Art The Basic Identity Message

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Pastor Thomas E. O’Brien

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Dr. Wesley A. Swift

Rev. Dr. Bertrand Comparet, A. B., J. D.

Rev. William Gale

Captain K. R. McKilliam

Pastor Don Campbell

New Crusade Christian Church

Calling The People of Britain
Celtic-Anglo-Saxon-Nordic-Germanic Kindred
in Europe and overseas realms

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The message of the Bible, as taught by most of today's churches, is not
Christianity at all; but a nameless, faceless, irreligious, Satanic philoso-
phy. It is a liberal, one-world, one-race, Godless, sexless, homogenized
hodgepodge of propaganda disseminated by the Anti-Christ and their
millions of Christian lackeys who have had their brains dirtied and
contaminated by the constant stream of vicious, soul destroying lies,
half-truths and innuendoes fed to the public, twenty-four hours a day,
three hundred and sixty-five days a year. The only unforgivable sin in the
eyes of these liberals is discrimination, when actually, the inability to
discriminate is a sure sign of feeble mindedness.

Has the lack of sound answers to the following questions turned you
away from the Bible?

1. Was Adam and Eve the first man and woman?

2. Was it a serpent that beguiled Eve?

3. Was Eve's transgression physical or moral?

4. Why, after killing Abel, did Cain say to God "You are
casting me off the face of the earth," when God merely sent
him out of Eden into the land of Nod?

5. Why did Cain say "Everywhere I go, men shall seek to

slay me"? What men?

6. If Adam, Eve and Cain were the only three left, where did
Cain find a wife?

7. Why would Cain build a city for just himself and his wife?

8. Did all races come from Adam and Eve?

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9. Was everyone destroyed in the flood except Noah and his

10. If so, were the coloured races produced again, this time
by Noah's sons?

11. How could two of every species be accommodated on the

Ark for 265 days, to say nothing of the tons of food required,
when it was less than half the size of modern ocean liners?

12. Why cannot a child of unwed parents (bastard) be accept-

ed by God when it is definitely not the child's fault? .

13. Are the Jews the tribes of Israel?

If all these questions, plus the fact that your church does not have the
answers, have bothered you, perhaps it is time to at least approach the
Israel Identity Message with an open mind and see if you can find
reasonable and acceptable answers.

Space does not permit explanations for the following statements, howev-
er there is plenty of well documented material on the subject and more
becoming available every day. We will merely conduct an experiment,
asking that you accept these statements, then return to the thirteen ques-
tions and see if you can answer them. Are your answers clear, concise and
reasonable? Do the pieces of the jig-saw fall into place?

First, a few mistranslated words: day means era or cycle of time; Adam
means white man; earth means place or land (Georgia, Michigan, etc.);
beguiled means physical seduction; bastard means mongrel or mixed

In the first five eras, or cycles of time, God (re-) formed this planet and
everything upon it, including life, vegetable, animal, fish, etc.

During the sixth era, He created male and female, who were definitely a
Pre-Adamic people. He created everything after its kind, whose seed was

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in itself, and saw that it was good. This is God's Divine Law, every
species must procreate only with its own kind. LIKE BEGETS LIKE.

During the seventh era, God rested. He looked down and saw that the
created male and female had not progressed; there was no agriculture, no
advanced civilization. They were just beings, living exactly as they did
when He created them .

God decided a superior species was necessary to bring forth His Kingdom
on this earth. He formed Adam out of the dust of the ground and breathed
His Living Spirit into him, and Adam became a living soul. God did not
do this with Pre-Adamic man. This is the prime difference between you,
the white man, and all the Pre-Adamic people, including the Asiatic and
Negro. The colour of their skin is merely a uniform. You and you alone
are the physical offspring of God, possessing His ever-living Spirit.

To build a race Adam needed a mate, so God made Eve, a wife and
help-mate for him. The previously created females were not acceptable,
being of different seed and without God's Spirit.



God placed them in the garden of Eden, stating that everything in it was
theirs to eat except that they should not even sample fruit from the tree
that had knowledge of good and evil. This was a racial tree. Throughout
the Bible the word tree is used synonymously with race, even Christ is
referred to, as a tree.

Satan appeared to Eve as a beautiful white god and beguiled (seduced)

her. The offspring of this union was Cain, who genetically inherited all
the evil of his father, Satan. Eve then seduced Adam producing Abel who
of course inherited only good from his father Adam. This had to be a twin
conception as Cain and Abel came of age on the same day, offering their
sacrifices to God. Cain did not have God in his heart, so his sacrifice was
refused. Cain then slew Abel. God did not cast him off the face of the

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earth, he merely sent him out of Eden Into the land of Nod where he
settled among the many thousands of Asiatics living there, took an
Asiatic wife and produced the first white mongrels.

Doubtless, after Abel, Adam and Eve had several children but none were
acceptable to carry on the line until Seth was born, as Eve had been
contaminated by Satan and nature's cleansing process required seven
gestation periods. (The genesis in your Bible skips from Abel to Seth.) As
the white race grew and multiplied, segments drifted off, settled and
established cities and communities all over the area.

Most of them lived among themselves and had nothing to do with the
Pre-Adamic races. Some however mixed with other races as did their
mother Eve. They even took to fornicating with the coloured races,
producing mongrels in violation of God's Divine Law. A great multitude
of these people, ancestors of yours and mine, settled in the upper Tarim
Basin, north of India. God looked down upon these people and saw that
all of them were worshipping false gods and mongrelising, except Noah
and his family. Noah built the Ark, 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet
in depth. Along with his family he took the domesticated animals, horses,
cows, sheep, chickens, etc., a pair of each, necessary to continue his farm
after the flood. The flood was localized in this Tarim Basin, and the rest
of the earth was not affected. It did not interfere with the Chinese and
Egyptian civilizations. The Hwang Ho river runs from this basin into
China and they wrote of this river overflowing its banks and washing
many homes away. The Great Pyramid of Egypt was built before the
flood and there is not a water mark on it. Actually, this was just another
tragedy similar to Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps tragedy is the wrong
word here, because the people deserved it:

The two greatest sins that we can commit - one is spiritual, worshipping
a false god-. the second is physical, mongrelising. Deut. 23: 2: "A
mongrel (bastard) shall not enter the congregation of the Lord, even unto
the tenth generation, nay even forever. " (Many translations leave out
these last three words.)

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The Bible is the genesis of, the history of, and the prophecy for, the
WHITE RACE only. It gives no genesis for the black, yellow or mongrel-
ised races, which of course includes the Jews. John 17: 9: "I pray for
them. I pray NOT for the WORLD, but for them whom thou has given me;
for they are thine. "

The Jews are not the Hebrews of the Bible, they are not the tribes of Israel
and Christ was not a Jew. They are the mongrelised descendants of Satan
through Gain, as Christ tells them specifically in John 8: 44: "Ye are of
your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " I John 3:
12: "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one and killed his brother. " In
the 23rd Chapter of Matthew, Christ tells the Jews they are responsible
for all that have been killed upon this earth, even unto the righteous Abel.
As Christ does not lie, He could not make this statement, if the Jews were
not descendants of Cain.

The word "serpent" is used symbolically throughout the Bible when

referring to Satan, so it follows that Christ would use identical nomencla-
ture for Satan's children, the Jews. Matt. 23. 31-33: "Where re, ye are
witnesses against yourselves, that ye are the sons of them who killed the
prophets. Fill up then, the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye
generation [race] of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

To conclude this little journey into the Bible, please return to the thirteen
questions at the beginning of this essay. Really, they were not difficult
questions at all. Were they? For deeper study, please check the rest of the
articles on this web site for other material available.

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At last the bible makes sense!

At last we know its meaning.

Its the book of the RACE

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