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Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM) has been investigated and proofed to robost very attractive for high-data-rate transmission communications.
It has also been noted that, MIMO-OFDM systems are very vulnerable to time selective fading as channel time-
variation destroys the orthogonality among subchannels, causing inter-carrier interference (ICI). Here, we apply
frequency-domain correlative coding in MIMO-OFDM systems over frequency-selective, fastfading channels to
reduce ICI. We derive the analytical expression of the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) to quantify the effect of
time-selective fading and demonstrate the effectiveness of correlative coding in mitigating ICI in MIMO-OFDM
systems which was redused up to the lowest level of 8%.
Keywords: OFDM, Time-selective fading, inter-carrier interference (ICI ), correlative coding
IJSRSET151170 | Received: 19 Feb 2015 | Accepted: 27 Feb 2015 | January-February 2015 [(1)1: 319-323] 319
selective fading and the improvement due to where L is the number of resolvable paths and 0 is an Nr
correlative coding in MIMO-OFDM. Nt zero matrix. Each non-zero block of H contains the
Nr Nt channel matrix Hl(n) for path l at time nTs (Ts is
II. METHODS AND MATERIAL the data symbol period).
It is well known that the general form of MIMO-OFDM fd is the maximum Doppler shift and βl,ij(n) are
over slowly fading channels (i.e., the channel is time- independent complex Gaussian random variables with
invariant over several OFDM symbol periods) can be zero mean and variance e – (1 – α2m).
expressed as [Stuber, 2004]
It is observed that the channel matrix H in (4.3) is no
yk = k xk + nk (2) longer a block circulant matrix as the case of slowly
fading channels. Consequently, G = (U INr) H (U
where xk and yk represent, respectively, the transmitted INt)H is no longer a block diagonal matrix, where U
and received data for all antennas on subcarrier k, k is is the unitary DFT matrix with
an Nr Nt matrix whose (i, j)th element, {k}ij,
denotes the channel frequency response between
transmit antenna j and receive antenna i, and nk is an Nr
1 vector denoting the zero-mean AWGN with
covariance 2nINr for all antennas on subcarrier k. 0 i, j Ns – 1. This shows that time-selective fading
causes ICI, which is 0 i, j Ns – 1. This shows that
B. Effects of Time-Selective Fadin time-selective fading causes ICI, which is represented by
the off-diagonal blocks of G. Let Gij denote the (i, j)th
In a time-selective fading environment, the NsNr NsNt block of G.
spatiotemporal channel matrix H in one OFDM symbol
period is expressed as Eq. (4) can be rewritten as
Let ij be an Ns Ns matrix given by
Therefore, correlative coding effectively increase CIR. In obtaining the numerical results, I consider a system
Note worthily, from (5), it is easy to see that although with two transmit an-tennas and two receive antennas
Ccorr is different for different subcarriers, the difference which employs BPSK modulation and adopt the “SUI-5”
diminishes as Ns increases. As indicated earlier, when channel model. The time-selective Rayleigh fading
frequency-domain correlative coding with F(D) = 1 – D channel is assumed to have three resolvable multipath
is used, the signals modulated on subcarriers are components occurring at 0, 5, and 10s. These paths are
identical with alternate mark inversion code and {ai} can modeled as independent complex Gaussian random
be recovered by using a ML sequence detector. variables and the rms delay spread of the channel is
3.05s. The maximum Doppler shift is calculated based
on a carrier frequency of fc = 2GHz.
CIR levels versus Ts calculated using Eqs. (5) and (6)
In obtaining the numerical results, we consider a system are plotted in Fig. 2 where the vehicle speed applied is
with two transmit antennas and two receive antennas vs = 100Km/h. CIR curves of the MIMO-OFDM
which employs BPSK modulation and adopt the “SUI-5” system with different number of subcarriers in one
channel model [Falconer, 2002]. The time-selective OFDM symbol (Ns = 8, 24, and 128) are compared.
Rayleigh fading channel is assumed to have three As shown in Fig. 1, frequency-domain correlative
resolvable multipath components occurring at 0, 5, and coding incorporated in this letter can effectively increase
10s. These paths are modeled as independent complex CIR and the improvement is proportional to the number
Gaussian random variables and the rms delay spread of of subcarriers. With Ns = 128, the improvement is
observed to be as high as 3.0dB. The BER performances
the channel is 3.05s. The maximum Doppler shift is
of MIMO-OFDM systems with and without frequency-
calculated based on a carrier frequency of fc = 2GHz.
domain correlative coding are compared in Fig.1., where
Ts = 5 x 10-7s and vs = 100Km/h are applied. The ML
CIR levels versus Ts calculated using Eqs. (4) and (5)
detection scheme is used when correlative coding is
are plotted in Fig.1, where the vehicle speed applied is
applied. The improvement in the BER performance is
vs = 100Km/h. CIR curves of the MIMO-OFDM
also found proportional to the number of subcarriers.
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