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June 1–4, 2016



Diana, Abdulhameed
Graduate Student, University of Alberta, Canada

Roger Cheng
Professor and Chair, University of Alberta, Canada

Michael Martens
Sr. Mechanical/Pipe Stress Engineer, TransCanada PipeLines Ltd.,Calgary, Canada

Samer Adeeb
Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Canada


Pipe bends are frequently used to change the direction of a pipeline. The location of bends in a pipeline system is often
the location that shows high stress levels. The increase in stress is due to the high flexibility of the bend resulting from
the ability of the cross-section to ovalize when subjected to bending or internal pressure. Moreover, the surface
geometric characteristics of bends may lead to a host of unbalanced thrust forces caused by the internal pressure. The
internal pressure results in an outward resultant force that tends to straighten out the bend causing an increase in the
deformations and stress levels. This phenomenon is known as "The Bourdon effect". If this outward force is not taken
into consideration, unanticipated deformations and high stress levels could occur that may not be accounted for in
traditional stress analysis. A better understanding of the influence of the Bourdon effect on the elbow design
parameters is required. The increase in stress levels is considered using stress intensification factors presented in
current codes. In this paper, the stress intensification factors presented in the current code were revisited for the case
of different loading conditions and compared to FEA results. The study showed that the direction of applied bending
moment on the bend has a significant effect on the distribution and magnitude of the stresses depending on the level
of applied internal pressure.

Keywords: Elbow, Bourdon, pressure, Ovality


Elbow fittings are used in any pipeline system to change the direction. These elbow fittings are found to be the location
of high stresses within the pipeline. The main reason for the high stress levels are: 1) the ovalization effect; which
results from the ability of the bend to ovalize when subjected to internal pressure or external bending moment. 2) The
Bourdon effect which is the tendency of a pipe bend to straighten out when subjected to internal pressure. This latter
phenomenon results from the difference of the surface area between the inner surfaces of the intrados and the extrados
as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The resultant outward force causes additional stresses and
deformations that could affect the pipeline system which are not considered using the current design method. There is
no clear understanding on the influence of Bourdon effect on bends and currently it is not addressed in any code or
specifications, and this phenomenon was not well investigated in past studies.

When bends are subjected to bending moment, it will undergo deformations in the cross-section in addition to the
usual beam deformations. The bending moment causes longitudinal forces on the extrados and intrados surface of the
bend which either pull the pipe wall away or push it towards the neutral axis. These deformations cause the bend to
ovalize and the major axis of the oval cross-section will depend on the direction of applied bending moment (L.

Asnawi et al. 2004). The increase in bend flexibility results from the ability of the bend to ovalize. Pipe bends subjected
to an opening in-plane bending moment will have a deformed oval cross-section with the major axis in the plane of
bending as shown in Figure 2 (Shalaby M. et al. 1999). This means that the axial forces resulting from bending
moment is distributed as tension forces below the neutral axis and as compression forces above the neutral axis where
both will have resultant forces that pull the cross-section further from the neutral axis. However, a bend with closing
in-plane bending moment will have a deformed oval cross-section with the major axis perpendicular to the plane of
bending (Shalaby M. et al. 1999). This shape of ovalization is due to the compression forces below the neutral axis
and the tension forces above the neutral axis having resultant forces pushing the cross-section towards the neutral axis
as shown in Figure 3. The stress distribution due to bending the pipe walls due to ovalization will depend mainly on
the direction of the applied bending moment and the shape of ovalization.

Current codes consider the effect of ovalization on the stress distribution of pipe bends by using a flexibility factor
and stress intensification factor that accounts for the increase in flexibility and stress levels (CSA-Z662, ASME B31.1
& ASME B31.3). The flexibility factor and stress intensification factor are simply the change in curvature and
maximum stress of bends under bending moment to those values of an equivalent straight pipe calculated from simple
beam theory. These factors were developed from past studies that were based on 90 degree pipe bends subjected to an
applied external in-plane closing bending moment (R. A. Clark. et al. 1951), (E. Rodabaugh et al. 1957) & (L. Asnawi
et al. 2004). The case of bends subjected to internal pressure or/and opening bending moment were not investigated
(L. Asnawi et al. 2004). Therefore, the stress intensification factors used in current design codes may need to be
reviewed for the case of pipe elbows subjected to internal pressure and in-plane opening bending moment. The objective
of this paper is to present the influence of Bourdon effect on the bend stresses and deformations. The second objective
is to investigate the applicability of applying the stress intensification factors used by current codes to the case of an
opening bending moment bend.

AExtrados = πr(R + r)α

AIntrados = πr(R − r)α ΔF Extrados


Figure 1: Difference in forces acting on a

pipe bend.



Fig.(1-a) In-plane opening bending moment Fig.(1-b) In-plane closing bending moment

Figure 2: Pipe elbow ovalization shape under in- Figure 3: Pipe elbow ovalization shape under
plane opening bending moment. in-plane closing bending moment.


In this section, the Bourdon effect due to internal pressure acting on pipe bends is investigated using ABAQUS
software. 90 degree pipe bends with attached straight pipes are modelled for different pipe size and bend radius (R)
as shown in Table 1. The same models are subjected to applied external moment to study the effect of ovalization.

Table 1. Geometric parameters of pipe system

Outside Pressure, P for
Radius of Curvature Elbow Thickness, t
NPS Diameter, D 80% SMYS
of Elbow (mm) (mm)
(mm) (MPa)
12 323.85 323.85 9.525 16.94

24 609.6 609.6 9.525 9

42 1066.80 1066.8 9.525 5.143

The elbow fittings are connected to two straight pipes with equal length. The straight pipe has a length of 3 times the
outer diameter of the pipe cross-section. The pipe system is fixed-free and the straight attched pipes has the same pipe
size of the elbow fitting as shown in Figure 4. Both ends have reference points assigned at the center of the pipe cross-
section. One reference point (RP-2) is fixed from rotation and translation while the other one is free. These reference
points (RP-1 & RP-2) are tied to the circumference of the pipe using kinematic coupling where the radial displacement
is allowed to enable the pipe to expand freely under the effect of internal pressure. The lines of intersection between

the pipe wall and the plane of symmetry are prevented from translation in Y axis and rotation about X and Z axes as
shown in Figure 4Error! Reference source not found.. The pipe system is subjected to two loading cases as shown
in Table 2. A linear elastic material is used with yield strength (Fy = 360 MPa), young’s modulus (E = 207000 MPa)
and Poisson’s ratio (υ=0.3). Nonlinear geometry is considered in the modelling to account for the nonlinear behaviour
of the bend cross-section due to the ovalization of cross-section. To investigate the effect of the applied bending
moment direction and the shape of ovalization on the pipe stresses, the stresses from the opening bending moment is
compared to the stresses from the closing bending moment.

Table 2. Loading cases evaluated according to CSA-Z662

Load case Internal Pressure only Internal Pressure and Bending
Load P = 0.8*SMYS*2*t/OD P = 0.5*SMYS*2*t/OD
M = 0.5*SMYS*I/(OD/2)

Figure 4: Pipe model geometry and boundary conditions


3.1 The Bourdon effect:

Figure 5) & Figure 6) show the effect of internal pressure on the pipe stresses. Figure 5) shows the hoop and
longitudinal stress results for the case of pipe bend subjected to a closing bending moment only (solid lines) and the
case of adding internal pressure to the closing bending moment (dotted lines). By adding the internal pressure to the
closing bending moment, both the hoop and longitudinal stresses decrease. This implies that the outward forces from
the Bourdon effect are acting in an opposite direction of action from the closing bending moment. This leads to a
decrease in the stresses which is known as the pressure reduction effect explained by Rodabaugh and George (E.
Rodabaugh et al. 1957). Figure 6) shows the results of the hoop and longitudinal stresses in the case of opening
bending moment only (Solid lines) and the other case of adding internal pressure loading in addition to the opening
bending moment (dotted lines). In the opening bending moment case, the internal pressure causes to increase the hoop
and longitudinal stresses when added to the opening bending moment. The shape of ovalization due to the internal
pressure is the same as that from opening bending moment, therefore the two effects are added to each other. Therefore,
the stress intensification factors proposed by Rodabaugh and George and currently presented in the ASME B31.3 code
should not be generalized for all cases of pressurized pipe elbows.

Figure 5: Effect of internal pressure on the Figure 6: Effect of internal pressure on the
pipe stress for the case of in-plane closing pipe stress for the case of in-plane opening
bending moment. bending moment.

To understand the methodology of the current codes in accounting for the Bourdon effect in design, the same pipe
system shown in Figure 4) is modelled but with fixed-fixed end boundary condition. The pipe system is subjected to
internal pressure causing 80% SMYS hoop stress. A comparison between the FEA and the predictive stress according
to the CSA-Z662 is conducted in this section. The CSA-Z662 evaluates the stresses on a pipe elbow under internal
pressure only using Eqn. [1] which considers the hoop and longitudinal stress of a pipe bend the same as for a straight
pipe. Twice the maximum shear stress according to the CSA-Z662 is considered to be the difference between the hoop
and longitudinal stress is compared to twice the maximum shear stress from the FEA which is the “Tresca stress”.

[1] 𝐬𝐡 − 𝐬𝐋 ≤ 𝟎. 𝟗 𝐒 ∗ 𝐓

S = specified minimum yield strength,
T= temperature factor,
sh =
sL = ϑsh − Eα(T2 − T1 )
(SL is only considered if compression)

Figure 8) andFigure 7) show the results of twice the maximum shear stress evaluated according to the CSA-Z662 and
the Tresca stresses evaluated from the FEA model. The figures show the variation of the stresses along half the cross-
section from the intrados to the extrados of the bend. The readings are evaluated at the mid length of the bend which
is the location of maximum stresses. The results show that the maximum tresca stress is at the intrados and the
minimum is at the extrados. In addition the stress at the crown location is not affected by the bend radius and equals
the stress for a straight pipe. This behaviour could be explained as when the bend is pressurized, the cross-section
deforms into an oval shape with the major axis perpendicular to the plane of symmetry. The inner surface of the pipe
wall at the intrados and extrados will be subjected to tension bending stresses due to ovalization. However, the outer
surface will be subjected to compression stresses. The bending stresses resulted from the ovalization will be higher at
the intrados than the extrados since the Bourdon effect will try to push the extrados surface area away from the neutral
axis, which will reduce the ovalization effect at this side of the pipe. Therefore, when the tension bending stresses due
to ovalization is added to the tension membrane stress due to internal pressure, the maximum will be found to be at
the intrados. The results show that the maximum stresses from the FEA at the intrados are higher than that estimated
according to the code by up to 33%, especially in the case of large pipe sizes where the influence of the Bourdon effect
is more significant. The outward opening force due to the Bourdon effect is a function of the pipe cross-sectional
radius (D. Abdulhameed et al. 2016), therefore as the size of the pipe increases, the outward force increases which
leads to higher stress levels. The comparison shows that the current codes do not consider the Bourdon effect outward
forces for bends.

(R = 5D) (R = 1D)
305 450
FEA Tresca FEA Tresca
300 stress-NPS 400 stress- NPS
12 350 12
Tresca stress (Mpa)

Tresca stress (Mpa)

FEA Tresca FEA Tresca
290 300 stress - NPS
stress -
285 NPS 24 250 24
FEA Tresca FEA Tresca
280 200
stress- stress- NPS
275 NPS 42 150 42
270 Sh-SL 100 Sh-SL (CSA)

265 (CSA)
260 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80
Intrados Extrados Intrados Extrados
Number of nodes along the half the circumference cross-section at Number of nodes along the half the circumference cross-section at
bend mid-length. bend mid-length.

Figure 8: Comparison between twice the maximum Figure 7: Comparison between twice the maximum
shear stress calculated from Code and those from shear stress calculated from Code and those from
FEA for pipe elbows with R= 5D. FEA for pipe elbows with R=1D.

3.2 The ovalization effect:

The normalized hoop and longitudinal stresses measured from opening and closing bending moment cases are
measured from each model and compared as shown in Figure 9) through Figure 12). Figure 9) and Figure 11) show
the hoop (σh) and longitudinal (σL) stress results for the case of a pressurized pipe subjected to opening and closing
bending moment. When the pipe is subjected to internal pressure, the case of opening bending moment causes higher
stresses in comparison to the closing bending moment case. This agrees with the concept explained earlier that the
opening bending moment tends to straighten out the pipe elbow and acts in the same direction of the outward forces
resulting from the Bourdon effect, therefore both actions are added to each other which leads to higher stresses.
However, in the case of closing bending moment which acts in the opposite direction of the outward forces, the stresses
tend to be reduced when added to the internal pressure loading. For pressurized pipe elbows, the results show that in
case of opening bending moment, the stresses increase when the pipe size increases and the opposite for the closing
bending moment case. The outward forces increase when the pipe size increases which forces the pipe to straighten
out and lead to higher stresses on the pipe wall (D. Abdulhameed et al. 2016). Therefore, when the pipe size increases,
the stresses due to pressure and opening bending moment increase. However, in case of closing bending moment the
stresses decrease when the pipe size increases and this is due to the opposite stress sign of the internal pressure and
bending moment. In case of pipe elbows subjected to external bending moment only (Figure 10) & (Figure 12)), the
case of closing bending moment shows higher stresses than the case of opening bending moment. This could be an
indication that the shape of ovalization has a significant effect on the pipe flexibility. The pipe flexibility in case of
closing bending moment could be higher than the case of opening bending moment which leads to higher stresses.

The results show that adding the internal pressure will change the stress distribution on the pipe wall and will have a
reduction or magnifying effect on the stresses based on the moment direction. Therefore, future work will be conducted
to develop a modified stress intensification factor for the case of bending moment and internal pressure considering
the direction of applied moment and the level of internal pressure.

Figure 9: Effect of bending moment direction on the hoop and longitudinal stresses for pressurized pipe elbows

Figure 10: Effect of bending moment direction on the hoop and longitudinal stresses for pipe elbows with R= 1D

Figure 11: Effect of bending moment direction on the hoop and longitudinal stresses for pressurized pipe elbows
with R = 5D

Figure 12: Effect of bending moment direction on the hoop and longitudinal stresses for pipe elbows with R=5D


Past studies developed the stress intensification factors (SIF) based on the case of in-plane closing bending moment
only (R. A. Clark et al. 1951), therefore the SIF presented in the code needs to be revisited and investigated for the
case of opening bending moment in addition to the internal pressure as well. In this section, a comparison between the
current code equations and FEA predictions is conducted to investigate the applicability of the SIF in the cases of
combined loading (internal pressure and external bending). The code design procedure is based on a combined stress
that is limited to a certain value depending on the load type. The combined stress according to CSA-Z662 is the
maximum difference between the hoop and longitudinal stresses. For bends subjected to internal pressure and bending,
the combined stress is as follows;

[2] Sh - SL + SB ≤ S*T

Where, sB = Z

The code results are compared to the Tresca stress from the FEA results and are presented in Figure 13) Figure 15).
The results indicate that the stresses from the FEA are higher than the code results in case of opening bending moment.
However, for the case of closing bending moment the FEA results are slightly lower than the code results for short
bend radius (R= 1D) and higher than the code for longer bend radius (R=5D). The CSA-Z662 is found to be higher
than the B31.3 since it does not consider the pressure reduction effect. However, the codes results show that for small
pipe sizes, the internal pressure does not have a significant effect on the stresses when compared to the bending
moment stresses. Moreover, the code results show that the stresses tend to decrease when the bend radius increases.
However, the FEA analysis indicated an increase in the stresses by increasing the bend radius (R) which is related to
increasing the bend flexibility and therefore the stresses increase.

Figure 14: Tresca stresses for pipe bend size NPS 12 Figure 13: Tresca stresses for pipe bend size NPS 24
and varying bend radius. and varying bend radius.

Figure 15: Tresca stresses for pipe bend size NPS 42 and varying bend radius.


 The internal pressure results in an outward force due to the Bourdon effect that causes higher stress levels
and deformations. These forces are found to be a function of the pipe size and bend angle of elbows.
 The CSA-Z662 does not consider the Bourdon effect in evaluating the hoop and longitudinal stresses of the
pipe elbow. This phenomenon was found to increase the maximum shear stress by up to 33% for the pipe
sizes considered in this study (NPS 12, 24 & 42).
 The stress intensification factor used currently in the ASME B31.3 code that was based on the study of
Rodabaugh and George for the case of bends subjected to closing bending moment and internal pressure was
found to be not applicable for the case of opening bending moment and internal pressure.
 The internal pressure has a reduction effect in case of pipe bends subjected to closing bending moment.
However, in case of pipe bends subjected to in-plane opening bending moment, the internal pressure tends
to increase the pipe stresses.
 In case of pressurized pipe elbows, the case of opening bending moment results in higher stresses than the
case of closing bending moment.


R Pipe bend radius, mm

r Radius of the pipe cross-section, mm
D Outer diameter, mm
SIF Stress intensification factor
t pipe wall thickness, mm
M In-plane bending moment
P Internal pressure
I Second moment of inertia
SMYS Specified minimum yield strength


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Abdulhameed, D., Adeeb, S., Roger, C., Martens, M. 2016. The influence of the Bourdon effect on pipe elbow.
Proceedings of the 2016 11th International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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