Hydraulics With Syringes

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Hydraulics with Syringes

Time needed: 1 hour Materials needed:

 Plastic syringes – 1 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc, 20 cc, and 60 cc
Goal: Create a functional  Plastic tubing
mechanical arm that uses  Cardboard, poster board, wood scraps, or other
hydraulic systems to operate. sturdy materials to construct arm
 Scissors or Exacto knife to cut cardboard or poster
board (students may need assistance with this)
 Binder clips or brass brads (for use with cardboard
and poster board)
 Bolts, nuts, screws, and washers (for use with wood
or other harder materials)
 Hot glue gun
 Popsicle sticks
 Dixie cups
 Water dyed with different colors
 Duct tape
 Other items that may be useful to students’ designs
(rubber bands, dowels, etc.)
 Ping pong balls

Introduction: In this activity, students will gain an understanding of how hydraulic

systems work by building a mechanical arm using syringes, tubing and water to
create a hydraulic system. They will explore how different forces can be transmitted
to perform work, and discover how to make their design efficient.

Background: Hydraulic systems are commonly used in many every day

applications. Car brakes, airplane wheels, tire jacks, log splitters and various pieces
of heavy construction equipment all utilize hydraulic systems in order to perform
work. Hydraulic systems are also used in situations that are too difficult or
dangerous for people to deal with directly or in automated systems.

How do hydraulic systems work? The basic idea behind hydraulics is that force is
applied at one point, and that force is then transmitted to another point using an
incompressible fluid. This incompressible fluid is nearly always oil. Hydraulic
systems allow users to perform tasks that involve large amounts of weight. Without
these systems, the user would not have the strength to complete the task.

In many hydraulic systems, the concept of hydraulic multiplication is integrated to

make the system even more effective. Hydraulic multiplication involves trading
force for distance in a system. For example, imagine that you have two pistons of
differing surface areas. The smaller of the pistons is engaged and forces the
incompressible fluid into the piston with the greater surface area. The larger piston
is able to multiply the force exerted by the smaller piston over its surface area. This
allows the user to engage the system with little effort, but still deliver a tremendous
amount of force.

Challenge: Using the materials provided, build a mechanical arm that uses
hydraulic systems to operate different joints of the arm. The arm should be able to
pick up and move a ping-pong ball either by pinching/grasping it or scooping it up.
1. Using two syringes, water, and a piece of plastic tubing, demonstrate to
students how a hydraulic system works.
2. Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 students each. Let the students know
that they will be compiling a “portfolio” of sketches, design ideas, notes, and a
summary for presentation at the end of the project.
3. Have each group brainstorm the necessary components of the mechanical
arm and make at least 3 sketches of possible design ideas. If they are
struggling to come up with ideas, you can show them photos of similar
mechanical arms or they can research photos. Here is a link to a great video
showing a very simple hydraulic arm:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSNXQGEu2ew#t=58. For an example
that is a bit more complex, this video is excellent:
4. Once the students have made their sketches, they should construct and test
their mechanical arm. In their tests, they should note changes, modifications,
and failures and successes on their sketches.
5. Encourage students to think about designs that would fail, and how they can
prevent failures. What do they need to do to create a stable, efficient arm that
can complete the challenge?
6. Allow students to redesign, reconstruct, and retest their designs. Once they
have finalized their design, have them compile a brief summary of their
design and construction process, including documenting their failures and
thoughts about how to improve their design.
7. Give the students time to compile the pieces of their portfolio. They will then
present their finished hydraulic arm to the other groups and discuss their
design and building process.

Ponder this:
 What went well in your design process?
 What could you have done differently?
 How did you determine if your design would fail or succeed?
 Describe one part of your arm that you had to redesign.
 Did you borrow any ideas from preexisting designs that you researched, or
from any of the other groups?
 If you had more time and/or different materials, what would you have done

 To make the arms more precise and intricate, experiment with using more
syringes in the design.
 Try picking up heavier objects with the arm, such as empty soda cans or golf
balls, or smaller objects, such as coins or cotton balls.
 Challenge students to make something different using hydraulic systems. For
example, some folks made a scorpion:
 It’s easy to look at tractors and construction equipment to see where
hydraulic systems come into use. Have students brainstorm where hydraulic
systems are also used – car brakes, elevators, airplane wheels and wing flaps,
torpedo tubes on submarines, crane arms, hoists and lifts, flight simulators,
machine tool drives

Next Generation Science Standards

Disciplinary Core Idea:

ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution

Performance Expectations:
MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how
well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a
proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
HS-ETS1-2. Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into
smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.

Practices Crosscutting Concepts

Asking questions / defining problems Patterns
Developing / using models Cause and effect: Mechanism / explanation
Planning / carrying out investigations Scale, proportion, and quantity
Analyzing / interpreting data Systems and system models
Math / computational thinking Energy / matter: Flows, cycles,
Constructing explanations / design conservation
solutions Structure and function
Engaging in argument from evidence Stability and change
Obtaining / evaluate / communicate

Background Resources:



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