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w place. Whenei 24' 18' 12' 6' 0'-36" ,: ! Ps. If the longitude of a Planet is more than 100' then reduce the
longitude from 20 0' and see the numerical strength as above.
Chapter 8 General Strength of Planets (Shadbala) Sthana bala : Exalted Mool Trikona Own 100% 80%
70% 60% 50% 70% 80% Ist house 10th house 7th house 4th house .. Atimitra Mitra Navarnsa-own
Navamsa exalted Digbala: Jupiter & Mercury Sun & Mars Saturn Venus & Moon , = = = • 100% 100%
100% 100% 100% Chesta bala: Sun & Moon in 10, 11, 1, 2, 3 Sign Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus &. Saturn
- when retrograde or when conjunct with Moon = 100%
Naisargikbala (Natural Strength): Sun Moon Venus Jupiter bala- Temporal Strength: Moon, Mars, Saturn
Sun, Jup,Ven Mer (Malefic) JuP, Ven, Moon, Mer (Benefic) Mercury Sun iter -In night 7/7" 6/7 100%
600/700% 500/700 % 400/700% 00% I ,- 5/7 4/7 3/7 2/7 1/7 100% 100% 100% 100% -In day -Always In
dark half

Mercury Mars Saturn Kal Mercury Mars, Sat, Sun, Sat Moon Venus Mars Jup 300/700% 200/700% 100/7

In bright half Sunrise Noon Evening 1st part of night 2nd part of night Last par t of night In all parts 100%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Planets in their Weekday!:: Day of birth Planets in
their hora
Chapter 9 Vedha Aspect of Planets Methodology: I After understanding nature & characteristics of
planets, the next stage is to de termine their Vedha aspect on the five important components of the
individuals. These are as under: Star (Nakshatra) at birth occupied: by Moon Sign (Rasi) at b irth occupied
by Moon Lunar Tithi at birth & birthday Consonant-First word of th e native's name Vowel-Swara of the
native's name All these can be determined fro m the birth Chart. In case the birth chart is not available,
decide on the basis of most popular latest name of the individual. The description & details of the se
components are given in chapter 3. Now follow the procedure as under: PROCEDURE: Place all the 9
transiting planets in their respective pada of a Star & Sign acc ording to their longitude during transit.
Examine their aspect on the five compo nents, which must get Vedha aspect, before their results can be
determined. Thes e 9 planets have three types of Vedha aspect as under: .
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 6S Sun, Moon, Rahu & Ketu can aspect all the 3 directions. Retrograde
planet can as pect only on the right direction. Fast planet can aspect only on the left direct ion. Planet
with normal speed can aspect in front di. rection only. Front Vedha of a planet can only cause Vedha of
Star & pada in opposite direction. Right sid e Vedha aspect by a Retrograde planet can cause Vedha of all
the five components . Left side Vedha will also cause Vedha of all the five components. Mars, Mer, J uP'
Yen, Saturn, have Vedha aspect in one direction only depending on their spee d. As regards front Vedha
by a planet some Sages suggested that this Vedha shoul d also cover the other 4 components. Right &
Left Vedha aspect is always angular at 45° and causes Vedha of all the components occupying vargas in
that direction. Special Vedha Aspect: Planet in 4th pada of Bharni, causes Vedha of 1st (First) pada of
Krittika and A vowel (by left aspect). Planet in 4th pada of Aslesha causes Vedha oflst pada o f Magha
and'AA' vowel by left aspect. Planet in 4th pada of Vishaka causes Vedha of 1st pada of Anuradha & 'E'
vowel (by left aspect). Planet in 4th pada of Sra van causes Vedha of 1st pad a of Dhanistha & 'EE' vowel
(by left aspect). Planet afflicting Arda Star, the Ku, Gha, Na, Chha consonants are also afflicted. Plan et
afflicting Hasta Star, the Pu, Sha, Na, Tha, consonants are also afflicted.
66 Vedha AspectafPlanets Planet afflicting Purvashada Star, the Bu. Dha, Pha & Da consonants are also
aff licted. Planet afflicting Uttra Bhadrapada Star, the Du.Tha, [ha, Na consonants are also afflicted. These
consonants are not provided in SSc. Hence their Vedha may be examined in this way. These (Words)
consonants belong to different pada o f Stars. Similarly Planets occupying 4th Pada of Bharni, Aslesa,
Visakha & Srava n cause Vedha of 5,10,15,30 Lunar Tithies & Saturday which is not possible in no rmal
course. Malefic Planets: Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu & Ketu, will cause malefic Vedha aspect only, although
they may be in their own Signs or even exaltation Signs. . they are 100% malefic. Benefic Planets: Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter & Venus cause benefic Vedha aspect only. They are 100% benefic. Moon is benefic
when it is waxing. Mercury is benefic when it is alone, speciall y without any malefic planet. Vedha
aspect of a planet is of 2 types. Macro-when a planet aspect a particular sign. Micro - when a planet
aspect a particular pa da of a Star. This type of Vedha is 100% effective. Star to Star Vedha is less e
ffective than pada Vedha aspect. Vedha by 2/3 planets in the same pada, the impa ct of victorious planet
will prevail. Mars, Mer, JuP, Yen & Sat have only one as pect at a time depending on their speed. Malefic
planet if Retrograde becomes hi ghly malefic200%.
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 67 Benefic planet iJ Retrograde becomes highly benefic200%. Malefic
planet when it leaves the Vedha Star & shift to another Star, it cannot give malefic results. V edha of a
Lunj:lrTithi in Bright half (Shukla Paksha) is 100% , whereas Vedha in Dark half is only 50%. Each Tithi has
its own consonant. So when Tithi has Vedh a aspect, the consonant is also having Vedha automaticall y.
Similarly sign of T ithi is also having Vedha. When a planet is causing Vedha of a particular sign, it's vowel
consonant & Tithis are also having Vedha automatically. Retrograde pl anet on first pada of Krittika, 4th
pada of Magha, 1st pada of Anurada, 1st pada of Dhanistha causes Vedha of 4 Vowels-A, AA, E & EE, &
Lunar tithies-S, 10,15,3 0 & Saturday. Grading of Vedha aspect: Grading of Vedha aspect on 5
Components: (panchakas). Vedha aspect on Components By Benefic Planets By Malefic Planets 3/4 2/4
1/2 . 1 2 3 4 5 5 3.45 2.30 1.15 1 2 3 4 5 Aspect Full 1 0.45 0.30 0.15 2 3 4 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.48 1.36 2.24 3.12
4.0 0.36 1.12 1.48 2.24 3.0 0.24 0.48 1.12 1.36 2.0 0.12 0.2 4 0.36 0.48 1. 1.30 2.15 1.0 1.30
0.30 0.45 In the above chart each benefic planet has 5 Vedha points. Each malefic planet h as 4 Vedha
points. To determine the benefic or malefic influence, take the
68 Vedha AspedofPlanets difference of both the benefic group of planets & malefic group of planets. The
total difference will indicate the actual impact of Vedha. Navamsa Vedha: Every Star has 4 padas. So all
the 28 Stars including Abhijeet, have 112 Navamsa s in SBC. The Planets cause Vedha of these Navamsa,
by their opposite (Front) di rection ego a planet in 1st pada of Krittika will cause Vedha of 4th pada of Sra
van, including pada's Vowels & Consonants & Star. This is known as Navamsa Vedha . It gives strong
results when the Navama sign has also Vedha aspect. Special Vedha aspect of Sun In SBC,Sun has been
assigned special powers to cause directional Vedha in additi on to Vedha of five components. It means,
when Sun occupies a direction, East, W est, North or South, the whole direction is afflicted for three
months, from the date of entrv in that direction till it leaves the last sign. In this way all' the 12 Signs of
the 4 directions are affIicited. This type of Vedha is to be cal culated from Krittika Star in the East. If you
examine the SBC chart, you will f ind Vedha details as under when Sun occupies any Star or Sign in that
direction: East direction: Vedha of Stars from Krittika to Aslesha. Vedha of Signs from 4th pada of Aries to
Cancer. Vedha ofVowels-A,OO,O,LRI. Vedha of Consonants, assign ed to each pada of a Star. Vedha of
Tithi. South direction: Vedha of Stars from 1st pada of Magha to 4th pada of Visakha.
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra bY Vedha of Sign from Leo to Libra. Vedha ofVowels-AA,OO,OU,LREE.
Vedha of Consonan ts assigned to each pada of ~ Star. Vedha of Tithi. ,1W,¥1);\I~ West direction Vedha
of Stars from 1st pada of Anuradha to 4th pada ofSravan. Vedha of Signs fr om Scorpio to Capricorn.
Vedha of Vowels-E,RE,AE,AM.. Vedha of Consonants assign ed to-each pada of Star. Vedha of Tithi. North
direction: Vedha of Stars from ls~ pada of Dharusthato ath pada.. of Bharani. Vedha of Sign s from
Capricorn to Aries. Vedha ofVowels-EE,REE,AEI,AHA. Vedha of Consonants as signed to each pada of a
Star. Vedha of Tithi. Similarly when Sun occupies a par ticular Star, three Stars before & after are afflicted
by Sun incl uding the Sta r occupied by it. Similarly when a malefic planet afflicts any pada of a Star (b y
conjunction or aspect) the Consonants, Vowel, are also afflicted. This causes danger to life & position
specially when all 5 Components are afflicted. Similar ly when one of the following Vowel is having
Vedha, it's counterpart is also hav ing Vedha:
70 Vedha AspectafPlanets "Vowelshaving Vedha A Vowel having automatic Vedha AA E U (small) EE 00
(big) RE AE REE AEI a FRONT VEDIIA au As already indicated some Sages have recommended' front Vedha
of Star only. But some eminent Sages have suggested front Vedha of all five components (Panchakas) . I
suggest front Vedha of all the five componants should be considered but it's benefic impact is only 50%
SPECIAL NOTE ON VEDHA Vedha means a special relation ship between the planet in motion & other
celestial bodies, which are fixed in t he SBe of the native. Aspects by planets play important role in
influencing huma n life, nations, commerce, trade, industries, agricultural products, market fluc tuations.
The benefic or malefic impact depends on strength of the planet, it's benefic or malefic nature, it's
motion (speed), its conjunction with other plane ts-when 2 planets occupying same longitude in a Star or
its pada, or aspect by 2 planets occupying 2 different Signs but occupying same degree in their Signs or
opposition aspect by 2 planets opposite each other at a distance of 1800 eg Sun 10° in Aries and Saturn
10° in Libra. This aspect is most dangerous.
Mysticsof Sarvato Bhadra Chakra 71 Vedha by Benefic Planets in Lucky years: According to Astrology 9th
house Lord & its occupants are lucky planets. 9thhouse sign Aries/Scorpiio Taurus/Libra Gemini/Virgo
Cancer Leo Sagit/Pisces C apricorn/Aqua Rahu in 9th house Ketu in 9th house Uranus in 9th Ill1llSt'
Neptun e in 9th house Pluto in 9th house Lord Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Jupiter Saturn years Lucky
Business Iron, wool, clothes Sugar.cotton, clothes Grains, Jute. Silver Go ld Ghee, oil Yellow items. Oil,
silk, shares Animals Animals, blanket. woolblack Factories, machines 28 25 32 24 22 16 36 42 42 ~h 24 H
Electrical goods Medicines, mines Nonnal Vedha aspect of Planets: Sun It has uniform speed. So it has
Vedha power of aspecting all the directions-« Right, left & front. Moon as above Rahu These tw o planets
have uniform speed and being retrograde through out the year Ketu Henc e these two planets also have
Vedha power of aspecting all three directionsRight , left & front. Mars All these planets have no uniform
speed. So Mercury they wi ll have the Vedha power as under: Jupiter When Retrograde in Transit : Right
dir ec Venus tion. When in high speed in Transit: Left Saturn direction When in norm al speed in Thmsit :
Front dire:tion I may indicate here that there is some minor difference in Vedha & aspect. Aspec t is
usually applied in Astrology Where as Vedha or Vedha aspect is applied in S .B.C. Note: See Chapter 18
for Sarvato Bhadra Chakra.
Chart of Vedha Aspect : Vedha Aspect of Planets on S. No. Planet Front on Star Vedhaof Star P.Phalguni
Magha Sravana Abhijit U.Shad a P.Shada Right Vedhaof Star Jyestha Anuradha Left Yedhaof Star Rohini
Krittika V isakha Svati -, Ch;~rc..'~ Left Vedhaof Sign Right Vedhaof Sign Pisces/Sagitt, Aries, Scorpio Tithi
Vedha Vowels and Consonent Vedha Cha, Aha, Ya, 00 1. Asvini 2. Bharani 3. Krittika 4. Rohini 5. Mrga 6.
Arda Bharani Asvini Revati Taurus Libra Gemini Virgu -Cancer, 4.9.11 3.8.13 1.6.11. 2.7.12 La,Na A,Tha.
Va, Ra, 00, Ou A, La, Ka, Pa ~ i ~ §" "" 1} ~ Leo U. Bhadrapada P.Bhadra Satabhisaj Hasta U.Phalguni
P.Phalguni Aries, Taurus Gemini Pisces Va, Cha, Ha, Lree, Ta, Lri 7.Punarvasu Mula 8.Pusya Jyestha Ka,
Dha, Da, Ma Ha, Sa, 00', 0' Cont. PISCeS
S. No. Planet on Star Front Vedhaof Star Right Vedhaof Star Vedha Aspect of Planets on Left Left Right
Vedhaof Vedha of Vedhaof Star Sign Si gn Magha Sravan Abhijit U.Shada P.Shada Mula Jyestha Anuradha
Bharani Asvini Rev ah Aries, Scorpio SagitPisces Capricon Aquarius Leo Capricorn Virgo, Sagittarius Libra,
Scorpio Cancer, Aquarius Tithi Vedha 1.6.11 4.9.14 2.7.12 3.8.13 Vowels and Consonent Vedha Da,Ga
Ma, Kha v' ."" Y. Aslesha lll. Magha Anuradha Dharustha Bharani AsYini Aslesha Pusya Punarvasu 's fA ~
11. P. Phalguni 12. U. Phalguni 13. Hasta 14. Chitra 15. Svati 16. Visakha 17. Anuradha 18. Jyes tha 19.
Mula Ta, Am, [a, 00 Ma, Da, Pa, Bha Ta, Ha, Ra, Ae, Ya, Lree :::t Revati ~ v $:l 1:1 ~ U. Bhadra Arda
P.Bhadra Mrga ~ $:l c ... ~ Cancer, Leo Virgo, Gemini Libra, Taurus Pa, Ka, Tha, Na. ;::s ~
Satabhisaj Rohini Dhanistha Krittika Aslesha Pusya Visakha Svati Ra, Re, Ou, Va .'1/ ... I: 1.6.11 2.7.12
3.8.13 4.9.14 Tha, A. Na,La, ¥IF c £ ~ Re, Ya, Aha, Cha, Na, Tha, Dha, Bha (. Punarvasu Chitra Cont (P2)
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 79 Vedha by 2/3 Malefic planets: of Star of Sign of Tithi of Consonants
of Vowel (swar) Confusion. Obstruction. F ear, danger. Financial loss. lllness. Confusion & war. Loss of
relative and dang er. Troubles & loss. Troubles & defeat Sickness or Death. Death. Vedha by 1-5 Malefic
planets: Affliction by 1 planet do do do do 2 3 4 5 do do do do In addition, the Vedha results of each
planet will be as under: Vedha by Sun : Tension, dispute with government, fever, foreign travel, loss, su
fferings, opposition by wife & son, stomach trouble, fear & obstructions. Vedha by Mars: Financial loss,
confusion, death in family~ loss of property, obstructi ons, sickness of wife & son, foreign travel,
bleeding, & fear. Vehda by Saturn: Sickness, danger, loss of relatives, foreign travel, imprisonment, loss of
posit ion,serious disease, death, fruitless travel; & obstructions. Vedha by Rahu: Obs tructions, heart
trouble, giddiness, danger, romance with a widow.
au rorecasting Methodology - Future ofIndividuals Vedha by Ketu : Loss of wife, danger from
government, defeat in objectives and p ain in body. Note: If birth Star is having Jupiter's Vedha, no harm
is possible even if 2/3 malefic planets have Vedha of five components. It ensures all types of protection.
Vedha of a Star is of three types as under: A malefic Planet has just vacated a Star: Malefic event just
occurred. A malefic planet has just occupied a Star: Malefic event is taking place. A malefic Planet will
soon occupy a star: Malefic event will occur soon. Avoid s uch a day for all important activities. If a
benefic planet has vacated a Star or has occupied a Star or will OLC'UPY a Star, benefic results are bound
to occur. If Moon has left a Star, that Star is not malefic for any auspicious work. Vedha by Mercury:
Improvement in intelligency. Vedha by Venus : Romance. Vedha b y Starun, Mars, Rahu or Ketu of birth
Star & birth sign may cause death. Vedha of Birth Sign by Malefic Planets: Vedha byl (one)MaleficPlanet:
Fear from relatives, illness; failures, worries, c onfusion, set backs, disappointments, loss and death of
relatives. Vedha by 2 Ma lefic Planets Danger, death of relatives, fear and tension.
82 Forecasting Methodologtj - Future ofIndividuals Vedha by 2 Malefic Planets Vedha by 3 Malefic
Planets Vedha by 4 Malefic Planets Vedha by 5 Malefic Planets Vedha by 1 Malefic Planet Loss of
relatives, fear & financial loss. Loss of wife & financial loss. Trouble s & illness. Death. Deterioration of
health, serious sickness, loss of gold, dis pute with relatives, loss, danger of death, failures, theft. Loss of
relatives a nd fear. Loss of wife, loss and defeat. Troubles and illness. Death. Vedha of Birth Vowel by
Malefic Planets: Vedha by 2 Malefic Planets Vedha by 3 Malefic Planets . Vedha by 4 Malefic Plane ts
Vedhaby 5 Malefic Planets Vedha of all the 5 components by one or more Malefic Planets may cause
death. Ve dha of all.5 Components from 2 sides by 2 Malefic Planets may cause death. Vedha by Malefic
retrograde planets give most rna. lefic results. Vedha by Sun, Mars, Sat, Rahu or Ketu give Malefic results,
tension, trouble from king, fever, loss , travelling, Sickness, obstructions and setbacks. Vedha of Birth Star
by Benefi c Planets: Vedha by 1 Benefic Planet Good Luck, health and success.
MysticsofSarvato Bhadru Chakra 83 Vedha by 2 BeneficPlanets Vedha by 3 BeneficPlanets Vedha by 4
Benefic Planets Financiat gain, no fear and good luck. Success & victory, good luck and gain. We alth, gain
and success. Happiness, good luck, victory and happy events. Good Luc k and all round success. Financial
gain, success & victory Success, health. weal th & Vedha of Birth Sign by Benefic Planets: Vedha by 1
Benefic Planet Vedha by 2 Ben eficPlanets Vedha by 3 BeneficPlanets Vedha by 4 BeneficPlanets Vedha
of Birth Lunar Tithi by Benefic Pla haveSth or 9th aspect and both planets are in satne degree ego Sun in
A res 100 and Moon in Leo 100. Bearish trend starts as soon as Moon enters Leo sig n and continue till it
achieve the longitude of Sun 100. In this case the fast m oving planet should always be ahead of slow
moving planet. When two friendly pla nets have 3rd or 11 th aspect and both planets are in the same
degree.Rest as ab ove. JUpiter Retrograde or Saturn Retrograde in 5th house or Neptune (Ret) in se cond
Mystics of Saroato Bhadra Chakra 25 all type of achievements through frinds. Specially while travelling,
through kno wn or unknown persons. It 9. Param Maitra Star : Planets occuping this Star give results
through a person or an organisation during the course of travelling. If a malefic planet is on th is point,
this destroys the achivements of native. Extra details : For following details about Stars, see relevant
chapters as indicated below: Stars: Their pad as, consonants, Vowels & vargas in SBC-see chapter 3.
Stars: Indicating Vedha by planets-see chapter 6. Stars: Indicating Vedha & results-see chapter 7. Stars:
Indicating different part of India, Cities, Commodities etc (as significators)-s ee chapter 8. PADA &
CONSONANTS OF STARS: Stars - Padas & Consonants : S. Star No 1. 2. Asvini Bharani Krittika Rohini
Mrgasirsa Arda Punarvasu Pusya Aslesha. Magha. P. Phalguni 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. Pada 1 Pada2 l'ada3
Pada4 Varga conso- conso- conso- conso- number nant nant nan t nant 31 La Chay eho Chu Lo 32. Le Lay
Lu 2 A V Be Aa 3 Ve Vi Va 0 4 Ki Vo. .Ka Vay Chha 5 Na Gha Ku 6 Hi Ha Ko Kay 7 Da Ho Hay Hu 8 Do Du Day
De 10 May Mu Me M a 11 Tu Ti Ta Mo
Mystics 'of Saroato Bhadra Chakra 33 - Moon - Rahu - Ketu - Mars - JuP - Sat - Yen - Mer As above Always
retrograde in motion. Always retrograde in motion. 'May be direc t (Normal or high speed) or retrograde.
May be direct (Normal or high speed) or retrograde. . May be direct (Normal or high speed) or
retrograde. May be direct (Normal or high speed) or retrograde. May be direct (Normal or high speed) or
re trograde. Standard Speed of Planets : Planet Jupiter Venus Saturn Mars Mercury Nanna! 5'-00" 59'-8"
2'-0" 31' 26" 59'-8" Fast 12'-22" 73'-43" 5'-27" 39'-1" 104'-46" Very fast 14'-4" 75'-42" . 7'-45" 46'-11"
113'-32" Vedha power of a planet : - Direct motion-Normal sped ~ Direct motion-High speed -
Retrograde motion Front Vedha. Left Vedha. .Right Vedha. It may be indicated here that the speed .of
above planets is never fixed. It goe s on changing from time to time & year to year. As such it should be
checked fro m the standard Indian Ephemeris. When anv.reliabieIndian Ephemeris is not availa ble,
decide the speed of a planet as under:
34 All About Planets How to determine speed: a simple method: Sun's position from a planet Sun inTst
house Sun in 2nd house. Sun in 3rd house. Sun in 4th house. Sun in 5th /6th house. Sun in 7th/8th
house. Sun in 9th/10th house. Sun in 11th/12th house. Assumed speed of a planet .Retrogradation of
Mer / Yen is possible. Fast motion. Normal motion. Normal bei ng slow Retrograde motion Retrograde
motion. Fast motion. Fast motion. Norms for Venus & Mercury: Venus & Mercury in 2nd house from Sun:
Retrograde. Venus & Mercury in 12th house from Sun: Fast. Venus & Mercury in 3 & 11th house from
Sun Normal. Notes: Speed of Sun & Moon is fixed. Planets having more speed than Sun/Moon may be
con sidered as fast. Planets having less speed than Sun/Moon may be considered as sl ow. Exaltation of
Planets : All Planets are constantly moving around the Sun anc also 12 Signs. During their movement
they move in Signs which they do not rule. They are sometimes powerfu or weak therein, depending on
the sign they transit. The) are accordingly called exalted, debilitated, retrograde 01
MysticsofSaroato Bliadra Chakra 35 detriment. Planets are strong or weak depending on the sign they
occupy and are called exalted, ifthey occupy Signs as under during their movement. Planets Sun Moon
Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Nepture Plut o Exaltation Si~ns Aries in 10" 10"
Taurus in 3° Capricorn in 28" Virgo in 15" Can cer in 5° Pisces in 27'" Libra in 200 Gemini in 20" Sagittarius
in 20" Scorpio Leo Longitude (10") Star & Lord Asvini (Ketu) Krittika (Sun) Dhanistha(Mars) Hasta (Moon)
Pusya(Sat) Revati (Mer) Svati (Rahu) Arda(Rdhu) P. Sadha (Venus) (33") (298") (165°) (95°) (357") (200")
(80"') (26(1') Aries Notes: Mercury's exaltation point is 15°in Virgo. Thereafter its Mooltrikona extends
upto 25°. The remaining 5° of Virgo is his own house. Some Sages consider entire sign as an exaltation
sign & the above mentioned longitude indicates most exaltation po int of these planets. Navarnsa Varga:
In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra special importance is given to the Nava msa position of a planet. It is most
useful to understand the micro-result of a planet. To find out the Navamsa the zodiacal circle
(Bhavachakra) is divided int o 108 equal parts of 3°-20" each. It means that each sign is divided into 9
Navams a parts or it is equal to one pada of 3°-20'each of a Star. The limit of each Nava msa in a sign is as
under: 1 Navamsa from 00 - 0' to 3° - 20' 2nd Navamsa from 3° 20' to 6° - 40' , 3rd Navamsa from 6° - 40'
to 100- 00'
36 ~th AllAbout Planets Navamsa from 100- 00' to 13° - 20' 5th Navarnsa from 13° - 20' to 16° - 40' 6th
Navams a from 16° - 40' to 20° - 00' 7th Navamsa from 200 - 00' to 23° - 20' 8th Navamsa from 23° - 20'
to 26° - 40' 9th Navamsa from 26° - 40' to 300 - 00' Navamsa Chakra Amsa "Aries, Leo Taurs, virgo
Gemini, libra,. Cancer, Scorpio Sagittarius Capric orn Aquarius Pisces 3°.20' 6°-40' 100-00' 13°-20' 16°-40'
200-00' 23°.20' 26°-40' 300-00' 1 2 3 4 10 7 4 11 12 1 2 8 9 10 11 "12 1 2 3 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
11 12 Transit of planets: All planets are transiting (moving) in the Zodiac Circle of 360°. Planets are movi
ng from first pada, Star (Nakshatra) and sign (Rasi) to next pada etc. Their mot ions in a pada, Star & Sign
are as under: Planet Sun Period in P~da (Approximate) Period in Star (Approximate) Period in Sign
(Approximate) 300(30 days) 3°.20' (3 days 8hrs) 13°.20' (14 days) 13°.20' (240 day) 300(18 months) 3°~
20' (60 d) 13°.20' (240 day) 300(18 months) 3°.20' (60 day) Rahu 13°.20' (1 day) 300(2
1/4 days) 3°-20' (6 Hrs) Moon 30"(45 days) 13"-20' (20 days) :\° 20' (5 days) Mars 30" ~(30 days) 13"-20'
(13d 8h) Mercury 3"-20 (3d. Sh) 300(12 days) 13°-20' (160 d) 3°.20 ' (4Od) Jupiter 13°.20' (13d-8h)
300(30 months) 3°.20' (3d-8H) Venus 13°.20' (2~0 day) 300(18 months) 3°.20' (60 d) Saturn Ketu
MysticsofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 37 Notes: Each Sign = 30"-00' Each Star = 13°-20' Each Pada = 3°-20'
Approximate period of traasit of planets in different Signs. Planets Transits in 12 Signs Sun Moon Mar
Mer ]up Yen Sat Rahu Transits in 12 Signs do do do do do do do do d o do do -:-fI Y. 1 M D. R M. _ .. 27. 1
1 7. 43. 10 12 1 29 1 1 846 6 6 Ketu Uranus Neptune 165 248 Pluto Impact of Planets in Transit: In
Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, the whole methodology of prediction is based on moveme nt of planets in Signs,
Stars & padas of Stars & thier correct Vedha. Impact of a planet can only be ascertained from the correct
longitude of a planet '& its p lacement in appropriate pada of a Star. Benefic results depend on transit of
ben efic planets on benefic sign & Star, specially 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 Stars from birth St ar. Benefic planet
occupying benefic sign, benefic Star indicates benefic Vedha aspect. Conjunction of planets in a Star
during transit: When 2 or 3 planets conjunct, during their transit, on a particular Star, the re sults will be
as under:
38 All About Planets Conjunction of Benefic planets = Benefic resul ts. Conjunction of malefic planet s=
Malefic results. Conjunction of malefic & Benefic planets: Results de pends on victorious planet. Notes:
Planet in the North is considered victorious, and plane in South is consi dered defeated except Venus. .
Planet with Sun is considered as Combust. Planet with Moon is considered in Sa magam. Planet with
Mars is considered in war-provided thei longitudes are in the same Star. Planet in Samagam or war,
whether in North or Soutl is victorious if in North Kr anti. Planets having same nature, occupying same
pada 0 a Star, classification o f victorious planet is not neces sary. However the 'willof the planet, having
mo re Ion gitude, will prevail. Rahu or Ketu occupying North Star will be victori ou s. If both the planets
are in South kranti, the planet ir lesser longitude will be victorious. If both the planets are equally strong,
both the planets will give appropriate r esults according to their significations. If both the planets are
equally strong -one is friend & other enemy - treat their impact as neutral. Kranti means two planets
having the same longitude either in North or South. If both the planets are in North Star, the planet
having ,. more longitude is vi ctorious.
I Mystics of Saroaio Bhadra Chakra 39 Vedha aspect of Planets: In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, speed of a
planet is of vital importance because-all t ypes of Vedha aspects depends on speed. Usually the planets,
have following type s of speed: Motion - speed - Direct motion - Normal speed. - Direct motion - High
speed - Retrograde motion -Backward motion Vedha Aspect Front. Left. Right Direct motion: When a
planet moves direct without stopping, in anti clock wise d irection, it is know as direct motion, e.g.
planet moving from Aries to Taurus. It's Vedha aspect is always front Vedha. Types of Vedha aspect: In
Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, aspect of planets, is considered most important, becau se Vedha depends on
aspect, which may be direct, right or left, depending on the speed of a planet. This aspect is different
than the aspeet in Vedic Astrology. Their aspect is front when in normal speed, left when in high speed &
right Ved ha when retrograde. Grading of Aspect: Aspeet by a Benefic planet: Sign occupied by a planet:
Own 20.00 15.00 :' Friend 15.00 11.25 7.50 3.75 Neutral 10.00 7.50 5.00 2.50 Enemy 5.00 3.75 2.50 1.25
Aspect 100% 75% 50% 25% 10.00 5.00 .",. Aspeet by a Malefic planet: Sign occupied by a planet:
40 All About Planets Own 5.00 3.75 2.50 1.25 Friend 10.00 7.50 5.00 2.50 Neutral 15.00 11.25 7.50 3.75 I
Enemy 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 Aspect 100% 75% 50% 25% Notes: The above units indicate the presumed
numerical strength-Benefic or malefic. i Special Vedha aspect: As already explained, the plane~s have the
following three types ofVedha aspect only: . Motion (speed) Direct Motion of a Planet in High speed:
Vedha aspect Left Right Front, Right & Left Direct Motion of a Planet in Normal speed: Front Retrograde
Motion of a planet: Sun, Moon, Rahu& Ketu have fixed speed: In addition to above the following aspects
may also be considered: Special Vedha Aspect: Planet Staraspected from Star occupied by the planet
15,5 15 15,8,10 15,9,12 15, 10,19 15,9,12 15,3,5,21 15,9,. Aspect inS.P. during day & fore noon Behind
Front Behind Front Front Front Behind Behind \ Aspect in K.P.during night & afternoon Front Behind
Front Behind Behind Behind F ront Front Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Note: S.P.
Stands for Sukla Paksha and K.P. for Krishan Paksha
Mystics ofSaroato Bhadra Chakra Aspect in Vedic Astrology: Planet Sun, Moon .....q 41 Full aspect 7th do
7,5,9 7,4,8, 7,5,9 7,3,10 3/4th aspect 4th &: 8th do do 1/4aspect 5th &9th do l/4aspect 3rd&:10th do do
3rd &:lOth 3rd &:lOth ., Mer,Ven Rahu&: Ketu Mars Jupiter Saturn 5th9th 4th&: 8th 4th &: 8th 5th &:9th
Aspect: Benefic or Malefic: Benefic planet aspects a Malefic planet: Malefic planet aspects a Benefic
planet : Malefic planet aspects a Malefic planet: Benefic planet aspects a Benefic plan et: 5th & 9th
aspect 4th &8th aspect (except Mars) Saturn having 4th aspect of M ars Mars having 4th aspect of
Saturn 3rd &11th aspect of benefic planet. 25%Bene fic 25%Benefic 100% Malefic 100% Benefic 100%
Benefic. 100% Malefic. Benefic. Ma lefic. Benefic. Significations of Planets: Benefic Planets: Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. They always give benefic resu lts provided they are having no relation with
malefic planets. Malefic planets: Mar, Sun, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu. They are supposed to give malefic
results, subjec t to impact of benefic planets on them at the time,of motion caus-
42 All Abou t Planets ing Vedha. Significations 0.£ Sun: Impact on native: Tension, obstructions by gove
rnment, fever, foreign travel, all type of obstructions, unhappiness, difficulti es in every effort, opposition
by father & mother, financial loss, danger from a nimals & accident, worries, professional set backs, loss
of property, eye troubl e, heart attack and misunderstanding. Impact on Commodities: Precious stones, ri
ce, copper, gold, gems, currenE:y, oils, silk, grains, cotton and goundnut. Gene ral: Regions, states, red
colour items, temples, activities by and for governmen t, father, heat, head of a country, President, Prime
Minister. Notes: Sun is mor e active when joined with another planet, although that planet may be
combust. I n such cases market condition reverse. Significations of Moon: Impact on Native: Victory over
enemies, benefic results, acquisition of ornaments & dresses & veh icles, recovery from sickness, good
sex. Different types of diseases, imprisonme nt, separation, unhappy events and obstructions (if Moon is
malefic). ' Impact o n commodities: Silver, water, milk, petro shares, brewery, oil, wines, fishery, glass,
ghee, food stuff, white clothes, rice, wheat, salt, pearl, sugarcane, hon ey, white items and matters
related to public. General: City, town, living .thin gs, female, hotel & catering, navigation, victory over
enemies, milk industry, commercial undertakings, rich woman, dams, and developmental activities. No
tes: Weak Moon gives malefic results-losses, setbacks, disappointments, failure. It is useful for daily
Mystics ofSaroato Bhadra Chakr« 43 Significations of Mars: (Malefic) Impact on Native: Loss of mental
power, financ ial loss, death of any relative, loss of landed property, sickness, obstructions , tension,
trouble due to wife & children, separation, stomach disease, foreign travel, loss of blood & accident,
reduction of mental power, setbacks in efforts .defeat in litigation for property. Impact on Commodities:
Gur, gwar, turmeric, gold, rice, oilseeds, coffee, tea, metal, all items of red colour, machinery, gr am,
copper, red coral, wine, weapons and oil seeds. General: Metal industries, b uilding industries, brick
manufacturing, distillery,city,town, male, fire places , heavy rain and storms, trading in weapons, army,
police, criminal cases, accid ents and industries. Significations of Mercury: Impact on Native: Happiness
due to wife & children, favours from government, happy & peaceful life, marriage, re lease from jail,
recovery from sickness, acquisition of landed property, good re putation, intelligency & top position in
examinations, business & professional d evelopment, good heatlh, writing of books, financial gain,
success in election, honours and promotion. Impact on Commodities: Wheat, grains, food stuff, silk, t
extiles, sugar, cotton, copper, all items of green colour, green clothes, arhar, groundnut, and peas.
General: City, town, living things, picnic spots, businss development activities, school, publishing
&intellectual activities, mathematics , astrology, business and writings. . ! , I Notes: When slow in motion,
its influence on price is great. It gives malefic re sults, when with a malefic planet, combust or with
enemy. It indicats setbacks, sickness and unhappy events.
44 All AboutPlanets Significations of Jupiter: (Benefic) Impact on Native: Financial gain from many
sources, favours from government, peace & happiness in life, religious ceremonie s, promotion,good
health, good luck, happy & benefic events, prosperty, all roun d success, business & professional success,
success in litigation, victory in el ec- . tion, marriage, good luck and awards. If malefic relations: Death,
serious sickness, displeasure of government, obstru ction, defamation, foregin travel, sickness of wife &
son and imprisonment. Impact on Commodities: Gold, Silver, turmeric, rubber, food stuffs, zinc, grams,
jute, tobacco, tin, luxury goods, yellow sapphire and salt. General: Country, l iving things, shares, banks,
legal matters, financial matters, cloth mills, inde pendent business, ministership, religious, & legal
matters, schools, colleges, u niversities, judges, advocates, big projects, hospitals and Ministry. Significat
ions of Venus: (Benefic) Impact on Native: Marriage, gain through wife, son, goo d health, good news,
sex, relation with a noblewoman, favours from government, p eace, favours through wife, romance and
professional achievements. \ If malefic relation: Loss,dispute with women, all sorts of problems. Impact
on commodities: Cotton, sugar, jute, textile, wheat, rice, silver, silk, confectionary, all items of white
colour, glass, copper, fancy items, perfumes, wine, spices, grains, jute, diamond, ghee, oil and lightweight
items. General: S tates, regions, female, love, sex & beauty, shares, flower, cultivation, trade & industry,
catering, apple industry, sufficient water supply, entertainment, art istic & social activities, singers,
dancers, art, actors, music, painters, cinem a, film producers, marriage and divorce.
• , • .:/~ ~ ~ -.I - .•• Notes: When Venus is combust or malefic it causes loss of wealth, dispute with w ife,
separation and divorce. Significations of Saturn: (Malefic) Impact .on Nati ve: Sickness, danger from
enemies, sudden upsets, desertion by friend & employee s, fever, foreign travel, imprisonment, loss of
position, marital discord, accid ent& deaIth, defeat in litigation, weakness, poverty, misfortune, pain in
body & painful events, serious danger, trouble due to relations with a foreign woman, severe weakness,
tension, fear, failures, and blood disorder. Impact on Commodit ies: Metals, all items of black & blue
colour, steel, coal, lead, cement, oil se eds, mustard, groundnut, wool, iron, jute, barley, vegetables,
potato, blue , sa pphire, leather goods, til, urad, gram and black salt. . General: Country, famin e, mining,
farming & cement factories, building trade, shoe factories, agricultu re, metallurgy, marble quarry,
poverty, misfortunes, death, mines, oil refinerie s, share of oil companies, shares of steel companies,
shares of mechanical compa nies & engineering companies, trucks, engines, shares of drug companies,
NRI com panies, labour, jails, labour laws, emergency and corruption. Notes: Conjunction with Mars
indicate severe market fl uctuations. Significations of Rahu: (Malefi c) Impact on Native: Heart trouble,
obstrtuctions, giddiness, danger, relation w ith a widow or low class woman, possibility of murder,
setbacks in efforts, enem ity with upper class or superiors, sickness, opposition, accident and epilepsy.
Impact on Commodities: Metals, all items of black colour, wireless & electrical goods, gomed, iron, til
and urad. General: Country, male.snake house(bambi) sudd en events and Muslims.
Chapter 6ALL ABOUT SIGNS An imaginary belt extending from about 9" North and 9" South of the
ecliptic exi sts. This belt is known as Zodiac. In this belt planets constantly move. This Zo diac belt is
divided into 12 equal divisions of 300each. Each such division is c alled a Sign. In all there are 12 Signs.
Since Signs play an important role in p rediction through Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, their important
characteristics, their nature & their significations are explained in this chapter. Nature of Signs : Sign'i
Aries Taurus Gemini Nature Fiery Mi BeIV Cem Male Female Male Female Male Quality M'PWlg . Fixed
Mutable Moving Fmitful Ba:ren 5:miPositive! ~e Malefic Benefic Benefic Positive Negative Positive
Negative Positive Nega~ FnritfuJ Farthy Airy SemiFruitful Barren Caro!r Watery Benefic Fiery Malefic
Fruitful Leo Fixed , MubHe ~ Barren Bmm S:mi-
Vugo Libra Srorpio fiu1hy Airy BerefJ: Benefic FenaIe ~ Pa;iIiw FnritfuJ Fruifful Semifruitful JJ Watery \
1a1efic Female Fixed Mutable Moving Negative Positive Nt'gtttiVl' Positive Negative> Sagittarius Fiery
Caprican Earthy Aquari~ Berefic Benefic Male Female Any Malfic Male Female Fixed Mutable Barren
Fruitful Psoes Waterv Benefc
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 49 Chara ct ens res 0 [SO isti 19I1S Sign Aries Ruling PLum Mam Colour
Asee.ion Red ~Vhite Direetion Grm Detr iTeji (rise) mentSign r.l.tndi(F..U) short Short Short East South
West North East South West RedCOIaI Libra Diamond Scorpio Teji Teji '111" Taurus \ems Mer Moon 5Jn
Gemini Green Emerald Pearl Sagitt \fandi Can:er
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Pink Brcwn Grey \'\'hite Golden Yellow ~ ~ Coprirom Mandi .-\quari
Pisces TE'ji ~idndi Ruby Mer \ems Lorg Lorg urg urg Short Short Short Emerald Diamond Aries Redcoral
Yellow sapphire \!<mdi Tl;i T,;i T~i Mars Jupiter North East South Wt'St Taurus Gtmilli Capricorr Saturn
IBluly'black Aquarius Saturn Blue Sapphire Gn.er ill Yellow dl Yellow U\l Virgo
Mandi Mandi Pisces Jupiter North Saprfun' Significations of Signs Significations of Aries: Impact on
Native: Deafness, bil es, Y.D., ringworm, migraine, vertigo, deception by friends, anxiety, disease of head
& face, muscles, arteries, veins, pimples, polypus, neuralgia, headache, c erebral congestion, small pox,
worries, overstraining the brain, deterioration o f health, short of sleep, peace and courage, headstrong,
imprudent, quarrelsome and selfish. Impact on Commodities: Machinery, wheat, gold, copper, massor
and m ustard. General: Life science, money matters, violence. all undesirable traits, fireplaces and t~ol
house. Significations of Taurus: Impart on Native: Disease o f face, throat, and ears,
50 All About Signs piles, fistula, angina, gangrine, rheumatism, disease 0 neck, tonsils, thyroid g lands, &
vocal cord, brair disorder, sore throat, glandular swel1ing, mumps , go itre, polypus, apoplexy, heart
trouble and bladdei trouble. Impact on Commodities: Cotton, jute, textiles, rice, wheat, sugar, moveable
item s, shoes, leather, pocket books and travelling bags. i1 General: Share market, money matters,
finance, banking, religious rites, mutual sympathy & affection, energy, reserve force, stability, suffocation
and com fiel ds. Significations of Gemini: Impact on Native: Disease of shoulders, neck, nervous disorder,
T.S., astharna, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, misries, lack of concentration, accidents and s hort
journey. Impact on Commodites : Cotton, gwar, ghee, bajra, paper. General: Railways, publications,
agriculture, education, keen mentality, building, hills and mountains, communications, news,
information, rumors, newspapers, magazines, neighbour, relatives, short journeys, lecturing, debating,
teaching, advertisin g, reporting, story writing, printing and education. \ Significations of Cancers Impact
on Native: Dropsy, cancer, catarrh, digestive ailments, cough, breasts, chest & stomach troubles, dropsy
and cold. Impact on Commodities: Silver, tea, c oconut, water, milk, oils and white things. General:
Landed property, shipping, ports, mother, virgin, lakes, rivers, springs, homes, stalls, public houses, lau
ndries, kitchens, water tanks and financial prohlems.
Mystics ofSarvatoBhadra Chakra 51 Significations of Leo: Impact on Native: Heart trouble, spinal marrow,
nerve, fe ver, sunstroke, reputation, palpitation of heart, spinal meningitis, locomotor a nd inflarnation,
Impact on Commodities: Gold, rice, gram" gur, leather, watches, round things, wedding ring, golden &
bright stones or flowers and gold coins". General: Government stock, trade, fire, sports, games,
speculation, explosives, factories, corruption, high hills, forests, deserts, castles, forts, royal palac es,
social club houses, children's playgrounds, gambling clubs, dance halls, bal lrooms amusement houses
and gold mines. Significations of Virgo: Impact on Nativ e: Coldness, worms, dysentery, diarrhoea,
cholera, constipation, nervous system, sickness, mental deterioration, business & domestic worries.
Impact on Commodit ies: Gwar, matar, yellow mustard, wheat, moong, rice, grains, food stuff and foo d
cereals. I General: Industry, business, bank, stock exchanges, employees, servants, p.ibllc health, general
condition of working class, municipal services, army, navy, lab our department, horticulture, agriculture,
medical herbs, relief societies, whea t fields, garden and restaurants. i Significations of Libra: Impact on
Native: Loss of strength & Vitality, kidney, ovaries, weak lower back with pain, impartial and cheerful
Impact on Commodities: Cotton, silk, arhar, rice, wheat, jewels, fancy goods, no velties, perfumes,
apparel, furniture, scales and weight. General: Justice, busi ness, trade, trade centres, courts, roads,
wood forests, tops of mountamshunting ground,
52 All About Signs golf links, top of buildings, state houses, lofts, roof gardens, guest chambers,
wardrobes and jewel cases. Significations of Scorpio: Impact of Native: Fistula , rupture, gravel, stone,
bladder, kidney, prostate gland, groins, rectom, colon , energetic, fearless, professional success for
surgeons, chemists, detectives a nd researchers. Impact on Commodities: Chemicals, gur, sugar, leather,
wool, bet el leaves, oil seeds and oils. General: Destruction, losses, obstruction, pride, war, conflicts,
attack by enemy, oppression by strong enemies, reprod uctive & destructive process, procreation,
gardens, sluggish streams, ponds, slaughter ho uses, meat market, operation room, sinks, junk houses,
chemical laboratories. Si gnifications of Sagittarius: Impact on Native: Rheumatism, gout, dislocation, bl
ood disorder, wounds, lung disease, groins, hips, thighs, hip joint, feverish ai lments, nerve disturbances,
generous, prophetic, logical, rash and changeable. I mpact on Commodities: Salt, potato, tunnaric,
clothes and arms. General: Animals , shares, sea traffic, foreign bonds, insurance, defence, defeat,
enemy, specula tion, hills and race horses. Significations of Capricorn: Impact on Native: Skin disease,
eczema, falls, dislocation, hysteria, cold, rheumatism, kneejoints dis ease depression, ambitious and
gloomy. Impact on Commodities: Gold, copper, coal , lead, zinc, tin, sugar cane, oil seeds, leather,
cement, lime, and rock salt. General: Mill shares, industry, agriculture, building
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 53 industry, business, labour problems, revolution, jails, vaults, & dock.
Significations of Aquarius: Impact on Native: Heart trouble, broken & swollen an kles, anaemia, nervous
disease, blood poisoning, fever, heart weakness & cramps. Impact on Commodities: Electric items, sea
food, artificial silk, coal, oil, ir on, jewels and oilseeds. General: Shares of companies, scientist, bridges,
railw ays, automobiles, wagons, buses, airplanes, airports, electric motors, telegraph offices,
broadcasting stations, electric power houses & batteries. Significatio ns of Pisces: Impact on Native:
Dumbness, stammering, eczema, urine disease, sto mach trouble, phelgam, deformities of feet & toes,
gout, dropsy, lung trouble, c ontagious disease. Impact on Commodities: Fishes, breweries, perfumery,
diamond, pearls, medicines, fishing boats. . General: Oceans, fishing places, fish ponds , lakes, oil fields,
oil tanks, submarines and deep sea divers.,
56 10' 40" 60" 80" 120" 160" 200" 240" Numerical Strength afPlants 30" 45" 60" 20" 30" 40" 60" 80"
100" 120" 10" 15" IS' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 20" 30" 40" 50" 60" 90" 120" 150" 180" P.5. Treat 60" =1' 60' =1°
Examples: Sun's Longitude 4"-100-10' Sun in own sign ge ts 20 points + 40'+40" Strength of Rising or
Combust Planets: Rising planets (UDAy) Sun: Always uday Mo on: Always uday (from 2nd of bright half to
Pumima). It reduces proportionaly wh en it is in dark half. (Krishan Paksha), Example: Moon is in 7th
Lunar tithi of bright half. Numerical strength will be: 60+14 x 7 = 30 Rahu & Ketu: Never risin g Other
planets: When they are released from combustion I & enter their own sign Other planets: When
combust, Numerical strength 60 60 00 60 00 Combustion of planets: Their numerical strength is always
nil. However they are combust in the following circumstances:
Mystics ofSarvato Bhadra Chakra 57 Moon within Mars within Mercury within Jupiter within Venus
within Saturn within Rahu within Ketu within 12° of Sun 1;'0 of Sun 13° of Sun 11° of Sun ~ofSun 15° of
Sun 15° 6f Sun 15° of Sun Strength of Retrograde planets: In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, a retrograde planet
is assigned speical significance because of its special Vedha power & numerical st rength. Details of
retrograde planets are given in relevant chapter. Here the st rength of such a planet is explained to
determine its overall impact on human be ings: Calculate the total number of days when a planet is
Retrograde e.g.: 120 d ays for Jupiter (A). Calculate the total number of days from the date of Start o f
Retrograde motion to the day of event e.g. Say 100 days (B). Find out the midp oint of total days at (A) 60
(0 : 120+2=60 (C). Find out the difference of total days (A) & total days upto event (B) =120-100=2 0 (D)
Presume total numerical strength =60 (E) Rule for determining the strength =x 6O(C) . Actual numerical
strength =20 Strenth of Exalted planets: In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, an exalted planet is as60 (E) 20 (D) 1
58 Numerical Strength ofi'lants signed special benefic powers & malefic powers. Th~ deta~ls of
determining the e xaltation of a planet are gIven In relevant Chapter. Here only the formula to de
termine the numerical strength is given. OUf sages have suggested different meth ods to determine the
strength. Some of them are recorded below: Rule 1: Longitud e of the planet =9/29'-'/36' Longitude of its
debilitation =6/100/00' Difference =3/1g>/36' Divide by 3 = {3/19'-'/36'}+3 = 36°/32' Rule2 Longitude of
the planet = 9/2'1"/36' Longitude of its debilitation = 6/100/00' D ifference = 3/1g>/36' Multipy by 7 &
divide by 6 [3/190/36']x7+6 = 1270 -52 1 Strength of planet in Navamsa Sign:, As already exp lained
when the Zodical circle (Bhavchakra)is divided into 108equal vargas of3°-20 'each, dividing each sign into
nine equal parts, it indicates each Navarnsa of 3°20' each. Each Navarnsa covers only one pada of 3°-
20'of a sign covering nine Nava msas. The pada of a Star indicates the correct position of the planet in
the cir cle & Navarnsa. Maximum longitude .of a Navamsa is 200 kalas (minutes). The foll owing is an
abstract table indicating the numerical strength of a planet in Nava msa chart:
Mystics ofSaroaio BhadraChakra 59 Enemy Longitude in a Stars Own pada in kala (Minutes) Sign 100'
Friends Sign 45' 40'-30" 36'-00" 31'-30" 27'-00" 22'-30" 18'-00" 13'-30" 9'-00" 4'-30" 0'-27" Neutral Sign
30' 27' 24' 21' 18' 15' 12' 9' 6' 3' 0'-18" Sign 15' 13'-30" 12'-00" 10'-30" 9'-00" 7'-30" 6'-00" 4'-30" 3'-00"
1'-30" 0'-9" 60' S!' 90' 80' 70' 48' 42' 36' 30' I I 60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' l'

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