Greer Citizen E-Edition 11.21.18

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CHRISTMAS CHEER: Residents donate shoeboxes to OCC B5



Greer chamber names new president

BY KAELYN CASHMAN years. community as well as de- ber Chairman. “His lead- “He is knowledgeable,
STAFF WRITER “I am looking forward velop and create opportu- ership, experience, and innovative, values re-
to leading the Greater nities for business growth accomplishments as the lationships and build-
The Greater Greer Cham- Greer Chamber of Com- throughout the Greater President and CEO of the ing community, and is
ber of Commerce named merce and working with Greer area.” Brookings Area Chamber aware of the opportu-
its new president and CEO the Board of Directors, Merhib will be joining of Commerce is evidence nities and challenges
on Monday. Chamber staff and Cham- the Chamber on Jan. 28. of his passion for Cham- the Greater Greer com-
David Merhib was cho- ber membership,” Merhib “We are excited to wel- ber work, business growth, munity faces,” she said.
sen for the job, having said. “My goal is to keep come David as our Pres- and community support.” “David is prepared
served as the President of the Chamber relevant ident and CEO for the Porter said Merhib and eager to help our
the Brookings Area Cham- through new and existing Greater Greer Chamber brings with him experi- organization, members,
ber of Commerce in South programs and initiatives of Commerce,” said Mi- ence that will be valu- and community thrive.”
Dakota for the last four that impact the business kelle Porter, Greer Cham- able for local merchants. SEE CHAMBER | A6 David Merhib


Perry returns to coaching

It’s been a long road

back to the football field
for coach Travis Perry.
Since being diagnosed
with bile duct cancer ear-
lier this year, the Yellow
Jacket play caller has been
tested in ways he never
thought possible.
“There are certainly
tough days,” Perry said.
“I’m human. There are
days where I get worried
PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN and down. But that’s when
my walk with God and
Marty Knighton installs Christmas decorations along my faith in him gets me
Poinsett Street ahead of Greer’s holiday festivities. through.”
Perry began his cancer
treatments early on in

Holiday events Greer’s football season,

and they have continued
throughout the fall with
more still ahead.
Greer football players have offered support to coach Travis Perry throughout his battle
with cancer this year.

start next week

“The surgery was the
hardest thing I’ve ever supposed to, but did not back in the hospital for Frustrated by the set-
gone through,” he said. “I come without complica- five days and I had to back and a delayed return
really didn’t think it would tion. come home with a drain to coaching, Perry made
be that bad, but it was “About a week after I got coming out of my chest. I his way back to the team
In, around The event, presented by
CBL State Savings Bank,
The surgery, which took
home, I got an infection
that released some fluid
also had a 24/7 pump that
gave me antibiotics con-
for the playoffs.
“I’ve been off every-
will run from 5-8 on Trade place in the summer, ac- into my blood stream,” tinuously. That lasted for thing for about two weeks,
Greer with food tastings, a sip
and shop outing, enter-
complished what it was Perry said. “That put me about five weeks.” SEE PERRY | A2

tainment, children’s crafts

City bolstering cyber security

BY BILLY CANNADA and a visit from Santa.
EDITOR “We’re excited to an-
nounce a partnership
A slate of holiday events event as we prepare for
are on tap for the coming our streetscape program,”
weeks as Greer residents said Nikki Crabtree, Direc- BY KAELYN CASHMAN according to IT Manager attacks include Mecklen- “It’s not if you’ll be at-
welcome the Christmas tor of Membership Engage- STAFF WRITER Jim Ridgill. burg County and the City tacked; it’s when,” Ridg-
season. ment with the chamber. “Over the last couple of of Atlanta. ill said. “Within the last
The festivities begin “We’re excited about The City of Greer is tak- months, the vulnerability “With both of those, the month, our email firewall
next Thursday during The this new event and new ing steps to bolster its cy- attacks have just about penetration actually came has blocked 2,459 emails.”
Greater Greer Chamber’s way to showcase our beau- ber security as the threat doubled. Not just for the from a user clicking on “There’s a lot of email
Rockin’ Around Trade tiful downtown.” of attacks continues to City of Greer but just in- a link that came in in an traffic coming in,” he said.
Street event. SEE CHRISTMAS | A8 grow. dustry-wide,” he said. email,” Ridgill said. “Some of the protective
In a week’s time during “The attacks are growing.” Fort Mill and Anderson measures that we’re tak-
the month of Novem- Some regional examples have also been hit by ran- ing for this whole securi-
ber, the City of Greer had of municipalities that have somware within the last ty is we’re upgrading our

City to advance
about 7,000 cyber attacks, experienced recent cyber year. SEE SECURITY | A2

hotel project Greer to rebid Streetscape project

BY BILLY CANNADA ville Legislative Delegation millage or business license for completion by June 30,
EDITOR Transportation Commit- increase and we will hon- 2020.
Remove Tire The Board of Architec- Greer will rebid its
tee (GLTDC) and the City
of Greer.
or that commitment. The
GLDTC, CoTransCo and
The streetscape project
includes work on all roads
tural Review (BAR) ap- streetscape project, offi- City officials worked on the City are in agreement in the central business
Exchange from proved the demolition cials announced Monday value engineering options that rebidding the project district. The centerpiece is
last month, making way morning. in an effort to reduce the is the appropriate thing to transforming Trade Street
historic overlay for a new hotel to be con- The city received just anticipated cost of con- do.” through a shared street
structed at the corner of one bid of $11,757,838 struction. CoTransCo is working design — milling it down
BY KAELYN CASHMAN Poinsett and Main Street from Sossamon Construc- “We have an obligation with the GLTDC, which to one inch below the curb
STAFF WRITER in 2019. tion earlier this month, to our community to be has a participation agree- line, installing pavers, re-
After removing the Tire but the amount “exceeded conscious of the overall ment with the City of pairing all broken curbing
Greer Council is remov- Exchange from the map, pre-bid projections,” City budget while delivering Greer. Company officials and gutters, ensuring ADA
ing the Tire Exchange the BAR will no longer re- Administrator Ed Driggers the quality promised in will facilitate a mandatory accessibility, and install-
from the historic overlay view changes made to the said. this project,” Driggers pre-bid meeting for con- ing all new landscaping
district zoning map ahead building. General contractors will said. “Greer City Council tractors in December. and lighting.
of the building’s demoli- “We’re not removing it have a 31-day window to mandated that this work Driggers said the proj-
tion. SEE HOTEL | A6 submit bids to the Green- would be done with no ect remains on schedule [email protected] | 877-2076


Russell Scott Foxhall, 75
Gary Keith Peahuff, 59
OBITUARIES A6 advance to
third round

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Breakfast & L

Community 9-848-2151 or Detention

Center at 9-848-5358. PERRY: Back on the field
The Town of Lyman is

which is great because I

tention is on the gridiron,
where the jackets have
a shot at another state
holding its first Breakfast really felt like a dog with championship.
HOLIDAY LIGHTS SAFARI TO with Santa on Saturday, two leashes attached to “Being back on the foot-
BEGIN AT HOLLYWILD Dec. 1, from 8-10 a.m. at me,” he said. “It was tough ball field is the greatest
Hollywild Animal Park is the Lyman Event Center at mentally and physically, medicine there is,” Perry
opening its Holiday Lights Pacific Place. Tickets will but my faith in God, my said. “I’m like everybody
Safari on Tuesday, Nov. be on sale until Friday, family and my community else—I don’t want it to
20, and remaining open Nov. 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 have gotten me through end. I want to keep this
through Jan. 5 with gates p.m. at Lyman Town Hall. it.” thing going for a few more
opening at 6 p.m. and clos- Adults, age 11 and up, Perry credits the prayers weeks.”
ing at 9 p.m. each night. are $8 while children, ages of friends, family and Perry said this team has
Purchase tickets for San- one to 10, are $6 with no neighbors with his contin- what it takes to win it all.
ta photos at the online refunds or exchanges and ued recovery. “Fans have no idea what
ticket booth at www.Holly- no replacements for lost “So many people have goes into winning it all,” tickets. Attendees must reached out to us and Perry said. “I’m talking
have a ticket to get inside, have done things that about the year-round
GREER CPW TO CLOSE and tickets will not be sold have been unbelievable,” work, the ball bouncing
FOR THANKSGIVING at the door. PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN he said. “Everybody has your way here or there,
Greer CPW’s Customer Those who attend may been so wonderful.” getting a call here or there,
Service building will be
closed for Thanksgiving
Thursday, Nov. 22, and
talk with Santa, but a pic-
ture with Santa costs $7.
For more information,
Walking for hunger The fight still isn’t over,
however. Perry started
six weeks of radiation on
and most importantly,
keeping guys healthy.
Winning a championship
Friday, Nov. 23. email James West at The 14th Annual Merle State Hunger Walk took place Tuesday. takes a lot, but our kids
In case of a utility emer- [email protected]. Sunday, Nov. 18, to raise funds for Daily Bread Ministries, “They tell me that I’m and their attitudes—this
gency during this time, including the Greer Soup Kitchen and STEP (Shelter to Em- disease free and cancer is probably one of the
call 848-5500. CHAMBER INTRODUCES power People). free at the moment,” Per- greatest groups I’ve been
NEW LEAD ON LUNCHEON ry said. “I’m just trusting around.
CITY OFFICES TO CLOSE The Greater Greer Cham- that program at this time. “It’ll be well worth your that God will heal me com- “I’ve been coaching for
FOR THANKSGIVING ber of Commerce recently “We were looking for time to set that aside,” pletely and keep that can- a long time and I’ve been
In observance of Thanks- announced a new event. other ways to develop that King said. “This will be an cer away. blessed to coach many
giving, city offices in Greer The inaugural Lead On leadership program,” said ongoing thing.” The road ahead will not good teams at Greer High.
will be closed on Thurs- Luncheon will take place Mark King, Interim Cham- The cost is $30 for mem- be easy. I’ve been a part of a couple
day, Nov. 22, and Friday, Tuesday, Nov. 27, from ber President and CEO. bers and $40 for guests. “I’ll take eight chemo of state championships
Nov. 23. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The luncheon is a new To register, visit mem- pills a day, and that will and won one. I’ve got a
When the police depart- Thornblade Club, located opportunity for chamber work alongside the radia- feeling for what it takes to
ment office is closed, use at 1275 Thornblade Blvd, members to continue their events/details/lead-on- tion,” Perry said. “I’m go- do it, and this team is spe-
the following numbers for Greer, for those who have professional and personal luncheon-6657. ing to battle as hard as I cial. This team is capable
assistance in a non-emer- been through Leadership development and leader- can.” of it.”
gency: Police Dispatch at Greer or cannot commit to ship skills. As for now, Perry’s at-

SECURITY: Revamped by city to fight against cyber attacks during the holidays
FROM PAGE ONE “We have to be very care- grow more complex.
ful about what we down- “Gone are those fun CYBER ATTACK METHODS
antivirus and malware. Vi- load, what we click on, days of the early viruses,
ruses used to be and still what’s coming in,” he said. such as the cookie virus
are caught by signatures.” “When in doubt, delete it.” that would pop up on your Phishing: the fraudulent practice of sending Brute force: a trial-and-error method used to
Greer is looking to go to “There’s more training screen and ask for a cook- emails purporting to be from reputable com- obtain information such as a user password
a program called Cylance, that’s coming,” Ridgill ie,” Ridgill said. “You had panies in order to induce individuals to reveal or personal identification number; automated
a new technology that said. “The more layers you to select finally the one it personal information, such as passwords and software is used to generate a large number
looks at the processes in- put in there, the better.” wanted; then, it would dis- credit card numbers of consecutive guesses as to the value of the
stead of the signatures. Rigdill said cyber de- appear, and you continue desired data
“We’re looking at modi- fense has changed through right on. Nothing else hap- Spear phishing: the fraudulent practice of
fying the password regula- the years. pened. sending emails ostensibly from a known or Ransomware: a type of malicious software, or
tions that we have,” Ridg- “There’s a lot of efforts “Nowadays, of course, trusted sender in order to induce targeted malware, designed to deny access to a com-
ill said. “We’ve upgraded going on right now to de- as we know, you can lose individuals to reveal confidential information puter system or data until a ransom is paid
our network switches fend against a lot of the all computer information;
citywide. We’ve done the attacks that are happening things get completely de- Vishing: the act of using the telephone in an Spectre: breaks the isolation between different
phishing training. One in the world of comput- leted; it gets encrypted,” attempt to scam the user into surrendering pri- applications; allows an attacker to trick er-
rule of thumb that I tell ev- ers,” Ridgill said. “It is no he said. “You may get ran- vate information that will be used for identity ror-free programs, which follow best practices,
eryone is that if you have longer just an adult hack- somware, where it asks for theft into leaking their secrets
a question or any piece of er; it’s now children. Ten any denomination of mon-
doubt in your mind if this years old and older can ey to get a key that might Smishing: the act of using text messages in an Meltdown: breaks the most fundamental isola-
is legit or not, it can’t be now create these viruses, work and it might not attempt to scam the user into surrendering pri- tion between user applications and the operat-
legit.” programs that can get into work. You might get a key; vate information that will be used for identity ing system; this attack allows a program to
The city has also been your system and create all you might not get a key. theft access the memory, and thus also the secrets,
doing the KnowBe4 train- kinds of havoc.” It’s really progressed into of other programs and the operating system
ing. Viruses also ontinue to a really ugly scenario.”
The Greer Citizen


Taking a shot at marriage

ow, I know what Tannerite is. The dress became the ultimate sacri-
But to be honest, for years I didn’t. I’M JUST fice as Kimberly declared that it “repre-
Residents in my neighborhood enjoy
target shooting, particularly around deer
SAYING sented a lie.”
She’d already burned the wedding pho-
season, and even the horses have be- tos and decided to sell the ring.
come accustomed to what often sounds But with the aid of a scope mounted
like rapid, semi automatic discharges
PAM STONE on her rifle, she pulled the trigger to
(should you want to blow the deer into create the explosion that could be heard
‘fun size’ bites) to the point where they 15 miles away and reduced her dress to
barely flinch. target practice. If you hit your target, it confetti.
That’s particularly helpful should one blows up and you’ll know you hit your I can’t lie— I’m dying to know his side
actually be on a horse. target if you’re far away, so you don’t of the story.
Then, suddenly, came enormous have to walk all the way up to it and Because either he’s a monster or she’s
booms that rattled windows, not to men- see.” overly sensitive.
tion nerves. Ohhh. Until then, good luck to Kimberly and
“What the hell was that?” I asked at the Now it made sense, I thought, after her original approach to closure.
feed store after Paul assured me it was a I read about the woman in Texas who And fellow Texans, remember her
cannon. “It sounded like a bazooka!” wanted to celebrate her divorce being name should you run across her on a
“Tannerite,” replied the cashier, chew- finalized by blowing up her wedding dating site.
ing gum, “They use it when they shoot dress. She’s a crack shot and loves blowing
stuff.” With Tannerite. ‘stuff’ up.
Only she didn’t say, “stuff.” Kimberly Santleben-Stiteler, 43, gath- Pretty much a dream girl.
“To blow stuff up?” I asked, but I ered with friends and family at her dad-
didn’t say “stuff.” dy’s farm for a ‘divorce party’ to mark
“Well, you can, but mostly it’s for the end of her 14 year marriage.




Staff reporter
Greer map
Editor’s Note: Walk down mem-
ory lane with us! In upcoming have so many reasons to be
editions of The Greer Citizen, we thankful.
will be taking a look at old news- My handsome husband Brad
papers and bringing you stories loves the Lord, me and others,
from the past to commemorate so I give thanks to the Lord God
our 100-year anniversary. We Almighty, who is and who was
hope this section gives you a bet- and who is to come.
ter look at the people, events and Both of our parents live
businesses that made the Greer nearby for us to visit them on a
area a great place to live for the regular basis, so I give thanks to
past Century. the Everlasting Father.
We both have worked hard to
Wednesday, January 12, 1983 grow in our fields of work with
steady income, so I give thanks
The Greater Greer Chamber of to the Good Shepherd.
commerce published a compre- Our home is mostly neat,
hensive map of the Greer area clean and open to brothers and
for the first time in a decade. sisters in Christ as well as those
who do not yet know Him, so I

The map displayed GUEST EDITORIAL  | give thanks to the King of kings,
who reigns in heaven.

Time to replace aging

We have delicious food to eat,
all 52 of Greer’s dishes to use and appliances
that work, so I give thanks to
subdivisions and the the Bread of Life.

voting machines in SC
area’s newest attraction,
We have so much to be
Lake Robinson.
thankful for as we live
The map displayed all 52 of
Greer’s subdivisions and the in the United States of
area’s newest attraction, Lake If your smartphone battery dies, it’s frustrat- can lose confidence in the machines. That is
Robinson. ing, but you can find a land line somewhere. unacceptable. All who vote should be confident America...
Also on the front page was a Or if your car’s backup camera goes down, you that their vote is being recorded accurately — a
feature story on the city’s emer- can always turn around and look out of the high bar to attain in today’s hyper-partisan at-
gency response system. rear window — the way it was done in the early mosphere. Our water is drinkable from
Greer Police Chief James Bea- 2000s. But if the vintage 2004 voting machine Nobody likes spending money to replace a the faucet and plentiful, so I
son explained what to do if you on which you cast your vote goes haywire or, roof or an air conditioner, but roofs and air con- give thanks to the Living Water.
need to report an emergency. worse, records your vote wrong, your options ditioners wear out or break down. So do voting Both of us have vehicles that
“It is very important for peo- are much more limited, especially in South Car- machines. It would be tempting to spend the are running well for the time be-
ple to try to remain calm and olina where electronic votes are not backed up $65 million on roads and bridges, school buses ing, so I give thanks to Emmanu-
not to hang up the telephone, by a paper trail. And with foreign powers eager or cybersecurity. But our constitutional right to el, God with us.
There is some information the to interfere with our elections and some U.S. vote is the foundation on which all such govern- My husband Brad and I have
caller must give us before we politicians casting doubts on the integrity of our ment programs are built, and it must be secure. been adopted by grace into the
can help,” he said. elections, South Carolina must not put off any Another group of lawmakers on Tuesday family of God through faith
Beason also reported two re- longer replacing its aging, trouble-prone voting pitched a far less expensive option: paper bal- by the death of His Son Jesus
cent assaults in the Greer area. machines with new ones that use the most so- lots. Besides costing less, this method also Christ on the cross, so I give
The stabbing occurred on phisticated security capabilities and efficiency would allow for a check of the actual ballot cast thanks to the great Redeemer.
Oakland Avenue and the victim available. The machines used in South Carolina if there are any discrepancies or a recount is Both of us have good friends
was rushed to Allen Bennett have a life expectancy of 15 years. That means necessary. The Legislature should consider this who love us, hold us account-
Hospital. it would be irresponsible to count on them for suggestion as well before making a recommen- able and encourage us in our
Several meetings were also voting in 2020. Indeed, state election officials dation to state election officials. walk, so I give thanks to the
scheduled this week, including have been asking legislators for six years to If the decision is made to go with new ma- Prince of Peace.
the Greer Lions Club and the find the money for 13,000 new touchscreen ma- chines, they alone won’t be enough. Election of- We have both strived through
Greer High PTSA. chines – the kind that produce paper records. ficials, poll workers, voting machine attendants hard times and received forgive-
The cost of a paper was 15 Lawmakers have set aside $5 million, but that’s and computer technicians must be thoroughly ness for sins, so I give thanks to
cents. only a small step toward the $65 million price trained to maintain them and to detect prob- the Wonderful Counselor.
tag. House Ways and Means Committee Chair- lems. They must know how to determine if a Both of us have remained in
man Brian White, R-Anderson, has said he ex- security breach has occurred, plan for dealing good health despite the drop in
pects the money will be allocated from $177 with electricity, phone or computer disrup- temperature, so I give thanks to
million left over from the 2017-18 fiscal year. tions, report problems promptly and conduct the Mighty God.
And, he said, new voting machines should be post-election audits. We have so much to be thank-
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  | up and running for the general election in 2020.
His colleagues would make a big mistake if they
Research has shown for years that voting sys-
tems are often susceptible to malware, prone to
ful for as we live in the United
States of America, where we
fail to back him up. failure and impossible to audit. The director of are currently free to worship
Submission guidelines Election officials insist that the midterm votes
were recorded accurately, if not always efficient-
national intelligence also reported on Russia’s
interference in the 2016 election, prompting
the one true God, to share the
Gospel and to show His love

he Greer Citizen accepts Let- ly. Batteries died and had to be replaced, and Homeland Security and election officials around to a hurting world in need of a
ters to the Editor. Letters fraying electrical cords needed to be bandaged. the country to beef up security. Savior.
should be 125 words or less In addition to causing longer waits for voters, But a major part of that effort will have to be 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says,
and include a name and a phone the repairs and maintenance are expensive. replacing voting machines that are out of date “Give thanks in all circumstanc-
number for verification. Particularly troubling to voters and officials and vulnerable to hacking. The sooner South es; for this is the will of God in
The Greer Citizen reserves the are problems with calibration, which are becom- Carolina allocates the money, places its order Christ Jesus for you.”
right to edit any content. ing more common. If a screen’s display is out of and prepares to use new voting machines, the
Letters to the Editor can be alignment, a voter’s touch may select the wrong more secure our crucial democratic voting pro- [email protected] | 877-2076
mailed to 317 Trade St., Greer candidate. Voters can catch the error right away cess will be.
29651. or as they review their votes before confirming
them. But even with these protections, voters This guest editorial was published by The Post and Courier

The Greer Citizen The Greer Citizen

is published every Wednesday by
All advertisements are accepted and published
by the Publisher upon the representation that
Established 1918 the advertiser/agency is authorized to publish
The Greer Citizen, Inc. the entire contents and subject matter thereof.
Steve Blackwell | Publisher 317 Trade St., Greer, S.C. 29651 It is understood that the advertiser/agency will
Telephone 877-2076 indemnify and save the Publisher harmless from
Billy Cannada | Editor Mail subscription rate or against any loss or expense arising out of
publication of such advertisements, including,
Shaun Moss Advertising Periodicals Postage Paid at Greer, S.C. Greenville and Spartanburg Counties������������������������������������� $33/year without limitation, those resulting from claims
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Kaelyn Cashman Staff Reporter Stephanie Reider Office Manager POSTMASTER - Send address changes to Elsewhere in Continental U.S. ������������������������������������������������ $53/year and copyrights infringement. © All material in
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Greer, S.C. 29652 75 Cents Per Copy management.

Gap Creek subdivision

locating on county line

A new subdivision is
in the works on East Gap
Creek Road.
Washington Baptist
Church is seeking to sell
IMAGE | SUBMITTED 29.25 acres of proper-
ty left to the church by a
member who passed away.
The City of Greer is purchasing playground equipment for the Center for the Arts, located The property is located at
at 100 Davis Ave. 2308 East Gap Creek Road.
“This is directly across

City of Greer to purchase

from Country Club,” said
Greer Planning Manager
Kelli McCormick. “They IMAGE | SUBMITTED
have contracted services

playground equipment
with BlueWater Civil De-
sign to design the subdi-
vision and are looking for
a buyer; therefore, they
are asking to have this
rezoned in order to make
For the Center COUNCIL ACTION  | that a successful sale.”
At their regular meeting
for the Arts Housing Authority: Council unanimously approved the reap-
last Tuesday, Greer City
Council unanimously ap-
pointment of Sarrell Strange to the Greer Housing Authority. proved the first reading of
BY KAELYN CASHMAN an ordinance to annex the
STAFF WRITER Suber Road: Council unanimously approved the Second and property, which is in both
Final Reading of Ordinance Number 23-2018 to provide for the Greenville and Spartan-
The City of Greer is mov- annexation of properties owned by (1) Lola M. Crawford, (2A/B) burg counties, and to es-
ing forward with the ren- James E. Wright, Sr., and (3) James E. Wright, Jr., located at (1) tablish R-10 (Single-Family
ovation of the Center for 936 South Suber Road, 2(A/B) 938 South Suber Road and (3) Residential) zoning. 304 N. Main St.
the Arts at 100 Davis Ave. 942 South Suber Road and to establish a zoning classification of “Plats that are reviewed Dave
Dave Ramsey’s Ramsey’s Endorsed Endorsed Greer SC 29650
At a regular meeting R-M1 (Residential Multi-Family). will be recorded in both lo- Local Provider for
Local Provider for 304 N. Main St.
last Tuesday, council cations,” McCormick said. Dave
Dave Ramsey’s Ramsey’s
since 2001.
Endorsed Endorsed Greer SC 29650
for since 2001.
unanimously approved a Center Street: Council unanimously approved the Second and “We have that all the time Local Provider
Local Provider
Investing since 2001.
foris not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial
Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program
Securities offered through LPL Financial,
request to purchase play- Final Reading of Ordinance Number 35-2018 to provide for the in the city. Our city bisects
ground equipment from annexation of properties owned by William B. McAbee located Greenville and Spartan- Investing SKFS-1001-Green since 2001.
Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1 6/8/16 3:40

Dave Ramsey & the DaveDave

Ramsey ELP program isRamsey’s Recommended Investing
Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial Securities offered through LPL Financial,
Landscape Structures at 214 Center Street and to establish a zoning classification of burg counties.” not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC

through HGAC, a Nation- R-7.5 (Single-Family Residential). Council members asked SKFS-1001-Green Citizen
SKFS-1001-Green Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1
ProfessionalsAd_5.5x4.25.indd 1 since 2001. 6/8/16 3:4
wide, Government Pro- how the property will Dave beRamsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial 304 N. Main St.
Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey SVP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPLSCFinancial
curement Service. Plastic Omnium: Council unanimously approved the First taxed and whatDave will Ramsey’s
hap- Endorsed Greer 29650
“Our project team se- Reading of Ordinance 39-2018 to provide for the annexation of pen if a house is built on Local SKFS-1001-Green
Provider for Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1 864-879-0337
lected a playground offer property owned by Plastic Omnium Exterior, LLC, located at 871 the county line. Investing since 2001. 304 N. Main St. • Greer SC 304 29650 N. Main St.
by Landscape Structures and 875 Victor Hill Road, and to establish a zoning classification “The Dave
property Ramsey’s
will not Endorsed
be 864-879-0337 • Greer SC 29650
Securities offered through LPL Financial,
that can be purchased of I-1 (Industrial District) on the 10 acres. taxed Local
by both Providercounties,”
Dave for
Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC
Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member864-879-0337
through HGAC, which is said City
Investing Administrator
since 2001.
SKFS-1001-Green Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1 6/8/16 3:40
a nationwide, government Meeting Schedule: Council unanimously approved the Greer Ed Driggers. “We have to
purchasing cooperative,” City Council 2019 Meeting Schedule. record them in both. They Securities offered through LPL Financial,
said Red Watson, Assis- will be Dave
taxed byDaveone
Ramsey & the orprogram
Ramsey ELP the is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC

tant Director of Parks Executive Session: Council entered into Executive Session other.”
and Recreation. “By going to discuss a Contractual Matter pertaining to the Downtown “TheSKFS-1001-Green
rule of thumb Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd
SKFS-1002-Greenhas 1
Citizen Ad-3.2x4_11.1.indd 1 6/8/16 12/ 3:4

through HGAC, we’ll have Streetscape Project. Upon their return, council members unani- primarily been that they
the opportunity to save mously approved a motion for the Greenville County Legislative will assign where the mas-
about $18,000 on this par- Transportation Commission to enter into a contract with Sos- ter bedroom is located if
ticular playground. samon and for the City Administrator Ed Driggers to continue the house is split,” he said.
“Our contractor, of negotiations on the Streetscape Project. The second reading will
course, has occupied the most likely take place at
building,” he said. “Maybe perimeter of the property you’ll see grading start the next regular council
75 percent of the demo with a few select entranc- to take place in the next meeting on Nov. 27.
inside of the building has es. month or so,” he said.
been performed, so, now, “Equipment’s going to Inside, walls are being [email protected] | 877-2076
we’re working through be coming in and laid torn down and put back
some of the RFIs (Request down soon,” Watson said. together.
For Information), moving “They’re trying to finalize “It looks totally different
forward with the interior the grading contractor, so inside,” Watson said.
construction.” a lot of moving parts right

Construction fencing now.” [email protected] | 877-2076
has been placed on the “I think from the outside

TFSD purchases property LIFESTYLE AT

for new Main Street site Oakleaf Village At Greenville
STAFF WRITER ‘We will be working on the timeline after
The Taylors Fire and the holidays.’
Sewer District closed on
a property earlier this
month, planning to relo- Stephanie Hackler
cate its headquarters in Senior Accounting & HR Specialist
the coming months.
The Commissioners the TFSD. ing in the fire headquar-
purchased five acres for “We will be working on ters, the district office and
$879,000 at 405 W. Main the timeline after the hol- a maintenance shop will
Street, Taylors. idays,” she said. “At this be moving.
“There are no existing time, we have not set a TFSD plans to continue
buildings on the property, date to be operational normal operations during
so it will require new con- from the new location. We the transition.
struction,” said Stephanie should know more once
Hackler, Senior Account- we develop a timeline.” [email protected] | 877-2076
ing & HR Specialist with All of the people work-
6140 C Wade Hampton Blvd. • Taylors, SC
Our community’s million-dollar designer remodel will offer
(864) 968-9001

new and inviting spaces for an even better way to dine,
socialize and enjoy life. Just one more way Oakleaf Village
At Greenville is the place you can call home - now and for
years to come.

SALE 10% to 35% Off
1560 Thornblade Boulevard
Hours: Tue. to Fri. 10-5 Greer, SC 29650
Prices, plans and programs are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Owned and operated by
Discovery Senior Living. Void where prohibited by law. ©2018, Discovery Senior Living, OLVG-0031 10/18
The Greer Citizen


empires of Germany, and

the hallowed beaches of
Normandy. He appreciat-
HOTEL: Added to permitted uses in C-1
ed simple pleasures and FROM PAGE ONE
finer things alike but was issue foundation permits you to keep the structure,
a sworn enemy of snob- from a historical register and the like before that.” paint the structure a cer-
bery and condescension. list,” said Mayor Rick Dan- Council unanimously tain color, do anything to
He laughed with abandon. ner. “We’re simply remov- approved the First Read- it. They don’t care what
He will be missed by ing it from our overlay.” ing of Ordinance 37-2018 you do to it. They don’t
countless friends who In another logistics to amend the City of Greer care if you tear it down.”
enjoyed his intelligent move, council also added zoning code of ordinance “Of course, they’re his-
conversations and quick “hotel” to its permitted by adding to article 5 dis- torians,” she said. “They
wit. But most of all, Rusty uses under C-1 zoning reg- trict regulations to incor- want you to keep it, but
will be remembered as a ulations. porate hotels within the all of the teeth in historic
true gentleman with the “Currently, hotel is not City of Greer’s (C-1) Cen- preservation come in our
Russell Scott Foxhall kindest heart, who treat- G. Keith Peahuff a permitted use in our C-1 tral Business District. local ordinance. What we
ed all with the dignity and district,” said Planning enforce and what the BAR
Russell Scott Foxhall, respect that he believed Gary Keith Peahuff, 59, Manager Kelli McCormick. GRACE CHURCH enforces is where those
innovative chemical en- everyone deserved. He passed away November “It is in our S-1 district, Part of the new Grace regulations are strongest.”
gineer, patient coach, parked a million cars at 13, 2018. and some of the proper- Church building will be In the case of the Grace
master story teller, devot- the annual Greek Festival. A native of Greenville ty as we know that the added to the historic over- Church building, BAR con-
ed husband, and unsur- Rusty would open doors County, son of the late project will be underway lay district map, following sidered the character of
passed father died Thurs- for ladies, hold the hands Gary Raymond and Joanne on soon is zoned C-1 and a council decision. that structure, which was
day, November 15th, at his of children, and shuttle Reeves Peahuff, he was a some of it is zoned S-1. The new map will in- part of the old D&D build-
home in Greer, SC. Born anyone who needed extra retired employee of Duke We typically do not like to clude a warehouse build- ing.
on April 11th, 1943, in help to and from the park- Energy and of the Baptist have split zoned property. ing on Poinsett Street, but “They felt that it was a
La Jolla, California, Rusty ing lots. These events were faith. As such, we will be looking not the old Mutual Home contributing factor, and
graduated from Auburn his element—a way to Surviving are his wife, at a rezoning of some sort, building. when we removed the Tire
University in 1967, be- serve his community and Karen Pittman Peahuff of depending on the overall “The primary purpose is Exchange, it was kind of
fore living and working in church while also engag- the home; two sons, Eric layout of this project.” for the protection of his- like an equal amount of
eight cities during the first ing and enjoying the com- Keith Peahuff and Aus- Design Review District toric properties,” Driggers swap,” McCormick said.
three years of marriage pany of a diverse group of tin David Peahuff both of (DRD) may be considered said of the historic overlay “We want to keep the same
to his college sweetheart, people. Greer; a daughter, Melis- in order for the city to district. amount of building con-
Helen Likis, and starting Rusty is preceded in sa Brooke Stead of Greer; look at elevations and ar- “Because there’s intent tributing to the district.”
his 38-year tenure as a Re- death by his parents Verne a brother, Raymond Mark chitectural controls. to protect historic prop- Council Member Jay
search and Development and Geraldine of Thomas- Peahuff of Greer; and a “From a timing perspec- erties, there then became Arrowood expressed con-
engineer at the Polyester ton, Alabama. He is sur- grandson, Tristler Tatum tive, that process will take a tie-in for credits relative cerns about having two
Film plant on Hood Road. vived by his wife, Helen; Stead. longer than it will to do to those because it’s typi- zonings for one parcel.
In Greer, he made a his three sons, Scott (Lau- Graveside services were two readings to add it to cally extremely expensive “In a zoning environ-
home for his beloved wife, ra) of Starkville, Mississip- held 11 a.m. Saturday, No- C-1,” Driggers said. “The to restore to the historical ment, you are absolutely
who he always wanted to pi, Chris (Liz) of Cumming, vember 17, 2018 at Hill- primary purpose here is character of property, and correct that it would be
spoil and his three sons, Georgia, Joey (Amy) of crest Memory Gardens, to allow for us to be able so those credits are typi- by the parcel number,”
who he actively educat- Folly Beach, SC; his grand- conducted by Rev. Keith to issue permits for con- cally available so that they said City Administrator
ed, gently toughened, and children, Kade, Kennedy, Kelly. struction of that hotel on do not fall into disrepair Ed Driggers. “For historic
relentlessly supported. Ryan, Clay, Luke, Lainey, Visitation will be held af- that site as a permitted and ultimately abolished,” designation, it is specific
He attended every sin- and Jennings; his brother ter the service at the cem- use in C-1.” he said. to a structure.”
gle sporting event and Roger (Susan) of San Anto- etery. “They may come Tax credits are available “The purpose of the tax
milestone while quietly nio, Texas; and numerous The family is at the through with a rezoning to for properties in the his- map identification is sim-
building an accomplished nieces, nephews, family, home. DRD, and that would take toric district. ply as an identifier, but for
career that garnered mul- and friends that he long Online condolences may until about mid-march “The only thing it does historic purposes, it is not
tiple patents and lifelong considered family. be made at www.thewood- before we would have a is give you money if you specific to the entire tax
friendships. Visitation was Sunday, Final Development Plan want to rehabilitate that to map number,” he said.
Upon retirement in 2007, November 18, from 6-8 approved, if they started a historic standard,” said
Rusty served St. George p.m. at Mackey Funeral today,” McCormick said. Kelli McCormick, Planning [email protected] | 877-2076
Greek Orthodox Cathe- Home at Woodlawn Memo- OBITUARIES “As such, we want to be Manager. “The federal gov-
dral as a parish council rial Park, 1 Pine Knoll Dr able to review plans and ernment does not require
member and stewardship in Greenville with Eulogies Deadline: Noon Tuesday
chairman. He tailgated and Trisagion Service at 7
in orange and blue–with p.m. Funeral services were Cost: $60 without photo;
brown concoctions. He ar- held at 11 a.m. on Monday,

CHAMBER: Names new president

$75 to include 1-column
gued balls and strikes. He November 19, at St. George black and white photo
became a Papou to seven Greek Orthodox Cathedral
grandchildren, each of located at 406 N Academy Email:
whom he adored. He trav- Street in Greenville. [email protected] FROM PAGE ONE members for their diligent ing held at the Visual Arts
elled to see the subjects Memorial can be made work in this search for our Center in the Washington
of the world’s fascinating to St. George Greek Ortho- Mail or drop-off in person: During his tenure with next President and CEO. Pavilion of Arts & Science.
stories: The World War II dox Church or American The Greer Citizen the Brookings Area Cham- We’re very excited to work He holds a master’s de-
code-breaking machines Cancer Society. 317 Trade Street ber, Merhib helped create with David and begin this gree in Educational Ad-
of Bletchley Park, the ear- Condolences may be Greer, SC 29651 a Downtown Business Dis- new chapter at the Greater ministration from South
ly civilizations of Greece, made to the Foxhall family trict Committee through Greer Chamber.” Dakota State University,
remnants of the Bavarian at Questions: Call 877-2076. a partnership with the Merhib was also respon- and a Bachelor’s Degree in
Brookings City govern- sible for the implementa- Arts History from the Uni-
ment. tion of two organizational versity of Oregon.
“The search committee multi-year strategic plans, Merhib is also a gradu-

GSP approves master plan

completed a nation-wide the creation of a tiered ate of the Institute of Or-
search and feels as though dues benefit structure for ganizational Management
we have selected the per- members, and the estab- from the U.S. Chamber of
son who not only has the lishment of public policy Commerce.
The Greenville-Spartan- mands and ensures that port master plan consul- necessary skills and back- statements for the busi- For more information on
burg Airport Commission we are complying with the tant, and GSP will discuss ground, but also will be a ness community. the Greater Greer Cham-
unanimously approved an FAA’s design and safety the effort and the findings great fit for our commu- Prior to his tenure with ber of Commerce, call
update to the master plan standards.” of the report. nity” said Larry Wilson, the Brookings Area Cham- 877-3131 or visit www.
for Greenville-Spartan- The master plan in- “We look forward to Search Committee Chair. ber, Merhib spent fifteen
burg International Airport cludes an overview of meeting with the public “We would like to thank years in the museum field,
(GSP) during its meeting existing facilities at GSP, to share plans regarding our search committee with his last position be-
on Monday, Nov. 19. forecasted aviation activ- GSP’s future,” said Dave
The GSP Master Plan, ity, facility requirements, Edwards, GSP’s president
which recommends environmental consider- and CEO. “These work-

$456.1 million in projects ations, development al- shops also provide a valu-
over the next 20 years, will ternatives, development able opportunity for us to
become the airport’s of- phasing, estimated costs hear from the public, in-
ficial planning document and financial feasibility cluding our neighbors and
with the Federal Aviation analyses. passengers.” By Residents &
Administration (FAA). The update for GSP’s A similar meeting was
The costs are based on master plan was an held during the summer.
NO Their Families.
2018 dollars. 18-month process. Comments received from FEES!
The plan includes rec-
ommendations for runway
A public workshop will
be held Thursday, Nov. 29
airport tenants, commu-
nity stakeholders and the
rehabilitation, building a from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in general public were in- ONE RATE INCLUDES:
third parking garage and the GSP Conference Center corporated in the master Three Daily Meals • Daily Social Activities
a second phase for the that’s located in the air- planning process. Personal Laundry • Medication Administration
airport’s air cargo facility port’s terminal building. The upcoming meet- Utilities - Including Cable • Housekeeping
that’s under construction. It is intended to be an in- ing will give the public 24 Hour Staffing and More
“The master plan is a teractive opportunity for an opportunity to review
tool to guide develop- people to view the master the final GSP Master Plan
ment at GSP,” said Dave plan while learning about as adopted by the Green- Serving Area Seniors
Edwards, GSP’s president potential development at ville-Spartanburg Airport Since 1989!
and CEO. “It assists us in the airport. Commission before it is
accommodating expect- Representatives from submitted to the Federal
ed growth, passenger de- McFarland Johnson, an air- Aviation Administration.
800-552-8785 • 309 Northview Drive • Greer 29651

PROOF O.K. BY: _____________________________ O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS BY:___________________________



SIZE: 3 col X 4.88 in

Open House New Trinity Baptist Church


HEARING 417 S. Suite

Buncombe Rd.
IONS Greer, SC 29650Redeemer Lutheran Church 300 Oneal Road • Greer

2011 ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Northwood Baptist Church
888 Ansel School Rd., Greer • 877-5417
Liberty Hill United Methodist Church
301 Liberty Hill Rd., Greer • 968-8150
12 noon, and 2HEARING
p.m. Glad Tidings Tabernacle
100 O’Neal Road, Greer • 561-7174 O’Neal Baptist Church Liberty United Methodist Church
SOLUTIONS New Covenant Fellowship
2425 Racing Rd., Greer • 848-4521
3420 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-0930
Pelham First Baptist Church
4276 Highway 414, Landrum • 292-0142
Memorial United Methodist Church
d Get Straight Unbiased
The Plaza Answers Trinity Fellowship Church 2720 S. Old Highway 14, Greer • 879-4032 201 N. Main St., Greer • 877-0956
3610 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer • 877-0419 People’s Baptist Church Mountain View UMC
417 S. Buncombe Road 310 Victor Avenue Ext., Greer • 848-0449 6525 Mountain View Rd., Taylors • 895-8532
Jim Swiger H.I.S. 1700 N. Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville • 244-6011
Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church
201 Jordan Rd., Lyman • 879-2646
Sharon United Methodist Church
1421 Reidville Sharon Rd., Greer • 879-7926
AID Jim SCSwiger DHEC #412
Abner Creek Baptist Church Pleasant Grove Baptist Church St. Mark United Methodist Church
Blue Cross Blue 2461 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 877-6604 1002 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer • 877-6436 911 St. Mark Rd., Taylors • 848-7141
REPAIR Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist
SC DHEC #412 Airport Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
4899 Jordan Rd., Greer • 895-3546
St. Paul United Methodist Church
3856 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-5570
& Humana 776 S. Batesville Rd., Greer • 848-7850
Blue Cross Blue Shield & Humana
Apalache Baptist Providence Baptist Church Victor United Methodist Church
1915 Gap Creek Rd., Greer • 877-6012 2020 Gibbs Shoals Rd., Greer • 877-3483 1 Wilson Ave., Greer • 877-5520
238-4754 Free
se call for appointment. Hearing
Bible Baptist Church Rebirth Missionary Baptist Church
2375 Racing Road, Greer • 877-0449
Woods Chapel United Methodist Church
2388 Brown Wood Rd., Greer • 921-3557
6645 Mountain View Rd., Taylors • 895-7003
269-1007 Tests
r 281-1092 Blue Ridge Baptist Church
3950 Pennington Rd., Greer • 895-5787
Riverside Baptist Church
1249 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 879-4400
Zoar United Methodist Church
1005 Highway 357, Greer • 877-0758
3315 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer • 877-8090
BridgePointe Southside Baptist Church
600 Bridge Rd., Taylors • 244-2774 410 S. Main St., Greer • 421-5686 PRESBYTERIAN
Burnsview Baptist Church St. John’s Baptist Church Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church
9690 Reidville Rd., Greer • 879-4006 2 Groveland Rd., Taylors • 879-2904 2094 Highway 101 North, Greer • 483-2140
Calvary Baptist Suber Road Baptist Church Devenger Road Presbyterian Church
101 Calvary St., Greer • 877-9759 445 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 801-0181 1200 Devenger Rd., Greer • 268-7652
Calvary Baptist Taylors First Baptist Church Fellowship Presbyterian Church
108 Forest St., Greer • 968-0092 200 W. Main St., Taylors • 244-3535 1105 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer • 877-3267
Calvary Hill Baptist United Family Ministries First Presbyterian Church
100 Edward Rd., Lyman 13465 E. Wade Hampton Blvd., Greer • 877-3235 100 School St., Greer • 877-3612
Calvary Road Baptist Church Victor Baptist Fulton Presbyterian Church
108 Bright Rd., Greer • 593-2643 121 New Woodruff Rd., Greer • 877-9686 821 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 879-3190
Camp Creek Baptist Church Washington Baptist Church
1100 Camp Creek Rd., Taylors 3500 N. Highway 14, Greer • 895-1510 OTHER DENOMINATIONS
Welcome Home Baptist Church

Cedar Grove Baptist Church Agape House 900 Gap Creek Rd., Greer • 329-7491
109 Elmer St., Greer • 877-6216 1779 Pleasant Hill Rd., Greer • 901-7674 Anglican Church of St. George the Martyr
Community Baptist Church 427 Batesville Rd., Simpsonville • 281-0015
CATHOLIC Barton’s Memorial Pentacostal Holiness
arolina 4389 Wade
Hampton Blvd.
642 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 848-3500
Double Springs Baptist Church
3800 Locust Hill Rd., Taylors • 895-1314
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
901 River Rd., Greer • 879-4225
Highway 101 North, Greer
Bethesda Temple 125 Broadus St., Greer • 877-8523
Beulah Christian Fellowship Church

Ebenezer-Welcome Baptist Church
awn Taylors 4005 Highway 414, Landrum • 895-1461
El Bethel Baptist Church
Riverside Church of Christ
1017 Mauldin Rd., Greenville • 283-0639
Calvary Bible Fellowship
Holiday Inn, Duncan • 266-4269
& ractor
313 Jones Ave., Greer • 877-4021 2103 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer • 322-6847
• 879-2913 Calvary Chapel of Greer
Emmanuel Baptist Church 3315 Brushy Creek Rd. • Greer • 877-8090
423 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer • 877-2121 CHURCH OF GOD Christ Fellowship
Enoree Fork Baptist Church Church of God - Greer 343 Hampton Rd., Greer • 879-8446
For information 100 Enoree Circle, Greer • 268-4385 500 Trade St., Greer • 877-0374 Christian Heritage Church
about advertising Fairview Baptist Church Church of God of Prophecy 900 N. Main St., Greer • 877-2288
on this page, 1300 Locust Hill Rd., Greer • 877-1881 2416 N. Highway 14, Greer • 877-8329 Christian Life Center 2 Country Plaza • 322-1325
call 864-877-2076. First Baptist Church Eastside Worship Center Christian Outreach 106 West Rd. • 848-0308
202 W. Poinsett St., Greer • 877-4253 601 Taylors Rd., Taylors • 268-0523 El-Bethel Holiness 103 E. Church St. • 968-9474
Freedom Fellowship O’Neal Church of God Faith Family Church
4373 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 631-1336 3794 Berry Mill Rd., Greer • 895-4273 3339 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 244-0207
Friendship Baptist Church Pelham Church of God of Prophecy Faith Temple 5080 Sandy Flat Rd., Taylors • 895-2524
1600 Holly Springs Rd., Lyman • 877-4746 139 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 801-0528 Harmony Fellowship Church
Good News Baptist Church Praise Cathedral Church of God 468 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 877-8287

301 McCall St. • Greer 1592 S. Highway 14, Greer • 879-2289

Grace Baptist Church
3390 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer • 879-4878 Harvest Christian Church
2150 Highway 417, Woodruff • 486-8877
International Cathedral of Prayer
848-5500 EPISCOPAL
760 W. Gap Creek Rd., Greer • 879-3519
Grace Place 100 Davis Avenue • Greer • 655-0009
Good Shepherd Episcopal Journey Fellowship
407 Ridgewood Dr., Greer 200 Cannon St., Greer • 877-2330 1846 Old Hwy. 14S • 877-2442
Greer Freewill Baptist Church Lifesong Church
110 Pine Ridge Dr., Greer • 968-0310
Groveland Baptist Church
LUTHERAN 12481 Greenville Highway, Lyman • 439-2602
Abiding Peace Ev. Lutheran Church Living Way Community Church
2 Groveland Rd., Taylors • 879-2913 401 Batesville Rd., Simpsonville •288-4867 3239 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-0544
Heritage Chapel Baptist Church Apostolic Lutheran Church New Beginnings Outreach
218 Alexander Rd., Greer • 989-0170 453 N. Rutherford Rd., Greer • 848-4568 104 New Woodruff Rd., Greer • 968-2424
Highland Baptist Church Immanuel Lutheran Church & School LCMS New Hope Freedom
3270 Hwy. 414, Taylors • 895-5270 2820 Woodruff Rd., Simpsonville • 297-5815 109 W. Wade Hampton Blvd. • Greer • 205-8816
Hillcrest Baptist Church Redeemer Lutheran Church, ELCA New Life in Christ 210 Arlington Rd. • 346-9053
111 Biblebrook Dr., Greer • 877-4206 300 Oneal Rd., Greer • 877-5876 Point of Life Church
Hispanic Baptist Iglesia Bautista Hispana Saints Peter and Paul Ev. Lutheran Wade Hampton Blvd. • Duncan • 426-4933
DILL CREEK COMMONS 199 Hubert St., Greer • 877-3899 400 Parker Ivey Dr., Greenville • 551-0246 Shekhinah Kind Glory Church
1379 W. Wade Hampton, Greer Holly Springs Baptist Church 600 N. Main St., Greer • 655-4545
Springwell Church
250 Hannon Rd., Inman • 877-6765
Locust Hill Baptist Church
METHODIST 4369 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 268-2299
Bethel United Methodist Church St. Andrews Anglican Church
5534 Locust Hill Rd., Travelers Rest • 895-1771 105 E. Arlington Ave., Greer • 879-2066
Maple Creek Baptist Church
Covenant United Methodist Church United Anglican Fellowship
Greer 609 S. Main St., Greer • 877-1791 1310 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer • 244-3162

Memorial Drive Baptist Church 1001 W. Poinsett St., Greer • 629-3350
Ebenezer United Methodist Church United Christian Church
570 Memorial Drive Ext., Greer • 877-7061 174 Ebenezer Road, Greer • 987-9644 105 Daniel Ave., Greer • 895-3966
Milford Baptist Church Faith United Methodist Church United House of Prayer
1282 Milford Church Rd., Greer • 895-5533 1301 S. Main St. (S. Hwy. 14), Greer • 877-0308 213 Oak St., Greer • 848-0727
OODS Mount Lebanon Baptist Church
572 Mt. Lebanon Church Rd., Greer • 895-2334
New Hope Baptist Church
Fews Chapel United Methodist Church
4000 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-2522
Upstate Friends’ Meeting (Quaker)
P.O. Box 83, Lyman • 439-8788
Upstate Tree of Life
Grace United Methodist Church
561 Gilliam Rd., Greer • 879-7080 627 Taylor Rd., Greer • 877-7015 203 East Bearden St., Greer • 848-1295
New Jerusalem Baptist Church Victorian Hills Community Church
508 North Main St. • 877-4043 413 E. Poinsett St., Greer • 968-9203
Lee Road United Methodist Church
1377 East Lee Rd., Taylors • 244-6427 209 Victor Ave. Ext., Greer • 877-3981
7 am - 10 pm Mon.-Sat. New Life Baptist Church Vine Worship Center
90 Becco Rd., Greer • 895-3224 4373 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 244-8175
Police and Fire
The Greer Citizen


Two more arrests made

In Willis
encountered Mrs. Willis
inside. Once inside, the

suspects bound Mrs. Wil-
lis and continued to tor-

ture the victims for 30-40
BY KAELYN CASHMAN minutes before ultimate-
STAFF WRITER Edmond Foster ly shooting and stabbing
Mrs. Willis.
Two more arrests have Greer; Allen Wright, 49, The suspects ransacked
been made in connection of Travelers Rest; and the residence and fled in
with a robbery and kid- Jack Corris Foreman, 38, a vehicle belonging to the
napping that took place at of Pahokee, Florida on Willis’ with an undisclosed
a local W.E. Willis conve- charges. Those charges amount of cash.
nience store in September. include, among others, Around 7 a.m. that
Ronald Edmond, 20, and armed robbery, attempt- morning, investigators
Kenyatta Foster, 42, were ed murder, and arson. discovered the torched ve-
apprehended by police hicle belonging to Mr. and
last week after investiga- SEPT. 25 INCIDENT Mrs. Willis and collected a
tors say they discovered Police believe that on piece of evidence that was
evidence from a Nov. 7 Sept. 25 around 4:30 a.m. eventually tested for DNA.
search warrant on Wood- Williams, Wright, Foreman Investigators later collect-
vine Way that implicated and several other uniden- ed another article of evi-
them as “accessories after tified suspects conspired dence, near Bates Crossing
the fact.” to commit the brutal at- Road, that also contained
Police say Edmond and tack and robbery that DNA; leading investigators
Foster attempted to cover occurred with Foreman to the names Foreman and
up the crimes and lied to allegedly having stolen Wright.
investigators about their a truck on Sept. 18 from “The DNA match es-
knowledge of what oc- Budget Tire Co. located on tablished a good starting
curred during the Sept. 25 Poinsett Highway. point for our investiga-
robbery and assault. The incident began at tors,” Sheriff Johnny Mack
The news comes on the the W.E. Willis store, locat- Brown previously stat-
heels of three other ar- ed at 3601 Hwy. 414; then, ed. “Working around the
rests made this month. the suspects kidnapped clock, these investigators
Police have also appre- Mr. Willis and took him were able to place these
hended Jermaine Ber- to his residence on Sweet- suspects at the related
nard Williams, 38, of gum Road, where they crime scenes.”

Thank you for supporting us since 1998.

Local man dies in I-85 crash We appreciate your patronage.
STAFF WRITER time Cowdrey was driving Anderson University, was Junior Holder and Staff
a Volvo southbound near pronounced dead at the
Jackson Eugene Cow- exit 51. Around 8 p.m., scene.

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drey, 21, of Greer died Cowdrey swerved to the This collision is under
Wednesday night on Inter- right in an effort to avoid investigation by the South
state 85. striking the rear of a trac- Carolina Highway Patrol
Traffic was heavy and tor-trailer, but his vehicle and the Greenville County

had slowed due to con- struck the truck. Coroner’s Office.
gestion and weather at the Cowdrey, a student at

CHRISTMAS: Coming to the Greer area

C h o
ice 2
01 8 # IN
Re a d
FROM PAGE ONE ages, NGU’s first commu- al campus tradition,” said
nity Christmas celebration
will feature the lighting of
NGU President Dr. Gene C.
Fant, Jr. “We look forward GRO
This Monday, North
Greenville University will
the Christmas tree, car-
oling, cookie decorating,
to sharing this experience
and time of fellowship
host its first “Christmas
At NGU” event on campus
s’mores, hot chocolate,
and a visit with Santa.
with families from the Up-
state as we celebrate our
Mon.-Thurs. 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
from 5:30-9 p.m. “Our desire is for this Savior’s birth.” Fri. & Sat. 7 a.m.-10 p.m.
Free and open to all event to become an annu-

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The Greer Citizen B


Jackets to host BLAME


Ridge View BILLY


in quarterfinal Flu game

’ve got a fun challenge
FOR THE GREER CITIZEN Next time you go to
Dooley Field (you should
Greer’s road to the Class go this Friday!), park your
AAAA state championship car at the BB&T behind
gets steeper this Friday McDonalds about two
night when the Yellow minutes before kickoff,
Jackets will host Ridge take the short walk to
View at 7:30 p.m. at Dool- Dooley, and see if you can
ey Field. make it inside the stadi-
“Ridge View is a lot like um before Dre Williams
some of the teams we scores his first touch-
played earlier,” says Greer down.
Coach Will Young, refer- I’ve played this game a
ring to the series of 5-A couple of times this year
teams the Yellow Jackets and it hasn’t gotten old
battled in August and Sep- yet. Friday night, I’d just
tember. walked onto the field
“The playoff games get when Dre Williams broke
tougher every week from loose from 74 yards away.
PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN now on,” Young said. The What’s funny is watch-
winner of this game will ing the Greer sideline.
Cameron Martin and the Yellow Jacket offense lit up York to the tune of 63 points en route advance to play either
to a second round playoff win. Greer will remain home for the Upper State quarterfinals Daniel or Wren for the up-
this Friday at Dooley Field. per state title. Matthew Huff will lead
Ridge View, a Columbia the Jackets into battle this

Greer outlasts York

area high school estab- Friday against Ridge View.
lished in 1995, brings a
9-3 record into the con-
test, having battled from dled for 17 completions
behind to defeat West- and 243 yards last week.
wood, 34-31 last week. Ridge View quarterback
Greer is coming off a 63- Javon Anderson, 6-2, 190
To advance Young continued. “We told
the kids this is a tough- ‘We told the kids
40 slugfest with York in
which the Yellow Jackets
pounds, “throws the ball
very well, ” Young notes.

in playoffs
ness deal. No one ques- defense gave up the most Anderson had amassed
tions our talent, but you this is a toughness points this year. 2,675 yards in the air for
are not going to win the The teams have played 33 touchdowns prior to
state on talent alone. You deal. No one two common opponents. the Westwood game last
BY LELAND BURCH have to be tough to do it, The Blazers lost to York week.
FOR THE GREER CITIZEN and our kids showed some questions our 24-23 during the regu- The Blazers leading re- Every single coach and
toughness tonight.” lar season, and bombed ceiver is Waylan Napper, player is yelling “Go! Go!
After a steady diet of Greer’s defense was talent, but you are Travelers Rest 76-0 in the a 6-1 senior who had 75 Go!” knowing full well
Friday night creampuffs, sputtering like a junk yard playoff opener. Greer (11- catches for 1,433 yards that nobody has a chance
Greer nearly choked on clunker, a far cry from any not going to win 1 overall) smashed Trav- prior to last week. “I of catching Dre once he
the grizzly York Cougars of the previous 11 games. elers Rest 58-6 during the don’t know why he wasn’t gets in stride.
before pulling away to a York put up the most the state on talent regular season. picked for an all star Dre’s five touchdowns
63-40 triumph at Dooley points of any Greer foe “We spent a lot of time team,” Young said. “They and 300+ rushing yards
Field in the second round this season, but the Yellow alone.’ looking at film of their also have several other weren’t a first for the
of the Class AAAA play- Jackets offense, running games with York, West- good receivers.” back this season. He gets
offs. like a well-oiled machine, wood and South Pointe “Like York, Ridge View those kind of numbers
“It’s been a long time made the difference by Will Young over the weekend,” Young is big on slant passes,” quite often, actually.
since we played a team gashing the Cougars for Greer head coach said. What the coaching Young said. “We got eat- What was truly impres-
as good as York, but we nine touchdowns. staff observed was “Ridge en up on slants last week, sive was that he was bat-
knew that going into the “Our offense played well, Sales kicked really well.” View’s offense is compara- and we have to get good at tling the flu Friday night!
game,” said Greer Coach although we missed a few Despite battling the flu, ble to Byrnes, and maybe defending them over the After each 70-yard run
Will Young after the Yel- throws,” Young said after running back Dre Williams somewhat like Greenville. next few days in practice.” he’d go back to the side-
low Jackets had improved Greer failed to complete had a career game with Their MO is throwing the Ridge View runs the line, catch his breath and
to 11-1 punched their tick- a pass in the second half. 367 all-purpose yards ball.” The Blazers are av- spread offense behind an cover up in an electric
et to a third round match “But overall, I thought our (325 rushing, 22 receiving, eraging 254 yards pass- offensive line that Young blanket. He also had a
with Ridge View. line played well, Huff had and 20 on returns) for five ing per game. That is bad describes as “huge.” He hairdryer on hand to help
“And we knew it would a good game and made touchdowns. “He’s pretty news for the Yellow Jacket said the Blazers left tackle him battle the elements.
be a very physical game,” some big plays, and Edwin SEE GREER | B2 secondary that York rid- SEE JACKETS | B2 Early in the first quar-
ter, York had answered
his first big run with a
touchdown of their own

Byrnes mounts comeback to top Sumter

when Williams found the
end zone yet again.
A bit excited as he ex-
ited the field, Dre turned
around to make sure the
BY BILLY CANNADA Jalen Miller changed the guys make a big differ- defense on the field heard
SPORTS EDITOR game for his team, inter- ence for us. We also feel him…
cepting a pass and taking like we’re better offensive- “It’s going to be like this
The Rebels took a few it in for a score, putting ly, but we know anything all night,” he said.
punches last Friday at Byrnes on top 26-23. could happen.” And it was.
Sumter, but a late-game “Jalen came up big for Shaw said Gaffney is do- Led by Williams and
rally sparked by Jalen Mill- us and flipped the game,” ing some different things quarterback Matthew
er’s pick-six gave Byrnes a Shaw said. “Getting that on film. Huff, Greer’s absolutely
33-23 victory in round two sort of momentum was “They’ve made some relentless running game
of the Class AAAAA Upper crucial for us.” changes on both sides wore York down.
State playoffs. The Rebels added the of the ball. They’ve got What looked like a
Reggie Shaw’s team fell exclamation point a few some different personnel shootout for a while be-
into a hole early, trailing minutes later when Scott and I’m sure they’ve got a came a bit more lopsided
23-7 at halftime. found Kris Byrd in the good game plan,” he said. as Greer’s defense put
“We challenged every- end zone for the team’s “We know they’ll do some together a few stops late.
body to stay calm and not final score, completing the things differently, so we’ll York is a good football
flinch,” Shaw said. “We comeback. have to be ready.” team. So are a lot of the
saw some things that we “We’ve been in those sit- As the playoff field nar- teams Greer has played
felt like we could do better uations before and we’ve rows, three of the teams in this year.
at halftime and our guys proven that we can win, Byrnes’ region remain con- But they don’t have Dre
stepped up.” so there was a little bit of tenders. Williams. And that’s why
The Rebels did stay calm confidence there,” Shaw “It’s exactly what we Greer is the team to beat
and quarterback Lawrence said. “We just needed expected. Region II is the in 4A this season.
Scott connected with Bray- somebody to make a big toughest region in the I learned long ago not
lin Johnson for a score in play and several of our state, and it will prepare to predict any amount of
the third to narrow the guys did.” you for the postseason if success for high school
deficit to 23-13. you can survive it,” Shaw football teams. The
In the fourth quarter, WILL PLAY GAFFNEY said. “These kids are battle season is long and the
Byrnes began chipping After a close road win, tested and they’re ready.” injuries pile up. Anything
away at defense that had Byrnes will return home Shaw’s team will hit the could happen and any-
been stout all night. Scott Friday night to face a fa- field again this week, get- body can win. We’ve seen
found Johnson once again miliar opponent: Gaffney. ting prepared for anoth- that throughout the 2018
with 10 minutes remain- The Rebels defeated the er playoff game at Nixon playoffs (Hi, BHP and
ing to bring the score to Indians 34-14 in Septem- Field. South Pointe!).
within a field goal. ber, but Shaw expects a “It’s always the goal, and Greer’s going to be a
“They have a really good different matchup this it’s a blessing to be prac- tough out, though.
defense. You have to give time around. ticing on Thanksgiving,” These players, especial-
credit to Sumter,” Shaw “We’ve got several play- Shaw said. ly Williams, have put in
said. “They were ready ers back this time around, Game time is set for 7:30 PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN the work and now they’re
to play and they’re a very so that’s exciting,” Shaw p.m. reaping the benefits.
good football team.” said. “Jalen Miller, Josiah Byrnes quarterback Lawrence Scott got going late as the
A few minutes later, Irby, Buddy Mack—those [email protected] | 877-2076 Rebels came from behind to beat Sumter.

Dear Santa... Be sure to get your letters to Santa Claus

by Christmas!
Drop your letters off at our office by Dec. 12 and we will express them to the North Pole.
They will also be printed in our annual Christmas edition.
[email protected] The Greer Citizen 317 Trade Street, Greer, SC 29651
Letters can be dropped off at our office, mailed or e-mailed.


Ridge View at Greer
Gaffney at Byrnes


Greer 63 York 40 Summey signs Yarborough to run for Spartans
CLASS AAAAA Greer Middle College’s Morgan Summey signed a Greer High’s Laura Yarborough signed to run cross country for USC Upstate last week. She
Byrnes 33 Sumter 23 national letter of intent to run cross country for College of is pictured here with family members and coaches.
Charleston last Wednesday.

Late charge gives Logano first cup win
BYRNES BY REID SPENCER his first at the 1.5-mile
Aug. 17............. 39 Greer 26 NASCAR WIRE  track and the 21st of his
career. With the win, he
Aug. 24. 41 Northwestern21 On Sunday night at sealed the first manufac-
Aug. 31...... 17 Don Bosco 22 Homestead-Miami Speed- turer’s championship for
Sept. 14..............26 Spart 7 way, it was “The Big Three Ford since 2002 and the
and Me” — with the “Me” first driver’s champion-
Sept. 21.........34 Gaffney 14 being Joey Logano waging ship for the car maker
Sept. 28.......45 Riverside 20 vehicular war against the since Kurt Busch won the
three most prolific win- first Playoffs in 2004.
Oct. 5............31 Mauldin 20 ners in the Monster Energy It was the first title for
Oct. 12.......... 31 Dorman 45 NASCAR Cup Series. the Ford Fusion. It was
Oct. 19.......... 42 Hillcrest 35 Now “Me” is a champion. the last title for the Ford
In a thrilling finish that Fusion, which will be re-
Oct. 26...................55 BS 21 featured all four Champi- placed by the Mustang in
Nov. 9..........57 Westside 14 onship 4 drivers battling the Cup series next sea-
for the race victory and the son. It was the second
Nov. 16........... 33 Sumter 23 title—and finishing 1-2- championship for Penske,
3-4 in the Ford EcoBoost who got his first in 2012
400—Logano charged past when Brad Keselowski
GREER defending series cham-
pion Martin Truex Jr. on
beat Clint Bowyer and Jim-
mie Johnson for the top
Aug. 17........... 26 Byrnes 39 Lap 256 of 267 and pulled prize in stock car racing.
Aug. 24.. 37 Spartanburg 17 away to win his first cham- Keselowski figured
pionship. prominently in Sunday’s
Aug. 31........48 Westside 14 “Oh, my God, yes!” Loga- outcome, but not as a con- PHOTO | ROBERT LABERGE/GETTY IMAGES
Sept. 7............40 Mauldin 3 no screamed on his radio tender. With 21 laps left,
as his No. 22 Team Penske Truex passed Logano for Joey Logano, driver of the No. 22 Shell Pennzoil Ford, celebrates in victory lane after
Sept. 14.. 42 Union County 7 Ford flashed across the third place and took off in
winning the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Ford EcoBoost 400 and the Monster
Sept. 28..... 28 Greenville 20 finish line 1.725 seconds pursuit of eventual third-
Energy NASCAR Cup Series Championship at Homestead-Miami Speedway in Homestead,
Oct. 5...................... 58 TR 6 ahead of Truex, estab- place finisher Kevin Har-
lishing a handful of mile- vick, who was running sec- Florida.
Oct. 12............... 51 Berea 0 stones in the process. ond at the time, with Kyle
Oct. 19...... 59 at Eastside 28 “We did it! We won the Busch holding the lead on the championship.   understatement of Ford proud of everybody for
championship! I can’t be- old tires, hoping for a cau- Busch was first off pit Championship Weekend. rising to the occasion. We
Oct. 26........ 63 Blue Ridge 6 lieve it. I don’t know what tion. road and led the field to The victory was the cul- executed down the stretch
Nov. 9..............35 Pickens 6 to say. This team, (owner) On Lap 247, Busch’s green on Lap 253, but mination of week in which like nobody’s business.”
Nov. 16................63 York 40 Roger Penske, (crew chief) prayer was answered. Truex surged past him in Logano had declared him- In his excitement after
Todd Gordon, the pit crew. Contact from Keselowski’s the first corner with Loga- self the favorite despite taking the checkered flag,
Oh, my God! They gave me Ford sent the Toyota of no following into second his total of two victories Logano thought he had
the car I needed at the Daniel Suarez spinning to place. Three laps later, entering the race, com- pulled a muscle, but the

JACKETS: end to do my job. Put me

in position to do my job. I
couldn’t be more proud of
cause the fifth caution of
the race. That yellow flag
changed everything. Busch
Logano made a breathtak-
ing charge into Turn 1 and
sped around Truex to the
pared with eight each for
Harvick and Busch and
four for Truex.
pain was well worth it.
“Man, I worked my whole
life to get here,” Logano

Stay home
them. We won the champi- got the caution he needed outside. Game over. “We were the favorite, said. “To win a champion-
onship! Oh, my God!” to get back into conten- “My car was really good like I told you before the ship. We’ve been so close.
The victory was Loga- tion, and Logano got the on entry all day,” Logano race started,” Logano said It has been 10 seasons of
FROM B1 no’s third of the season, chance he needed to win said, in what may be the in Victory Lane. “I’m so fighting for this.”

Jayln Dunbar, a 6-3, 300

pound senior, “is a real-
ly good lineman who also
fills in on the defensive
line. Their leading rusher
GREER: Outlasts York during high-scoring shootout at Dooley Field
is Cori Davis, a 5-10, 175 FROM B1 touchdown pass, and Max Jackets out to midfield. yard completion of a pass THE SCORE BY QUARTERS
pound senior who had 573 Haynes kicked the extra Williams turned in runs of that hit the ground and York 7 14 7 12 -- 40
yards through 11 games. incredible,” Young ac- point to even the score. 31 and 17 yards respec- bounced into the receiv- Greer 14 14 21 14 -- 63
“Their quarterback has knowledged. The Yellow Jackets came tively, setting up his own er’s arms. But Greer’s Na- First quarter: Williams
nearly that many yards,” Williams scored on right back, however, driv- one-yard scoring dive as jawuan Smith blocked the (G) 74-yard run; Sales kick.
Coach Young noted. Greer’s first play from ing 70 yards to score in Greer opened up a two Cougars extra point kick, Ellis (Y) 18-yard pass from
Defensively, the Blaz- scrimmage to stake the nine plays. The big play touchdown lead at 35-21. leaving the score at 49-34. McKinney; Haynes kick.
ers present a normal line Yellow Jackets to a quick was a 17-yard pass from “That score was huge,” “That was another big play Huff (G), 5-yard run; Sales
of big bodies featuring lead. But York rallied to Huff to Austin Green. Coach Young said. “And which helped us maintain kick.
Jayln Dunbar and his twin take a 14-7 lead by the end Huff rambled into the end then the fact that we were a good lead,” Young noted. Second quarter: Mitch-
brother, Jurnee Dunbar, of the first period. Greer zone from five yards out. able to pretty much keep Williams continued to ell (Y) 12-yard pass from
5-10, 290 pounds. “Deaun- battled back to forge a 28- But the Cougars matched a two-touchdown lead the make his presence felt, McKinney; Haynes kick.
dre Brown, a defensive 21 halftime lead, and then that with a 70-yard scor- rest of the way.” scoring on a 22-yard run Oglesby (Y) 41-yard run;
end, is their big sack guy, made it 35-21 on their first ing drive, capped by a five minutes later to hike Haynes kick. Williams (G)
and the other defensive possession of the second 12-yard touchdown pass YORK REFUSED TO FOLD the lead to 56-34. 22-yard pass from Huff;
end Patrick Jenkins, also a half. From there, Greer from McKinney to Ethan That was far from the fi- York came back to add Sales kick. DeArmond (G)
very good player,” Young was able to maintain the Mitchell on a slant route to nal score however as York another touchdown when 29-yard pass from Huff;
said. lead the rest of the way de- make it 14-all starting the refused to fold. The Cou- McKinney hooked up with Sales kick.
“Ridge View’s lineback- spite giving up three more second period. gars went to the air im- Ethan Mitchell on a 60- Third quarter: Williams
ers are small but fast, and touchdowns. Greer went nowhere af- mediately, connecting on yard, third down pass. The (G) 1-yard run; Sales kick.
so is the secondary. We “Our defense kept fight- ter mishandling the en- passes of 14 and 27 yards Cougars scored five plays Evans (Y), 15-yard pass
saw them in 7-on-7 compe- ing and plugging,” Young suing kickoff at the 13 to reach the red zone later on a three-yard carry from McKinney; Haynes
tition during the summer, said. “But we had a lot of yard line. The result was where McKinney deliv- by Oglesby. York attempt- kick. Huff (G) 22-yard run;
and all their kids can run. mistakes and some miss a punt to midfield where ered a 15-yard touchdown ed a two point conversion Sales kick. Huff (G) 1-yard
They are very athletic,” communication out there York took over and scored strike to Jorden Evans. with a pass that fell in- run; Sales kick.
Young said. “One of their tonight. The kids played in three plays. Stephen Greer answered be- complete. Fourth quarter: Mitch-
linebackers, Terry Carson, hard, but they have to play Oglesby’s 41-yard run fore another minute had A penalty against York ell (Y) 1-yard run; kick
is their leading tackler and in the right spot, and they down the sidelines gave elapsed after Cameron was assessed on the kick- blocked. Williams (G)
probably will be the fast- weren’t in places on York’s the visitors a 21-14 lead. Martin returned the en- off. That was followed by 22-yard run; Sales kick.
est player on the field. We slant passes. We will get “When we got behind, suing kickoff 47 yards to an onside kickoff attempt Oglesby (Y) 3-yard run;
will have a problem with that cleaned up,” he prom- the kids answered the bell the York 28-yard line. Two that failed, handing Greer two point conversion pass
him,” Young fears. Carson ised. and didn’t panic,” Coach plays later, Williams burst the ball at the Cougar’s 38 failed. Williams (G) 38-
leads Ridge View in tack- “The main thing,” Young Young noted. The Yellow through the middle to the yard line. Williams found yard run; Sales kick.
les with 76 through the added, “is we’re happy to Jackets regrouped and end zone 22 yards away. a huge hole in the line on Individual stats:
first 11 games. get the win, and we get to mounted a 79-yard scor- That made it 42-28 with the next play and was in Greer rushing: Williams
Greer did not suffer any play another week.” ing drive of 11 plays. Wil- 7:16 still remaining in the the end zone a few sec- 28/325 yards; Huff 18/76
new injuries last week, liams snagged a 22-yard third quarter. onds later to make the fi- yards; Martin 2/7 yards;
and had the good fortune GREER STRIKES FIRST pass from Huff in the end The Yellow Jackets be- nal tally 63-40. Ricky Finley 1/6 yards.
of welcoming back wide Greer went up 7-0 when zone to knot the game at gan to salt the game away The stats reflect the York rushing: Oglesby
receiver Braxton Collins Williams shot through a 21-all with 3:50 remaining with a 59 yard drive fol- high score. Greer piled 25/162 yards; McKinney
who had been sidelined hole in the line, wove his in the first half. lowing a short York punt. up 495 total yards for 22 5/minus 6 yards; Frank
with eight weeks with a way through several de- Four plays later, Greer Williams again turned on first downs. The Yellow Thompson 1/minus 1
broken collar bone. “Brax- fenders in the secondary lineman Quack Cohen the jets, shooting upfield Jackets ground game put yard; J.Q. Guinn 1/1 yard;
ton played well, and I ex- and scampered the rest blocked a York punt and on a 42 yard sprint to the up 414 yards while Huff’s Jeremiah King 3/20 yards.
pect him to make some of 74 yards to the house Jakayre Kerns recovered Cougars three yard line. passing, five of 14 with Greer passing: Huff
good catches for us this on the Jackets’ first play. the ball at the Cougars Huff scored from one yard one interception, added 5/14/1 - 81 yards.
week, Young said. Edwin Sales followed by 34 yard line. Huff quick- out two plays later as the 81 yards. York passing: McKin-
The Yellow Jackets are kicking his first of nine ly hooked up with Miller lead mounted to 49-28. York amassed 426 total ney17/31/0 – 243 yards.
in the midst of a reg- straight extra points. DeArmond on a 29-yard York regrouped once yards for 21 first downs. Greer receiving: Green
ular week of practices After that, Greer suf- touchdown pass enabling more, however, after hav- The Cougars completed 1/17 yards; DeArmond
through Wednesday after- fered from poor field po- Greer to take a 28-21 half- ing backed the Yellow 17 of 31 passes for 243 2/40 yards; Martin 2/2
noon. They will do a walk sition on their next two time lead. Jackets up inside their air yards and added 183 yards; Williams 1/22
through early Thanksgiv- possessions. Backed up Greer took command own five yard line and yards on the ground. yards.
ing morning at Dooley at the three, the Jackets of the game by taking the then returning a short Both teams were hit with York receiving: Mitchell
Field, followed by a team punted out to their own 31 second half kickoff and punt to the Greer 31 yard a bucket load of 14 penal- 4/103 yards; Ellis 3/46
breakfast. Young plans yard line, and York scored marching 66 yards to the line. McKinney scored on a ties apiece. Those walk yards; Evans 5/65 yards;
another walk through on in just three plays. Quar- end zone. Huff made the one-yard sneak to cap the offs cost Greer an even Oglesby 2/28 yards; Frank
Friday morning in the gym terback Tanner McKinney key play in the drive, rum- drive as the final quarter 100 yards and York 135 Thompson 2/minus 7
prior to the pre-game meal hooked up with H-back bling 10 yards on third- began. York overcame a yards. yards; Dashawn Brown
at 3 o’clock. Kahlil Ellis on an 18-yard and-five to pull the Yellow 10-yard-penalty with a 21- 1/18 yards.
6, 2016


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Starting pay is $10.00.
All-Conference appear- league-leading intercep- 704 WEST WADE HAMP- N Highway 14, Greer, SC Call to schedule your
ance. tion total. He was ninth TON BLVD. GREER, SC 29651 12/01/18 9:00 a.m. TAKING APPLICATIONS interview. 864-438-3278
Laughter, a four-year in Division II football in 29650. To object to the is- Cash only. $100 cleaning de- on 3 bedroom, 2 bath home
starter for the Crusaders average interceptions per suance of this permit/license, posit required. All goods to on large lot off Mt. Lebanon 11-7,14,21,28
at nose was a force in the contest. written protest must be post- be sold “AS IS” condition, all Road. $600 per month. 864-
middle for North Green- Aaron Watson was also marked no later than Novem- items or spaces may not be 380-1451 PIANIST WANTED
ville, anchoring a defense one of NGU’s biggest re- ber 23, 2018. available at time of sale. 11-7,14,21,28 -TFN HOLLY SPRINGS BAPTIST
that was ranked 23rd in turn threats this season, For a protest to be valid, Unit 213 - Dan Abercrombie: CHURCH in Inman. 8:00
the country in third down returning 11 kicks for 135 it must be in writing, and General household items...etc. TAKING APPLICATIONS on a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Sundays.
stops. Laughter was eighth yards on the season. should include the following Unit 218 - James Rolins: Gen- 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Salary Negotiable. Call 864-
on the team in tackles Offensively Dimajiay information: eral household items...etc. large lot north of Greer. $850 877-6165 or Email: office@
this season racking up 24 Rooks became the first (1) the name, address and Unit 120 - Shannon Mcleod: per month plus deposit. 864-
stops on the season in- player recognized for telephone number of the per- General household items...etc. 380-1451 10-3--11-28

cluding seven solo and 34 North Greenville after son filing the protest; Unit 320 - Shannon Mcleod: 11-7,14,21,28 -TFN

assisted tackles. Included turning in a solid senior (2) the specific reasons why General household items...etc. PART TIME
in those tackles were 8.5 campaign. Rooks was first the application should be de- Unit 217 - Kayla Owenby: Gen- I PAY TOP DOLLAR - For JANITORIAL AND LIGHT
tackles for loss which is on the team in receptions nied; eral household items...etc. Used Mobile Homes! Call MAINTENANCE OF OF-
a new career high and a with 49, and touchdowns (3) that the person protest- Unit 125 - Erwin Owenby: Gen- (803) 607-6353. FICE BUILDING
pair of sacks. The senior with five on the season. ing is willing to attend a hear- eral household items...etc. Hours: 3:30 p.m. – 7:30
defender also had a fum- He also had 584 yards and ing (if one is requested by the Unit 325 - Brian Burton: Gener- HOMES
HOME FOR RENT p.m. Monday – Friday.
ble recovery and a pair of
quarterback hurries.
averaged 11.9 yards per
catch which were both sec-
(4) that the person pro-
al household items...etc.
Unit 123 - Timothy Thorfinns-
FOR RENT Rate: $10.50 plus annual
bonus. Start in Mid-Decem-
Aaron Watson quickly ond among NGU receivers. testing resides in the same son: General household HOUSE FOR RENT. 406 ber. Complete application at
made a name for himself He had a long of 67 yards county where the proposed items...etc. Lanford Street in Greer. 2 364 S. Pine St., Suite B-230,
in the Gulf South Confer- on the season. Rooks also place of business is located *Subject to change prior to bedroom, 1 bath, with stove, Spartanburg, S.C. Call 864-
ence, finishing the season turned in three kickoff re- or within five miles of the sale* refrigerator, central heat and 573-8706 for directions or
with six interceptions turns for 61 yards. business; and, 11-14,21 air. No pets. $650 month. additional information.
(5) the name of the appli- 10-31, 11-7,14,21, 28 11-7,14,21,28 -TFN


1. Choose the team in each pairing you think will win tries to the same address must be postmarked by
and write the team’s name beside the corresponding Friday.
letter on the entry form. 4. In the case of a tie, the tiebreaker will apply. If there
2. Only one entry per week per person. (Multiple en- is still a tie, the money will be equally split.
tries will be disqualified.) 5. One winner per month per household.
3. Entries can be hand delivered to 317 Trade St., 6. Judges decisions are final.
Greer, SC 29651 before noon on Friday. Mailed en-
a. South Carolina vs. Clemson
a_______________________________ TIE BREAKER
b ______________________________ Pick Total Score in Game Appearing Below In This Box.
No Scores, Just Total Points

South Carolina vs. Clemson __________


d ______________________________ i _______________________________

b. Ridge View vs. Greer e_______________________________ j _______________________________

c. Gaffney vs. Byrnes

f _______________________________ k_______________________________

g ______________________________ l _______________________________

h ______________________________ m ______________________________

d. Oklahoma vs. West Virginia

e. Washington vs. Washington State NAME ______________________________________

ADDRESS ___________________________________



ServiceMaster of Spartanburg (864) 574-3133
Doug Redd - Greer
f. Virginia vs. Virginia Tech
g. Pittsburgh vs. Miami

115 W. Wade Hampton Blvd.
1517 E Main St. • 433-8447
1108 Asheville Hwy. • 585-4281
2225 E. Main St. • 579-1115
h. Michigan vs. Ohio State j. Notre Dame vs. Southern Cal l. LSU vs. Texas A&M
i. N.C. State vs. North Carolina k. Oklahoma State vs. TCU m. Alabama vs. Auburn


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Living Here
The Greer Citizen



The Middle Tyger Community Center (MTCC) celebrated the opening of its new senior
center with a ribbon cutting last Friday. “Allison Commons: A Place for Active Adults” is
named after Rep. Rita Allison and Ron Allison for their longtime contributions to seniors
in the area.

Lyman cuts ribbon on a new senior center


The Middle Tyger Com-

munity Center (MTCC) cel-
ebrated the opening of its
new Senior Center with a
ribbon cutting last Friday.
“Allison Commons: A
Place for Active Adults”
is named after Rep. Rita
Allison and Ron Allison
for their longtime contri-
butions to seniors in the
“We really want this
place to be a celebration
of the rich history of our
community as well as its
vibrant future,” said An-
drea Moore, MTCC Execu-
tive Director. “I think this
is just such an amazing
example of what happens
and nonprofit all come
together to do something Guests at MTCC tasted the hors d’oeuvres during the Rep. Rita Allison and Ron Allison presented Andrea Moore, MTCC Executive Director, with
great for their community. ribbon cutting on Friday. a certificate to celebrate the center’s 20th anniversary.
“When we started
talking about an opportu-
nity to open a senior cen- on the Middle Tyger Area tation and information those seniors will contin- result of the combined supported and bought in
ter in this community, one Council while Rita Allison assistance, congregate ue to be able to serve, not efforts of numerous part- and really, really wants to
of the very early things we has served on the School dining, home meal deliv- only in education but also ners. MTCC is the recip- serve people.”
talked about was the idea Board, State House and ery and information on in recreation and just to ient of a Permanent Im- Jimmy and Marsha
of naming it in honor of Middle Tyger Community healthy aging and injury be able to have someone provement Program grant Gibbs provided a generous
Ronnie and Rita Allison,” Center Board. prevention. to talk to and to be with.” from the South Carolina lead gift to help raise the
Moore said. “They have “Both of them have busi- “It’s a little emotional MTCC is celebrating its Lt. Governor’s Office on required local match. Ad-
been such an inspiration nesses in this communi- for both of us,” said Rep. 20th anniversary this year, Aging. ditional partners included
to me. Ronnie married Rita ty that have contributed Rita Allison, who stood and Allison congratulated “When you walk into a the Spartanburg County
when she was just barely to this economy,” Moore with her husband Ron for Moore and her staff on 20 senior center or a com- Parks Department, Spar-
out of high school. For the said. “They’re such an in- the ribbon cutting. “We are years of love and service munity center, you can tanburg Regional Founda-
last 59 years and counting, spiration to me personally both humbled and hon- to the community with the immediately tell how tion, Spartanburg Region-
they have been partners and I think to so many. It ored.” presentation of a framed much community involve- al Healthcare System, and
in contributing so much was a special honor to be “Ron and I have been certificate. ment is there,” said Darryl the Appalachian Council
to this community and to able to name this facility able to watch it grow,” “It’s the love that encom- Broome, Director of SC Lt. of Governments, along
this country as well as to in their honor.” she said. “For 30 some- passes this building that I Gov. Office on Aging. “It’s with numerous local do-
this little plot of land.” Allison Commons offers thing years, we watched am so thankful for,” Alli- obvious before the door nors and volunteers.
Ron Allison has served expanded services for se- and helped and loved se- son said. “Whoever walks shuts behind you when Clayton Construction
in the Air Force, on the nior citizens, including niors in this area. It does through the door is going you walk into this build- performed the construc-
Hospital Board, with Ly- classes, workshops and our heart good, and we to be served with love.” ing, it’s just a testimony tion and sponsored the
man Town Council and group activities, transpor- are humbled to know that Allison Commons is the to how the community has ribbon-cutting.

Joshua’s Way collected shoeboxes

For Operation for the Samaritan’s Purse
to children affected by
war, disease, disaster, pov-
ficult circumstances.”
Since 1993, Operation
Christmas Child During the project’s
National Collection Week
erty and famine. For many
of these children, it will
Christmas Child has col-
lected and delivered more
(Nov. 12-19), Greer volun- be the first gift they have than 157 million gift-filled
BY KAELYN CASHMAN teers collected 12-13,000 ever received. shoeboxes to children in
STAFF WRITER shoeboxes to contribute “We are honored to be more than 160 countries
to Operation Christmas linking arms with our and territories.
Joshua’s Way, located at Child’s 2018 goal of reach- community to help chil- For more information on
1001 W. Poinsett Street, ing 11 million children in dren around the world how to participate in Op-
Greer, opened one of mul- need. experience the true mean- eration Christmas Child,
tiple drop-off locations in The Samaritan’s Purse ing of Christmas,” said call (704) 583-1463, or
the Upstate last week to project partners with local Regional Director Lindsey visit
collect shoebox gifts filled churches across the globe Tunnell Wooten, “These occ.
with fun toys, school sup- to deliver these tangible simple gifts show God’s
plies and hygiene items expressions of God’s love love to children facing dif- [email protected] | 877-2076


Tom Myers dropped off shoeboxes over the weekend at
Dan Johnson, President of Joshua’s Way, packed boxes filled with shoeboxes to be sent through Operation Christmas Joshua’s Way, giving Christmas gifts to children around
Child to millions of children. the world.
The Greer Citizen


Art show winners recognized at council meeting


Greer recognized the

winners of the Giving
Thanks Art Show at the
regular Nov. 13 coun-
WARNER BROS. PICTURES cil meeting last Tuesday
Henry Golding, Constance Based on entries re-
Wu in ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ ceived, categories in-
cluded elementary, tenth

grade, eleventh grade,
COUCH THEATER twelfth grade and photog-
BY AMY ANDERSON Winners included:
Elementary: Janae Brock-
FOR THE WEEK OF NOV. 19 Samantha Hidalgo (3), Na-
talee Horton (HM). Winners of the Giving Thanks Art Show received certificates from Greer Mayor Rick Danner during the regular Nov. 13
PICKS OF THE WEEK Photography: Madi council meeting last Tuesday.
“Crazy Rich Asians” Green (1), Ryann Howard
(PG-13) -- Based on the (2), Vanessa Dominguez Clure (1), Emily Barbare years with a giving thanks year,” said Robin Byouk, didn’t receive any middle
novel by Kevin Kwan, (3). (2), Peyton Cloys (3). theme, and this year we Greer Cultural Arts Super- school or ninth grade en-
“Crazy Rich Asians” is an Tenth: Kimberly Mak- Twelfth: Teresa M. Pruitt opened up the theme to visor. tries.”
all-out fantasy rom-com rai (1 & HM), Leslie San- (1), Kaitlyn Gmitro (2), let the artists enter what- “We’re very excited and Winning pieces will be
about a regular gal, Ra- chez-Mejia (2), Sarah Cagle Claire Cromer (3), Ethan ever they wanted to create, thankful for all the dif- displayed in The Wall Gal-
chel Chu (Constance Wu), (3). Hall (HM). and we had an incredible ferent schools that par- lery through the Thanks-
whose seemingly nor- Eleventh: Ellis-Anne Mc- “It has changed over the number of entries this ticipated,” she said. “We giving holiday.
mal longtime boyfriend
takes her East to his best
friend’s wedding -- and


to meet his family. Hen-
ry Goulding plays Nick FURMAN TO PRESENT ‘THE Winter Adventure Day Moravian buns and cof-
Young, the boyfriend in CREATION’ NOV. 30 will be held on Friday, Dec. fee, and the lighting of

To Do
question -- considerate, The Furman Symphony 21, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. beeswax candles in Daniel ‘Favorite Things’
elegant, with a six-pack Orchestra (FSO) and Ora- The class is appropriate Chapel, which will be il- Sam Mitchell
that won’t stop. What Ra- torio Chorus will present for ages 5-10. luminated by pew candle Nancy Corbin
chel doesn’t know is that Haydn’s “The Creation” Participants will meet staffs and decorated with Through Nov. 27
Nick’s family is, well, cra- Friday, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. animals who are adapted holiday greenery. Artists’ Guild Spartanburg

zy rich, and the couple in McAlister Auditorium to cold weather and test Furman University stu-
is greeted with nonstop NEW LISTINGS on the Furman University their ability to withstand dents will lead in the ser- ‘Landscapes: A Different Per-
elaborate displays of os- campus.  the cold. Lunch provided. vice, including The Peers spective’
tentatiousness as soon as ARTISTS GUILD TO HOLD The ticketed event is Registration required. vocal ensemble, chancel Angie Stone
they hit Singapore. Fierce CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOW open to the public and is For more information, instrumentalists, and Through November
backstabbing females and The Artists Guild Gallery presented by the Furman visit or members of the Explora- Artists Guild Gallery
handsome playboys flank of Greenville will hold a Department of Music. call 467-4300. tion of Vocation and Min- of Greenville
a disapproving mother, El- Christmas Gift Show Nov. Conducted by retiring istry program.
eanor (Michelle Yeoh), all 23-Dec. 31. Furman Music Professor FURMAN TO HOLD For more information, Nancy Corbin Exhibit
on a path to break up the Meet the Artists will be William Thomas, Haydn’s CHRISTMAS LOVE FEAST contact Susan Bennett at Through Dec. 2
lovebirds. Comedy relief held Friday, Dec. 7, from “The Creation” features Furman University will the Furman Office of Spiri- Spartanburg Methodist
comes from Rachel’s col- 6-9 p.m. professional Furman host its annual Moravian tual Life, 294-2133 and su- College
lege friend Peik Lin, played Gallery hours are Tues- alumni and faculty solo- Christmas Love Feast ser- [email protected].   Ellis Hall Gallery
by a hilarious Awkwafina. day-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 ists: Jacquelyn Stucker, so- vice Sunday, Dec. 2, at 5
An absolute must-see! p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m. prano; Professor of Voice p.m. in Daniel Memorial

“We the Animals” (R)

The gallery is located at
200 North Main Street in
Grant Knox, tenor; and
Joshua Copeland, bass.
Chapel on campus. 
The event is free and EVENT REMINDERS  |
-- Raul Castillo and Sheila Greenville. Joining the FSO for the open to the public and is
Vand play Ma and Paps masterpiece are nine Fur- presented by the Furman ‘A Christmas Carol:
to three wild, unbroken NGU INVITES COMMUNITY man music faculty mem- Office of Spiritual Life. A New Musical’
brothers in upstate New TO ‘CHRISTMAS AT NGU’ bers who will perform as Based on traditions orig- Nov. 24 and 30, 7 p.m.
York. The young, inexpe- The public is invited to principal players in the inating in the early Apos- Logos Theatre
rienced parents unleash North Greenville Universi- orchestra. Furman Music tolic church, then later in
their passions and inse- ty to celebrate the holiday Professor Thomas Joiner the Moravian church, the
curities on the family, and season at “Christmas at will serve as concertmas- Love Feast celebrates the Barn Bash
the boys muddle through NGU” on Monday, Nov. 26, ter for the production. Christian season of Ad- Hope Remains Ranch
the haze of Ma’s despair from 5:30-9 p.m. “The Creation” retells vent, the anticipation of Nov. 26, 4-7 p.m.
and the uncertainty of Free and open to all the Biblical account of the the Christ child.
Paps’ abandonment and ages, NGU’s first commu- day-by-day creation of the The service includes
subsequent return, while nity Christmas celebration world and its first inhabi- the serving of traditional
running unrestrained will feature the lighting of tants. 
through the woods and the Christmas tree, car- For more information or
back alleys of their town. oling, cookie decorating, advance ticket sales, call
It’s all seen through the s’mores, hot chocolate, the Furman Music Office
eyes of the youngest and a visit with Santa. at 294-2086, or email the
brother, Jonah (Evan Ro- “Our desire is for this department at Furman.
sado) -- on the cusp of 10, event to become an annu- [email protected]. Tick-
with a sensitivity and cre- al campus tradition,” says ets may be ordered online
ativity that both bind him NGU President Dr. Gene C. at
to his family and set him Fant, Jr. “We look forward sicTickets.
apart. Gorgeously filmed to sharing this experience
and lovingly cast. and time of fellowship GREENVILLE ZOO HOLDING
with families from the Up- HOLIDAY EVENTS
“Kin” (PG-13) -- As near state as we celebrate our The Greenville Zoo will
as I can tell, “Kin,” by twin Savior’s birth.” host Breakfast with Santa
directors Jonathon and on Saturday, Dec. 1, from
Josh Baker, is two movies NGU TO HOLD CHRISTMAS 9-10:30 a.m. at the zoo.
unceremoniously jammed CHOIR CONCERT The cost includes a
into one. Whatever bits North Greenville Univer- breakfast by Texas Road-
didn’t make it into the box sity will perform a Christ- house, personal time with
were the bits that would mas Choir Concert on Nov. Santa, admission to the
have made the combina- 27, 7 p.m., at Taylors First zoo and a chance to win
tion seamless. Alas, it’s a Baptist Church. prizes.
miss. Myles Truitt plays The choir will share the Safari Santa will also be
Eli, a boy who finds a Good News of Christ’s held on Saturday, Dec. 1,
souped-up ray gun in an birth. from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. The
abandoned warehouse. Admission is free. Do- first 100 children will re-
His is a sci-fi adventure nations are accepted. No ceive a free cookie and
film where he learns to ticket required. milk.
use the weapon and is
chased down by some
spaceman-type bad guys
who aim to retrieve it. The
other story is about his ad-
opted brother Jimmy (Jack
Reznor), fresh out of jail
and trying to do the right
thing by his little brother,
but getting caught up in a
beef with drug lord Taylor
(James Franco). The broth-
ers go on the lam together,
chased by everyone.

“Dog Days” (PG) -- If you

are looking for a cute en-
semble romantic comedy
with Dogs, Dogs, Dogs,
look no further. Set in
and around Los Angeles,
director Ken Marino fol-
lows couples, families and
competing personalities --
and that’s just the players
without fur. It’s a heart-
warming study of how
man’s best friend shapes
us, brings us together and
holds our hearts. Stars Va-
nessa Hudgens, Jon Bass,
Rob Corddry, Eva Longo-
ria, Nina Dobrev, Tone
Bell, Finn Wolfhard, Tig
Notaro, Adam Pally and

“Longmire” Season 6
“Fancy Nancy” Volume 1
“Blood Blockade Battle-
front & Beyond: Season

Does hole on heart

increase stroke risk?
DEAR DR. ROACH: Ar- thritis. Is there any danger
ticles on strokes or TIAs TO YOUR in using vinegar as a clean-
rarely mention that they ing agent? -- N.J.A.
can be caused by a con- GOOD HEALTH
genital heart defect. I had ANSWER: I often get
a family member with asked whether apple cider
a patent foramen ova- KEITH vinegar cures arthritis (it
le, found at age 54, after ROACH, M.D. doesn’t) or can help re-
he’d had several strokes. lieve symptoms (it might,
He had surgery to repair in strokes. In general, the but there is no good ev-
it and has been well ever younger and healthier the idence that it does), but I
since. person, the more likely have never heard anyone
I would like to know it is that a “cryptogenic” ask about vinegar touch-
why a PFO isn’t often stroke (one with no ob- ing the skin causing in-
mentioned or considered. vious cause) may be due ternal problems. Vinegar
When I see an obituary to a PFO. What is likely is is a mild acid (most are
for a young person who that a blood clot can pass about 5 percent acetic
died suddenly, I wonder through the foramen ovale acid), which normally isn’t
if there was an undiag- and go to the brain’s blood particularly irritating to
nosed hole in the person’s vessel, blocking off blood the skin, and shouldn’t be
heart. One in 6 people has supply to an area of the absorbed. Even if it were,
a hole in the heart; that is brain, causing a stroke. acetic acid is found in the
a high percentage. I think The absolute increase body (it’s an important
the public should be edu- in stroke risk is hard to molecule in several meta-
cated and made aware of quantify. For people who bolic pathways), and your
this congenital condition. have never had a stroke, body can use it as an ener-
-- J.R. it is generally not recom- gy source. There is no rea-
mended to close the PFO. son to be concerned about
ANSWER: A patent fora- This surgery has risks, and being exposed to house-
men ovale (which literally these risks probably out- hold vinegar.
means “open oval-shaped weigh the small potential
window”) is a remnant of benefit. For people who ***
our embryology. The fora- have had a stroke, the risk
men ovale is a small open of recurrent stroke from Dr. Roach regrets that
flap that is necessary to PFO is higher. One group he is unable to answer in-
send oxygenated blood has created a model (the dividual letters, but will
from the placenta to the RoPE score) to help predict incorporate them in the
body of the developing fe- the likelihood of recurrent column whenever possi-
tus. In about 25 percent of stroke. This can help the ble. Readers may email
people (that’s 1 in 4, even clinician examine the ben- questions to ToYourGood-
higher than you thought), efits of surgical repair of [email protected].
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pletely close. PFO is the likely to benefit younger pamphlets, visit www.rb-
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atrial septal defects are ***
the other common ones). (c) 2018 North America Synd., Inc.
A stroke is caused by the DEAR DR. ROACH: I All Rights Reserved
death of brain cells. PFOs heard that letting vinegar
are certainly implicated touch your skin causes ar-

Soap Updates
BY DANA BLOCK conflicted. Jason paid Sam
a visit. In a classic episode
THE BOLD AND from the year 2000, Son-
THE BEAUTIFUL ny and Carly spent their
Brooke attempted to put first Thanksgiving togeth-
Ridge’s mind at ease about er: Sonny had just made
her private conversation a deal with Laura and re-
with Bill. Quinn got upset turned home to a sad Car-
when Eric mandated that ly. He was able to comfort
she add Pam and Char- her by cheering on her
lie to the Thanksgiving new partnership at work.
guest list. Quinn became Wait to See: Maxie and
further irate when she Peter share an important
overheard Pam playing moment.
cupid for Donna and Eric. MONTY BRINTON | CBS
Steffy and Liam discussed THE YOUNG AND
baby Kelly’s future while Bryton James stars as THE RESTLESS
Hope looked on, assur- ‘Devon’ on ‘The Young and Summer made Kyle
ing herself that one day The Restless’ dance with her at the Ja-
this would be her future botique party, which sent
too. While Thorne was at tional goodbye with John Lola running off in tears.
work, Katie gave Bill the
legal papers for shared
and Brady before leaving
Salem. Abe received some
Fortunately, she didn’t
see the kiss that Summer THE SPATS by Jeff Pickering  |
custody. The Forresters, stunning news from Val- planted on Kyle. Deter-
Logans, Spencers, Avants erie. Adrienne and Justin mined to win Abby back,
and Spectras gathered for were furious when Victor Arturo followed her to
their traditional Thanks- kept Will from reuniting the Abbott house, but
giving dinner, setting with Sonny. Ben ended his she refused to let him in.
aside their grievances and alliance with Claire. Sar- Phyllis surprised Billy by
saying something kind to ah invited Eric to Thanks- giving him credit for the
the person next to them. giving. Wait to See: The boutique idea. Nick asked
Wait to See: Zoe’s father, Williamses hold Thanks- Phyllis to move in with
Dr. Reese Buckingham, ar- giving dinner at Doug’s him. Devon told Jack that
rives in L.A. Place. he wasn’t just putting up
a brave front, but later on,
DAYS OF OUR LIVES GENERAL HOSPITAL in private, he broke down
Gabi gleefully admit- Ava manipulated Fran- while looking at Hilary’s

ted to Abigail that she’d co. Monica spent the day pictures. Sharon politely
been “gaslighting” her all with Oscar. Drew alienat- turned down Billy’s ad- RFD by Mike Marland
along. Jennifer ripped ed Kim. Sam was really im- vances, and the two de-
into Chad for the way he pressed with Julian. Stella cided to remain strictly
treated her daughter. Ben was taken aback. Laura friends. Charlie and Mattie
exposed Tripp’s deception felt overwhelmed by what celebrated Thanksgiving
to Ciara. Lani found Eli she’d learned. Jordan was as best they could without
and Sheila in a compro- majorly surprised. Maxi their mother there. Wait
mising position. Ciara and and Lulu reflected on the to See: Victoria issues a
Tripp’s relationship im- past. Spinelli did Carly a threat.
ploded when she couldn’t favor. Nina tore into Ava.
deny her feelings for Laura realized she had (c) 2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Ben. Paul shared an emo- terrible timing. Oscar felt

AMBER WAVES by Dave T. Phipps  |

OUT ON A LIMB by Gary Kopervas  |

Our Schools
The Greer Citizen


coins, dollars or checks awarded a cash prize by
to the program that do- Solicitor Walt Wilkins and
nates 100 percent of the their entries will appear in

contributions to providing the 2019 Anti-Drug Calen-
school supplies and cloth- dar.
ing for students who may
lack the needed items and
brighten the holidays for
GREENVILLE COUNTY | their families.
CHILD ID EVENT NOV. 30 Registration is current- versity is providing Prax-
Woodland Elementary ly underway for the 4th is preparation classes for
will host the Ident-A-Kid Annual Tinsel Town Craft any elementary education
Child ID program on Fri- and Vendor Fair at Taylors students on its Tim Brash-
day, Nov. 30. Elementary. ier Campus located at 405
Students will take home The event will be held Lancaster Avenue in Greer.
forms for parents who Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 The workshops are de-
wish to sign up their child. a.m.-2 p.m. at the school. signed for graduates or
Forms and payment must Vendors, direct sales soon-to-be graduates with
be returned by Nov. 30. consultants, homemade elementary education de-
crafters and more are in- grees to prepare for the
BUENA VISTA TO HOLD vited to participate. Praxis exam for licensing
HOLIDAY CONCERT Open registration runs in the state of South Car-
Buena Vista Elementary through Nov. 30. olina.
PHOTO | SUBMITTED will hold a Holiday Chorus For more information, The schedule for ele-
Concert following its Win- email tinseltown.tes@ mentary multiple subject
Greer High student Jhonny Mauricio Villamil (third from left) was among six South ter PTA Meeting on Mon- workshops are:
Carolina high school students to receive Better Business Bureau scholarships recently. day, Dec. 3, at 6:30 p.m. Social Studies Subtest
Parents and students RMS STUDENTS CHOSEN (5004) – Nov. 27, 2018 –
can also donate to the IN POSTER CONTEST 6-8 p.m.

Greer student Villamil

Kids Helping Kids Holiday Four Riverside Middle Science Subtest (5005) –
Drive at this time. students were among the Jan. 10, 2019 – 6-8 p.m.
Second graders will pres- 13 finalists chosen in the Mathematics Subtest
ent a student program. 13th Circuit Solicitor’s An- (5003) – Jan. 24, 2019 – 6-8

receives BBB scholarship

ti-Drug Poster Contest. p.m.
BVES TO SPONSOR KIDS Winners included: Reading and Language
HELPING KIDS Carolina Dille Arts Subtest (5002) – Feb.
Buena Vista Elementa- Audrey McManemin 8, 2019 – 6-8 p.m.
Greer High student all of the applications re- liew Oil Company, Inc. ry will be participating Berenice Lequillenc (8th For more informa-
Jhonny Mauricio Villamil ceived.” Ramey Gray Jen- in Kids Helping Kids be- Grade Overall Winner) tion and to register,
is among six high school The Student of Integri- kins, Laurens District 55 ginning Monday, Dec. 3, Jun Wu Zhao (Grand visit
students receiving Student ty Award recognizes high High School, sponsored through Friday, Dec. 7. Prize Winner) edu/instructional-excel-
of Integrity Awards from school students in the by GBS Building Supply  Students can donate Winners were each lence-pd-events.php.
the Better Business Bu- Upstate who personify

after thanksgiving
reau (BBB) serving Upstate high character through

South Carolina. leadership, community
The organization pre- service, academic achieve-
sented six high school ment and overall personal
students with scholar- integrity. The Student of
ships through the Better Integrity Award scholar-
Business Bureau Educa- ship recipients were se-
tion Foundation during a lected by a panel of volun-

Doors Open At
ceremony on Nov. 8 at the teer judges.
Hilton Greenville. South The 2018 Student of
Carolina. Integrity Awards scholar-
Secretary of State Mark ship recipients were:

8:00 A.M. Friday

Hammond presented the Jhonny Mauricio Villa-
scholarships, which may mil, Greer High School,
be used to attend the col- sponsored by Bonitz

30%-50% Off Entire Stock

lege or university of the Savannah Marie Over-

student’s choosing.  holt, Abbeville High
“The students selected School, sponsored by Car-
for this award were the olina Foothills Federal
most exceptional candi- Credit Union
dates from an unprece- Katherine Jane Mc-

Friday, Nov. 23 and Saturday, Nov. 24 Only

dented number of appli- Cann, Bob Jones Academy,
cants,” said Vee Daniel, sponsored by Greenville
BBB President/CEO. “They Health System
have demonstrated re- Emma Kathryn Flannery
markable leadership abili- Potter, Montessori School WOMEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES
ties and a commitment to of Anderson, sponsored
integrity and ethics. Their by Sandlapper Securities,
applications, letters of LLC
recommendation and aca- Andrew Kelan How-
demic achievements were ard, Palmetto High School,
the most impressive out sponsored by Moore & Bal-

NGU to hold
business seminar
Free Gift With Dansko Purchase
North Greenville Univer- seminar will be: Integri-
sity’s T. Walter Brashier ty and the consequenc-
Graduate School will host es of integrity failures,
a seminar to educate pro- identification of profes-
fessionals about refined sional “gray areas,” and
communication skills on value-driven behaviors, While Supplies Last
Thursday, Dec. 6. drawing the line between
The Art of Professional- personal and profession-
ism seminar will last from al lives, use language to
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Dr. influence and persuade,
Tracy Kramer, Associate personality styles and
Dean of the NGU Gradu- communication, dealing
ate School of Business will with conflict, and written
lead this workshop that communication practices.
focuses on developing and The seminar cost in-

Thousands of Shoes On Sale!

demonstrating workplace cludes breakfast, lunch,
behaviors which will lead and snacks. Registration is
to excellence in job perfor- limited to 25 participants.
mance and effective com- To register, visit www.ngu.
munication. edu/business-and-leader-
Topics included in the ship-pd-events.

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