ERIKS Merkel Technical Manual - MB Seal Storage

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Technical Manual

Merkel Freudenberg
Fluidtechnic GmbH
Table of Contents


Hydraulic components 4

Use of Hydraulic Seals 6

Sealing Systems 8

Guide Elements 11

Sealing Mechanism and Influencing Quantities 16

Sealing Gap 26

Counter Surface 28

Materials 34

Installation of Hydraulic Seals 39

General Technical Data and Materials

General Technical Data 48

Materials – Basics Concepts 55

Testing and Interpretation Test Results 60

General Material Descriptions 73

Suggestion for Storage 103

Summary of the Mentioned Standards 104



Merkel hydraulic components are suitable for a Requirements

wide range of applications in hydraulics, for both
light-duty and heavy-duty applications. Operational reliability under different extreme loads
Merkel offers a complete range of standard solu- such as:
tions and also special solutions customised for par- N High temperature fluctuations

ticular applications. The range includes seals, wipers N Irregular duty cycles and maintenance

and guide rings. N High lateral forces and deflections

The latest production technology guarantees the N Very dirty conditions

fastest possible availability. Even in less than 24 N High system pressures and pressure peaks.

hours with Merkel Xpress.

Features N Heavy-duty sealing systems with high operational
reliability under shock pressures, high lateral
N Rod seals with high pressure resistance as primary forces and extreme temperatures
or secondary seal N Universal sealing systems for support cylinders
N Piston seals with integrated pressure activation with good static and dynamic tightness because
grooves for high operational reliability with fast of additional support edge and sealing edge.
pressure changes
N Wipers with static sealing edge for reliable pro-
tection against ingress of dirt Application areas
N Guides with patented profiling ensure even distri-
Merkel sealing components cover a wide range in
bution of stress
modern hydraulics and are in use wherever safety
N Sealing rings for static sealing e.g. cylinder heads
and service requirements as well as costs are impor-
with end position damping
N Friction-optimised sealing systems with low stick-
slip tendency


Use of Hydraulic Seals

Different requirements and loads in numerous appli- Asymmetrical seals are designed so the pre-load is
cations have resulted in the development of different distributed over the entire axial width on the sup-
seal designs. porting mating area to give them a sufficiently fixed
Hydraulic seals can be categorised by function and seating in the groove. The correct pre-load on the
design (→ Fig. 1). moving side is not derived until after fitting in the
Hydraulic seals are also classified into seals with a housing (→ Fig. 2 and → Fig. 3).
symmetrical cross-section and seals with an asym-
metrical cross-section.

Hydraulic seals

Dynamic Static
seals seals

Inner sealing Outer sealing

(rod) (piston)

Lip Compact Lip Compact

seals seals seals seals

Fig. 1 Categorisation of hydraulic seals

Ø dN Ø dN

In free state
In free state

Fitted in the
housing Fitted to the

Fitted in the cylinder

Fitted to the piston in the


Fig. 2 Rod seal Fig. 3 Piston seal

Hydraulic seals/preselecting seals The weighting of the requirements for the specific
application in combination with the operating con-
In addition to the main requirement for a good ditions (pressure, temperature, sliding speed etc.)
sealing effect, the user expects the following from are the decisive factors affecting the selection of the
hydraulic seals: seal.
N Functional reliability
N Long service life With reference to the operating conditions the us-
N Easy fitting age limits specified there can be exceeded in some
N Compatible with hydraulic fluid at high and cases. In the case of extended duty cycles, opera-
low temperatures tion subject to shocks or other severe operating
N High resistance to mechanical damage conditions we recommend not exceeding all values
(e.g. gap extrusion) simultaneously. Our technical consultants will be
N Low friction pleased to proved appropriate recommendations.
N Good shape elasticity to ensure correct function,
even with eccentricity between rod and housing
or piston and cylinder barrel caused by operation
as well as the barrel widening as a result of the
operating pressure.


Sealing Systems

Definition Arrangement

Sealing components are used to retain the hydraulic Sealing systems generally consist of an arrange-
medium securely inside a hydraulic system. A de- ment of sealing components with a primary seal,
fined moistening of the counter surface with lubricat- a secondary seal, a wiper and guide elements
ing medium is desirable when the required service (→ Fig. 4). The properties of the individual com-
life is taken into account. A sealing component is ponents are optimised with reference to the main
referred to in this regard as leaky if the hydraulic requirement.
medium is visible from the outside in the form of drip- The operating pressure is applied to the primary
ping leakage. seal. The main requirement is a high resistance
against extrusion simultaneously with acceptable
friction values under high pressure. Compact sealing
components with a slip ring of PTFE compound are
During operation sealing components are subject to primarily used inside sealing systems. The remaining
a reciprocating or rotary movement when operating oil film is comparatively thick and without additional
pressure is applied. In addition to other influences, reduction by a secondary sealing component (de-
the selection of a sealing component is significantly pending on the operating parameters) may be vis-
influenced by the material-dependent resistance ible as dripping leakage in front of the wiper edge.
against extrusion and the equally material-depend- The lower gap pressure (<5 MPa) is applied to the
ent friction and wear characteristics. The values of secondary seal. The main requirement is therefore
the main properties of sealing effect, form stability effective reduction of the residual oil film left by
and friction or wear work against one another and the primary seal simultaneously with acceptable
in total cannot be optimally represented by one friction values in the lower pressure range. With
single sealing component. An approximation of the sufficient media resistance U-rings of polyurethane
ideal sealing component is reached with a reason- or compact sealing components with a slip ring of
able combination of single components with appro- polyurethane are generally used in this case. The
priate properties into one sealing system. sealing effect is better with such sealing components
compared to PTFE sealing components.

Fig. 4 Components in a sealing system

Standard sealing systems for rods 1 Standard sealing systems for rods 3
Typical operating conditions Typical operating conditions
Pressure: <40 MPa; Pressure: <40 MPa;
Running speed: <0,8 m/s Running speed: <1,5 m/s
Temperature: –30 ... +100 °C Temperature: –30 ... +100 °C
Media: hydraulic oil HL HLP Media: hydraulic oil HL, HLP
Leckage behaviour: +++ Leckage behaviour: ++++
Operating reliability: ++++ Operating reliability: +++
Friction reliability: +++ Friction reliability: +++

Wiper PU 5 U-ring T 20 U-ring Syprim SM Guide ring SB Doublewiper PT 1 U-ring T 20 Omegat OMS-MR Guide ring SB

Fig. 5 Standard sealing systems for rods 1 Fig. 7 Standard sealing systems for rods 3

Standard sealing systems for rods 2 Standard sealing systems for rods 4
Typical operating conditions If a high chemical resistance is required.
Pressure: <40 MPa; Typical operating conditions
Running speed: <1,5 m/s Pressure: <40 MPa;
Temperature: –30 ... +100 °C Running speed: <2,0 m/s
Media: hydraulic oil HL, HLP Temperature: –30 ... +100 °C
Leckage behaviour: +++ Media: hydraulic oil HL, HLP
Operating reliability: ++++ Leckage behaviour: +++
Friction reliability: +++ Operating reliability: ++
Friction reliability: +++

Wiper PU 5 U-ring T 20 Omegat OMS-MR Guide ring SB Doublewiper PT 1 Omegat OMS-MR Guide ring SB

Fig. 6 Standard sealing systems for rods 2 Fig. 8 Standard sealing systems for rods 4

++ good ++++ outstanding ++ good ++++ outstanding

+++ very good +++ very good


Built-in seal Compression = Pressure


Analogy as per Prokop:

The maximum pitch of the hill
limits the fluid transport

Fig. 9 Qualitative compression curve, single-acting rod seal

Depending on the requirements, wipers have differ- magnitude and direction (extending or retracting) of
ent designs, such as single wiper or double wiper the relative movement as well as by the structure of
with extra sealing edge and are made of different the counter surface (wettability) and the properties
materials. The outward aligned wiping edge keeps of the hydraulic medium (viscosity).
dirt from the environment outside the hydraulic sys-
tem. A suitable design of the wiping edge (radius) The pressure curve beneath the sealing edge is
ensures that the required lubricating film can be in general optimised in that a high wiping effect
completely transported on the return stroke. The (steep pressure rise) is set at the pressure space
additional sealing edge increases the operating and a good return capacity (flat pressure rise) is set
reliability of the sealing system when required. The from the return side (→ Fig. 9). Independently of
use of guide elements enables a low-friction and the geometry of the sealing edge at low pressure,
low-wear relative movement between the moving high stroke speed and long stroke a comparatively
components of the hydraulic cylinder. The transverse greater oil volume is released beneath the sealing
loads occurring during operation are absorbed in a edge than at high pressure, lower stroke speed and
defined manner and prevent unwanted metal con- short stroke. In operation the primary seal releases
tact between the piston rod or the piston body and a thin oil film into the gap area, which is reduced
the surrounding housing components. even more by the secondary seal. The excess oil
is collected in the space between the primary seal
Function and the secondary seal and returned to the oil com-
partment during retraction. A thin oil film coating
To reduce friction and wear solid bodies that move the rod escapes outside under the wiper. Normally
relative to one another must be separated by a lu- no medium is accumulated in the space between
bricating film. The oil film left beneath the seal must the secondary seal and the wiper in this process.
be completely transported back into the hydraulic The moistening is transported back into the system
system at every cycle. Inside a sealing system all while the dirt remains outside. The sealing effect of
individual seals and the wiper must meet these con- a component is described by the ratio between wip-
ditions. ing effect and return capacity. This value is variable
The formation of the hydrodynamic lubricating film is depending on the operating conditions and is not a
influenced by the design of the sealing edge (pres- constant quantity.
sure movement), the operating pressure and the

Guide Elements

Tasks of the guide element metal components (metal contact), which changes
with the incorrect position, and the changed force
The use of guide elements enables a low-friction and initialisation. Depending on the type of guide, the
low-wear relative movement between the movable result of an idealised observation in this regard must
components of the hydraulic cylinder. The transverse be evaluated differently.
loads occurring in operation are accepted in a de-
fined manner and unwanted metal contact between
the piston rod or the piston body and the surround- Guide elements
ing housing components is prevented.
Particularly when a high transverse load is expected
many users install traditional flat parallel metal plain
Contact conditions bearings. Flat parallel metal guides are subject to
marked tension peaks as a result of the phase dis-
As a result of the guide play and the elastic defor- placement position (→ Fig. 11).
mation of the components under load (deflection of The permissible value of the surface pressure is
the guide element; bending of the shaft), an angular reached at a comparatively low transverse load
deviation develops between the piston rod or the and simultaneous minimum deflection. In the pres-
piston body and the counter surface (→ Fig. 10). sure zone there is insufficient lubrication. At low
Calculation of the transverse forces and the prob- sliding speeds stick-slip may be experienced simul-
ability of collision on the basis of idealised contact taneously with a high load on the counter surface
conditions with parallel axes results in incorrect (running-in). If the transverse load in the limit range
results. Excessive tension peaks in the edge area of is suddenly applied, a breakage of the edge in the
the guide element (edge break) are not taken into region of the guide is likely.
consideration here nor is the distance between the

Fig. 10 Phase displacement position


The tension increase in the area of the supporting The patented Guivex geometry for fabric-base
edge is reduced by the use of flat parallel guide laminate guide rings has been developed for reduc-
sleeves of composite fabric materials (fabric-base tion of the tension increase in the edge region. The
laminate) (→ Fig. 12). The elastic support of the fab- zone with the highest compression, even when the
ric-base laminate guide increases the support length phase displacement position is taken into account,
of the guide ring and with it the maximum transverse is defined by the profiling approximately in the
load compared to the metal guide. The collision test centre of the bush (→ Fig. 13). The compression is
becomes very important as a result of the elastic reduced on both sides and makes the ingress of the
support of the guide sleeve. Guide sleeves are com- lubricating medium easier. The elastic support of the
paratively more economical. fabric-base laminate guide sleeve is simultaneously
optimally used over the entire available width of
the guide sleeve. Insufficient lubrication and edge
breakage are virtually impossible.

Guide belts of PTFE compound have a subordinate

role as guide elements for taking up transverse
loads in hydraulics. The value for the permissible
surface pressure is significantly lower in comparison
and with a simultaneous significant temperature
dependency. The advantages of guide elements of
Fig. 11 Metal guide ring
this type become clear when comparing the costs of
large orders.

Guide width

In addition to the geometric consideration (external

force application, distance between mountings, an-
gular deviation, guide play, ...) must be considered
when calculating the transverse load applied in the
area of the guide element and also the elastic defor-
Fig. 12 Guide ring of fabric-base laminate mation of all components involved (deflection of the
guide element, bending of the piston rod, stretching
of the cylinder...). A detailed scrutiny is often ne-
glected because it can only be done with complex
means such as an FE calculation.

A realistic estimate of the transverse load must pay

particular attention to the limits of the mechanical
loading of the metal components. In the case if long
slender cylinders the permissible transverse load
is limited by the bending strength of the piston rod
Fig. 13 Guide ring with convex profiling and other factors. The classical assumption that
about 10% of the hydraulic force is applied as a
transverse load would in reality result in bending the
piston rod in many cases.

If the magnitude of the normal force applied in
the area of the guide element is defined, the mini-
mum required guide width (H) can be specified H1` H2`
(→ Fig. 14).

H1 m H2
H = H1 + H2 H` = H1`+ H2`

Fig. 15 Usable guide width

Metallic contacts between housing components and

the counter surface are unwanted. The maximum
H permissible deflection (y) of the guide ring is limited
by the smallest metal gap inside the sealing system,
in general the metal step behind the primary seal.

Depending on the phase displacement position (α)

of the piston rod and the possible deflection (y) with
reference to all influencing quantities, the usable
guide width is reduced compared to the geometri-
F = P x A; A = d x H; H = F / (d x P) cally total width of the guide belts (H). Only the
H = guide strip width [mm] guide width actually in contact (H’) contributes to
F = transverse load [N] holding the load.
A = projected area [mm2]
P = permissible surface pressure [N/mm2]
d = nominal diameter of rod or piston [mm]

Fig. 14 Guide width

The permissible specific surface pressure in the spec-

ified form is a manageable calculation value with
reference to the projected area and does not rep-
resent the material characteristics. In the definition
of the permissible specific surface pressure the non- Fig. 16 Bilateral contact
linear pressure curve over the contact range, the
tension increase in the edge area of the guide rings In the case of large phase displacement positions,
and a phase displacement position are all consid- such as occur in relation to the compliance with
ered. When considering the specified values of the long-slender cylinders, the guide ring may contact
permissible specific surface pressure (P) of the guide the counter surface on both sides of the centre axis.
sleeve it must be noted in comparison that some Here low tolerance levels favour contact on both
manufacturers include extra safety factors in some sides. The additional contact generates a usable
cases. However, that does not bring any increase in counteracting force but also stick-slip effects (jam-
safety into the result of the calculation, because this ming) as a result of distortion. In this case the colli-
factor is returned to the associated equation. sion check has particular significance. To select the
optimum width of the guide the desired service life
must also be considered. Limit values are taken into


account in the calculation of the minimum required is greatly influenced by the composition of the fab-
guide width and also with reference to the permis- ric-based laminated material. Polyester and other
sible surface pressure of the guide elements. Guide plastics and also natural materials such as cotton
elements that are primarily traversed in the range of are used in the area of fine fabrics. Polyester, vinyl
the maximum possible load have a service life in the ester and phenolic resin and also a whole range of
lower part of the range. Whether reducing the load plastics with different properties are available for
by selecting a wider guide is useful in some cases the resin matrix. While some of these compounds
depends on the previously considered safety factors show significant thermoplastic characteristics, the
as well as the total loading. factor of the operating temperature on the permis-
sible surface pressure is low for others.

Specific compression per unit area

The values for the permissible specific surface
The permissible surface pressure (dynamic) is speci- pressure depending on the operating temperature
fied at a value in the range of 17 to 25 N/mm² for can be found in the tables in the description of the
the copper-tin and copper-tin-lead bronze and high- article.
load resistant copper-zinc alloys used in the area Under load guide elements show a deformation
of the metal plain bearings. High-tensile alloys with in the elastic range (reversible). The magnitude of
values over 25 N/mm² are only used for the edge the de- formation or deflection (y) is determined
load of non-critical applications in connection with directly by the material characteristics, the thickness
high-tensile counter surfaces. of the guide sleeve and the magnitude of the load.
Assuming similar material characteristics, thicker
Guide rings of fabric-laminated materials (fabric- guide sleeves have softer springing under identical
base laminate) have improved function compared to loading. Pressure can only be applied to the guide
straight metal guides. As a result of the low tension element at the magnitude of the permissible surface
increase in the edge area and the elastic properties pressure if the associated deflection of the guide
of these materials a higher surface pressure can be element (→ Fig. 17) can be achieved without metal
accepted. The value of the surface pressure and the contact.
characteristics under higher operating temperatures
Spec. Surface pressure [N/mm2]

Operating temperature [°C]

y=0,15 S=2,5 y=0,2

Fig. 17 Deflection at maximum surface pressure

In a sealing system the collision check is generally tion of the article. There is a direct geometrical de-
conducted with reference to the metal gap on the pendency between the minimum required metal gap
side of the primary seal away from the pressure. The (x3) and the maximum permissible extrusion gap
minimum permissible magnitude of the sealing gap (x2) (→ Fig. 18). The gap dimensions can therefore
is determined by the deflection of the guide element. not be calculated independently of each other. As
The maximum permissible magnitude of the sealing a result guide elements cannot be subjected to the
gap is determined by the form stability of the sealing maximum permissible surface pressure at every
component. General specifications for the maximum pressure stage and with all types of seals, because
admissible gap width depending on the type of the minimum required metal gap is not sufficient for
seal, the selected seal profile and the operating complete deflection.
pressure can be found in the tables in the descrip-



x3 S

Fig. 18 Sealing gap


Sealing Mechanism and Influencing Quantities

Tightness, friction, wear _______

[2] h~
dx max

Hydraulic drives are used in many machines and

systems because of their varied options for use. If the fluid film is completely returned to the pressure
Major areas of application are: space on the return stroke, this is referred to as dy-
N Machines and systems engineering namic tightness.
N Construction machinery
N Agricultural machinery and
The friction of hydraulic seals is primarily influenced
N Mining machinery.
by the thickness of the lubricating film between the
The most important component for generating the seal and sliding surface.
linear drive movement is the hydraulic cylinder. The Three friction states may be encountered.
function and reliability of hydraulically driven ma-
N Static friction
chines depends greatly on the seals installed in the
(dry solid-body friction)
hydraulic cylinder.
N Dry-fluid friction

Static tightness (solid-body friction and fluid friction)

At rest all elastic hydraulic seals are tight because N Fluid friction

of the excessive initial compression pv. The sealing (no solid-body contact).
pressure p is superimposed on the initial compres- The three areas can be shown in the Stribeck graph
sion pv. The compression in the sealing area pd is (→ Fig. 20).
therefore always greater than the sealing pressure
(→ Fig. 19). The high static friction must be overcome first dur-
ing approach. With increasing speed more fluid is
[1] pd = pv + p pulled between the seal and the sliding surface and
the direct contact area decreases. Then the static
Formation of the lubrication film friction initially decreases markedly.
Under movement the sliding surface coated with
fluid is pulled under the contact area of the seal. The The range of fluid friction is reached as the speed
seal acts as a wiper, but is not able to wipe away continues to increase. The static friction increases
the fluid completely. again as the speed increases. The static friction is
caused exclusively by the shear stresses τ in the fluid
The sliding movement causes a delayed flow and in the range of hydrodynamic lubrication.
the seal is lifted from the sliding surface by the hy-
[3] dv
τ = η ⋅ ___
drodynamic pressure build-up. A thin film of fluid dh
remains on the sliding surface behind the seal.

The thickness h of the following fluid film depends
The wear on hydraulic seals depends on the thick-
on the maximum pitch of the compression curve
ness of the lubricating film or the friction status.
(dp/dx)max on the entry side of the fluid in the seal-
Most seals operate in the region of dry-fluid friction
ing gap, the dynamic viscosity η of the fluid and the
and are subject to continuous wear.
relative speed v between the seal and the sliding

Static tightness
p= 0
v= 0

Contact pressure distribution as pv

a result of initial compression

Static tightness
p> 0
v= 0

Contact pressure distribution as a pd – p = pv
result of initial compression and
pressure to be sealed

formation of lubricating film
p> 0
v> 0



Fig. 19 Compression curve and hydrodynamic lubrication film formation


Friction force Static friction (start-up friction)

Mixed friction area
Fluid friction area


Fig. 20 Stribeck graph

Apart from the operating conditions of pressure, During operation of the hydraulic cylinders the seal-
temperature and speed the wear depends primarily ing components are under continuously changing
on the material properties, the surfaces of the sliding pressure. In addition, short-term pressure peaks
components and the lubricating properties of the hy- caused by external influences are frequently en-
draulic fluid. Air in the hydraulic fluid and contami- countered, particularly in mobile hydraulics. These
nation by foreign bodies also influence the wear. shock loads can reach several times the magnitude
of the system pressure and place high demands on
the sealing components. These loads must be taken
Physical and chemical influences
into account when selecting the seal.
Operating pressure
Drag pressure
The system pressure with the size of the cylinder
When the fitting tolerances are restricted in the
determines its lifting force. It is the first factor to be
space between the guide and the seal the guide
considered when selecting the seal and the hard-
generates hydrodynamic pressure. The cause of
ness of the seal material. According to the CETOP
this is the hydrodynamic drag flow, which depends
recommendation standard cylinders are designed
on the dynamic viscosity of the medium, the gap
for the two pressure stages of 16 MPa (160 bar)
width hs the speed v and the length I of the guide
and 25 MPa (250 bar). The majority of all hydrau-
(→ Fig. 21).
lic cylinders operates with these pressures. Higher
system pressures up to 40 MPa (400 bar) are now
The pressure increase in the guide is calculated as
the rule in mining and heavy-duty mobile hydraulics.
with the availability of existing seal types.
[4] Δp = p1 – p = _________


p p1


Fig. 21 Hydrodynamic drag pressure

To prevent hydrodynamic pressure build-up, return ary seal and the same for the Merkel Compact Seal
ducts are required to compensate pressure in metal Simko 300 at a pressure of 250 bar. Up to 5 m/s is
guides. Otherwise the seal will be destroyed early in permissible for PTFE materials.
its life by the high pressure (→ Fig. 22). The return
ducts are preferably designed as a spiral groove
with a cross-section greater than the largest gap ring
area (→ Fig. 23).
Axial pressure compensation holes should be avoid-
ed, because the spray effect of the fluid contributes
to the destruction of the seal.

When using guide belts and guide rings of plastic

return ducts are already available in the form of the
joint gap (→ Fig. 23).

Fig. 22 U-ring destroyed by hydrodynamic pressure build-up
The speed between the seal and the moving counter
surface for rubber and polyurethane materials is
normally 0,1 m/s to 0,5 m/s. However, the deciding
factor is the application. For example, 0,8 m/s can
be approved for the Merkel U-Ring T 20 as second-


Spiral groove on metal guides

Gap at the joint on guides made of plastic

Fig. 23 Design measures for preventing drag pressure

The formation of a lubricant film and friction depend With increasing temperature the seal material be-
on the speed to a large degree. The friction force comes more elastic and loses form stability. For this
decreases greatly in the range of 0,05 m/s and reason we recommend running-in seals at lower
lower. Particularly at high temperatures stick slip temperatures (80 °C) if the temperature limit of
may occur. This juddering motion is a continuous 110 °C will be common for our polyurethane mate-
repetition of stick and slip between seal and counter rials. If temperatures over 110 °C are expected, it
surface. will be necessary to use special materials (e.g. FKM,
Materials with lower coefficients of friction are used PTFE/FKM). At lower temperatures the hardness of
to prevent this (e.g. PTFE). the seal materials will be increased. The seal will
lose elasticity. However, the simultaneous increase
Temperature in oil viscosity will leave the functional reliability of
The temperature of the hydraulic medium and the the seals virtually uninfluenced. In the temperature
ambient temperature influence the material configu- range down to –40 °C cold-resistant materials
ration. The optimum temperature for the function based on NBR have proven reliable.
of the seals and the stability of the oil is +40 °C to As previously noted, the temperature has a great
+50 °C. The temperature at the sealing lip is signifi- influence on the physical properties of elastic rubber
cantly higher than the oil temperature because of materials.
the friction. The "torsion vibration test" graph (→ Fig. 24) shows
The usual temperature during operation of the hy- how the dynamic thrust module G depends on the
draulic cylinder is +80 °C, in extreme cases it may temperature (thrust module measured in the torsion
be up to 110 °C. vibration test according to DIN 53 520). The elastic

rubber range with a virtually constant module can Hydraulic media
be recognised from right to left, then a steep rise to In hydraulics various hydraulic fluids are used to
the transition range and finally the glass state re- transmit the energy from the pump to the cylinder.
gion, in which the rubber is hard and brittle, with a The most important and most frequently used Die
virtually constant module. hydraulic fluid is mineral oil.
When the temperature rises again the cold brittle-
ness disappears again. This means that the freezing The lubricating capacity of the oil is decisive for the
process is reversible. The transition from elastic rub- wear of the moving parts. The lubricating capacity
ber to the glass state region is particularly important is influenced by the viscosity and additives that im-
is particularly important because in many cases it prove the lubrication.
represents the limit of operation at low tempera-
tures. This transition is not sudden but extends over Hydraulic oils are classified in viscosity classes in
a specific region, as shown in the "torsion vibration accordance with DIN ISO 51519 to identify the
test" graph. viscosity. The criterion for the categorisation is the
nominal viscosity at the reference temperature of
The region of transition from the elastic rubber +40 °C.
region to the glass state is characterised by the
glass transition temperature Tü (temperature of the The viscosity of hydraulic oils depends on the pres-
maximum of the logarithmic damping decrement Λ). sure and the temperature. The viscosity increases
However, this value can only represent a general significantly from a pressure of about 20 MPa
dimension for the low-temperature operation limit of (200 bar). The viscosity doubles at approximately
the material, because in practical application of an 40 MPa (400 bar) depending on the nominal
elastomer component it depends completely on the viscosity and the temperature. Under an increas-
type of load involved. ing temperature the viscosity of oils decreases very
rapidly. The characteristic value for this viscosity-
The same material will reach its load limit at a high- temperature behaviour is the viscosity index (VI).
er temperature under shock load than, for example, The higher the viscosity index of a hydraulic oil
with slow elongation. The torsion vibration test can the less the viscosity depends on the temperature
be used to distinguish among different materials, but (→ Fig. 25).
in practice the temperature limit must be tested in
operation with the various components.

Friction resulting from movements generates heat in
the case of contact seals. At temperatures at which
there is a danger of hardening by freezing the fric-
tional heat may be sufficient to maintain the elastic-
ity of the seal or to place it in a functional condition
sufficiently quickly after the movement has started.
The behaviour under cold conditions is therefore
only ever worth testing in the form of a material
comparison in connection with experience of the
technical application.


Cold behaviour

10 4 4

10 3 3

10 2 2

101 1
Log. damping decrement L

mm 2
Shear modulus G

1 0
-1 20 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160

Fig. 24 Graph: torsion vibration test in accordance with DIN 53445;

dynamic shear modulus G and logarithmic decrement Λ of a Merkel material based on CR

10 000
5 000

1 000 Oil with low

viscosity index






50 Oil with high


viscosity index

Kinematic viscosity mm2 /s


-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120
Temperature °C

Fig. 25 Viscosity-temperature behaviour of various hydraulic oils

Hydraulic oils are classified into different groups: VDMA Directive 24317 lists the properties and
N Hydraulic fluids based on mineral oils (→ Tbl. 1) identification of these fluids.
N Biologically degradable hydraulic fluids DIN 24320 specifies the properties of HFA fluids.
(→ Tbl. 2). Of the fire-retardant fluids it is primarily the HFA
Apart from the mineral oils, in recent times so-called fluids that have become established in mining. HFB
environmentally compatible hydraulic fluids have and HFD fluids are only used in exceptional cases.
come into use. In this regard a distinction is made
Contamination in oil circulation
between hydraulic fluids based on vegetable oils
Hydraulic oils can be contaminated by foreign bod-
(HETG), polyglycol fluids (HEPG) and synthetic
ies such as sand, metal abrasion, metal shavings
ester fluids (HEES). The standard materials are not
and oxidation products (ageing of the oil by the
guaranteed to be compatible with these hydraulic
action of high temperatures and oxygen). If the oil
fluids in all applications. Special materials such as
is insufficiently filtered the seal the other components
the polyurethane material Simritan 94 AU 955 have
in the hydraulic system may not operate correctly.
been specially developed for use in these fluids. In
Metal shavings and abrasive grains of sand will
some cases engine oil /HD) is used in travelling hy-
cause failure of the seal as soon as these particles
draulic oil systems, with the advantage that only one
enter the area beneath the sealing edge.
type of oil is required for the entire vehicle.

For specific purposes, such as in aircraft and in min-

ing, fluids based on mineral oils cannot be used be-
cause of the danger of fire. Fire-retardant fluids are
used for these applications (→ Tbl. 3).


Categorisation of hydraulic oils in

Categorisation Identification/
accordance with the Application
in accordance with DIN properties
ISO proposal
H HH Mineral oil without active additives is virtually never used today
corrosion-prevention additives and additives
H-L HL for lightly loaded systems
for increasing ageing resistance
like H-L, as well as wear-reducing additives
H-LP HM for heavily loaded systems
and additives for increasing loading
for heavily loaded systems when
like H-LP, as well as detergent
H-LPD – there is danger of water ingress
and dispersive additives
during oil filling
like H-LP, as well as improved systems that are used at low
viscosity-temperature behaviour or very variable temperatures

Tbl. 1 Hydraulic fluids based in mineral oil

Classification in accordance with DIN proposal Base fluid

HEPG Polyglycol
HETG Vegetable oil
HEEG Fully synthetic ester

Tbl. 2 Biologically degradable hydraulic fluids

Application temperature
Group Composition/water content Kinematic viscosity at +40 °C Application
Hydraulic fluids containing water
Emulsions of mineral oil in water, water mining,
HFA E hydraulic presses,
content >80% (generally 95%)
–+5 … +60 °C 0,5 … 2 mm2/s hydrostatic drives
Synthetic oil in aqueous solution, water with low operating
content >80% (generally 95%) pressures
Emulsions of water in mineral oil, water not in use
HFB –+5 … +60 °C non-Newtonian fluid
content >40% in Germany
Hydrostatic drives
aqueous polymer solutions,
HFC –30 … +60 °C 20 … 70 mm2/s with low operating
water content >35%

Non-aqueous hydraulic fluids

HFD R based on phosphoric acid ester
Based on chlorinated hydrocarbons
hydrodynamic couplings up to 150 °C not approved for use
–30 … +150 °C 10 … 50 mm2/s
HFD T Mixtures of HFD R and HFD S in German coal mines

Synthetic fluids of other composition


Tbl. 3 Fire-retardant fluids

Because of the large and somewhat confusing selection of media with different and varying additives, the above usage limits can only be
considered recommended values. We recommend testing for individual cases

Air in oil Housings
There are dissolved air molecules in all classes of The following criteria are used to specify the hous-
hydraulic fluids. This air dissolved in the oil does not ings and thus the dimensions of the seal:
affect the function of the seal. Hydraulic oil can form N Use and load type of cylinder
a molecular bond to more as the pressure increases. N Standard seal or special seal
Then when the pressure is reduced the dissolved N Standardised housings.
air comes out of solution. Air bubbles form, which
frequently collect in the groove spaces not filled by The greater the load on the seal the stronger the
the seals. profile. With equivalent seal diameter seals of small-
er radial thickness are more likely to be damaged
If the pressure is suddenly increased, the air-oil mix- and to wear. The same percentage radial oversize
ture is heated so strongly that compression ignition the absolute oversize (in millimetres) of a seal with a
may occur. This phenomenon, referred to as diesel smaller radial thickness is less than a seal with larger
effect, may destroy the seal if it occurs frequently. radial thickness.
The seal may also be damaged by undissolved air A seal with a stronger profile is better able to bridge
during the movement. large eccentricities resulting from the guide play.

The air bubbles dragged in with the oil between The dimensions listed in the catalogue are avail-
the seal and the counter surface expand more the able immediately from stocks or are articles that
closer they come to the non-pressurised side of the can be delivered at short notice, which have been
seal. This air-bubble erosion causes longitudinal used successfully for years for sealing pistons and
scores in the surface of the seal. This results in further piston rods. The dimensions are marked accordingly
destruction of the seal by washing out and removal when they match the dimensions specified by the
of surface areas by the flowing fluid (flow erosion). standard.

The damage caused by air in the oil can be greatly The housings for rod and piston seals are specified
reduced if the complete hydraulic system is carefully in DIN ISO 5597.
bled before operation. DIN ISO 6547 contains the housings for piston
seals with integrated guide elements.
DIN ISO 6195 governs the housing for wipers.
Geometrical influences ISO Standard 7425 specifies compact seals,
consisting of one slip ring of PTFE and an elastic
Stroke compression ring.
The stroke of the working cylinder is mostly between
0,1 m and 1,0 m. When the strokes are very short,
only a few centimetres, and the load frequency is
high, the required lubricating film will not be formed
and seals of rubber materials may be subject to
increased wear.

In such cases sealing components of PTFE are pref-

erably used. If the strokes are long, in the range of
several metres, there is a danger that the sealing
component will be excessively heated. Distortions
of the shape of the rod, different surface roughness
and eccentricity occur more frequently with long


Sealing Gap


The sealing gap is defined as the gap bordered by general conditions the primary and secondary seals
the counter surface and the housing on the pres- of a sealing system considered separately with refer-
surised side of the seal. Because of the different ence to the sealing gap.

x2 = (D2max – dmin) / 2 + xfmax / 2

x3 = (D2 – [DFmax – (2* Smin)]) /2

xfmax = [DFmax – (2* Smin)] – dmin

D2max = dmin + 2 x 2 - xfmax

x2 xf
d = shaft [mm]

DF = groove base of guide [mm] Ød ØD2 ØDF

D2 = non-pressurised side [mm]

S = thickness guide sleeves [mm] x3 S

x2 = maximum sealing gap [mm]

x3 = minimum sealing gap [mm]

xf = guide play [mm]

Fig. 26 Limit values of sealing gap of rod sealing system

Limit values

When considering the limit values with reference one-sided mount of the piston rod or the piston body
to the sealing gap the maximum adjustable sealing are taken into account (→ Fig. 26 and Fig. 27).
gap (x2) and the minimum sealing gap (x3) with

x2 = (D2max – d2min) / 2 + xfmax / 2

x3 = ([dFmin + (2* Smin)] – d2max) /2 S xf x2

xfmax = Dmax – [dFmin + (2* Smin)]

d2min = D2max + xfmax - 2 x 2max

d = bore [mm]

DF = groove base of guide [mm] Ød2

D2 = non-pressurised side [mm]

S = thickness guide sleeves [mm]

x2 = maximum sealing gap [mm]

x3 = minimum sealing gap [mm] x3

xf = guide play [mm]

Fig. 27 Limit values of sealing gap of piston sealing system

The maximum sealing gap (x2) should be as small The relevant enlargement of the sealing gap as a
as possible (gap extrusion), the minimum sealing result of the cylinder stretching (cylinder barrel) or
gap (x3) should be as large as possible (metal con- cylinder buckling (hollow rods) must be considered,
tact). Because there is a direct geometrical depend- particularly with higher operating pressures or light
ency between the minimum required metal gap (x3) design. The deflection of the guide element must
and the maximum permissible extrusion gap (x2), also be considered borderline designs with high
the gap dimensions cannot be set independently of transverse loads.
each other. General figures for the maximum admissible gap
width (x2) are listed in the tables with the article de-
scription depending on the type of seal, the selected
Gap extrusion
seal profile and the operating pressure.
Seal materials act like a viscous fluid under the influ-
ence of the operating pressure. When the pressure Metal contact
is applied the sealing component is pressed closer
to the metal housing and to the sealing gap. The When specifying the minimum gap dimension
ingress of the seal material into the sealing gap is (x3), the collision control is particularly important.
referred to as the gap extrusion. The sealing com- The narrowest sealing gap in a sealing system is
ponent is damaged in the area of the metal edge normally behind the primary seal. Collision control
of the installation space by the ingress of the seal is therefore run primarily for this area. Where the
material into the sealing gap. The repeated damage design requires large gaps between the sealing
eventually causes failure of the sealing component. components and also large angular deviations the
collision control should be extended appropriately.
When specifying the maximum gap dimension (x2)
the temperature, material and geometry-dependent Marginal designs with high transverse loads and
form stability of the sealing component and the op- long slender cylinders must also be protected with
erating and general conditions must be considered. reference to bending of the piston rod and the de-
In addition to the clear connection between the form flection of the guide element. Cylinders with short
stability of a sealing component and the operating support length are tested for the required angular
pressure or the operating temperature, the limit val- error.
ues for the sealing gap are determined by the total
loading, as well as other things. Metal contacts between the counter surface and the
The pressure applied with simultaneous relative installation space components cause comparatively
stroke movement in the direction of the extrusion high costs when service is required. Within the per-
gap is more demanding than a static or quasi-static missible limits and with reference to the operating
seal with reference to the power consumed by fric- and general conditions the dimensions and toleranc-
tion and shearing forces in the contact zone. A short es are selected to yield as large a value as possible
pressure pulse is uncritical with reference to the gap for the sealing gap x3 and thus the greatest pos-
extrusion, but an extended application of pressure sible security against metal contacts. The minimum
places increased demands on the long-term form required value for x3 is determined primarily by the
stability of the sealing component (flow). deflection of the guide element under load.


Counter Surface

Definition An absolutely sealing component that does not re-

lease a lubricating film outside is as unsuitable as an
Both sides are subject to wear at the contact and absolutely smooth counter surface (→ Fig. 28) in
during simultaneous relative movement between which there are no abrasive components and also
the sealing components and the counter surface. To no lubricant pockets when considering the de-
establish a stable sealing effect over the long term, pendencies described above. In both cases a very
the changes caused by the contact must be minor. unfavourable friction and wear behaviour will be
After a short running period during which the seal- established.
ing edge must not be damaged by abrasive wear,
stable running characteristics must established. The
system consisting of sealing components, counter Surface structure
surface and lubricating film must be optimised for
The structure of the counter surface is primarily
sealing effect, friction behaviour and wear. The ge-
influenced by the machining process used for finish-
ometry, the material of the sealing components, the
ing. With reference to retaining the lubricating film
topography, the material of counter surface and the
it is better to generate chaotic surface structures.
properties of the hydraulic medium all influence the
Dynamic effects are generated on aligned structures
operation of the system.
and in relation to the stroke movement in the area
The factor of individual parameters on the overall
around the sealing edge. The applied lubricating
system is strongly dependent on the operating con-
film can be enlarged here and is visible as leakage.
ditions. While the solid-body friction is the primary
A surface generated by turning and grinding or
factor with a low stroke speed and high operating
honing cannot be accurately described geometri-
pressure, with a high stroke speed and low operat-
cally. In turning the material is not sheared at the
ing pressure a hydrodynamic lubricating film may
theoretical contour line, because during processing
be built up. The influence quantities are always
material particles are also pulled out from a depth.
mutually interdependent. In an optimally set up
Geometrically undetermined cutters indentations
system a thin lubricating film is released outside be-
and heights are also formed by grinding and honing
neath the sealing components. The oil film must be
(→ Fig. 29). A surface with formation of fine burrs is
transported completely back to the hydraulic system
at every cycle. Inside sealing systems all individual
seals and the wiper must meet this condition.

Fig. 28 Non-wettable surface Fig. 29 Ground surface

Whether such a surface is suitable for use in contact the pressure distribution depends on the geometry
with the sealing components cannot be sufficiently of the sealing edge (→ Fig. 30). An operating
derived from the currently used surface parameters pressure of 30 MPa a maximum compression of
Ra, Rmax and Mr. Depending on the general manu- pmax~50N/mm² can be expected for the Merkel
facturing conditions both abrasive and non-abrasive Omegat OMS-MR Rod Seal.
counter surfaces are created within the limit values.
Processes that remove material for final machining
are only suitable if the process can be managed. Compression = Pressure
This requires a measured value for the abrasiveness.

When manufacturing processes for final machining

are used in which material is not removed (e.g. roll-
ing) comparatively smooth surfaces are generated,
which do not normally have any abrasive compo-
nents. Because it is difficult to wet a smooth surface,
it is more difficult to form a lubricating film. Howev-
er, such surfaces are generally suitable for a counter
Fig. 30 Qualitative compression curve, single-acting rod seal
surface in contact with sealing components.
In the area of rod sealing systems base steel of qual-
Hardness/coating ity Ck45N with a surface hardness of 55-60 HRC
is used for cylinders under high loading. In gen-
The counter surface and the sealing and guide eral high-alloy, stainless steels based on CrMo or
elements are in contact as a result of relative move- CrMoNi have proven reliable.
ment (friction) and compression (transverse load;
operating pressure). The required hardness of the Piston sealing systems are under less load com-
counter surface depends on the height and type of pared to rod sealing systems with reference to the
loading. Slow movements with high surface load compression curve (no pronounced sealing edge)
(deformation of the counter surface) and rotary and the lubrication. The counter surface in cylinder
movements (running-in as a result of wear) are the bores are not normally hardened. Under high load-
most demanding. ing high-alloy, stainless steels based on CrMo or
CrMoNi (e.g. 42 CrMo4 + QT or 42 CrMo4V and
The hardness of the surface generates sufficiently 36 NiCrMo T + TQ) have proven reliable.
wear-resistant and stable edge coatings. However,
the thickness of the edge coating and the quality Nitrated counter surfaces
of the base material are very important. If it is too Nitration saturates the edge coating of the work-
soft, a comparatively thin edge coating will be piece with nitrogen by diffusion. The result is a hard,
deformed or broken with deflection of the base wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant compound
material. This effect can be observed particularly layer (thickness 10-20 μm). The hardness diminishes
with hard chrome coatings on soft substrate ma- with increasing depth (diffusion coat). Depending
terial. The highest compression depends on the on the process and the basic material a total pen-
transverse load and the operating pressure in the etration depth of up to 1 mm is reached. In salt-bath
region of the guide element or the primary sealing nitration (in a weaker form also with gas nitration)
component. With complete deflection of an HGW a large number of deep pores is formed in the
guide ring and a correspondingly high transverse outer compound layer. Even under a minor load
load maximum compressions of pmax~110N/mm² (abrasive) particles tend to break out of the porous
are reached. In the case of the sealing components compound layer.


Ceramic and partially ceramic counter

When using ceramic and partially ceramic sur-
face (total thickness 300 μm) corrosion protection
(saltwater resistance) and wear resistance are the
primary purpose.
Ceramic counter surfaces are not smoothed in con-
tact with the sealing components. The contact with
the permanently sharp-edged crystal structure caus-
es high wear on the sealing components. Sealing
systems for ceramic counter surfaces are designed
Fig. 31 Salt-bath-nitrated surface
with adapted seal materials and special seal layouts
A surface of this type cannot be used in contact with and as such have a special position.
the sealing components without additional mechani-
cal processing. Nitrated counter surfaces can be
used in sealing technology without problems when
they have been appropriately processed.

Chromed counter surfaces

Polished hard chrome layers (thickness 30-50 μm)
do not generally have any abrasive component
and, assuming a sufficiently hard substrate, are
suitable for use as a counter surface in contact with
the sealing components. Matt chroming forms mi- Fig. 33 Ceramic surface
croscopically small sharp tips, which cause heavy
wear. Such surfaces must be mechanically proc- In general brittle coatings would break with the
essed before use in every case. elongation of the cylinder bores when pressure is
applied. Therefore, in hydraulic cylinders only pis-
ton rods are coated.

Fig. 32 Chrome-nitrated surface

Description of counter surface measurable
in the laboratory

To evaluate the counter surface a suitable rough-

ness gauge is used to measure the surface param-
eters Ra (average roughness), Rmax (maximum
surface roughness) and Mr (material content) and
compared to the specified limit values (→ Tbl. 4).

Surface quality
Surface roughness Rmax Ra
0,05 … 0,3 μm
Sliding surface ≤2,5 μm
(optimum Ra = 0,2 μm)
Groove base ≤6,3 μm ≤1,6 μm
Groove flanks ≤15,0 μm ≤3,0 μm
Material content Mr >50% to max 90% at cutting depth c = Rz/2 and reference line C ref = 0%. (optimum Mr = 80%)

Tbl. 4 Surface parameters

The material content curve or Abbott curve

(→ Fig. 34) is the graphic view of the material-filled
proportion of the calculated profile with reference to
the cutting depth.
The material content is derived from the Abbott
curve. The seal manufacturer uses different basic



0 39 % 79 100

Fig. 34 Abbott graph


In the case of Merkel the entire surface including the Extended laboratory description
full peak height relevant to the abrasivity and pos- of the counter surface
sible damage at first contact is considered starting
from a reference line at C ref = 0% (→ Fig. 35). It re- The service life of the sealing component in a seal-
mains unconsidered with a reference line Cref = 5% ing system is determined by the contact between
(→ Fig. 36). the counter surface and the sealing component. The
contact influences by the comparatively soft sealing
[mm] component (wear) and the hard counter surface
(smoothing). If the sealing edge is damaged as a
Rz/2 result of abrasive wear on the first strokes of the
hydraulic cylinder, the sealing effect and the service
Abbott curve
life will be reduced accordingly. An extended labo-
ratory examination of the counter surface is urgently
required to measure abrasivity to ensure stable run-
C ref = 0 % Mr = 48 %
ning characteristics over the long term.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mr [%]
The description of the counter surface can be re-
Fig. 35 Merkel material component definition fined by evaluation of additional parameters of the
Abbott curve (→ Fig. 37):

Unconsidered for C ref = 5 %

Rz/4 Rpk
Abbott curve

Rk Abbott curve

C ref = 5 % Mr = 61 %
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rvk
Mr [%]
Mr 1 Mr 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Mr [%]
Fig. 36 Competition material component definition

Parameters such as Ra, Rmax, Rz and the material Rpkx, full peak height; abrasive component.
content Mr have become established. The behav- Rpk, reduced peak height; profile peaks.
iour of the counter surface compared to the sealing Rk, core surface roughness; supporting core;
components cannot yet be described with sufficient the main function area
accuracy with reference to the abrasivity. Rvk, reduced groove depth; profile grooves;
lubricant depot.
Rvkx, full groove depth; only minor
influence on the sealing system.
Rpk, Rk, Rvk, Mr1 and Mr2 cannot be
influenced any more without simultaneously influencing
shape, position and dimensions.

Fig. 37 Additional parameters

Merkel has set a new direction with the definition of Compared to the currently considered surface pa-
new surface parameters for detailed description of rameters we expect significantly improved predict-
the counter surface for sealing components. The re- ability of abrasivity and long-term behaviour.
sults are currently being applied to a wider base in Our insights do not yet include ceramic or partial
collaboration with major manufacturers of injection ceramic counter surfaces. Because such surfaces
moulding machines, presses and general cylinder in contact with sealing components have a special
manufacturing. position, we would like to exclude these surfaces
In the current state of knowledge at Merkel the sur- from the above information.
face parameters listed in Table 5 with the stated limit
values are suitable for a complete description of the
counter surface for sealing components.

Ideal flat Unsuitable too fine Suitable Unsuitable too rough

1 2 3 4
Ra > 0,05 μm < 0,30 μm
Rmax – < 2,50 μm
Rpkx – < 0,50 μm
Rpk – < 0,50 μm
Rk > 0,25 μm < 0,70 μm
Rvk > 0,20 μm < 0,65 μm
Rvkx > 0,20 μm < 2,00 μm

Tbl. 5 Limit positions of the additional parameters



Selection PTFE compound

The function of a sealing component is influenced by Pure (virgin) PTFE has a comparatively low struc-
the geometry and primarily by the seal material. The ture and friction strength. Even under a low load
influence of the specific material properties on the the material is deformed and begins to flow (cold
function of the seal in this regard depends among flow). The addition of fillers (compounding) such
other factors on the nature of the relative movement as bronze, glass fibre and carbon fibre can signifi-
between the sealing component and the counter sur- cantly improve form stability and friction strength.
face (stroke, rotation, static). Depending on the requirements other fillers such as
carbon or graphite and also colour additives are
As well as the chemical resistance the form stability, also used.
friction behaviour and elastic behaviour are signifi-
cant influence factors. Unwanted material influences PTFE is a horny, non-elastic material. The initial con-
are in part compensated by additional components tact pressure of the PTFE sealing component to the
such as back-up rings (extrusion resistance) or pre- counter surface required for the sealing function can
load components (initial sealing effect). A function- only be applied by an additional contact pressure
oriented design of the seal always considers the element (elastomer or spring) because of the missing
sealing material in use. Not every geometry can be elasticity. PTFE sealing components therefore always
manufactured easily with every material. have multiple components.

In hydraulic applications multi-component sealing
components with a sliding ring of PTFE compound
and an elastomer pre-load component as well as Metal
single and multi-component sealing components of
elastomer (NBR, FKM) or polyurethane are primari- Polyurethane
ly used. For the guide elements fabric-base laminate
compounds are mostly used.

Back-up rings are manufactured of PTFE (poly- Metal

tetrafluoroethylene), PA (polyamide) or POM
PTFE compound
(polyoxymethylene) depending on the requirements.
As well as these materials in some cases special ma-
terials such as PE (polyethylene), TPE (thermoplastic
polyester-elastomer) and PEEK (polyetheretherke- Metal
tone) are used.

Fig. 38 Sealing edge in contact with counter surface

PTFE compounds are noted for high pressure resist- PTFE bronze (PTFE B602) is the standard compound
ance and favourable friction behaviour. A friction for general applications. In addition to its very
value (oiled) between μ = 0,02 and μ = 0,1 can be smooth sliding properties the high form stability,
expected depending on the contact conditions. even at high temperatures, as well as high wear re-
sistance are particularly important.
The structure of the PTFE material causes the sealing
component to slide on the higher components of the The metal bronze and its components are not chemi-
surfaces (microstructure). The sealing edge does not cally neutral. In contact with water or water emul-
enter the roughness valleys (→ Fig. 38). As a result sion and in some cases also with additives in the hy-
of this behaviour PTFE sealing components allow a draulic medium chemical reactions may be started.
comparatively thicker lubricating film beneath the
sealing edge. The chemical reaction and also generally the results
of insufficient lubrication can cause a typical dam-
PTFE sealing components are preferably used as a age pattern (fine strips) on the counter surface in
primary seal in sealing systems or as a piston seal contact with the sliding ring of a sealing component
with bilateral pressure application. of PTFE bronze.

Dirt adhering to the piston rod can be kept from The restriction described is generally applicable for
entering the hydraulic system with suitable design all PTFE bronze compounds available on the mar-
of the wiping edge when using wipers of PTFE com- ket. However, because of the compounding, which
pound. varies in detail, the results must be evaluated very
When selecting the PTFE compound amongst others
the following properties are assessed with reference If the lubrication is insufficient (poorly lubricating
to the actual application: hydraulic medium, short stroke, stroke at high load
N The influence of the hydraulic medium and low stroke speed), the use of PTFE glass fibre
N The behaviour in contact with the counter surface MoS2 (PTFE GM201) has proven to be suitable. In-
N The form stability depending on the operating fluence by standard hydraulic media is not a factor
temperature. because the glass fibres are chemically neutral.

T = 80°C
T =120°C

PTFE GM201 PTFE B602 PTFE C104 Competition

(PTFE/Glass fibre MoS2) (PTFE/Bronze) (PTFE/Carbon fibre) (PTFE/carbon fibre)

Fig. 39 Form stability of PTFE compounds in comparison


The pressure resistance of PTFE glass fibre is lower be designed as single-piece components, i.e. without
than that of PTFE bronze. In the temperature range an extra pre-load component. Polyurethane under
above 100 °C there are significant differences in pressure behaves as a viscous fluid. At an operat-
the form stability in comparison with PTFE bronze ing pressure above 10 MPa sealing components
(→ Fig. 39). of polyurethane are completely formed. The full
contact to the counter surface makes ingress of the
The positive properties of PTFE bronze and PTFE lubricating medium in the contact area difficult and
glass fibre are combined in the PTFE carbon fibre as a consequence increases the friction wear. The
compound (PTFE C104). The compound has favour- use of a sealing system should be preferred to the
able behaviour with insufficient lubrication and com- individual seal with reference to the achievable
paratively high form stability. service life.

The matrix of modified PTFE is the difference in com- Code Colour

pound PTFE C104 compared to other PTFE carbon 95 AU V142 dark-blue

fibre compounds. The cost of the base material and 94 AU 925 light-blue

the processing are higher than for PTFE bronze, 93 AU V167 light-red

PTFE glass fibre and simple PTFE carbon fibre com- 93 AU V168 light-red

pounds. Therefore, this compound is generally used 95 AU V149 dark-blue

for applications where neither PTFE bronze nor PTFE AU V206 dark-yellow
glass fibre MoS2 appear suitable. AU V204 light-yellow
92 AU 21100 white
The maximum permissible operating pressure is
Tbl. 6 Overview of polyurethane
primarily determined by the extrusion gap and the
temperature-dependent form stability of the seal Sealing components of polyurethane wipe away the
material. Because the size of the extrusion gap can- hydraulic medium reliably with suitable design of
not be selected as very small with reference to metal the sealing edge. Assuming adequate media resist-
contacts, the pressure application range of the seal- ance, seals of polyurethane are used as primary
ing component must be limited depending on the and secondary seals (gap pressure up to 5 MPa)
temperature. inside sealing systems. Their use as individual seals
in combination with a double wiper is also wide-
An operating pressure of up to 40 MPa is gener- spread. With its high wear resistance polyurethane
ally permissible in the average temperature range, is also very suitable as a material for wipers. Seal-
depending on the extrusion gap. At an operating ing components of polyurethane can be manufac-
temperature above 100 °C the operating pressure tured by injection moulding or rotary processes to
should remain limited to 26 MPa with the use of a nominal diameter of approximately 2000 mm.
PTFE glass fibre and the simple PTFE carbon fibres. The qualities of polyurethane used (→ Tbl. 6) can
be processed more or less easily depending on the
The PTFE profile ring of a PTFE seal is machine-man- nominal diameter and the manufacturing process.
ufactured up to a nominal diameter of 2000 mm. It On the other hand some qualities are noted for
cannot be manufactured by injection moulding. excellent properties such as increased resistance to
hydrolysis (hydrolysis = loss of structure as a result
of contact with water) or improved properties in the
low-temperature range.
Polyurethane has a high wear resistance and a
comparatively high form stability. With the elastic
behaviour of the material sealing components can

Elastomers Sealing components of elastomer tend to adhere
to the counter surface after extended downtime be-
Sealing, wiping and pre-load components of NBR cause of this property.
(acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber) or FKM (fluoro elas- Because of the low resistance to gap extrusion (form
tomer) are primarily used in the area of hydraulic stability) seals of elastomer without additional rein-
applications. Depending on the general conditions forcement such as fabric inserts (Chevron seal sets)
HNBR (hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rub- or back-up rings can only be used at low pressures
ber) and EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene rubber) up to 10 MPa.
are also used.
Elastomer seals with fabric reinforcement are robust
Sealing components of elastomer wipe away the and with pressure applied have sufficient form stabil-
hydraulic medium and also fine dirt reliably with ity. However, such sealing components are often not
suitable design of the sealing edge. In this respect sufficient to meet the increased demands related to
they are superior to PTFE and polyurethane. On the stroke speed and service life, primarily because of
other hand the high sealing effect causes the elas- the unsuitable Friction behaviour.
tomer to penetrate the microstructure of the counter Elastomers are mainly used as wipers and in the
surface (→ Fig. 38) and thus forms a very close con- form of O-rings as static seals or pre-load compo-
tact between the sealing component and the counter nents. Elastomers are only used as secondary seals
surface. The friction and the wear are increased in sealing systems if polyurethane cannot be used
particularly when pressure is applied compared to because of the media resistance or the operating
PU and PTFE (→ Fig. 40). temperature.



Fig. 40 Wear behaviour in comparison


Competition 1
Competition 1
Competition 1
Radial load

60 °C 80 °C 100 °C 120 °C

Fig. 41 Loading depending on the operating temperature

Fabric-base laminate elements of these materials can only accept low

transverse loads. For other compounds the influence
Fabric-base laminates consist of a fine fabric bond- of the operating temperature on the permissible sur-
ed with resin. Relevant properties such as the friction face pressure is only minor.
strength, the permissible surface load (acceptance
of transverse loading) and the temperature depend- In the diameter range up to 300 mm HG517 and
ency of the material behaviour are set depending HG650 are currently used by the metre cut to length
on the properties of the components. Polyester and and above 300 mm the HG650 quality is used by
other plastics and also natural materials such as cot- the metre cut to length. Material quality HG650
ton are used for the fine fabric. In addition to poly- represents the standard of the future over the com-
ester, vinyl ester and phenol resin a whole range plete dimension range. The advantage of HG650
of plastics with various properties are available for in addition to the outstanding pressure resistance
the resin matrix. While the friction resistance of the compared to competitive products is the improved
established compounds is generally at a compara- handling (fitting) for small diameters (<60 mm).
tively high level, there are significant differences in
the permissible surface load and the dependence Code Colour
on the operating temperature (→ Fig. 41). HG517 dark grey
HG650 Red
Thermoplastic base materials, such as polyester,
Tbl. 7 Overview of fabric-base laminates
have a significant natural temperature-dependent
material behaviour. At higher temperatures guide

Installation of Hydraulic Seals

Before installing the sealing components the com- Insertion chamfers on rods and pipes
pete system must be cleaned to remove machining To prevent damage to sealing components when
residues, chips, dirt and other particles. Seals must mounting, cylinder bores and piston rods must be
not be pulled over sharp edges, threads, feather key chamfered. For the surface quality of the chamfer
grooves or similar when mounting. These parts must Rt ≤4 μm is applicable.
be covered during fitting (→ Fig. 42). Sharp edges The edge at the transition from the chamfer to the
must be de-burred or chamfered or radiused. Never sliding surface must be rounded and polished. Prod-
use sharp-edged tools. uct-specific information can be found in the shape
Seal, piston rod and cylinder bore must be oiled descriptions.
or greased before fitting. Heating the seals before
installation in +80 °C to +100 °C hot oil will make
the seal material more elastic and it will be easier to
install the seal.

Fig. 42 Covering threads when mounting seals


Fitting of rod seals

When mounting rod seals two types of

installation must be distinguished(→Fig. 43):

Installation recommendation I

Installation recommendation II

Fig. 43 Installation types of rod seals

N Snap-in fitting in an undivided installation space nominal diameter of 80 (profile size 10 mm) in un-
(installation recommendation I). divided grooves. The ring is pressed into a kidney
Seals that are suitable for this type of installation shape and pushed into the rod guide. The fitting
are marked with h and w in the tables of dimen- tool is withdrawn after the seal has snapped into the
sions. groove.
N Fitting in a divided installation space
(installation recommendation II). Another option for snap-in fitting of rod seals is to
Seals that required a divided installation space use a suitable stopper and a rod (→ Fig. 46).
are not marked in the tables of dimensions.
Here the seal is initially placed manually in the
Assembly tools for rod seals groove and then pushed with a rod until it snaps
Snap-in fitting in undivided housings (recom- into the groove. Stopper and rod should be manu-
mended installation) can be made must easier with factured from a suitable plastic.
suitable assembly tools. The fitting tool I (order
no. 00375753) can be used to snap in U-rings
from 35 mm diameter (profile size 5 mm) up to a

Fitting of groove and compact seals with
back-up ring
The Merkel SM U-Ring (primary seal) with locked-
in back-up ring can be snapped into a plunge-cut
groove. The sealing ring is first inserted into the
Then the back-up ring is installed.
Compact seals with a locked-in back-up ring can be
snapped into a plunge-cut groove, depending on
the diameter and profile.

Fitting of multi-part compact seals for the

rod: Merkel Omegat OMS-MR
For rod diameters ≤15 mm an axially accessible
housing is required. Up to rod diameter 28 mm an
Fig. 45 Fitting tool II for rod seals
axially accessible housing is recommended. If this
is not possible for design reasons, the seal must be
selected in accordance with the smaller installation Fitting in divided housings
size L. From a specific nominal diameter, depending on the
For diameter range 38 to 50 mm we also rec- profile size, rod seals must be installed in divided
ommend using the seal in accordance with the housings. The limit sizes are listed in d (→ Tbl. 8).
smaller fitting size L because of the easier fitting
(→ Fig. 46). The max. permissible gap widths of the Rod seals in divided housings (fitting recommenda-
type must be observed. tion II) can be installed without special tools. For
series installation we recommend using mounting
sleeves and pilot shafts (→ Fig. 47).
U-rings and single-piece
compact seals
Profile size
D_________ 4 5 6 7,5 10 12,5 15
N – dN

Limit nominal
diameters for 25 30 40 50 80 100 105
snap-in fitting
Seals that are suitable for snap-in fitting are identified with h (hand)
in the descriptions in the dimension lists.

Fig. 44 Fitting tool I for rod seals Tbl. 8 Limit dimensions for snap-in fitting (required values)


Multi-part compact seals for pistons

Rod Simko Piston Seals can generally be snapped in
without tools. The following illustrations show the
snap-in fitting without tools for the Merkel Compact
Seal Simko 300 Compact Seal. First the elastic rub-
ber contact pressure element is snapped in. Then the
PUR sealing ring is placed on one side in the groove
and pushed over the previously oiled piston body
until it snaps completely into the groove.

Fig. 46 Installation aid for rod seals

Fig. 47 Fitting of rod seals in divided housings

Fig. 48 Snapping in the polyurethane running ring

Fitting of piston seals

Similar to fitting of rod seals there are also two types

of installation of piston seals:
N Snap-in fitting in undivided housings.
Seals that are suitable for this type of installation
are identified with h or w in the dimension tables.
N Fitting in divided housings.
When assembled the metal parts must adhere to
preclude extrusion wear on the static side.

Fig. 49 Snapping in the polyurethane running ring

Assembly tools for piston seals Simko Piston Seals as well as U-Rings that in some
The snap-in fitting is made much easier with suitable cases are used as single-acting piston seals can be
assembly tools. easily installed with the aid of simple installation tool
See the following illustrations:

Fig. 50 Fully mounted seal Fig. 52 Inserting mounting pin

Fig. 51 Inserting sealing ring Fig. 53 Turning mounting lever


To prevent damage to the sealing edge, which may

result in leakage before commissioning, it is impor-
tant to observe our installation instructions.

Fitting for installation

Omegat Seals consist of a high-quality pressure
and wear-resistant profile ring and an O-ring as the
pre-load component. Careful fitting is essential for
correct function.

Before starting installation, make sure that:

N The required insertion chamfers on the piston
rod and cylinder bore have been de-burred and
N Thread peaks and sharp edges are covered,
N Dust, dirt, chips and other external objects must
Fig. 54 Snapping in the guide back-up ring
be thoroughly removed,
N The Omegat sealing components and the com-
ponents are oiled or greased (use only greases
Fitting of compact seals of the Omegat
without solid additives. In this regard make sure
series for pistons and rods
that they are compatible with the medium.),
The Merkel Omegat Compact Piston Seals
N The assembly tools must be of soft material and
(OMK-MR, OMK-S, OMK-E, OMK-ES) and the
have no sharp edges.
Merkel Omegat Compact Rod Seals (OMS-MR,
OMS-S) are suitable for undivided housings in virtu- Heating them in oil up to about 80 °C makes it
ally all dimensions. Fitting requires special care. much easier to stretch and deform the Omegat
Profile Ring.

Omegat Rod Seal

Fitting of Omegat Rod Seals in undivided housings is very easy (d ≤Ø15 axially accessible housing required):

Insert O-ring into the groove without twisting it.

Press Omegat Profile Ring into a kidney shape

(attention: do not kink!).

Omegat Rod Seal

Direction of
A fitting tool is preferred for pressure
series fitting. P

Place compressed Omegat Profile Ring on the

O-ring so the sealing edge is on the pressure side.

Insert Omegat Profile Ring in original shape in the groove.

Then calibrate with a mandrel. The mandrel can be manufactured from PA, POM or similar material.
Chamfers of 15° and minimum 30 mm long.

Tbl. 9 Deformation of the profile ring

Ød L Ø d mandrel Preferred materials:

pressure mandrel – plastic
<50 15 Ø d – 0,10
tapered sleeve – plastic
≥ 50 ... <120 20 Ø d – 0,18
We can supply complete assembly tools on enquiry.
≥120 ... <200 30 Ø d – 0,25
Seal housing
≥200 ... <650 40 Ø d – 0,35
Expanding Conical sleeve Cylinder
≥650 ... <900 50 Ø d – 0,50 mandrel

Tbl. 10 Recommended diameter of mounting equipment

Recommendation: X
Please use an assembly tool when d Ø>15 mm
and for larger series. This deforms the profile ring
less. The major design principles are shown in the

L Omegat profile ring O-ring

R 1,5
Fig. 56 Finished assembly tools (on enquiry)
Ø dmandrel


Fig. 55 Calibrating mandrel


Omegat Piston Seal

Omegat Piston Seals must always be fitted in single-piece pistons with a fitting tool.

Insert O-Ring into the groove without twisting it.
mandrel Expanding
approx. 5° sleeve

Stretch Omegat Profile Ring with spreader sleeve over a tapered

mounting sleeve and spring into the groove,
profile ring
for larger dimensions use mounting belt (order no. 24346745) O-ring
(no sharp-edged tools).

Calibrate Omegat Profile Ring on the piston diameter with a slip ring.
When using profile rings with an L-dimension ≥6,3 mm we recommend
using a plastic tension belt.

Tbl. 11 Mounting equipment for piston seal

Fitting instructions for Fitting of Merkel Compact Seal T 19

Merkel Compact Seal L 43 We recommend using installation tools for all dimen-
Fitting of the Merkel Compact Seal L 43 is uncom- sions of the size series T 19; hand installation is pos-
plicated and generally corresponds to the conven- sible for servicing. The sequence when mounting the
tional compact piston seal. The assembly should be individual parts is as follows:
carried out in the sequence below. N First angled bush
N Sealing component
N Second angled bush

1. Back-up ring
2. Sealing component
3. Back-up ring
4. Angled bush

4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fig. 57 Fitting of Merkel Compact Seal L 43

Installation instructions for Fitting of Chevron Seal Sets
Merkel double wiper PT 2
Double wipers of the PT 2 series can be installed in Instructions for Chevron Seal Set housings
housings that are not axially accessible without tools Adjustable housings have the advantage of an op-
from Ø150 mm. For installation first insert the large timal adjustment option. After a lengthy period of
O-ring into the groove, insert the small O-ring into running and incipient wear on the seal tightening the
the groove of the PTFE profile ring, then the profile gland can extend the service life and significantly
ring is placed in a kidney shape and snapped in. delay a system standstill. For adjustable housings an
Make sure that the profile ring is not kinked and that extension of 2,5% and an adjustability of 7,5% of
the sealing edge is correctly aligned to the pressure dimension L is recommended. Non-adjustable hous-
direction. For smaller dimensions please use an in- ings have the advantage of more cost-effective man-
stallation tool. ufacture, because washers are not required. Seal
Dimensions <Ø100 mm cannot be installed in a Set Type B is particularly recommended for these
plunge-cut groove. housings. The rubber-sprung back-up rings handle
the function of initial compression and continuous
re-adjustment during operation. Maintenance of the
Installation instructions for seal contact area is not required.
Merkel double wiper PT 1
Double wipers of the PT 1 series with inside diam- Fitting
eter ≥30 mm can be installed in non-axially accessi- Before installation all individual parts of the seal set
ble housings without fitting tools. For smaller dimen- must be evenly greased. Mineral-oil-based greases
sions a fitting tool is recommended. can be used. The rod must be in the cylinder’s instal-
lation space during fitting. The individual parts of
the set must be installed separately in the chamber.
In this regard make sure that the seals are not re-
Pressure versed. Open chevron seal sets are used for repairs,
e.g. in large systems, if endless seals cannot be

PT 1 Please note
Open chevron seals have an oversize in the circum-
ference length to allow sufficient compression and a
Fig. 58 Functional direction of wiper good sealing effect at the joint sections. An endless
delivered seal set should therefore not be cut. Open
For installation the O-rings are inserted into the
chevron seals are always supplied with installed
groove, then the profile ring is placed in a kidney
profile cords.
shape and snapped in. Make sure that the profile
ring is not kinked and the sealing edge is correctly L x 0,075 L x 1,025

aligned to the pressure direction.

Fig. 59 DMS installation space example


General Technical Data

ISO Tolerances, Selection – in μm –

rod guides, wiper housing

Groove base for rod seals

Simmerring (housing),
Groove base for piston seals

Simmerring housing,
Groove base for two-piece
Nominal dimension

special cases
Simmerring shaft
range [mm]
Piston guides

piston seals

piston rods
Cylinder bores
over to h8 h9 h10 h11 f7 f8 e8 H8 H9 H10 H11 f8
1,6 3 0 0 0 0 –6 –6 –14 14 25 40 60 20
–14 –25 –40 –60 –16 –20 –28 0 0 0 0 6
3 6 0 0 0 0 –10 –10 –20 18 30 48 75 28
6 10 0 0 0 0 –13 –13 –25 22 36 58 90 35
–22 –36 –58 –90 –28 –35 –47 0 0 0 0 13

10 14 0 0 0 0 –16 –16 –32 27 43 70 110 43

14 18 –27 –43 –70 –110 –34 –43 –59 0 0 0 0 16

18 24 0 0 0 0 –20 –20 –40 33 52 84 130 53

24 30 –33 –52 –84 –130 –41 –53 –73 0 0 0 0 20

30 40 0 0 0 0 –25 –25 –50 39 62 100 160 64

40 50 –39 –62 –100 –160 –50 –64 –89 0 0 0 0 25

50 65 0 0 0 0 –30 –30 –60 46 74 120 190 76

65 80 –46 –74 –120 –190 –60 –76 –106 0 0 0 0 30

80 100 0 0 0 0 –36 –36 –72 54 87 140 220 90

100 120 –54 –87 –140 –220 –71 –90 –126 0 0 0 0 36

120 140 0 0 0 0 –43 –43 –85 63 100 160 250 106

140 160 –63 –100 –160 –250 –83 –106 –148 0 0 0 0 43
160 180

180 200 0 0 0 0 –50 –50 –100 72 115 185 290 122

200 225 –72 –115 –185 –290 –96 –122 –172 0 0 0 0 50
225 250

250 280 0 0 0 0 –56 –56 –110 81 130 210 320 137

280 315 –81 –130 –210 –320 –108 –137 –191 0 0 0 0 56
315 355 0 0 0 0 –62 –62 –125 89 140 230 360 151
355 400 –89 –140 –230 –360 –119 –151 –214 0 0 0 0 62

400 450 0 0 0 0 –68 –68 –135 97 155 250 400 165

450 500 –97 –155 –250 –400 –131 –165 –232 0 0 0 0 68

Tbl. 12 Selection of ISO dimensions

Production tolerances Permissible deviations for soft rubber parts
(extract from DIN 7715 Part 2)
In the following chapter on materials will consider
the technological quality of the highly elastic materi- Dimension terms
als from Freudenberg, elastomers and plastomers A differentiation is to be made between two kinds of
as well as their applications with reference to their permissible dimensional deviations F and C for all
physical and chemical properties. moulded parts within the tolerance classes.
However, the dimensional accuracies achievable on F: Deviations dimensions related to the mould.
the finished part with the above mentioned materials Dimensions that are not influenced by factors that
are also important. Designers and users very fre- affect shape such as compression and lateral
quently aim for tolerance standards used for metal offset between different moulded parts (high and
parts in mechanical engineering when they consider low part, cores). See dimensions w, x and y in
the tolerances required and the rules governing tol- → Fig. 60.
erances. However, narrow tolerances are generally C: Deviations in dimensions related to the mould
not possible during the manufacture of sealing com- closing. Dimensions that may be changed by
ponents and parts made of highly elastic materials. changes in the density of the compression and
The tolerances specified in DIN 7715 are generally the lateral offset between different moulded
applicable for sealing components and parts made parts. See dimensions s, t, u and z in → Fig. 60.
of highly elastic materials, and assuming that there
are no special requirements for specific products tol- Direction of pressure z
erance level M3 is considered applicable.
Upper part of mould
Deviations from the values specified in DIN 7715 t
must be agreed in consultation between user and
manufacturer. u x

part w

Lower part of mould

Fig. 60 Mould and moulded part


Class M 1 Class M 2 Class M 3 Class M 4

Nominal dimension range
[mm] F c F c F c F c
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
over to Permissible deviations of dimensions in mm
6,3 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,40 0,50 0,50
6,3 10,0 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,20 0,30 0,50 0,70 0,70
10,0 16,0 0,15 0,20 0,20 0,25 0,40 0,60 0,80 0,80
16,0 25,0 0,20 0,20 0,25 0,35 0,50 0,80 1,00 1,00
25,0 40,0 0,20 0,25 0,35 0,40 0,60 1,00 1,30 1,30
40,0 63,0 0,25 0,35 0,40 0,50 0,80 1,30 1,60 1,60
63,0 100,0 0,35 0,40 0,50 0,70 1,00 1,60 2,00 2,00
100,0 160,0 0,40 0,50 0,70 0,80 1,30 2,00 2,50 2,50
Permissible deviations in %
160 0,30 *) 0,50 *) 0,80 *) 1,50 1,50
*) Values only on agreement

Tbl. 13 Extract from DIN 7715

Regardless of the values given in the tables, product- DIN 16901, Part 2 for manufactured parts
related tolerances are shown in: made of injection moulded
DIN 3760 for rotary shaft seals thermoplastics
DIN ISO 3302-1 accuracy level M2 for diameter DIN 7168 for machined parts made of
ranges of moulded diaphragms PTFE or other thermoplastics
without fabric reinforcement If tolerances must be less than in DIN 7168 for func-
DIN ISO 3302-1 accuracy level M3 for diameter tional reasons, the "reduced material tolerances"
ranges of moulded diaphragms given in → Tbl. 14 must be maintained. In exception-
with fabric reinforcement and/ al cases consultation with us is recommended.
or metal insert

Nominal dimension range [mm]

Tolerance according to DIN 7168 average Reduced working tolerances range
over to
6 ±0,1 0,10
6 30 ±0,2 0,15
30 65 ±0,3 0,20
65 120 ±0,3 0,30
120 200 ±0,5 0,40

Tbl. 14 Extract from DIN 7168

Batch vulcanised parts Hoses and discs cut from hose
Pressed, bored and stamped parts

Nominal Flange thickness of pressed parts

dimension range [mm]

Cut-outs and parts cut with a

Profile in cross-section

Outside Ø not ground

Outside Ø ground
and by the metre

Inside diameter

Cut height

over to
3 ±0,2a) ±0,10 ±0,3b) –0,15 ±0,3b) ±0,1 ±0,3b) –0,15 ±0,15
3 6 ±0,2a) ±0,15 ±0,4b) –0,20 ±0,4b) ±0,1 ±0,4b) –0,20 ±0,20
6 10 ±0,3a) ±0,20 ±0,5b) –0,25 ±0,5b) ±0,1 ±0,5b) –0,25 ±0,20
10 18 ±0,3a) – ±0,6b) –0,30 ±0,6b) ±0,2 ±0,6b) –0,30 ±0,30
18 30 ±0,4a) – ±0,8b) –0,40 ±0,8b) ±0,2 ±0,8b) –0,40 ±0,40
30 40 ±0,5a) – ±1,0b) –0,50 ±1,0b) ±0,2 ±1,0b) –0,50 ±0,50
40 50 ±0,5a) – ±1,0 –0,80 ±1,2b) ±0,2 ±1,0b) –0,50 –
50 80 ±0,6a) – ±1,0 –0,80 ±1,2b) ±0,3 ±1,2b) –0,80 –
80 120 ±0,8a) – ±1,0 –1,00 ±1,4b) ±0,3 ±1,4b) –1,00 –
120 180 ±1,0a) – ±1,2 –1,40 ±1,6b) ±0,4 ±1,6b) –1,40 –
180 250 ±1,3a) – ±1,2 –2,00 – – ±2,0b) –2,00 –
250 315 ±1,6a) – ±1,5 –2,80 – – ±2,5b) –2,80 –
315 400 ±2,0a) – ±1,5 –3,50 – – ±3,0b) –3,50 –
400 500 ±2,5a) – ±2,0 –4,50 – – ±3,5b) –4,50 –
500 ±0,5%a) – ±0,5% –6,00 – – ±1,0b) –6,00 –

Tbl. 15 Freudenberg tolerances derived from DIN 7715

a) Values corresponding to DIN 7715 accuracy level "fine"
b) Values corresponding to DIN 7715 accuracy level "average"
c) Values corresponding to DIN 7715 accuracy level "coarse"

Dimensional units – Selection –

Basic size Basic unit Unit character

Length metre m

Mass kilogram kg

Time second s

Electrical current Ampère A

Temperature Kelvin K

Luminous intensity candela csd

Amount of substance mol mol

Tbl. 16 Base dimensions, base units


Size Unit Formula symbol Units symbol

Acceleration metres by seconds squared b m/s2
Density kilogram by cubic metre ρ kg/m3
Pressure Newton/m2, Pascal p N/m2, Pa
Energy, work Joule A, E Nm = Ws
Area square metre A m2

Speed meter by second V m/s

Force Newton F N
Tension Newton by square metre σ N/m2, Pa
Viscosity (dynamic) Pascal second η Pa S
Viscosity (kinematic) square metre by second μ m2/s
Volume cubic metre V m3

Electrical Voltage Volt V W/A

Electrical resistance Ohm Ω V/A
Electrical conductivity Siemens S 1/Ω

Inductance Henry H Vs/A

Electric charge Coulomb C As
Frequency Hertz Hz 1/s
Power Watt W J/s
Luminous flux lumen 1m cd sr
Illuminance lux 1x 1 m/m2

Tbl. 17 Derived SI units with their own unit names

Other commonly used
Size Unit
official units
Angular momentum N⋅m⋅s –

Torque Nm, J –
Speed 2 ⋅ x ⋅ rad/s s–1

Modulus of elasticity PA N/mm2, bar

Enthalpy J kJ
Enthalpy, specific J/kg kJ/kg
Entropy J/K kJ/K
Entropy, specific J/kg ⋅ K kJ/kg ⋅ K
Geometrical moment of inertia m4 cm4
Force N kN, MN
Gas constant J/kg ⋅ K kJ/kg ⋅ K
Calorific value J/kg, J/m3 kJ/kg, kJ/m3
Linear momentum N⋅s –

Mass moment of inertia kg ⋅ m g ⋅m, t ⋅ m2

Moment N⋅m –
Unit conductance W/m ⋅ K4 –
Volume, specific m3/kg –
Coefficient of heat transfer W/m ⋅ K –
Heat capacity J/K kJ/K
Heat capacity, specific J/kg ⋅ K kJ/kg ⋅ K
Thermal conductivity W/m ⋅ K –
Section modulus m3 cm3

Tbl. 18 Further statutory, derived units of mechanics


Power of ten Prefix Prefix symbol

Decimal multiples
101 deca da
102 hecto h
103 kilo K
106 mega M
109 giga G
1012 tera T

Decimal fractions
10–1 deci d
10–2 centi c
10–3 milli m
10–6 micro μ

10–9 nano n
10–12 pico p
10–15 femto f
10–18 atto a

Tbl. 19 Decimal multiples and decimal fractions of units

The rules allow decimal multiples and decimal fractions of units to be expressed by prefixing syllables

Conversion tables
Force: Energy, work, amount of heat: Power:
1 Newton (N) = 1 kg m/s2 1 Nm = 1 Joule (J) = 1 Ws Watt (W) = 1 Nm/s = 1 J/s
N kp dyn Nm kWh kpm cal W kW hp
1N 1 0,102 105 1 Nm 1 0,278 · 10–6 0,102 0,238 1W 1 10–3 1,36 · 10–3
1 kp 9,81 1 9,81 · 105 1 kWh 3,6 · 106 1 0,367 · 106 0,86 · 106 1 kW 103 1 1,36
1 dyn 10–5 1,02 · 10–6 1 1 kpm 9,81 2,72 · 10–6 1 2,335 1 hp 736 0,736 1

– 1 cal 4,19 1,17 · 10–6 0,428 1 –

Tbl. 20 Conversion factors for force, energy, work, heat and power units

Pressure, mechanical tension

1 Pascal (Pa) = 1 N/m2 : 1 MPa (106 Pa) = 1 N/mm2= 0,102 kp/mm2
Pa MPa bar kp/cm2 mm Hg atm mWs
1 Pa = 1 N/m2 1 10–6 10–5 1,02 ⋅ 10–5 7,50 ⋅ 10–3 9,87 ⋅ 10–6 1,02 ⋅ 10–4

1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 106 1 10 10,2 7,50 ⋅ 103 9,87 102

1 bar 105 0,1 1 1,02 750 0,987 10,2

1 kp/cm2 (at) 9,81 ⋅ 104 9,81 ⋅ 10–2 0,981 1 736 0,968 10

1 mm Hg (Torr) 133 1,33 ⋅ 10–4 1,33 ⋅ 10–3 1,36 ⋅ 10–3 1 1,32 ⋅ 10–3 1,36 ⋅ 10–2

1 atm 1,013 ⋅ 105 0,1013 1,013 1,033 760 1 10,33

1 mWs 9,81 ⋅ 103 9,81 ⋅ 10–3 9,81 ⋅ 10–2 0,1 73,6 9,68 ⋅ 10–2 1

Tbl. 21 Conversion factors for pressure and mechanical tension units

units no longer permitted after 31.12.1977

Materials – Basics Concepts

Freudenberg processes highly elastic materials,

polyurethane, thermoplastics and duroplastics to
manufacture seals and moulded components.

General information on these materials is given be-

low, particularly an overview of the materials, their
structure and possible applications as well as their
limitations in use.

N Natural and synthetic rubbers

are high polymers, that can be changed to the
highly elastic state by vulcanisation.

N Rubber and vulcanised rubbers are unspecified

terms, which can be used to refer to base polymer
as well as to vulcanised rubber. Vulcanisate
is the vulcanised rubber.

N Elastomers
are cross-linked polymers that are capable of
absorbing large reversible deformations. They
have the same meaning as vulcanised rubber.

N Thermoplastics
are not cross-linked high polymers that can be
permanently deformed by the action of pressure
and temperature; they have a low degree of soft
elastic properties.

N Thermoplastic elastomers
are not cross-linked high polymers. The are proc-
essed like thermoplastics and have highly elastic

N Duroplastics
are highly cross-linked polymers that have hard
elastic properties at very low deformation.

The main structural features of polymer materials

are explained in detail in DIN 7724.



Overview of codes for materials

Code according to
Chemical name for the base polymers
ASTM D 1418 ISO 1629
Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber NBR NBR
Hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber HNBR HNBR
Chlorine butadiene rubber CR CR
Carboxylated nitrile rubber XNBR XNBR
Acrylate rubber ACM ACM
Ethylene-acrylate rubber AEM AEM
Silicone rubber
Methyl polysiloxane MQ MQ
Vinyl-methyl polysiloxane VMQ VMQ
Phenyl-vinyl-methyl polysiloxane PVMQ PVMQ
Phenyl-methyl polysiloxane PMQ PMQ
Fluorosilicone rubber
Fluoromethyl polysiloxane FVMQ FVMQ
Fluoro elastomer FKM FKM
Perfluoro elastomer FFKM FFKM
Polyurethane rubber
Polyester-urethane rubber AU AU
Polyether-urethane rubber EU EU
Ethyleneoxide-epichlorhydrin rubber ECO ECO
Epichlorhydrin polymer CO CO
Chlorosulfonated polyethylene CSM CSM
Natural rubber NR NR
Isoprene rubber IR IR
Polybutadiene rubber BR BR
Styrene-butadiene rubber SBR SBR
Ethylene propylene diene rubber EPDM EPDM
Ethylene propylene copolymer EPM EPM
Butyl rubber IIR IIR
Chlorobutyl rubber CIIR CIIR
Bromobutyl rubber BIIR BIIR
ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials; ISO = International Organization for Standardization;
DIN = Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.

Tbl. 22 Overview of codes for materials

Code according to
Chemical name of the base materials
DIN 7728, Part 1, ISO 1043.1 ASTM D 1600
Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE PTFE
Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer E/TFE E/TFE
Perfluoroalkoxy copolymer PFA PFA
Polyvinyl chloride PVC PVC
Acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene ABS ABS
Styrene acrylonitrile SAN SAN
Polypropylene PP PP
Polyamide PA PA
Polyoxymethylene (polyacetal) POM POM
Polyphenylene oxide PPO PPO
Polysulphone PSU PSU
Polyetherblockamide PEBA PEBA
Polyether ketone PEEK PEEK
Polyetherimide PEI PEI

Tbl. 23 Codes for thermoplastics

Thermoplastic rubbers
ASTM code
Chemical name for the base polymers
D 1418
Block polymer of styrene and butadiene YSBR
Polyetherester YBPO
Thermoplastic polyolefin TPO

Tbl. 24 Codes for thermoplastic rubbers

Code according to
Chemical name for the materials
DIN ISO 1043.1 ASTM D 1600
Unsaturated polyester UP UP
Phenol formaldehyde PF PF
Urea formaldehyde UF UF
Glass fibre reinforced, unsaturated polyester resin UP-GF –

Tbl. 25 Codes for duroplastics


Freudenberg material codes The group of letters identifies the base polymer as
Materials from Freudenberg are named using per DIN/ISO 1629.
codes and prefixed or suffixed code numbers, The number after the group of letters is an internal
e.g. 72 NBR 902. Freudenberg compound code number.
The prefix number describes the hardness of the
material in Shore A.

Summary of some trade names for elastomers and plastics

Chemical name Trade names
Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) Perbunan, Hycar, Chemigum, Breon, Butakon, Europrene N, Butacril,
Krynac, Paracril, Nipol, Nitriflex
Chlorine butadiene rubber (CR) Neoprene, Baypren, Butaclor, Denka Chloroprene
Acrylate rubber (ACM) Cyanacryl, Europrene AR, Noxtite PA, Nipol AR
Ethylene acrylate (AEM) Vamac
Silicone rubber (VMQ, FVMQ and PVMQ) Silopren, Silastic, Silicone, Rhodorsil
Fluoro elastomer (FKM) Viton, Fluorel, Tecnoflon, Dai El, Noxtite
Perfluoro elastomer (FFKM) Kalrez, Simriz, Chemraz
Polyurethane (AU and EU) Vulkollan, Urepan, Desmopan, Adipren, Estane, Elastothane, Pellethane, Simputhan
Ethyleneoxide-epichlorhydrin rubber (ECO) Epichlomer, Hydrin, Gechron
Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) Buna Hüls, Buna SB, Europrene, Cariflex S, Solprene, Carom
Ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) Dutral, Keltan, Vistalon, Nordel, Epsyn, Buna AP, Royalene, Polysar EPDM
Butyl rubber (IIR) Enjay Butyl, Esso Butyl, Polysar Butyl
Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM) Hypalon

Tbl. 26 Elastomers (trade names)

Plastics for seal applications

Chemical name Trade names
Acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS) Cycolac, Novodur, Terluran
Acetal resin polyoxymethylene (POM) Delrin, Hostaform C, Ultraform
Polyamide (PA) Durethan, Dymetrol, Nylon, Rilsan, Ultramid, Vestamid
Polybutyleneterephthalate (PBTP) Crastin, Pocan, Ultradur, Vestodur
Polyethylene (PE) Alathon, Baylon, Hostalen, Lupolen
Polycarbonate (PC) Lexan, Makrolon
Polyphenylene oxide (PPO) Noryl
Polypropylene (PP) Hostalen PP, Novolen
Polystyrene (PS) Hostyren, Lustrex, Vestyron
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Algoflon, Fluon, Halon, Hostaflon, Teflon
Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE) Tefzel
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Breon, Hostalit, Plaskon
Perfluoroalkoxy copolymer (PFA) Teflon-PFA
Phenolic resin hard fabric Ferrozell, Pertinax

Tbl. 27 Plastics for seal applications (trade names)

Classification according to The following example illustrates the classification
ASTM D 2000/SAE J 200 of the material 72 NBR 872 using this classifica-
tion system. For detailed information on this system
This classification system is intended to assist the user see the Annual Book of ASTM Standards "Rubber"
in selecting the required materials from Freuden- Volume 09.01 and 09.02.
berg. It also enables the materials to be specified The ASTM classification for the individual
by using simple qualitative characteristics for Shore Freudenberg materials can be found in the tables.
hardness, strength values, temperature and swelling
behaviour, etc.

72 NBR 872 = M2 BG 714 B14 B34 EA14 EF11 EF21 EO14 EO34 F17
Basic requirements
M 2 BG 714
M = values in SI units
2 = quality
B = type (specified by heat resistance)
G = class (specified by resistance to swelling)
7 = hardness as per Shore A = 70 ± 5
14 = tensile strength = 14 MPa

Supplementary requirements
B 14
B = compression set
1 = test duration 22 hours, solid test specimens
4 = test temperature 100 °C
B 34
B = compression set
3 = test duration 22 hours, laminated test specimens
4 = test temperature 100 °C
EA 14
EA 1 = swelling in distilled water, test duration 70 hours
4 = test temperature 100 °C
EF 11
EF 1 = swelling in reference fuel A (isooctane), test duration 70 hours
1 = test temperature 23 °C
EF 21
EF 2 = swelling in reference fuel B (isooctane): toluene/70:30), test duration 70 hours
1 = test temperature 23 °C
EO 14
EO 1= swelling in ASTM oil no. 1, test duration 70 hours
4 = test temperature 100 °C
EO 34
EO 3= swelling in IRM 903*, test duration 70 hours
4 = test temperature 100 °C
F 17
F1 = test of low temperature resistance method A, test duration 3 min.
7 = test temperature –40 °C
* replacement product for ASTM oil No. 3

Tbl. 28 Classification of a material from Freudenberg by example of 72 NBR 872


Testing and Interpretation Test Results

Highly elastic materials differ from other material Higher measured values will be obtained if the sam-
not simply by the fact that they are "elastic". The ple is not thick enough.
properties are different in many aspects. The usual The same applies if the contact pressure is too high.
terminology from materials testing such as hardness Conversely, measurements too close to the edge,
or tensile strength must be interpreted differently by e.g. on moulded parts that are too small, yield ex-
the engineer. New terms such as ageing resistance cessively low values.
or deformation speed appear. There are virtually The test specimens should be as flat as possible and
no constants; most properties are highly dependent not lie with a cavity. Always keep the sample and
on the temperature and other external factors, some the measuring instrument parallel and observe the
are even dependent on the size and structure of the time for taking readings accurately.
relevant test specimens or moulded parts. Another measurement method in the test laboratory
There is a large number of synthetic rubbers. And is to determine the international rubber hardness
these have a yet larger number of variations in the degrees (IRHD; DIN ISO 48) by means of the
material composition. However, there are limits to measurement of the penetration depth of a defined
how material properties can be combined. As an sphere under a defined force. With highly elastic
example, with NBR it is not possible to combine materials the IRHD value is approximately equal to
high oil resistance with optimum low temperature the Shore A hardness. Measured values determined
behaviour. by the two methods may be very different for materi-
A range of material properties is interlinked due to als that tend to be subject to plastic deformation.
chemical and physical reasons. If one property is A variant of this method with correspondingly re-
changed, then other properties inevitably change as duced sphere diameter (0,4 mm) makes it possible
well. This may be an advantage for the specific ap- to measure small and thin samples (referred to as
plication, but it may also have disadvantages. micro-hardness, DIN ISO 48 Method M). This meth-
Taking this aspect into consideration, unnecessary od is frequently used for measuring manufactured
requirements should not be placed on the material components. With this method there are, in addi-
when drawing up specifications. This approach tion to the above mentioned differences due to the
smoothes the way to a material to suit the requested various measurement processes, effects due to also
application. additional influences resulting from the differences
of the specimen surface caused the various meas-
urement processes (unevenness, e.g. by grinding,
Physical properties
curves because of the geometry of the component,
Hardness surface hardening, coefficient of friction), which can
The most common parameter used to characterise result in even greater differences in values. Meas-
highly elastic materials is hardness. Testing is per- ured values derived from finished components gen-
formed using test equipment to Shore A or D and erally do not conform to the values measured on the
IRHD. The highly elastic materials from Freudenberg standard test specimens. When stating the hardness
are generally tested to Shore A. the measurement method must always be included,
In the test laboratory the measurements are perfor- e.g. hardness 80 Shore A or hardness 72 IRHD.
med under the conditions specified by DIN 53 505. When testing the hardness of finished components
Hardness according to Shore can also be measured the method must always be precisely defined by the
with a handheld device. However, measurement un- supplier and the customer to prevent inaccuracy.
certainties can often not be excluded here. The tolerance for hardness measurements and hard-
In many cases, however, usable relative or compa- ness figures is generally ±5 degrees of hardness.
rable values can be obtained if the standards are This apparently relatively large range is necessary
observe, and the following is heeded during meas- to take into account differences in various devices
urements: and testers and also the unavoidable production



high filler content
mm 2
Modulus of elasticity

low filler content

0 100 200 300 400 500

Elongation %

Graph 1 Dependency of the modulus of elasticity on deformation (tensile trials) for two different vulcanisation processes

Tensile stress and modulus of elasticity Both areas are measured in unloaded status. Thus
Like the hardness, tensile stress and modulus of the form factor F for an axially loaded cylinder is
elasticity are parameters for the deformability of F = d/4h (d = diameter, h = height).
elastic materials. The tensile stress measured in ten-
sile trials in accordance with DIN 53504 at 100 or Additional modules
300% elongation is defined as the force required Other modules are also significant for the deforma-
for the related deformation divided by the original tion properties. Shear modulus or modulus of elastic-
cross-section of the test specimen. The tensile stress ity in shear and dynamic moduli are important for
is frequently incorrectly described as "modulus". vibration processes. They will not be described in
The modulus of elasticity or elongation modulus is more detail here.
the tensile stress divided by the relative change in Test procedures are defined in publications such as
length (elongation). It is not a constant for highly DIN 53513, DIN EN ISO 6721 and ASTM D 945
elastic materials. Hooke's law σ = E ⋅ ε, according (YERZLEY testing).
to which the tension σ is proportional to the elonga-
tion ε, where the modulus of elasticity E represents Relationships between deformation
the proportionality constant, is applicable to rubber properties and their parameters
only in a very limited deformation range, which can Based on the prior statements, only an approximate
be different from material to material. The modulus relationship can be expected between the individual
of elasticity can increase and decrease with the measurement parameters. The following approxima-
elongation → Graph 1. tion is applicable for shear modulus G and modulus
of elasticity E, for highly elastic materials
The modulus of elasticity depends on the so called G = 1/3 E.
form factor, the ratio of loaded to unloaded surface
The approximate relationship applies between the
on the component or test specimen. In this regard
hardness in Shore A or IRHD and the modulus of
the loaded surface is considered to be an area un-
elasticity at 5–10% compression, which is shown
der tension or compression (without the mating sur-
graphically in → Graph 4 .
face) and the unloaded area is the total of all areas
where the specimen can freely stretch or compress.


Steel Height
Deformation rate
Thermoplastic Low

Deformation rate
Pseudo static

Elongation Elongation

Graph 2 Tension-elongation graph.

Left: comparison of steel, thermoplastic, elastomer
Right: behaviour of elastomers at different deformation speeds.

However, the hardness is not generally related There is no such thing as "the" modulus of elasticity
with the moduli for larger deformations, even if in of a highly elastic material, which is occasionally
general a material with greater hardness has higher requested!
moduli at the same time.
The common factor in all deformation properties is Tensile strength and elongation at break
that they are highly dependent on temperature and These values are only limited qualitative character-
time. Time-dependency means that the speed of de- istics for assessing possible application options and
formation (e.g. withdrawl velocity in tensile trials or service life of elastomer components, because only
the frequency for the dynamic modulus) or the time in exceptional cases are they subject to tensions or
at which the measured value is read (e.g. measure- elongations that come close to the fracture values
ment of hardness) affect the measured values. of the material. For example, in diaphragms the
elongation near the clamping flange can reach very
high values, which can lead to premature failure. In
Shore A 80 such cases the solution of the problem is not only to
be found in the material but also in the design, as
300 shown at the beginning of this chapter.
70 The values for tensile strength and elongation at
break determined in accordance with DIN 53504
60 are used to compare the characteristics of materials,
mm 2

for identification and operation inspection as well

Modulus of elasticity

as for determining the resistance against destructive
influences (aggressive media, ageing).

Resistance to tear propagation

0 0,5 1,0 1,5
Additional information is obtained by testing the
Form factor
resistance to tear propagation in accordance with
Graph 3 Dependency of the modulus of elasticity on the
DIN ISO 34-1 as the force that is applied to a de-
form factor (20% compression) at various hardness fined specimen for tear propagation based on the

thickness of the sample. The values found here are method given for the measurement of the dynamic
to be used as a scale for the sensitivity of elastomers modulus.
to tear propagation of cuts or cracks and are not A body is elastic if it resumes its original shape im-
required along with the tensile strength. mediately after a forced deformation (e.g. steel
Because the results of the tear propagation test de- spring). A body that retains its deformation is plastic
pend strongly on the specific test conditions and par- or viscous (e.g. plasticine). A viscous-elastic com-
ticularly on the shape of the specimen, the sequence ponent is comparable to both, where the elastic
used in the laboratory on the laboratory specimens predominates in the case of highly elastic materials.
for the various test methods does not need to match A key feature of viscous-elastic behaviour is that the
the sequence in practice. The test procedures and spring back to the original status does not occur
specimen shape must be given with the derived immediately on release, but it is only attained gradu-
measured values. ally depending on the conditions. This is also signifi-
cant for sealing components and can be specified
Elasticity and damping by appropriate laboratory tests. The viscoelasticity is
The elasticity is, like the deformability, dependent the actual cause for the specific physical behaviour
on the temperature and particularly on the time of the highly elastic materials. Typical viscous-elastic
sequence of the deformation process. The testing characteristics are compression set, tensile relaxa-
of impact elasticity for sealing components in ac- tion and creep (→ Graph 7 and → Graph 9).
cordance with DIN 53512 does not tell the user
much about the elastic behaviour under operating Other physical properties
conditions. It is frequently more useful to measure Physical properties such as thermal expansion, fric-
the spring back or the lasting deformation under test tion behaviour, electric characteristics, permeability
conditions, which can be selected in accordance to gases or fluids etc. may be important for special
with the operating conditions. applications. These issues will not be covered in fur-
The mechanical damping is the reciprocal property ther detail here.
to the elasticity. It can be determined using the





mm 2
Modulus of elasticity



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Hardness in Shore A

Graph 4 Relationship between hardness in Shore A and modulus of elasticity at approximately 10% compression set
(form factor 0,2)


Temperature behaviour deformation speed than, for example, during a slow

As previously mentioned, the temperature has a deformation. The torsion vibration test can be used
significant influence on the physical properties of to differentiate between different materials, but the
the highly elastic materials. → Graph 5 shows the temperature limit in practice must be tested when us-
dependence of the dynamic shear modulus G on ing the corresponding components.
the temperature (shear modulus measured in the
torsion vibration test in accordance with DIN EN Example:
ISO 6721). The highly elastic region can be seen With static contact seals heat is produced by the
from right to left with an almost constant modulus, friction that occurs during motion. At temperatures
then with a steep rise the transition range and finally where the risk of hardening due to freezing already
there is the glass state region, in which the rubber exists, the frictional heat can suffice to keep the seal
is hard and brittle, again with an almost constant elastic, or quickly place the seal in a functional oper-
modulus. When the temperature rises the cold brit- ating state after start of the motion. The testing of the
tleness disappears. The freezing process is therefore low temperature behaviour is only worth while in the
reversible. The transition from highly elastic to the form of a material comparison in conjunction with
glass state is particularly important, because in experience on the engineering application.
many cases it shows the low temperature limit. This The differences between various materials for low
transition, as shown in → Graph 4, is not sharp but temperature use limits derived from the torsion vibra-
extends over a specific range. tion test and from use in practice are very close in
many cases. If the cold limit for a material has been
The range of the transition from the highly elastic determined in practical trial (frequently very difficult
range to the glass state is characterised by the glass to determine), the Tg values for the other materials
transition temperature Tg (temperature of maximum can be used to make relatively reliable forecasts
of log. damping decrement Λ). However, this value of their low temperature behaviour under practical
can only be a general reference for the low temper- use.
ature limit of the material, because in the practical
application of an elastomer component it depends
completely on the type of load involved. The same
material will reach its load limit at a higher tempera-
ture when subjected to a sudden load at very high

Cold behaviour

10 4 4

10 3 3

10 2 2

101 1
Log. damping decrement L

mm 2
Shear modulus G

1 0
-1 20 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160

Graph 5 Torsion vibration test in accordance with DIN 53 445.

Dynamic shear modulus G and logarithmic decrement Λ of a material from Freudenberg based on CR

The situation is similar for the comparison of stand- The standard cold value must always include the
ard cold values that were measured under different measurement method used to determine it. The
laboratory test methods as for the comparison be- same methods as described above are applicable
tween the low-temperature limits determined in prac- for transfer to the component behaviour in practi-
tical use and the glass transition state temperature cal use. Various standard laboratory methods for
measured in the torsion vibration test. Deviations of characterising the low-temperature behaviour are
only a few degrees but also of 30 to 40 degrees described briefly below:
can be found between different test methods.


Differential Thermo-Analysis (DTA), Media resistance

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) The changes to the highly elastic materials caused
In this method (DIN 3761 Part 15) a small rub- by environmental and/or operating conditions are
ber specimen and an inert reference specimen are often much more significant than the initial values of
heated at a constant heating rate. The temperature the technological properties. The behaviour of the
difference between the sample and the reference materials must be tested under practical conditions.
sample is applied to the temperature. A constant
of negative temperature difference is specified by Swelling and chemical corrosion
change of the specific heat of the rubber material The correct choice of a suitable material for seals
when the glass transition range is reached. The turn- frequently depends on the chemical resistance and
ing point of the glass stage of the DTA curve defines the swelling behaviour of the material. The user
the standard cold value TR. should always be aware of which fluids or gaseous
media come into contact with the material. The tem-
Temperature retraction test peratures of the media also play an important role.
In this test (ASTM D 1329-79) a rod-shaped rubber The consequences of a chemical effect are similar to
specimen in elongated state is frozen in a tempe- those of ageing in hot air, i.e. softening or harden-
rature controlled bath and temperatures TR 10, ing, reduction of strength, elongation at break and
TR30, ... are measured at which the elongation of elasticity, loss of tension and creep. Another result is
the sample has been reduced by 10, 30, ... percent. volumetric change by swelling or shrinkage depend-
ing on whether additional materials are absorbed
Cold brittleness temperature or extractable substances are dissolved out. A minor
with impact load increase in volume by swelling is not a danger to
The cold brittleness temperature Ts (DIN 53 546) the function of the elastomer seal with suitable de-
is the temperature at which (after an increase in sign. In contrast, volume shrinkage will adversely
the temperature of surrounding coolant) all test affect the sealing function in the form of leakage.
specimens just do not break under a defined impact There are no elastomers that meet all requirements
loading. for oil resistance, heat and cold resistance equally.
In addition information on the low-temperature be- Therefore, the ambient medium and the temperature
haviour can be derived from relatively simple tests. conditions of the application must be considered
Examples are the cold bending test over a mandrel when selecting a suitable sealing material. The basic
at a defined bending speed or the Shore hardness chemical principle applies: "the same substance dis-
measurement at various temperatures. solves the same substance". This means that polar
elastomers (e.g. NBR) in polar media (e.g. glycol)
For example, the temperature at which the Shore A swell greatly while non-polar elastomers such as
hardness is 90 points can be defined as the stand- EPDM in non-polar media (e.g. mineral oil) are not
ard cold temperature. The sequence of the compres- resistant. For more information on the suitability of
sion set at low temperatures also provides informa- elastomer materials in selected sealing media see
tion on the temperature flexibility of the material. For the appendix to this chapter.
example, the temperature at which the compression
set is at 50% can be defined as the standard cold

maximum operating temperature [°C]


150 EPDM

125 CR
100 AU SBR


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
swelling in reference oil IRM 903 [%]

Graph 6 Heat and oil resistance (in ASTM Oil No. 3) of elastomers (in accordance with ASTM D 2000)

The testing behaviour against fluids, steams and If an elastomer material is left to swell to its satura-
gases is performed in accordance with DIN ISO tion state in any oils, there is a linear relationship
1817 in the medium used in the application, or in between the observed volumetric change of the
standardised testing fluids (e.g. ASTM Oil No. 1, elastomer in the oils and the volumetric change de-
IRM 902* and IRM 903**, ASTM Reference Fuel termined on the standard reference elastomer (SRE)
A, B and C, FAM test fuels). in the same oils, i.e. the VAI of the oils, observed
* Replacement product for ASTM Oil No. 2 under similar conditions. If the maximum volumetric
** Replacement product for ASTM Oil No. 3
change of an elastomer in various oils is plotted
on a coordinate system over the VAI values of the
Volumetric change index
same oils, a straight line is derived that characterises
The regularity of the swelling effect of mineral oils in
the swelling behaviour (QVH) of the elastomer. A
contact with highly elastic materials can be tested on
straight QVH line can be plotted for every elasto-
standard reference elastomers. Such a NBR stand-
meric material. The maximum volumetric changes of
ard reference elastomer (SRE) has already been
the associated elastomers can be forecast for all oils
proposed as test material NBR 1 and is also stand-
with known VAI. These QVH straight lines are avail-
ardised under DIN 53538. The volumetric change
able for all materials from Freudenberg. Using this
determinated on this SRE under standardised condi-
diagram, materials being considered for the respec-
tions in a mineral oil is referred to as the volumetric
tive applications can be combined with the suitable
change index (VA) of the tested oil in accordance
oils. The volumetric change index (VAI) is not speci-
with a VDMA proposal.
fied by the oil manufacturers.


VAI = Volume change index

VG100 VG100 = percentage volume change of the SIMRIT material
16 872
14 N BR R 101
72 88 NB
8 94 AU
2 83 FKM 575

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 VAI

Graph 7 Swelling behaviour of materials from Freudenberg

Example: the following volumetric change values The respective limits depend primarily on the base
occur in a mineral oil with VAI 15: polymer. Ageing can be tested over a reduced pe-
riod by storage in a heating cabinet (DIN 53508).
Materials from Freudenberg Volumetric change However, the test temperature and the actual oper-
83 FKM 575 1% ating temperature should be too different.
94 AU 925 6% The changes in hardness, tensile strength and elon-
88 NBR 101 10% gation at break as well as the compression set or the
72 NBR 872 15% tensile relaxation are included in the assessment of
the ageing behaviour.
Heat resistance, ageing behaviour
Like all organic chemical products, the polymers Chemical tensile relaxation
on which highly elastic materials are based can be An exact assessment of the ageing behaviour and
altered by the action of oxygen, wear and/or other an in-depth examination of the ageing mechanism
media. As a result of these processes, referred to enables measurement of the chemical tensile relaxa-
as ageing, important properties such as hardness, tion at various temperatures. Comparative meas-
flexibility, elasticity can be adversely changed. The urements are also conducted in nitrogen or in fluid
material can become susceptible to cracking and media to allow a better assessment of the various
may break. chemical ageing influences. An Arrhenius plot of the
Heat accelerates the ageing processes. Exposure results enables extrapolation to long exposure peri-
to light and radiation may also have destructive ods at lower temperatures.
effects. The higher the temperature to which the
material is subjected the lower the service life of
a component. This means that there are different
permissible maximum operating temperatures for
short-term and continuous loading for the individual

Material: NBR (peroxide crosslinked)
180 3,0

1000/T [K -1]
160 = 0,25%
140 2,8
120 E A= 122kJ/mol
Relative tensile stress [%]

60 100°C Cont. air
110°C Cont. air
120°C Cont. air 2,4
100°C Discont. air
20 100°C Cont. N2 2,3

0 2,2
10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4
Time [h]

Graph 8 Predicted service life based on extrapolation of measured values of the tensile stress relation
(material: NBR wetted with peroxide) measured in air and nitrogen at various temperatures.
E = elongation, EA = activation energy of the ageing process.

In thick test specimens the diffusion of the oxygen Service life

or ozone into the elastomer is the limiting factor for
destruction of the elastomer matrix and the associ- Static continuous load and continuous
ated ageing processes. Therefore, thick elastomer deformation
components age more slowly than thin components If an elastomer component is constantly deformed
in practice. for a period, a certain degree of deformation re-
The known crack formation on stretched rubber mains after relaxation. The residual deformation,
parts exposed to weather is primarily caused by the which is measured in a compression test in accord-
ozone in the air. Procedures for testing ozone resist- ance with DIN ISO 815 and is given as a percent-
ance are described in DIN 53509. age of the original deformation, is referred to as
compression set.

The compression set depends largely on the tem-

perature and the duration of deformation. At lower
temperatures the influence of the viscoelasticity is
stronger and at higher temperatures the influence of
ageing (for more information see → Explanation of
DIN ISO 815).
Elastomer, without with
not aged ozone protectant ozone protectant

Fig. 61 Damage to elastomer by the effect of ozone




1,0 +100 °C

0,8 +110 °C

+120 °C


10-1 100 101 102 103

Time [h]

Graph 9 Compressive stress relaxation of an elastomeric material at various temperatures

The compression set can be connected with the func- Dynamic loading,
tion of sealing components in same cases, e.g. for fatigue and service life
O-rings. Destruction of rubber parts is the result of dynamic
The flow behaviour, the vulcanisation status and the loading far more often than exceeding the strength
heat resistance influence the test value. This means or elongation limits once. Under continuously re-
that the measurement of the compressive stress re- peated deformation, the material is damaged as a
laxation is more suitable (DIN 53537), because it result of internal friction, where initially small cracks
gives a direct scale for the reduction of the contact can occur, which grow and ultimately lead to frac-
pressure over time of a constantly deformed seal. ture.
If highly elastic components are under constant load Standardised methods for test conditions are
instead of constant deformation, the deformation specified in publications such as DIN 53522 and
increases over time. This is referred to as creep. 53533.
Compression set, tensile relaxation and creep are
related phenomena with the same causes. If the test Resistance to wear
temperatures for the base polymer are below the This important property for friction loading is also
maximum permissible continuous operation tem- strongly dependent on the operating conditions,
perature, compressive stress relaxation and creep such as the type of lubrication, material and rough-
follow an approximate logarithmic time law, i.e in ness of the mating surface, sliding speed, slip, con-
practical terms they come to a stop after some time. tact pressure, temperature.
Wear tests should therefore only be conducted with
the finished product and under conditions as close
as possible to the operating conditions.

Material models Properties of seal materials
The measured mechanical, thermal and dynamic
values are the basis for the development of material The properties of a Freudenberg material are pri-
models. Other than,for example, metal and ceramic marily determined by the base polymer. However,
materials, there is no linear connection between they can be varied in many ways depending in the
tension and elongation for elastomers. As a result it mixing ration and can be adapted to the required
is not sufficient to use linear-elastic material models application.
for simulations. Special models, referred to as hy-
Cross-linking density
perelastic material models, are used. They can be
The cross-linking system determines the processing
used to describe the behaviour of even very large
properties, the chemical structure of the polymer
network and the physical properties of the elastom-
ers. The two most common cross-linking types are
In addition to the static non-linear behaviour of elas-
sulphur cross-linking and peroxide cross-linking.
tomers the stiffness of the material depending on the
Sulphur cross-linking is used primarily in cross-link-
speed of loading must be considered. Freudenberg
ing diene rubbers such as NR, SBR, BR, NBR or CR.
has developed optimised material models for this
Peroxide cross-linking can be used to cross-link rub-
purpose, which are still applicable for larger mate-
bers without double links in the main chain. It also
rial deformations (>150%).
offers improved heat resistance, particularly with
NBR. In addition to the rubber type, the degree of
Additional information from component analyses
linked chemical inks between the polymer chains
and ageing tests lead to numerical analyses that
during vulcanisation depends primarily on the type
give a comprehensive view of the service life of
and amount of the selected cross-linking system and
elastomer seals. Simulations with appropriate FEM
is referred to as cross-linking degree or cross-linking
models are used for optimising the topology and
density. The cross-linking density is very important
shapes of mechanically loaded components with
for material properties such as hardness, tensile
consideration of moderate non-linearities and assur-
strength, elongation at break, friction, shrinkage
ance of component function. For more information
behaviour and fatigue. With increasing cross-linking
please contact your Freudenberg representative.
density modulus of elasticity, hardness and elastic-
ity increase, while elongation at break, damping,
lasting deformation decrease, and resistance to tear
propagation and tensile strength reach and pass
through a maximum.


Tear strength

Vulcanisation properties
Elastic restoring forces

Tensile strength

Coefficient of friction
Elongation at break
Crosslinking density

Graph 10 Influence of cross-linking density on the elastomer properties

This means that at a specific cross-linking density to the increase of torque. It identifies the range of
an optimum for all material properties cannot be viscous flow, which is used to fill the mould. During
achieved. In general the cross-linking density is this period the torque initially decreases.
selected to achieve the appropriate physical proper- 2) The cross-linking period shows information on the
ties for the application. The cross-linking reaction required times for the material to transition to the
can be measured over time and used for assessment stable shape status.
of the cross-linking degree by measurement of the 3) Complete cross-linking is achieved when all pos-
torque, which is approximately proportional to the sible cross-linking points have formed.
cross-linking degree. The vulcameter curve shows The characteristic properties and the resulting main
information on the mixture viscosity at the vulcanisa- areas of application of materials from Freudenberg
tion temperature. Three characteristic sections are are described in general terms below. Refer to the
distinguished: → Graph 10. material tables for more detailed differences be-
1) The flow period covers the time interval from the tween individual materials.
start of measurement to the start of cross-linking, i.e.


Flow Crosslinking
period period
Torque [Nm]



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [min]

Graph 11 Cross-linking characteristics of elastomers by measurement of the torque

General Material Descriptions

Elastomeric materials AU (Polyurethane)

Polyurethane is a highly molecular organic material,
in which the chemical structure is characterised by
ACM (Acrylate rubber)
a large number of urethane groups. within specific
It is a polymer made of ethyl acrylate or butyl
temperature limits polyurethane has the character-
acrylate with a minor addition of the monomers re-
istic elastic properties of rubber. Three components
quired for cross-linking. Elastomers based on ACM
characterise the structure of the material:
are more heat resistant than those based on NBR or
CR. Simmerrings, O-Rings and moulded components
made of material based on ACM are primarily used
 chain extender.
at higher temperature ranges and in oils with addi-
tives for which materials from Freudenberg of NBR Depending on the type, amount and reaction condi-
are no longer sufficient, however materials based tion they are the determining factors for the proper-
on fluorine elastomer and silicone rubber are not ties of the resulting polyurethane material.
yet necessary. Resistance to ageing and to ozone Polyurethanes have the following properties:
are very good.  high mechanical strength
 good wear resistance
N Good swelling resistance in: mineral oils (engine,
 modulus of elasticity variable over a wide
gearbox, ATF oils), also with additives.
N Heavy swelling in: aromatic and chlorinated hy-
 good flexibility
dro-carbons, alcohols, brake fluids with a glycol
 wide hardness range with good elasticity, (poly-
ether base, flame retardant hydraulic fluids. Hot
urethane closes the gap between stretchable
water, steam, acids, alkalis, and amines have a
soft-rubber types and brittle plastics)
destructive effect on the material
 very good ozone and oxidation resistance
N Thermal application range:
 good swelling resistance in mineral oils and
approx. –25 °C to +150 °C.
greases, water, water-oil mixtures, aliphatic
AEM (Ethylene-acrylate rubber) hydro-carbons
Is a polymer made of ethylene methyl acrylate with  application temperature range –30 °C to
carboxyl groups. Ethylene-acrylate rubber is more +80 °C, high-load resistant types up to above
heat resistant than ACM and has properties be- +100 °C in mineral oils.
tween those of ACM and FKM. Not resistant to polar solvents, chlorinated hydro-
N Good swelling resistance in: mineral oils with carbons, aromatics, brake fluids with glycol ether
additives and based on paraffin, water and cool- base, acids and alkalis.
ants. Good resistance to weather and ozone
N Heavy swelling in: ATF and transmission oils, min-
eral oils rich in aromatics, brake fluid on a glycol
ether base, concentrated acids and phallic acid
N Thermal application range:
approx. –40 °C to +150 °C.


BR (Polybutadiene rubber) ECO (Ethyleneoxide-epichlorhydrin rubber)

It is a polymer made of butadiene. It is character- CO (Polyepichlorhydrine)
ised by high elasticity, abrasion resistance, very It is a polymer made of epichlorhydrine and ethyl-
good heat and cold resistance properties and light ene oxide. Materials based on this rubber are char-
elongation at break. acterised by low gas permeability, good resistance
It is used as blending agent with NR and SBR for to ozone and weathering.
tyres, drive belts, conveyor belts etc. N Good swelling resistance in: mineral oils and
N Good swelling resistance in: dilute acids greases, plant and animal-based oils and greases
and bases, in alcohols and water. as well as aliphatic hydro-carbons, such as pro-
N Heavy swelling in: hydro-carbons pane, butane etc. and petrol as well as water
N Thermal application range: N Heavy swelling in: aromatic and chlorinated hy-
approx. –60 °C to +100 °C. dro-carbons, flame retardant hydraulic fluids of
the Group HFD
CSM (Chlorosulfonated polyethylene) N Thermal application range:
N Good swelling resistance in: hot water, steam, approx. –40 °C to +140 °C.
water lye, oxidising media, acids, bases, polar
organic media, ketones, flame retardant hydraulic EPDM (Ethylene propylene diene rubber)
fluids of the Group HFC and some types of the It is a polymer made of ethylene, propylene and
Group HFD, brake fluids on a glycol ether base a small proportion of a diene. Ethylene propylene
N Average swelling resistance in: aliphatic hydro- rubber (EPM) is a polymer made of ethylene and
carbons and greases. Resistant in oxidising me- propylene. Moulded parts and sealing components
dia, inorganic and organic acids and bases made of EPDM are preferred in washing machines,
N Heavy swelling in: aromatic and chlorinated dishwashing machines and plumbing fittings. Seals
hydro-carbons and esters made of this material are also used in hydraulic
N Thermal application range: system with flame retardant hydraulic fluids of the
approx. –20 °C to +120 °C. Group HFC and Group HFD and in hydraulic brake
systems. Elastomers made of EPDM have good re-
CR (Chlorine butadiene rubber) sistance to ozone, ageing and weathering and are
It is a polymer based on chlorine butadiene. therefore ideal for manufacture of profile strips and
Elastomers with corresponding composition of sealing strips that are exposed to weathering.
Compound are characterised by chemical resist-
N Good swelling resistance in: hot water, steam,
ance, good resistance to ageing, weathering,
water lye, oxidising media, acids, bases, polar
ozone and flame resistance.
organic media, ketones, flame retardant hydraulic
N Good swelling resistance in: mineral oils with high fluids of the Group HFC and some types of the
aniline point, greases, many refrigerants and wa- Group HFD, brake fluids on a glycol ether base
ter (with special composition of Compound) N Heavy swelling in: mineral oils and greases,
N Average swelling resistance in: mineral oils, petrol and aliphatic as well as aromatic and
low molecular aliphatic hydro-carbons (petrol, chlorinated hydro-carbons. Special lubricants are
isooctane) required for extra lubrication of the seals
N Heavy swelling in: aromatics, e.g. benzene, N Thermal application range:
toluene, chlorinated hydro-carbons, esters, ethers, approx. –50 °C to +150 °C.
N Thermal application range: approx. –45 °C
to +100 °C depending on composition
(transient up to 130 °C).

FFKM (Perfluoro elastomer Simriz) N Good swelling resistance in: mineral oils and
Special perfluorinated (i.e. completely free of hydro- greases (including with most additives), fuels as
gen) monomers and corresponding compounding well as aliphatic and aromatic hydro-carbons,
and process technologies can be used to manufac- some flame retardant hydraulic fluids and syn-
ture materials with highly elastic properties that are thetic aeroplane engine oils. Newly developed
very close to PTFE in media resistance and thermal peroxide cross-linked materials also have good
resistance. Seals made of perfluororubber are resistance to media that have little or no compat-
used everywhere extreme safety standards are ap- ibility to conventional FKM. For example, they
plicable and higher maintenance and repair costs are: alcohols, hot water, steam and fuels contain-
exceed the price of the seals. Preferred areas are ing alcohol.
the chemical industry, oil-producing and processing N Heavy swelling in: polar solvents and ketones,
industry, instrumentation and power station construc- flame retardant hydraulic fluids, type: Skydrol,
tion and aerospace industry. brake fluid on a glycol ether base
N Thermal application range: approx. –20 °C to
N Thermal application range:
–15 °C to +230 °C. +200 °C (transient up to +230 °C).
Special types: –35 °C to +200 °C.
FKM (Fluoro elastomer) With suitable shaping and material compositions
Polymerisation of vinylidene fluoride (VF) and specially developed for such applications seals and
selective application of variable proportions of moulded components can also be used at lower
hexafluoropropylene (HFP), tetrafluoroethylene temperatures.
(TFE), 1-hydropentafluoropropylene (HFPE) and
perfluor (methylvinylether) (FMVE) can be used FVMQ (fluorosilicone rubber fluoromethyl
to manufacture co, ter or tetrapolymers with vari- polysiloxane)
ous structures and fluoro content of 65–71% and It is a methyl vinyl silicone rubber with fluorine-con-
as a result with different media resistance and taining groups. Elastomers made of this synthetic
cold flexibility. They are cross-linked by diamines, rubber are significantly more resistant to swelling in
bisphenols or organic peroxides. fuels, mineral and synthetic oils than those made of
The special significance of the materials based on silicone rubber.
FKM is their high temperature resistance and chemi- N Thermal application range:
cal stability. approx. –80 °C to +175 °C
The gas permeability is low. In vacuum conditions (transient up to +200 °C).
elastomers made of FKM show minimum weight loss.
The resistance to ozone, weathering and light tear- HNBR (Hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene
ing is very good, as is the flame resistance. rubber)
Amines may have a destructive effect on the mate- Made of normal NBR polymer by full or partial
rial and require a selection of suitable types as well hydrogenation of butadiene components contain-
as special composition of compound. A special ing double bonds. With peroxide cross-linking this
elastomer group is copolymers made of TFE and increases the heat and oxidation stability. High me-
propene with a relatively low fluoro content (57%). chanical strength and improved abrasion resistance
Materials using these elastomers have outstanding characterise the materials manufactured of it. Media
resistance to hot water, steam as well as amines or resistance similar to NBR.
media containing amines with low swelling resist- N Thermal application range:
ance to mineral oils. approx. –30 °C to +150 °C.


NBR (Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber) N Heavy swelling in: aromatic hydro-carbons, e.g.

It is a polymer made of butadiene and acrylonitrile. benzene, chlorinated hydro-carbons, e.g. trichlo-
The acrylonitrile content can be between 18 and rethylene, flame retardant hydraulic fluids of the
50% and it influences the following properties of the Group HFD, esters, polar solvents as well as in
NBR sealing materials manufactured of it: brake fluids on a glycol ether base.
 swelling resistance in mineral oils, greases N Thermal application range: depending on the
and fuels composition of compound between –30 °C and
 elasticity +100 °C, transient up to 130 °C; at higher tem-
 cold flexibility peratures the material hardens. With special mix-
 gas permeability tures the cold flexibility is up to –55 °C.
 compression set.
NR (natural rubber)
For example, an NBR material with 18% ACN It is a high polymer isoprene. The vulcanisates are
content has a very good low-temperature flexibil- characterised by high mechanical strength and elas-
ity up to approx. –38 °C with moderate oil and ticity as well as good low temperature behaviour. It
fuel resistance, while one with 50% ACN content is preferably used in manufacture of torsional oscil-
and optimum oil and fuel resistance only has low- lation dampers, engine mounts, machine bearings,
temperature flexibility up to only approx. –3 °C. rubber-metal suspension components, diaphragms,
With increasing ACN content the elasticity and gas moulded parts etc.
permeability is reduced while the compression set is
N Good swelling resistance in: acids and bases
at low concentration as well as in alcohols and
Materials from Freudenberg based on this synthetic
water at not excessively high temperatures and
rubber are suitable for a very large number of ap-
concentration. Brake fluids on a glycol ether base,
plications with their good technological properties.
e.g. ATE-SL at temperatures up to 70 °C.
In particular, the proven Simmerrings, sealing
N Heavy swelling in: mineral oils and greases, fuels
components for hydraulics and pneumatics as well
and aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated hydro-
as O-Rings are manufactured in large numbers of
materials based on NBR. Freudenberg has more ex-
N Thermal application range: approx. –60 °C to
perience than all other seal manufacturers with this
+80 °C.Natural rubber may soften after initial
base elastomer.
hardening under extended effect of higher tem-
N Good swelling resistance in: aliphatic hydro-car- peratures.
bons, e.g. propane, butane, petrol, mineral oils
(lubricating oils, hydraulic oils of groups H, H-L
and H-LP) and mineral-oil-based grease, flame
retardant hydraulic fluids of the HFA, HFB and
Group HFCs, plant and animal-based oils and
greases, light heating oil, diesel fuel. Some materi-
als are particularly resistant to: hot water up to
temperatures of +100 °C (sanitary valves), inor-
ganic acids and bases at reasonable concentra-
tion and temperature.
N Average swelling resistance in: fuels with high
aromatic content (super fuels).

Silicone rubbers IIR (Butyl rubber)
VMQ (vinyl-methyl polysiloxane) CIIR (Chlorine butyl rubber)
PVMQ (phenyl-vinyl-methyl polysiloxane) BIIR (Bromine butyl rubber)
They are high polymer organosiloxanes that are They are polymers made of isobutylene and chlorin-
particularly noted for high thermal resistance, good ated or brominated isobutyls and a small proportion
cold flexibility, good dielectric properties, very of isoprene. Elastomers of IIR have a very good
good resistance to attack by oxygen and ozone, resistance to weathering and ageing. The gas and
particularly low temperature dependency of tech- vapour permeability of these materials is low. Some
nological properties. The gas permeability at room materials have a very good electrical insulating
temperature is higher than for other elastomers. This capacity.
is particularly important for thin-walled diaphragms. N Good swelling resistance in: brake fluids on a
The material is decomposed by depolymerisation glycol ether base, inorganic and organic acids
when exposed to oxygen at higher temperatures. and bases, hot water and steam up to 120 °C,
N Average swelling resistance in: mineral oils (com- hydraulic fluids of the Group HFC and some types
parative to materials based on CR) and brake in the Group HFD.
fluids on a glycol ether base. It can be used in N Heavy swelling in: mineral oils and greases, pet-
water up to about +100 °C. Sufficient resistance rol and aliphatic as well as aromatic and chlorin-
in aqueous salt solutions, single and multiple ated hydro-carbons.
value alcohols. N Thermal application range:
N Heavy swelling in: low molecular esters and approx. –40 °C to +120 °C.
ethers, aliphatic as well as aromatic hydro-car-
bons. Concentrated acids and alkalis, water and XNBR (Carboxylated nitrile rubber)
steam temperatures above approx. 100 °C have They are terpolymers or blends made of butadiene,
a destructive effect on the material. acrylonitrile and (meth)acrylic acid. The main prop-
N Thermal application range: approx. –60 °C to erties correspond to those of the NBR polymer, but
+200 °C (transient up to +230 °C). Components they are characterised by improved wear behaviour
that only become brittle below –100 °C can be in dynamic sealing applications. The cold flexibility
manufactured from special mixtures. is restricted compared to the comparable NBR
SBR (Styrene-butadiene rubber) N Thermal application range: approx. –25 °C to
It is a polymer made of butadiene and styrene. +100 °C (transient up to +130 °C).
SBR materials are preferred for manufacturing seal-
ing components for hydraulic brakes.
N Good swelling resistance in: inorganic and or-
ganic acids and bases as well as in alcohols and
water, brake fluids on a glycol ether base.
N Heavy swelling in: mineral oils, lubricating greas-
es, petrol and aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated
N Thermal application range:
approx. –50 °C to +100 °C.

TPE (Thermoplastic rubbers) Thermoplastic materials

TPEs have properties between those of elastomers Products made of thermoplastic material are used
and thermoplastics. TPEs are multi-phase systems in large quantities today in all areas of engineering,
with a hard and a soft phase. The hard segments including for seals and moulded components.
are layered together to form a crystalline structure The softer types (polyethylene, soft PVC, thermoplas-
that is laminated with soft segments. A pseudo- tic elastomers) compete with highly elastic materials
crosslinked structure is formed. in many applications, while the mechanically strong
Categorisation of TPEs plastics (polyamides, acetal resins) are being used
TPE-O Thermoplastic rubber based on olefins in applications that were formerly reserved exclu-
e.g. (YEPDM) sively for metals.
TPE-S Thermoplastic rubber based on styrene Sealing components and construction parts made
(YSBR) of thermoplastic materials are different depending
TPE-E Thermoplastic rubber based on esters on the base materials. In many cases they can be
(YBBO). varied by including specific additives and can be
designed specifically for the purpose of the manu-
YEPDM (Olefin thermoplastic rubber)
factured component.
Properties are comparable to EPDM, i.e. very good
chemical resistance, but not resistant to oil. Some characteristic properties and the resulting
The products cannot be used above a temperature major areas of application are described below.
limit of 120 °C. For more information see the material tables.

YBBO (Copolyester TPE) ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene

YBBOs are characterised by: copolymer)
 high tensile strength It is an injection-mouldable fluoroplastic with very
 high tensile modulus good chemical and thermal properties, which how-
 good stretchability ever to do quite reach the values of PTFE.
 excellent resistance to solvents Upper application temperature approx. +180 °C.
 resistance to oxidising acids
 aliphatic hydro-carbons PA (Polyamide)
 alkaline solutions, various greases and oils. Is characterised by very high strength values. The
Strongly oxidising acids and chlorinated solvents high wear resistance, the tough material structure,
cause strong swelling. the damping capacity and the good dry-running
characteristics make this material particularly suit-
YSBR (Thermoplastic rubber containing able for machine elements of various types (gear-
styrene) wheels, plain bearings, guide strips, cams etc.).
The hard phase is styrene, the soft butadiene. Upper application temperature +120 °C to
Properties:the mechanical properties are compara- +140 °C.
ble to SBR. Hard or softer products are obtained de-
pending on the ratio of styrene/butadiene. Above
60 °C creep and loss of tensile strength are encoun-
tered. The cold resistance extends up to –40 °C.
Good chemical resistance to water, dilute acids and
alkalis, alcohols and ketones. YSBR is not resistant to
non-polar solvents, fuels and oils.

PBTP (Polybutylenterephtalate) PPO (Polyphenylene oxide)
PBTP is a partially crystalline, thermoplastic polyes- It is a tough, rigid material that is primarily charac-
ter material. In hydraulics unfilled or filled types are terised by good dimensional stability, low tendency
used depending on the load involved. to creep and low water absorption. It has high
PBTP has the following properties: puncture resistance and a virtually constant low loss
 high stiffness and hardness factor. PPO is hydrolysis-resistant but not oil-resistant.
 good sliding properties Various properties of polyamides, acetal resins and
 low wear PPO can be substantially improved with glass fibres.
 very low water absorption For example, the tensile strength in general can be
(= high dimensional stability) more than twice as high as that of unreinforced ma-
 temperature application range –30 °C to terial. The heat resistance is significantly improved
+120 °C and notched impact strength, which without glass
(shape resistance) fibre reinforcement falls quickly as the temperature
falls, remains virtually unchanged. The compression
Resistant to all lubricants and all hydraulic fluids strength is also increased and the tendency to cold
used in hydraulics, dilute alkalis, acids and alcohols. flow is reduced. The linear thermal expansion is
Not resistant to strong alkalis and acids. significantly reduced. It is in the general range of
die-cast metal.
PFA (Perfluoroalkoxy copolymer)
Upper application temperature short term approx.
It is an injection-mouldable fluoroplastic with similar
+130 °C, extended period approx. +90 °C.
chemical and physical properties to those of PTFE.
Both materials are particularly suitable for manufac- PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
turing high-quality moulded and injection-moulded PTFE is a thermoplastic polymer made of tetrafluor-
parts. oethylene. This non-elastic material is characterised
Upper application temperature approx. +260 °C. by a series of outstanding properties:
The surface is smooth and repellent. This makes it
POM (Polyoxymethylene), (Polyacetal)
suitable for use in all applications in which adhesion
Is one of the mechanically highly loadable ther-
of residues is to be avoided.
moplastics. Its stiffness, hardness and strength com-
bined with outstanding form stability even at higher PTFE is physiologically safe at operating tempera-
temperatures (up to approx. +80 °C) make it suit- tures up to +200 °C. The coefficient of friction is
able for replacement of die-cast, brass or aluminium very low with most mating materials. Static and dy-
parts. The low water absorption is particularly worth namic friction are virtually identical.
noting. It retains its form better than moulded polya- The electrical insulation properties are extraordi-
mide parts even when exposed to moisture. Acetal narily good. They are virtually independent of the
resins are attacked by acids. frequency as well as temperature and weathering
Temperature application range –40 °C to +140 °C. effects. The chemical resistance is superior to all
other elastomers and other thermoplastics. The swell-
PP (Polypropylene) ing resistance is good in almost all media.
It is resistant to hot water and water lye, resists boil- Liquid alkali metals as well as some fluorine com-
ing and can withstand sterilisation temperatures of pounds attack PTFE at higher pressures and tem-
+120 °C for short periods. Preferred use in pumps, peratures.
motor vehicles and domestic appliances.


The thermal application range is between approx. High-load resistant thermoplastic

– 200 °C to +260 °C. At –200 °C PTFE still has polycondensates "high-tech, engineering
some elasticity; the material can therefore be used plastics"
for seals and design components, e.g. for liquid These products are generally very expensive be-
gases. cause of the very complex manufacturing techniques
required in many cases. They are always used for
Note the following when using parts of pure PTFE: moulded components where other plastics would
 that the material is permanently deformed from certainly fail but metallic properties would cause
a specific load by creep or cold flow, problems, particularly in the electrical industry.
 that the abrasion resistance is low, All materials have good strength properties and a
 that the thermal expansion, as with most plas- high temperature resistance (+140 °C to +200 °C).
tics, is about 10 times higher compared to met-
als, Special features of the individual materials:
 that the thermal conductivity is low, so the heat polyethersulfane (PESU)
dissipation in bearings and moving seals may  resistant to water
become a problem,  not resistant to brake fluids.
 that the material is not elastic rubber but horn- polysulfane (PPSO)
like similar to polyethylene.  not usable in boiling water
For the above reasons designs with elastomeric  specific solvents, esters, ketones, aromatics,
seals cannot be converted to PTFE without other chlorinated hydro-carbons destroy the material
modifications. For lip seals an additional contact by formation of tension cracks.
pressure by springs or other means is required. polyphenylene sulphide (PPS)
PTFE is filled with graphite, glass fibres, bronze and  greater chemical resistance than the other
carbon to give it special properties. products
 not tough and sensitive to notching because of
PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) crystalline structure.
is currently frequently used instead of the formerly
polyether ketone (PEEK)
used elastomer materials because of its good tech-
 very good chemical resistance
nological and chemical properties.
 universally usable
The materials based on PVC have rubber-like
 reinforced types can be used up to +180 °C.
properties in contract to the other thermoplastics
described in this section. PVC is used for: bellows, polyetherimide (PEI)
faceplates, seals, covers, sleeves, caps, bushes and  amorphous and transparent
moulded air-duct components.  Ketones and chlorinated hydro-carbons attack
this material.
Thermal application range: –35 °C to +70 °C.

Duroplastics UP (Unsaturated polyester resins)
Reaction products of
Materials that do not soften or melt in heat. They  unsaturated dicarboxylic acid ester
retain their shape better when hardened than un-  diol
crosslinked plastics.  dicarboxylic acid and styrene.
The most important product groups are: They are used as injection-moulding materials,
 Phenol formaldehyde masses (PF) bulk-moulding compounds (BMC) or track material,
 Unsaturated polyester resins (UP) sheet-moulding compounds (SMC).
 Polyimides (PI). Processing by presses and injection moulding.

PF (Phenol formaldehyde)
Properties: unlike phenol resins
The reaction of phenol with formaldehyde results in
 lower shrinkage
resin-like condensation products – novolak or resol
 lower water absorption
 easier to colour
DIN-classified masses have different filler and rein-
 better price
forcement materials. The mechanical and technical
 suitable for contact with food
properties are extremely useful. Tempered com-
 good notch and impact sensitivity.
ponents can be subjected to temperatures up to
+300 °C for short periods.
Other general properties:
 temperature range –30 °C to +120 °C
 hard and very strong
 low tendency to creep
 low flammability
 sensitive to notching
 not for use with food
 resistant to organic solvents, weak acids and
alkalis, salt solutions.

PI (polyimides)
They are derived from bis-maleinimide. Under po-
lymerisation duroplastic polyimides with different
molecular structures are formed. The general char-
acteristic of these heterocyclic polymers is the imide-
ring within the main chain. Polyimide components
are characterised by high temperature resistance up
to more than +260 °C, and even above +300 °C
for short periods, while retained most of their me-
chanical properties. The materials are also charac-
terised by good sliding and wear properties, which
can be improved even more with suitable additives.
The electrical properties and radiation resistance of
polyimide are outstanding.
The materials are generally resistant to solvents,
greases, fuels, oils and dilute acids. Strong acids,
alkalis and hot water attack polyimides.


Seals and moulded components of Simriz Safe solutions for many applications
Simriz seals are excellently suited for all sealing
Perfluoro elastomers (FFKM) offer the widest range applications under high chemical and/or thermal
of chemical and thermal resistance and compatibility loads. Simriz is the ideal seal for:
among the elastomer sealing materials. Freudenberg  analysis technology
manufactures seals of the all-round perfluoro elas-  systems and mechanical engineering
tomer Simriz.  aerospace industry
 machines and units
These sealing materials
 mineral oil processing
 have almost the same resistance as pure PTFEs
 medical technology
 also have the great advantage of high elasticity
 pharmaceutical industry
 they are also characterised compared to con-
ventional elastomers by a much longer service
 processing technology
 packaging machines.
The universal usability
Tell what form your seal
of these perfluoro elastomers is based on their re-
should be. We will supply it.
sistance to aggressive media and their usability in
Seals and moulded components of Simriz are manu-
unusually wide temperature ranges. Simriz offers
factured in standard sizes of the ISC O-Ring range
reliable sealing of:
by Simrit or customised to your requirements.
 chlorinated and high-polar organic solvents,
ISC O-Rings, ISC O-Ring special shapes or moulded
such as chloroform, dichloromethane, alcohols,
components of Simriz can be designed precisely for
lower aldehydes, ketones, esters and ether,
your application or requirements.
N-methyl pyrrolidone, cellosolve, nitrated
hydro-carbons, amines, amides Solutions for complex requirements
 aromatics such as benzene, toluene or xylene. High pressure, cyclic temperatures, static or dynamic
Simriz is also particularly suitable for sealing: loading, chemical and abrasive attack by the seal-
 strong inorganic acids and alkalis such as sul- ing fluid form a matrix of requirements for a seal
phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and which can become extremely complex.
their mixtures as well as sodium and potassium We will be pleased to work with you to develop
hydroxide or ammonia, customised solutions for safe and reliable sealing in
 strong organic acids and bases, such difficult cases. High temperature and FDA ma-
e.g. formic acid or ethylene diamine. terials on enquiry. Our technicians will be pleased to
Simriz seals are also top in their temperature limits. assist you with your requirements.
They remain
 cold flexible down to –12 °C and
 can be used up to +300 °C without problems.

Standard materials for hydraulic components

Media to be sealed with information on continuous temperature (in °C)

Biodegrad- Flame retardant
Synthet. Mineral. able hydraulic hydraulic
lubri- hydr. fluids as per fluids as per Other media
cants fluids VDMA 24568 VDMA 24317
& DIN 24569 & DIN 24320 *
Permissible low temperature °C

HLVP as per DIN 51524 Part 3

HLP as per DIN 51524 Part 2
Polyalkyleneglycols (PAG)

Brake fluid DOT 3/DOT 4

Hypoid transmission oils

Polyalphaolefins (PAO)

HEES – synthetic ester

Heating oil EL and L

HETG rapeseed oil *

HEPG polyglycols**
Transmission oils

Group HFD ***

ASTM D 2000

Group HFB
Engine oils

Group HFA

Group HFC

Water lye

ATF oils


94 AU 925 M 7 BG 910 –30 + + ⊗ + 110 ⊗ + 110 110 50 80 40 50 50 40 ⊗ – – 40 – 100

98 AU 928 M 7 BG 910 –25 + + ⊗ + 110 ⊗ + 110 110 50 80 40 50 50 40 ⊗ – – 40 – 100

95 AU V142 – –30 + + ⊗ + 110 ⊗ ⊗ 110 110 50 80 40 50 50 40 – – – 40 – 100

95 AU V149 – –30 + + ⊗ + 110 ⊗ ⊗ 110 110 50 80 40 50 50 40 – – – 40 – 100

94 AU 985 M 7 BG 910 –30 + + ⊗ + 100 ⊗ + 100 100 60 80 50 60 60 50 ⊗ – – 80 – 100

93 AU V167 – –30 + + ⊗ + 100 ⊗ ⊗ 100 100 60 80 50 60 60 40 – – – 60 – 80

93 AU V168 – –30 + + ⊗ + 100 ⊗ ⊗ 100 100 60 80 50 60 60 40 – – – 60 – 80

70 FKM K655 – –10 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150 150 80 100 80 55 60 60 150 150 – ⊗ ⊗ 200

HGWH G517 – –50 + + + + + + + 120 120 + + + 60 60 60 80 – – 90 – 120

HGWH G600 – –40 + + + + + + + 120 120 + + + 60 60 60 80 – – 90 – 120

88 NBR 101 M 7 BG 910 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 + 100

90 NBR 109 M 7 BG 910 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 + 100

80 NBR 709 M 6 BG 814 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 90 100

72 NBR 872 M 2 BG 714 –35 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 90 100

80 NBR 878 M 7 BG 814 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 + 100

80 NBR 99033 M 7 BG 814 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 + 90

80 NBR 99035 M 7 BG 814 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 80 55 60 60 – 80 – 90 + 90

85 NBR B203 – –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

70 NBR B209 M 2 BG 710 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

89 NBR B217 M 2 BG 910 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

81 NBR B219 M 2 BG 810 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

79 NBR B246 M 2 BG 810 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

87 NBR B247 M 2 BG 910 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

70 NBR B276 M 2 BG 710 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

75 NBR B281 M 2 BG 821 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

90 NBR B283 M 2 BG 910 –30 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 80 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 100 90 100

PA 4112 – –30 + + + + + + + 130 130 + + + 55 60 60 90 – – 90 – 100

PA 4201 – –30 + + + + + + + 120 120 + + + 55 60 60 80 – – 90 – 100

PA 6501 – –30 + + + + + + + 120 120 80 80 50 60 60 60 80 – – 60 – +


Media to be sealed with information on continuous temperature (in °C)

Biodegrad- Flame retardant
Synthet. Mineral. able hydraulic hydraulic
lubri- hydr. fluids as per fluids as per Other media
cants fluids VDMA 24568 VDMA 24317
& DIN 24569 & DIN 24320 *
Permissible low temperature °C

HLVP as per DIN 51524 Part 3

HLP as per DIN 51524 Part 2
Polyalkyleneglycols (PAG)

Brake fluid DOT 3/DOT 4

Hypoid transmission oils

Polyalphaolefins (PAO)

HEES – synthetic ester

Heating oil EL and L

HETG rapeseed oil *

HEPG polyglycols**
Transmission oils

Group HFD ***

ASTM D 2000

Group HFB
Engine oils

Group HFA

Group HFC

Water lye

ATF oils


PF 48 – –50 + + + + + + + 120 120 + + + 55 60 60 80 – – 90 – 120

POM 20 – –40 + + + + + + + 100 100 + + + 55 60 60 80 – – 80 – 100

POM PO202 – –40 + + + + + + + 110 110 + + + 60 60 60 80 – – 80 – +

POM PO530 – –40 + + + + + + + 110 110 + + + 60 60 60 80 – – 80 – +

PTFE B502 – –40 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 80 – – – 200 + + – + 200

PTFE B504 – –40 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 80 – – – 200 + + – + 200

PTFE B602 – –30 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 80 – – – 200 + + – + 200

PTFE GM201 – –30 + + + + + + + 100 100 80 100 60 60 60 60 150 + + 100 + 200

PTFE/15 177026 – –80 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 100 + + + 150 + + 150 + 200

PTFE/25 177027 – –80 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 100 + + + 150 + + 150 + 200

PTFE/25 177030 – –80 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 100 + + + 150 + + 150 + 200

PTFE/40 177024 – –80 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 100 + + + 150 + + 150 + 200

PTFE/60 177023 – –80 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 100 + + + 150 + + 150 + 200

97 TPE 113TP – –30 + + ⊗ + 100 ⊗ ⊗ 110 110 60 80 50 60 60 40 – – – 60 – +

* operating limits defined by the medium + resistant, in general not used for these media
** for static use only; dynamic use ⊗ of limited resistance
requires an additional test – not resistant
*** resistance depends on the HFD type

Special materials for hydraulic components

Media to be sealed with information on continuous temperature (in °C)

Flame retardant
Synthet. Mineral. able hydraulic
Mineral hydraulic fluids as
lubri- hydr. fluids as per Other media
lubricants per VDMA 24317
cants fluids VDMA 24568
& DIN 24320 *
& DIN 24569
Permissible low temperature °C

HLVP as per DIN 51524 Part 3

HLP as per DIN 51524 Part 2
Polyalkyleneglycols (PAG)

Brake fluid DOT 3/DOT 4

Hypoid transmission oils

Polyalphaolefins (PAO)

HEES – synthetic ester

Heating oil EL and L

HETG rapeseed oil *

HEPG polyglycols**
Transmission oils

Group HFD ***

ASTM D 2000

Group HFB
Engine oils

Group HFA

Group HFC

Water lye
ATF oils


94 AU 20889 M 7 BG 910 –25 + + ⊗ + 110 ⊗ + 110 110 60 80 50 60 60 50 ⊗ – – 80 – 110

92 AU 21100 - –50 + + ⊗ + 80 ⊗ + 100 100 50 70 40 50 50 40 – ⊗ – 50 – 80

80 EPDM L700 M 2 CA 810 –40 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 60 100 – + 150 130 150

85 FKM 580 M 3 HK 910 –5 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150 150 80 100 100 55 60 60 150 150 – 80 ⊗ 200

75 FKM 595 M 2 HK 710 –5 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150 150 80 100 100 55 60 60 150 150 – 80 ⊗ 200

86 FKM K664 M 2 HK 910 –10 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150 150 80 100 80 55 60 60 150 150 – – – 200

90 HNBR 136428 M 4 DH 910 –25 120 120 100 120 120 100 120 120 120 80 ⊗ 100 55 60 60 – 80 – 120 120 130

85 HNBR 137891 M 4 CH 910 –25 120 100 100 100 120 100 120 120 120 80 ⊗ 100 55 60 60 – 80 – 120 120 120

80 HNBR 150351 –25 120 120 100 120 140 100 120 140 140 80 80 100 55 60 60 – 80 – 120 120 140

70 HNBR U463 - –25 120 120 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 80 ⊗ 100 55 60 60 – 80 – 120 120 130

80 HNBR U464 - –25 120 120 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 80 ⊗ 100 55 60 60 – 80 – 120 120 130

70 NBR B262 M 2 BG 710 –35 100 100 80 100 100 80 80 100 100 80 ⊗ 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 80 90 100

75 NBR B280 M 2 BG 810 –45 80 80 60 80 80 60 60 80 80 60 ⊗ 60 55 60 60 – 80 – 80 80 80

PTFE B604 - –30 + + + + + + + 200 200 80 100 80 – – – 200 + + – + 200

PTFE M202 - –30 + + + + + + + 100 100 80 100 60 60 60 60 150 + + 100 + 200

97 TPE 106 TP - –30 + + ⊗ + 100 ⊗ ⊗ 110 110 60 80 50 60 60 40 – – – 60 – 140

* operating limits defined by the medium + resistant, in general not used for these media
** for static use only; dynamic use ⊗ of limited resistance
requires an additional test – not resistant
*** resistance depends on the HFD type


Chemical resistance recommend consulting us to allow us to conduct spe-

The information in the following table has been cial testing if necessary.
processed and compiled from our own testing, rec- The elastomers listed in the table are referred to with
ommendations or our suppliers of base materials their chemical names as well as the codes specified
and experience reports from our customers. in ASTM D 1418.
However, this information can only be used as a
general guide. It cannot be transferred to all operat- The chemical names, generally used names or trade
ing conditions without additional testing. names have been used for the media.
With the variety of factors affecting seals and Explanation of material codes
moulded components the chemical resistance is a ACM Acrylate rubber
very important factor but still only part of the overall
AU Polyurethane
operating conditions. Other factors that must be con-
CR Chlorine butadiene rubber
sidered include the selection of material by Freuden-
CSM Chlorosulfonated polyethylene
berg and the shape of the sealing component:
EPDM Ethylene propylene diene rubber
N rotational speed and stroke length FFKM Perfluoro elastomer
N stroke speed for parts with axial movement FKM Fluoro elastomer
N static or dynamic loading FVMQ Fluorosilicone rubber
N surface characteristics of metal components HNBR hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber
N type of material of machine components to be IIR butyl rubber
NBR Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber
If there are no special instructions given in the table, NR Natural rubber
standard purity, concentration and room tempera- PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
ture are specified with the media. In case of doubt, SBR Styrene-butadiene rubber
particularly with untested or new applications, we VMQ silicone rubber







Medium °C1)

acetaldehyde with acetic acid, 90/10% 20 D G D C C B D D D C D C B C D

acetamide 20 G G G F F B G F F F F G B G G
acetic acid, aqueous, 25 to 60% 60 G G G B B B G G D B D D B D G
acetic acid, aqueous, 85% 100 G G G F F B G G D F D D B D G
acetic anhydride 20 G G B B B B D G D B D C B B G
acetic anhydride 80 G G C F F C D G D F D D B C G
acetone 20 D D D F B B D D D B D B B B D
acetophenone 20 G G G F F B G G G F G G B G G
acetylene 60 B F B B B B B B B B B B B B B
acrylic acid ethyl ester 20 D D G G F B D D D C D G B G D
acrylonitrile 60 G G D G F B D D D D D D B D D

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

adipic acid, aqueous 20 F F B B B B B F B B B B B B F
air, clean 80 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
air, oily 80 B B B B D B B B B D B D B C B
alaum, aqueous 60 G D D B B B B G D B D C B C G
alaum, aqueous 100 G G B B B B B F B B B D B B F
allyl alcohol 80 G D C C B B D G C B C B B B G
aluminium sulphate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
aluminium sulphate, aqueous 100 G D C B B B D F B B B C B B F
ammonia liquor 40 D D C B B B D C B B B B B B C
ammonia, 100% 20 G D C B B C D G C B C B B B G
ammonium acetate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B D F B B B B B B F
ammonium carbonate 60 G D C B B B D F B B B B B B F
ammonium chloride, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
ammonium fluoride, aqueous 20 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
ammonium fluoride, aqueous 100 G G C B B B D F B B B D B B F
ammonium fluoride, aqueous 20 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
ammonium fluoride, aqueous 100 G G C B B C D F B C B D B B F
ammonium nitrate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
ammonium nitrate, aqueous 100 G G C B B B D F B B B D B B F
ammonium phosphate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B D F B B B B B B F
ammonium sulphate 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
ammonium sulphate 100 G D C B B B D F B B B D B B F
ammonium sulphide, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
ammonium sulphide, aqueous 100 G D C B B B D F C B C D B C F
amyl acetate 20 G G G F B B D G D B D B B D G
amyl alcohol 60 G D C B B B D F C B C B B B F
aniline 60 G D D G G B D D D G D D B D D
aniline chlorohydrate 20 G D C C C B B F C C C D B D C
aniline chlorohydrate 100 G D F G G B G G D G D D B D G
anisole 20 G G D G G B G G D G D D B D G
anthraquinone sulphonic acid, aqueous 30 G D G B B B G G C B C B B B G
anti-freeze (automotive) 60 G D B B B B B B B B B B B B B
antimony chloride, aqueous 20 B G B B B B B B B B B B B B B
antimony trichloride, dehydrated 60 G G C B B B G G B B B B B B G
aqua regia 20 D D D D D B D D D D D D B D D

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

arsenic acid, aqueous 100 G G C B B B D F B B B D B B F
arsenic acid, aqueous 60 F D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
asphalt 100 F G G G G B F G G G G G B G G
ASTM fuel A 60 C B C C D B B B B D B D B D D
ASTM fuel B 60 D D D D D B B B C D C D B D D
ASTM fuel C 60 D D D D D B B C D D D D B D D
ASTM Oil No. 1 100 B C B D D B B B B D B D B D B
ASTM Oil No. 2 100 B C C D D B B B B D B D B D B
ASTM Oil No. 3 100 B C C D D B B B C D B D B D C
ATE brake fluid 100 D G C G B F D B D B D B B B B
ATF oil 100 D C C D D B B B B D B D B D C
aviation fuels JP3 (MIL-J-5624) 20 C C D D D B B B C D B D B D D
aviation fuels JP4 (MIL-J-5624) 20 C C D D D B B C C D B D B D D
aviation fuels JP5 (MIL-J-5624) 20 C C D D D B B C C D B D B D D
aviation fuels JP6 (MIL-J-25656) 20 C C D D D B B C C D B D B D D
barium hydroxide, aqueous 60 G D B B B B B F B B B B B B F
barium salts, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B B B B B B B B B
battery acid (sulphuric acid) 60 G D D B B B B G D B D C B C G
beef tallow emulsion, sulphurated 20 G G C B D B B C B D B D B D C
beer 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
benzaldehyde, aqueous 60 G D D G C B B G D C D C B C G
benzene 20 D D D D D B C C D D D D B D D
benzoic acid, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B B B B B B B B B
benzyl alcohol 60 G D G F F B G C G F G F B F C
biogas 20 F C B B G B B D B G B D B D B
bisulphite alkali 50 G D C B B C G F C B C B B B F
bitumen 60 G G D G G B B G D G D G B G G
black liquor 100 G G C B B B B G C B C C B C G
blast-furnace gas 100 B F C C C B B B C C C D B C B
bleach 60 G D C B B B C G D C D D B C G
bone oil 60 B B D D D B B B B D B D B D C
borax, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B B B B B B B B B
boric acid, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B B B B B B B B B
brake fluids (glycol ether) 80 D G C F B F G B D B D B B B B
bromine vapours 20 G G D C F F G G D F D D B D G

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

bromine water, cold saturated 20 G G D C F F G G D F D D B D G
bromine, liquid 20 G G D C F F G G D F D D B D G
bromobenzene 20 G G G G G F F F G G G G B G G
bromochloromethane 20 G G G C C C C C G C G G B G G
bunker oil 60 F G G G G F F F C G C G B G G
butadiene 60 G F C D D B B B F D F D B D C
butane, gaseous 20 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D F
butanediol, aqueous 20 G F C B B B C F B B B B B B F
butanediol, aqueous 60 G D B B B F F F B B B C B B F
butanol, aqueous 20 C B D B B B C B C B B B B B B
butanol, aqueous 60 G D C B B B G F D B D B B B F
butter 20 F B B G G B B B B G B G B G B
butter 80 F F C G G B B F B G B D B D F
butyl acetate 20 G G D D C B D G D C D C B D G
butyl alcohol 60 G D C B B B G F D B D B B B F
butyl phenol 20 D D D D D B C G D D D D B D D
butylene glycol 60 G B B B B B C B B B B B B B B
butylene, liquid 20 F B C G G B B B B G B D B D F
butynediol 20 G B C B B C C F B B B B B B F
butyraldehyde 20 G G G C C C G G G C G C B C G
butyric acid, aqueous 20 G F C F F B B F B F B D B F F
calcium bisulphite, aqueous 20 G B B B B B B F B B B B B B F
calcium chloride, aqueous 100 G D B B B B B B B B B D B B B
calcium hydroxide, aqueous 20 G D B B B B B B B B B B B B B
calcium hypochloride, aqueous 60 D D C B B B C G D B D D B D G
calcium nitrate, aqueous 40 G G B B B B B B B B B B B B B
calcium phosphate, aqueous 20 G F B B B B B B B B B B B B B
camphor 20 G G C D D B C G B D B D B D G
camphor oil 20 G G D C D B C G C D B D B D G
carbolineum 60 G G G C C B F F G C G G B G G
carbolineum 80 D B D D D B B B D D D D B D D
carbon dioxide, dry 60 B F B B B B B B B B B B B B B
carbon disulphide 20 G D D C D B B G D D D D B D D
carbon monoxide, dry 60 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
carbon monoxide, wet 20 B G B B B B B B B B B B B B B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

carbon tetrachloride 60 G G D D D B B G D D D D B D G
cellosolve 20 G G G C C F G G G C G G B G G
chloral hydrate, aqueous 60 G G D C C B C G D C D D B D G
chloramine, aqueous 20 F F B B B C G F B B B B B B F
chloric acid, aqueous 80 G G D C C B C G D C D D B D G
chlorinated lime, aqueous 60 G D D B B B B G D B D D B D G
chlorine water, saturated 20 G G D B B B B G D C D D B D G
chlorine, dry gaseous 20 G C D C C C C G D C D D B D G
chlorine, liquid 20 G G D C C C C G D C D D B D G
chlorine, wet gaseous 20 G G D C C C C G D C D D B D G
chloroacetic acid 60 G D C B B C G G C B C D B D G
chlorobenzene 20 D F D D D C C D D D D D B D D
chloroform 20 G D D D D B C G D D D D B D G
chlorsulphonic acid 20 D G D D D F G D D D D D B D D
chromic acid, aqueous 60 G G D B F B B G D F D D B D G
chromic acid/sulphuric acid/water,
40 G G D B F B B G D F D D B D G
citric acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B H F B B B B B B F
clophen A types 100 F D D G G B B B D G D D B D B
clophen T 64 100 F D D G G B B F D G D D B D C
coconut oil 80 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D B
coconut oil 80 F F C G G B B F B G B D B D F
coconut oil 60 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D B
coconut oil alcohol 20 F G B C C B B F B C B C B C F
cod liver oil 20 B B B C C B B B B C B C B C B
coking-oven gas 80 G G D D D B B F D D D D B D F
copper chloride, aqueous 20 B B C B B B B B B B B B B B B
copper fluoride, aqueous 50 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
copper nitrate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
copper sulphate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
corn oil 60 F F C G D B B F B D B D B D F
cotton-seed oil 20 F B C C C B B F B C B C B C F
cresol, aqueous 45 G B D D D B B G D D D D B D G
crotonaldehyde 20 G F G B B C D G G B G C B C G
crude oil 20 B B C C D B B B C D B D B D C

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

cyclohexane 20 C B D G D B B C B D B D B D C
cyclohexanol 20 G B D D D B G C B D B D B D G
cyclohexanone 20 G G D G D B G G D D D D B D G
cyclohexanone 20 G G D D D B G G D D D D B D G
cyclohexylamine 20 G G D D D C D G D D D D B D G
decahydronaphtaline (decalin) 20 C G D D D C C G D D D D B D G
decahydronaphtaline (decalin) 60 C G D D D C C G D D D D B D G
Desmodur T 20 D C D D D C G G D D D D B D G
Desmophen 2000 80 F G F F F F F F B F B F B B F
detergent, synthetic 60 D F C B B B B F B B B B B B F
detergents 100 G G C B B C C G B B B D B C G
dextrine, aqueous 60 G D B B B B B B B B B B B B B
dextrose, aqueous 80 G G B B B B B B B B B D B B B
diacetone alcohol 20 G F C B B B G F C B C B B B F
dibenzyl ether 20 G G D C C B D G D C D D B D G
dibuthylether 20 G G D C C B D G D C D D B D G
dibuthylphtalate 20 G B D F F B B B D F D D B D B
dibuthylphtalate 60 G F D F F B C B D F D D B D B
dibuthylsebacate 60 G F D D D C G C D D D D B D C
dichloracetic acid 60 G D D B B C D G D B D D B D G
dichlorbenzene 20 G G D D D B B C D D D D B D G
dichlorbutylene 20 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
dichlorethane 20 D D D G D C C F D D D D B D D
dichlorethylene 20 G G D G G C C G D G D D B D G
dichlormethane 20 D D D D D B B G D D D D B D D
diesel fuel 60 C C C D D B B B B D B D B D C
diethyl ether 20 G G D D D B D G D D D D B D G
diethyl sebacate 20 G G D C C C C G D C D D B D G
diethylamine 20 G G D B B C D G C B C D B D G
diethylene glycol 20 G G B B B B B B B B B B B B B
diglycolic acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F C B C B B B F
dihexylphtalate 60 G G D D G C D G D G D D B D G
diisobutylketone 60 G G D F B C D G D B D C B D G
dimethylamine 20 G G D B B C D G D B D D B D G
dimethylether 20 G G D B B C D G D B D C B D G

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

dimethylformamide 60 F D D C C C D F D C D C B D D
dinonylphtalate 30 G G D D G C D G D G D D B D G
dioctylphtalate 60 D G D D G B C G D G D D B D G
dioctylsebacate 60 G G D G G C D G D G D D B D G
dioxane 60 G G D C C F D G D C D C B C G
dipentene 20 F F D D D B B F C D C D B D F
diphenyl 20 G F D D D B B G D D D D B D G
diphenyl oxide 100 G G G G G F G G G G G G B G G
engine oils 100 B C C D D B B B B D B D B D C
epichlorhydrine 20 G G G G C F D G G G G G B G G
essential oils 20 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
ethane 20 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D C
ethanol (spirits) 20 G C C B B B H B C B C B B B C
ethanol (spirits) 80 G D D B B B H F D B D B B B F
ethanol (spirits) with acetic acid
60 G G D B B B H G D B D B B B G
(fermentation mixture)
ethanol (spirits) with acetic acid
20 G G C B B B H G D B D B B B G
(fermentation mixture)
ethyl acetate 20 G G G C C C D G D F D D B D G
ethyl acetate 60 G D D D D C D G D D D D B D G
ethyl acrylate 20 D G G G F C D D D C D G B G D
ethyl benzene 20 D F D D D B C C D D D D B D D
ethyl chloride 20 D C C F C B C G C C C C B C D
ethylene chloride 20 D C C F C B C G C C C C B C D
ethylene chlorohydrin 60 G G D C C C D G D C D D B D G
ethylene diamine 60 D D D F B C D G D B D C B C D
ethylene glycol 100 G D C F B B B F B B B D B B C
ethylene trichloride 20 G G G G G C F G G G G G B G G
ethylether 20 D D D D C B D D D C D C B D D
exhaust gases, contained hydrogen
60 F G B B B B B F B B B B B B F
fluoride, traces
exhaust gases, contained nitrous gases,
60 D G B B B B B C F C F D B F D
exhaust gases, contained nitrous gases,
80 D G B B B B B C F C F D B F D
exhaust gases, containing carbon dioxide 60 B F B B B B B B B B B B B B B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

exhaust gases, containing carbon mon-
60 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
exhaust gases, containing hydrochloric
60 G G B B B B B F C B C B B B F
exhaust gases, containing sulphur dioxide 60 G G B B B B B F C B C C B C F
exhaust gases, containing sulphuric acid 60 G G C B B B B F C B C C B C F
exhaust gases, containing sulphuric acid 80 G G C B B B B F D B D C B C F
FAM test fuels DIN 51604-A 20 G B D D D B B B C D C D B D D
FAM test fuels DIN 51604-C 20 D D D D D B H C D D D D B D D
fatty acids 100 G G C C G B B G C G C G B G G
fatty alcohol 20 B G B C C B B F B C B C B C B
ferric chloride, aqueous 40 G F B B B B B F B B B B B B F
fertiliser salt, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
firedamp 20 B F B C C B B B B C B C B C B
fish oil 20 B F B C C B B B B C B C B C B
fluorine, dry 60 G G G G G F G G D G D D B G G
fluorobenzene 20 D G D D D B C D D D D D B D D
fluorocarbon oils 100 F F F F F F F F F F F F B F B
fluorosilicic acid 100 G G F F F F F F F F F D B F F
fluorosilicic acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B G B B B B B B G
formaldehyde, aqueous 60 D G C B B C G F C B C B B B F
formamide 60 G G D B B B C G D B D B B F G
formic acid, aqueous 60 G D D C C B G G D C D C B C G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 11 20 G G C G G G C F C G B G B G G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 113 20 G C B G G G C F C G B G B G G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 114 20 G B B B B G F F C B B B B B G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 12 20 G B B C C G C G C C B C B C G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 13 20 G C B B B G C G C B B G B B G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 134a 20 G G B G B D D F C G C G B G G
freon as per DIN 8962 R 22 20 G C B B B G D F D B D B B B G
fruit juices 100 G D C B B B B F C B C D B B B
furan 20 G D G G G C D G G G G G B G G
furfural 20 G D G G G C G G D G D G B G G
furfuryl alcohol 20 G D G G G C G G G G G G B G G
furnace gases, dry 60 G G C B B B B B D B D B B B B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

gas oil 80 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D C
gas water 40 D G D D D B B D B D B D B D D
gasohol 20 D D D D D B H C D D D D B D D
gelatine, aqueous 40 C G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
glacial acetic acid 60 G D D C C C D G D C D D B D G
glucose, aqueous 80 G G C B B B B B B B B C B B B
glue 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
glycerine, aqueous 100 G G C B B B B B B B B C B B B
glycerol chlorohydrine 60 G G D C C C G G D C D C B C G
glycine, aqueous, 10% 40 F G B C B B B F C B C C B C F
glycol, aqueous 100 G D C B B B C F B B B C B B C
glycolic acid, aqueous, 37% 20 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
greases, mineral, animal or vegetable 80 B B C C D B B B B D B D B D B
heating oil, mineral 60 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D C
Henkel P 3 solution 100 G G C B B B G F B B B C B B F
heptane 60 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D D
hexachlorobutadiene 20 G G G G G B B G D G D D B D G
hexachlorocyclohexane 20 G C G G G B B F G G G D B D G
hexaldehyde 20 G G D G G C G G D G D D B D G
hexane 60 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D D
hexanetriol 20 G G C B B B B B B B B F B F B
hexene 20 B B C C D B B B C D C D B D F
hydraulic fluids,
55 G G C D D B H F B D B D B D F
oil-in-water emulsions HFA
hydraulic fluids,
60 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
polyglycol water HFC
hydraulic fluids,
60 G G C D D B H F H D H D B D F
water-oil emulsions HFB
hydraulic fluids, hydraulic oils DIN 51524 80 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D C
hydraulic fluids, phosphoric acid ester HFD 80 D D D D H B H D D H D D B D D
hydrazine hydrate 20 G C C B B C G C C B C D B C G
hydrobromic acid, aqueous 60 G D C B B F G G C B C F B F G
hydrochloric acid, conc. 20 G G D B B B B G D B D C B C G
hydrochloric acid, conc. 80 G G D B B B C G D B D D B D G
hydrochloric acid, dilute 20 G D C B B B B G C B B B B B G
hydrocyanic acid 20 G G C B F B F F F B F F B F B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

hydrofluoric acid, conc. 20 G G G C C C G G G C G G B C G
hydrogen 20 B G B B B B B B B B B B B B B
hydrogen chloride gas 60 G G D B B B B G D B D C B C G
hydrogen peroxide, aqueous 20 G G D B B B B C D B D D B D C
hydrogen phosphide 20 G G C B B C C F D B D B B F F
hydrogen sulphide, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B G C B C C B B G
hydrogen sulphide, dry 60 G F C B B B B F C B C C B C F
hydroquinone, aqueous 20 C G C B B B B F B B B C B C F
hydrosulphite, aqueous 40 G G C B B C G F C B C B B B F
hydroxyl amine sulphate, aqueous 35 G G C B B C G B B B B B B B B
ink 20 B B B B B B C B C B B B B B B
iodine tincture 20 G D C B B B B C B B B B B B C
iodoform 20 G G G G B B B G G B G G B G G
isobutyl alcohol 20 D D B B B B B C C B C B B B B
isooctane 20 B C C D D B B B B D B D B D C
isophorone 20 F C F F B C F F F B F F B F F
isopropanol 60 D G C B B B H B C B C B B B B
isopropyl acetate 80 D G D C C C D D D C D D B D D
isopropyl chloride 20 D D D D D B B C D D D D B D D
isopropyl ether 60 D D D G G B D D D G D G B D D
kerosine 20 B B D D D B B B C D B D B D C
lactam 80 G G D D D C D G D D D D B D G
lactic acid, aqueous 10% 40 G B B B B B B F B B B B B B F
lanolin 50 B B B B B B B B B B B C B B B
lanolin (wool grease) 60 B B C C D B B B B D B C B C B
lauryl alcohol 20 F F B C C B B F B C B C B C F
lavender oil 20 C F D G G B B C C G C G B G G
lead acetate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F C B B B B B F
lead acetate, aqueous 100 G D C B B B D F C B B D B B F
lead nitrate, aqueous 20 F D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
lemon juice, undiluted 20 G F C F F B H F B F B B B B B
linoleic acid 20 G F G G G B C F C G C G B G C
linseed oil 60 F C B C C B B F B C B C B C B
liqueurs 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
lithium chloride, aqueous 20 G B C B B B B B B B B B B B B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

lithiumbromide, aqueous 20 G B C B B B B B B B B B B B B
machine oils, mineral 80 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D C
magnesium chloride, aqueous 100 D G C B B B B F B B B G B B F
magnesium sulphate, aqueous 100 D G C B B B B F B B B G B B F
maleic acid anhydride 60 G G G G G B B F G G G G B G G
maleic acid, aqueous 100 G G C B B B B F B B B D B D F
margarine 80 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D B
menthol 60 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
mercury 60 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
mercury salts, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
mesityl oxide 20 G F G G C F F F F C F G B G G
methane 20 B F B C C B B B B C B C B C B
methanol 60 G G C B B B H B C B C B B B C
methoxy butanol 60 G F C C C B B F B C B D B D F
methyl acrylate 20 D D D D D C D D D D D D B D D
methyl amine, aqueous 20 G G G B B C D G D B D C B C G
methyl bromide 20 D D D D D B B F D D D D B D D
methyl chloride 20 D D D D D B B G D D D D B D D
methyl chlorine 20 G C D D D B C G D D D D B D G
methyl ethyl ketone 20 D D D C C B D D D C D D B D D
methyl isobuthyl ketone 20 D D D D C C D D D C D D B D D
methyl methacrylate 20 D D D D D C D D D D D D B D D
milk 20 G B B C C B B B B C B C B C B
milk of lime 80 G G C F F B B G D F D D B C G
mineral oil 100 B C D D D B B B B D B D B D C
mineral water 60 G F C B B B B B B B B B B B B
mixed acid I (sulphuric acid/
20 D D C B B B B D D B D D B D D
nitric acid < D % 0 >/water)
mixed acid II (sulphuric acid/
40 G G D B B B B G D B D C B C G
phosphoric acid/water)
molasses 100 G G C C C B B F B C B D B D F
monobromobenzene 20 D D D D D B C D D D D D B D D
monochloracetic acid ethyl ester 60 D D D C C B C D D C D D B D D
monochloracetic acid methyl ester 60 D D D D B B C D D B D D B D D
morpholine 60 G G D C C F G F D C D D B D F
myricyl alcohol 20 B F B B B B B F B B B B B B F

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

naftolen ZD 20 F G D D D B B F C D C D B D G
naphta 20 C D D G G B B C D G D G B G G
naphthalene 60 G G D D D B B G D D D D B D G
naphtoic acid 20 G G F G G B B B C G C G B G G
natural gas 20 B B B C C B B B B C B C B C B
natural gas 20 F C B B G B B D B G B D B D B
nickel acetate, aqueous 20 G D C B B C F F B B B B B B F
nickel chloride, aqueous 20 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
nickel sulphate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
nitric acid, conc. 80 G D D B D F D G D D D D B D G
nitric acid, dilute 80 G G C B C B C G C C C D B C C
nitric acid, fuming 60 G D D D D F D G D D D D B D G
nitrobenzene 60 D D D D D C D D D D D D B D D
nitrogen 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
nitrogen tetraoxide 20 G G G G D F G G G D G G B G D
nitroglycerine 20 G G G B B B B G D B D C B C G
nitroglycol, aqueous 20 G F C B B B B F D B D F B F F
nitromethane 20 D D G C C C D D D C D C B C D
nitropropane 20 D D D C C F D D D C D C B C D
nitrous gases 20 D D D B B B B D D B D D B D D
nitrous oxide 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
n-Propanol 60 G D C B B B C B C B C B B B B
octane 20 G F G G G B B C F G F G B G G
octyl alcohol 20 G G B B B B B C C B C C B C C
octyl cresol 20 D G D D D C C D G D G D B D D
oleic acid 60 B G C D D B B C B D B D B D C
oleum, 10% 20 D D D C C B B D D C D D B D D
oleyl alcohol 20 B D B B B B B B B B B B B B B
olive oil 60 B F B C C B B B B C B C B C B
o-nitrotoluene 60 D G D D D F D D D D D D B D D
oxalic acid, aqueous 100 G G D B B B B G D B D D B C G
ozone 20 C F C B B B B B C C D D B D B
palm kernel fatty acid 60 F F B D D B B F B D B D B D F
palmitic acid 60 F F C D D B B F C D C D B D F
paraffin 60 F F B D D B B F B D B D B D F

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

paraffin emulsions 40 B B B D D B B B B D B D B D B
paraffin oil 60 B B B D D B B B B D B D B D B
pectin 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
pentachlorodiphenyl 60 G G D D D F G G D D D D B D G
pentane 20 F F C D D B B F B D B D B D F
peracetic acid, < 1% 40 D D D D B B B D D D D D B D D
peracetic acid, < 10% 40 D D D D C B H D D D D D B D D
perchloric acid 100 G G D B B B B G D B D D B D G
perchloroethylene 60 G G D D D B B G D D D D B D D
petrol 60 D D C D D B B B C D C D B D D
petrol-benzene mixture, 50/50% 20 D C D D D B B C D D D D B D D
petrol-benzene mixture, 60/40% 20 D C D D D B B C D D D D B D D
petrol-benzene mixture, 70/30% 20 D B D D D B B B D D D D B D D
petrol-benzene mixture, 80/20% 20 D B D D D B B B D D D D B D D
petrol-benzene-ethanol, 50/30/20% 20 D D D D D B H C D D D D B D D
petroleum 60 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D C
petroleum ether 60 B B C D D B B B C D B D B D C
phenol, aqueous, up to 90% 80 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
phenyl benzene 20 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
phenyl ethyl ether 20 D D D D D C D D D D D D B D D
phenyl hydrazine 60 G G D D D B C G C D C D B D G
phenyl hydrazine chlorohydrate, aqueous 80 G G D C B C C G C B C D B D G
phosgene 20 G G G F F F F G G G G G B G G
phosphoric acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B G D B D C B B G
phosphorus oxychloride 20 G G G F F F F G D G D G B F G
phosphorus trichloride 20 G G D B B C C G D B D B B F G
photo developer 40 G G C B B B B F C B C B B B F
photo emulsions 20 G G B B B B B F B B B B B B F
photo fixing baths 40 G G C B B B B F C B C B B B F
phthalic acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B D B F F
pickling solution (leather pickling) 20 G G F C C C C G F C F G B G G
picric acid 20 G C B C C B B C C C C C B C G
picric acid, aqueous 20 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
Pine needle oil 20 G F D G G B B F C D C D B D G
pinene 20 G C C C G B B C C G C G B G G

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

pine-needle oil 60 B B D D D B B B C D C D B D C
piperidine 20 G G G G G F G G G G G G B G G
potash, aqueous 40 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
potassium acetate, aqueous 20 G C C B B B B F C B B B B B F
potassium bisulphate, aqueous 40 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
potassium borate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
potassium bromate, 10% 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
potassium bromide, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
potassium carbonate, aqueous 40 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
potassium chlorate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F D B D C B C F
potassium chloride, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
potassium chromate, aqueous 20 G D C B B B B F C B C B B B F
potassium cyanide, aqueous 40 G F C B B B B B B B B B B B B
potassium cyanide, aqueous 80 G D C B B B B B C B C D B D B
potassium dichromate, aqueous 40% 20 G G C B B B B F C B C D B C F
potassium hydroxide, 50% 60 D D C B B C D D C B C C B C D
potassium iodide, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B C B B F
potassium nitrate, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
potassium perchlorate, aqueous 80 G G C B B B B F D B D D B D F
potassium permanganate, aqueous 40 G G C B B B B G D B D D B C G
potassium persulphate, aqueous 60 G G D B B B B G D B D D B C G
potassium sulphate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
propane, liquid/gaseous 20 B B B G G B B B B G B D B D B
propargyl alcohol, aqueous 60 F G B B B B B F B B B C B F F
propionic acid, aqueous 60 G G C F F B B G B F B G B F G
propylene glycol 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
propylene oxide 20 G G G G G C G G D G D G B G G
pyridine 20 D D D G G F D D D G D D B D D
pyrrole 20 G G G G D F F C G D G D B D C
rapeseed oil 20 C C C C C B B B C C C G B G G
refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 11 20 G G C G G G C F C G B G B G G
refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 113 20 G C B G G G C F C G B G B G G
refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 114 20 G B B B B G F F C B B B B B G
refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 12 20 G B B C C G C G C C B C B C G
refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 13 20 G C B B B G C G C B B G B B G

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 134a 20 G G B G B D D F C G C G B G G
refrigerant as per DIN 8962 R 22 20 G C B B B G D F D B D B B B G
sagrotan 20 G D C B B B B B C B C B B B B
salicylic acid 20 G B B B B B B G B B B B B B G
salt water 20 G G B B B B B B B B B B B B G
sea water 20 G C C B B B B B B B B B B B B
silicic acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B G B B B B B B G
silicone grease 20 B B B B B B B B B B B C B B D
silicone oil 20 B B B B B B B B B B B C B B D
silver nitrate, aqueous 100 G G C B B B B F C B C G B C F
silver salts, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B B C B C C B C B
skydrol 20 D D D G C C D D D F D D B D D
soap solution, aqueous 20 G B C B B B B F B B B B B B F
soda, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
sodium benzoate, aqueous 40 G F C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium bicarbonate 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium bicarbonate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium bisulphite, aqueous 100 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium chlorate 20 G G D B B B B F D B D D B D F
sodium chloride 100 G G C B B B B F B B B G B B F
sodium hydroxide 20 D G C B B B D D C B C C B C D
sodium hypochlorite, aqueous 20 G G C B B B B F C B C D B D F
sodium nitrate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium nitrite 60 G G C B B B B F C B C B B B F
sodium phosphate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium silicate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium sulphate, aqueous 20 C G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium sulphate, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium sulphide 40 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sodium sulphide 100 G G C B B B B F C C C D B C F
sodium thiosulphate 60 F G B B B B B F D B D B B B F
spermaceti 20 F F C D D B B F B D B D B G F
spindle oil 60 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D B
starch syrup 60 G G B B B B B F B B B B B B F
starch, aqueous 60 G G B B B B B B B B B B B B B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C







Medium °C1)

steam 130 G D D C B D H D D B D D B D D
steam 130 G D D C B D H D D B D D B D D
stearic acid 60 B B C B B B B B B B B D B B B
stoddard solvent 20 B B D D G B B B B G B G B G G
styrene 20 G G D D D F C G D D D D B D D
succinic acid, aqueous 60 G D C B B B B F B B B B B B F
sugar syrup 60 G G G B B B B F B B B B B F F
sulphur 60 G F G B B B B F G B G G B G F
sulphur chloride 20 G G D C G B B B D G D G B G G
sulphur dioxide, aqueous 60 G G D B B B B G D B D D B C G
sulphur dioxide, dry 80 G G D B B B B F D B D D B C F
sulphur dioxide, liquid 60 G G D B B B B G D B D D B G G
sulphur hexafluoride 20 F F B B B B B B B B B F B B B
sulphuric acid, conc. 50 G D D B B B C G D B D D B C D
sulphuric acid, dilute 20 G G D B B B B G C B C C B C G
sulphuryl chloride 20 G G D B C B B G D C D C B C G
tallow 60 F G C D D B B F B D B D B D F
tannic acid 60 C G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
tannin 40 G B B B B B B F C B C B B B F
tanning extract 20 C G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
tar 20 G G D D D B F G D D D D B D G
tar oil 20 G G D D D B F G D D D D B D G
tartaric acid, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B B B B B B B B B
tetrachlorethane 60 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
tetrachloroethylene 60 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
tetraethyl lead 20 G G D D G B B C C G C G B G G
tetrahydrofuran 20 G G D D D C D G D D D D B D G
tetrahydronaphthalene (tetralin) 20 G G D D D B B F D D D D B D G
thionyl chloride 20 G G D B B B B G D B D C B C G
thiophen 60 G G D D D F D G D D D D B D G
tin(II) chloride, aqueous 80 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
titanium tetrachloride 20 C B C B B B C C B B B B B B C
toluene 20 D D D D D B C D D D D D B D D
town gas, benzene-free 20 B B C D D B B B B D B D B D B
transformer oil 60 B B D D D B B B C D B D B D C

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C








Medium °C1)

transmission Fluid type A 20 B B C C G B B B B G B G B G C
triacetin 20 G G C C B F G G C B C C B D G
tributoxyethyl phosphate 20 G G D D D B C G D D D D B D G
tributyl phosphate 60 G D D D D B C G D D D D B D G
trichloroacetic acid, aqueous 60 G G D C C B D G C C C C B C G
trichloroethyl phosphate 20 G G D G G C D G D G D G B G G
trichloroethylene 20 G D D D D B C G D D D D B D D
tricresyl phosphate 60 G C D D C F C F D C D D B D G
triethanolamine 20 G G C C C C G G D C D D B F G
triethylaluminium 20 G G G G G C C G G G G G B G G
triethylborane 20 G G G G G B B G G G G G B G G
triglycol 20 G F B B B B B F B B B B B B F
trimethylol propane, aqueous 100 G G C C C B B F D C D C B F F
trinitrotoluene 20 G G C C G B C C G G G G B G G
trioctyl phosphate 60 G G D C C B C F D C D D B G G
trisodium phosphate 20 G F C B B B B B B B B B B B B
turpentine 60 F D D D D B B G C D C D B D G
turpentine oil 20 F G D D D B B G C D C D B D G
urea, aqueous 60 G G C B B B B F B B B B B B F
vaseline 60 B F B C D B B B B D B D B D C
vaseline oil 60 B F B C D B B B B D B D B D C
vinyl acetate 20 G G G G G C G G G G G G B G G
vinyl chloride, liquid 20 G G G G G C G G G G G G B G G
water 100 D D C B B C C F B B B C B B C
wax alcohol 60 F F C D D B B F C D B D B G F
whisky 20 G B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
white lye 100 G G C B B C D G C B C D B B G
white oil 20 B F C C G B B B B G B G B G B
white spirit 60 B F C D D B B F C D B D B D F
wine 20 F B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
xylamon 20 D C D D D B C G D D D D B D G
xylene 20 D D D D D B C D D D D D B D D
yeast, aqueous 20 G F B B B B B B B B B B B B B
zeolite 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
zinc acetate 20 B B C C B B B B C B C B B D B

B = little or no corrosion F = no data available, probably suitable, test before use. Please consult us.
C = weak to moderate corrosion G = no data available, probably not suitable. Please consult us.
D = strong corrosion to complete destruction H = special composition of compound required. Please consult us.
1) test temperature in °C

Suggestion for Storage

(in conformity with the revision of ISO 2230 Additional extensions are possible under certain
dated 16.09.1992) circumstances, but only after consultation with the
relevant technical department. The technical depart-
Storage conditions ment will conduct appropriate tests and will decide
The storage temperature must be below 25 °C; the whether the products can continue to be used or
items must be stored away from sources of direct must be discarded.
heat and must not be exposed to direct sunlight. The
relative air humidity must be such that no condensa-
tion occurs when the temperature in the storage Suggestions for the assessment of elas-
room changes. The effect of ozone and ionising tomer parts after the first storage time:
radiation must always be excluded.
1) Test in accordance with the respective product
Packaging specifications. If such action is not included in the
All materials for bins, for covering and wrapping product specifications:
must be free of substances that have a decomposing
effect on elastomers. 2) Visual inspection
Suitable packaging materials include soda paper, Every part or every component in the representa-
aluminium foil or opaque PE foil (min. 0,075 mm tive sample must be checked as follows:
thick).  lasting deformation such as folds or flats
The packaged items must be labelled as follows:  mechanical damage such as cuts, cracks, abra-
a) part/article number ISC O-Ring sions or detached layers
of manufacturer 20-2/335674  crack formation on the surface, observed under
a 10x magnifying glass
b) description of polymer 72 NBR 872
 changes of status of the surface
c) quarter and year of manufacture such as hardening, softening, tackiness, discol-
of the elastomer part 1/99 oration and dirt.
d) the classification of the
The inspected features of the stored parts or compo-
elastomer (group) group 2
nents must be recorded. If the tests yield recordable
e) number of packages 10 pieces results, the records must include the acceptable
f) name or trademark confidence interval of the average values of every
of manufacturer Simrit. test parameter.
The elastomer products are divided into three
A record must also contain the following:
1st storage time 1st extension in
a) the stored quantity of every item or every
in years years component, the date of first packaging,
Group 1 NR, AU, EU, SBR 5 2 the date of storage
Group 2 NBR, HNBR, 7 3 b) the date of each subsequent re-packaging
XNBR, ECO, c) the manufacturer's batch number
d) the number of parts or components
Group 3 FKM, VMQ, 10 5 that form a representative sample of these
PVMQ, FFKM, parts or components.


Summary of the Mentioned Standards

DIN 3760 Rotary shaft lip type seals

DIN 3761 Rotary shaft lip type seals for automobiles
DIN 3771 Fluid systems – O-rings
DIN 7168 General tolerances for linear and angular dimensions and geometrical tolerances
DIN 7715 Permissible deviations for soft rubber parts (extract from DIN 7715 part 2)
DIN 7716 Rubber products
Requirements for storage, cleaning and maintenance
DIN 7724 Polymeric materials; grouping of polymeric materials based on their mechanical behaviour
DIN 9088 Aerospace series - Storage life of rubber products
DIN 16901 Plastic mouldings; tolerances and acceptance conditions for linear dimensions
DIN 24320 Fire-resistant fluids - Hydraulic fluids of categories HFAE and HFAS - Characteristics and requirements
DIN 51524 Hydraulic fluids – Hydraulic oils – HL, HLP, HVLP
DIN 51604 FAM testing fluid for polymer materials, Composition and requirements
DIN 52612 Testing of thermal insulating materials
Determination of the thermal conductivity with the guarded hot plate apparatus, Procedure and evaluation
DIN EN ISO 6721 Testing of polymer materials
Torsion vibration test
DIN EN ISO 1183 Testing of plastics and rubber
Determination of the density
DIN 53504 Testing of rubber
Tensile trials
DIN 53505 Testing of rubber
Shore A and D hardness test
DIN ISO 34-1 Testing of rubber
Determination of the tear strength of elastomers; Trouser test piece
DIN 53508 Testing of soft rubber
Accelerated ageing
DIN 53509 Testing of rubber
Resistance of rubber to ozone cracking
DIN 53512 Testing of rubber
Determination the rebound resilience of rubber
DIN 53513 Testing of rubber and elastomers
Determination of the viscoelastic properties of elastomers on exposure to forced vibration atnon-resonant frequencies
DIN 53516 Testing of rubber and elastomers
Determination of abrasion resistance
DIN ISO 815 Testing of rubber
Determination of the compression set. Thermal Testing Procedures.
DIN 53533 Testing of elastomers; Testing of heat generation and service life during the fatigue test (flexometer test)
DIN 53538 Testing of elastomers;
Standard reference elastomers
For characterising service fluids with respect to their action on vulcanised nitrile rubbers
DIN 53545 Testing of elastomers;
Determination of low-temperature behaviour of elastomers; principles and test methods
DIN 53546 Testing of elastomers;
Impact test for the determination of the low-temperature brittleness point

DIN ISO 1817 Testing of rubber and elastomers
Determination of the behaviour of rubber and elastomers when exposed to fluids and vapours
DIN ISO 48 Elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers
Tensile strength.
DIN ISO 1629 Rubber and latex
Difference and abbreviations
VDMA 24317 Hydraulic fluids
Flame retardant hydraulic fluids
Minimum technical requirements
ASTM D 395 Test Methods for Rubber Property-Compression Set
ASTM D 471 Standard test method for rubber property-effect of Liquids
ASTM D 746 Test method for brittleness temperature of plastics and elastomers by impact
ASTM D 945 Test methods for rubber properties in compression or shear (Mechanical-Oscillograph)
ASTM D 1418 Practice for rubber and rubber latices - Nomenclature
ASTM D 1600 Abbreviations of terms relating to plastics
ASTM D 2000 Classification system for rubber products in automotive applications

DIN Standard Leaflets can be obtained from:

Beuth-Vertrieb GmbH,
D-10719 Berlin, Uhlandstraße 175,
as well as
D-50672 Cologne, Friesenplatz 16
ASTM standards can also be obtained from
Beuth-Vertrieb. Summary of applicable standards.

Merkel Heavy Industry
11617 State Route 13
Milan, OH 44846/USA

Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic GmbH
c/o EKK Eagle Industry Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
52 Serangoon North Avenue 4
# 03-02, Ever Tech Building
Singapore 555853

Headquarter Europe
Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic GmbH
Industriestraße 64
21107 Hamburg
Phone: ++40/7 53 06-0
Fax: ++40/7 53 06-440
E-mail: [email protected]

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