Two Main Excretory Ducts CA Cells and Intercalated Duct Cells

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THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM + serous demilunes = flattened serous cells

Mucous cells = flattened, basal nucleus, large mucin

Salivary Glands
droplets in cytoplasm
1. Major/minor With intra & interlobular ducts
2. In pairs – parotid, submandibular, sublingual
Sublingual gland
3. Secrete saliva – watery, viscous suspension of mucus,
enzymes, inorganic ions, antibodies, Ph = 6.7-7.4 Mixed, >mucous, 5%
4. Functions Lacks capsule
a. Lubricates & protect oral tissues With intra & interlobular ducts
b. Aqueous solution for taste
*Stroma – with adipose tissue except for submandibular gland
c. Masticatory wetting agent
d. Starts digestion of CHO- a amylase ** striated ducts – unique to salivary glands
e. Has bacterial lysozyme – inhibits dental caries
f. Has immunoglobulins – IgG, IgA, IgM PANCREAS
5. Major glands – compound tubuloacinar Grossly pinkish – yellow
Parotid Gland Thin, indistinct CT capsule – septa (LCT) – indistinct
Largest, 30% of saliva, purely serous Exocrine part – 99%, secretory acini & ducts
Fibrous capsule, septa – lobes & lobules Acinar cells – pancreatic juice, 1.5L/day, digestive
Parenchyma: pyramidal serous cells form acinus enzymes
o : myoepithelial cells Endocrine part – islets of Langerhans
o Intercalated (simple squamous/cuboidal) -> striated Duct system
(simple columnar) -> interlobular (stratified 1. Centroacinar cells – small, pale, first part of the duct
cuboidal – stratified columnar – pseudo columnar) - system -> 2. Intralobular intercalated ducts (simple low,
>->-> Stensen (stratified squamous; main excretory) cuboidal) -> 3. Interlobular ducts (branch with
– intercalated & striated ducts = intralobular & increasing caliber; simple cuboidal) -> 4. Two main
secretory - striated ducts = + basal striations excretory ducts (Wirsung & Santorini; simple columnar)
Submandibular gland CA cells and intercalated duct cells: = secrete HCO3 rich
fluid (protective)
60%, watery saliva, mixed, > serous, Wharton’s duct
Fibrous capsule – septa – lobes & lobules
Pancreas – acini b. Venule (PV)
c. Arteriole (hepatic artery)
1. Compound tubulo-acinar exocrine gland
d. Bile ductules
2. Acinus – simple cuboidal to pyramidal cells around a
5. Sinusoids – between anastomosing plates of liver cells
a. From peripheral branches of PV & HA
3. Spheroid nucleus near base
b. Converge on the CB
4. Extensive network of RER = intense CHON synthesis
c. Discontinuous linings of fenestrated endothelial
5. Apical part – secretory (zymogen) granules: eosinophilic
6. Secrete digestive enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsin,
i. Cells found with the sinusoids
amylase, lipase, carboxypeptidase
1. Kupffer
LIVER 2. Ito (hepatic stellate cells)

Dual blood supply: Portal Lobule

o Hepatic portal vein & hepatic artery
1. Exocrine function – drains bile from cells to bile duct (to the
Main functions:
o Bile secretion
2. Triangular – triad at the center
o Synthesis and secretion of plasma proteins
3. CVs at its angles
o Gluconeogenesis
Pages 338-339, Figure 16-18
o Detoxification
o Deamination Hepatic acinus
o Store glucose and TG
1. Oxygenated blood to the liver cells
o Store of fat-soluble vitamins
2. Irregular oval or diamond shape
o Removal of effete RBCs
3. CVs at the tips (upright), PT on the lateral tips
o Store Fe
4. Zoning: zone 1> O2
Hepatic lobules

1. Organization of liver parenchyma

2. Liver cells for irregular plates arranged round a central
3. Stroma – reticular CT
4. Portal areas (hexagon, 3-6 in number), fibrous CT
a. Portal triad:
Clinical Points

Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver

- Hep viruses A to G
- Transmission: fecal-oral,
food/waterborne, sexual,
parenteral, perinatal

Acute pancreatitis – inflammation of the exocrine pancreas often

associated with alcoholism or excessive alcohol intake

Chronic pancreatitis- repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis

:irreversible functional impairment

Caused by: chronic ROH abuse, long-term cigarette smoking,


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