Optimisation of The T6 Heat Treatment of Rheocast Alloy A356

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Optimisation of the T6 heat treatment of rheocast alloy A356

H. Möller*, G. Govender* and W.E. Stumpf#

Materials Science and Manufacturing, CSIR, South Africa
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, University of
Pretoria, South Africa

The heat treatment cycles that are currently applied to semi-solid processed
components are mostly those that are in use for traditional dendritic alloys. These heat
treatments are not necessarily the optimum heat treatments for SSM processing. The
T6 heat treatment of aluminium alloys is a relatively expensive process and a
reduction in treatment times would be advantageous. In order to optimise the T6 heat
treatment cycle for rheocast alloy A356, the effect of various parameters on the
quality index were investigated. These included solution treatment time, natural aging
time, artificial aging temperature and artificial aging time.
Keywords: rheocasting, heat treatment, aluminium alloy A356.

1. Introduction
One of the methods employed by the transportation industry to improve fuel
efficiency has been the use of mass production-capable aluminium castings as part of
a weight reduction strategy1. High pressure die casting (HPDC) has been used widely
in the manufacture of light-weight castings to satisfy this need. Unfortunately, the
turbulent die-filling in high pressure die casting is responsible for oxide entrapment,
porosity and blistering problems during heat treatment. This limits the application of
this method to less critical structural applications. Semi-solid metal (SSM) processing
has the potential to be a high volume production method that can overcome these
deficiencies of conventional HPDC to produce high integrity light-weight aluminium

Semi-solid metal (SSM) processing is a unique manufacturing method to produce

near-net shape products for various industrial applications2,3. The aim is to obtain a
semi-solid structure free of dendrites with the solid present in a near spherical form.
This semi-solid mixture flows homogeneously, behaving as a thixotropic fluid with
viscosity depending on the shear rate and fraction of solid4. There are two different
SSM processing methods: thixocasting and rheocasting. With thixocasting, a specially
prepared billet of solid material with a globular microstructure is reheated into the
semi-solid range, followed by a forming process such as high pressure die casting.
Rheocasting involves preparation of a SSM slurry directly from the liquid, followed
by HPDC. The higher costs associated with thixocasting have resulted in rheocasting
becoming the preferred semi-solid process3. The laminar flow during SSM processing
during the die-fill avoids the problems of oxide and gas entrapment and also reduces
the shrinkage problems during solidification1. Blistering during heat treatment can
therefore be prevented.

Large quantities of castings are made annually from aluminium alloy A356 (also
known as Al-7Si-0.3Mg). The use of SSM processing to produce automotive
components has been described by Winterbottom1. The different processing
techniques to produce master brake cylinders and fuel rails are compared in Table 11.
SSM processing of alloy A356 has also been used to produce other automotive
components, such as a suspension lever arm5 and an engine mounting bracket6.

The T6 temper of aluminium alloys consists of a solution heat treatment and quench,
then a period of natural aging, followed by artificial aging. The T6 temper produces
maximum strength (hardness) in aluminium alloys.
The purpose of the solution heat treatment is to7:
(a) Dissolve solutes (especially Mg, Si), which leads to the formation of a large
number of strengthening precipitates during subsequent artificial aging.
(b) Cause spheroidisation of the eutectic silicon particles – this leads to improved
ductility and fracture toughness.
(c) Reduce micro-segregation of elements in the aluminium matrix.
The solution treatment time and temperature depend on the casting method, the extent
of modification (typically with strontium additions) and the desired level of
spheroidisation and coarsening of the silicon particles. For example, the solution
treatment time for A356 sand castings is twice as long as for permanent mould

The heat treatment cycles that are currently applied to semi-solid processed
components are mostly those that are in use for dendritic casting alloys5,8. These heat
treatments are not necessarily the optimum treatments, as the difference in
solidification history and microstructure of rheocast components should be
considered. No consensus has been reached on what the optimum heat treatment
conditions are for rheocast components. In order for SSM processing to be a
competitive processing method, it is imperative that the heat treatment parameters are
optimised. It seems as if 540oC is the optimum solution temperature for A356 in terms
of the compromise between shortening heat treatment time as well as minimising the
risk of blistering and distortion5-9. The most popular solution heat treatment employed
for SSM processed A356 is 6 hours at 540oC (i.e. similar to that used for permanent
mould cast A356)6,7,9. Only limited work has been performed on the optimisation of
the solution heat treatment of SSM processed A356. According to Rosso and Actis
Grande5, a solution heat treatment of 1 hour at 540oC is sufficient to obtain a high
level of properties in the T6 temper (hardness, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength,
% elongation). A solution treatment of only 30 minutes caused the presence of brittle
intermetallic phases due to an incomplete solution process. According to Dewhirst8,
the optimum solution treatment time at 540oC is 4 hours for SSM processed A356.
The natural aging time (the time at room temperature after solution treatment and
quenching, before artificial aging) has not received much attention for rheocast alloy
A356. For example, Dewhirst8 varied the natural aging time of semi-solid processed
A356 between 8 and 24 hours. He found that increasing the natural aging beyond 8
hours had a slightly negative effect on the tensile properties of the material. However,
it was concluded that artificial aging temperature and time were of greater importance.
Rosso and Actis Grande5 did not even document the natural aging time that was
employed in their study. Finally, the optimum artificial aging treatment for rheocast
A356 was determined to be 4 hours at 180oC by both Dewhirst8 and Rosso and Actis
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of various heat treatment
parameters on the T6 properties of SSM processed alloy A356. These parameters
included solution treatment time, natural aging time, artificial aging temperature and
artificial aging time.

The quality index (QI) was used in this work to allow comparison of different heat
treatment cycles. The quality index relates the ductility and strength (ultimate tensile
strength or UTS) into a single term8. It was developed by Drouzy et al10 based on the
observation of trends in empirical data. Caceres et al11 have done further work to
show the fundamental basis of the quality index. The quality index (specifically for
alloy A356) is given by equation 18,10,11:
QI (MPa) = UTS (MPa) + 150log(% elongation) [1]

2. Experimental
Semi-solid metal slurries of A356 (chemical composition given in Table 2) were
prepared using the CSIR rheocasting process12. Plates (4 mm × 80 mm × 100 mm)
were cast in steel moulds with a 50 ton HPDC machine. Solution treatment was
performed at 540oC for either 1 hour or 6 hours, followed by a water quench (20oC).
The samples were then naturally aged for either 0 or 20 hours, before being artificially
aged for varying times at 180oC. Artificial aging curves were determined by using
Vickers hardness measurements (20 kg). The average hardness values were found to
be reproducible within ± 3 VHN for all heat treatment conditions tested. All samples
were etched with 0.5 % HF solution for optical microscopy. The tensile properties of
selected samples were also determined and different heat treatment cycles were
compared by using the quality index (equation 1). The tensile samples (sub-standard
size) were machined from the plates (see Figure 1 for the dimensions of the samples).
A total of 5 tensile tests were used for each heat treatment condition.

3. Results and discussion

Figure 2 shows an optical micrograph of the A356 after SSM HPDC. It is seen that
the material has a globular primary grain structure and a fine eutectic.

Figures 3 and 4 show optical micrographs of A356 after a solution heat treatment at
540oC for 1 hour and 6 hours respectively. It is seen that solution treatment resulted in
the eutectic structure changing to a globular type structure. Strontium-modified alloys
undergo fast spheroidisation, while it is known that complete spheroidisation is not
achieved in unmodified alloys, even after long solution treatment times13.
It is also clear from Figures 3 and 4 that the silicon particles of the eutectic are much
coarser after solution treatment at 540oC 6 hours than after 1 hour, and that the
interparticle spacing is increased by longer solution treatment.
Natural aging curves for alloy A356 after solution treatment at 540oC for 1 hour and 6
hours are shown in Figure 5. In Al-Mg-Si alloys containing an excess of silicon, the
decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution (SSS) is believed to occur in the
following way14:
SSS → (Mg + Si)clusters / GP(I)spherical
→ β″ / GP (II)needles → β′ rods + Si + others
→ βplates + Si [2]
where GP = Guinier-Preston Zones
β = equilibrium Mg2Si
β′ and β″ = metastable precursors of β
It is believed that the hardness increase in freshly solution treated A356 during natural
aging occurs due to the precipitation of solute clusters and GP zones14,15.

Artificial aging curves for alloy A356 at 180oC are shown in Figure 6 (after 0 h
natural aging) and Figure 7 (after 20 h natural aging). The artificial aging response of
alloy A356 is influenced significantly by prior natural aging15. This phenomenon can
be explained by considering the sequence of decomposition of the supersaturated solid
solution (SSS) in Al-Mg-Si alloys (equation 2). The initial softening of the naturally
aged samples during artificial aging is attributed to the dissolution of the clusters and
GP zones during artificial aging. It is seen that the extent of the loss is recovered,
presumably by the precipitation of β″ particles upon further aging14. The dissolution
of the clusters and GP zones causes the time-to-peak-hardness (T6) to be longer
compared to when no natural aging is used.

It is also seen from Figure 5 (for natural aging) and Figures 6 and 7 (for artificial
aging) that solution treatment at 540oC for 1 hour tends to result in higher hardness
values being obtained compared to when 6 hours solution treatment is used. The
longer solution treatment time of 6 hours produced a relatively coarse microstructure
(Figure 4) which probably resulted in the lower maximum hardness values being
obtained. Solution treatment for 1 hour gives optimum conditions in terms of attaining
a relatively fine microstructure (Figure 3) in combination with complete dissolution of
the strengthening alloying elements16.
Based on the artificial aging curves presented in Figures 6 and 7, T6 heat treatments
were performed on samples for tensile tests. The “traditional” T6 heat treatment6,9 of
solution treatment for 6 hours at 540oC, water quenching, natural aging for 20 hours
and artificial aging for 6 hours at 170oC was also used for comparison. Details of the
T6 heat treatment cycles used for tensile testing are shown in Table 3 while the results
of the tensile tests are shown in Table 4.

From Table 4 it is seen that the “traditional” heat treatment results in the worst quality
index. The best quality index is achieved using the “540-1, 0-NA, 180-1” heat
treatment, which is also the shortest heat treatment (Table 3). These results show that
it is not only possible to decrease the heat treatment time of SSM processed alloy
A356, but that the tensile properties (or quality index) can actually be improved

In summary, this study corroborates some of the results obtained by Dewhirst8 and
Rosso and Actis Grande5. In addition, valuable new information is also presented. The
possibility of using a shorter solution heat treatment time of 1 hour at 540oC confirms
the results presented by Rosso and Actis Grande5. However, the influence of natural
aging time on the artificial aging response was not adequately studied by either
Dewhirst8 or Rosso and Actis Grande5. The optimum artificial aging heat treatment
proposed in both papers5,8 is 180oC for 4 hours. This was also confirmed in this work,
but importantly, this applies only when natural aging is used before artificial aging.
When no natural aging is applied, then 1 hour at 180oC is the optimum artificial aging
heat treatment. This heat treatment is not only the shortest of all the studied treatments
(Table 3), but it also resulted in the best quality index (Table 4). If it is not possible to
artificially age the A356 immediately after solution treatment, the 180oC for 4 hours
treatment is still shorter than the “traditional” T6 heat treatment, with the added
benefit of resulting in a similar quality index (Table 4). The quality indices of the last
two heat treatments in Table 4 fall within the standard deviation and their differences
compared to the “traditional” heat treatment may not be significant. Also note that
previous work15 has indicated that natural aging of only 1 hour decreased the artificial
aging response of this alloy significantly.
4. Conclusions
The conclusions of this study are:
• The optimum solution treatment time at 540oC to give optimum mechanical
properties after artificial aging for SSM HPDC A356 seems to be 1 hour. This
represents the shortest possible solution treatment time to obtain complete
dissolution of strengthening alloying elements, while still retaining a relatively
fine microstructure.
• The dissolution of solute clusters and GP zones (which are formed during
natural aging) during the initial stages of artificial aging causes softening of
the alloy. This in turn causes the time-to-peak-hardness (T6) to be longer
compared to the time when no natural aging is used.
• The quality index constitutes a useful tool to gauge the effect of changes to the
heat treatment cycles of SSM HPDC A356. The best quality index in this
study was obtained using a short solution heat treatment of only 1 hour at
540oC, no natural aging and artificial aging at 180oC for 1 hour. The much
longer “traditional” T6 heat treatment cycle of solution treatment at 540oC for
6 hours, 20 hours natural aging, followed by artificial aging at 170oC for 6
hours gave the worst quality index of all the studied heat treatment cycles.

5. Acknowledgements
The contributions of L. Ivanchev, D. Wilkens, G. Kunene (SSM HPDC) and C.
McDuling, A. Grobler (tensile testing) are gratefully acknowledged.

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9. Badiali, M., Davidson, C.J., Griffiths, J.R., and Zanada, A. Fatigue properties of a
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15. Möller, H, and Govender, G. Optimisation of the T6 heat treatment cycle of CSIR
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16. Möller, H, and Govender, G. Optimisation of the T6 heat treatment cycle of CSIR
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Table 1: The production of high volume automotive components1
Master Brake Cylinders
Process Part mass (kg) Minimum wall thickness Machining steps
Permanent mould 0.77 6.3 18
SSM 0.44 3.2 5
Fuel Rails
Solid forging 0.68 5.1 82
SSM 0.33 3.8 26
Table 2: Chemical composition (wt%) of alloy A356 used in this study
Si Mg Fe Cu Mn Zn Ti Sr Al
7.14 0.34 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.03 Balance
Table 3: T6 Heat treatment cycles used for tensile testing
Heat Solution Natural Artificial Total Total
Treatment Treatment Aging Aging furnace time (h)
time (h)
o o
540-6, 20NA, 540 C for 20 h 170 C for 12 h 32 h
170-6 6h 6h
540-1, 0NA, 540 C for 0h 180oC for 2h 2h
180-1 1h 1h
540-6, 0NA, 540oC for 0h 180oC for 7h 7h
180-1 6h 1h
540-1, 20NA, 540oC for 20 h 180oC for 5h 25 h
180-4 1h 4h
Table 4: Yield strength, UTS, % elongation and QI of heat treated samples. The
standard deviation for tensile properties is also indicated in brackets
Heat Yield strength UTS (MPa) % Elongation QI (MPa)
treatment (MPa)
540-6, 20NA, 261 (4.5) 316 (5.9) 8.3 (2.1) 454
540-1, 0NA, 251 (3.8) 324 (7.3) 10.1 (1.5) 475
540-6, 0NA, 256 (1.3) 325 (4.6) 8.2 (1.1) 462
540-1, 20NA, 259 (5.2) 317 (7.1) 8.8 (1.4) 459
Figure 1: The dimensions of the samples used for tensile testing
Figure 2: Optical micrograph of alloy A356 after SSM HPDC
Figure 3: Optical micrograph of alloy A356 after solution treatment at 540oC for 1
Figure 4: Optical micrograph of alloy A356 after solution treatment at 540oC for 6



65 540C-1h


0 1 10 100 1000
t (h)

Figure 5: Natural aging curves for SSM processed A356 after solution treatment at



80 540C-1h



0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
t (h) at 180 C

Figure 6: Artificial aging curves for SSM processed A356 after 0 hours natural aging



80 540C-1h



0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
t (h) at 180 C

Figure 7: Artificial aging curves for SSM processed A356 after 20 hours natural aging

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