Ch. II
Ch. II
Ch. II
The vegetable oil under consideration is coconut oil. The procedure adopted for
the esterification is in two steps, to attain final coconut oil methyl ester. First stage is
acid esterification, in which sulfuric acid and methanol are used to remove free fatty
acid. The second stage is the base esterification (transesterification) in which methanol is
combined with sodium hydroxide to get sodium methoxide. The formed methyl ester was
water washed, to remove soaps and finally heated to get pure COME, which can be used
for experimental work.
Alkaline metal alkoxides (as CH3ONa for the methanolysis) are the most active
catalysts, since they give very high yield in short reaction times even if they are
produced in lower molar concentrations. However, they require the absence of water,
which makes it inappropriate for typical industrial process. Alkali metal hydroxides
(KOH or NaOH) are cheaper than metal alkoxides and less active. Nevertheless, they are
good alternatives, since they can give the same high conversion of vegetable oils into
methyl esters just by increasing the catalyst concentration by 1 or 2 folds.
Fig.2.1 Mechanism of the base-catalyzed transesterification process
2.2.1 Introduction:
In making of biodiesel fuel efficiently from used vegetable oils and animal fats,
the major problem to be avoided is soap formation. Soap is formed during base-catalyzed
transesterification (using lye) when sodium ions combine with free fatty acids present in
used (and some virgin) vegetable oils and animal fats. Soap decreases the yield of methyl
esters because they bond with water. The bonded esters can be washed out in the
washing stage, but this makes water separation more difficult also increases the
consumption of water.
1. The edible oil (Raw Coconut Oil) is filtered using surgical cotton to eliminate water
and solid particulate matter.
2. The oil is heated to 1050C temperature and maintained at this temperature for fifteen
minutes to remove all the water content from oil, since for a successful and complete
reaction, the oil must be free of water. After that the oil is allowed to cool.
The free fatty acids can be reduced to esters by Methanol with acid catalyst.
The following is the sequence of process:
1. One liter of cooled oil is heated to 350 C to melt the solid fats present in the oil.
2. Methanol of 99 % pure, 120 ml per liter of oil [CH3OH, Make: Merck Specialties Pvt.
Ltd, Mumbai] is added to the heated oil and stirred for five to ten minutes. Methanol
is a polar compound and oil is strongly non-polar, hence suspension of oil will form in
the process.
3. Two milliliter of 98 % pure sulfuric acid [H2SO4, Make: Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd,
Mumbai] was added for each liter of oil by using a graduated eye dropper.
4. The mixture is stirred for one hour in a closed conical beaker maintaining at constant
temperature of 550C.
5. Heating is stopped and stirring of the mixture is continued for about one hour.
6. The mixture is allowed to settle for four hours in a decanter to remove the glycerin and
chemical water separated from methyl ester.
Edible Vegetable Oil Heating at 105 C to
(Pure Coconut Oil) remove water
Measured One liter of
Coconut Oil content
Heating at 350C to remove
Add 120 ml of 99% pure
methanol per lit. of oil Solid Fats
1. For each liter of oil, 200 ml of methanol (20% by volume) and 6.5 grams of 97% pure
lye [Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Make: Central Drug House (P) Ltd] is added. The
mixture is stirred thoroughly until it forms a clear solution called ―Sodium
2. Half of the prepared sodium methoxide is poured into the oil and stirred for fifteen
minutes continuously. This will neutralize the sulfuric acid.
3. The mixture is heated to 550C and the whole reaction is maintained at the same
temperature in a closed container.
4. Remaining sodium methoxide is added to the mixture and stirred at 500 to 600 rpm in
the temperature range of 550 to 580C for about one hour. The solution turns into
brown silky in colour which shows that the whole reaction is completed.
5. Now the mixture is poured into a decanter and allowed it to settle for 6 hours. As
glycerin is heavier than the biodiesel, it will settle at the bottom. The settled glycerin
is separated from the biodiesel.
2.2.5 Washing:
1. Bubble wash method is used to remove soaps. Since the process is designed to yield
neutral ester, finally there is no need to monitor pH value of the biodiesel. Two
milliliter of 98% pure Orthophosphoric acid [H3PO4, Make: Qualigens Fine
Chemicals] is added to the biodiesel for first water wash with bubbling.
2. One third of distilled water by volume is added to the biodiesel and bubble washed for
about half an hour.
3. The mixture is allowed to settle in a decanter for one hour then water with soap or
foam can be separated off from the biodiesel.
4. The process of washing is repeated till the biodiesel is separated from clear water.
5. Finally biodiesel is collected from decanter without soaps and heated to 1050C in order
to dispense the traces of water and then preserved for experimental work.
[Figures 2.4 to 2.12 indicate the process in step by step order to convert raw coconut oil
into biodiesel that is Coconut Oil Methyl Ester (COME)].
Fig. 2.4 Raw Coconut Oil Heating Fig.2.5 Separated Glycerin after Acid
Fig. 2.10 COME with soap in water washing Fig. 2.11 COME with clear water
The above process was used to prepare the required quantity of COME from
coconut oil in Fuels laboratory of Marine Engineering Department, A. U. College of
Engineering. Then the author employed IS test methods (IS: 1448) to establish the
properties of prepared methyl ester as per the standards at HPCL, Visakhapatnam and
Chemical Engineering Department of A. U. College of Engineering. The results of
properties are tabulated as shown in table 2.1.
2.3 Properties of the biodiesel
Table 2.1 Properties of Diesel and Coconut Oil Methyl Ester
4 Cetane Number 45 55
5 Ramsbottom Carbon 0.1 0.5
Residue, Wt%
6 Flash Point, oC 50 170
7 Pour Point, oC Winter 3 Max, < -3
Summer 15 Max
8 Acid Number, mg 0.2 Max < 0.2
2.4 Summary:
In the present study, DI diesel engine from the laboratory is used to test with
prepared COME and Triacetin additive blends at an injector pressure of 200 bar without
changing any other engine parameter. This is an attempt to investigate the application of
Triacetin additive with COME to run the engine for better combustion and reduced
exhaust emissions. This engine performance is compared with that of the engine with
The following chapter (Chapter III) deals with the mathematical modeling for
the computation of Net Heat Release Rate (NHRR) and Cumulative Heat Release Rate
(CHRR) during the combustion on the basis of first law of thermodynamics taking heat
transfer from the combustion gases into consideration. The baseline data used for