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Unit 3 Kelompok 4 Kelas Icp B

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Suharti Bunga, Sahriani, Irmayanti

Experiment photoelectric effect with the purpose of observing the behavior of light as particles by quantum
theory and determine the value of Planck's constant. Light has a duality of nature that is characteristic a wave
according to the classical theory and properties of light according to quantum theory. The occurrence of the
photoelectric effect in which the release of electrons from a metal surface when irradiated by light (photons),
which occurs when the photon frequency is greater than the threshold energy (work function) metal. Giving
light intensity does not affect the flow of photoelectric and kinetic energy but be affected by frequency, which
if the frequency is enlarged, the stopping potential is also great. The result experiment and data analysis we get
the value of Planck's constant ℎ = |6.940 ± 0.054| × 10−34 𝐽𝑠 and work function’s metal was 𝑊𝑜 = 6.91 ×
10−19 𝑒𝑉.
Keywords: electron, light intensity, stopping potential, current, photoelectron.

INTRODUCTION linear line, the slope of this line is not affected

by the type of cathode that we use in the
The photoelectric effect is the physics
experiment. At the trial of the photoelectric
that was first discovered by Hertz in 1887
effect of light beam fired at a metal surface
when demonstrating the existence of
that is placed inside a vacuum tube so that
electromagnetic waves. In the tool experiment
electrons radiated out from the surface. In
consisting of an antenna transmitter and
photoelectric emission, light striking an object
transceivers (receiver), Hertz observed that
causes the electron apart. Classical wave
sparks that arise on the receiver will be
model illustrates that when the light intensity
younger happen if the electrode where the
is increased, the amplitude and the energy of
spark was lit by the light coming from sparks
light also increases resulting in even more
fire at the transmitter.
photoelectrons are emitted, but according to
Einstein used Planck quanta idea
the quantum theory of light that increases in
gives a theoretical explanation of the
frequency generate photoelectrons does not
photoelectric observed symptoms. With this
depend on the intensity of light.
concept of light quanta, Einstein explained the
photoelectric effect of experimental data, by THEORY
formulating equations that connects the
We’ll now turn to our discussion of
threshold potential 𝑈𝑜 with the frequency of
the first of three experiments that cannot be
monochromatic light illuminates v used in the
explained by the wave theory of light. When a
cathode, is – 𝑒𝑈𝑜 = ℎ𝑣 − 𝑤. Toward this
metal surface is illuminated with light,
equation, Einstein wrote "If this is true then
electrons can be emitted from the surface. This
decline equation 𝑈𝑜 graph that plots were
phenomenon, known as the photoelectric
made in Cartesian coordinates as a function of
effect, was discovered by Heinrich Hertz in
the frequency of light emitted, will obtain a
1887 in the process of his research into and the rest appears as kinetic energy of the
electromagnetic radiation. The emitted electron. The electrons at the surface of the
electrons are called photoelectrons. material are most loosely bound and require
minimum energy for their liberation. This
energy is called the work function of the
(R. Sing, 2009: 61)
according to Einstein, the maximum kinetic
energy for emitted electrons is:
𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ℎ𝑓 − ∅ (3.1)
Figure 1. series of experiments the Where ∅ is the work function of the metal,
photoelectric effect which corresponds to the minimum energy
The rate of electron emission can be with which an electron is bound in the metal.
measured as an electric current i by an Equation 3.1 beautifully explained the
ammeter in the external circuit. The maximum puzzling independence of 𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥 and intensity
kinetic energy of the electrons can be found by Lenard. For a fixed light frequency f,
measured by applying a negative potential to an increase in light intensity means more
the collector that is just enough to repel the photons and more photoelectrons per second,
most energetic electrons, which then do not although 𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥 remains unchanged according
have enough energy to “climb” the potential to Equation 3.1. In addition, equation 3.1
energy hill. That is, if the potential difference explained the phenomenon of threshold
between the emitter and the collector is ∆V (a frequency. Light of threshold frequency 𝑓𝑜 ,
negative quantity), then electrons traveling which has just enough energy to knock an
from the emitter to the collector would gain a electron out of the metal surface, causes the
potential energy of U = q∆V =-e ∆V (a positive electron to be released with zero kinetic
quantity) and would lose the same amount of energy. Setting 𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0 in Equation 3.1
kinetic energy. Electrons leaving the emitter gives:
with a kinetic energy smaller than this ∆U ∅
𝑓𝑜 = ℎ (3.2)
cannot reach the collector and are pushed back
(serway, 2005: 84)
toward the emitter. (Kenneth Krane, 2012: 76)
With the Planck’s theory, Einstein
Einstein’s explanation of
found the phenomenon the photoelectric effect
photoelectric effect: A satisfactory
by the equation:
explanation of photoelectric effect was first
proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905. E  h  EKmax W0 (3.3)
According to Einstein, electromagnetic by 𝐸𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥 = the maximum kinetic energy
radiation of frequency 𝜔consists of small (eV), and 𝑊0 = metal’s work function (eV).
packets, called photons, each of energy𝜔. Equation (1) enables measurement of Planck's
When a photon of energy h𝜔 (= 2𝜋hc/𝜆) is constant (ℎ) with the following analysis. Light
incident on the surface of a material, some of with ℎ𝑣 energy electrons hit a cathode inside a
its energy is spent in making the electron free vacuum tube. Electron utilized to minimum
energy to escape the cathode 𝑊0 some EXPERIMENT METHOD
electrons out with maximum energy 𝐸𝐾𝑚𝑎𝑥 .
Apparatus and materials used in this
Generally, these electrons can reach the anode
experiment are: the Planck constant
and can be measured as a current
measurement device PC-101, 5 pieces of color
photoelectron. But by applying a reverse
filters (red, orange, yellow, green, blue)
potential Vs between the anode and the
Experimental method is done by adjusting the
cathode, the photoelectric current can be
Planck constant PC-101 before use to adjust
stopped. Ekmax can be determined by
the position of the light source of the sensor as
measuring the potential behind the minimum
far as 35 cm and adjust the position of the
necessary to stop the photoelectron and
current multiplier x 0.01. The first activity
reducing the photoelectric current to zero. The
determine the effect of light intensity against a
relationship between the kinetic and potential
strong electrical current is carried by putting a
energies stopper given by:
blue filter on a subsequent tube window adjust
EK mak  e Vs (3.4) the light intensity to current read on the screen,
Substituting equation (2) into the equation (2) as well as a potential measure stopper at the
obtained by Einstein's equation position. Having obtained a potential freeze in
hv  eVs W0 (3.5) that position, the next set of potential barriers
When the F and v are plotted, the graph will be in three states were: potential barrier is smaller
obtained as follows: than the potential stoppers (V<Vs), potential
barrier equal to the stopping potential (V=Vs)
𝑉𝑠 Slope = ℎ⁄𝑒 and then potential barrier is greater than the
(volt) stopping potential (V>Vs), thus increases in
the light intensity at each situation and observe
changes in the flow of data in order to obtain

Picture 2. The graph relationship between

frequency and stopping potential
The intersection of the curve with the
𝑉𝑠 same with 𝑊0 ⁄𝑒 and the slope of the curve
is ℎ⁄𝑒. By recognizing the value 𝑒, constant ℎ
can be determined. While the intersection of
the curve with the 𝑣 -axis gives the price Figure 3. Planck Constant Measurement
threshold frequency and the intersection of the Device, PC -101
curve with the axis 𝑉𝑠 in the negative direction Activity Second, to determine the
gives the price of the work function of the influence of the frequency of the potential
cathode. stopper performed by converting a blue filter
used in the first activity with the red filter
using the wipes, the next set of potential
barriers to a value of zero and set the intensity the greater the current changes, but it is not
of the light to read the current on-screen and in accordance with the experiment,
measure a stopping potential in that position. whereby the flow is influenced by the
Then change their color filter to another frequency of this is explained in
(orange, yellow, green, blue) and repeat the accordance with quantum theory.
same procedure for a different color filter so Activity 2.
obtained five data. Table 2. Relation between frequency and
stopping voltage
ANALYSIS Color Wavelen Vs
y (x1014
Filter gth (nm) (V)
Acitivity 1 Hz)
Table 1. Observations Characteristics of Light Red 635 4.724 0.38
According to Quantum Theory 5.263 0.68
Filter voltage The influence Orange 570
of intensity to Yellow 540 5.556 0.89
V < Vs √ Green 500 6.000 1.45

Blue 460 6.522 1.48

Blue V = Vs -
V > Vs -
Analysis Graph

a. Effect of light intensity to current 8.000

photoelectric 6.000
Vs (volt)

Observations from the third state in which 4.000

a change in the current when a potential y = 0.4332x + 4.3135
2.000 R² = 0.9922
barrier made smaller than stopping
potential, but it does not happen to two 0.000
0 2 4 6
other situations that do not change the
𝑓(×(10)-14 𝐻𝑧)
flow. This suggests that the increase in the
intensity of the light does not affect the
Graph 3.1. The graph relation between
increase in electric current.
frequency (f) and stopping voltage (Vs)
b. Effect of light intensity on the kinetic
energy of electro-photo Determine the Planck constant
The magnitude of the light intensity does Konstanta Planck Fungsi kerja
not affect the electron kinetic energy, this
is in accordance with the equation ℎ𝑣 = ℎ = 6.94 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠 𝑊𝑜
𝐸𝑘 + 𝜔𝑜 . So the kinetic energy is only = 6.91
influenced by the magnitude of frequency. × 10−19 𝑒𝑉
c. Theory explains that light is a wave then it 𝐷𝐾 = 99.22 %
𝐾𝑅 = 0.78 %
should be the higher the intensity of light,
∆ℎ = 5.4132 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠
% diff = 4.63% The result of experiment the Planck’s constant
𝑃𝑅 was ℎ = 6.94 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠 and the function
= |6.940 work from the metal was 𝑊𝑜 = 6.91 ×
± 0.054|. 10−34 𝐽𝑠 10−19 𝑒𝑉. The results indicate that the
emission of electrons from a metal surface
Based on quantum theory, light is seen (photoelectron) where the frequency of the
as particles in accordance with the theory put light is greater than cut of frequency.
forward by Einstein. Based on the analysis
chart obtained by the value of Planck's
constant ℎ = 6.94 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠 dengan 𝐷𝐾 = Krane, Kenneth. 2012. Modern Physics third
99.22 %, 𝐾𝑅 = 0.78 %. These values differ edition. United States of Amerika:
by % diff = 4.63% with the theoy, which the Department of Physics Oregon State
planck’s constant ℎ = 6.626 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠. The University
big difference in value caused by the Nurhayati. 2016. Modul Praktikum
inaccuracy of human time data retrieval, one Eksperimen Fisika 1. Makassar:
of which is to determine the current strength Universitas Negeri Makassar
less appropriate. Environmental factors also Serway, Raymond A. 2005. Modern Physics
influence the results obtained where the third edition. United State of Amerika
experiments were carried out not in a vacuum Sing, R.B. 2009. Introduction Modern Physics
because the electrons lose energy due to second edition volume 1. New Delhi:
collide with molecules in the air. New Age Internationl
Analysis graph we get the function
work 𝑊𝑜 = 6.91 × 10−19 𝑒𝑉. These results
indicate that the emission of electrons on a
metal plate where the frequency of the light is
greater than cut of frequency.


Based on experiments conducted

photoelectric effect can be concluded that the
photoelectric effect is the event of the release
of electrons from a metal surface when the
surface is irradiated by light (photons) if the
frequency of the light is greater than the work
function of the metal. According to quantum
theory that light is seen as particles, where the
provision of light intensity has no effect on the
magnitude of current photoelectric but is
affected by the frequency, which is also
comparable to the amount of kinetic energy.

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