Valorization of Shea Caterpillar Droppings (Cirina Butyrospermi Vuillet) in The Ecological Management of Soil Fertility in Burkina Faso
Valorization of Shea Caterpillar Droppings (Cirina Butyrospermi Vuillet) in The Ecological Management of Soil Fertility in Burkina Faso
Valorization of Shea Caterpillar Droppings (Cirina Butyrospermi Vuillet) in The Ecological Management of Soil Fertility in Burkina Faso
Table 1. Shea tree density depending of the type of field (Kaboré et al., 2012).
Type of field Young field IA field Old field Young fallow IA fallow Old fallow
Shea density (plant ha-1) 33.3 36 22.7 28 70 194.7
IA = Intermediate age.
Assessment of the economic value of manure The economic equivalent was obtained by multiplying
following a valorization to urea the amount of urea obtained by 326 FCFA (cost of a
Obtaining caterpillar droppings in sufficient kg of urea as a fertilizer marketing company in
quantities corresponding to their coming down to Burkina Faso).
trees their collect for consumption and especially the
period of application of urea on crops. This leads us to
Quantification of caterpillar droppings
make the hypothesis that the application of caterpillar
The results show that the amount of droppings
manure on crops could substitute urea. To do this, we
produced under shea trees varies between 9.21 and
used the following formula to estimate the amount of
31.26 kg with an average amount per tree of
urea: Urea Quantity (kg ha-1) = N Quantity *
19.39±7.85 kg (Table 2). This production does not
(100/46), N quantity corresponding to that provided
move in the same order as the area under of the shea
by the caterpillar droppings according to the type of
tree. We note that for 53.69 m2 area, the production is
plot and 100 kg of urea contains 46 kg of N.
21.60 kg against 14.55 kg for 100.56 m2 area.
DM=Dry matter.
Fig. 2 shows that the highest production of dejection The carbon is followed by nitrogen content (10.8 g kg-1).
is obtained in old fallows (3 774.95 kg ha-1), followed Phosphorus and potassium contents are less than 1 g kg-1.
by middle age fallow (1357.20 kg ha-1). Production of
Table 3. Chemical characteristics of caterpillar
dejection in the 3 types of fields and young fallow is
droppings compared with shea leaves.
below 1000 kg ha-1 with the lowest obtained in old
fields (440.12 kg ha-1). C N P K C/N
g kg-1
Although the amounts of C produced in the fields are Assessment of N, P and K amounts produced by
small compared to fallow, they may be able to cover caterpillar droppings according to the type of plot
more than 50% of the annual loss of soil C with The results show that the amount of nitrogen in fields
82.79%, 89.50% and 56.43% respectively for young ranging from 4.74 kg ha-1 for old fields and 7.52 kgha-1
for the intermediate age fields (Table 5). In fallow, the
fields, intermediate age fields and old fields. For
amounts vary between 5.85 kg ha-1 (young fallow) and
fallow, the amounts of C produced can cover more
40.69 kg ha-1 for the old fallows. Phosphorus amounts
than 100% of the annual loss soil C except the young are less than 1 kg ha-1 in all types of plot except old
fallows whose C quantities cover only 69.61% of the fallow which get 1.06 kg ha-1. The amounts of
soil needs. potassium are also below 1 kg ha-1 in all types of fields
and young fallows. In intermediate age fallow and old
fallow, the amounts of K are respectively 1.21 and 3.37
kg ha-1.
Table 4. Amount of C and annual coverage in soil C needs depending of the type of plot.
C Quantity (kg ha-1) 307.97 332.94 209.94 258.95 647.38 1800.65
Coverage in soil C needs (%) 82.79 89.50 56.43 69.61 174.03 484.05
OFi = Old field, IAFi = intermediate age of field, YFi = young field, YFa = young fallow, IAFa = intermediate age
fallow, OFa = Old fallow.
Table 5. Quantity of NPK produces by caterpillar droppings depending the type of plot (kg ha-1).
N quantity 6.96 7.52 4.74 5.85 14.63 40.69
P quantity 0.18 0.20 0.12 0.15 0.38 1.06
K quantity 0.58 0.62 0.39 0.49 1.21 3.37
OFi = Old field, IAFi = intermediate age of field, YFi = young field, YFa = young fallow, IAFa = intermediate age
fallow, OFa = Old fallow.
Assessment of the economic value of manure Table 6. Economic valorization of N quantity in the
following a valorization to urea caterpillar droppings by the type of plot.
The results show that the caterpillar droppings can Urea quantity Economic profit
make between 10.31 kg ha-1 of urea for old field and (kg ha-1) (FCFA ha-1)
88.47 kg ha-1 of urea for old fallow. The potential YFi 15.13 4 933
economic gain recorded is 3362, 4933 and 5332 FCFA IAFi 16.36 5 332
OFi 10.31 3 362
ha-1 respectively for the old fields, young and
YFa 12.72 4 147
intermediate age fields (Table 6). For fallow, it
IAFa 31.81 10 369
reaches 28 840 and 10 369 FCFA ha-1, for old fallow OFa 88.47 28 840
and intermediate age fallow, respectively. For young
OFi = Old field, IAFi = intermediate age of field, YFi
fallow, the economic value is 4147 FCFA ha-1.
= young field, YFa = young fallow, IAFa =
intermediate age fallow, OFa = Old fallow.
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