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© 2015 IJSRSET | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | Print ISSN : 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099

Themed Section: Engineering and Technology

An ESRT and Flooding Algorithm for Energy Efficiency and to Minimize

Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks
Lavanya.R*1, Prof. Ramyadorai.D2
Dept of CSE, Adhiyamaan college of engineering, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India


Wireless sensor networks can be defined as a collection of devices, denoted as nodes, which can sense the
environment and communicate the information gathered from the monitored field through wireless links. The data is
forwarded through multiple hops to a sink which can use it locally and a gateway is used to get connected to
networks. In WSNs where each device can sense, process and talk to its peers. WSNs have been used in many
applications including military survey applications, health and wellness monitoring etc. In these applications Energy
consumption is the major issue for past years, various techniques have been used for energy consumption as it had
consumed only up to certain constraints. By using Zigbee-IRS technique, which is used to design nodes on WSNs to
achieve a very low energy consumption and latency.

Keywords : Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Low Energy, Energy consumption, ZigBee design, IRS protocol.

I. INTRODUCTION energy. To transmit a single bit of information or a

thousand of information will take a same energy cost in
Wireless sensor network is a collection of nodes that a sensor node.
sense and control the environment which enables
interaction between persons or computers and the Energy consumption is carried out by various schemes
surrounding environment. It consists of devices that they are
operate usually on battery powered to work for long 1. Duty cycling is the fraction of time taken by nodes
period of time. during their lifetime, the task take place in node
depending on their sleep/wakeup times.
Minimizing the energy consumption is an important 2. Data driven approach uses unneeded samples and
design consideration and Wireless energy efficient power consumption by sensing subsystem.
transmission of data between nodes with low-power. 3. Mobility is the main concept of this paper, mobility
The radio has been used to transmit and receive the data [8] is defined as sensor nodes following multihop
but it consumes lot of power and data is not transmitted transmissions for transfer of data from source to
completely. destination within the particular lifetime.

Multiple sensors form a network to cooperatively Sensors are typically powered through batteries; they
monitor large or complex physical environments. replace battery and discard sensor nodes when battery
Acquired information is wirelessly communicated to a gets depleted. For batteries that cannot be recharged,
base station (BS), which propagates the information to sensor node should be able to operate during its entire
remote devices for storage, analysis, and processing. mission time or until battery can be replaced.

Experimental measurements had shown that generally In the rest of our paper, section II says about the related
data transmission is very expensive in energy work carried on, section III says about the existing
consumption, while data processing consumes less system, section IV says about proposed work and

IJSRSET151115 | Received: 10 Jan 2015 | Accepted: 19 Jan 2014 | January-February 2015 [(1)1: 113-116] 113
section V says about the mechanism finally the have been analyzed over here in order to improve
conclusion and references related to it. the quality of service.

II. RELATED WORK 4) Geocast approach

Sensor nodes are usually battery powered in wireless
In[2] Geocast approach have been used to overcome the
sensor networks. The major causes of energy loss are
failure and data loss, they use directed diffusion routing
packet collision, idle mode consumption and protocol
protocol by construction of routing tree for damaged
paths and the result show that energy consumption is
reduced up to certain constraints. The routing protocols,
A. Energy consumption Techniques
provides a way for transferring the information, with
delivery assurance and with minimum energy
1) Comparison Of S-Mac And T-Mac
consumption, among the nodes that compose the
In [7], G.P. Halkes et al. compared S-MAC and T- MAC, network. This approach is used to reduce the energy
which tries to save energy by introducing a duty- cycle consumption in the network when there is an occurrence
to mitigate idle listening time, with CSMA/CA. of failures by providing modification of the Directed
Communication is not continuous between nodes this is Diffusion routing protocol and by a Geocast approach is
the main cause of energy consumption in a sensor used to repair broken paths by constructing a new
network. The MAC protocols provide the combination routing tree.
of low-power listening, which is effective in idle
listening and optimization of a physical layer. In this S- 5) Transmission power control technique
MAC suffers from overload provisioning and T-MAC
In [4] Transmission Power Control (TPC) technique has
suffers from high cost.
been used to dynamically adjust the transmission power
and used to improve the reliability of link and Nodes
2) Gossip-Based Sleep Protocol (GSP)
which share the same space to access the medium by
In [5], the energy consumption rate for sensors in a decreasing the collisions in the network and also
wireless sensor network varies greatly based on the improve the performance of the network in several
protocols. In this they have used GSP to consume energy aspects. Hidden and exposed terminals problems have
to implement routing and MAC Functions and also to been reduced over here. Therefore it increases the
increase the lifetime. In this paper Motes used to sleep bandwidth and decreases the energy.
and wakeup in a timely basis to transmit data. To
increase the sensor lifetime, energy storage capacity 6) Mobile Robots
must be limited; energy consumption rate measurements
In [9] Mobile robots can be used in energy
were taken for Mica2 motes using GSP for routing and a
consumption .The main task of mobile robots is to
transmit the data completely within the lifetime of nodes.
A power model is built for mobile robots that include
3) Localization techniques
motor power, microcontrollers and sensors. A speed
In [1] Localization technique have been used to management method is said to be proposed here to
reduce the energy consumption, in this they use reduce energy consumption, in this it maximize the
TDOA technique (Time Differential Of Arrival) travelling distance by considering energy and timing
applied on the context of mobility and compare constraints.
their performance by using the localizing sensors. III. EXISTING SYSTEM
In order to improve the quality of service and
communication, protocols and communication Mobile relays have been used in energy
technology on that wireless area are applied to consumption ,Relay node have been efficiently used to
sensor networks. The localization problem as node move to different locations in a network and transmit
localization, target localization and location service data from one node to another node[3].Optimization of

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

each node is carried out by construction of topology for Zigbee protocol support both beacon and non-beacon
data size and transmitting data in a network. enabled networks
In beacon enabled enabled networks. The special routers
A. Source Nodes
called Zigbee routers transmit periodic beacons to
conform their presence to other nodes. Nodes may sleep
The source nodes act as storage points in which the data
during their duty cycle by extending their battery life;
can be collected by other nodes and they transmit
the intervals depend on their data rates. In non-beacon
periodically to the sink, with response to the queries
enabled networks, the receivers will be continuously
generated by the user.
active for the requirement of robust power supply and
allows for heterogeneous networks [4]. ZigBee has a
B. Data Mules
defined rate of 250 kbit/s, best suited for periodic or
intermittent data or a single signal transmission from a
Data mules are another form of base station it transmit
sensor or input device.
data from sensor nodes to access point. They use the
mule architecture in order to reduce the mobility energy ZigBee technique is simpler and less expensive while
consumption. It improves data delivery by using higher comparing with wireless personal area
level protocols that is incorporated in the architecture. networks (WPANs), such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
Zigbee routers can be used in tree and mesh networks to
C. Tree optimization extend the communication of the network.

A topology is constructed for the optimal positions of B. Increasing Ray Search Protocol (IRS)
relay nodes by a routing tree. Increasing ray search protocol is designed to achieve an
energy efficient and scalability.
Routing tree is constructed based on the amount of data IRS protocol goals:
to be transmitted to particular node and it follows
different topology. 1. Designed to achieve the efficiency of energy and
Node insertions and tree optimizations follow the local 2. The packet route along the set of tracks which are
pos algorithm that solves optimally the mobile relay called Rays, The packets are sent along all rays
configuration problem. where the whole area is allocated to it and it
minimizes the overlap of transmissions.
The centralized and distributed algorithms have been 3. IRS protocol consumes the least amount of energy
used to reduce energy consumption and solve the to attain the maximum probability by discovering
problem of mobile relay configuration. the target information.

Energy consumption in WSNs had been reduced here To achieve the good node placement we have two
through certain constraint but the optimization of each algorithms
and every node is not possible. 1. Event to Sink Reliable data transport (ESRT)
ESRT is developed to achieve reliable event detection in
WSN with minimum energy expenditure. ESRT
The proposed work is energy consumption in wireless
algorithm operation is determined by reliability achieved
sensor networks by using Zigbee technique with IRS
and congestion condition in the network.
It follows two rules
I. If Event to sink reliability is low, reliability is
A. Zigbee Technique achieved in an easier manner.
Zigbee is a low-cost technique that is widely deployed in
II. If Event to sink reliability is high ,reliability is
wireless sensor network .It allows longer life for nodes
achieved by minimizing the frequency
with smaller batteries and provides high reliability.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

and turn to active mode in only 15ms or less. ZigBee is
2. Generic routing algorithm (Flooding) designed for low power consumption as it is designed
with abilities that make the nodes able to sleep most of
Flooding is generally performed by making all the nodes the time and hence making in the battery lasting longer.
rebroadcast the received message. To achieve high IRS protocol is designed with the ZigBee technique, as
reliability, redundant traffic is reduced by controlling the this protocol would be used for discovering information
number of broadcasts. of unaware locations and achieving efficiency of energy.
The algorithms used are ESRT and Flooding. ESRT
These algorithms have been used to improve the algorithm represents a congestion control with the
performance of wireless sensor networks by using the placement of nodes, thus it is a routing algorithm.
multiple paths as alternative paths in order to forward Flooding algorithm worked with the fact that each node
the traffic from source to sink. always tries to send every message to every neighbour
node. Thus, the power issues of WSN present the role of
V. MECHANISHM ZigBee and IRS protocol to reduce the energy
consumption on WSN.
A Logical WSN network is formed by cooperation of
sensor nodes. Sinks are used to collect data packets that VII. REFERENCES
are routed from logical network. These data packets are
routed through multi hop transmission. Thus, WSNs [1] Anouar Abdelhakim Boudhir, Bouhorma Mohamed & Ben
consist of a large set of nodes which are distributed Ahmed Mohamed 2010, ‘New Technique of Wireless Sensor
within a wide environmental area to perform two Networks Localization based on Energy Consumption’,
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specific functions that is sensing and monitoring of
[2] Alain Bertrand Bomgni & Jean Frédéric Myoupo 2010, ‘An
nodes within logical area in order to achieve traffic and Energy-Efficient Clique-Based Geocast Algorithm for Dense
environmental monitoring, efficient industry production, Sensor Networks’, Communications and Network, , 2, 125-133 .
and security at home. Hence, WSNs nodes response [3] Fatme El-Moukaddem, Eric Torng & Guoliang Xing 2013,
quickly to the detected events (or) monitored events. ‘Mobile Relay Configuration in Data-intensive Wireless Sensor
[4] Luiz H.A. Correia, Daniel MacedoAldri, F, Dos Santos Antonio,
The energy of each node in WSNs is affected by heavy L, Loureiro, A.F, Jose´ Marcos S.Nogueira 2007, ‘Transmission
traffic load. This problem worsens in low powered power control techniques for wireless sensor networks’,
WSNs. Elseiver.
[5] María Gabriela Calle Torres 2006, ‘Energy Consumption In
Wireless Sensor Networks Using GSP’ University of Pittsburgh.
In this technique an optimized path is created for a sink [6] NajmehKamyabpour & Doan B.Hoang 2007, ‘Modeling overall
node with a use of a channel that is commonly assigned energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks’, NSW
to CSMA and TDMA Scheme. A first and second nodes Australia.
use a CSMA Scheme for sending and receiving data by [7] Sandra Sendra, Jaime Lloret, Miguel García & José F. Toledo
2005, ‘Power saving and energy optimization techniques for
the corresponding channel slots. By using TDMA Wireless Sensor Networks’, ACM Mobile Networks and
scheme, a data is sent to the second node during first set Applications, Vol. 10, Issue: 5, Pp.783–791.
amount of time. If a data is not received from the second [8] Jain, S, Shah, R, Brunette, W, Borriello, G & Roy, S 2006,
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first received slot and the further process takes place and
correspondingly we can reduce the energy consumed at
each node.

In this Paper, the problem of minimizing the energy

consumption in WSNs has been addressed by, including
energy consumption for hardware. This is done by
adding the ZigBee technique to design nodes on WSN
so that it will make the nodes of WSN able to wake up

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)


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