Botulinum Neurotoxin For Treatment of Blepharospasm PDF
Botulinum Neurotoxin For Treatment of Blepharospasm PDF
Botulinum Neurotoxin For Treatment of Blepharospasm PDF
AAN 5 American Academy of Neurology; aboBoNT-A 5 abobotulinumtoxinA; AE 5 adverse event; BDI 5 Blepharospasm
Disability Index; BoNT 5 botulinum neurotoxin; CD 5 cervical dystonia; CI 5 confidence interval; CM 5 chronic migraine;
DAS 5 Disability Assessment Scale; EM 5 episodic migraine; incoBoNT-A 5 incobotulinumtoxinA; onaBoNT-A 5 onabotu-
linumtoxinA; QOL 5 quality of life; RD 5 risk difference; rimaBoNT-B 5 rimabotulinumtoxinB; RMT 5 randomized, masked
trials; TWSTRS 5 Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale; TZD 5 tizanidine.
This article summarizes information provided in the BoNT pharmacology is reviewed in the 2008
complete guideline, available on the Neurology® Web AAN guidelines.1–3 BoNT is commercially available
site at Tables e-1 through e-6 and in 2 serotypes, A and B. There are 4 US Food and
appendices e-1 through e-5, cited in the full guideline Drug Administration2approved preparations of
(data supplement), as well as references e1 through e16, BoNT: onabotulinumtoxinA (onaBoNT-A), abobot-
cited in this summary, are available at ulinumtoxinA (aboBoNT-A), incobotulinumtox-
In 2008, the American Academy of Neurology inA (incoBoNT-A), and rimabotulinumtoxinB
(AAN) published guidelines on the uses of botulinum (rimaBoNT-B) (table 1). The regulatory-
neurotoxin (BoNT).1–3 New research on 4 approved indications do not necessarily correspond
indications—blepharospasm, cervical dystonia (CD), to those in the evidence-based recommendations
spasticity, and headache—prompted this update. presented here.
Supplemental data
From the Department of Neurology (D.M.S., M.W.G.), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY; Human Motor Control Section
(M.H.), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (B.P.K.), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; Department of Neurology
(E.J.A.), Bronson Neuroscience Center, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI; Department of Neurological Sciences (C.L.C.), Rush
University Medical Center, Chicago, IL; Department of Neurology (G.S.G.), University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City; Department of
Neurology (M.J.A.), University of Maryland, Baltimore; Department of Neurology (D.G.), Geisinger Health System, Danville, PA; Department of
Neurology (S.P.), Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, CA; Parkinson’s Disease Center and Movement Disorders Clinic (J.J.),
Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology (M.N.), Klinikum
Augsburg, Germany; Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences (Y.T.S.), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; and Division of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation (S.A.Y.), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Approved by the Guideline Development Subcommittee on November 16, 2013; by the Practice Committee on February 27, 2015; and by the
AAN Institute Board of Directors on January 19, 2016.
Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.
Tension-type OnabotulinumtoxinA
disorder specialists.15 All 3 type A toxins appear to reported AE in the incoBoNT-A groups in this study
have similar efficacy and can continue to be effica- was dysphagia (23.4% in the 240 U dose group and
cious over long periods. 10.7% in the 120 U dose group).
Another placebo-controlled study (Class II) of
Cervical dystonia. CD is characterized by involuntary
onaBoNT-A (the original Botox formulation contain-
contractions of neck and upper shoulder muscles, re-
sulting in abnormal postures or movements (or both) ing 25 mg of neurotoxin complex protein per 100
of the neck, shoulder, and head.16 U)20 found that onaBoNT-A produced greater im-
The 2008 guideline2 concluded that BoNT is es- provements in the CD Severity Scale (21.81 vs
tablished as safe and effective for CD treatment on 20.31 points, p 5 0.012) and Global Assessment
the basis of 1 Class I trial of onaBoNT-A, 2 Class I Scale (61.7% vs 41.6% improved, p 5 0.022). Rhi-
trials of aboBoNT-A, and 3 Class I trials of nitis and treatment-related dysphagia were more fre-
rimaBoNT-B. Moreover, on the basis of a single Class quent with onaBoNT-A.
I study comparing aboBoNT-A with trihexyphenidyl, Five studies compared different formulations of
the guideline concluded that BoNT is probably more BoNT. The first 2 studies (Class I)21,22 randomized
efficacious and better tolerated than trihexyphenidyl. patients with CD to onaBoNT-A (1502250 U) or
Since the 2008 guideline publication, 1 placebo- rimaBoNT-B (10,000 U) and noted similar durations
controlled Class I study17 found that incoBoNT-A of effect and no significant difference in improved
(120 U, 240 U) improved Toronto Western Spas- TWSTRS scores at 4 weeks. Dysphagia occurred
modic Torticollis Rating Scale (TWSTRS)18 total more frequently in the rimaBoNT-B group in both
scores from baseline to week 4 (placebo 5 22.2, studies (48% vs 19% in the first study and 16% vs
120 U 5 29.9, and 240 U 5 210.9, p , 0.001). 14.5% in the second study).
A second study (Class II) comparing 2 doses of The third Class I study23 compared the effect of
incoBoNT-A (120 U or 240 U)19 demonstrated that onaBoNT-A 70–240 U with aboBoNT-A 240–720
both doses provided significant improvements in U and observed no difference in the improvement of
mean TWSTRS total scores, and in severity, disabil- posttreatment Tsui scores at 4 weeks (mean difference
ity, and pain subscores, from each injection session to 0.2, 95% CI 20.7 to 1.1, lower scores with
the respective 4-week follow-up visit. There was no aboBoNT-A). In a Class II 9-month randomized,
significant difference in efficacy between the 2 stud- double-blind, multicenter, noninferiority, 2-period
ied doses, although the study was not powered to crossover study with a 2.5:1 (aboBoNT-A:ona-
demonstrate such differences. The most frequently BoNT-A) protocol involving 103 patients with CD,
Neurology ® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously since
1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Neurology. All
rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.
Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Neurology ® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously since
1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Neurology. All
rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.