HART Interface Manual
HART Interface Manual
HART Interface Manual
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Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Flameproof L
Type of protection based on enclosure in which the parts which can
ignite an explosive gas atmosphere are placed within and which can LRV - Lower Range Value
withstand the pressure developed during an internal explosion of Parameter in HART for controlling where the 4 mA set point.
an explosive mixture, and which prevents the transmission of the
explosion to the explosive gas atmosphere surrounding the enclosure.
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
M Sphere Radius
The internal radius of the sphere that contains the liquid, the value is
Mass used to calculate the volume along with the Sphere Offset.
The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational
field, calculated by density at the reference temperature multiplied by Sphere Offset
the volume correction factor (Density × VCF). An offset value that accounts for additional volume in a sphere from
non-uniform sphere geometry, the value is used to calculate the
MODBUS volume along with the Sphere Radius.
A serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for
use with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It has become a Strap Table
de facto standard communications protocol in industry, and is now the A table of measurement correlating the height of a vessel to the
most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic volume that is contained at that height. The transmitter can contain up
devices. to 100 points.
N SV - Secondary Variable
Second variable in HART® that is communicated. SV is set to Loop
NEMA Type 4X 2 (Interface Level) by default unless temperature is ordered and the
A product Enclosure intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to temperature is default.
provide a degree of protection against corrosion, windblown dust and
rain, splashing water, and hose-directed water; and to be undamaged T
by the formation of ice on the enclosure. They are not intended to
provide protection against conditions such as internal condensation or TEC
internal icing. ‘Thermal Expansion Coefficient’ - a value correlating the change in
temperature for an object with the change in its volume. Allowable
NPT values are 270.0 to 930.0. TEC units are in 10 E-6/Deg F.
U.S. standard defining tapered pipe threads used to join pipes and
fittings. Temperature Correction Method
One of five product correction methods used to correct the product
NSVP (Net Standard Volume of the Product) volume in the tank due to changes in temperature from 60 °F including
The temperature corrected volume for the product liquid in the tank, (6A, 6B, 6C, 6C Mod, and Custom Table.
requires the transmitter to be ordered with temperature measurement
capabilities. The NSVP is calculated by multiplying the volume of the TV - Tertiary Variable
product liquid by a volume correction factor based on temperature Third variable in HART® that is communicated. TV is set to
(GOVP × VCF). temperature by default.
Specific Gravity W
The density ratio of a liquid to the density of water at the same
conditions. Working Capacity
The maximum volume of liquid that the user desires for their vessel to
hold, typically 80 % of the vessels maximum volume before overfill.
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Important: NOTICE
Before starting the operation of the equipment read this Output will vary depending on the location of the 4 and 20 mA set
documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information. points.
The content of this technical documentation and of its various
annexes is intended to provide information on the HART® Interface of Tools needed:
the LP Series. All safety related information is in the product specific • 24 Vdc linear regulated power supply
operation manual. • Current meter
Warnings are intended for your personal safety and for avoidance 1. Connect 24 Vdc power supply to Loop 1.
of damage to the described product or connected devices. In this 2. Turn on power supply.
documentation, safety information and warnings to avoid dangers that 3. Connect Current Meter to test pins on interconnect board. Loop 1
might affect the life and health of personnel or cause material damage Test Pins are on the bottom left and labeled TP1 and TP2.
are highlighted by the preceding pictogram, which is defined below. 4. Move the float towards the tip of the pipe and verify 4 mA set
Symbol Meaning 5. Move the float towards the top of the pipe and verify 20 mA set
This symbol is used to point to situations point.
that may lead to material damage and/or 6. If using two floats, repeat steps 4 and 5 for second float. Test pins
personal injury. for Loop 2 are TP5 and TP6. Note both floats must be present or
else the level transmitter will go into alarm.
7. Turn off power and disconnect power supply and current meter.
8. Install in tank.
4. Safety instructions
Do not use any device other than the MTS Stylus to operate the
display on the LP Series.
Improper use of the Stylus can cause the display to not function
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Run mode is the primary mode of operation. This mode will perform
measurements, display data, and respond to HART® commands.
Program mode is the primary mode for commissioning and Fig. 1: Display
troubleshooting the level transmitter. The full menu and available
functions are shown in section 6.3 Menu Structure. To enter program Key / Element Function
mode use the Stylus and press the Enter Key as shown in section 6.2 UP Arrow Used to move cursor on screen up and to
Display Diagram. Program Mode is protected by a password to keep increment number
unwarranted changes from occurring. DOWN Arrow Used to move cursor on screen down and to
decrease number
NOTICE SCROLL Arrow Used to move cursor on screen to the right,
The factory default password is 27513. cursor will cycle back
ENTER Key Used to Enter Program Mode, select Highlighted
When in program mode, remote communications are not functional. Item, and Confirm Selection
An automatic timeout feature is provided so that the transmitter EXIT Key Hidden key in the middle of the display that is
does not remain inadvertently in program mode. The timeout is set used to exit menu at any time
for 1 minute before prompted for additional time. Total timeout is MEASURED The process variable that is selected to display.
2 minutes. VARIABLE The display will automatically scroll between
selected variables.
MEASUREMENT The numerical value for the MEASURED
Whenever program mode is exited from the display the unit will VARIABLE shown on the display.
reset itself to insure all changes have been accepted. The reset will UNITs Unit of measurement for the MEASURED
take approximately 5 seconds before the level transmitter is able to VARIABLE shown on the display.
respond to commands. TEMPERATURE Average temperature for the product in the tank.
Only shown if the level transmitter was purchased
with temperature.
In program mode, the transmitter will not respond to incoming NOTIFICATIONS Four squares with letters. Top left square is blank.
HART® commands. A busy error will be sent to the controller to Top right square, A, will only show when there
notify the unit is in program mode. This function will prevent a user is an alarm. Toggle the UP Arrow key to view
at a remote terminal from programming the unit while a user is alarms. Bottom right square, F, will only show
accessing program mode from the display. when there is a fault. Toggle the DOWN Arrow key
to view error codes. Bottom left square, P, will
only show when the units is being programmed
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Go to section 9.3 for more information about how to program the unit MTS has two separate types of alarms featuring both a software fault
from the display. alarm and a hardware fault alarm.
• Product Level
• Current Level
• Offset
• Interface Level
• Current Level
• Offset
• Settings
• Gradient
• Serial Number
• HW Revision
• SW Revision
• SARA Blanking
• Magnet Blanking
• Gain
• Min Trig Level
• Reverse Measure
• Temp Setup
• Temp Enable
• No of Temp
• Float Config
• Loop 1
• Loop 2
• Damping
• Loop 1
• Loop 2
• Auto Threshold
• Reset to Factory
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
9. HART® Interface 3. Open setup software and select HART® protocol from drop down
MTS Sensors has tested and is compliant to HART® ITK 7.2.
The device driver file is available for download from HART®
Communication Protocol website at: www.hartcomm.org or from MTS
Sensors at: www.mtssensors.com.
Programming via HART® can be done either using the LP Dashboard
via a HART® modem or a handheld programmer.
9.1 LP Dashboard
HART® requires a load resistor to work correctly. Add a 250 Ohm
resistor for proper communication. Some PLC cards will have built
in load resistors.
24 Vdc
Level Transmitter Power supply
Fig. 4: Home screen
I 10 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
The level panel on top shows the level measurement for the Product Temperature: Default setting of OFF if ordered without temperature.
level and Interface level. If only the product float is selected then only Default setting of ON if ordered with temperature. Turning temperature
the product float will be shown. The bold numbers are the numerical ON when the level transmitter was not ordered with temperature will
level and the graph is a time lapse of the graphical representation of not cause temperature to work and will force the level transmitter into
the numbers. The red line is the approximate maximum level based off Fault.
of the order length of the level transmitter. The numbers on the right Filtering: An internal filtering process for the temperature
of the level panel are the Trigger Level for the Product Float on top measurement. Filtering should be ON.
and the Interface Float on bottom. These are a representation of how 6” Delta: Internal setting. Leave ON.
strong of a return signal the level transmitter is experiencing. Display Enable: Default setting of ON. Display can be turned off by
changing to OFF and cycling power.
The temperature panel will only show if temperature measurement LOOP2 Present: Internal flag to turn on Loop 2. Changing this will not
was ordered and turned on. The left side shows the numerical value allow a second loop unless the hardware was ordered with a second
of temperature. The bar graph in the middle of the panel shows loop.
temperature measurement point.
User Configurable
Across the bottom of the Home Screen is the visual indication of the Reverse Measure: Allows the end user to change the direction in
fault codes from section 8. Green indicates no fault and red indicates which the MTS level transmitter counts. The default setting is OFF and
fault. Next is the firmware version in the middle followed by the serial the level transmitter will reference the tip of the pipe/hose and count
number. up from the tip. The ON setting will reference the head of the level
transmitter and count up as it moves towards the tip.
9.1.3 Configuration Device Address: The end user can configure the HART® address
if being used in a multidrop network. Default address is 0. Do not
change from 0 unless all communication will be done via HART® as
the current loop will not respond in multidrop mode.
Display Setting: Allows the end user to configure the display.
Available options are level in engineering units, current (mA), or
percentage full. Default setting is level.
Alarm Setting: Allows the end user to configure a High (>21 mA)
or Low (<3.6 mA) alarm for level transmitter. Default setting is Low
(<3.6 mA) alarm.
Fig. 5: The Configuration tab allows the level transmitter to be configured for the specific
Factory Set
Auto Threshold: Default setting is ON and should not be turned off.
This feature allows the unit to automatically adjust the threshold for
optimal performance.
Lobe Test: A functional test to make sure the return signal from MTS
has the correct shape. Lobe Test should be on unless using a magnet
not supplied by MTS.
Noise Detection: A functional test to determine if noise is entering the
MTS level transmitter. Fig. 6: Signal settings
Product Float: Default setting of ON for all applications.
Interface Float: Default setting of ON if ordering 2 Loops. Default Factory Set
setting of OFF if ordering 1 Loop. If the number of floats turned on is
different from the number of floats physically on the level transmitter Gradient: Is the speed at which the magnetostrictive signals travel
the level transmitter will go into Fault. along the sensing element. Typical range is from 8.9 to 9.2. Do not
Serial Number: Serial Number assigned by MTS at the time of change unless replacing the sensing element. Changing this number
manufacture. The serial number is used for tracking and replacement will directly affect accuracy.
parts. HART® only displays 6 of 8 digits. Do not change.
I 11 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Signal Gain: Is the strength of the interrogation pulse. MTS uses the 9.1.6 Temperature settings
same electronics for all lengths and adjusts the signal based on the
order length. Do not change unless instructed to do so by the MTS
Factory Set
Position: The location of the temperature sensor in reference to the
end of the pipe.
Fig. 7: Level settings Slope: Calibration factor for the temperature sensor. Do not change
unless a new sensing element with temperature is ordered.
Factory Set Intercept: Calibration factor for the temperature sensor. Do not change
Method – Enter Level Offset: a calibration method that directly unless a new sensing element with temperature is ordered.
changes the offset of the level measurement. The offset is the zero
reference point used in determining the level output. Do not use User Configurable
without Factory guidance. Temperature Units: Change the units of measure for the temperature
Product Offset: the full length of the level transmitter including order settings. Options are Fahrenheit or Celsius.
length, inactive zones, and mounting length. Do not change the Enter Number of Averages: Change the number of temperature readings
Level Offset method without Factory guidance. The offset will change used in the rolling average.
after using the Enter Current Tank Level for the Product. The Product
Offset and Interface Offset are independent of one another. 9.1.7 Analog settings
Interface Offset: the full length of the level transmitter including order
length, inactive zones, and mounting length. Do not change the Enter
Level Offset method without Factory guidance. The offset will change
after using the Enter Current Tank Level for the Interface. The Product
Offset and Interface Offset are independent of one another.
User Configurable
Length Units: the unit of measurement used for engineering units.
Default is inches if ordered in inches and mm if ordered in mm.
Options include inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters, and meters.
Method – Enter Current Tank Level: a calibration method that
calibrates the level transmitter based off of one point of measurement.
Select Enter Current Tank Level from the Method drop down box. Go
to Product Level and enter value of current product level based off
of a manual measurement while the tank level is not changing. Go to
Interface Level and enter value of current interface level based off of Fig. 9: Analog settings
a manual measurement while the tank is not changing. Click Update
box in lower left corner when it appears. Level transmitter is now User Configurable
calibrated. Product Zero: Chang the Zero (LRV, 4mA) set point of the product
level. The set point needs to be in the active range.
Product Span: Chang the Span (URV, 20mA) set point of the product
level. The set point needs to be in the active range.
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Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Interface Zero: Chang the Zero (LRV, 4mA) set point of the interface 9.1.9 Save settings
level. The set point needs to be in the active range.
Interface Span: Chang the Span (URV, 20mA) set point of the
interface level. The set point needs to be in the active range.
Temp Zero: Chang the Zero (LRV, 4mA) set point of the temperature.
The set point needs to be in the active range. The Temp Zero needs to
be less than the Temp Span.
Temp Span: Chang the Span (URV, 20mA) set point of the
temperature. The set point needs to be in the active range. The Temp
Zero needs to be less than the Temp Span.
Product Damping: Slows the rate of change of the product level.
Default setting is 0.4s.
Interface Damping: Slows the rate of change of the interface level.
Default setting is 0.4s.
Temp Damping: Slows the rate of change of the temperature. Default
setting is 0.4s.
PV: Select the process variable that is used as the PV in HART® and Fig. 11: Save settings
Loop 1 output. Product, Interface, or Temperature can be used.
SV: Select the process variable that is used as the SV in HART® and User Configurable
Loop 2 output. Product, Interface, or Temperature can be used. SV can Read Settings from File: Allows the end user to upload factory
be same as PV. parameters from a backup file to the LP Dashboard. This task is
TV: Select the process variable that is used as the TV in HART®. usually performed from a saved backup file or the original backup file
Product, Interface, or Temperature can be used. TV can be the same maintained by MTS.
as SV and/or PV. Write Setting to a File: Allows the end user to download a backup
file of factory parameters from the LP Dashboard to a PC. This task is
usually performed after Read Settings from Gauge. Note – wait until all
9.1.8 Flash settings settings have changed from Red to White before writing as the color
change signals that the settings have been updated.
Write Settings to Gauge: Allows the end user to program the
level transmitter with the factory parameters displayed on the LP
Dashboard. This task is usually performed after Read Settings from
Read Settings from Gauge: Allows the end user to update all of the
factory parameters displayed on the screen. All settings will turn Red
and then will turn white as they are updated.
A copy of the backup file is maintained by MTS including all factory
parameteres as the level transmitter was originally setup after
completing testing and calibration at the MTS factory. MTS can
provide a copy of the backup file upon request based off of the serial
number of the level transmitter. Contact MTS Technical Support for
Fig. 10: Flash settings assistance.
User Configurable
Reset to Factory Defaults: Allows the end user to reset all settings
back to the original settings as they were when they left the MTS
factory. This is intended to be used as a first step in troubleshooting.
Do note, the Zero and Span set points will reset to factory settings.
Fix fault code 128: If fault code 128 appears red then click the link on
the Dashboard to clear the fault.
Cycle power the device: Allows the end user to have the level
transmitter automatically turn power off, turn power on, and reboot
the device.
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Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
I 14 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Write Protect - user can turn disable or enable write protect mode.
Fig. 12: Online Screen While write protect is enable no variables can be changed and the full
menu tree cannot be seen.
Parameters Data
No Editable Parameters No Data is displayed
PV, PV Loop current, PV LVR, and PV URV are all shown on screen Process variables Menu Screen
I 15 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Parameters Parameters
Level 1 LRV – lower range value of the PV that correlates to the Temp LRV – lower range value of the TV that correlates to the location
location of the 4 mA set point of the output. of the 4 mA set point of the output.
Level 1 URV – upper range value of the PV that correlates to the Temp URV – upper range value of the TV that correlates to the location
location of the 20 mA set point of the output. of the 20 mA set point of the output.
Data Data
Level 1 – the product level is displayed. Temp – the temperature is displayed.
PV% rnge – the percentage (0 to 100%) of the active range that the
process variable is currently at. Diag/Service Menu Screen
PV Loop current – the current output level of the PV based on the
settings of the LRV, URV, and Level 1
Set Factory Values – clears all programming and resets factory
Fig. 17: SV Menu Tree
parameters to default values. Do not perform this function unless
Parameters instructed to do so by factory technical support.
Level 2 LRV – lower range value of the SV that correlates to the Set Data CRC – allows the user to rest the CRC in the level transmitter
location of the 4 mA set point of the output. and clear the 128 Fault Code.
Level 2 URV – upper range value of the SV that correlates to the Power Cycle Device – allows the user to power cycle the level
location of the 20 mA set point of the output. transmitter without disconnecting power from the unit.
Data Data
Level 2 – the interface level is displayed. No Data is Displayed
SV% rnge – the percentage (0 to 100%) of the active range that the
process variable is currently at.
SV Loop current – the current output level of the SV based on the I 16 I
settings of the LRV, URV, and Level 2.
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual Test device Menu Screen Loop Test Menu Tree
Fig. 20: Test Device Menu Screen Fig. 22: Loop Test Menu Tree
Parameters Parameters
Self Test – allows user to force level transmitter to check for fault 4 mA – allows the user to force loop test and current output to 4 mA
codes. Fault codes would be displayed under Status. 20 mA – allows the user to force loop test and current output to 20 mA
Data Other – allows the user to force loop test and current output to
Status – shows any existing fault codes selected level
End – Stops loop test and returns level transmitter to normal output Status Menu Screen Data
No data is displayed
No editable parameters Fig. 23: Basic Setup Menu Screen
Fault – shows fault codes displayed by level transmitter. These codes Parameters
are explained in section 8. Use must run Self Test before fault codes Tag – HART® descriptor that can be edited by user
will appear. PV Unit – unit of measure for the PV variable
PV LRV – lower range value of the PV that correlates to the location of
the 4 mA set point of the output.
PV URV – upper range value of the PV that correlates to the location of
the 20 mA set point of the output.
PV Damp – allows the user to select the damping of the PV variable
Device Information – provide detailed information on the setup of the
I 17 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Fig. 24: Detailed Setup Menu Screen Fig. 26: Configuration Menu Screen
Parameters Parameters
Variable mapping – allows the user to select the MTS variables that Sys Config – allows access to MTS factory parameters
are mapped to the PV, SV, and TV Gradient – calibration factor for level transmitter that should not be
Configuration – allows access to several MTS parameters changed unless replacing a sensing element.
Offsets – allows access to calibrating the level transmitter Data
LCD settings – allows access to customizing LCD display No data is displayed
Sensors – allows access to data and programming of PV, SV, and TV
HART output – allows access to setting HART® multidrop network Sys Config Menu Screen
Device Information – provide detailed information on the setup of the
Alarm – allows user to select between a Hi (>21 mA) and Lo (<3.6
mA) alarm setting. Default is a low alarm.
Fig. 25: Variable Mapping Menu Screen Level 1 – allows user to turn product level on or off. Should always be
Parameters Level 2 – allows user to turn interface level on or off. This will not
PV is – allows user to select the MTS variable that is mapped to the work if a second float is not used.
PV in HART® Temperature – allows user to turn temperature on or off. This will not
SV is – allows user to select the MTS variable that is mapped to the work unless temperature is ordered on the level transmitter.
SV in HART® Display – allows the user to turn the display on or off. Power must be
TV is – allows user to select the MTS variable that is mapped to the TV cycled for this to take affect.
in HART® Display Setting – allows the user to select if the display shows Level,
Data mA, or %. Default setting is Level.
No data is displayed I 18 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Lobe Count – allows the user to turn the lobe fault on or off. The lobe Sensors Menu Screen
count should be on unless not using a MTS magnet.
No data is displayed
Level 1 – allows user to access parameters and data for product level.
Level 2 – allows user to access parameters and data for interface
Fig. 28: Offsets Menu Screen level.
Temp – allows user to access parameters and data for temperature.
Parameters Data
Float 1 Offset – allows user to change the offset of the product level No data is displayed
that is used for calibration. Please contact the factory for technical
support to make this change.
Float 2 Offset – allows user to change the offset of the interface level
that is used for calibration. Please contact the factory for technical
support to make this change.
No data is displayed
Screen delay – allows user to change the update rate of the display.
This should not be adjusted without factory support.
Screen contrast – allows user to change the darkness of the display.
No data is displayed I 19 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Level 1 Unit – allows user to change unit of measure for product level.
Level 1 LRV – lower range value of the product level that correlates to
the location of the 4 mA set point of the output.
Level 1 URV – upper range value of the product level that correlates to Fig. 33: Temp Menu Screen
the location of the 20 mA set point of the output.
Level 1 Damp – damping parameter for product level Parameters
Data Temp Unit – allows user to change unit of measure for temperature.
Level 1 – actual product level in units of measure Temp LRV – lower range value of the temperature that correlates to
Level 1 Class – variable class for product level the location of the 4 mA set point of the output.
Level 1 Min span – the minimum distance required between the Level Temp URV – upper range value of the temperature that correlates to
1 LRV and Level 1 URV the location of the 20 mA set point of the output.
Temp Damp – damping parameter for temperature Level 2 Menu Screen Data
Temp – actual temperature in units of measure
Temp Class – variable class for temperature
Temp Min span – the minimum distance required between the Temp
LRV and Temp URV
I 20 I
Interface Manual HART®
Operation Manual
Poll addr – allows user to change polling address of HART® device.
Unless using HART® in multidrop network do not change Poll addr
from default value of 0.
Num req preams – changes the HART® preamble. Do not adjust.
No data displayed
I 21 I
UNITED STATES 3001 Sheldon Drive Document Part Number:
MTS Systems Corporation Cary, N.C. 27513 551699 Revision C (EN) 09/2018
Sensors Division Phone: +1 919 677-0100
E-mail: [email protected]
MTS, Temposonics and Level Plus are registered trademarks of MTS Systems Corporation in the United States; MTS SENSORS and the MTS SENSORS logo are trademarks of MTS Systems Corporation within the
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