Lutembacher's Syndrome at Kolonodale

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Case Report

Occurrence of Lutembacher’s syndrome

at Kolonodale Regional General Hospital
Wayan Gunawan, MD ; Magma Purnawan Putra, FIHA, Cardiologist, MD

Department of Cardiology Department, Regional General Hospital o f Kolonodale; North Morowali, Central Sulawesi
Correspondence to : Wayan Gunawan, Cardiology Department of Kolonodale Regional General Hospital Email: [email protected]

Introduction : Lutembacher’s syndrome (LS) is a rare cardiac clinical entity marked by the
combination of an atrial septal defect (ASD) and mitral stenosis (MS). Its prognosis is influenced by
several factors.
Case report : We present the case of a young adult female, 3 5 y e a r s o l d who presented with
a one month history of exertional dyspnea, orthopnoea, fatigue and cough. Clinical examination
revealed features suggestive of advanced congestive heart failure. Echocardiography revealed m i l d
t o m o d e r a t e MS and a large secundum type ASD with pulmonary hypertension. Patient were
reffered after 14 days of admission to The Integrated Heart Diseses of Makassar Wahidin Hospital.
Conclusions: LS is a very rare condition. The outcome is better if treated before the onset of heart
failure and pulmonary hypertension. However, surgical and percutaneous trans-catheter therapy is
costly and not readily available in low-income settings in developing countries.

Keywords : Mitral stenosis (MS); atrial septal defect (ASD); Lutembacher’s syndrome (LS);

Introduction Case report

A 35-year-old f e male farmer presented with a 10-

Lutembacher syndrome is a combination of congenital
atrial septal defect (ASD) and acquired mitral month history of progressive shortness of breath on
stenosis (MS, usualy Rheumatic Heart Diseases), exertion and fatigue, which had worsened recently. Two
which was first described by Lutembacher, a French weeks prior to consultation, he started experiencing
physician, in 1916. (253 dan 15) The hole in case of the occasionally SOB at rest, which was worse when he lay
more usual secundum type of ASD is in the middle of
supine. He also had initially unproductive cough, but two
the septum, whereas in primum type the defect is at
the bottom of atrial septum. Initially in the course of episodes of frothy pink coloured sputum 2 days prior to
disease there is shunting of blood from left to right presentation. There was no documented history of acute
side, but at later stages the increased pressures on rheumatic fever in childhood. He had been evaluated in
right side can lead to right to left shunt owing to several peripheral hospitals without final diagnosis and
development of pulmonary hypertension. (15) Other only mild amelioration of symptoms. On examination he
forms described in the literature include iatrogenic
LS and reverse LS. LS is a very rare entity with was in severe respiratory distress (respiratory rate 44
incidence reported to be 0.001 per million populations cycles/min), consistent with congestive heart failure
with a female predominance. Symptoms present at (NYHA III). He was afebrile (temp 36.8 ℃). His vital
any age. The prognosis is good before the onset of
pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure. signs
Surgical and percutaneous trans-catheter therapies included
rate a blood pressure of 90/68 mmHg, with a pulse
with balloon valvuloplasty and septal closure using an of 120 beats/min (irregular). He had distended jugular
Amplatzer closure device have proven to be beneficial
veins, and chest examination revealed praecordial
hyperactivity, displaced apex beat to left 5th intercostal
space anterior axillary

© Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2014;4(3):263-266
264 Aminde et al. Lutembacher’s syndrome in Cameroon
line, diastolic murmur (3/6) at the apex with irregular
heart sounds and features suggestive of right pleural
effusion and crackles in left lung base. The abdomen was
mildly distended with tender hepatomegaly (liver span of
16 cm), and ascites. He had bilateral pitting pedal
oedema. A working diagnosis of severe congestive heart
failure was made. Investigations (Results) included:
chest X-ray [Cardiomegaly with CTR (cardiothoracic
ratio) of 0.7 and right pleural effusion], ECG (atrial
fibrillation), echocardiography [severe MS, ASD ~28
mm, pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) =
50 mmHg] (Figures 1-3), full blood count (within
normal limits), liver function tests (high normal),
Figure 1 Transthoracic echocardiographic image (Apical hepatitis B and C screen were negative, Urea =27
mg/dL, creatinine =
showing atrial septal defect (ASD) and mitral stenosis.
0.9 mg/dL, Na+ =136 mEq, K+ =3.8 mEq. He was
on oxygen and nursed in 45 ℃ sitting position.

included intravenous
Unfortunately, furosemide and digoxin.
patient died in the early hours of the second day of


Cardiovascular disease is a growing public health

issue in C am ero o n . Recent hospita l data from the
o nl y cardiothoracic surgical centre in Central Africa
describes a prevalence of congenital heart disease
Figure 2 Transthoracic echocardiograph demonstrating among children of
dilated inferior vena cava following increased right atrial 4.3% with isolated ventricular septal defect (VSD)
pressure. being the most common condition, followed by
tetralogy of Fallot. Furthermore, post-rheumatic
valvulopathies remain a major cause of congestive heart
failure in young adults (5) as opposed to systemic
hypertension in the elderly (6).
LS was first described in the medical literature in 1750,
with the first published data in 1916 (7). It describes the
combination of an ASD and mitral stenosis (MS, congenital
or acquired). The ASD may either be congenital (most
commonly ostium secundum) or iatrogenic secondary to
trans-septal puncture during mitral valvuloplasty for
acquired MS. The ASD in Lutembacher’s generally
should have a diameter >1.5 cm (1). This later causes a
systemic to pulmonary shunting of blood causing
progressive pulmonary vascular disease and pulmonary
arterial hypertension (PAH) and eventually
Figure 3 Transthoracic echocardiograph showing atrial Eisenmenger syndrome. The rare scenario of reverse
septal defect (ASD) with diameter of 28 mm. LS describes development of a predominant right-to-left
shunt in the context of ASD and severe tricuspid
© Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2014;4(3):263-266
stenosis (8). The haemodynamic effects of LS are
usually due to the relative interplay of the effects of the
MS and the ASD, and the direction of blood flow depends
greatly on the compliance of the right and left
ventricles (9,10). Thus, pulmonary vascular resistance,
compliance of the right ventricle, size of ASD and
severity of MS are recognized factors which

© Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2014;4(3):263-266
Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, Vol 4, No 3 June 2014 265

Table 1 Haemodynamic and clinical expression of ASD and MS (1)

Effects of ASD on MS Effects of MS on ASD
Increase in left to right shunt Decreases symptoms
Pulmonary hypertension occurs earlier Decreases episodes of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Increased incidence of right ventricle failure Decreases mitral valve gradient
Increased incidence of bacterial endocarditis Decreased incidence of calcification
Increased incidence of atrial fibrillation
ASD, atrial septal defect; MS, mitral stenosis.

influence the natural history and haemodynamic failure, the prognosis is usually poor (2,12), as
features in patients with this syndrome (10). The exemplified by the described
interplay of ASD and MS are seen in Table 1.
Congenital MS is rare and accounts for 0.6% of
congenital heart disease cases at autopsy. Its
occurrence in patients with ASD is 4% but on the
other hand, the incidence of ASD in MS is 0.6-0.7%
(3). A necropsy study in the U.S found 5 out of 25,000
autopsies with the combination of ASD and MS and
another study found an incidence of 0.001 per million
population (2).
LS may present at any time in the life of a patient.
In low-income countries with a high incidence of
rheumatic heart disease, it is seen most commonly
among symptomatic young adults (1). In developing
countries, a history of rheumatic fever is identified in
up to 40% of patients with LS (10). Depending on the
stage of the hemodynamic changes at the time of
diagnosis, patients may present with fatigue and
exercise intolerance or frank symptoms of right heart
failure as in our case. Features of pulmonary congestion
may also be present especially in patients with reverse
LS and those with small ASD (1).
Chest radiography (cardiomegaly, pulmonary
congestion) and ECG (Atrial fibrillation, bundle
branch block, and right ventricular hypertrophy)
may be seen (10). However 2-dimensional
echocardiography with colour flow and Doppler is
the diagnostic modality of choice. Echocardiography
allows identification of right atrial dilation,
presence, size and type of ASD. Planimetry
(preferred for MS severity as opposed to the pressure
half time method) defines the mitral valve orifice area
and colour flow and Doppler demonstrate the shunt
across the ASD, mitral valve stenotic gradient, and
presence of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation (11).
Early diagnosis and surgical treatment of this
syndrome is associated with good outcome, but with
the onset of pulmonary hypertension and heart

© Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2014;4(3):263-266
case report. If identified early, the patient may
benefit from corrective surgery, with several
described surgical techniques. However, more
recently, percutaneous trans- catheter therapy has
become the most widely accepted therapy, using
balloon mitral valvuloplasty for MS (the Inoue
balloon being most widely used) and the Amplatzer
atrial septal occluder for closure of an ASD (4).
Percutaneous correction is preferred to surgical
correction as there is decreased morbidity compared
to open-heart surgery. There is also faster recovery
with decreased length of hospital stay (13). When
patients present in advanced states (with severe
pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure)
like in our case, and are considered ineligible for
surgery, conservative management of the heart failure is
palliative in nature (2). The majority of these patients
will die from heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias and
thrombo- embolic cerebrovascular diseases (14).
The only cardio-thoracic surgical centre in
Central Africa may provide corrective surgery for
patients with LS, but the diagnosis would need to be
made early enough. Unfortunately, most patients in
rural settings present to the hospital in advanced stages
with severe symptoms, and often the diagnosis is made
too late for curative treatment. In low- income settings
like ours, where percutaneous techniques are not
readily available, and fully-equipped intensive
cardiac care units are absent in rural hospitals,
management of LS is very difficult. Together with the
high cost of open heart surgery, very limited health
insurance coverage account for poor outcome and case
fatality as in our patient. Thus, several factors (patient,
social, financial) account for poor prognosis of this
syndrome in our healthcare setting. Each of these
patients is a reminder of the need to focus on
cardiovascular disease in sub-Saharan Africa (15).


LS remains a rare clinical entity. If diagnosed early,


© Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2014;4(3):263-266
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Cite this article as: Aminde LN, Dzudie AT, Takah NF,
Ambassa JC, Mapoh SY, Tantc ho u JC. Occ urr enc e of
Lutembacher’s syndrome in a rural regional hospital: case

© Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2014;4(3):263-266
report from Buea, Cameroon. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther
266. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-

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