Lambda DG
Lambda DG
Lambda DG
Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Table of Contents
What Is AWS Lambda? ........................................................................................................................ 1
When should I Use Lambda? ....................................................................................................... 1
Are You a First-time User of AWS Lambda? ................................................................................... 1
Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. 3
Building Blocks of a Lambda-based Application ............................................................................. 3
Tools to Create and Test Lambda-based Applications ...................................................................... 3
Before you begin ....................................................................................................................... 3
Next Step .......................................................................................................................... 4
Set Up an AWS Account .............................................................................................................. 4
Set Up an AWS Account and Create an Administrator User ...................................................... 4
Set Up the AWS CLI ................................................................................................................... 6
Next Step .......................................................................................................................... 7
Install SAM Local ....................................................................................................................... 7
Installing Docker ................................................................................................................ 7
Installing SAM Local ........................................................................................................... 7
Create a Simple Lambda Function and Explore the Console ............................................................. 8
Preparing for the Getting Started ........................................................................................ 8
Create a Simple Lambda Function ........................................................................................ 8
Lambda Functions ............................................................................................................................ 15
Building Lambda Functions ........................................................................................................ 15
Authoring Code for Your Lambda Function .......................................................................... 15
Deploying Code and Creating a Lambda Function ................................................................. 16
Monitoring and Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 17
AWS Lambda-Based Application Examples ........................................................................... 17
Related Topics ................................................................................................................. 18
Programming Model ......................................................................................................... 18
Creating a Deployment Package ......................................................................................... 82
Test Your Serverless Applications Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta) ................................. 102
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor ................................................... 109
Configuring Lambda Functions ................................................................................................. 134
Accessing Resources from a Lambda Function ............................................................................ 135
Accessing AWS Services ................................................................................................... 135
Accessing non AWS Services ............................................................................................ 135
Accessing Private Services or Resources ............................................................................. 135
VPC Support .................................................................................................................. 136
AWS Lambda Execution Model ................................................................................................. 147
Invoking Lambda Functions ............................................................................................................. 149
Example 1 ............................................................................................................................. 149
Example 2 ............................................................................................................................. 150
Invocation Types ..................................................................................................................... 151
Event Source Mapping .................................................................................................... 152
Understanding Retry Behavior .................................................................................................. 155
Understanding Scaling Behavior ............................................................................................... 156
Concurrent Execution Request Rate ................................................................................... 157
Scaling .......................................................................................................................... 157
Supported Event Sources ......................................................................................................... 158
Amazon S3 .................................................................................................................... 159
Amazon DynamoDB ........................................................................................................ 159
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams .......................................................................................... 160
Amazon Simple Notification Service .................................................................................. 160
Amazon Simple Email Service .......................................................................................... 160
Amazon Cognito ............................................................................................................. 161
AWS CloudFormation ...................................................................................................... 161
Amazon CloudWatch Logs ............................................................................................... 161
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
When should I Use Lambda?
You can use AWS Lambda to run your code in response to events, such as changes to data in an Amazon
S3 bucket or an Amazon DynamoDB table; to run your code in response to HTTP requests using Amazon
API Gateway; or invoke your code using API calls made using AWS SDKs. With these capabilities, you
can use Lambda to easily build data processing triggers for AWS services like Amazon S3 and Amazon
DynamoDB process streaming data stored in Kinesis, or create your own back end that operates at AWS
scale, performance, and security.
You can also build serverless applications composed of functions that are triggered by events and
automatically deploy them using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild. For more information, see
Deploying Lambda-based Applications (p. 279).
For more information about the AWS Lambda execution environment, see Lambda Execution
Environment and Available Libraries (p. 392). For information about how AWS Lambda determines
compute resources required to execute your code, see Configuring Lambda Functions (p. 134).
When using AWS Lambda, you are responsible only for your code. AWS Lambda manages the compute
fleet that offers a balance of memory, CPU, network, and other resources. This is in exchange for
flexibility, which means you cannot log in to compute instances, or customize the operating system or
language runtime. These constraints enable AWS Lambda to perform operational and administrative
activities on your behalf, including provisioning capacity, monitoring fleet health, applying security
patches, deploying your code, and monitoring and logging your Lambda functions.
If you need to manage your own compute resources, Amazon Web Services also offers other compute
services to meet your needs.
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) service offers flexibility and a wide range of EC2
instance types to choose from. It gives you the option to customize operating systems, network and
security settings, and the entire software stack, but you are responsible for provisioning capacity,
monitoring fleet health and performance, and using Availability Zones for fault tolerance.
• Elastic Beanstalk offers an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling applications onto Amazon EC2
in which you retain ownership and full control over the underlying EC2 instances.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Are You a First-time User of AWS Lambda?
1. Read the product overview and watch the introductory video to understand sample use cases.
These resources are available on the AWS Lambda webpage.
2. Review the “Lambda Functions” section of this guide. To understand the programming model and
deployment options for a Lambda function there are core concepts you should be familiar with. This
section explains these concepts and provides details of how they work in different languages that you
can use to author your Lambda function code. For more information, see Lambda Functions (p. 15).
3. Try the console-based Getting Started exercise. The exercise provides instructions for you to
create and test your first Lambda function using the console. You also learn about the console
provided blueprints to quickly create your Lambda functions. For more information, see Getting
Started (p. 3).
4. Read the "Deploying Applications with AWS Lambda" section of this guide. This section introduces
various AWS Lambda components you work with to create an end-to-end experience. For more
information, see Deploying Lambda-based Applications (p. 279).
Beyond the Getting Started exercise, you can explore the various use cases, each of which is provided
with a tutorial that walks you through an example scenario. Depending on your application needs (for
example, whether you want event driven Lambda function invocation or on-demand invocation), you can
follow specific tutorials that meet your specific needs. For more information, see Use Cases (p. 176).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building Blocks of a Lambda-based Application
Getting Started
In this section, we introduce you to the fundamental concepts of a typical Lambda-based application
and the options available to create and test your applications. In addition, you will be provided with
instructions on installing the necessary tools to complete the tutorials included in this guide and create
your first Lambda function.
• Lambda Console: Provides a way for you to graphically design your Lambda-based application,
author or update your Lambda function code, and configure event, downstream resources and IAM
permissions that your function requires. It also includes advanced configuration options, outlined in
Advanced Topics (p. 378).
• AWS CLI: A command-line interface you can use to leverage Lambda's API operations, such as creating
functions and mapping event sources. For a full list of Lambda's API operations, see Actions (p. 409).
• SAM Local: A command-line interface you can use to to develop, test, and analyze your serverless
applications locally before uploading them to the Lambda runtime. For more information, see Test
Your Serverless Applications Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta) (p. 102).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Next Step
Set Up an AWS Account (p. 4)
With AWS Lambda, you pay only for the resources you use. For more information about AWS Lambda
usage rates, see the AWS Lambda product page. If you are a new AWS customer, you can get started with
AWS Lambda for free. For more information, see AWS Free Usage Tier.
If you already have an AWS account, skip to the next task. If you don't have an AWS account, use the
following procedure to create one.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a PIN using the phone
Note your AWS account ID, because you'll need it for the next task.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Set Up an AWS Account and Create an Administrator User
If you signed up for AWS, but you haven't created an IAM user for yourself, you can create one using the
IAM console.
The Getting Started exercises and tutorials in this guide assume you have a user (adminuser) with
administrator privileges. When you follow the procedure, create a user with name adminuser.
To create an IAM user for yourself and add the user to an Administrators group
1. Use your AWS account email address and password to sign in as the AWS account root user to the
IAM console at
2. In the navigation pane of the console, choose Users, and then choose Add user.
3. For User name, type Administrator.
4. Select the check box next to AWS Management Console access, select Custom password, and then
type the new user's password in the text box. You can optionally select Require password reset to
force the user to select a new password the next time the user signs in.
5. Choose Next: Permissions.
6. On the Set permissions for user page, choose Add user to group.
7. Choose Create group.
8. In the Create group dialog box, type Administrators.
9. For Filter, choose Job function.
10. In the policy list, select the check box for AdministratorAccess. Then choose Create group.
11. Back in the list of groups, select the check box for your new group. Choose Refresh if necessary to
see the group in the list.
12. Choose Next: Review to see the list of group memberships to be added to the new user. When you
are ready to proceed, choose Create user.
You can use this same process to create more groups and users, and to give your users access to your
AWS account resources. To learn about using policies to restrict users' permissions to specific AWS
resources, go to Access Management and Example Policies.
The aws_account_number is your AWS account ID without hyphen. For example, if your AWS
account ID is 1234-5678-9012, your AWS account number is 123456789012. For information
about how to find your account number, see Your AWS Account ID and Its Alias in the IAM User
3. Enter the IAM user name and password that you just created. When you're signed in, the navigation
bar displays your_user_name @ your_aws_account_id.
If you don't want the URL for your sign-in page to contain your AWS account ID, you can create an
account alias.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. On the navigation pane, choose Dashboard.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Set Up the AWS CLI
To sign in after you create an account alias, use the following URL:
To verify the sign-in link for IAM users for your account, open the IAM console and check under IAM
users sign-in link: on the dashboard.
Next Step
Set Up the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) (p. 6)
1. Download and configure the AWS CLI. For instructions, see the following topics in the AWS
Command Line Interface User Guide.
[profile adminuser]
aws_access_key_id = adminuser access key ID
aws_secret_access_key = adminuser secret access key
region = aws-region
For a list of available AWS regions, see Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General
3. Verify the setup by entering the following commands at the command prompt.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
• Try the help command to verify that the AWS CLI is installed on your computer:
aws help
• Try a Lambda command to verify the user can reach AWS Lambda. This command lists Lambda
functions in the account, if any. The AWS CLI uses the adminuser credentials to authenticate the
Next Step
Install SAM Local (p. 7)
Installing Docker
Docker is an open-source software container platform that allows you to build, manage and test
applications, whether you're running on Linux, Mac or Windows. For more information and download
instructions, see Docker.
Once you have Docker installed, SAM Local automatically provides a customized Docker image called
docker-lambda. This image is designed specifically by an AWS partner to simulate the live AWS
Lambda execution environment. This environment includes installed software, libraries, security
permissions, environment variables, and other features outlined at Lambda Execution Environment and
Available Libraries (p. 392).
Using docker-lambda, you can invoke your Lambda function locally. In this environment, your
serverless applications execute and perform much as in the AWS Lambda runtime, without your
having to redeploy the runtime. Their execution and performance in this environment reflect such
considerations as timeouts and memory use.
Because this is a simulated environment, there is no guarantee that your local testing results will
exactly match those in the actual AWS runtime.
For more information, see Docker Lambda on GitHub. (If you don't have a Github account, you can create
one for free and then access Docker Lambda).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function and Explore the Console
sam --version
If NPM doesn't work for you, you can download the latest binary and start using SAM Local immediately.
You can find the binaries under the Releases section in the SAM CLI GitHub Repository.
Next Step
Create a Simple Lambda Function and Explore the Console (p. 8)
As you follow the steps, you will also familiarize yourself with the AWS Lambda console including:
• Explore the blueprints. Each blueprint provides sample code and sample configurations that enable
you to create Lambda functions with just a few clicks.
• View and update configuration information of your Lambda function.
• Invoke a Lambda function manually and explore results in the Execution results section.
• Monitor CloudWatch metrics in the console.
Next Step
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console.
2. Note that AWS Lambda offers a simple Hello World function upon introduction under the
How it works label and includes a Run option, allowing you to invoke the function as a general
introduction. This tutorial introduces additonal options you have to create, test and update your
Lambda functions, as well as other features provided by the Lambda console and provides links to
each, inviting you to explore each one in depth.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function
The console shows the Get Started page only if you do not have any Lambda functions
created. If you have created functions already, you will see the Lambda > Functions page.
On the list page, choose Create a function to go to the Create function page.
3. On the Create function page, you are presented with two options:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function
a. If you'd like to review the blueprints, choose the Blueprints button, which will display the
available blueprints. You can also use the Filter to search for specific blueprints. For example:
• Enter S3 in Filter to get only the list of blueprints available to process Amazon S3 events.
• Enter dynamodb in Filter to get a list of available blueprints to process Amazon DynamoDB
b. For this Getting Started exercise, choose the Author from scratch button.
4. In Author from scratch, do the following:
In the Add triggers panel, you can optionally choose a service that automatically triggers your
Lambda function by choosing one of the service options listed.
a. Depending on which service you select, you are prompted to provide relevant information for
that service. For example, if you select DynamoDB, you need to provide the following:
• In Function code note that code authored in Node.js is provided. It returns a simple "Hello from
Lambda" greeting.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function
• Environment variables – for Lambda functions enable you to dynamically pass settings to your
function code and libraries, without making changes to your code. For more information, see
Environment Variables (p. 378).
• Tags – are key-value pairs that you attach to AWS resources to better organize them. For more
information, see Tagging Lambda Functions (p. 335).
• Execution role – which allows you to administer security on your function, using defined roles and
policies or creating new ones. For more information, see Authentication and Access Control for
AWS Lambda (p. 341).
• Basic settings – allows you to dictate the memory allocation and timeout limit for your Lambda
function. For more information, see AWS Lambda Limits (p. 395).
• Network – allows you to select a VPC your function will access. For more information, see
Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC (p. 136).
• Debugging and error handling – allows you to select a Dead Letter Queues (p. 386) resource
to analyze failed function invocation retries. It also allows you to enable active tracing. For more
information, see Using AWS X-Ray (p. 323).
• Concurrency – allows you to allocate a specific limit of concurrent executions allowed for this
function. For more information, see Function Level Concurrent Execution Limit (p. 374).
• Auditing and compliance – logs function invocations for operational and risk auditing,
governance and compliance. For more information, see Using AWS Lambda with AWS
CloudTrail (p. 216).
"key3": "value3",
"key2": "value2",
"key1": "value1"
You can change key and values in the sample JSON, but don't change the event structure. If you do
change any keys and values, you must update the sample code accordingly. Choose Save and test.
3. AWS Lambda executes your function on your behalf. The handler in your Lambda function receives
and then processes the sample event.
4. Upon successful execution, view results in the console.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function
• The Execution result section shows the execution status as succeeded and also shows the
function execution results, returned by the return statement.
The console always uses the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous
invocation) when invoking a Lambda function which causes AWS Lambda to return a
response immediately. For more information, see Invocation Types (p. 151).
• The Summary section shows the key information reported in the Log output section (the REPORT
line in the execution log).
• The Log output section shows the log AWS Lambda generates for each execution. These are the
logs written to CloudWatch by the Lambda function. The AWS Lambda console shows these logs
for your convenience.
Note that the Click here link shows logs in the CloudWatch console. The function then adds logs to
Amazon CloudWatch in the log group that corresponds to the Lambda function.
5. Run the Lambda function a few times to gather some metrics that you can view in the next step.
6. Choose the Monitoring tab to view the CloudWatch metrics for your Lambda function. This page
shows the CloudWatch metrics.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function
• The X-axis shows the past 24 hours from the current time.
• Invocation count shows the number of invocations during this interval.
• Invocation duration shows how long it took for your Lambda function to run. It shows minimum,
maximum, and average time of execution.
• Invocation errors show the number of times your Lambda function failed. You can compare the
number of times your function executed and how many times it failed (if any).
• Throttled invocation metrics show whether AWS Lambda throttled your Lambda function
invocation. For more information, see AWS Lambda Limits (p. 395).
• Concurrent execution metrics show the number of concurrent invocations of your Lambda
function. For more information, see Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Simple Lambda Function
• The AWS Lambda console shows these CloudWatch metrics for your convenience. You can see
these metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch console by clicking any of these metrics.
For more information on these metrics and what they mean, see AWS Lambda CloudWatch
Metrics (p. 321).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building Lambda Functions
Lambda Functions
If you are new to AWS Lambda, you might ask: How does AWS Lambda execute my code? How does
AWS Lambda know the amount of memory and CPU requirements needed to run my Lambda code? The
following sections provide an overview of how a Lambda function works.
In subsequent sections, we cover how the functions you create get invoked, and how to deploy and
monitor them. We also recommend reading the Function Code and Function Configuration sections at
Best Practices for Working with AWS Lambda Functions (p. 387).
To begin, we introduce you to the topic that explains the fundamentals of building a Lambda function,
Building Lambda Functions (p. 15).
Typically, the lifecycle for an AWS Lambda-based application includes authoring code, deploying code to
AWS Lambda, and then monitoring and troubleshooting. The following are general questions that come
up in each of these lifecycle phases:
• Authoring code for your Lambda function – What languages are supported? Is there a programming
model that I need to follow? How do I package my code and dependencies for uploading to AWS
Lambda? What tools are available?
• Uploading code and creating Lambda functions – How do I upload my code package to AWS
Lambda? How do I tell AWS Lambda where to begin executing my code? How do I specify compute
requirements like memory and timeout?
• Monitoring and troubleshooting – For my Lambda function that is in production, what metrics are
available? If there are any failures, how do I get logs or troubleshoot issues?
The following sections provide introductory information and the Example section at the end provides
working examples for you to explore.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Deploying Code and Creating a Lambda Function
The following table lists languages, and the available tools and options that you can use.
Java • Eclipse, with AWS Toolkit for Eclipse (see Using AWS Lambda with
the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse)
• Your own authoring environment
• For more information, see Deploying Code and Creating a
Lambda Function (p. 16).
In addition, regardless of the language you choose, there is a pattern to writing Lambda function code.
For example, how you write the handler method of your Lambda function (that is, the method that
AWS Lambda first calls when it begins executing the code), how you pass events to the handler, what
statements you can use in your code to generate logs in CloudWatch Logs, how to interact with AWS
Lambda runtime and obtain information such as the time remaining before timeout, and how to handle
exceptions. The Programming Model (p. 18) section provides information for each of the supported
After you familiarize yourself with AWS Lambda, see the Use Cases (p. 176), which provide
step-by-step instructions to help you explore the end-to-end experience.
• Creating a Deployment Package – Organizing Code and Dependencies (p. 17)
• Uploading a Deployment Package – Creating a Lambda Function (p. 17)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
When you create Lambda functions using the console, the console creates the deployment package for
you, and then uploads it to create your Lambda function.
In addition to providing your deployment package, you can provide configuration information when you
create your Lambda function including the compute requirements of your Lambda function, the name
of the handler method in your Lambda function, and the runtime, which depends on the language you
chose to author your code. For more information, see Lambda Functions (p. 15).
The console provides sample event data. The same data is also provided in the Sample Events Published
by Event Sources (p. 165) topic, which you can use in the AWS CLI to invoke your Lambda function.
To help you troubleshoot failures in a function, Lambda logs all requests handled by your function
and also automatically stores logs that your code generates in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. For more
information, see Accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs for AWS Lambda (p. 319).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Related Topics
• Getting Started (p. 3) – The Getting Started exercise provides a console-based experience. Sample code
is provided for your preferred runtimes. You can also code within the console, using the Code Editor
and upload it to AWS Lambda, and test it using sample event data provided in the console.
• Use Cases (p. 176) – If you cannot author your code using the console, you must create your own
deployment packages and use the AWS CLI (or SDKs) to create your Lambda function. For more
information, see Authoring Code for Your Lambda Function (p. 15). Most examples in the Use Cases
section use the AWS CLI. If you are new to AWS Lambda, we recommend that you try one of these
Related Topics
The following topics provide additional information.
Programming Model
You write code for your Lambda function in one of the languages AWS Lambda supports. Regardless of
the language you choose, there is a common pattern to writing code for a Lambda function that includes
the following core concepts:
• Handler – Handler is the function AWS Lambda calls to start execution of your Lambda function. You
identify the handler when you create your Lambda function. When a Lambda function is invoked, AWS
Lambda starts executing your code by calling the handler function. AWS Lambda passes any event
data to this handler as the first parameter. Your handler should process the incoming event data and
may invoke any other functions/methods in your code.
• The context object and how it interacts with Lambda at runtime – AWS Lambda also passes a
context object to the handler function, as the second parameter. Via this context object your code can
interact with AWS Lambda. For example, your code can find the execution time remaining before AWS
Lambda terminates your Lambda function.
In addition, for languages such as Node.js, there is an asynchronous platform that uses callbacks. AWS
Lambda provides additional methods on this context object. You use these context object methods to
tell AWS Lambda to terminate your Lambda function and optionally return values to the caller.
• Logging – Your Lambda function can contain logging statements. AWS Lambda writes these logs to
CloudWatch Logs. Specific language statements generate log entries, depending on the language you
use to author your Lambda function code.
• Exceptions – Your Lambda function needs to communicate the result of the function execution to
AWS Lambda. Depending on the language you author your Lambda function code, there are different
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
ways to end a request successfully or to notify AWS Lambda an error occurred during execution. If you
invoke the function synchronously, then AWS Lambda forwards the result back to the client.
Your Lambda function code must be written in a stateless style, and have no affinity with the
underlying compute infrastructure. Your code should expect local file system access, child
processes, and similar artifacts to be limited to the lifetime of the request. Persistent state
should be stored in Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, or another cloud storage service. Requiring
functions to be stateless enables AWS Lambda to launch as many copies of a function as needed
to scale to the incoming rate of events and requests. These functions may not always run on
the same compute instance from request to request, and a given instance of your Lambda
function may be used more than once by AWS Lambda. For more information, see Programming
Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
Programming Model(Node.js)
AWS Lambda currently supports the following Node.js runtimes:
When you create a Lambda function, you specify the runtime that you want to use. For more
information, see runtime parameter of CreateFunction (p. 423).
The following sections explain how common programming patterns and core concepts apply when
authoring Lambda function code in Node.js. The programming model described in the following sections
apply to both versions, except where indicated.
• Lambda Function Handler (Node.js) (p. 20)
• The Context Object (Node.js) (p. 22)
• Logging (Node.js) (p. 25)
• Function Errors (Node.js) (p. 27)
• Using the Earlier Node.js Runtime v0.10.42 (p. 29)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
The callback parameter is optional, depending on whether you want to return information to the caller.
• event – AWS Lambda uses this parameter to pass in event data to the handler.
• context – AWS Lambda uses this parameter to provide your handler the runtime information of the
Lambda function that is executing. For more information, see The Context Object (Node.js) (p. 22).
• callback – You can use the optional callback to return information to the caller, otherwise return
value is null. For more information, see Using the Callback Parameter (p. 21).
The callback is supported only in the Node.js runtimes v6.10 and v4.3. If you are using
runtime v0.10.42, you need to use the context methods (done, succeed, and fail) to properly
terminate the Lambda function. For information, see Using the Earlier Node.js Runtime
v0.10.42 (p. 29).
• myHandler – This is the name of the function AWS Lambda invokes. You export this so it is visible to
AWS Lambda. Suppose you save this code as helloworld.js. Then, helloworld.myHandler is the
handler. For more information, see handler in CreateFunction (p. 423).
• If you used the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous execution), AWS Lambda returns
the result of the Node.js function call to the client invoking the Lambda function (in the HTTP
response to the invocation request, serialized into JSON). For example, AWS Lambda console uses
the RequestResponse invocation type, so when you test invoke the function using the console, the
console will display the return value.
If the handler does not return anything, AWS Lambda returns null.
• If you used the Event invocation type (asynchronous execution), the value is discarded.
Consider the following Node.js example code.
This example has one function, which is also the handler. In the function, the console.log()
statements log some of the incoming event data to CloudWatch Logs. When the callback is called, the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Lambda function exits only after the Node.js event loop is empty (the Node.js event loop is not the same
as the event that was passed as a parameter).
If you are using runtime v0.10.42, you need to use the context methods (done, succeed, and fail)
to properly terminate the Lambda function. For more information, see Using the Earlier Node.js
Runtime v0.10.42 (p. 29).
For instructions to create a Lambda function using the console, see Create a Simple Lambda
Function (p. 8).
2. Replace the template code with the code provided in this section and create the function.
3. Test the Lambda function using the Sample event template called Hello World provided in the
Lambda console.
The Node.js runtimes v4.3 and v6.10 support the optional callback parameter. You can use it to
explicitly return information back to the caller. The general syntax is:
• error – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide results of the failed Lambda function
execution. When a Lambda function succeeds, you can pass null as the first parameter.
• result – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide the result of a successful function
execution. The result provided must be JSON.stringify compatible. If an error is provided, this
parameter is ignored.
Using the callback parameter is optional. If you don't use the optional callback parameter,
the behavior is same as if you called the callback() without any parameters. You can specify
the callback in your code to return information to the caller.
If you don't use callback in your code, AWS Lambda will call it implicitly and the return value is null.
When the callback is called (explicitly or implicitly), AWS Lambda continues the Lambda function
invocation until the Node.js event loop is empty.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
AWS Lambda treats any non-null value for the error parameter as a handled exception.
• Regardless of the invocation type specified at the time of the Lambda function invocation (see
Invoke (p. 461)), the callback method automatically logs the string representation of non-null values
of error to the Amazon CloudWatch Logs stream associated with the Lambda function.
• If the Lambda function was invoked synchronously (using the RequestResponse invocation type), the
callback returns a response body as follows:
• If error is null, the response body is set to the string representation of result.
• If the error is not null, the error value will be populated in the response body.
When the callback(error, null) (and callback(error)) is called, Lambda will log the
first 256 KB of the error object. For a larger error object, AWS Lambda truncates the log and
displays the text Truncated by Lambda next to the error object.
• How much time is remaining before AWS Lambda terminates your Lambda function (timeout is one of
the Lambda function configuration properties).
• The CloudWatch log group and log stream associated with the Lambda function that is executing.
• The AWS request ID returned to the client that invoked the Lambda function. You can use the request
ID for any follow up inquiry with AWS support.
• If the Lambda function is invoked through AWS Mobile SDK, you can learn more about the mobile
application calling the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda provides this information via the context object that the service passes as the second
parameter to your Lambda function handler. For more information, see Lambda Function Handler
(Node.js) (p. 20).
The following sections provide an example Lambda function that uses the context object, and then lists
all of the available methods and attributes.
Consider the following Node.js example. The handler receives runtime information via a context
console.log('Loading function');
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
identity ID =', context.identity.cognitoIdentityId);
callback(null, event.key1); // Echo back the first key value
// or
// callback("some error type");
The handler code in this example logs some of the runtime information of the Lambda function to
CloudWatch. If you invoke the function using the Lambda console, the console displays the logs in the
Log output section. You can create a Lambda function using this code and test it using the console.
1. In the console, create a Lambda function using the hello-world blueprint. In runtime, choose
nodejs6.10. For instructions on how to do this, see Create a Simple Lambda Function (p. 8).
2. Test the function, and then you can also update the code to get more context information.
Returns the approximate remaining execution time (before timeout occurs) of the Lambda function
that is currently executing. The timeout is one of the Lambda function configuration. When the timeout
reaches, AWS Lambda terminates your Lambda function.
You can use this method to check the remaining time during your function execution and take
appropriate corrective action at run time.
The context object provides the following property that you can update:
The default value is true. This property is useful only to modify the default behavior of the callback.
By default, the callback will wait until the Node.js runtime event loop is empty before freezing the
process and returning the results to the caller. You can set this property to false to request AWS
Lambda to freeze the process soon after the callback is called, even if there are events in the
event loop. AWS Lambda will freeze the process, any state data and the events in the Node.js event
loop (any remaining events in the event loop processed when the Lambda function is called next and
if AWS Lambda chooses to use the frozen process). For more information about callback, see Using
the Callback Parameter (p. 21).
In addition, the context object provides the following properties that you can use obtain runtime
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
The Lambda function version that is executing. If an alias is used to invoke the function, then
function_version will be the version the alias points to.
The ARN used to invoke this function. It can be a function ARN or an alias ARN. An unqualified ARN
executes the $LATEST version and aliases execute the function version it is pointing to.
Memory limit, in MB, you configured for the Lambda function. You set the memory limit at the time
you create a Lambda function and you can change it later.
AWS request ID associated with the request. This is the ID returned to the client that called the
invoke method.
If AWS Lambda retries the invocation (for example, in a situation where the Lambda
function that is processing Kinesis records throws an exception), the request ID remains the
The name of the CloudWatch log group where you can find logs written by your Lambda function.
The name of the CloudWatch log group where you can find logs written by your Lambda function.
The log stream may or may not change for each invocation of the Lambda function.
The value is null if your Lambda function is unable to create a log stream, which can happen if
the execution role that grants necessary permissions to the Lambda function does not include
permissions for the CloudWatch actions.
Information about the Amazon Cognito identity provider when invoked through the AWS Mobile
SDK. It can be null.
• identity.cognitoIdentityId
• identity.cognitoIdentityPoolId
For more information about the exact values for a specific mobile platform, see Identity Context
in the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS Developer Guide, and Identity Context in the AWS Mobile SDK for
Android Developer Guide.
Information about the client application and device when invoked through the AWS Mobile SDK. It
can be null. Using clientContext, you can get the following information:
• clientContext.client.installation_id
• clientContext.client.app_title
• clientContext.client.app_version_name
• clientContext.client.app_version_code
• clientContext.client.app_package_name
• clientContext.Custom
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
For more information about the exact values for a specific mobile platform, see Client Context in the
AWS Mobile SDK for iOS Developer Guide, and Client Context in the AWS Mobile SDK for Android Developer
Logging (Node.js)
Your Lambda function can contain logging statements. AWS Lambda writes these logs to CloudWatch. If
you use the Lambda console to invoke your Lambda function, the console displays the same logs.
• console.log()
• console.error()
• console.warn()
console.log('Loading function');
The screenshot shows an example Log output section in Lambda console, you can also find
these logs in CloudWatch. For more information, see Accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs for AWS
Lambda (p. 319).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
The console uses the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous invocation) when invoking the
function, therefore it gets the return value (value1) back from AWS Lambda which the console displays.
1. In the console, create a Lambda function using the hello-world blueprint. Make sure to select
the Node.js as the runtime. For instructions on how to do this, see Create a Simple Lambda
Function (p. 8).
2. Test the Lambda function using the Sample event template called Hello World provided in the
Lambda console. You can also update the code and try other logging methods and properties
discussed in this section.
Finding Logs
You can find the logs that your Lambda function writes, as follows:
• In the AWS Lambda console – The Log output section in the AWS Lambda console shows the logs.
• In the response header, when you invoke a Lambda function programmatically – If you invoke a
Lambda function programmatically, you can add the LogType parameter to retrieve the last 4 KB of
log data that is written to CloudWatch Logs. AWS Lambda returns this log information in the x-amz-
log-results header in the response. For more information, see Invoke.
If you use AWS CLI to invoke the function, you can specify the --log-type parameter with
value Tail to retrieve the same information.
• In CloudWatch Logs – To find your logs in CloudWatch you need to know the log group name
and log stream name. You can get that information by adding the context.logGroupName, and
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
context.logStreamName methods in your code. When you run your Lambda function, the resulting
logs in the console or CLI will show you the log group name and log stream name.
console.log('Loading function');
When you invoke this Lambda function, it will notify AWS Lambda that function execution completed
with an error and passes error information to AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda returns the error information
back to the client:
"errorMessage": "something is wrong",
"errorType": "Error",
"stackTrace": [
"exports.handler (/var/task/index.js:10:17)"
Note that the stack trace is returned as the stackTrace JSON array of stack trace elements.
How you get the error information back depends on the invocation type that the client specifies at the
time of function invocation:
For example, the console always use the RequestResponse invocation type, so the console will
display the error in the Execution result section as shown:
The same information is also sent to CloudWatch and the Log output section shows the same logs.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• If a client specifies the Event invocation type (that is, asynchronous execution), AWS Lambda will not
return anything. Instead, it logs the error information to CloudWatch Logs. You can also see the error
metrics in CloudWatch Metrics.
Depending on the event source, AWS Lambda may retry the failed Lambda function. For example, if
Kinesis is the event source, AWS Lambda will retry the failed invocation until the Lambda function
succeeds or the records in the stream expire. For more information on retries, see Understanding Retry
Behavior (p. 155).
1. In the console, create a Lambda function using the hello-world blueprint. In runtime, choose
Node.js and, in Role, choose Basic execution role. For instructions on how to do this, see Create a
Simple Lambda Function (p. 8).
2. Replace the template code with the code provided in this section.
3. Test the Lambda function using the Sample event template called Hello World provided in the
Lambda console.
You can create custom error handling to raise an exception directly from your Lambda function and
handle it directly (Retry or Catch) within an AWS Step Functions State Machine. For more information,
see Handling Error Conditions Using a State Machine.
Consider a CreateAccount state is a task that writes a customer's details to a database using a Lambda
The following code samples demonstrate how to do this. Note that custom errors in Node.js must extend
the error prototype.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
function AccountAlreadyExistsError(message) { = "AccountAlreadyExistsError";
this.message = message;
AccountAlreadyExistsError.prototype = new Error();
You can configure Step Functions to catch the error using a Catch rule:
"StartAt": "CreateAccount",
"States": {
"CreateAccount": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:CreateAccount",
"Next": "SendWelcomeEmail",
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": ["AccountAlreadyExistsError"],
"Next": "SuggestAccountName"
At runtime, AWS Step Functions catches the error, transitioning to the SuggestAccountName state as
specified in the Next transition.
The name property of the Error object must match the ErrorEquals value.
Custom error handling makes it easier to create serverless applications. This feature integrates with all
the languages supported by the Lambda Programming Model (p. 18), allowing you to design your
application in the programming languages of your choice, mixing and matching as you go.
To learn more about creating your own serverless applications using AWS Step Functions and AWS
Lambda, see AWS Step Functions.
Node v0.10.42 is currently marked as deprecated. For more information, see Runtime Support
Policy (p. 391). You must migrate existing functions to the newer Node.js runtime versions available
on AWS Lambda (nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10) as soon as possible. Note that you will have to follow this
procedure for each region that contains functions written in the Node v0.10.42 runtime. The following
section highlights AWS Lambda's runtime support policy, along with behavior unique to runtime
v0.10.42 and how to migrate your existing functions to newer versions (nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10) as
soon as possible. Failure to migrate or get an extension will result in any invocations of functions written
in the Node v0.10.42 runtime returning an invalid parameter value error. Note that you will have to
follow this procedure for each region that contains functions written in the Node v0.10.42 runtime.
The following section describes behavior unique to runtime v0.10.42 and how to migrate your existing
functions to newer versions.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• Transitioning Lambda Function Code to Newer Runtimes (p. 30)
• The Context Methods in Node.js Runtime v0.10.42 (p. 32)
Node v0.10.42 is currently marked as deprecated. For more information, see Runtime Support
Policy (p. 391). You must migrate existing functions to the newer Node.js runtime versions available
on AWS Lambda (nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10) as soon as possible. Failure to migrate or get an extension
will result in any invocations of functions written in the Node v0.10.42 runtime returning an invalid
parameter error. Note that you will have to follow this procedure for each region that contains functions
written in the Node v0.10.42 runtime.
The following sections explain how to migrate your existing Lambda function code to newer runtimes:
1. Review all your existing Lambda functions and plan your migration. You can obtain your list of
functions, along with their versions and aliases, in the following way:
To list Lambda functions using a blueprint, see Listing Lambda Functions and Updating to Newer
Runtime Using the Runtime Update Blueprint (p. 31).
Listing Lambda Functions and Updating the Runtime Using the CLI
You can use the ListFunctions (p. 475) command to return a list of all Lambda functions and from that
list those created in the v0.10 runtime. The following code sample demonstrates how to do that:
echo "This script only accounts for the \$LATEST versions of functions. You may need to
take a closer look if you are using versioning."
For each Lambda function returned that was created using the v0.10 runtime, use the
UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510) command and set the --runtime value to nodejs4.3 or
Listing Lambda Functions and Updating to Newer Runtime Using the Lambda Console
• Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Lambda console.
• Choose the Runtime tab. This will sort all the Lambda functions for that region by their runtime value.
• Open each Lambda function with a runtime value of node.js and then choose the Configuration tab.
• Set the Runtime value to Node.js 4.3 or Node.js 6.10.
• Repeat this process for each region, as necessary.
Listing Lambda Functions and Updating to Newer Runtime Using the Runtime Update Blueprint
• Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Lambda console.
• Choose Create a Lambda Function.
• Choose the nodejs-upgrade-functions blueprint and create a function using it.
• Note that the function has the following environment variables available:
• MODE = List or Backup or Upgrade
• TARGET_RUNTIME = nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10
• EXCLUDED = a comma-separated list of function names to exclude from processing (do not include
spaces in the list)
• To obtain a list of functions and versions, invoke the function from the console without any change to
the variable values.
• To back up functions before upgrading, change the value of MODE to Backup and invoke the function
from the console. We strongly recommend you run this before upgrading your functions.
• To update the runtime value of functions, change the value of MODE to Upgrade and invoke the
function from the console.
• Repeat this process for each region as necessary.
• Note that:
• The blueprint will save your existing Node.js v1.0 function as a version and update $LATEST to
nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10, depending on which version you chose. No other versions of the function
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
can be upgraded. You can use this version information to point any existing applications to that
• The blueprint does not modify aliases. Any aliases pointing to that function will have to be
remapped to the new version. For more information, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and
Aliases (p. 279).
Indicates the Lambda function execution and all callbacks completed successfully. Here's the general
context.succeed(Object result);
result – is an optional parameter and it can be used to provide the result of the function execution.
The result provided must be JSON.stringify compatible. If AWS Lambda fails to stringify or
encounters another error, an unhandled exception is thrown, with the X-Amz-Function-Error
response header set to Unhandled.
You can call this method without any parameters (succeed()) or pass a null value (succeed(null)).
The behavior of this method depends on the invocation type specified in the Lambda function
invocation. For more information about invocation types, see Invoke (p. 461).
• If the Lambda function is invoked using the Event invocation type (asynchronous invocation), the
method will return HTTP status 202, request accepted response.
• If the Lambda function is invoked using the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous
invocation), the method will return HTTP status 200 (OK) and set the response body to the string
representation of the result.
Indicates the Lambda function execution and all callbacks completed unsuccessfully, resulting in a
handled exception. The general syntax is shown following: error);
error – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide the result of the Lambda function
If the error value is non-null, the method will set the response body to the string representation of
error and also write corresponding logs to CloudWatch. If AWS Lambda fails to stringify or encounters
another error, an unhandled error occurs with the X-Amz-Function-Error header set to Unhandled.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
For the error from and context.done(error, null), Lambda logs
the first 256 KB of the error object. For larger error objects, AWS Lambda truncates the error
and displays the text: Truncated by Lambda next to the error object.
You can call this method without any parameters (fail()) or pass a null value (fail(null)).
• error – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide results of the failed Lambda function
• result – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide the result of a successful function
execution. The result provided must be JSON.stringify compatible. If an error is provided, this
parameter is ignored.
You can call this method without any parameters (done()), or pass null (done(null)).
AWS Lambda treats any non-null value for the error parameter as a handled exception.
The function behavior depends on the invocation type specified at the time of the Lambda invocation.
For more information about invocation types, see Invoke (p. 461).
• Regardless of the invocation type, the method automatically logs the string representation of non-null
values of error to the Amazon CloudWatch Logs stream associated with the Lambda function.
• If the Lambda function was invoked using the RequestResponse (synchronous) invocation type, the
method returns response body as follows:
• If error is null, set the response body to the JSON representation of result. This is similar to
• If the error is not null or the function is called with a single argument of type error, the error
value will be populated in the response body.
For the error from both the done(error, null) and fail(error), Lambda logs the first
256 KB of the error object, and for larger error object, AWS Lambda truncates the log and
displays the text Truncated by Lambda" next to the error object.
If you previously created Lambda functions using Node.js runtime v0.10.42, you used one of the
context object methods (done(), succeed(), and fail()) to terminate your Lambda function. In
Node.js runtimes v4.3 and v6.10, these methods are supported primarily for backward compatibility.
We recommend you use the callback (see Using the Callback Parameter (p. 21)). The following are
callback examples equivalent to the context object methods:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• The following example shows the context.done() method and corresponding equivalent callback
supported in the newer runtime.
For performance reasons, AWS Lambda may reuse the same Node.js process for multiple
executions of the Lambda function. If this happens, AWS Lambda freezes the Node process
between execution,retaining the state information it needs to continue execution.
When the context methods are called, AWS Lambda freezes the Node process immediately,
without waiting for the event loop associated with the process to empty. The process state
and any events in the event loop are frozen. When the function is invoked again, if AWS
Lambda re-uses the frozen process, the function execution continues with its same global
state (for example, events that remained in the event loop will begin to get processed).
However, when you use callback, AWS Lambda continues the Lambda function execution until
the event loop is empty. After all events in the event loop are processed, AWS Lambda then
freezes the Node process, including any state variables in the Lambda function. Therefore,
if you want the same behavior as the context methods, you must set the context object
property, callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop, to false.
• The following example shows the context.succeed() method and corresponding equivalent
callback supported in the newer runtime.
• The following example shows the method and corresponding equivalent callback
supported in the newer runtime.
• Lambda Function Handler (Java) (p. 35)
• The Context Object (Java) (p. 45)
• Logging (Java) (p. 47)
• Function Errors (Java) (p. 51)
• Using Earlier Custom Appender for Log4j™ 1.2 (Not Recommended) (p. 53)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• aws-lambda-java-core – This library provides the Context object, RequestStreamHandler, and the
RequestHandler interfaces. The Context object (The Context Object (Java) (p. 45)) provides
runtime information about your Lambda function. The predefined interfaces provide one way of
defining your Lambda function handler. For more information, see Leveraging Predefined Interfaces
for Creating Handler (Java) (p. 41).
• aws-lambda-java-events – This library provides predefined types that you can use when writing
Lambda functions to process events published by Amazon S3, Kinesis, Amazon SNS, and Amazon
Cognito. These classes help you process the event without having to write your own custom
serialization logic.
• Custom Appender for Log4j2.8 – You can use the custom Log4j (see Apache Log4j 2) appender
provided by AWS Lambda for logging from your lambda functions. Every call to Log4j methods, such
as log.debug() or log.error(), will result in a CloudWatch Logs event. The custom appender is called
LambdaAppender and must be used in the log4j2.xml file. You must include the aws-lambda-java-
log4j2 artifact (artifactId:aws-lambda-java-log4j2) in the deployment package (.jar file).For more
information, see Logging (Java) (p. 47).
• Custom Appender for Log4j1.2 – You can use the custom Log4j (see Apache Log4j 1.2) appender
provided by AWS Lambda for logging from your lambda functions. For more information, see Logging
(Java) (p. 47).
Support for the Log4j v1.2 custom appender is marked for End-Of-Life. It will not receive
ongoing updates and is not recommended for use.
These libraries are available through the Maven Central Repository and can also be found on GitHub.
• Loading the handler method directly without having to implement an interface. This section describes
this approach.
• Implementing standard interfaces provided as part of aws-lambda-java-core library (interface
approach). For more information, see Leveraging Predefined Interfaces for Creating Handler
(Java) (p. 41).
In order for AWS Lambda to successfully invoke a handler it must be invoked with input data that can be
serialized into the data type of the input parameter.
• inputType – The first handler parameter is the input to the handler, which can be event data
(published by an event source) or custom input that you provide such as a string or any custom data
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
object. In order for AWS Lambda to successfully invoke this handler, the function must be invoked with
input data that can be serialized into the data type of the input parameter.
• outputType – If you plan to invoke the Lambda function synchronously (using the
RequestResponse invocation type), you can return the output of your function using any of the
supported data types. For example, if you use a Lambda function as a mobile application backend, you
are invoking it synchronously. Your output data type will be serialized into JSON.
If you plan to invoke the Lambda function asynchronously (using the Event invocation type), the
outputType should be void. For example, if you use AWS Lambda with event sources such as
Amazon S3, Kinesis, and Amazon SNS, these event sources invoke the Lambda function using the
Event invocation type.
• The inputType and outputType can be one of the following:
• Primitive Java types (such as String or int).
• Predefined AWS event types defined in the aws-lambda-java-events library.
For example S3Event is one of the POJOs predefined in the library that provides methods for you
to easily read information from the incoming Amazon S3 event.
• You can also write your own POJO class. AWS Lambda will automatically serialize and deserialize
input and output JSON based on the POJO type.
For more information, see Handler Input/Output Types (Java) (p. 37).
• You can omit the Context object from the handler method signature if it isn't needed. For more
information, see The Context Object (Java) (p. 45).
package example;
In this example input is of type Integer and output is of type String. If you package this code and
dependencies, and create your Lambda function, you specify example.Hello::myHandler
(package.class::method-reference) as the handler.
In the example Java code, the first handler parameter is the input to the handler (myHandler), which can
be event data (published by an event source such as Amazon S3) or custom input you provide such as an
Integer object (as in this example) or any custom data object.
For instructions to create a Lambda function using this Java code, see (Optional) Create a Lambda
Function Authored in Java (p. 55).
If your Java code contains multiple methods with same name as the handler name, then AWS Lambda
uses the following rules to pick a method to invoke:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
If none or all of these methods have the Context parameter, then the behavior is undefined.
Additional Information
• For more information about the handler input and output types, see Handler Input/Output Types
(Java) (p. 37).
• For information about using predefined interfaces to create a handler, see Leveraging Predefined
Interfaces for Creating Handler (Java) (p. 41).
If you implement these interfaces, you can validate your handler method signature at compile time.
• If your Lambda function throws an exception, AWS Lambda records metrics in CloudWatch indicating
that an error occurred. For more information, see Function Errors (Java) (p. 51).
When AWS Lambda executes the Lambda function, it invokes the handler. The first parameter is the
input to the handler which can be event data (published by an event source) or custom input you provide
such as a string or any custom data object.
• Simple Java types (AWS Lambda supports the String, Integer, Boolean, Map, and List types)
• POJO (Plain Old Java Object) type
• Stream type (If you do not want to use POJOs or if Lambda's serialization approach does not meet
your needs, you can use the byte stream implementation. For more information, see Example: Using
Stream for Handler Input/Output (Java) (p. 40).)
The following Java class shows a handler called myHandler that uses String type for input and output.
package example;
You can have similar handler functions for other simple Java types.
When you invoke a Lambda function asynchronously, any return value by your Lambda function
will be ignored. Therefore you might want to set the return type to void to make this clear in
your code. For more information, see Invoke (p. 461).
To test an end-to-end example, see (Optional) Create a Lambda Function Authored in Java (p. 55).
The following Java class shows a handler called myHandler that uses POJOs for input and output.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
package example;
AWS Lambda serializes based on standard bean naming conventions (see The Java EE 6 Tutorial). You
should use mutable POJOs with public getters and setters.
You shouldn't rely on any other features of serialization frameworks such as annotations. If you
need to customize the serialization behavior, you can use the raw byte stream to use your own
If you use POJOs for input and output, you need to provide implementation of the RequestClass
and ResponseClass types. For an example, see Example: Using POJOs for Handler Input/Output
(Java) (p. 38).
Suppose your application events generate data that includes first name and last name as shown:
For this example, the handler receives this JSON and returns the string "Hello John Doe".
To create a Lambda function with this handler, you must provide implementation of the input and
output types as shown in the following Java example. The HelloPojo class defines the handler
package example;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
In order to implement the input type, add the following code to a separate file and name it Place it next to the class in your directory structure:
package example;
public RequestClass() {
In order to implement the output type, add the following code to a separate file and name it Place it next to the class in your directory structure:
package example;
public ResponseClass() {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
The get and set methods are required in order for the POJOs to work with AWS Lambda's built
in JSON serializer. The constructors that take no arguments are usually not required, however
in this example we provided other constructors and therefore we need to explicitly provide the
zero argument constructors.
You can upload this code as your Lambda function and test as follows:
{ "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe" }
For more information, see (Optional) Create a Lambda Function Authored in Java (p. 55). Note the
following differences:
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-core library
• When you create the Lambda function, specify example.HelloPojo::handleRequest
(package.class::method) as the handler value.
If you do not want to use POJOs or if Lambda's serialization approach does not meet your needs, you can
use the byte stream implementation. In this case, you can use the InputStream and OutputStream as
the input and output types for the handler. An example handler function is shown:
Note that in this case the handler function uses parameters for both the request and response streams.
The following is a Lambda function example that implements the handler that uses InputStream and
OutputStream types for the input and output parameters.
The input payload must be valid JSON but the output stream does not carry such a restriction.
Any bytes are supported.
package example;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Follow instructions provided in the Getting Started. For more information, see (Optional) Create a
Lambda Function Authored in Java (p. 55). Note the following differences:
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-core library
• When you create the Lambda function, specify example.Hello::handler
(package.class::method) as the handler value.
You can use one of the predefined interfaces provided by the AWS Lambda Java core library (aws-
lambda-java-core) to create your Lambda function handler, as an alternative to writing your own
handler method with an arbitrary name and parameters. For more information about handlers, see (see
Lambda Function Handler (Java) (p. 35)).
When you implement standard interfaces, they help you validate your method signature at compile time.
If you implement one of the interfaces, you specify package.class in your Java code as the handler
when you create the Lambda function. For example, the following is the modified create-function
CLI command from the getting started. Note that the --handler parameter specifies "example.Hello"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
--memory-size 512
Example 1: Creating Handler with Custom POJO Input/Output (Leverage the RequestHandler
The example Hello class in this section implements the RequestHandler interface. The interface
defines handleRequest() method that takes in event data as input parameter of the Request type
and returns an POJO object of the Response type:
The Hello class with sample implementation of the handleRequest() method is shown. For this
example, we assume event data consists of first name and last name.
package example;
"lastName" : "value2"
"greetings": "Hello value1 value2."
Next, you need to implement the Request and Response classes. You can use the following
implementation for testing:
package example;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
public Request() {
package example;
public Response() {
You can create a Lambda function from this code and test the end-to-end experience as follows:
"lastName" : "Doe"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Follow instructions provided in the getting started (see (Optional) Create a Lambda Function Authored in
Java (p. 55)). Note the following differences:
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-core library
• When you create the Lambda function specify example.Hello (package.class) as the handler
The Hello class in this example implements the RequestStreamHandler interface. The interface
defines handleRequest method as follows:
The Hello class with sample implementation of the handleRequest() handler is shown. The handler
processes incoming event data (for example, a string "hello") by simply converting it to uppercase and
return it.
package example;
You can create a Lambda function from this code and test the end-to-end experience as follows:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Follow instructions provided in the getting started (see (Optional) Create a Lambda Function Authored in
Java (p. 55)). Note the following differences:
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-core library
• When you create the Lambda function specify example.Hello (package.class) as the handler
• getMemoryLimitInMB(): Memory limit, in MB, you configured for the Lambda function.
• getFunctionName(): Name of the Lambda function that is running.
• getFunctionVersion(): The Lambda function version that is executing. If an alias is used to invoke
the function, then getFunctionVersion will be the version the alias points to.
• getInvokedFunctionArn(): The ARN used to invoke this function. It can be function ARN or alias
ARN. An unqualified ARN executes the $LATEST version and aliases execute the function version it is
pointing to.
• getAwsRequestId(): AWS request ID associated with the request. This is the ID returned to the client
that called invoke(). You can use the request ID for any follow up enquiry with AWS support. Note that
if AWS Lambda retries the function (for example, in a situation where the Lambda function processing
Kinesis records throw an exception), the request ID remains the same.
• getLogStreamName(): The CloudWatch log stream name for the particular Lambda function
execution. It can be null if the IAM user provided does not have permission for CloudWatch actions.
• getLogGroupName(): The CloudWatch log group name associated with the Lambda function
invoked. It can be null if the IAM user provided does not have permission for CloudWatch actions.
• getClientContext(): Information about the client application and device when invoked through
the AWS Mobile SDK. It can be null. Client context provides client information such as client ID,
application title, version name, version code, and the application package name.
• getIdentity(): Information about the Amazon Cognito identity provider when invoked through the
AWS Mobile SDK. It can be null.
• getRemainingTimeInMillis(): Remaining execution time till the function will be terminated, in
milliseconds. At the time you create the Lambda function you set maximum time limit, at which time
AWS Lambda will terminate the function execution. Information about the remaining time of function
execution can be used to specify function behavior when nearing the timeout.
• getLogger(): Returns the Lambda logger associated with the Context object. For more information,
see Logging (Java) (p. 47).
The following Java code snippet shows a handler function that prints some of the context information.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
System.out.println("Function name: " + context.getFunctionName());
System.out.println("Max mem allocated: " + context.getMemoryLimitInMB());
System.out.println("Time remaining in milliseconds: " +
System.out.println("CloudWatch log stream name: " + context.getLogStreamName());
System.out.println("CloudWatch log group name: " + context.getLogGroupName());
The following Java code example shows how to use the Context object to retrieve runtime information
of your Lambda function, while it is running.
package example;
int letter;
try {
while((letter = != -1)
Thread.sleep(3000); // Intentional delay for testing the
getRemainingTimeInMillis() result.
catch (Exception e)
// For fun, let us get function info using the context object.
System.out.println("Function name: " + context.getFunctionName());
System.out.println("Max mem allocated: " + context.getMemoryLimitInMB());
System.out.println("Time remaining in milliseconds: " +
System.out.println("CloudWatch log stream name: " + context.getLogStreamName());
System.out.println("CloudWatch log group name: " + context.getLogGroupName());
You can type any string and the function will return the same string in uppercase. In addition, you will
also get the useful function information provided by the context object.
Follow the instructions provided in the Getting Started. For more information, see (Optional) Create a
Lambda Function Authored in Java (p. 55). Note the following differences:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-core library
• When you create the Lambda function, specify example.Hello::myHandler
(package.class::method) as the handler value.
Logging (Java)
Your Lambda function can contain logging statements. AWS Lambda writes these logs to CloudWatch.
We recommend you use one of the following to write logs.
AWS Lambda recommends Log4j 2 to provide a custom appender. You can use the custom Log4j (see
Apache log4j) appender provided by Lambda for logging from your lambda functions. Every call to Log4j
methods, such as log.debug() or log.error(), will result in a CloudWatch Logs event. The custom
appender is called LambdaAppender and must be used in the log4j2.xml file. You must include the
aws-lambda-java-log4j2 artifact (artifactId:aws-lambda-java-log4j2) in the deployment
package (.jar file). For an example, see Example 1: Writing Logs Using Log4J v2.8 (p. 48).
Each call to LambdaLogger.log() results in a CloudWatch Logs event, provided the event size is within
the allowed limits. For information about CloudWatch Logs limits, see CloudWatch Logs Limits in the
Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. For an example, see Example 2: Writing Logs Using LambdaLogger
(Java) (p. 50).
In addition, you can also use the following statements in your Lambda function code to generate log
• System.out()
• System.err()
However, note that AWS Lambda treats each line returned by System.out and System.err as a
separate event. This works well when each output line corresponds to a single log entry. When a log
entry has multiple lines of output, AWS Lambda attempts to parse them using line breaks to identify
separate events. For example, the following logs the two words ("Hello" and "world") as two separate
System.out.println("Hello \n world");
You can find the logs that your Lambda function writes, as follows:
• Find logs in CloudWatch Logs. The context object (in the aws-lambda-java-core library) provides
the getLogStreamName() and the getLogGroupName() methods. Using these methods, you can
find the specific log stream where logs are written.
• If you invoke a Lambda function via the console, the invocation type is always RequestResponse
(that is, synchronous execution) and the console displays the logs that the Lambda function writes
using the LambdaLogger object. AWS Lambda also returns logs from System.out and System.err
• If you invoke a Lambda function programmatically, you can add the LogType parameter to
retrieve the last 4 KB of log data that is written to CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see
Invoke (p. 461). AWS Lambda returns this log information in the x-amz-log-results header in the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
response. If you use the AWS Command Line Interface to invoke the function, you can specify the --
log-type parameter with value Tail.
This section provides examples of using Custom Appender for Log4j and the LambdaLogger objects for
logging information.
• The following shows how to build your artifact with Maven to correctly include the Log4j v2.8 plugins:
• For Maven pom.xml:
• If using the Maven shade plugin, set the plugin configuration as follows:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• The following Java code example shows how to use Log4j with Lambda:
package example;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
// System.err: One log statement but with a line break (AWS Lambda writes two
events to CloudWatch).
System.err.println("log data from stderr. \n this is a continuation of
// Use log4j to log the same thing as above and AWS Lambda will log only one
event in CloudWatch.
logger.debug("log data from log4j debug \n this is continuation of log4j
// Return will include the log stream name so you can look
// up the log later.
return String.format("Hello %s. log stream = %s", name,
• The example preceding uses the following log4j2.xml file to load properties
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
<Root level="debug">
<AppenderRef ref="Lambda" />
package example;
// System.out: One log statement but with a line break (AWS Lambda writes two
events to CloudWatch).
System.out.println("log data from stdout \n this is continuation of system.out");
// System.err: One log statement but with a line break (AWS Lambda writes two
events to CloudWatch).
System.err.println("log data from stderr \n this is continuation of system.err");
// Return will include the log stream name so you can look
// up the log later.
return String.format("Hello %s. log stream = %s", name,
• AWS Lambda parses the log string in each of the System.out.println() and
System.err.println() statements logs as two separate events (note the two down arrows in the
screenshot) because of the line break.
• The LambdaLogger.log() produce one CloudWatch event.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Follow the instructions provided in the Getting Started. For more information, see (Optional) Create a
Lambda Function Authored in Java (p. 55). Note the following differences:
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-core library
• When you create the Lambda function, specify example.Hello::myHandler
(package.class::method) as the handler value.
"errorMessage": "Name John Doe is invalid. Exception occurred...",
"errorType": "java.lang.Exception",
"stackTrace": [
"sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)",
Note that the stack trace is returned as the stackTrace JSON array of stack trace elements.
The method in which you get the error information back depends on the invocation type that you
specified at the time you invoked the function:
• RequestResponse invocation type (that is, synchronous execution): In this case, you get the error
message back.
For example, if you invoke a Lambda function using the Lambda console, the RequestResponse is
always the invocation type and the console displays the error information returned by AWS Lambda in
the Execution result section as shown in the following image.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• Event invocation type (that is, asynchronous execution): In this case AWS Lambda does not return
anything. Instead, it logs the error information in CloudWatch Logs and CloudWatch metrics.
Depending on the event source, AWS Lambda may retry the failed Lambda function. For example, if
Kinesis is the event source for the Lambda function, AWS Lambda retries the failed function until the
Lambda function succeeds or the records in the stream expire.
Consider a CreateAccount state is a task that writes a customer's details to a database using a Lambda
The following code samples demonstrate how to do this. Note that custom errors in Java must extend
the Exception class.
package com.example;
package com.example;
You can configure Step Functions to catch the error using a Catch rule. Lambda automatically sets the
error name to the fully-qualified class name of the exception at runtime:
"StartAt": "CreateAccount",
"States": {
"CreateAccount": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:CreateAccount",
"Next": "SendWelcomeEmail",
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": ["com.example.AccountAlreadyExistsException"],
"Next": "SuggestAccountName"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
At runtime, AWS Step Functions catches the error, transitioning to the SuggestAccountName state as
specified in the Next transition.
Custom error handling makes it easier to create serverless applications. This feature integrates with all
the languages supported by the Lambda Programming Model (p. 18), allowing you to design your
application in the programming languages of your choice, mixing and matching as you go.
To learn more about creating your own serverless applications using AWS Step Functions and AWS
Lambda, see AWS Step Functions.
AWS Lambda supports Log4j 1.2 by providing a custom appender. You can use the custom Log4j (see
Apache log4j 1.2) appender provided by Lambda for logging from your lambda functions. Every call to
Log4j methods, such as log.debug() or log.error(), will result in a CloudWatch Logs event. The
custom appender is called LambdaAppender and must be used in the file. You
must include the aws-lambda-java-log4j artifact (artifactId:aws-lambda-java-log4j) in
the deployment package (.jar file). For an example, see Example: Writing Logs Using Log4J v1.2 (Not
Recommended) (p. 53).
The following Java code example writes logs using both the System methods and Log4j to illustrate how
they differ when AWS Lambda logs information to CloudWatch.
package example;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
// System.err: One log statement but with a line break (AWS Lambda writes two events
to CloudWatch).
System.err.println("log data from stderr. \n this is a continuation of
// Use log4j to log the same thing as above and AWS Lambda will log only one event
in CloudWatch.
log.debug("log data from log4j debug \n this is continuation of log4j debug");
// Return will include the log stream name so you can look
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
log = .
log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, LAMBDA
• AWS Lambda parses the log string in each of the System.out.println() and
System.err.println() statements logs as two separate events (note the two down arrows in the
screenshot) because of the line break.
• The Log4j methods (log.debug() and log.error()) produce one CloudWatch event.
• AWS Lambda runtime adds the AWSRequestId in the MDC to the log4j context (see Class
MDC for log4j v 1.2 and Class ThreadContext). To get this value in the log as shown, we added
%X{AWSRequestId} in the conversion pattern in the file.
• Using the code, create a deployment package. In your project, don't forget to add the file in the project-dir/src/main/resources/ directory.
• Upload the deployment package to AWS Lambda to create your Lambda function.
• To test your Lambda function use a string ("this is a test") as sample event. The handler code receives
the sample event but does nothing with it. It only shows how to write logs.
Follow the instructions provided in the Getting Started. For more information, see (Optional) Create a
Lambda Function Authored in Java (p. 55). Note the following differences:
• When you create a deployment package, don't forget the aws-lambda-java-log4j dependency for
Log4j 1.2 dependency.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
That means, you must write your Java code and also create your deployment package outside the
console. After you create the deployment package, you can use the console to upload the package
to AWS Lambda to create your Lambda function. You can also use the console to test the function by
manually invoking it.
In this section you create a Lambda function using the following Java code example.
package example;
The programming model explains how to write your Java code in detail, for example the input/output
types AWS Lambda supports. For more information about the programming model, see Programming
Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Java (p. 34). For now, note the following about this code:
• When you package and upload this code to create your Lambda function, you specify the
example.Hello::myHandler method reference as the handler.
• The handler in this example uses the int type for input and the String type for output.
First, you need to package this code and any dependencies into a deployment package. Then, you can
use the Getting Started exercise to upload the package to create your Lambda function and test using
the console.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• event – AWS Lambda uses this parameter to pass in event data to the handler. This parameter is
usually of the Python dict type. It can also be list, str, int, float, or NoneType type.
• context – AWS Lambda uses this parameter to provide runtime information to your handler. This
parameter is of the LambdaContext type.
• Optionally, the handler can return a value. What happens to the returned value depends on the
invocation type you use when invoking the Lambda function:
• If you use the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous execution), AWS Lambda returns
the result of the Python function call to the client invoking the Lambda function (in the HTTP
response to the invocation request, serialized into JSON). For example, AWS Lambda console uses
the RequestResponse invocation type, so when you invoke the function using the console, the
console will display the returned value.
This example has one function called my_handler. The function returns a message containing data from
the event it received as input.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Lambda Function (p. 8). In this example, the handler is hello_python.my_handler (file-
name.function-name). Note that the Getting Started (p. 3) uses a blueprint that provides sample
code for a Lambda function. In this case you already have a deployment package. Therefore, in the
configure function step you choose to upload a zip.
The following create-function AWS CLI command creates a Lambda function. Among other
parameters, it specifies the --handler parameter to specify the handler name. Note that the --
runtime parameter specifies python3.6. You can also use python2.7.
While a Lambda function is executing, it can interact with the AWS Lambda service to get useful runtime
information such as:
• How much time is remaining before AWS Lambda terminates your Lambda function (timeout is one of
the Lambda function configuration properties).
• The CloudWatch log group and log stream associated with the Lambda function that is executing.
• The AWS request ID returned to the client that invoked the Lambda function. You can use the request
ID for any follow up inquiry with AWS support.
• If the Lambda function is invoked through AWS Mobile SDK, you can learn more about the mobile
application calling the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda provides this information via the context object that the service passes as the second
parameter to your Lambda function handler. For more information, see Lambda Function Handler
(Python) (p. 56).
The following sections provide an example Lambda function that uses the context object, and then lists
all of the available methods and attributes.
Consider the following Python example. It has one function that is also the handler. The handler receives
runtime information via the context object passed as parameter.
import time
def get_my_log_stream(event, context):
print("Log stream name:", context.log_stream_name)
print("Log group name:", context.log_group_name)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
print("Request ID:",context.aws_request_id)
print("Mem. limits(MB):", context.memory_limit_in_mb)
# Code will execute quickly, so we add a 1 second intentional delay so you can see that
in time remaining value.
print("Time remaining (MS):", context.get_remaining_time_in_millis())
The handler code in this example simply prints some of the runtime information. Each print statement
creates a log entry in CloudWatch. If you invoke the function using the Lambda console, the console
displays the logs. The from __future__ statement enables you to write code that is compatible with
Python 2 or 3.
1. In the console, create a Lambda function using the hello-world blueprint. In runtime,
choose Python 2.7. In Handler, replace lambda_function.lambda_handler with
lambda_function.get_my_log_stream. For instructions on how to do this, see Create a Simple
Lambda Function (p. 8).
2. Test the function, and then you can also update the code to get more context information.
The following sections provide a list of available context object methods and attributes that you can
use to get runtime information of your Lambda function.
Returns the remaining execution time, in milliseconds, until AWS Lambda terminates the function.
The Lambda function version that is executing. If an alias is used to invoke the function, then
function_version will be the version the alias points to.
The ARN used to invoke this function. It can be function ARN or alias ARN. An unqualified ARN
executes the $LATEST version and aliases execute the function version it is pointing to.
Memory limit, in MB, you configured for the Lambda function. You set the memory limit at the time
you create a Lambda function and you can change it later.
AWS request ID associated with the request. This is the ID returned to the client that called the
invoke method.
If AWS Lambda retries the invocation (for example, in a situation where the Lambda
function that is processing Kinesis records throws an exception), the request ID remains the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
The name of the CloudWatch log group where you can find logs written by your Lambda function.
The name of the CloudWatch log stream where you can find logs written by your Lambda function.
The log stream may or may not change for each invocation of the Lambda function.
The value is null if your Lambda function is unable to create a log stream, which can happen if
the execution role that grants necessary permissions to the Lambda function does not include
permissions for the CloudWatch Logs actions.
Information about the Amazon Cognito identity provider when invoked through the AWS Mobile
SDK. It can be null.
• identity.cognito_identity_id
• identity.cognito_identity_pool_id
Information about the client application and device when invoked through the AWS Mobile SDK. It
can be null.
• client_context.client.installation_id
• client_context.client.app_title
• client_context.client.app_version_name
• client_context.client.app_version_code
• client_context.client.app_package_name
• client_context.custom
In addition to the options listed above, you can also use the AWS X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 329) to
identify critical code paths, trace their performance and capture the data for analysis.
Logging (Python)
Your Lambda function can contain logging statements. AWS Lambda writes these logs to CloudWatch. If
you use the Lambda console to invoke your Lambda function, the console displays the same logs.
• print statements.
• Logger functions in the logging module (for example, and
Both print and logging.* functions write logs to CloudWatch Logs but the logging.* functions
write additional information to each log entry, such as time stamp and log level.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
def my_logging_handler(event, context):'got event{}'.format(event))
logger.error('something went wrong')
return 'Hello from Lambda!'
Because the code example uses the logging module to write message to the logs, you also get some
additional information in the log such as the time stamp and the log levels. The log level identifies the
type of log, such as [INFO], [ERROR], and [DEBUG].
You can also find these logs in CloudWatch. For more information, see Accessing Amazon CloudWatch
Logs for AWS Lambda (p. 319).
Instead of using the logging module, you can use the print statements in your code as shown in the
following Python example:
In this case only the text passed to the print method is sent to CloudWatch. The log entries will not have
additional information that the logging.* function returns. The from __future__ statement enables
you to write code that is compatible with Python 2 or 3.
The console uses the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous invocation) when invoking
the function. And therefore it gets the return value ("Hello world!") back from AWS Lambda which the
console displays.
1. In the console, create a Lambda function using the hello-world-python blueprint. In runtime,
choose Python 2.7. In Handler, replace lambda_function.lambda_handler with
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Finding Logs
You can find the logs that your Lambda function writes, as follows:
• In the AWS Lambda console – The Log output section in AWS Lambda console shows the logs.
• In the response header, when you invoke a Lambda function programmatically – If you invoke a
Lambda function programmatically, you can add the LogType parameter to retrieve the last 4 KB of
log data that is written to CloudWatch Logs. AWS Lambda returns this log information in the x-amz-
log-results header in the response. For more information, see Invoke (p. 461).
If you use AWS CLI to invoke the function, you can specify the --log-type parameter with
value Tail to retrieve the same information.
• In CloudWatch Logs – To find your logs in CloudWatch you need to know the log group name and log
stream name. You can use the context.logGroupName, and context.logStreamName properties
in your code to get this information. When you run your Lambda function, the resulting logs in the
console or CLI will show you the log group name and log stream name.
When you invoke this Lambda function, it will raise an exception and AWS Lambda returns the following
error message:
"errorMessage": "I failed!",
"stackTrace": [
"raise Exception('I failed!')"
"errorType": "Exception"
Note that the stack trace is returned as the stackTrace JSON array of stack trace elements.
How you get the error information back depends on the invocation type that the client specifies at the
time of function invocation:
• If a client specifies the RequestResponse invocation type (that is, synchronous execution), it returns
the result to the client that made the invoke call.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
For example, the console always use the RequestResponse invocation type, so the console will
display the error in the Execution result section as shown:
The same information is also sent to CloudWatch and the Log output section shows the same logs.
• If a client specifies the Event invocation type (that is, asynchronous execution), AWS Lambda will not
return anything. Instead, it logs the error information to CloudWatch Logs. You can also see the error
metrics in CloudWatch Metrics.
Depending on the event source, AWS Lambda may retry the failed Lambda function. For example, if
Kinesis is the event source, AWS Lambda will retry the failed invocation until the Lambda function
succeeds or the records in the stream expire.
1. In the console, create a Lambda function using the hello-world blueprint. In runtime, choose
either Python 3.6 or Python 2.7. In Handler, replace lambda_function.lambda_handler with
lambda_function.always_failed_handler. For instructions on how to do this, see Create a
Simple Lambda Function (p. 8).
2. Replace the template code with the code provided in this section.
3. Test the Lambda function using the Sample event template called Hello World provided in the
Lambda console.
You can create custom error handling to raise an exception directly from your Lambda function and
handle it directly (Retry or Catch) within an AWS Step Functions State Machine. For more information,
see Handling Error Conditions Using a State Machine.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Consider a CreateAccount state is a task that writes a customer's details to a database using a Lambda
The following code samples demonstrate how to do this. Note that custom errors in Python must extend
the Exception class.
You can configure Step Functions to catch the error using a Catch rule. Lambda automatically sets the
error name to the simple class name of the exception at runtime:
"StartAt": "CreateAccount",
"States": {
"CreateAccount": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:CreateAccount",
"Next": "SendWelcomeEmail",
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": ["AccountAlreadyExistsException"],
"Next": "SuggestAccountName"
At runtime, AWS Step Functions catches the error, transitioning to the SuggestAccountName state as
specified in the Next transition.
Custom error handling makes it easier to create serverless applications. This feature integrates with all
the languages supported by the Lambda Programming Model (p. 18), allowing you to design your
application in the programming languages of your choice, mixing and matching as you go.
To learn more about creating your own serverless applications using AWS Step Functions and AWS
Lambda, see AWS Step Functions.
• Lambda Function Handler (Go) (p. 64)
• The Context Object (Go) (p. 67)
• Logging (Go) (p. 69)
• Function Errors (Go) (p. 70)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
package main
import (
func main() {
• package main: In Go, the package containing func main() must always be named main.
• import: Use this to include the libraries your Lambda function requires. In this instance, it includes:
• context: The Context Object (Go) (p. 67).
• fmt: The Go Formatting object used to format the return value of your function.
• As mentioned previously, implements the Lambda
programming model for Go.
• func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error): This is your Lambda handler
signature and includes the code which will be executed. In addition, the parameters included denote
the following:
• ctx context.Context: Provides runtime information for your Lambda function invocation. ctx is
the variable you declare to leverage the information available via the The Context Object (Go)
(p. 67).
• name string: An input type with a variable name of name whose value will be returned in the
return statement.
• string error: Returns standard error information. For more information on custom error handling,
see Function Errors (Go) (p. 70).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• return fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", name), nil: Simply returns a formatted "Hello" greeting with the
name you supplied in the handler signature. nil indicates there were no errors and the function
executed successfully.
func main(): The entry point that executes your Lambda function code. This is required.
In the example above, the input type was a simple string. But you can also pass in structured events to
your function handler:
package main
import (
func main() {
# request
"What is your name?": "Jim",
"How old are you?": 33
# request
"Answer": "Jim is 33 years old!"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
For more information on handling events from AWS event sources, see aws-lambda-go/events.
You have several options when building a Lambda function handler in Go, but you must adhere to the
following rules:
The following lists valid handler signatures. TIn and TOut represent types compatible with the
encoding/json standard library. For more information, see func Unmarshal to learn how these types are
• func ()
• func () error
• func (TIn), error
• func () (TOut, error)
• func (context.Context) error
• func (context.Context, TIn) error
• func (context.Context) (TOut, error)
• func (context.Context, TIn) (TOut, error)
To maximize performance, you should declare and modify global variables that are independent of your
function's handler code. In addition, your handler may declare an init function that is executed when
your handler is loaded. This behaves the same in AWS Lambda as it does in standard Go programs. A
single instance of your Lambda function will never handle multiple events simultaneously. This means,
for example, that you may safely change global state, assured that those changes will require a new
Execution Context and will not introduce locking or unstable behavior from function invocations directed
at the previous Execution Context. For more information, see Best Practices for Working with AWS
Lambda Functions (p. 387).
package main
import (
var invokeCount = 0
var myObjects []*s3.Object
func init() {
svc := s3.New(session.New())
input := &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{
Bucket: aws.String("examplebucket"),
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
result, _ := svc.ListObjectsV2(input)
myObjects = result.Contents
func main() {
Next Step
The Context Object (Go) (p. 67)
• How much time is remaining before AWS Lambda terminates your Lambda function (timeout is one of
the Lambda function configuration properties).
• The CloudWatch log group and log stream associated with the Lambda function that is executing.
• The AWS request ID returned to the client that invoked the Lambda function. You can use the request
ID for any follow up inquiry with AWS support.
• If the Lambda function is invoked through AWS Mobile SDK, you can learn more about the mobile
application calling the Lambda function.
• In addition to the options listed below, you can also use the AWS X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 331) to
identify critical code paths, trace their performance and capture the data for analysis.
AWS Lambda provides this information via the context.Context object that the service passes as
a parameter to your Lambda function handler. For more information, see Valid Handler Signatures
(p. 66).
The following sections provide an example Lambda function that uses the context object, and then lists
all of the available methods and attributes.
package main
import (
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
func main() {
In the example above, lc is the variable used to consume the information that the context object
captured and log.Print(lc.Identity.CognitoPoolID) prints that information, in this case, the
The following example introduces how to use the context object to monitor how long it takes to execute
your Lambda function. This allows you to analyze performance expectations and adjust your function
code accordingly, if needed.
package main
import (
func main() {
• MemoryLimitInMB: Memory limit, in MB, you configured for the Lambda function.
• FunctionName: Name of the Lambda function that is running.
• FunctionVersion: The Lambda function version that is executing. If an alias is used to invoke the
function, then FunctionVersion will be the version the alias points to.
• LogStreamName: The CloudWatch log stream name for the particular Lambda function execution. It
can be null if the IAM user provided does not have permission for CloudWatch actions.
• LogGroupName: The CloudWatch log group name associated with the Lambda function invoked. It can
be null if the IAM user provided does not have permission for CloudWatch actions.
• AwsRequestId: AWS request ID associated with the request. This is the ID returned to the client that
invoked this Lambda function. You can use the request ID for any follow up inquiry with AWS support.
Note that if AWS Lambda retries the function (for example, in a situation where the Lambda function
processing Kinesis records throw an exception), the request ID remains the same.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• ClientContext: Information about the client application and device when invoked through the AWS
Mobile SDK. It can be null. Client context provides client information such as client ID, application
title, version name, version code, and the application package name.
• Identity: Noted in the preceding example. Information about the Amazon Cognito identity provider
when invoked through the AWS Mobile SDK. It can be null.
• InvokedFunctionArn: The ARN used to invoke this function. It can be function ARN or alias ARN. An
unqualified ARN executes the $LATEST version and aliases execute the function version it is pointing
Next Step
Logging (Go)
Your Lambda function can contain logging statements. AWS Lambda writes these logs to CloudWatch. If
you use the Lambda console to invoke your Lambda function, the console displays the same logs.
package main
import (
func HandleRequest() {
log.Print("Hello from Lambda")
func main() {
By importing the log module, Lambda will write additional logging information such as the time stamp.
You can also analyze the logs in CloudWatch. For more information, see Accessing Amazon CloudWatch
Logs for AWS Lambda (p. 319).
Instead of using the log module, you can use print statements in your code as shown below:
package main
import (
func HandleRequest() {
fmt.Print("Hello from Lambda")
func main() {
In this case only the text passed to the print method is sent to CloudWatch. The log entries will not
have additional information that the log.Print function returns. In addition, any logger that writes to
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
stdout or stderror will seamlessly integrate with a Go function and those logs will automatically be
sent to CloudWatch logs.
The console uses the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous invocation) when invoking the
function. And therefore it gets the return value ("Hello from Lambda!") back from AWS Lambda.
Finding Logs
You can find the logs that your Lambda function writes, as follows:
• In the AWS Lambda console – The Log output section in the AWS Lambda console shows the logs.
• In the response header, when you invoke a Lambda function programmatically – If you invoke a
Lambda function programmatically, you can add the LogType parameter to retrieve the last 4 KB of
log data that is written to CloudWatch Logs. AWS Lambda returns this log information in the x-amz-
log-results header in the response. For more information, see Invoke (p. 461).
If you use AWS CLI to invoke the function, you can specify the --log-type parameter with
value Tail to retrieve the same information.
• In CloudWatch Logs – To find your logs in CloudWatch you need to know the log group name and
log stream name. You can use the context.logGroupName, and context.logStreamName global
variables in The Context Object (Go) (p. 69) library to get this information. When you run your
Lambda function, the resulting logs in the console or CLI will show you the log group name and log
stream name.
Next Step
The following code samples demonstrate how to do this. Note that custom errors in Go must import the
errors module.
package main
import (
func main() {
You can create custom error handling to raise an exception directly from your Lambda function and
handle it directly (Retry or Catch) within an AWS Step Functions State Machine. For more information,
see Handling Error Conditions Using a State Machine.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Consider a CreateAccount state is a task that writes a customer's details to a database using a Lambda
package main
At runtime, AWS Step Functions catches the error, transitioning to the SuggestAccountName state as
specified in the Next transition.
Custom error handling makes it easier to create serverless applications. This feature integrates with all
the languages supported by the Lambda Programming Model (p. 18), allowing you to design your
application in the programming languages of your choice, mixing and matching as you go.
To learn more about creating your own serverless applications using AWS Step Functions and AWS
Lambda, see AWS Step Functions.
package main
import (
func main() {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
"errorMessage": "Something went wrong",
"errorType": "errorString",
"stackTrace": [
"path": "",
"line": 27,
"label": "(*Function).Invoke.function"
The following explains how to do this. Note that the function imports the fmt package to format the
printed results and the os package, a platform-independent system interface that allows you to access
environment variables.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%s is %s. years old\n", os.Getenv("NAME"), os.Getenv("AGE"))
Lambda configures the following environment variables by default: Environment Variables Available to
Lambda Functions (p. 392).
• Lambda Function Handler (C#) (p. 73)
• The Context Object (C#) (p. 77)
• Logging (C#) (p. 78)
• Function Errors (C#) (p. 79)
• Amazon.Lambda.Core – This library provides a static Lambda logger, serialization interfaces and a
context object. The Context object (The Context Object (C#) (p. 77)) provides runtime information
about your Lambda function.
• Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json – This an implementation of the serialization interface in
• Amazon.Lambda.Logging.AspNetCore – This provides a library for logging from ASP.NET.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
You define a Lambda function handler as an instance or static method in a class. If you want access to
the Lambda context object, it is available by defining a method parameter of type ILambdaContext, an
interface you can use to access information about the current execution, such as the name of the current
function, the memory limit, execution time remaining, and logging.
• inputType – The first handler parameter is the input to the handler, which can be event data
(published by an event source) or custom input that you provide such as a string or any custom data
• returnType – If you plan to invoke the Lambda function synchronously (using the
RequestResponse invocation type), you can return the output of your function using any of the
supported data types. For example, if you use a Lambda function as a mobile application backend, you
are invoking it synchronously. Your output data type will be serialized into JSON.
If you plan to invoke the Lambda function asynchronously (using the Event invocation type), the
returnType should be void. For example, if you use AWS Lambda with event sources such as
Amazon S3 or Amazon SNS, these event sources invoke the Lambda function using the Event
invocation type.
Handling Streams
using System.IO;
namespace Example
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
//function logic
In the example C# code, the first handler parameter is the input to the handler (MyHandler), which can
be event data (published by an event source such as Amazon S3) or custom input you provide such as a
Stream (as in this example) or any custom data object. The output is of type Stream.
Unless your function input and output parameters are of type System.IO.Stream, you will need to
serialize them. AWS Lambda provides a default serializer that can be applied at the assembly or method
level of your application, or you can define your own by implementing the ILambdaSerializer
interface provided by the Amazon.Lambda.Core library. For more information, see Creating a
Deployment Package (C#) (p. 84).
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
"type": "platform",
"version": "1.0.1"
"Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json": "1.0.0"
"frameworks": {
"netcoreapp1.0": {
"imports": "dnxcore50"
The example below illustrates the flexibility you can leverage by specifying the default Json.NET
serializer on one method and another of your choosing on a different method:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
public Customer DescribeCustomer(DescribeCustomerRequest request)
return customerService.DescribeCustomer(request.Id);
Handler Signatures
When creating Lambda functions, you have to provide a handler string that tells AWS Lambda where to
look for the code to invoke. In C#, the format is:
• ASSEMBLY is the name of the .NET assembly file for your application. When using the .NET Core CLI to
build your application, if you haven't set the assembly name using the buildOptions.outputName
setting in project.json, the ASSEMBLY name will be the name of the folder that contains your
project.json file. For more information, see .NET Core CLI (p. 84). In this case, let's assume the folder
name is HelloWorldApp.
• TYPE is the full name of the handler type, which consists of the Namespace and the ClassName. In
this case Example.Hello.
• METHOD is name of the function handler, in this case MyHandler.
using System.IO;
namespace Example
• It may not be unsafe and use pointer types in the handler signature, though unsafe context can
be used inside the handler method and its dependencies. For more information, see unsafe (C#
• It may not pass a variable number of parameters using the params keyword, or use ArgIterator as
an input or return parameter which is used to support variable number of parameters.
• The handler may not be a generic method (e.g. IList<T> Sort<T>(IList<T> input)).
• Async handlers with signature async void are not supported.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
If you know your Lambda function will require a long-running process, such as uploading large files
to Amazon S3 or reading a large stream of records from DynamoDB, you can take advantage of the
async/await pattern. By creating a handler with this signature, Lambda will execute the function
synchronously and wait a maximum of 5 minutes for execution to complete before returning or timing
out. For example:
If you use this pattern, there are some considerations you must take into account:
• Your Lambda function can include multiple async calls, which can be invoked in parallel. You can
use the Task.WaitAll and Task.WaitAny methods to work with multiple tasks. To use the
Task.WaitAll method, you pass a list of the operations as an array to the method. Note that in the
example below, if you neglect to include any operation to the array, that call may return before its
operation completes.
To use the Task.WaitAny method, you again pass a list of operations as an array to the method. The
call returns as soon as the first operation completes, even if the others are still running.
var index = await Task.WaitAny(tasks); // Returns as soon as any of the tasks complete,
other task may run in background
return tasks[index].Result;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• MemoryLimitInMB: Memory limit, in MB, you configured for the Lambda function.
• FunctionName: Name of the Lambda function that is running.
• FunctionVersion: The Lambda function version that is executing. If an alias is used to invoke the
function, then FunctionVersion will be the version the alias points to.
• InvokedFunctionArn: The ARN used to invoke this function. It can be function ARN or alias ARN. An
unqualified ARN executes the $LATEST version and aliases execute the function version it is pointing
• AwsRequestId: AWS request ID associated with the request. This is the ID returned to the client that
invoked this Lambda function. You can use the request ID for any follow up enquiry with AWS support.
Note that if AWS Lambda retries the function (for example, in a situation where the Lambda function
processing Kinesis records throw an exception), the request ID remains the same.
• LogStreamName: The CloudWatch log stream name for the particular Lambda function execution. It
can be null if the IAM user provided does not have permission for CloudWatch actions.
• LogGroupName: The CloudWatch log group name associated with the Lambda function invoked. It can
be null if the IAM user provided does not have permission for CloudWatch actions.
• ClientContext: Information about the client application and device when invoked through the AWS
Mobile SDK. It can be null. Client context provides client information such as client ID, application
title, version name, version code, and the application package name.
• Identity: Information about the Amazon Cognito identity provider when invoked through the AWS
Mobile SDK. It can be null.
• RemainingTime: Remaining execution time till the function will be terminated. At the time you create
the Lambda function you set maximum time limit, at which time AWS Lambda will terminate the
function execution. Information about the remaining time of function execution can be used to specify
function behavior when nearing the timeout. This is a TimeSpan field.
• Logger: The Lambda logger associated with the ILambdaContext object. For more information, see
Logging (C#) (p. 78).
The following C# code snippet shows a simple handler function that displays the value of the input
parameter and then prints some of the context information.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
Logging (C#)
Your Lambda function can contain logging statements and, in turn, AWS Lambda writes these logs to
CloudWatch Logs.
In the C# programming model, there are three ways to log data in your function:
• Use the static Write or WriteLine methods provided by the C# Console class. Anything written
to standard out or standard error - using Console.Write or a similar method - will be logged in
CloudWatch Logs.
• Use the Log method on the Amazon.Lambda.Core.LambdaLogger class. This is a static class that
can be used anywhere in your application. To use this, you must include the Amazon.Lambda.Core
using Amazon.Lambda.Core;
Each call to LambdaLogger.Log results in a CloudWatch Logs event, provided the event size is within
the allowed limits. For information about CloudWatch Logs limits, see CloudWatch Logs Limits in the
Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
• Use the logger in ILambdaContext. The ILambdaContext object (if specified) in your method
contains a Logger property that represents a LambdaLogger. The following is an example of using
this method:
• Find logs in CloudWatch Logs. The ILambdaContext object provides the LogStreamName and the
LogGroupName properties. Using these properties, you can find the specific log stream where logs are
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
• If you invoke a Lambda function via the console, the invocation type is always RequestResponse
(that is, synchronous execution) and the console displays the logs that the Lambda function writes
using the LambdaLogger object. AWS Lambda also returns logs from Console.Write and
Console.WriteLine methods.
• If you invoke a Lambda function programmatically, you can add the LogType parameter to
retrieve the last 4 KB of log data that is written to CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see
Invoke (p. 461). AWS Lambda returns this log information in the x-amz-log-results header in the
response. If you use the AWS Command Line Interface to invoke the function, you can specify the --
log-type parameter with value Tail.
• Initialization (Lambda loading your code, validating the handler string, and creating an instance of
your class if it is non-static).
• The Lambda function invocation.
The serialized exception information is returned as the payload as a modeled JSON object and outputted
to CloudWatch logs.
In the initialization phase, exceptions can be thrown for invalid handler strings, a rule-breaking type or
method (see Lambda Function Handler Restrictions (p. 75)), or any other validation method (such as
forgetting the serializer attribute and having a POCO as your input or output type). These exceptions are
of type LambdaException. For example:
"errorType": "LambdaException",
"errorMessage": "Invalid lambda function handler: ''.
The valid format is 'ASSEMBLY::TYPE::METHOD'."
If your constructor throws an exception, the error type is also of type LambdaException, but the
exception thrown during construction is provided in the cause property, which is itself a modeled
exception object:
"errorType": "LambdaException",
"errorMessage": "An exception was thrown when the constructor for type
was invoked. Check inner exception for more details.",
"cause": {
"errorType": "TargetInvocationException",
"errorMessage": "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.",
"stackTrace": [
"at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly,
Boolean noCheck, Boolean&canBeCached,
RuntimeMethodHandleInternal&ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)",
"at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis,
Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)",
"at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)",
"at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)"
"cause": {
"errorType": "ArithmeticException",
"errorMessage": "Sorry, 2 + 2 = 5",
"stackTrace": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
"at LambdaExceptionTestFunction.ThrowExceptionInConstructor..ctor()"
As the example shows, the inner exceptions are always preserved (as the cause property), and can be
deeply nested.
Exceptions can also occur during invocation. In this case, the exception type is preserved and the
exception is returned directly as the payload and in the CloudWatch logs. For example:
"errorType": "AggregateException",
"errorMessage": "One or more errors occurred. (An unknown web exception occurred!)",
"stackTrace": [
"at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean
"at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)",
"at lambda_method(Closure , Stream , Stream , ContextInfo )"
"cause": {
"errorType": "UnknownWebException",
"errorMessage": "An unknown web exception occurred!",
"stackTrace": [
"at LambdaDemo107.LambdaEntryPoint.<GetUriResponse>d__1.MoveNext()",
"--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---",
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)",
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()",
"at LambdaDemo107.LambdaEntryPoint.<CheckWebsiteStatus>d__0.MoveNext()"
"cause": {
"errorType": "WebException",
"errorMessage": "An error occurred while sending the request. SSL peer certificate or
SSH remote key was not OK",
"stackTrace": [
"at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)",
"at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar,
Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)",
"--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---",
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)",
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()",
"at LambdaDemo107.LambdaEntryPoint.<GetUriResponse>d__1.MoveNext()"
"cause": {
"errorType": "HttpRequestException",
"errorMessage": "An error occurred while sending the request.",
"stackTrace": [
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)",
"at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<FinishSendAsync>d__58.MoveNext()",
"--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---",
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Programming Model
"at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.<SendRequest>d__63.MoveNext()",
"--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---",
"at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)",
"at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)"
"cause": {
"errorType": "CurlException",
"errorMessage": "SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK",
"stackTrace": [
"at System.Net.Http.CurlHandler.ThrowIfCURLEError(CURLcode error)",
System.Net.Http.CurlHandler.MultiAgent.FinishRequest(StrongToWeakReference`1 easyWrapper,
CURLcode messageResult)"
The method in which error information is conveyed depends on the invocation type:
• RequestResponse invocation type (that is, synchronous execution): In this case, you get the error
message back.
For example, if you invoke a Lambda function using the Lambda console, the RequestResponse is
always the invocation type and the console displays the error information returned by AWS Lambda in
the Execution result section of the console.
• Event invocation type (that is, asynchronous execution): In this case AWS Lambda does not return
anything. Instead, it logs the error information in CloudWatch Logs and CloudWatch metrics.
Depending on the event source, AWS Lambda may retry the failed Lambda function. For more
information, see Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
You can create custom error handling to raise an exception directly from your Lambda function and
handle it directly (Retry or Catch) within an AWS Step Functions State Machine. For more information,
see Handling Error Conditions Using a State Machine.
Consider a CreateAccount state is a task that writes a customer's details to a database using a Lambda
The following code samples demonstrate how to do this. Note that custom errors in C# must extend the
Exception class.
namespace Example {
public class AccountAlreadyExistsException : Exception {
public AccountAlreadyExistsException(String message) :
base(message) {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
namespace Example {
public class Handler {
public static void CreateAccount() {
throw new AccountAlreadyExistsException("Account is in use!");
You can configure Step Functions to catch the error using a Catch rule. Lambda automatically sets the
error name to the simple class name of the exception at runtime:
"StartAt": "CreateAccount",
"States": {
"CreateAccount": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:CreateAccount",
"Next": "SendWelcomeEmail",
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": ["AccountAlreadyExistsException"],
"Next": "SuggestAccountName"
At runtime, AWS Step Functions catches the error, transitioning to the SuggestAccountName state as
specified in the Next transition.
Custom error handling makes it easier to create serverless applications. This feature integrates with all
the languages supported by the Lambda Programming Model (p. 18), allowing you to design your
application in the programming languages of your choice, mixing and matching as you go.
To learn more about creating your own serverless applications using AWS Step Functions and AWS
Lambda, see AWS Step Functions.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
You can create a deployment package yourself or write your code directly in the Lambda console, in
which case the console creates the deployment package for you and uploads it, creating your Lambda
function. Note the following to determine if you can use the console to create your Lambda function:
• Simple scenario – If your custom code requires only the AWS SDK library, then you can use the
inline editor in the AWS Lambda console. Using the console, you can edit and upload your code to
AWS Lambda. The console will zip up your code with the relevant configuration information into a
deployment package that the Lambda service can run.
You can also test your code in the console by manually invoking it using sample event data.
The Lambda service has preinstalled the AWS SDK for Node.js.
• Advanced scenario – If you are writing code that uses other resources, such as a graphics library for
image processing, or you want to use the AWS CLI instead of the console, you need to first create the
Lambda function deployment package, and then use the console or the CLI to upload the package.
After you create a deployment package, you may either upload it directly or upload the .zip file
first to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region where you want to create the Lambda
function, and then specify the bucket name and object key name when you create the Lambda
function using the console or the AWS CLI.
The following is an example procedure to create a deployment package (outside the console). Suppose
you want to create a deployment package that includes a filename.js code file and your code uses the
async library.
1. Open a text editor, and write your code. Save the file (for example, filename.js).
You will use the file name to specify the handler at the time of creating the Lambda function.
2. In the same directory, use npm to install the libraries that your code depends on. For example, if your
code uses the async library, use the following npm command.
4. Zip the content of the folder, that is your deployment package (for example,
Then, specify the .zip file name as your deployment package at the time you create your Lambda
If you want to include your own binaries, including native ones, just package them in the Zip file you
upload and then reference them (including the relative path within the Zip file you created) when you
call them from Node.js or from other processes that you’ve previously started. Ensure that you include
the following at the start of your function code: process.env[‘PATH’] = process.env[‘PATH’]
+ ‘:’ + process.env[‘LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT’]
For more information on including native binaries in your Lambda function package, see Running
Executables in AWS Lambda.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
• .NET Core CLI (p. 84)
• AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio (p. 91)
In the .NET CLI, you use the new command to create .NET projects from a command line. This is
particularly useful if you want to create a platform-independent project outside of Visual Studio. To view
a list of the available project types, open a command line and navigate to where you installed the .NET
Core runtime and enter the following:
dotnet new -all
-h, --help Displays help for this command.
-l, --list Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is
specified, lists all templates.
-n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the
name of the current directory is used.
-o, --output Location to place the generated output.
-i, --install Installs a source or a template pack.
-u, --uninstall Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
--type Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are
"project", "item" or "other".
--force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing
-lang, --language Specifies the language of the template to create.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
dotnet new mvc --auth None --framework netcoreapp1.1
So, for example, if you wanted to create a console project, you would do the following:
1. Make a directory where your project will be created using the following command: mkdir example
2. Navigate to that directory using the following command: cd example
3. Enter the following command: dotnet new console -o myproject
AWS Lambda offers additional templates via the Amazon.Lambda.Templates nuget package. To install
this package, run the following command:
dotnet new -i Amazon.Lambda.Templates::*
The trailing ::* in the command signals to install the latest version. Once the install is complete, the
Lambda templates show up as part of dotnet new. To verify this, again run the following command:
dotnet new -all
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
-h, --help Displays help for this command.
-l, --list Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is
specified, lists all templates.
-n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the
name of the current directory is used.
-o, --output Location to place the generated output.
-i, --install Installs a source or a template pack.
-u, --uninstall Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
--type Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are
"project", "item" or "other".
--force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing
-lang, --language Specifies the language of the template to create.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
dotnet new mvc --auth Individual
dotnet new console
dotnet new --help
-r|--region The AWS region set in aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json and used as the default
region when interacting with AWS.
string - Optional
These are optional values you can set when you create your Lambda function and will then be
automatically written to the aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json file, which is built as part of the
function-creation process. The following explains what they mean:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide to create an IAM role (execution role). As you
follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda.
• In Attach Policy, choose the policy that best fits your Lambda function's requirements.
If it's not interacting with any other AWS services, you would would choose
AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole. However, say your Lambda function is interacting with
Kinesis, then you would choose the AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole.
• --region: The Amazon Region in which your function will reside.
For example, to create a Lambda function, run the following command, substituting the values of the --
region parameter with the region of your choice and --profile with your IAM profile:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
• aws-lambda-tools-default.json: This is where you specify the command line options when deploying
your Lambda function. For example:
"profile":"iam profile"",
"region" : "region",
"configuration" : "Release",
"framework" : "netcoreapp2.0",
"function-memory-size" : 256,
"function-timeout" : 30,
"function-handler" : "MyFunction::MyFunction.Function::FunctionHandler"
• Function.cs: Your Lambda handler function code. It's a C# template that includes the default
Amazon.Lambda.Core library and a default LambdaSerializer attribute. For more information on
serialization requirements and options, see Serializing Lambda Functions (p. 90). It also includes a
sample function that you can edit to apply your Lambda function code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Amazon.Lambda.Core;
// Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into
a .NET class.
[assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json.JsonSerializer))]
namespace MyFunction
public class Function
• MyFunction.csproj: An MSBuild file that lists the files and assemblies that comprise your application.
Note specifically that it includes the Amazon.Lambda.Tools package, the extension that makes
available the Lambda templates described previously.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
<PackageReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Core" Version="2.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json" Version="1.1.0" />
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Tools" Version="2.0.0" />
• myFunction.Tests.csproj: As noted above, this is an MSBuild file that lists the files and assemblies that
comprise your test project. Note also that it includes the Amazon.Lambda.Core library, allowing you
to seamlesssly integrate any Lambda templates required to test your function.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
• FunctionTest.cs: The same C# code template file that it is included in the src directory. Edit this file
to mirror your function's production code and test it before uploading your Lambda function to a
production environment.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
using Amazon.Lambda.Core;
using Amazon.Lambda.TestUtilities;
using MyFunction;
namespace MyFunction.Tests
public class FunctionTest
public void TestToUpperFunction()
// Invoke the lambda function and confirm the string was upper cased.
var function = new Function();
var context = new TestLambdaContext();
var upperCase = function.FunctionHandler("hello world", context);
Once your function has passed its tests, you can build and deploy it using the following commands:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
dotnet restore
dotnet lambda deploy-function MyFunction –function-role role
After deployment, you can re-test it in a production environment with the following command and pass
in a different value to your Lambda function handler:
Log Tail:
START RequestId: id Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: id
REPORT RequestId: id Duration: 0.99 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size:
256 MB Max Memory Used: 12 MB
For any Lambda functions that use input or output types other than a Stream object, you will need to
add a serialization library to your application. You can do this in the following ways:
• Use Json.NET. Lambda will provide an implementation for JSON serializer using JSON.NET as a NuGet
• Create your own serialization library by implementing the ILambdaSerializer interface, which is
available as part of the Amazon.Lambda.Core library. The interface defines two methods:
• T Deserialize<T>(Stream requestStream);
You implement this method to deserialize the request payload from the Invoke API into the object
that is passed to the Lambda function handler.
• T Serialize<T>(T response, Stream responseStream);.
You implement this method to serialize the result returned from the Lambda function handler into
the response payload that is returned by the Invoke API.
You use whichever serializer you wish by adding it as a dependency to your MyProject.csproj file.
<PackageReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Core" Version="2.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json" Version="1.0.1" />
You then add it to your AssemblyInfo.cs file. For example, if you are using the default Json.NET serializer,
this is what you would add:
You can define a custom serialization attribute at the method level, which will override the
default serializer specified at the assembly level. For more information, see Handling Standard
Data Types (p. 74).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
a. From the File menu, choose New, and then choose Project.
b. In the New Project window, choose AWS Lambda Project (.NET Core) and then choose OK.
c. In the Select Blueprint window, you will be presented with the option of selecting from a list of
sample applications that will provide you with sample code to get started with creating a .NET-
based Lambda application.
d. To create a Lambda application from scratch, choose Blank Function and then choose Finish.
2. Examine the aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json file, which is created as part of your project.
You can set the options in this file, which is read by the Lambda tooling by default. The project
templates created in Visual Studio set many of these fields with default values. Note the following
• profile: The IAM role required for your Lambda function's execution. If you have not yet created an
execution role, do the following:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User
Guide to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account.
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose a service role that grants
that service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose a permissions policy that is suitable to execute your Lambda
• function-handler: This is where the function handler is specified, which is why you don't
have to set it in the wizard. However, whenever you rename the Assembly, Namespace, Class
or Function in your function code, you will need to update the corresponding fields in the aws-
lambda-tools-defaults.json file.
"region" : "region",
"configuration" : "Release",
"framework" : "netcoreapp2.0",
"function-memory-size" : 256,
"function-timeout" : 30,
"function-handler" : "Assembly::Namespace.Class::Function"
3. Open the Function.cs file. You will be provided with a template to implement your Lambda function
handler code.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
4. Once you have written the code that represents your Lambda function, you can upload it by right-
clicking the Project node in your application and then choosing Publish to AWS Lambda.
5. In the Upload Lambda Function window, type a name for the function or select a previously
published function to republish. Then choose Next
6. In the Advanced Function Details window, do the following:
For more information, see Deploying an AWS Lambda Project with the .NET Core CLI.
After you create a deployment package, you may either upload it directly or upload the .zip file first to
an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region where you want to create the Lambda function, and then
specify the bucket name and object key name when you create the Lambda function using the console or
the AWS CLI.
For Lambda functions written in Go, download the Lambda library for Go by navigating to the Go
runtime directory and enter the following command:
go get
Then use following command to build, package and deploy a Go Lambda function via the CLI. Note that
your function-name must match the name of your Lambda handler name.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
--region region \
--function-name lambda-handler \
--memory 128 \
--role arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/execution_role \
--runtime go1.x \
--zip-file fileb://path-to-your-zip-file/ \
--handler lambda-handler
If you are using a non-Linux environment, such as Windows or macOS, ensure that your handler
function is compatible with the Lambda Execution Context by setting the GOOS (Go Operating
System) environment variable to 'linux' when compiling your handler function code.
We provide examples of using Maven to create standalone jars and using Gradle to create a .zip file. For
more information, see the following topics:
• Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE (Java) (p. 93)
• Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java) (p. 95)
• Creating a .zip Deployment Package (Java) (p. 97)
• Authoring Lambda Functions Using Eclipse IDE and AWS SDK Plugin (Java) (p. 100)
Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE (Java)
This section shows how to package your Java code into a deployment package using Maven at the
command line.
• Before You Begin (p. 93)
• Project Structure Overview (p. 93)
• Step 1: Create Project (p. 94)
• Step 2: Build Project (Create Deployment Package) (p. 95)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
Your code will then be in the /java folder. For example, if your package name is example and you have a class in it, the structure will be:
After you build the project, the resulting .jar file (that is, your deployment package), will be in the
project-dir/target subdirectory.
• Project Object Model file, pom.xml. Add the following project information and configuration
details for Maven to build the project.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
• In the dependencies section, the groupId (that is, com.amazonaws) is the Amazon
AWS group ID for Maven artifacts in the Maven Central Repository. The artifactId
(that is, aws-lambda-java-core) is the AWS Lambda core library that provides definitions
of the RequestHandler, RequestStreamHandler, and the Context AWS Lambda
interfaces for use in your Java application. At the build time Maven resolves these
• In the plugins section, the Apache maven-shade-plugin is a plugin that Maven will
download and use during your build process. This plugin is used for packaging jars to
create a standalone .jar (a .zip file), your deployment package.
• If you are following other tutorial topics in this guide, the specific tutorials might
require you to add more dependencies. Make sure to add those dependencies as
3. In the project-dir, create the following structure:
4. Under the /java subdirectory you add your Java files and folder structure, if any. For example, if
you Java package name is example, and source code is, your directory structure looks
like this:
Now you can build the project using Maven at the command line.
$ mvn package
The build creates this resulting .jar, using information in the pom.xml to do the necessary
transforms. This is a standalone .jar (.zip file) that includes all the dependencies. This is your
deployment package that you can upload to AWS Lambda to create a Lambda function.
Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java)
This section shows how to package your Java code into a deployment package using Eclipse IDE and
Maven plugin for Eclipse.
• Before You Begin (p. 95)
• Step 1: Create and Build a Project (p. 96)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
1. Start Eclipse. From the Help menu in Eclipse, choose Install New Software.
2. In the Install window, type in
the Work with: box, and choose Add.
3. Follow the steps to complete the setup.
In this step, you start Eclipse and create a Maven project. You will add the necessary dependencies, and
build the project. The build will produce a .jar, which is your deployment package.
a. From the File menu, choose New, and then choose Project.
b. In the New Project window, choose Maven Project.
c. In the New Maven Project window, choose Create a simple project, and leave other default
d. In the New Maven Project, Configure project windows, type the following Artifact information:
a. Open the context (right-click) menu for the pom.xml file, choose Maven, and then choose Add
b. In the Add Dependency windows, type the following values:
Version: 1.1.0
If you are following other tutorial topics in this guide, the specific tutorials might
require you to add more dependencies. Make sure to add those dependencies as
3. Add Java class to the project.
a. Open the context (right-click) menu for the src/main/java subdirectory in the project, choose
New, and then choose Class.
b. In the New Java Class window, type the following values:
• Package: example
• Name: Hello
If you are following other tutorial topics in this guide, the specific tutorials might
recommend different package name or class name.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
c. Add your Java code. If you are following other tutorial topics in this guide, add the provided
4. Build the project.
Open the context (right-click) menu for the project in Package Explorer, choose Run As, and then
choose Maven Build .... In the Edit Configuration window, type package in the Goals box.
The resulting .jar, lambda-java-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, is not the final
standalone .jar that you can use as your deployment package. In the next step, you add the
Apache maven-shade-plugin to create the standalone .jar. For more information, go to
Apache Maven Shade Plugin.
5. Add the maven-shade-plugin plugin and rebuild.
The maven-shade-plugin will take artifacts (jars) produced by the package goal (produces customer
code .jar), and created a standalone .jar that contains the compiled customer code, and the resolved
dependencies from the pom.xml.
a. Open the context (right-click) menu for the pom.xml file, choose Maven, and then choose Add
b. In the Add Plugin window, type the following values:
This time we will create the jar as before, and then use the maven-shade-plugin to pull in
dependencies to make the standalone .jar.
i. Open the context (right-click) menu for the project, choose Run As, and then choose Maven
build ....
ii. In the Edit Configuration windows, type package shade:shade in the Goals box.
iii. Choose Run.
You can find the resulting standalone .jar (that is, your deployment package), in the /
target subdirectory.
Open the context (right-click) menu for the /target subdirectory, choose Show In, choose
System Explorer, and you will find the lambda-java-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
• All compiled class files and resource files at the root level.
• All required jars to run the code in the /lib directory.
You can also build a standalone .jar (also a zipped file) as your deployment package. For
examples of creating standalone .jar using Maven, see Creating a Deployment Package
(Java) (p. 93).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
The following examples use Gradle build and deployment tool to create the .zip.
Gradle version 2.0 or later is required.
Example 1: Creating .zip Using Gradle and the Maven Central Repository
At the end of this walkthrough, you will have a project directory (project-dir) with content having the
following structure:
The /java folder will contain your code. For example, if your package name is example, and you have a class in it, the structure will be:
After you build the project, the resulting .zip file (that is, your deployment package), will be in the
project-dir/build/distributions subdirectory.
repositories {
dependencies {
compile (
build.dependsOn buildZip
• The repositories section refers to Maven Central Repository. At the build time, it fetches
the dependencies (that is, the two AWS Lambda libraries) from Maven Central.
• The buildZip task describes how to create the deployment package .zip file.
For example, if you unzip the resulting .zip file you should find any of the compiled class
files and resource files at the root level. You should also find a /lib directory with the
required jars for running the code.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
• If you are following other tutorial topics in this guide, the specific tutorials might require
you to add more dependencies. Make sure to add those dependencies as required.
3. In the project-dir, create the following structure:
4. Under the /java subdirectory you add your Java files and folder structure, if any. For example, if
you Java package name is example, and source code is, then your directory structure
looks like this:
5. Run the following gradle command to build and package the project in a .zip file.
You may choose not to use the Maven Central repository. Instead have all the dependencies in the
project folder. In this case your project folder (project-dir) will have the following structure:
So if your Java code has example package and class, the code will be in the following
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'jars', include: '*.jar')
build.dependsOn buildZip
Note that the dependencies specify fileTree which identifies project-dir/jars as the subdirectory
that will include all the required jars.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
Now you build the package. Run the following gradle command to build and package the project in a .zip
Authoring Lambda Functions Using Eclipse IDE and AWS SDK Plugin (Java)
AWS SDK Eclipse Toolkit provides an Eclipse plugin for you to both create a deployment package and
also upload it to create a Lambda function. If you can use Eclipse IDE as your development environment,
this plugin enables you to author Java code, create and upload a deployment package, and create your
Lambda function. For more information, see the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Getting Started Guide. For an
example of using the toolkit for authoring Lambda functions, see Using AWS Lambda with the AWS
Toolkit for Eclipse.
You can create a deployment package yourself or write your code directly in the Lambda console, in
which case the console creates the deployment package for you and uploads it, creating your Lambda
function. Note the following to determine if you can use the console to create your Lambda function:
• Simple scenario – If your custom code requires only the AWS SDK library, then you can use the
inline editor in the AWS Lambda console. Using the console, you can edit and upload your code to
AWS Lambda. The console will zip up your code with the relevant configuration information into a
deployment package that the Lambda service can run.
You can also test your code in the console by manually invoking it using sample event data.
The Lambda service has preinstalled the AWS SDK for Python.
• Advanced scenario – If you are writing code that uses other resources, such as a graphics library for
image processing, or you want to use the AWS CLI instead of the console, you need to first create the
Lambda function deployment package, and then use the console or the CLI to upload the package.
After you create a deployment package, you may either upload it directly or upload the .zip file
first to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region where you want to create the Lambda
function, and then specify the bucket name and object key name when you create the Lambda
function using the console or the AWS CLI.
The following is an example procedure to create a deployment package (outside the console).
This should work for most standard installations of Python and pip when using pure Python
modules in your Lambda function. If you are including modules that have native dependencies
or have Python installed with Homebrew on OS X, you should see the next section which
provides instructions to create a deployment package when using Virtualenv. For more
information, see Create Deployment Package Using a Python Environment Created with
Virtualenv (p. 101) and the Virtualenv website.
You will use pip to install dependencies/libraries. For information to install pip, go to Installation.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Deployment Package
For example, the following command installs the requests HTTP library in the project-dir
If using Mac OS X and you have Python installed using Homebrew (see Homebrew), the preceding
command will not work. A simple workaround is to add a setup.cfg file in your /path/to/
project-dir with the following content.
4. Zip the content of the project-dir directory, which is your deployment package.
Zip the directory content, not the directory. The contents of the Zip file are available as the
current working directory of the Lambda function. For example: /project-dir/
AWS Lambda includes the AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3), so you don't need to include it in
your deployment package. However, if you want to use a version of Boto3 other than the one
included by default, you can include it in your deployment package.
• Created the following isolated Python environment using the Virtualenv tool and activated the
virtualenv path/to/my/virtual-env
source path/to/my/virtual-env/bin/activate
• Also, suppose you have installed the requests package in the activated environment (assume that you
will you use these in your code). You can install these packages as follows :
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
1. First, create .zip file with your Python code you want to upload to AWS Lambda.
2. Add the libraries from preceding activated virtual environment to the .zip file. That is, you add
the content of the following directory to the .zip file (note again that you add the content of the
directory and not the directory itself).
If you don't find the packages in the site-packages directory in your virtual environment,
you might find it in the dist-packages directory.
For an example of creating a Python deployment package, see Python (p. 186).
AWS SAM is a fast and easy way of deploying your serverless applications, allowing you to write simple
templates to describe your functions and their event sources (Amazon API Gateway, Amazon S3, Kinesis,
and so on). Based on AWS SAM, SAM Local is an AWS CLI tool that provides an environment for you to
develop, test, and analyze your serverless applications locally before uploading them to the Lambda
runtime. Whether you're developing on Linux, Mac, or Microsoft Windows, you can use SAM Local to
create a local testing environment that simulates the AWS runtime environment. Doing so helps you
address issues such as performance. Working with SAM Local also allows faster, iterative development of
your Lambda function code because there is no need to redeploy your application package to the AWS
Lambda runtime. For more information, see Building a Simple Application Using SAM Local (p. 105).
SAM Local works with AWS SAM, allowing you to invoke functions defined in SAM templates, whether
directly or through API Gateway endpoints. By using SAM Local features, you can analyze your serverless
application's performance in your own testing environment and update accordingly. The following
examples outline additional advantages of using SAM Local with sample operation code. For instance,
you can do the following:
• Spawn a local API Gateway to test HTTP request and response functionality. By using the hot reloading
feature, you can test and iterate your functions without having to restart or reload them to the AWS
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
SAM Local will automatically find any functions within your SAM template that have API event sources
defined, and mount them at the defined HTTP paths. In the example below, the Ratings function
would mount at /ratings for GET requests.
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: ratings.handler
Runtime: python3.6
Type: Api
Path: /ratings
Method: get
By default, SAM Local uses Proxy Integration and expects the response from your Lambda function to
include one or more of the following: statusCode, headers and/or body. For example:
If your Lambda function does not return a valid Proxy Integration response, you will receive an HTTP
500 (Internal Server Error) response when accessing your function. SAM Local will also print
the following error log message to help you diagnose the problem:
ERROR: Function ExampleFunction returned an invalid response (must include one of: body,
or statusCode in the response object)
• Validate that any runtime constraints, such as maximum memory use or timeout limits of your Lambda
function invocations, are honored.
• Inspect AWS Lambda runtime logs, and also any customized logging output specified in your Lambda
function code (for example, console.log). SAM Local automatically displays this output. The
following shows an example.
• Honor security credentials that you've established by using the AWS CLI. Doing so means your Lambda
function can make remote calls to the AWS services that make up your serverless application. If you
have not installed the AWS CLI, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
As with the AWS CLI and SDKs, SAM Local looks for credentials in the following order:
• Environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
• The AWS credentials file, located at ~/.aws/credentials on Linux, MacOS, or Unix, or at C:
\Users\USERNAME \.aws\credentials on Windows)
• Instance profile credentials, if running on an Amazon EC2 instance with an assigned instance role
Supported Runtimes
SAM Local supports the following AWS runtimes:
• node.js 4.3
• node.js 6.10
• python 2.7
• python 3.6
• java8
If you have not already installed SAM Local, see Install SAM Local (p. 7).
• start-api: Creates a local HTTP server hosting all of your Lambda functions. When accessed by using
a browser or the CLI, this operation launches a Docker container locally to invoke your function. It
reads the CodeUri property of the AWS::Serverless::Function resource to find the path in your
file system containing the Lambda function code. This path can be the project's root directory for
interpreted languages like Node.js or Python, a build directory that stores your compiled artifacts, or
for Java, a .jar file.
If you use an interpreted language, local changes are made available within the same Docker container.
This approach means you can reinvoke your Lambda function with no need for redeployment. For
compiled languages or projects requiring complex packing support, we recommend that you run
your own build solution and point AWS SAM to the directory that contains the build dependency files
• invoke: Invokes a local Lambda function once and terminates after invocation completes.
• generate-event: Generates mock serverless events. Using these, you can develop and test locally
on functions that respond to asynchronous events such as those from Amazon S3, Kinesis, and
DynamoDB. The following displays the command options available to the generate-event
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
sam local generate-event command [command options] [arguments...]
s3 Generates a sample Amazon S3 event
sns Generates a sample Amazon SNS event
kinesis Generates a sample Amazon Kinesis event
dynamodb Generates a sample Amazon DynamoDB event
api Generates a sample Amazon API Gateway event
schedule Generates a sample scheduled event
--help, -h show help
• validate: Validates your template against the official AWS Serverless Application Model specification.
The following is an example.
$ sam validate
ERROR: Resource "HelloWorld", property "Runtime": Invalid value node.
Valid values are "nodejs4.3", "nodejs6.10", "java8", "python2.7",
"python3.6"(line: 11; col: 6)
$ sam validate
• package and deploy: sam package and sam deploy implicitly call AWS CloudFormation's package
and deploy commands. For more information on packaging and deployment of SAM applications, see
Packaging and Deployment (p. 304).
The following demonstrates how to use the package and deploy commands in SAM Local.
The template.yaml file is the AWS SAM template that describes a single Lambda function that handles all
the API requests.
By default, the start-api and invoke commands search your working directory for the
template.yaml file. If you reference a template.yaml file that is in a different directory, add the -
t or --template parameter to these operations and pass an absolute or relative path to that
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
AWSTemplateFormatVersion : '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: My first serverless application.
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: products.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
Type: Api
Path: /products
Method: get
Type: Api
Path: /products
Method: post
Type: Api
Path: /products/{product}
Method: any
Next, copy and paste the following code into the products.js file.
'use strict';
case "GET":
if(id) {
callback(null, {body: "This is a READ operation on product ID " + id});
case "POST":
callback(null, {body: "This is a CREATE operation"});
case "PUT":
callback(null, {body: "This is an UPDATE operation on product ID " + id});
case "DELETE":
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
// Send HTTP 501: Not Implemented
console.log("Error: unsupported HTTP method (" + event.httpMethod + ")");
callback(null, { statusCode: 501 })
Start a local copy of your API operations by calling the start-api command.
You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions.
You do not need to restart/reload while working on your functions,
changes will be reflected instantly/automatically. You only need to restart
if you update your AWS SAM template.
You can then test your API endpoint locally using either a browser or the CLI.
$ curl
"This is a LIST operation, return all products"
Local Logging
Using the invoke and start-api commands, you can pipe logs from your Lambda function's
invocation into a file. This approach is useful if you run automated tests against SAM Local and want to
capture logs for analysis. The following is an example.
"MyFunction1": {
"TABLE_NAME": "localtable",
"BUCKET_NAME": "testBucket"
"MyFunction2": {
"TABLE_NAME": "localtable",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Test Your Serverless Applications
Locally Using SAM Local (Public Beta)
"STAGE": "dev"
You then access the JSON file using the following command:
The following command sets the value of TABLE_NAME to myTable for both functions.
For greater flexibility, you can use a combination of shell variables and an external JSON file
that holds environment variables. If a variable is defined in both places, the one from the
external file override the shell version. Following is the order of priority, highest to lowest:
If you use sam local start-api, the local API Gateway exposes all of your Lambda
functions. But because you can specify only one debug port, you can only debug one function at
a time.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
The code editor includes the menu bar, windows, and the editor pane.
You use the menu bar to run common commands. For more information, see Using the Menu
Bar (p. 128).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
You use windows to work with files, folders, and other commands. For more information, see Working
with Files and Folders (p. 110) and Working with Commands (p. 130).
You use the editor pane to write code. For more information, see Working with Code (p. 117).
To show or hide the Environment window, choose the Environment button. If the Environment button
is not visible, choose Window, Environment on the menu bar.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To open a single file and show its contents in the editor pane, double-click the file in the Environment
To open multiple files and show their contents in the editor pane, choose the files in the Environment
window. Right-click the selection, and then choose Open.
• In the Environment window, right-click the folder where you want the new file to go, and then choose
New File. Type the file's name and extension, and then press Enter.
• Choose File, New File on the menu bar. When you're ready to save the file, choose File, Save or File,
Save As on the menu bar. Then use the Save As dialog box that displays to name the file and choose
where to save it.
• In the tab buttons bar in the editor pane, choose the + button, and then choose New File. When you're
ready to save the file, choose File, Save or File, Save As on the menu bar. Then use the Save As dialog
box that displays to name the file and choose where to save it.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To create a new folder, right-click the folder in the Environment window where you want the new
folder to go, and then choose New Folder. Type the folder's name, and then press Enter.
To save a file, with the file open and its contents visible in the editor pane, choose File, Save on the
menu bar.
To rename a file or folder, right-click the file or folder in the Environment window. Type the
replacement name, and then press Enter.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To delete files or folders, choose the files or folders in the Environment window. Right-click the
selection, and then choose Delete. Then confirm the deletion by choosing Yes (for a single selection) or
Yes to All.
To cut, copy, paste, or duplicate files or folders, choose the files or folders in the Environment window.
Right-click the selection, and then choose Cut, Copy, Paste, or Duplicate, respectively.
To collapse folders, choose the gear icon in the Environment window, and then choose Collapse All
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To show or hide hidden files, choose the gear icon in the Environment window, and then choose Show
Hidden Files.
You can also create, open, and manage files by using the Commands window. For more information, see
Working with Commands (p. 130).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To close multiple open files, choose the drop-down menu in the tab buttons bar, and then choose Close
All Tabs in All Panes or Close All But Current Tab as needed.
To create a new file, choose the + button in the tab buttons bar, and then choose New File. When you're
ready to save the file, choose File, Save or File, Save As on the menu bar. Then use the Save As dialog
box that displays to name the file and choose where to save it.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To move quickly to a line in the active file, choose the line selector, type the line number to go to, and
then press Enter.
To change the code color scheme in the active file, choose the code color scheme selector, and then
choose the new code color scheme.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To change in the active file whether soft tabs or spaces are used, the tab size, or whether to convert
to spaces or tabs, choose the spaces and tabs selector, and then choose the new settings.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To change for all files whether to show or hide invisible characters or the gutter, auto-pair brackets
or quotes, wrap lines, or the font size, choose the gear icon, and then choose the new settings.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To hide the menu bar, choose the up arrow in the menu bar.
To show the menu bar if it is hidden, choose the down arrow in the menu bar.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
For a list of what the commands do, see the Menu Commands Reference in the AWS Cloud9 User Guide.
Note that some of the commands listed in that reference are not available in the code editor.
You can also run commands by using the Commands window. For more information, see Working with
Commands (p. 130).
To expand the code editor to the edges of the web browser window, choose the Toggle fullscreen
button in the menu bar.
To shrink the code editor to its original size, choose the Toggle fullscreen button again.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
In fullscreen mode, an additional and menu are displayed on the menu bar: Save and Test. Choosing
Save saves the function code. Choosing Test or Configure Events enables you to create or edit the
function's test events.
To change code editor settings, choose the Preferences gear icon in the menu bar.
For a list of what the settings do, see the following references in the AWS Cloud9 User Guide.
Note that some of the settings listed in those references are not available in the code editor.
To show or hide the Commands window, choose the Commands button. If the Commands button is
not visible, choose Window, Commands on the menu bar.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
To find a command, type some or all of the command's name in the search box.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating Functions Using the AWS Lambda Console Editor
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Configuring Lambda Functions
For a list of what the commands do, see the Commands Reference in the AWS Cloud9 User Guide. Note
that some of the commands listed in that reference are not available in the code editor.
• Compute resources that you need – You only specify the amount of memory you want to allocate for
your Lambda function. AWS Lambda allocates CPU power proportional to the memory by using the
same ratio as a general purpose Amazon EC2 instance type, such as an M3 type. For example, if you
allocate 256 MB memory, your Lambda function will receive twice the CPU share than if you allocated
only 128 MB.
You can update the configuration and request additional memory in 64 MB increments from 128MB to
3008 MB. For information about relevant limits, see AWS Lambda Limits (p. 395).
To change the amount of memory your Lambda function requires, do the following:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS Lambda console.
2. Choose the function whose memory size you wish to change.
3. Click the Configuration tab and then expand Advanced settings.
4. In the Memory (MB) list, choose your desired amount.
Optionally, you can update the memory size of your functions using the following AWS CLI command
(using valid 64 MB increments):
For information on setting up and using the AWS CLI, see Set Up the AWS Command Line Interface
(AWS CLI) (p. 6).
• Maximum execution time (timeout) – You pay for the AWS resources that are used to run your
Lambda function. To prevent your Lambda function from running indefinitely, you specify a timeout.
When the specified timeout is reached, AWS Lambda terminates your Lambda function.
The default SDK client will automatically time out any Lambda function request that exceeds
50 seconds. To accommodate functions that require more processing time, increase the
default timeout limit by modifying the SDK client configuration.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Accessing Resources from a Lambda Function
• IAM role (execution role) – This is the role that AWS Lambda assumes when it executes the Lambda
function on your behalf. For more information, see AWS Lambda Permissions Model (p. 362).
• Handler name – The handler refers to the method in your code where AWS Lambda begins execution.
AWS Lambda passes any event information, which triggered the invocation, as a parameter to the
handler method.
import boto3
import botocore
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME).download_file(KEY, 'my_local_image.jpg')
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":
print("The object does not exist.")
For convenience, AWS Lambda includes versions of the AWS SDK as part of the execution
environment so you don’t have to include it. See Lambda Execution Environment and Available
Libraries (p. 392) for the version of the included SDK. We recommend including your own copy
of the AWS SDK for production applications so you can control your dependencies.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
resources inside Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) so that they cannot be accessed over
the public Internet. These resources could be AWS service resources, such as Amazon Redshift data
warehouses, Amazon ElastiCache clusters, or Amazon RDS instances. They could also be your own
services running on your own EC2 instances. By default, resources within a VPC are not accessible from
within a Lambda function.
AWS Lambda runs your function code securely within a VPC by default. However, to enable your
Lambda function to access resources inside your private VPC, you must provide additional VPC-specific
configuration information that includes VPC subnet IDs and security group IDs. AWS Lambda uses this
information to set up elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that enable your function to connect securely to
other resources within your private VPC.
AWS Lambda does not support connecting to resources within Dedicated Tenancy VPCs. For
more information, see Dedicated VPCs.
To learn how to configure a Lambda function to access resources within a VPC, see Configuring a Lambda
Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC (p. 136)
AWS Lambda runs your function code securely within a VPC by default. However, to enable your
Lambda function to access resources inside your private VPC, you must provide additional VPC-specific
configuration information that includes VPC subnet IDs and security group IDs. AWS Lambda uses this
information to set up elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that enable your function to connect securely to
other resources within your private VPC.
AWS Lambda does not support connecting to resources within Dedicated Tenancy VPCs. For
more information, see Dedicated VPCs.
• The create-function CLI command specifies the --vpc-config parameter to provide VPC
information at the time you create a Lambda function. Note that the --runtime parameter specifies
python3.6. You can also use python2.7.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
--memory-size 1024
The Lambda function execution role must have permissions to create, describe and delete
ENIs. AWS Lambda provides a permissions policy, AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole,
with permissions for the necessary EC2 actions (ec2:CreateNetworkInterface,
ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces, and ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface) that you can
use when creating a role. You can review the policy in the IAM console. Do not delete this
role immediately after your Lambda function execution. There is a delay between the time
your Lambda function executes and ENI deletion. If you do delete the role immediately after
function execution, you are responsible for deleting the ENIs.
• The update-function-configuration CLI command specifies the --vpc-config parameter to
add VPC information to an existing Lambda function configuration.
To remove VPC-related information from your Lambda function configuration, use the
UpdateFunctionConfiguration API by providing an empty list of subnet IDs and security group
IDs as shown in the following example CLI command.
• When you add VPC configuration to a Lambda function, it can only access resources in that VPC. If a
Lambda function needs to access both VPC resources and the public Internet, the VPC needs to have a
Network Address Translation (NAT) instance inside the VPC.
• When a Lambda function is configured to run within a VPC, it incurs an additional ENI start-up penalty.
This means address resolution may be delayed when trying to connect to network resources.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
• If your Lambda function accesses a VPC, you must make sure that your VPC has sufficient ENI capacity
to support the scale requirements of your Lambda function. You can use the following formula to
approximately determine the ENI capacity.
• Projected peak concurrent execution – Use the information in Managing Concurrency (p. 374) to
determine this value.
• Memory – The amount of memory you configured for your Lambda function.
• The subnets you specify should have sufficient available IP addresses to match the number of ENIs.
We also recommend that you specify at least one subnet in each Availability Zone in your Lambda
function configuration. By specifying subnets in each of the Availability Zones, your Lambda function
can run in another Availability Zone if one goes down or runs out of IP addresses.
If your VPC does not have sufficient ENIs or subnet IPs, your Lambda function will not scale as
requests increase, and you will see an increase in function failures. AWS Lambda currently does
not log errors to CloudWatch Logs that are caused by insufficient ENIs or IP addresses. If you
see an increase in errors without corresponding CloudWatch Logs, you can invoke the Lambda
function synchronously to get the error responses (for example, test your Lambda function in
the AWS Lambda console because the console invokes your Lambda function synchronously and
displays errors).
• Tutorial: Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Amazon ElastiCache in an Amazon VPC (p. 138)
• Tutorial: Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Amazon RDS in an Amazon VPC (p. 142)
• Create an Amazon ElastiCache cluster in your default Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) in
the us-east-1 region. For more information about Amazon ElastiCache, see Amazon ElastiCache.
• Create a Lambda function to access the ElastiCache cluster. When you create the Lambda function,
you provide subnet IDs in your Amazon VPC and a VPC security group to allow the Lambda function
to access resources in your VPC. For illustration in this tutorial, the Lambda function generates a UUID,
writes it to the cache, and retrieves it from the cache.
• Invoke the Lambda function manually and verify that it accessed the ElastiCache cluster in your VPC.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
This tutorial uses the default Amazon VPC in the us-east-1 region in your account. For more
information about Amazon VPC, see How to Get Started with Amazon VPC in the Amazon VPC
User Guide.
Next Step
In this step, you create an ElastiCache cluster in the default Amazon VPC in us-east-1 region in your
1. Run the following AWS CLI command to create a Memcached cluster in the default VPC in the us-
east-1 region in your account.
You can look up the default VPC security group in the VPC console under Security Groups. Your
example Lambda function will add and retrieve an item from this cluster.
You can also launch a cache cluster using the Amazon ElastiCache console. For instructions, see
Getting Started with Amazon ElastiCache in the Amazon ElastiCache User Guide.
2. Write down the configuration endpoint for the cache cluster that you launched. You can get this
from the Amazon ElastiCache console. You will specify this value in your Lambda function code in
the next section.
Next Step
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided.
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify this role so that Lambda can assume the role and then execute the function on your behalf.
The permissions policy grants AWS Lambda permissions to set up elastic network interfaces (ENIs) to
enable your Lambda function to access resources in the VPC. In this example, your Lambda function
accesses an ElastiCache cluster in the VPC.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 140)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 141)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package) (p. 141)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
The following example Python code reads and writes an item to your ElastiCache cluster.
#elasticache settings
elasticache_config_endpoint = "your-elasticache-cluster-endpoint:port"
nodes =
nodes = map(lambda x: (x[1], int(x[2])), nodes)
memcache_client = HashClient(nodes)
#Create a random UUID... this will the sample element we add to the cache.
uuid_inserted = uuid.uuid4().hex
#Put the UUID to the cache.
memcache_client.set('uuid', uuid_inserted)
#Get item (UUID) from the cache.
uuid_obtained = memcache_client.get('uuid')
if uuid_obtained == uuid_inserted:
# this print should go to the CloudWatch Logs and Lambda console.
print ("Success: Fetched value %s from memcache" %(uuid_inserted))
raise Exception("Value is not the same as we put :(. Expected %s got %s"
%(uuid_inserted, uuid_obtained))
• pymemcache – The Lambda function code uses this library to create a HashClient object to set
and get items from memcache (see pymemcache).
• elasticache-auto-discovery – The Lambda function uses this library to get the nodes in
your Amazon ElastiCache cluster (see elasticache-auto-discovery).
4. Zip all of these files into a file named to create your deployment package. For step-by-step
instructions, see Creating a Deployment Package (Python) (p. 100).
Next Step
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 141)
• AWS Lambda (AWS service role) – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the role.
• AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole (access permissions policy) – This is the policy that you attach
to the role. The policy grants permissions for the EC2 actions that AWS Lambda needs to manage ENIs.
You can view this AWS managed policy in IAM console.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-vpc-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole. The permissions in this policy are
sufficient for the Lambda function in this tutorial.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package) (p. 141)
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package)
In this step, you create the Lambda function (AccessMemCache) using the create-function AWS CLI
At the command prompt, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command using the
adminuser profile.
You need to update the following create-function command by providing the .zip file path and the
execution role ARN. The --runtime parameter value can be python3.6, python2.7, nodejs and
java8, depending on the language you used to author your code.
At this time, example code for the Lambda function is provided only in Python.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
--memory-size 1024
You can find the subnet IDs and the default security group ID of your VPC from the VPC console.
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
You can also create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console. When creating the
function, choose a VPC for the Lambda and then select the subnets and security groups from
the provided fields.
Next Step
1. Invoke the Lambda function (AccessMemCache) using the AWS Lambda invoke command.
What Next?
Now that you have created a Lambda function that accesses an ElastiCache cluster in your VPC, you can
have the function invoked in response to events. For information about configuring event sources and
examples, see Use Cases (p. 176).
• Launch an Amazon RDS MySQL database engine instance in your default Amazon VPC. In the
MySQL instance, you create a database (ExampleDB) with a sample table (Employee) in it. For more
information about Amazon RDS, see Amazon RDS.
• Create a Lambda function to access the ExampleDB database, create a table (Employee), add a few
records, and retrieve the records from the table.
• Invoke the Lambda function manually and verify the query results. This is how you verify that your
Lambda function was able to access the RDS MySQL instance in the VPC.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
This tutorial uses the default Amazon VPC in the us-east-1 region in your account. For more
information about Amazon VPC, see How to Get Started with Amazon VPC in the Amazon VPC
User Guide.
Next Step
Step 1: Create an Amazon RDS MySQL Instance and ExampleDB Database (p. 143)
In this tutorial, the example Lambda function creates a table (Employee), inserts a few records, and then
retrieves the records. The table that the Lambda function creates has the following schema:
Employee(EmpID, Name)
Where EmpID is the primary key. Now, you need to add a few records to this table.
First, you launch an RDS MySQL instance in your default VPC with ExampleDB database. If you already
have an RDS MySQL instance running in your default VPC, skip this step.
This tutorial uses the RDS MySQL DB engine launched in the default VPC in the us-east-1 region.
You can launch an RDS MySQL instance using one of the following methods:
• Follow the instructions at Creating a MySQL DB Instance and Connecting to a Database on a MySQL DB
Instance in the Amazon Relational Database Service User Guide.
• Use the following AWS CLI command:
Write down the database name, user name, and password. You also need the host address (endpoint)
of the DB instance, which you can get from the RDS console (you might need to wait until the instance
status is available and the Endpoint value appears in the console).
Next Step
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided.
• Create an IAM role (execution role) that you specify at the time of creating your Lambda function. This
is the role AWS Lambda assumes when executing the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
The permissions policy associated with this role grants AWS Lambda permissions to set up elastic
network interfaces (ENIs) to enable your Lambda function to access resources in the VPC.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 144)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 145)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package) (p. 146)
The following example Python code runs a SELECT query against the Employee table in the MySQL RDS
instance that you created in the VPC. The code creates a table in the ExampleDB database, adds sample
records, and retrieves those records.
import sys
import logging
import rds_config
import pymysql
#rds settings
rds_host = "rds-instance-endpoint"
name = rds_config.db_username
password = rds_config.db_password
db_name = rds_config.db_name
logger = logging.getLogger()
conn = pymysql.connect(rds_host, user=name, passwd=password, db=db_name,
logger.error("ERROR: Unexpected error: Could not connect to MySql instance.")
item_count = 0
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
We recommend that pymysql.connect() is executed outside the handler, as shown, for
better performance.
2. Save the file as
3. Install the following library dependencies using pip:
• pymysql – The Lambda function code uses this library to access your MySQL instance (see
PyMySQL) .
4. Create a config file that contains the following information and save it as
5. Zip all of these files into a file named to create your deployment package. For step-by-step
instructions, see Creating a Deployment Package (Python) (p. 100).
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 145)
In this step, you create an execution role (IAM role) for your Lambda function using the following
predefined role type and access permissions policy:
• AWS Lambda (AWS service role) – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the role.
• AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole (access permissions policy) – This role grants AWS Lambda
permissions for EC2 actions to create ENIs and your Lambda function can access VPC resources and
CloudWatch Logs actions to write logs.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-vpc-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole. The permissions in this policy are
sufficient for the Lambda function in this tutorial.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC Support
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package) (p. 146)
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package)
In this step, you create the Lambda function (ReadMySqlTable) using the create-function AWS CLI
At the command prompt, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command using the
adminuser profile.
You need to update the following create-function command by providing the .zip file path and the
execution role ARN. The --runtime parameter value can be python2.7, nodejs, or java8, depending
on the language you used to author your code.
At this time, example code for the Lambda function is provided only in Python. You can use
either python3.6 or python2.7 for the --runtime parameter.
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
You can also create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console (use the parameter
values shown in the preceding CLI command).
Next Step
In this step, you invoke the Lambda function manually using the invoke command. When the Lambda
function executes, it runs the SELECT query against the Employee table in the RDS MySQL instance and
prints the results (these results also go to the CloudWatch Logs).
1. Invoke the Lambda function (ReadMySqlTable) using the AWS Lambda invoke command.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Execution Model
It takes time to set up an Execution Context and do the necessary bootstrapping, which adds some
latency each time the Lambda function is invoked. You typically see this latency when a Lambda
function is invoked for the first time or after it has been updated because AWS Lambda tries to reuse the
Execution Context for subsequent invocations of the Lambda function.
After a Lambda function is executed, AWS Lambda maintains the Execution Context for some time in
anticipation of another Lambda function invocation. In effect, the service freezes the Execution Context
after a Lambda function completes, and thaws the context for reuse, if AWS Lambda chooses to reuse
the context when the Lambda function is invoked again. This Execution Context reuse approach has the
following implications:
• Any declarations in your Lambda function code (outside the handler code, see Programming
Model (p. 18)) remains initialized, providing additional optimization when the function is
invoked again. For example, if your Lambda function establishes a database connection, instead of
reestablishing the connection, the original connection is used in subsequent invocations. We suggest
adding logic in your code to check if a connection exists before creating one.
• Each Execution Context provides 500MB of additional disk space in the /tmp directory. The directory
content remains when the Execution Context is frozen, providing transient cache that can be used for
multiple invocations. You can add extra code to check if the cache has the data that you stored. For
information on deployment limits, see AWS Lambda Limits (p. 395).
• Background processes or callbacks initiated by your Lambda function that did not complete when the
function ended resume if AWS Lambda chooses to reuse the Execution Context. You should make sure
any background processes or callbacks (in case of Node.js) in your code are complete before the code
When you write your Lambda function code, do not assume that AWS Lambda automatically
reuses the Execution Context for subsequent function invocations. Other factors may dictate a
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Execution Model
need for AWS Lambda to create a new Execution Context, which can lead to unexpected results,
such as database connection failures. As mentioned previously, add logic to your Lambda
function code to check for the existence of an Execution Context.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Example 1
• File processing – Suppose you have a photo sharing application. People use your application to upload
photos, and the application stores these user photos in an Amazon S3 bucket. Then, your application
creates a thumbnail version of each user's photos and displays them on the user's profile page. In this
scenario, you may choose to create a Lambda function that creates a thumbnail automatically. Amazon
S3 is one of the supported AWS event sources that can publish object-created events and invoke your
Lambda function. Your Lambda function code can read the photo object from the S3 bucket, create a
thumbnail version, and then save it in another S3 bucket.
• Data and analytics – Suppose you are building an analytics application and storing raw data in a
DynamoDB table. When you write, update, or delete items in a table, DynamoDB streams can publish
item update events to a stream associated with the table. In this case, the event data provides the
item key, event name (such as insert, update, and delete), and other relevant details. You can write a
Lambda function to generate custom metrics by aggregating raw data.
• Websites – Suppose you are creating a website and you want to host the backend logic on Lambda.
You can invoke your Lambda function over HTTP using Amazon API Gateway as the HTTP endpoint.
Now, your web client can invoke the API, and then API Gateway can route the request to Lambda.
• Mobile applications – Suppose you have a custom mobile application that produces events. You can
create a Lambda function to process events published by your custom application. For example, in
this scenario you can configure a Lambda function to process the clicks within your custom mobile
Each of these event sources uses a specific format for the event data. For more information, see Sample
Events Published by Event Sources (p. 165). When a Lambda function is invoked, it receives the event as
a parameter for the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda supports many AWS services as event sources. For more information, see Supported Event
Sources (p. 158). When you configure these event sources to trigger a Lambda function, the Lambda
function is invoked automatically when events occur. You define event source mapping, which is how you
identify what events to track and which Lambda function to invoke.
In addition to the supported AWS services, user applications can also generate events—you can build
your own custom event sources. Custom event sources invoke a Lambda function using the AWS Lambda
Invoke (p. 461) operation. User applications, such as client, mobile, or web applications, can publish
events and invoke Lambda functions on demand using the AWS SDKs or AWS Mobile SDKs, such as the
AWS Mobile SDK for Android.
The following are introductory examples of event sources and how the end-to-end experience works.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Example 2
Amazon S3 to invoke a Lambda function when a specific type of event occurs, as shown in the following
• The event source mapping is maintained within the event source service, Amazon S3 in this scenario.
This is true for all supported AWS event sources except the stream-based sources (Kinesis and
DynamoDB streams). The next example explains stream-based event sources.
• The event source (Amazon S3) invokes the Lambda function (referred to as the push model). Again, this
is true for all supported AWS services except the stream-based event sources.
• In order for the event source (Amazon S3) to invoke your Lambda function, you must grant
permissions using the permissions policy attached to the Lambda function.
The following diagram shows how a custom application writes records to an Kinesis stream.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Invocation Types
Invocation Types
AWS Lambda supports synchronous and asynchronous invocation of a Lambda function. You can control
the invocation type only when you invoke a Lambda function (referred to as on-demand invocation). The
following examples illustrate on-demand invocations:
• You manually invoke a Lambda function (for example, using the AWS CLI) for testing purposes.
In both cases, you invoke your Lambda function using the Invoke (p. 461) operation, and you can
specify the invocation type as synchronous or asynchronous.
However, when you are using AWS services as event sources, the invocation type is predetermined for
each of these services. You don't have any control over the invocation type that these event sources use
when they invoke your Lambda function. For example, Amazon S3 always invokes a Lambda function
asynchronously and Amazon Cognito always invokes a Lambda function synchronously. For stream-based
AWS services (Amazon Kinesis Streams and Amazon DynamoDB Streams), AWS Lambda polls the stream
and invokes your Lambda function synchronously.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Event Source Mapping
Each event source mapping identifies the type of events to publish and the Lambda function to invoke
when events occur. The specific Lambda function then receives the event information as a parameter,
your Lambda function code can then process the event.
Note the following about the event sources. These event sources can be any of the following:
• AWS services – These are the supported AWS services that can be preconfigured to work with AWS
Lambda. You can group these services as regular AWS services or stream-based services. Amazon
Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon DynamoDB Streams are stream-based event sources, all others AWS
services do not use stream-based event sources. Where you maintain the event source mapping and
how the Lambda function is invoked depends on whether or not you're using a stream-based event
• Custom applications – You can have your custom applications publish events and invoke a Lambda
You may be wondering—where do I keep the event mapping information? Do I keep it within the event
source or within AWS Lambda? The following sections explain event source mapping for each of these
event source categories. These sections also explain how the Lambda function is invoked and how you
manage permissions to allow invocation of your Lambda function.
• Event Source Mapping for AWS Services (p. 152)
• Event Source Mapping for AWS Stream-Based Services (p. 153)
• Event Source Mapping for Custom Applications (p. 154)
• Event source mappings are maintained within the event source. Relevant API support in the event
sources enables you to create and manage event source mappings. For example, Amazon S3 provides
the bucket notification configuration API. Using this API, you can configure an event source mapping
that identifies the bucket events to publish and the Lambda function to invoke.
• Because the event sources invoke your Lambda function, you need to grant the event source the
necessary permissions using a resource-based policy (referred to as the Lambda function policy). For
more information, see AWS Lambda Permissions Model (p. 362).
Suppose that you want your AWS Lambda function invoked for each object created bucket event. You add
the necessary event source mapping in the bucket notification configuration.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Event Source Mapping
• The event source mappings are maintained within the AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda provides
the relevant APIs to create and manage event source mappings. For more information, see
CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418).
• AWS Lambda needs your permission to poll the stream and read records. You grant these permissions
via the execution role, using the permissions policy associated with role that you specify when you
create your Lambda function. AWS Lambda does not need any permissions to invoke your Lambda
Example – AWS Lambda Pulls Events from an Kinesis Stream and Invokes a Lambda Function
The following diagram shows a custom application that writes records to an Kinesis stream and how
AWS Lambda polls the stream. When AWS Lambda detects a new record on the stream, it invokes your
Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Event Source Mapping
Suppose you have a custom application that writes records to an Kinesis stream. You want to invoke a
Lambda function when new records are detected on the stream. You create a Lambda function and the
necessary event source mapping in AWS Lambda.
The example uses an Kinesis stream but the same applies when working with a DynamoDB stream.
The following diagram shows how a custom application in your account can invoke a Lambda function. In
this example, the custom application is using the same account credentials as the account that owns the
Lambda function, and, therefore, does not require additional permissions to invoke the function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Understanding Retry Behavior
In the following example, the user application and Lambda function are owned by different AWS
accounts. In this case, the AWS account that owns the Lambda function must have cross-account
permissions in the permissions policy associated with the Lambda function. For more information, see
AWS Lambda Permissions Model (p. 362).
• The function fails to successfully parse input data.
• The function experiences resource constraints, such as out-of-memory errors or other timeouts.
If any of these failures occur, your function will throw an exception. How the exception is handled
depends upon how the Lambda function was invoked:
• Event sources that aren't stream-based – Some of these event sources are set up to invoke a Lambda
function synchronously and others invoke it asynchronously. Accordingly, exceptions are handled as
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Understanding Scaling Behavior
• Synchronous invocation – The invoking application receives a 429 error and is responsible for
retries. For a list of supported event sources and the invocation types they use, see Supported Event
Sources. These event sources may have additional retries built into the integration.
If you invoked the Lambda function directly through AWS SDKs, your client receives the error and
can choose to retry.
• Asynchronous invocation – Asynchronous events are queued before being used to invoke the
Lambda function. If AWS Lambda is unable to fully process the event, it will automatically retry the
invocation twice, with delays between retries. If you have specified a Dead Letter Queue for your
function, then the failed event is sent to the specified Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic. If
you don't specify a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ), which is not required and is the default setting, then
the event will be discarded. For more information, see Dead Letter Queues (p. 386).
• Stream-based event sources – For stream-based event sources (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and
DynamoDB streams), AWS Lambda polls your stream and invokes your Lambda function. Therefore, if a
Lambda function fails, AWS Lambda attempts to process the erring batch of records until the time the
data expires, which can be up to seven days for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. The exception is treated
as blocking, and AWS Lambda will not read any new records from the stream until the failed batch of
records either expires or processed successfully. This ensures that AWS Lambda processes the stream
events in order.
For more information about invocation modes, see Event Source Mapping (p. 152).
• Stream-based event sources for Lambda functions that process Kinesis or DynamoDB streams the
number of shards is the unit of concurrency. If your stream has 100 active shards, there will be at most
100 Lambda function invocations running concurrently. This is because Lambda processes each shard’s
events in sequence.
• Event sources that aren't stream-based – If you create a Lambda function to process events from
event sources that aren't stream-based (for example, Lambda can process every event from other
sources, like Amazon S3 or API Gateway), each published event is a unit of work, in parallel, up
to your account limits. Therefore, the number of events (or requests) these event sources publish
influences the concurrency. You can use the this formula to estimate your concurrent Lambda function
For example, consider a Lambda function that processes Amazon S3 events. Suppose that the Lambda
function takes on average three seconds and Amazon S3 publishes 10 events per second. Then, you
will have 30 concurrent executions of your Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Concurrent Execution Request Rate
Request Rate
Request rate refers to the rate at which your Lambda function is invoked. For all services except the
stream-based services, the request rate is the rate at which the event sources generate the events. For
stream-based services, AWS Lambda calculates the request rate as follow:
For example, if there are five active shards on a stream (that is, you have five Lambda functions running
in parallel) and your Lambda function takes about two seconds, the request rate is 2.5 requests/second.
AWS Lambda will dynamically scale capacity in response to increased traffic, subject to your account's
Account Level Concurrent Execution Limit (p. 374). To handle any burst in traffic, Lambda will
immediately increase your concurrently executing functions by a predetermined amount, dependent on
which region it's executed (see table below).
If the default Immediate Concurrency Increase value, as noted in the table below, is not sufficient to
accommodate the traffic surge, Lambda will continue to increase the number of concurrent function
executions by 500 per minute until your account safety limit has been reached or the number of
concurrently executing functions is sufficient to successfully process the increased load.
Because Lambda depends on Amazon EC2 to provide Elastic Network Interfaces for VPC-
enabled Lambda functions, these functions are also subject to Amazon EC2's rate limits as
they scale. If your Amazon EC2 rate limits prevent VPC-enabled functions from adding 500
concurrent invocations per minute, please request a limit increase by following the instructions
in the preceding section under To request a limit increase for concurrent executions.
Beyond this rate (i.e. for applications taking advantage of the full Immediate concurrency
increase), your application should handle Amazon EC2 throttling (502 EC2ThrottledException)
through client-side retry and backoff. For more details, see Error Retries and Exponential Backoff
in AWS.
The table below outlines the immediate concurrency increase per region:
EU (Frankfurt) 1000
EU (London) 500
EU (Ireland) 3000
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Supported Event Sources
To learn how to view and manage the concurrent executions for your function, see Managing
Concurrency (p. 374)
For all of the event sources listed in this topic, note the following:
• Event sources maintain the event source mapping, except for the stream-based services (Amazon
Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon DynamoDB Streams). For the stream-based services, AWS Lambda
maintains the event source mapping. AWS Lambda provides the CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418)
operation for you to create and manage the event source mapping. For more information, see Event
Source Mapping (p. 152).
• The invocation type that these event sources use when invoking a Lambda function is also
preconfigured. For example, Amazon S3 always invokes a Lambda function asynchronously and
Amazon Cognito invokes a Lambda function synchronously. The only time you can control the
invocation type is when you are invoking the Lambda function yourself using the Invoke (p. 461)
operation (for example, invoking a Lambda function on demand from your custom application).
• In order to process AWS events, your Lambda functions may need to include additional libraries,
depending on the programming language used to create the function. Functions written in Node.js or
Python do not require any additional libraries. For C#, you need to include AWS Lambda for .NET Core.
For Java, you need to include aws-lambda-java-libs.
Each of the included packages should be used without modification. Removing dependencies,
adding conflicting dependencies, or selectively including classes from the packages can result
in unexpected behavior.
You can also invoke a Lambda function on demand. For details, see Other Event Sources: Invoking a
Lambda Function On Demand (p. 165).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon S3
For examples of events that are published by these event sources, see Sample Events Published by Event
Sources (p. 165).
• Amazon S3 (p. 159)
• Amazon DynamoDB (p. 159)
• Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (p. 160)
• Amazon Simple Notification Service (p. 160)
• Amazon Simple Email Service (p. 160)
• Amazon Cognito (p. 161)
• AWS CloudFormation (p. 161)
• Amazon CloudWatch Logs (p. 161)
• Amazon CloudWatch Events (p. 162)
• AWS CodeCommit (p. 162)
• Scheduled Events (powered by Amazon CloudWatch Events) (p. 162)
• AWS Config (p. 163)
• Amazon Alexa (p. 163)
• Amazon Lex (p. 163)
• Amazon API Gateway (p. 164)
• AWS IoT Button (p. 164)
• Amazon CloudFront (p. 164)
• Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (p. 165)
• Other Event Sources: Invoking a Lambda Function On Demand (p. 165)
• Sample Events Published by Event Sources (p. 165)
Amazon S3
You can write Lambda functions to process S3 bucket events, such as the object-created or object-
deleted events. For example, when a user uploads a photo to a bucket, you might want Amazon S3 to
invoke your Lambda function so that it reads the image and creates a thumbnail for the photo.
You can use the bucket notification configuration feature in Amazon S3 to configure the event source
mapping, identifying the bucket events that you want Amazon S3 to publish and which Lambda function
to invoke.
For an example Amazon S3 event, see Event Message Structure, Amazon S3 Put Sample Event (p. 170),
and Amazon S3 Delete Sample Event (p. 171). For an example use case, see Using AWS Lambda with
Amazon S3 (p. 176).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon S3 invokes your
Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see Understanding
Retry Behavior (p. 155).
Amazon DynamoDB
You can use Lambda functions as triggers for your Amazon DynamoDB table. Triggers are custom actions
you take in response to updates made to the DynamoDB table. To create a trigger, first you enable
Amazon DynamoDB Streams for your table. AWS Lambda polls the stream and your Lambda function
processes any updates published to the stream.
This is a stream-based event source. For stream-based service, you create event source mapping in AWS
Lambda, identifying the stream to poll and which Lambda function to invoke.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
For an example DynamoDB event, see Step 2.3.2: Test the Lambda Function (Invoke Manually) (p. 211)
and Amazon DynamoDB Update Sample Event (p. 168). For general format, see GetRecord in the
Amazon DynamoDB API Reference. For an example use case, see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon
DynamoDB (p. 204).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. DynamoDB is a stream-
based event source. For more information on how errors are retried, see Understanding Retry
Behavior (p. 155).
For stream-based service, you create event source mapping in AWS Lambda, identifying the stream to
poll and which Lambda function to invoke.
For an example event, see Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 199) and
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Sample Event (p. 170). For an example use case, see Using AWS Lambda
with Kinesis (p. 193).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon Kinesis Data
Streams is a stream-based event source. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
This also enables you to trigger a Lambda function in response to Amazon CloudWatch alarms and other
AWS services that use Amazon SNS.
You configure the event source mapping in Amazon SNS via topic subscription configuration. For more
information, see Invoking Lambda functions using Amazon SNS notifications in the Amazon Simple
Notification Service Developer Guide.
For an example event, see Appendix: Message and JSON Formats and Amazon SNS Sample
Event (p. 167). For an example use case, see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon SNS from Different
Accounts (p. 230).
When a user calls the SNS Publish API on a topic that your Lambda function is subscribed to, Amazon
SNS will call Lambda to invoke your function asynchronously. Lambda will then return a delivery status.
If there was an error calling Lambda, Amazon SNS will retry invoking the Lambda function up to three
times. After three tries, if Amazon SNS still could not successfully invoke the Lambda function, then
Amazon SNS will send a delivery status failure message to CloudWatch.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon SNS invokes your
Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see Understanding
Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon Cognito
Amazon SES, see Amazon Simple Email Service. When you use Amazon SES to receive messages, you
can configure Amazon SES to call your Lambda function when messages arrive. The service can then
invoke your Lambda function by passing in the incoming email event, which in reality is an Amazon SES
message in an Amazon SNS event, as a parameter. For example scenarios, see Considering Your Use Case
for Amazon SES Email Receiving.
You configure event source mapping using the rule configuration in Amazon SES. The following topics
provide additional information in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide:
• For sample events, see Lambda Action and Amazon SES Email Receiving Sample Event (p. 166).
• For Lambda function examples, see Lambda Function Examples.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon SES invokes your
Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see Understanding
Retry Behavior (p. 155).
Amazon Cognito
The Amazon Cognito Events feature enables you to run Lambda function in response to events in
Amazon Cognito. For example, you can invoke a Lambda function for the Sync Trigger events, that
is published each time a dataset is synchronized. To learn more and walk through an example, see
Introducing Amazon Cognito Events: Sync Triggers in the Mobile Development blog.
You configure event source mapping using Amazon Cognito event subscription configuration. For
information about event source mapping and a sample event, see Amazon Cognito Events in the
Amazon Cognito Developer Guide. For another example event, see Amazon Cognito Sync Trigger Sample
Event (p. 169)
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon Cognito is
configured to invoke a Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried,
see Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS CloudFormation
As part of deploying AWS CloudFormation stacks, you can specify a Lambda function as a custom
resource to execute any custom commands. Associating a Lambda function with a custom
resource enables you to invoke your Lambda function whenever you create, update, or delete AWS
CloudFormation stacks.
You configure event source mapping in AWS CloudFormation using stack definition. For more
information, see AWS Lambda-backed Custom Resources in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
For an example event, see AWS CloudFormation Create Request Sample Event (p. 166). Note that this
event is actually a AWS CloudFormation message in an Amazon SNS event.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. AWS CloudFormation
invokes your Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon CloudWatch Events
analysis, or loading to other systems. For more information about CloudWatch Logs, see Monitoring Log
You maintain event source mapping in Amazon CloudWatch Logs using the log subscription
configuration. For more information, see Real-time Processing of Log Data with Subscriptions (Example
2: AWS Lambda) in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
For an example event, see Amazon CloudWatch Logs Sample Event (p. 167).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon CloudWatch
Logs invokes your Lambda function asynchronously (invoking a Lambda function does not block write
operation into the logs). For more information on how errors are retried, see Understanding Retry
Behavior (p. 155).
You maintain event source mapping in Amazon CloudWatch Events by using a rule target definition. For
more information, see the PutTargets operation in the Amazon CloudWatch Events API Reference.
For sample events, see Supported Event Types in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon CloudWatch Events
invokes your Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS CodeCommit
You can create a trigger for an AWS CodeCommit repository so that events in the repository will invoke
a Lambda function. For example, you can invoke a Lambda function when a branch or tag is created
or when a push is made to an existing branch. For more information, see Manage Triggers for an AWS
CodeCommit Repository.
You maintain the event source mapping in AWS CodeCommit by using a repository trigger. For more
information, see the PutRepositoryTriggers operation.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. AWS CodeCommit
invokes your Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
You maintain event source mapping in Amazon CloudWatch Events by using a rule target definition. For
more information, see the PutTargets operation in the Amazon CloudWatch Events API Reference.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Config
For an example use case, see Using AWS Lambda with Scheduled Events (p. 265).
For an example event, see Scheduled Event Sample Event (p. 167).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon CloudWatch Events
is configured to invoke a Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are
retried, see Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS Config
You can use AWS Lambda functions to evaluate whether your AWS resource configurations comply
with your custom Config rules. As resources are created, deleted, or changed, AWS Config records these
changes and sends the information to your Lambda functions. Your Lambda functions then evaluate
the changes and report results to AWS Config. You can then use AWS Config to assess overall resource
compliance: you can learn which resources are noncompliant and which configuration attributes are the
cause of noncompliance.
You maintain event source mapping in AWS Config by using a rule target definition. For more
information, see the PutConfigRule operation in the AWS Config API reference.
For more information, see Evaluating Resources With AWS Config Rules. For an example of setting a
custom rule, see Developing a Custom Rule for AWS Config. For example Lambda functions, see Example
AWS Lambda Functions for AWS Config Rules (Node.js).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. AWS Config is configured
to invoke a Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
Amazon Alexa
You can use Lambda functions to build services that give new skills to Alexa, the Voice assistant on
Amazon Echo. The Alexa Skills Kit provides the APIs, tools, and documentation to create these new skills,
powered by your own services running as Lambda functions. Amazon Echo users can access these new
skills by asking Alexa questions or making requests. For more information, see:
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon Echo is configured
to invoke a Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
Amazon Lex
Amazon Lex is an AWS service for building conversational interfaces into applications using voice and
text. Amazon Lex provides pre-build integration with AWS Lambda, allowing you to create Lambda
functions for use as code hook with your Amazon Lex bot. In your intent configuration, you can identify
your Lambda function to perform initialization/validation, fulfillment, or both.
For more information, see Using Lambda Functions. For an example use case, see Exercise 1: Create
Amazon Lex Bot Using a Blueprint.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon Lex is configured
to invoke a Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon API Gateway
For more information, see Make Synchronous Calls to Lambda Functions. For an example use case, see
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS) (p. 236).
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Amazon API Gateway is
configured to invoke a Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried,
see Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
In addition, you can also use Lambda functions with other AWS services that publish data to one of the
supported AWS event sources listed in this topic. For example, you can:
• Trigger Lambda functions in response to CloudTrail updates because it records all API access events to
an Amazon S3 bucket.
• Trigger Lambda functions in response to CloudWatch alarms because it publishes alarm events to an
Amazon SNS topic.
You can code the button's logic in the cloud to configure button clicks to count or track items, call or
alert someone, start or stop something, order services, or even provide feedback. For example, you can
click the button to unlock or start a car, open your garage door, call a cab, call your spouse or a customer
service representative, track the use of common household chores, medications or products, or remotely
control your home appliances.
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. AWS IoT is configured
to invoke a Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
Amazon CloudFront
Lambda@Edge lets you run Lambda functions at AWS Regions and Amazon CloudFront edge locations in
response to CloudFront events, without provisioning or managing servers. You can use Lambda functions
to change CloudFront requests and responses at the following points:
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. CloudFront is configured
to invoke a Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried, see
Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
Error handling for a given event source depends on how Lambda is invoked. Kinesis Data Firehose is
configured to invoke a Lambda function synchronously. For more information on how errors are retried,
see Understanding Retry Behavior (p. 155).
For example, user applications can also generate events (build your own custom event sources). User
applications such as client, mobile, or web applications can publish events and invoke Lambda functions
using the AWS SDKs or AWS Mobile SDKs such as the AWS Mobile SDK for Android.
For more information, see Tools for Amazon Web Services. For an example tutorial, see Using AWS
Lambda with Amazon API Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS) (p. 236).
Sample Events
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"Records": [
"EventVersion": "1.0",
"EventSource": "aws:sns",
"EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-
"MessageId": "69762821-22a2-5b4f-89c1-79c9678a6323",
"Signature": "KZAVoA90WiCiiN3KOUtXymUc3nXO3Pztj1YDwcVbHj
"Type": "Notification",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789000:ses_messages",
"MessageAttributes": {},
"SignatureVersion": "1",
"Timestamp": "2017-07-18T17:18:32.240Z",
"SigningCertUrl": "
"Message": "StackId=\'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789000:stack/
\'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS\'\nResourceStatusReason=\'User Initiated\'\nResourceType=
"UnsubscribeUrl": "
"Subject": "AWS CloudFormation Notification"
"Records": [
"EventVersion": "1.0",
"EventSource": "aws:sns",
"EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-
"MessageId": "483eae4c-4fb0-57e5-a5f9-ff9b08612bef",
"Signature": "Uy3tn/qAQg/sXARGk2DRddd31ZtyDE+B1IzRla/KA75BaerApJqN+H59q69z8H
"Type": "Notification",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789000:ses_messages",
"MessageAttributes": {},
"SignatureVersion": "1",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"Timestamp": "2017-07-05T20:01:21.366Z",
"SigningCertUrl": "
\":\"2017-07-05T20:01:20.773Z\",\"source\":\"[email protected]\",\"sourceArn
\":\"arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:123456789000:identity/[email protected]\",\"sourceIp
[\"[email protected]\"]},\"delivery\":{\"timestamp\":\"2017-07-05T20:01:21.302Z\",
\"processingTimeMillis\":529,\"recipients\":[\"[email protected]\"],\"smtpResponse\":
\"250 ok: Message 122614849 accepted\",\"remoteMtaIp\":\"\",\"reportingMTA
"UnsubscribeUrl": "
"Subject": null
"account": "123456789012",
"region": "us-east-1",
"detail": {},
"detail-type": "Scheduled Event",
"source": "",
"time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"id": "cdc73f9d-aea9-11e3-9d5a-835b769c0d9c",
"resources": [
"awslogs": {
"Records": [
"EventVersion": "1.0",
"EventSubscriptionArn": eventsubscriptionarn,
"EventSource": "aws:sns",
"Sns": {
"SignatureVersion": "1",
"Timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"Signature": "EXAMPLE",
"SigningCertUrl": "EXAMPLE",
"MessageId": "95df01b4-ee98-5cb9-9903-4c221d41eb5e",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"Records": [
"eventID": "1",
"eventVersion": "1.0",
"dynamodb": {
"Keys": {
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"NewImage": {
"Message": {
"S": "New item!"
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES",
"SequenceNumber": "111",
"SizeBytes": 26
"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"eventName": "INSERT",
"eventSourceARN": eventsourcearn,
"eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"
"eventID": "2",
"eventVersion": "1.0",
"dynamodb": {
"OldImage": {
"Message": {
"S": "New item!"
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"SequenceNumber": "222",
"Keys": {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"SizeBytes": 59,
"NewImage": {
"Message": {
"S": "This item has changed"
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"
"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"eventName": "MODIFY",
"eventSourceARN": sourcearn,
"eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"
"eventID": "3",
"eventVersion": "1.0",
"dynamodb": {
"Keys": {
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"SizeBytes": 38,
"SequenceNumber": "333",
"OldImage": {
"Message": {
"S": "This item has changed"
"Id": {
"N": "101"
"StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"
"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"eventName": "REMOVE",
"eventSourceARN": sourcearn,
"eventSource": "aws:dynamodb"
"datasetName": "datasetName",
"eventType": "SyncTrigger",
"region": "us-east-1",
"identityId": "identityId",
"datasetRecords": {
"SampleKey2": {
"newValue": "newValue2",
"oldValue": "oldValue2",
"op": "replace"
"SampleKey1": {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"newValue": "newValue1",
"oldValue": "oldValue1",
"op": "replace"
"identityPoolId": "identityPoolId",
"version": 2
"Records": [
"eventVersion": "1.0",
"kinesis": {
"partitionKey": "partitionKey-3",
"data": "SGVsbG8sIHRoaXMgaXMgYSB0ZXN0IDEyMy4=",
"kinesisSchemaVersion": "1.0",
"sequenceNumber": "49545115243490985018280067714973144582180062593244200961"
"invokeIdentityArn": identityarn,
"eventName": "aws:kinesis:record",
"eventSourceARN": eventsourcearn,
"eventSource": "aws:kinesis",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1"
"Records": [
"eventVersion": "2.0",
"eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestParameters": {
"sourceIPAddress": ""
"s3": {
"configurationId": "testConfigRule",
"object": {
"eTag": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"sequencer": "0A1B2C3D4E5F678901",
"key": "HappyFace.jpg",
"size": 1024
"bucket": {
"arn": bucketarn,
"name": "sourcebucket",
"ownerIdentity": {
"principalId": "EXAMPLE"
"s3SchemaVersion": "1.0"
"responseElements": {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"x-amz-id-2": "EXAMPLE123/5678abcdefghijklambdaisawesome/
"x-amz-request-id": "EXAMPLE123456789"
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"eventName": "ObjectCreated:Put",
"userIdentity": {
"principalId": "EXAMPLE"
"eventSource": "aws:s3"
"Records": [
"eventVersion": "2.0",
"eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestParameters": {
"sourceIPAddress": ""
"s3": {
"configurationId": "testConfigRule",
"object": {
"sequencer": "0A1B2C3D4E5F678901",
"key": "HappyFace.jpg"
"bucket": {
"arn": bucketarn,
"name": "sourcebucket",
"ownerIdentity": {
"principalId": "EXAMPLE"
"s3SchemaVersion": "1.0"
"responseElements": {
"x-amz-id-2": "EXAMPLE123/5678abcdefghijklambdaisawesome/
"x-amz-request-id": "EXAMPLE123456789"
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"eventName": "ObjectRemoved:Delete",
"userIdentity": {
"principalId": "EXAMPLE"
"eventSource": "aws:s3"
"messageVersion": "1.0",
"invocationSource": "FulfillmentCodeHook or DialogCodeHook",
"userId": "user-id specified in the POST request to Amazon Lex.",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"sessionAttributes": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"bot": {
"name": "bot-name",
"alias": "bot-alias",
"version": "bot-version"
"outputDialogMode": "Text or Voice, based on ContentType request header in runtime
API request",
"currentIntent": {
"name": "intent-name",
"slots": {
"slot-name": "value",
"slot-name": "value",
"slot-name": "value"
"confirmationStatus": "None, Confirmed, or Denied
(intent confirmation, if configured)"
"path": "/test/hello",
"headers": {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, lzma, sdch, br",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8",
"CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
"CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": "true",
"CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Viewer-Country": "US",
"Host": "",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.82 Safari/537.36 OPR/39.0.2256.48",
"Via": "1.1 (CloudFront)",
"X-Amz-Cf-Id": "nBsWBOrSHMgnaROZJK1wGCZ9PcRcSpq_oSXZNQwQ10OTZL4cimZo3g==",
"X-Forwarded-For": ",",
"X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"
"pathParameters": {
"proxy": "hello"
"requestContext": {
"accountId": "123456789012",
"resourceId": "us4z18",
"stage": "test",
"requestId": "41b45ea3-70b5-11e6-b7bd-69b5aaebc7d9",
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityPoolId": "",
"accountId": "",
"cognitoIdentityId": "",
"caller": "",
"apiKey": "",
"sourceIp": "",
"cognitoAuthenticationType": "",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"cognitoAuthenticationProvider": "",
"userArn": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.82 Safari/537.36 OPR/39.0.2256.48",
"user": ""
"resourcePath": "/{proxy+}",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"apiId": "wt6mne2s9k"
"resource": "/{proxy+}",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"queryStringParameters": {
"name": "me"
"stageVariables": {
"stageVarName": "stageVarValue"
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, lzma, sdch, br",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8",
"CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
"CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": "true",
"CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Viewer-Country": "US",
"Host": "",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.82 Safari/537.36 OPR/39.0.2256.48",
"Via": "1.1 (CloudFront)",
"X-Amz-Cf-Id": "nBsWBOrSHMgnaROZJK1wGCZ9PcRcSpq_oSXZNQwQ10OTZL4cimZo3g==",
"X-Forwarded-For": ",",
"X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"
"body": "Hello World"
CloudFront Event
"Records": [
"cf": {
"config": {
"distributionId": "EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE"
"request": {
"clientIp": "2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:0370:7334",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/picture.jpg",
"headers": {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"host": [
"key": "Host",
"value": ""
"user-agent": [
"key": "User-Agent",
"value": "curl/7.51.0"
"invokingEvent": "{\"configurationItem\":{\"configurationItemCaptureTime
attached to ElasticIp\"}],\"configuration\":{\"foo\":\"bar\"}},\"messageType\":
"ruleParameters": "{\"myParameterKey\":\"myParameterValue\"}",
"resultToken": "myResultToken",
"eventLeftScope": false,
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/config-role",
"configRuleArn": "arn:aws:config:us-east-1:012345678912:config-rule/config-
"configRuleName": "change-triggered-config-rule",
"configRuleId": "config-rule-0123456",
"accountId": "012345678912",
"version": "1.0"
"serialNumber": "ABCDEFG12345",
"clickType": "SINGLE",
"batteryVoltage": "2000 mV"
"invocationId": "invoked123",
"deliveryStreamArn": "aws:lambda:events",
"region": "us-west-2",
"records": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sample Event Data
"data": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=",
"recordId": "record1",
"approximateArrivalTimestamp": 1510772160000,
"kinesisRecordMetadata": {
"shardId": "shardId-000000000000",
"partitionKey": "4d1ad2b9-24f8-4b9d-a088-76e9947c317a",
"approximateArrivalTimestamp": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"sequenceNumber": "49546986683135544286507457936321625675700192471156785154",
"subsequenceNumber": ""
"data": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=",
"recordId": "record2",
"approximateArrivalTimestamp": 151077216000,
"kinesisRecordMetadata": {
"shardId": "shardId-000000000001",
"partitionKey": "4d1ad2b9-24f8-4b9d-a088-76e9947c318a",
"approximateArrivalTimestamp": "2012-04-23T19:25:43.511Z",
"sequenceNumber": "49546986683135544286507457936321625675700192471156785155",
"subsequenceNumber": ""
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon S3
• Using AWS Lambda with AWS services as event sources – Event sources publish events that cause the
Lambda function to be invoked. These can be AWS services such as Amazon S3. For more information
and tutorials, see the following topics:
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon SNS from Different Accounts (p. 230)
• On-demand Lambda function invocation over HTTPS (Amazon API Gateway) – In addition to
invoking Lambda functions using event sources, you can also invoke your Lambda function over
HTTPS. You can do this by defining a custom REST API and endpoint using API Gateway. For more
information and a tutorial, see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API Gateway (On-Demand Over
HTTPS) (p. 236).
• On-demand Lambda function invocation (build your own event sources using custom apps) –
User applications such as client, mobile, or web applications can publish events and invoke Lambda
functions using the AWS SDKs or AWS Mobile SDKs, such as the AWS Mobile SDK for Android. For more
information and a tutorial, see Getting Started (p. 3) and Using AWS Lambda as Mobile Application
Backend (Custom Event Source: Android) (p. 252)
• Scheduled events – You can also set up AWS Lambda to invoke your code on a regular, scheduled
basis using the AWS Lambda console. You can specify a fixed rate (number of hours, days, or weeks)
or you can specify a cron expression. For more information and a tutorial, see Using AWS Lambda with
Scheduled Events (p. 265).
In addition, you also a Lambda State Machine. For more information, see Using a State Machine.
Note the following about how the Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda integration works:
• Non-stream based (async) model – This is a model (see Event Source Mapping (p. 152)), where
Amazon S3 monitors a bucket and invokes the Lambda function by passing the event data as a
parameter. In a push model, you maintain event source mapping within Amazon S3 using the bucket
notification configuration. In the configuration, you specify the event types that you want Amazon S3
to monitor and which AWS Lambda function you want Amazon S3 to invoke. For more information,
see Configuring Amazon S3 Event Notifications in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• Asynchronous invocation – AWS Lambda invokes a Lambda function using the Event invocation type
(asynchronous invocation). For more information about invocation types, see Invocation Types (p. 151).
• Event structure – The event your Lambda function receives is for a single object and it provides
information, such as the bucket name and object key name.
Note that there are two types of permissions policies that you work with when you set up the end-to-end
• Permissions for your Lambda function – Regardless of what invokes a Lambda function, AWS Lambda
executes the function by assuming the IAM role (execution role) that you specify at the time you
create the Lambda function. Using the permissions policy associated with this role, you grant your
Lambda function the permissions that it needs. For example, if your Lambda function needs to read an
object, you grant permissions for the relevant Amazon S3 actions in the permissions policy. For more
information, see Manage Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362).
• Permissions for Amazon S3 to invoke your Lambda function – Amazon S3 cannot invoke your
Lambda function without your permission. You grant this permission via the permissions policy
associated with the Lambda function.
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Amazon
S3 (p. 177).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You must use two buckets. If you use the same bucket as the source and the target, each
thumbnail uploaded to the source bucket triggers another object-created event, which then
invokes the Lambda function again, creating an unwanted recursion.
Implementation Summary
The following diagram illustrates the application flow:
Note that upon completing this tutorial, you will have the following Amazon S3, Lambda, and IAM
resources in your account:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
In Lambda:
• A Lambda function.
• An access permissions policy associated with your Lambda function – You grant Amazon S3
permissions to invoke the Lambda function using this permissions policy. You will also restrict the
permissions so that Amazon S3 can invoke the Lambda function only for object-created events from a
specific bucket that is owned by a specific AWS account.
It is possible for an AWS account to delete a bucket and some other AWS account to later
create a bucket with the same name. The additional conditions ensure that Amazon S3 can
invoke the Lambda function only if Amazon S3 detects object-created events from a specific
bucket owned by a specific AWS account.
• Administrator user – Called adminuser. Using root credentials of an AWS account is not recommended.
Instead, use the adminuser credentials to perform the steps in this tutorial.
• An IAM role (execution role) – You grant permissions that your Lambda function needs through the
permissions policy associated with this role.
In Amazon S3:
• Two buckets named source and sourceresized. Note that source is a placeholder name and you
need to replace it with your actual bucket name. For example, if you have a bucket named example as
your source, you will create exampleresized as the target bucket.
• Notification configuration on the source bucket – You add notification configuration on your source
bucket identifying the type of events (object-created events) you want Amazon S3 to publish to AWS
Lambda and the Lambda function to invoke. For more information about the Amazon S3 notification
feature, see Setting Up Notification of Bucket Events in Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Now you are ready to start the tutorial. Note that after the initial preparation, the tutorial is divided into
two main sections:
• First, you complete the necessary setup steps to create a Lambda function and invoke it manually
using Amazon S3 sample event data. This intermediate testing verifies that the function works.
• Second, you add notification configuration to your source bucket so that Amazon S3 can invoke your
Lambda function when it detects object-created events.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 180)
Step 1: Prepare
In this section, you do the following:
Step 1.1: Sign Up for AWS and Set Up the AWS CLI
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account (called adminuser).
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
1. Using the IAM User Sign-In URL, sign in to the Amazon S3 console as adminuser.
2. Create two buckets. The target bucket name must be source followed by resized, where
source is the name of the bucket you want to use for the source. For example, mybucket and
For instructions, see Create a Bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Getting Started Guide.
3. In the source bucket, upload a .jpg object, HappyFace.jpg.
When you invoke the Lambda function manually before you connect to Amazon S3, you pass sample
event data to the function that specifies the source bucket and HappyFace.jpg as the newly created
object so you need to create this sample object first.
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 181)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided.
To see more examples of using other AWS services within your function, including calling
other Lambda functions, see AWS SDK for JavaScript
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package, and then test it by invoking it
manually using sample Amazon S3 event data.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 181)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 188)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 188)
The deployment package is a .zip file containing your Lambda function code and dependencies.
The AWS Lambda runtime already has the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js, so you only need to
install the other libraries. Open a command prompt, navigate to the examplefolder, and install
the libraries using the npm command, which is part of Node.js.
// dependencies
var async = require('async');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var gm = require('gm')
.subClass({ imageMagick: true }); // Enable ImageMagick integration.
var util = require('util');
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
// constants
var MAX_WIDTH = 100;
var MAX_HEIGHT = 100;
// Sanity check: validate that source and destination are different buckets.
if (srcBucket == dstBucket) {
callback("Source and destination buckets are the same.");
// Download the image from S3, transform, and upload to a different S3 bucket.
function download(next) {
// Download the image from S3 into a buffer.
Bucket: srcBucket,
Key: srcKey
function transform(response, next) {
gm(response.Body).size(function(err, size) {
// Infer the scaling factor to avoid stretching the image unnaturally.
var scalingFactor = Math.min(
MAX_WIDTH / size.width,
MAX_HEIGHT / size.height
var width = scalingFactor * size.width;
var height = scalingFactor * size.height;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
callback(null, "message");
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
5. Review the preceding code and note the following:
• The function knows the source bucket name and the key name of the object from the event data
it receives as parameters. If the object is a .jpg, the code creates a thumbnail and saves it to the
target bucket.
• The code assumes that the destination bucket exists and its name is a concatenation of the source
bucket name followed by the string resized. For example, if the source bucket identified in
the event data is examplebucket, the code assumes you have an examplebucketresized
destination bucket.
• For the thumbnail it creates, the code derives its key name as the concatenation of the string
resized- followed by the source object key name. For example, if the source object key is
sample.jpg, the code creates a thumbnail object that has the key resized-sample.jpg.
6. Save the file as CreateThumbnail.js in examplefolder. After you complete this step, you will
have the following folder structure:
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 188)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The following is example Java code that reads incoming Amazon S3 events and creates a thumbnail.
Note that it implements the RequestHandler interface provided in the aws-lambda-java-core
library. Therefore, at the time you create a Lambda function you specify the class as the handler (that
is, example.S3EventProcessorCreateThumbnail). For more information about using interfaces to
provide a handler, see Leveraging Predefined Interfaces for Creating Handler (Java) (p. 41).
The S3Event type that the handler uses as the input type is one of the predefined classes in the aws-
lambda-java-events library that provides methods for you to easily read information from the
incoming Amazon S3 event. The handler returns a string as output.
package example;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon S3 invokes your Lambda function using the Event invocation type, where AWS Lambda
executes the code asynchronously. What you return does not matter. However, in this case we are
implementing an interface that requires us to specify a return type, so in this example the handler uses
String as the return type.
• aws-lambda-java-core
• aws-lambda-java-events
For more information, see Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Java (p. 34).
Your deployment package can be a .zip file or a standalone .jar. You can use any build and packaging
tool you are familiar with to create a deployment package. For examples of how to use the Maven build
tool to create a standalone .jar, see Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE
(Java) (p. 93) and Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java) (p. 95). For an
example of how to use the Gradle build tool to create a .zip file, see Creating a .zip Deployment Package
(Java) (p. 97).
After you verify that your deployment package is created, go to the next step to create an IAM role
(execution role). You specify this role at the time you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 188)
In this section, you create an example Python function and install dependencies. The code sample is
compliant with Python runtime versions 3.6 or 2.7. The steps assume the 3.6 runtime but you can use
either one.
1. Open a text editor, and copy the following code. The code uploads the resized image to a different
bucket with the same image name, as shown following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
/usr/local/bin/virtualenv ~/shrink_venv
source ~/shrink_venv/bin/activate
7. Install libraries in the virtual environment
cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
cd ~
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 188)
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
• AWSLambdaExecute access permissions policy that you attach to the role.
• Enter a Role name and then choose Create role.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-s3-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 188)
Step 2.3.1: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package)
In this step, you upload the deployment package using the AWS CLI.
1. At the command prompt, run the following Lambda AWS CLI create-function command using
the adminuser as the --profile. For more information on setting this up, see Configuring
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
the AWS CLI. You need to update the command by providing the .zip file path and the execution
role ARN. For the runtime parameter, choose between nodejs6.10, nodejs4.3, python3.6,
python2.7 or java8, depending on the code sample you when you created your deployment
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-
file parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
2. Write down the function ARN. You will need this in the next section when you add notification
configuration to your Amazon S3 bucket.
3. (Optional) The preceding command specifies a 10-second timeout value as the function
configuration. Depending on the size of objects you upload, you might need to increase the timeout
value using the following AWS CLI command.
You can create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console, in which case note the
value of the create-function AWS CLI command parameters. You provide the same values in
the console UI.
In this step, you invoke the Lambda function manually using sample Amazon S3 event data. You can test
the function using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI.
1. Follow the steps in the Getting Started to create and invoke the Lambda function at Invoke the
Lambda Function Manually and Verify Results, Logs, and Metrics (p. 11). For the sample event for
testing, choose S3 Put in Sample event template.
2. Verify that the thumbnail was created in the target bucket and monitor the activity of your Lambda
function in the AWS Lambda console as follows:
• The AWS Lambda console shows a graphical representation of some of the CloudWatch metrics in
the Cloudwatch Metrics at a glance section for your function.
• For each graph, you can also click the logs link to view the CloudWatch Logs directly.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
1. Save the following Amazon S3 sample event data in a file and save it as inputFile.txt. You need
to update the JSON by providing your sourcebucket name and a .jpg object key.
2. Run the following Lambda CLI invoke command to invoke the function. Note that the command
requests asynchronous execution. You can optionally invoke it synchronously by specifying
RequestResponse as the invocation-type parameter value.
You are able to invoke this function because you are using your own credentials to invoke
your own function. In the next section, you configure Amazon S3 to invoke this function on
your behalf, which requires you to add permissions to the access policy associated with your
Lambda function to grant Amazon S3 permissions to invoke your function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
3. Verify that the thumbnail was created in the target bucket and monitor the activity of your Lambda
function in the AWS Lambda console as follows:
• The AWS Lambda console shows a graphical representation of some of the CloudWatch metrics in
the Cloudwatch Metrics at a glance section for your function.
• For each graph, you can also click the logs link to view the CloudWatch Logs directly.
Next Step
Step 3: Add an Event Source (Configure Amazon S3 to Publish Events) (p. 191)
• Add permissions to the Lambda function access policy to allow Amazon S3 to invoke the function.
• Add notification configuration to your source bucket. In the notification configuration, you provide the
• Event type for which you want Amazon S3 to publish events. For this tutorial, you specify the
s3:ObjectCreated:* event type so that Amazon S3 publishes events when objects are created.
• Lambda function to invoke.
Step 3.1: Add Permissions to the Lambda Function's Access Permissions Policy
1. Run the following Lambda CLI add-permission command to grant Amazon S3 service principal
( permissions to perform the lambda:InvokeFunction action. Note that
permission is granted to Amazon S3 to invoke the function only if the following conditions are met:
2. Verify the function's access policy by running the AWS CLI get-policy command.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• Event type – For this tutorial, select the ObjectCreated (All) Amazon S3 event type.
• Lambda function – This is your Lambda function that you want Amazon S3 to invoke.
For instructions on adding notification configuration to a bucket, see Enabling Event Notifications in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.
1. Upload .jpg or .png objects to the source bucket using the Amazon S3 console.
2. Verify that the thumbnail was created in the target bucket using the CreateThumbnail function.
3. The adminuser can also verify the CloudWatch Logs. You can monitor the activity of your Lambda
function in the AWS Lambda console. For example, choose the logs link in the console to view logs,
including logs your function wrote to CloudWatch Logs.
You can use AWS CloudFormation to easily specify, deploy, and configure serverless applications. AWS
CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Lambda
functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring
those resources for you.
In addition, you can use the AWS Serverless Application Model to express resources that comprise the
serverless application. These resource types, such as Lambda functions and APIs, are fully supported by
AWS CloudFormation and make it easier for you to define and deploy your serverless application.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: handler
Runtime: runtime
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Timeout: 60
Policies: AWSLambdaExecute
Type: S3
Bucket: !Ref SrcBucket
Events: s3:ObjectCreated:*
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
You can subscribe Lambda functions to automatically read batches of records off your Kinesis stream
and process them if records are detected on the stream. AWS Lambda then polls the stream periodically
(once per second) for new records.
Note the following about how the Kinesis and AWS Lambda integration works:
• Stream-based model – This is a model (see Event Source Mapping (p. 152)), where AWS Lambda
polls the stream and, when it detects new records, invokes your Lambda function by passing the new
records as a parameter.
In a stream-based model, you maintain event source mapping in AWS Lambda. The event source
mapping describes which stream maps to which Lambda function. AWS Lambda provides an API
(CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418)) that you can use to create the mapping. You can also use the
AWS Lambda console to create event source mappings.
• Synchronous invocation – AWS Lambda invokes a Lambda function using the RequestResponse
invocation type (synchronous invocation) by polling the Kinesis Stream. For more information about
invocation types, see Invocation Types (p. 151).
• Event structure – The event your Lambda function receives is a collection of records AWS Lambda
reads from your stream. When you configure event source mapping, the batch size you specify is the
maximum number of records that you want your Lambda function to receive per invocation.
Regardless of what invokes a Lambda function, AWS Lambda always executes a Lambda function on
your behalf. If your Lambda function needs to access any AWS resources, you need to grant the relevant
permissions to access those resources. You also need to grant AWS Lambda permissions to poll your
Kinesis stream. You grant all of these permissions to an IAM role (execution role) that AWS Lambda
can assume to poll the stream and execute the Lambda function on your behalf. You create this role
first and then enable it at the time you create the Lambda function. For more information, see Manage
Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with
Kinesis (p. 194).
• First, you perform the necessary setup to create a Lambda function and then you test it by invoking it
manually using sample event data (you don't need an Kinesis stream).
• Second, you create an Kinesis stream (event source). You add an event source mapping in AWS Lambda
to associate the stream with your Lambda function. AWS Lambda starts polling the stream, you add
test records to the stream using the Kinesis API, and then you verify that AWS Lambda executed your
Lambda function.
Both the Lambda function and the Kinesis stream must be in the same AWS region. This tutorial
assumes that you create these resources in the us-west-2 region.
In this tutorial, you use the AWS Command Line Interface to perform AWS Lambda operations such
as creating a Lambda function, creating a stream, and adding records to the stream. You use the AWS
Lambda console to manually invoke the function before you create a Kinesis stream. You verify return
values and logs in the console UI.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 194)
Step 1: Prepare
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 195)
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided. The sample Lambda
function code that you'll use to process Kinesis events is provided in various languages. Select one of
the languages and follow the corresponding instructions to create a deployment package.
To see more examples of using other AWS services within your function, including calling
other Lambda functions, see AWS SDK for JavaScript
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package, and then test it by invoking it
manually using sample Kinesis event data.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 195)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 199)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 199)
The following is example Node.js code that receives Kinesis event records as input and processes them.
For illustration, the code writes some of the incoming event data to CloudWatch Logs.
console.log('Loading function');
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as ProcessKinesisRecords.js.
3. Zip the ProcessKinesisRecords.js file as
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 199)
The following is example Java code that receives Kinesis event record data as a input and processes it.
For illustration, the code writes some of the incoming event data to CloudWatch Logs.
In the code, recordHandler is the handler. The handler uses the predefined KinesisEvent class that
is defined in the aws-lambda-java-events library.
package example;
If the handler returns normally without exceptions, Lambda considers the input batch of records as
processed successfully and begins reading new records in the stream. If the handler throws an exception,
Lambda considers the input batch of records as not processed and invokes the function with the same
batch of records again.
Using the preceding code (in a file named, create a deployment
package. Make sure that you add the following dependencies:
• aws-lambda-java-core
• aws-lambda-java-events
For more information, see Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Java (p. 34).
Your deployment package can be a .zip file or a standalone .jar. You can use any build and packaging
tool you are familiar with to create a deployment package. For examples of how to use the Maven build
tool to create a standalone .jar, see Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE
(Java) (p. 93) and Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java) (p. 95). For an
example of how to use the Gradle build tool to create a .zip file, see Creating a .zip Deployment Package
(Java) (p. 97).
After you verify that your deployment package is created, go to the next step to create an IAM role
(execution role). You specify this role at the time you create your Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 199)
The following is example C# code that receives Kinesis event record data as a input and processes it. For
illustration, the code writes some of the incoming event data to CloudWatch Logs.
In the code, HandleKinesisRecord is the handler. The handler uses the predefined KinesisEvent
class that is defined in the Amazon.Lambda.KinesisEvents library.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Amazon.Lambda.Core;
using Amazon.Lambda.KinesisEvents;
namespace KinesisStreams
public class KinesisSample
public void HandleKinesisRecord(KinesisEvent kinesisEvent)
Console.WriteLine($"Beginning to process {kinesisEvent.Records.Count}
To create a deployment package, follow the steps outlined in .NET Core CLI (p. 84). In doing so, note the
following after you've created your .NET project:
• Rename the default Program.cs file with a file name of your choice, such as ProcessingKinesisEvents.cs.
• Replace the default contents of the renamed Program.cs file with the code example above.
After you verify that your deployment package is created, go to the next step to create an IAM role
(execution role). You specify this role at the time you create your Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 199)
The following is example Python code that receives Kinesis event record data as input and processes it.
For illustration, the code writes to some of the incoming event data to CloudWatch Logs.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 199)
The following is example Go code that receives Kinesis event record data as input and processes it. For
illustration, the code writes to some of the incoming event data to CloudWatch Logs.
import (
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 199)
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
• AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole – This is the access permissions policy that you attach to the role.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-kinesis-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole. The permissions in this policy are
sufficient for the Lambda function in this tutorial.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 199)
In the next section, you create an Kinesis stream and test the end-to-end experience.
At the command prompt, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command using the
adminuser profile. For more information on setting this up, see Configuring the AWS CLI.
You need to update the command by providing the .zip file path and the execution role ARN. The --
runtime parameter value can be python3.6, python2.7, nodejs6.10, nodejs4.3, or java8,
depending on the language you used to author your code.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
--region region \
--function-name ProcessKinesisRecords \
--zip-file fileb://file-path/ \
--role execution-role-arn \
--handler handler \
--runtime runtime-value \
--profile adminuser
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
You can create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console, in which case note the
value of the create-function AWS CLI command parameters. You provide the same values in
the console UI.
Invoke the function manually using sample Kinesis event data. We recommend that you invoke the
function using the console because the console UI provides a user-friendly interface for reviewing the
execution results, including the execution summary, logs written by your code, and the results returned
by the function (because the console always performs synchronous execution—invokes the Lambda
function using the RequestResponse invocation type).
1. Follow the steps in the Getting Started to create and invoke the Lambda function at Invoke the
Lambda Function Manually and Verify Results, Logs, and Metrics (p. 11). For the sample event for
testing, choose Kinesis in Sample event template.
2. Verify the results in the console.
"Records": [
"kinesis": {
"partitionKey": "partitionKey-3",
"kinesisSchemaVersion": "1.0",
"data": "SGVsbG8sIHRoaXMgaXMgYSB0ZXN0IDEyMy4=",
"eventSource": "aws:kinesis",
"invokeIdentityArn": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/testLEBRole",
"eventVersion": "1.0",
"eventName": "aws:kinesis:record",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:35667example:stream/
"awsRegion": "us-west-2"
In this tutorial example, the message is saved in the outputfile.txt file. If you request
synchronous execution (RequestResponse as the invocation type), the function returns
the string message in the response body.
For Node.js, it could be one of the following (whatever one you specify in the code):
context.done(null, "message)
For Python or Java, it is the message in the return statement:
return "message"
Next Step
Step 3: Add an Event Source (Create an Kinesis Stream and Associate It with Your Lambda
Function) (p. 201)
After you create an event source, AWS Lambda starts polling the stream. You then test the setup by
adding events to the stream and verify that AWS Lambda executed your Lambda function on your
Run the following Kinesis describe-stream AWS CLI command to get the stream ARN.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
--region region \
--profile adminuser
You need the stream ARN in the next step to associate the stream with your Lambda function. The
stream is of the form:
You can get a list of event source mappings by running the following command.
1. Using the following AWS CLI command, add event records to your Kinesis stream. The --data value
is a base64-encoded value of the "Hello, this is a test." string. You can run the same
command more than once to add multiple records to the stream.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
2. AWS Lambda polls the stream and, when it detects updates to the stream, it invokes your Lambda
function by passing in the event data from the stream.
AWS Lambda assumes the execution role to poll the stream. You have granted the role permissions
for the necessary Kinesis actions so that AWS Lambda can poll the stream and read events from the
3. Your function executes and adds logs to the log group that corresponds to the Lambda function in
Amazon CloudWatch.
The adminuser can also verify the logs reported in the Amazon CloudWatch console. Make sure you
are checking for logs in the same AWS region where you created the Lambda function.
You can use AWS CloudFormation to easily specify, deploy, and configure serverless applications. AWS
CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Lambda
functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring
those resources for you.
In addition, you can use the AWS Serverless Application Model to express resources that comprise the
serverless application. These resource types, such as Lambda functions and APIs, are fully supported by
AWS CloudFormation and make it easier for you to define and deploy your serverless application.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: handler
Runtime: runtime
Policies: AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole
Type: Kinesis
Stream: !GetAtt ExampleStream.Arn
BatchSize: 100
StartingPosition: TRIM_HORIZON
Type: AWS::Kinesis::Stream
ShardCount: 1
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon DynamoDB
Note the following about how the Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda integration works:
• Stream-based model – This is a model (see Event Source Mapping (p. 152)), where AWS Lambda polls
the stream at a rate of 4 times per second and, when it detects new records, invokes your Lambda
function by passing the update event as parameter.
In a stream-based model, you maintain event source mapping in AWS Lambda. The event source
mapping describes which stream maps to which Lambda function. AWS Lambda provides an API
(CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418)) for you to create the mapping. You can also use the AWS
Lambda console to create event source mappings.
• Synchronous invocation – AWS Lambda invokes a Lambda function using the RequestResponse
invocation type (synchronous invocation). For more information about invocation types, see Invocation
Types (p. 151).
• Event structure – The event your Lambda function receives is the table update information AWS
Lambda reads from your stream. When you configure event source mapping, the batch size you specify
is the maximum number of records that you want your Lambda function to receive per invocation.
Regardless of what invokes a Lambda function, AWS Lambda always executes a Lambda function on
your behalf. If your Lambda function needs to access any AWS resources, you need to grant the relevant
permissions to access those resources. You also need to grant AWS Lambda permissions to poll your
DynamoDB stream. You grant all of these permissions to an IAM role (execution role) that AWS Lambda
can assume to poll the stream and execute the Lambda function on your behalf. You create this role
first and then enable it at the time you create the Lambda function. For more information, see Manage
Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
3. AWS Lambda polls the stream and invokes your Lambda function when it detects new records in the
4. AWS Lambda executes the Lambda function by assuming the execution role you specified at the time
you created the Lambda function.
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Amazon
DynamoDB (p. 205).
• First, you perform the necessary setup to create a Lambda function and then you test it by invoking it
manually using sample event data.
• Second, you create an DynamoDB stream-enabled table and add an event source mapping in AWS
Lambda to associate the stream with your Lambda function. AWS Lambda starts polling the stream.
Then, you test the end-to-end setup. As you create, update, and delete items from the table, Amazon
DynamoDB writes records to the stream. AWS Lambda detects the new records as it polls the stream
and executes your Lambda function on your behalf.
Both the Lambda function and the DynamoDB stream must be in the same AWS region. This
tutorial assumes that you create these resources in the us-east-1 region.
In this tutorial, you use the AWS Command Line Interface to perform AWS Lambda operations such
as creating a Lambda function, creating a stream, and adding records to the stream. You use the AWS
Lambda console to manually invoke the function before you create a DynamoDB stream. You verify
return values and logs in the console UI.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 205)
Step 1: Prepare
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account.
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 205)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided. The sample Lambda
function code that you'll use to process DynamoDB events is provided in various languages. Select one
of the languages and follow the corresponding instructions to create a deployment package.
To see more examples of using other AWS services within your function, including calling
other Lambda functions, see AWS SDK for JavaScript
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
For example, AWS Lambda needs permissions for DynamoDB actions so it can poll the stream and read
records from the stream. In the pull model you must also grant AWS Lambda permissions to invoke
your Lambda function. The example Lambda function writes some of the event data to CloudWatch, so
it needs permissions for necessary CloudWatch actions.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package, and then test it by invoking it
manually using sample DynamoDB event data. You provide both the deployment package and the IAM
role at the time of creating a Lambda function. You can also specify other configuration information,
such as the function name, memory size, runtime environment to use, and the handler. For more
information about these parameters, see CreateFunction (p. 423). After creating the Lambda
function, you invoke it using sample Amazon DynamoDB event data.
• Step 2.1: Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 206)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 209)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 210)
console.log('Loading function');
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as ProcessDynamoDBStream.js.
3. Zip the ProcessDynamoDBStream.js file as
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 209)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
In the following code, handleRequest is the handler that AWS Lambda invokes and provides event
data. The handler uses the predefined DynamodbEvent class, which is defined in the aws-lambda-
java-events library.
package example;
return "Successfully processed " + ddbEvent.getRecords().size() + " records.";
If the handler returns normally without exceptions, Lambda considers the input batch of records as
processed successfully and begins reading new records in the stream. If the handler throws an exception,
Lambda considers the input batch of records as not processed and invokes the function with the same
batch of records again.
Using the preceding code (in a file named, create a deployment package.
Make sure that you add the following dependencies:
• aws-lambda-java-core
• aws-lambda-java-events
For more information, see Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Java (p. 34).
Your deployment package can be a .zip file or a standalone .jar. You can use any build and packaging
tool you are familiar with to create a deployment package. For examples of how to use the Maven build
tool to create a standalone .jar, see Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE
(Java) (p. 93) and Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java) (p. 95). For an
example of how to use the Gradle build tool to create a .zip file, see Creating a .zip Deployment Package
(Java) (p. 97).
After you verify that your deployment package is created, go to the next step to create an IAM role
(execution role). You specify this role at the time you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 209)
In the following code, ProcessDynamoEvent is the handler that AWS Lambda invokes and
provides event data. The handler uses the predefined DynamoDbEvent class, which is defined in the
Amazon.Lambda.DynamoDBEvents library.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Amazon.Lambda.Core;
using Amazon.Lambda.DynamoDBEvents;
using Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json;
namespace DynamoDBStreams
public class DdbSample
private static readonly JsonSerializer _jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
To create a deployment package, follow the steps outlined in .NET Core CLI (p. 84). In doing so, note the
following after you've created your .NET project:
• Rename the default Program.cs file with a file name of your choice, such as
• Replace the default contents of the renamed Program.cs file with the code example above.
After you verify that your deployment package is created, go to the next step to create an IAM role
(execution role). You specify this role at the time you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 209)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The from __future__ statement enables you to write code that is compatible with
Python 2 or 3. If you are using runtime version 3.6, it is not necessary to include it.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 209)
import (
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 209)
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
• AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole – This is the access permissions policy that you attach to the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole. The permissions in this policy
are sufficient for the Lambda function in this tutorial.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 210)
In the next section, you create an DynamoDB stream and test the end-to-end experience.
In this step, you upload the deployment package using the AWS CLI.
At the command prompt, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command using the
adminuser profile.
You need to update the command by providing the .zip file path and the execution role ARN. The
--runtime parameter value can be python3.6, python2.7, nodejs6.10 nodejs4.3, or java8,
depending on the language you used to author your code.
If you choose Java 8 as the runtime, the handler value must be packageName::methodName.
For more information, see CreateFunction (p. 423). AWS Lambda creates the function and returns
function configuration information.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
In this step, you invoke your Lambda function manually using the invoke AWS Lambda CLI command
and the following sample DynamoDB event.
"S":"New item!"
"S":"This item has changed"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"S":"New item!"
"S":"This item has changed"
Note that the invoke command specifies the RequestResponse as the invocation type, which
requests synchronous execution. For more information, see Invoke (p. 461). The function returns
the string message (message in the context.succeed() in the code) in the response body.
3. Verify the output in the outputfile.txt file.
You can monitor the activity of your Lambda function in the AWS Lambda console.
• The AWS Lambda console shows a graphical representation of some of the CloudWatch metrics
in the Cloudwatch Metrics at a glance section for your function. Sign in to the AWS Management
Console at
• For each graph you can also click the logs link to view the CloudWatch logs directly.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 3: Add an Event Source (Create a DynamoDB Stream and Associate It with Your Lambda
Function) (p. 213)
To create an IAM user for yourself and add the user to an Administrators group
1. Use your AWS account email address and password to sign in as the AWS account root user to the
IAM console at
2. In the navigation pane of the console, choose Users, and then choose Add user.
3. For User name, type Administrator.
4. Select the check box next to AWS Management Console access, select Custom password, and
then type the new user's password in the text box. You can optionally select Require password
reset to force the user to select a new password the next time the user signs in.
5. Choose Next: Permissions.
6. On the Set permissions for user page, choose Add user to group.
7. Choose Create group.
8. In the Create group dialog box, type Administrators.
9. For Filter, choose Job function.
10. In the policy list, select the check box for AdministratorAccess. Then choose Create group.
11. Back in the list of groups, select the check box for your new group. Choose Refresh if necessary to
see the group in the list.
12. Choose Next: Review to see the list of group memberships to be added to the new user. When you
are ready to proceed, choose Create user.
You can use this same process to create more groups and users, and to give your users access to your
AWS account resources. To learn about using policies to restrict users' permissions to specific AWS
resources, go to Access Management and Example Policies.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the DynamoDB console at https://
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
2. In the DynamoDB console, create a table with streams enabled. For more information on enabling
streams, see Capturing Table Activity with DynamoDB Streams.
You must create a DynamoDB table in the same region where you created the Lambda
function. This tutorial assumes the US East (N. Virginia) region. In addition, both the table
and the Lambda functions must belong to the same AWS account.
3. Write down the stream ARN. You need this in the next step when you associate the stream with your
Lambda function.
This creates a mapping between the specified DynamoDB stream and the Lambda function.
You can associate a DynamoDB stream with multiple Lambda functions, and associate the same
Lambda function with multiple streams. However, the Lambda functions will share the read
throughput for the stream they share.
You can get the list of event source mappings by running the following command.
The list returns all of the event source mappings you created, and for each mapping it shows the
LastProcessingResult, among other things. This field is used to provide an informative message if
there are any problems. Values such as No records processed (indicates that AWS Lambda has not
started polling or that there are no records in the stream) and OK (indicates AWS Lambda successfully
read records from the stream and invoked your Lambda function) indicate that there no issues. If there
are issues, you receive an error message.
1. In the DynamoDB console, add, update, delete items to the table. DynamoDB writes records of these
actions to the stream.
2. AWS Lambda polls the stream and when it detects updates to the stream, it invokes your Lambda
function by passing in the event data it finds in the stream.
3. Your function executes and creates logs in Amazon CloudWatch. The adminuser can also verify the
logs reported in the Amazon CloudWatch console.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You can use AWS CloudFormation to easily specify, deploy, and configure serverless applications. AWS
CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Lambda
functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring
those resources for you.
In addition, you can use the AWS Serverless Application Model to express resources that comprise the
serverless application. These resource types, such as Lambda functions and APIs, are fully supported by
AWS CloudFormation and make it easier for you to define and deploy your serverless application.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: handler
Runtime: runtime
Policies: AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole
Type: DynamoDB
Stream: !GetAtt DynamoDBTable.StreamArn
BatchSize: 100
StartingPosition: TRIM_HORIZON
Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
- AttributeName: id
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: id
KeyType: HASH
ReadCapacityUnits: 5
WriteCapacityUnits: 5
StreamViewType: NEW_IMAGE
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS CloudTrail
You can take advantage of Amazon S3's bucket notification feature and direct Amazon S3 to publish
object-created events to AWS Lambda. Whenever CloudTrail writes logs to your S3 bucket, Amazon S3
can then invoke your Lambda function by passing the Amazon S3 object-created event as a parameter.
The S3 event provides information, including the bucket name and key name of the log object that
CloudTrail created. Your Lambda function code can read the log object and process the access records
logged by CloudTrail. For example, you might write Lambda function code to notify you if specific API
call was made in your account.
In this scenario, you enable CloudTrail so it can write access logs to your S3 bucket. As for AWS Lambda,
Amazon S3 is the event source so Amazon S3 publishes events to AWS Lambda and invokes your Lambda
Amazon S3 can only support one event destination.
For detailed information about how to configure Amazon S3 as the event source, see Using AWS Lambda
with Amazon S3 (p. 176).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
6. If the log includes a record with specific eventType and eventSource values, it publishes the
event to your Amazon SNS topic. In Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with AWS CloudTrail (p. 217), you
subscribe to the SNS topic using the email protocol, so you get email notifications.
For a tutorial that walks you through an example scenario, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with AWS
CloudTrail (p. 217).
When Amazon S3 invokes your Lambda function, it passes an S3 event identifying, among other things,
the bucket name and key name of the object that CloudTrail created. Your Lambda function can read the
log object, and it knows the API calls that were reported in the log.
Each object CloudTrail creates in your S3 bucket is a JSON object, with one or more event records. Each
record, among other things, provides eventSource and eventName.
For illustration, the Lambda function notifies you by email if an API call to create an Amazon SNS topic
is reported in the log. That is, when your Lambda function parses the log, it looks for records with the
• eventSource = ""
• eventName = "CreateTopic"
If found, it publishes the event to your Amazon SNS topic (you configure this topic to notify you by
Implementation Summary
Upon completing this tutorial, you will have Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, Amazon SNS, and AWS Identity
and Access Management (IAM) resources in your account:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
This tutorial assumes that you create these resources in the us-west-2 region.
In Lambda:
• A Lambda function.
• An access policy associated with your Lambda function – You grant Amazon S3 permissions to invoke
the Lambda function using this permissions policy. You will also restrict the permissions so that
Amazon S3 can invoke the Lambda function only for object-created events from a specific bucket that
is owned by a specific AWS account.
It is possible for an AWS account to delete a bucket and some other AWS account to later
create a bucket with same name. The additional conditions ensure that Amazon S3 can invoke
the Lambda function only if Amazon S3 detects object-created events from a specific bucket
owned by a specific AWS account.
• An IAM role (execution role) – You grant permissions that your Lambda function needs through the
permissions policy associated with this role.
In Amazon S3:
• A bucket – In this tutorial, the bucket name is examplebucket. When you turn the trail on in the
CloudTrail console, you specify this bucket for CloudTrail to save the logs.
• Notification configuration on the examplebucket – In the configuration, you direct Amazon S3 to
publish object-created events to Lambda, by invoking your Lambda function. For more information
about the Amazon S3 notification feature, see Setting Up Notification of Bucket Events in Amazon
Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
• Sample CloudTrail log object (ExampleCloudTrailLog.json) in examplebucket bucket – In the
first half of this exercise, you create and test your Lambda function by manually invoking it using a
sample S3 event. This sample event identifies examplebucket as the bucket name and this sample
object key name. Your Lambda function then reads the object and sends you email notifications using
an SNS topic.
In Amazon SNS
• An SNS topic – You subscribe to this topic by specifying email as the protocol.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 218)
Step 1: Prepare
In this section you do the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Follow the steps in the following sections to walk through the setup process.
In this tutorial, we assume that you are setting the resources in the us-west-2 region.
Step 1.1: Sign Up for AWS and Set Up the AWS CLI
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account (called adminuser).
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
For instructions, see Creating and Updating Your Trail in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.
Although you turn CloudTrail on now, you do not perform any additional configuration for your
Lambda function to process the real CloudTrail logs in the first half of this exercise. Instead, you
will use sample CloudTrail log objects (that you will upload) and sample S3 events to manually
invoke and test your Lambda function. In the second half of this tutorial, you perform additional
configuration steps that enable your Lambda function to process the CloudTrail logs.
For instructions, see Create a Topic in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
2. Subscribe to the topic by providing an email address as the endpoint.
For instructions, see Subscribe to a Topic in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
3. Note down the topic ARN. You will need the value in the following sections.
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 219)
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided. The sample Lambda
function code that you'll use to process Amazon S3 events is provided in various languages. Select one
of the languages and follow the corresponding instructions to create a deployment package.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Your Lambda function uses an S3 event that provides the bucket name and key name of the
object CloudTrail created. Your Lambda function then reads that object to process CloudTrail
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package, and then test it by invoking it
manually using sample CloudTrail event data.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 220)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 222)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 223)
function fetchLogFromS3(next){
console.log('Fetching compressed log from S3...');
Bucket: srcBucket,
Key: srcKey
function uncompressLog(response, next){
console.log("Uncompressing log...");
zlib.gunzip(response.Body, next);
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
function publishNotifications(jsonBuffer, next) {
console.log('Filtering log...');
var json = jsonBuffer.toString();
console.log('CloudTrail JSON from S3:', json);
var records;
try {
records = JSON.parse(json);
} catch (err) {
next('Unable to parse CloudTrail JSON: ' + err);
var matchingRecords = records
.filter(function(record) {
return record.eventSource.match(EVENT_SOURCE_TO_TRACK)
&& record.eventName.match(EVENT_NAME_TO_TRACK);
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as CloudTrailEventProcessing.js.
3. Zip the CloudTrailEventProcessing.js file as
We're using Node.js in this tutorial example, but you can author your Lambda functions in Java
or Python too.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 222)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
For more information about the execution role, see Manage Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution
Role) (p. 362).
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Create a managed policy and attach it to the IAM role. In this step, you modify an existing AWS
Managed Policy, save it using a different name, and then attach the permissions policy to an IAM
role that you create.
a. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Policies, and then choose Create Policy.
b. Next to Copy an AWS Managed Policy, choose Select.
c. Next to AWSLambdaExecute, choose Select.
d. Copy the following policy into the Policy Document, replacing the existing policy, and then
update the policy with the ARN of the Amazon SNS topic that you created.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "your sns topic ARN"
3. Note the permissions policy name because you will use it in the next step.
4. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role and then attach the permissions policy you just created to the role. As you
follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• In Attach Policy, choose the policy you created in the previous step.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 223)
In this step, you use a sample S3 event that identifies your bucket name and the sample object (that
is, an example CloudTrail log). In the next section you configure your S3 bucket notification to publish
object-created events and test the end-to-end experience.
Step 2.3.1: Create the Lambda Function (Upload the Deployment Package)
In this step, you upload the deployment package using the AWS CLI and provide configuration
information when you create the Lambda function. 4 Lambda CLI create-function command using
the adminuser profile.
You need to update the command by providing the .zip file path (//file-path/ \) and the execution role ARN (execution-role-arn).
If you used the sample code provided earlier in this tutorial, set the --runtime parameter value
to nodejs6.10 or nodejs4.3.
You can author your Lambda functions in Java or Python too. If you use another language,
change the --runtime parameter value to java8, python3.6 or python2.7 as needed.
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter as shown:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
You can create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console, in which case note the
value of the create-function AWS CLI command parameters. You provide the same values in
the console.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
use a specific API. For this tutorial, the API is the SNS API used to create a topic. That is, the CloudTrail
log reports a record identifying as the eventSource, and CreateTopic as the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
2. Run the gzip command to create a .gz file from the preceding source file.
$ gzip ExampleCloudTrailLog.json
This object is specified in the sample Amazon S3 event data that we use to manually invoke the
Lambda function.
4. Save the following JSON (an example S3 event) in a file, input.txt. Note the bucket name and the
object key name values.
You provide this sample event when you invoke your Lambda function. For more information about
the S3 event structure, see Event Message Structure in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
"name":"your bucket name",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
5. In the AWS Management Console, invoke the function manually using sample Amazon S3 event
data. In the console, use the following sample Amazon S3 event data.
We recommend that you invoke the function using the console because the console
UI provides a user-friendly interface for reviewing the execution results, including the
execution summary, logs written by your code, and the results returned by the function
(because the console always performs synchronous execution—invokes the Lambda
function using the RequestResponse invocation type).
"name":"your bucket name",
6. Execute the following AWS CLI command to invoke the function manually using the adminuser
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Because your example log object has an event record showing the SNS API to call to create a topic,
the Lambda function posts that event to your SNS topic, and you should get an email notification.
You can monitor the activity of your Lambda function by using CloudWatch metrics and logs. For
more information about CloudWatch monitoring, see Using Amazon CloudWatch (p. 315).
7. (Optional) Manually invoke the Lambda function using AWS CLI as follows:
a. Save the JSON from Step 2 earlier in this procedure to a file called input.txt.
b. Execute the following invoke command:
In this tutorial example, the message is saved in the outputfile.txt file. If you
request synchronous execution (RequestResponse as the invocation type), the
function returns the string message in the response body.
For Node.js, it could be one of the following (whatever one you specify in the code):
context.done(null, "message)
For Python or Java, it is the message in the return statement:
return "message"
Next Step
Step 3: Add Event Source (Configure Amazon S3 to Publish Events) (p. 227)
• Add permissions to the Lambda function's access policy to allow Amazon S3 to invoke the function.
• Add notification configuration to your source bucket. In the notification configuration, you provide the
• Event type for which you want Amazon S3 to publish events. For this tutorial, you specify the
s3:ObjectCreated:* event type.
• Lambda function to invoke.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Step 3.1: Add Permissions to the Lambda Function's Access Permissions Policy
1. Run the following Lambda CLI add-permission command to grant Amazon S3 service principal
( permissions to perform the lambda:InvokeFunction action. Note that
permission is granted to Amazon S3 to invoke the function only if the following conditions are met:
2. Verify the function's access policy by running the AWS CLI get-policy command.
• Event type – For this tutorial, these can be any event types that create objects.
• Lambda function ARN – This is your Lambda function that you want Amazon S3 to invoke. The ARN is
of the following form:
For example, the function CloudTrailEventProcessing created in us-west-2 region has the
following ARN:
For instructions on adding notification configuration to a bucket, see Enabling Event Notifications in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.
1. Perform some action in your AWS account. For example, add another topic in the Amazon SNS
2. You receive an email notification about this event.
3. AWS CloudTrail creates a log object in your bucket.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
4. If you open the log object (.gz file), the log shows the CreateTopic SNS event.
5. For each object AWS CloudTrail creates, Amazon S3 invokes your Lambda function by passing in the
log object as event data.
6. Lambda executes your function. The function parses the log, finds a CreateTopic SNS event, and
then you receive an email notification.
You can monitor the activity of your Lambda function by using CloudWatch metrics and logs. For more
information about CloudWatch monitoring, see Using Amazon CloudWatch (p. 315).
You can use AWS CloudFormation to easily specify, deploy, and configure serverless applications. AWS
CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Lambda
functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring
those resources for you.
In addition, you can use the AWS Serverless Application Model to express resources that comprise the
serverless application. These resource types, such as Lambda functions and APIs, are fully supported by
AWS CloudFormation and make it easier for you to define and deploy your serverless application.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: String
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: handler
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon SNS
Runtime: runtime
Timeout: 10
MemorySize: 1024
- Effect: Allow
Action: s3:GetObject
Resource: !Sub 'arn:aws:s3:::${Bucket}/*'
- Effect: Allow
Action: sns:Publish
Resource: !Ref Topic
Type: S3
Bucket: !Ref Bucket
Events: s3:ObjectCreated:*
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
Type: AWS::CloudTrail::Trail
IsLogging: true
S3BucketName: !Ref Bucket
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
- Protocol: email
Endpoint: !Ref NotificationEmail
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Amazon
SNS (p. 230).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
This tutorial assumes that you create these resources in the us-east-1 region.
In this tutorial, you use the AWS Command Line Interface to perform AWS Lambda operations such as
creating a Lambda function, creating an Amazon SNS topic and granting permissions to allow these two
resources to access each other.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 231)
Step 1: Prepare
• Sign up for an AWS account and create an administrator user in the account (called adminuser).
• Install and set up the AWS CLI.
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function (p. 231)
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided. The sample Lambda
function code that you'll use to subscribe to an Amazon SNS topic is provided in various languages.
Select one of the languages and follow the corresponding instructions to create a deployment
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
• Step 2.1: Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 231)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 234)
console.log('Loading function');
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as index.js.
3. Zip the index.js file as
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 234)
package example;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
Using the preceding code (in a file named, create a deployment package. Make
sure that you add the following dependencies:
• aws-lambda-java-core
• aws-lambda-java-events
For more information, see Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Java (p. 34).
Your deployment package can be a .zip file or a standalone .jar. You can use any build and packaging
tool you are familiar with to create a deployment package. For examples of how to use the Maven build
tool to create a standalone .jar, see Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
(Java) (p. 93) and Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java) (p. 95). For an
example of how to use the Gradle build tool to create a .zip file, see Creating a .zip Deployment Package
(Java) (p. 97).
After you verify that your deployment package is created, go to the next step to create an IAM role
(execution role). You specify this role at the time you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 234)
import (
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 234)
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 234)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
• AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole – This is the access permissions policy that you attach to the role.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-sns-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole. The permissions in this policy are
sufficient for the Lambda function in this tutorial.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Note the topic arn that is returned by the command. You will need it when you add permissions to the
Lambda function to subscribe to the topic.
2. From account B, create the Lambda function. For the runtime parameter, select either nodejs6.10,
nodejs4.3, python3.6, python2.7 or java8, depending on the code sample you selected when
you created your deployment package.
Note the function arn that is returned by the command. You will need it when you add permissions to
allow Amazon SNS to invoke your function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
4. From account B add the Lambda permission to allow invocation from Amazon SNS:
In response, Lambda returns the following JSON code. The Statement value is a JSON string version of
the statement added to the Lambda function policy:
"Statement": "{\"Condition\":{\"ArnLike\":{\"AWS:SourceArn\":\"arn:aws:lambda:us-
Do not use the --source-account parameter to add a source account to the Lambda policy
when adding the policy. Source account is not supported for Amazon SNS event sources
and will result in access being denied. This has no security impact as the source account is
included in the source ARN.
5. From account B subscribe the Lambda function to the topic:
"SubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:A:lambda-x-account:5d906xxxx-7c8x-45dx-
6. From account A you can now test the subscription. Type "Hello World" into a text file and save it as
message.txt. Then run the following command:
This will return a message id with a unique identifier, indicating the message has been accepted by the
Amazon SNS service. Amazon SNS will then attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Amazon API Gateway
Alternatively, you could supply a JSON string directly to the message parameter, but using a
text file allows for line breaks in the message.
For more information on Amazon SNS, see What is Amazon Simple Notification Service?
Amazon API Gateway also adds a layer between your application users and your app logic that enables
the following:
Note the following about how the Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda integration works:
• Push-event model – This is a model (see Event Source Mapping (p. 152)), where Amazon API Gateway
invokes the Lambda function by passing data in the request body as parameter to the Lambda
• Synchronous invocation – The Amazon API Gateway can invoke the Lambda function and get a
response back in real time by specifying RequestResponse as the invocation type. For information
about invocation types, see Invocation Types (p. 151).
• Event structure – The event your Lambda function receives is the body from the HTTPS request that
Amazon API Gateway receives and your Lambda function is the custom code written to process the
specific event type.
Note that there are two types of permissions policies that you work with when you set up the end-to-end
• Permissions for your Lambda function – Regardless of what invokes a Lambda function, AWS Lambda
executes the function by assuming the IAM role (execution role) that you specify at the time you
create the Lambda function. Using the permissions policy associated with this role, you grant your
Lambda function the permissions that it needs. For example, if your Lambda function needs to read an
object, you grant permissions for the relevant Amazon S3 actions in the permissions policy. For more
information, see Manage Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362).
• Permission for Amazon API Gateway to invoke your Lambda function – Amazon API Gateway cannot
invoke your Lambda function without your permission. You grant this permission via the permission
policy associated with the Lambda function.
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS) (p. 237).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
The POST method on the DynamoDBManager resource supports the following DynamoDB operations:
The request payload you send in the POST request identifies the DynamoDB operation and provides
necessary data. For example:
• The following is a sample request payload for a DynamoDB put item operation:
"operation": "create",
"tableName": "LambdaTable",
"payload": {
"Item": {
"Id": "1",
"name": "Bob"
• The following is a sample request payload for a DynamoDB read item operation:
"operation": "read",
"tableName": "LambdaTable",
"payload": {
"Key": {
"Id": "1"
• The following is a sample request payload for a the echo operation. You will then send HTTPS PUT
request to the endpoint, using the following data in the request body.
"operation": "echo",
"payload": {
"somekey1": "somevalue1",
"somekey2": "somevalue2"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
You can also create and manage API endpoints from the AWS Lambda console. For example, search for
the microservice in the blueprints. This tutorial does not use the console, instead it uses AWS CLI to
provide you with more details of how the API works.
API Gateway offers advanced capabilities, such as:
• Pass through the entire request – A Lambda function can receive the entire HTTP request
(instead of just the request body) and set the HTTP response (instead of just the response
body) using the AWS_PROXY integration type.
• Catch-all methods – Map all methods of an API resource to a single function with a single
mapping, using the ANY catch-all method.
• Catch-all resources – Map all sub-paths of a resource to a Lambda function without any
additional configuration using the new path parameter ({proxy+}).
To learn more about these API Gateway features, see Configure Proxy Integration for a Proxy
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 238)
Step 1: Prepare
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account.
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 238)
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided.
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
• Create the Lambda function and then test it manually.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 239)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 241)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 242)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
Follow the instructions to create an AWS Lambda function deployment package.
console.log('Loading function');
* Provide an event that contains the following keys:
* - operation: one of the operations in the switch statement below
* - tableName: required for operations that interact with DynamoDB
* - payload: a parameter to pass to the operation being performed
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
//console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
if (event.tableName) {
event.payload.TableName = event.tableName;
switch (operation) {
case 'create':
dynamo.put(event.payload, callback);
case 'read':
dynamo.get(event.payload, callback);
case 'update':
dynamo.update(event.payload, callback);
case 'delete':
dynamo.delete(event.payload, callback);
case 'list':
dynamo.scan(event.payload, callback);
case 'echo':
callback(null, "Success");
case 'ping':
callback(null, "pong");
callback('Unknown operation: ${operation}');
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as LambdaFunctionOverHttps.js.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 241)
import boto3
import json
print('Loading function')
operation = event['operation']
if 'tableName' in event:
dynamo = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table(event['tableName'])
operations = {
'create': lambda x: dynamo.put_item(**x),
'read': lambda x: dynamo.get_item(**x),
'update': lambda x: dynamo.update_item(**x),
'delete': lambda x: dynamo.delete_item(**x),
'list': lambda x: dynamo.scan(**x),
'echo': lambda x: x,
'ping': lambda x: 'pong'
if operation in operations:
return operations[operation](event.get('payload'))
raise ValueError('Unrecognized operation "{}"'.format(operation))
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 241)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
import (
for key, value := range request.Headers {
fmt.Printf(" %s: %s\n", key, value)
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 241)
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• You create an IAM role without attaching a permissions policy in the console. After you create the
role, you update the role, and then attach the following permissions policy to the role.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1428341300017",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "",
"Resource": "*",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow"
3. Write down the role ARN (Amazon Resource Name). You need it in the next step when you create
your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Test It Manually (p. 242)
In this step, you upload the deployment package using the AWS CLI.
At the command prompt, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command using the
adminuser profile.
You need to update the command by providing the .zip file path and the execution role ARN. The --
runtime parameter value can be python3.6, python2.7, nodejs6.10, nodejs4.3, or java8,
depending on the language you used to author your code.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
--profile adminuser
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
You can create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console, in which case note the
value of the create-function AWS CLI command parameters. You provide the same values in
the console UI.
Invoke the function manually using the sample event data. We recommend that you invoke the function
using the console because the console UI provides a user-friendly interface for reviewing the execution
results, including the execution summary, logs written by your code, and the results returned by the
function (because the console always performs synchronous execution—invokes the Lambda function
using the RequestResponse invocation type).
1. Follow the steps in the Getting Started exercise to create and invoke the Lambda function at Invoke
the Lambda Function Manually and Verify Results, Logs, and Metrics (p. 11). For the sample event
for testing, choose Hello World in Sample event template, and then replace the data using the
"operation": "echo",
"payload": {
"somekey1": "somevalue1",
"somekey2": "somevalue2"
2. To test one of the dynamo operations, such as read, change the input data to the following:
"operation": "read",
"tableName": "the name of your stream table",
"payload": {
"Key": {
"the primary key of the table": "the value of the key"
"operation": "echo",
"payload": {
"somekey1": "somevalue1",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
"somekey2": "somevalue2"
In this tutorial example, the message is saved in the outputfile.txt file if you request
synchronous execution (RequestResponse as the invocation type). The function returns
the string message in the response body. If you use the Event invocation type, no message
is returned to the output file. In either case, the outputfile.txt parameter is required.
Next Step
Step 3: Create an API Using Amazon API Gateway and Test It (p. 244)
First, you create an API (DynamoDBOperations) using Amazon API Gateway with one resource
(DynamoDBManager) and one method (POST). You associate the POST method with your Lambda
function. Then, you test the end-to-end experience.
"name": "DynamoDBOperations",
"id": "api-id",
"createdDate": 1447724091
You also need the ID of the API root resource. To get the ID, run the get-resources command.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
The following is example response (at this time you only have the root resource, but you add more
resources in the next step):
"items": [
"path": "/",
"id": "root-id"
"path": "/DynamoDBManager",
"pathPart": "DynamoDBManager",
"id": "resource-id",
"parentId": "root-id"
Note the ID in the response. This is the ID of the resource (DynamoDBManager) that you created.
We specify NONE for the --authorization-type parameter, which means that unauthenticated
requests for this method are supported. This is fine for testing but in production you should use either
the key-based or role-base authentication.
"apiKeyRequired": false,
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
"httpMethod": "POST",
"authorizationType": "NONE"
Step 3.4: Set the Lambda Function as the Destination for the POST Method
Run the following command to set the Lambda function as the integration point for the POST method
(this is the method Amazon API Gateway invokes when you make an HTTPS request for the POST
method endpoint).
"httpMethod": "POST",
"type": "AWS",
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:region:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"cacheNamespace": "resource-id"
Set content-type of the POST method response and integration response to JSON as follows:
• Run the following command to set the POST method response to JSON. This is the response type that
your API method returns.
• Run the following command to set the POST method integration response to JSON. This is the
response type that Lambda function returns.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
--resource-id resource-id \
--http-method POST \
--status-code 200 \
--response-templates "{\"application/json\": \"\"}"
"id": "deployment-id",
"createdDate": 1447726017
Step 3.6: Grant Permissions that Allows Amazon API Gateway to Invoke the
Lambda Function
Now that you have an API created using Amazon API Gateway and you've deployed it, you can test. First,
you need to add permissions so that Amazon API Gateway can invoke your Lambda function when you
send HTTPS request to the POST method.
To do this, you need to add a permissions to the permissions policy associated with your Lambda
function. Run the following add-permission AWS Lambda command to grant the Amazon API
Gateway service principal ( permissions to invoke your Lambda function
You must grant this permission to enable testing (if you go to the Amazon API Gateway and choose
Test to test the API method, you need this permission). Note the --source-arn specifies a wildcard
character (*) as the stage value (indicates testing only). This allows you to test without deploying the API.
Now, run the same command again, but this time you grant to your deployed API permissions to invoke
the Lambda function.
You grant this permission so that your deployed API has permissions to invoke the Lambda function.
Note that the --source-arn specifies a prod which is the stage name we used when deploying the API.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
If you want to test operations that your Lambda function supports on a DynamoDB table, first you need
to create a table in Amazon DynamoDB LambdaTable (Id), where Id is the hash key of string type.
If you are testing the echo and ping operations that your Lambda function supports, you don't need to
create the DynamoDB table.
You can use Amazon API Gateway CLI commands to send an HTTPS POST request to the resource
(DynamoDBManager) endpoint. Because you deployed your Amazon API Gateway, you can use Curl to
invoke the methods for the same operation.
The Lambda function supports using the create operation to create an item in your DynamoDB table.
To request this operation, use the following JSON:
"operation": "create",
"tableName": "LambdaTable",
"payload": {
"Item": {
"Id": "foo",
"number": 5
Run the test-invoke-method Amazon API Gateway command to send an HTTPS POST method
request to the resource (DynamoDBManager) endpoint with the preceding JSON in the request body.
To send request for the echo operation that your Lambda function supports, you can use the following
request payload:
"operation": "echo",
"payload": {
"somekey1": "somevalue1",
"somekey2": "somevalue2"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon API
Gateway (On-Demand Over HTTPS)
Run the test-invoke-method Amazon API Gateway CLI command to send an HTTPS POST method
request to the resource (DynamoDBManager) endpoint using the preceding JSON in the request body.
You can use AWS CloudFormation to easily specify, deploy, and configure serverless applications. AWS
CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Lambda
functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring
those resources for you.
In addition, you can use the AWS Serverless Application Model to express resources that comprise the
serverless application. These resource types, such as Lambda functions and APIs, are fully supported by
AWS CloudFormation and make it easier for you to define and deploy your serverless application.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: handler
Runtime: runtime
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
Type: Api
Path: 'DynamoDBOperations/DynamoDBManager'
Method: post
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Step 3: Create a Simple Microservice
using Lambda and API Gateway
Next Step
Step 3.1: Create an API Using Amazon API Gateway (p. 250)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console.
2. Choose Create Lambda function.
3. On the Select blueprint page, choose the microservice-http-endpoint blueprint. You can use the
Filter to find it.
4. The Configure triggers page will be populated with an API Gateway trigger. The default API name
that will be created is LambdaMicroservice (You can change this name via the API Name field if
you wish).
When you complete the wizard and create your function, Lambda automatically creates a
proxy resource named MyLambdaMicroservice (your function name) under the API name
you selected. For more information about proxy resources, see Configure Proxy Integration
for a Proxy Resource. A proxy resource has an AWS_PROXY integration type and a catch-all
method ANY. The AWS_PROXY integration type applies a default mapping template to pass
through the entire request to the Lambda function and transforms the output from the
Lambda function to HTTP responses. The ANY method defines the same integration setup for
all the supported methods, including GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE and others.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Step 3: Create a Simple Microservice
using Lambda and API Gateway
Next Step
Step 3.2: Test Sending an HTTPS Request (p. 251)
1. With your MyLambdaMicroService function still open in the console, choose the Actions tab and
then choose Configure test event.
2. Replace the existing text with the following:
"httpMethod": "GET",
"queryStringParameters": {
"TableName": "MyTable"
Next Step
• You used the hello-world-python blueprint in this Getting Started exercise. This blueprint provides
sample code authored in Python. There is also the hello-world blueprint that provides similar Lambda
function code that is authored in Node.js.
• Both the hello-world-python and the hello-world blueprints process custom events. For this Getting
Started exercise, you used hand-crafted sample event data. Your can write Lambda functions to
process events published by event sources such as Amazon S3 and DynamoDB. This requires event
source configuration in the console.
For example, you can write a Lambda function to process Amazon S3 events. Then, you configure
Amazon S3 as the event source to publish object-created events to AWS Lambda. When you upload an
object to your bucket, Amazon S3 detects the event and invokes your Lambda function. Your Lambda
function receives the event data as a parameter. You can verify your Lambda function executed by
reviewing the CloudWatch logs either in the Lambda console or the CloudWatch console.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Mobile Backend (Android)
The Lambda console provide blueprint to set up an example Lambda function to process Amazon S3
events. When creating a Lambda function in the console on the Select blueprint page, enter s3 in the
Filter box to search for a list of available blueprints.
For more information about working with different event sources, see Use Cases (p. 176).
Next Step
What's Next?
This Getting Started exercise provided you with an overview of how to use the AWS Lambda console.
AWS Lambda functions can also be automatically invoked in response to events in other AWS services
such as Amazon S3 and DynamoDB. Lambda functions can also be invoked on-demand over HTTPS. You
can also build your own custom event sources and invoke Lambda functions on demand.
Depending on your integration scenario, whether your application needs event-driven Lambda function
invocation or on-demand invocation, see the following sections:
The console provides several blueprints for you to set up example Lambda functions quickly that can
process events from these event sources. You may want to explore other blueprints in the console to get
started with Lambda functions triggered by these event sources.
After you create the Lambda function, you can invoke it from your mobile app using AWS Mobile SDKs,
such as the AWS SDK for Android. For more information, see Tools for Amazon Web Services.
You can also invoke your Lambda function over HTTP using Amazon API Gateway (instead of
using any of the AWS SDKs). Amazon API Gateway adds an additional layer between your mobile
users and your app logic that enable the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Mobile Backend (Android)
Note the following about how the mobile application and AWS Lambda integration works:
• Push-event model – This is a model (see Event Source Mapping (p. 152)), where the app invokes the
Lambda function by passing the event data as parameter.
• Synchronous or asynchronous invocation – The app can invoke the Lambda function and get a
response back in real time by specifying RequestResponse as the invocation type (or use the Event
invocation type for asynchronous invocation). For information about invocation types, see Manage
Permissions: Using a Lambda Function Policy (p. 363).
• Event structure – The event your Lambda function receives is defined by your application, and your
Lambda function is the custom code written to process the specific event type.
Note that there are two types of permissions policies that you work with in setting the end-to-end
• Permissions for your Lambda function – Regardless of what invokes a Lambda function, AWS Lambda
executes the function by assuming the IAM role (execution role) that you specify at the time you
create the Lambda function. Using the permissions policy associated with this role, you grant your
Lambda function the permissions that it needs. For example, if your Lambda function needs to read an
object, you grant permissions for the relevant Amazon S3 actions in the permissions policy. For more
information, see Manage Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362).
• Permissions for the mobile app to invoke your Lambda function – The application must have valid
security credentials and permissions to invoke a Lambda function. For mobile applications, you can use
the Amazon Cognito service to manage user identities, authentication, and permissions.
The following diagram illustrates the application flow (the illustration assumes a mobile app using AWS
Mobile SDK for Android to make the API calls):
1. The mobile application sends a request to Amazon Cognito with an identity pool ID in the request (you
create the identity pool as part the setup).
2. Amazon Cognito returns temporary security credentials back to the application.
Amazon Cognito assumes the role associated with the identity pool to generate temporary
credentials. What the application can do using the credentials is limited to the permissions defined
in the permissions policy associated with the role Amazon Cognito used in obtaining the temporary
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The AWS SDK can cache the temporary credentials so that the application does not send a
request to Amazon Cognito each time it needs to invoke a Lambda function.
3. The mobile application invokes the Lambda function using temporary credentials (Cognito Identity).
4. AWS Lambda assumes the execution role to execute your Lambda function on your behalf.
5. The Lambda function executes.
6. AWS Lambda returns results to the mobile application, assuming the app invoked the Lambda
function using the RequestResponse invocation type (synchronous invocation).
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda as Mobile
Application Backend (p. 254).
• The sample mobile application will generate event data consisting of a name (first name and last
name) in this format:
• You use Lambda function to process the event. That is, the app (using the AWS Mobile SDK for
Android) invokes a Lambda function (ExampleAndroidEventProcessor) by passing the event data
to it. The Lambda function in this tutorial does the following:
• Logs incoming event data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
• Upon successful execution, returns a simple string in the response body. Your mobile app displays
the message using the Android Toast class.
The way that the mobile application invokes a Lambda function as shown in this tutorial is an
example of the AWS Lambda request-response model in which an application invokes a Lambda
function and then receives a response in real time. For more information, see Programming
Model (p. 18).
Implementation Summary
The tutorial is divided into two main sections:
• First, you perform the necessary setup to create a Lambda function and test it by invoking it manually
using sample event data (you don't need mobile app to test your Lambda function).
• Second, you create an Amazon Cognito identity pool to manage authentication and permissions, and
create the example Android application. Then, you run the application and it invokes the Lambda
function. You can then verify the end-to-end experience. In this tutorial example:
• You use the Amazon Cognito service to manage user identities, authentication, and permissions.
The mobile application must have valid security credentials and permissions to invoke a Lambda
function. As part of the application setup, you create an Amazon Cognito identity pool to store user
identities and define permissions. For more information, see Amazon Cognito
• This mobile application does not require its users to log in. A mobile application can require its users
to log in using public identity providers such as Amazon and Facebook. The scope of this tutorial is
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
limited and assumes that the mobile application users are unauthenticated. Therefore, when you
configure Amazon Cognito identity pool you will do the following:
• Enable access for unauthenticated identities.
Amazon Cognito provides a unique identifier and temporary AWS credentials for these users to
invoke the Lambda function.
• In the access permissions policy associated with the IAM role for unauthenticated users, add
permissions to invoke the Lambda function. An identity pool has two associated IAM roles, one for
authenticated and one for unauthenticated application users. In this example, Amazon Cognito
assumes the role for unauthenticated users to obtain temporary credentials. When the app uses
these temporary credentials to invoke your Lambda function, it can do so only if has necessary
permissions (that is, credentials may be valid, but you also need permissions). You do this by
updating the permissions policy that Amazon Cognito uses to obtain the temporary credentials.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 255)
Step 1: Prepare
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account.
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 2: Create the Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 256)
• Create a Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided. The sample Lambda
function code to process your mobile application events is provided in various languages. Select one of
the languages and follow the corresponding instructions to create a deployment package.
To see more examples of using other AWS services within your function, including calling
other Lambda functions, see AWS SDK for JavaScript
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role). This is the role that AWS Lambda assumes to invoke your Lambda
function on your behalf.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package, and then test it by invoking it
manually using sample event data.
• Step 2.1: Create a Deployment Package (p. 256)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 258)
• Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 259)
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 or v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as AndroidBackendLambdaFunction.js.
3. Zip the AndroidBackendLambdaFunction.js file as
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 258)
Use the following Java code to create your Lambda function (AndroidBackendLambdaFunction). The
code receives Android app event data as the first parameter to the handler. Then, the code processes
event data (for illustration this code writes some of the event data to CloudWatch Logs and returns a
string in response).
In the code, the handler (myHandler) uses the RequestClass and ResponseClass types for the
input and output. The code provides implementation for these types.
You use the same classes (POJOs) to handle the input and output data when you create the
sample mobile application in the next section.
package example;
public RequestClass() {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
public ResponseClass() {
Save the preceding code in a file ( Your can now create a deployment package. You
need to include the following dependency:
• aws-lambda-java-core
Your deployment package can be a .zip file or a standalone .jar. You can use any build and packaging
tool you are familiar with to create a deployment package. For examples of how to use the Maven build
tool to create a standalone .jar, see Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven without any IDE
(Java) (p. 93) and Creating a .jar Deployment Package Using Maven and Eclipse IDE (Java) (p. 95). For an
example of how to use the Gradle build tool to create a .zip file, see Creating a .zip Deployment Package
(Java) (p. 97).
Next Step
Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 258)
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
• AWSLambdaBasicExecute – This is the access permissions policy that you attach to the role. This
Lambda function only writes logs to CloudWatch Logs. So it only needs permission for specific
CloudWatch actions. This policy provides these permissions.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-android-
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaBasicExecute. The permissions in this policy are sufficient
for the Lambda function in this tutorial.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Next Step
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample Event Data) (p. 259)
Step 2.3: Create the Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (Using Sample
Event Data)
In this section, you do the following:
At the command prompt, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command using the
adminuser profile.
You need to update the command by providing the .zip file path and the execution role ARN. The --
runtime parameter value can be nodejs6.10, nodejs4.3, or java8, depending on the language you
chose to author your code.
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
You can create the Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console, in which case note the
value of the create-function AWS CLI command parameters. You provide the same values in
the console UI.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
1. Follow the steps in the Getting Started exercise to create and invoke the Lambda function at Invoke
the Lambda Function Manually and Verify Results, Logs, and Metrics (p. 11). After you choose the
Lambda function, choose Configure test event from the Actions menu to specify the following
sample event data:
"greetings": "Hello first-name, last-name."
In this tutorial example, the message is saved in the outputfile.txt file. If you request
synchronous execution (RequestResponse as the invocation type), the function returns
the string message in the response body.
For Node.js, it could be one of the following (whatever one you specify in the code):
context.done(null, "message)
For Java, it is the message in the return statement:
return "message"
Next Step
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. For more information about
Amazon Cognito services, see the Amazon Cognito product detail page.
1. Using the IAM User Sign-In URL, sign in to the Amazon Cognito console as adminuser.
2. Create a new identity pool called JavaFunctionAndroidEventHandlerPool. Before you follow
the procedure to create an identity pool, note the following:
• The identity pool you are creating must allow access to unauthenticated identities because
our example mobile application does not require a user log in (the application users are
unauthenticated). Therefore, make sure to select the Enable access to unauthenticated
identities option.
• The unauthenticated application users need permission to invoke the Lambda function. To
enable this, you will add the following statement to the permission policy associated with the
unauthenticated identities (it allows permission for the for the lambda:InvokeFunction action
on the specific Lambda function (you must update the resource ARN by providing your account
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You can update policy at the time of creating the identity pool. You can also update the
policy after you create the identity pool, in which case make sure you write down the IAM
role name for the unauthenticated users from the Amazon Cognito console. Then, go to
the IAM console and search for the specific role and edit the access permissions policy.
For instructions about how to create an identity pool, log in to the Amazon Cognito console and
follow the New Identity Pool wizard.
3. Note down the identity pool ID. You specify this ID in your mobile application you create in the next
section. The app uses this ID when it sends request to Amazon Cognito to request for temporary
security credentials.
Next Step
Step 4: Create a Mobile Application for Android (p. 262)
1. Create a new Android project called AndroidEventGenerator using the following configuration:
compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-core:2.2.+'
compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-lambda:2.2.+'
3. Build the project so that the required dependencies are downloaded, as needed.
4. In the Android application manifest (AndroidManifest.xml), add the following permissions so
that your application can connect to the Internet. You can add them just before the </manifest>
end tag.
import com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.lambdainvoker.*;
import com.amazonaws.auth.CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;
6. In the package section, add the following two classes (RequestClass and ResponseClass). Note
that the POJO is same as the POJO you created in your Lambda function in the preceding section.
• RequestClass. The instances of this class act as the POJO (Plain Old Java Object) for event data
which consists of first and last name. If you are using Java example for your Lambda function
you created in the preceding section, this POJO is same as the POJO you created in your Lambda
function code.
package com.example....lambdaeventgenerator;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
public RequestClass() {
• ResponseClass
package com.example....lambdaeventgenerator;
public class ResponseClass {
String greetings;
public ResponseClass() {
7. In the same package, create interface called MyInterface for invoking the
AndroidBackendLambdaFunction Lambda function.
The @LambdaFunction annotation in the code maps the specific client method to the
same-name Lambda function. For more information about this annotation, see AWS
Lambda in the AWS Mobile SDK for Android Developer Guide.
package com.example.....lambdaeventgenerator;
import com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.lambdainvoker.LambdaFunction;
public interface MyInterface {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
8. To keep the application simple, we are going to add code to invoke the Lambda function in the
onCreate() event handler. In MainActivity, add the following code toward the end of the
onCreate() code.
// Create the Lambda proxy object with a default Json data binder.
// You can provide your own data binder by implementing
// LambdaDataBinder.
final MyInterface myInterface =;
protected void onPostExecute(ResponseClass result) {
if (result == null) {
// Do a toast
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, result.getGreetings(),
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Scheduled Events
This functionality is available when you create a Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console or the
AWS CLI. To configure it using the AWS CLI, see Run an AWS Lambda Function on a Schedule Using the
AWS CLI. The console provides the CloudWatch Events - Schedule as an event source. At the time of
creating a Lambda function, you choose this event source and specify a time interval.
If you have made any manual changes to the permissions on your function, you may need to reapply the
scheduled event access to your function. You can do that by using the following CLI command.
Each AWS account can have up to 100 unique event sources of the CloudWatch Events -
Schedule source type. Each of these can be the event source for up to five Lambda functions.
That is, you can have up to 500 Lambda functions that can be executing on a schedule in your
AWS account.
The console also provides a blueprint (lambda-canary) that uses the CloudWatch Events - Schedule
source type. Using this blueprint, you can create a sample Lambda function and test this feature. The
example code that the blueprint provides checks for the presence of a specific webpage and specific text
string on the webpage. If either the webpage or the text string is not found, the Lambda function throws
an error.
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Scheduled
Events (p. 265).
• Create a Lambda function using the lambda-canary blueprint. You configure the Lambda function
to run every minute. Note that if the function returns an error, AWS Lambda logs error metrics to
• Configure a CloudWatch alarm on the Errors metric of your Lambda function to post a message to
your Amazon SNS topic when AWS Lambda emits error metrics to CloudWatch. You subscribe to the
Amazon SNS topics to get email notification. In this tutorial, you do the following to set this up:
• Create an Amazon SNS topic.
• Subscribe to the topic so you can get email notifications when a new message is posted to the topic.
• In Amazon CloudWatch, set an alarm on the Errors metric of your Lambda function to publish a
message to your SNS topic when errors occur.
Next Step
Step 1: Create a Lambda Function (p. 266)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
For more information on expressions schedules, see Schedule Expressions Using Rate or
Cron (p. 269).
• In Enable trigger, we recommend that you leave the trigger in a disabled state until you have
tested it.
• Choose Next.
5. In Configure function, do the following:
Next Step
Step 2: Test the Lambda Function (Using a Sample Test Event) (p. 266)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Note the event time in the sample event. This value will be different when AWS Lambda invokes the
function at scheduled intervals. The sample Lambda function code logs this time to CloudWatch
3. Choose Save and test and verify that the Execution result section shows success.
Next Step
Step 3: Create an Amazon SNS Topic and Subscribe to It (p. 267)
You use this Amazon SNS topic in the next step when you configure a CloudWatch alarm so that when
AWS Lambda emits an error the alarm will publish a notification to this topic.
Next Step
Step 4: Configure a CloudWatch Alarm (p. 267)
• In Create Alarm (1. Select Metric step), choose Lambda Metrics, and then choose the Errors (Metric
Name is Errors) for the Lambda function you created. Also, on the statistics drop-down, change the
settings from Average to Sum statistics.
• In Create Alarm (2. Define Metric step), set the alarm threshold to Whenever: Errors is >= 1 and
select your Amazon SNS topic from the Send notification to: list.
Next Step
Step 5: Test the Lambda Function Again (p. 267)
You can use AWS CloudFormation to easily specify, deploy, and configure serverless applications. AWS
CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Lambda
functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring
those resources for you.
In addition, you can use the AWS Serverless Application Model to express resources that comprise the
serverless application. These resource types, such as Lambda functions and APIs, are fully supported by
AWS CloudFormation and make it easier for you to define and deploy your serverless application.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: String
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: LambdaFunctionOverHttps.handler
Runtime: runtime
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
Type: Schedule
Schedule: rate(1 minute)
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
- Protocol: email
Endpoint: !Ref NotificationEmail
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
- !Ref AlarmTopic
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
- Name: FunctionName
Value: !Ref CheckWebsitePeriodically
EvaluationPeriods: String
MetricName: Errors
Namespace: AWS/Lambda
Period: '60'
Statistic: Sum
Threshold: '1'
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
rate(Value Unit)
For example:
Cron expression
All fields are required and time zone is UTC only. The following table describes these fields.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
W Specifies Weekday When used with a date, such as 5/W, specifies the closest
weekday to 5th day of the month. If the 5th falls on a
Saturday, execution occurs on Friday. If the 5th falls on a
Sunday, execution occurs on Monday.
# Specifies the nd Specifying 3#2 means the second Tuesday of the month
or nth day of the (Tuesday is the third day of the 7-day week).
* Specifies All values If used in the Day-of-month field, it means all days in the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Custom User Applications
• Cron expressions that lead to rates faster than one minute are not supported.
• One of the day-of-month or day-of-week values must be a question mark (?).
When a user application invokes a Lambda function, it's an example of the AWS Lambda request-response
model in which an application invokes a Lambda function and receives a response in real time.
For a tutorial that walks you through an example setup, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Custom
User Applications (p. 271).
• Create a Lambda function to process an event it receives as a parameter. You use the following
example Node.js code to create your Lambda function.
console.log('Loading function');
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtime v4.3. For more information, see
Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
The function is simple. It processes incoming event data by logging it (these logs are available in
Amazon CloudWatch), and in the request-response model, you can request the log data be returned in
the response.
• Simulate a user application that sends an event to your Lambda function by invoking your Lambda
function manually using the following sample event data.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
This example is similar to the Getting Started exercise (see Getting Started (p. 3)). The difference
is that the Getting Started exercise provides a console-based experience. The console does many
things for you, which simplifies the experience. When using the AWS CLI, you get the experience
of making the API calls, which can help you develop a better understanding of the AWS Lambda
operations. In addition to creating and invoking a Lambda function, you can explore other
Lambda APIs.
Next Step
Step 1: Prepare (p. 272)
Step 1: Prepare
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account.
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
Next Step
Step 2: Create a Lambda Function and Invoke It Manually (p. 272)
• Create a deployment package. A deployment package is a .zip file that contains your code and any
dependencies. For this tutorial there are no dependencies, you only have a simple example code.
• Create an IAM role (execution role). At the time you upload the deployment package, you need to
specify an IAM role (execution role) that Lambda can assume to execute the function on your behalf.
You also grant this role the permissions that your Lambda function needs. The code in this tutorial
writes logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. So you need to grant permissions for CloudWatch actions.
For more information, see AWS Lambda Watch Logs.
• Create a Lambda function (HelloWorld) using the create-function CLI command. For more
information about the underlying API and related parameters, see CreateFunction (p. 423).
• Step 2.1: Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 273)
• Step 2.2: Create the Execution Role (IAM Role) (p. 273)
• Step 2.3: Create a Lambda Function (p. 274)
• Next Step (p. 274)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
console.log('Loading function');
The code sample is compliant with the Node.js runtimes v6.10 ore v4.3. For more
information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19)
2. Save the file as helloworld.js.
3. Zip the helloworld.js file as
To see more examples of using other AWS services within your function, including calling other
Lambda functions, see AWS SDK for JavaScript
• AWS service role of the "AWS Lambda" type. This role grants AWS Lambda permission to assume the
• "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" access policy that you attach to the role. This existing policy grants
permissions that include permissions for Amazon CloudWatch actions that your Lambda function
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide.
In this section, you create an IAM role using the following predefined role type and access permissions
• AWS service role of the type AWS Lambda – This role grants AWS Lambda permissions to assume the
• AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole access permissions policy that you attach to the role.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide. Use the following procedure
to create the IAM role.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
to create an IAM role (execution role). As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example, lambda-custom-
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda. This grants the
AWS Lambda service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole.
3. Write down the role ARN. You will need it in the next step when you create your Lambda function.
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and then
specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --zip-file
parameter by the --code parameter, as shown following:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
For more information, see CreateFunction (p. 423). AWS Lambda creates the function and returns
function configuration information as shown in the following example:
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"CodeSize": 351,
"MemorySize": 128,
"FunctionArn": "function-arn",
"Handler": "helloworld.handler",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/LambdaExecRole",
"Timeout": 3,
"LastModified": "2015-04-07T22:02:58.854+0000",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Description": ""
Next Step
Step 3: Invoke the Lambda Function (AWS CLI) (p. 274)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
--invocation-type RequestResponse \
--function-name helloworld \
--region region \
--log-type Tail \
--payload '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}' \
--profile adminuser \
If you want you can save the payload to a file (for example, input.txt) and provide the file name as a
--payload file://input.txt \
The preceding invoke command specifies RequestResponse as the invocation type, which returns a
response immediately in response to the function execution. Alternatively, you can specify Event as the
invocation type to invoke the function asynchronously.
By specifying the --log-type parameter, the command also requests the tail end of the log produced
by the function. The log data in the response is base64-encoded as shown in the following example
"LogResult": "base64-encoded-log",
"StatusCode": 200
On Linux and Mac, you can use the base64 command to decode the log.
Because you invoked the function using the RequestResponse invocation type, the function executes
and returns the object you passed to the context.succeed() in real time when it is called. In this
tutorial, you see the following text written to the outputfile.txt you specified in the CLI command:
You are able to execute this function because you are using the same AWS account to create
and invoke the Lambda function. However, if you want to grant cross-account permissions to
another AWS account or grant permissions to another an AWS service to execute the function,
you must add a permissions to the access permissions policy associated with the function. The
Amazon S3 tutorial, which uses Amazon S3 as the event source (see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda
with Amazon S3 (p. 177)), grants such permissions to Amazon S3 to invoke the function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You can monitor the activity of your Lambda function in the AWS Lambda console.
• Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
The AWS Lambda console shows a graphical representation of some of the CloudWatch metrics in the
Cloudwatch Metrics at a glance section for your function.
• For each graph, you can also choose the logs link to view the CloudWatch logs directly.
Next Step
Step 4: Try More CLI Commands (AWS CLI) (p. 276)
To illustrate the use of pagination, the command specifies the optional --max-items parameter to limit
the number of functions returned in the response. For more information, see ListFunctions (p. 475).
The following is an example response.
"Functions": [
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"MemorySize": 128,
"CodeSize": 412,
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:account-
"Handler": "ProcessKinesisRecords.handler",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/LambdaExecRole",
"Timeout": 3,
"LastModified": "2015-02-22T21:03:01.172+0000",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Description": ""
"FunctionName": "ProcessKinesisRecords",
"MemorySize": 128,
"CodeSize": 412,
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:account-
"Handler": "ProcessKinesisRecords.handler",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/lambda-execute-test-kinesis",
"Timeout": 3,
"LastModified": "2015-02-22T21:03:01.172+0000",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Description": ""
"NextMarker": null
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
In response, Lambda returns a list of up to 10 functions. If there are more functions you can retrieve,
NextMarker provides a marker you can use in the next list-functions request; otherwise, the value
is null. The following list-functions AWS CLI command is an example that shows the --next-
marker parameter.
Step 4.2: Get Metadata and a URL to Download Previously Uploaded Lambda
Function Deployment Packages
The Lambda CLI get-function command returns Lambda function metadata and a presigned URL that
you can use to download the function's .zip file (deployment package) that you uploaded to create the
function. For more information, see GetFunction (p. 449).
"Code": {
"RepositoryType": "S3",
"Location": "pre-signed-url"
"Configuration": {
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"MemorySize": 128,
"CodeSize": 287,
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:helloworld",
"Handler": "helloworld.handler",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/LambdaExecRole",
"Timeout": 3,
"LastModified": "2015-04-07T22:02:58.854+0000",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Description": ""
If you want the function configuration information only (not the presigned URL), you can use the
Lambda CLI get-function-configuration command.
Next Step
Step 5: Delete the Lambda Function and IAM Role (AWS CLI) (p. 278)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Step 5: Delete the Lambda Function and IAM Role (AWS CLI)
Execute the following delete-function command to delete the helloworld function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Versioning and Aliases
Deploying Lambda-based
Lambda-based applications (also referred to as serverless applications) are composed of functions
triggered by events. A typical serverless application consists of one or more functions triggered by events
such as object uploads to Amazon S3, Amazon SNS notifications, and API actions. Those functions can
stand alone or leverage other resources such as DynamoDB tables or Amazon S3 buckets. The most basic
serverless application is simply a function.
AWS Lambda provides API operations that you can use to create and update Lambda functions by
providing a deployment package as a ZIP file. However, this mechanism might not be convenient for
automating deployment steps for functions, or coordinating deployments and updates to other elements
of a serverless application (like event sources and downstream resources). For example, in order to
deploy an Amazon SNS trigger, you need to update the function, the Amazon SNS topic, the mapping
between the function and the topic, and any other downstream resources required by your function such
as a DynamoDB table.
• AWS CLI - Using the aws cloudformation deploy command. For more information, see
Deployment (p. 305), which is included in a tutorial on creating a severless application. For more
information, see Create Your Own Serverless Application (p. 304). Lambda also offers other AWS CLI
operations for you to deploy your serverless applications:
• CreateFunction (p. 423)
• UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510)
• AWS CloudFormation - You can use AWS CloudFormation to specify, deploy, and configure serverless
applications. AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your AWS resources so
that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications
that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all of the AWS resources that you want (like
Lambda functions and DynamoDB tables), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning
and configuring those resources for you. You don't need to individually create and configure AWS
resources and figure out what's dependent on what—AWS CloudFormation handles all of that. For
more information, see AWS CloudFormation Concepts in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
• AWS SAM - AWS SAM supports special resource types that simplify how to express functions, APIs,
mappings, and DynamoDB tables for serverless applications, as well as some features for these
services like environment variables. The AWS CloudFormation description of these resources conforms
to the AWS Serverless Application Model. In order to deploy your application, simply specify the
resources you need as part of your application, along with their associated permissions policies in
an AWS CloudFormation template file (written in either JSON or YAML), package your deployment
artifacts, and deploy the template. For more information, see Using the AWS Serverless Application
Model (AWS SAM) (p. 299)
Before you learn about the AWS Serverless Model (AWS SAM), we suggest you read the following section,
which discusses Lambda function versioning, aliases and how to shift traffic to function revisions, which
is a pivotal aspect to serverless application development. For more information, see AWS Lambda
Function Versioning and Aliases (p. 279).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Versioning and Aliases
a result, you can work with different variations of your Lambda function in your development workflow,
such as development, beta, and production.
Each Lambda function version has a unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN). After you publish a version, it
is immutable (that is, it can't be changed).
AWS Lambda also supports creating aliases for each of your Lambda function versions. Conceptually,
an AWS Lambda alias is a pointer to a specific Lambda function version. It's also a resource similar to a
Lambda function, and each alias has a unique ARN. Each alias maintains an ARN for the function version
to which it points. An alias can only point to a function version, not to another alias. Unlike versions,
which are immutable, aliases are mutable (that is, they can be changed). You can update aliases to point
to different versions of functions.
Aliases enable you to abstract the process of promoting new Lambda function versions into production
from the mapping of the Lambda function version and its event source.
For example, suppose Amazon S3 is the event source that invokes your Lambda function when new
objects are created in a bucket. When Amazon S3 is your event source, you store the event source
mapping information in the bucket notification configuration. In that configuration, you can identify the
Lambda function ARN that Amazon S3 can invoke. However, in this case each time you publish a new
version of your Lambda function you need to update the notification configuration so that Amazon S3
invokes the correct version.
In contrast, instead of specifying the function ARN, suppose that you specify an alias ARN in the
notification configuration (for example, PROD alias ARN). As you promote new versions of your Lambda
function into production, you only need to update the PROD alias to point to the latest stable version.
You don't need to update the notification configuration in Amazon S3.
The same applies when you need to roll back to a previous version of your Lambda function. In this
scenario, you just update the PROD alias to point to a different function version. There is no need to
update event source mappings.
We recommend that you use versioning and aliases to deploy your Lambda functions when building
applications with multiple dependencies and developers involved.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
• Introduction to AWS Lambda Versioning (p. 281)
• Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases (p. 285)
• Versioning, Aliases, and Resource Policies (p. 293)
• Managing Versioning Using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or Lambda API
Operations (p. 295)
• Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297)
You can refer to this function using its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). There are two ARNs associated
with this initial version:
You can use this unqualified ARN in all relevant operations. However, you cannot use it to create an
alias. For more information, see Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases (p. 285).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Unless you choose to publish versions, the $LATEST function version is the only Lambda
function version that you have. You can use either the qualified or unqualified ARN in your event
source mapping to invoke the $LATEST version.
"CodeSize": 287,
"Description": "test function."
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:aws-region:acct-id:function:helloworld",
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"Handler": "helloworld.handler",
"LastModified": "2015-07-16T00:34:31.322+0000",
"MemorySize": 128,
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::acct-id:role/lambda_basic_execution",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Timeout": 3,
"CodeSHA256": "OjRFuuHKizEE8tHFIMsI+iHR6BPAfJ5S0rW31Mh6jKg=",
"Version": "$LATEST"
In this response, AWS Lambda returns the unqualified ARN of the newly created function and also its
version, $LATEST. The response also shows that the Version is $LATEST. The CodeSha256 is the
checksum of the deployment package that you uploaded.
• Publish a version explicitly – You can use the PublishVersion API operation to explicitly publish
a version. For more information, see PublishVersion (p. 483). This operation creates a new version
using the code and configuration in the $LATEST version.
• Publish a version at the time you create or update a Lambda function – You can also use the
CreateFunction or UpdateFunctionCode requests to publish a version by adding the optional
publish parameter in the request:
• Specify the publish parameter in your CreateFunction request to create a new Lambda
function (the $LATEST version). You can then immediately publish the new function by creating
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
a snapshot and assigning it to be version 1. For more information about CreateFunction, see
CreateFunction (p. 423).
• Specify the publish parameter in your UpdateFunctionCode request to update the code in the
$LATEST version. You can then publish a version from the $LATEST. For more information about
UpdateFunctionCode, see UpdateFunctionCode (p. 504).
If you specify the publish parameter at the time you create a Lambda function, the function
configuration information that AWS Lambda returns in response shows the version number of the
newly published version. In the following example, the version is 1.
"CodeSize": 287,
"Description": "test function."
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:aws-region:acct-id:function:helloworld",
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"Handler": "helloworld.handler",
"LastModified": "2015-07-16T00:34:31.322+0000",
"MemorySize": 128,
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::acct-id:role/lambda_basic_execution",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Timeout": 3,
"CodeSHA256": "OjRFuuHKizEE8tHFIMsI+iHR6BPAfJ5S0rW31Mh6jKg=",
"Version": "1"
Lambda only publishes a new version if the code hasn't yet been published or if the code has
changed when compared against the $LATEST version. If there is no change, the $LATEST
published version is returned.
We recommend that you publish a version at the same time that you create your Lambda function or
update your Lambda function code. This recommendation especially applies when multiple developers
contribute to the same Lambda function development. You can use the publish parameter in your
request to do this.
When you have multiple developers working on a project, you can have a scenario where developer A
creates a Lambda function ($LATEST version). Before developer A publishes this version, developer B
might update the code (the deployment package) associated with the $LATEST version. In this case, you
lose the original code that developer A uploaded. When both developers add the publish parameter, it
prevents the race condition described.
The published versions are immutable. That is, you can't change code or configuration
information associated with a version.
Each version of a Lambda function is a unique resource with a Amazon Resource Name (ARN). The
following example shows the ARN of version number 1 of the helloworld Lambda function.
This ARN is qualified, where the version number is a suffix. Published versions can have only
qualified ARN.
You can publish multiple versions of a Lambda function. Each time you publish a version, AWS Lambda
copies $LATEST version (code and configuration information) to create a new version. When you publish
additional versions, AWS Lambda assigns a monotonically increasing sequence number for versioning,
even if the function was deleted and recreated. Version numbers are never reused, even for a function
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
that has been deleted and recreated. This approach means that the consumer of a function version can
depend on the executable of that version to never change (except if it's deleted).
If you want to reuse a qualifier, use aliases with your versions. Aliases can be deleted and re-created with
the same name.
Published versions are immutable. You can't update code or configuration information associated with a
published version.
You have the following options of publishing a new version as you update your Lambda function code:
• Publish a version in the same update code request – Use the UpdateFunctionCode API operation
• First update the code, and then explicitly publish a version – Use the PublishVersion API
You can update code and configuration information (such as description, memory size, and execution
timeout) for the $LATEST version of the Lambda function. However, published versions are immutable.
That is, you can't change code or configuration information.
• Delete a specific version – You can delete a Lambda function version by specifying the version you
want to delete in your DeleteFunction request. If there are aliases that depend on this version, the
request fails. AWS Lambda deletes the version only if there are no aliases dependent on this version.
For more information about aliases, see Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases (p. 285).
• Delete the entire Lambda function (all of its versions and aliases) – To delete the Lambda function
and all of its versions, don't specify any version in your DeleteFunction request. Doing this deletes
the entire function including all of its versions and aliases.
You can delete a specific function version, but you cannot delete the $LATEST.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Related Topics
Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases (p. 285)
Managing Versioning Using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or Lambda API
Operations (p. 295)
By using aliases, you can access the Lambda function an alias is pointing to (for example, to invoke the
function) without the caller having to know the specific version the alias is pointing to.
• Easier support for promotion of new versions of Lambda functions and rollback when needed –
After initially creating a Lambda function (the $LATEST version), you can publish a version 1 of it.
By creating an alias named PROD that points to version 1, you can now use the PROD alias to invoke
version 1 of the Lambda function.
Now, you can update the code (the $LATEST version) with all of your improvements, and then
publish another stable and improved version (version 2). You can promote version 2 to production by
remapping the PROD alias so that it points to version 2. If you find something wrong, you can easily
roll back the production version to version 1 by remapping the PROD alias so that it points to version
In this context, the terms promotion and roll back refer to the remapping of aliases to
different function versions.
• Simplify management of event source mappings – Instead of using Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)
for Lambda function in event source mappings, you can use an alias ARN. This approach means that
you don't need to update your event source mappings when you promote a new version or roll back to
a previous version.
An AWS Lambda alias is a resource similar to a Lambda function. However, you can't create an alias
independently. You create an alias for an existing Lambda function. If a Lambda function is a resource,
you can think of an AWS Lambda alias as a subresource that is associated with a Lambda function.
Both the Lambda function and alias are AWS Lambda resources, and like all other AWS resources they
both have unique ARNs. The following example shows a Lambda function (the $LATEST version), with
one published version. Each version has an alias pointing to it.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You can access the function using either the function ARN or the alias ARN.
• Because the function version for an unqualified function always maps to $LATEST, you can access it
using the qualified or unqualified function ARN. The following shows a qualified function ARN with the
$LATEST version suffix.
• When using any of the alias ARNs, you are using a qualified ARN. Each alias ARN has an alias name
AWS Lambda provides the following API operations for you to create and manages aliases:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The function you create is the $LATEST version. You also create an alias (DEV, for development)
that points to the newly created function. Developers can use this alias to test the function with the
event sources in a development environment.
You then test the function version using event sources in a beta environment in a stable way, while
continuing to develop newer versions.
You publish a version from the $LATEST and have another alias (BETA) point to it. This approach
allows you to associate your beta event sources to this specific alias. In the event source mappings,
use the BETA alias to associate your Lambda function with the event source.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You next promote the Lambda function version in production to work with event sources in
production environment.
After testing the BETA version of the function, you can define the production version by creating
an alias that maps to version 1. In this approach, you point your production event sources to this
specific version. You do this by creating a PROD alias and using the PROD alias ARN in all of your
production event source mappings.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
As you develop your code, you can update the $LATEST version by uploading updated code and
then publish to beta testing by having the BETA alias point to it. This simple remapping of the beta
alias lets you put version 2 of your Lambda function into beta without changing any of your event
sources. This approach is how aliases enable you to control which versions of your function are used
with specific event sources in your development environment.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
If you want to try creating this setup using the AWS Command Line Interface, see Tutorial: Using AWS
Lambda Aliases (p. 290).
Related Topics
Introduction to AWS Lambda Versioning (p. 281)
Managing Versioning Using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or Lambda API
Operations (p. 295)
This example uses the us-west-2 (US West Oregon) region to create the Lambda function and aliases.
The response returns the configuration information showing $LATEST as the function version as shown
in the following example response.
"CodeSha256": "OjRFuuHKizEE8tHFIMsI+iHR6BPAfJ5S0rW31Mh6jKg=",
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"CodeSize": 287,
"MemorySize": 128,
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:helloworld",
"Version": "$LATEST",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/lambda_basic_execution",
"Timeout": 3,
"LastModified": "2015-09-30T18:39:53.873+0000",
"Handler": "helloworld.handler",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
"Description": ""
1. Create a deployment package that you can upload to create your Lambda function:
console.log('Loading function');
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
a. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
b. Follow the steps in IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide to create an IAM role (execution role). As you
follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• For Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda.
• For Attach Policy, choose the policy named AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole.
c. Write down the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. You need this value when you
create your Lambda function in the next step.
3. Create an alias (DEV) that points to the $LATEST version of the helloworld Lambda function.
The response returns the alias information, including the function version it points to and the
alias ARN. The ARN is the same as the function ARN with an alias name suffix. The following is an
example response.
"AliasArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:helloworld:DEV",
"FunctionVersion": "$LATEST",
"Name": "DEV",
"Description": "sample alias"
The response returns configuration information of the function version, including the version
number, and the function ARN with the version suffix. The following is an example response.
"CodeSha256": "OjRFuuHKizEE8tHFIMsI+iHR6BPAfJ5S0rW31Mh6jKg=",
"FunctionName": "helloworld",
"CodeSize": 287,
"MemorySize": 128,
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:helloworld:1",
"Version": "1",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/lambda_basic_execution",
"Timeout": 3,
"LastModified": "2015-10-03T00:48:00.435+0000",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"Handler": "helloworld.handler",
"Runtime": "nodejs6.10
"Description": ""
5. Create an alias (BETA) for the for the helloworld Lambda function version 1.
Now you have two aliases for the helloworld function. The DEV alias points to the $LATEST
function version, and the BETA alias points to version 1 of the Lambda function.
6. Suppose that you want to put the version 1 of the helloworld function in production. Create
another alias (PROD) that points to version 1.
At this time, you have both the BETA and PROD aliases pointing to version 1 of the Lambda function.
7. You can now publish a newer version (for example, version 2), but first you need to update your code
and upload a modified deployment package. If the $LATEST version is not changed, you cannot
publish more than one version of it. Assuming you updated the deployment package, uploaded it,
and published version 2, you can now change the BETA alias to point to version 2 of the Lambda
Now you have three aliases pointing to a different version of the Lambda function (DEV alias points
to the $LATEST version, BETA alias points to version 2, and the PROD alias points to version 1 of the
Lambda function.
For information about using the AWS Lambda console to manage versioning, see Managing Versioning
Using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or Lambda API Operations (p. 295).
• We recommend that you specify an existing Lambda function alias in the mapping configuration (see
Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases (p. 285)). For example, if the event source is Amazon S3, you
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Versioning, Aliases, and Resource Policies
specify the alias ARN in the bucket notification configuration so that Amazon S3 can invoke the alias
when it detects specific events.
• In the push model, you grant event sources permissions using a resource policy that you attach to your
Lambda function. In versioning, the permissions you add are specific to the qualifier that you specify in
the AddPermission request (see Versioning, Aliases, and Resource Policies (p. 293)).
For example, the following AWS CLI command grants Amazon S3 permissions to invoke the PROD
alias of the helloworld Lambda function (note that the --qualifier parameter specifies the alias
In this case, Amazon S3 is now able to invoke the PROD alias and AWS Lambda can then execute the
helloworld Lambda function version that the PROD alias points to. For this to work, you must use the
PROD alias ARN in the S3 bucket's notification configuration.
For information about how to handle Amazon S3 events, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with
Amazon S3 (p. 177).
If you use the AWS Lambda console to add an event source for your Lambda function, the
console adds the necessary permissions for you.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Versioning, Aliases, and Resource Policies
You can invoke for example the helloworld function version 1 using any of the following two ARNs:
An unqualified function ARN (a function ARN without a version or alias suffix) maps to the
$LATEST version.
• Using the BETA alias ARN as shown following.
In a push model, event sources (such as Amazon S3 and custom applications) can invoke any of the
Lambda function versions as long you grant the necessary permissions to these event sources by using
an access policy associated with the Lambda function. For more information about the push model, see
Event Source Mapping (p. 152).
Assuming that you grant permission, the next question is, "can an event source invoke a function version
using any of the associated ARNs?" The answer is, it depends on how you identified function in your add
permissions request (see AddPermission (p. 410)). The key to understanding this is that the permission
you grant apply only to the ARN used in the add permission request:
• If you use a qualified function name (such as helloworld:1), the permission is valid for invoking
the helloworld function version 1 only using its qualified ARN (using any other ARNs results in a
permission error).
• If you use an alias name (such as helloworld:BETA), the permission is valid only for invoking the
helloworld function using the BETA alias ARN (using any other ARNs results in a permission error,
including the function version ARN to which the alias points).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Managing Versioning
• If you use an unqualified function name (such as helloworld), the permission is valid only for
invoking the helloworld function using the unqualified function ARN (using any other ARNs will
result in a permission error).
Note that even though the access policy is only on the unqualified ARN, the code and
configuration of the invoked Lambda function is still from function version $LATEST. The
unqualified function ARN maps to the $LATEST version but the permissions you add are ARN-
• If you use a qualified function name using the $LATEST version (helloworld:$LATEST), the
permission is valid for invoking the helloworld function version $LATEST only using its qualified
ARN (using unqualified ARN results in a permission error).
AWS Lambda provides the following APIs to manage versioning and aliases:
In addition to these APIs, existing relevant APIs also support versioning related operations.
For an example of how you can use the AWS CLI, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda Aliases (p. 290).
This section explains how you can use the AWS Lambda console to manage versioning. In the AWS
Lambda console, choose a function and then choose Qualifiers.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Managing Versioning
The expanded Qualifiers menu displays a Versions and Aliases tab, as shown in the following screen
shot. In the Versions pane, you can see a list of versions for the selected function. If you have not
previously published a version for the selected function, the Versions pane lists only the $LATEST
version, as shown following.
Choose the Aliases tab to see a list of aliases for the function. Initially, you won't have any aliases, as
shown following.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Traffic Shifting Using Aliases
Now you can publish a version or create aliases for the selected Lambda function by using the Actions
To learn about versioning and aliases, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases (p. 279).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Traffic Shifting Using Aliases
different versions of the Lambda function and dictate what percentage of incoming traffic is sent to each
For example, you can specify that only 2 percent of incoming traffic is routed to the new version while
you analyze its readiness for a production environment, while the remaining 98 percent is routed to the
original version. As the new version matures, you can gradually update the ratio as necessary until you
have determined the new version is stable. You can then update the alias to route all traffic to the new
You can point an alias to a maximum of two Lambda function versions. In addition:
• Both versions should have the same Dead Letter Queues (p. 386) configuration (or no DLQ
• Both versions should have the same IAM execution role.
• When pointing an alias to more than one version, the alias cannot point to $LATEST.
You can update the percentage of incoming traffic to your new version (version 2) by using the
UpdateAlias (p. 496) operation. For example, you can boost the invocation traffic to your new version
to 5 percent, as shown following.
To route all traffic to version 2, again use the UpdateAlias operation to change the function-
version property to point to version 2. Then set the routing-config parameter to an empty string,
as shown following.
1. Open your Lambda function and verify that you have at least two previously published versions.
Otherwise, you can go to Introduction to AWS Lambda Versioning (p. 281) to learn more about
versioning, and publish your first function version.
2. For Actions, choose Create alias.
3. In the Create a new alias window, specify a value for Name*, optionally for Description, and for
Version* of the Lambda function that the alias will point to. Here the version is 1.
4. Under Additional version, specify the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)
b. Type a weight value for the function. Weight is the percentage of traffic that is assigned to that
version when the alias is invoked. The first version receives the residual weight. For example,
if you specify 10 percent to Additional version, the first version automatically is assigned 90
5. Choose Create.
1. CloudWatch Logs – Lambda automatically emits a START log entry that contains the invoked version
ID to CloudWatch Logs for every function invocation. An example follows.
Lambda uses the Executed Version dimension to filter the metric data by the executed
version. This only applies to alias invocations. For more information, see AWS Lambda CloudWatch
Dimensions (p. 323).
2. Response payload (synchronous invocations) – Responses to synchronous function invocations
include an x-amz-executed-version header to indicate which function version has been invoked.
• Using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) (p. 299)
• Automating Deployment of Lambda-based Applications (p. 306)
The examples following illustrate how to leverage AWS SAM to declare common components of a
serverless application. Note that the Handler and Runtime parameter values should match the ones
you used when you created the function in the previous section.
Lambda function
The following shows the notation you use to describe a Lambda function:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Serverless Resources With AWS SAM
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: runtime
CodeUri: s3://bucketName/
The handler value of the Handler property points to the module containing the code your Lambda
function will execute when invoked. The index value of the Handler property indicates the name of the
file containing the code. You can declare as many functions as your serverless application requires.
You can also declare environment variables, which are configuration settings you can set for your
application. The following shows an example of a serverless app with two Lambda functions and an
environment variable that points to a DynamoDB table. You can update environment variables without
needing to modify, repackage, or redeploy your Lambda function code. For more information, see
Environment Variables (p. 378).
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
Policies: AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole
CodeUri: s3://bucketName/
TABLE_NAME: !Ref Table
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
Policies: AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole
CodeUri: s3://bucketName/
TABLE_NAME: !Ref Table
Type: DynamoDB
Stream: !GetAtt DynamoDBTable.StreamArn
BatchSize: 100
StartingPosition: TRIM_HORIZON
Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
- AttributeName: id
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: id
KeyType: HASH
ReadCapacityUnits: 5
WriteCapacityUnits: 5
StreamViewType: streamview type
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Serverless Resources With AWS SAM
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
This is required in order to include objects defined by the AWS Serverless Application Model within an
AWS CloudFormation template.
SimpleTable is a resource that creates a DynamoDB table with a single-attribute primary key. You
can use this simplified version if the data your serverless application is interacting with only needs to
be accessed by a single-valued key. You could update the previous example to use a SimpleTable, as
shown following:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable
Name: id
Type: String
ReadCapacityUnits: 5
WriteCapacityUnits: 5
Events are AWS resources that trigger the Lambda function, such as an Amazon API Gateway endpoint
or an Amazon SNS notification. The Events property is an array, which allows you to set multiple events
per function. The following shows the notation you use to describe a Lambda function with a DynamoDB
table as an event source:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
Type: DynamoDB
Stream: !GetAtt DynamoDBTable.StreamArn
BatchSize: 100
StartingPosition: TRIM_HORIZON
Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
- AttributeName: id
AttributeType: S
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Serverless Resources With AWS SAM
- AttributeName: id
KeyType: HASH
ReadCapacityUnits: 5
WriteCapacityUnits: 5
As mentioned preceding, you can set multiple event sources that will trigger the Lambda function. The
example following shows a Lambda function that can be triggered by either an HTTP PUT or POST event.
There are two ways to define an API using AWS SAM. The following uses Swagger to configure the
underlying Amazon API Gateway resources:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
StageName: prod
DefinitionUri: swagger.yml
In the next example, the AWS::Serverless::Api resource type is implicity added from the union of
API events defined on AWS::Serverless::Function resources.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.get
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: s3://bucket/
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBReadOnlyAccess
TABLE_NAME: !Ref Table
Type: Api
Path: /resource/{resourceId}
Method: get
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.put
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: s3://bucket/
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
TABLE_NAME: !Ref Table
Type: Api
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Serverless Resources With AWS SAM
Path: /resource/{resourceId}
Method: put
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.delete
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: s3://bucket/
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
TABLE_NAME: !Ref Table
Type: Api
Path: /resource/{resourceId}
Method: delete
Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable
In the example preceding, AWS CloudFormation will automatically generate an Amazon API Gateway
API with the path "/resource/{resourceId}" and with the methods GET, PUT and DELETE.
You can supply an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role
be used as this function's execution role, as shown following:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Role:role arn
Alternatively, you could supply one or more managed policies to the Lambda function resource. AWS
CloudFormation will then create a new role with the managed policies plus the default Lambda basic
execution policy.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
If none of these are supplied, a default execution role is created with Lambda basic execution
In addition to using the serverless resources, you can also use conventional AWS
CloudFormation syntax for expressing resources in the same template. Any resources not
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Next Step
included in the current SAM model can still be created in the AWS CloudFormation template
using AWS CloudFormation syntax. In addition, you can use AWS CloudFormation syntax to
express serverless resources as an alternative to using the SAM model. For information about
specifying a Lambda function using conventional CloudFormation syntax as part of your SAM
template, see AWS::Lambda::Function in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
For a list of complete serverless application examples, see Examples of How to Use AWS
Lambda (p. 176).
Next Step
Create Your Own Serverless Application (p. 304)
1. Copy and paste the following into a text file and save it as index.js
2. Paste the following into a text file and save it as example.yaml. Note that the Runtime parameter
uses nodejs6.10 but you can specify nodejs4.3.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
S3_BUCKET: bucket-name
3. Create a folder called examplefolder and place the example.yaml file and the index.js file inside
the folder.
Your example folder now contains the following two files that you can then use to package the
serverless application:
• example.yaml
• index.js
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create Your Own Serverless Application
To package your application, create an Amazon S3 bucket that the package command will use to upload
your ZIP deployment package (if you haven't specified one in your example.yaml file). You can use the
following command to create the Amazon S3 bucket:
The package command returns an AWS SAM template, in this case serverless-output.yaml that
contains the CodeUri that points to the deployment zip in the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified.
This template represents your serverless application. You are now ready to deploy it.
To deploy the application, run the following command:
Note that the value you specify for the --template-file parameter is the name of the SAM template
that was returned by the package command. In addition, the --capabilities parameter is optional.
The AWS::Serverless::Function resource will implicitly create a role to execute the Lambda
function if one is not specified in the template. You use the --capabilities parameter to explicitly
acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation is allowed to create roles on your behalf.
When you run the aws cloudformation deploy command, it creates an AWS CloudFormation
ChangeSet, which is a list of changes to the AWS CloudFormation stack, and then deploys it. Some stack
templates might include resources that can affect permissions in your AWS account, for example, by
creating new AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users. For those stacks, you must explicitly
acknowledge their capabilities by specifying the --capabilities parameter. For more information, see
CreateChangeSet in the AWS CloudFormation API Reference.
To verify your results, open the AWS CloudFormation console to view the newly created AWS
CloudFormation stack and the Lambda console to view your function.
For a list of complete serverless application examples, see Examples of How to Use AWS
Lambda (p. 176).
You can also select one of Lambda blueprints to create a ZIP package for you to package and deploy.
Follow the steps following to do this:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Automating Deployment of Lambda-based Applications
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. Do any of the following:
• Create a function using a Lambda blueprint – Choose a blueprint and follow the steps to create
a Lambda function. For an example, see Create a Simple Lambda Function (p. 8). When you reach
the Review page, choose Export function.
• Create a function – Choose Create function, and then create your function. After your Lambda
function is created, you can export it by selecting the function. Choose Actions, then choose
Export function.
• Open an existing Lambda function – Open the function by choosing the Function name, choose
Actions, choose Export function.
3. In the Export your function window, you have the following options:
• Choose Download AWS SAM file, which defines the Lambda function and other resources that
comprise your serverless application.
• Choose Download deployment package, which contains your Lambda function code and any
dependent libraries.
Use the AWS SAM file and the ZIP deployment package and follow the steps in Packaging and
Deployment (p. 304) to re-deploy the serverless application.
• CodePipeline: You use CodePipeline to model, visualize, and automate the steps required to release
your serverless application. For more information, see What is AWS CodePipeline?
• CodeBuild: You use CodeBuild to build, locally test, and package your serverless application. For more
information, see What is AWS CodeBuild?
• AWS CloudFormation: You use AWS CloudFormation to deploy your application. For more
information, see What is AWS CloudFormation?
• CodeDeploy: You use AWS CodeDeploy to gradually deploy updates to your serverless applications.
For more information on how to do this, see Gradual Code Deployment (p. 313).
The sections below demonstrate how to incorporate all these tools to incorporate your serverless
Next Step
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application (p. 307)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application
• We will use GitHub. For instructions on how to create a GitHub repository, see Create a Repository in
• You will need to create an AWS CloudFormation role and add the AWSLambdaExecute policy to that
role, as outlined below:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User
Guide to create an IAM role (execution role) and go to the To create a role for an AWS service
section. As you follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS CloudFormation. This
grants the AWS CloudFormation service permissions to assume the role.
• In Attach Policy, choose AWSLambdaExecute.
• In Role Name, use a name that is unique within your AWS account (for example,
cloudformation-lambda-execution-role) and then choose Create role.
• Open the role you just created and under the Permissions tab, expand Inline Policies and then
choose the click here link.
• Choose Custom Policy and then choose Select.
• In Policy Name enter a name for your custom policy and then paste the following into the
Policy Document field.
Make sure to replace the region and id placeholders with your region and account id.
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application
"Effect": "Allow"
"Version": "2012-10-17"
• Add a samTemplate.yaml file, containing the content following. This is the SAM template that defines
the resources in your application. This SAM template defines a Lambda function that is triggered
by API Gateway. Note that the runtime parameter uses nodejs6.10 but you can also specify
nodejs4.3. For more information about AWS SAM see AWS Serverless Application Model.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Outputs the time
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: ./
Type: Api
Path: /TimeResource
Method: GET
• Add a buildspec.yml file. A build spec is a collection of build commands and related settings, in
YAML format, that AWS CodeBuild uses to run a build. For more information, see Build Specification
Reference for AWS CodeBuild. In this example, the build action will be:
• Use npm to install the time package.
• Running the Package command to prepare your deployment package for subsequent deployment
steps in your pipeline. For more information on the package command, see Uploading Local
Artifacts to an S3 Bucket
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application
version: 0.1
- npm install time
- aws cloudformation package --template-file samTemplate.yaml --s3-bucket bucket-
--output-template-file NewSamTemplate.yaml
type: zip
- NewSamTemplate.yaml
Note that you need to supply the --s3-bucket parameter value with the name of the your Amazon
S3 bucket, similar to the step you would take if you were manually going to package the deployment
package with SAM, as discussed in the Packaging (p. 305) step of the previous tutorial.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS CodePipeline console.
2. Choose Get Started Now.
3. In Pipeline name: enter a name for your pipeline and then choose Next step.
4. In Source provider: choose GitHub.
5. Choose Connect to GitHub: and then choose the Repository and Branch you want to connect to.
Every git push to the branch you select will trigger your pipeline. Choose Next step.
6. Choose AWS CodeBuild as your Build provider.
7. Choose Create a new build project and enter a project name.
8. Choose Ubuntu as the operating system.
9. Choose Node.js as the runtime.
10. In Version choose aws/codebuild/nodejs:version
11. Choose Save build project.
A service role for AWS CodeBuild will automatically be created on your behalf.
By selecting this option, AWS CloudFormation commands will be used to deploy the SAM template.
For more information see Serverless Resources Within AWS SAM (p. 299).
13. In Action mode: choose create or replace a change set.
14. In Stack name: enter MyBetaStack.
15. In Change set name: enter MyChangeSet.
16. In Template file: enter NewSamTemplate.yaml.
17. In Capabilities: choose CAPABILITY_IAM.
18. In Role select the AWS CloudFormation role you created at the beginning of this tutorial and then
choose Next step.
19. Choose Create role. Choose Next and then choose Allow. Choose Next step.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Building a Pipeline for Your Serverless Application
Follow the steps following to allow CodeBuild to upload build artifacts to your Amazon S3 bucket.
1. Choose Edit.
2. Choose the
Your pipeline is ready. Any git push to the branch you connected to this pipeline is going to trigger a
deployment. To test your pipeline and deploy your application for the first time, do one of the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Gradual Code Deployment
• Go the AWS CodePipeline console, choose the name of the pipeline you created and then choose
Release change.
Next Step
Gradual Code Deployment (p. 313)
• Deploy new versions of your Lambda function and automatically create aliases that point to the new
• Gradually shift customer traffic to the new version until you are satisfied it is working as expected or
roll back the update.
• Define pre-traffic and post-traffic test functions to verify the newly deployed code is configured
correctly and your application operates as expected.
• Roll back the deployment if CloudWatch alarms are triggered.
This can all be done by updating your SAM template. The example below demonstrates a simple version
of using Code Deploy to gradually shift customers to your newly deployed version:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs4.3
CodeUri: s3://bucket/
AutoPublishAlias: live
Type: Canary10Percent10Minutes
# A list of alarms that you want to monitor
- !Ref AliasErrorMetricGreaterThanZeroAlarm
- !Ref LatestVersionErrorMetricGreaterThanZeroAlarm
# Validation Lambda functions that are run before & after traffic shifting
PreTraffic: !Ref PreTrafficLambdaFunction
PostTraffic: !Ref PostTrafficLambdaFunction
• AutoPublishAlias - By adding this property and specifying an alias name, AWS SAM will do the
• Detect when new code is being deployed based on changes to the Lambda function's Amazon S3
• Create and publish an updated version of that function with the latest code.
• Create an alias with a name you provide (unless an alias already exists) and points to the updated
version of the Lambda function. Function invocations should use the alias qualifier to take
advantage of this. If you are not familiar with Lambda function versioning and aliases, see AWS
Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases (p. 279).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Gradual Code Deployment
• Deployment Preference Type - In the above example, 10 percent of your customer traffic will be
immediately shifted to your new version and after 10 minutes all traffic will be shifted to the new
version. However, if either your pre- and post hook tests fail or a CloudWatch alarm is triggered,
CodeDeploy will roll back your deployment. The table below outlines other traffic-shifting options
available beyond the one used above. Note the following:
• Canary: Traffic is shifted in two increments. You can choose from predefined canary options
that specify the percentage of traffic shifted to your updated Lambda function version in the
first increment and the interval, in minutes, before the remaining traffic is shifted in the second
• Linear: Traffic is shifted in equal increments with an equal number of minutes between each
increment. You can choose from predefined linear options that specify the percentage of traffic
shifted in each incrememnt and the number of minutes between each increment.
• All-at-once: All traffic is shifted from the original Lambda function to the updated Lambda function
version at once.
• Alarms - CloudWatch alarms that will be triggered by any errors raised by the deployment and
automatically roll back your deployment. For instance, if the updated code you are deploying is
creating errors within the application or any AWS Lambda or custom CloudWatch metrics you have
specified have breached the alarm threshold.
• Hooks - Pre-traffic and Post-traffic test functions that run sanity checks before traffic-shifting starts to
the new version and after traffic-shifting completes.
• PreTraffic: Before traffic shifting starts, CodeDeploy will invoke the pre-traffic hook Lambda
function. This Lambda function must call back to CodeDeploy denoting success or failure. On failure,
it will abort and report a failure back to AWS CloudFormation. On success, CodeDeploy will proceed
to traffic shifting.
• PostTraffic: After traffic shifting completes, CodeDeploy will invoke the post-traffic hook Lambda
function. This is similar to pre-traffic hook, where the function must call back to CodeDeploy to
report a success or failure. Use post-traffic hooks to run integration tests or other validation actions.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Amazon CloudWatch
• Using Amazon CloudWatch (p. 315)
• Using AWS X-Ray (p. 323)
You can view request rates and error rates for each of your Lambda functions by using the AWS Lambda
console, the CloudWatch console, and other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. The following topics
describe Lambda CloudWatch metrics and how to access them.
You can insert logging statements into your code to help you validate that your code is working as
expected. Lambda automatically integrates with Amazon CloudWatch Logs and pushes all logs from
your code to a CloudWatch Logs group associated with a Lambda function (/aws/lambda/<function
name>). To learn more about log groups and accessing them through the CloudWatch console, see
the Monitoring System, Application, and Custom Log Files in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. For
information about how to access CloudWatch log entries, see Accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs for
AWS Lambda (p. 319).
If your Lambda function code is executing, but you don't see any log data being generated
after several minutes, this could mean your execution role for the Lambda function did not
grant permissions to write log data to CloudWatch Logs. For information about how to make
sure that you have set up the execution role correctly to grant these permissions, see Manage
Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Scenarios
1. Check your code and verify that it is working correctly. An increased error rate would indicate that it
is not.
You can test your code locally as you would any other Node.js function, or you can test it within the
Lambda console using the console's test invoke functionality, or you can use the AWS CLI Invoke
command. Each time the code is executed in response to an event, it writes a log entry into the log
group associated with a Lambda function, which is /aws/lambda/<function name>.
Following are some examples of errors that might show up in the logs:
• If you see a stack trace in your log, there is probably an error in your code. Review your code and
debug the error that the stack trace refers to.
• If you see a permissions denied error in the log, the IAM role you have provided as an
execution role may not have the necessary permissions. Check the IAM role and verify that it has
all of the necessary permissions to access any AWS resources that your code references. To ensure
that you have correctly set up the execution role, see Manage Permissions: Using an IAM Role
(Execution Role) (p. 362).
• If you see a timeout exceeded error in the log, your timeout setting exceeds the run time of
your function code. This may be because the timeout is too low, or the code is taking too long to
• If you see a memory exceeded error in the log, your memory setting is too low. Set it to a higher
value. For information about memory size limits, see CreateFunction (p. 423). When you change
the memory setting, it can also change how you are charged for duration. For information about
pricing, see the AWS Lambda product website.
2. Check your Lambda function and verify that it is receiving requests.
Even if your function code is working as expected and responding correctly to test invokes, the
function may not be receiving requests from Amazon S3. If Amazon S3 is able to invoke the
function, you should see an increase in your CloudWatch requests metrics. If you do not see an
increase in your CloudWatch requests, check the access permissions policy associated with the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Accessing CloudWatch Metrics
If your code is taking too long to execute, it could be that it does not have enough compute
resources to execute its logic. Try increasing the memory allocated to your function and testing the
code again, using the Lambda console's test invoke functionality. You can see the memory used,
code execution time, and memory allocated in the function log entries. Changing the memory
setting can change how you are charged for duration. For information about pricing, see AWS
2. Investigate the source of the execution bottleneck that is using logs.
You can test your code locally, as you would with any other Node.js function, or you can test it
within Lambda using the test invoke capability on the Lambda console, or using the asyncInvoke
command by using AWS CLI. Each time the code is executed in response to an event, it writes
a log entry into the log group associated with a Lambda function, which is named aws/
lambda/<function name>. Add logging statements around various parts of your code, such as
callouts to other services, to see how much time it takes to execute different parts of your code.
You can monitor metrics for Lambda and view logs by using the Lambda console, the CloudWatch
console, the AWS CLI, or the CloudWatch API. The following procedures show you how to access metrics
using these different methods.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. If you have not created a Lambda function before, see Getting Started (p. 3).
3. On the Functions page, choose the function name and then choose the Monitoring tab.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Accessing CloudWatch Metrics
A graphical representation of the metrics for the Lambda function are shown.
4. Choose View logs in CloudWatch to view the logs.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Accessing CloudWatch Logs
You can insert logging statements into your code to help you validate that your code is working as
expected. Lambda automatically integrates with CloudWatch Logs and pushes all logs from your code to
a CloudWatch Logs group associated with a Lambda function, which is named /aws/lambda/<function
name>. To learn more about log groups and accessing them through the CloudWatch console, see the
Monitoring System, Application, and Custom Log Files in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
You can view logs for Lambda by using the Lambda console, the CloudWatch console, the AWS CLI,
or the CloudWatch API. The following procedure show you how to view the logs by using the Lambda
There is no additional charge for using Lambda logs; however, standard CloudWatch Logs
charges apply. For more information, see CloudWatch Pricing.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. If you have not created a Lambda function before, see Getting Started (p. 3).
3. On the Functions page, choose the function name and then choose the Monitoring tab.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
A graphical representation of the metrics for the Lambda function are shown.
4. Choose View logs in CloudWatch to view the logs.
For more information on accessing CloudWatch Logs, see the following guides:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. A metric is the fundamental concept in CloudWatch and
represents a time-ordered set of data points. You (or AWS services) publish metrics data points into
CloudWatch and you retrieve statistics about those data points as an ordered set of time-series data.
Metrics are uniquely defined by a name, a namespace, and one or more dimensions. Each data point has
a time stamp, and, optionally, a unit of measure. When you request statistics, the returned data stream is
identified by namespace, metric name, and dimension. For more information about CloudWatch, see the
Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Metric Description
Units: Count
Errors Measures the number of invocations that failed due to errors in the function
(response code 4XX). This replaces the deprecated ErrorCount metric. Failed
invocations may trigger a retry attempt that succeeds. This includes:
This does not include invocations that fail due to invocation rates exceeding
default concurrent limits (error code 429) or failures due to internal service
errors (error code 500).
Units: Count
Dead Letter Error Incremented when Lambda is unable to write the failed event payload to
your configured Dead Letter Queues. This could be due to the following:
• Permissions errors
• Throttles from downstream services
• Misconfigured resources
• Timeouts
Units: Count
Duration Measures the elapsed wall clock time from when the function code starts
executing as a result of an invocation to when it stops executing. This
replaces the deprecated Latency metric. The maximum data point value
possible is the function timeout configuration. The billed duration will be
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Metric Description
rounded up to the nearest 100 millisecond. Note that AWS Lambda only
sends these metrics to CloudWatch if they have a nonzero value.
Units: Milliseconds
Throttles Measures the number of Lambda function invocation attempts that were
throttled due to invocation rates exceeding the customer’s concurrent
limits (error code 429). Failed invocations may trigger a retry attempt that
Units: Count
Units: Milliseconds
ConcurrentExecutionsEmitted as an aggregate metric for all functions in the account, and for
functions that have a custom concurrency limit specified. Not applicable for
versions or aliases. Measures the sum of concurrent executions for a given
function at a given point in time. Must be viewed as an average metric if
aggregated across a time period.
Units: Count
Emitted as an aggregate metric for all functions in the account only. Not
applicable for functions, versions, or aliases. Represents the sum of the
concurrency of the functions that do not have a custom concurrency limit
specified. Must be viewed as an average metric if aggregated across a time
Units: Count
Errors/Invocations Ratio
When calculating the error rate on Lambda function invocations, it’s important to distinguish
between an invocation request and an actual invocation. It is possible for the error rate to
exceed the number of billed Lambda function invocations. Lambda reports an invocation metric
only if the Lambda function code is executed. If the invocation request yields a throttling or
other initialization error that prevents the Lambda function code from being invoked, Lambda
will report an error, but it does not log an invocation metric.
• Lambda emits Invocations=1 when the function is executed. If the Lambda function is not
executed, nothing is emitted.
• Lambda emits a data point for Errors for each invoke request. Errors=0 means that there is
no function execution error. Errors=1 means that there is a function execution error.
• Lambda emits a data point for Throttles for each invoke request. Throttles=0 means
there is no invocation throttle. Throttles=1 means there is an invocation throttle.
Errors/Invocations Ratio
When calculating the error rate on Lambda function invocations, it’s important to distinguish
between an invocation request and an actual invocation. It is possible for the error rate to
exceed the number of billed Lambda function invocations. Lambda reports an invocation metric
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using AWS X-Ray
only if the Lambda function code is executed. If the invocation request yields a throttling or
other initialization error that prevents the Lambda function code from being invoked, Lambda
will report an error, but it does not log an invocation metric.
• Lambda emits Invocations=1 when the function is executed. If the Lambda function is not
executed, nothing is emitted.
• Lambda emits a data point for Errors for each invoke request. Errors=0 means that there is
no function execution error. Errors=1 means that there is a function execution error.
• Lambda emits a data point for Throttles for each invoke request. Throttles=0 means
there is no invocation throttle. Throttles=1 means there is an invocation throttle.
Dimension Description
Resource Filters the metric data by Lambda function resource, such as function
version or alias.
Executed Version Filters the metric data by Lambda function versions. This only applies to
alias invocations.
After using the Lambda on the AWS X-Ray Service Map (p. 324)to identify a problematic resource or
component, you can zoom in and view a visual representation of the request. This visual representation
covers the time from when an event source triggers a Lambda function until the function execution has
completed. X-Ray provides you with a breakdown of your function's operations, such as information
regarding downstream calls your Lambda function made to other services. In addition, X-Ray integration
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Tracing Lambda-Based Applications with AWS X-Ray
with Lambda provides you with visibility into the AWS Lambda service overhead. It does so by displaying
specifics such as your request's dwell time and number of invocations.
Only services that currently integrate with X-Ray show as standalone traces, outside of your
Lambda trace. For a list of services that currently support X-Ray, see Integrating AWS X-Ray with
Other AWS Services.
• Lambda service (AWS::Lambda) – This type of node represents the time the request spent in the
Lambda service. Timing starts when Lambda first receives the request and ends when the request
leaves the Lambda service.
• Lambda function (AWS::Lambda::Function) – This type of node represents the Lambda function's
execution time.
• Downstream service calls – In this type, each downstream service call from within the Lambda
function is represented by a separate node.
In the diagram following, the nodes represent (from left to right): The Lambda service, the user function,
and a downstream call to Amazon S3:
• Lambda service segment – This segment represents different information depending on the event
source used to invoke the function:
• Synchronous and stream event sources – The service segment measures the time from when the
Lambda service receives the request/event and ends when the request leaves the Lambda service
(after the final invocation for the request is completed).
• Asynchronous - The service segment represents the response time, that is, the time it took the
Lambda service to return a 202 response to the client.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Setting Up AWS X-Ray with Lambda
• Initialization - The time spent running the initialization code of the function, defined as the
code outside the Lambda function handler or static initializers.
• Downstream calls - Calls made to other AWS services from the Lambda function's code.
• Custom subsegments - Custom subsegments or user annotations that you can add to the Lambda
function segment by using the X-Ray SDK.
For each traced invocation, Lambda emits the Lambda service segment and all of its
subsegments. These segments are emitted regardless of the runtime and require no code
• Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
• Find the execution role for your Lambda function.
• Attach the following managed policy: AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess
If you are changing the tracing mode to active using the Lambda console, tracing permissions are added
automatically, as explained in the next section.
The path of a request through your application is tracked with a trace ID. A trace collects all of the
segments generated by a single request, typically an HTTP GET or POST request.
• Pass Through: This is the default setting for all Lambda functions if you have added tracing
permissions to your function's execution role. This approach means the Lambda function is only traced
if X-Ray has been enabled on an upstream service, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
• Active: When a Lambda function has this setting, Lambda automatically samples invocation requests,
based on the sampling algorithm specified by X-Ray.
X-Ray applies a sampling algorithm to ensure that tracing is efficient, while still providing
a representative sample of the requests that your application serves. The default sampling
algorithm is 1 request per minute, with 5 percent of requests sampled past that limit.
However, if the traffic volume to your function is low, you may see an increased rate of
You can change the tracing mode for your Lambda function by using either the Lambda Management
Console or the Lambda CreateFunction (p. 423) or UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510) API actions.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Emitting Trace Segments from a Lambda Function
• When you change a function's tracing mode to active, tracing permissions are automatically
attached to the function's execution role. If you receive an error stating Lambda couldn't add the
AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess policy to your function's execution role, sign in to the IAM console at and manually add the policy.
• To enable active tracing, go to the Configuration tab your function and select the Enable active
tracing box.
If you use the Lambda CreateFunction (p. 423) or UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510) API actions:
• If you want the tracing mode to be active, set the TracingConfig parameter's Mode property to
Active. Again, any new function has its tracing mode set to PassThrough by default.
• Any new or updated Lambda function has its $LATEST version set to the value you specify.
You receive an error if you haven't added tracing permissions to your function's execution role.
For more information, see Before You Begin (p. 325).
Note that any instrumentation code must be implemented inside the Lambda function handler and not
as part of the initialization code.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Emitting Trace Segments from a Lambda Function
In Node.js, you can have Lambda emit subsegments to X-Ray to show you information about
downstream calls to other AWS services made by your function. To do so, you first need to include the
the AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js in your deployment package. In addition, wrap your AWS SDK require
statement in the following manner:
Then, use the AWS variable defined in the preceding example to initialize any service client that you want
to trace with X-Ray, for example:
s3Client = AWS.S3();
After following these steps, any call made from your function using s3Client results in an X-Ray
subsegment that represents that call. As an example, you can run the Node.js function following to see
how the trace looks in X-Ray:
Following is what a trace emitted by the code preceding looks like (synchronous invocation):
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Emitting Trace Segments from a Lambda Function
In Java, you can have Lambda emit subsegments to X-Ray to show you information regarding
downstream calls to other AWS services made by your function. To take advantage of this capability,
include the AWS X-Ray SDK for Java in your deployment package. No code changes are needed. As long
as you are using an AWS SDK version 1.11.48 and preceding, there is no need to add any additional code
lines for downstream calls from your function to be traced.
The AWS SDK will dynamically import the X-Ray SDK to emit subsegments for downstream calls made
by your function. By using the X-Ray SDK for Java, you can instrument your code in order to emit custom
subsegments and or add annotatations to your X-Ray segments.
The following example uses the X-Ray SDK for Java to instrument a Lambda function to emit a custom
subsegment and send custom annotation to X-Ray:
package uptime;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Emitting Trace Segments from a Lambda Function
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.proxies.apache.http.HttpClientBuilder;
static {
dynamoClient =
httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
public void checkUptime(Context context) {
AWSXRay.createSubsegment("makeRequest", (subsegment) -> {
try {
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
is2xx = (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() / 100) == 2;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Map<String, AttributeValue> item = new HashMap<>();
item.put("Timestamp", new AttributeValue().withN("" +;
item.put("2xx", new AttributeValue().withBOOL(is2xx));
dynamoClient.putItem("amazon-2xx", item);
Following is what a trace emitted by the code preceding looks like (synchronous invocation):
In Python, you can have Lambda emit subsegments to X-Ray to show you information about downstream
calls to other AWS services made by your function. To do so, you first need to include the the AWS X-Ray
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Emitting Trace Segments from a Lambda Function
SDK for Python in your deployment package. In addition, you can patch the boto3 (or botocore if you
are using sessions), so any client you create to access other AWS services will automatically be traced by
import boto3
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch
Once you've patched the module you are using to create clients, you can use it to create your traced
clients, in the case below Amazon S3:
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
The X-Ray SDK for Python creates a subsegment for the call and records information from
the request and response. You can use the aws_xray_sdk_sdk.core.xray_recorder to
create subsegments automatically by decorating your Lambda functions or manually by calling
xray_recorder.begin_subsegment() and xray_recorder.end_subsegment() inside the
function, as shown in the following Lambda function.
import boto3
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
The X-Ray SDK for Python allows you to patch the following modules:
• botocore
• boto3
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Emitting Trace Segments from a Lambda Function
• requests
• sqlite3
• mysql
Following is what a trace emitted by the code preceding looks like (synchronous invocation):
You can use the X-Ray SDK for Go with your Lambda function. If your handler includes The Context
Object (Go) (p. 67) as its first argument, that object can be passed to the X-Ray SDK. Lambda passes
values through this context that the SDK can use to attach subsegments to the Lambda invoke service
segment. Subsegments created with the SDK will appear as a part of your Lambda traces.
If you want to include the test dependencies, use the following command:
go get -u -t
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The AWS X-Ray Daemon in the Lambda Environment
import (
func myHandlerFunction(ctx context.Context, sample string) {
LogLevel: "info", // default
ServiceVersion: "1.2.3",
... //remaining handler code
Create a subsegment
The following code illustrates how to start a subsegment:
// Start a subsegment
ctx, subSeg := xray.BeginSubsegment(ctx, "subsegment-name")
// ...
// Add metadata or annotation here if necessary
// ...
The following code illustrates how to trace and capture a critical code path:
result := someLockedResource.Go()
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Environment Variables to
Communicate with AWS X-Ray
When you trace your Lambda function, the X-Ray daemon automatically runs in the Lambda
environment to gather trace data and send it to X-Ray. When tracing, the X-Ray daemon consumes a
maximum of 16 MB or 3 percent of your function's memory allocation. For example, if you allocate
128 MB of memory to your Lambda function, the X-Ray daemon has 16 MB of your function's memory
allocation. If you allocate 1024 MB to your Lambda function, the X-Ray daemon has 31 MB allocated to it
(3 percent). For more information, see The AWS X-Ray Daemon.
Lambda will try to terminate the X-Ray daemon to avoid exceeding your function's memory
limit. For example, assume you have allocated 128 MB to your Lambda function, which means
the X-Ray daemon will have 16 MB allocated to it. That leaves your Lambda function with a
memory allocation of 112 MB. However, if your function exceeds 112 MB, the X-Ray daemon will
be terminated to avoid throwing an out-of-memory error.
• _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID: Contains the tracing header, which includes the sampling decision, trace
ID, and parent segment ID. (To learn more about these properties, see Tracing Header.) If Lambda
receives a tracing header when your function is invoked, that header will be used to populate the
_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID environment variable. If a tracing header was not received, Lambda will generate
one for you.
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING: The X-Ray SDK uses this variable to determine its behavior in the
event that your function tries to record X-Ray data, but a tracing header is not available. Lambda sets
this value to LOG_ERROR by default.
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS: This environment variable exposes the X-Ray daemon's address in
the following format: IP_ADDRESS:PORT. You can use the X-Ray daemon's address to send trace data
to the X-Ray daemon directly, without using the X-Ray SDK.
• Async - The example following shows an asynchronous Lambda request with one successful
invocation and one downstream call to DynamoDB.
The Lambda service segment encapsulates the response time, which is the time it took to return a
response (for example, 202) to the client. It includes subsegments for the time spent in the Lambda
service queue (dwell time) and each invocation attempt. (Only one invocation attempt appears in
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Lambda Traces in the AWS X-Ray Console: Examples
the example preceding.) Each attempt subsegment in the service segment will have a corresponding
user function segment. In this example, the user function segment contains two subsegments: the
initialization subsegment representing the function's initialization code that is run before the handler,
and a downstream call subsegment representing a ListTables call to DynamoDB.
Status codes and error messages are displayed for each Invocation subsegment and for each
downstream call.
• Synchronous - The example following shows a synchronous request with one downstream call to
Amazon S3.
The Lambda service segment captures the entire time the request spends in the Lambda service. The
service segment will have a corresponding User function segment. In this example, the User function
segment contains a subsegment representing the function's initialization code (code run before the
handler), and a subsegment representing the PutObject call to Amazon S3.
If you want to trace HTTP calls, you need to use an HTTP client. For more information, see
Tracing Calls to Downstream HTTP Web Services with the X-Ray SDK for Java or Tracing Calls to
Downstream HTTP Web Services with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js .
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Tagging Lambda Functions
Administering Lambda-based
AWS Lambda integrates with many of the administration tools that AWS offers, including AWS tagging,
AWS CloudTrail, and AWS IAM. The sections below offer guidance on how to manage your Lambda-based
applications, including organizing your Lambda based applications using tags, auditing activity on your
AWS using CloudTrail, and introduce you to the AWS Security Model for how to secure your Lambda-
based applications. We also discuss an administration task unique to AWS Lambda, which is managing
the concurrent execution behavior of a Lambda function.
The sections below offer guidance on how to organize and track your Lambda function invocations and
introduce you to the AWS Security Model for how to secure your Lambda-based applications:
• Grouping and Filtering: By applying tags, you can use the Lambda console or CLI to isolate a list of
Lambda functions contained within a specific application or billing department. For more information,
see Filtering on Tagged Lambda Functions (p. 337).
• Cost allocation: Because Lambda's support for tagging is integrated with AWS Billing, you can
break down bills into dynamic categories and map functions to specific cost centers. For example,
if you tag all Lambda functions with a "Department" key, then all AWS Lambda costs can be broken
down by department. You can then provide an individual department value, such "Department 1" or
"Department 2" to direct the function invocation cost to the appropriate cost center. Cost allocation is
surfaced via detailed billing reports, making it easier for you to categorize and track your AWS costs.
• Tagging Lambda Functions for Billing (p. 335)
• Applying Tags to Lambda Functions (p. 336)
• Filtering on Tagged Lambda Functions (p. 337)
• Tag Restrictions (p. 338)
To see the cost of your combined resources, you can organize your billing information based on functions
that have the same tag key values. For example, you can tag several Lambda functions with a specific
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Applying Tags to Lambda Functions
application name, and then organize your billing information to see the total cost of that application
across several services. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in the AWS Billing and Cost
Management User Guide.
In AWS Lambda the only resource that can be tagged is a function. You cannot tag an alias or
a specific function version. Any invocation of a function's alias or version will be billed as an
invocation of the original function.
To remove tags from an existing function, open the function, choose the Tags section and then choose
the Remove button next to key-value pair.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Filtering on Tagged Lambda Functions
To apply or add more tags to an existing function, you can use the TagResource (p. 492) API and supply
it with the Lambda function ARN (Amazon Resource Name) along with the key-value pairs that comprise
your tags.
Conversely, if you want to remove any or all tags from a Lambda function, you use the
UntagResource (p. 494) API and again supply the function ARN (Amazon Resource Name), along with a
list of tag keys to be removed from the function.
Choose the Department key. Lambda will return any function that contains that key.
Now suppose that the key value of the MyFunction tag is "Department A" and the key value of
MyFunction2 is "Department B". You can narrow your search by choosing the value of the Department
key, in this case Department A, as shown below.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Tag Restrictions
You can further narrow your search by including the other accepted Function attributes, including
Description, Function name or Runtime.
You are limited to a maximum of 50 tags per Lambda function. If you delete the Lambda
function, the associated tags will also be deleted.
• ListTags (p. 478): You supply your Lambda function ARN (Amazon Resource Name) to view a list of
the tags associated with this function:
• GetFunction (p. 449): You supply your Lambda function name to a view a list of the tags associated
with this function:
You can also use the AWS Tagging Service’s GetResources API to filter your resources by tags. The
GetResources API receives up to 10 filters, with each filter containing a tag key and up to 10 tag values.
You provide GetResources with a ‘ResourceType’ to filter by specific resource types. For more information
about the AWS Tagging Service, see Working with Resource Groups.
Tag Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to tags:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
API Logging with AWS CloudTrail
(The ZipFile parameter is omitted from the CloudTrail logs for CreateFunction.)
• DeleteEventSourceMapping (p. 433)
• DeleteFunction (p. 436)
• GetEventSourceMapping (p. 446)
• GetFunction (p. 449)
• GetFunctionConfiguration (p. 453)
• GetPolicy (p. 458)
• ListEventSourceMappings (p. 472)
• ListFunctions (p. 475)
• RemovePermission (p. 490)
• UpdateEventSourceMapping (p. 500)
• UpdateFunctionCode (p. 504)
(The ZipFile parameter is omitted from the CloudTrail logs for UpdateFunctionCode.)
• UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510)
Every log entry contains information about who generated the request. The user identity information
in the log helps you determine whether the request was made with root or IAM user credentials,
with temporary security credentials for a role or federated user, or by another AWS service. For more
information, see the userIdentity field in the CloudTrail Event Reference.
You can store your log files in your bucket for as long as you want, but you can also define Amazon S3
lifecycle rules to archive or delete log files automatically. By default, your log files are encrypted by using
Amazon S3 server-side encryption (SSE).
You can choose to have CloudTrail publish Amazon SNS notifications when new log files are delivered if
you want to take quick action upon log file delivery. For more information, see Configuring Amazon SNS
Notifications for CloudTrail.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Understanding AWS Lambda Log File Entries
You can also aggregate AWS Lambda log files from multiple AWS regions and multiple AWS accounts
into a single S3 bucket. For more information, see Working with CloudTrail Log Files.
The following example shows CloudTrail log entries for the GetFunction and DeleteFunction
"Records": [
"eventVersion": "1.03",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::999999999999:user/myUserName",
"accountId": "999999999999",
"userName": "myUserName"
"eventTime": "2015-03-18T19:03:36Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "GetFunction",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "Python-httplib2/0.8 (gzip)",
"errorCode": "AccessDenied",
"errorMessage": "User: arn:aws:iam::999999999999:user/myUserName" is
not authorized to perform: lambda:GetFunction on resource: arn:aws:lambda:us-
"requestParameters": null,
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "7aebcd0f-cda1-11e4-aaa2-e356da31e4ff",
"eventID": "e92a3e85-8ecd-4d23-8074-843aabfe89bf",
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "999999999999"
"eventVersion": "1.03",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7EXAMPLE",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::999999999999:user/myUserName",
"accountId": "999999999999",
"userName": "myUserName"
"eventTime": "2015-03-18T19:04:42Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "DeleteFunction",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "Python-httplib2/0.8 (gzip)",
"requestParameters": {
"functionName": "basic-node-task"
"responseElements": null,
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using CloudTrail to Track Function Invocations
"requestID": "a2198ecc-cda1-11e4-aaa2-e356da31e4ff",
"eventID": "20b84ce5-730f-482e-b2b2-e8fcc87ceb22",
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "999999999999"
The eventName may include date and version information, such as "GetFunction20150331",
but it is still referring to the same public API.
You can access AWS as any of the following types of identities:
• AWS account root user – When you first create an AWS account, you begin with a single sign-in
identity that has complete access to all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is
called the AWS account root user and is accessed by signing in with the email address and password
that you used to create the account. We strongly recommend that you do not use the root user for
your everyday tasks, even the administrative ones. Instead, adhere to the best practice of using the
root user only to create your first IAM user. Then securely lock away the root user credentials and use
them to perform only a few account and service management tasks.
• IAM user – An IAM user is an identity within your AWS account that has specific custom permissions
(for example, permissions to create a function in Lambda). You can use an IAM user name and
password to sign in to secure AWS webpages like the AWS Management Console, AWS Discussion
Forums, or the AWS Support Center.
In addition to a user name and password, you can also generate access keys for each user. You can
use these keys when you access AWS services programmatically, either through one of the several
SDKs or by using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). The SDK and CLI tools use the access keys
to cryptographically sign your request. If you don’t use AWS tools, you must sign the request yourself.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Access Control
Lambda supports Signature Version 4, a protocol for authenticating inbound API requests. For more
information about authenticating requests, see Signature Version 4 Signing Process in the AWS General
• IAM role – An IAM role is an IAM identity that you can create in your account that has specific
permissions. It is similar to an IAM user, but it is not associated with a specific person. An IAM role
enables you to obtain temporary access keys that can be used to access AWS services and resources.
IAM roles with temporary credentials are useful in the following situations:
• Federated user access – Instead of creating an IAM user, you can use existing user identities from
AWS Directory Service, your enterprise user directory, or a web identity provider. These are known as
federated users. AWS assigns a role to a federated user when access is requested through an identity
provider. For more information about federated users, see Federated Users and Roles in the IAM User
• AWS service access – You can use an IAM role in your account to grant an AWS service permissions
to access your account’s resources. For example, you can create a role that allows Amazon Redshift
to access an Amazon S3 bucket on your behalf and then load data from that bucket into an Amazon
Redshift cluster. For more information, see Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS
Service in the IAM User Guide.
• Applications running on Amazon EC2 – You can use an IAM role to manage temporary credentials
for applications that are running on an EC2 instance and making AWS API requests. This is preferable
to storing access keys within the EC2 instance. To assign an AWS role to an EC2 instance and make
it available to all of its applications, you create an instance profile that is attached to the instance.
An instance profile contains the role and enables programs that are running on the EC2 instance
to get temporary credentials. For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to
Applications Running on Amazon EC2 Instances in the IAM User Guide.
Access Control
You can have valid credentials to authenticate your requests, but unless you have permissions you cannot
create or access AWS Lambda resources. For example, you must have permissions to create a Lambda
function, add an event source, and publish a version of your Lambda function.
The following sections describe how to manage permissions for AWS Lambda. We recommend that you
read the overview first.
• Overview of Managing Access Permissions to Your AWS Lambda Resources (p. 342)
• Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies) for AWS Lambda (p. 346)
• Using Resource-Based Policies for AWS Lambda (Lambda Function Policies) (p. 358)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access
An account administrator (or administrator user) is a user with administrator privileges. For more
information, see IAM Best Practices in the IAM User Guide.
When granting permissions, you decide who is getting the permissions, the resources they get
permissions for, and the specific actions that you want to allow on those resources.
• AWS Lambda Resources and Operations (p. 343)
• Understanding Resource Ownership (p. 343)
• Managing Access to Resources (p. 344)
• Specifying Policy Elements: Actions, Effects, Resources, and Principals (p. 346)
• Specifying Conditions in a Policy (p. 346)
AWS Lambda also supports additional resource types, alias and version. However, you can create aliases
and versions only in the context of an existing Lambda function. These are referred to as subresources.
These resources and subresources have unique Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) associated with them as
shown in the following table.
Function arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:function-name
AWS Lambda provides a set of operations to work with the Lambda resources. For a list of available
operations, see Actions (p. 409).
• If you use the root account credentials of your AWS account to create a Lambda function, your AWS
account is the owner of the resource (in Lambda, the resource is the Lambda function).
• If you create an IAM user in your AWS account and grant permissions to create a Lambda function
to that user, the user can create a Lambda function. However, your AWS account, to which the user
belongs, owns the Lambda function resource.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access
• If you create an IAM role in your AWS account with permissions to create a Lambda function, anyone
who can assume the role can create a Lambda function. Your AWS account, to which the role belongs,
owns the Lambda function resource.
Policies attached to an IAM identity are referred to as identity-based policies (IAM polices) and policies
attached to a resource are referred to as resource-based policies. AWS Lambda supports both identity-
based (IAM policies) and resource-based policies.
• Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies) (p. 344)
• Resource-Based Policies (Lambda Function Policies) (p. 345)
• Attach a permissions policy to a user or a group in your account – An account administrator can
use a permissions policy that is associated with a particular user to grant permissions for that user to
create a Lambda function.
• Attach a permissions policy to a role (grant cross-account permissions) – You can attach an
identity-based permissions policy to an IAM role to grant cross-account permissions. For example,
the administrator in Account A can create a role to grant cross-account permissions to another AWS
account (for example, Account B) or an AWS service as follows:
1. Account A administrator creates an IAM role and attaches a permissions policy to the role that
grants permissions on resources in Account A.
2. Account A administrator attaches a trust policy to the role identifying Account B as the principal
who can assume the role.
3. Account B administrator can then delegate permissions to assume the role to any users in Account
B. Doing this allows users in Account B to create or access resources in Account A. The principal
in the trust policy can also be an AWS service principal if you want to grant an AWS service
permissions to assume the role.
For more information about using IAM to delegate permissions, see Access Management in the IAM
User Guide.
The following is an example policy that grants permissions for the lambda:ListFunctions action on
all resources. In the current implementation, Lambda doesn't support identifying specific resources using
the resource ARNs (also referred to as resource-level permissions) for some of the API actions, so you
must specify a wildcard character (*).
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Overview of Managing Access
"Sid": "ListExistingFunctions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
For more information about using identity-based policies with Lambda, see Using Identity-Based
Policies (IAM Policies) for AWS Lambda (p. 346). For more information about users, groups, roles, and
permissions, see Identities (Users, Groups, and Roles) in the IAM User Guide.
The following is an example Lambda function policy that has one statement. The statement allows the
Amazon S3 service principal permission for the lambda:InvokeFunction action on a Lambda function
called HelloWorld. The condition ensures that the bucket where the event occurred is owned by the same
account that owns the Lambda function.
For more information about using resource-based policies with Lambda, see Using Resource-Based
Policies for AWS Lambda (Lambda Function Policies) (p. 358). For additional information about using
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
IAM roles (identity-based policies) as opposed to resource-based policies, see How IAM Roles Differ from
Resource-based Policies in the IAM User Guide.
• Resource – In a policy, you use an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify the resource to which the
policy applies. For more information, see AWS Lambda Resources and Operations (p. 343).
• Action – You use action keywords to identify resource operations that you want to allow or deny. For
example, the lambda:InvokeFunction permission allows the user permissions to perform the AWS
Lambda Invoke operation.
• Effect – You specify the effect when the user requests the specific action—this can be either allow or
deny. If you don't explicitly grant access to (allow) a resource, access is implicitly denied. You can also
explicitly deny access to a resource, which you might do to make sure that a user cannot access it, even
if a different policy grants access.
• Principal – In identity-based policies (IAM policies), the user that the policy is attached to is the
implicit principal. For resource-based policies, you specify the user, account, service, or other entity
that you want to receive permissions (applies to resource-based policies only).
To learn more about IAM policy syntax and descriptions, see AWS IAM Policy Reference in the IAM User
For a table showing all of the AWS Lambda API actions and the resources that they apply to, see Lambda
API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference (p. 364).
To express conditions, you use predefined condition keys. There are no condition keys specific to Lambda.
However, there are AWS-wide condition keys that you can use as appropriate. For a complete list of AWS-
wide keys, see Available Keys for Conditions in the IAM User Guide.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
more information, see Overview of Managing Access Permissions to Your AWS Lambda
Resources (p. 342).
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "CreateFunctionPermissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "PermissionToPassAnyRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/*"
• The first statement grants permissions for the AWS Lambda action (lambda:CreateFunction)
on a resource by using the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Lambda function. Currently, AWS
Lambda doesn't support permissions for this particular action at the resource-level. Therefore, the
policy specifies a wildcard character (*) as the Resource value.
• The second statement grants permissions for the IAM action (iam:PassRole) on IAM roles. The
wildcard character (*) at the end of the Resource value means that the statement allows permission
for the iam:PassRole action on any IAM role. To limit this permission to a specific role, replace the
wildcard character (*) in the resource ARN with the specific role name.
The policy doesn't specify the Principal element because in an identity-based policy you don't specify
the principal who gets the permission. When you attach policy to a user, the user is the implicit principal.
When you attach a permission policy to an IAM role, the principal identified in the role's trust policy gets
the permissions.
For a table showing all of the AWS Lambda API actions and the resources and conditions that they apply
to, see Lambda API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference (p. 364).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference (p. 364). For more information about these additional
console permissions, see Permissions Required to Use the AWS Lambda Console (p. 351).
The following AWS managed policies, which you can attach to users in your account, are specific to AWS
Lambda and are grouped by use case scenario:
• AWSLambdaReadOnlyAccess – Grants read-only access to AWS Lambda resources. Note that this
policy doesn't grant permission for the lambda:InvokeFunction action. If you want a user to invoke
a Lambda function, you can also attach the AWSLambdaRole AWS managed policy.
• AWSLambdaFullAccess – Grants full access to AWS Lambda resources.
• AWSLambdaRole – Grants permissions to invoke any Lambda function.
You can review these permissions policies by signing in to the IAM console and searching for
specific policies there.
In addition, there are other AWS-managed policies that are suitable for use with IAM role (execution
role) you specify at the time of creating a Lambda function. For more information, see AWS Lambda
Permissions Model (p. 362).
You can also create your own custom IAM policies to allow permissions for AWS Lambda API actions
and resources. You can attach these custom policies to the IAM users or groups that require those
permissions or to custom execution roles (IAM roles) that you create for your Lambda functions.
You can use the console to verify the effects of each policy as you attach the policy to the user. Initially,
the user doesn't have permissions and the user won't be able to do anything in the console. As you
attach policies to the user, you can verify that the user can perform various actions in the console.
We recommend that you use two browser windows: one to create the user and grant permissions, and
the other to sign in to the AWS Management Console using the user's credentials and verify permissions
as you grant them to the user.
For examples that show how to create an IAM role that you can use as an execution role for your Lambda
function, see Creating IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide.
Example Steps
• Step 1: Create an IAM User (p. 349)
• Step 2: Allow a User to List Lambda Functions (p. 349)
• Step 3: Allow a User to View Details of a Lambda Function (p. 349)
• Step 4: Allow a User to Invoke a Lambda Function (p. 349)
• Step 5: Allow a User to Monitor a Lambda Function and View CloudWatch Logs (p. 350)
• Step 6: Allow a User to Create a Lambda Function (p. 350)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
For instructions, see Creating Your First IAM User and Administrators Group in the IAM User Guide.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ListExistingFunctions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "DisplayFunctionDetailsPermissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "InvokePermission",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Step 5: Allow a User to Monitor a Lambda Function and View CloudWatch Logs
When a user invokes a Lambda function, AWS Lambda executes it and returns results. The user needs
additional permissions to monitor the Lambda function.
To enable the user to see the Lambda function's CloudWatch metrics on the console's Monitoring tab, or
on the grid view on the console home page, you must grant the following permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "CloudWatchPermission",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
To enable a user to click the links to CloudWatch Logs in the AWS Lambda console and view log output
in CloudWatch Logs, you must grant the following permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "CloudWatchLogsPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:log-group:/aws/lambda/*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ListExistingRolesAndPolicies",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "CreateFunctionPermissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "PermissionToPassAnyRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/*"
If you want a user to be able to create an IAM role when the user is creating a Lambda function, the user
needs permissions to perform the iam:PutRolePolicy action, as shown following:
"Sid": "CreateARole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/*"
Each IAM role has a permissions policy attached to it, which grants specific permissions to the
role. Regardless of whether the user creates a new role or uses an existing role, the user must
have permissions for all of the actions granted in the permissions policy associated with the
role. You must grant the user additional permissions accordingly.
For example, suppose you allow an IAM user in your account permissions to create a Lambda function
to process Amazon S3 object-created events. To enable the user to configure Amazon S3 as the event
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
source, the console drop-down list will display a list of your buckets. However, the console can show the
bucket list only if the signed-in user has permissions for the relevant Amazon S3 actions.
The following sections describe required additional permissions for different integration points.
If you are new to managing permissions, we recommend that you start with the example walkthrough
where you create an IAM user, grant the user incremental permissions, and verify the permissions work
using the AWS Lambda console (see Customer Managed Policy Examples (p. 348)).
• Amazon API Gateway (p. 352)
• Amazon CloudWatch Events (p. 353)
• Amazon CloudWatch Logs (p. 353)
• Amazon Cognito (p. 354)
• Amazon DynamoDB (p. 355)
• Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (p. 356)
• Amazon S3 (p. 357)
• Amazon SNS (p. 357)
• AWS IoT (p. 358)
All of these permissions policies grant the specific AWS services permissions to invoke a
Lambda function. The user who is configuring this integration must have permissions to invoke
the Lambda function. Otherwise, the user can't set the configuration. You can attach the
AWSLambdaRole AWS managed (predefined) permissions policy to the user to provide these
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ApiGatewayPermissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "AddPermissionToFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
"Sid": "ListEventSourcePerm",
"Effect": "Allow",
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "EventPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:events:region:account-id:*"
"Sid": "AddPermissionToFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "CloudWatchLogsPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:*"
"Sid": "AddPermissionToFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
"Sid": "ListEventSourceMappingsPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
The additional permissions shown are required for managing subscription filters.
Amazon Cognito
The console lists identity pools in your account. After you select a pool, you can configure the pool to
have the Cognito sync trigger as the event source type. To do this, you need to grant the following
additional permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "CognitoPerms1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "CognitoPerms2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
"Sid": "AddPermissionToFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
"Sid": "ListEventSourcePerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Amazon DynamoDB
The console lists all of the tables in your account. After you select a table, the console checks to see if
a DynamoDB stream exists for that table. If not, it creates the stream. If you want the user to be able
to configure a DynamoDB stream as an event source for a Lambda function, you need to grant the
following additional permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "DDBpermissions1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:account-id:table/*"
"Sid": "DDBpermissions2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "LambdaGetPolicyPerm",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
"Sid": "LambdaEventSourcePerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
"Resource": "*"
For a Lambda function to read from a DynamoDB stream, the execution role associated with
the Lambda function must have the correct permissions. Therefore, the user must also have the
same permissions before you can grant the permissions to the execution role. You can grant
these permissions by attaching the AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole predefined policy,
first to the user and then to the execution role.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PermissionForDescribeStream",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:region:account-id:stream/*"
"Sid": "PermissionForListStreams",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "PermissionForGetFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
"Sid": "LambdaEventSourcePerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Identity-Based Policies (IAM Policies)
Amazon S3
The console prepopulates the list of buckets in the AWS account and finds the bucket location for each
bucket. When you configure Amazon S3 as an event source, the console updates the bucket notification
configuration. For this to work, you need to grant the following additional permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "S3Permissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
"Sid": "AddPermissionToFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
Amazon SNS
The console lists Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics in your account. After you
select a topic, AWS Lambda subscribes your Lambda function to that Amazon SNS topic. For this work,
you need to grant the following additional permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "SNSPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:*"
"Sid": "AddPermissionToFunctionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Resource-Based Policies (Lambda Function Policies)
"Sid": "LambdaListESMappingsPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
The console lists all of the AWS IoT rules. After you select a rule, the console populates the rest of the
information associated with that rule in the user interface. If you select an existing rule, the console
updates it with information so that events are sent to AWS Lambda. You can also create a new rule. To
do these things, the user must have the following additional permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "IoTperms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:*"
"Sid": "IoTlistTopicRulePerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "LambdaPerms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Resource-Based Policies (Lambda Function Policies)
Before you create resource-based policies, we recommend that you first review the introductory
topics that explain the basic concepts and options available for you to manage access to your
AWS Lambda resources. For more information, see Overview of Managing Access Permissions to
Your AWS Lambda Resources (p. 342).
Lambda function policies are primarily used when you are setting up an event source in AWS Lambda to
grant a service or an event source permissions to invoke your Lambda function (see Invoke (p. 461)).
An exception to this is when an event source (for example, Amazon DynamoDB or Kinesis) uses the
pull model, where permissions are managed in the Lambda function execution role instead. For more
information, see Event Source Mapping (p. 152).
Lambda function policies also make it easy to grant cross-account permissions to invoke your Lambda
function. Suppose you want to grant cross-account permissions (for example, permissions to Amazon S3)
to invoke your Lambda function. Instead of creating an IAM role to grant cross-account permissions, you
can add the relevant permissions in a Lambda function policy.
If the custom application and the Lambda function it invokes belong to the same AWS account,
you don't need to grant explicit permissions using the policy attached to the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda provides the following API operations to manage a permissions policy associated with a
Lambda function:
The AWS Lambda console is the easiest way to manage event sources and their permissions in
a Lambda function policy. If the AWS service console for the event source supports configuring
event source mapping, you can use that console too. As you configure new event sources or
modify existing event sources, the console automatically modifies the permissions policy
associated with the Lambda function.
You can use the console to view your function policy by choosing the Triggers tab on your function's
details page and then choosing View function policy. The console doesn't support directly modifying
permissions in a function policy. You must use either the AWS CLI or the AWS SDKs. The following are
AWS CLI examples of the API operations listed earlier in this topic:
• Example 1: Allow Amazon S3 to Invoke a Lambda Function (p. 359)
• Example 2: Allow Amazon API Gateway to Invoke a Lambda Function (p. 360)
• Example 3: Allow a User Application Created by Another AWS Account to Invoke a Lambda Function
(Cross-Account Scenario) (p. 361)
• Example 4: Retrieve a Lambda Function Policy (p. 361)
• Example 5: Remove Permissions from a Lambda Function Policy (p. 361)
• Example 6: Working with Lambda Function Versioning, Aliases, and Permissions (p. 362)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Resource-Based Policies (Lambda Function Policies)
To ensure that the event is generated from a specific bucket that is owned by a specific AWS account, you
also specify the following:
• Specify the bucket ARN as the source-arn value to restrict events from a specific bucket.
• Specify the AWS account ID that owns the bucket, to ensure that the named bucket is owned by the
The following example AWS CLI command adds a permission to the helloworld Lambda function
policy granting Amazon S3 permissions to invoke the function.
The example assumes that the adminuser (who has full permissions) is adding this permission.
Therefore, the --profile parameter specifies the adminuser profile.
In response, AWS Lambda returns the following JSON code. The Statement value is a JSON string
version of the statement added to the Lambda function policy.
"Statement": "{\"Condition\":{\"StringEquals\":{\"AWS:SourceAccount\":
For information about the push model, see Event Source Mapping (p. 152).
The following example AWS CLI command adds a permission to the helloworld Lambda function
policy granting API Gateway permissions to invoke the function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using Resource-Based Policies (Lambda Function Policies)
--action lambda:InvokeFunction \
--source-arn arn:aws:execute-api:region:account-id:api-id/stage/method/resource-path \
--profile adminuser
In response, AWS Lambda returns the following JSON code. The Statement value is a JSON string
version of the statement added to the Lambda function policy.
"Statement": "{\"Condition\":{\"ArnLike\":{\"AWS:SourceArn\":\"arn:aws:apigateway:us-
In response, AWS Lambda returns the following JSON code. The Statement value is a JSON string
version of the statement added to the Lambda function policy.
"Statement": "{\"Action\":[\"lambda:InvokeFunction\"],
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Permissions Model
• For event sources, except for the stream-based services (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and DynamoDB
streams), you must grant the event source permissions to invoke your AWS Lambda function.
• For stream-based event sources (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and DynamoDB streams), AWS Lambda
polls the streams on your behalf and reads new records on the stream, so you need to grant AWS
Lambda permissions for the relevant stream actions.
• When your Lambda function executes, it can access AWS resources in your account (for example,
read an object from your S3 bucket). AWS Lambda executes your Lambda function on your behalf by
assuming the role you provided at the time of creating the Lambda function. Therefore, you need to
grant the role the necessary permissions that your Lambda function needs, such as permissions for
Amazon S3 actions to read an object.
• Manage Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) (p. 362)
• Manage Permissions: Using a Lambda Function Policy (p. 363)
• Suggested Reading (p. 364)
• If your Lambda function code accesses other AWS resources, such as to read an object from an S3
bucket or write logs to CloudWatch Logs, you need to grant permissions for relevant Amazon S3 and
CloudWatch actions to the role.
• If the event source is stream-based (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and DynamoDB streams), AWS
Lambda polls these streams on your behalf. AWS Lambda needs permissions to poll the stream and
read new records on the stream so you need to grant the relevant permissions to this role.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Permissions Model
For more information about IAM roles, see Roles (Delegation and Federation) in the IAM User Guide.
The user that creates the IAM role is, in effect, passing permissions to AWS Lambda to
assume this role, which requires the user to have permissions for the iam:PassRole action.
If an administrator user is creating this role, you don't need to do anything extra to set up
permissions for the iam:PassRole action because the administrator user has full permissions,
including the iam:PassRole action.
To simplify the process for creating an execution role, AWS Lambda provides the following AWS
managed (predefined) permissions policies that you can use. These policies include common permissions
for specific scenarios:
• AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole – Grants permissions only for the Amazon CloudWatch Logs actions
to write logs. You can use this policy if your Lambda function does not access any other AWS resources
except writing logs.
• AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole – Grants permissions for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams actions, and
CloudWatch Logs actions. If you are writing a Lambda function to process Kinesis stream events you
can attach this permissions policy.
• AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole – Grants permissions for DynamoDB streams actions and
CloudWatch Logs actions. If you are writing a Lambda function to process DynamoDB stream events
you can attach this permissions policy.
• AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole – Grants permissions for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(Amazon EC2) actions to manage elastic network interfaces (ENIs). If you are writing a Lambda
function to access resources in a VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) service, you
can attach this permissions policy. The policy also grants permissions for CloudWatch Logs actions to
write logs.
You can find these AWS managed permissions policies in the IAM console. Search for these policies and
you can see the permissions each of these policies grant.
You can grant these permissions via the function policies. AWS Lambda provides APIs for you to manage
permission in a function policy. For example, see AddPermission (p. 410).
You can also grant cross-account permissions using the function policy. For example, if a user-defined
application and the Lambda function it invokes belong to the same AWS account, you don't need to
grant explicit permissions. Otherwise, the AWS account that owns the Lambda function must allow cross-
account permissions in the permissions policy associated with the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Lambda API Permissions Reference
Instead of using a Lambda function policy, you can create another IAM role that grants the event
sources (for example, Amazon S3 or DynamoDB) permissions to invoke your Lambda function.
However, you might find that resource policies are easier to set up and they make it easier for
you to track which event sources have permissions to invoke your Lambda function.
For more information about Lambda function policies, see Using Resource-Based Policies for AWS
Lambda (Lambda Function Policies) (p. 358). For more information about Lambda permissions, see
Authentication and Access Control for AWS Lambda (p. 341).
Suggested Reading
If you are new to AWS Lambda, we suggest you read through all of the topics in the How It Works section
to familiarize yourself with Lambda. The next topic is Lambda Execution Environment and Available
Libraries (p. 392).
After you read all of the topics in the How it Works section, we recommend that you review Building
Lambda Functions (p. 15), try the Getting Started (p. 3) exercise, and then explore the Use Cases (p. 176).
Each use case provides step-by-step instructions for you to set up the end-to-end experience.
To specify an action, use the lambda: prefix followed by the API operation name (for example,
Permissions for the AWS Lambda Invoke API in the following table can also be granted by
using resource-based policies. For more information, see Using Resource-Based Policies for AWS
Lambda (Lambda Function Policies) (p. 358).
You can use AWS-wide condition keys in your AWS Lambda policies to express conditions. For a complete
list of AWS-wide keys, see Available Keys for Conditions in the IAM User Guide.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Lambda API Permissions Reference
AWS Lambda also offers predefined condition keys to a limited set of API operations. For example, you
• Restrict access based on the Lambda function ARN (Amazon Resource Name) to the following
• CreateEventSourceMapping
• DeleteEventSourceMapping
• UpdateEventSourceMapping
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": " DeleteEventSourceMappingPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:event-source-mapping:UUID",
"Condition": {"StringEquals": {"lambda:FunctionArn":
• Restrict mapping based on the AWS service principal to the following operations:
• AddPermission
• RemovePermission
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AddPermissionPolicy",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:function-name",
"Condition": {"StringEquals": {"lambda:Principal": ""}}
Action(s): lambda:AddPermission
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?/*
CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418)
Action(s): lambda:CreateEventSourceMapping
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Lambda API Permissions Reference
Action(s): lambda:CreateFunction
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
DeleteEventSourceMapping (p. 433)
Action(s): lambda:DeleteEventSourceMapping
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
DeleteFunction (p. 436)
Action(s): lambda:DeleteFunction,
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
GetEventSourceMapping (p. 446)
Action(s): lambda:GetEventSourceMapping
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
GetFunction (p. 449)
Action(s): lambda:GetFunction
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
GetFunctionConfiguration (p. 453)
Action(s): lambda:DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups,
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
GetPolicy (p. 458)
Action(s): lambda:DescribeMountTargets
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
Invoke (p. 461)
Action(s): lambda:DescribeTags
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
InvokeAsync (p. 466)
Action(s): lambda:ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
ListEventSourceMappings (p. 472)
Action(s): lambda:ListEventSourceMappings
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
ListFunctions (p. 475)
Action(s): lambda:ListFunctions
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
RemovePermission (p. 490)
Action(s): lambda:RemovePermission
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
Action(s): lambda:UpdateEventSourceMapping
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
UpdateFunctionCode (p. 504)
Action(s): lambda:UpdateFunctionCode
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510)
Action(s): lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration
Resource: arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:?
Policy Templates
When you create an AWS Lambda function in the console using one of the blueprints, Lambda allows
you to create a role for your function from a list of Lambda policy templates. By selecting one of these
templates, your Lambda function automatically creates the role with the requisite permissions attached
to that policy.
The following lists the permissions that are applied to each policy template in the Policy templates
list. The policy templates are named after the blueprints to which they correspond. Lambda will
automatically populate the placeholder items (such as region and accountID) with the appropriate
information. For more information on creating a Lambda function using policy templates, see Create a
Simple Lambda Function (p. 8).
The following templates are automatically applied depending upon the type of Lambda function you are
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
The following templates are selected depending upon which blueprint you choose. You can also select
them from the dropdown to add extra permissions:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:accountId:table/*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Policy Templates
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Managing Concurrency
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Managing Concurrency
The unit of scale for AWS Lambda is a concurrent execution (see Understanding Scaling Behavior (p. 156)
for more details). However, scaling indefinitely is not desirable in all scenarios. For example, you may
want to control your concurrency for cost reasons, or to regulate how long it takes you to process a
batch of events, or to simply match it with a downstream resource. To assist with this, Lambda provides a
concurrent execution limit control at both the account level and the function level.
1. Open the AWS Support Center page, sign in if necessary, and then choose Create case.
2. For Regarding, select Service Limit Increase.
3. For Limit Type, choose Lambda, fill in the necessary fields in the form, and then choose the button
at the bottom of the page for your preferred method of contact.
AWS might automatically raise the concurrent execution limit for you so that your function can
match the incoming event rate. An example is the case of when your function is triggered from
an Amazon S3 bucket.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Function Level Concurrent Execution Limit
allocation for a function by using the GetAccountSettings (p. 441) API or using the AWS Lambda
console. Functions that are being accounted against the shared concurrent execution pool will not show
any concurrency value when queried using the GetFunctionConfiguration (p. 453) API.
You can optionally set the concurrent execution limit for a function. You may choose to do this for a few
• The default behavior means a surge of concurrent executions in one function may cause another
function sharing the concurrent execution limit from getting throttled. By setting a concurrent
execution limit on a function, you are reserving the specified concurrent execution value for that
• Functions scale automatically based on incoming request rate, but not all resources in your
architecture may be able to do so. For example, relational databases have limits on how many
concurrent connections they can handle. You can set the concurrent execution limit for a function to
align with the values its downstream resources support.
• If your function connects to VPC based resources, each concurrent execution consumes one IP within
the assigned subnet. You can set the concurrent execution limit for a function to match the subnet size
limits you have.
• If you need a function to stop processing any invocations, you can choose to set the concurrency to 0
and throttle all incoming executions.
By setting a concurrency limit on a function, Lambda guarantees that allocation will be applied
specifically to that function, regardless of the amount of traffic processing remaining functions. If that
limit is exceeded, the function will be throttled. How that function behaves when throttled will depend
on the event source. For more information, see Throttling Behavior (p. 376).
Concurrency limits can only be set at the function level, not for individual versions. All
invocations to all versions and aliases of a given function will accrue towards the function limit.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console.
2. Whether you are creating a new Lambda function or updating an existing function, the process of
setting a concurrency limit is the same. If you are new to Lambda and are unfamiliar with creating a
function, see Create a Simple Lambda Function (p. 8).
3. Under the Configuration tab, choose Concurrency. In Reserve concurrency, set the value to the
maximum of concurrent executions you want reserved for the function. Note that whenn you set
this value, the Unreserved account concurrency value will automatically be updated to display the
remaining number of concurrent executions available for all other functions in the account. Also
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Function Level Concurrent Execution Limit
note that if you want to block invocation of this function, set the value to 0. To remove a dedicated
allotment value for this account, choose Use unreserved account concurrency.
• Use the PutFunctionConcurrency (p. 488) operation and pass in the function name and concurrency
limit you want allocated to this function:
To remove a concurrency limit for your Lambda function using the AWS CLI, do the following:
• Use the DeleteFunctionConcurrency (p. 439) operation and pass in the function name:
To view a concurrency limit for your Lambda function using the AWS CLI, do the following:
• Use the GetFunction (p. 453) operation and pass in the function name:
Setting the per function concurrency can impact the concurrency pool available to other
functions. We recommend restricting the permissions to the PutFunctionConcurrency (p. 488)
API and DeleteFunctionConcurrency (p. 439) API to administrative users so that the number of
users who can make these changes is limited.
Throttling Behavior
On reaching the concurrency limit associated with a function, any further invocation requests to that
function are throttled, i.e. the invocation doesn't execute your function. Each throttled invocation
increases the Amazon CloudWatch Throttles metric for the function. AWS Lambda handles throttled
invocation requests differently, depending on their source:
• Event sources that aren't stream-based: Some of these event sources invoke a Lambda function
synchronously, and others invoke it asynchronously. Handling is different for each:
• Synchronous invocation: If the function is invoked synchronously and is throttled, Lambda returns
a 429 error and the invoking service is responsible for retries. The ThrottledReason error code
explains whether you ran into a function level throttle (if specified) or an account level throttle
(see note below). Each service may have its own retry policy. For example, CloudWatch Logs retries
the failed batch up to five times with delays between retries. For a list of event sources and their
invocation type, see Supported Event Sources (p. 158).
If you invoke the function directly through the AWS SDKs using the RequestResponse
invocation mode, your client receives the 429 error and you can retry the invocation.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Monitoring Your Concurrency Usage
• Asynchronous invocation: If your Lambda function is invoked asynchronously and is throttled, AWS
Lambda automatically retries the throttled event for up to six hours, with delays between retries.
Remember, asynchronous events are queued before they are used to invoke the Lambda function.
• Stream-based event sources: For stream-based event sources (Kinesis and DynamoDB streams),
AWS Lambda polls your stream and invokes your Lambda function. When your Lambda function is
throttled, Lambda attempts to process the throttled batch of records until the time the data expires.
This time period can be up to seven days for Kinesis. The throttled request is treated as blocking per
shard, and Lambda doesn't read any new records from the shard until the throttled batch of records
either expires or succeeds. If there is more than one shard in the stream, Lambda continues invoking
on the non-throttled shards until one gets through.
• ConcurrentExecutions: This shows you the concurrent executions at an account level, and for any
function with a custom concurrency limit.
• UnreservedConcurrentExecutions: This shows you the total concurrent executions for functions
assigned to the default “unreserved” concurrency pool.
To learn about these metrics and how to access them, see Using Amazon CloudWatch (p. 315).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Environment Variables
Advanced Topics
The sections below offer guidance on advanced features and guidance in building your Lambda
applications. They include:
Environment Variables
Environment variables for Lambda functions enable you to dynamically pass settings to your function
code and libraries, without making changes to your code. Environment variables are key-value pairs that
you create and modify as part of your function configuration, using either the AWS Lambda Console,
the AWS Lambda CLI or the AWS Lambda SDK. AWS Lambda then makes these key value pairs available
to your Lambda function code using standard APIs supported by the language, like process.env for
Node.js functions.
You can use environment variables to help libraries know what directory to install files in, where to
store outputs, store connection and logging settings, and more. By separating these settings from the
application logic, you don't need to update your function code when you need to change the function
behavior based on different settings.
Setting Up
Suppose you want a Lambda function to behave differently as it moves through lifecycle stages from
development to deployment. For example, the dev, test, and production stages can contain databases
that the function needs to connect to that require different connection information and use different
table names. You can create environment variables to reference the database names, connection
information or table names and set the value for the function based on the stage in which it’s executing
(for example, development, test, production) while your function code remains unchanged.
The following screenshots show how to modify your function's configuration using the AWS console. The
first screenshot configures the settings for the function corresponding to a test stage. The second one
configures settings for a production stage.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Setting Up
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Setting Up
Note the Encryption configuration section. You will learn more about using this in the Create a Lambda
Function Using Environment Variables To Store Sensitive Information (p. 384) tutorial.
You can also use the AWS CLI to create Lambda functions that contain environment variables. For more
details, see the CreateFunction (p. 423) and UpdateFunctionConfiguration (p. 510) APIs. Environment
variables are also supported when creating and updating functions using AWS CloudFormation.
Environment variables can also be used to configure settings specific to the language runtime or a library
included in your function. For example, you can modify PATH to specify a directory where executables
are stored. You can also set runtime-specific environment variables, such as PYTHONPATH for Python or
NODE_PATH for Node.js.
The following example creates a new Lambda function that sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable, which is used to specify a directory where shared libraries are dynamically loaded at runtime.
In this example, the Lambda function code uses the shared library in the /usr/bin/test/lib64
directory. Note that the Runtime parameter uses nodejs6.10 but you can also specify nodejs4.3.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Rules for Naming Environment Variables
In addition, there are a specific set of keys that AWS Lambda reserves. If you try to set values for any of
these reserved keys, you will receive an error message indicating that the action is not allowed. For more
information on these keys, see Environment Variables Available to Lambda Functions (p. 392).
As application and configuration requirements evolve, you can create new versions of your Lambda
function and update the environment variables to meet those requirements prior to the newest version
being published. The current version of your function is $LATEST.
In addition, you can create aliases, which are pointers to a particular version of your function. The
advantage of aliases is that if you need to roll back to a previous function version, you point the alias to
that version, which contains the environment variables required for that version. For more information,
see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases (p. 279).
The first time you create or update Lambda functions that use environment variables in a region,
a default service key is created for you automatically within AWS KMS. This key is used to encrypt
environment variables. However, should you wish to use encryption helpers and use KMS to encrypt
environment variables after your Lambda function is created, then you must create your own AWS KMS
key and choose it instead of the default key. The default key will give errors when chosen. Creating
your own key gives you more flexibility, including the ability to create, rotate, disable, and define access
controls, and to audit the encryption keys used to protect your data. For more information, see the AWS
Key Management Service Developer Guide.
If you use your own key, you will be billed per AWS Key Management Service Pricing guidelines. You will
not be billed if you use the default service key provided by AWS Lambda.
If you’re using the default KMS service key for Lambda, then no additional IAM permissions are required
in your function execution role – your role will just work automatically without changes. If you’re
supplying your own (custom) KMS key, then you’ll need to add kms:Decrypt to your execution role. In
addition, the user that will be creating and updating the Lambda function must have permissions to use
the KMS key. For more information on KMS keys, see the Using Key Policies in AWS KMS.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Using Environment Variables
Fortunately, the Lambda console makes that easier for you by providing encryption helpers that leverage
AWS Key Management Service to store that sensitive information as Ciphertext. The Lambda console
also provides decryption helper code to decrypt that information for use in your in Lambda function
code. For more information, see Create a Lambda Function Using Environment Variables To Store
Sensitive Information (p. 384).
Error scenarios
If your function configuration exceeds 4KB, or you use environment variable keys reserved by AWS
Lambda, then your update or create operation will fail with a configuration error. During execution time,
it's possible that the encryption/decryption of environment variables can fail. If AWS Lambda is unable
to decrypt the environment variables due to an AWS KMS service exception, AWS KMS will return an
exception message explaining what the error conditions are and what, if any, remedies you can apply
to address the issue. These will be logged to your function log stream in Amazon CloudWatch logs. For
example, if the KMS key you are using to access the environment variables is disabled, you will see the
following error:
Lambda was unable to configure access to your environment variables because the KMS key
used is disabled.
Please check your KMS key settings.
Next Step
Create a Lambda Function Using Environment Variables (p. 382)
• Create a deployment package with sample code that returns the value of an environment variable that
specifies the name of an Amazon S3 bucket.
• Invoke a Lambda function and verify that the Amazon S3 bucket name that is returned matches the
value set by the environment variable.
• Update the Lambda function by changing the Amazon S3 bucket name specified by the environment
• Invoke the Lambda function again and verify that the Amazon S3 bucket name that is returned
matches the updated value.
Step 1: Prepare
Make sure you have completed the following steps:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Using Environment Variables
• Signed up for an AWS account and created an administrator user in the account.
• Installed and set up the AWS CLI.
• Create the Lambda function deployment package using the sample code provided.
• Create a Lambda execution role.
• Create the Lambda function by uploading the deployment package, and then test it by invoking it
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Follow the steps in IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide to create an IAM role (execution role). As you
follow the steps to create a role, note the following:
• In Select Role Type, choose AWS Service Roles, and then choose AWS Lambda.
• In Attach Policy, choose the policy named AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole.
3. Write down the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. You need this value when you create
your Lambda function in the next step.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Using Environment
Variables To Store Sensitive Information
To create the Lambda function, open a command prompt and run the following Lambda AWS CLI
create-function command. You need to provide the .zip file path and the execution role ARN. Note
that the Runtime parameter uses nodejs6.10 but you can also specify nodejs4.3.
Optionally, you can upload the .zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS region, and
then specify the bucket and object name in the preceding command. You need to replace the --
zip-file parameter with the --code parameter. For example:
--code S3Bucket=bucket-name,S3Key=zip-file-object-key
Next, run the following Lambda CLI invoke command to invoke the function. Note that the
command requests asynchronous execution. You can optionally invoke it synchronously by specifying
RequestResponse as the invocation-type parameter value.
The Lambda function will return the name of the Amazon S3 bucket as "Test".
Next, run the following Lambda CLI update-function-configuration command to update the
Amazon S3 environment variable by pointing it to the Prod bucket.
Run the aws lambda invoke command again using the same parameters. This time, the Lambda
function will return the Amazon S3 bucket name as Prod.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Using Environment
Variables To Store Sensitive Information
This tutorial will demonstrate how you can use the Lambda console to encrypt an environment variable
containing sensitive information and provides sample code for decrypting that information to use in your
Lambda function.
The Code button provides sample decrypt code specific to the runtime of your Lambda function that
you can use with your application.
You cannot use the default Lambda service key for encrypting sensitive information on the
client side. For more information, see Environment Variable Encryption (p. 381).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Dead Letter Queues
You configure a DLQ by specifying a target Amazon Resource Name (ARN) on a Lambda function's
DeadLetterConfig parameter of an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon SQS queue where you want
the event payload delivered, as shown in the following code. For more information about creating an
Amazon SNS topic, see Create an SNS Topic. For more information about creating an Amazon SQS
queue, see Tutorial: Creating an Amazon SQS Queue.
"Code": {
"ZipFile": blob,
"S3Bucket": “string”,
"S3Key": “string”,
"S3ObjectVersion": “string”
"Description": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number
"Publish": bool,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
Lambda directs events that cannot be processed to the Amazon SNS topic or Amazon SQS queue that
you’ve configured for the Lambda function. Functions without an associated DLQ discard events after
they have exhausted their retries. For more information about retry policies, see Understanding Retry
Behavior (p. 155). You need to explicitly provide read/publish/sendMessage access to your DLQ resource
as part of the execution role for your Lambda function. The payload written to the DLQ target ARN is
the original event payload with no modifications to the message body. The attributes of the message,
described below, contain information to help you understand why the event wasn’t processed:
If for some reason, the event payload consistently fails to reach the target ARN, Lambda increments a
CloudWatch metric called DeadLetterErrors and then deletes the event payload.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Best Practices
• Function Code (p. 387)
• Function Configuration (p. 388)
• Alarming and Metrics (p. 388)
• Stream Event Invokes (p. 388)
• Async Invokes (p. 389)
• Lambda VPC (p. 389)
Function Code
• Separate the Lambda handler (entry point) from your core logic. This allows you to make a more
unit-testable function. In Node.js this may look like:
callback(null, result);
• Take advantage of Execution Context reuse to improve the performance of your function. Make
sure any externalized configuration or dependencies that your code retrieves are stored and referenced
locally after initial execution. Limit the re-initialization of variables/objects on every invocation.
Instead use static initialization/constructor, global/static variables and singletons. Keep alive and reuse
connections (HTTP, database, etc.) that were established during a previous invocation.
• Use Environment Variables (p. 378) to pass operational parameters to your function. For example,
if you are writing to an Amazon S3 bucket, instead of hard-coding the bucket name you are writing to,
configure the bucket name as an environment variable.
• Control the dependencies in your function's deployment package. The AWS Lambda execution
environment contains a number of libraries such the AWS SDK for the Node.js and Python runtimes
(a full list can be found here: Lambda Execution Environment and Available Libraries (p. 392)). To
enable the latest set of features and security updates, Lambda will periodically update these libraries.
These updates may introduce subtle changes to the behavior of your Lambda function. To have full
control of the dependencies your function uses, we recommend packaging all your dependencies with
your deployment package.
• Minimize your deployment package size to its runtime necessities. This will reduce the amount of
time that it takes for your deployment package to be downloaded and unpacked ahead of invocation.
For functions authored in Java or .NET Core, avoid uploading the entire AWS SDK library as part of
your deployment package. Instead, selectively depend on the modules which pick up components of
the SDK you need (e.g. DynamoDB, Amazon S3 SDK modules and Lambda core libraries).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Function Configuration
• Reduce the time it takes Lambda to unpack deployment packages authored in Java by putting your
dependency .jar files in a separate /lib directory. This is faster than putting all your function’s code in
a single jar with a large number of .class files.
• Minimize the complexity of your dependencies. Prefer simpler frameworks that load quickly on
Execution Context startup. For example, prefer simpler Java dependency injection (IoC) frameworks
like Dagger or Guice, over more complex ones like Spring Framework.
• Avoid using recursive code in your Lambda function, wherein the function automatically calls itself
until some arbitrary criteria is met. This could lead to unintended volume of function invocations
and escalated costs. If you do accidentally do so, set the function concurrent execution limit to 0
immediately to throttle all invocations to the function, while you update the code.
Function Configuration
• Performance testing your Lambda function is a crucial part in ensuring you pick the optimum
memory size configuration. Any increase in memory size triggers an equivalent increase in CPU
availabile to your function. The memory usage for your function is determined per-invoke and can be
viewed in AWS CloudWatch Logs. On each invoke a REPORT: entry will be made, as shown below:
By analyzing the Max Memory Used: field, you can determine if your function needs more memory
or if you over-provisioned your function's memory size.
• Load test your Lambda function to determine an optimum timeout value. It is important to analyze
how long your function runs so that you can better determine any problems with a dependency
service that may increase the concurrency of the function beyond what you expect. This is especially
important when your Lambda function makes network calls to resources that may not handle
Lambda's scaling.
• Use most-restrictive permissions when setting IAM policies. Understand the resources and
operations your Lambda function needs, and limit the execution role to these permissions. For more
information, see Authentication and Access Control for AWS Lambda (p. 341).
• Be familiar with AWS Lambda Limits (p. 395). Payload size, file descriptors and /tmp space are
often overlooked when determining runtime resource limits.
• Delete Lambda functions that you are no longer using. By doing so, the unused functions won't
needlessly count against your deployment package size limit.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Async Invokes
of records that can be sent to your function with each invoke. A larger batch size can often more
efficiently absorb the invoke overhead across a larger set of records, increasing your throughput.
When there are not enough records to process, instead of waiting, the stream processing
function will be invoked with a smaller number of records.
• Increase Kinesis stream processing throughput by adding shards. A Kinesis stream is composed
of one or more shards. Lambda will poll each shard with at most one concurrent invocation. For
example, if your stream has 100 active shards, there will be at most 100 Lambda function invocations
running concurrently. Increasing the number of shards will directly increase the number of maximum
concurrent Lambda function invocations and can increase your Kinesis stream processing throughput.
If you are increasing the number of shards in a Kinesis stream, make sure you have picked a good
partition key (see Partition Keys) for your data, so that related records end up on the same shards and
your data is well distributed.
• Use Amazon CloudWatch on IteratorAge to determine if your Kinesis stream is being processed. For
example, configure a CloudWatch alarm with a maximum setting to 300000 (30 seconds).
Async Invokes
• Create and use Dead Letter Queues (p. 386) to address and replay async function errors.
Lambda VPC
• The following diagram guides you through a decision tree as to whether you should use a VPC (Virtual
Private Cloud):
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Lambda VPC
• Don't put your Lambda function in a VPC unless you have to. There is no benefit outside of using
this to access resources you cannot expose publicly, like a private Amazon Relational Database
instance. Services like Amazon Elasticsearch Service can be secured over IAM with access policies, so
exposing the endpoint publicly is safe and wouldn't require you to run your function in the VPC to
secure it.
• Lambda creates elastic network interfaces (ENIs) in your VPC to access your internal resources.
Before requesting a concurrency increase, ensure you have enough ENI capacity (the formula for this
can be found here: Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC (p. 136))
and IP address space. If you do not have enough ENI capacity, you will need to request an increase. If
you do not have enough IP address space, you may need to create a larger subnet.
• Create dedicated Lambda subnets in your VPC:
• This will make it easier to apply a custom route table for NAT Gateway traffic without changing your
other private/public subnets. For more information, see Configuring a Lambda Function to Access
Resources in an Amazon VPC (p. 136)
• This also allows you to dedicate an address space to Lambda without sharing it with other resources.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Runtime Support Policy
Runtime Version
Node.js 0.10
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Environment Variables Available to Lambda Functions
For information about using an AMI, see Amazon Machine Images (AMI) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide
for Linux Instances.
• Linux kernel version – 4.9.70-25.242.amzn1.x86_64
If you are using any native binaries in your code, make sure they are compiled in this environment. Note
that only 64-bit binaries are supported on AWS Lambda.
Not all runtimes are available on the Public Amazon Linux AMI version or its yum repositories.
You may need to download and install them manually from their respective public sites.
The following libraries are available in the AWS Lambda execution environment, regardless of the
supported runtime you use, so you don't need to include them:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Environment Variables Available to Lambda Functions
For more information on using environment variables with your Lambda function, see Environment
Variables (p. 378).
• AWS_Lambda_java8
• AWS_Lambda_nodejs4.3
• AWS_Lambda_nodejs6.10
• AWS_Lambda_python2.7
• AWS_Lambda_python3.6
• AWS_Lambda_dotnetcore1.0
• AWS_Lambda_dotnetcore2.0
Yes The size of the Lambda function in
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Environment Variables Available to Lambda Functions
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Limits
• AWS Lambda Limits (p. 395)
• AWS Lambda Limit Errors (p. 396)
Resource Limits
1. Open the AWS Support Center page, sign in, if necessary, and then click Create case.
2. Under Regarding, select Service Limit Increase.
3. Under Limit Type, select Lambda, fill in the necessary fields in the form, and then click the button at
the bottom of the page for your preferred method of contact.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Limit Errors
AWS may automatically raise the concurrent execution limit on your behalf to enable your
function to match the incoming event rate, as in the case of triggering the function from an
Amazon S3 bucket.
The following table lists service limits for deploying a Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda@Edge
Lambda@Edge lets you run Lambda functions at AWS Regions and Amazon CloudFront edge locations in
response to CloudFront events, without provisioning or managing servers. You can use Lambda functions
to change CloudFront requests and responses at the following points:
You can also generate responses to viewers without ever sending the request to the origin.
You write Lambda functions for CloudFront in Node.js 6.10. With Lambda@Edge, you can build a variety
of solutions, for example:
• Inspect cookies to rewrite URLs to different versions of a site for A/B testing.
• Send different objects to your users based on the User-Agent header, which contains information
about the device that submitted the request. For example, you can send images in different resolutions
to users based on their devices.
• Inspect headers or authorized tokens, inserting a corresponding header and allowing access control
before forwarding a request to the origin.
• Add, delete, and modify headers, and rewrite the URL path to direct users to different objects in the
• Generate new HTTP responses to do things like redirect unauthenticated users to login pages, or
create and deliver static webpages right from the edge. For more information, see Using Lambda
Functions to Generate HTTP Responses to Viewer and Origin Requests in the Amazon CloudFront
Developer Guide.
For more information about setting up CloudFront with Lambda@Edge, including sample code, see
Using CloudFront with Lambda@Edge in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
How You Create and Use Lambda
Functions for Lambda@Edge
• How You Create and Use Lambda Functions for Lambda@Edge (p. 398)
• How Replicas of Lambda Functions are Deleted (p. 399)
• Setting IAM Permissions and Roles for Lambda@Edge (p. 400)
• Creating a Lambda@Edge Function (p. 401)
• Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge Function (AWS Lambda Console) (p. 402)
• Writing Functions for Lambda@Edge (p. 403)
• Editing a Lambda Function for Lambda@Edge (p. 405)
• Testing and Debugging (p. 406)
• Lambda@Edge Limits (p. 407)
1. You use Node.js 6.10 to write the code for your Lambda function.
2. Using the AWS Lambda console, you create a Lambda function in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. (You
can also create the function programmatically, for example, by using one of the AWS SDKs.) When you
create the function, you specify the following values:
• The CloudFront distribution that you want the function to apply to
• A cache behavior in the distribution
3. You publish a numbered version of the function.
If you want to edit the function, you edit it in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. You then publish a new
numbered version.
4. You specify one or more CloudFront events, known as triggers, that cause the function to execute.
For example, you can create a trigger that causes the function to execute when CloudFront receives a
request from a viewer.
When you create a trigger, Lambda replicates the function to AWS Regions and CloudFront edge
locations around the globe.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
How Replicas of Lambda Functions are Deleted
Replicas are also removed if you delete the last distribution that a function was associated with. Replicas,
as well as functions, cannot be manually deleted at this time. This helps prevent a situation where a
replica is removed that is still being used, causing an error to be returned.
Note that it's important not to build applications that use function replicas outside of CloudFront
because the replicas will be deleted whenever their associations with distributions are removed, or when
distributions themselves are deleted. So the replica that an outside application depends on could be
removed without warning, causing it to fail.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Setting IAM Permissions and Roles for Lambda@Edge
In addition to the IAM permissions that you need to use AWS Lambda, you need the following IAM
permissions to associate Lambda functions with CloudFront distributions:
• lambda:GetFunction
For the resource, specify the ARN of the function version that you want to execute when a
CloudFront event occurs, as shown in the following example:
• lambda:EnableReplication*
For the resource, specify the ARN of the function version that you want to execute when a
CloudFront event occurs, as shown in the following example:
• iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
• cloudfront:UpdateDistribution or cloudfront:CreateDistribution
You must create an IAM role that can be assumed by the service principals and This role is assumed by the service
principals when they execute your function. For more information, see Creating the Roles and
Attaching the Policies (Console) in the topic "AWS Managed Policies for Job Functions" in the IAM
User Guide.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creating a Lambda@Edge Function
For information about the permissions that you need to grant to the execution role, see Manage
Permissions: Using an IAM Role (Execution Role) in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. Note the
• By default, whenever a CloudFront event triggers a Lambda function, data is written to
CloudWatch Logs. If you want to use these logs, the execution role needs permission to write
data to CloudWatch Logs. You can use the predefined AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to grant
permission to the execution role.
For more information about CloudWatch Logs, see CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs for
Lambda Functions in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
• If your Lambda function code accesses other AWS resources, such as reading an object from an S3
bucket, the execution role needs permission to perform that operation.
AWSServiceRoleForLambdaReplicator Role
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. If you already have one or more Lambda functions, choose Create function.
• To create a function using your own code, choose Author from scratch.
• To display a list of blueprints for CloudFront, type cloudfront in the filter field, and then press
If you find a blueprint that you want to use, choose the name of the blueprint.
5. In the Basic information section, specify the following values:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Adding Triggers for a Lambda@Edge
Function (AWS Lambda Console)
Role name
If you chose a blueprint in step 4, the cloudfront section lets you create one trigger, which
associates this function with a cache in a CloudFront distribution and a CloudFront event. We
recommend that you choose Remove at this point, so there isn't a trigger for the function when it's
created. Then you can add triggers later.
We recommend that you test and debug the function before you add triggers. If you
choose instead to add a trigger now, the function will start to run as soon as you create
the function and it finishes replicating to AWS Regions and edge locations, and the
corresponding distribution is deployed.
7. Choose Create function.
Lambda creates two versions of your function: $LATEST and Version 1. You can edit only the
$LATEST version, but the console initially displays Version 1.
8. To edit the function, choose Version 1 near the top of the page, under the ARN for the function.
Then, on the Versions tab, choose $LATEST. (If you left the function and then returned to it, the
button label is Qualifiers.)
9. On the Configuration tab, choose the applicable Code entry type. Then follow the prompts to edit
or upload your code.
10. For Runtime, accept the default value of Node.js 6.10.
11. In the Tags section, add any applicable tags.
12. Choose Actions, and then choose Publish new version.
13. Type a description for the new version of the function.
14. Choose Publish.
15. Test and debug the function. For more information, see the following:
• To use the Lambda console, perform the following procedure. This method works well if you want to
add more triggers to a function for the same CloudFront distribution.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Writing Functions for Lambda@Edge
• To use the CloudFront console, see Adding Triggers for CloudFront Events to a Lambda Function in the
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. This method works well if you want to add triggers for multiple
distributions because it's easier to find the distribution that you want to update. You can also update
other CloudFront settings at the same time.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. In the region list at the top of the page, choose US East (N. Virginia).
3. On the Functions page, choose the name of the function that you want to add triggers for.
4. Choose Qualifiers, and then choose the Versions tab.
5. Choose the version that you want to add triggers to.
You can't create triggers for the $LATEST version, you must create them for a numbered
After you choose a version, the name of the button changes to Version: $LATEST or Version: version
6. Choose the Triggers tab.
7. Choose Add triggers.
8. In the Add trigger dialog box, choose the dotted box, and then choose CloudFront.
If you've already created one or more triggers, CloudFront is the default service.
9. Specify the following values to indicate when you want the Lambda function to execute.
Distribution ID
Choose the ID of the distribution that you want to add the trigger to.
Cache behavior
Choose the cache behavior that specifies the objects that you want to execute the function on.
CloudFront event
Select this check box so that AWS Lambda replicates the function to regions globally.
10. Choose Submit.
The function starts to process requests for the specified CloudFront events when the updated
CloudFront distribution is deployed. To determine whether a distribution is deployed, choose
Distributions in the navigation pane. When a distribution is deployed, the value of the Status
column for the distribution changes from In Progress to Deployed.
For more information about writing functions for Lambda@Edge, see Requirements and Restrictions on
Lambda Functions in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Example: A/B Testing
We recommend that you include the callback parameter and return the applicable object:
If you're generating a response, include the cf.response object in the response. For more
information, see Using Lambda Functions to Generate HTTP Responses to Viewer and Origin Requests.
• Response events – Include the cf.response object in the response.
• Example: A/B Testing (p. 404)
• Example: HTTP Redirect (p. 405)
'use strict';
* Lambda at the Edge headers are array objects.
* Client may send multiple Cookie headers, i.e.:
* > GET /viewerRes/test HTTP/1.1
* > User-Agent: curl/7.18.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.1 OpenSSL/1.0.1u
* > Cookie: First=1; Second=2
* > Cookie: ClientCode=abc
* > Host:
* You can access the first Cookie header at headers["cookie"][0].value
* and the second at headers["cookie"][1].value.
* Header values are not parsed. In the example above,
* headers["cookie"][0].value is equal to "First=1; Second=2"
let experimentUri;
if (headers.cookie) {
for (let i = 0; i < headers.cookie.length; i++) {
if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(cookieExperimentA) >= 0) {
console.log('Experiment A cookie found');
experimentUri = pathExperimentA;
} else if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(cookieExperimentB) >= 0) {
console.log('Experiment B cookie found');
experimentUri = pathExperimentB;
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Example: HTTP Redirect
if (!experimentUri) {
console.log('Experiment cookie has not been found. Throwing dice...');
if (Math.random() < 0.75) {
experimentUri = pathExperimentA;
} else {
experimentUri = pathExperimentB;
request.uri = experimentUri;
console.log(`Request uri set to "${request.uri}"`);
callback(null, request);
'use strict';
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Testing and Debugging
• When you add a trigger for a CloudFront event to a function, if there's already a trigger for the same
distribution, cache behavior, and event for an earlier version of the same function, Lambda deletes the
trigger from the earlier version.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
2. In the region list at the top of the page, choose US East (N. Virginia).
3. In the list of functions, choose the name of the function that you want to edit.
By default, the console displays the $LATEST version. You can view earlier versions (choose
Qualifiers), but you can only edit $LATEST.
4. On the Code tab, for Code entry type, choose to edit the code in the browser, upload a .zip file, or
upload a file from Amazon S3.
5. Choose either Save or Save and test.
6. Choose Actions, and choose Publish new version.
7. In the Publish new version from $LATEST dialog box, enter a description of the new version. This
description appears in the list of versions, along with an automatically generated version number.
8. Choose Publish.
The new version automatically becomes the latest version. The version number appears on the
Version button in the upper-left corner of the page.
9. Choose the Triggers tab.
10. Choose Add trigger.
11. In the Add trigger dialog box, choose the dotted box, and then choose CloudFront.
If you've already created one or more triggers for a function, CloudFront is the default
12. Specify the following values to indicate when you want the Lambda function to execute.
Distribution ID
Choose the ID of the distribution that you want to add the trigger to.
Cache behavior
Choose the cache behavior that specifies the objects that you want to execute the function on.
CloudFront event
Select this check box so Lambda replicates the function to regions globally.
13. Choose Submit.
14. To add more triggers for this function, repeat steps 10 through 13.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Lambda@Edge Limits
You can create logging statements for Lambda functions running on Lambda@Edge that will write to
CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs for Lambda
For more information, see the following topics in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide:
Lambda@Edge Limits
Due to the constrained execution environment, Lambda@Edge has restrictions in addition to the default
Lambda limits. For more information, see the following documentation:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Certificate Errors When Using an SDK
API Reference
This section contains the AWS Lambda API Reference documentation. When making the API calls, you
will need to authenticate your request by providing a signature. AWS Lambda supports signature version
4. For more information, see Signature Version 4 Signing Process in the Amazon Web Services General
For an overview of the service, see What Is AWS Lambda? (p. 1).
You can use the AWS CLI to explore the AWS Lambda API. This guide provides several tutorials that use
the AWS CLI.
Microsoft Windows versions that have updates from January 2005 or later installed contain at least one
of the required CAs in their trust list.
• Mac OS X 10.4 with Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5 (February 2007), Mac OS X 10.5 (October 2007),
and later versions contain at least one of the required CAs in their trust list.
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (March 2007), 6, and 7 and CentOS 5, 6, and 7 all contain at least one of
the required CAs in their default trusted CA list.
• Java 1.4.2_12 (May 2006), 5 Update 2 (March 2005), and all later versions, including Java 6 (December
2006), 7, and 8, contain at least one of the required CAs in their default trusted CA list.
When accessing the AWS Lambda management console or AWS Lambda API endpoints, whether through
browsers or programmatically, you will need to ensure your client machines support any of the following
• Amazon Root CA 1
• Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2
• Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
Root certificates from the first two authorities are available from Amazon Trust Services, but keeping
your computer up-to-date is the more straightforward solution. To learn more about ACM-provided
certificates, see AWS Certificate Manager FAQs.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The following actions are supported:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Adds a permission to the resource policy associated with the specified AWS Lambda function. You use
resource policies to grant permissions to event sources that use push model. In a push model, event
sources (such as Amazon S3 and custom applications) invoke your Lambda function. Each permission you
add to the resource policy allows an event source, permission to invoke the Lambda function.
For information about the push model, see AWS Lambda: How it Works.
If you are using versioning, the permissions you add are specific to the Lambda function version or alias
you specify in the AddPermission request via the Qualifier parameter. For more information about
versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
POST /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/policy?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Action": "string",
"EventSourceToken": "string",
"Principal": "string",
"SourceAccount": "string",
"SourceArn": "string",
"StatementId": "string"
Name of the Lambda function whose resource policy you are updating by adding a new permission.
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Qualifier (p. 410)
You can use this optional query parameter to describe a qualified ARN using a function version or
an alias name. The permission will then apply to the specific qualified ARN. For example, if you
specify function version 2 as the qualifier, then permission applies only when request is made using
qualified function ARN:
If you specify an alias name, for example PROD, then the permission is valid only for requests made
using the alias ARN:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
If the qualifier is not specified, the permission is valid only when requests is made using unqualified
function ARN.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The AWS Lambda action you want to allow in this statement. Each Lambda action is a string starting
with lambda: followed by the API name (see Actions) . For example, lambda:CreateFunction.
You can use wildcard (lambda:*) to grant permission for all AWS Lambda actions.
Type: String
Pattern: (lambda:[*]|lambda:[a-zA-Z]+|[*])
Required: Yes
EventSourceToken (p. 410)
A unique token that must be supplied by the principal invoking the function. This is currently only
used for Alexa Smart Home functions.
Type: String
Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9._\-]+
Required: No
Principal (p. 410)
The principal who is getting this permission. It can be Amazon S3 service Principal
( if you want Amazon S3 to invoke the function, an AWS account ID if you are
granting cross-account permission, or any valid AWS service principal such as
For example, you might want to allow a custom application in another AWS account to push events
to AWS Lambda by invoking your function.
Type: String
Pattern: .*
Required: Yes
SourceAccount (p. 410)
This parameter is used for S3 and SES. The AWS account ID (without a hyphen) of the source owner.
For example, if the SourceArn identifies a bucket, then this is the bucket owner's account ID. You
can use this additional condition to ensure the bucket you specify is owned by a specific account (it is
possible the bucket owner deleted the bucket and some other AWS account created the bucket). You
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
can also use this condition to specify all sources (that is, you don't specify the SourceArn) owned by
a specific account.
Type: String
Pattern: \d{12}
Required: No
SourceArn (p. 410)
This is optional; however, when granting permission to invoke your function, you should specify this
field with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) as its value. This ensures that only events generated
from the specified source can invoke the function.
If you add a permission without providing the source ARN, any AWS account that creates a
mapping to your function ARN can send events to invoke your Lambda function.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
Required: No
StatementId (p. 410)
Type: String
Pattern: ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 201
Content-type: application/json
"Statement": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 201 response.
The permission statement you specified in the request. The response returns the same as a string
using a backslash ("\") as an escape character in the JSON.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creates an alias that points to the specified Lambda function version. For more information, see
Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases.
Alias names are unique for a given function. This requires permission for the lambda:CreateAlias action.
Request Syntax
POST /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/aliases HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Description": "string",
"FunctionVersion": "string",
"Name": "string",
"RoutingConfig": {
"AdditionalVersionWeights": {
"string" : number
Name of the Lambda function for which you want to create an alias. Note that the length constraint
applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
Type: String
Required: No
FunctionVersion (p. 414)
Lambda function version for which you are creating the alias.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Required: Yes
Name (p. 414)
Type: String
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
Required: Yes
RoutingConfig (p. 414)
Specifies an additional version your alias can point to, allowing you to dictate what percentage of
traffic will invoke each version. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 201
Content-type: application/json
"AliasArn": "string",
"Description": "string",
"FunctionVersion": "string",
"Name": "string",
"RoutingConfig": {
"AdditionalVersionWeights": {
"string" : number
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 201 response.
Lambda function ARN that is qualified using the alias name as the suffix. For example, if
you create an alias called BETA that points to a helloworld function version, the ARN is
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Description (p. 415)
Alias description.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Name (p. 415)
Alias name.
Type: String
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
RoutingConfig (p. 415)
Specifies an additional function versions the alias points to, allowing you to dictate what percentage
of traffic will invoke each version. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Identifies a stream as an event source for a Lambda function. It can be either an Amazon Kinesis stream
or an Amazon DynamoDB stream. AWS Lambda invokes the specified function when records are posted
to the stream.
This association between a stream source and a Lambda function is called the event source mapping.
This event source mapping is relevant only in the AWS Lambda pull model, where AWS Lambda
invokes the function. For more information, see AWS Lambda: How it Works in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.
You provide mapping information (for example, which stream to read from and which Lambda function
to invoke) in the request body.
Each event source, such as an Amazon Kinesis or a DynamoDB stream, can be associated with multiple
AWS Lambda function. A given Lambda function can be associated with multiple AWS event sources.
If you are using versioning, you can specify a specific function version or an alias via the function name
parameter. For more information about versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
POST /2015-03-31/event-source-mappings/ HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"BatchSize": number,
"Enabled": boolean,
"EventSourceArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"StartingPosition": "string",
"StartingPositionTimestamp": number
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of
invoking your function. Your function receives an event with all the retrieved records. The default is
100 records.
Type: Integer
Required: No
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Indicates whether AWS Lambda should begin polling the event source. By default, Enabled is true.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
EventSourceArn (p. 418)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis or the Amazon DynamoDB stream that is
the event source. Any record added to this stream could cause AWS Lambda to invoke your Lambda
function, it depends on the BatchSize. AWS Lambda POSTs the Amazon Kinesis event, containing
records, to your Lambda function as JSON.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
Required: Yes
FunctionName (p. 418)
The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the stream.
You can specify the function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
If you are using versioning, you can also provide a qualified function ARN (ARN that is qualified with
function version or alias name as suffix). For more information about versioning, see AWS Lambda
Function Versioning and Aliases
AWS Lambda also allows you to specify only the function name with the account ID qualifier (for
example, account-id:Thumbnail).
Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is
limited to 64 characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Required: Yes
StartingPosition (p. 418)
The position in the stream where AWS Lambda should start reading. Valid only for Kinesis streams.
For more information, see ShardIteratorType in the Amazon Kinesis API Reference.
Type: String
Required: Yes
StartingPositionTimestamp (p. 418)
The timestamp of the data record from which to start reading. Used with shard iterator type
AT_TIMESTAMP. If a record with this exact timestamp does not exist, the iterator returned is for the
next (later) record. If the timestamp is older than the current trim horizon, the iterator returned is for
the oldest untrimmed data record (TRIM_HORIZON). Valid only for Kinesis streams.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: Timestamp
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 202
Content-type: application/json
"BatchSize": number,
"EventSourceArn": "string",
"FunctionArn": "string",
"LastModified": number,
"LastProcessingResult": "string",
"State": "string",
"StateTransitionReason": "string",
"UUID": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 202 response.
The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of
invoking your function. Your function receives an event with all the retrieved records.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is the source of events.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
FunctionArn (p. 420)
The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the stream.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
LastModified (p. 420)
The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was updated.
Type: Timestamp
LastProcessingResult (p. 420)
The result of the last AWS Lambda invocation of your Lambda function.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The state of the event source mapping. It can be Creating, Enabled, Disabled, Enabling,
Disabling, Updating, or Deleting.
Type: String
StateTransitionReason (p. 420)
The reason the event source mapping is in its current state. It is either user-requested or an AWS
Lambda-initiated state transition.
Type: String
UUID (p. 420)
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creates a new Lambda function. The function metadata is created from the request parameters, and the
code for the function is provided by a .zip file in the request body. If the function name already exists,
the operation will fail. Note that the function name is case-sensitive.
If you are using versioning, you can also publish a version of the Lambda function you are creating using
the Publish parameter. For more information about versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning
and Aliases.
Request Syntax
POST /2015-03-31/functions HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Code": {
"S3Bucket": "string",
"S3Key": "string",
"S3ObjectVersion": "string",
"ZipFile": blob
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Publish": boolean,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Tags": {
"string" : "string"
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ]
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Required: Yes
DeadLetterConfig (p. 423)
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Required: No
Description (p. 423)
A short, user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this value. Assign a meaningful
description as you see fit.
Type: String
Required: No
Environment (p. 423)
Required: No
FunctionName (p. 423)
The name you want to assign to the function you are uploading. The function names appear
in the console and are returned in the ListFunctions (p. 475) API. Function names are used to
specify functions to other AWS Lambda API operations, such as Invoke (p. 461). Note that the
length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64
characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Required: Yes
Handler (p. 423)
The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution. For Node.js, it is the module-
name.export value in your function. For Java, it can be package.class-name::handler or
package.class-name. For more information, see Lambda Function Handler (Java).
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Required: Yes
KMSKeyArn (p. 423)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If not provided, AWS Lambda will use a default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
Required: No
MemorySize (p. 423)
The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. Lambda uses this memory size to
infer the amount of CPU and memory allocated to your function. Your function use-case determines
your CPU and memory requirements. For example, a database operation might need less memory
compared to an image processing function. The default value is 128 MB. The value must be a
multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
Required: No
Publish (p. 423)
This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to create the Lambda function and
publish a version as an atomic operation.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
Role (p. 423)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. For more information, see AWS
Lambda: How it Works.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Required: Yes
Runtime (p. 423)
The runtime environment for the Lambda function you are uploading.
To use the Python runtime v3.6, set the value to "python3.6". To use the Python runtime v2.7, set
the value to "python2.7". To use the Node.js runtime v6.10, set the value to "nodejs6.10". To use the
Node.js runtime v4.3, set the value to "nodejs4.3".
Node v0.10.42 is currently marked as deprecated. You must migrate existing functions to
the newer Node.js runtime versions available on AWS Lambda (nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10) as
soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in an invalid parmaeter error being returned.
Note that you will have to follow this procedure for each region that contains functions
written in the Node v0.10.42 runtime.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Required: Yes
Tags (p. 423)
Required: No
Timeout (p. 423)
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Required: No
TracingConfig (p. 423)
Required: No
VpcConfig (p. 423)
If your Lambda function accesses resources in a VPC, you provide this parameter identifying the list
of security group IDs and subnet IDs. These must belong to the same VPC. You must provide at least
one security group and one subnet ID.
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 201
Content-type: application/json
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 201 response.
Type: String
CodeSize (p. 426)
Type: Long
DeadLetterConfig (p. 426)
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Type: String
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_
FunctionName (p. 426)
The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Handler (p. 426)
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
KMSKeyArn (p. 426)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
LastModified (p. 426)
The time stamp of the last time you updated the function. The time stamp is conveyed
as a string complying with ISO-8601 in this way YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.,
1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00). For more information, see Date and Time Formats.
Type: String
MasterArn (p. 426)
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
MemorySize (p. 426)
The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Runtime (p. 426)
Type: String
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
VpcConfig (p. 426)
You have exceeded your maximum total code size per account. Limits
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Deletes the specified Lambda function alias. For more information, see Introduction to AWS Lambda
Request Syntax
DELETE /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/aliases/Name HTTP/1.1
The Lambda function name for which the alias is created. Deleting an alias does not delete the
function version to which it is pointing. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If
you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Name (p. 431)
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 204
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 204 response with an empty HTTP body.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Removes an event source mapping. This means AWS Lambda will no longer invoke the function for
events in the associated source.
Request Syntax
DELETE /2015-03-31/event-source-mappings/UUID HTTP/1.1
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 202
Content-type: application/json
"BatchSize": number,
"EventSourceArn": "string",
"FunctionArn": "string",
"LastModified": number,
"LastProcessingResult": "string",
"State": "string",
"StateTransitionReason": "string",
"UUID": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 202 response.
The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of
invoking your function. Your function receives an event with all the retrieved records.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is the source of events.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
FunctionArn (p. 433)
The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the stream.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
LastModified (p. 433)
The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was updated.
Type: Timestamp
LastProcessingResult (p. 433)
The result of the last AWS Lambda invocation of your Lambda function.
Type: String
State (p. 433)
The state of the event source mapping. It can be Creating, Enabled, Disabled, Enabling,
Disabling, Updating, or Deleting.
Type: String
StateTransitionReason (p. 433)
The reason the event source mapping is in its current state. It is either user-requested or an AWS
Lambda-initiated state transition.
Type: String
UUID (p. 433)
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Deletes the specified Lambda function code and configuration.
If you are using the versioning feature and you don't specify a function version in your DeleteFunction
request, AWS Lambda will delete the function, including all its versions, and any aliases pointing to the
function versions. To delete a specific function version, you must provide the function version via the
Qualifier parameter. For information about function versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning
and Aliases.
When you delete a function the associated resource policy is also deleted. You will need to delete the
event source mappings explicitly.
Request Syntax
DELETE /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
You can specify the function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). If you are using versioning, you can also provide a qualified function
ARN (ARN that is qualified with function version or alias name as suffix). AWS Lambda also allows
you to specify only the function name with the account ID qualifier (for example, account-
id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the
function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Qualifier (p. 436)
Using this optional parameter you can specify a function version (but not the $LATEST version) to
direct AWS Lambda to delete a specific function version. If the function version has one or more
aliases pointing to it, you will get an error because you cannot have aliases pointing to it. You
can delete any function version but not the $LATEST, that is, you cannot specify $LATEST as the
value of this parameter. The $LATEST version can be deleted only when you want to delete all the
function versions and aliases.
You can only specify a function version, not an alias name, using this parameter. You cannot delete a
function version using its alias.
If you don't specify this parameter, AWS Lambda will delete the function, including all of its versions
and aliases.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 204
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 204 response with an empty HTTP body.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Removes concurrent execution limits from this function. For more information, see Managing
Concurrency (p. 374).
Request Syntax
DELETE /2017-10-31/functions/FunctionName/concurrency HTTP/1.1
The name of the function you are removing concurrent execution limits from. For more information,
see Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 204
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 204 response with an empty HTTP body.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns a customer's account settings.
You can use this operation to retrieve Lambda limits information, such as code size and concurrency
limits. For more information about limits, see AWS Lambda Limits. You can also retrieve resource usage
statistics, such as code storage usage and function count.
Request Syntax
GET /2016-08-19/account-settings/ HTTP/1.1
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"AccountLimit": {
"CodeSizeUnzipped": number,
"CodeSizeZipped": number,
"ConcurrentExecutions": number,
"TotalCodeSize": number,
"UnreservedConcurrentExecutions": number
"AccountUsage": {
"FunctionCount": number,
"TotalCodeSize": number
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Provides limits of code size and concurrency associated with the current account and region.
Provides code size usage and function count associated with the current account and region.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns the specified alias information such as the alias ARN, description, and function version it is
pointing to. For more information, see Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/aliases/Name HTTP/1.1
Function name for which the alias is created. An alias is a subresource that exists only in the
context of an existing Lambda function so you must specify the function name. Note that the
length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64
characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Name (p. 443)
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"AliasArn": "string",
"Description": "string",
"FunctionVersion": "string",
"Name": "string",
"RoutingConfig": {
"AdditionalVersionWeights": {
"string" : number
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Lambda function ARN that is qualified using the alias name as the suffix. For example, if
you create an alias called BETA that points to a helloworld function version, the ARN is
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Description (p. 443)
Alias description.
Type: String
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Name (p. 443)
Alias name.
Type: String
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
RoutingConfig (p. 443)
Specifies an additional function versions the alias points to, allowing you to dictate what percentage
of traffic will invoke each version. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns configuration information for the specified event source mapping (see
CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418)).
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/event-source-mappings/UUID HTTP/1.1
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"BatchSize": number,
"EventSourceArn": "string",
"FunctionArn": "string",
"LastModified": number,
"LastProcessingResult": "string",
"State": "string",
"StateTransitionReason": "string",
"UUID": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of
invoking your function. Your function receives an event with all the retrieved records.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is the source of events.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
FunctionArn (p. 446)
The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the stream.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
LastModified (p. 446)
The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was updated.
Type: Timestamp
LastProcessingResult (p. 446)
The result of the last AWS Lambda invocation of your Lambda function.
Type: String
State (p. 446)
The state of the event source mapping. It can be Creating, Enabled, Disabled, Enabling,
Disabling, Updating, or Deleting.
Type: String
StateTransitionReason (p. 446)
The reason the event source mapping is in its current state. It is either user-requested or an AWS
Lambda-initiated state transition.
Type: String
UUID (p. 446)
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns the configuration information of the Lambda function and a presigned URL link to the .zip file
you uploaded with CreateFunction (p. 423) so you can download the .zip file. Note that the URL is valid
for up to 10 minutes. The configuration information is the same information you provided as parameters
when uploading the function.
Using the optional Qualifier parameter, you can specify a specific function version for which you want
this information. If you don't specify this parameter, the API uses unqualified function ARN which return
information about the $LATEST version of the Lambda function. For more information, see AWS Lambda
Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Qualifier (p. 449)
Use this optional parameter to specify a function version or an alias name. If you specify function
version, the API uses qualified function ARN for the request and returns information about the
specific Lambda function version. If you specify an alias name, the API uses the alias ARN and returns
information about the function version to which the alias points. If you don't provide this parameter,
the API uses unqualified function ARN and returns information about the $LATEST version of the
Lambda function.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Content-type: application/json
"Code": {
"Location": "string",
"RepositoryType": "string"
"Concurrency": {
"ReservedConcurrentExecutions": number
"Configuration": {
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
"Tags": {
"string" : "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The concurrent execution limit set for this function. For more information, see Managing
Concurrency (p. 374).
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns the configuration information of the Lambda function. This the same information you provided
as parameters when uploading the function by using CreateFunction (p. 423).
If you are using the versioning feature, you can retrieve this information for a specific function version by
using the optional Qualifier parameter and specifying the function version or alias that points to it.
If you don't provide it, the API returns information about the $LATEST version of the function. For more
information about versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/configuration?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
The name of the Lambda function for which you want to retrieve the configuration information.
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Qualifier (p. 453)
Using this optional parameter you can specify a function version or an alias name. If you specify
function version, the API uses qualified function ARN and returns information about the specific
function version. If you specify an alias name, the API uses the alias ARN and returns information
about the function version to which the alias points.
If you don't specify this parameter, the API uses unqualified function ARN, and returns information
about the $LATEST function version.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Type: String
CodeSize (p. 453)
Type: Long
DeadLetterConfig (p. 453)
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_
FunctionName (p. 453)
The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Handler (p. 453)
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
KMSKeyArn (p. 453)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
LastModified (p. 453)
The time stamp of the last time you updated the function. The time stamp is conveyed
as a string complying with ISO-8601 in this way YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.,
1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00). For more information, see Date and Time Formats.
Type: String
MasterArn (p. 453)
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Runtime (p. 453)
Type: String
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
VpcConfig (p. 453)
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns the resource policy associated with the specified Lambda function.
If you are using the versioning feature, you can get the resource policy associated with the specific
Lambda function version or alias by specifying the version or alias name using the Qualifier
parameter. For more information about versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/policy?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
You can specify the function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). If you are using versioning, you can also provide a qualified function
ARN (ARN that is qualified with function version or alias name as suffix). AWS Lambda also allows
you to specify only the function name with the account ID qualifier (for example, account-
id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the
function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Qualifier (p. 458)
You can specify this optional query parameter to specify a function version or an alias name in
which case this API will return all permissions associated with the specific qualified ARN. If you don't
provide this parameter, the API will return permissions that apply to the unqualified function ARN.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"Policy": "string"
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The resource policy associated with the specified function. The response returns the same as a string
using a backslash ("\") as an escape character in the JSON.
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Invokes a specific Lambda function. For an example, see Create the Lambda Function and Test It
If you are using the versioning feature, you can invoke the specific function version by providing function
version or alias name that is pointing to the function version using the Qualifier parameter in the
request. If you don't provide the Qualifier parameter, the $LATEST version of the Lambda function
is invoked. Invocations occur at least once in response to an event and functions must be idempotent
to handle this. For information about the versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and
Request Syntax
POST /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/invocations?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
X-Amz-Invocation-Type: InvocationType
X-Amz-Log-Type: LogType
X-Amz-Client-Context: ClientContext
Using the ClientContext you can pass client-specific information to the Lambda function you
are invoking. You can then process the client information in your Lambda function as you choose
through the context variable. For an example of a ClientContext JSON, see PutEvents in the
Amazon Mobile Analytics API Reference and User Guide.
The ClientContext JSON must be base64-encoded and has a maximum size of 3583 bytes.
FunctionName (p. 461)
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
By default, the Invoke API assumes RequestResponse invocation type. You can optionally
request asynchronous execution by specifying Event as the InvocationType. You can also use
this parameter to request AWS Lambda to not execute the function but do some verification, such
as if the caller is authorized to invoke the function and if the inputs are valid. You request this by
specifying DryRun as the InvocationType. This is useful in a cross-account scenario when you
want to verify access to a function without running it.
You can set this optional parameter to Tail in the request only if you specify the InvocationType
parameter with value RequestResponse. In this case, AWS Lambda returns the base64-encoded
last 4 KB of log data produced by your Lambda function in the x-amz-log-result header.
You can use this optional parameter to specify a Lambda function version or alias name. If you
specify a function version, the API uses the qualified function ARN to invoke a specific Lambda
function. If you specify an alias name, the API uses the alias ARN to invoke the Lambda function
version to which the alias points.
If you don't provide this parameter, then the API uses unqualified function ARN which results in
invocation of the $LATEST version.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
Request Body
The request accepts the following binary data.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 StatusCode
X-Amz-Function-Error: FunctionError
X-Amz-Log-Result: LogResult
X-Amz-Executed-Version: ExecutedVersion
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back the following HTTP response.
The HTTP status code will be in the 200 range for successful request. For the RequestResponse
invocation type this status code will be 200. For the Event invocation type this status code will be
202. For the DryRun invocation type the status code will be 204.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The function version that has been executed. This value is returned only if the invocation type is
RequestResponse. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
FunctionError (p. 462)
Indicates whether an error occurred while executing the Lambda function. If an error occurred
this field will have one of two values; Handled or Unhandled. Handled errors are errors that are
reported by the function while the Unhandled errors are those detected and reported by AWS
Lambda. Unhandled errors include out of memory errors and function timeouts. For information
about how to report an Handled error, see Programming Model.
LogResult (p. 462)
It is the base64-encoded logs for the Lambda function invocation. This is present only if the
invocation type is RequestResponse and the logs were requested.
It is the JSON representation of the object returned by the Lambda function. This is present only if
the invocation type is RequestResponse.
In the event of a function error this field contains a message describing the error. For the Handled
errors the Lambda function will report this message. For Unhandled errors AWS Lambda reports the
AWS Lambda was throttled by Amazon EC2 during Lambda function initialization using the
execution role provided for the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda received an unexpected EC2 client exception while setting up for the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda was not able to create an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) in the VPC, specified as part
of Lambda function configuration, because the limit for network interfaces has been reached.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The Security Group ID provided in the Lambda function VPC configuration is invalid.
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because KMS access was denied. Check the
Lambda function's KMS permissions.
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key used is disabled.
Check the Lambda function's KMS key settings.
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key used is in an invalid
state for Decrypt. Check the function's KMS key settings.
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key was not found.
Check the function's KMS key settings.
The request payload exceeded the Invoke request body JSON input limit. For more information, see
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda was not able to set up VPC access for the Lambda function because one or more
configured subnets has no available IP addresses.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
This API is deprecated. We recommend you use Invoke API (see Invoke (p. 461)).
Submits an invocation request to AWS Lambda. Upon receiving the request, Lambda executes the
specified function asynchronously. To see the logs generated by the Lambda function execution, see the
CloudWatch Logs console.
Request Syntax
POST /2014-11-13/functions/FunctionName/invoke-async/ HTTP/1.1
The Lambda function name. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Request Body
The request accepts the following binary data.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 Status
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back the following HTTP response.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
Invoke a Lambda function
The following example uses a POST request to invoke a Lambda function.
Sample Request
Sample Response
x-amzn-requestid: f037bc5c-5a08-11e4-b02e-af446c3f9d0d
content-length: 0
connection: keep-alive
date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:31:55 GMT
content-type: application/json
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns list of aliases created for a Lambda function. For each alias, the response includes information
such as the alias ARN, description, alias name, and the function version to which it points. For more
information, see Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/aliases?
FunctionVersion=FunctionVersion&Marker=Marker&MaxItems=MaxItems HTTP/1.1
Lambda function name for which the alias is created. Note that the length constraint applies only to
the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
FunctionVersion (p. 469)
If you specify this optional parameter, the API returns only the aliases that are pointing to the
specific Lambda function version, otherwise the API returns all of the aliases created for the Lambda
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Marker (p. 469)
Optional string. An opaque pagination token returned from a previous ListAliases operation. If
present, indicates where to continue the listing.
MaxItems (p. 469)
Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of aliases to return in response. This parameter
value must be greater than 0.
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"Aliases": [
"AliasArn": "string",
"Description": "string",
"FunctionVersion": "string",
"Name": "string",
"RoutingConfig": {
"AdditionalVersionWeights": {
"string" : number
"NextMarker": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
A list of aliases.
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns a list of event source mappings you created using the CreateEventSourceMapping (see
CreateEventSourceMapping (p. 418)).
For each mapping, the API returns configuration information. You can optionally specify filters to retrieve
specific event source mappings.
If you are using the versioning feature, you can get list of event source mappings for a specific Lambda
function version or an alias as described in the FunctionName parameter. For information about the
versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/event-source-mappings/?
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream. (This parameter is optional.)
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
FunctionName (p. 472)
You can specify the function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). If you are using versioning, you can also provide a qualified function
ARN (ARN that is qualified with function version or alias name as suffix). AWS Lambda also allows
you to specify only the function name with the account ID qualifier (for example, account-
id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the
function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Marker (p. 472)
Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of event sources to return in response. This value
must be greater than 0.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"EventSourceMappings": [
"BatchSize": number,
"EventSourceArn": "string",
"FunctionArn": "string",
"LastModified": number,
"LastProcessingResult": "string",
"State": "string",
"StateTransitionReason": "string",
"UUID": "string"
"NextMarker": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns a list of your Lambda functions. For each function, the response includes the function
configuration information. You must use GetFunction (p. 449) to retrieve the code for your function.
If you are using the versioning feature, you can list all of your functions or only $LATEST versions. For
information about the versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/?
Optional string. If not specified, only the unqualified functions ARNs (Amazon Resource Names) will
be returned.
Valid value:
ALL: Will return all versions, including $LATEST which will have fully qualified ARNs (Amazon
Resource Names).
Optional string. An opaque pagination token returned from a previous ListFunctions operation.
If present, indicates where to continue the listing.
MasterRegion (p. 475)
Optional string. If not specified, will return only regular function versions (i.e., non-replicated
The region from which the functions are replicated. For example, if you specify us-east-1, only
functions replicated from that region will be returned.
ALL: Will return all functions from any region. If specified, you also must specify a valid
FunctionVersion parameter.
Pattern: ALL|[a-z]{2}(-gov)?-[a-z]+-\d{1}
MaxItems (p. 475)
Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of AWS Lambda functions to return in response.
This parameter value must be greater than 0.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"Functions": [
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
"NextMarker": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Returns a list of tags assigned to a function when supplied the function ARN (Amazon Resource Name).
Request Syntax
GET /2017-03-31/tags/ARN HTTP/1.1
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"Tags": {
"string" : "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
List all versions of a function. For information about the versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function
Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
GET /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/versions?Marker=Marker&MaxItems=MaxItems HTTP/1.1
Function name whose versions to list. You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or
you can specify Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-
west-2:account-id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial
ARN (for example, account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the
ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Marker (p. 480)
Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of AWS Lambda function versions to return in
response. This parameter value must be greater than 0.
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"NextMarker": "string",
"Versions": [
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Type: String
Versions (p. 480)
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Publishes a version of your function from the current snapshot of $LATEST. That is, AWS Lambda takes a
snapshot of the function code and configuration information from $LATEST and publishes a new version.
The code and configuration cannot be modified after publication. For information about the versioning
feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Request Syntax
POST /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/versions HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"CodeSha256": "string",
"Description": "string"
The Lambda function name. You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you
can specify Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-
west-2:account-id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial
ARN (for example, account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the
ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The SHA256 hash of the deployment package you want to publish. This provides validation on
the code you are publishing. If you provide this parameter, the value must match the SHA256
of the $LATEST version for the publication to succeed. You can use the DryRun parameter of
UpdateFunctionCode (p. 504) to verify the hash value that will be returned before publishing your
new version.
Type: String
Required: No
Description (p. 483)
The description for the version you are publishing. If not provided, AWS Lambda copies the
description from the $LATEST version.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 201
Content-type: application/json
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 201 response.
Type: String
CodeSize (p. 484)
Type: Long
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Type: String
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_
FunctionName (p. 484)
The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Handler (p. 484)
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
KMSKeyArn (p. 484)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
LastModified (p. 484)
The time stamp of the last time you updated the function. The time stamp is conveyed
as a string complying with ISO-8601 in this way YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.,
1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00). For more information, see Date and Time Formats.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
MasterArn (p. 484)
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
MemorySize (p. 484)
The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Runtime (p. 484)
Type: String
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
VpcConfig (p. 484)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You have exceeded your maximum total code size per account. Limits
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Sets a limit on the number of concurrent executions available to this function. It is a subset of your
account's total concurrent execution limit per region. Note that Lambda automatically reserves a buffer
of 100 concurrent executions for functions without any reserved concurrency limit. This means if your
account limit is 1000, you have a total of 900 available to allocate to individual functions. For more
information, see Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
Request Syntax
PUT /2017-10-31/functions/FunctionName/concurrency HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"ReservedConcurrentExecutions": number
The name of the function you are setting concurrent execution limits on. For more information, see
Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The concurrent execution limit reserved for this function. For more information, see Managing
Concurrency (p. 374).
Type: Integer
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"ReservedConcurrentExecutions": number
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The number of concurrent executions reserved for this function. For more information, see
Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
Type: Integer
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You can remove individual permissions from an resource policy associated with a Lambda function by
providing a statement ID that you provided when you added the permission.
If you are using versioning, the permissions you remove are specific to the Lambda function version or
alias you specify in the AddPermission request via the Qualifier parameter. For more information
about versioning, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
Note that removal of a permission will cause an active event source to lose permission to the function.
Request Syntax
DELETE /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/policy/StatementId?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
Lambda function whose resource policy you want to remove a permission from.
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Qualifier (p. 490)
You can specify this optional parameter to remove permission associated with a specific function
version or function alias. If you don't specify this parameter, the API removes permission associated
with the unqualified function ARN.
Pattern: (|[a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+)
StatementId (p. 490)
Pattern: ([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 204
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 204 response with an empty HTTP body.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Creates a list of tags (key-value pairs) on the Lambda function. Requires the Lambda function ARN
(Amazon Resource Name). If a key is specified without a value, Lambda creates a tag with the specified
key and a value of null.
Request Syntax
POST /2017-03-31/tags/ARN HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Tags": {
"string" : "string"
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The list of tags (key-value pairs) you are assigning to the Lambda function.
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 204
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 204 response with an empty HTTP body.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Removes tags from a Lambda function. Requires the function ARN (Amazon Resource Name).
Request Syntax
DELETE /2017-03-31/tags/ARN?tagKeys=TagKeys HTTP/1.1
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
TagKeys (p. 494)
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 204
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 204 response with an empty HTTP body.
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using this API you can update the function version to which the alias points and the alias description. For
more information, see Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases.
Request Syntax
PUT /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/aliases/Name HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Description": "string",
"FunctionVersion": "string",
"RoutingConfig": {
"AdditionalVersionWeights": {
"string" : number
The function name for which the alias is created. Note that the length constraint applies only to the
ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Name (p. 496)
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
You can change the description of the alias using this parameter.
Type: String
Required: No
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Using this parameter you can change the Lambda function version to which the alias points.
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Required: No
RoutingConfig (p. 496)
Specifies an additional version your alias can point to, allowing you to dictate what percentage of
traffic will invoke each version. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"AliasArn": "string",
"Description": "string",
"FunctionVersion": "string",
"Name": "string",
"RoutingConfig": {
"AdditionalVersionWeights": {
"string" : number
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Lambda function ARN that is qualified using the alias name as the suffix. For example, if
you create an alias called BETA that points to a helloworld function version, the ARN is
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Description (p. 497)
Alias description.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Name (p. 497)
Alias name.
Type: String
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
RoutingConfig (p. 497)
Specifies an additional function versions the alias points to, allowing you to dictate what percentage
of traffic will invoke each version. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
You can update an event source mapping. This is useful if you want to change the parameters of the
existing mapping without losing your position in the stream. You can change which function will receive
the stream records, but to change the stream itself, you must create a new mapping.
If you are using the versioning feature, you can update the event source mapping to map to a specific
Lambda function version or alias as described in the FunctionName parameter. For information about
the versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning and Aliases.
If you disable the event source mapping, AWS Lambda stops polling. If you enable again, it will resume
polling from the time it had stopped polling, so you don't lose processing of any records. However, if you
delete event source mapping and create it again, it will reset.
Request Syntax
PUT /2015-03-31/event-source-mappings/UUID HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"BatchSize": number,
"Enabled": boolean,
"FunctionName": "string"
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The maximum number of stream records that can be sent to your Lambda function for a single
Type: Integer
Required: No
Enabled (p. 500)
Specifies whether AWS Lambda should actively poll the stream or not. If disabled, AWS Lambda will
not poll the stream.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The Lambda function to which you want the stream records sent.
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
If you are using versioning, you can also provide a qualified function ARN (ARN that is qualified with
function version or alias name as suffix). For more information about versioning, see AWS Lambda
Function Versioning and Aliases
Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is
limited to 64 character in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 202
Content-type: application/json
"BatchSize": number,
"EventSourceArn": "string",
"FunctionArn": "string",
"LastModified": number,
"LastProcessingResult": "string",
"State": "string",
"StateTransitionReason": "string",
"UUID": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 202 response.
The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of
invoking your function. Your function receives an event with all the retrieved records.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is the source of events.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
FunctionArn (p. 501)
The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the stream.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
LastModified (p. 501)
The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was updated.
Type: Timestamp
LastProcessingResult (p. 501)
The result of the last AWS Lambda invocation of your Lambda function.
Type: String
State (p. 501)
The state of the event source mapping. It can be Creating, Enabled, Disabled, Enabling,
Disabling, Updating, or Deleting.
Type: String
StateTransitionReason (p. 501)
The reason the event source mapping is in its current state. It is either user-requested or an AWS
Lambda-initiated state transition.
Type: String
UUID (p. 501)
Type: String
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Updates the code for the specified Lambda function. This operation must only be used on an existing
Lambda function and cannot be used to update the function configuration.
If you are using the versioning feature, note this API will always update the $LATEST version of your
Lambda function. For information about the versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning
and Aliases.
Request Syntax
PUT /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/code HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"DryRun": boolean,
"Publish": boolean,
"S3Bucket": "string",
"S3Key": "string",
"S3ObjectVersion": "string",
"ZipFile": blob
The existing Lambda function name whose code you want to replace.
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
This boolean parameter can be used to test your request to AWS Lambda to update the Lambda
function and publish a version as an atomic operation. It will do all necessary computation and
validation of your code but will not upload it or a publish a version. Each time this operation is
invoked, the CodeSha256 hash value of the provided code will also be computed and returned in
the response.
Type: Boolean
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Required: No
Publish (p. 504)
This boolean parameter can be used to request AWS Lambda to update the Lambda function and
publish a version as an atomic operation.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
S3Bucket (p. 504)
Amazon S3 bucket name where the .zip file containing your deployment package is stored. This
bucket must reside in the same AWS Region where you are creating the Lambda function.
Type: String
Pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z\.\-_]*(?<!\.)$
Required: No
S3Key (p. 504)
The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) key name you want to upload.
Type: String
Required: No
S3ObjectVersion (p. 504)
The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) version you want to upload.
Type: String
Required: No
ZipFile (p. 504)
The contents of your zip file containing your deployment package. If you are using the web API
directly, the contents of the zip file must be base64-encoded. If you are using the AWS SDKs or the
AWS CLI, the SDKs or CLI will do the encoding for you. For more information about creating a .zip
file, see Execution Permissions in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Type: String
CodeSize (p. 505)
Type: Long
DeadLetterConfig (p. 505)
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Type: String
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_
FunctionName (p. 505)
The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Handler (p. 505)
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
KMSKeyArn (p. 505)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
LastModified (p. 505)
The time stamp of the last time you updated the function. The time stamp is conveyed
as a string complying with ISO-8601 in this way YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.,
1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00). For more information, see Date and Time Formats.
Type: String
MasterArn (p. 505)
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
MemorySize (p. 505)
The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Runtime (p. 505)
Type: String
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
VpcConfig (p. 505)
You have exceeded your maximum total code size per account. Limits
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Updates the configuration parameters for the specified Lambda function by using the values provided in
the request. You provide only the parameters you want to change. This operation must only be used on
an existing Lambda function and cannot be used to update the function's code.
If you are using the versioning feature, note this API will always update the $LATEST version of your
Lambda function. For information about the versioning feature, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning
and Aliases.
Request Syntax
PUT /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionName/configuration HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ]
You can specify a function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-
id:function:ThumbNail). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify a partial ARN (for example,
account-id:Thumbnail). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 character in length.
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Required: No
Description (p. 510)
A short user-defined function description. AWS Lambda does not use this value. Assign a meaningful
description as you see fit.
Type: String
Required: No
Environment (p. 510)
Required: No
Handler (p. 510)
The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function. For Node.js, it is the module-
name.export value in your function.
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
Required: No
KMSKeyArn (p. 510)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If you elect to use the AWS Lambda default service key, pass in an empty string ("") for this
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
Required: No
MemorySize (p. 510)
The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. AWS Lambda uses this memory size
to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your function. Your function use-case determines your CPU
and memory requirements. For example, a database operation might need less memory compared
to an image processing function. The default value is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: Integer
Required: No
Role (p. 510)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda will assume when it executes your
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Required: No
Runtime (p. 510)
To use the Python runtime v3.6, set the value to "python3.6". To use the Python runtime v2.7, set
the value to "python2.7". To use the Node.js runtime v6.10, set the value to "nodejs6.10". To use the
Node.js runtime v4.3, set the value to "nodejs4.3". To use the Python runtime v3.6, set the value to
Node v0.10.42 is currently marked as deprecated. You must migrate existing functions to
the newer Node.js runtime versions available on AWS Lambda (nodejs4.3 or nodejs6.10) as
soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in an invalid parameter error being returned.
Note that you will have to follow this procedure for each region that contains functions
written in the Node v0.10.42 runtime.
Type: String
Required: No
Timeout (p. 510)
The function execution time at which AWS Lambda should terminate the function. Because the
execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected
execution time. The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Required: No
TracingConfig (p. 510)
Required: No
VpcConfig (p. 510)
If your Lambda function accesses resources in a VPC, you provide this parameter identifying the list
of security group IDs and subnet IDs. These must belong to the same VPC. You must provide at least
one security group and one subnet ID.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"CodeSha256": "string",
"CodeSize": number,
"DeadLetterConfig": {
"TargetArn": "string"
"Description": "string",
"Environment": {
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Message": "string"
"Variables": {
"string" : "string"
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionName": "string",
"Handler": "string",
"KMSKeyArn": "string",
"LastModified": "string",
"MasterArn": "string",
"MemorySize": number,
"Role": "string",
"Runtime": "string",
"Timeout": number,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "string"
"Version": "string",
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"SubnetIds": [ "string" ],
"VpcId": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
Type: String
CodeSize (p. 513)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: Long
DeadLetterConfig (p. 513)
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Type: String
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_
FunctionName (p. 513)
The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Handler (p. 513)
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
KMSKeyArn (p. 513)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
LastModified (p. 513)
The time stamp of the last time you updated the function. The time stamp is conveyed
as a string complying with ISO-8601 in this way YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.,
1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00). For more information, see Date and Time Formats.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
MasterArn (p. 513)
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
MemorySize (p. 513)
The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Runtime (p. 513)
Type: String
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
VpcConfig (p. 513)
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Data Types
One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided an IAM role for AWS
Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration API, that
AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement) specified in the request
does not exist.
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
Data Types
The following data types are supported:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Data Types
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Provides limits of code size and concurrency associated with the current account and region.
Size, in bytes, of code/dependencies that you can zip into a deployment package (uncompressed
zip/jar size) for uploading. The default limit is 250 MB.
Type: Long
Required: No
Size, in bytes, of a single zipped code/dependencies package you can upload for your Lambda
function(.zip/.jar file). Try using Amazon S3 for uploading larger files. Default limit is 50 MB.
Type: Long
Required: No
Number of simultaneous executions of your function per region. For more information or to request
a limit increase for concurrent executions, see Lambda Function Concurrent Executions. The default
limit is 1000.
Type: Integer
Required: No
Maximum size, in bytes, of a code package you can upload per region. The default size is 75 GB.
Type: Long
Required: No
The number of concurrent executions available to functions that do not have concurrency limits set.
For more information, see Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
Type: Integer
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Provides code size usage and function count associated with the current account and region.
Type: Long
Required: No
Type: Long
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Provides configuration information about a Lambda function version alias.
Lambda function ARN that is qualified using the alias name as the suffix. For example, if
you create an alias called BETA that points to a helloworld function version, the ARN is
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Required: No
Alias description.
Type: String
Required: No
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Required: No
Alias name.
Type: String
Pattern: (?!^[0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
Required: No
Specifies an additional function versions the alias points to, allowing you to dictate what percentage
of traffic will invoke each version. For more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
Required: No
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object that implements what percentage of traffic will invoke each function version. For more
information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
Set this value to dictate what percentage of traffic will invoke the updated function version. If set to
an empty string, 100 percent of traffic will invoke function-version. For more information, see
Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297).
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The number of concurrent executions reserved for this function. For more information, see
Managing Concurrency (p. 374).
Type: Integer
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue or
Amazon SNS topic.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic you specify as
your Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object that contains your environment's configuration settings.
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object that contains error information associated with your configuration settings.
Type: String
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object returned that contains your environment's configuration settings or any error
information associated with your configuration settings.
The parent object that contains error information associated with your configuration settings.
Required: No
The key-value pairs returned that represent your environment's configuration settings or error
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Describes mapping between an Amazon Kinesis stream and a Lambda function.
The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of
invoking your function. Your function receives an event with all the retrieved records.
Type: Integer
Required: No
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is the source of events.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})?:(\d{12})?:(.*)
Required: No
The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the stream.
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Required: No
The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was updated.
Type: Timestamp
Required: No
The result of the last AWS Lambda invocation of your Lambda function.
Type: String
Required: No
The state of the event source mapping. It can be Creating, Enabled, Disabled, Enabling,
Disabling, Updating, or Deleting.
Type: String
Required: No
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The reason the event source mapping is in its current state. It is either user-requested or an AWS
Lambda-initiated state transition.
Type: String
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The code for the Lambda function.
Amazon S3 bucket name where the .zip file containing your deployment package is stored. This
bucket must reside in the same AWS region where you are creating the Lambda function.
Type: String
Pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z\.\-_]*(?<!\.)$
Required: No
The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) key name you want to upload.
Type: String
Required: No
The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) version you want to upload.
Type: String
Required: No
The contents of your zip file containing your deployment package. If you are using the web API
directly, the contents of the zip file must be base64-encoded. If you are using the AWS SDKs or the
AWS CLI, the SDKs or CLI will do the encoding for you. For more information about creating a .zip
file, see Execution Permissions in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The object for the Lambda function location.
The presigned URL you can use to download the function's .zip file that you previously uploaded.
The URL is valid for up to 10 minutes.
Type: String
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
A complex type that describes function metadata.
Type: String
Required: No
Type: Long
Required: No
The parent object that contains the target ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SQS queue
or Amazon SNS topic.
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
Required: No
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_
Required: No
The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify
only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-
Required: No
Type: String
Pattern: [^\s]+
Required: No
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key used to encrypt your function's environment
variables. If empty, it means you are using the AWS Lambda default service key.
Type: String
Pattern: (arn:aws:[a-z0-9-.]+:.*)|()
Required: No
The time stamp of the last time you updated the function. The time stamp is conveyed
as a string complying with ISO-8601 in this way YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g.,
1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00). For more information, see Date and Time Formats.
Type: String
Required: No
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:lambda:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}:function:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(:
Required: No
The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Type: Integer
Required: No
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your
function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Type: String
Pattern: arn:aws:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution
time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
The default is 3 seconds.
Type: Integer
Required: No
Required: No
Type: String
Pattern: (\$LATEST|[0-9]+)
Required: No
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
The parent object that contains your function's tracing settings.
Can be either PassThrough or Active. If PassThrough, Lambda will only trace the request from an
upstream service if it contains a tracing header with "sampled=1". If Active, Lambda will respect any
tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call
X-Ray for a tracing decision.
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Parent object of the tracing information associated with your Lambda function.
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
If your Lambda function accesses resources in a VPC, you provide this parameter identifying the list of
security group IDs and subnet IDs. These must belong to the same VPC. You must provide at least one
security group and one subnet ID.
Required: No
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
VPC configuration associated with your Lambda function.
Required: No
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Document History
The following table describes the important changes to the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Runtime support for Go AWS Lambda has added runtime support for Go and .NET 2.0. January 15,
and .NET 2.0 For more information, see Programming Model for Authoring 2018
Lambda Functions in Go (p. 63) and Programming Model for
Authoring Lambda Functions in C# (p. 72).
Console Redesign AWS Lambda has introduced a new Lambda console to November
simplify your experience and added a Cloud9 Code Editor to 30,2017
enhance your ability debug and revise your function code.
For more information, see Creating Functions Using the AWS
Lambda Console Editor (p. 109).
Setting Concurrency AWS Lambda now supports setting concurrency limits on November
Limits on Individual individual functions. For more information, see Managing 30,2017
Functions Concurrency (p. 374).
Shifting Traffic with AWS Lambda now supports shifting traffic with aliases. For November
Aliases more information, see Traffic Shifting Using Aliases (p. 297). 28, 2017
Gradual Code AWS Lambda now supports safely deploying new versions of November
Deployment your Lambda function by leveraging Code Deploy. For more 28, 2017
information, see Gradual Code Deployment (p. 313).
China (Beijing) Region AWS Lambda is now available in the China (Beijing) Region. November
For more information about Lambda regions and endpoints, 9, 2017
see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
Introducing SAM Local AWS Lambda introduces SAM Local, an AWS CLI tool that August 11,
provides an environment for you to develop, test, and analyze 2017
your serverless applications locally before uploading them
to the Lambda runtime. For more information, see Test Your
Serverless Applications Locally Using SAM Local (Public
Beta) (p. 102).
Canada (Central) Region AWS Lambda is now available in the Canada (Central) Region. June 22,
For more information about Lambda regions and endpoints, 2017
see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
South America (São AWS Lambda is now available in the South America (São June 6,
Paulo) Region Paulo) Region. For more information about Lambda regions 2017
and endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General
AWS Lambda support Lambda introduces support for X-Ray, which allows you to April 19,
for AWS X-Ray. detect, analyze, and optimize performance issues with your 2017
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) AWS Lambda is now available in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) March 28,
Region Region. For more information about Lambda regions and 2017
endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General
AWS Lambda now AWS Lambda added support for Node.js runtime v6.10. For March 22,
supports Node.js more information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19). 2017
runtime v6.10
EU (London) Region AWS Lambda is now available in the EU (London) Region. For February 1,
more information about Lambda regions and endpoints, see 2017
Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
AWS Lambda support AWS Lambda introduces the following features: December
for the .NET runtime, 3, 2016
Lambda@Edge • AWS Lambda added support for C#. For more information,
(Preview), Dead Letter see Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in
Queues and automated C# (p. 72).
deployment of • Lambda@Edge (Preview) allows you to run Lambda
serverless applications. functions at the AWS Edge locations in response to
CloudFront events. For more information, see AWS
Lambda@Edge (p. 397).
• Added a tutorial for automating deployment of serverless
applications using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild
and AWS CloudFormation. For more information,
see Automating Deployment of Lambda-based
Applications (p. 306).
• Updated Using Amazon CloudWatch (p. 315) to include
a section on Dead Letter Queues (p. 386), which you can
configure to retrieve information on failed asynchronous
invocations of Lambda functions.
AWS Lambda adds Using Lambda and Amazon Lex, you can quickly build chat November
Amazon Lex as a bots for various services like Slack and Facebook. For more 30, 2016
supported event source. information, see Amazon Lex (p. 163).
US West (N. California) AWS Lambda is now available in the US West (N. California) November
Region Region. For more information about Lambda regions and 21, 2016
endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Introduced the AWS AWS Lambda introduces the following features in this release. November
Serverless Application 18, 2016
Model for creating and • AWS Serverless Application Model: You can now use the
deploying Lambda- AWS SAM to define the syntax for expressing resources
based applications and within a serverless application. In order to deploy your
using environment application, simply specify the resources you need as part
variables for Lambda of your application, along with their associated permissions
function configuration policies in a AWS CloudFormation template file (written in
settings. either JSON or YAML), package your deployment artifacts,
and deploy the template. For more information, see
Deploying Lambda-based Applications (p. 279).
• Environment variables: You can use environment variables
to specify configuration settings for your Lambda function
outside of your function code. For more information, see
Environment Variables (p. 378).
Added a tutorial under The tutorial instructs how to seamlessly integrate a Lambda August 29,
Getting Started (p. 3) function with an API via new features introduced in Configure 2016
for creating an Amazon Proxy Integration for a Proxy Resource. For more information,
API Gateway endpoint see Step 3: Create a Simple Microservice using Lambda and
using the Lambda API Gateway (p. 250).
Asia Pacific (Seoul) AWS Lambda is now available in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) August 29,
Region Region. For more information about Lambda regions and 2016
endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Lambda is now available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region. June 23,
Region For more information about Lambda regions and endpoints, 2016
see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
Updates to the Lambda The Lambda console has been updated to simplify the role- June 23,
console creation process. For more information, see Create a Simple 2016
Lambda Function (p. 8).
AWS Lambda now AWS Lambda added support for Node.js runtime v4.3. For April 07,
supports Node.js more information, see Programming Model(Node.js) (p. 19). 2016
runtime v4.3
EU (Frankfurt) region Lambda is now available in the EU (Frankfurt) region. For more March 14,
information about Lambda regions and endpoints, see Regions 2016
and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
VPC support You can now configure a Lambda function to access resources February
in your VPC. For more information, see Configuring a Lambda 11, 2016
Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC (p. 136). For
example walkthroughs, see Tutorials: Configuring a Lambda
Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC (p. 138).
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Content reorganization The reorganized content now provides the following: December
9, 2015
• Getting Started (p. 3) – Contains a console-based exercise
in which you create a Hello World Lambda function. You
explore the AWS Lambda console features, including
blueprints that enable you to create Lambda functions with
just a few clicks.
• Use Cases (p. 176) – Provides examples of how to use
AWS Lambda with other AWS services or your custom
applications as event sources, invoke over HTTPS, and set up
AWS Lambda to invoke your Lambda function at scheduled
• Programming Model (p. 18) – Explains programming model
core concepts and describes language-specific details.
Regardless of the language you choose, there is a common
pattern to writing code for a Lambda function.
• Creating a Deployment Package (p. 82) – Explains how to
create deployment packages for Lambda function code
that is authored in languages supported by AWS Lambda
(Python, Java, and Node.js).
AWS Lambda runtime AWS Lambda runtime has been updated with the following November
has been updated. SDK and Linux kernel versions in this release: 4, 2015
Versioning support, AWS Lambda introduces the following features in this release. October
Python for developing 08, 2015
code for Lambda • Python: You can now develop your Lambda function code
functions, scheduled using Python. For more information, see Programming
events, and increase in Model (p. 18).
execution time • Versioning: You can maintain one or more versions of
your Lambda function. Versioning allows you to control
which Lambda function version is executed in different
environments (for example, development, testing, or
production). For more information, see AWS Lambda
Function Versioning and Aliases (p. 279).
• Scheduled events: You can also set up AWS Lambda to
invoke your code on a regular, scheduled basis using
the AWS Lambda console. You can specify a fixed rate
(number of hours, days, or weeks) or you can specify a cron
expression. For an example, see Using AWS Lambda with
Scheduled Events (p. 265).
• Increase in execution time: You can now set up your Lambda
functions to run for up to five minutes allowing longer
running functions such as large volume data ingestion and
processing jobs.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Two new walkthroughs The following new walkthroughs are added. They both use August 27,
Java Lambda function. 2015
Support for DynamoDB DynamoDB Streams is now generally available and you can July 14,
Streams use it in all the regions where DynamoDB is available. You can 2015
enable DynamoDB Streams for your table and use a Lambda
function as a trigger for the table. Triggers are custom actions
you take in response to updates made to the DynamoDB table.
For an example walkthrough, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda
with Amazon DynamoDB (p. 205) .
AWS Lambda now Until now, to invoke your Lambda function from your web, July 09,
supports invoking mobile, or IoT application you needed the AWS SDKs (for 2015
Lambda functions example, AWS SDK for Java, AWS SDK for Android, or AWS
with REST-compatible SDK for iOS). Now, AWS Lambda supports invoking a Lambda
clients. function with REST-compatible clients through a customized
API that you can create using Amazon API Gateway. You
can send requests to your Lambda function endpoint URL.
You can configure security on the endpoint to allow open
access, leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
to authorize access, or use API keys to meter access to your
Lambda functions by others.
The AWS Lambda AWS Lambda console provides a set of blueprints. Each In this
console now provides blueprint provides a sample event source configuration and release
blueprints to easily sample code for your Lambda function that you can use to
create Lambda easily create Lambda-based applications. All of the AWS
functions and test them. Lambda Getting Started exercises now use the blueprints. For
more information, see Getting Started (p. 3).
AWS Lambda now You can now author Lambda code in Java. For more June 15,
supports Java to author information, see Programming Model (p. 18). 2015
your Lambda functions.
AWS Lambda now You can upload a Lambda function deployment package (.zip May 28,
supports specifying an file) to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same region where you 2015
Amazon S3 object as want to create a Lambda function. Then, you can specify the
the function .zip when bucket name and object key name when you create or update
creating or updating a a Lambda function.
Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Lambda now AWS Lambda is now generally available for production April 9,
generally available use. The release also introduces new features that make it 2015
with added support for easier to build mobile, tablet, and Internet of Things (IoT)
mobile backends backends using AWS Lambda that scale automatically without
provisioning or managing infrastructure. AWS Lambda now
supports both real-time (synchronous) and asynchronous
events. Additional features include easier event source
configuration and management. The permission model
and the programming model have been simplified by the
introduction of resource policies for your Lambda functions.
AWS Lambda
Preview release Preview release of the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. November
13, 2014
AWS Lambda Developer Guide
AWS Glossary
For the latest AWS terminology, see the AWS Glossary in the AWS General Reference.