Lesson Planning Form For Accessible Instruction - Calvin College Education Program
Lesson Planning Form For Accessible Instruction - Calvin College Education Program
Lesson Planning Form For Accessible Instruction - Calvin College Education Program
I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
- This is the first lesson of the unit plan so the idea of a holiday as a reflection of a historical event is introduced.
- Students review passe compose which goes along with the review theme of the lesson.
cognitive- physical socio-
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional
Remember details that they already know about WW1 R
Understand the emotions of those fighting in WW1 as well as the emotions of their families U X
Apply their knowledge of Passe compose to write a letter responding to an authentic letter from WW1. Ap
Apply new vocab words to conversations about WW1 Ap
Analyze authentic letters from WW1 An X
Create a letter thanking the ancestor of the author of these letters for letting us study them C
Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
1.2.N.L.c Understand main idea of a visual media or live presentation (film/ DVD, TV shows and
commercials, theatre and musical production)
2.1.N.H.a Identify and explain the impact of three major historic events and their impact on the culture of a
community or country in which the language is spoken
3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language
5.1.N.a Exchange information in the target language with people locally and around the world through avenues
such as pen and key pals, email,
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create
Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and comprehension- activate, apply & functions- coordinate short & long-
strategies, self-assessment & highlight term goals, monitor progress, and
reflection Apply varying prior modify strategies
Reflect upon the lives of knowledge of world Strategies for answering
the Sibaud family by war one to discussions discussion questions
analyzing pictures of about the Sibaud could be asking other
them family in order to groups what they think,
better empathize with using words reference for
unfamiliar words, looking
for cognates, reading it in
Highlight emotions of chunks
those involved in the
war using images,
letters, discussions
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium
challenge, collaboration, mastery- symbols- clarify & connect of expression.
oriented feedback language Students can write to a
Let students work in French woman as part
pairs while interpreting Students can connect
of their assessment,
letters. Maybe put newly learned vocab to
pictures on the board. Students can express
students who struggle themselves in writing
Students can clarify
with reading with while writing a letter
vocab meanings through
students who are better images Students can express
What barriers might this at it. Balance out themselves verbally in
lesson present? groups so that multiple large group discussion
skills are represented. Students can express
Students can be themselves verbally in
What will it take – challenged by writing
neurodevelopmentally, small group discussion
letters that reflect their
experientially, French level.
emotionally, etc., for your Students can challenge
students to do this lesson? themselves by having
discussions in French
and not English
Students can
collaborate in their
discussions and in
their letter writing.
Students can give each
other feedback on their
ideas through
Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats Show images of WW1 Students can stand or
Students begin trenches sit while reading
discussions in small Show images of the letters.
groups so that they feel Sibaud family Students can move
comfortable with their Read authentic letters desks to interact with
ideas before sharing in French different people.
them in a large group. Write a letter in French Students can sit on the
Students can choose Discuss letters in floor during large
how much they want French/english group discussions to
to speak in large group make them more
discussion. comfortable.
WW1 background info powerpoint
Materials-what materials
Sibaud family powerpoint
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson 24 Marcel postcard handouts
and are they ready to use? 24 Emilie letter handouts
To begin, desks will be set up as normal in vertical rows. When it is time to read the letter, students
can sit on the floor in whatever way they are comfortable. When students are given their partners, they
How will your classroom can arrange their desks so that they are facing each other.
be set up for this lesson?
3min 1. Have students sit on the floor and read 1. Write down words/phrases/main ideas that you
Marcel’s postcard aloud to the students. can pick out of the reading. As the letter is read
Have students write down on a scrap sheet again, follow along and see how accurate you were
of paper any words that they hear/a short with what you wrote the first time.
summary of the letter in their own words. 2. Respond to discussion questions using the letter.
Ask students what sentences they were Discuss multiple possibilities and record what you
able to pick out. Pass out Marcel’s discussed on the handout.
(the largest
postcard and read it again, this time with 3. Discuss things that Marcel’s wife might be doing
component or
students following along. Ask students at this time. What is her life like? What are her
main body of
what other themes they can find now that main worries? Work together to write two
the lesson)
they can read it. sentences of things she did yesterday and two
10min 2. Pass out the discussion questions for sentences about how she’s feeling right now. When
Marcel’s postcard. Put students in partners everyone is done, Compare your answers to
and have them respond to discussion classmates’ answers as we go through the
questions together about the postcard. worksheet as a group
When they’re done, review answers as a 4. Read Emilie’s actual response aloud again
class. looking up unfamiliar words.
3. Have students work in pairs to write a 5. Discuss possible answers to questions, using the
letter back to Marcel, pretending that they letter as a guide. Groups can also talk to other
are his wife, Emilie. Have them talk about groups to get more ideas. Volunteer your ideas
what they did yesterday using two when going over possible responses with the entire
sentences in passé compose along with class.
two “je suis” sentences talking about how
5min she feels.
4. Pass out Emilie’s actual response to his
postcard and have students read it aloud
10min with a partner.
5. Have students respond to discussion
questions in pairs. Again when everyone
is done, review answers that the students
wrote with the entire class
5min 6. Show slides of Emilie and Marcel along 6. Study images on the board. Respond to
with information about their lives. Ask, questions in French.
“Il est comment?”, “Elle est comment”,
Qu’est-ce qu’ils font?”. Explain how
Marcel was shot and had to return home.
3min 7. Show students the website where these 7. Write a letter to Emilie-Charlotte in French. Use
letters were found. Tell them that they passé compose at least two times. Talk about how
must write a letter to the great you feel after reading the letters (ex: Je suis touché)
granddaughter of Marcel and Emilie, You may use word reference not Google translate.
thanking her for letting us use the letters.
Pass out the assignment sheet. This will
be homework. When students turn it in the
next day, highlight grammar mistakes and
have students correct mistakes the next
night. After all letters are turned in, send
them to Emilie-Charlotte!
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
- At first, I had students just reading Marcel’s letter aloud to each other but the morning I taught the lesson, I decided to read
it to them instead. I think this worked really well because they could hear good pronunciation and work on their listening
comprehension skills. Since then, I decided to read through it twice with them writing down what they could pick out so
they get even more listening practice.
- Next time, would try to more efficient with time because we didn’t get through everything on the first day for second hour.
- Students were very engaged with discussion about the photos. Several students had hands raised and they were willing to
speak in French.
- Some students were not as engaged with reading the letter and answering questions so maybe I should’ve had it be a little
more cooperative where they have to eventually teach each other the information. That would force them to take
responsibility for the worksheet.