Yatziv Sapiro Colorization PDF
Yatziv Sapiro Colorization PDF
Yatziv Sapiro Colorization PDF
5, MAY 2006
Abstract—Colorization, the task of coloring a grayscale image Chen et al. [5] used manual segmentation to divide the
or video, involves assigning from the single dimension of inten- grayscale image into a set of layers. Then an alpha channel
sity or luminance a quantity that varies in three dimensions, such was estimated using Bayesian image matting. This decompo-
as red, green, and blue channels. Mapping between intensity and
color is, therefore, not unique, and colorization is ambiguous in na- sition allows to apply colorization using Welsh’s approach.
ture and requires some amount of human interaction or external The final image is constructed using alpha-blending. Recently,
information. A computationally simple, yet effective, approach of Sykora et al. [26] have similarly used a segmentation method
colorization is presented in this paper. The method is fast and it optimized for the colorization of black and white cartoons.
can be conveniently used “on the fly,” permitting the user to in- Other approaches, including our own, assume that homo-
teractively get the desired results promptly after providing a re-
duced set of chrominance scribbles. Based on the concepts of lumi- geneity of the grayscale image indicates homogeneity in the
nance-weighted chrominance blending and fast intrinsic distance color. In other words, as detailed in [23], the geometry of the
computations, high-quality colorization results for still images and image is provided by the geometry of the grayscale information
video are obtained at a fraction of the complexity and computa- (see also [4], [6], and [15]). Often, in these methods, in addition
tional cost of previously reported techniques. Possible extensions of to the grayscale data, color hints are provided by the user via
the algorithm introduced here included the capability of changing
the colors of an existing color image or video, as well as changing scribbles. Horiuchi [12] used a probabilistic relaxation method
the underlying luminance, and many other special effects demon- while Levin et al. [17] solved an optimization problem that
strated here. minimizes a quadratic cost function derived from the color
Index Terms—Chrominance blending, colorization, gradient, in- differences between a pixel and its weighted average neigh-
terpolation, intrinsic distance, recolorization, special effects. borhood colors. Sapiro [23] proposed to inpaint the colors
constrained by the grayscale gradients and the color scribbles
that serve as boundary conditions. The method reduces to
I. INTRODUCTION solving linear or nonlinear Poisson equations.
The main shortcoming of these previous approaches is their
C OLORIZATION is the the art of adding color to a mono-
chrome image or movie. The idea of “coloring” photos
and films is not new. Ironically, hand coloring of photographs is
intensive computational cost, needed to obtain good-quality
results. Horiuchi and Hirano addressed this issue in [13], where
as old as photography itself. There exists such examples from they presented a faster algorithm that propagates colored seed
1842 and possibly earlier [19]. It was practiced in motion pic- pixels in all directions and the coloring is done by choosing
tures in the early 1900s by the French Company Pathe, where from a preselected list of color candidates. However, the method
many films were colored by hand. It was also widely practiced produces visible artifacts of block distortion since no color
for filmstrips into the 1930s. The computer-assisted process was blending is performed. While Horiuchi’s method colorizes a
first introduced by Markle in 1970 for adding colors to black and still image within a few seconds, we present in this paper a
white movies [3]. propagation method that colorizes a still image within a second
As neatly presented by Sykora et al. [26] (their work also in- or less, achieving even higher quality results. In contrast with
cludes an outstanding overview of the literature on the subject), works such as those in [17], the technique proposed here is
various early computer-based colorization techniques include easily extended to video without the optical flow computation,
straightforward approaches such as luminance keying [9]. This further improving in the computational cost, at no sacrifice in
method is based on a user-defined lookup table which trans- the image quality. Other special effects are also easily obtained
forms grayscale into color. Welsh et al. [28], inspired by work of using our framework, as demonstrated here and further exem-
Reinhard et al. [21] and Hertzmann et al. [11], extended this idea plified at http://mountains.ece.umn.edu/~liron/colorization/.
by matching luminance and texture rather than just the grayscale The scheme proposed here is based on the concept of color
values. blending. This blending is derived from a weighted distance
function efficiently computed from the luminance channel. The
Manuscript received December 1, 2004; revised May 24, 2005. This work
underlying approach can be generalized to produce other effects
was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research, in part by the National such as recolorization. In the remainder of this paper, we de-
Science Foundation, and in part by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. scribe the algorithm and present a number of examples.
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving
it for publication was Prof. Stanley J. Reeves.
The authors are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Depart- II. FAST COLORIZATION FRAMEWORK
ment, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]; [email protected]). Similar to other colorization methods, e.g., [17] and [23],
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2005.864231 we use luminance/chrominance color systems. We present our
1057-7149/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
method in the YCbCr color space, although other color spaces Since the chrominance data is often given in whole regions
such as YIQ or YUV could be used as well. Moreover, work and not necessarily in single isolated points, we would like to
can also be done directly on the RGB space. Let get an idea of the distance from a certain known chrominance
be the given monochromatic image (“scribbles” with a given uniform color) to any point in .
or video defined on a region . Our goal is to com- We then define the intrinsic distance from a point (to be
plete the Cb and Cr channels colored) to a certain chrominance , as the minimum distance
and , respectively. For clarity from to any point of the same chrominance in the
of the exposition, we refer to both channels as the chrominance. set of given colors
The proposed technique also uses as input observed values of
the chrominance channels in a region which is signifi- (2)
cantly smaller than (see [17]). These values are often provided
by the user or borrowed from other data. This gives the distance from a point to be colored to scrib-
Let and be two points in and let be bles (from the provided set ) with the same color , or, in other
a curve in . Also, let represent a curve connecting and words, the distance from a point to a provided color.
such that and . We define the intrinsic Our idea for colorization is to compute the Cb and Cr com-
(geodesic) distance between and by ponents (chrominance) of a point in the region where they are
missing by blending the different chrominance in
according to their intrinsic distance to
example, expressions of this type have been used for edge de- d)
tection in [16]. They constitute a modification of the popular 4) while
geodesic active contours for object detection (see [22] and refer- a) the link with smallest distance in (see Footnote (4)).
ences therein for details). The popularity of these expressions in b)
other disciplines means that their efficient computation has been c) the blend structure of
widely studied, e.g., [10], [14], [24], [25], [27], [29], and [31], d) if
where the reader is referred for more details, including exact i) add to
numerical computations of the gradient in (1) using up-wind ii) add to
schemes. These algorithms are inspired by the classical Dijk- iii) for all pixels neighboring
stra graph algorithm [8],2 fast sweeping techniques [7], and spe- A) create link
cial data structures such as buckets and priority queues [29]. B) 3
Fig. 4. Testing the robustness of the proposed algorithm. The first row shows an example where different sets of scribbles are used, obtaining visually identical
results. The original monochromatic image is shown first, followed by the first set of scribbles and the resulting colorized result. This is followed by a second set
of scribbles and the corresponding colorized results. Note how the two results are virtually identical. The next row repeats the same experiment for a different
image. Next, we show (third row) how the result is evolving with the addition of new scribbles by the user. The original image is presented first, followed by the
set of scribbles labeled by their order of application. The third figure shows the result when only the two scribbles labeled 1 are used. Then, scribbled 2 is added
to improve the results on the top of the ball, obtaining the fourth figure. Finally, the scribble labeled 3 was added to keep the shadow gray instead of green, and
the result is provided in the last figure.
Fig. 5. Colorization with palettes. After the scribble is propagated, the gray value is used to key the palette. The original image is followed by the colored one in
the first row. The second row shows the palettes for the mountain and the sky, respectively.
since these provide zero or very limited weight/influence in their we place it at a different location? If the ideal scribble and the
formulation. placed one are both inside the same object, and the region be-
In Fig. 4, we study the robustness of our proposed approach tween them is relatively homogenous, then using our gradient
with respect to the scribbles placement (location of the set ). weighted metric, the distance between the two scribbles will
Before describing these examples, let us provide some basic be relatively small. From the triangle inequality, we can then
comments that will help to understand the observed robustness bound the distance from the placed scribble to a given pixel
of this technique. Assume that we know the “ideal” position to to be colored, simply using the sum of the distance from the
place a scribble (see Section IV for more on this). What hap- ideal scribble to such pixel and the distance between the scrib-
pens if, instead of placing this scribble at the optimal place, bles. Since the latter is small, then the distance from the ideal
Fig. 6. Animated video colorization example. (a) Given the ten-frame grayscale sequence, (b) our algorithm provides a colorized video. (c) The first and last
frame of the colorized video are enlarged to show the color content. (d) To colorize the ten frames, all that was needed were a few chrominance scribbles on a
single frame. The user marked chrominance scribbles on the seventh frame of this sequence. The size of each frame is 312 264, and the algorithm total run time
for the whole sequence is 6.8 s. The movie can be found on the web site for this project.
scribble and the one from the placed one to the pixel to be col- tion compared to [17] and [26], where not only is each frame
ored are very similar, and, as such, the result of the colorization computed significantly faster, but there is also no need for op-
algorithm. If the placed scribble is located “on the wrong side tical flow. Fig. 6 demonstrates the colorization of an animated
of the edge” (or with high gradients between it and the ideal scene from the movie Finding Nemo. Fig. 7 shows a coloriza-
scribble), then, of course, the distance between the ideal and the tion example of an old film. In both examples, we obtained very
placed scribbles will be large and as such the algorithm will pro- good results just by marking a few chrominance scribbles in a
duce very different results. Of course, this will almost mean an single frame.
intentional mistake by the user. Moreover, interactive coloriza- The blending factor is the only free parameter of the algo-
tion is possible thanks to the fast speed of the proposed tech- rithm as currently implemented. We set it to be for all
nique, thereby permitting the user to correct errors and to add or examples in this paper and the additional ones in the afore-
move scribbles as needed (this can be easily experimented with mentioned web page. Better results may have been archived se-
the public domain software mentioned above). The first row of lecting a different value per image and video, although we did
Fig. 4 shows an example of an image colored with different sets not find this necessary to obtain the high quality results pre-
of scribbles. Notice how the results are visually indistinguish- sented here.
able. This is repeated for a second example in the next row. The
last row of the figure shows the evolution of the result as the A. Recolorization and Extensions
user adds scribbles, a common working scenario for this type Recolorization is the art of replacing the colors of an image
of application, which is allowed by the speed and robustness of by new colors. Fig. 8 shows that it is possible to change colors
our proposed technique (this is also part of the public domain of an existing image or video just by slightly modifying our
implementation mentioned above). original colorization algorithm. When colorizing grayscale im-
Fig. 5 shows a simple example of special effects that can be ages, we based the process on the assumption that homogeneity
easily obtained with our proposed framework, colorization with of the grayscale indicates homogeneity in the chrominance. In
palettes. After the scribble is propagated, the gray value is used recolorization, we have more clues about how the chrominance
to key the palette. The original image is followed by the colored should vary. We assume that homogeneity in the original
one on the first row. The second row shows the palettes for the chrominance indicates homogeneity in the new chrominance.
mountain and the sky, respectively. The chrominance propagation can be based on the grayscale
Figs. 6 and 7 show how our technique can be applied to video. assumption or the original color assumption or both, as demon-
Given a grayscale video and some chrominance scribbles any- strated in Fig. 9. The intrinsic distance can also be measured on
where in the video, our algorithm colors the whole video within the Cb and Cr channels rather than just on the intensity channel
seconds. This is a significant computational complexity reduc- as done in (1). This is done simply by replacing by or
Fig. 7. Video colorization example. (a) Given a 21 frame grayscale sequence, (b) our algorithm provides a colorized video. (c) The first and last frame of the
colorized video are enlarged to show the color content. (d) To colorize the 21 frames, all that was needed are a few chrominance scribbles on a single frame. The
user marked chrominance scribbles on the eleventh frame of this sequence. The size of each frame is 320 240, and the algorithm total run time for the whole
sequence is 14 s. The movie can be found in the web site for this project.
in this equation, thereby using the gradients of these (now Fig. 10 follows this idea and gives an example of object bright-
available) chroma channels to control the blending weight of ness change.
the new color. Video recolorization examples can be seen in the
aforementioned web site.
Recolorization is just one possible extensions of our method. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS
It is also possible to further generalize it by defining the mea-
surement medium on which the in- In this paper, we have introduced a fast colorization algorithm
trinsic distance is measured. can be any channel of the input for still images and video. While keeping the quality at least
image, a mix of the channels, or any other data that will make as good as previously reported algorithms, the introduced tech-
sense for weighting the intrinsic distance. The blending medium nique manages to colorize images and movies within a second,
is then the data that is actually compared to other techniques that may reach several minutes.
blended. Both in colorization and recolorization, we selected The proposed approach needs less manual effort than techniques
to be the chrominance. Yet, can be any image processing ef- such as those introduced in [17] and [23] and can be used in-
fect or any data that makes sense to blend for a given application. teractively due to its high speed. We also showed that simple
Fig. 8. Recolorization example. (a) Original color image, (b) scribbles, and (c) image after recolorization (note the pants, glasses, and window). The white
scribbles represent a “mask,” used to keep the original colors.
Fig. 9. Recolorization example using the Cr channel for measurement ( ) rather than the intensity channel. (a) Original color image; (b) intensity channel of the
image. It can be clearly seen that the intensity image does not contain significant structural information on the red rainbow strip (this is quite a unique example of
this effect). On the other hand, both the Cb and Cr do change significantly between the stripes and can, therefore, be used for recolorization. (c) Recolored image,
the red stripe of the rainbow was replaced by a purple one.
modifications in the algorithm lead to recolorization and other be efficiently reconstructed by the decoder. In order to do this, we
special effects [30]. need to understand what is the simplest set of color scribbles that
A number of directions can be pursued as a result of the frame- when combined with our algorithm, manages to reconstruct the
work introduced here. First, as mentioned before, other special color without any visual artifacts. In the same spirit, for the col-
effects can be obtained following this distance-based blending orization of originally mono-chromatic data, or the recoloring of
of image attributes approach. We are working on including in color data, it is important to understand the best position to place
this framework a crude (fast) computation of optical flow, to use the scribbles so that the user’s effort is minimized. For example,
mainly when the motion is too fast for the weighted distance used an edge map on the luminance data might help to guide the user.
in the examples presented here. Another interesting problem is to Although, as demonstrated with the examples provided in this
investigate the use of this colorization approach for image com- paper and the additional ones in our web site, the robustness and
pression. As shown in the examples presented here, a few color speed of the algorithm make it possible to work in an interactive
samples are often enough to produce visually pleasant results. fashion, reducing/minimizing user intervention is always an im-
This can be exploited for compression, in the same spirit as done portant goal. Results in these research directions will be reported
in [20], where the encoder voluntarily drops information that can elsewhere.
Fig. 10. Example of the generalization of our method to other image processing effects. (a) The original color image. Our goal is to change the color of the yellow
car into a darker color. (b) We define the blending medium by roughly marking areas we do not wish to change in white and areas we do want to change in black;
we do so by placing scribbles or by just marking whole areas. (c) Using our colorization method, we propagate the markings (white and black colors) and get a
grayscale matte (we only keep the blending channel). With the matte, it is possible to apply an effect to the original image with a magnitude proportional to the
gray level of the matte. In this case, we chose to change the brightness. (d) Image after applying the darkening. Note that the intensity only changed in the desired
parts of the image. The darkening is done simply by subtracting the gray-level matte from the intensity channel, where white means no change and black is the
maximum preselected change. (e) It is possible to further process the image using the same matte and (f) demonstrate this by similarly adding the gray-level matte
to the Cb and Cr channels, respectively.
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by propagating seed pixels,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Pattern Recogni-
The authors would like to thank G. Brown, A. Bartesaghi, and tion, 2003, pp. 457–460.
[14] (2003, Dec.) Univ. California, Los Angeles, CAM Rep.. [Online]. Avail-
K. Patwardhan for their inspiring and useful remarks. able: http://www.math.ucla.edu/applied/cam/index.html
[15] R. Kimmel, “A natural norm for color processing,” presented at the 3rd
Asian Conf. Computer Vision, Hong Kong, Jan. 8–11, 1998.
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[30] L. Yatziv and G. Sapiro, “Image and Video Data Belnding Using In- from the Department of Electrical Engineering,
trinsic Distances,” Patent Pending, 2005. Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, in
[31] H. K. Zhao, “Fast sweeping method for Eikonal equations,” Math. 1989, 1991, and 1993, respectively.
Comput., vol. 74, pp. 603–627, 2004. After postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, he became
a Member of the Technical Staff at the research
facilities of HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA. He is currently
with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He works on differential
Liron Yatziv was born in Haifa, Israel, on January geometry and geometric partial differential equations, both in theory and
21, 1975. He received the B.Sc. degree (summa applications in computer vision, computer graphics, medical imaging, and
cum laude) from the Department of Electrical En- image analysis. He recently coedited a special issue on image analysis in the
gineering, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. He has authored
Haifa, in 2001, and the M.Sc. degree from the and coauthored numerous papers in image anaylsis and he has written a book.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 2005. Dr. Sapiro is a member of SIAM. He recently co-edited a special issue of
He is currently an Associate Member of Technical IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. He was awarded the Gutwirth
Staff, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ. In Scholarship for Special Excellence in Graduate Studies in 1991, the Ollendorff
his current position at Siemens, he is responsible for Fellowship for Excellence in Vision and Image Understanding Work in 1992, the
developing image processing algorithms that will be Rothschild Fellowship for Postdoctoral Studies in 1993, the Office of Naval Re-
used in advanced medical equipment. His current in- search Young Investigator Award in 1998, the Presidential Early Career Awards
terests are in the fields of image processing and algorithms, about which he for Scientist and Engineers (PECASE) in 1998, and the National Science Foun-
published several papers. dation Career Award in 1999.