Noel Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Amberleigh Greene

Date 11/14/18 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Noel Grade ________10________

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
Like the other lessons in the unit, this lesson seeks to analyze underlying themes and issues relating to French holidays.
Students will use language they have already learned to dialogue about Noel in France
cognitive- physical socio-
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional

 Interpret a French Christmas song and understand it’s meaning.

U, E

 Translate short music lyrics into English

 Create a music video reflecting major themes in a French song. C, An X
 Apply new vocab to pictures and songs showing people experiencing Christmas in different ways.
Ap X

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
1.2.N.L.a Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom language in the target language including directions,
commands, and requests
1.2.N.R.b Understand main idea of simple accessible written materials in the target language such as, textbook
passages, age-appropriate magazine and newspaper articles/ ads, websites/internet, poetry or stories
2.1.N.F.e Explain the practices and significance of an important: • civil or religious holiday or celebration AND
• regional holiday or celebration AND • personal or family holiday or celebration within a community or
culture in which the target language is spoken
3.2.N.a Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the target language to recognize that a topic
or situation may be viewed differently in one’s own culture than in the target culture
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite Ability to extract major themes from a listening activity.
knowledge and skills. Ability to translate basic sentences from French to English.

Pre-assessment (for learning):

Ask students what they know about French Christmas traditions
Formative (for learning):
Outline assessment Ask students questions about images on the screen.
activities Formative (as learning):
(applicable to this lesson) Look at students’ translations as they pop up on google slides and go help groups that are not
understanding the gist of the phrase.
Summative (of learning):
Students will write a journal about the ideals vs realities of Christmastime.
Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Action
Engagement Representation and Expression

Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and comprehension- activate, apply & functions- coordinate short & long-
strategies, self-assessment & highlight term goals, monitor progress, and
reflection  Students can highlight modify strategies
 Students can assess themes that they think  Students can use different
themselves by correcting are important in their strategies to write their
their journals and then journal. journal like using the
turning them back in. prompt, using the ideas of
 Students can highlight
others or drawing from
themes that they think themes discussed in class.
are important in the
song lyrics by picking
a picture that expresses
what they want to
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium
challenge, collaboration, mastery- symbols- clarify & connect of expression
What barriers might this oriented feedback language  Students can express
lesson present?  Students will  Students will connect their understanding
collaborate with other language to images through speaking,
classmates by giving that they pick out writing and finding
What will it take – feedback to improve  Students will connect images.
neurodevelopmentally, translations of song new vocab to pictures
experientially, lyrics of different Christmas
emotionally, etc., for your  Student will dinners
students to do this lesson? collaborate with their
partner when
translating lyrics and
when looking for an
image to match it.
 If students want a
challenge, they can try
to translate without
word reference
Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats  Students may use word  Student will interact
 Students can highlight reference in their with their partner,
themes that are translations other pairs and the
relevant to them in  Song lyrics will be teacher
their journal, read multiple times so
translation and image that students have time
selection. to absorb it.
 Laptops
Materials-what materials
 Projector w/ noel slides
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson  Lyrics handouts
and are they ready to use?  Journal prompt handouts

At the beginning of class, desks will be in their normal vertical rows. When it’s time to start studying
How will your classroom the song lyrics, students will find a comfortable spot on the floor to sit. When the students are making
be set up for this lesson? a music video, they will arrange their desks to that they are across from their partner.

III. The Plan
Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
2min 1. Ask students, “What kinds of French 1. Recall prior knowledge of Christmas
Motivation Christmas traditions have you heard of?” traditions in France.
10min (opening/ 2. Show pictures of people having the 2. Study the images on the board and
introduction/ Christmas meal together. Talk about the compare the people and objects in each
engagement) importance of the Christmas meal in photo. Answer questions in French
French culture. Start with pictures of
happy French families with lots of food.
Move on to university students eating
alone, people in a nursing home, homeless
people. Ask students, “Qu’est-ce que vous
voyez?” “Qu’est-ce que ils mangent?” “Ils
sont comment?”

5min Development 3. Have students sit on the floor where they 3. Listen to the lyrics of the song, trying to
(the largest are comfortable and dim the lights if pick out as many familiar words as you
component or possible. Tell students to just listen and try can. Specifically hold on to words that
main body of to remember a phrase that stuck out to strike you as important and share with the
the lesson) you. Read aloud the lyrics to “Les Enfants group. Listen to what your classmates
Oublies”. After, let students share what heard and use their ideas to guess major
phrases they picked out. After hearing themes of the song.
several, have students guess major themes 4. Write down sentences or important words
5min of the song. that you heard in French of course. Put it
4. Pass out a pieces of blank paper. Tell in your own words. Share what you wrote
students that this time, they should write with the person sitting next to you. Listen
down all the phrases that they can pick to what they wrote and compare.
out. Read the song again. Have students 5. Follow along on the sheet as you listen to
read to the person next to them what they the song.
wrote. 6. First, translate the phrase you were given
into English. Do your best to do it on your

5. Pass out the lyrics of the song. Play the own but if you really don’t know a word
song from the computer. Have students you may word reference it. Write down
15min follow along on the sheet. your best translation of the song onto a
6. Put students into pairs, give each pair a google slide. Second, go online with your
number which corresponds with a short partner and find a picture that you think is
section of the song. Tell students that we thought provoking and illustrates well the
are going to make a music video for this phrase you were given. Try to find the
song for English-speakers. Tell them they most impactful picture possible that
must first translate the phrase into English corresponds with your lyric. Put this
(they may use word reference for words picture on the same slide with the
they don’t know. NO GOOGLE translation.
TRANSLATE), then find a picture online 7. Carefully look at the translation of the pair
that illustrates the phrase and put it on a after you on the slide. See if you think
class google slide* with their number on it their translation expresses well the
along with their translation. This picture essence of the original French lyric. If you
5min must add meaning to the lyrics. find any errors or have any ideas, find that
7. Look at the slide after yours and check group and give them your thoughts.
their translation with your partner. If you 8. Behold your beautiful work as it is
have any suggestions or notice any projected on the screen!
mistakes, go over to that group and
5min discuss it with them.
8. When all lyrics and pictures are up, play
the song on top of the student’s google

*Teacher must put a blank google slide on

“classroom” before the lesson.

10min 9. Have each student get out a piece of paper 9. Write every French word you can think of
and write “idéal” at the top of one column that has to do with the ideal Christmas.
and “réalité” at the top of another column. This could be things like a nice meal,
Give them one minute to write every family, gifts, warmth etc. Also, write
French word they can think of that every word you can think of that has to do
corresponds with a Christmas ideal or a with the Christmas reality. This could be
Christmas reality. (this can be in their things like lonely, stressful, hunger,
experience or the experience of others). money etc. When you switch papers, add
After the minute is up, have them pass the words to the other students’ list that they
paper to the student next to them and didn’t write.
write some words that the other person 10. Use the ideas of other students on the
missed. Do this one more time. piece of paper and the prompt to help you
10. Have each student keep the paper they write your journal. Turn it in the next day
ended up with to help them with and the teacher will give you feedback on
homework. Each student will write a short grammar. Revise what needs to be
journal about the Christmas ideal and the corrected and give it back again.
Christmas reality. Pass out the handout
that explains the prompt. Have students
turn it in the next day and give grammar
suggestions. Students will correct
grammar. Grade for completion.
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)

-At first, this lesson was about French Christmas traditions and how they are similar or different from traditions in the United States.
I changed the theme because just studying the traditions seemed too shallow and I wanted the students to dig deeper.
-This lesson aims to apply the language that they’ve already learned to dialogue and reflection about complex topics.
-The lesson with be scaffolded so that students are not asked to do or say anything that is out of their depth, but they are still
encouraged to think deeply.


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