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© 2015 IJSRSET | Volume 1 | Issue 2 | Print ISSN : 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099

Themed Section: Engineering and Technology

Identification and Avoidance of DDoS Attack for Secured Data

Communication in Cloud
G. Divya AP/CSE, Archana S, Dhanalakshmi S, Divya D
Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack in a client server environment would collapse the entire system, but as far as
cloud is concern it is not that effective but still it will try to disturb the regular activity of the system. We deploy multiple
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to monitor the activity of the users and filter the request based on the behaviour and
forwards to the corresponding servers through cloud server. Every server would have allocated certain space in cloud
server. IPS monitors the activity of the users to avoid DDoS attacks. This system ensures the detection and avoidance of
DDoS attack in the cloud server. Few DDoS attacks are listed and monitored. The behaviour patterns are 1.Continuous
and same request from single user in a point of time,2.Different query from the same user within a period of
time,3.Different queries from different users but from same IP, 4. Request of huge sized file beyond the permitted. Based
on these patterns user behaviour is monitored therefore DDoS attack is avoided in cloud.
Keywords: Cloud computing, Distributed denial-of-service attack detection and avoidance, multiple Intrusion
Prevention System (IPS)

I. INTRODUCTION competition for resources, the one who possesses more

Cloud computing is a recent trending in IT that where resources in the battle is the winner.
computing and data storage is done in data centres rather
than personal portable PC‟s. It refers to applications II. METHODS AND MATERIAL
delivered as services over the internet as well as to the
cloud infrastructure – namely the hardware and system A. Cloud Server Deployment
software in data centres that provide this service. The
sharing of resources reduces the cost to individuals. The Cloud Service Provider will contain the large amount of
best definition for Cloud is defined in [2] as large pool of data in their Data Storage. Also the Cloud Service provider
easily accessible and virtualized resources which can be will maintain all the User information to authenticate the
dynamically reconfigured to adjust a variable load, User when are login into their account. The User
allowing also for optimum scale utilization. Distributed information will be stored in the Database of the Cloud
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) is an especially potent type of Service Provider. Also the Cloud Server will redirect the
attack on Web availability, capable of severely degrading User requested job to the Resource Assigning Module to
the response-rate and quality at which Web-based services process the User requested Job. The Request of all the
are offered. An emerging and increasingly more prevalent Users will process by the Resource Assigning Module. To
set of DDoS attacks are the so-called application-layer or communicate with the Client and with the other modules of
Layer-7 attacks that mimic a Flash Crowd event. A DDoS the Cloud Network, the Cloud Server will establish
attack is a distributed, cooperative and large-scale attack. It connection between them. For this Purpose we are going to
has been widely spread on wired or wireless networks. In create a User Interface Frame. Also the Cloud Service
the early research about DDoS defence, Yau et al.[7] Provider will send the User Job request to the Resource
treated DDoS attacks as a problem of resource Assign Module in Fist in First out (FIFO) manner.
a) Deployment of Multiple IPS
Recent researches [8], [9], [10] have further demonstrated In this system we implement multiple IPS which is
that the essential issue of DDoS attack and defense is a intrusion protection system that is used to protect the

IJSRSET15222 | Received: 27 Feb 2015 | Accepted: 7 March 2015 | March-April 2015 [(1)2: 49-57] 49
user form the attacks. In existing system they were using beyond the permitted. Based on these patterns user
single IPS to scan the query of a cloud user [7]. Here behavior is monitored DDOS attack is avoided in
multiple IPS is deployed to monitor the user query so cloud.In order to estimate our resource demands and
that it easily finds the denial of attack. Cloud Servers is QoS for benign users in a DDoS battle, we employ
a cloud infrastructure service that allows users to deploy queueing theory to undertake performance evaluation
one to hundreds of cloud servers instantly and create due to its extensive deployment in could performance
advanced, high availability architectures.In general, the analysis, such as in [19], [20], [21].Various distributions
number of benign users is stable, and we suppose the of Linux are supported, and each user space allocation
virtual IPS and virtual server have been allocated with different band width is allocated so they utilizes
sufficient resources, and therefore the quality of service within the bandwidth.
(QoS) is satisfactory to users.

b) DDoS from Single User

DDoS is a type of DoS attack where multiple
compromised systems which are usually infected with
virus are used to target a single system causing a Denial
of Service (DoS) attack [5]. Victims of a DDoS attack
consist of both the end targeted system and all systems
maliciously used and controlled by the hacker in the
distributed attack. In a DDoS attack, the incoming traffic
flooding the victim originates from many different
sources – potentially hundreds of thousands or
more[12][14]. This effectively makes it impossible to
stop the attack simply by blocking a single IP address is
Figure 1: Cloud hosted server under different behaviour patterns of DDoS
very difficult to distinguish legitimate user traffic from attack
attack traffic when spread across so many points of
origin. In this paper, we propose a practical dynamic resource
allocation mechanism to confront DDoS attacks that
c) DDOS from Multiple User from same IP target individual cloud customers. In general, there is
To launch a DDoS attack, malicious users first build a one or several access points between a cloud data center
network of computers that a large number and the Internet. Similar to firewalls, we place our
of compromised hosts to probe and check Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) at these locations to
the same addresses in period of time, the spreading rate monitor incoming packets. When a cloud hosted server
reduces because the number of the new IP .In this is under a DDoS attack, the proposed mechanism will
multiple users will be login in the same IP address and automatically and dynamically allocate extra resources
send query so it will see the account and it will lead to from the available cloud resource pool, and new virtual
overload on the sever. In out proposed we monitor the machines will be cloned based on the image file of the
query coming from multiple user from the same IP. We original IPS using the existing clone technology [17],
analysis IP address to find the DDOS attack.To the best [18]. All IPSs will work together to filter attack packets
of our knowledge, this paper is an early feasible work on out, and guarantee the quality of service (QoS) for
defeating DDoS attacks in a cloud environment. benign users at the same time. When the volume of
DDoS attack packets decreases, our mitigation system
will automatically reduce the number of its IPSs, and
d) Attacks Filtering Model release the extra resources back to the available cloud
We present a probabilistic packet filtering (PPF) resource pool.
mechanism to defend the Web server against Distributed
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. In the attack filtering As aforementioned, the essential issue to defeat a DDoS
model we implement the requested huge sized file attack is to allocate sufficient resources to mitigate

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attacks no matter how efficient our detection and attack packets are generated by botnets, and
filtering algorithms are. In order to estimate our resource pumped to queue Q. In order to identify these attack
demands and QoS for benign users in a DDoS battle, in packets and guarantee the QoS of benign users, we
this system we employ queueing theory to undertake the have to invest more resources to clone multiple
performance evaluation due to its extensive deployment IPSs to carry out the task. We propose to clone
in could performance analysis, such as in [19], [20], [21]. multiple parallel IPSs to achieve the goalthe
We therefore do not involve specific DDoS detection number of IPSs we need to achieve our goal
methods, and do not involve too many business issues depends on the volume of the attack packets. As
which may be caused by our mitigation proposal.With discussed previously, the attack capability of a
the proposed system in place, we believe most DDoS
botnet is usuallylimited, and the required amount of
resources to beat the attack is usually not very large.
attacks can be defeated, if not all attacks. This will make
In general, it is reasonable to expect a cloud can
cloud customers more confident in shifting their
manage its reserved or idle resources to meet
businesses to cloud platforms.
B. The contributions of this paper are summarized D. Virtualization Layer (SVL) in Cloud
as follows Infrastructure
We point out that DDoS attacks do threaten individual The Secure model for Virtualization Layer (SVL)
cloud customers. However, by taking advantage of the protects cloud environment from threats and attacks. In
cloud platform, we can overcome DDoS attacks, which this model is attempted to find a way to improve the
is difficult to achieve for noncloud platforms. To the attack identification and mechanism to avoid system
best of our knowledge, this paper is an early feasible failure and increase the virtualization security.
work on defeating DDoS attacks in a cloud environment.
We propose a dynamic resource allocation mechanism The Secure model for Virtualization Layer (SVL) uses
to automatically coordinate the available resources of a cloud architecture which build IaaS on Virtual Machines
cloud to mitigate DDoS attacks on individual cloud (VMs) and it workload are usually integrated from the
customers. The proposed method benefits from the guest OS and the user processes. Virtual Machine
dynamic resource allocation feature of cloud platforms, Monitor (VMM) is introduced which provides
and it is easy to implement. techniques and methods for securing VMs.This method
is usually based on IDS/IPS in combination with Access
We establish a queueing theory based model to estimate Control List (ACL) and Service-Level Agreement
the resource allocation against various attack strengths. (SLA).The main concept of these models is to build a
Real-world data set based analysis and experiments help hierarchical isolate-defeat mechanism, which protect the
us to conclude that it is possible to defeat DDoS attacks whole virtualization against malicious activities, identify
in a cloudenvironment with affordable costs. without preventing legitimate operations from
continuous activities. Instead of implementing normal
C. DDOS Attack Mitigation in Clouds model for cloud infrastructure, we propose a new layer
for virtualization, which is called Virtualization
In this section, we propose a mechanism to
Basement (V-Basement). This layer divides
dynamically allocate extra resources to an
virtualization into two separate monitored components.
individual cloud hosted server when it is under
DDoS attack. In Fig.1.The IPS is used to protect the This will improve the feasibility of applying security
specific server of the hosted service. All packets of procedures. It is necessary to specify IDS for each data
benign users go through the queue,pass the IPS and flow source based on its application. This source allows
are served by the server. In general, the number of for lightweight IDSs, instead of huge resource-
benign users is stable, and we suppose the virtual consuming IDSs.
IPS and virtual server have been allocatedsufficient
resources, and therefore the quality of service (QoS) E. Cryptographyfor Cloud Infrastructure
is satisfactory to users. When a DDoS attack occurs
against the hosted virtual server, alarge number of This standard specifies the AES algorithm, a symmetric

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block cipher that can process data blocks of 16 bits, convert the input, called the plaintext, into the final
using cipher keys with lengths of 16, 192, and 216 bits. output, called the cipher text.
The AES algorithm may be used with three different key
lengths referred to as “AES-16”, “AES-192”, and “AES- The numbers of cycles of repetition are as follows:
216”. AES algorithm uses a round function, which is 10 cycles of repetition for 16-bit keys.
composed of four different byte-oriented 12 cycles of repetition for 192-bit keys.
transformations: 1) byte substitution using a substitution 14 cycles of repetition for 216-bit keys.
table (S-box), 2) shifting rows of the State array by
different offsets, 3) mixing the data within each column Each round consists of several processing steps, each
of the State array, and 4) adding a Round Key to the containing four similar but different stages, including
State. one that depends on the encryption key itself. A set of
reverse rounds are applied to transform cipher text back
In main AES architecture is centrally controlled by both into the original plaintext using the same encryption key.
hardware and software components. Decryption of this
model is depending upon the designing rule mechanism In AES structure was known as the AES state, which is
which is called Substitution Permutation Networking simply an arrangement of the block state in a 4x4
(SPN). Advanced Encryption standard has blocks with matrix. Most of the AES operations can be described as
fixed length of 16 bits and these allowed key size is operations in the finite field, which gives AES a quite
16,192 or 216 bits, new research has evolved that neat algebraic description state. However, they will look
multiple key size can be allocated to the block which at it as a byte operation.
could be 32 bits with the least capacity of 16 bits and its
key size may be extended with no fixed length is The basic blocks of the AES cipher consists as follow:
announced. Its whole operations are based on 4X4
matrix of the bytes with finite field calculations, Sub Bytes - A non-linear substitution step where each
especially designed for the purpose of simple byte is replaced with another
calculations. AES specifies the repetition numbers for
convert the input to the normal readable text. An input
provided by the user undergoes several steps of
processing according to the encryption algorithm which
is encryption key provided. Numbers of repetitions are
depending on the level of the algorithm and nature used
as the base of system. Rounds are depending on the
schedule of the algorithm provided by the AES key.
Figure. 2: .Replacement of SubByte by shifting rows in AES cipher

AES Process
In Fig.2 Shift Rows – A transposition step where the last
We start by looking at the overall structure of the AES three rows of the state are shifted cyclically a certain
cipher algorithm. In AES, the block size is 16 bits and number of steps. It Fig.3 Mix Column - A mixing
the key size can be 16bits, 192bits or 216 bits. Consider operation which operates on the columns of the state,
DES algorithm, the cipher consists of a basic operation combining the four bytes in each column.
called "round" which is repeated a number of times.
AddRoundKey -The subkey is combined with the state.
In the case of AES is based on a design principle called For each round, a subkey is derived from the
"Substitution-Permutation Networks (SPN)" which state main key using Rijndael's key schedule. Each subkey is
that the cipher is composed of a series of substitutions the same size as the state. The subkey is added by
and permutations one after each another. combining each byte of the state with the corresponding
byte of the subkey using bitwise XOR.
The key size used for an AES cipher specifies the
number of repetitions of transformation rounds that

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pumped to queue Q. In order to detect these attack
packets and QoS of benign users. We propose to clone
multiple parallel IPSs to achieve our goal which was
depends on the volume of the attack packets.

a) DDoS Mitigation Algorithm for Cloud

In this section, we propose a related algorithm for the
mitigation strategy.
Figure 3: Replacement of SubByte by mixing column in AES cipher
AES encryption consists of the following step:
DDoS Detection Methods
Initial round:
In this section, we discuss about detection of DDoS
defense in cloud infrastructure which is especially
R-1 rounds:
depends on the resources no matter which defense
Sub Bytes
methods we are using. Therefore, in our mitigation
Shift Rows
algorithm, we focus on the resource management aspect
Mix Columns
of detection method.
Final round:
In the algorithm, we first analysis the arrival patterns in
Sub Bytes
nonattack for a protected server, and then extract the
Shift Rows
parameters α and . Moreover, we also identify the
resources for the current intrusion prevention system
(IPS), RIPS, or available idle resources RC of the cloud
So, we have an initial AddRoundKey step, which mixes
environment. When a DDoS attack is detected by the
input data with the 0th round key. Then, R-1 (9, 11 or
original IPS, we then clone another IPS which is based
13) identical rounds take place, and at the end a final
on the image of the original IPS, and then calculate the
round is applied.
average time for the current status. If ,
then we clone one more available IPS for the filtering
F. DDoS Attack Mitigation in Cloud Environment
task. As the battle continues until we find
, finally it is time to reduce one IPS and
We propose a mechanism which is dynamically allocate then release the resources back to the cloud
an extra resource to an individual cloud hosted server, infrastructure available resource pool.
when it is under DDoS attack identified.
b) System Modeling and Analysis
In cloud environment, we examine the features of a In this section, we discuss about how to model the
cloud hosted virtual server in nonattack scenario. A system in general, and then establish an executable
cloud hosted service includes a server host and intrusion mathematical model to detect the resource demands on
prevention system (IPS) and also include buffer for various attack strengths using queuing theory for
incoming Cloud hosted server in a nonattack scenario. mitigation method.
The IPS is used to protect the specific host server of the
service. All packets of beginning users go through the General System Modeling
queue and pass the IPS and are served by the server host. In general, we implement a black box system and then
In general, the number of begin users is stable, and we observe its input and output with respect to the time
propose a virtual IPS and virtual server have been (t).We denote the input and output as m (t) and n (t), and
allocated for sufficient resources, so that the quality of the black box system function as g (t) .We implement a
service (QoS) is satisfactory to users. When a DDoS relationship among these three functions as follows:
attack occurs against by the hosted virtual server,
botnets generated a large number of attack packets, and n(t) = m(t) * g(t) (1)

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Where * is the convolution operation. session[6]
In order to find solutions for the output, and for many
cases, we map m(t) and g(t) into another domain using Value 5 minutes 500 request/s Around 1000
different transform techniques,(i.e.)Laplace-transform,
Z-transform. TABLE 2
Estimated Key Resources of Amazon EC2
The Laplace transform of input m(t) is defined as follows
Resource servers
M(s) =integral (m(t) e^-st dt ) (2) Bandwidth
Value 500,000
Similarly, we can obtain G(s) from g(t). Let N(s) be the 1Gb/Instance
Laplace transform of n(t), and we obtain N(s) through
the following equation Based on Tables 1 and 2, we can conclude that it is not
possible to deny the service of a cloud data center as a data
center possesses profound resources against the attack
N(s) = M(s) . G(s) (3) capability of a DDoS attack.

Once N(s) is in place, we can calculate n(t) using the On the other hand, we are interested in observing the
inverse Laplace transforms, workload of individual web sites for our following
experiments. In order to obtain this data,we observed two
popular web sites (one news web site and one e-business
n(t) = 1/2(pi)i integral( N(s) e^st ds ) (4) web site) of a data center of a major ISP. We counted the
requests for each web site every 30 seconds for a day. We
In our case, m(t) represents the arrival distribution, g(t) processed the data and present the number of requests in
is the system service distribution. In the queuing theory, seconds in Fig. 2. From these results, we can see that the
requests for a popular web site are usually less than 10
system can be modeled as G=G=p, namely, general
requests per second. It is generally unwise to reserve too
arrival distribution and general service rate distribution. many idle resources as it becomes costly. For the news web
However, for this general model, the analysis will be site, we suppose the owner reserves resources for a
very complex. For ex, we cannot obtain M(s) and G(s) maximum need of 10 requests per second. As Moore et al.
from m(t), g(t) most of the time, and we cannot obtain [8] indicated, the average attack rate is 500 requests or
packets per second. This means a web site faces 50 times
n(t) even if N(s) is in place sometime.
the workload of its maximum capacity.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is not difficult to conclude that a DDoS attack is highly
likely to be successful. This confirms our claim that a
A. Performance Evaluation DDoS attack is still a critical threat to individual cloud
hosted services. As discussed previously, we use average
In this section, we evaluate the performance of theproposed time in system as a metric for our performance evaluation
dynamic resource allocation method for DDoS mitigation in the following experiments. Therefore, let us firstly
in a cloud from various perspectives. We first study the explore the average time in system for nonattack cases,
which is modelled as an M/M/1 queue. We want to know
performance for nonattack scenarios, then investigate the
the impact on the average time in a system from different
performance of the proposed mitigation method against an arrival rates under different service rates.we obtained the
on-going DDoS attack, and then estimate the cost for the results of experiments shown in Fig. 3. These results
proposed mitigation methods. First of all, we summarize indicated that when an IPS server is heavily loaded, e.g.,
the key statistics of DDoS attacks in a global scenario from µ=10 (therefore, ρn1 when λ10), Tn increases in an
highly referred literature [6], [8], and present them in Table exponential way. On the other hand, when the IPS server‟s
1.A cloud usually has profound resources. We use the workload is suitable, e.g.,µ= 15 (therefore, ρn 2/3 when
λ10), This relatively stable for various arrival rate λ.
Amazon EC2 as an example and show the related data in
From this experiment, we know that the workload of an
Table 2. IPS should be kept within a suitable range. If it is too low,
say ρn< 0:5, then we waste some capability of the system.
TABLE 1 On the other hand, if it is too high, say ρn1, then we
Key Statistics of DDoS Attacks degrade the quality of service for benign users. We
summarize this in the following observation.
Feature Attack duration Attack rate Sources per
[8] [8] attack a) Observation 1

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We prefer the busy rate as high as possible under the servers (this is intuitively straightforward). From this
condition that the average time in system is acceptable. perspective, we obtain the following observation.

Figure 6: Relationship between ᴨ0 and the number of duplicated IPS servers

Figure 4: Requests per second for two popular web sites of a major ISP data for a given busy rate.

b) Observation 2
Secondly, we studied the performance when a DDoS attack
was ongoing. As previously discussed, we have multiple In order to reduce the queuing probability, we prefer the
IPS servers in this case, and the model is M/M/m. For the busy rate to be high. We note there is a contradiction
system of multiple IPS servers, ᴨ0is an important element, between observation 1 and observation 2. Intuitively, there
and is also involved in the calculation of other items. We should exist equilibrium for the busy rate that balances the
expect a good understanding of ᴨ0against the number of needs from both sides. However, this is beyond the scope
duplicated servers (m) for a given busy rate. of this paper, and will be an avenue for future research. To
evaluate the performance of the proposed mitigation
method, we desperately want to know how we can beat an
on-going DDoS attack using minimum resources. In other
words, how can we hold equation under the constrains. In
the following experiments, we set the service rate of the
original IPS as µ=10, therefore, there are three variables, λ
(arrival rate for nonattack cases), r (attack strength as
defined before), and m (number of duplicated IPSs), which
have an impact on our results. In order to match our
previous experiments, we conduct three experiments for λ=
5; 7; and 9, respectively. For a given λ, we observe the
variation of f(r,m). The results are shown in Figs. 6a, 6b, 6c,
which show complete information about the metric f(r,m).
As previously discussed, if f(r,m) <0, this means the
average time in system for the proposed method is greater
than that of nonattack cases, namely, the quality of service
for benign users in an attack case is worse than they expect.
Figure 5: Average time in system against arrival rate under different service In order to guarantee the QoS, we need to keep f(r,m) ≥ 0,
rates for nonattack cases. which is of more interest to us. Therefore, we repeat the
threesimulations and only display the f(r,m) ≥ 0 parts,
The experiment results are shown in Fig. 4. In contrast to asshown in Figs. 6a.1, 6b.1, 6c.1, respectively. When f(r,m)
ᴨ0, ρmþ is also important to us because it is a critical point < 0, this means benign users enjoy an even better QoS than
where incoming packets have to wait for service, which is they had in nonattack cases. This occurs by the cloud
expressed and the experimental results are shown in Fig. 5. service provider investing more resources into the service.
The results indicate that: 1) for a given number of
duplicated IPS servers, the higher ρ is, the less probability
of packet queueing; 2) for a given ρ, the probability of
packet queueing decreases when there are more duplicated

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Figure 8: Performance of defense systems under DDoS attack (compared to
nonattack cases) with a different number of duplicated IPSs m, different
attack strength r, and different arrival rate λ (with fixed service rate µ= 10). (a)
Function f with λ= 5, (a.1) function f ≥0 with λ=5. (b) function f with ρ ¼ 7,
(b.1) function f ρ 0 with λ=7. (c) function f ≥0 with λ=9, (c.1) function f ≥ 0
Figure 7: Relationship between ρmþ and the number of duplicated IPS with λ= 9.
servers for a given busy rate.
Secondly, it is hard for attackers to organize a large
From the results of Figs. 6a.1, 6b.1, 6c.1, we find
number of active bots to carry out lengthy attacks, e.g.,
thesolution space is roughly divided into two parts: the
time zones have an impact on the number of active bots
right hand part (low r and high m part) and the left hand
part. Obviously, the right hand part is not what we
expectbecause it requires a large amount of resources
(represented by m) for a low attack strength case
(represented by r). CSPs prefer to minimize their
investment of resources, namely, to make sure f(r,m) 0
any time.

Based on Figs. 6a.1, 6b.1, 6c.1, we extract the critical

points of f(r,m) 0, and demonstrate them in Fig. 7. The
relationship between r and m in Fig. 7 looks linear.
However, this is not true. We therefore list some of the
numerical results in Table 3 for readers‟ reference. In order
to estimate the financial cost ofmitigating DDoS attacks
using our proposed strategy, we use Amazon EC2 as an
example. Currently, the prices of Amazon EC2 Pricing for
Standard On-Demand Instances. We take the default
setting of a small Linux instance in our following
calculation. We suppose the legitimate traffic volume is 10
requests per second based on our real-world data set (refer
to Fig. 2). At the same time, based on DDoS attack Figure 9: Relationship between attack strength r and minimum number of
characteristics (refer to Table 1), we take the attack rate as duplicated IPSs to guarantee QoS for benign users.
500 requests per second. Therefore, the attack strength is
50. Under different normal workloads (measured by busy In order to have a straight concept of the monetary cost, we
rate), we need different numbers of duplicated IPSs to list some of the numerical results from Fig. 8
carry out the mitigation task.
From Table 5, we can see the defense cost for most DDoS
By combing all these parameters, we obtained a monetary attacks on a victim is less than US$1 per month if the
cost in terms of duration of attacks as shown in Fig. 8. We attackhappens every fortnight based on the observation of
should note that a long time and high volume DDoSattack [8]. A dedicated attack for 1 day or 1week costs defenders
is very rare. For example, Moore et al. [8] have indicated around US$50 or US$350, respectively. We note that this
that the average attack duration is around 5 minutes, and kind of lengthy attack occurs with a low probability as they
the rate of a repeat attack is quite low.This may contributed can be easily found by CSPs, and subsequent actions can
by a few reasons. First of all, long time DDoS attacks will be taken to terminate them. Based on these results, we
expose botnets to defenders, and therefore, bots will be claim that the proposed mitigation strategy is practical and
removed by network administrators. feasible.

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Future Work
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Current clouds are considered to be distributed systems, Based Approach.” Ying Xuan Dept. of Comput. & Inf. Sci. & Eng.,
Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA Incheol Shin ; Thai, M.T. ;
and a cloud is usually a composite of a number of data Znati, T.
centers. A cloud customer is generally hosted by one data [11] U. Tupakula, V. Varadharajan, and N. Akku, “Intrusion Detection
center. The problem arises if a data center runs out of Techniques for Infrastructure as a Service Cloud,” 2011 IEEE Ninth
International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure
reserved resources during abattle against a DDoS attack; Computing, pp. 744–751, Dec. 2011.
the question remains how touse the reserved resources of [12] J. Idziorek, M. Tannian, and D. Jacobson, „„Insecurity of Cloud Utility
other data centers to beat the ongoing attack, defeat the Models,‟‟ IT Prof., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 18-23, Mar./Apr. 2012.
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As future work, we firstly attempt to improve the M/M/m Effective Pricing for Cloud Computing,‟‟ in Proc.INFOCOM, Mar.
model to a more general model, such as the M/G/m model 2012, pp. 936-944.
for better performance. Secondly, to explore what to be [15] A. Shevtekar, K. Anantharam, and N. Ansari, “Low rate TCP Denial-of-
Service attack detection at edge routers,” IEEE Commun. Lett.,vol. 9,
done if a cloud data center runs out of resources during a no. 4, pp. 363–365, Apr. 2005.
battle. In future collaborative resource sharing will be used [16] Y. Chen, K. Hwang, and W.-S. Ku, “Collaborative detection of
in majority in this case this system can designed to ensure DDoSattacks over multiple network domains,” IEEE Trans. Parallel
Distrib.Syst., vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 1649–1662, Dec. 2007.S. Yu and W.
the security in proper manner and attack should be detected Zhou, “Entropy-Based collaborative detection of DDoSattacks on
and avoided in the data packet shared between the service community networks,” in Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Conf.
PervasiveComputing and Communications (PerCom 2008), 2008,
providers. Thirdly, we would like to discover whether it is pp.566–571.
possible for attackers to rent the resources of a cloud to [17] R.Wartel, T.Cass, B.Moreira, E. Roche, M. Guijarro, S.Goasguen, and
U.Schwickerath, „„Image Distribution Mechanisms in Large Scale
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other clouds and to find out whether there is any other [18] J. Zhu, Z. Jiang, and Z. Xiao, „„Twinkle: A Fast Resource Provisioning
possible behaviour of DDoS attacks which would affect the Mechanism for Internet Services,‟‟ in Proc. INFOCOM, 2011, pp. 802-
cloud customers. Finally, real cloud environment tests for
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makes cloud environment usage safe. Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 936-943, May 2012.
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