health fields for remote healthcare monitoring and control of or even political reasons. Power sockets are a notable exam-
vital signs from wearable sensors. Thus, requiring a robust ple, they exist for at least a century, and different standards
middleware software system to mediate these interactions. are adopted across the globe. Big tech companies appear on
Without middleware solutions, programmers must read the member list of more than one of the mentioned initia-
a new software specification every time they integrate new tives: Intel (5), Cisco (4), Ericsson, Microsoft, Qualcomm,
software packages, turning these tasks difficult and very time- LG (3), and Bosch (2). Take the open connectivity founda-
consuming [8], [9]. In this regard, numerous organizations tion, for example, it supports IoTivity [11] and Alljoyn [12],
struggle and prefer integrated solutions from the same ven- despite both being frameworks that are addressing device con-
dor, even when they are insufficient or too complicated for nectivity. It is easily inferable that tech companies are not sure
their needs. In IoT, organizations and users will use multiple what standard will prevail and are not willing to fully commit.
(and incompatible) software. In fact, middleware is one of its Another aspect of the standards competition is that besides the
enabling technologies [3], [10]. Recognizing the crucial role mentioned initiatives, other traditional standardization entities,
of middleware in IoT environments, they are the focus of such as IEEE, third generation partnership project), among
this paper. Then, the main contributions of this paper are as others, are developing standards for IoT. With so many entities
follows. developing competing standards, another question emerges,
1) A deep review of the state of the art on IoT middleware what is the longevity of such standards, also, what happens
platforms. when a standard is established, and another that is superior
2) A reference architecture model proposal for IoT mid- is developed. Therefore, expecting to reach interoperability
dleware detailing the best operation method for each among devices by enforcing a universal standard is somewhat
module. innocent.
3) Proposal of security features that IoT middleware should
comply for a safer IoT environment.
4) Deep discussion on the difficulties of achieving a univer- A. Connecting to the Internet in IoT
sal standard for IoT, as well as the differences between In IoT, most objects are constrained in resources. For this
the regular Internet and the IoT. reason, nearly everything that works on the current Internet
This paper also highlights the importance of IoT middleware requires a lightweight IoT version [13], [14]. A rapid analy-
and their crucial role. sis of the most common wireless methods of accessing the
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Internet reveals that the current Internet protocol stack does
Section II provides a background on the difficulties of achiev- not take the limitations of IoT into account. Wi-Fi (IEEE
ing and enforcing a universal standard. Then, it provides 802.11 a/b/g/n/ad/ac) is not battery efficient, does not cover
a background on how Internet connectivity is slightly differ- a large area, and does not support a high number of end-
ent in IoT comparing to the conventional Internet due to their devices. For this reason, alternatives, such as Bluetooth 5 and
requirements. Section III provides a simplified IoT layered IEEE 802.15.4 are being deployed in IoT solutions. Bluetooth
architecture. Then, highlights the platform layer by showing 5 is the most recent version of the mainstream Bluetooth
their requirements and considering three categories of IoT standard. Like Bluetooth 4.2, Bluetooth 5 also supports IP
platforms. Section IV defines IoT middleware and how they networks [15] (Bluetooth’s IP capabilities are rarely explored
operate. This section also details some closed and open-source by end-users). IEEE 802.15.4 is a standard for low-rate wire-
middleware solutions. Section V describes the operation of less personal area networks that specifies the physical and
relevant modules of a model IoT middleware to meet IoT MAC layers of the OSI model [15]. The most common imple-
requirements, and also proposes basic security features that mentations of IEEE 802.15.4 are IPv6 over low power wireless
middleware should comply for a safer IoT. Open issues and personal area networks (6LoWPANs) and ZigBee. 6LoWPAN
research challenges are identified and discussed in Section VI, is an Internet engineering task force approach that compresses
and, finally, Section VII concludes this paper. and encapsulates the IPv6 headers, then accommodates them
on the frame IEEE 802.15.4 [15]. ZigBee was developed and
maintained by ZigBee Alliance. It is famous for its mesh
II. S TANDARDS C OMPETITION topology, but it supports other topologies, such as star and
There will be different devices from different brands tree [15]. The most prominent advantage of 6LoWPAN is that
and vendors in IoT. Currently, most IoT devices are only it natively supports IP networks. When using ZigBee or tra-
compatible with devices from the same brand, or part- ditional Bluetooth, a gateway is necessary to communicate
ner brands. For this reason, several standardization initia- with the Internet, which increases overhead. All technologies
tives, such as IPSO Alliance, AllSeen Alliance, OneM2M, that do not support IP natively use a similar concept to con-
Openconnectivity, Fiware, OpenFog, OpenDaylight, and many nect to the Internet. ZigBee recognized the importance of IP
more were created. All of these initiatives are developing networks and releases ZigBee IP that uses many 6LoWPAN
reference architectures or standards for all IoT layers with concepts, especially the header fragmentation and compression
the purpose of delivering a more efficient and sustainable scheme [15].
IoT. The problem with standards is that history proves that Another wireless method of accessing the Internet is
different regions adopt different standards because of many through 3G/4G networks. Both have the same problems as
factors that can range from price, implementation complexity, Wi-Fi regarding IoT environments. For this reason, wireless
1) Resource Discovery: If an individual does not know experiencing failures. Reliability and availability should work
what are his capabilities he cannot advertise them to the others. together to ensure some level of fault tolerance.
The same principle is applied in IoT, where it is crucial for 4) Security: One of the most significant concerns in every
things to be aware of their abilities and limitations, so they application is always security. In IoT, that aspect is even more
can announce to peers what resources they offer. Expecting critical since a compromised object could perform all sorts of
a human to complete this task for every IoT device manually attacks, such as denial of service [30], or even disclose sen-
is impractical, so discovery mechanisms need to scale well. sitive information, such as user location, regular schedule, or
Resource discovery is the process used by a device to search even live video. The implications of such data being exposed
for the desired resources, where the entire network is probed are limitless, and platforms should do their best to protect user
for services [10]. data, while also providing intrusion detection mechanisms.
2) Resource Management: Every application requires qual- 5) Privacy: A substantial amount of Facebook and Google
ity of service (QoS) to be reliable, and that is only possible revenue comes from collecting user data and selling to adver-
through fair resource allocation. Platforms should be able to tisers (users consent to this practice in the service agreement).
estimate device battery-time, current memory usage, and other However, there is no way of being sure what data they collect.
relevant internal data to facilitate resource allocation and sat- Privacy issues are related to the willing disclosure of data are
isfy application needs. An efficient resource management can an enormous concern. This problem is even more severe when
guarantee that a device that is handling many requests or is VoiceLabs (devices that are always listening) [31], such as
low on battery is requested less often if other devices are able Amazon Alexa and Google assistant are used. An IoT plat-
to perform the same task. form escalates the risks further with the amount of collected
3) Data Management: Data are critical in every application. data. A business model that could be popular in the future
It holds a big part of IoT value, so it should be appropriately is for users to consume cloud systems available in the form
handled. In this paragraph, data refers to what is sensed by the of platform as a service (PaaS) for free with the tradeoff of
thing, or any other information that is interesting to the appli- the data being sold to advertisers and other interested parties.
cation. Data management consists of acquiring information, The advantage of PaaS solutions is that they are located in the
storing in a database, and processing through analytics. cloud, and authenticated users can access the data located on
4) Event Management: IoT applications can generate the server from anywhere around the globe without having to
a massive number of events. Event management is an exten- worry about deploying or managing the infrastructure [32].
sion of data management. After storing data, other applications 6) Ease of Deployment, Maintenance, and Use: These plat-
make use of it; meaning that accurate decisions can be made forms will be handled by users, who might not have technical
in real-time with the information provided by the data, and expertise. The average user should be able to install, maintain,
the proper events are generated. and use the platform easily. Software that are easy to use are
5) Code Management: Updating every device in person is preferred by the public and usability without compromising
unpractical, and IoT will have a plethora of them. Platforms security will probably be one of the key aspects of successful
should facilitate updating operations since they possess a con- IoT solutions.
nection to devices. 7) Interoperability: The platform should be compatible
with various devices and applications with minimal effort from
developers. If the platform supports many devices, it will gain
B. Nonfunctional Requirements a boost in popularity and will indirectly turn the solution more
Nonfunctional requirements are certain aspects that a system scalable. A way of reaching interoperability is if besides the
should ensure, to guarantee QoS [29]. These requirements are popular HTTP(S), the platform also supports common IoT
described as follows. communication protocols, such as CoAP and MQTT. Also,
1) Scalability: An IoT platform needs to be scalable, since platforms should expose some functionalities through applica-
the things connected to a network grow exponentially, so will tion programming interfaces (APIs). APIs allow software to
the amount of data. Platforms should provide a similar QoS expose functionalities to other applications and things without
as time passes and more devices are added. sharing actual code [9].
2) Real-Time or Timeliness: Most applications will rely on 8) Spontaneous Interaction: New devices will continuously
real-time data, so data must continuously be updated. In com- be added to the network, or even repositioned. These changes
puter science, the term real-time means that the user barely in the network will occur at any time. Platforms should help
perceives the delay between sending data, and the amount of devices discover and interact each other with minimal human
time the computer takes to receive and process the data. interference.
Reliability is the likelihood that the software will experience 9) Multiplicity: Multiple devices are expected to commu-
no failures in a specified timeframe. The specified timeframe nicate simultaneously; when various devices offer the same
depends on the scenario. This means that the timeframe can service, platforms should help other IoT intervenients decide
be the duration of a single task or even the entire software which one provides the best service. If instead of querying
lifecycle. a single entity, the device merely broadcasts a service solicita-
3) Availability: Platforms supporting critical IoT applica- tion to the entire network, the device would then have to decide
tions must be available at all times. The platform should which is the best (in the case that more than one entity provides
remain operational when executing tasks, even if it is the desired service). If a single entity is enquired for the best
device for a service, the decision of the most suitable service AVAILABLE I OT P LATFORMS AND C ORRESPONDING TARGETED A REAS
is delegated to a “smarter” player. The problem with query-
ing a single entity is that better devices will be prioritized.
Therefore, better devices will not always be able to provide
the best service due to memory constraints (too many requests
being processed), or even constraints from the physical world
such as distance. These are issues related to multiplicity [33],
and platforms should take them into account when
10) Adaptability and Flexibility: The platform should be
able to adapt to long-term changes, as well as be flexible
enough for short-term alterations. The platform should also
be viable across multiple scenarios.
and STH is that Cygnus only stores data, and no consultation learning, data warehousing, and much more. Their business
is possible, while STH allows both. Fiware officially supports model is PaaS.
both Cygnus and STH. Nitrogen [56] is an open-source middleware platform. Some
InatelPlat is a middleware platform created in August 2017, of its modules are licensed under MIT license, while oth-
at Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações’s (INATEL) ICC ers are under the Apache license 2.0. To successfully deploy
(INATEL Competence Center). The goal is to provide PaaS for the solution, users must have Nodejs installed. The disad-
interested buyers. Currently, it only supports REST communi- vantage is that only Nitrogen enabled devices (devices that
cations with its server, but the intention is to support other run Nitrogen software) can communicate with the server. The
protocols by early 2018. No further information regarding project has received no updates to its Github repository since
implementation was provided because INATEL desires to keep March 2015, and the official website domain (nitrogen.io) is
that information private. The name InatelPlat is temporary, and for sale [75]. Which leads this paper to conclude that the
the final version will have a different name. project was terminated.
Kaa [49] is an open-source middleware platform created and Nimbits [55] is an open-source middleware platform cre-
maintained by KaaIoT and is licensed under Apache license ated and maintained by Nimbits; it is licensed under Apache
2.0. Although it is open-source, users can expand to a paid license 2.0. It supports MQTT and REST communications
version by contacting the KaaIoT [71]. It supports REST com- with its server. Although it is open-source, an online version
munications with its server, and SDKs can be deployed to is available as PaaS where users can trial for free. To suc-
devices. To successfully deploy the solution, users must have cessfully deploy the solution, users must have Java, Redis,
Oracle Java SDK, either MariaDB or PostgreSQL, MongoDB a java server application, and Mosquitto MQTT installed. The
or Cassandra, and Zookeeper. The downside of Kaa (when problem with Nimbits is that it is going through a restructure
deploying a private server) is that it is not possible to inquiry and all documentation related to usage was erased from the
the stored data from the server through the REST API, mean- official documentation, and the public cloud is down with no
ing that the user has to develop another application for this estimated date of return.
feature. To those who are interested, it is possible to build an OpenIoT [57] is an open-source platform that supports
REST API that returns data from a MongoDB database using device management, as well as application enablement.
free tools, such as Spring tool suite [72]. Created and maintained by the OpenIoT consortium, it is
Konker [50] is an open-source middleware platform created licensed under Apache license 2.0. It supports REST and
and maintained by the Brazilian KonkerLabs. It is licensed GSN communications with its server. To successfully deploy
under Apache license 2.0. Although it is open-source, an the solution, users must have Java, Maven, JBoss, and
online version is available as PaaS where users can trial for Local Virtuoso installed. Although it is a fascinating project,
free, or expand to a paid version. It supports REST and MQTT it has received no updates to its Github repository since
communications with its server. To successfully deploy the November 2015.
solution, users must have Java SDK, MongoDB, Cassandra, Sitewhere [58] is an open-source middleware platform cre-
an application server that supports servlets. ated and maintained by Sitewhere and is licensed under
Linksmart [51], formerly known as Hydra [73], is a com- Common Public Attribution License version 1.0). Although
plete IoT platform that supports device management, as well it is open-source, users can expand to a paid version by
as application enablement. The app enablement module is contacting Sitewhere. It supports MQTT, AMQP, and REST
called Linksmart historical datastore (HDS). HDS is an open- communications with its server. To successfully deploy the
source middleware platform that is licensed under Apache solution, users must have Java, MongoDB, HiveMQ, and
license 2.0. It supports REST communications with its server, Apache Tomcat.
and data visualization is made through Grafana. To success- Tago [61] is an IoT middleware platform developed by Tago.
fully deploy the solution, users must have either influxDB or It supports MQTT and REST communications with its server.
MongoDB installed. Regarding the platforms that are present Their business model is PaaS.
in this paper, it is the only one that uses Sensor Markup Telit IoT platform [62] is an IoT platform developed by
Language (SenML) [74]. Telit. It supports MQTT and REST communications with its
Losant [52] is a platform developed by Losant. It pro- server. It provides application enablement as well as device
vides application enablement as well as device management. management. One of its biggest advantages is that besides
It supports MQTT and REST communications with its server. analytics it can also be used on the edge of IoT devices.
Although the application development tools offered by them ThingSpeak [64] is an IoT middleware developed by
are to communicate with their own middleware, the tools are ThingSpeak. It supports REST communications with its server.
very advanced. One of its biggest advantages is that besides The differential of this platform is that it offers MATLAB
analytics it can also be used on the edge of IoT devices. Their analytics. ThingSpeak started as an open-source project, but
business model is PaaS. currently offers its service in the form of PaaS, although the
Microsoft Azure IoT Suite [54] is an IoT middleware plat- old version of the server is still up in the Github repository.
form developed by Microsoft. It supports MQTT, AMQP, Thingworx IoT platform [65] is an IoT platform developed
and REST communications with its server. One of the by PTC. It supports REST communications with its server, and
biggest advantages of Azure IoT suite is that it easily additional connectors are available in its marketplace. It pro-
allows interaction with other Azure services, such as machine vides application enablement as well as device management.
is when the system monitors the environment and suggests important, it is common for open-source middleware platforms
actions according to the monitored data (e.g., a user walks do not possess a native GUI, relying instead on integra-
into a room, and the system asks if he should turn on the tions with third-party applications such as Freeboard [82] or
lights). Active context-awareness is when the system monitors Grafana [83] to provide dashboards. These third-party applica-
the environment and acts on the changes to the environ- tions can be deployed on private instances, are very powerful
ment autonomously (e.g., a user walks into a room, and and relatively easy to use, as the hardest part is having to
the system autonomously identifies if the user can navigate configure data-sources when using them.
through the room and turns on the light with the right degree of 6) Security Module: IoT will not become popular without
luminosity). Context-awareness affects the ability to adapt to plug-and-play. This means that middleware should be flexible
new circumstances or environments, and is deeply connected enough for the average user to handle. Unfortunately, ease of
to event detection/management. For context-awareness to be use (usability) is difficult to achieve with the level of secu-
achieved, it has to be modeled. In recent years the ontology- rity needed by middleware. If the data could be tampered or
based modeling has become mainstream, spawning different retrieved by a malicious user or application, the threats would
standards. A popular standard is Web Ontology language that be limitless. IoT devices are not known for their security,
is backed by World Wide Web Consortium). More information and middleware platforms should not follow the same trend
regarding other context modeling techniques, as well as con- because they are the brain of IoT. The amount and value of the
text in general can be found in [80]. Semantic interpretation collected data are significant and must be secure, but the solu-
and ontologies are expected in this module because people tion is not simple for any IoT scenario including middleware,
communicate semantically and the same is expected when because devices are very constrained in resources. Encryption,
humans interact with machines in IoT environments. For the for example, is costly (regarding processing), so lightweight
IoT that is envisioned the best is artificial intelligence in encryption tools or algorithms must be used for this goal,
this module (one of the most challenging fields in this tech- along with a lightweight cryptographic protocol [84]. Public
nology), but the middleware platform can use external APIs keys require that certificates are updated when they expire, and
to achieve this goal. Currently, some middleware proposals, propagating these updates to every device is not a simple task.
such as Linksmart and OpenIoT rely on ontologies to reach Both cryptography and public keys are basic security features
semantic interoperability between the sensed data [81]. that are common on the current Internet, and their limitations
4) Resource and Event Module: For devices to be efficient in IoT display the problem in hand, so every security aspect
in their actions, they must know what they can perform and that is efficient and can be included exclusively on a power-
their internal operation status (battery level, internal/external ful server is welcome. With that in mind, the paper proposes
temperature, and current memory usage), so they can advertise essential security aspects for middleware security in IoT. They
their resources and discover resources from others. Multiple are: 1) per device authentication; 2) the credentials to consult
devices are expected to communicate with each other simul- and publish data should be different; 3) devices should access
taneously; they can even offer the same service, and better other device data using their own credentials; and 4) mid-
devices are supposed to be requested more often than the dleware should know device habits and store their MAC and
others. This means that they will not always be able to pro- IP. More details regarding the proposed security measures, and
vide the best service, due to memory constraints (too many the reasons behind them can be found later in this section.
requests being processed), or even constraints from the physi- An IoT environment is characterized by its heterogeneity
cal world such as distance. These issues are a concern related considering different technologies and data collected will be
to the multiplicity of actions and the limitations of the tiny used across many IoT verticals. However, some scenarios are
device [33]. Middleware platforms can minimize these prob- broader than others. Small solutions like weather stations will
lems by managing and optimizing these interactions. When just consider data collection and storage, as most of their
connecting for the first time to a middleware platform, devices data are predictable and repetitive; then, it will most likely per-
and external applications should announce their capabilities form basic analytics and expose data for external consultation.
through some sort of text message (e.g., in JSON). Then, In big verticals, such as smart cities, that can include energy
the context module semantically interprets the capabilities, management, smart parking, smart transportation, mobility,
and when a device or application needs an individual ser- etc., data are unpredictable. The middleware platform should
vice, it can query the middleware for nearby devices that be equipped with AI mechanisms to analyze broader scenarios.
are able to fulfill the task. The middleware understands all In practice, this means that not all possible scenarios require
capabilities provided by the environment and can generate the all the presented modules since in small scenarios such as
proper events. Middleware should also facilitate events update a weather station, a simple middleware platform that facilitates
through devices [9], as it is not expected a person can man- data consultation and storage might suffice.
ually manage every single device in large environments, such
as smart cities.
5) Graphical User Interface: A GUI is a must for every A. Security Aspects Related to IoT Middleware
modern software, as it makes applications user-friendly. In Security is an essential aspect of any system, and it seems
IoT middleware, the GUI is often referred as Dashboard, IoT developers are relegating it to second plan, so that products
because many data will be exchanged, and dashboards present can be developed faster, and the exploits can be later resolved.
data in a way that is easy to read. Despite GUIs being so It is this paper’s view that IoT middleware should not follow
the same path, and should ensure data security. For this reason, middleware notices that a device is consulting or publishing
four fundamental aspects are proposed in this paper with the in different intervals than it regularly does, or is consulting
intention of increasing security in IoT middleware, and are devices that it usually does not, it is an indicator that the
based on the assumption that device credentials were somehow device was compromised, and the user should be alerted of the
compromised. anomaly to take proper actions. However, if the attacker knows
1) Per Device Authentication: is crucial for the safety of this security feature, he can just disable the original device
middleware data. Every device should have its individual and keeps sending tampered data from any part of the globe.
credentials when accessing the middleware platform. If cre- The middleware platform can counter this if it can extract
dentials get compromised, and the user notices, the threat the MAC and IP address directly from the HTTP header, and
is eliminated by revoking or updating the device credentials. alert the user. In the Internet, IP changes, so the middleware
However, if all devices share the same authentication, besides has to detect if the device IP has changed in a reasonable
revoking or updating the credentials, the user also has to insert range. The only scenario where the credential theft is not
them into every other device. Some middleware platforms detected with this security features is if the attacker manages
already follow this guidance. to spoof the device regular IP address, clone the MAC address,
2) Devices Should Use Different Credentials to Publish and keeps the device transmission habits. To the best of this
and Consult Data From the Middleware: Some already com- paper’s knowledge, none of the existing middleware platforms
ply with the guidance that every device should have its own implements this security measure.
authentication. However, the implementation is limited, as the
same credentials to publish device data are the same that are
used to consult. This means that an organization cannot safely
expose its device data to external users, without risking that VI. O PEN I SSUES AND R ESEARCH O PPORTUNITIES
data is tampered. For this reason, authentication per device is IoT poses significant challenges and opportunities for com-
not enough, and different credentials should be used to publish panies and scholars in every field. The significant number
and retrieve data. To the best of this paper’s knowledge, none of connected devices that are expected calls the attention of
of the existing middleware platforms implements this security academia, industry, and regulators, as the total annual eco-
measure. nomic impact due to IoT is estimated to range from $2.7 to
3) Devices Should Access Other Device Data Using Their $6.2 trillion by 2025 [85]. New needs will emerge, and an
Own Credentials: The former scenario is an excellent example entirely new ecosystem might rise; researchers should be
of a weather station, where device data can be retrieved by any quick identifying new fields, the industry should be quick
interested party, but makes it difficult to discover which device implementing innovative ideas.
credentials were compromised. Imagine that one day a close When organizations choose a particular software, it is
friend visits the user house and says he hacked one of the a long-term commitment, in IoT, it will not be different.
devices and now he always knows what is in the refrigerator. Middleware who are not supported by the community or
The solution would be to change the consultation credentials major players are in disadvantage, as currently, hundreds are
of the refrigerator and propagate them to every device that available (especially as services in the cloud).
needs it (and that is the problem). A few days later the same It is extremely important developing an objective and
friend is back, and compliments for changing the password detailed way for comparing middleware systems. Currently,
but says he can consult it again. The friend also says that comparing middleware solutions comes down to preference.
changing the refrigerator password is pointless, because he The “go to” for researchers currently consists of elaborating
hacked another device to get the password. The cycle would a list of relevant features (that reflect some requirements of
go infinitely, because the user cannot determine which device middleware), and mark which ones accomplish them, such
was breached. However, if it is possible for devices to access approach is often confusing for the readers because in theory,
other device data using their own credentials, by checking the they all accomplish the same goals. Comparing middleware
middleware logs, one can determine which device credential located in the cloud is even harder since a fair comparison
was used from an external source, and the user can take proper among different solutions implies that the conditions for all of
actions. When configuring devices, users should be able to them are the same across all the experiments. For software,
determine what other devices or predefined group of devices this means that they will have the same available resources
have access to consulting rights. Also, some devices that sim- (memory, processing power, disk space, etc.). This precon-
ply sensor data and never retrieve it should not have rights to dition turns the comparison between solutions that are only
either consult other devices, or its own data. To the best of this available in the cloud, and local instances very complicated.
paper’s knowledge, none of the existing middleware platforms As it is not possible to determine what resources are allocated
implements this security measure. to the cloud instance. In practice, this means that with more
4) Middleware Should Know Device Habits and Store Their resources, the local instance can perform better in comparison
MAC and IP Address: All past scenarios assume that the user with fewer resources. Another challenge related to compar-
notices credential theft, but in real life it is hard to notice ing cloud solutions is related to the cost. The current business
such breaches, especially if the middleware does not compre- model of most cloud platforms consists on billing monthly
hend the devices habits. For this reason, middleware should or yearly per number of requests, analysis, stored records, or
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Joel José P. C. Rodrigues (S’01–M’06–SM’06) is Valery V. Korotaev received the Honorary Doctor
a Professor and a Senior Researcher with the degree in engineering, Ph.D. degree in optical engi-
National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel), neering, and Specialist degree in optical-electronic
Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Brazil, and a Senior systems from the Institute of Fine Mechanics
Researcher with the Instituto de Telecomunicações, and Optics (currently, ITMO University), Saint
Lisbon, Portugal. He is the Leader of the Internet Petersburg, Russia.
of Things Research Group (CNPq), Inatel. He has He is the Head of the Department of
authored or co-authored over 550 papers in refereed Optical-Electronic Devices and Systems, ITMO
international journals and conferences, 3 books, and University, where he is the Leader of the
2 patents. International Laboratory “Technosphere Safety”
Prof. Rodrigues was a recipient of several (http://irc.ifmo.ru/en/87809/), the Honorary Worker
Outstanding Leadership and Outstanding Service Awards of the IEEE of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, a corresponding
Communications Society and several Best Papers Awards. He is a member member of the Prokhorov Academy of Engineering Sciences, a member of
of the IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors as the Director for Conference the Rozhdestvensky Optical Society (part of the EOS), a member of the
Development, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, the President of the Scientific Educational Council for the direction “Optical engineering,” and a member
Council with ParkUrbis—Covilhã Science and Technology Park, the Past- of the Educational Association of Russian Universities for Instrumentation
Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on eHealth and on Technology and Optical Engineering. He has authored over 200 papers in
Communications Software, a Steering Committee member of the IEEE Life refereed international and domestic journals and conferences and 21 patents.
Sciences Technical Community and the Publications Co-Chair, and a member His current research interests include optical-electronic measuring devices
representative of the IEEE Communications Society on the IEEE Biometrics and systems, linear and angular measurements, the polarization properties
Council. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of E-Health of optical systems and their components, nondestructive testing and fault
and Medical Communications, Recent Advances on Communications and detection, and inspection of large-scale objects.
Networking Technology, and the Journal of Multimedia Information Systems,
and an Editorial Board member of several high-reputed journals. He has been
the General Chair and the TPC Chair of many international conferences. He
is a member of many international TPCs and has participated in several inter-
national conferences organization. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer (as Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque (M’17) received
a Senior Member), a member of the Internet Society, and a Senior Member the graduation degree in mechatronics technology
of the ACM. from the Federal Center of Technological Education
of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, in 2006, the M.Sc. degree
in teleinformatics engineering from the Federal
University of Ceará, Fortaleza, in 2007, and the
Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering with empha-
Jalal Al-Muhtadi received the M.S. and Ph.D. sis on materials from the Federal University of
degrees in computer science from the University Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil, in 2010.
of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, He is currently an Assistant VI Professor with
IL, USA. the Graduate Program in Applied Informatics at the
He is the Director of the Center of Excellence University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza. He has experience in computer systems,
in Information Assurance, King Saud University, mainly in the research fields of applied computing, intelligent systems,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he is an Assistant visualization and interaction, with specific interest in pattern recognition,
Professor with the Department of Computer Science. artificial intelligence, image processing and analysis, Internet of Things,
His current research interests include cybersecu- Internet of Health Things, as well as automation with respect to biolog-
rity, information assurance, privacy, and Internet ical signal/image processing, image segmentation, biomedical circuits, and
of Things. He has authored or co-authored over human/brain–machine interaction, including augmented and virtual reality
50 scientific publications in the areas of cybersecurity and IoT. simulation modeling for animals and humans.