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Operating Instructions

IO-Link Master with Profinet interface

4 Ports
IP 65 / IP 67


ifm firmware: 1.1.22 or higher

LR DEVICE: 1.0.x or higher
IO-Link: 1.1.2

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


1 Preliminary note 5
1.1 Legal and copyright information ...........................................................................................6
1.2 Purpose of the document .....................................................................................................6
1.3 Symbols and styles used .....................................................................................................6
1.4 Modification history ..............................................................................................................7

2 Safety instructions 8
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Required background knowledge ........................................................................................9
2.3 Warnings used .....................................................................................................................9
2.4 Safety symbols on the device ............................................................................................10
2.5 Tampering with the unit ......................................................................................................10

3 Functions and features 11

3.1 Permitted use .....................................................................................................................11
3.2 Prohibited use ....................................................................................................................11

4 Function 12
4.1 Communication, parameter setting, evaluation .................................................................13
4.1.1 IO-Link ........................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1.2 Profinet ....................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.3 Parameter setting ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.4 Visual indication ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Digital inputs .......................................................................................................................14
4.3 IO-Link supply ....................................................................................................................14

5 Mounting 15
5.1 Mount the device ................................................................................................................15

6 Electrical connection 16
6.1 Ethernet ports.....................................................................................................................17
6.2 IO-Link ports.......................................................................................................................18
6.2.1 Input circuit ................................................................................................................................. 18
6.2.2 IO-Link circuits ............................................................................................................................ 19
6.3 Connect the device ............................................................................................................20

7 Operating and display elements 21

7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................22
7.2 LED indicators ....................................................................................................................23
7.2.1 Status LEDs ............................................................................................................................... 23
7.2.2 Ethernet interface ....................................................................................................................... 23
7.2.3 Voltage supply ............................................................................................................................ 24
7.2.4 IO-Link ports (Class A) ............................................................................................................... 24

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

8 Configuration 26
8.1 Remarks .............................................................................................................................27
8.1.1 Supported configuration options ................................................................................................. 28
8.1.2 Connection possibilities .............................................................................................................. 28
8.1.3 Offline parameter setting ............................................................................................................ 31
8.1.4 VPN connection.......................................................................................................................... 31
8.2 LR DEVICE: Configure the device .....................................................................................32
8.2.1 Set-up ......................................................................................................................................... 33
8.2.2 Configure communication profile ................................................................................................ 34
8.2.3 Configure the Ethernet interface ................................................................................................. 35
8.2.4 Configure the interface to the SmartObserver ............................................................................ 36
8.2.5 Set the operating mode of the IO-Link ports ............................................................................... 37
8.2.6 Set device validation and data storage ....................................................................................... 38
8.2.7 Reset IO-Link master to factory settings..................................................................................... 40
8.3 LR DEVICE: Configure IO-Link devices ............................................................................41
8.3.1 Offline parameter setting: Add IO-Link devices manually ........................................................... 42
8.4 Profinet: Configure the device............................................................................................43
8.4.1 Install GSD file............................................................................................................................ 44
8.4.2 Add the device to the Profinet network ....................................................................................... 45
8.4.3 Configure communication profile ................................................................................................ 47
8.4.4 Configure IO-Link ports .............................................................................................................. 48
8.4.5 Configure the Profinet interface .................................................................................................. 49
8.5 Profinet: Configure IO-Link devices ...................................................................................49
8.6 Profinet: Programmers' notes ............................................................................................50
8.6.1 Read and write I&M datasets ..................................................................................................... 50
8.6.2 Detect diagnostics and alarms ................................................................................................... 51
8.6.3 Configure IO-Link devices .......................................................................................................... 51

9 Operation 52
9.1 Identify device ....................................................................................................................53
9.2 Read device information ....................................................................................................53
9.2.1 Web interface: Read device and diagnostic information ............................................................. 54
9.2.2 LR DEVICE: Read device information ........................................................................................ 55
9.2.3 Profinet: Read & write device information................................................................................... 55
9.3 Reboot the device ..............................................................................................................56
9.4 Error detection and elimination ..........................................................................................56
9.5 Firmware update ................................................................................................................57
9.6 Exchange IO-Link device ...................................................................................................58

10 Maintenance 59

11 Factory settings 60

12 Appendix 61
12.1 Technical data ....................................................................................................................62
12.1.1 Application .................................................................................................................................. 63
12.1.2 Electrical data ............................................................................................................................. 63
12.1.3 Inputs / outputs ........................................................................................................................... 63
12.1.4 Inputs.......................................................................................................................................... 63
12.1.5 Outputs ....................................................................................................................................... 63
12.1.6 Interfaces.................................................................................................................................... 64
12.1.7 Operating conditions .................................................................................................................. 64
12.1.8 Approvals / tests ......................................................................................................................... 64
12.1.9 Mechanical data ......................................................................................................................... 65

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

12.1.10 Electrical connection .................................................................................................................. 65

12.2 Profinet ...............................................................................................................................66
12.2.1 Parameter data........................................................................................................................... 67
12.2.2 Cyclic data .................................................................................................................................. 70
12.2.3 Acyclic data ................................................................................................................................ 73

13 Index 76

14 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale 79

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Preliminary note

1 Preliminary note

Legal and copyright information ...............................................................................................................6

Purpose of the document .........................................................................................................................6
Symbols and styles used ..........................................................................................................................6
Modification history ...................................................................................................................................7

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Preliminary note


1.1 Legal and copyright information


© All rights reserved by ifm electronic gmbh. No part of this manual may be reproduced and used
without the consent of ifm electronic gmbh.
All product names, pictures, companies or other brands used on our pages are the property of the respective rights owners:
 AS-i is the property of the AS-International Association, (→
 CAN is the property of the CiA (CAN in Automation e.V.), Germany (→
 CODESYS™ is the property of the 3S – Smart Software Solutions GmbH, Germany (→
 DeviceNet™ is the property of the ODVA™ (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), USA (→
 EtherNet/IP® is the property of the →ODVA™
 EtherCAT® is a registered trade mark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany
 IO-Link® (→ is the property of the →PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
 ISOBUS is the property of the AEF – Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation e.V., Deutschland
 Microsoft® is the property of the Microsoft Corporation, USA (→
 PROFIBUS® is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany (→
 PROFINET® is the property of the →PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
 Windows® is the property of the →Microsoft Corporation, USA

1.2 Purpose of the document


This document is only for device types "IO-Link master - Profinet gateway (StandardLine) 4 port IP 65
/ IP 67" (art. no.: AL1100).
It is part of the device and contains information about the correct handling of the product.
► Read this document before using the device.
► Keep this document during the service life of the device.

1.3 Symbols and styles used


... Instructions
> ... Reaction, result

→ ... Cross-reference or internet link

123 Decimal number
0x123 Hexadecimal number
0b010 Binary number
[...] Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Preliminary note


1.4 Modification history


Version Topic Date

00 New creation of document 2016-11-21

01 Update to LR DEVICE V1.1.0.87 2017-04-21

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

General .....................................................................................................................................................9
Required background knowledge .............................................................................................................9
Warnings used ..........................................................................................................................................9
Safety symbols on the device .................................................................................................................10
Tampering with the unit ..........................................................................................................................10

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Safety instructions


2.1 General

The plant manufacturer is responsible for the safety of the plant in which the device is
If the device is used in a way that is not intended by the manufacturer, the protection
supported by the device may be impaired.
Non-observance of the instructions, operation which is not in accordance with use as
prescribed below, wrong installation or incorrect handling can affect the safety of operators
and machinery.
► Observe these operating instructions.
► Adhere to the warning notes on the product.


2.2 Required background knowledge


This document is intended for specialists. Specialists are people who, based on their relevant training
and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards that may be caused
during operation or maintenance of the product.
The document contains information about the correct handling of the product.

2.3 Warnings used


Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications

Slight reversible injuries may result.

Property damage is to be expected or may result.

Important note
Non-compliance may result in malfunction or interference.
Supplementary note.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Safety instructions


2.4 Safety symbols on the device


General warning
When this symbol is shown, consult the corresponding section in the operating instructions.


2.5 Tampering with the unit


Tampering with the units can affect the safety of operators and machinery!
Tampering with the units is not allowed.
In case of non-compliance our liability and warranty expire.
► Do not open the devices!
► Do not insert any objects into the devices!
► Prevent metal foreign bodies from penetrating!

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Functions and features

3 Functions and features

Permitted use .........................................................................................................................................11

Prohibited use .........................................................................................................................................11

3.1 Permitted use


The device has been designed for use without a control cabinet in plant construction.

3.2 Prohibited use


The device may not be used beyond the limits of the technical data (→ Technical data (→ p. 62))!

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

4 Function

Communication, parameter setting, evaluation ......................................................................................13

Digital inputs ...........................................................................................................................................14
IO-Link supply .........................................................................................................................................14

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


4.1 Communication, parameter setting, evaluation

IO-Link ....................................................................................................................................................13
Profinet ...................................................................................................................................................13
Parameter setting ...................................................................................................................................13
Visual indication ......................................................................................................................................13

4.1.1 IO-Link

The device offers the following IO-Link functions:

 IO-Link master for connection of up to 4 IO-Link devices (sensors, actuators) according to IO-Link
standard 1.0 and 1.1.
 Provision of process data of the connected IO-Link devices for LR SMARTOBSERVER monitoring
software (→

4.1.2 Profinet

The device offers the following Profinet functions:

 Provision of the functions of a Profinet RT Device (Class B)
 2 port switch for access to the Profinet interface (X21/X22)
 Gateway for transmission of the process and parameter data between the connected IO-Link
devices and the higher-level Profinet controller

4.1.3 Parameter setting


The device provides the following configuration options:

 Parameter setting of the IO-Link master of the AL1100 with parameter setting software LR
DEVICE and/or Profinet projection software
 Parameter setting of the connected IO-Link devices (sensors, actuators) with parameter setting
software LR DEVICE and/or Profinet projection software
 Storage of parameter sets of the connected IO-Link devices for automatic recovery (data storage)

4.1.4 Visual indication


The device has the following visual indicators:

 Status and error indication of the gateway, of the Profinet connection and of the system
 Status display of the voltage supply
 Status and activity display of the Ethernet connection
 Status, error and short circuit/overload indication of the IO-Link ports

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


4.2 Digital inputs


The device has 4 additional digital inputs (type 2 according to EN 61131-2).

The digital inputs are on pin 2 of the IO-Link ports X01 ... X04.
All inputs refer to the potential of the device supply (pin 3).

4.3 IO-Link supply


The device has 4 supplies for IO-Link devices (sensors, actuators).

The IO-Link ports X01...X04 are ports class A.
Every supply provides short circuit monitoring.
The device ensures fire protection for the connected IO-Link devices by providing a power-restricted
circuit at the IO-Link ports (according to IEC61010-1 and Class 2 according to UL1310).

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

5 Mounting

Mount the device ....................................................................................................................................15


5.1 Mount the device


► Disconnect the system from power before installation.

► For installation choose a flat mounting surface.
► Please observe the maximum tightening torque.

► Fix the unit to the mounting surface using 2 M5 mounting screws and washers.
 Tightening torque: 1.8 Nm
► Ground the unit via the two mounting screws of the upper mounting lugs.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Electrical connection

6 Electrical connection

Ethernet ports .........................................................................................................................................17

IO-Link ports ...........................................................................................................................................18
Connect the device .................................................................................................................................20

A qualified electrician must connect the unit.

► Observe the national and international regulations for the installation of electrical
Device is only suitable for operation on SELV/PELV voltages.
► Observe the information concerning IO-Link circuits (→ IO-Link circuits (→ p. 19))!
The device contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharge
► Observe the required safety measures against electrostatic discharge!
The IP rating depends on the individual protection ratings of the unit, the applied connection
elements and the corresponding protective covers.
► For UL applications: For connecting the device and the IO-Link devices use UL certificated
cables of category CYJV or PVVA with a minimum temperature rating of 100°C.
Wiring: → Electrical connection (→ p. 65)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Electrical connection


6.1 Ethernet ports


Notes on connection possibilities: → Connection possibilities (→ p. 28)

► Connect the unit via the M12 socket X21 and/or X22 with the
Profinet network (e.g. Profinet PLC, additional Profinet device)
 Tightening torque: 0.6...0.8 Nm
► Connect the unit via the M12 socket X21 and/or X22 to the
industrial Ethernet network
(e.g. laptop/PC with installed parameter setting software LR
DEVICE, laptop/PC with installed monitoring software LR
 Tightening torque: 0.6...0.8 Nm
► For the connection, use M12 connectors with protection rating
IP 65 / IP 67 or higher (e.g. E12492).
► Cover the unused sockets with M12 protective caps (art. no.:
 Tightening torque 0.6...0.8 Nm

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Electrical connection


6.2 IO-Link ports


Ports X01...X04: For use as IO-Link port class A:

► Connect the connector of the IO-Link devices with the M12 sockets
X01 ... X04.
 Tightening torque: 0.6...0.8 Nm
 Maximum cable length per IO-Link interface: 20 m
► For the connection, use M12 connectors with protection rating IP 65
/ IP 67 or higher (e.g. EVC493).

Ports X01...X04: For use as IO-Link port class B:

► Connect the connector of the IO-Link devices via the adapter with
the M12 sockets X01 ... X04.
 Tightening torque: 0.6...0.8 Nm
► To connect the devices, use M12 connectors with protection rating
IP 65 / IP 67 or higher (e.g. EVC693).

► Cover the unused sockets with M12 protective caps (art. no.:
 Tightening torque 0.6...0.8 Nm


6.2.1 Input circuit


The inputs of the M12 sockets 4 (pin 2) provide a type 2 behaviour according to standard EN61131-2,
the connected electronics must be rated for this electrically.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Electrical connection


6.2.2 IO-Link circuits


The IO-Link interfaces of the device meet the requirements of the IO-Link specification 1.0 to 1.1.2.

The connected IO-Link devices may only be supplied via the AL1100.
Exception: Connection of IO-Link devices to ports X01...X04 via suitable connection
technology for port class B operation (→ IO-Link ports (→ p. 18)):
The external supply for port class B operation must be galvanically separeted from the circuit
of the AL1100 by assuring basic isolation (according to EN61010-1, secondary circuit with
maximum 30 V DC derived from applied voltage up to 300 V of overvoltage category II)!
The isolation must be done both for IO-Link devices and for the connection technology.

Risk of material damage
If the requirements of galvanic separation of the circuits are not observed, the fire protection of the
device can not be assured.
► Observe the requirements of the electrical connection of IO-Link devices for port class B

Further information: → Technical data (→ p. 62)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Electrical connection


6.3 Connect the device


► Disconnect power.
► Connect the device via M12 socket X31 to 24 V DC
(20...30 V SELV/PELV; for cULus max. 24 V DC; according to
EN61010-1, secondary circuit with maximum 30 V DC derived from
applied voltage up to 300 V of overvoltage category II).
 Tightening torque: 0.6...0.8 Nm
 Maximum cable length: 25 m
► To connect the device , use M12 connectors with protection rating
IP 65 / IP 67 or higher (e.g. EVC708).

If the port X01...X04 will be used as IO-Link ports Class B:

► Connect adapter for Port Class B operation to 24 V DC (20...30 V
SELV/PELV) (→ IO-Link ports (→ p. 18))

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Operating and display elements

7 Operating and display elements

Overview .................................................................................................................................................22
LED indicators ........................................................................................................................................23

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Operating and display elements


7.1 Overview

Status LEDs RDY, BF und SF

→ Status LEDs (→ p. 23)
Status LEDs LNK and ACT of the
Profinet ports 1 (X21) and 2 (X22)
→ Ethernet interface (→ p. 23)
Status LED US of the power supply
→ Voltage supply (→ p. 24)
Status LEDs IOL and DI of the IO-Link
ports Class A (X01...X04)
→ IO-Link ports (Class A) (→ p. 24)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Operating and display elements


7.2 LED indicators


The device only has the following LED indicators:


7.2.1 Status LEDs


The RDY LED shows the status of the gateway.

The BF LED (Bus Failure) shows the status of the Profinet connection.
The SF LED (System Failure) shows the status of the system.

Status LED Description

RDY green on Gateway functions properly

flashes 1 Hz Error
flashes 5 Hz Firmware update
off Gateway does not function; Unit reboots
BF red on Bus error
flashes 1 Hz No connection to the Profinet controller
off error-free
SF red on  Error in gateway
 At least 1 IO-Link device sends warning / alarm (temperature,
over/under current, over/under voltage, shortcut)
off error-free


7.2.2 Ethernet interface


Each Ethernet interface (X21, X22) has 2 LEDs (LNK and ACT). The LEDs indicate the status of the
Ethernet connection.

Status LED Description

LNK green on Ethernet connection established

off No Ethernet connection
ACT yellow flashes Data is transmitted via the Ethernet interface.
off No data transmission

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Operating and display elements


7.2.3 Voltage supply


The interface for voltage supply (X31) has the LED that is marked as US. The LED indicates the status
of the voltage supply.

Status LED Description

US green on The supply voltage Us is applied.

off No supply voltage is applied or the applied supply voltage is too low.


7.2.4 IO-Link ports (Class A)


Each IO-Link port Class A (X01 ... X04) has 2 LEDs marked as IOL and DI. The LEDs indicate the
status of the IO-Link port.

Status LED Description

IOL yellow on Interface configured as DI/DO: Pin 4 (C/Q) =ON

off Interface configured as DI/DO: Pin 4 (C/Q) = OFF
green on IO-Link transmission functions properly
flashes 1 Hz Interface configured as IO-Link, but no IO-Link transmission
red on Short circuit or overload in supply voltage
flashes 1 Hz Transmission error
DI yellow on Digital input: Pin 2 (DI) = ON
off Digital input : Pin 2 (DI) = OFF

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Operating and display elements


ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

8 Configuration

Remarks .................................................................................................................................................27
LR DEVICE: Configure the device .........................................................................................................32
LR DEVICE: Configure IO-Link devices .................................................................................................41
Profinet: Configure the device ................................................................................................................43
Profinet: Configure IO-Link devices ........................................................................................................49
Profinet: Programmers' notes .................................................................................................................50

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.1 Remarks

Supported configuration options .............................................................................................................28

Connection possibilities ..........................................................................................................................28
Offline parameter setting ........................................................................................................................31
VPN connection ......................................................................................................................................31

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.1.1 Supported configuration options


The AL1100 can be configured using the following options:

 Parameter setting software LR DEVICE (version 1.0.x or higher) (art. no.: QA0011/QA0012)
 Profinet projection software Siemens STEP 7 (version 5.5 or higher, service pack 4)
 Profinet projection software Siemens TIA portal

8.1.2 Connection possibilities


Via the two Profinet interfaces X21 and X22, the AL1100 can be simultaneously connected with the
Profinet control level (PLC) and the IT infrastructure level (monitoring/parameter setting). The following
connection possibilities exist:

Operation without Profinet connection


Operation as independent IO-Link master with connected IO-Link devices. As an option, several
IO-Link masters can be coupled via the Profinet interfaces. If necessary, the IO-Link masters can be
coupled with the IT infrastructure via industrial Ethernet in order to enable monitoring of the process
data of the connected IO-Link devices.

Parameter setting  IO-Link master: LR DEVICE

 IO-Link device: LR DEVICE
Monitoring (optional): LR SmartObserver
Topology (example):

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

Operation with Profinet connection (without LR DEVICE)


Operation of the IO master as Profinet IO device. As an option, several IO-Link masters can be
coupled via the Ethernet interfaces X21 and X22. The complete monitoring of the process data and
processing of alarms takes place via Profinet mechanisms.

Parameter setting  IO-Link master: Profinet projection software

 IO-Link device: Profinet projection software (acyclic services)
Monitoring: Profinet projection software
Topology (example):

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


Operation with Profinet connection and LR DEVICE/LR SmartObserver


The AL1100 can be connected via the two Ethernet interfaces X21 and X22 simultaneously with the
Profinet control level (PLC) and the IT infrastructure level (monitoring/parameter setting).

Parameter setting  IO-Link master: LR DEVICE and/or Profinet projection software

 IO-Link device: LR DEVICE and/or Profinet projection software
Monitoring: LR SmartObserver and/or Profinet projection software
Topology (example):

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.1.3 Offline parameter setting


The AL1100 supports the offline parameter setting. In this context, the user creates and stores a
configuration for the unit and the connected IO-Link devices without being connected to the AL1100.
The configuration created in this way can be stored as a file (*.lrp) and loaded to the device and
activated at a later date.

Further information about offline parameter setting: → Operating instructions of the parameter
setting software LR DEVICE


8.1.4 VPN connection


An active VPN connection blocks the access of the parameter setting software LR DEVICE to
the Profinet interface of the AL1100.
► Deactivate the VPN connection in order to be able to access the AL1100 with the LR

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2 LR DEVICE: Configure the device

Set-up .....................................................................................................................................................33
Configure communication profile ............................................................................................................34
Configure the Ethernet interface ............................................................................................................35
Configure the interface to the SmartObserver........................................................................................36
Set the operating mode of the IO-Link ports ..........................................................................................37
Set device validation and data storage ..................................................................................................38
Reset IO-Link master to factory settings ................................................................................................40

The IO-Link master and the IO-Link devices connected to the AL1100 can be configured with the ifm
software LR DEVICE.

Further information about operation and functions of the LR DEVICE parameter setting
► Use the help function of the parameter setting software LR DEVICE!

In order to configure the AL1100 with the LR DEVICE.

► Put AL1100 into operation (→ Set-up (→ p. 33)).
► Under [ONLINE]: Click on the AL1100.
> LR DEVICE shows the following sections:
Section Functions
[All] all available functions
[Network] → Configure the Ethernet interface (→ p. 35)
[LineRecorder] → Configure communication profile (→ p. 34)
→ Configure the interface to the SmartObserver (→ p. 36)
[Port x]* → Set the operating mode of the IO-Link ports (→ p. 37)
→ Set device validation and data storage (→ p. 38)
[Setup] → LR DEVICE: Read device information (→ p. 55)
→ Reset IO-Link master to factory settings (→ p. 40)
→ Reboot the device (→ p. 56)
* ... x = 1...4

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.1 Set-up

On delivery, the AL1100 is configured with the → Factory settings (→ p. 60)

Before configuration with the LR DEVICE parameter setting software, the user must put the device into
operation. During set-up, the IP settings are configured via the Profinet interface (X21/X22).
In order to put the device into operation with LR DEVICE:
> The device is configured with the factory settings.
> The device is properly connected with the LR DEVICE laptop/PC via the Profinet interface.
> LR DEVICE is started
1 Scan network
► Scan network for new IO-Link masters.
> The following information is given under [ONLINE]:
- Article number (AL1100)
- MAC-ID of the device
2 Set network parameters
► Under [ONLINE]: Click on [AL1100].
> LR DEVICE shows all current network settings
► Set the following parameters as required:
Parameters Description Possible values
[IP address] IP address of the device e.g.
[Subnet mask] Subnet mask of the IP network e.g.
[IP gateway address] IP address of the network gateway e.g.
[Profinet name] Device name in the Profinet parameter setting software ► Observe the note!

When giving the Profinet name, the following restrictions apply:

 Permitted characters:
– Lower case a-z
– Numbers 0-9
– Separators: Point, minus sign
 Restrictions:
– The name may not end with a point or minus sign
– The name may not begin with a number
– The minus sign may not be directly before or after a point

► Write the changed values to the device.

> LR DEVICE stores the changed values on the device.
If successful:
> In the [ONLINE] area: Under [Geräte], the Profinet name of the AL1100 appears.
> LR DEVICE shows options for device configuration.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.2 Configure communication profile


In order to copy the access rights to the device:

► Select the [LineRecorder] menu.
> The page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameter as required:
Parameter Description Possible values

[Communication Access rights to the parameter Profinet +  Profinet and LR DEVICE have read and
Profile] data, process data and LineRecorder write access rights to parameters and
event/diagnostic messages of the process data
IO-Link master and the connected  Profinet and LR DEVICE have read
IO-Link devices access rights to events/alarms
Profinet +  Profinet has read and write access rights
LineRecorder (ro) to parameters and process data
 Profinet has read access rights to
 LR DEVICE only has read access rights
to parameters, process data and
LineRecorder only  LR DEVICE has read and write access
rights to parameters to parameters and
process data
 LR DEVICE has read access rights to
 Profinet has no access rights
keep setting Previous settings are valid

► Store changed values on the device.

If parameter [Communication Profile] = Profinet + LineRecorder:

Different parameter settings in the Profinet projection software and the LR DEVICE may cause
undesired system behaviour. Parameter settings applied by the Profinet projection software
always overrule the settings applied by LR DEVICE.

Changes of the parameter [Access Rights] are only effective after restarting the device.
To activate the changed access rights:
► → Reboot the device (→ p. 56)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.3 Configure the Ethernet interface


To set the parameters of the Profinet interface (X21/X22):

► Select the [Network] menu.
> The page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Parameters Description Possible values

[IP address] IP address of the device e.g.

[Subnet mask] Subnet mask of the IP network e.g.
[IP gateway address] IP address of the gateway e.g.
[Profinet name] Name of the device in the Profinet network* e.g. al1xxx
[MAC address] MAC address of the device The value is fixed
* ... observe the restrictions concerning the naming conventions (→ Set-up (→ p. 33))!

► Store changed values on the device.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.4 Configure the interface to the SmartObserver


In order to set the parameters of the interface to the SmartObserver:

► Select the [LineRecorder] menu.
> The page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values

[IP address SmartObserver] IP address of the laptop/PC where the e.g.
SmartObserver is installed
[Port SmartObserver] Port address that is used to send 1 Default value: 35100
process data to the SmartObserver ...
[Source ID SmartObserver] Source identifier with which the process
data of the device is indicated in the
SmartObserver (String32)
[Port x. LR events] Operating mode of the IO-Link port Disabled Cyclic transfer of the process data
(x = 1...4)
Enabled Event-based transfer of the process
[Port x. LR cycle time (ms)]* Cycle time of the IO-Link interface for Disabled no data transmission
cyclic transmission of the process data
between the IO-Link master and the 1000 1000 ms
SmartObserver ... ...
(x = 1...4) 60000 60000 ms

* ... parameter only valid if parameter [PortX. LR events] = Disabled

After changing the parameter [Port SmartObserver] or [Source ID SmartObserver], it can take
120 seconds before the device establishes a new TCP connection.
To prevent the delay:
► Reboot the device after the parameter change.

► Store changed values on the device.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.5 Set the operating mode of the IO-Link ports


The IO-Link ports X01...X04 of the device support the following operating types:
 Digital input (DI): binary input signal on pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
 Digital output (DO): binary output signal on pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
 IO-Link interface (IO-Link): IO-Link data transfer via pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port

The user can set the operating mode of each IO-Link port separately at any time.
► Select [Port x] menu.
> The page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values

[Port x mode] Operating mode of the IO-Link IO-Link Operation as IO-Link interface
port (x = 1...4)
DI Operation as digital input

DO Operation as digital output

Disabled Interface deactivated
[Port x IO-Link. Cycle time]* Cycle time of the data As fast as possible The device automatically sets the
transmission between the IO-Link fastest possible cycle time
master and the IO-Link device
2.0 ms 2 milliseconds
... ...
128.0 ms 128 milliseconds
* ... Parameter only available, if [Port x mode] = IO-Link

> Store the changed values on the AL1100.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.6 Set device validation and data storage


In operating mode "IO-Link" the user can set the behaviour of the IO-Link ports regarding device
validation and backup/restore of parameter data of the connected IO-Link devices.
To configure the device validation and data storage settings:
► Select [Port x] menu.
> The page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values
[Port x IO-Link Validation / Supported IO-Link standard and No check and clear  No verification of the vendor ID
Data Storage] behaviour of the device when a and device ID
new IO-Link device is connected  No data storage
to IO-Link port x
(x = 1...4) Type compatible  IO-Link device is compatible with
V1.0 device the V1.0 IO-Link standard
 Verification whether it is an
IO-Link device of the same type
(validation via vendor ID and
device ID)
 No data storage
Type compatible  IO-Link device is compatible with
V1.1 device the V1.1 IO-Link standard
 Verification whether it is an
IO-Link device of the same type
(validation via vendor ID and
device ID)
 no data storage
Type compatible  IO-Link device is compatible with
V1.1 device with the V1.1 IO-Link standard
Backup + Restore  Verification whether it is an
IO-Link device of the same type
(validation via vendor ID and
device ID)
 The IO-Link master saves the
parameter values of the
connected IO-Link device;
modifications of the parameter
values are also stored (observe
the note!)
 When connecting an IO-Link
device with factory settings, the
parameter values stored in the
IO-Link master are restored
automatically on the IO-Link

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

Name Description Possible values

Type compatible  IO-Link device is compatible with

V1.1 device with the V1.1 IO-Link standard
Restore  Verification whether it is an
IO-Link device of the same type
(validation via vendor ID and
device ID)
 The IO-Link master saves the
parameter values of the
connected IO-Link device once.
 When connecting an IO-Link
device with factory settings, the
parameter values stored in the
IO-Link master are restored
automatically on the IO-Link
[Port x IO-Link. Vendor ID] ID of the manufacturer that is to be 0 ... 65535 ID of the manufacturer of the IO-Link
validated device (ifm electronic: 310)
[Port x IO-Link. Device ID] ID of the IO-Link device that is to 0 ... 16777215 ID of the IO-Link device
be validated

► Store the changed values on the AL1100.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.2.7 Reset IO-Link master to factory settings


When resetting the AL1100, all parameters are reset to the → Factory settings (→ p. 60)
To reset the device to factory settings:
► Select [Setup] menu.
> The page shows the current settings.
► Click on [Factory Reset] to reset the AL1100.
> LR DEVICE sets the AL1100 factory settings.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.3 LR DEVICE: Configure IO-Link devices


In order to configure the IO-Link devices connected to the AL1100 using the parameter setting
software LR DEVICE:
> AL1100 is correctly installed and connected to the LR DEVICE software via the Profinet interface (X21/X22).
> The IO-Link device is connected correctly with the AL1100.
> The operating mode of the IO-Link interface is "IO-Link" (parameter [Port x mode] = IO-Link)
> Parameter [Access rights] is configured with one of the following values:
– Profinet + LineRecorder
– LineRecorder only
1 Select IO-Link master
► Start LR DEVICE.
► Update IODD file library
Import IODD file of the IO-Link device manually.
► Scan network for devices.
> LR DEVICE recognises all IO-Link masters of the Profinet network.

2 Add IO-Link device

► Under [ONLINE]: Click on the required AL1100.
> LR DEVICE automatically detects the IO-Link devices connected to the AL1100 (e.g. ifm Sensor KG5065).

3 Configure IO-Link device

► Mouse click on the port to which the IO-Link device is connected.
> LR DEVICE reads and shows the current parameter values of the IO-Link device.
► Configure IO-Link device.

Information about the available parameters of the IO-Link device: → Operating instructions of
the IO-Link device

► Store changed configuration on the IO-Link device.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.3.1 Offline parameter setting: Add IO-Link devices manually


The AL1100 supports the automatic recognition of IO-Link devices that are connected to the IO-Link
interfaces. In addition to the automatic recognition of IO-Link devices in the online mode, the user can
also manually add IO-Link devices to the device configuration (e.g. → Offline parameter setting
(→ p. 31)).
1 Set up offline configuration
► Start LR DEVICE.
► Add AL1100 to an offline configuration.
> LR DEVICE shows AL1100 in [OFFLINE] section.
2 Add IO-Link device to configuration.
► Under [OFFLINE]: Click on [AL1100].
> LR DEVICE shows the available parameters of the AL1100.
► Click on the symbol at the required port.

> The dialogue window [Gerät auswählen] appears.

► Select the required IO-link device from the list.
► Click on [OK] to add the selected IO-Link device to the device configuration.
> IO-Link device appears at the selected port.
3 Configure IO-Link device
► Mouse click on the port to which the IO-Link device is connected.
> LR DEVICE shows the available parameters of the IO-Link device.
► Configure IO-Link device.

Information about the available parameters of the IO-Link device: → Operating instructions of
the IO-Link device

► Store changed configuration on the IO-Link device.

► Click on [AL1100].

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.4 Profinet: Configure the device

Install GSD file ........................................................................................................................................44

Add the device to the Profinet network ...................................................................................................45
Configure communication profile ............................................................................................................47
Configure IO-Link ports ..........................................................................................................................48
Configure the Profinet interface ..............................................................................................................49

On the field bus side, the device can be configured with the following options:
 Profinet projection software STEP 7 (version 5.5 SP 4 or higher)
 Profinet projection software TIA portal

Further information about operation and functions of the Profinet parameter setting software:
► Use the help function of the Profinet projection software!

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.4.1 Install GSD file


To represent the AL1100 in a field bus projection software (e.g. STEP 7), ifm provides a GSD file. The
user can download the GSD file from the ifm website (→ the GSD file, all parameters, process data,
and their valid value ranges are defined.
To add the AL1100 to the STEP 7 hardware catalogue:
► Download GSD file of the AL1100 from the ifm website.
► Start STEP 7 application "HW Config".
► Select [Options] > [Install GSD files…].
> The [Install GSD files] window appears.
► Click on [Browse …].
► Select the GSD file of the AL1100 and click on [OK] to adopt the file.
> The selected GSD file appears in the list.
► Select the GSD file in the list and click on [Install].
> STEP 7 installs the GSD file and adds the AL1100 to the hardware catalogue.

After installation of the GSD file, the AL1100 is in the hardware catalogue in the following folder:
> [PROFINET IO] > [Addiotional Field Devices] > [IO] > [ifm electronic]


IO-Link ports

Profinet modules

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.4.2 Add the device to the Profinet network


The configuration of the Profinet parameters is done via the Profinet projection software.
The Profinet parameters define which data is transmitted between AL1100 and the higher-level
Profinet controller.
> Profinet has read and write permission on the AL1100 (→ Configure communication profile (→ p. 34))
> The GSD file of the AL1100 is installed (→ Install GSD file (→ p. 44))
1 Create/open project
► Create new Profinet project.
Open an existing Profinet project.
► Configure Profinet connection.
2 Add the AL1100 to project
► Open STEP-7 application "HW Config".
> Program window shows the hardware structure of the project.
► Open hardware catalogue.
► Move the [AL1100] node via drag&drop from the hardware catalogue to the Profinet connection.
> STEP 7 shows the device as Profinet bus participant.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

3 Add IO-Link ports

► Move the [4 Ports] node via drag&drop from the hardware catalogue to slot 1 of the AL1100.
> Step 7 shows available IO-Link interfaces.

► Save the project.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.4.3 Configure communication profile


In order to configure the access rights to the device:

1 Open device editor
► Open STEP-7 application "HW Konfig".
> Program window shows the hardware structure of the project.
► Click on AL1100.
> The device editor shows the current configuration of the AL1100.
2 Configure access rights
► Double click on the slot line [1.1 IO-Link Master]

> The window [Properties IO-Link master] appears.

► Select [Paramerters] tab.
► Set the following parameter as required:
– Communication Profile (→ Parameter of the IO-Link master (→ p. 67))
► Click on [Hinzufügen] to save the changes.

If parameter [Communication Profile] = Profinet + LineRecorder:

Different parameter settings in the Profinet projection software and the LR DEVICE may cause
undesired system behaviour. Parameter settings applied by the Profinet projection software
always overrule the settings applied by LR DEVICE.

Changes of the parameter [Communication Profile] are only effective after restarting the
To activate the changed access rights:
► → Reboot the device (→ p. 56)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.4.4 Configure IO-Link ports


In STEP 7, the following assignment of the Profinet slots to the IO-Link ports of the device applies:

Slot Sub-slot IO-Link interface of the AL1100

1 2 X01
3 X02
4 X03
5 X04

Each sub-slot can be configured for cyclic transmission of process data with a Profinet module. The
selected Profinet module determines the operation type of the IO-link interface and the configurable
Overview of the available Profinet modules: → Profinet modules (→ p. 71)
To add a Profinet module to a sub-slot:
1 Open device editor
► In "HW Config": Click on AL1100.
> The device editor shows the current configuration of the AL1100.
2 Add Profinet module
► Open hardware catalogue.
► Draw the required Profinet module of the AL1100 from the hardware catalogue to the slot.
> The device editor shows the slot with the selected Profinet module.
3 Set parameters of the Profinet module
► Double click on the added slot.
> Window [Properties] appears.
► Select [Paramerters] tab.
> The page shows the current parameter settings of the IO-Link ports.
► Set the parameters as required (marked with X in table):
Operating mode of the IO-Link ports Available parameters

Fail Safe Pattern Validation / Vendor ID Device ID Port cycle

Mode Value Data (VID) time

DI: Digital input -- -- -- -- -- --

DO: Digital output X -- -- -- -- --
IO-Link: Input -- -- X X X X
IO-Link: Output X X X X X X
IO-Link: Input and output X X X X X X

Further information about the parameters of the Profinet modules: → Parameters of the IO-Link
ports (→ p. 68)

► Click on [Add] to save the changes.

► Changed settings are applied.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.4.5 Configure the Profinet interface


In order to configure the Ethernet interface of the AL1100:

> AL1100 is correctly integrated in the Profinet project (→ Add the device to the Profinet network (→ p. 45)).
1 Open object characteristics
► Start the application "HW Konfig"
► Click on AL1100.
► Select [Target System] > [Ethernet ...] > [Edit Ethernet Users].
> [Edit Ethernet Users] window appears.
2 Search AL1100
► Click on [Durchsuchen ...] button.
> [Browse Network] window appears.
► Click on [Start] button.
> STEP 7 browses the Profinet network for devices.
> List shows found devices.
► Select AL1100 in list and click [OK] to adopt the device.
> The [MAC address] shows the MAC address of the AL1100
3 Set IP address and network mask
► Click on the [Use IP parameters] selection field in group [Set IP configuration].
► Enter the required IP address in the [IP address] field.
► Enter the required subnet mask in the [Subnet mask] field.
4 Assign device names
► Enter the required Profinet name in the [Device name] field.
► Click on the [Assign Name] button.
> STEP 7 assigns the selected name to the AL1100.
► Click on the [Close] button to close the window.

8.5 Profinet: Configure IO-Link devices


The AL1100 supports the configuration of the connected IO-Link devices out of the Profinet projection
software. The configurable parameters depend on the corresponding IO-Link device.
Information about the usable functions: → Profinet: Programmers' notes (→ p. 50)

Available parameters of the IO-Link devices: → Operating instructions of the IO-Link device

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.6 Profinet: Programmers' notes


The programmer can access on the following data from the PLC application:
 Read device information of the AL1100
 Read diagnostics and alarms
 Set parameters of the connected IO-Link devices

The following sections show the available options.

Further information about the functional/operational blocks: → Help function of the Profinet
projection software


8.6.1 Read and write I&M datasets


Symbol / function Meaning Remarks

GET_IM_DATA / FB Function block for reading the I&M datasets of Input parameters:
a device  IM_TYPE = 0
GET_IM_DATA only supports the reading
of the I&M0 dataset
RDREC Function block for acyclic reading of datasets Input parameters:
 I&M0: Index = 0xAFF0
 I&M1: Index = 0xAFF1
 I&M2: Index = 0xAFF2
 I&M3: Index = 0xAFF3
WRREC Function block for acyclic writing of datasets Input parameters:
Observe access rights on datasets!  I&M1: Index = 0xAFF1
 I&M2: Index = 0xAFF2
 I&M3: Index = 0xAFF3

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


8.6.2 Detect diagnostics and alarms


Symbol / Meaning Remarks

operational block

I/O_FLT1 / Diagnostic alarms

I/O_FLT2 / Pull/plug in alarms
RACK_FLT / Module rack failure

Available alarms and diagnostic messages: → Diagnostic and alarms (→ p. 75)


8.6.3 Configure IO-Link devices


Symbol / function Description Remarks


IO_LINK_DEVICE / Acyclic access to the parameters of an IO-Link Input parameters:

FB5001 device  CAP: Access point for function
AL1100: 0xB400
 PORT: HW-ID: Slot/sub-slot of the IO-Link port
with connected IO-Link device
Port X01: 1
Port X02: 2
Port X03: 3
Port X04: 4
 IOL_INDEX and IOL_SUBINDEX: depends on
the IO-Link device (→ operating instructions of
the IO-Link device)
IOL_CALL / Acyclic access to the parameters of an IO-Link → IO_LINK_DEVICE
FB1 devices (obsolete)


ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

9 Operation

Identify device .........................................................................................................................................53

Read device information .........................................................................................................................53
Reboot the device ...................................................................................................................................56
Error detection and elimination ...............................................................................................................56
Firmware update .....................................................................................................................................57
Exchange IO-Link device........................................................................................................................58

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


9.1 Identify device


In the online mode, the user can identify the device using the status LEDs RDY, BF und SF
► Start LR DEVICE.
► Scan network for devices.
> LR DEVICE detects the device.
► Click on the selection field next to the device name.

> The status LEDs on the unit flash asynchronously.


9.2 Read device information


In order to get information about the current status of the hardware and software components of the
device, the user can use the following possibilities:
 Web interface: Read device and diagnostic information (→ p. 54)
 LR DEVICE: Read device information (→ p. 55)
 Profinet: Read & write device information (→ p. 55)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


9.2.1 Web interface: Read device and diagnostic information


In order to read the diagnostic information about the current device status via the web interface:
► Connect laptop/PC and AL1100 via the Ethernet internet.
► Start web browser.
► Enter the following into the address field of the browser: and confirm with [ENTER]:
<IP address of the device>
> Web browser shows the web interface of the device.
> The page shows the following data:
 Table with connected IO-Link devices
Name Description

[Port] Number of the IO-Link interface

[Mode] Operating mode of the IO-Link interface
[Comm. Mode] Baud rate of the IO-Link interface
[MasterCycleTime] Cycle time
[Vendor ID] ID of the manufacturer of the IO-Link device
[Device ID] ID of the IO-Link device

[Name] Article number of the IO-Link device

 For ifm articles: This article number is stored along with a link to the produkt page on
the ifm website.
[Serial] Serial number of the IO-Link device
[LR Interval] Cycle time for the communication with the SmartObserver

 Version information of the installed firmware components

Name Description
[Firmware version] Firmware version
[FirmwareCN Version] Version of the firmware container
[Bootloader Version] Version of the boot loader
[NETX Firmware Version] Version of the Profinet firmware

 Diagnostic information of the device

Name Description
[Current] Current (in mA)
[Voltage] Voltage (in mV)
[Short Circuit] Number of detected short circuits
[Temperature] Device temperature (in °C)

The page of the device is constantly updated. This is why the data is always up-to-date.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


9.2.2 LR DEVICE: Read device information


To show information about the AL1100:

► Start LR DEVICE.
► Scan network for devices.
> LR DEVICE shows recognised AL1100.
► Mouse click on AL1100
> The header shows the following information:
Name Description Possible values

Device name Article number of the device AL1100

Manufacturer Manufacturer of the device ifm electronic gmbh
Device ID IO-Link ID of the device
Serial number Serial number of the device
Revision Hardware revision / software revision of
the unit
Type of unit Name of the device IO-Link master StandardLine Profinet 4 ports IP 65 / IP 67
Device status Current status of the slave no information about the condition

OK: no errors, no warning, no information

OK: no errors, no warning, information




9.2.3 Profinet: Read & write device information


I&M0 provide the user with device-specific basic information. This ensures reliable identification of the
device, the device's hardware and software components, and the manufacturer.
The datasets I&M1 to 3 offer the programmer the possibility to store project-specific information on the
The programmer can access the I&M0 datasets of the slots 0 and 1 in the Profinet projection software
via the following functions:
Information about the usable function blocks: → Profinet: Programmers' notes (→ p. 50)
Further information about the I&M datasets: → I&M datasets (→ p. 73)

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


9.3 Reboot the device


When restarting the device, all settings are kept.

To restart the AL1100:
► Start LR DEVICE.
► Scan the network for devices.
> LR DEVICE recognises the AL1100.
► Under [ONLINE]: Click on [AL1100]
► Select the [Setup] section.
> LR DEVICE shows available parameters.
► Click on [Restart] to restart the device.
> LR DEVICE restarts the AL1100.

9.4 Error detection and elimination


In order to recognise and eliminate errors, the user can use the following resource:
 Status LED of the unit (→ LED indicators (→ p. 23))
 Acyclic alarms and diagnostic messages (→ Diagnostic and alarms (→ p. 75))

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


9.5 Firmware update


The new firmware is installed via the device's web interface.

If the firmware update is not successful, deactivate all connections to the Profinet PLC, LR
SmartObserver and LR DEVICE and repeat the process.
► Stop Profinet PLC.
► Set the parameter [IP address SmartObserver] to (→ Configure the
interface to the SmartObserver (→ p. 36)).
► Stop the LRAgent.LRDevice service in the Windows task manager.

To install a new firmware version on the device:

> File with new firmware has been downloaded.
> Ethernet connection between laptop/PC and device is established.
1 Call up web interface
► Start web browser.
► Enter the following into the address field of the browser: and confirm with [ENTER]:
<IP address of the device>/update
> Web browser shows the [Firmware Update] page.
2 Load new firmware to AL1100
► Click on [Datei auswählen].
> Dialogue window appears.
► Select the firmware file and click on [Öffnen] in order to adopt the file.
► Click on [Submit] to start the firmware update.
> Firmware is being loaded to the device.
> After successful storage, the success message is displayed
3 Restart the device
► Click on [Restart device now] to restart the device.
> The status LED RDY flashes quickly.
> Firmware is updating.
► Follow the instructions in the browser.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


9.6 Exchange IO-Link device


To exchange an IO-Link device:

> IO-Link device is with factory settings.
> IO-Link device supports IO-Link standard 1.1 or higher.
1 Set data storage
► Set the following parameters of the IO-Link port:
[Validation / Data Storage] = Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore
[Port x IO-Link Validation / Data Storage] = Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore
► Save changes.
2 Exchange IO-Link device
► Disconnect old IO-Link device from AL1100.
► Connect new IO-Link device with the same IO-Link port of the AL1100.
> IO-Link master copies parameter values from the data memory to the new IO-Link device.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

10 Maintenance

The operation of the unit is maintenance-free.

► Clean the surface of the unit when necessary. Do not use any caustic cleaning agents for this!
► After use, dispose of the unit in an environmentally friendly way in accordance with the applicable
national regulations.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18
Factory settings

11 Factory settings

In the factory settings, the device has the following parameter settings:

Parameters Factory setting

[IP address]
[Subnet mask]
[IP gateway address]
[Profinet name] blank
Data Storage empty

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

12 Appendix

Technical data ........................................................................................................................................62

Profinet ...................................................................................................................................................66

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.1 Technical data

Application ..............................................................................................................................................63
Electrical data .........................................................................................................................................63
Inputs / outputs .......................................................................................................................................63
Inputs ......................................................................................................................................................63
Outputs ...................................................................................................................................................63
Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................64
Operating conditions ...............................................................................................................................64
Approvals / tests .....................................................................................................................................64
Mechanical data .....................................................................................................................................65
Electrical connection ...............................................................................................................................65

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.1.1 Application

Application I/O modules for field applications
Daisy-chain function Communication interface


12.1.2 Electrical data


Electrical data
Operating voltage 20...30 DC; (US; to SELV/PELV; for cULus: max. 24 DC)
Current Consumption [mA] 300...3900; (US)
Protection class III

Sensor supply US

Max. current load total [A] 3.6


12.1.3 Inputs / outputs


Inputs / outputs

Total number of inputs and outputs 8; (configurable)


12.1.4 Inputs


Number of digital inputs 8; (IO-Link Port Class A: 4 x 2)

Switching level high [V] 11...30 DC
Switching level low [V] 0...5 DC
Digital inputs protected against short circuits yes


12.1.5 Outputs

Outputs (digital)
Output function 4; (IO-Link Port Class A: 4 x 1)
Max. current load per output [mA] 200
Short-circuit protection yes


ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

12.1.6 Interfaces

Communication interface Ethernet; IO-Link
Communication interface IO-Link; TCP/IP; PROFINET IO


Transmission standard 10Base-T; 100Base-TX

Transmission rate 10; 100
Factory settings  IP address:
 Subnet mask:
 Gateway IP address:
 MAC address: see type label

IO-Link Master
Transmission type COM 1 / COM 2 / COM 3
IO-Link revision V1.1
Number of ports class A 4


12.1.7 Operating conditions


Operating conditions
Applications Indoor use
Ambient temperature [°C] -25...60
Storage temperature [°C] -25...85
Max. perm. relative air humidity [%] 90
Max. height above sea level [m] 2000
Protection rating IP 65; IP 67
Pollution Degree 2


12.1.8 Approvals / tests


Approval / tests

EMC  EN 61000-6-2
 EN 61000-6-4
MTTF [Years] 90

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.1.9 Mechanical data


Mechanical data
Weight [g] 265
Materials Housing: PA; socket: brass nickel-plated


12.1.10 Electrical connection


Voltage supply IN X31

Connector M12
Wiring 1: + 24 V DC (US)
2: -
3: GND (US)
4: -

Ethernet IN / OUT X21, X22

Connector M12

Wiring 1: TX +
2: RX +
3: TX -
4: RX -
5: -

Process connection IO-Link Ports Class A X01...X0<IOL_AnzPorts>

Connector M12
Wiring 1: + 24 V DC (US)
2: DI
3: GND (US)
4: C/Q IO-Link
5: -

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.2 Profinet

Parameter data .......................................................................................................................................67

Cyclic data ..............................................................................................................................................70
Acyclic data ............................................................................................................................................73

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.2.1 Parameter data


Slot Sub-slot Name Description

1 1 Master Parameter data of the IO-Link master (→ Parameter of the IO-Link master (→ p. 67))
2 Port X01
3 Port X02  Parameter data of the IO-Link ports (→ Parameters of the IO-Link ports (→ p. 68))
4 Port X03  Fieldbus modules (→ Profinet modules (→ p. 71))

5 Port X04


Parameter of the IO-Link master


Parameter Description Possible values

[Access Rights] The access rights to the Profinet +  Profinet and LR DEVICE have read
parameter data, process data and LineRecorder and write access rights to parameters
events/diagnostic messages of and process data
the IO-Link master and the  Profinet and LR DEVICE have read
connected IO-Link devices access rights to events/alarms
Profinet +  Profinet has read and write access
LineRecorder (ro) rights to parameters and process data
 Profinet has read access rights to
 LR DEVICE only has read access
rights to parameters, process data and
Profinet only  Profinet has read and write access
rights to parameters and process data
 Profinet has read access rights to
 LR DEVICE has no access rights
(parameters, process data,
events/alarms, web interface, firmware
keep setting keeps settings

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


Parameters of the IO-Link ports


Parameter Description Possible values

[Fail-safe mode] Behaviour in case the Profinet No Fail Safe deactivated

connection is interrupted
Fail Safe Reset Value reset to default values
Fail Safe Old Value maintain the most recent valid process
Fail Safe with Pattern set user-defined values
[Pattern Value]*  required values for the process Per byte:
data in case the connection is 0x00 ... 0xFF
(as hexadecimal value)
 Pattern depends on the size of the
selected Profinet module
[Port cycle time] Cycle time of the data transmission at as fast as possible The device automatically sets the
the IO-Link port fastest possible cycle time
2.0 ms 2 milliseconds
... ...
128.0 ms 128 milliseconds
[Validation / Data Supported IO-Link standard and no check and clear  no verification of the vendor ID and
Storage] behaviour of the AL1100 when a new device ID
IO-Link device is connected to the  no data storage
IO-Link port
Type compatible V1.0  IO-Link device is compatible with
device the V1.0 IO-Link standard
 Verification whether it is an IO-Link
device of the same type (validation
via vendor ID and device ID)
 no data storage
Type compatible V1.1  IO-Link device is compatible with
device the V1.1 IO-Link standard
 Verification whether it is an IO-Link
device of the same type (validation
via vendor ID and device ID)
 no data storage
Type compatible V1.1  IO-Link device is compatible with
device with Backup + the V1.1 IO-Link standard
Restore  Verification whether it is an IO-Link
device of the same type (validation
via vendor ID and device ID)
 The IO-Link master saves the
parameter values of the connected
IO-Link device; modifications of
the parameter values are also
stored (→ observe the note!)
 When connecting an IO-Link device
with factory settings, the parameter
values stored in the IO-Link master
are restored automatically on the
IO-Link device.

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18

Parameter Description Possible values

Type compatible V1.1  IO-Link device is compatible with

device with Restore the V1.1 IO-Link standard
 Verification whether it is an IO-Link
device of the same type (validation
via vendor ID and device ID)
 The IO-Link master stores the
parameter values of the connected
IO-Link device once if the data
memory of the AL1100 is empty.
 When connecting an IO-Link device
with factory settings, the parameter
values stored in the IO-Link master
are restored automatically on the
IO-Link device.
[Vendor ID (VID)] ID of the manufacturer that is to be 0 ... 65535 ID of the manufacturer of the IO-Link
validated device (ifm electronic: 310)
[Device ID] ID of the IO-Link device that is to be 0 ... 16777215 ID of the IO-Link device
* ... settings are only valid if [Fail Safe Mode] = Fail Safe with Pattern

If the parameter values of an IO-Link device are changed with IO_LINK_DEVICE, the backup
mechanism remains ineffective. The changed parameter values are not stored on the IO-Link

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.2.2 Cyclic data

Profinet modules .....................................................................................................................................71

PQI (Port Qualifier Information) ..............................................................................................................72

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


Profinet modules

Module Description

IO-Link 32 I/ 32 O + PQI 32 bytes input and output data and PQI

IO-Link 16 I/ 16 O + PQI 16 bytes input and output data and PQI
IO-Link 8 I/ 8 O + PQI 8 bytes input and output data and PQI
IO-Link 4 I/ 4 O + PQI 4 bytes input and output data and PQI
IO-Link 2 I/ 2 O + PQI 2 bytes input and output data and PQI
IO-Link 1I/1O +PQI 1 byte input and output data and PQI
IO-Link 1I/15O +PQI 1 byte input and 15 bytes output data and PQI
IO-Link 32I +PQI 32 bytes input data and PQI
IO-Link 16I +PQI 16 bytes input data and PQI
IO-Link 8I +PQI IO-Link activated 8 bytes input data and PQI
IO-Link 4I +PQI 4 bytes input data and PQI
IO-Link 2I +PQI 2 bytes input data and PQI
IO-Link 1I +PQI 1 bytes input data and PQI
IO-Link 32O +PQI 32 bytes output data and PQI
IO-Link 16O +PQI 16 bytes output data and PQI
IO-Link 8O +PQI 8 bytes output data and PQI
IO-Link 4O +PQI 4 bytes output data and PQI
IO-Link 2O +PQI 2 bytes output data and PQI
IO-Link 1O +PQI 1 bytes output data and PQI
DI + PQI Digital input and PQI
IO-Link deactivated
DO + PQI Digital output and PQI
Disabled deactivated

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


PQI (Port Qualifier Information)


Port Qualifier Information (PQI) contains diagnostic information about the IO-Link port. In addition to
the process data, the IO-Link master sends the PQI to the Profinet controller.


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PQ DE DA -- -- -- DI2 DI4
DI4 Signal status of the digital input on Pin 4 (if used) FALSE = OFF
DI2 Signal status of the digital input on Pin 2 (if used) FALSE = OFF
DA Device Available: shows if the IO-Link device has been recognised and if the device FALSE = no device
is in the "preoperate" or in the "operate" state TRUE = device
DE Device Error: shows if an error or a warning occurred; Note: The user needs to FALSE = no error
determine the cause of the fault separately via acyclic services. TRUE = error
PQ Port Qualifier: shows if IO data is valid FALSE = invalid
TRUE = valid

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


12.2.3 Acyclic data


I&M datasets

The AL1100 supports the following I&M datasets (I&M = Identification & Maintenance):

I&M0 (Slot 0)

Variable Description Access* Size

Vendor ID IO-Link ID of the manufacturer r 2

OrderID Order number of the device (numbers are separated by blanks) r 20
Serial number Serial number of the device (numbers separated by blanks) r 16
Hardware revision Hardware revision of the device r 2
Software revision prefix Prefix of the software revision of the device (V, R, P, U or T) r 1
Software Revision Software revision (numbers separated by blanks, e.g. x y z in "Vx.y.z") r 3
Revision Counter Revision counter; is incremented with each parameter change r 2
Profile ID ID of sub-module profile (Slot 0: 0x0000) r 2
Profile Specific Type additional value for profile ID; 0, if not used r 2
IMVersion I&M version (default value: 0x0101) r 2
IMSupported Suported I&M datasets (0x1110 for I&M1-3) r 2
* ... r = only read

I&M1 (Slot 0)

Variable Description Access* Size

TagFunction of submodule function of the device (ASCII, padded with spaces) r/w 32
TagLocation of submodule Location of the device in the plant (ASCII, padded with spaces) r/w 22
* ... r/w = read and write

I&M2 (Slot 0)

Variable Description Access* Size

Installation_Date Installation date of the device (ASCII, padded with spaces) r/w 16
reserved r/w 38
* ... r/w = read and write

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


I&M3 (Slot 0)

Variable Description Access* Size

Descriptor Description of the device (ASCII, padded with spaces) r/w 54

* ... r/w = read and write

I&M0 (Slot 1)

Variable Description Access* Size

Vendor ID IO-Link ID of the manufacturer r 2

OrderID Order number of the device (numbers are separated by blanks) r 20
Serial number Serial number of the device (numbers separated by blanks) r 16
Hardware revision Hardware revision of the device r 2
Software revision prefix Prefix of the software revision of the device (V, R, P, U or T) r 1
SOFTWARE_REVISION Software revision (numbers separated by blanks, e.g. x y z in "Vx.y.z") r 3
REVISION_COUNTER Revision counter; is incremented with each parameter change r 2
Profile ID ID of the sub-module profile (Slot 1: 0x4E01 = IOLink) r 2
Profile Specific Type additional value for profile ID; 0, if not used r 2
IMVersion I&M version (default value: 0x0101) r 2
IMSupported Supported I&M datasets (0x0E for I&M1-3) r 2
* ... r = only read

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-08-18


Diagnostic and alarms


ECD Name Description Type


0x02 EVNT_CODE_M_PDU_CHECK Receive frame with CRC error Alarm

0x1B EVNT_CODE_S_RETRY Repetitions detected Alarm
0x1E EVNT_CODE_P_SHORT Short circuit on C/Q cable detected Diagnostics
0x1F EVNT_CODE_P_SENSOR Error in the sensor supply Diagnostics
0x20 EVNT_CODE_P_ACTOR Error in the actuator supply Diagnostics
0x21 EVNT_CODE_P_POWER Error in the power supply of the IO-Link master Diagnostics
0x28 EVNT_CODE_DSREADY_NOACTION Data storage completed, but no action, since CRC was Alarm
0x29 DS_FAULT_IDENT Sensor does not match the content of the data memory Alarm
0x2A DS_FAULT_SIZE Sensor parameters too large for data memory Alarm
0x2B DS_FAULT_UPLOAD Error during data memory transmission from the sensor Alarm
0x2C DS_FAULT_DOWNLOAD Error during data memory transmission to the sensor Alarm
0x2F DS_FAULT_DEVICE_LOCKED Error during data storage because the device is blocked Alarm
0x32 EVNT_CODES_DSREADY_DOWNLOAD Parameter transmission to the sensor finished Alarm
0x33 EVNT_CODE_DSREADY_UPLOAD Parameter transmission from the sensor finished Diagnostics

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-04-21

Inputs / outputs ......................................................................................65

13 Index Install GSD file .......................................................................................45
Interfaces ...............................................................................................66
A IO-Link ...................................................................................................14
IO-Link circuits .......................................................................................20
Acyclic data ............................................................................................75
IO-Link ports ..........................................................................................19
Add the device to the Profinet network..................................................46
IO-Link ports (Class A) ..........................................................................25
Appendix ................................................................................................63
IO-Link supply ........................................................................................15
Application .............................................................................................65
Approvals / tests ....................................................................................66 L
C LED indicators .......................................................................................24
Legal and copyright information ..............................................................6
CAN standard units................................................................................52
Command channel.................................................................................39
Configure IO-Link devices ............................................................................. 42
Communication, parameter setting, evaluation .....................................13
Configure the device ..................................................................................... 33
Configuration .........................................................................................27 Read device information ............................................................................... 57
Configure communication profile .....................................................35, 48
Configure IO-Link devices .....................................................................52 M
Configure IO-Link ports .........................................................................49
Maintenance ..........................................................................................61
Configure the Ethernet interface ...........................................................36
Mechanical data.....................................................................................67
Configure the interface to the SmartObserver ......................................37
Modification history ..................................................................................7
Configure the Profinet interface.............................................................50
Mount the device ...................................................................................16
Connect the device ................................................................................21
Mounting ................................................................................................16
Connection possibilities .........................................................................29
Cyclic data .............................................................................................72 O
D Offline parameter setting .......................................................................32
Add IO-Link devices manually ...................................................................... 43
Detect diagnostics and alarms ..............................................................52 Operating and display elements ............................................................22
Diagnostic and alarms ...........................................................................77 Operating conditions..............................................................................66
Digital inputs ..........................................................................................15 Operation ...............................................................................................54
Operation with Profinet connection (without LR DEVICE) ....................30
Operation with Profinet connection and LR DEVICE/LR SmartObserver
Electrical connection ........................................................................17, 67 ...............................................................................................................31
Electrical data ........................................................................................65 Operation without Profinet connection ..................................................29
Error detection and elimination..............................................................58 Outputs ..................................................................................................65
Ethernet interface ..................................................................................24 Overview ................................................................................................23
Ethernet ports ........................................................................................18
Exchange IO-Link device.......................................................................60 P
Parameter data ......................................................................................69
F Parameter of the IO-Link master ...........................................................69
Factory settings .....................................................................................62 Parameter setting ..................................................................................14
Firmware update ....................................................................................59 Parameters of the IO-Link ports ............................................................70
Function .................................................................................................12 Permitted use.........................................................................................11
Functions and features ..........................................................................11 PI controller..............................................................................................6
PQI (Port Qualifier Information) .............................................................74
G Preliminary note .......................................................................................5
General ....................................................................................................9 Profinet.............................................................................................14, 68
Configure IO-Link devices ............................................................................. 50
I Configure the device ..................................................................................... 44
Programmers' notes ...................................................................................... 51
I&M datasets ..........................................................................................75 Read & write device information ................................................................... 57
I&M0 (Slot 0) ..........................................................................................75 Profinet modules ....................................................................................73
I&M0 (Slot 1) ..........................................................................................76 Prohibited use ........................................................................................11
I&M1 (Slot 0) ..........................................................................................75 Purpose of the document ........................................................................6
I&M2 (Slot 0) ..........................................................................................75
I&M3 (Slot 0) ..........................................................................................76 R
Identify device ........................................................................................55
Read and write I&M datasets ................................................................51
ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale...................81
Read device information ........................................................................55
Input circuit ............................................................................................19
Reboot the device ..................................................................................58
Inputs .....................................................................................................65

ifm Operating Instructions IO-Link Master with Profinet interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 67 (AL1100) 2017-04-21

Required background knowledge ............................................................9

Reset IO-Link master to factory settings ...............................................41

Safety instructions ...................................................................................8
Safety symbols on the device ................................................................10
Set device validation and data storage .................................................39
Set the operating mode of the IO-Link ports .........................................38
Set-up ....................................................................................................34
Status LEDs ...........................................................................................24
Supported configuration options............................................................29
Symbols and styles used .........................................................................6

Tampering with the unit .........................................................................10
Technical data .......................................................................................64

Visual indication .....................................................................................14
Voltage supply .......................................................................................25
VPN connection .....................................................................................32

Warnings used .........................................................................................9
Web interface
Read device and diagnostic information....................................................... 56

14 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle
Version: 2016-11-29 8310

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