6 Scrum Master Skills m6 Slides PDF
6 Scrum Master Skills m6 Slides PDF
6 Scrum Master Skills m6 Slides PDF
Benjamin Day
@benday | www.benday.com
“Greatest Hits”
The Greatest Hits
“We can’t use Scrum because our PBIs “How do we develop framework code
don’t fit in a Sprint.” and architecture?”
“Does undone work just fall into the “How do you do Scrum on a
next Sprint?” consulting project?”
You want to be able to change your priorities at the end of the Sprint
- Done means you don’t have to worry about cleaning stuff up or “making the app whole”
Done in a single Sprint means the team can focus on just work for their current Sprint
No. Everything in a single Sprint.
“We can’t use Scrum because our
work doesn’t fit in a Sprint.”
Features and PBIs don’t have to be the same thing.
A feature that a user thinks of as a ‘feature’
might be a dozen or more PBIs.
“We can’t do Scrum because we can’t get our
features done in a single Sprint.”
Releases still exist in Scrum.
Release = a group of PBIs
that are deployed at one time
Features PBIs in a Sprint
1. Think hard about what your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is
- “The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team
to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the
least effort.”
- Eric Ries
2. Get creative about how you carve your Feature into small PBIs
The Real Estate Holdings Report Problem
Company owned / invested in properties around the world
Ownership data and property info scattered across multiple databases and Excel
Create a report
In Sprint Planning, that undone work gets chosen just like any other PBI
Remember: The Product Owner can change his/her direction at the end of
every Sprint.
"We can't do Scrum because what would QA do at the
start of every Sprint?"
“There's nothing to test until the end of the Sprint."
"I can't have my team of QA people just sitting
around for 50% to 75% of every Sprint."
"Can't we just do the QA work for the Sprint
after the coding?"
A PBI must be do-able to Done in a single Sprint.
Is Testing Part of Done?
Does your DoD have anything about PBIs being tested?
Code that (theoretically) provides useful services to other bits of the code
- You ain’t gunna need it
Emergent Architecture
- Software architecture is better when it emerges from what you know you need
“We need security in our app.”
Old way: build a security framework
- Does not deliver business value
- Architecture might not be exactly what you need once you start building PBIs
Work in Sprints
Work in Sprints
Focus is on the cost of the team per sprint rather than cost of a pile of features