Rights on the ASX. The Company will apply for the
Shares to be quoted on the ASX in accordance with the Listing Rules within 10 Business Days of the later of the date
the Shares are issued and the date any Restriction Period that applies to the Shares ends. The Shares may be subject
to restrictions on disposal in accordance with the Listing Rules in which case the Company will impose a holding lock
with the Company’s share registry and will not be able to be traded until the holding lock is lifted by the Company.

(r) Cleansing statement or prospectus

The Company will issue, where required to enable Shares issued on exercise of Performance Rights to be freely
tradeable on the ASX (subject to any Restriction Period), a cleansing statement under section 708A(5) of the Corporations
Act at the time Shares are issued. Where a cleansing statement is required, but cannot be issued, the Company will
have a prospectus available in relation to the Shares which complies with the requirements of the Corporations Act.

(s) Variation to terms and conditions

The Company will not vary these terms and conditions without the prior written consent of UniQuest. UniQuest may not
unreasonably withhold its consent where a variation is required to comply with the Corporations Act or the Listing Rules.


Those Shareholders holding an interest in 5% or more of the Shares on issue as at the date of this Prospectus are as
follows. See Sections 5.5 and 9.3 for further details on each of the Shareholders’ holdings listed in the tables below.

Name Number of Shares % of Shares

UniQuest (on an undiluted basis) 6,000,000 17.9%
Mr Scott Kirkland 3,575,000 10.6%
Mr Ryan Laws 3,212,500 9.6%
Mr John Keep 1,707,500 5.10%

Based on the information known as at the date of this Prospectus, and the Public Offer being fully subscribed, on
Admission the following persons will have an interest in 5% or more of the Shares on issue on an undiluted, and fully
diluted basis:

Name Number of Shares % of Shares

UniQuest (on an undiluted basis) 6,000,000 10.4%
UniQuest (on a fully diluted basis, assuming the 12,000,000 18.9%
Performance Rights convert into Shares)
Mr Scott Kirkland 2 3,695,000 6.4%
Mr Ryan Laws 3,212,500 5.6%

1. This table assumes that no substantial Shareholder subscribes for, and receives additional Shares under the Offer.
2. It is Mr Scott Kirkland’s intention to subscribe for up to 120,000 Shares under the Public Offer.
3. Messrs Kirkland and Laws have a relevant interest in 600,000 and 500,000 Options respectively, as set out in Section 5.5.The Company will also issue a total of 2,000,000
Options to Mac Equity (or its nominees). Mr Ryan Laws is an authorised representative of Mac Equity.

82 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


(a) No interest except as disclosed

Other than as set out below or elsewhere in this Prospectus, no persons or entity named in this Prospectus as
performing a function in a professional, advisory or other capacity in connection with the preparation or distribution
of this Prospectus holds at the date of this Prospectus, or held at any time during the last 2 years, any interest in:

(i) the formation or promotion of the Company;

(ii) property acquired or proposed to be acquired by the Company in connection with its formation or promotion, or
the Offers; or

(iii) the Offers,

and the Company has not paid any amount or provided any benefit, or agreed to do so, to any of those persons for
services rendered by them in connection with the formation or promotion of the Company or the Offers.

(b) Share registry

Link Market Services has been appointed to conduct the Company’s share registry functions and to provide
administrative services in respect of the processing of the Applications received pursuant to this Prospectus, and will
be paid for these services on standard industry terms and conditions.

(c) Auditor

BDO has been appointed to act as auditor to the Company. The Company estimates it will pay BDO a total of $13,000
(plus GST) for these services. During the 24 months preceding lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, BDO has been
paid approximately $11,500 (plus GST) for these services and approximately $13,600 (plus GST) for tax advisory services.

(d) Legal adviser

Bellanhouse has acted as the Australian solicitors to the Company in relation to the Offers. The Company estimates
it will pay Bellanhouse $80,000 (plus GST) for these services. During the 24 months preceding lodgement of this
Prospectus with ASIC, Bellanhouse has been paid approximately $56,705 (plus GST) for these services.

(e) Intellectual Property

Wrays has acted as the Intellectual Property Expert for the Company and has prepared the Intellectual Property Report
set out in Section 8. The Company estimates it will pay Wrays a total of $5,000 for these services. During the 24 months
preceding lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, Wrays have been paid approximately $5,472 (plus GST) for other
legal services.

(f) Investigating Accountant

BDO has acted as Investigating Accountant and has prepared the Independent Limited Assurance Report which is
included in Section 7 of this Prospectus. The Company estimates it will pay BDO a total of $20,000 (plus GST) for these
services. During the 24 months preceding lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC BDO has been paid approximately
$5,500 (plus GST) for these services.

(g) Lead Manager

Mac Equity has acted as the Lead Manager to the Offers. Details of the payments to be made to Mac Equity are set out
in Section 9.1. During the 24 months preceding lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, Mac Equity has acted for the
Company and been paid fees of approximately $52,212 (plus GST) for capital raising services in relation to a seed
raising in May 2018.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 83


(a) General

Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act imposes a liability regime on the Company (as the offeror of Shares under this
Prospectus), the Directors, any persons named in the Prospectus with their consent having made a statement in the
Prospectus and persons involved in a contravention in relation to the Prospectus, with regard to misleading and
deceptive statements made in the Prospectus. Although the Company bears primary responsibility for the Prospectus,
the other parties involved in the preparation of the Prospectus can also be responsible for certain statements made in it.

(b) Each of the parties referred to below:

(i) does not make the Offers;

(ii) does not make, or purport to make, any statement that is included in this Prospectus, or a statement on which
a statement made in this Prospectus is based, other than as specified below or elsewhere in this Prospectus;

(iii) to the maximum extent permitted by law, expressly disclaims and takes no responsibility for any part of this
Prospectus other than a reference to its name and a statement contained in this Prospectus with the consent of that
party as specified below; and

(iv) has given and has not, prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, withdrawn its consent to the inclusion of
the statements in this Prospectus that are specified below in the form and context in which the statements appear.

(c) Share Registry

Link Market Services has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written
consent to being named in this Prospectus as Share Registry of the Company in the form and context in which it is named.

(d) Auditor

BDO has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent to being
named in this Prospectus as the Auditor to the Company in the form and context in which it is named.

(e) Legal adviser

Bellanhouse has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent to
being named in this Prospectus as the Australian legal adviser to the Company in the form and context in which it is named.

(f) Intellectual Property Expert

Wrays has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent to
being named in this Prospectus as the Intellectual Property Expert to the Company in the form and context in which it is
named and has given and not withdrawn its consent to the inclusion of the Intellectual Property Report in the form and
context in which it is included.

(g) Investigating Accountant

BDO has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent to being
named in this Prospectus as the Investigating Accountant in the form and context in which it is named and has given and
not withdrawn its consent to the inclusion of the Independent Limited Assurance Report in the form and context in which
it is included.

(h) Lead Manager

Mac Equity has given, and has not withdrawn prior to the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, its written consent to
being named in this Prospectus as the Lead Manager to the Offers in the form and context in which it is named.

84 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus


The total approximate expenses of the Offers payable by the Company are:

Fees $
ASIC Lodgement Fee 3,206
ASX Quotation Fee 80,000
Legal Fees 80,000
Investigating Accountant Fees 20,000
Intellectual Property Report 5,000
Capital Raising Fee  1
Prospectus Design and Printing 10,000
Share Registry Fees 10,000
Other administrative and miscellaneous expenses 31,794
Total estimated expenses 600,000

1. Refer to Section 9.1.
2. Approximately $68,000 of these expenses have already been paid by the Company out of existing cash reserves.


Following Admission, the Company will be a ‘’disclosing entity’’ (as defined in section 111AC of the Corporations Act)
and, as such, will be subject to regular reporting and disclosure obligations. Specifically, like all listed companies, the
Company will be required to continuously disclose any information it has to the market which a reasonable person would
expect to have a material effect on the price or the value of the Shares (unless a relevant exception to disclosure applies).
Price sensitive information will be publicly released through ASX before it is otherwise disclosed to Shareholders and
market participants. Distribution of other information to Shareholders and market participants will also be managed
through disclosure to ASX. In addition, the Company will post this information on its website after ASX confirms that
an announcement has been made, with the aim of making the information readily accessible to the widest audience.


So far as the Directors are aware, there is no current or threatened civil litigation, arbitration proceedings or administrative
appeals, or criminal or governmental prosecutions of a material nature in which the Company is directly or indirectly
concerned which is likely to have a material adverse effect on the business or financial position of the Company.


Pursuant to Regulatory Guide 107 ASIC has exempted compliance with certain provisions of the Corporations Act to
allow distribution of an Electronic Prospectus on the basis of a paper Prospectus lodged with ASIC and the issue of
Shares in response to an electronic application form, subject to compliance with certain provisions. If you have received
this Prospectus as an Electronic Prospectus please ensure that you have received the entire Prospectus accompanied
by the relevant Application Form. If you have not, please email the Company and the Company will send to you, for free,
either a hard copy or a further electronic copy of this Prospectus or both.

The Company reserves the right not to accept an Application Form from a person if it has reason to believe that when
that person was given access to the relevant electronic Application Form, it was not provided together with the
Electronic Prospectus and any relevant supplementary or replacement prospectus or any of those documents were
incomplete or altered. In such a case, the Application Monies received will be dealt with in accordance with section 722
of the Corporations Act.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 85


Copies of the following documents are available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office
of the Company:

(a) this Prospectus;

(b) the Constitution; and

(c) the consents referred to in Section 10.7 of this Prospectus.


The Directors report that after due enquiries by them, in their opinion, since the date of the financial statements in
the financial information in Section 6, there have not been any circumstances that have arisen or that have materially
affected or will materially affect the assets and liabilities, financial position, profits or losses or prospects of the Company,
other than as disclosed in this Prospectus.

86 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

The Prospectus is issued by the Company and its issue has been authorised by a resolution of the Directors.

In accordance with section 720 of the Corporations Act, each Director has consented to the lodgement of this
Prospectus with ASIC and has not withdrawn that consent.

This Prospectus is signed for and on behalf of the Company by:

John Keep
Executive Chairman
Dated: 11 October 2018

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 87

These definitions are provided to assist persons in understanding some of the expressions used in this Prospectus.

$ or A$ means Australian dollars.

AASB means the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

Admission means admission of the Company to the Official List, following completion of the Offers.

Allotment Date means the date, as determined by the Directors, on which the Shares offered under this Prospectus
are allotted, which is anticipated to be the date identified in the Indicative Timetable.

Applicant means a person who submits an Application Form.

Application means a valid application for Securities pursuant to this Prospectus.

Application Form means the IPO Application Form or the Lead Manager Offer Application Form, as the context requires.
Application Monies means application monies for Shares under the Public Offer received and banked by the Company.

ASIC means the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

ASX means ASX Limited ACN 008 624 691 or, where the context requires, the financial market operated by it.

ASX Settlement means ASX Settlement Pty Limited ACN 008 504 532.

ASX Settlement Rules means ASX Settlement Operating Rules of ASX Settlement Pty Ltd ABN 49 008 504 532.

Auditor means BDO East Coast Partnership.

BDO means BDO East Coast Partnership or BDO Corporate Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd (as applicable)..

Board means the board of Directors of the Company as at the date of this Prospectus.

Brain Scanner means a device or prototype that utilises the EMVT to produce images of the human brain for use in the
medical industry.

CHESS means the Clearing House Electronic Subregister System operated by ASX Settlement.

Closing Date means the date that the Offers closes which is 5.00pm (WST) on 14 November 2018 or such other time
and date as the Board determines.

Commencement Date has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(a).

Company means EMvision Medical Devices Limited ACN 620 388 230.

Constitution means the constitution of the Company.

Contractor Services Agreement means the contract services agreement dated 13 March 2018 between the Company
and Mr Ryan Laws for corporate communication services provided to the Company.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

CRCP has the meaning ascribed in Section 6.5.

CRC Project Funding Agreement means a cooperative research centre projects grant, granted by the Australian
Research Council as summarised in section 9.4.

CT means a medical imaging procedure using a computed tomography method.

Directors means the directors of the Company.

Electronic Prospectus means the electronic copy of this Prospectus located at the Company’s website

EMVT means the Company’s medical imaging technology that utilises electromagnetic microwave energy to create
images of the human brain and other organs.

Engagement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(e).

Exercise Price means the price at which Options may be exercised, as set out in the table in Section 10.3.

88 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Expiry Date means the date upon which the Options expire as set out in the table in Section 10.3.

Exposure Period means the period of 7 days after the date of lodgement of this Prospectus, which period may be
extended by the ASIC by not more than 7 days pursuant to section 727(3) of the Corporations Act.

FDA means the Food and Drug Administration, a federal agency of the United States’ Department of Health and
Human Services.

GE Healthcare means GE Healthcare Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 001 408 402).

Group has the meaning given in Section 10.2(b).

GST means Goods and Services Tax.

Healthy Human Trial means the testing of a clinical device on healthy human volunteers to provide the necessary
safety and usability information required for the Company’s ethics submission to secure clearance to run the Company’s
clinical trial on stroke patients in the hospital.

IASB means the International Accounting Standards Board.

Independent Limited Assurance Report means the report contained in Section 7.

Indicative Timetable means the indicative timetable for the Offers on page 2 of this Prospectus.

Intellectual Property has the same meaning as given under the IP Licence Agreement and means all intellectual property
rights including current and future registered and unregistered rights in respect of copyright, designs, circuit layout,
trade secrets, know-how, confidential information, patents, inventions and discoveries and all other intellectual property
as defined or described in article 2 of the convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation 1967.

Intellectual Property Report means the report contained in Section 8.

Investigating Accountant means BDO Corporate Finance (East Coast) Pty Ltd.

IP Assignment Deed means the deed of assignment of the Intellectual Property rights held by UniQuest to the
Company, as set out in Section 9.3.

IP Licence Agreement means the licence agreement by which UniQuest grants the Company an exclusive right to
license the EMVT, as set out in Section 9.3.

IPO Application Form means the Application Form accompanying this Prospectus in respect of the Public Offer.

Keep Agreement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(c).

Key Management Personnel means persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the
activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any Director (whether executive or otherwise) of the Company.

Kirkland Agreement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(b).

Lead Manager means Mac Equity.

Lead Manager Mandate has the meaning given in Section 9.1.

Lead Manager Offer means the offer by the Company pursuant to this Prospectus of 2,000,000 Options.

Lead Manager Offer Application means a valid application for Options under the Lead Manager Offer pursuant to
this Prospectus.

Lead Manager Offer Application Form has the meaning given in Section 1.9.

Lead Manager Options has the meaning given in Section 9.1.

Licence Agreement has the meaning given in Section 2.4.

Licensed IP means the Intellectual Property the subject of the Licence Agreement, IP Assignment Deed or both.

Licensed Product means a product embodying the Licensed IP.

Listing Rules means the listing rules of ASX.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 89

Mac Equity means Mac Equity Partners Pty Ltd ACN 126 369 640 (AFSL 338731).

Milestone has the meaning ascribed in Section 10.4(b).

Mobius Agreement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.8.

MRI means a medical imaging procedure using magnetic resonance imaging.

NAFLD means non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

NAFLD Project means the project to develop a potential novel low cost, portable, safe and non-invasive
electromagnetic torso scanner for the detection and monitoring of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

NAFLD Collaboration Agreement means the proposed agreement between UQ, the Company and the NAFLD
collaborators as set out in Section 9.6.

Nanosonics means Nanosonics Limited (ACN 095 076 896).

Notice of Exercise has the meaning given in Section 10.3.

Offer Period means the period from the date of this Prospectus until the Closing Date.

Offers means the Public Offer and the Lead Manager Offer.

Offer Price means $0.25 per Share under the Public Offer.

Official List means the official list of ASX.

Official Quotation means official quotation by ASX in accordance with the Listing Rules.

Opening Date means the date specified as the opening date in the Indicative Timetable.
Options means the Options issued, or to be issued, to the Company’s Key Management Personnel and third-party
service providers on the terms summarised in Section 10.3.

PA Hospital means Metro South Hospital and Health Service (ABN 86 834 068 616).

Participant Contributions means a financial contribution by a Project Participant.

PCT means the Patent Cooperation Treaty 1970, an international treaty providing uniform procedures for filing patent
applications and seeking to enforce these patents among member states.

Performance Rights means a performance right on the terms and conditions summarised in Section 10.4.

PET means positron emission tomography.

Plan means the Company’s Employee Incentive Plan on the terms set out in Section 10.2.

Project Milestones has the meaning given in Section 9.4.

Project Participant means GE Healthcare, UQ and PA Hospital.

Prospectus means this prospectus dated 11 October 2018.

Public Offer has the meaning given in Section 1.1.

QBAF Agreement means the Queensland Biomedical Assistance Fund agreement.

R&D means research and development.

Recommendations has the meaning ascribed in Section 5.8.

RW Base Salary has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(a).

Section means a section of this Prospectus.

Securities means any securities, including Shares, Options, performance shares or other convertible securities,
issued or granted by the Company.

SFO means Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) of the Laws of Hong Kong.

90 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

Share means a fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company.

Shareholder means a holder of one or more Shares.

Share Registry means Link Market Services Limited (ACN 083 214 537).

SK Base Salary has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(b).

Spring Services Agreement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.9.

Tiller Design Agreement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(f).

Tiller Design means Tiller Design Pty Ltd (ACN 064 777 233)

UniQuest means UniQuest Pty Ltd (ACN 010 529 898).

UQ means The University of Queensland (ABN 63 942 912 684).

Waldon Agreement has the meaning ascribed in Section 9.2(g).

Weinberger Agreement has the meaning scribed in Section 9.2(a).

Wrays means Wrays Pty Ltd (ACN 009 142 009) trading as Wrays.

WST means Western Standard Time, being the time in Perth, Western Australia.

EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus 91


92 EMvision Medical Devices Limited – Prospectus

ACN 620 388 230 Broker Code Adviser Code

Public Offer Application Form

This is an Application Form for Shares in EMvision Medical Devices Limited under the Public Offer on the terms set out in the Prospectus dated
11 October 2018. You may apply for a minimum of 8,000 Shares. This Application Form and your cheque or bank draft must be received by
5.00pm (WST) on 14 November 2018.
If you are in doubt as to how to deal with this Application Form, please contact your accountant, lawyer, stockbroker or other
professional adviser. The Prospectus contains information relevant to a decision to invest in Shares and you should read the entire
Prospectus carefully before applying for Shares.
Shares applied for Price per Share Application Monies

A , , at A$0.25 B A$ , , .
(minimum of 8,000 Shares)

PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR DETAILS BELOW (refer overleaf for correct forms of registrable names)
Applicant #1
Surname/Company Name

Title First Name Middle Name

Joint Applicant #2

Title First Name Middle Name

Designated account e.g. <Super Fund> (or Joint Applicant #3)

TFN/ABN/Exemption Code
First Applicant Joint Applicant #2 Joint Applicant #3

TFN/ABN type – if NOT an individual, please mark the appropriate box Company Partnership Trust Super Fund


PO Box/RMB/Locked Bag/Care of (c/-)/Property name/Building name (if applicable)

Unit Number/Level Street Number Street Name

Suburb/City or Town State Postcode

Email address (only for purpose of electronic communication of shareholder information)

CHESS HIN (if you want to add this holding to a specific CHESS holder, write the number here)

F X +
Please note: that if you supply a CHESS HIN but the name and address details on your Application Form do not correspond exactly
with the registration details held at CHESS, your Application will be deemed to be made without the CHESS HIN and any Shares
issued as a result of the Offer will be held on the issuer sponsored sub-register.
*EMV IPO001*

Telephone Number where you can be contacted during Business Hours Contact Name (PRINT)

G ( )
Cheques or bank drafts should be made payable to “EMvision Medical Devices Limited” in Australian currency and crossed “Not

Cheque or Bank Draft Number BSB Account Number

H -
Total Amount A$ , , .
You must return your application so it is received before 5.00pm (WST) on 14 November 2018 to:
Link Market Services Limited, Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235. EMV IPO001
Your Guide to the Application Form
Please complete all relevant white sections of the Application Form in BLOCK LETTERS, using black or blue ink. These instructions are cross-referenced
to each section of the form.
The Shares to which this Application Form relates are EMvision Medical Devices Limited Shares. Further details about the shares are contained in the
Prospectus dated 11 October 2018 issued by EMvision Medical Devices Limited. The Prospectus will expire 13 months after the date this Prospectus was
lodged with ASIC. While the Prospectus is current, EMvision Medical Devices Limited will send paper copies of the Prospectus, any supplementary document
and the Application Form, free of charge on request.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission requires that a person who provides access to an electronic application form must provide access,
by the same means and at the same time, to the relevant Prospectus. This Application Form is included in the Prospectus.
The Prospectus contains important information about investing in the Shares. You should read the Prospectus before applying for Shares.
A Insert the number of Shares you wish to apply for. The Application must E Please enter your postal address for all correspondence. All communications
be for a minimum of 8,000 Shares. You may be issued all of the Shares to you from EMvision Medical Devices Limited and the Share Registry
applied for or a lesser number. will be mailed to the person(s) and address as shown. For joint Applicants,
B Insert the relevant amount of Application Monies. To calculate your only one address can be entered.
Application Monies, multiply the number of Shares applied for by the F If you are already a CHESS participant or sponsored by a CHESS
issue price. Amounts should be in Australian dollars. Please make sure participant, write your Holder Identification Number (HIN) here. If the
the amount of your cheque or bank draft equals this amount. name or address recorded on CHESS for this HIN is different to the
C Write the full name you wish to appear on the register of Shares. This details given on this form, your Shares will be issued to EMvision Medical
must be either your own name or the name of a company. Up to three Devices Limited’s issuer sponsored subregister.
joint Applicants may register. You should refer to the table below for the G Please enter your telephone number(s), area code and contact name in
correct registrable title. case we need to contact you in relation to your Application.
D Enter your Tax File Number (TFN) or exemption category. Business H Please complete the details of your cheque or bank draft in this section.
enterprises may alternatively quote their Australian Business Number The total amount of your cheque or bank draft should agree with the
(ABN). Where applicable, please enter the TFN or ABN for each joint amount shown in section B.
Applicant. Collection of TFN(s) and ABN(s) is authorised by taxation Make your cheque or bank draft payable to “EMvision Medical Devices
laws. Quotation of TFN(s) and ABN(s) is not compulsory and will not Limited” in Australian currency and cross it “Not Negotiable”. Your
affect your Application. However, if these are not provided, EMvision cheque or bank draft must be drawn on an Australian bank. Sufficient
Medical Devices Limited will be required to deduct tax at the highest cleared funds should be held in your account, as cheques returned
marginal rate of tax (including the Medicare Levy) from payments. unpaid are likely to result in your Application being rejected.

This Application Form and your cheque or bank draft must be mailed or delivered so that it is received before 5.00pm (WST) on 14 November 2018 at:
Mailing Address Hand Delivery
EMvision Medical Devices Limited EMvision Medical Devices Limited
C/- Link Market Services Limited C/- Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14 1A Homebush Bay Drive
Sydney South NSW 1235 Rhodes NSW 2138
(do not use this address for mailing purposes)


Personal information about you is held on the public register in accordance with Chapter 2C of the Corporations Act 2001. For details about Link Group’s
personal information handling practices including collection, use and disclosure, how you may access and correct your personal information and raise
privacy concerns, visit our website at www.linkmarketservices.com.au for a copy of the Link Group condensed privacy statement, or contact us by phone on
+61 1800 502 355 (free call within Australia) 9am–5pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) to request a copy of our complete privacy
Note that ONLY legal entities are allowed to hold Shares. Applications must be in the name(s) of natural persons or companies. At least one full given name
and the surname is required for each natural person. The name of the beneficiary or any other non-registrable name may be included by way of an account
designation if completed exactly as described in the examples of correct forms below.
Type of Investor Correct Form of Registration Incorrect Form of Registration
Use given names in full, not initials Mrs Katherine Clare Edwards K C Edwards
Use Company’s full title, not abbreviations Liz Biz Pty Ltd Liz Biz P/L or Liz Biz Co.
Joint Holdings Mr Peter Paul Tranche & Peter Paul &
Use full and complete names Ms Mary Orlando Tranche Mary Tranche
Trusts Mrs Alessandra Herbert Smith Alessandra Smith
Use the trustee(s) personal name(s) <Alessandra Smith A/C> Family Trust
Deceased Estates Ms Sophia Garnet Post & Estate of late Harold Post
Use the executor(s) personal name(s) Mr Alexander Traverse Post or
<Est Harold Post A/C> Harold Post Deceased
Minor (a person under the age of 18 years) Mrs Sally Hamilton Master Henry Hamilton
Use the name of a responsible adult with an appropriate designation <Henry Hamilton>
Partnerships Mr Frederick Samuel Smith & Fred Smith & Son
Use the partners’ personal names Mr Samuel Lawrence Smith
<Fred Smith & Son A/C>
Long Names Mr Hugh Adrian John Smith-Jones Mr Hugh A J Smith Jones
Clubs/Unincorporated Bodies/Business Names Mr Alistair Edward Lilley Vintage Wine Club
Use office bearer(s) personal name(s) <Vintage Wine Club A/C>
Superannuation Funds XYZ Pty Ltd XYZ Pty Ltd
Use the name of the trustee of the fund <Super Fund A/C> Superannuation Fund

Put the name(s) of any joint Applicant(s) and/or account description using < > as indicated above in designated spaces at section C on the Application Form.
ACN 620 388 230

For an initial public offer of 24,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.25 each to raise $6,000,000
(before costs) (Public Offer).
Level 10, 12 Creek Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000 This Prospectus also incorporates an offer of 2,000,000 Options to the Lead Manager (or its nominees)
02 8667 5337 in part consideration for capital raising services provided to the Company (Lead Manager Offer).

emvision.com.au It is proposed that the Public Offer and the Lead Manager Offer (together, Offers) will close at 5.00pm(WST)
on [14] November 2018. The Directors reserve the right to close the Offers earlier or to extend this date
without notice. Applications must be received before that time.

This is an important document and requires your immediate attention. It should be read in its entirety.
Please consult your professional adviser(s) if you have any questions about this document.

An investment in the Company under this Prospectus should be regarded as highly speculative in nature,
and investors should be aware that they may lose some or all of their investment. Refer to Section 4 for
a summary of the key risks associated with an investment in the Shares.

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